Political Science

Department of Political Science Institute for Advanced Studies Profile – People – Publications

October 2008


Secretariat : +43/1/599 91-166 email: [email protected]

Founded in 1963 by two prominent Austrians living in exile – the sociologist Paul F. Lazarsfeld and the economist Oskar Morgenstern – with the financial support from the Ford Foundation, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, and the City of Vienna, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) is the first institution for postgraduate education and research in and the social sciences in Austria. The Political Science Series presents research done at the Department of Political Science and aims to share “work in progress” before formal publication. It includes papers by the Department’s teaching and research staff, visiting professors, graduate students, visiting fellows, and invited participants in seminars, workshops, and conferences. As usual, authors bear full responsibility for the content of their contributions.

Das Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) wurde im Jahr 1963 von zwei prominenten Exilösterreichern – dem Soziologen Paul F. Lazarsfeld und dem Ökonomen Oskar Morgenstern – mit Hilfe der Ford- Stiftung, des Österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Unterricht und der Stadt Wien gegründet und ist somit die erste nachuniversitäre Lehr- und Forschungsstätte für die Sozial- und Wirtschafts- wissenschaften in Österreich. Die Reihe Politikwissenschaft bietet Einblick in die Forschungsarbeit der Abteilung für Politikwissenschaft und verfolgt das Ziel, abteilungsinterne Diskussionsbeiträge einer breiteren fachinternen Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Die inhaltliche Verantwortung für die veröffentlichten Beiträge liegt bei den Autoren und Autorinnen. Gastbeiträge werden als solche gekennzeichnet. Contents

1. Introduction ...... 1

2. Head of Department ...... 3

3. Assistant Professors ...... 17

4. Project Researcher ...... 35

5. Associate Member ...... 41

6. Course Participants ...... 45

I H S — Brochure 2008 – Department of Political Science — 1

1. Introduction

Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)

(by Oliver Treib)

The Department of Political Science has been one of the core scientific units of the Institute for Advanced Studies since its founding in 1963. It is committed to advanced basic research in political science, embedded in the national and international scholarly communities, and it aims to provide post-graduate training at the highest international standards.

The Department has recently seen a change in leadership. Gerda Falkner has left the Department to become Director of the Institute for European Integration Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and I have been appointed her successor as Head of Department.

The staff of the Department currently comprises three assistant professors, a postdoctoral research fellow, an administrative manager, two research assistants and nine doctoral students enrolled in our post-graduate programme. Furthermore, we continue our long tradition of collaborating intensively with the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW). The Department thus hosts the ÖGPW’s secretariat and its current head, Patrick Scherhaufer.

The new research profile of the Department focuses on the comparative study of European countries and their interactions with the European Union. More specifically, current research by members of the Department revolves around various aspects of party politics in the European multi-level polity, including political representation and the linkage between parties and voters in the European political space, the attitudes of right-wing populist parties towards European integration, the role of domestic party politics in EU and international negotiations, intra-party dissent on European integration, and party patronage in contemporary European democracies.

In terms of international co-operations and funded research projects, the Department is member of SENT, an international network devoted to assessing the state of European studies today. Co-financed by the European Commission, SENT brings together more than 60 partner institutions from all over Europe. We also host a project funded by the German Volkswagen Stiftung under their European Foreign and Security Studies Programme. The project addresses the problem of functional overlaps in EU foreign policy and is conducted by Carmen Gebhard, who is affiliated to the Department as a postdoctoral research fellow. Moreover, several project proposals of our Department members are currently under review. 2 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

We thus hope to supplement our present research profile with a number of additional funded projects soon.

As in the previous years, we are proud that the Department’s visiting professors have included extremely renowned scholars such as Peter J. Katzenstein (Cornell University), Dirk Berg-Schlosser (Philipps-Universität Marburg) and Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh). Among our forthcoming visiting professors are Beate Kohler-Koch (Universität Mannheim and International Graduate School of the Social Sciences), Jan Beyers (University of Antwerpen), Simon Hix (London School of Economics) and Jonas Tallberg (Stockholm University).

Additionally, we had the pleasure of hosting public lectures by promising young scholars such as Daniel Naurin (Gothenburg University) and Achim Goerres (). Our upcoming guest lecturers include Catherine de Vries (University of Amsterdam) and Daniele Caramani (University of St. Gallen), among others.

The Political Science Department continues to be active in important conferences and workshops worldwide. Inter alia, members of the Department presented their work to audiences in Cologne, Dublin, Florence, Konstanz, Paris, Rennes and Utrecht.

The Political Science Department's recent publications were published with internationally renowned publishers such as Ashgate, Edward Elgar or Campus and our articles have appeared in refereed journals such as the Journal of Common Market Studies, Comparative European Politics and Politische Vierteljahresschrift.

Further information about the Department and its activities is available on our homepage at http://www.ihs.ac.at/index.php3?id=400.

Oliver Treib Head of Department

I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 3

2. Head of Department

Oliver Treib E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0043–1–59991–169 Fax: 0043–1–59991–171


Since Sep. 2008 Head of the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.

Sep. 2003 – Aug. 2008 Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.

July 2002 – Aug. 2003 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne.

Dec. 2002 Ph.D. in Political Science (Dr. rer. pol.) from the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Social Sciences, University of Cologne.

April 1999 – Dec. 2002 Doctoral studies at the University of Cologne.

June 1999 – May 2002: Doctoral Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne.

Feb. 1999 Masters degree in Political Science (Magister Artium), University of Cologne.

Feb. – May 1999 Translation into German of Fritz W. Scharpf’s book “Games Real Actors Play: Actor-Centered Institutionalism in Policy Research” (published as “Interaktionsformen: Akteurzentrierter Institutionalismus in der Politikforschung”, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2000).

Dec. 1995 – Feb. 1999 Undergraduate Research Assistant to Prof. Fritz W. Scharpf at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.

April 1992 – Feb. 1999 Studies in political science, history, and philosophy at the University of Cologne. 4 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Other Academic Activities and Accomplishments

Referee for: Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, West European Politics, Swiss Political Science Review, Journal of European Integration, European Integration Online Papers, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft; Manchester University Press.

Oct. 2008 – Feb. 2009 Guest lecturer at the University of Vienna

October 2007 Guest lecturer at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, doctoral school “Sustainable Development”.

May 2007 EUSA Book Prize 2005/2006 awarded by the European Union Studies Association for “Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005”.

Since January 2007 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of European Public Policy.

Oct. 2006 – Feb. 2007 Guest lecturer at the University of Vienna.

April 2005 – July 2007 Co-director of the project "Dead Letter or Living Rights? The Practice of EU Social Law in Central and Eastern Europe" funded under the Austrian research programme TRAFO for transdisciplinary research.

January 2005 MPIfG Paper Prize 2003/2004 awarded by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne for “Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit-These, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 44(4), 2003, 506-528”.

Since 2005 Member of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)

Dec. 2004 – July 2008 Co-chair of the section on “Comparative Politics and European Integration” of the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW)

Sept. 2004 – Aug. 2008 Co-director of the project “The Evolution and Impact of Governing Modes in EU Social and Environmental Policies”, which is part of the Integrated Project “New Modes of Governance in Europe (NEWGOV)”, funded under the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme.

April – Aug. 2003 Guest lecturer at the University of Cologne. I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 5

Feb. 2003 Guest lecturer at Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Graduate School “The Future of the European Social Model”.

Since+ 2003 Member of the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW).

Summer 2001 Participation in the Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences. Course on “Comparative Methodology” (lecturer: Charles Ragin).

Summer 1999 Participation in the MPIfG Summer School on “Comparative Politics”, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne (lecturer: Herbert Kitschelt).

List of Publications


Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008 (with Gerda Falkner and Elisabeth Holzleithner, with the co-operation of Emmanuelle Causse, Petra Furtlehner, Marianne Schulze and Clemens Wiedermann).

Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Die Bedeutung der nationalen Parteipolitik für die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialrichtlinien. Politik, Verbände, Recht: Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, Bd. 1. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 2004.

Journal Articles

Zwischen Parteipolitik und nationalen Interessen: Regierungs-Oppositions-Gegensätze im EU-Verfassungskonvent. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 37(3), 2008 (forthcoming).

Implementing and Complying with EU Governance Outputs. Living Reviews in European Governance 3(5), 2008, http://livingreviews.org/lreg-2008-5.

Europäisches Recht und nationale Parteipolitik: Warum Deutschland zu den Schlusslichtern bei der Umsetzung der EU-Antirassismusrichtlinie gehörte. Sozialer Fortschritt 57 (7-8), 2008, 202-208.

Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States, Journal of Common Market Studies 46(2), 2008, 293-313 (with Gerda Falkner).

In Search of the Worlds of Compliance: A Brief Reply, Journal of European Public Policy 14(6), 2007, 954-958 (with Gerda Falkner, Mriiam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber). 6 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to European Union Implementation Are Only “Sometimes-True Theories”, European Journal of Political Research 64(3), 2007, 395- 416 (with Gerda Falkner and Miriam Hartlapp).

Modes of Governance: Towards a Conceptual Clarification, Journal of European Public Policy 14(1), 2007, 1-20 (with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

Implementing and Complying with EU Governance Outputs, Living Reviews in European Governance 1(1), 2006, http://www.livingreviews.org/lreg-2006-1.

Les conflits politiques en Allemagne autour de la transposition de la directive européenne contre le racisme, Critique internationale No. 33, 2006, 27-38.

Was bewirken EU-Richtlinien in der Sozialpolitik? Ein Ost-West-Vergleich, WSI Mitteilungen 59(10), 2006, 547-552 (with Simone Leiber).

Europäische Sozialpolitik in der nationalen Praxis, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 51(2), 2005, 139-163 (with Gerda Falkner).

Non-Compliance with EU Directives in the Member States: Opposition through the Backdoor?, West European Politics 27(3), 2004, 452-473 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit-These, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 44(4), 2003, 506-528.

Book Chapters

Social Policy and Environmental Policy: Comparing Modes of Governance, in: Udo Diedrichs/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.), The Dynamics of Change in EU Governance: Policy- making and System Evolution. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2009 (with Gerda Falkner and Holger Bähr).

Bargaining and Lobbying in EU Social Policy, in: David Coen/Jeremy J. Richardson (eds.), Lobbying the European Union: Institutions, Actors and Issues. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2008 (with Gerda Falkner).

Introduction, in: Gerda Falkner/Oliver Treib/Elisabeth Holzleithner, Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, 1-25 (with Gerda Falkner and Elisabeth Holzleithner).

Conclusions: The State of EU Law in Central and Eastern European Practice, in: Gerda Falkner/Oliver Treib/Elisabeth Holzleithner, Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, 157-181 (with Gerda Falkner).

Von Hierarchie zu Kooperation? Zur Entwicklung von Governance-Formen in zwei regulativen Politikfeldern der EU, in: Ingeborg Tömmel (ed.), Die Europäische Union: Governance und Policy-Making, PVS-Sonderheft 40. Opladen: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008, 92-115 (with Gerda Falkner and Holger Bähr). I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 7

Policy Implementation, in Frank Fischer/Gerald J. Miller/Mara S. Sidney (eds.), Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics, and Methods. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2006, 89-107 (with Helga Pülzl).

Ustavni ugovor EU i budućnost države blagostanja u evropi, in: Drenka Vuković/Ana Čekerevac (eds.), Socijalna politika u procesu evropskih integracija. Belgrade: Čigoja štampa, 2006, 30-51 (translation into Serbian of a text on the EU's Constitutional Treaty and the future of the welfare state in Europe).

Nationale Rechtsbefolgung und die Zukunft der europäischen Sozialpolitik, in Heinrich Badura (ed.), Soziales Europa zwischen Nostalgie und Zukunftsorientierung. Waidhofen: Europäische Akademie für Lebensforschung, Integration und Zivilgesellschaft, 2006, 189- 198.

The EU and New Social Risks: The Need for a Differentiated Evaluation, in: Klaus Armingeon/Giuliano Bonoli (eds.), The Politics of Post-Industrial Welfare States. London: Routledge, 2006, 248-263 (with Gerda Falkner).

Der EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa, in Sonja Puntscher-Riekmann/Günter Herzig/Christian Dirninger (eds.), Europa Res Publica: Europäischer Konvent und Verfassungsgebung als Annäherung an eine europäische Republik? Wien: Böhlau, 2006, 257-288.

