Location of Plans; Rothesay Area Office Regulation 5 Listed Building - 21 Days East Council Ref No: 00/01945/LIB TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING Applicant: AILLSTTB Notice is hereby given that application for Planning Permission/ Proposal: Change of use of winter gardens to TIC/Orientation Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent has been Centre made to Council, as Planning Authority as detailed in Site Address: Winter Garden, Victoria Street, Rothesay, Isle of the schedule hereto. Bute PA20 OAH The applications and plans submitted are open to inspection at Council Buildings, Haddington during office hours. Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control, Any representations should be made in writing to the undersigned Development and Environment Services within 21 days of this date. Milton House, Milton Avenue, Dunoon Peter Collins, Head of Environment John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington Location of Plans: Dunbeg Post Office 29th December 2000 Section 60 Setting of Listed Building and Ancient Monument - 21 days SCHEDULE Ref No: 00/01942/DET . 00/01177/FUL Applicant: The Scottish Association for Marine Science Development in Conservation Area Proposal: Formation of new laboratory administration and offices Everlsey Homes Ltd and related parking Waverley House, East Links Road, Gullane, East Lothian Site Address. Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory, Dunbeg, EH31 2AF Oban, Argyll PA37 1QA Alterations to part of roof, installation of roof windows and dormers and other alterations to existing building as a change of Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control, the development scheme which is the subject of planning Development and Environment Services application 00/00153/FUL Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban (1601/37) Location of Plans: Campbeltown Area Office Regulation 5 Listed Building - 21 days Ref No: 00/01920/LIB Applicant: AB Development Council Proposal: Change of use of former ground floor shop to flat and PLANNING APPLICATIONS renovation of existing flats to form five flats TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING () ACT 1997 Site Address: 9 Street, Campbeltown, Argyll PA78 6BL AND RELATED LEGISLATION Location of Plans: Campbeltown Area Office The application listed in the schedule below may be inspected Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 days during normal office hours at the Area Planning & Building Control Ref No: 00/01921/DET Service Office at the undernoted location. Applicant: AB Developments Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing to Proposal: Change of use of former ground floor shop to flat and the Area Planning Manager within the timescale indicated. renovation of existing flats to form five flats Site Address: 9 Kirk Street, Campbeltown, Argyll PA28 6BL SCHEDULE LISTED BUILDING CONSENT Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control, Ref No. Site Address Reason for Description of Development and Environment Services advert and Development 67 Chalmers Street, Ardrishaig PASO 8DX (1601/8) timescale for representations 00/03320/ LinwoodHall Listed Listed building consent CLBC Leven Building for alterations to listed and Council 21 days buildings including gate- The applications listed below may be examined during normal house, installation of office hours at Public Library, (1) and Council Offices, replacement windows • Dryfe Road, (2). All representations should be made to and demolition of me, within 21 days at Kirkbank, Council Offices, English Street, walled garden Dumfries. David Sneddon, Area Planning Manager (Central) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 Forth House, Abbotshall Road, KYI 1RU Tel: 01592 412900 Fax: 01592 417641 (1601/89) PLANNING (LISTED BUILDING AND CONSERVATION AREAS) (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997

Ref No Proposal Council Location TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 OO/P/50138 97 George Street, Whithorn (1) Installation of replacement sash and case windows NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL (FOOTPATH and re-roofing works to part of dwellinghouse BETWEEN MUIRDYKES ROAD AND MOSSPARK ROAD, COATBRIDGE) STOPPING UP ORDER 2000 OO/P/50135 Former Grapes Hotel, George Street, Whithorn (1) Demolition of former hotel North Lanarkshire Council hereby gives notice that the above Order made under Section 207 of the Town & Country Planning OO/P/50155 Somerton House Hotel, Road, Lockerbie (Scotland) Act 1997 has now been confirmed as an unopposed (2) Extension to form disabled toilet and ramped access; Order. The Order came into operation on 18th December 2000. extension to form dining room and associated works The Order authorises the closure to pedestrian and vehicular traffic of a footpath between Muirdyke Road and Mosspark Read, Eric S Wilson, Head of Development Planning Coatbridge to enable development to be carried out in accordance 29th December 2000 (1601/87) with planning permission granted under Part III of the above mentioned Act, a development for which planning permission has been granted. A copy of the Order, as confirmed, and relevant plan may be inspected at the offices of either the Divisional Manager (Central