1. Introduction

The characters of a finite G are the homomorphisms from G to the unit circle S1 = {z ∈ C : |z| = 1}. Two characters can be multiplied pointwise to define a new character, and under this operation the set of characters of G forms an abelian group, with identity element the trivial character, which sends each g ∈ G to 1. Characters of finite abelian groups are important, for example, as a tool in estimating the number of solutions to equations over finite fields. [3, Chapters 8, 10]. The extension of the notion of a character to nonabelian or infinite groups is essential to many areas of mathematics, in the context of harmonic analy- sis or representation theory, but here we will focus on discussing characters on one of the simplest infinite abelian groups, the rational numbers Q. This is a special case of a situation that is well-known in algebraic , but all references I could find in the literature are based on [4], where one can’t readily isolate the examination of the character group of Q without assuming algebraic number theory and on locally compact abelian groups. (In [2, Chapter 3, §1], the determination of the characters of Q is made without algebraic number theory, but the Pontryagin theorem from Fourier analysis is used at the end.) The prerequisites for the discussion here are more elementary: familiarity with the complex exponen- tial , the p-adic numbers Qp, and a few facts about abelian groups. In particular, this discussion should be suitable for someone who has just learned about the p-adic numbers and wants to see how they can arise in answering a basic type of question about the rational numbers. Concerning notation, r and s will denote rational numbers, p and q will denote prime numbers, and x and y will denote real or p-adic numbers (depending on the context). The word “homomorphism” will always mean “”, although sometimes we will add the word “group” for emphasis. The sets Q, R, Qp, and the p-adic integers Zp, will be regarded primarily as additive groups, with multiplication on these sets being used as a tool in the study of the additive structure.

2. Definition and Examples

The definition of characters for finite abelian groups makes sense for any group. 1 2 KEITH CONRAD

Definition. A character of Q is a group homomorphism Q → S1.

As in the case of characters of finite abelian groups, under pointwise multiplication the characters of Q form an abelian group, which we denote by Qb . Examples of nontrivial characters of Q are the homomorphisms r 7→ eir and r 7→ e2πir. Our goal is to write down all elements of Qb using explicit functions. The usefulness of Qb can’t be discussed here, but hopefully the reader can regard its determination as an interesting problem, especially since the end result will be more complicated than it may seem at first glance. The prototype for our task is the classification of continuous group ho- momorphisms from R to S1. The example x 7→ eix is typical. In general, for any y ∈ R we have the homomorphism

x 7→ e2πixy.

The use of the scaling factor 2π here is prominent in number theory, since it makes certain formulas much cleaner. For the reader who is interested in a proof that these are all the continuous homomorphisms R → S1, see the appendix. We will not need to know that every continuous homomor- phism R → S1 has this form, but we want to analyze Qb with a similar goal in mind, namely to find a relatively concrete method of writing down the homomorphisms Q → S1. Keep in mind that we are imposing no continu- ity conditions on the elements of Qb ; as functions from Q to S1, they are merely group homomorphisms. (Or think of Q as a discrete group, so group homomorphisms are always continuous.) Let’s now give examples of nontrivial characters of Q. First we will think of Q as lying in the real numbers. For nonzero y ∈ R, the map x 7→ e2πixy is continuous on R, hits all of S1, and Q is dense in R, so the restriction of this function to Q, i.e., the function

r 7→ e2πiry, is a nontrivial character of Q. When y = 0, this is the trivial character. It is easy to believe that these may be all of the characters of Q, since the usual picture of Q inside R makes it hard to think of any way to write down characters of Q besides those of the form r 7→ e2πiry (y ∈ R). However, such characters of Q are only the tip of the iceberg. We will now show how to make sense of e2πiy for p-adic y, and the new characters of Q which follow from this will allow us to easily write down all characters of Q. That is, in a loose sense, every character of Q is a mixture of functions that look like 2πiry r 7→ e for y in R or some Qp. Technically, e2πiry is meaningless if y is a general p-adic number. We introduce a formalism that should be thought of as allowing us to make sense of this expression anyway. MATH 248A. THE CHARACTER GROUP OF Q 3