Europäische Sozialpolitik in der nationalen Praxis, in: Alexandra Baum-Ceisig/Anne Faber (eds.), Soziales Europa? Perspektiven des Wohlfahrtsstaates im Kontext von Europäisierung und Globalisierung. Festschrift für Klaus Busch. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2005, 220-238 (with Gerda Falkner).

Die Kooperation der Sozialpartner im Arbeitsrecht: Ein europäischer Weg?, in: Rainer Eising/Beate Kohler-Koch (eds.), Interessenpolitik in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005, 341-362 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskizze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster, in: Adrienne Héritier/Fritz W. Scharpf/Michael Stolleis (eds.), European and International Regulation after the Nation State: Different Scopes and Multiple Levels. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, 115-138 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Die Europäische Union als Herausforderung für die Sozialpolitik der Mitgliedsländer, in: Sieglinde Rosenberger/Emmerich Tálos (eds.), Sozialstaat: Probleme, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven. Wien: Mandelbaum-Verlag, 2003, 14-27 (with Gerda Falkner).

Working Papers

Sectorialised Policy-Making in the EU: Modes of Governance in Social and Environmental Policy. NewGov Policy Brief No. 7, 2008. Florence: European University Institute, http://www.eu- newgov.org/database/PUBLIC/Policy_Briefs/NEWGOV_Policy_Brief_no07.pdf. 8 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Governing Modes in Social and Environmental Policies. NewGov Policy Memorandum. Florence: European University Institute, 2007, http://www.eu-newgov.org/database/DELIV/D01D57_ Policy_Memo_GM_Social_&_Environmental_Policies.pdf

In Search of the Worlds of Compliance: Promises and Pitfalls of Quantitative Testing. IHS Working Paper Political Science Series 113. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2007, http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_113.pdf (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States. IHS Working Paper Political Science Series 112. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2007, http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_112.pdf (with Gerda Falkner).

Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to the Implementation of EU Legislation Are Only ‘Sometimes-True Theories’. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2006/22. Florence: European University Institute, http://www.iue.it/RSCAS/WP-Texts/06_22.pdf (with Gerda Falkner and Miriam Hartlapp).

Modes of Governance: A Note Towards Conceptual Clarification. European Governance Papers (EUROGOV) N-05-02, 2005, http://www.connex-network.org/eurogov/pdf/egp- newgov-N-05-02.pdf (with Gerda Falkner and Holger Bähr).

Der EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa. IHS Working Paper Politicial Science Series 99. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2004, http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_99.pdf.

The First EU Social Partner Agreement in Practice: Parental Leave in the 15 Member States. IHS Working Paper Political Science Series 96. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2004, http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_96.pdf (with Gerda Falkner).

Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit-These. MPIfG Discussion Paper 03/3. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2003, http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/pu/mpifg_dp/dp03-3.pdf.

Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of National Non-Compliance with European Directives. IHS Working Paper Political Science Series 83. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2002, http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_83.pdf (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber).

Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States. MPIfG Working Paper 02/11. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002, http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/pu/workpap/wp02-11/wp02-11.html (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber).

Book Reviews

Review of Michael Zürn/Christian Joerges (eds.), Law and Governance in Postnational Europe: Compliance beyond the Nation-State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, West European Politics 29(1), 2006, 183-184. I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 9

Conference Papers

Entpolitisierung oder Repolitisierung des Regierens? Parteipatronage in Österreich aus demokratietheoretischer Sicht. Drei-Länder-Tagung der DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, 21–23 November 2008, Osnabrück, Germany.

Government Positions in EU Decision-Making: How to Establish Party Political Influences. ECPR Fourth Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, 25–27 September 2008, Riga, Latvia.

Domestic Politics and International Governance: Do Parties Matter also Beyond the Nation State? International Workshop on “Political Institutions in the European Union: Theoretical and Empirical Innovations in Current Research”, 7–8 July 2008, .

Social Policy and Environmental Policy: Comparing Modes of Governance. NEWGOV Consortium Conference, 5–6 June 2008, European University Institute, Florence, Italy (with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

EU Social Policy and Eastern Europe: A World of Dead Letters? ESPAnet Conference 2007, 20–22 September 2007, Vienna, Austria (with Gerda Falkner).

25 Years of EU Implementation Research: What Have We Learnt? EUSA 10th Biennial International Conference, 17-19 May 2007, Montreal, Canada.

Making Dead Letters Live: Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of EU Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe. EUSA 10th Biennial International Conference, 17-19 May 2007, Montreal, Canada (with Gerda Falkner).

Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States. ECPR 3rd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Istanbul, 21-23 September 2006 (with Gerda Falkner).

Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to the Implementation of EU Legislation Are Only "Sometimes-True Theories". UACES 36th Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 31 August–2 September 2006 (with Gerda Falkner and Miriam Hartlapp).

Alte und neue Steuerungsformen in der EU: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Trends. Autorentagung für das PVS-Sonderheft 2007/2 “Governance und Policy-Making in der Europäischen Union”, Cologne, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

Party Politics, National Interests and the Constitutional Treaty: Cleavage Structures in the Negotiations on the Future of EU Social Policy. 3rd ECPR Conference, 8-10 September 2005, Budapest.

Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to EU Implementation Are Only “Sometimes-True Theories”. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 14-19 April 2005, Granada (with Miriam Hartlapp and Gerda Falkner). 10 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Explaining EU Policy Implementation Across Countries: Three Modes of Adaptation. EUSA 9th Biennial International Conference, 31 March-2 April 2005, Austin, Texas (with Gerda Falkner).

Modes of Governance, Old and New: A Note Towards Conceptual Clarification. Kick-off Workshop of NEWGOV Cluster One, Brussels, 10 December 2004 (with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

Implementation across 15 Countries and 6 Directives: Outcomes in the Light of Theoretical Hypotheses. 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, European Consortium for Political Research, Bologna, Italy, 24-26 June 2004.

The EU and New Social Risks: The Need for a Differentiated Evaluation. 14th Biennial Conference of Europeanists, “Europe and the World: Integration, Interdependence, Exceptionalism?”, Chicago, USA, 11-13 March 2004 (with Gerda Falkner).

The EU and New Social Risks: The Case of the Parental Leave Directive. Workshop on “The Politics of New Social Risks”, Lugano, 25-27 September 2003 (with Gerda Falkner).

EU Governance, Misfit, and the Partisan Logic of Domestic Adaptation: An Actor-Centered Perspective on the Transposition of EU Directives. 8th International Biennial Conference, European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Nashville, Tennessee, 27-29 March 2003.

Wo (k)ein Wille ist, ist auch (k)ein Weg: Die politische Logik des Regierens im europäischen Mehrebenensystem. MPG 2000+ Workshop “Politik und Recht unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung und Dezentralisierung”, Cologne, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 28-29 November 2002.

Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of National Non-Compliance with European Directives. 1st Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, “The Politics of European Integration: Academic Acquis and Future Challenges”, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Bordeaux, 26-28 September 2002 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Democracy, Social Dialogue and Citizenship in the European Multi-level System. 1st Pan- European Conference on European Union Politics, “The Politics of European Integration: Academic Acquis and Future Challenges“, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Bordeaux, 26-28 September 2002 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States. 13th International Conference of Europeanists “Europe in the New Millennium: Enlarging, Experimenting, Evolving“, Council for European Studies (CES), Chicago, 14-16 March 2002 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber). I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 11


Europäische Vorgaben, nationaler Anpassungsbedarf und seine politische Verarbeitung: Eine ländervergleichende Studie über die Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Großbritannien und Irland. Dissertation, Köln: Universität zu Köln, 2002.

Institutionen, Akteure und Entscheidungen in der EU: Die Auswirkungen des Maastrichter Sozialprotokolls auf die Entscheidungen in der Sozialpolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Magisterarbeit, Köln: Universität zu Köln, 1999.

Other Publications

Scharpf, Fritz W.: Interaktionsformen: Akteurzentrierter Institutionalismus in der Politik- forschung. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2000 (translation into German of “Games Real Actors Play: Actor Centered Institutionalism in Policy Research”, Boulder: Westview, 1997).

Contributions to Conferences and Presentations

21–23 November 2008: Drei-Länder-Tagung der DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, Osnabrück, Germany. Presentation of a paper on “Entpolitisierung oder Repolitisierung des Regierens? Parteipatronage in Österreich aus demokratietheoretischer Sicht”.

25–27 September 2008: ECPR Fourth Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, Riga, Latvia. Presentation of a paper on “Government Positions in EU Decision-Making: How to Establish Party Political Influences”.

7–8 July 2008: International Workshop on “Political Institutions in the European Union: Theoretical and Empirical Innovations in Current Research”, University Konstanz, Germany. Presentation of a paper on “Domestic Politics and International Governance: Do Parties Matter Beyond the Nation State?”

4 July 2008: Meeting of the Academic Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “Do Parties Matter Beyond the Nation State?”

5–6 June 2008: NEWGOV Consortium Conference, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Presentation of a paper on “Social Policy and Environmental Policy: Comparing Modes of Governance”.

22 January 2008: Research colloquium “Europäisierung, Globalisierung und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates”, Leibniz University of , Germany. Lecture on “EU- Sozialpolitik, nationale Rechtsbefolgung und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa”.

29 November 2007: Lecture series “Europe on my mind again”, Bildungswerk Weiterdenken in der Hans-Böll-Stiftung, Dresden, Germany. Lecture on “Die soziale Dimension der europäischen Integration: Stand und Perspektiven”. 12 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

19 November 2007: Doctoral school “Sustainable Development”, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. Lecture on “Der Ansatz des akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus und seine Anwendung in der politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung”.

31 May–1 June 2007: NEWGOV Consortium Conference, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Presentation on “Social Policy and Environmental Policy: Comparing Modes of Governance”.

17–19 May 2007: EUSA 10th Biennial International Conference, Montreal, Canada. Presentation of two papers, one on “25 Years of EU Implementation Research: What Have We Learnt?”, the other on “Making Dead Letters Live: Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of EU Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe” (the latter co- authored with Gerda Falkner).

22–23 March 2007: International Practitioner Conference, “The Life of Letters in Comparison”, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “The ‘Life of Letters’ in Comparison: EU Social Policy in Eastern and Western European Practice”.

11–13 January 2007: Workshop of the Department of Political Science, Berne University, “Compensatory Constitutionalism”, Kandersteg, Switzerland. Presentation on “Dead Letter Instead of Living Rights: The European Legal Order between Formal Strengths and Practical Shortcomings”.

21–23 September 2006: ECPR 3rd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Istanbul, Turkey. Presentation of a paper on “Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States” (with Gerda Falkner); discussant of the panel “New modes of governance and enlargement: A better way of coping with accession?”.

31 August–2 September 2006: UACES 36th Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland. Presentation of a paper on “Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to EU Implementation Are Only ‘Sometimes-True Theories’” (co-authored with Gerda Falkner and Miriam Hartlapp).

13–15 July 2006: Authors’ workshop for the special issue 2007/2 of Politische Vierteljahresschrift, “Die Europäische Union: Governance und Policy-Making”, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany. Presentation of a paper on “Alte und neue Steuerungsformen in der EU: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Trends” (with Gerda Falkner and Holger Bähr).

6–7 July 2006: International Strategy Workshop, “Making the Letters Live”, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “Dead Letter or Living Rights? The Practice of EU Social Law in Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic: The Results So Far”.

26 June 2006: Meeting of the Academic Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “The Role of Domestic Party Politics in International Negotiations”. I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 13

16 March 2006: Departmental Research Seminar Political Science, Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “National and Party Political Cleavages in the European Convention: The Case of Social Policy”.

2–3 February 2006: Workshop of NEWGOV Cluster One, Cologne, Germany. Presentation of a paper on “Expansion of the Community Method in European Environmental and Social Policy” (co-authored with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

24–26 November 2005: 5. Internationale Europakonferenz der Europäischen Akademie für Lebensforschung, Integration und Zivilgesellschaft, “Soziales Europa zwischen Nostalgie und Zukunftsorientierung”, Waidhofen/Thaya, Austria. Presentation on “Nationale Rechtsbefolgung und die Zukunft der europäischen Sozialpolitik”.

