annual reporT 2016 • Anniversary Issue

25 years of 20 years of AmCham in Uzbekistan


Dear Members and Friends,

This issue of Business Connections is quite special. In it we pay tribute to the Father of Uzbekistan, the late President, Islom Karimov, while also congratulating both his succes- sor, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, , and the newly elected President of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump. We also celebrate two anniversaries, the twenty-fifth of Uzbekistan's independence, and the twentieth of AmCham's establishment. The New Year presents a wide array of challenges which we hope will also include many new business opportunities.

The Editorial Board

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 1 Congratulations

Dear President Shavkat Mirziyoev

As the newly elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and blessed with the knowledge and skills to carry out we extend our greetings and deepest respect. and implement the many programs and policies that you You have been chosen by the people of Uzbekistan to have already set forth. continue the important task of leading this country for- We welcome and support your efforts, and as business ward and into the next stage of its growth and develop- people we commit ourselves to do everything possible ment. As someone who has been a key part of the first to assist in furthering the growth and development of the stage and achievements to date, you are well prepared Republic of Uzbekistan.

Our Congratulations

2 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

AmCham Uzbekistan wishes to extend its congratulations full attention, but we are confident that he will be success- to President Donald Trump who is inaugurated as forty-fifth ful. President Trump is a business person and we are con- president of the United States of America. fident that he will bring his extensive skills and contacts to After a long and arduous journey President Trump suc- bear in dealing with these important matters as well as oth- ceeded in overcoming the many obstacles and challeng- ers which might arise. es that a political outsider might be expected to encoun- We as AmCham extend our warmest greetings and ter, but his message was clear, and the American public re- pledge our support to continue developing the busi- sponded. President Trump faces a complicated agenda of ness ties that unite the United States of America and the both domestic and international issues that will require his Republic of Uzbekistan.

Congratulations and Our Warmest Greetings

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 3 Congratulations

AmCham in Uzbekistan— 20th Anniversary

First President of AmCham Uzbekistan, President of AmCham Uzbekistan, Mr. Robert L. Horton Mr. Donald Nicholson II My years in Uzbekistan were some of the most rewarding years As long standing members of AmCham we value our rela- of my career and I can give AmCham Uzbekistan much of the tionship as it has provided us with contacts, friends, use- credit for it being such a positive experience. You might ask, ful information and timely up-dates on what is happening. "was business good and everything that I had hoped for?" The AmCham is the only business related organization of its kind answer would be "No", it was difficult but there were also ma- in Uzbekistan and the membership represents the best and ny positive aspects. Convertibility was always an issue and our widest cross section of both local and foreign business rep- company, Uz-Texaco, was never what it could have been with resentatives. operations in a free economy, but we survived and it was a re- Sincerely, warding experience because of AmCham. AmCham provid- Donald Nicholson II ed a forum for discussion with international businesses op- SEAF - SME Funds erating in similar difficulties, as well as a social environment balance that gave us wonderful friends and contacts need- ed, with both a local and expat perspectives. I congratulate AmCham Uzbekistan on celebration of its 20th year of service to its members. We miss you and will always appreciate all that you do. Sincerely, Robert L. Horton

4 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016

Uzbekistan 1991–2015 Main stages of development and key events

Source: Center for Economic Research AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

Globalink Logistics Group. Removals & Train Consultancy LLC. Providing IT so- Mercury Service. Transportation Relocation Services. Globalink offers lutions & services including consult- Service (Midi Bus, Van, Luxury sedan). 5% discount to AmCham members. Till ing and technical support. Producing Discount 10% from fixed Price, valid 31st December 2017. the cotton fabric in various types for 1 February, 2017. export purposes. Discount 10%, val- id 31.12.2017.

“INGO-UZBEKISTAN” Insurance Joint SHERDAV. Legal Services Stock Company. Insurance services, $$ Intellectual Property—20% Investment. 10–15% discount from $$ Corporate Law—20% standard price for AmCham Members. Till 31st of March. During 2017 business year.

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 5 Invitations

EXHIBITIONS in Uzbekistan, 2016

Date Exhibition Organizers Place 1–3.03 UzBuild–2017 ITE Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre, Atrium hall: 1; Central exhibition hall, Pavilion 1, 2; Press-conference area; Open observation site 1–3.03 BuildTech–2017 ITE Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre, Atrium hall: 1; Central exhibition hall, Pavilion 1, 2; Press-conference area; Open observation site 1–3.03 MebelExpo Uzbekistan 2017 MebelExpo Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Pavilon 3 1–3.03 AquaTherm 2017 ITE Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Atrium hall: 1; Central exhibition hall, Pavilion 1, 2; Press-conference area; Open observation site 15–17.03 UzAutomationExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Pavilion 1 15–17.03 UzChemPlastExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Pavilion 1 15–17.03 UzMetalMashExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Pavilion 1 15–17.03 UzMiningExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Pavilion 1 15–17.03 UzSecureExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre, Pavilion 1 15–17.03 UzSpecTechExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre; Pavilion 1 29–31.03 WorldFood Uzbekistan 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre; Atrium hall: 1; Central exhibition hall, Pavilion 1, 2; Press-conference area; Open observation site 29–31.03 AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre; Atrium hall: 1; Central exhibition hall, Pavilion 1, 2; Press-conference area; Open observation site 13–14.04 Mir Otdyha 2017 tourfair. uz Exhibition center “Uzkorgazmasavdo” 25–27.04 Zdravoohranenie–TIHE 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 25–27.04 AptekaExpo Uzbekistan 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 17–19.05 Power Uzbekistan–2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 17–19.05 Neft i Gaz Uzbekistana–OGU–2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 6–8.09 CAITME 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 6–8.09 Textile Expo Uzbekistan 2017 textileexpo. uz Uzexpocentre 20–22.09 UzMedExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre 20–22.09 Plastex Uzbekistan 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 20–22.09 Chemie Uzbekistan 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 20–22.09 Poligrafiya i Upakovka 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 27–29.09 UzEnergyExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre 27–29.09 UzStroyExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre 3–5.09 TMTYa 2017—Turizm na Velikom Agenstvo “Velikiy Shelkovy Uzexpocentre, Pavilion 1, 2 Shelkovom Puti Put“ Natsionalnoy kompa- nii “Uzbekturizm” 20–22.09 CAIPS–2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 15–17.11 MiningWorld Uzbekistan 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 15–17.11 Machinery Central Asia 2017 ITE UZBEKISTAN Uzexpocentre 15–17.11 TransUzbekistan 2017 Uzexpocentre 22–24.11 UzAgroExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre 22–24.11 UzProdExpo–2017 IEG Uzbekistan Uzexpocentre

6 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

International Buyer Program U.S. Trade Show Schedule for 2017

Exhibition Date City Web site CES® 2017 05–08.01 Las Vegas, NV World of Concrete (WOC) 2017 17–20.01 Las Vegas, NV The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference 17–20.01 Las Vegas, NV SHOT Show® DistribuTECH® Conference and Exhibition 31.01–02.02 San Diego, CA International Production & Processing Expo 31.01–02.02 Atlanta, GA CONEXPO-CON/AGG® 2017 07–11.03 Las Vegas, NV Natural Products Expo West/Engredea 2017 08–12.03 Anaheim, CA NAB Show® 2017 24–27.04 Las Vegas, NV Offshore Technology Conference 01–04.05 Houston, TX WasteExpo 2017 09–11.05 New Orleans, LA The National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show 20–23.05 Chicago, IL NRA Show® 2017 InfoComm 2017 14–16.05 Orlando, FL International Franchise Expo 15–17.06 New York, NY Fancy Food Show (Summer) 2017 25–27.06 New York, NY Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 26–29.07 Salt Lake City, UT 69th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo 30.07–03.08 San Diego, CA Solar Power International 10–13.09 Las Vegas, NV ASIS 2017 16–19.09 Dallas, TX Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference 30.09–04.10 Chicago, IL WEFTEC® 2017 Greater New York Dental Meeting 2017 24–29.11 New York, NY Recreation Vehicle Industry Association 28–30.11 Louisville, KY National RV Trade Show POWER-GEN® International 05–07.12 Las Vegas, NV