For x ∈ Qp, define the p-adic fractional part of x, denoted {x}p, to be the sum of the negative-power-of-p terms in the usual p-adic expansion of x. Let’s compute the p-adic fractional part of 21/50 for several p. In Q2, Q3, and Q5, 21 1 21 21 3 4 = +2+22+23+..., = 2·3+32+36+..., = + +2+2·5+.... 50 2 50 50 25 5 Therefore 21 1 21 21 3 4 23 = , = 0, = + = . 50 2 2 50 3 50 5 25 5 25 21 For any p 6= 2, 5, { 50 }p = 0. More generally, any r ∈ Q is in Zp for all but finitely many p, so {r}p = 0 for all but finitely many p. n m m Note that for 0 ≤ m ≤ p − 1, { pn }p = pn . In thinking of p-adic expansions as analogous to Laurent series in com- plex analysis, the p-adic fractional part is analogous to the polar part of a p-adic number. (One difference: the polar part of a sum of two mero- morphic functions at a point is the sum of the polar parts, but the p-adic fractional part of a sum of two p-adic numbers is not usually the sum of their individual p-adic fractional parts. Carrying in p-adic addition can allow the sum of p-adic fractional parts to “leak” into a p-adic integral part; consider 3/5 + 4/5 = 2/5 + 1.) There is an analogue in Q of the partial fraction decomposition of rational functions: X (1) r = {r}p + integer. p This sum over all p makes sense, since most terms are 0. It expresses r as a sum of rational numbers with prime power denominator, up to addition by an integer. For example, X 21 21 21 = + 50 50 50 p p 2 5 1 23 = + 2 25 71 = 50 21 = + 1. 50 P To prove (1), we show the difference r − p{r}p, which is rational, has no prime in its denominator. For p 6= q, {r}p ∈ Zq, while r − {r}q ∈ Zq by P P the definition of {r}q. Thus r − p{r}p = r − {r}q − p6=q{r}p is in Zq. P Applying this to all q, r − p{r}p is in Z. The p-adic fractional part should be thought of as a p-adic analogue of the usual fractional part function {·} on R, where {x} ∈ [0, 1) and x − {x} ∈ Z. 4 KEITH CONRAD

In particular, for real x we have {x} = 0 precisely when x ∈ Z. The p-adic fractional part has similar features. For x ∈ Qp, m {x} = ∈ [0, 1) (0 ≤ m ≤ pn − 1), x − {x} ∈ Z , {x} = 0 ⇔ x ∈ Z . p pn p p p p While the ordinary fractional part on R is not additive, the deviation from additivity is given by an integer: {x + y} = {x} + {y} + integer. This deviation from additivity gets wiped out when we take the complex exponential of both sides: e2πi{x+y} = e2πi{x}e2πi{y}. Of course e2πi{x} = e2πix for x ∈ R, so there is no need to use the fractional part. But in the p-adic case, the fractional-part viewpoint gives us the following basic definition: 2πi{x}p For x ∈ Qp, set ψp(x) = e . For example, 2πi(1/2) 2πi(23/25) ψ2(21/50) = e = −1, ψ3(21/50) = 1, ψ5(21/50) = e .

2πi{x+y}p 2πi{x}p 2πi{y}p The function ψp is a group homomorphism: e = e e . To see this, we have to understand the extent to which the p-adic fractional part fails to be additive. For x, y ∈ Qp,

x − {x}p, y − {y}p, x + y − {x + y}p ∈ Zp. Adding the first two terms and subtracting the third, we see that the rational number {x}p + {y}p − {x + y}p is a p-adic integer. As a sum/difference of p-adic fractional parts, it has a power of p as denominator. Since it is also a p-adic integer, there is no power of p in the denominator, so the denominator must be 1. Therefore

{x}p + {y}p − {x + y}p ∈ Z.