21 October 2005: Conference in honour of Prof. Dr. Klaus Busch on the occasion of his 60th birthday, “Soziales Europa? Perspektiven des Wohlfahrtsstaates im Kontext von Europäisierung und Globalisierung”, University of Osnabrück, Germany. Presentation on “Europäische Sozialpolitik in der nationalen Praxis”.

8–10 September 2005: 3rd ECPR Conference, Budapest, Hungary. Presentation of a paper on “Party Politics, National Interests and the Constitutional Treaty: Cleavage Structures in the Negotiations on the Future of EU Social Policy”.

30–31 May 2005: NEWGOV Consortium Conference, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Presentation of the IHS project team’s preliminary results (with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

29 March–2 April 2005: EUSA 9th Biennial International Conference, Austin, Texas. Presentation of a paper on “Explaining EU Policy Implementation Across Countries: Three Modes of Adaptation” (with Gerda Falkner).

10 December 2004: Kick-off Workshop of NEWGOV Cluster One, Brussels, Belgium. Presentation of a paper on “Modes of Governance, Old and New: A Note Towards Conceptual Clarification” (co-authored with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

3 December 2004: Roundtable discussion including Christian Joerges (European University Institute, Florence), Bedanna Bapuly (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) and Gerda Falkner (IHS, Vienna), Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “The Differential Logics of Implementing EU Directives in the Three Worlds of Compliance”.

30 June 2004: Meeting of the Academic Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “Complying with Europe? The Impact of EU Minimum Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States”.

24–26 June 2004: 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Bologna, Italy. Presentation of a paper on “Implementation across 15 Countries and 6 Directives: Outcomes in the Light of Theoretical Hypotheses”. 14 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

13–15 May 2004: Graduate conference “powi 04”, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Discussant in the working group on “Austria and the EU”.

11–13 March 2004: Council for European Studies 14th Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, USA. Presentation of a paper on “The EU and New Social Risks: The Case of the Parental Leave Directive” (co-authored with Gerda Falkner).

29 January 2004: Departmental Research Seminar Political Science, Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. Presentation on “Europäisches Recht und nationale Politik: Die Umsetzung sozialpolitischer EU- Richtlinien im Ländervergleich”.

11 December 2003: Lecture series “Eine Verfassung für die Europäische Union: Perspektiven für eine Konsolidierung nach innen und Vertretung nach außen”, Institute of Political Science, University of Salzburg, Austria. Presentation on “Die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa”.

25–27 September 2003: Authors’ workshop, “The Political Regulation of New Social Risks”, Lugano, Switzerland. Presentation of a paper on “The EU and New Social Risks: The Case of the Parental Leave Directive” (co-authored with Gerda Falkner).

15 July 2003: Conference of the Cologne Pole of Jean Monnet Chairs and European Integration Specialists, “Der Konventsentwurf des Verfassungsvertrages der EU”, University of Cologne, Germany. Presentation on “Neuerungen im Verfassungsentwurf des Konvents im Bereich Beschäftigungs- und Sozialpolitik”.

3 June 2003: Research Seminar, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany. Presentation on “New Governance and Social Europe: Theory and Practice of Minimum Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Multilevel System” (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

10 April 2003: Meeting with a delegation of the CDU-Wertekommission, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany. Presentation on “Ökonomische Internationalisierung und die Chancen erfolgreicher europäischer Re-Regulierung am Beispiel der EU-Sozialpolitik”.

27–29 March 2003: EUSA 8th International Biennial Conference, Nashville, USA. Presentation of a paper on “EU Governance, Misfit, and the Partisan Logic of Domestic Adaptation: An Actor-Centered Perspective on the Transposition of EU Directives”; chair and discussant of the panel “Harmonization vs. Expecting Difference: Domestic Variation in European Integration”.

28–29 November 2002: MPG 2000+ Workshop “Politik und Recht unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung und Dezentralisierung”, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany. Presentation of a paper on “Die politische Logik des Regierens im europäischen Mehrebenensystem”. I H S — Oliver Treib / Head of Department — 15

7 October 2002: Joint research workshop of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the Max Planck Project Group on the Law of Common Goods, Bonn, Germany. Presentation on “Europäische Vorgaben und die politische Verarbeitung des nationalen Anpassungsbedarfs: Die Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien in ländervergleichender Perspektive”.

26–28 September 2002: ECPR 1st Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, Bordeaux, France. Presentation of a paper on “Democracy, Social Dialogue and Citizenship in the European Multi-level System” (co-authored with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber) and chair of the panel “Towards a European Citizenship”.

4–5 July 2002: Conference of the DFG-Schwerpunkt “Regieren in der Europäischen Union” and the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, “Interessendurchsetzung im Mehrebenensystem”, Mannheim, Germany. Presentation of a paper on “Interessendurchsetzung im Mehrebenensystem am Beispiel der EU-Sozialpolitik” (co-authored with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

14–16 March 2002: Council for European Studies, 13th Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, USA. Presentation of a paper on “Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States”.

16–18 November 2001: Conference of the Sektion “Politik und Ökonomie” of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, “Zukunft und Perspektiven des Wohlfahrtsstaates”, Hagen, Germany. Presentation on “Mehrebenenpolitik in der Europäischen Union: Wo ist der Ort der Sozialpolitik?” (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

31 May 2001: Meeting of the Academic Advisory Board, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany. Presentation on “Policy Misfit and the Implementation of EC Social Policy Directives”.

16 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

I H S — Erica E. Edwards / Assistant Professor — 17

3. Assistant Professors

Erica E. Edwards E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0043–1–59991–180 Fax: 0043–1–59991–171


Since Sep. 2008 Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria

Jan. – Aug. 2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Multi-Level Governance at the Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dec. 2007 Ph.D. in Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Aug. 2001 – Dec. 2007 Doctoral Student as well as Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

April 2004 – July 2005 Visiting Research Fellow at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung (WZB), Research Unit – Democracy: Structures, Performances, and Challenges, Berlin, Germany

June 2001 Masters degree in Advanced European Studies, Collège d’Europe, Bruges, Belgium (Très Bien)

Sep. 2000 – June 2001 Fulbright Fellow in European Union Studies, Collège d’Europe, Bruges, Belgium

May 2000 Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, international relations, and French, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, USA (Summa Cum Laude)

Other Academic Activities and Accomplishments

Since 2006 Co-Principal Investigator for Chapel Hill Expert Survey on Positioning of Political Parties on European Integration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (with Gary Marks, Liesbet Hooghe, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova, Ryan Bakker, and Catherine de Vries). 18 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

June 2008 Co-organizer of workshop on the “Politics of Change”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (with Catherine de Vries). http://www.unc.edu/depts/europe/conferences/poc2008/

May 2008 Discussant for workshop on “Reflections on Methodology”, Politicologenetmaal (meeting of the Dutch/Flemish Political Science Association), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Aug. 2006 – May 2008 Online course instructor (Introduction to European Politics), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Aug. – Dec. 2007 Undergraduate seminar (Understanding the European Union: History, Institutions, and Politics of the EU), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Aug. 2005 – Dec. 2007 Instructor and Teaching Assistant for the University of North Carolina Video Consortium in European Union Studies, a collaborative teleconferencing project among UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, and North Carolina State University. Courses included: Understanding the European Union, Europe as Identity (with Peter Wagner), Undivided Europe: Democratization and International Organizations after Communism (with Milada Vachudova), and European Monetary Union (with James Walsh).

Jan. – May 2007 Teaching Assistant to Liesbet Hooghe and Andrew Reynolds (Global Issues), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Sept. 2004 Participant in the ECPR Summer School on European Parties and Party Systems, Rijs, The Netherlands.

Jan. – May 2004 Teaching Assistant to Milada Vachudova (Undivided Europe: Democratization and International Organizations after Communism), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Aug. – Dec. 2003 Teaching Assistant to John Stephens (Introduction to Western European Politics), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Aug. 2002 – Dec. 2003 Professional Writer at the Center for European Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Developed web- based course on the European Union.)

Jan. 2002 – Dec. 2004 Research Assistant for 2002 Chapel Hill Expert Survey on Positioning of Political Parties on European Integration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Aug. – Dec. 2001 Research Assistant to Gary Marks, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Aug. – Dec. 2001 Research Assistant at the Center for European Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Developed Model EU program for undergraduate students.) I H S — Erica E. Edwards / Assistant Professor — 19

Reviewer Acta Politica, European Union Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Politics, and Political Studies.

Personal Memberships American Political Science Association (APSA), the Council for European Studies, the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), and the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA).

Grants and Prizes UNC European Union Center for Excellence Summer Research Fellowship (2003, 2006, 2007); EUSA Ernst Haas Memorial Fund Dissertation Fellowship (2006); UNC-Chapel Hill Off-Campus Dissertation Fellowship (Berlin, Spring 2005); American Social Science Research Council Fellowship (Berlin, 2004-2005); Council for European Studies Florence Gould Dissertation Grant (Paris, Summer 2003); US Department of Education Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship (2002-2003); American National Science Foundation Democracy & Democratization Fellowship (2001-2002); Fulbright Fellowship (Belgium, 2000-2001).

List of Publications

Journal Articles

Reliability and Validity of Measuring Party Positions: The Chapel Hill Expert Surveys of 2002 and 2006 (with Liesbet Hooghe, Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, and Marco Steenbergen). Under review.

Taking Europe to Its Extremes: Extremist Parties and Public Euroscepticism, in Party Politics 15 (1), 2009 (with Catherine de Vries).

Who’s Cueing Whom? Mass-Elite Linkages and the Future of European Integration, in European Union Politics 8, 39-49, 2007 (with Marco Steenbergen and Catherine de Vries).

Party Competition and European Integration in East and West Europe: Different Structure, Same Causality, in Comparative Political Studies 39, 155-175, 2006 (with Gary Marks, Liesbet Hooghe, and Moira Nelson).

United We Stand? Intra-Party Dissent on Issues of European Integration. Revise and resubmit.

Fickle Parties or Changing Dimensions? Testing the Comparability of the Party Manifesto Data Across Time” (with Ryan Bakker and Catherine de Vries). Under review.

Mean Voter Representation versus Mean Partisan Representation: Do Parties Respond to the Mean Voter Position or to Their Supporters? (with Lawrence Ezrow, Catherine de Vries, and Marco Steenbergen). Under review. 20 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Products of their Past? Cleavage Theory and Intra-Party Dissent over European Integration. Under review.

Struggle over Dimensionality: Party Competition in Europe (with Jan Rovny). Under review.

Clarity of Responsibility beyond the Pocketbooks: How Political Institutions Mediate EU Issue Voting (with Catherine de Vries). Under review.

Book Chapters

Party Ideology and European Integration: An East-West Comparison, in Robert Rohrschneider and Stephen Whitefield (eds.) Public Opinion, Party Competition and European Union Integration in Post-Communist Eastern Europe New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 (with Gary Marks, Liesbet Hooghe, and Moira Nelson).

Working Papers

Taking Europe to Its Extremes: Examining Cueing Effects of Right-wing Parties Regarding European Integration. Discussion Paper SP IV 2005-202, WZB (with Catherine Netjes).

Conference Papers

Clarity of Responsibility beyond the Pocketbooks: How Political Institutions Mediate EU Issue Voting (with Catherine de Vries). Presented at the ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, September 2008, Riga, Latvia.

Struggle over Dimensionality: Party Competition in Europe (with Jan Rovny). Presented at the ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, September 2008, Riga, Latvia. Earlier versions presented at the Politics of Change Workshop, June 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2008, Chicago, IL.

Mean Voter Representation versus Mean Partisan Representation: Do Parties Respond to the Mean Voter Position or to their Supporters? (with Lawrence Ezrow, Catherine de Vries, and Marco Steenbergen). Presented at the meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 2007, Chicago, IL. Earlier version presented at the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2007, Chicago, IL.

United We Stand? Intra-Party Dissent on Issues of European Integration. Presented at the meeting of the European Union Studies Association, May 2007, Montreal, Canada. Earlier versions presented at the meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2007, Chicago, IL, and the American Political Science Association, September 2006, Philadelphia, PA.

Intra-Party Dissent in the EU on Issues of European Integration. Presented at the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2006, Chicago, IL. I H S — Erica E. Edwards / Assistant Professor — 21

Taking Europe to Its Extremes: Extremist Parties and Public Euroscepticism (with Catherine de Vries). Presented at the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2006, Chicago, IL.