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s ence and connect with U.S. compa- $$ A directory of all U.S. firms at the International Buyer Program (IBP) is nies, then IBP is for you. show with an interest in internation- a joint government-industry effort al exporting; that brings thousands of internation- IBP Benefits $$ Complimentary or reduced-rate ed- al buyers to the United States for busi- As an attendee at an IBP expo, you ucational sessions, demonstrations, ness-to-business matchmaking with could receive the following benefits: and seminars; U.S. firms exhibiting at major indus- $$ Waived or reduced trade show ad- $$ Travel and tourism options and dis- try trade shows. Every year, the IBP mission fees; counts. results in approximately a billion dol- $$ Complimentary access to network- If you are interested in attending a lars in new business for U.S. compa- ing events and receptions; show or for more information, please e- nies, and increased international at- $$ Pre-arranged briefings and meet- mail [email protected] tendance for participating U.S. trade ings customized according to buy- or call +998 (71) 140-2119. You can show organizers. If you are looking ing interests; also visit the official IBP website at to optimize your trade show experi- $$ On-site and off-site technical tours


A Letter from U. S. Ambassador Pamela L. Spratlen

Dear Members of the AmCham year saw the Embassy, in coordination Family, with AmCham and other partners, or- ganize a successful, first-of-its-kind gov- The U. S. Embassy congratulates the ernment-business roundtable, which American Chamber of Commerce in brought more than 30 representatives Uzbekistan on its 20th anniversary! The from U. S. companies to Uzbekistan to Embassy has been a proud supporter explore business opportunities. and partner with AmCham over these Such events play a fundamental past two decades. AmCham is a key fo- role in enabling the Embassy to fur- rum for Uzbekistan’s business commu- ther its commitment to fostering op- nity and an important avenue for the portunities for American businesses Embassy to interact with the private abroad. Without the strong relationship sector. AmCham members play a vi- we enjoy with AmCham, such efforts tal role in helping the Embassy under- would be impossible. We are therefore stand the nuances of Uzbekistan’s busi- proud and honored that, in 2015, the ness landscape, and we have teamed Embassy was invited to occupy a seat H. E. Pamela Spratlen, Ambassador of USA to Uzbekistan up with AmCham on numerous initia- on AmCham’s board of directors, bring- tives over the years—from ambassado- ing that relationship even closer. rial outreach events to visits of high-lev- Of course, our joint activities with el U. S. government officials. The past AmCham are an embodiment of

Ambassador Spratlen addresses students at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages.

8 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

the broader work the Embassy un- in Uzbek. Since its inception, over ness trade forums and workshops for dertakes day in and day out to fos- 170 Uzbek and 74 U. S. students have small businesses, have helped facil- ter social and economic growth in been selected for the program. itate hundreds of millions of dollars’ Uzbekistan. Helping others is a funda- In December 2012, former Pre­ worth of signed letters of intent to do mental aspect of our activities here. si­dent Karimov issued decree 1825, business and are directly contributing Our Public Affairs Section is active- man­dating English language instruc- to regional economic connectivity. ly engaged in Uzbekistan and is par- tion to begin in the first grade. To this USAID’s Agricultural Value Chains ticularly committed to outreach in end, we have increased the number (AVC) program is a prime example of the areas of cultural preservation, ed- of English Language Fellows and Spe­ such an initiative. Launched in Sep­ ucational exchanges, and English lan- cialists across Uzbekistan. We have al- tember 2016, this five-year, $14 mil- guage learning. Since 2001, the U. S. so created new English Access Micro­ lion program is designed to improve Embassy has preserved ten cultur- scholarship Programs, which provide the Uzbek horticultural sector through al sites throughout Uzbekistan with English language skills to students effective techniques aimed at increas- an investment of over $300,000 through after-school classes and ses- ing fruit yield and quality. The new pro- through the U. S. Ambassadors Fund sions, in order to help the government gram, which targets stone fruits, mel- for Cultural Preservation, including the achieve this goal. ons, vegetables and grapes and cov- “Painting of the Ambassadors,” which The Embassy also holds six pub- ers 12 provinces in 33 districts across is located in the Afrosiab museum in lic events each week for Uzbek stu- Uzbekistan, will also create new job Samarkand, and over 700 items in the dents: Chai Chat, Conversation Club, opportunities and improve income Ark of Bukhara. We are currently work- Education Advising and three English throughout the local community. ing with the Uzbek government to pro- language lessons. In closing, we thank AmCham for vide training on cultural preservation Economic partnership is also es- the vital role it plays in Uzbekistan and and to determine what might be ap- sential to the U. S.—Uzbek relationship, for its enduring friendship with the propriate preservation sites for 2017. and the U. S. Agency for International U. S. Embassy. As U. S. firms adapt to a The Fulbright program, one of Deve­lopment (USAID) has played a changing environment in Uzbekistan, the State Department’s flagship ex- pivotal role in promoting economic one constant is the strong support change programs, has been active prosperity. you can expect from your colleagues in Uzbekistan since 1992. The pro- The U. S. government, through in the Embassy. We look forward to gram offers grants to Uzbek students USAID, is providing training and fa- many more years of fruitful and dy- to study at the graduate level in the cilitating events and exchanges that namic collaboration. United States, and to U. S. students help increase regional trade and con- and scholars pursuing independent nectivity in Uzbekistan. Our regional Sincerely, Pamela L. Spratlen research and teaching assignments trade activities, like business-to-busi- U. S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan

Ambassador Spratlen and guests sample grapes at USAID’s Agricultural Value Chains Project Inauguration Ceremony at the Mirzaev Horticulture Institute on 15/09/2016.


Our Members: Business is not just about the Money

Nestlé and Creating dairy products from large farms, as well moting best practices according to Shared Value Concept as from individual farmers. the latest industry standards. Nestlé Nestlé is a shared-value pioneer, lead- Nestlé requires that its dairy prod- partners with hundreds of farms, ing the way in the concept’s develop- ucts be of the highest quality and com- whose staff are constantly monitor- ment from its earliest stages. Nestlé ply with all required health standards. ing the quality of feed, care for animals, Company is determined to do busi- Nestlé is the primary, if not the single etc. Nestlé Uzbekistan assists farmers ness in ways that deliver both long- largest, consumer of milk in the region. by providing consulting services, train- term shareholder value and provide the All farms of the Fergana valley follow ex- ing of agro-veterinary practices, and greatest benefit to society. Nestlé’s ap- tremely high sanitary requirements. The other nuances of the industry. proach begins with the understanding majority of these are equipped with pri- The collaboration of Nestlé Uz­be­ that for its business to prosper over the vate laboratories which conduct prima- ki­stan with the International Finance long-term, the communities it serves ry tests for fermentation and fat. Milk Corporation (IFC) deserves special must also prosper. from vaccinated cows must be quar- mention. This partnership began as As the world’s leading nutrition, antined for two to three weeks until the part of ongoing activities in the field health and wellness company, Nestlé medicine completely leaves the ani- of supply-chain development. During is best positioned to create shared mal. The farms cooperating with Nestlé this time, IFC experts assisted in in- value in the following areas: Uzbekistan strictly maintain this quar- creasing the volume and improving antine. If antibiotics are found in the milk, the quality of veterinary services pro- Nestlé and farming the entire batch is returned. Nestlé co- vided by Nestlé suppliers. development in Uzbekistan operates only with suppliers who abide Every year, the Nestlé factory in Na­man­ by these strict standards. Nestlé and Healthy Kids gan processes thousands tons of milk, In accordance with the concept Program in Uzbekistan but it has the capacity to produce much of “Creating Shared Value” Nestlé al- In February 2016, Nestlé Uzbekistan more. Nestlé supports the development so contributes to the development of launched the second phase of the ed- of farming in Uzbekistan by producing animal husbandry in the country, pro- ucational program “Healthy Nutrition

General Manager of Nestlé Uzbekistan Sergey Tratsevskiy and the Delegate of Ministry of Laboratory at Nestlé Uzbekistan Factory Education Abdurashid Sodikov. Launch of the Nestle Healthy Kids Program in Bukhara. in Namangan

