Invite Ross 128 Over This Thanksgiving By: Bob King | November 22, 2017 With Ross 128b in the news, we pay a visit to the that sustains this potentially habitable exoplanet.

The , Ross 128, hosts the temperate, Earth-sized planet . The star is about 20% of the Sun's diameter and 17% as massive. Sloan Digital Sky Survey

No matter where you look the fecundity of the universe is manifest. Consider . Since the first was discovered in 1992, astronomers have been piling them on like mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving. Today we know of more than 3,700. Of those, 53 may be potentially habitable. The most recently discovered potentially life-friendly planet — and in some ways the most exciting — is Ross 128b, which circles the red dwarf star Ross 128 in the Virgo. Located just 11 light- away, it's the second closest Earth-sized planet within the habitable zone of its star. Astronomers estimate that temperatures on Ross 128b range from –76° to 68° F (–60° to 20° C). You could argue that's even more temperate than than that of Earth and likely warm enough for liquid water to pool on its surface. What's more, its star experiences far fewer massive flares compared to other red dwarfs, making conditions more hospitable to potential life. If you have a 4.5-inch or larger telescope, you can track down Ross 128 in Virgo in the morning sky. Place Beta (β) Virginis in the field of a low-power eyepiece and you're halfway there! Mars's location is shown for November 21st. Stellarium While you and I aren't going to see Ross 128b anytime soon, we can have the pleasure of seeing its host sun, Ross 128. Currently visible in a dark sky before the start of dawn, this newsy red dwarf is just 1.1° southwest of 3rd-magnitude Beta (β) Virginis. To find the dwarf and its mind's-eye planet, center Beta in the field of view and use the AAVSO map to star-hop right to it. Once Beta (β) Vir is in the field of view, use this chart from the American Association. of Observers to star-hop to Ross 128, also known as the variable star FI Virginis. Numbers are stellar magnitudes with the decimals omitted, so 107 = 10.7. North is up. AAVSO with annotations by the author Eager to see it for myself, I got up the first clear morning after the news of the discovery broke last week. Oh gosh, how easy could it be. Pale red and magnitude 11.2, Ross 128 is bright enough to spot in telescopes as small as 4 inches (10 cm). Mingled in the star's light were photons from its closely orbiting and perhaps habitable planet, a satisfying thought. Some 80% of the Milky Way's are red dwarfs, yet not a single one is visible to the naked eye. Being something of an introvert, I cotton to these shy suns. The brightest, Lacaille 8760 in , shines at magnitude 6.7. Despite their retiring nature, they make for fertile exoplanet hunting grounds. A tiny dwarf feels a much stronger — and more easily measurable — tug by an orbiting planet compared to a bigger star like our Sun.

This graph shows how the distances of several nearby stars change over a period from 20,000 years in the past to 80,000 years in the future. “0” is the current time; distances are given in light years. Ross 128 is closing in, as is Alpha Centauri. Around the 25,000 AD, the Alpha Centauri system will be just 3 light-years from Earth. FrancescoA / CC SA-3.0 If we're patient and smart enough not to destroy ourselves, we'll have an even better view of Ross 128 in due time. The star is moving towards us at 31 km/sec and will become our nearest stellar neighbor around 81,000 AD, when only 6.2 light-years will separate the two Earths. We celebrate Thanksgiving this week, a time to be grateful for all we have. As we reflect on the ups and downs that sustain our lives, feel free to take another helping at the table, including this stellar cranberry. CATEGORIES Explore the Night with Bob King, Observing, Observing News & Current Celestial Events, Variable Stars TAGS Exoplanets RELATED POSTS Puffed-Up Hot Jupiter Is Surprisingly Dark New Star and Exoplanet Names OK’d by IAU Exoplanet Portraits: A Tale of New Instruments Three Exoplanet Molds: Metals Matter Exoplanet Out for a Quick Spin

About Bob King Amateur astronomer since childhood and long-time member of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), Bob King also teaches community education astronomy and writes the blog Astro Bob. The universe invites us on an adventure every single night. All we need do is look up. My book "Night Sky with the Naked Eye" was just published and is now available on Amazon and BN. It covers all the great things you can see at night with just your eyeballs. No equipment needed!