Fickle Parties or Changing Dimensions? Testing the Comparability of the Party Manifesto Data Across Time (with Ryan Bakker and Catherine de Vries). Presented at the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2006, Chicago, IL. Earlier version presented the meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2005, Washington DC.

Who’s Cueing Whom? Assessing the Relationship between Electorate Opinion and Party Positions on European Integration (with Marco Steenbergen and Catherine de Vries). Presented at the meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2005, Washington DC. Earlier version presented at the Conference on Eurosceptism, July 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Examining Cueing Effects of Right-Wing Parties Regarding European Integration (with Catherine de Vries). Presented at the Politicologenetmaal (meeting of the Dutch/Flemish Political Science Association), May 2005, Antwerp, Belgium.

Electorate Opinion and Party Positions on European Integration. Presented at the Ph.D. Summer School on European Parties and Party Systems, September 2004, Rijs, The Netherlands.

National Identity and Public Support for European Integration: The Role of Populist Right- Wing Parties (with Catherine Netjes). Presented at the ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, June 2004, Bologna, Italy.

Party Ideology and European Integration: An East-West Comparison (with Gary Marks, Liesbet Hooghe, and Moira Nelson). Presented at the Workshop on Political Cleavages and Party Competition, April 2004, Duke University, Durham, NC.

Linking People to Institutions: The European Parliament and the Search for Democratic Representation in the EU. Presented at the 7th Annual Graduate Student Conference, BMW Center for German & European Studies, March 2003, Georgetown University, Washington DC. Earlier version presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 2000, Galveston, TX.

A Fourth Regime? Presented at the meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2003, Philadelphia, PA.

Revisiting Esping-Andersen’s ‘Three Worlds’ Using Cluster Analysis. Presented at the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2003, Chicago, IL.


Intra-Party Dissent over European Integration. Dissertation. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007. 22 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

The End of an Affair? The Relationship between the PES and the EPP in the Aftermath of the 1999 European Elections. Masters thesis. Collège d’Europe, Brugge, 2001.

Linking People to Institutions: The European Parliament and the Search for Democratic Representation in the European Union. Bachelor’s honors thesis. University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2000.

I H S — Guido Tiemann / Assistant Professor — 23

Guido Tiemann E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0043–1–59991–176 Fax: 0043–1–59991–171


Since Sep. 2007 Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria.

Oct. 2006 – Sep. 2007 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne; Project: “Euroskepticism in the European Multi-Level System”

Jan. 2006 – Sep. 2006 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Frankfurt Institute of Transformation Studies (F.I.T.), Frankfurt (Oder); Project: “The Nationalization of Party Systems in Postcommunist Eastern Europe”

July 2005 Ph.D. in Political Science (“Dr. phil.”); Thesis: “Electoral Systems, Party Systems, and Political Representation in Postcommunist Eastern Europe” (German: “Wahlsysteme, Parteiensysteme und politische Repräsentation in Osteuropa”); Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Detlef Pollack and Prof. Dr. Dr. Dirk Berg-Schlosser

Oct. 2003 – Dec. 2006 Researcher (“wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at the Chair of Comparative Cultural Sociology, European University Frankfurt (Oder) and Coordinator of the International Graduate Centre “Europe Fellows II” at the in Słubice

Oct. 1999 – Sep. 2003 Researcher (“wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at the Chair of Comparative Politics,

May 1999 M.A. in Political Science (“Dipl. Pol.”), Sociology and History; Philipps University Marburg; Thesis: “Genesis and Consolidation of Political Institutions. Executive-Legislative Design and Electoral Systems in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania” (German: “Genese und Konsolidierung politischer Institutionen. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Transformationsprozesse in Albanien, Bulgarien, Polen, Rumänien und Ungarn”); Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dirk Berg-Schlosser 24 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

June 1998 – May 1999 Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger; Project “Isolierte Partner”; sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG); project management; preparation and conduct of interviews

Oct. 1997 – April 1998 Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Dr. Dirk Berg-Schlosser; Dr. Norbert Kersting; Project “Politische Partizipation in urbanen Marginalsiedlungen”; sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG); project and data management; statistical analysis of comparative data from four developing countries

Oct. 1998 – April 1999 Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. Dr. Dirk Berg-Schlosser Comparative Politics (German: “Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft”); introduction to macro-quantitative (SPSS) and macro-qualitative (QCA) techniques of data analysis

April 1997 – Oct. 1997 Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. Dr. Dirk Berg-Schlosser “Introduction to Comparative Politics” (German: “Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft”)

Other Academic Activities and Accomplishments

Member of the “Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft” (DVPW), the “Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft“ (ÖGPW) and the “American Political Science Association“ (APSA)

Since 1999, regular teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Greifswald, the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna and the University of Vienna; Supervision of BA theses.

List of Publications


Electoral Systems, Party Systems, and Political Representation in Postcommunist Eastern Europe (in German: “Wahlsysteme, Parteiensysteme und politische Repräsentation im postkommunistischen Osteuropa”). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006 (377 S.)

Journal Articles

Coordination in West European Electorates. An Application of Multilevel Analysis to Electoral Systems Research (under review)

The “Laws of Electoral Systems”. Evidence and Generalizations at the National Level (under review) I H S — Guido Tiemann / Assistant Professor — 25

Social Heterogeneity, Federalism, and the Nationalization of Politics in Postcommunist Eastern Europe (under review)

Kinder an die Macht? Die politischen Konsequenzen eines stellvertretenden Elternwahrechts [under review with „Politische Vierteljahresschrift“ (PVS)]

Book Chapters

2008 Instrumente zum Umgang mit heterogenen Daten und Kausalbeziehungen. Time- Series-Cross-Section- und Multilevel-Analysis. In: Gert Pickel (eds.). Vergleichende politikwissenschaftliche Methoden. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. [in print]

2008 Sozioökonomische Determinanten von Euroskeptizismus und Integrationsorientierung. In: Martin Höpner/ Armin Schäfer (Hg.). Die Politische Ökonomie der europäischen Integration. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 241-276.

2008 Externe Aspekte der Transition, Konsolidierung und Qualifizierung von Demokratien. In: Frank Bönker/ JanWielgohs (Hg.). “Postsozialistische Transformation und europäische (Des-)Integration”. Marburg: Metropolis, 167-174.

2008 “Cleavages” oder “Legacies”? Die Institutionalisierung und Struktur des politischen Wettbewerbs im postkommunistischen Osteuropa. In: Ellen Bos/Dieter Segert (Hg.). Osteuropäische Demokratien als Trendsetter? Parteien und Parteiensysteme nach dem Ende des Übergangsjahrzehnts. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 33-53.

2006 Das Endogenitätsproblem politischer Institutionen und die Optionen von “Electoral” und “Constitutional Engineering”. In: Gert Pickel/ Susanne Pickel (eds.). Demokratisierung im internationalen Vergleich. Neue Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 211-236.

2006 Euroskeptische Parteien zwischen Strategie und Ideologie. In: Amelie Kutter/ Vera Trappmann (eds.). Das Erbe des Beitritts. Baden Baden: Nomos, 171-188.

2005 The Nationalization of East European Party Systems. Frankfurt (Oder): F.I.T.Discussion Paper 02/05.

2003 Das “most different systems design” als Instrument zum Umgang mit multipler Kausalität. In: Susanne Pickel/ Gert Pickel/ Hans-Joachim Lauth/ Detlef Jahn (eds.). Vergleichende politikwissenschaftliche Methoden. Neue Entwicklungen und Diskussionen. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 265-287.

2002 Die baltischen Staaten. In: Detlef Jahn/ Nikolaus Werz (eds.). Politische Systeme und Beziehungen im Ostseeraum. München: Olzog, 57-79.

2002 Koalitionen in den baltischen Staaten: Lehrstücke für die Bedeutung funktionierender Parteien (mit Detlef Jahn). In: Sabine Kropp/ Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer/ Roland Sturm (eds.). Koalitionen in West- und Osteuropa. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 271-300. 26 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S


2006 Review of “Michael Holländer. 2003. Konfliktlinien und Konfiguration der Parteiensysteme in Ostmitteleuropa 1988-2002”. In: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 37 (1), 233-235.


Electoral Systems, Party Systems, and Political Representation in Postcommunist Eastern Europe (in German: “Wahlsysteme, Parteiensysteme und politische Repräsentation im postkommunistischen Osteuropa”). European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, January 2005 (582 S.)

Genesis and Consolidation of Political Institutions. Executive-Legislative Design and Electoral Systems in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania (in German: “Genese und Konsolidierung politischer Institutionen. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Transformationsprozesse in Albanien, Bulgarien, Polen, Rumänien und Ungarn”). Philipps University Marburg, Institute for Political Science, February 1999 (161 S.)

Papers for Conferences and Presentations

Struktur und Veränderung des “European Political Space”. Gemeinsame Tagung von DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW (“Drei-Länder-Tagung”), University Osnabrück, 21-23 November 2008.

Party Strategy and Voting Behaviour Within the European Political Space. Fourth Pan- European Conference on European Union Politics (ECPR), University of Riga, 25-27 September 2008

The Erosion of Public and Partisan Support for European Integration in Western and Eastern Germany. PSA German Politics Specialist GroupWorkshop, Politische Akademie Tutzing, 12- 14 September 2008

A Spatial Model of Elections to the European Parliament. Internationaler Workshop “Political Institutions in the European Union: Theoretical and Empirical Innovations in Current Research”, University of Konstanz, 7-8 July 2008

Static and Dynamic Perspectives on Party System Nationalization in Postcommunist Eastern Europe. Joint Sessions of Workshops (ECPR), University of Rennes / Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Rennes, 11-16 April 2008

Fortgeschrittene Regressionsmodelle in Stata. Time-Series-Cross-Section und Mehrebenenmodelle. Course of two days at „Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung“ (MPIfG), 20-21 February 2008

The Temporal Dimension of the European Political Space. 4th General Conference of the “European Consortium for Political Research” (ECPR), University of Pisa, 6-8 September 2007. I H S — Guido Tiemann / Assistant Professor — 27

Die Debatte zum “European Political Space“ und die Dynamik von euroskeptischen Orientierungen in der EU-27. Guest lecture at “Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung” (MPIfG), 31 May 2007.

Die Determinanten von Parteiensystemen. Konferenz “Parteien und Parteiensysteme in Osteuropa – Entwicklungstendenzen nach dem Ende des Übergangsjahrzehnts”, Andrassy- University of Budapest, 16-19 Mai 2007.

Europe - Left or Right? Public and Partisan Support for European Integration. Guest lecture at the “Department of Politics and International Relations”, University of Aberdeen on 9 May 2007.

Wahlsysteme, Parteiensysteme und politische Repräsentation in Osteuropa. Gastvortrag am “Zentrum für Demokratieforschung”, University of Lüneburg on 17 January 2006.

Euroskeptic Parties and Post-Communist Issue Spaces. Conference of the “Arbeitskreis Interkultureller Demokratievergleich” of the DVPW, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), 24-26 June 2005.

Comparative Analysis of Electoral Systems Using District Level Data. 3rd General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Corvinus University Budapest, 8-11 September 2005.

The Nationalization of East European Party Systems. 3rd General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Corvinus University Budapest, 8-11 September 2005.

Wahlsysteme und Parteiensysteme - Eine kritische Replikation einschlägiger Modelle und Analyseverfahren. Conference of the “Arbeitskreis Interkultureller Demokratievergleich” and “Adhoc-Gruppe Empirische Methoden der Politikwissenschaft” of the DVPW, University of Lüneburg, Zentrum für Demokratieforschung, 7-9 Oktober 2004.

Multi-Level Designs in Comparative Politics. Conceptional Discussion and an Application to Electoral Studies. Conference of the “Arbeitskreis Interkultureller Demokratievergleich” of the DVPW, University of Greifswald, 04.-07. Juli 2002.

Die baltischen Staaten. Die multiplen Vergangenheiten einer heterogenen Region. Konferenz “Politische Systeme und politische Beziehungen im Ostseeraum”, , 15- 16 June 2001.