10 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

lessons” which was developed in co- operation with the Ministry of Public Education and aimed at promoting healthy food culture as an important component of a healthy lifestyle. By embracing the concept of Health and Wellness, Nestlé products are not just tasty, but also healthy—the exact ap- proach to nutrition being taken as the basis for creating educational materials. Teachers will introduce this program to second-graders during in class time, and during school activities. The pur- pose of this training course is to devel- op a healthy food culture, necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, this curric- Nestlé Healthy Kids Program books ulum contains information about nat- ural history, botany and etiquette. The City and Namangan region. Tashkent: BAKER TILLY Uzbekistan— “Healthy Nutrition lessons” program 4500 text­books in both Russian and The Way of the corresponds directly to the concept Uz­bek languages. Namangan: 1500 Heavenly Hand of Health and Wellness. text­books in Uzbek language. BAKER TILLY Uzbekistan, a group of The Healthy Kids Program in Uz­be­ This year, 5000 new textbooks and audit and consulting companies, was ki­­stan has already been distribu­ted to manuals for teachers with improved founded in the mid 1990’s by a team more than 11 thousand students. More­ Healthy Hydration topics have already of professionals who decided to es- over, we have successfully incor­po­rated been printed and given to school stu- tablish a company that would even- as a part of “Project Wet” a Heal­thy Hyd­ dents of such regions as Nukus, Mangit tually become a leader in audit, con- ration Module into the “Heal­thy Kids” and Bukhara. Nukus: 1000 textbooks sulting and legal services for business. program book. Additio­ ­nal­ly, the Healthy in Russian language. Mangit: 1500 text- In 2012 the company became part of Kids Program is an important compo- books in Uzbek language. Bukhara: one of the world’s largest audit and nent of the Creating Shared Value con- 2500 textbooks in both Russian and consulting networks—BAKER TILLY cept, as its objective is to raise nutrition Uzbek languages. INTERNATIONAL—with representa- and health awareness and promote Nestlé Uzbekistan has in total pro- tive offices in 141 countries worldwide. physical activity among school-age chil- vided 11 thousand students with text- Charitable and social programs are dren all over Uzbekistan. books in more than 60 schools across an essential part of corporate culture In the previous year, 6000 text- the country. We are planning for six and represent a key development vec- books and manuals for teachers have more participating regions during the tor of BAKER TILLY Uzbekistan. We un- already been printed and distribut- course of this year, reaching an addi- derstand that effective formation of ed to school students in Tashkent tional 10,000 students. the state social sphere is impossible

Rahmonov Fazlitdin, Agriservice Manager, Meeting World Champions in December 2015 Nestlé Uzbekistan

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 11 Feature without business support. Therefore, work in Uzbekistan became pos­sible be­ki­stan is dedicated to creating an our sincere desire is to help make this thanks to the support of the Japanese environment of equal opportunity world better through tangible social International Cooperation Agency and providing hope for a happy fu- programs and projects. (JICA) and BAKER TILLY Uzbekistan. ture, and a chance for young students One of our social projects is sup- In December, 2015, students and of Tashkent Federation of Den-To porting the Tashkent Federation of coaches of the Tashkent Federation FUDOKAN Karate-Do to become full- Den-To FUDOKAN Karate-Do. took part in the World Cup of Den- fledged members of our society. The federation was founded by To FUDOKAN Karate-Do, and the Rustam Bekmuratov (black belt, 3rd International tournament of Godzyuru Boxing Book dan) and officially registered by the karate-do, organized by the United 2016 marked the 100th anniversary of Ministry of Justice of the Republic of World Karate Federation (UWKF) in the arrival of professional American Uzbekistan on the 23 May 2003. The Belgrade, Serbia. In those competi- boxer Sydney Jackson in Tashkent. He Federation pays special attention to tions eight students of the Federation traveled to the Russian Empire during the fact that karate is not only sport, won 13 medals, including 4 gold, 3 sil- the First World War, which was followed but a lifestyle for those who have cho- ver and 6 bronze. by several rebellions, revolutions, and sen «The way of the heavenly hand». These accomplishments of the Civil War. Due to these events, he was For more than five years BAKER Tash­kent Federation of Den-To not able to return home, became a cit- TILLY Uzbekistan has been render- FUDOKAN Karate-Do are only the be- izen of the new motherland, and later ing not only material assistance (hel- ginning. An increasing number of com- the founder of the Uzbek boxing school. mets, gloves, bags for training, etc.), mitted students continue to work and He educated many outstanding boxers but also pro bono consulting support train every day to further the rich and and coaches who in their turn raised in legal aspects of the activities of the noble tradition of karate in Uzbekistan. the next generations of talented Uzbek Federation. We actively participate in Presently, more than 600 stu- sportsmen. In the years which followed, development of organizational and dents undergo regular training in 15 do- Uzbek boxers had the upper hand in administrative aspects, acting as ad- jos (gyms) of the Federation at high the All-Union and international compe- visers and organizers of meetings with schools throughout the city. The na- titions, and one of them, Rufat Riskiev, embassies of various countries, inter- tional team of the Federation, con- became World Champion in 1974. national organizations, and large com- sisting of 50 students and 10 coach- 2016 was also the fiftieth anniver- panies, to attract additional support. es, have participated in seminars and sary of Sydney Jackson’s passing, but Since 2015, students of the Fe­de­ undergone belt certifications by Soke his devotees and followers continued ra­tion have benefited from the oppor­ Ilya Jörg (10th dan), the founder of the developing the Uzbek boxing school tunity to study and undergo training un- traditional Fudokan karate and CEO of he founded. Since 1966, the interna- der the guidance of Yamashita Hi­deya­ the World Fudokan Karate Federation. tional boxing tournaments devoted to si-­sensei (3rd dan), a Japanese mas- Support to the Tahskent Fede­ Jackson’s memory are held on an annu- ter of Godzyuru karate-do, who sha­ ra­­tion is just one example of how al basis. In 2016, as a commemoration res not only techniques of karate, but BAKER TILLY Uzbekistan recogniz- of these remarkable dates, the Uzbek also the true traditions of Japa­ne­se es the importance of social prog­ boxing team won three gold, four sil- martial arts and culture. His arrival and rams and projects. BAKER TILLY Uz­ ver, and four bronze medals at the

Winners of the City Tournament and awardees: Jon Larsen, Information, Culture and Jackson—The Man Who Came and Stayed in Education Advisor, US Embassy in Tashkent and representatives of the Embassy of Japan. Uzbekistan. Edited/Financed by A. Antonov

