St Botolph’s Church Magazine May 2021 PRICE 50p

Parish News

The Parish Church The Rector Rev Clive A. Flatters 672267 Church Wardens Linda Brown 673463 Janet Laycock 662028 Deputy Wardens Janet Taylor Ray Wilson Organist Daniel Fretwell 07473412223 Standing Committee Fr Clive, L. Brown, J. Laycock, R. Bagley D. Wrigley Deanery Rep. vacant Safeguarding Janet J B Taylor 519815 Flowers Co-ordinator Anne Rowling 621653 Parish Room Bookings Linda Brown 673463 Tower Captain Paul Hargrave 678741 Uniformed Organisations Brownies / Guides Janet Laycock 662028

Knottingley Parish News Editor Janet Laycock 662028 Treasurer Janet Laycock 662028 Advertisements Janet Laycock 662028 Printing and Distribution Linda Brown/Richard 673463 Bagley 0739659823

The Parochial Church Council Chairman Rev Clive Flatters 672267 Vice Chairman Linda Brown 673463 Secretary Sue Barlow 677665 Treasurer Richard Bagley 0739659823. Electoral Roll Officer Janet Laycock 662028

2 of Sunday Services: Confessions: Parish Eucharist 10.00am by arrangement with the Vicar (all the family are welcome) Holy Days - As announced

Holy Baptism & Marriages:

All enquiries to the vicar on 01977 672267

Information given in this magazine was correct at the time of publication but things are subject to change dependent on government or local guidelines.

St Botolph’s Church is open for Sunday Eucharist at 10 am, it will remain open until 11 am.

Social distancing must be observed at all times and face coverings must be worn in church.

The Editor email [email protected] (please use plain text) Web site -

Copy for June:- 9 May Copydates For July/August:- 6 June For September:- 8 August



KNOTTINGLEY FOODBANK E-VOUCHER AND HOME DELIVERY SERVICE ONLY The local distribution centre is closed, deliveries will resume as soon as it is safe. In the mean time please call 08001448848 or 03458506506 to speak to someone if you need help.

Please take any donations to Knottingley Community Church, Elim, Thursdays 10 am - 12 noon.

Shortage items: tinned carrots, cordial, cartons of fruit juice and cartons of milk.

Membership costs £1 per week per number and the draw takes place in the Parish Rooms after the Sunday morning service

7 March 26 Susan Fussey £50 54 Simon Ward £10 14 March 14 Peter Greenwood £50 87 Annie Jones £10 21 March 40 June Haggen £50 55 Joan Haigh £10 28 March 164 Anne Barker £50 57 Ann Middleton £10


Some useful numbers

Ash Grove Drs Surgery 01977 673141 Medical Centre 01977 664141 Non Emergency Medical 111 Emergency Dentist Urgent treatment cost £23.80 + Dental cost 111

Non Emergency Number 101 You should call 101 if you want to talk to your local police officer, get crime prevention advice, or report a crime that does not need an emergency response, for example: if your car has been stolen. your property has been damaged. you suspect drug use or dealing.

Emergency 112 can use this on mobiles also landline world wide; equivalent to 999

Emergency Gas Number for gas leaks or you can smell gas. 0800 111 999

Fast Response Electrician 24/7 local call outs, ask for a quote beforehand - Fault finding, Land Lord Certificate, Electrical Wiring, Pat testing 0800 038 5658


Looking through my albums and scrap books I found these lovely pieces that I would like to share with you all. Peter Greenwood.

A teller of tales and a dreamer of dreams, A builder of bridges, a planner of schemes. Could this be one person? You think it untrue? But just look again, for that person is you! Look back on your life and take stock of the years, And all you accomplished through laughter and tears.

Remember the children, how they took your hand? Remember the stories, adventures you planned? And how you nursed someone in sickness and pain, No thought of reward and no question of gain?

You may not feel clever, stand out in a crowd, But count your achievements, be thankful and proud, And look to the future, there’s much to be done, Keep building your bridges and planning your schemes, Remember that you are the weaver of dreams. Iris Hesselden

Fill every day with some kind deed And you’ll be truly blessed, For helping someone who’s in need Brings peace and happiness. And you can always guarantee Your day’s been made worthwhile When you take the trouble to lend a hand And go that extra mile.