28 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

I H S — Andreas Wimmel / Assistant Professor — 29

Andreas Wimmel E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0043–1–59991–217 Fax: 0043–1–59991–171


Since Sep. 2006 Assistant Professor for European Studies at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria

Jan. 2003 – Aug. 2006 Research and Teaching Assistant at the Collaborative Research Centre “Transformations of the State” (Sonderforschungsbereich “Staatlichkeit im Wandel”), funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), , Germany

Sep. 2005 – July 2006 Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy

Nov. 2004 Ph.D. (Dr. rer. pol.) in European Integration and Political Theory, University of Bremen, Germany

Dec. 2000 – Dec. 2002 Research and Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS), Chair: Political and Social Theory, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Peters, University of Bremen, Germany

Jan. 1998 – Sep. 2000 Undergraduate Student Assistant and Tutor at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS), Chair: Political and Social Theory, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Peters, University of Bremen, Germany

Oct. 1996 – July 2000 Student of Political and Social Science at the University of Bremen, Germany

Other Academic Activities and Accomplishments

Summer Schools 40th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection 2007, Course: Case Study Research Methods, University of Essex, UK (Participant)

July 2007 Two-week Visiting Researcher at the Department of Government, University of Essex, UK 30 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Postgraduate Teaching Seminar on Research Design in Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies (Winter term 2007)

Discussion and evaluation of dissertation projects (10 units) at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna (with G. Falkner, O. Treib and G. Tiemann) (Winter term 2007/2008)

Discussion and evaluation of dissertation projects (10 units) at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna (with G. Falkner, O. Treib and S. Kritzinger) (Summer term 2007)

Undergraduate Teaching Seminars on Political and Social Theory, Democracy and Governance in the European Union, and European Public Sphere at University of Bremen, Germany (2001-2005)

Reviewer Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP), Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB), Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), European Societies, European Integration online Papers (EIoP), SFB-TransState Working Paper, Living Reviews in European Governance, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (Research Program >node<)

Personal Memberships German Association of Political Science (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, DVPW), European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Austrian Society for Political Science (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft, ÖGPW)

Workshop Organisation

2008 Organisation of the workshop “Die Verfassung der Europäischen Union: Legitim und demokratisch?” (3 panels) in the framework of the Gemeinsame Tagung (3-Länder- Tagung) of DVPW, ÖGPW and SVPW “Die Verfassung der Demokratien”, 21-23 November 2008 at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany (with Thorsten Hüller)

Panel Chair and Discussant

2008 Discussant of the panel “Die demokratische Legitimation europäischen Regierens: Theoretische und methodische Grundlagen“ in the framework of the workshop “Die Verfassung der Europäischen Union: Legitim und demokratisch?“ at the Gemeinsame Tagung (3-Länder- Tagung) of DVPW, ÖGPW and SVPW „Die Verfassung der Demokratien“, 21.-23. November 2008 at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany I H S — Andreas Wimmel / Assistant Professor — 31

Discussant and chair of the panel “Deliberation and Communication“ in the framework of the section “Theories of European Integration” at the Forth ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, 25-27 September 2008 in Riga, Latvia

Discussant of the panel “The Role of the Media in EU Constitution Making” in the framework of the section “Mediatisation and European Integration: A New Research Agenda” at the Forth ECPR General Conference, 6-8 September 2007 in Pisa, Italy

Discussant and chair of the panel “Neue Akteure im internationalen Regieren” in the framework of the workshop “Agency vs. Structure? Personalisierung in den Internationalen Beziehungen” at the Gemeinsame Tagung (3-Länder-Tagung) of ÖGPW, SVPW and DVPW „Politik und Persönlichkeit“, 30 November-2 December 2006 in Vienna, Austria

List of Publications


Transnationale Diskurse in Europa. Der Streit um den Türkei-Beitritt in Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien, Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2006

Journal Articles

Policy-Outputs, Efficiency, and the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union (in preparation)

The Legitimacy of Majority Decisions in International Organisations (in preparation)

New Cleavages in European Union Politics: The Deliberation on the Reform Treaty of Lisbon in the German Parliament (in preparation)

Neue (alte) Konfliktlinien in der Europapolitik: Die Beratung zum Reformvertrag von Lissabon im Deutschen Bundestag. In Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (under review)

Theorising the Democratic Legitimacy of European Governance: A Labyrinth With No Exit? In Journal of European Integration 31 (2), 2009, (forthcoming)

Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing Public Discourses on Turkey’s EU Application in the German, French and British Quality Press. In Journal of Language and Politics 8 (1), 2009, (forthcoming) 32 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Die demokratische Legitimität europäischen Regierens: Ein Labyrinth ohne Ausgang? In Integration – Vierteljahresschrift des Instituts für Europäische Politik, 2008, 31 (1), 48-64.

Political Philosophy meets European Studies. A Metatheoretical Framework, in Contemporary European Studies, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 2, 5-24.

Segmented Europeanization. Exploring the Legitimacy of the European Union from a Public Discourse Perspective, in Journal of Common Market Studies 45 (1), 2007, 127-155 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, and K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw, and S. Sifft)

Transnationale Diskurse in der europäischen Medienöffentlichkeit: Die Debatte zum EU- Beitritt der Türkei, in Politische Vierteljahresschrift 46 (3), 2005, 459-483

National and Transnational Public Spheres: The Case of the EU, in European Review 13 (1), 2005, 139-160 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw and S. Sifft)

Transnationale Diskurse. Zur Analyse politischer Kommunikation in der europäischen Medienöffentlichkeit, in Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 11 (1), 2004, 7-25

Sind sozialpolitische Interventionen aus liberaler Perspektive wertvoll? Thesen zum Spannungsverhältnis von persönlicher Freiheit und sozialer Sicherheit in modernen Wohlfahrtsstaaten, in Zeitschrift für Politik 50 (1), 2003, 53-73

Book Chapters

Continuity or Change? Ideas on the Future of the European Union in German Political Discourse (in preparation)

The Quest for a European Public Sphere: News Media and Democratic Legitimacy, in Joan DeBardeleben and Achim Hurrelmann (eds.): Democratic Dilemmas of Multilevel Governance: Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 94-116 (with H. Weßler, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw, and S. Sifft)

Segmented Europeanization. Trends and Patterns in the Transnationalization of Public Spheres in Europe, in Bernhard Peters (ed. by Hartmut Wessler): Public Deliberation and Public Culture. With a preface of Jürgen Habermas. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw, and S. Sifft)

Contemporary Journalism and its Contribution to a Discursive Public Sphere, in Bernhard Peters (ed. by Hartmut Wessler): Public Deliberation and Public Culture. With a preface of Jürgen Habermas. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 (with B. Peters and T. Schultz)

Segmentierte Europäisierung. Trends und Muster der Transnationalisierung von Öffentlichkeit in Europa, in Bernhard Peters (ed. by Hartmut Weßler): Der Sinn von Öffentlichkeit. Foreword by Jürgen Habermas. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2007, 298-321 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw, and S. Sifft) I H S — Andreas Wimmel / Assistant Professor — 33

Publizistische Beiträge zu einer diskursiven Öffentlichkeit, in Bernhard Peters (ed. by Hartmut Weßler): Der Sinn von Öffentlichkeit. Foreword by Jürgen Habermas. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2007, 203-247 (with B. Peters and T. Schultz).

Die Transnationalisierung von Öffentlichkeiten am Beispiel der Europäischen Union, in Stephan Leibfried and Michael Zürn (eds.) Transformation des Staates? Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2006, 230-261 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw, and S. Sifft)

Segmentierte Europäisierung - Trends und Muster der Transnationalisierung von Öffentlichkeit in Europa, in Wolfgang Langenbucher and Michael Latzer (eds.) Europäische Öffentlichkeit und medialer Wandel. Eine transdisziplinäre Perspektive, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006, 214-231 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen- v. Königslöw, and S. Sifft)

National and Transnational Public Spheres: The Case of the EU, in Stephan Leibfried and Michael Zürn (eds.) Transformations of the State? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 139-160 (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw and S. Sifft)

Working Papers

Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French and British Discourses on Turkey’s Application to Join the European Union. IHS Working Paper Series 111/2006, Vienna http://www.ihs.ac.at/index.php3?id=430

Segmented Europeanization. The Transnationalization of Public Spheres in Europe. Trends and Patterns. SFB-TransState Working Paper 37/2006, Bremen (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw and S. Sifft)

Transnationale Diskurse in der europäischen Medienöffentlichkeit: Die Debatte zum EU- Beitritt der Türkei. SFB-TransState Working Paper 29/2005, Bremen

Publizistische Beiträge zu einer diskursiven Öffentlichkeit. Eine themenübergreifende Inhaltsanalyse deutscher Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. InIIS-Arbeitspapier 30/2004, Bremen (with B. Peters and T. Schultz)

Conference Papers (Selection)

Theorising the Democratic Legitimacy of European Governance: A Labyrinth with no Exit? Paper presented at the ECPR Forth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, 25-27 September 2008, Riga, Latvia

Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French and British Discourses on Turkey’s Application to Join the European Union. Paper presented at the 4th ECPR General Conference, 6-8 September 2007, Pisa, Italy

»La fin de l`Union européenne«! Visions of Europe’s Finality in German, French and British Discourses on Turkey’s Application to join the European Union. Paper presented at the EUSA Tenth Biennial International Conference, 17-19 May 2007, Montreal, Canada 34 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Jenseits des Bosporus? Der öffentliche Diskurs um die EU-Mitgliedschaft der Türkei in deutschen, französischen und britischen Qualitätszeitungen. Paper presented at the 23rd DVPW-Congress Staat und Gesellschaft – fähig zur Reform? (Ad-hoc-Group “Ideelle Grundlagen außenpolitischen Handelns”), 25-29 September 2006, Münster, Germany

Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French and British Discourses on Turkey’s Application to join the European Union. Paper presented at the EMEDIATE Working Group, 1 March 2006, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy

Transnationale Diskurse in der europäischen Medienöffentlichkeit. Paper presented at the Conference Offene Tagung der DVPW-Sektion Internationale Politik, 6-7 October 2005, Mannheim, Germany

Segmented Europeanization: Patterns of the Transnationalization of Public Spheres in Europe. Paper presented at the 3rd ECPR Conference, 08-11 September 2005, Budapest, Hungary (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw and S. Sifft)

Segmented Europeanization: Persistence and Change of Public Spheres in Europe. Paper presented at the Second Pan-European Conference on EU Politics Implications of a Wider Europe, 24-26 June 2004, Bologna, Italy (with B. Peters, M. Brüggemann, K. Kleinen-v. Königslöw and S. Sifft)

Soziales Handeln auf drei Ebenen. Die Einflussfaktoren bei der Analyse politische Integrations- und Reformfähigkeit im europäischen Mehrebenensystem. Paper presented at the Conference Forschungslogik und Methoden der Internationalen Beziehungen und der Europaforschung, 2-4 April 2003, Hofgeismar, Germany


Review of the book: Demokratisierung der EU. Normative Demokratietheorie und Governance-Praxis im europäischen Mehrebenensystem (by Holger Huget), in Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49 (1), 2008, 188-190.