12 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

Olympics in Rio, and was recognized as the best boxing team in the world! 2016 also saw the publishing of a book of memories devoted to the life and work of Sydney Jackson. Its writing was initiated by his daugh- ter, the Honored Uzbek Doctor Paina S. Jackson, as well as one of his devo- tees, member of AmCham Uzbekistan, and Honorary Consul of Canada in Uzbekistan, the Professor Alexander E. Antonov. In the 1960s, Professor Antonov was a member of the box- ing team of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Other participants in this process in- cluded: Referent of the Consulate of Opening ceremony of the Ucell—Quvonch Makoni project in Karshi city. Canada in Uzbekistan, and AmCham Uzbekistan member, Yulia Grishaeva; mentation of several projects, while Ucell for Uzbekistan— as well as famous personalities of many more mutually beneficial con- making life better. Uzbek boxing, Mirsalikh Sagatov and nections are expected to be estab- Ucell as a mobile operator in Uzbe­ Alexey Kolemasov. The preface to this lished in the future. kistan has Scandinavian roots through intriguing story of the American box- Thanks to efforts and support of the Swedish-Finnish Telia Company, er who became the founder of mod- AmCham management, with Kosta and its shareholders, but has an ern Uzbek boxing was written by the Legal being one of its initiators, the Uzbek heart, which beats in rhythm President of the American Chamber Sub-Committee on Commercial Law with the local people. As a responsi- of Commerce in Uzbekistan, Donald has been successfully created un- ble corporate citizen of Uzbekistan, Nicholson II. der the umbrella of the organization. Ucell takes very seriously its duty to Activities of the Sub-Committee will give back to society by contributing Kosta Legal help to unite the best experts in the to the economic and social develop- Kosta Legal is a results-oriented law firm field of commercial law practicing in ment of the country. Annually, Ucell offering a wide range of legal services to Uzbekistan and develop cooperation conducts a corporate social responsi- both new entrants and well-established of the Uzbek legal community. bility program that includes initiatives businesses in Uzbekistan with particular In reviewing Kosta Legal social ac- aimed at improving the lives of differ- expertise to offer legal advice and ser- tivities, we would like to highlight our ent segments of the population, all vices to foreign investors. The firm and strong commitment to providing social over the country. Our business is not its lawyers are ranked as top-tier legal support within the country. On a case- only about money. It is primary about advisors by world-renowned indepen- by-case basis, the firm offers pro bo- the people... dent reference directories, are includ- no services to people in difficult finan- ed in lists of lawyers offering legal assis- cial situations. Relevant assistance, as a Ucell partnership tance to citizens at foreign embassies, rule, relates to real estate, financial, in- for Courage and have strong relationships with in- surance, or employment matters. The Ucell partnership with the National ternational law firms and audit compa- Another important part of Kosta Paralympics Association of the nies, being a part of the Magic and Silver Legal activities include lecturing at Republic of Uzbekistan has existed now Circles, the Big Four, etc. qualification trainings for government for three years in a row and aims to sup- Kosta Legal joined AmCham in 2015 officials and participation in develop- port the national team in all its prepara- and since then has received numer- ment and improvement of legislation. tions for the Olympic cycle. The results ous opportunities for development of The expertise of our lawyers are recog- this year from Rio de Janeiro amazed its business connections with mem- nized and used for public good in such the entire world: 6 World, 7 Paralympic bers of the foreign business commu- areas as lending and financial lease, and 12 Asian records! In total, 32 ath- nity resident in Uzbekistan. Legal ad- pharmaceutics and healthcare, com- letes brought home 31 medals placing vice of the firm has been repeatedly petition and advertising. Kosta Legal Uzbekistan first among Central Asian sought after by major German, French, lawyers develop unique approaches nations, and second in all of Asia, af- UK, and US companies. Cooperation to the most pressing challenges, help- ter China. of Kosta Legal with AmCham mem- ing the Uzbek to be in line Nothing can be achieved with- bers has already resulted in imple- with the most advanced jurisdiction. out strong effort, dedication and in-

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 13 Feature

Opening ceremony of the Ucell—Quvonch Makoni project in Fergana city. spiration. Other than financial sup- ny others to beat in a single rhythm. child.” As part of the initiative, more port, Ucell launched a special inter- Tears of happiness, applause, and than 400 women, including man- net campaign calling on citizens to sentiments of gratitude filled the agers, students, entrepreneurs and submit their own inspirational mes- premises of Ucell Plaza when em- housewives, attended various train- sages the Paralympic team. The in- ployees hosted the team in cele- ing sessions. ternet photo-contest “Together for bration. Sharing the values of dedi- Ucell recognizes that the women Victory at Rio” gathered in just one cation, passion for work, respect for of Uzbekistan are striving more and week 48,198 “likes” on social media. this country—this partnership left a more to meet the requirements of Ucell social media pages became a memorable and tangible impact on employers. Job seekers show a high news portal for the latest achieve- many hearts. interest in time management and ments from the Rio Olympic Games. budget planning, job interview skills, During the Paralympics, Ucell be- Ucell—supporting women grant writing, and entrepreneurial came the main source of information in their knowledge skills. Each session is unique, and in- for 123,181 people who also shared and empowerment cludes presentations on subjects in- their inspirational thoughts and best In June, Ucell started the special proj- cluding: healthcare, childhood ed- regards. ect “Women leadership in modern ucation, beauty, and art-therapy. Engaging citizens to support this society” which has quickly become Sessions on business theory are de- worthy cause began through the very popular. As a long-term capac- livered by professional trainers, while company’s personal example. Ucell ity building and self-development master classes are conducted by employees recorded video messag- program, the initiative supports the Uzbek masters and leaders in their es and inspired the hearts of ma- state program “Healthy mother and specialist areas. With an education- al and social mission, the project al- so traveled to Fergana region, and was welcomed with enthusiasm by women from Margilan, Kokand and other cities. The most frequent question from participants of the program was about the nature of the connection between Ucell, a business entity, and this social initiative. Quite sim- ply, as a business we are responsi- ble for the sustainable future of gov- ernment and society. As a company with international roots, we possess modern knowledge and are ready to Paralympics in Ucell office. share with others. Popular oriental wisdom says, “Educate a boy—you

14 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

educate a defender, educate a girl— you educate the entire nation.” Ucell “Women leadership in modern soci- ety” has become a communication platform for every woman, for knowl- edge, for self-development, for self- motivation, for Uzbekistan.

Ucell Quvonch Makoni, or territory of joy for children Uzbekistan is a country with a bright future thanks to its quanti- ty of young citizens. Everything de- pends on childhood, with basic val- ues received through education and upbringing. Ucell has therefore de- Bibi Russel in Atlas bayrami festival. veloped and implemented an ex- clusive project aimed at construct- tation. The company thanks in par- Atlas Bayrami Festival, contributing ing 12 modern playgrounds for chil- ticular the Ministry for Development to the safeguarding and promoting dren, one in each region of the coun- of Information Technologies and of Uzbekistan’s unique and diverse try. On the eve of Uzbekistan’s 2014 Communications, which offered cultural and textile heritage. Ucell Independence Day, Ucell opened the outstanding support with the se- has also been pleased to financially first playground in Fergana city. One lection of land for the projects, and support specialized trainings which by one, playgrounds opened from mobilized local efforts. Like in busi- assisted in preserving this aspect of Nukus to Termez, contributing to ness, with teamwork and the joining Uzbekistan’s cultural heritage. the healthy and harmonious devel- together of efforts, we can accom- Ucell considers educational and opment of the children. plish great things. capacity building sessions crucial Each opening took place with a for textile entrepreneurship sus- festive atmosphere, organized by Ucell—in love with traditional tainability. Within the framework of Ucell with participation by talent- textile and supports the Atlas Bayrami Festival, about ed children from the regions per- handcrafts of Uzbekistan 60 handicraft artists, young entre- formed proudly in front of mahalla Alongside its business mission to preneurs, and senior artisans re- residents, representatives of local ensure quality networks and com- ceived specialized training, com- authorities, mass media, teachers munication in Uzbekistan, the so- bining old traditions and modern and parents. The project became cial strategy of Ucell endorses, re- knowledge. The sessions provid- an example and role-model of pub- spects, and promotes local values ed information on traditional dec- lic-private partnerships, as all stake- and traditions. In this context, Ucell orations, fibers and natural colors, holders contributed to its implemen- was honored to partner with the and modern tools for promotion of cultural products, such as inter- net and social networks. Ucell spe- cialists added value to the sessions with the presentation “Internet— Tools for Education and Affordable Promotion for All in Uzbekistan. ” Moreover, using its technological capabilities, Ucell contributed to an increase in internal and external awareness of the festival. Organized under the auspices of the UNESCO Tashkent Office, Atlas Bayrami is the platform to promote the idea of qualitative and natural prod- ucts creation which is crucial for Kids are playing in Ucell—Quvonch Makoni playground in Fergana city. Uzbekistan to expand its econom- ic possibilities abroad.