Please complete this form and return to one of the Churchwardens, There is no fee for making an entry in the Book of Remembrance, but a donation towards the cost of a new Book will be most welcome, please make cheques payable to KNOTTINGLEY ST BOTOLPH'S PCC. The Parochial Church Council reserves the right to refuse any entry which is deemed unsuitable.


Date of birth______

Date of death______Age______

Additional short inscription (if required)______


Telephone number ______Today’s date ______Donation enclosed ______

The name and date of death will appear annually, in the appropriate month, in the Parish Magazine . Please tick the box if you do NOT agree to this.

For office use only – details to go in Church Parish Magazine Full date of death, day-month-year ______Name of deceased ______Date request received ______


Puzzle corner

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St Botolph’s

Handbell Ringers

St Botolph's Handbell Ringers are a small group of people who enjoy getting together once a week to practice playing tunes on the various handbells available.

Occasionally we provide some musical entertainment for Garden Parties, Charity Fundraisers, Christmas and Easter Festivities, as well as Care Home Gatherings. We play tunes that can be adapted to all occasions, i.e. singalong, Christmas Carols, etc.

If you have any queries, please contact Paul Hargrave, Bells Captain, on 01977 678741.


St. Botolph's Calendar May 2021








BRITISH LEGION - 100 years

After the end of the First World War national organisations were formed with the intention of promoting voluntary assistance for socially and economically deprived families of servicemen who lost their lives. In 1919 in premises in the middle of Aire Street the Discharged Sailors and Soldiers Club was formed, now known as NADS&S club (low club). A fund was set up called ‘The Children of the Fallen Fund’ to provide meals, clothes, gifts and comforts to children left fatherless by the war. At Christmas in 1918 a Township Committee had given a postal order for ten shillings to all the ex servicemen.

On the first Armistice Day, Tuesday 11th November 1919, two minutes silence was observed throughout the Town, at Schools, Churches, and Workplaces, initiated by the sounding of the buzzer at Bagley’s Glassworks in Knottingley, and by buzzers at Poulson’s Pottery and nearby Brown’s Pottery at Ferrybridge.

On the 15th May 1921 the British Legion was formed bringing together four national organisations of ex servicemen that had been established as: National Association of Discharged Sailors and Soldiers, British National Federation of Discharged and Demobilized Sailors and Soldiers, The Comrades of The Great War and The Officers Association Known as the Earl Haig Fund, set up by Field Marshall Douglas Haig, the first poppy selling took place in 1921 to help World War 1 veterans with employment and housing. He was President of the British Legion until his death on 29th January 1928. The black button in centre of the poppy bore the words ‘Haig Fund.’ However, Haig was not popular and his war strategy was considered responsible for the slaughter of many soldiers at the Somme, indeed he became nicknamed ‘Butcher Haig.’ For this reason the charity tried to distance itself from the name of Earl Haig by re-branding as ‘Poppy Appeal.’

The first poppy appeal in Knottingley in 1921 was organised jointly by Revd Henry Snowden, Vicar of Christ Church, and Fred Hargraves of the British Legion, also a member of the Discharged Sailors and Soldiers Club, where the clubhouse was used as British Legion HQ. This sale of the symbolic poppy raised £24-1s-0d for the Earl Haig Fund. At this time there were two groups in Knottingley, who both claimed to be official representatives of the British Legion. One was based at the Discharged Sailors and Soldiers Club, and the other based at the Sailors Home. On 12th January 1926 the two sides met at the Buck Inn in Aire Street and agreed to unite the branch, after which things seem to have run smoothly. Officials appointed on a temporary basis were: Chairman J. 12 Brown; Hon Treasurer Leonard Hartley and Hon Secretary H. Coultas. Later the same year at a meeting the following were elected: President J. Brown Chairman Cr J.B. Hargrave Vice Chairman Cr W.H. Harker Hon Secretary H. Coultas Hon Treasurer L. Hartley Other Committee Members included: Messrs Fowles, Waddington. M. Bedworth, G. Livesy and R. Martin. By 1930 the Secretary was Cr Danny O’Driscoll, an outspoken character, often at conflict with the Council.

The Branch was later to move to its own premises in Garden Lane, this was sold around 2008, and meetings moved to Knottingley Club.