Review of the book: Europa in den Medien. Die europäische Integration im Spiegel nationaler Öffentlichkeit (by Hans-Jörg Trenz), in Politische Vierteljahresschrift 47 (3), 2006, 350-351


Die Konstitution transnationaler Diskurse in der europäischen Medienöffentlichkeit, untersucht am Beispiel der öffentlichen Debatte zu einem eventuellen EU-Beitritt der Türkei in deutschen, französischen und britischen Qualitätszeitungen. Dissertation, Bremen: University of Bremen, 2004

Der liberale Wert des Sozialstaates. Theoretische Diskurse zur freiheitlichen Perspektive sozialpolitischer Interventionen. Diplomarbeit, Bremen: University of Bremen, 2000

I H S — Carmen Gebhard / Project Researcher — 35

4. Project Researcher

Carmen Gebhard E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-263 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since 2007 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), European Foreign and Security Studies Programme, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation

February 2009 Visiting Fellow, Centre of European Policy Studies, Brussels

Sept – Nov 2008 Visiting Fellow, Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge, UK

Since 2008 EU Contract Agent (on hold), EPSO/CAST27/4/07, Scientific Adviser, RELEX

Since 2004 Consultant, Research Associate and Freelance Author (European Security and Defence, National Defence), Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management, Austrian National Defence Academy

Sep. 2006 - Aug. 2007 Research Fellow, European Decision-Making Unit, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht, the Netherlands

Spring 2006 Lecturer at the European Studies Centre, Széchenyi István Egyetem University, Györ, Hungary

April 2005 – July 2006 Researcher (full time); i.a. project leader 'EU Crisis Management' and 'European Defence Agency'; consultant for EU-Policies for Eastern Europe and Russia, Austrian Institute for European Security Policy (AIES), Maria Enzersdorf, Austria

July 2003 – June 2006 Incoming International Students Advisory Service; honorary post, ESN (Erasmus Student Network), University of Vienna

June 2001 – March 2005 Office Assistant; project management; Department for Media Research, Fessel GfK Market & Opinion Research, Vienna 36 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S


Since 2008 (– exp. 2011) Doctoral Candidate in Military Science/Security Studies (92/100 pts), Military University Budapest, Joint PhD Programme with the National Defence Academy, Vienna

Oct. 2007 – May 2008 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

June 2007 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in Comparative Politics, 'passed with distinction', University of Vienna

Jan. 2005 – March 2007 Doctoral Candidate of Political Science with special focus on Comparative Politics and Regionalism, University of Vienna

November 2004 Mag. phil. in Political Science (MA equivalent), 'passed with distinction', University of Vienna

Jan. 2004 – July 2004 ERASMUS graduate student, diploma thesis on “European Integration and Neutrality”, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen/Stockholm Universitet and Juridiska fakulteten/Uppsala Universitet (S)

November 2003 Graduation in History, subsidiary subject diploma, 'passed with distinction', University of Vienna

Oct. 1999 – Nov. 2004 Undergraduate and Graduate Student of Political Science, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Vienna

Other Achievements / Activities (selection)

February 2009 Panel Contribution, „The Nature of the EU as a Global Conflict Manager“, ISA General Convention, New York

October 2008 Invited Discussant, „Universalism vs Regionalism – Lessons from the Western Balkans for the Future of Multifunctional Peace Support Operations,“ Frankfurt am Main

October 2008 Paper Presenter, „Concepts, Tools, and Realities of Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution“, EFSPS Autumn Seminar, Volkswagen Foundation, Brussels

April 2008 Guest Lecture, „Introduction to the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union“, University of Applied Sciences, Vienna

April 2008 Panel Contribution, „EU Crisis Management from an Institutional Perspective“, ECPR Joint Sessions, Rennes

November 2007 Invited Speaker, "Learning and its Application to EU Foreign Policy", Royal Overseas League, London I H S — Carmen Gebhard / Project Researcher — 37

April 2007 Participant, 3rd EU CONSENT PhD School, Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge, (UK)

April 2007 Participant, 1st Cyprus Spring School on the European Union, Research Centre Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus

February 2007 Visiting Fellow, Anna Lindh Centrum, Swedish National Defence College, Stockholm, Sweden

July 2006 Guest Lecture, “The EU as a Civilian Crisis Manager, Summer Academy for European Security Policy 2006, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria

February 2006 Invited Participant, EU Presidency Conference, “Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans. Enhancing EU's Contribution to Stability and Security”, Hilton Hotel, Vienna

February 2006 Podium contribution on “Military Capabilities of the EU in the Context of the Berlin Plus Agreements", Eurodefense Workshop, European Security Strategy, Hinterbrühl. Austria

March 2006 Invited Participant, Colloquium, “Internal and External Security Aspects – Mutual Interdependence and the Need for a European Perspective”, Federal College for Security Studies (BAKS), Berlin, Germany

July 2005 Course Participant, Summer Academy for European Security Policy 2005, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria

June 2005 Study visit at the NATO-HQ/Political and Security Political Committee of the EU, Brussels, Belgium; hosted by the Endowed Centre for European Security Studies & Security Research, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Feb. – May 2005 Visiting Fellow, Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS), Södertörns Högskola, Sweden

February 2004 Visiting study and research fellowship, Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway

May 2003 Visiting Student, Istituto Storico, Universitá di Venezia, Italy

May 2002 Visiting Student, European Academy Bolzano, Italy

Other Information

Languages German (mother tongue), Italian (second language), English (fluent), French (good), Swedish (fair), Dutch and Spanish (passive) 38 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Member of International Studies Association, European Consortium for Political Research, EU-CONSENT Network of Excellence, European Community Studies Association, Austrian Political Science Association, Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs, Südsterne Network, University Association for Contemporary European Studies.

Grants and Prizes Carmen Gebhard has been awarded several grants for outstanding study achievements by the University of Vienna (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004), Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences, in 2005 she received the Junior Award for Political Science granted by the Austrian Political Science Association (AuPSA), in 2007, the AuPSA Award for „Best Doctoral Dissertation“, the „DocAward“ (all subjects) granted by the University of Vienna, and in 2008, the „Women in Science“ Award, Dr. Maria Schaumayer Foundation.

Referee for Journal of European Integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, Security Dialogue, Austrian National Defence Academy, Journal of Contemprary European Research


(forthcoming, 2008) The ENP’s Strategic Conception and Design. Overstretching the Enlargement Template? In: Richard Whitman/Stefan Wolff (eds): Much Ado About Nothing? The European Neighbourhood Policy Since 2003. Palgrave Macmillan.

(in print) Unravelling the Baltic Sea Conundrum. Sub-Regionalism and European Integration Reconsidered. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (monograph, 280 pages)

Assessing EU Actorness Towards its 'Near Abroad'. The European Neighbourhood Policy. In: EU CONSENT Occasional Papers 1/2007, edited by Karen Smith. London 2007. (22 pages) Also in: Cyprus Centre for European and International Affairs Paper Series, edited by Stelios Stavridis.

With Walter Feichtinger (eds): Krisenmanager EU. Optionen, Chancen, Grenzen. Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie 9/2006. Vienna 2006. (German) [The EU as a Crisis Manager. Options, Chances and Limits.] Austrian National Defence Academy]. (edited volume, 192 pages). Chapter therein: Krisenmanagement im Rahmen der Europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik. Eine Einführung. [Crisis Management in the framework of the European Security and Defence Policy. An Introduction.] (29 pages)

Neutralität und Europäische Integration. Österreich und Schweden im sicherheitspolitischen Vergleich. In: Walter Feichtinger (ed.): Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie 9/2005. Vienna 2005. (German) [Neutrality and European Integration. A security political comparison between Austria and Sweden. Austrian National Defence Academy] (monograph, 172 pages)

Zivil-militärische Zusammenarbeit und Koordinierung. CIMIC vs. CMCO. In: Info Aktuell 1/2007, edited by Walter Feichtinger. National Defence Academy. (German) [Civil-Military Cooperation and Coordination. CIMIC vs. CMCO] (8 pages) I H S — Carmen Gebhard / Project Researcher — 39

Moreover, Carmen Gebhard has authored and co-authored numerous reports, working papers and policy analyses on the European Security and Defence Policy of the European Union, commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Defence.

Some publications are available in full text at the pdf-pool of the Austrian Ministry of Defence, http://www.bmlv.gv.at/wissen-forschung/publikationen/person.php?id=709

Upcoming Publications (under review or in preparation)

(submitted for peer-review) The Quest for Coherence in EU Crisis Management, European Foreign Affairs Review.

(in preparation for 2009) Cooperation or Conflict? Problematizing Organizational Overlap in Europe, co-edited volume (together with David Galbreath/University of Aberdeen). Ashgate Publishing,

(in preparation for 2009) Die Europäische Union als Globaler Krisenmanager. Grundlagen und Kernthemen (German) [The European Union as a Global Crisis Manager], co-authored and single-edited monograph, commissioned by the Austrian National Defence Academy, Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management. Wien: Böhlau.

(in preparation for 2009) The European Union as a Global Conflict Manager: From Pragmatic Ad-Hocism to Policy Coherence?, co-authored volume (together with Richard Whitman, Stefan Wolff, et al.), Routledge.

Current Projects

Postdoctoral Research Project, Volkswagen Foundation “Coherence as an Institutional Challenge. Civil-Civil-Military Interfaces and the Problem of Functional Overlap in EU Crissis Management” – (series of articles and monograph)

Doctoral dissertation in Military Science (due in June 2011) „The European Union – A Global Security Provider?“

Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy of Science (currently and temporarily suspended) “Making Constructivism Work. Critical Considerations from a Political Science Perspective”

Research Interests

International Security, European Security and Defence Policy, EU Security Governance, European Integration Theory, Northern and North-Eastern Europe, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Strategy.

40 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

I H S — Patrick Scherhaufer / Associate Member — 41

5. Associate Member

Patrick Scherhaufer E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-189 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Sep. 2008 Associate Member of the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Since Sep. 2008 Project Collaborator at the Institute for European Integration Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Project title: Living Reviews in European Governance (LREG, http://europeangovernance.livingreviews.org)

Since January 2008 Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board of the Austrian Political Science Association (AuPSA)

December 2006 Organizer of the international conference “Politik und Persönlichkeit” in Vienna – on behalf of the Austrian, German and Swiss Political Science Associations (“3- Länder-Tagung”), http://www.oegpw.at/tagung06/

Since March 2006 Managing Editor of the European Integration online Papers (EIoP), http://eiop.or.at/eiop

January 2006 – Dec. 2007 Secretary General and Member of the Executive Board of the Austrian Political Science Association (AuPSA)

Sep. 2004 – Aug. 2008 Project Collaborator at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria; Project title: Connecting Excellence on European Governance (CONNEX) funded by the European Union’s 6th Framework Programme, Priority 7. Managing Editor of the European Governance Papers (EUROGOV, http://www.connex-network.org/eurogov) and the Living Reviews in European Governance (LREG, http://europeangovernance.livingreviews.org)

Sep. 2004 Graduate, IHS-Diploma, Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.

Oct. 2002 – Sep. 2004 Scholar at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria. 42 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

June 2002 Diploma in Policial Science at the University of Vienna.


Austrian Political Science Association (AuPSA)

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)

Webdesign and Webediting of the Following Webpages: http://europeangovernance.livingreviews.org - Living Reviews in European Governance http://www.connex-network.org/eurogov - European Governance Papers http://eiop.or.at/eiop/ - European Integration online Papers http://www.oegpw.at - Austrian Political Science Association http://www.ihs.ac.at/powi04 - powi04 Graduate Conference 2004 http://www.eca-watch.at - ECA Watch Austria http://www.renitent.at - Die renitenten KonsumentInnen http://www.aai.at - Anti Atom International

Other Academic Activities and Accomplishments

April – May 2004 Guest Lecturer at the VHS-Alsergrund, Vienna, Austria

July 2003 Participant in the Summer School “The Politics and Economics of Renewable Energy” in Salzburg, Austria


Powi04. Neue Impulse in der Politikwissenschaft, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ÖZP), Nomos, No. 2, Vienna 2005 [with Claudia Brunner and Vedran Dzihic].

Working and Conference Papers

Avoiding rival theoretical concepts in explaining European Integration: Middle-range theories and specific patterns of multi-level governance, conference paper, ECPR Standing Group on the European Union – Fourth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Riga, September 25-27, 2008. I H S — Patrick Scherhaufer / Associate Member — 43

Living Reviews – Innovative Resources for Scholarly Communication. Bridging Diverse Spheres of Disciplines and Organisational Structures, conference paper, 10th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB), Bansko / Bulgaria, June 14-16, 2006 [with Claus Dalchow, Michael Nentwich, Christina Weyher]. http://elpub.scix.net/cgi-bin/works/Show?121_elpub2006

The governance of wind energy supply: Policy convergence and diversity in Austria and Germany, conference paper, ECPR – 3rd General Conference, Budapest, September 8-10, 2005.

The scope and limits of macro-theories in comparison to middle-range theories in explaining European Integration, conference paper, ECPR Standing Group on the European Union – Second Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Bologna, June 2004. http://www.jhubc.it/ecpr-bologna/docs/303.pdf

Werden umweltrelevante Risikos überhaupt noch kommuniziert? Implikationen einer Risikokommunikation – analysiert entlang dreier Großprojekte in der Ostregion Österreichs, conference paper, Powi04 Graduiertenkonferenz, Vienna May 2004. http://www.ihs.ac.at/powi04/papers/AG%20gesellschaft_staatlichkeit/Scherhaufer_Patrick.pdf


The Management of Nuclear Safety within the European Community. A Process of European Integration?, 2004, thesis, postgraduate course ‘European Integration’ 2002-2004, Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer lokalen umweltverträglichen Energieversorgungspolitik, 2002, Masters thesis, University of Vienna, Austria.