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 15 AmCham events

Zafar Khashimov (IFC) and Muhammadjan Babadjanov—Head of the Department Anvar Rasulev (Ansher Investments) of GKK Monthly Meeting on efficiency of antimonopoly regulation, of demand from investors. Exclusive September 29, 2016 assist in the formation of a real com- offers for foreign investment current- The September monthly meeting petitive environment, accelerate de- ly encompass over 300 assets in ev- of AmCham in Uzbekistan featured velopment of the securities market, ery segment of the economy repre- honorary speaker, Mr. Muhammadjan especially the secondary market, and sented by shares of regional indus- Babadjanov, head of the Department radically improve the corporate gover- try leaders and other large compa- of Monitoring of Investment Obligations nance system. nies. Mr. Babadjanov discussed in de- of State Committee of Uzbekistan on In his presentation, Mr. Babadjanov tail several enterprises from different Privatization, Demonopolization and talked about the investment climate in spheres of industry. Development of Competition. Uzbekistan and the government’s pro- An additional guest speaker at the The Committee is a State Gover­ gram aimed at increasing the private September monthly meeting, Mr. Za­ nan­ce Body which is involved in further sector’s share in the economy, which far Khashimov, Country Officer of deepening of the process of privatiza- stipulates transition to private own- International Finance Corporation tion of State-owned Property and the ership over 1247 enterprises and fa- (IFC) Uz­be­ki­stan, gave a presentation expansion of scale of private prop- cilities. In the last year alone 800 as- about the assistance provided by IFC erty as a foundation of the Market sets were transferred to the private in privatization of state assets, devel- Economy. It also aims to increase the sector which illustrates the high level oping corporate management, im-

Members of AmCham participating in GKK presentation Anvar Rasulev (Ansher Investments) and Otabek Mukhamaddiev (PWC)

16 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

Tashkent International Clinic: Matthew Kamil Abidov (CASC), Davron Ozgurer (Ansher). Kuschel and Nodira Yadgarova proving legislation and providing con- Introductory remarks were made economy, third largest exporter, and sulting services in tender processes. by Hugo Minderhoud, AmCham Trea­ third largest importer in the world. Participants who joined the event su­rer, member of the Board of Di­rec­ Germany is also Europe’s largest mar- took part in a question and answer tors, and Honorary Consul of the King­ ket with 21% of EU GDP. The main rea- session followed by a social hour and dom of the Netherlands and Kingdom sons for Germany’s economic suc- cocktail. The text of Mr. Babadjanov’s of Belgium. cesses are it's large number of small presentation is available for addition- His Excellency Neithart Höfer-Wis­ and medium sized enterprises, as al information on our website. sing, gave an extensive review of the well as extensive investment in re- business climate and economic situ- search and development (ranked 4th Monthly Meeting on ation in Germany, as well as an over- worldwide), which annually contrib- November 24, 2016 view of present ties and options for utes 80 billion Euros. The secured in- His Excellency Neithart Höfer-Wissing, the future development of bilater- vestment environment is supported Ambassador Extraordinary and al cooperation between Uzbekistan by a robust legal system with well pro- Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic and Germany. tected intellectual property rights, a of Germany to Uzbekistan was the The question “Why do business stable social environment, one of the honorary speaker at the November with Germany?” was thoroughly cov- most competitive tax systems among Monthly Meeting. ered. Germany is the fourth largest industrialized countries, low corrup-

H. E. Neithart Höfer-Wissing— Nazi Aripdjanova (AmCham Director), Matthew Kuschel (TIC), Atabek Alimdjanov Ambassador of Germany (Move One Logistics), Umida Tadjieva (Health and Travel)

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 17 AmCham events

Hugo Minderhoud (AKTE LLC) H. E. Neithart Höfer-Wissing—Ambassador of Germany tion, and many other positive aspects eration. There are several wind and Manager Training Programme of of a healthy investment climate, which solar energy projects in Uzbekistan the German Federal Ministry for were all discussed in the presenta- which are being implemented in co- Economic Affairs and Energy under tion by His Excellency Neithart Höfer- operation with German partners. which Uzbek managers have visited Wissing. His Excellency Neithart Höfer- Germany. Every year about 1500 stu- One of the problems reviewed is Wissing expects that the business dents travel from Uzbekistan to Germany’s excessive energy con- relations between Uzbekistan and study in German universities. His sumption. A top priority is to cut Germany will continue to grow. As Excellency Neithart Höfer-Wissing, energy consumption by half while of today there are 60 organizations Ambassador Extraordinary and at the same time maintaining sol- with German interests in Uzbekistan. Plenipotentiary of the Federal id economic growth. Germany also These include the German-Uzbek Republic of Germany to Uzbekistan, has a goal to cut CO2 emissions by Business Council, German Trade expects this number will continue to 80% and to increase the share of re- and Investment Chamber, and grow. newable energy to 60% of total ener- German Chamber of Commerce, Participants who joined the event gy consumption. all which support and promote fur- also took part in a question and an- Renewable energy is one of the ther business ties between Germany swer session followed by a social and many areas of Uzbek-German coop- and Uzbekistan. There is also the cocktail hour.

Shiraz Poonja and Zia-Ul Haque (Sitara Pierre-Paul ANTHEUNISSENS (Alstom), Krasimir Dragnev (Embassy of Bulgaria) International)

18 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

Members of AmCham in Uzbekistan enjoy certain procedural advan- tages, including expedited appointment requests. The program works for employees of companies-members of AmCham in Uzbekistan who are applying for U. S. visas in order to travel to the United States for busi- ness purposes. Please see details here

AmCham Visa Expedite Requests, Support Letters These instructions describe how the American Chamber of Commerce may request expedited nonimmigrant visa appointments and submit sup- port letters on behalf of AmCham members traveling to the United States for business purposes. To request such assistance, AmCham Member Companies are advised to follow the steps below: 1. See the U. S. Embassy Tashkent nonimmigrant visa web pages at http:// for general instruc- tions on requesting an expedited appointment. The embassy will respond Peter Andersen (Radisson Blu Hotel) to requests from AmCham in accordance with its standard procedures and Bakhodir Jabborov (Grata) for all applicants. 2. The visa applicant fills out electronic application form (DS-160). Business Mixer 3. The applicant selects an appointment date through the embassy’s on- on June 10, 2016 line appointment system. Without an existing appointment, an expedited The June 2016 AmCham busi- appointment cannot be approved. ness mixer was sponsored by 4. AmCham Internal Procedures: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a. To participate in the program, AmCham member companies should Platinum Member of AmCham in present the following documents to the AmCham office: Uzbekistan. The Lotte City Hotel $$ A letter to the AmCham office requesting an expedited appointment. Tashkent Palace courtyard provided The letter should clearly explain the purpose of the business visit and the the beautiful venue for the network- reason for the expedited appointment. The letter should have a clear state- ing event. ment of the exact position in the company of person/persons intending “We are proud to have such a suc- to make a visit, their legal names and passport data, and the time frame of cessful member like Price­water­house­ the visit. The place of a visit should also be clearly stated. If an AmCham Coopers “—stated AmCham president, Member Company is financing the visit from its own accounts, it must be clearly explained. If a business partner in the U. S. is paying for any expens- Donald Nicholson II, in his introducto- es this also needs to be stated in the letter. ry remarks. $$ A copy of an invitation letter from a partner company in the United States. General Director of Price­water­ $$ A copy of a contract. house­Coopers in Uzbekistan, Mr. Ota­ $$ Copies of passports. bek Muhammadiyev, took the floor to b. After AmCham has reviewed all of the documents presented, the welcome participants. Executive Director will prepare a letter to be attached to those documents In his welcoming speech, Mr. Mu­ for the AmCham file and to be brought to the interview by the applicants. hammadiyev underlined the impor- AmCham provides the embassy with a sample letter and e-mails updat- tance of value and trust in business ed versions to [email protected] for the Consular Section to relationships. “As the world's leading use as a reference. professional services firm, we know 5. AmCham e-mails the Consular Section at [email protected] that value and trust are also the ingre- and provides the applicant’s name, date and place of birth, passport in- dients of a quality relationship, and formation, the existing appointment date/time and application barcode, a that they are earned over more than short summary explaining the urgency of the business trip, and a scanned copy of the AmCham support letter. Expedite e-mails may include re- a single engagement.” quests to reschedule interviews for colleagues or business partners for PwC provides industry-focused the same day. services for public and private cli- 6. The embassy notes the AmCham support letter, decides on the re- ents in order to build public trust and quest according to its standard criteria, and replies to the e-mail within enhance value through the applica- three business days. tion of what they call Connected 7. Applicants may always schedule appointments directly with the Consular Thinking. PwC is organized around Section at industry to share the latest research Regular appointments are normally available within ten business days. and points of view on emerging in-

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 19 AmCham events

Otabek Mukhammadiev (PWC) and Donald Nicholson II (President AmCham) Mitali Dhone (Ramada Hotel) dustry trends, to develop industry- PwC’s tax solutions are based on ed with the closing of the open-air sea- specific performance benchmarks extensive knowledge and experience son by being hosted on the picturesque based upon global best practices, of their specialists enhanced by their park-like campus of the school, while at and to share methodologies and ap- methodologies. They are organized the same time, represented the open- proaches in complex areas such as around different aspects of tax and ing of the school year. financial instruments and tax provi- law, reflecting the need for in-depth The relaxing atmosphere of the sioning. specialist knowledge in each key area. campus and the cool evening air PwC's Assurance group provides evoked memories among visitors assurance on the financial per­ Business Mixer about their time in school as the event formance and operations of busi- on September 14, 2016 stretched into the evening hours. nesses. They also help businesses The September Business Mixer was The evening was opened by Donald improve their external financial re- hosted by Tashkent International School, Nicholson II, President of AmCham, porting, strengthen company cor- which serves the needs of an expand- who in his opening remarks present- porate governance procedures, ing international population, including ed the new Director of TIS to the com- and achieve social and economic children of expatriate business people munity, Ms Myna Anderson. He also goals related to corporate sustain- and children from the diplomatic com- took the opportunity to introduce at ability. munity. Symbolically, the event coincid- this event the new Executive Director

Raisa Khabirova (PWC), Ekaterina Myna Anderson (TIS) Erarslan (AmCham).

