Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-01699-5 - States, Parties, and Social Movements Edited by Jack A. Goldstone Index More information


Abernathy, Ralph, 217 Black Power (U.S.), 6 Adams, Carolyn Teich, 41 Black Student Organization, 52 African National Congress, 6 Bose, Sugata, 191 Agenda Setting, 79–84 Brennan, C.D., 51, 59 Agrarian Relations Bill (), 172 Bryan, William Jennings, 5 Aiyyappan, K., 182 Burt, Ronald, 73 Alinsky, Saul, 86 Bush, George W., 79 (Peasants Union) Butora, Martin, 164 (India), 188, 192–3 Butorova,´ Zora, 164 All-Travancore Youth League, 182 Cabanas,˜ Lucio, 117 Almeida, Paul, 227, 232 Calfa, Marian, 161 American Anti-Slavery Society, 5 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament American Legion, 56 (CND), 4 Antioch College, 53 Cardenas,´ Cuauhtemoc,´ 131–2, 134, Anti-Saloon League (U.S.), 5 139 , 183 Cardenas,´ Lazaro,´ 111, 114, 116, 131 A Place for Us (APFU), 201 Carnogursky, Jan,´ 162–3 Association for Multi-Ethnic Carroll, Howard, 219 Americans (AMEA), 201–2 Castro, Fidel, 6 Auer, Ron, 93 Census, U.S., 197, 199, 201, 211 Authentic Party of the Mexican Christian Democratic Movement Revolution (PARM) (Mexico), (KDH) (Slovakia), 161–4 124, 126, 131, 133, 138 Churchill, Ward, 53–4, 63–4 Avila Camacho, Manuel, 111 Cic, Milan, 161 Barnett, Ross, 38–9 Civic Association of Guerrero (ACG) Baumgartner, Frank R., 84–5 (Mexico), 116–17 Bengali Communist Party (India), 18 Civic Democratic Party (ODS) (Czech Berry, Jeffery M., 84 Republic), 158–60, 162, 165–6, Black Allied Student Association, 52 168 Black Panther Party (BPP), 52, 57–8, Civic Democratic Union (ODU) 70 (Slovakia), 162–4


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Civic Forum (Czech Republic), 155– de la Madrid, Miguel, 127, 130–1 62, 166 Dellinger, Dave, 58, 65 Civic Movement (OH) (Czech Democratic Party (U.S.), 5, 9, 19, Republic), 158–60 23, 211, 226–7, 230–2, 237–8, civil rights, 6–7, 11, 22, 27–44, 241–3 199, 202, 211, 216, 224, Democratic Russia Party, 6 227 democratization, 10, 16–18, 107–43 Civil Rights Act (U.S.), 38, 43 definition, 108–9 civil society, 79, 168, 170, demonstrations, 10, 36 195–6 Diaz, Porfirio, 109 Cleaver, Eldridge, 52 Dıaz´ Ordaz, Gustavo, 120–1 Clemens, Elisabeth, 8 Dienstbier, Jirı,´ 158, 160 Clemson College, 34–5 Diuk, Nadia, 167 Clouthier, Manuel, 132 Domestic Counterintelligence Cobb, Roger W., 82–3 Program (COINTELPRO), 14, Collier, David, 148 45–7 Collier, Ruth Bernis, 140 Donaldo Colosio, Luis, 135 Communist League (India), 187, Douglass, Ramona, 202 190 Draper, Theodor, 163 Communist Party (Czech Republic), Dubcek, Alexender, 161, 163 155, 157, 160 DuBois Clubs of America (DCA), 52 Communist Party (Russia), 6 Communist Party (USA), 48, 227 Echeverrıa,´ Luis, 120–1, 123–4, 128 (CPI), Edwards, J.M., 37 17–18, 21, 172, 180–1, 184, 186– Edwards, Robert C., 35 8, 190–6 Eisinger, Peter, 231–3, 238, 244 Communist Party–Marxist (CPM) Elder, Charles D., 82–3 (India), 172–3, 195 elections, 2, 124–5, 248–50 Companion Revolutionary outcomes affected by social Organization (Mexico), 123 movments, 4, 9, 134–5 Congress of Racial Equality, 37 electoral politics, 6, 16, 96–7, 128–30, Congress Party (India), 18, 186–8, 132–6, 249, 253, 255 191–2, 195 Elıas´ Calles, Plutarco, 110 Congress (CSP) (India), Environmental Protection Agency 180–1, 183–92, 194–6 (EPA) (U.S.), 22 Connor, Bull, 13, 33 Farmers’ Alliance (U.S.), 5 contentious politics, 28, 40–3, 76–7, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 128, 141, 165, 247 14, 21 countermovements, 13, 21–2, 27–44, role in suppressing movements, 251 45–77 Danforth, Jack, 94 Federal Electoral Code (Mexico), Dasbash, Steve, 211 130–1 Davis, Angela, 52, 59 Federal Law of Political Organizations Davis, James Kirkpatrick, 50 and Electoral Processes Davis, Rennie, 65 (LFOPPE) (Mexico), 125


