Serving the Diocese of Orlando Catholic Charismatic Renewal


We pray that through wisdom and spiritual understanding you should reach the fullest knowledge of His will. Colossians 1:9

The following article continues from our One of the chief ends that Over a period of eight years, around Spring Issue; “The Charismatic Re- Leo had explicitly dedicated his the turn of the last century, Blessed newal and the ” long pontificate to was the reunion Elena Guerra wrote 13 letters to the by Alessandra Nucci of all Christians. Now, he was ask- Holy Father, Pope Leo XIII, urging him to establish an institutional devo- This article is reprinted with the author's ing the to bring his permission. work to maturity and to bear fruit, tion to the Holy Spirit. Leo was thus with a renewed outpouring of his prompted to call the faithful to a no- vena in preparation for Catholic from the outset gifts not just over Catholics, but over all the disciples of 1895, in an apostolic letter entitled The worldwide charismatic move- Provida Matris Charitate, in which ment, which now includes an estimat- he called particular attention to one of ed 700 million people around the the fruits of the Paraclete, “the unity world, of which an estimated 160 and unanimity” described in Acts million are Catholics, has its origins 4:32: “The whole group of believers in the events of January 1, 1901, were united, heart and soul.” Two when a young girl began speaking in years later, he wrote his short encycli- tongues after the prayer and invoca- cal on the Holy Spirit, Divinum Illud tion of the Holy Spirit by a lay evan- Munus, (“He is the substantial, eter- gelist of Methodist extraction. This nal, and first Love, and there is noth- took place in Topeka, Kansas; from ing more lovable than love”), explain- there the movement grew and gradu- ing the Spirit’s unity with the Father ally spread to the established church- and the Son in the Trinity and making es in the Protestant and Orthodox Christ. Very few in the Protestant the novena to the Holy Spirit public traditions, and lastly to the Roman and permanent. Catholic Church. and Orthodox worlds—indeed, not even many Catholics—are aware Both documents fell on deaf ears: the Although customs and terminology of this historical fact. But to be- bishops did not take the Pontiff’s in- were grafted onto the Catholic Char- lievers who attach such specific struction to heart and the lowly ismatic Renewal from these Pente- meaning and tangible effects to the observed, in her sixth letter to Pope costal sources, the Catholic Church invocation of the Holy Spirit, it Leo, “It is true that right after the pub- had its own part to play in the Janu- can be no small matter. lication of that , which I ary 1, 1901 beginning. On that morn- believe was dictated by the Holy Spir- ing, in , before young Agnes It all started with a nun in , Italy, Elena Guerra (1835-1914), it, many bishops thanked Your Holi- Ozman started speaking in tongues in ness…And this was good. But would- Topeka, Pope Leo XIII ushered in the the founder of the Oblate Sisters of n’t it have been better to obey…?” new century by solemnly invoking the Holy Spirit, whom Pope John XXIII was to beatify and give the the Holy Spirit over all of Christen- Continued on page 2 dom. title “Apostle of the Holy Spirit “in 1959.

Dea Bothes ad Sistes “The Charismatic Renewal and Blessed Elena was in her prime dur- It's that ie agai. Ou ofe- the Catholic Church” ing these years of the 19th century, ee is alost hee. Septee - continued from p. 1 when the Catholic Church was sur- We hae a aesoe lie up fo rounded, slandered, and hollowed out ou this ea ad e ae eited Elena Guerra wrote more letters and by laws that confiscated, by degrees, the property of all of the religious aout the a gits, gaes, ad Pope Leo took two more steps. On orders, one after the other. In these lessigs the Lod ill esto upo January 1, 1901, in St. Peter’s Basil- years, 1,322 monasteries were closed ica, he chanted the Veni Creator us. down and 57,492 religious were de- The ofeee is at the sae ho- Spiritus, invoking the Holy Spirit over all Christians—again, at prived of their possessions, down to tel as last ea, the Hilto at Boet their very beds. The main instigator Ceek. Ou oo ate is $ pe Elena’s suggestion. In a letter dated October 15, 1900 she wrote: “May of these confiscations was the Prime ight ith up to fou people ithi the new century begin with a Veni Minister of Italy, Count Camillo Ca- the oo. The ut of date fo the Creator Spiritus…sung either at the vour, a Freemason who proclaimed ate at the hotel is Septee . So beginning of the Midnight Mass, or himself Catholic and explained that if ou hae't ade ou esea- before the first Mass to be celebrat- losing all property meant that the ios, get to it. You a also esee ed in every Church on the first day Church would be free of material en- a heel hai o soote fo the o- of the year.” cumbrances and therefore better able feee. The ates ae the sae as to tend to its spiritual mandate. In other words, stealing from the last ea. Floida Moilit ill deli- Lastly, in 1902, the Roman Pontiff, Church was presented as something e ad pik up the euipet fo now 92, had a copy of his 1897 en- entirely in the Church’s own best in- ou. See the adeiseet i the cyclical sent to the bishops, with a terests. uet eslete cover letter entitled Ad fovendum in