20 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

Student of TIS. Peter Andersen (Radisson Blu Hotel) of AmCham Uzbekistan, Ms Nazi by the Radisson Blu Tashkent Hotel. son Blu Tashkent Hotel is widely re- Aripdjanova. In her speech, Ms Myna Beautiful music performed by a vio- garded one of the premier places for Anderson emphasized that TIS is linist kicked off the event with a truly accommodation in the region. Hotel committed to not just to internation- emotional start. General Manager, Mr. Peter Andersen, al by merit of the passports held by The guests, among whom were addressed guests with an inspira- students, but to being internationally- representatives of local and foreign tional speech, during which he of- minded. Guests were given the oppor- businesses, diplomatic organizations, fered the following remarks—“If you tunity to tour school facilities, and en- including Ambassadors of foreign have any suggestions or remarks joyed a delicious meal. Contributing to countries, were invited to a gorgeous- concerning our services and facili- the atmosphere was accompaniment ly decorated Grand Ballroom. Mr. Tõnu ties, please contact me directly any of beautiful music performed by tal- Grünberg, AmCham Vice-President, time. I am here to propel hospitality ented TIS students. gave welcoming remarks emphasizing to the highest level.” how the AmCham family is honored to Guests enjoyed delicious food, Business Mixer have the Radisson Blu Tashkent as a pleasant company and atmosphere on October 19, 2017 member. for the remainder of the evening The Business mixer which took place Situated in the heart of Tash­ thanks to the outstanding hospitality on the 19th of October was hosted kent’s business district, the Radis­ of the Radisson Blu Tashkent.

Atabek Alimdjanov (Move One Logistics),Nail Khasanov (Kosta Legal Law Firm) Hans-Ullrich Ihm (OSCE)

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 21 AmCham events

Azizkhan Akhmedov (CASC) Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Mr. Mansur Tashmatov Business Mixer of Uzbekistan, Mr. Sodik Safoyev, AmCham President, Donald Nichol­ on November 18, 2016 thanked AmCham Uzbekistan for its son II, mentioned that CASC should The November Business Mixer was diligence and long-standing fruitful be regarded as a role model here in hosted by a Gold Member of AmCham cooperation and support in develop- Uzbekisatn for the way the cotton Uzbekistan, Central Asia Seed ing businesses between Uzbekistan should be grown. Company (CASC). The event was made and the United States. Mr. Safoyev Central Asia Seed Company (CASC), all the more memorable by the music expects encouraging changes in a wholly owned subsidiary of the and lively presence of Honored Artist Uzbekistan will positively influence American company Elsut International, of Uzbekistan Mr. Mansur Tashmatov. AmCham’s activities and attract was founded in 1997 by an initia- AmCham President, Donald greater foreign investment. tive of the World Bank and the Uzbek Nicholson II, welcomed guests of the Mr. Azizkhan Akhmedov, the Government. The company is head- evening, among whom were members General Director of CASC and host of quartered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, of AmCham, representatives of diplo- the event, thanked all guests for com- with manufacturing facilities in the matic missions, and guests invited by ing. He also introduced the president Saihunabad district of Syrdaria region. event organizers. of Agro Bank, and farmers the Central The company was founded with the in- In his speech, honorary guest, Asia Seed Company works closely with tent of producing high quality cotton Deputy Chairman of the here in Uzbekistan. seed, using 100% private capital.

Jon Larsen (USA Embassy), Atabek Alimdjanov (Move One Logistic), Nodira Yadgarova Mr. Sodiq Safoyev (Senate of Uzbekistan) (TIC), Azamat Davletov (Agessa Grup)

22 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

WELCOME ABOARD Join AmCham family

Adrian Macaulay Myna Anderson

Adrian Macaulay, BA (Hons), PGCE, NPQH. He became Myna Anderson took on the mantle of Director at Tashkent Director at British School in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2016. International School in Tashkent, Uzbekistan starting in July Adrian has been an educator for 26 years, 20 of those in 2016. Myna has served in several international schools since international schools in the Middle East. Adrian was pre- 1992, as a teacher, coordinator of multiple programs, admin- viously Assistant Head at the British School Al Khubairat istrator, coach, elementary and secondary principal and ac- in Abu Dhabi, before moving to Qatar in 2006 to work for creditation leader. She has a broad range of experience with Qatar Petroleum as Deputy Head and Headteacher at all three IB programs and has taught and/or coordinated Dukhan English School, and finally as Principal of Mesaieed programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels. International School. Myna approaches her first headship role with experi- ence from Lincoln School in Katmandu, Nepal; International School of Yangon in Rangoon, Burma; Harare International School in Harare, Zimbabwe; Khartoum International Community School in Khartoum, Sudan: Lahore American School, Pakistan; and ABA-An IB World School in Muscat, Oman. Myna holds MA degrees from Teachers College of Columbia University and Michigan State University


New members

lutions to customers in 175 countries sidiaries unless otherwise expressly and in high-growth sectors such as noted. More information about Dow packaging, infrastructure, transpor- can be found at tation, consumer care, electronics, Tel.: +90 (216) 571-1607 and agriculture. Email: [email protected] The Dow Chemical Company On June 1, 2016, Dow became the Website: Dow (NYSE: DOW) combines the 100 percent owner of Dow Corning power of science and technology to Corporation’s silicones business, a passionately innovate what is essen- global company with sales of great- tial to human progress. The Company er than $4.5 billion in 2015, 25 man- is driving innovations that extract val- ufacturing sites in 9 countries and ue from material, polymer, chemical approximately 10,000 employees and biological science to help ad- worldwide. dress many of the world's most chal- In 2016, Dow had annual sales of lenging problems, such as the need $48 billion and employed approx- RIKS Education Centre for fresh food, safer and more sus- imately 56,000 people worldwide. RIKS Education was founded in tainable transportation, clean water, The Company's more than 7,000 2007 and now it is one of the best energy efficiency, more durable in- product families are manufactured educational centers and study frastructure, and increasing agricul- at 189 sites in 34 countries across abroad agencies in Uzbekistan. RIKS tural productivity. the globe. Education has already achieved its Dow's integrated, market-driven References to "Dow" or the main purposes, which are: spreading portfolio delivers a broad range of "Company" mean The Dow Chemical the idea of education around young technology-based products and so- Company and its consolidated sub- people; making being well educat-

Dow Turkey and Central Asia President Ihsan Necipoglu Azimjon Khusanov (RIKS Education)