Living Reviews in European Governance (LREG), Presentation, Editorial Board Meeting, EU-Network of Excellence CONNEX, Vienna, December 11, 2006.

Open Journal Systems – Erfahrungen mit der projektspezifischen Adaption einer kanadischen Open Source Software, Presentation, Workshop der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – “Entwicklung generischer Publikationssoftware”, Bonn, November 23, 2006.

Innovative publishing of state-of-the-art articles: The concept of Living Reviews, presentation, Berlin 4 Open Access – From Promise to Practice, Potsdam/Golm, March 29- 31, 2006. http://dev.livingreviews.org/presentations/Scherhaufer_OA06.pdf

Living Reviews in European Governance (LREG), Presentation, Editorial Board meeting of the Mid-term Conference, EU-Network of Excellence CONNEX, Mannheim, November 3-5, 2005.

Europäische Umweltpolitik, Guest lecturer at the Volkshochschule (VHS) Alsergrund, Vienna, April-May 2004. 44 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S


Wieviel Windkraft ist genug? Anmerkungen zur Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeit von Windkraftanlagen; in: Wissenschaft & Umwelt Interdisziplinär, Vol.11, 2008, S.154-157. http://www.fwu.at/wu_print/2008_11_energiezukunft_kap3.pdf

The Living Reviews in European Governance: An attractive prospect in the future of publishing in the Social Sciences; in: CONNEX Newsletter, No. 4, January/February 2007, 4- 6. http://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/projekte/typo3/site/fileadmin/newsletter/4th-newsletter.pdf

Lokale und umweltverträgliche Energieversorgungspolitik. Die Möglichkeiten und die Grenzen; in: Kommunal, Nr.6, 2004, S.50-51 http://www.kommunal.at/Kommunal/download/ Ausgaben2004/K06_04.pdf

Book review – Miller, Clark A. / Edwards, Paul N. (eds.): Changing the Atmosphere: Expert Knowledge and Environmental Governance, The MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., London 2001; in: ECPR Green Politics Newsletter, Vol.2, Issue 2.

Dokumentation: EU-Erweiterung und nukleare Sicherheit. Anti Atom International (ed.), Vienna 1999

I H S — Maren Becker / Course Participant — 45

6. Course Participants

Maren Becker E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-263 Fax : 01-59991-171


Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Apr. 2002 – Feb.2005 Study of Social Science (Political Science, Social Economics, Sociology and Statistics) at the University of Bochum, Germany

Education completed with a Masters degree in February 2005

Masters thesis: Verbandliche Interessenvermittlung in der Europäischen Union – Ein Vergleich deutscher und britischer Unternehmerverbände (BDI, BDA - CBI).

Apr. 1998 – March 2002 Study of Business Administration, Political Science and American Language and Literature at the University of Bochum, Germany

Education completed with a Bachelor’s degree in March 2002

Oct. 1997 – March 1998 Study of Economics at the University of Bochum, Germany


Dec. 2005 – Nov. 2007 Research Assistant, Global Economic Governance-Project, Chair for International Relations, University of Bochum, Germany

Lecturer, Chair for International Relations and Chair for Comparative Politics, University of Bochum, Germany

Since Nov. 2003 Part-time employee for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Dortmund, Germany

Apr. 2005 – June 2005 Research Fellow, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Washington, DC, USA. 46 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Other Achievements / Activities

May 2008 UACES Conference: Energising Europe – Climate Change, Energy Security & Europe’s Next Big Project, London, UK. Lecture on The Impact of European Interest Group Activity on the EU Energy Policy–New Conditions for Access and Influence?

Aug. 2006 ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Other Information

Languages German (native language), English (fluent, written and spoken), Spanish (advanced knowledge), French (basic knowledge)



Becker, Maren: Interessenvermittlung in der EU. Ein Vergleich deutscher und britischer Unternehmerdachverbände, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (2007), 73 pages.

Becker, Maren; John, Stefanie; Schirm, Stefan A.: Globalisierung und Global Governance, München: UTB (2007), 227 pages.

Book reviews (selection):

Becker, Maren (2008): Dong, Lisheng; Heiduk, Günter (eds.): The EU's Experience in Integration - A Model for ASEAN+3?. Bern et al., 2007. Besprochen in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, http://www.zpol.de.

Becker, Maren (2008): Kušić, Siniša; Grupe, Claudia (eds.): The Western Balkans on their Way to the EU?. Bern et al. 2007. Besprochen in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, http://www.zpol.de.

Becker, Maren (2007): Brunnengräber, Achim; Walk, Heike (Hrsg.): Multi-Level-Governance – Klima-, Umwelt- und Sozialpolitik in einer interdependenten Welt, Baden-Baden, 2007. Besprochen in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, http://www.zpol.de.

Becker, Maren (2007): Gänzle, Stefan: Die Europäische Union als außenpolitischer Akteur. Eine Fallstudie der EU-Politik gegenüber den baltischen Staaten und Russland (1991-2003), Baden-Baden, 2007. Besprochen in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, http://www.zpol.de.

I H S — Maren Becker / Project Researcher — 47

Research Interests

European Integration, European Energy Policy, Interest Group Politics, International Relations, Globalisation, Global and Regional Governance.

Dissertation Outline

Title: The Impact of Advocacy Coalitions on Policy Change in the European Union – A Comparative Analysis of the European Renewable Energy Policy

48 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

I H S — Ursula Gadermaier / Course Participant — 49

Ursula Gadermaier E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-188 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Oct. 2000 – Jan. 2007 Masters diploma studies in Political Science, Institute of Political Science, Vienna


Apr. 2007 – Aug. 2007 Investkredit Bank AG, Vienna. Administrative Assistant of the Department for Public Relations

Jan. 2006 – Sep. 2007 Lafarge Vienna Cement Technical Centre, Vienna. Reception and business travel organisation

Since Sep. 2004 asylkoordination Österreich, Vienna. Voluntary assistance

22 - 29 Sep. 2004 asylkoordination Österreich, Vienna. Organization team for a “Young Refugees Holiday Camp”, Weissenbach am Attersee

Other Achievements / Activities

16 - 21 April 2007 1st Cyprus Spring School on the European Union. Conference organized by Intercollege, Nicosia. Paper presented: The European Refugee Fund: a result of intergovernmental decision-making

2 - 14 July 2006 ODYSSEUS Summer School in European Asylum and Migration Law, Brussels

Oct. 2005 – Dec. 2005 Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Berlin. Internship in Public Relations

Aug. 2003 – June 2004 University of Bergen, Norway. Erasmus exchange year 50 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Other Information

Languages German (mother tongue); English, (fluent, spoken and written); Norwegian (fluent, spoken and written); French, (good command)

Research Interests

European Asylum and Migration Policy, Burden-sharing (Refugee Protection Costs), Integration of Third country nationals, Religion in the European Union, European constitution, Secularization

Dissertation Outline

Title (provisional): Religion and the EU: Debates on the European Constitutional Process in Ireland and France

I H S — Peter Grand / Course Participant — 51

Peter Grand E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-223 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Since March 2007 Ph.D. Candidate of Political Science, Institute for Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria

February 2007 Diploma (Masters-equivalent degree) in Political Science at the University of Vienna

2003 – 2007 Student of Political Science at the University of Vienna

1999 – 2001 Student of Philosophy and Political Science at the University of Vienna


2003 – 2007 Technisches Büro – Michael Majer (Technical Assistant)

2000 – 2004 Actor at various theatres (Wiener Burgtheater, Landes- theater Salzburg)

1997 – 2001 ORF - Ö3 (Journalist)

1994 – 1997 Student of Performing Arts, Konservatorium/Wien

Other Achievements / Activities

Prizes AK Wissenschaftspreis 2007 “Innovationspreis” ÖGPW Nachwuchspreis 2007, Kategorie Diplomarbeiten


Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Österreich 1998-2005 vor dem Kontext der Europäischen Beschäftigungsstrategie, (Active Labour Market Policy in Austria 1998-2005 related to the European Employment Strategy), 2007, Masters thesis, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 52 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Research interests Comparative Politics, European Integration, Europeanization, Social Policy, Regional Policy

Dissertation Outline

Title: 'Catch me if you can'. Public opinion on European Integration as a 'moving target'

I H S — Marina Kolb / Course Participant — 53

Marina Kolb E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-187 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Since March 2008 Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

Oct. 2003 – Dec. 2007 Graduate, academic degree Mag. Phil. in Political Science, University of Vienna; Masters thesis on the EU social inclusion process and its impacts on Austria


March 2008 – July 2008 Tutor at the University of Vienna, Seminar on Social Policy

Jan. 2006 – Sep. 2006 Research Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna

Other Achievements / Activities

June 2008 Scholarship for excellent grades (“Stipendium aus Mitteln der Stiftungen und Sondervermögen“)

Feb. 2006/ 2007/ 2008 Scholarship for excellent grades (“Leistungsstipendium nach dem Studienförderungsgesetz StudFG”)

Sep. 2006 – Jan. 2007 Scholarship, European Exchange Programme (ERASMUS), Università di Bologna, Italy

Since Nov. 2005 AGB-Course “Theatre work in social fields”, Vienna

Sep. 2004 Soroptimist International D’Italia: course on formation “Studio, Lavoro, Europa: Nuove Sfide per la formazione, la cultura e il lavoro” at the University Bocconi (Milan), Italy 54 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Other Information

Languages German (mother tongue), English, Italian (fluent), Greek (basic knowledge)

Research Interests

Current Research Interests

European Integration, Interorganizational Relations, Human Rights, Social Policy

Previous Research

The EU social inclusion process and its impacts on Austria.

Dissertation Outline

Working title: Friend or Foe? The Interorganizational Relationship between the EU and the Council of Europe

All around the world we are undergoing an enormous expansion of international organizations. Hence, any policy environment becomes increasingly filled with international organizations. As the number of ‘overlaps’ between organizations has risen and is still rising, it becomes more and more important to ask “how organizations act towards one another”. Do cooperative or conflictive elements prevail in a specific interorganizational relationship? Moreover, which factors influence the state of the interorganizational relationship? Broadly, one can classify factors into facilitators and inhibitors of interorganizational cooperation. Therefore thesis aims at scrutinizing the crucial factors and tracing the causal connection between the factors and the state of the interorganizational relationship (be it cooperative or conflictive). For this purpose this dissertation thesis examines the interorganizational relationship between two international organizations – the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe (CoE). More specifically it focuses on the interorganizational relationship between the EU and CoE concerning the internal fundamental rights policy. The internal fundamental rights policy refers to the fundamental rights protection within the EU-27 (as opposed to the human rights protection in the EU’s external relations with third countries). This dissertation thesis considers a 15-year time frame ranging from 1993 until 2008 and picks out crucial topics (within the internal fundamental rights policy) for the relations between the EU and CoE. From a methodological point of view, one could therefore speak of a small-N case study. Given the nature of this topic a qualitative research approach will be applied. I intend to gain the qualitative data, which are necessary for testing the hypotheses developed in this dissertation thesis, from semi-structured expert interviews. I H S — Sarah Meyer / Course Participant — 55

Sarah Meyer E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-188 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Since Oct. 2007 Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

April 2007 Graduate, academic degree Mag.phil (Master of Philosophy)

Oct. 2001 – April 2007 Student of Political Science, University of Vienna


May – Aug. 2007 Project Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Innsbruck

Since March 2006 Undergraduate Student Assistant and Tutor, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

Other Activities / Achievements

Aug. 2008 Participant at the ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, Ljubljana (Course: Mixed Methods: Methodology & Application)

Feb. 2006 Awarded stipend for excellent grades (“Leistungsstipendium nach dem Studienförderungsgesetz StudFG”)

July 2003 Scholarship at the Theodor Heuss Kolleg, Berlin (THK, part of the Robert Bosch Stiftung) (participant at the international programme of the THK in Warsaw)


Europäisierung durch nationale Wahlen? Europa im österreichischen Nationalratswahlkampf 2006. Forthcoming 2008 in a thematic issue of Österreichischen Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft on “Political Parties: International Trends and Europeanisation”, edited by Sylvia Kritzinger and Hubert Sickinger. (with Sieglinde Rosenberger) 56 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Research Interests

European Democracy & Legitimacy, Political Parties & Europeanization, Political Participation & Public Sphere.