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Federation of Parties of the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Revolutionary Left (Mexico), 126 Europe (IDEE), 156, 161 Fernandez, Carlos, 202 Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Fox, Vicente, 16, 141 (Mexico), 16–17, 22, 111, 115, framing, 19, 79, 81–2, 85, 99–100, 124–6, 129, 131–6, 138–42 102–4, 165, 225 International Institute for Interracial Free Soil Party (U.S.), 5 Interaction, 209 Freedom of Information Act, 50 International Monetary Fund (IMF), Freedom Riders, 35 10, 128, 131 International Republican Institute Gamaliel Foundation, 91–2, 100–1 (IRI), 151, 155, 156–7, 160, 167 Gamson, William, 1, 22 institutionalized politics, 1–3, 6–12, 16, Gandhi, Mahatma, 10 20, 24, 81–2, 123, 128, 141–2, 147, Gantt, Harvey, 34–5 171, 226–7, 252, 254 General Agreement on Tariffs and institutions, 1–3, 24 Trade (GATT), 128, 138 interracial–intercultural pride, 201 globalization, 10 Italian Communist Party (PCI), 4 goals, 18, 21, 185–6, 228–9 Goldstone, Jack, 171, 228, 246, 247, Japanese American Citizens League 254–5 ( JACL), 209–10 Graham, Susan, 202 Jaramillo, Ruben,´ 114–15 Granovetter, Mark, 73–4 Jenkins, Craig, 1, 3, 227 Green Party (Germany), 3 Joint Legislative Committee on Un- Gressette, L. Marion, 35 American Activities ( JLCUA), Guevarra, Che, 6 37 Jones, Bryan D., 84–5 Hammer, Susan, 78, 88 , 183 Hampton, Fred, 65 Harmon, Clarence, 93 Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 40 Havel, Vaclav,´ 150, 155, 160, Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod, 1 166 Keck, Margaret, 10 Hayden, Tom, 64 Communist Party (India), 18 Healing Racism, 210 Key, V.O., 230 Heberle, Rudolph, 2 King, Martin Luther Jr., 33 Heclo, Hugh, 41 Kingdon, John W., 83, 84 Heidenheimer, Arnold, 41 Klandermans, Bert, 1 Hirst, Paul, 168 Klaus, Vaclav, 17, 151, 158–61, 163–6, Hodges, Luther H., 31 168 Hoffman, Abbie, 52, 59 Kriesi, Hanspeter, 4, 228 Hollings, Ernest F. “Fritz”, 32–35 Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 13, 27, 31–2, 34, Hoover, J. Edgar, 14, 48, 50 37, 39, 42–3, 202 Horn, Miriam, 157, 162 Kubik, Jan, 6 Human Rights National Commission Labor Party (PT) (Mexico), 134, 140 (CNDH) (Mexico), 130 Labour Party (GB), 4 identity, 101, 249–50 Labour Party (India), 187 ideology, 4, 53, 170 Laudermill, Rev. Sylvester Jr., 78