24 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN ed person with good knowledge of English a fashion; gathering innova- tive ideas among young generation and strengthening their knowledge; the purpose of development, which is the most important aim of any kind of business; advising and directing peo- ple, who need advice and support in the field of education; RIKS Education centre has many international education partners in USA, UK, Canada and other coun- tries. RIKS Education is the winner of International Award PABA. Company offers General English, IELTS prepa- ration courses and Russian language for foreigners. Address: Niyozbek yuli, 1 Ravshan Djuraev (Sherdav Law Firm), Mirzoulikbek Abdullaev (OSCE), Darvon Ahmatov (Sherdav Law Firm) Business Centre Eurasia 100084, Tashkent city expert law firm by various internation- By becoming the customer of Tel.: +998 (97) 441-8241 al institutions. Indira Isaeva, customers are provid- Fax: +998 (71) 234-0234 Sherdav serves over 340 clients ed with the development of a perfect Email: [email protected] annually; most of which are inter- silhouette for specific body compo- Website: national companies and investors, sure and the best design of a gar- representing their interests in gov- ment for the given event consider- ernmental institutions and any level ing the latest fashion trends. of national and international Courts Further on, the team of produc- and Arbitrations despite the chal- tion professionals together with Indira lenges of local and international le- Isaeva work on producing each item gal arena. thoroughly, tailoring each model of Address: #409, 77 Bobur st., the garment into a perfect fit. Yakkasaray dst., Tashkent Address: Sh. Rashidova street, #16 Tel.: +998 (95) 1454921 Tashkent city Email: [email protected] Tel.: +998 (71) 2050825 Website: Email: [email protected] SHERDAV HIMOYA Website: Sherdav Himoya (Sherdav) is a law firm founded in 2007. Sherdav is one of the leading and rapidly ex- panding law firms with strong part- nership relations with Law Firms in more than 100 countries around the Globe being member of the PraeLegal. There are 19 experts in the team of Sherdav which makes “Zamonaviy Libos” Sherdav team one of the biggest in Atelier Indira Isaeva 123—is a place the country. Sherdav`s expertise is where dreams of fashion come into not limited and the firm consists of reality. Our atelier provides services in legal experts from various fields of ju- custom made garments for women for risprudence, notably Sherdav is lead- various occasions. The garments that ing firm litigating in Pharmaceutical, are offered by atelier include: casual Road Construction, Insurance, Real wear, business wear, national costume Estate and Intellectual Property. garments, cocktail dresses and evening Sherdav is chosen as a local litiga- garments for special occasions, includ- Indira Isaeva (Zamonaviy Libos) tion, due diligence and outsourcing ing bridal wear.

WWW.AMCHAM.UZ 25 Legislation

Uzbekistan: Review of macroeconomic indicators, 2016

Macroeconomic indicators January–September 2016

Compared to the Billion SUM same period of the previous year Gross domestic product 199,325.1 107.8

Industrial output 111,267.2 106.0*

Agricultural production 48,431.1 106.6

Investment in fixed assets 49,476.8 109.4

Construction work 29,265.8 112.5

Transportation of goods, mln. tn 1,603.6 105.0

Passengers, million 7,875.0 103.6

Retail turnover 88,033.6 114.1

Passenger turnover, million pass. / km 110,456.1 104.3

Services, total 90,991.7 112.5

Freight turnover, million tons-km 91 ,172.6 104.9

Report alert

The gross domestic product (GDP) of Uzbekistan in January–September 2016 amounted to 199,325.1 billion SUM, or grew by 7,8%. In January–December 2016 there were produced industrial goods to the amount of 111,267.2 billion soums, the growth rate to the same period of 2015 was 106.0 percent (Interdependent sales in real time [including construction] amount- ed to 106.6 percent)*. The growth of labor productivity to the corresponding period of the previous year was 5.2 percent. In the reporting period (January–December 2016), the volume of agricultural production was 48,431.1 billion soums or 106.6 percent to the corresponding period of 2015. The freight turnover was 91,172.6 billion t-km or 4.9 percent higher than in January–December 2015. In comparison with January–December 2015 the number of passengers carried by all of transport increased by 3.6 per- cent and totaled 7,875.0 million persons in January–December 2016. The passenger turnover increased by 4.3 percent and was 110,456.1 billion pass-km.

For more information contact AFS office:

Phone: +998 (71) 234‑9611 Email : [email protected] Web site:

26 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN


Chamber Membership Categories

Membership Category Qualifications Annual Dues

Platinum Annual worldwide revenues of $100m and USD 4,000 above Gold Annual worldwide revenues less than $100m USD 3,000 and more than $5m Annual worldwide revenues less than $5m USD 1,500 Voting Members Voting

Silver Annual worldwide revenues less than $100m USD 1,000

Bronze Annual worldwide revenues less than $5m USD 600

Non-profit Registered as a non-profit organization USD 500

Non-resident Organization with no local representation/ USD 1,500 Non-voting members Non-voting registration in Uzbekistan

All categories give the member access to a full range of services and benefits including business de­ve­lopment function, the committee network, and all publications.

Non-voting members may not vote or sit on the Board of Directors.

1. Please indicate the category of membership for which you are applying: Membership is per cal- endar year. Enrollment is prorated by the number of months remaining in the calendar year.

Type of membership Annual Dues Type of membership Annual Dues G Platinum USD 4,000 G Bronze USD 600 G Gold USD 3,000 G Non-profit USD 500 G Gold USD 1,500 G Non-resident USD 1,500 G Silver USD 1,000

2. I/We agree, if accepted, to be bound by the Chamber’s rules and regulations, and to pay the ap- propriate annual dues:

Name of company


Tel. Fax E-mail

Head of firm in Uzbekistan:

Name Title / Position


Representatives (voting if American Company)

(first alternate)

(second alternate)

3. Nationality of parent company:

G US G Uzbekistan G Other (please specify)

Place and Date of Incorporation

4. Type of company in Uzbekistan:

G Manufacturing facility G Sales/Representative office G Service facility

Brief description of activity:

Addresses of branches or other offices in Uzbekistan:

Specify relationship with firm in the USA (if any): branch, subsidiary, affiliate, joint venture, sales offices.

Give US name, complete address, telephone and fax number:

5. Please indicate the approximate amount invested into the economy in Uzbekistan:

G USD 1,000–10,000 G USD 100,000– 1,000,000 G USD 10,000– 100,000 G More than USD 1 million

6. Number of employees in Uzbekistan at all locations:

G less than 20 G less than 50 G 50–100

7. Annual revenue:

G less than USD 100,000 G USD 100,000–500,000 G More than USD 500,000

Prepared by Date

Signature of applicant

Important notice: Information found on this application is for internal AmCham use only and will be handled as business confidential.

28 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

General Electric Company Saidolim Artikov, 205-0281 Membership List Ingo-Uzbekistan Insurance Company Rustam Turaev, 150-9999 JV Indorama Kokand Textile LLC Deepak Raina, 253-8325 JP Morgan Chase Bank N. A. Uzbekistan Tokhir Sultanov, 140-3770 KDB Bank Uzbekistan Injoo Kim, 120-8000/01 Po`latqurilma JSC Azad Sharapov, 254-1422 PLATINUM MEMBER Train Consultancy LLC Ram Dis Ticaret BAT Uzbekistan Mashrab Saidov, 235-0424 Lyubov Belokon, 252-6779, 252-6781 David Le Blond, 120-5555 WCH Service bureau SEP Nestle Uzbekistan CNH Industrial Alexander Tulupov, 254-3621 Sergey Tratsevskiy, 140-0600 Oybek Burkhanov, 120-7450 Coca-Cola Mes. Paz. SILVER MEMBER BRONZE MEMBER Dan. San. Ve. Tic. A. S. Alstom Avialeasing Aviation Company Gabil Ahmadov Pierre-Paul Antheunissens, 148-2222 Igor Smirnov, 120-4950, 120-4952 Ernst & Young Ansher Investment LLP (UK) AFS-Research Company Anvar Azamov, 140-6482 Sarvar Rasulev, 268-9970, 286-1924 Aleksey Kirilov, 234-9611/12 GM Operations Uzbekistan Air Astana in Uzbekistan Agesa Grup Hector Villarreal, 280-6433 Yevgeniy Krutov, 140-3002 Murat Aksahin, 280-6243 PwC Bechtel International Systems Ahlers International Otabek Muhammadiev, 120-6101 David Bjorkbom, 120-4425 Diana Tomena, 252-7120, 252-1776 Ucell Carlsberg Uzbekistan “Ardena Transport” SIA Tõnu Grünberg, 180-0000 Vivek Sharma, 140-9999 Tamara Matveeva, 252-2772 Centil Law Firm Atlantik Trade GOLD MEMBER Zafar Malikov, 120-4778 Farkhad Yusupov, 140-4868 AKTE LLC Deloitte va Touche LLC Baker Tilly Tashkent Hugo Minderhoud, 252-2402 Erkin Ayupov, 120-4445 Guzal Islamova, 150-1512 «Bo'stonlig Sut» JV “Grata” Law Firm Carolina Technologies, Ltd. Jamilya Askarova, 120-4965 Bakhodir Jabborov, 233-2623 Alexander Veksler, 2814362/63/64 Central Asia Seed Company Azizkhan Akhmedov, 291-0073 Daewoo Pack Co, Ltd. Jang Dae Won, 295-0573 Hotel International Tashkent Bekhzod Zufarov, 120-7000 Hotel Radisson Blu Tashkent Peter Andersson, 120-4900 InterConcepts Inc. Charles L. Rudd, 239-1491 OLSOFT Evgeniy Olevskiy, 256-3291 “Perspektiva Stroy Invest” LLC Ugur Akin, 233-5097 SEAF-SME Investment Management Donald Nicholson II, 129-3040 Transcontinental JV LLC Shabir Firdous (Globalink Logistics), Zia-Ul Haque (Sitara International), Khalid Farooq Janna Popkova, 120-3838 (Globalink Logistics)


