The agenda agenda Government: Children’s two services years on

Confidence that... Government’s Which government policy areas are you Figures from Local Local Councils have The UK localist most or least optimistic about? the front line government government more control economy credentials is being has more over budgets will be 94% As a result of the reductions listened to power and how they stronger in rated 1-10 Social care reform say the to your budgets this year, how confident are you that your devolved to it spend funding a year’s time Pensions reform coaltion will frontline services have been Localisation of council tax benefits not produce a protected from cuts? 14% 1 NHS reform: commissioning KEY 0% 80% credible plan Police commissioners Now say government is for social care 6 months ago -10% Academy and free schools Unsupportive The Work Programme funding 79% Opening public services to others -20% six month ago 22% 2 Community budgets -5%NET CONFIDENCE -30% NHS reform: public health Localisation of business rates -40% Neighbourhood planning City deals Local enterprise partnerships -50% 4% say government is Reform of housing finance 47%NOT CONFIDENT 28% 3 Troubled families -60% supportive 8% six months ago Least -70% “Very supportive” was an Most option but no respondents -80% ticked this box 16% 4 -90% In a cabinet reshuffle, who would be the best replacement for ? 16% Confidence in the coalition’s ministerial team versus 13% 11% Labour’s ministerial team 8% 5 But 14% said “other”. Their choices included... KEY Understand local Peppa Pig, , Nadine Dorries, Alex Salmond, a chicken Now government 6 months ago tikka masala, Wallace and Gromit Labour Listen to local government 7% 6 Almost 50% ticked Champion local ‘no comment’ on government in Whitehall all Labour Are fair and reasoned critics 3% 7 questions of local government 83%are confident that their council will realise all its budgeted savings 71%think next year will be worse than this in terms of budget setting 1% 8 for the 2012-13 financial year -93% -24% 0% 0% 9

0% 10 91%think their council is not ‘over the worst’ of the cuts 68%are confident that by the end of the spending review period their On a scale of 1 to 10, where authority will have met its budget targets 1 = complete failure and 10 = complete success, how do you rate the government’s localist credentials? From libraries to waste: services under scrutiny… Planning +4%

As a result of reductions to your budgets Adult social Children’s social Trading care -14% care -14% standards -5% this year, how confident are you that the Roads and Housing +14% following services have been protected highways -10% from cuts? Waste +35% Street cleaning +21%

Libraries -17%