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Leary, Timothy, 63 mobilizing structures, 79, 81–2, 85, Leff, Carol, 150 100–2 legislative politics, 18–20, 211–14, Moore, Barrington, 178–80 218–24 Movement for a Democratic Slovakia legislatures, 19, 205, 209, 221, 230–1 (HZDS), 151, 162–5 Levitsky, Steven, 148 Mugabe, Robert, 22 Liberation News Service, 57 Munoz˜ Ledo, Porfirio, 131 Libertarian Party (U.S.), 209–10 Muslim League (India), 193 Linz, Juan, 107 Nader, Ralph, 3 Lopez´ Portillo, Jose,´ 124, 126–8 Nair Service Society, 182 Maguire, Diarmuid, 4 Namboodiripad, E. M. S., 182, Malabar Karshaka Sangham (MKS), 187 188–9 National Action Party (PAN) (Mexico), Marcuse, Herbert, 52 111, 124, 127–9, 132–6, McAdam, Doug, 108, 226–8, 232, 235 138–41 McCarthy, John D., 84–5 National Association for the McEnery, Tom, 88 Advancement of Colored People McKeithen, John, 38 (NAACP), 34, 199, 210 McMillan, George, 40–1 National Coalition of American Indian Meciar, Vladimir, 17, 151, 160, 162–4, Tribes, 210 167 National Coordinating Committee of Meredith, James H., 38 the Urban Popular Movement Metropolitan Congregations United (CONAMUP), 128 for St. Louis (MCU) 86, 91–106 National Coordinating Committee of Mexican Communist Party (PCM), Workers in Education (CNTE) 116, 119, 124–6 (Mexico), 128 Mexican Democratic Party (PDM), National Council of La Raza (NCLR) 125 (U.S.), 199, 210 Mexican Revolution Party (PRM), 111, National Council to End Racism, 132 210 Mexican Socialist Party (PMS), 126, National Democratic Front (FDN) 131 (Mexico), 131–3 Mexican Unified Socialist Party National Democratic Institute (NDI), (PSUM), 126, 129 150–1, 155–6, 160, 167 Mexico, 16–17, 21, 23 National Liberation Movement movements for democracy in, (MLN) (Mexico), 116, 117 107–43 National Popular Assembly of Peasants student movements in, 118, 120 and Workers (Mexico), 128 Meyer, David, 2, 3, 229 National Union of the Revolutionary Michels, Robert, 152, 168 Left (Mexico), 126 Minkoff, Debra, 231, 234 networks, 16–17, 39, 101–2, 154 mobilization, 11, 13, 19, 22–4, 27–8, New Left social movements (U.S.), 46, 60, 77, 104, 121, 136, 166, 180, 12, 14 189, 225, 227–8, 231–4, 243–5 comparisons to other U.S. role of churches in, 86–7, 100–2 movements, 6


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definition, 51–3 peasantry, 18, 112, 114–16, 120, FBI actions against, 14, 45–77 123, 134, 136, 174–80, 184, New Mobilization Committee (NMC), 186–94 52, 58, 59 People Acting in Community Together New Politics Party, 56 (PACT), 87–91, 96–106 Nixon, Richard, 228 Pereira, Bresser, 2 North American Free Trade Perez, Leander, 36 Agreement (NAFTA), 138 Perrow, Charles, 227 North Atlantic Treaty Organization political opportunity structure, 15, 19, (NATO), 151 44, 79, 81–2, 85, 94, 96–100, 181, 194, 208–11, 226, 233, 238, 240–1, Oberschall, Anthony, 64 243–5, 254 Ole Miss, 38, 39 Plan de Ayala National Coordinating Opp, Karl-Dieter, 46 Committee (CNPA) (Mexico), Orfield, Myron, 92 128 organization (of movements), 45, 54, Popular Politics Group (Mexico), 64, 70, 80–1, 86 123 Ost, David, 153 Popular Socialist Party (PPS) (Mexico), outcomes (of social movements), 4, 9, 111, 116–17, 124, 126, 131, 133, 147, 204–7, 209, 211 138 Populist Party (U.S.), 5 Pacific Institute for Community Pridham, Geoffrey, 166 Organization (PICO), 88, 90, 100, Progressive Labor Party, 57, 63 101 Prohibition Party (U.S.), 5 Paige, Jeffrey, 178–9 Project RACE, 201, 202 Palous, Martin, 158 protest, 1–2, 6–7, 9–10, 19, 46–7, 128, Panebianco, Angelo, 170, 171 131, 149, 189, 229 participation (in protest activity), 4, Public against Violence (VPN) 46, 79 (Slovakia), 161–3, 166 parties, political, 2, 4, 125–6, 136, 141, 147–9, 230–1 (see also specific Quigley, Kevin F. F., 164 countries and names of parties) influenced by social movements, 5, 9, Radical Student Union (RSU), 59 135, 225 Rainack, William, 36 originating from social movements, Ranga, N. G., 189 5, 17, 23–4, 147–69, 170–96 Rasler, Karen, 47 supporting/sponsoring social Reagan, Ronald, 229, 245 movements, 4, 21, 23, 129, 131 repression, by governments, 11, 14, 21, party control, 211–12 44, 45–77, 185, 192–3, 227–9 Party of the Cardenista Front of Republican Movement (France), 3 National Reconstruction Republican Party (U.S.), 4, 5, 23, 226, (PFCRN) (Mexico), 131, 133 230, 238, 241–4 Party of the Democratic Revolution Resource Moblization, 205–8, 254 (PRD) (Mexico), 130, 132, 134–6, Revolutionary Union (RU), 57 138–41 Revolutionary Youth Movement, 52 Peace and Freedom Party, 56 Roehl, Wolfgang, 46