Other stalwarts of the British Legion that spring to mind are: Stan Whitwell, Eric Simpson, Bill Sarvent, Harry Johnson, Geoff and June Norton, Adino Tunningley, Harry Bickerdyke, Harry Turner. At the Ferrybridge branch Ethel Austin, Joan Fozzard and Wilf Newby.

From around 1926 the Act of Remembrance shifted from Armistice Day to what became known as Armistice Observance Day or Memorial Sunday. Being the 2nd Sunday in November, the nearest Sunday to the 11th. The two minutes silence continued to be observed on Armistice Day.

It became a custom to hold an annual branch social evening and dance shortly before Armistice Day. A similar tradition still takes place today in the form of a social evening/concert in the Knottingley Club, held on the Friday evening prior to launch of the official appeal commencing the next day Saturday for two weeks.

The British Legion is honoured to have, and enjoys the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen, and on the occasion of their Golden Anniversary in May 1971 took the title “Royal British Legion.”

Photo: VE Day Anniversary, May 1995


Lent Lunch 2021

This year we were unable to serve Lent Lunches in the Parish Rooms because of Covid 19 restrictions so we decided to deliver the lunches to people who had been in isolation this year. We delivered 16 to 18 lunches each Thursday during Lent. The group who made and delivered the lunches enjoyed seeing people who they haven't seen for a while.

It ran for 7 Thursdays, 6 weeks we delivered soup, bread roll, cake and a few surprises with a little prayer or verse. One lady had them all lined up on her fridge which was lovely to see. I think they enjoyed their surprises as much as the lunches. The 7th week we delivered afternoon tea we thought it would be nice for Easter.

Thank you to WDH who supported us by donating some Easter Eggs to add to the lunches. The Charity we chose to support this year was Martin House Children's Hospice, . The grand total raised was £474.

‘Til Next Year, God Willing

With Love

Sue ,Glenis, Janet & Linda, The Lunch Ladies


01977 690899 [email protected]


Kathleen Spence 24 May 1927 - 27 February 2021

I have known Kath since the early sixties and later we became good friends. She and her late husband Bill, had a daughter Anne and a son Derrick.

Kath supported St Botolph’s Church and many Knottingley events. She enjoyed flower arranging and designing cards for charity, among other interests. Kath was a great friend of Mary and Sam Doubtfire, Sam being a former Curate of St Botolph’s.

During the sixties, with her friend Ethne Matthewman, she won the first prize, for many years, for the beautiful carnival floats they created. Two of the most memorable being A Winter Wonderland and Beside the Seaside.

For ten years Kath helped me, along with other friends, to raise funds for our annual carnival and I also enjoyed meeting up with her each month for tea.

God Bless

Peter Greenwood

The following was read at Kath’s funeral on Monday 22 March 2021.


I’m Free Don’t grieve for me for now I’m free, I’m following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard Him call: I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day

To laugh, to love, to work or play.

Tasks left undone must stay that way;

I found my place at the close of day.

If my parting has left a void Then fill it with remembered joys. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things I too shall miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow: I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life’s been full, I savoured much; Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch. Perhaps my life seemed all too brief: Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your heart and share with me; God wanted me now, He set me free.



You may recall that in last month’s magazine, we mentioned that the family of the Rev Stuart Pearson had kindly agreed to share memories of their time in Knottingley in the 1970s. Here is the first of those, from Mrs Pearson. Thank you to Mrs Pearson for these memories and to Andrew for co-ordinating.

Knottingley Memories – Veronica Pearson

We moved into Knottingley Vicarage on 17 December 1970 – not perhaps the most convenient date for a house move. But for us it was an ideal time to be warmly welcomed into the church and community over Christmas. It was the beginning of eight very full and happy years, with family growing up and plenty of work – never a dull moment.

St. Botolph’s was an active church with many groups. Christ Church had recently closed, so the two congregations had merged. Forms of worship were changing so we had to get used to different words. Most Saturdays there were weddings, and funerals during the week. (I remember a Gypsy funeral when the line of vans with flowers stretched almost from church to cemetery)

Knottingley had plenty of employment – Greggs, Rockware, Croda, Ferrybridge power station, and Harkers Shipyard. Early on we were invited to a launch (a first for me); it was quite an occasion with the civic party and infant’s school in attendance – and a very big splash! The new pit at Kellingley had opened recently too.