Registaios fo the ofeee cristiano populo (“To the purpose of This, of course, was the situation that ae oig i slol, I eouage promoting in the Christian people”), prompted the dogma of the infallibil- as a reminder of the perpetual and ou to get it i the ail. I spoke ith ity of the pope, promulgated in 1870 obligatory nature of the Pentecost a ue of the speakes ad the at the , which novena to the Holy Spirit, again in- ae all e eited aout the o- was interrupted by the canon fire of sisting it be prayed for the unity of feee ad lookig foad to see- the Northern Italian troops as they all Christians. ig ou. broke through the fortifications of the This oig I ead, Psal , " city of Rome. fo geat is his steadfast loe toad us; ad the faithfuless of the Lod edues foee. Paise the Lod!." Decades of deliberate ambiguity, de- Make this ofeee a joue Despite Pope Leo’s efforts, the de- ception, and re-written history books toads the Lod, eithe to eeie votion died down in the Catholic have taken their toll on the reputation Church, which was facing troubled the Hol Spiit ehage o to ee of the pope and the hierarchy, and on times, and was carried on by the ou elaioship ith ou Lod ad many religious orders. Thus were order of the Oblate Sisters of the Catholics, whether lay or religious, in Saio Jesus. Reee to iite all Holy Spirit, founded by Blessed ou fieds ad fail. The hotel is Italy and the world over, kept busy Elena. defending and ultimately defining a aesoe fail-oieted failit their faith against division, confusion, ith a e lage laz ie pool ad Italy, it must be remembered, is a and infiltration. the oo ate is appliale fo to country whose national independ- das efoe ad to das ate the ence movement waged war on the Is it any wonder, then, that the action

ofeee, so if ou ae thikig of beliefs of its people. of the Holy Spirit, at the Pope’s invo-

akig this a ii- aaio this is a cation and Blessed Elena’s inspira- geat plae to do it. The lies and distortion of facts about tion, gave rise to an immense tide of I look foad to seeig ou at the the pope, which are still with us, prayer, not in Rome but on the other ofeee. were the indispensable means to pry side of the Atlantic and in the heart- the people’s loyalty away from the land of Protestantism? Sieel, papacy and gain their acceptance of Viet Maldoado their new rulers, the victors from the Continued on page 3 Piedmont, in Italy’s northwest. Adiistato of Opeaios.

2 “The Charismatic Renewal and That the more blatant manifestations the Catholic Church” of the Holy Spirit can have aroused continued from p. 2 suspicion is no doubt due, at least in The Holy Spirit comes full circle part, to the Protestant origins of Pen- The Charismatic Renewal was even- tecostalism, which arrived in Rome tually sparked in the Catholic Church in 1908, but also to the same wari- in 1967, not by any intervention of ness that led the Pharisees to accuse the pope or clergy, but at the level of Jesus himself of deriving his power the laity at a students’ retreat at Du- from the devil (Mt 9:34 and 12:24). quesne University, in February of The extraordinary phenomena of the that year. Interestingly, tradition puts Holy Spirit was also a source of dif- in an appearance here as well, as Du- ficulty for Blessed Elena. Living at a quesne was founded in 1878 by the time of alarming growth of modern- Holy Ghost Fathers, members of the The proximity to the Vatican entailed ist heresies (among which many Congregation of the Holy Spirit. of necessity a closer scrutiny of the remain well known to us today, such From there the flame went almost more conspicuous charismatic gifts, as pantheism), it appears she too simultaneously to Notre Dame such as praying in tongues, healing, may have been suspected of where, in the words of Dorothy and prophecy, as was illustrated by modernism, or of the so-called Ranaghan, writer and witness of the the jocular admission of Cardinal “Pentecostal heresy,” as news ar- beginnings, after the initial outpour- Ennio Antonelli, then archbishop of rived of the amazing revival in ing of the Holy Spirit: Florence, at the national meeting of America. This may help explain the Italian Renewal in the Holy Spirit why, on September 20, 1906, at the Summer school brought in priests, in Rimini, 1996: age of 71, she was cruelly deposed, , and lay people from all over derided, placed under strict surveil- the world. And so we held prayer lance, and forbidden to write a sin- meetings and crowds attended and Whenever I come here to be with gle line for the last eight years of her hundreds were baptized in the Holy you I always urge you not to concen- life. Spirit and they took the baptism in trate on the miracle-type phenomena, the Holy Spirit back to their home but rather on prayer and the sacra- Doctrinal definitions countries. It was a wild ments. But I must say [here he broke and wonderful summer. There were into a broad smile] that when I come The work of doctrinal definition, no Life in the Spirit Seminars [they here, afterwards I always do feel a which can help make important dis- hadn’t been written yet], we just laid whole lot better! tinctions in this particularly sensi- hands on everyone and prayed right tive area, is being carried out today away and amazing things happened. An army of ecclesiastical figures by the ICCRS, the International Given our youth and inexperience it have been to annual assemblies of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Ser- is all the more evident that it was Charismatic Renewal at Rimini, from vices, an association of recognized God’s work, not ours. cardinals and bishops on down to a pontifical right, hosted on Vatican How interesting that at the same time yearly cadre of five to seven hundred premises. that hippies were having their priests and nuns, especially since the “Summer of Love” in San Francisco, Italian Bishops’ Conference gave its ICCRS keeps track of Charismatic and the Beatles were being sought seal of approval to the Statutes of the Renewal groups, communities, and, out by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to Renewal in the Holy Spirit. in recent years, a female religious attract through them the youth of the order throughout the world. It has a West to Hinduism and the New Age, Doctrinal Commission, headed by the Holy Spirit was invisibly at work, Mary Healy, professor of Sacred treating His own young people to a Scripture at the Sacred Heart Major wild summer of rejoicing and charis- Seminary in Detroit, which works in matic renewal at Catholic Notre close touch with the Congregation Dame. for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Holy Spirit came full circle when the Charismatic Renewal landed back in the Catholic Church in Rome, in 1970, led by Americans, both lay and religious.