Thus ψp is a group homomorphism. This is the technical way we make 2πix 2πix sense of the meaningless expression e for x ∈ Qp; e can be thought of precisely as e2πi{x}p .(Warning: when x is rational, so e2πix makes sense in the usual way, but this is generally not the same as e2πi{x}p . Referring to e2πi{x}p as just a “sensible interpretation” of e2πix for p-adic x should only be considered as a loose manner of speaking.) 2πix Unlike the function x 7→ e for real x, the p-adic function ψp : x 7→ e2πi{x}p does not take on all values in S1. Its image is exactly the pth power roots of unity. It is also locally constant (so continuous in an elementary way), since ψp(x + y) = ψp(x) for y ∈ Zp, and Zp is a neighborhood of 0. By the same type of “interior scaling” argument as for the basic character 2πix e on the reals, we can use ψp to construct many continuous characters 1 of Qp. Choosing any y ∈ Qp, we have a group homomorphism Qp → S by

2πi{xy}p x 7→ ψp(xy) = e . MATH 248A. THE CHARACTER GROUP OF Q 5

By varying y in Qp, we get lots of examples of nontrivial continuous 1 homomorphisms Qp → S . It is a fact that all continuous homomorphisms 1 Qp → S are of the above type, but we will not need this fact in our study of the character group Qb of Q. However, our analysis of Qb contains the essential ingredients for a proof, so we will discuss this again in the appendix. By restricting a character of Qp to the subset Q, we get new characters of Q. For fixed y ∈ Qp, let

r 7→ e2πi{ry}p . This character of Q takes as values only the pth power roots of unity, so it is quite different (for y 6= 0) from the functions r 7→ e2πiry for real y.

Example. For a 5-adic number y, let χ: Q → S1 be defined by χ(r) = e2πi{ry}5 . We want to calculate χ(21/50). Since 21 3 4 = + + ..., 50 25 5 we need to know the 5-adic expansion of y out to the multiple of 5. If, for instance, y = 4 + 1 · 5 + ... , then (21/50)y = 2/25 + 1/5 + ... , so χ(21/50) = e14πi/25. To compute χ(r) for a specific rational number r, we only need to know the 5-adic expansion of y to an appropriate finite number of places, depending on the 5-adic expansion of r.

3. Qb and the Adeles

We shall now use the above homomorphisms from R and the various Qp’s to S1 to construct all homomorphisms from Q to S1, i.e., all elements of Qb . This is a simple example of the “local-global” philosophy in number theory, which says that one should try to analyze a problem over Q (the “global” field) by first analyzing it over each of the completions R, Q2, Q3,... of Q (the “local” fields), and then use this information over the completions to solve the problem over Q. The problem we are concerned with is the construction of homomorphisms to S1, and we have already taken care of the “local” problem, at least for our purposes. 1 −2πix Define ψ∞ : R → S by x 7→ e (the reason for the minus sign will 1 2πi{x}p be apparent later). Define, as before, ψp : Qp → S by x 7→ e . Now choose any elements a∞ ∈ R and ap ∈ Qp for all primes p, with the proviso 1 that ap ∈ Zp for all but finitely many p. We define a function Q → S by Y r 7→ ψ∞(ra∞) · ψp(rap) p Y = e−2πira∞ · e2πi{rap}p . p 6 KEITH CONRAD

To show this map makes sense and is a character, note that for any rational r, r ∈ Zp for all but finitely many primes p, so by our convention on the ap’s, rap ∈ Zp for all but finitely many primes p. (The finitely many p such that rap 6∈ Zp will of course vary with r. It is not the case that factors where ap ∈ Zp play no role, since we may have rap 6∈ Zp when ap ∈ Zp, if the denominator of r has a large power of p.) Thus ψp(rap) = 1 for all but finitely many p, so for each r ∈ Q the infinite product defining the above function at r is really a finite product. Each “local function” ψ∞, ψ2, ψ3,... is a homomorphism, so our map above is a homomorphism, hence is an element of Qb . The homomorphisms ψ∞, ψ2, ψ3,... are our basic maps, and the numbers a∞, a2, a3,... should be thought of as interior scaling factors that allow us to define many characters of Q in terms of the one basic character Y r 7→ e−2πir · e2πir. p To understand this construction better, we want to look at the sequences of elements (a∞, a2, a3,... ) that have just been used to define characters of Q. This leads us to introduce a ring which plays a prominent role in number theory.