18 It seemed a compact town, with schools, supermarket, station, swimming baths and library all within walking distance (no ‘school run’ for me). Pre M62 all the heavy traffic to the docks came through the centre, day and night, speeding down Hill Top, then braking suddenly to negotiate the bend by the Vicarage. We soon learnt to sleep through it.

We were not far from farms. I remember one late evening during the pea-pulling season being given a large cardboard box full of shelled peas all of which needed freezing within 24 hours. The Vicarage garden also helped to feed the family, even though it did attract numbers of unofficial fruit-pickers.

Carnivals were big occasions, there were flower festivals, then the quarry beside the church was converted into a garden. The Civic Society helped to foster a sense of community.

Although it is over 40 years since we left, we have good memories of our time in Knottingley - it was an influence on us all and an important phase in the life of our family.

Rev Stuart Pearson (left, with megaphone) speaks at the opening of the landscaped quarry






News from the Parishes

Brotherton & Ferrybridge

Alleluia. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia! Happy Easter from both of our parishes. We continue our ‘hybrid’ worship, being both in church and online.

I am pleased to announce that our mid-week services of Holy Communion will restart from the beginning of May:

Wednesday 5th May 9.15am St Edward the Confessor Thursday 6th May 10am St Andrew’s

Sundays will remain as they are for the time being: 10.15am Parish Eucharist St Edward the Confessor 11.15am Parish Eucharist St Andrew’s

Online services (on Facebook first and then uploaded to our websites a little later on)

Sunday - Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer St Edward Facebook Page 8pm Compline St Andrew Facebook Page

Our Service of the Word has moved from weekly to monthly, the next one will be 23rd May, a Service for Pentecost.

You can find us on: Facebook: St Edward the Confessor, . Facebook: St Andrew’s Church, Ferrybridge

Website: Website:



We have a newly formed Womersley Womble group who are trying to tackle litter and fly-tipping. The ‘Great British Spring Clean’ may be something that our readers may like to form a group to tackle?

As always our meeting dates, agendas and minutes are on our website www.womersleyparishcouncil. and we have a Facebook page simply Womersley Parish Council.

Kellington The Parish Council have changed the email address. It is now: [email protected].


Church Funds

Due to the pandemic restrictions we haven't been able to have any fund raising events to sell our cards this year. By word of mouth and the magazine we have managed to raise the grand total of £230 from selling cards at Christmas and Easter.

We had some lovely snowy photographs of St Botolph’s for the Christmas cards, then for the Easter cards we used photographs of the Church and Parish Room. We managed to purchase a state of the art new photo copier and this enabled us to put verses in the Easter cards. Thank you to our treasurer, Richard for printing the cards and adding special touches.

Thank you to everyone who supported this venture.


This spring, join Keep Britain Tidy and our community of #Litterheroes on our #MillionMileMission to clear litter from our streets, parks and beaches. Because what is good for our environment is good for our mental and physical health too.

26 To obtain a test use the online service.

If you have problems using the online service, call:

 119 if you’re in , Wales or Northern Ireland  0300 303 2713 if you’re in Scotland Lines are open 7am to 11pm.

D.Pod.M, M.ChS. 112 Weeland Road Knottingley, WF11 8BG (01977) 671791


The Manse Residential Care Home Ropewalk Knottingley

Placements available for: - Permanent Care Holiday/Short Stay Care Day Care

Private & DSS welcome

For further details or to arrange a visit please contact us on

01977 677955

A Family Run Home Where Care Comes First

email :- [email protected]


Corns, hard skin and long nails a problem? Having difficulty walking due to painful feet? Unable to bend to cut toe nails?

For a home visit call Janet (foot health practitioner) on 07761625510

to arrange an appointment DBS checked Fully insured


Knottingley Judo Club can be found in St Botolph’s parish rooms on Monday and Thursday evenings. We pride ourselves on the fun, friendly, family atmosphere in the club and welcome all new members regardless of experience and ability. The club is run by Ian Sidaway with the help of Kev Day, Catriona Barber and Kieran Reynolds.