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Rogers, Jack, 37 Students for a Democratic Society Rubin, Jerry, 52, 57, 65–6 (SDS), 52, 56–8, 60, 63–4, 70 Rudd, Mark, 52 success (see outcomes) Rusk, David, 92 suffrage movements, 5, 181 Russel, Donald S., 34–5 Sullivan, W.C., 51, 59 Salinas, Carlos, 130–2, 135 tactics, 18, 21, 84–5, 170–1, 181, San Jose Redevelopment Agency, 78, 185–6, 190, 194, 252–4 89–90, 97–9 Tarrow, Sidney, 2, 3, 108, 226–7, Sanford, Terry, 31 230 Schmitter, Philippe C., 153 Tilly, Charles, 1, 8, 108, 228, 233, 235, Scott, James, 178 238, 243–4 Sen, Sunil, 192 Sikkink, Kathryn, 10 United Klans of America, 31, 37 Slovak National Party, 163–4 United States, 17, 23 social movement organizations, 4, 5, Church-based local community 10, 14–15, 79, 122, 137, 141, 199, movements, 14–15, 78–106 201, 203, 207, 247 Civil Rights Movement in, 27–44 Socialist Workers Party (SWP) (U.S.), FBI and reaction to movements, 11, 48, 52 22, 45–77 South Carolina Citizens’ Council, 34 Multiracial category movement, Southern Regional Council, 40 18–19, 197–225 Southern Student Organizing Student protests in, 19, 20, 226– Committee (SSOC), 52 45 Sovereignty Commission, 39 Unity, Inc, 58 State Bureau of Investigation, North Vander Wall, Jim, 53–4, 63–4 Carolina (SBI), 31 Vasquez,´ Genaro, 116–17 state governments (U.S.), 12–13, Vaughn, Ed, 217 19–20, 29, 197–225 Vietnam Moratorium Committee State Law Enforcement Division, (VMC), 56 South Carolina (SLED), 33–4 violence, 10–11, 12–13, 29, 36, 38–9, states, relations to social movements 128, 185, 228–9 (see also repression), 11, 12–15, Villa, Pancho, 117 20–4 Voss, Kim, 11 Stearns, Linda Brewster, 227, 232 Voting Rights Act of 1965 (U.S.), 38, Strategies, 12, 18, 79, 90, 170–1, 181, 43, 199 185–6 Strom, J.P. “Pete”, 33–4 Wallace, George, 35 Student Mobilization Committee Weatherman / Weather Underground (SMC), 52, 57, 74–6 (U.S.), 52, 56–7, 59, 63 Student Movement (Mexico), 121, White Citizens’ Council (U.S.), 27, 36, 131 38–9 Student Nonviolent Coordinating White Knights of Mississippi, 39 Committee, (SNCC), 52 Wojcicki, Ted, 78 Student Organizing Committee, 59 Wolf, Eric, 178–9


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Women’s Christian Temperance Union Youth Against War and Fascism (U.S.), 5 (YAWF), 52 Worker-Student Alliance, 52, 57 Youth International Party (Yippies), 52, World Bank, 10 65–6 Yelstin, Boris, 6 Zapatista Movement (Mexico), 23, 135, Yogakshema Namboodiri Sabha, 136, 142 182 Zedillo, Ernesto, 136 Young Socialist Alliance (YSA), 52, 58 Zedong, Mao, 22


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