In the care of the Augustinians Cnr White & Wanganella Sts 2 King Street Parish Priest: Fr Dave Austin OSA 12th July 2020
[email protected] Parish Office: 9949 4455 15th Sunday Ordinary Time (yr A ) PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE – ’Imagine… a Middle Class of Holiness!’ Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel of the Parable of the Sower helps us to reflect on our responsibilities as Church, as families, Parish and School Communities, and as Augustinians. God the Sower is almost wasteful in scattering the seeds wildly but then God’s love is like that. The parable could apply to the many areas of our lives where our openness to the Spirit varies – times when we are very receptive to God’s grace, times when we’re perhaps a bit shy, and times when we resist strongly. Life knocks us around – certainly our recent experience - but thankfully Jesus’ parables turn reality on its head. A seven-fold return was considered a good harvest but Jesus says otherwise, ‘Imagine… imagine the kind of seed that can produce up to a hundredfold in spite of the difficulties involved!’ Keeping our faith fresh is an engaging task at any time and we must ‘imagine’ and ’keep sowing’! Comments from parishioners ‘returning’ to our churches reflect relief and fresh energy that we can now gather again. Some of you may find spiritual support in a favourite ’app’. Pope Francis’ homilies and reflections can be found on the Vatican News App or the Click to Pray App. I find Laudate particularly helpful because it has a remarkable menu which includes the Prayer of the Church, the Daily Readings, prayers and devotions, the Order of Mass, the Catechism, 2 versions of the Bible, major Vatican documents from the Popes and Vatican II, and even the Code of Canon Law – in case I ever need it! Liturgy nourishes our faith! Even in the current ‘Ordinary Time’, for Christians the ordinary is rarely ordinary! Our Sunday journey is ‘ordered’, our ‘weekly Easter’, the most basic feast of our liturgical cycle.