Definition. The adeles, AQ, are the elements (a∞, a2, a3,... ) in the Q product set R × p Qp such that ap lies in Zp for all but finitely many p.

A “random” adele will not have any rational coordinates. As an example of something which is not an adele, consider any element of the product set Q R × p Qp whose p-adic coordinate is 1/p for infinitely many primes p. If a is a typical adele, its real coordinate will be written as a∞ and its p-adic coordinate will be written as ap. While ψ∞ includes an awkward- looking minus sign (whose rationale will be explained below), a∞ does not. It is the real coordinate of a, not its negative. Under componentwise addition and multiplication, AQ is a commutative ring (but not an integral domain). For our purposes, the additive group structure of AQ is its most important algebraic feature. Since any rational number r is in Zp for all but finitely many primes p, we see that Q naturally fits into AQ by the diagonal map r 7→ (r, r, r, . . . ), making Q a subring of AQ. We shall call an adele rational if all of its coordinates are the same rational number, so the rational adeles are natu- rally identified with the rational numbers. We will write the rational adele (r, r, r, . . . ) just as r. Let’s see how the adeles are a useful notation to describe Qb . From what has been done so far, for any adele a = (a∞, a2, a3,... ) we have defined a MATH 248A. THE CHARACTER GROUP OF Q 7 character Ψa of Q by

Y −2πira∞ Y 2πi{rap}p Ψa(r) = ψ∞(ra∞) · ψp(rap) = e · e . p p

Since addition in AQ is componentwise, a computation shows that for adeles a and b Ψa+b(r) = Ψa(r)Ψb(r) for all rational numbers r, so in Qb we have Ψa+b = ΨaΨb. Clearly Ψ0 is the trivial character. For a rational adele s and any r ∈ Q, P 2πi(−rs+ {rs}p) Ψs(r) = e p = 1 by (1). Thus Ψs is the trivial character for all rational adeles s. This is why the minus sign was used in the definition of ψ∞. If a and b are two adeles whose difference is a rational adele, Ψa = Ψb. The following theorem, which will be shown in the next section, tells us that we have found all of the characters of Q, and can decide when we have described a character in two different ways.

Theorem. Every character of Q has the form Ψa for some a ∈ AQ, and Ψa = Ψb if and only if a − b is a rational adele. In other words, the map Ψ: AQ → Qb given by a 7→ Ψa is a surjective homomorphism with kernel ∼ equal to the rational adeles Q, so Qb = AQ/Q.

4. The Image and Kernel of Ψ

1 Let χ: Q → S be a character. We want to write χ = Ψa for some adele a. We begin by considering χ(1), which is some number on the unit circle, −2πiθ 1 so χ(1) = e for a (unique) real θ ∈ [0, 1). Define χ∞ : Q → S by −2πirθ χ∞(r) = ψ∞(rθ) = e . Then χ∞ is a character of Q and χ∞(1) = 0 0 0 χ(1). Let χ (r) = χ(r)/χ∞(r), so χ is a character with χ (1) = 1 and 0 χ(r) = χ∞(r)χ (r). For any rational r = m/n, χ0(r)n = χ0(m) = χ0(1)m = 1. 0 The image of χ is inside the roots of unity, so dividing χ by χ∞ to give us χ0 puts us in an algebraic setting. Every , say e2πis for s ∈ Q, is a unique product of prime power roots of unity. Indeed, by (1) Y e2πis = e2πi{s}p , p where e2πi{s}p is a pth power root of unity, equal to 1 for all but finitely many p. 8 KEITH CONRAD

Let χp(r) denote the p-th power root of unity that contributes to the root 0 0 3πi/7 of unity χ (r). For example, if χ (r) = e , then χ2(r) = −1, χ7(r) = 10πi/7 1 e , and χp(r) = 1 for all p 6= 2, 7. The function χp : Q → S is a 0 character of Q. Since χ (1) = 1, χp(1) = 1 for all primes p. 0 Q Since χ (r) = p χp(r), we have Y χ(r) = χ∞(r) · χp(r). p