Tuesday evenings Senior Grades (14+ years) 7.30 - 9.30 pm

Thursday evenings Sho grades (5 - 8 years) 6.30 - 7.30 pm Mon grades (8 - 14 years) 6.30 - 8.00 pm Senior grades (14+ years) 7.30 - 8.30 pm

Contact Ian Sidaway 07935 498518 [email protected] Catriona Barber 07594 922614 [email protected]

30 Funerals and Memorial Services

It is now possible to have a funeral in St Botolph’s Church, but attendance is still limited to 30 people because of safe distancing rules; face coverings must be worn. The names and contact details must be supplied to the vicar or churchwarden prior to the service to aid track and trace.

We are aware that over the last 14+ months many were unable to hold a funeral in church so we are offering the opportunity of holding a memorial service. This could take the form of:

A small private act of remembrance, limited to 6 people.


A memorial service when (currently) up to 15 people (planned to be increased to 30 after 17 May) could attend. There will be a small charge of £50 for this service to cover cleaning, heating and lighting.

For the safety of everyone, COVID restrictions are in place in church; face coverings must be worn, safe distancing must be observed.

Please contact Fr Clive (01977 672267) for further details of these life events. Knottingley Judo Club Update

The judo club is closed under the current lockdown conditions. Once the restrictions allow we will resume judo fitness classes for both seniors (Mondays) and juniors (Thursdays) until we can resume normal judo practice. If you are interested in joining the club and would like to receive an email update about restart dates, please email [email protected]. 31

From the

Holy Baptism

The current restrictions mean that only 15 people can attend a Baptism in St Botolph’s Church. The numbers could go up to 30 after 17 May, subject to Government guidance. Holy Matrimony

The current restrictions mean that only 15 people, including the couple, can attend a wedding in a Church. From May 17 this is scheduled to increase to 30. Funerals

19 March Nigel John Glasby 60 yrs P.C.

22 March Kathleen Spence 93 yrs P.C.

May they rest in peace and rise in glory

P.C. Crematorium K.C. Knottingley Cemetery

The current restrictions mean that only 30 people can attend a funeral in a Church.

32 Parish Registers in Memoriam On these days of May please pray for the repose of the souls of: 1 John Edward Gosling 1967 21 Leslie Millward 1980 Frederick Middleton 1981 Frances Elizabeth 3 Charles Blackburne 1980 Underwood 1986 4 Harry Day 976 Mark Richard Nelson Maurice Downing 1976 (Priest) 1999 Ethel Maud Austin 1985 Emily Renshaw 2001 Harry Sykes 1995 22 Albert Ellis 1976 5 Eric Rhodes 2004 Ellis Crabtree 1992 6 Margaret McManus 1985 Harriet Ann Juniper 2007 Dorothy Hodgson 1997 24 William Henry Birkitt 1979 Henry Walker 936 Sheila Furniss Clegg 1992 Annie Elizabeth Draper 2002 Marjorie Whitaker 1997 8 Ada Cawthorne 1971 Harry Lancaster 1978 John Edward 25 George William Underwood 1981 Hodgson 1997 9 John Joseph Brown 1970 David Hobman 2015 Leslie Maeer 2019 27 Edwin Brookes 1988 11 Ernest Ellerington 1918 Leonard Lifsey 1945 Kathleen Woodhead 1988 28 Brian John Reeves 2004 Elsie Marian Probert 1997 29 Lily Ann Richardson 1985 12 Eric Fox 1999 30 Emily Smith 1996 Lilian Shay 2009 Hastings Swales 2000 Janet Ward 2012 31 Samuel Cartwright 1980 13 Phyllis England 2003 Hannah Mary Sheard 2008 Lucy Wilcox 2014 14 Olive White 2013 15 George Lightfoot 1979 Mary Brown 1980 17 Annie Vause 1992 Malcolm Carrington 2013 16 Michael Frederick Sutcliffe 2001 19 Hannah Rhodes 2007 Edith Mary Spence 2012 20 Muriel Sharp 1990


34 The Parish Room is available for hire for Parties or Meetings at a reasonable rate Ring 673463 for bookings

Knottingley, St Botolph’s Church in the Parish Room

Lunch Club Fourth Thursday of the month 12 noon Tickets £3 available from Linda

Friends of St Botolph’s Parish Room

Second and fourth Thursdays of the month 1.30 - 3 pm All welcome

We will give notice when these events begin again


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