Sitara International Ltd. Shiraz Poonja, 281-4148 Stomatologiya Budushego Zafar Usmanov, 232-2022 UzNEK Zokir Askarov, 244-3377 Wakefield Inspection Service Ltd. Philip Hesketh, 273-1071 Zamonaviy Libos Indira Isaeva, 205-0825

NON-PROFIT NON-VOTING AMBiT Hikmat Abdurakhmanov, 269-9339 The British School of Tashkent Adrian Macaulay, 262-6020 Canadian Consulate Alexander Antonov, 120-7270 Andrew Kemp Maul (BTS) JETRO Manabu Shimoyashiro, 120-5591 Compass Consulting SE “Ishan Group” OSCE Ulugbek Hojiahmedov, 255-4693 Khwaja Zia Ahmed, 262-0012 John Mac Gregor, 140-0468/69/70 Crowe Horwath Int. KN Ibrakom FZco Tashkent International School (Audit-As) Ravshan Fazilov, 254-0019 Myna Anderson, 291-9670/71/72 Vera Bell, 241-4618 Legalmax Law Firm Tashkent International Clinic Dentons CA Limited Mukhammadali Makhmudov, Matthew Kuschel, 291-0142 Marla Valdez, 120-6946, 255-6070 212-4732 Education Standard Kosta Legal Law Firm HONORARY MEMBERS Consulting Group Azizbek Akhmadjonov, 238-9428 ADB Elena Sergeeva, 268-7544 Marvel Juice Co Takeo Konishi, 140-1920 Elan Express LLC Abduvali Abdullaev, 140-0786 IMF Babur Asuraliev, 150-2550 Mega Prodex LLC Resident Representative Office Eurobasis LLC Normukhamedov M., 246-1611 Galina Kostina, 233-4243 Dr. Taymurot Yunusmetov, 254-4563 Mercury Service Events & Travel UNDP FAYSEL Construction Logistics Management LLC Stefan Priesner, 120-3450, 120-3451 Yuksel Adana, 255-5216 Murod Makhmudov, 235-7771 World Bank Country Office /IFC Globalink Logistics Group M&M Militzer & Muench Uzbekistan Jan-Peter Olters, 238-5950 Khalid Farooq, 129-9900 Khurshid Kasimdjanov, 140-0003 IFC Global Translation Service Move One Logistics Zafar Khashimov, 120-2454 Ruslan Daminov, 914-7627, 921-9163 Atabek Alimdjanov, 235-1843 Gosselin World Wide Moving Namuna-Diyor Private Scientific NON-RESIDENT Pim Sterckx, 186-6233 Industrial Enterprise Dow Turkiye Kimya Sanayi ve Grant Thornton Furkat Salimov, 255-3278 Ticaret Limited Sirketi Nematulla Karimov, 234-4632 Nano Telecom Ltd. Meltem Turker, +90 (216) 521-1607 Holos Ltd. Evgeniy Vishnevskiy, 205-0000/53 Khalmurat Manaev, 252-7185/86 Neftgazkipavtomatika NON-RESIDENT—NON-PROFIT HR Capital Consulting (HRC) Tojiev Ruzimurat, 268-2401 Dr. Gregory Gleason Aziz Kurbanov, 150-4230 Oasis FES LLC University of New Mexico, Iberiasia Tour Dale Henry, 237-5315 +49 (8821) 750-2526 Farkhod Sabirov, 255-4990 Ramada Hotel National Bank of Pakistan Imeon Logistics Group Ltd. Dinesh Upreti, 140-6000 Dildora Yuldasheva, 2371991 David O`Connor, 150-1856 Riks Education Centre International Certificate System Azimjon Khusanov, 234-0234 INDIVIDUAL Group LLC Sherdav Himoya Ilkhom Khodjakulov, Dr. Shervin Mirzadeh, 236-2341 Davronbek Ahmatov, 145-4921 +49 (175) 997-3902

30 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016 AMCHAM UZBEKISTAN

Tax & Accounting Chairs Committee of AmCham Committees 2016

Vera Bell Tax and Accounting Committee meets on a regular basis bringing to- gether a dynamic group of senior pro- fessionals from the leading auditing companies, multinationals, and tax specialists.

Trade & Investment Agriculture and Food Corporate & Social Committee Processing subcommittee Responsibility Committee

Gabil Ahmadov Dale Henry Rodica Verbeniuc Trade and Investment Committee Agricultural and Food Processing Corporate & Social Responsibility meets and engages with the major is- Subcommittee brings together a wide Committee meets to review and dis- sues faced by local and foreign inves- range of interested players including cuss the ways in which the business tors as well as those dealing with com- representatives of the public sector community can best serve its many mercial matters. to review and discuss a full agenda of stakeholders including those in need. related issues.

Tourism & Hospitality The Membership Legal Group Industry Committee Committee Committee

Tourism & Hospitality Committee brings Legal Group Committee is still in the together on a regular basis the many process of establishing itself but the members in the hotel-tourism sector, early meetings have been very en- with the focus being on how to improve couraging by the number of interest- service, deal with issues and contribute ed participants and the quality of the to the sector's growing importance. ensuing discussions.

Otabek Mukhammadiev Membership Committee looks to not just attract new candidates for mem- bership in AmCham but also how to best serve the existing members.


Business Connections is semi-an- nual and annual reports for mem- BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 bers that are published 2 times a year for American Chamber of Commerce in Uzbekistan.

Executive Director Nazi Aripdjanova

Editorial Board Donald Nicholson II, Hugo Minderhoud, Nazi Aripdjanova, Lyubov Belokon, Andrew Kemp Maul, Alexey Kirilov, Lola Shaislamova, Julia Bakhmatch, President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Rodica Verbeniuc Donald Nicholson II Tõnu Grünberg Hugo Minderhoud SEAF-SME Investment AKTE LLC Contributing Authors Management Donald Nicholson II, US Ambas­sa­ dor to Uzbekistan H. E. Pamela L. Spratlen, Nazi Aripdjanova, Julia Bakh­match, Rodica Verbeniuc, Alexander Antonov, Robert L. Hor­ ton, Maxim Dogonkin, Yana Migu­li­ na, Nigora Akilova

Address: 4B, Afrosiab Str., 100031 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Phone: +998 (71) 140-0877 James Vaughan Otabek Mukhammadiev David Le Blond Fax: +998 (71) 140-0977 Sasol Synfuels PwC UzBAT International Email: [email protected] Website:

The AmCham Uzbekistan and au- thors declare that they have com- piled this document carefully and to the best of their knowledge. However, no warranty or representation is made to the accuracy of complete- ness of the information contained in this document. The AmCham Uzbekistan and authors assume no Mirpayoz Mirsaatov Gabil Ahmadov Hector Villarreal liability whatsoever for any damage OLSOFT Coca-Cola General Motors, resulting from the use of this docu- Uzbekistan ment or its contents. This bi-annual free-of-charge advertising bulletin is not consid- ered to be a subject of mass com- munication and may be distributed free of charge without registration among limited number of entities and individuals.

Designer: Kakhramon Abidjanov

Printed by CLOSSA Nazi Aripdjanova Timothy Bugansky Uzbekistan, Tashkent 100015 Executive Director Ex-Officio BOD member, 93, Avliyo-Ota street U.S. Embassy in Tel: +998 (71) 2813998 Tashkent

32 Business Connections • semi-annual reporT FOR MEMBERS • 2016