This decomposition of χ can be viewed as the main step in describing Qb in terms of adeles. We have broken up our character χ into “local” characters χ∞, χ2, χ3,... , and now proceed to analyze each one individually. −2πirθ By construction, χ∞(r) = e for some real θ ∈ [0, 1). We now want 2πi{rc}p to show that χp(r) = e for some c ∈ Zp. This will involve giving an explicit method for constructing c. n n n p n 2πicn/p Since χp(1) = 1, χp(1/p ) = 1, so χp(1/p ) = e for some n n+1 p n (unique) integer cn with 0 ≤ cn ≤ p − 1. Since χp(1/p ) = χp(1/p ), n we get cn+1 ≡ cn mod p Z. Thus {c1, c2, c3,... } is a p-adic Cauchy se- n quence in Z, so it has a limit c ∈ Zp, and c ≡ cn mod p Zp for all n. Since n 0 ≤ cn ≤ p − 1,   c cn n = n . p p p

2πi{rc}p We now show χp(r) = e = ψp(rc) for all r ∈ Q. Write r = s/t where s, t ∈ Z with t 6= 0. Let t = pmt0 for (p, t0) = 1. Then    s 0 s 1 m χ (r)t = χ (t0r) = χ = ϕ = e2πicms/p . p p p pm pm In Q/Z,     cms c cs 0 0 m == m · s ≡ m ≡ {crt }p ≡ {cr}pt , p p p p p 0 0 t 2πi{cr}pt 2πi{cr}p so χp(r) = e . Thus the p-th power roots of unity χp(r) and e have a ratio that is a t0-th root of unity. Since t0 is prime to p, this ratio must be 1, so s χ = e2πi{cr}p = ψ (rc). p t p Write c ∈ Zp as ap, so χp(r) = ψp(rap) for all r ∈ Q. Therefore χ = Q Q χ∞ · p χp = Ψa for the adele a = (θ, a2, a3,... ) ∈ [0, 1) × p Zp. We now know every character of Q has the form Ψa for an adele in the Q special set [0, 1)× p Zp. When the adele a is in this set, we can determine it −2πia∞ from the character. Indeed, in this case all ap are in Zp, so Ψa(1) = e . Since a∞ ∈ [0, 1), it is completely determined from knowing Ψa(1). We can 2πira∞ then multiply Ψa by the character e to assume a∞ = 0. Then Ψa has only roots of unity as its values. The pth power component of Ψa(r) is e2πi{apr}p , which upon taking r = 1/p, 1/p2, etc. allows us to successively MATH 248A. THE CHARACTER GROUP OF Q 9 determine each digit of ap, so we can determine ap. Every character of Q Q has the form Ψa for a unique adele a in [0, 1) × p Zp. It turns out that every adele can be put into this set upon addition by a suitable rational adele:

Y (2) AQ = Q + [0, 1) × Zp. p

To prove (2), fix an adele a. We know ap ∈ Zp as long as p is outside of P a finite set (say) F . Let r = p∈F {ap}p, the sum of the various pole parts Q of a. So a − r has no pole parts, hence a − r ∈ R × p Zp. Let N be the integer such that N ≤ a∞ − r < N + 1. Since N ∈ Zp for all primes p, we Q see that a − (r + N) ∈ [0, 1) × p Zp, so (2) is established. Q The decomposition (2) is “direct,” since Q ∩ ([0, 1) × p Zp) = {0} (anal- ogous to the relation Z ∩ [0, 1) = {0}). We put direct in quotes since [0, 1) is not a group, so (2) is not quite a direct sum of subgroups. Equation (2) is analogous to the decomposition R = Z + [0, 1). This analogy between the pair (AQ, Q) and the pair (R, Z) can be carried further. For example, if we define Zb to be the character group of Z, then Zb =∼ S1 (associate to z ∈ S1 the element of Zb given by n 7→ zn). The isomorphism ∼ ∼ Qb = AQ/Q should be thought of as analogous to the isomorphism Zb = R/Z. Q Since Ψa+s = Ψa if s is a rational adele, and for a ∈ [0, 1) × p Zp the character Ψa is trivial precisely when a = 0, we have proven that the group homomorphism Ψ: AQ → Qb is surjective with kernel Q, so every element of Qb has the form Ψa for some a ∈ AQ, and two characters Ψa and Ψb are equal if and only if a−b is a rational adele. This is our desired “concrete” desription of Qb . Using the completions of Q to define various explicit homomorphisms ψ∞, ψ2, ψ3,... , we have shown how to “glue” them together using the adeles to get all the characters of Q. To appreciate the choice of e−2πix over e2πix to play the role of the basic real character, we can work through the above 2πix argument with e . This leads to the homomorphism Φ: AQ → Qb given by

2πia∞r Y 2πi{apr}p Φa(r) = e · e . p It is surjective, like Ψ, but the kernel of Φ is the set of adeles of the form (−r, r, r, . . . ) for rational r, which is not as elegant. It is left as an exercise for anyone who is familiar with the adeles Ak of any finite extension field k of Q to extend our arguments and give an ∼ elementary proof that bk = Ak/k.

Appendix 10 KEITH CONRAD

Here we shall prove that all continuous homomorphisms R → S1 have the form x 7→ e2πixy 1 for a unique real number y, and all continuous homomorphisms Qp → S have the form x 7→ e2πi{xy}p for a unique p-adic number y. The similarity in these descriptions suggests the possibility of having a common proof for these results. Using some general theorems about locally compact abelian groups, it is possible to prove these results in a unified (and rather brief) manner where the only property one uses about R and Qp is that they are locally compact fields with respect to nontrivial absolute values (see [4, Lemma 2.2.1]). However, we take a more elementary path. While we handle the real and p-adic cases separately, there are some basic similarities in the two proofs. First let’s make some general remarks. The above maps certainly are examples of continuous homomorphisms. If y 6= 0 in the real case, then evaluating the map at x = 1/2y shows the homomorphism is not trivial, while an evaluation at x = 1/py for nonzero y in the p-adic case shows the homomorphism is not trivial. It follows easily from this that such homomor- phisms are uniquely determined by the scaling factor y, so we only need to show every continuous homomorphism has the indicated form. A common step in both cases will be to show that any homomorphism has nontrivial kernel, and then reduce to the case where 1 lies in the kernel. The proof that the kernel is nontrivial will operate on different principles in the two cases (real vs. p-adic), taking into account special features of the topology of R and Qp. Since the p-adic case is easier to handle and may be less familiar to the 1 reader, we present it first. If χ: Qp → S is a continuous homomorphism, N then for all small x in Qp, |χ(x) − 1| < 1. In particular, χ sends p Zp into × N N {z ∈ C : |z−1| < 1} for large enough N. Since p Zp is a group, χ(p Zp) is a subgroup of C×. Clearly there are no nontrivial subgroups of C× entirely × N within the open ball of radius 1 around 1 in C . Thus χ(p Zp) = {1}, so χ N N is locally constant and χ(p ) = 1. Let ψ(x) = χ(p x) for all x ∈ Qp, so ψ is 1 a continuous homomorphism Qp → S which is trivial on Zp, in particular n ψ(1) = 1. Thus ψ(1/pn) is a pn-th root of unity, so ψ(1/pn) = e2πicn/p n for some integer cn with 0 ≤ cn ≤ p − 1. Proceeding exactly as in §4, we find that the integers cn form a Cauchy sequence in Zp, and their limit c satisfies ψ(r) = e2πi{rc}p for all r ∈ Q, so by continuity ψ(x) = e2πi{xc}p for N 2πi{xy}p N all x ∈ Qp. Thus χ(x) = ψ(x/p ) = e for y = c/p . For a slightly different argument, see [5]. We never used the hypothesis that the image of χ is a subset of S1, only that it is a subset of C×; we proved its image has to lie in S1. The essential × point is that subgroups of Qp and C are quite different. In Qp, the identity MATH 248A. THE CHARACTER GROUP OF Q 11

