25 No. of O Debtor's Name. " Debtor's-Address. Debtor's Description. Court. Trustee's Name. Trustee's Address. . Trustee's Description. Date Of Release. • ° Matter. W Davies, Evan Thomas (also 38} Trafalgar-place, in the county , Grpcer .'. Swansea 33 Thomas Thomas ... 31, Alexandra - road, Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 OS trading as the Tea Ex- borough- of Swansea, at the of 1892 Swansea ^ " change Co.) .Central Supply Stores, Trafalgar.- place, Swansea aforesaid, and S° also at the Tea Exchange, 84, Llangyfelach-road, Brynhyfryd, w Swansea aforesaid Hutchins, Charles William .175, High-street, Swansea, Gla- Tobacconist and Hair Swansea 37 Thomas Thomas 31, Alexandra - road, Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 morganshire Dresser of 1892 Swansea Morris, Henry A 78, Carmarthen-road, Swansea ... Grocer Swansea 44 Thomas Thomas 31, Alexandra - road, Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 of 1892 Swansea "Wood, Frank Friday-street, Minehead, Somer- Carpenter Tauriton 16 George Philpott 5s, Hammet - street, Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 setshire of 1892 Taunton W ' • • Thomas, Joshua James ... 15, High-street, Rhymney, Mon- Chemist and Druggist Tredegar 4 William Lewes 65, High-street, Merthyr Official Receiver ... Oct. 20, 1893 ' mouthshire of 1892 Daniel Tydai. Andrewartha, John Martin , Tobacconist ... 32 G. Appleby Jenkins Boscawen-street, Truro... Official Receiver ... Oct. 1G, 1893 of 1892 Beckerleg, William Wen- Late , Cornwall Late Saddler ... Truro... 2 G. Appleby Jenkins , Boscawen-street, Truro... Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 mouth of 1893 Crowle, William John St. Erth Praze, St. Erth, Cornwall, Blacksmith "and Inn- Truro - 8 " G. Appleby Jenkins Boscawen-street, Truro... Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 o keeper of 1893 , Hooper, Richard ... . , Cornwall Furniture Dealer Truro 43 G. Appleby Jenkins Boscawen-street, Truro... Official Receiver ... Oct. 16, 1893 :W of 1892 More, Bentley St. Keverne, Cornwall Gentleman Truro ... 4 G. Appleby Jenkins Boscawen-street, Truro... Official Receiver ... Oct. 30, 1893 of 1893 Parsons, Henry North-street, Penzance, Cornwall "Grocer Truro... 10 Alexander Berryman 4, Clarence-street, Pen- Accountant.^. Nov. 29, 1893 of 1892 zance, Cornwall oo to • Plomer, John Gilbert 12, Trelawney - road, Falmouth, Solicitor Truro 6 G. Appleby Jenkins Boscawen-street, Truro... Official Receiver ... Oct.' 16, 1893 CO' and , Cornwall of 1892

Rowse, James, and ' Jewell, Joseph Thomas " (trading as 49 G. Appleby Jenkins BbscawenTstreet, Truro... Official Receiver Oct. 30, 1893 ' Rowse and Jewell) Calenick, near Truro, Cornwall ... Millers ... Truro... :• Ot of 1892 1 tOe