Bust of Ptolemy I, Louvre Museum Building a Dynasty: The Families of

Sheila Ager University of Waterloo Polythygatros Antipatros

Antipater Krateros

Phila Eurydike Ptolemy

Demetrios I Nikaia

Perdikkas Lysimachos

No finer woman ever embraced her bridegroom in his halls, loving with all her heart her brother and husband. In like manner was accomplished the holy marriage of the immortals Queen Rhea bore to rule Olympos. Ever-virgin Iris strews with myrrh-washed hands a single bed for the sleeping of Zeus and Hera.

Theokritos Idyll 17 Coin portrait of Arsinoë II Philadelphos (obverse), with double cornucopia (reverse). Legend: ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ “Of Arsinoë Philadelphos”. The Marriage-Alliance Game

Olympias Philip II Wives. Lots and lots of wives.

Cleopatra Alexander III Kynane Arrhidaios Thessalonike Eurydike

Rhoxane Adea Kassander Phila

Ptolemy I Berenike I Stateira Apame Artakama Krateros Nikaia Ptolemy II Arsinoë II Perdikkas Seleukos I Demetrios I Lysimachos

Antiochos I Stratonike Arsinoë I Thaïs Lagos Arsinoë Eurydike

Ptolemy I

Ptolemy Lysandra Ptolemaïs Meleager (?) Argaios (?) Keraunos Unnamed son Berenike I Lagos “Rebel in Cyprus”

Leontiskos Ptolemy II Arsinoë II Philotera Eirene Ptolemy I and Berenike I

Magas Antigone

Ptolemy I Berenike I Philip

Ptolemy II Arsinoë II Philotera Magas Theoxena (?) Antigone Thaïs Lagos Arsinoë Eurydike

Ptolemy I

Ptolemy Lysandra Ptolemaïs Meleager (?) Argaios (?) Keraunos Unnamed son Berenike I Lagos “Rebel in Cyprus”

Leontiskos Ptolemy II Arsinoë II Philotera Eirene Meanwhile Kleopatra quarreled with Antigonos and, inclining to cast her lot with Ptolemy, she started from Sardis in order to cross over to him… Because of the distinction of her descent Kassander and Lysimachos, as well as Antigonos and Ptolemy and in general all the leaders who were most important after Alexander’s death, sought her hand; for each of them, hoping that the Macedonians would follow the lead of this marriage, was seeking alliance with the royal house in order thus to gain supreme power for himself.

Diodoros 20.37.3-4

Being a daughter (or step-daughter) of Ptolemy I…

Ptolemy I

Eirene Arsinoë II Lysandra Ptolemaïs Antigone Theoxena Philotera

Lysimachos Alexander V Pyrrhos No one (why?) Eunostos of Agathokles Demetrios I Agathokles Soloi (Cyprus) Lysimachou of Syracuse Marriage Connections of Ptolemy I Soter The Families of Philip II

Olympias Philip II Philinna

Pixodaros of Caria

Alexander Kleopatra Arrhidaios Daughter

Kleopatra/Eurydike Thaïs Lagos Arsinoë Eurydike

Ptolemy I

Ptolemy Lysandra Ptolemaïs Meleager (?) Argaios (?) Keraunos Unnamed son Berenike I Lagos “Rebel in Cyprus”

Leontiskos Ptolemy II Arsinoë II Philotera Eirene Jugate coin portraits of Ptolemy I and Berenike I, Ptolemy II and Arsinoë II. Legend: ΘΕΩΝ ΑΔΕΛΦΩΝ “Of the Sibling Gods”. Questions and comments welcome!