n × 0 has a neighborhood basis of subgroups (p Zp for n ≥ 0), while in C , the identity 1 has a neighborhood containing no nontrivial group. It is possible to establish the real case rather quickly, using integrals (see [1, Theorem 9.11]). However, the basic structure of the p-adic case can be carried over to the real case, and we now present this alternate (but longer) argument. Let χ: R → S1 be a continuous homomorphism. We want to show χ(x) = e2πixy for some y ∈ R. We may assume χ is nontrivial. If the kernel of χ contains nonzero numbers arbitrarily close to 0, then by translations the kernel of χ is dense in R, so by continuity χ is trivial. Thus, for nontrivial χ and all small x > 0, χ(x) has constant sign on its imaginary part. Replacing χ with χ−1 if necessary, we may assume that χ has positive imaginary part on small positive numbers. Since χ(t) 6= 1 for some t > 0, by connectedness χ((0, t)) is an arc in S1, so contains a root of unity, say χ(u) for 0 < u < t. If χ(u) has order N, then Nu > 0 is in the kernel of χ. Replacing χ by the continuous homomorphism x 7→ χ(Nux), we may assume that χ(1) = 1. To summarize, we may assume χ is a continuous homomorphism from R to S1 which contains 1 in its kernel and which has positive imaginary part for small positive numbers. According to what we are trying to prove, we now expect that χ(x) = e2πixy for some (positive) integer y, and this is what we shall show. Since the reciprocals of the prime powers generate the dense subgroup Q of R, by continuity it suffices to find an integer y such that χ(1/pn) = e2πiy/pn for all primes p and integers n ≥ 1. Actually, we’ll show for any n n 2πiym/m integer m > 1 that there is an integer ym such that χ(1/m ) = e for all n ≥ 1. Since χ(1/(pq)n)pn = χ(1/qn) and χ(1/(pq)n)qn = χ(1/pn), n it follows that ypq − yq ∈ ∩nq Z = {0}, so ypq = yq, and similarly that ypq = yp, so yp = yq. Thus for all primes p, the integers yp are the same, and this common integer y solves our problem. Since χ(1/mn)mn = χ(1) = 1,

n χ(1/mn) = e2πicn/m n for some integer cn such that 0 ≤ cn < m . Note cn depends on m (well, a priori at least). Since χ(1/mn+1)m = χ(1/mn), n n n cn+1/m −cn/m ∈ Z. For large n, contintuity of χ implies cos(2πcn/m ) > n n 0 and sin(2πcn/m ) is positive and arbitrarily small. Since 0 ≤ cn < m , n the cosine condition implies cn/m ∈ (0, 1/4)∪(3/4, 1) for large n. We can’t n n have cn/m in (3/4, 1) for large n, since then sin(2πcn/m ) is negative (here is where we use the assumption that χ(x) is in the first quadrant for small n n positive x). Thus for all large n, cn/m ∈ (0, 1/4). Since sin(2πcn/m ) is arbitrarily small for all large n, it follows by the nature of the sine function n n and the location of cn/m that cn/m is arbitrarily small for n large. To n n fix ideas, 0 < cn/m < 1/(m + 1) for all large n. Then 0 < cn+1/m < 12 KEITH CONRAD

n n m/(m + 1) for all large n, so |cn/m − cn+1/m | < 1 for all large n. Since the left hand side of this last inequality is an integer, it must be zero, so all cn’s are equal for n sufficiently large. Call this common value ym. Thus n χ(1/mn) = e2πiym/m for all large n, hence for all n ≥ 1; for example, if 100 χ(1/m100) = e2πiym/m , then raising both sides to the m98-th power we 2 see that χ(1/m2) = e2πiym/m .

Acknowledgments. I thank Randy Scott, Eric Sommers and Ravi Vakil for looking over a preliminary version of this manuscript.

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