Dissertation Outline

Title: Party contestation over European integration in Austria

I H S — Monika Mühlböck / Course Participant — 57

Monika Mühlböck E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-223 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Since Oct. 2007 Ph.D. Candidate, University of Vienna

June 2007 Masters Degree in Political Science

Since 2005 Student of English, University of Vienna

Since 2000 Student of Mathematics, University of Vienna

October 2000 – June 2007 Student of Political Science, University of Vienna


Since Oct. 2008 Lecturer, University of Vienna (Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences)

March 2005 – August 2005 Research Assistant, Politische Akademie

August 2003 Internship, Kurier

August/September 2002 Internship, Gesellschaft für politische Aufklärung

July/August 2001 Internship, ORF

Other Information

Languages German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (basic)

Research Interests

Current Research

Decision-Making in the European Union, European Parliament, Council of Ministers, Public Relations of the Austrian MEPs, Game Theory 58 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Dissertation Outline:

Title: The power of national political parties in EU decision-making

I plan to analyse voting coherence of national political parties in bi-cameral EU legislation processes between the European Parliament and the Council. In concrete terms, I would like to investigate how often under which conditions government officials in the Council vote the same way as the representatives of the same national party in the European Parliament and how the displayed voting behaviour impacts on a party’s potential influence on the decision- making process.

Previous Research

“(Re)presenting Europe. Rahmenbedingungen und Strategien der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der österreichischen Abgeordneten zum Europäischen Parlament”, Masters Thesis, 2007

I H S — Till Philipp Schläger / Course Participant — 59

Till Philipp Schläger E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-174 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since October 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria and Ph.D. Candidate, University of Vienna

July 2006 Graduation with a Diploma in Political Science (equivalent to Masters-level degree) from Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany

Oct. 2003 – July 2005 Graduate studies at Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany; Major: Political Science with a focus on European Studies; Minor: North American Studies

Sep. 2002 – April 2003 Visiting Student at McGill University, Montreal, Canada; graduate and undergraduate courses; Major: Political Science, Minor: Canadian Studies

March 2002 – July 2002 Graduate studies at Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany; Major: Political Science with a focus on European Studies; Minor: North American Studies

Feb. 2002 Intermediate Examination

May 2000 – Feb. 2002 Undergraduate studies at Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany; Major: Political Science, Minor: North American Studies


April 2007 – May 2007 Internship at the Embassy of Canada, Berlin, Germany

Sep. 2006 – Dec. 2006 Internship at the Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh, Germany

Sep. 2003 – Oct. 2003 Internship at the parliamentary office of Hans-Josef Fell, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin, Germany

Oct. 2001 – Aug. 2002 Working student (part-time employment) at Schläger Computer Systems Ltd, Bayreuth, Germany 60 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

March 2001 – Sep. 2001 Working student (part-time employment) at Robert Bosch Ltd. (Bosch Group), Bamberg, Germany

March 2000 – April 2000 Internship at the Green Parliamentary Group in the Bavarian Parliament, Munich, Germany


2000 – 2006 Political Science Students Association at Friedrich- Alexander-University

Since 2005 Canadian Political Science Association

Other Information

Languages German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (intermediate)

Dissertation Outline

Title: The Role of National Public Utility Companies in European Electricity Liberalisation: The Cases of France, Germany and Great Britain

Not only the possession of natural resources and the control over energy production facilities are important aspects of energy security in the 21st century, but also the control and maintenance of energy distribution networks. As the European Union has the most integrated supranational administration of a world region as well as the largest free market economy and thus the largest bureaucracy that is authorised to make decisions in the energy sector, its competition policy in this area is of high importance for the energy security of the member states and the competitiveness of their domestic public utility companies. The relationships between, and mutual influence of, the EU member states’ national governments, the European Union institutions as constituents of a regional regulatory regime, and nationally-based but transnationally operating public utility companies have a crucial impact on European decision-making over competition policy in the energy sector. The PhD project will examine these interrelations with a particular focus on the lobbying activities of public utility companies in the field of European competition policy. Its aim is to explore their strategies as well as their capacities and instruments of influence and to determine how successful they are in utilising them at the national and EU level in order to assert their interests in the European decision-making process. I H S — Katharina Zahradnik / Course Participant — 61

Katharina Zahradnik E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-174 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since Nov. 2007 Ph.D. Student at the University of Vienna, Austria

Since Oct. 2007 Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

November 2007 Masters-equivalent degree in Political Science (with highest honours); thesis in the field of European Integration

Oct. 2002 – Nov. 2007 Student of Political Science at the University of Vienna, Austria

June 2002 Certificat d’Etudes Politiques (French University diploma in Political Science; specialisation in International Relations)

Oct. 2001 – June 2002 Student of Political Science at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques d’Aix en Provence, France

March 1998 – Sep. 2001 Student of Political Science and History at the University of Vienna, Austria


Oct. 2006 – Feb. 2007 Tutor at the Political Science Department of the University of Vienna; seminar of Prof. Sawitri Saharso on “Gender, Immigration and Citizenship in Europe”

March 2005 – Sep. 2006 Teaching Assistant to Prof. Helmut Kramer at the Political Science Department of the University of Vienna; activities related to the preparation and supervision of university courses and to the accomplishment of academic research in the field of International Relations

Aug. 2004 – April 2005 In collaboration with an Austrian multimedia-enterprise, the Austrian “Demokratiezentrum” and the Austrian Parliament: Conceptual design and content elaboration for the new Visitor’s Center of the Austrian Parliament (opened in Oct. 2005) 62 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

March 2004 – July 2004 Teaching Assistant to Prof. Birgit Sauer at the Political Science Department of the University of Vienna; assistance with preparation of lectures and seminars in the field of Political Theory

Other Achievements/Activities

August 2008 Participant in the course “Multiple Regression Analysis” (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kittel) in the framework of the ECPR Summer School on Methods and Techniques, 4-16 August at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

April 2007 Presentation of a paper on “Theoretical considerations over the formation of support in public opinion for the European integration process” at the “Forum of Social Science PhD Students” in Bratislava, Slovakia, 13-14 April 2007

June 2006 Panel Discussant on “The Politicisation of Europe” at the Renner Institute, Vienna

March 2006 Rapporteuse for the Workshop “Politik/Wissenschaft. Wissenschaft zwischen demokratischer Gesellschaftskritik und Affirmation neoliberaler Verhältnisse” at the Renner Institute, Vienna

Since 2004 Member of the editorial board of “Politix”, the Journal of the Department of Political Science at Vienna University

Oct. 2001 – June 2002 Scholarship, European exchange programme ERASMUS

Other Information

Languages German and Spanish (mother tongues), English and French (fluent), Italian (fair)

Research Interests

Political Representation, Public Opinion, Political Parties and Party Systems, European Integration, International Relations

Dissertation Outline

Title: Determinants of Policy Congruence between Representatives and Represented within Western Democracies

I H S — Bernhard Zeilinger / Course Participant — 63

Bernhard Zeilinger E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01-59991-187 Fax: 01-59991-171


Since October 2007: Course Participant at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Oct. 2004 – Nov. 2007: Student of Political Science, University of Vienna, Institute for Political Science. Specialisation on European Studies, International Relations, International Development, Peace and Conflict Management, Transformation processes in Middle- and Eastern Europe

Oct. 2000 – June 2001: Student of Journalism, University of Vienna, Communication Sciences (major) and Political Science and Philosophy (minor)

Sep. 2001 – June 2003: Advertising Academy Vienna; specialisation on Market Communication and Public Relations

Feb. 2003 – June 2003: Academy for Journalism, Wels, Upper Austria


Nov. 2004 – Oct. 2006: iDream Mediaservices GmbH; Project Management, Marketing Analyst, Public Relations Consultant

Aug. 2003 – Oct. 2004: Advertising Agency TwistAd, member of FMS Event-network GmbH; Project Management, Marketing Analyst, Public Relations Consultant

March 2001 – Aug. 2001: Insurance Company “Österreichische Hagelversicherung”, Client Service

Other Information/Activities:

April 2007: Study travel to Serbia and Bosnia with the United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria to the embassy of Austria in Belgrade and Sarajevo, Austrian Development Agency in Serbia, EU-Monitoring Mission in Sarajevo and EUFOR-Camp Sarajevo

Sep. 2005 – March 2007: Dep. Secretary General of YES-Austria 64 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

11–19 September 2006: Participant at the International Youth Employment Summit (YES) in Nairobi, Kenya

14 Aug. – 10 Sep. 2006: Research at the East African Communities´ Organization for Management of Lake Victoria Resources (ECOVIC) Uganda Chapter in Jinja, South-Eastern Uganda

August 2006: Co-Chair at the Vienna Model United Nations (VIMUN) in the Committee IAEA

May 2006: Slovenia study travel with the United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria; Meeting with the ambassador of Austria in Maribor, etc.

April 2006: Ukraine; participant of a humanitarian transport to Mukacevo, Western Ukraine

August 2005: Co-Chair at the Vienna Model United Nations (VIMUN) in the Committee UNESCO

July/August 2003: Participant in the TICCS summer school at the Institute for Cross Cultural Studies in Tamale, Ghana


Thesis on the EU as an external Democracy Promoter in post-socialist countries

Research Interests:

European Integration, Multi-level Governance and Decision-Making in European Union Politics, EU Foreign Policy and External Relations, European Neighbourhood Policy, External Democratization, Europeanization in Non-EU Member States, Transformation Processes in Central- and Eastern Europe, EU-Russia Relations

Dissertation Outline

Title: Governing ´Wider Europe´ in an Interdependent World. Modes of External Governance and Multilevel Regulation in the Interplay between the EU and its Neighbourhood. A Comparative Study on Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Russia

The aim of this study is twofold. On the one hand it examines how the European Union (EU) pursues its enlightened self-interests in Wider Europe by evoking harmonisation and regulation of sensitive policy areas with transnational impact. Therefore it scrutinises modes of external governance in the interplay of global, European and national processes. On the other hand this study tries to elaborate why the instruments and methods employed by the EU to govern its strategic objective vary between different states or policies and change over I H S — Bernhard Zeilinger / Course Participant — 65

time. What are the preconditions? Which lessons has the EU learnt from the experience of European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and Strategic Partnership with Russia for further approximation processes in neighbouring countries?

The theoretical framework builds on the concepts of Europeanisation and External Governance. Therefore, reviews of Europeanisation (March/Olsen 1998; Grabbe 2006; Schimmelfennig 2007; Radaelli 2000) serve as a theoretical starting point to examine the mechanisms of adjustment to EU law, which will help to elaborate different mechanisms of rule approximation. Next, I draw on literature on External Governance (Lavenex 2007; 2008) and latest research findings on new modes of governance in foreign policy (Meloni 2007a; Lavenex/Wichmann forth.). This study also embraces the impact of interdependence on the relation between states and thus acknowledges the intervening effect of interdependence in the choice of instruments and methods. The theoretical insights of international relations are taken into account to measure how interdependent relations influence bargaining power in co-operations on regulatory coordination in policy areas (Keohane/Nye 1977).

A comparative study provides insights into the causal conditions that determine the choice of strategies and instruments to govern interdependent relations. The analysis comprises Ukraine and Moldova as neighbours in the periphery with strong interest in EU integration, Russia as a self-standing power and alternative centre to the EU and Belarus as a semi- peripheral state strongly linked to Russia. Within these countries, I will compare different policies: Trade (Competition Policy), Asylum & Migration (trafficking, readmission), and Transport. The selected policies cover different interest and problem constellations.

Previous Research:

“The EU as an external Democracy Promoter in post-socialist countries - Analysis of the conditions which determine the selections of instruments and strategies to promote democracy externally”, Oct. 2007, diploma thesis, University of Vienna, Austria

66 — Department of Political Science – Brochure 2008 — I H S

Title: Department of Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies. Profile – People – Publications

Editor: Oliver Treib Associate Editor: Elisabet Torggler

ISSN: 1605-8003 © 2008 by the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Stumpergasse 56, A-1060 Vienna • +43 1 59991-0 • Fax +43 1 59991-555 • http://www.ihs.ac.at

ISSN: 1605-8003