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A Seven Week Journey to a Fuller Experience of The Holy Spirit in your Life.

Presentation-Encounters with Jesus in The Mass — Presented by Lumen Christi Prayer Group—Queen of Peace Parish— August, 2013 Original by Dr. Tom Curran August 8, 15, 22 & 29th—For more information : 352-489-4768

Fountains of Living Water Charismatic Prayer Group ALL ARE WELCOME When: Meets every Thursday @ 7PM - 9:00PM Where: Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, 5 SE 17th St., Ocala, FL 34471, Building L—Adult Center For more information contact: Richard Swiderski - 352-307-9009 Email: [email protected]

An Evening of Healing Prayer When: The first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Where: St. Bernadette Hall at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Daytona Beach. All ministers in healing have been trained in the MacNutt’s Christian Healing Ministry School of Healing Prayer. For more information contact: Gary Bowden: 386-673-1330

AND OF COURSE… don’t forget about :

The 2013 Diocese of Orlando Catholic Charismatic


Details on the conference are also included in this newsletter, and is published on the DOCCRC WEBSITE:


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BIO PHILIP TURGATI NEW EDITOR A Catholic since birth, I attended Catholic Schools from Grammar to College. I have been involved with local Ocala Parishes in the capacity of Bible Study Facilitator, Prayer Group Leader, Service Committee Member for the Renewal, Why Catholic Facilitator, Life in The Spirit Facilitator, Minister to the Sick, and Webmaster. I completed the First and Second Course for the Francis McNutt Healing Seminars also Greg Trainor's Evangelization Course. For more on me, please read the "About Me" section at my Catholic web site: I look forward to the privilege of sharing our Faith with you through the Newsletter.

Charismatic Resources Available online The Charismatic media resources are now available online. Using the Diocese of Orlando Media Center host, you can reserve and checkout media from the diocese website (link below) and receive it at your parish of- fice. Previously, media were available only at the DOCCRC quarterly meetings, so this will make them wide- ly available to anyone in your prayer group, or even in your parish who wishes to borrow them. Information on the procedure is also found on the Media Center web page. On the diocese website under Ministries/ Offices, click on Media Center to navigate to that page. Use search to find the item you want, then click on the specific item. For example, search for “Charismatic” to get a listing, then click on a specific item to get the details. Use the Media Request Form to actually request it be sent to your parish. Link: TO CONTACT US ADMINISTRATOR OF OPERATIONS Vince Maldonado Phone 407-610-1012 E-mail [email protected] ADMINISTRATOR OF NEWSLETTER AND DATABASE Philip Turgati E-mail [email protected]

ADMINISTRATOR FOR PRAYER GROUP DEVELOPMENT Gary Bowden Phone 386-673-1330 E-mail [email protected] COMMISSION CHAIR Hank Marchese E-mail [email protected]

SECRETARY: Kim Niday E-mail [email protected] Address Catholic Charismatic Renewal Diocese of Orlando P.O. Box 215 Windermere, FL 34786-0215