49 bus time schedule & line map

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The 49 bus line (Crossens - Ainsdale) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Ainsdale: 6:52 AM - 11:00 PM (2) Crossens: 6:58 AM - 10:44 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 49 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 49 bus arriving.

Direction: Ainsdale 49 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Ainsdale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Monday 6:52 AM - 11:00 PM Preston New Road, Crossens Preston New Road, Tuesday 6:52 AM - 11:00 PM

Pool Street, Crossens Wednesday 6:52 AM - 11:00 PM

New Lane, Crossens Thursday 6:52 AM - 11:00 PM 77 Rufford Road, Southport Friday 6:52 AM - 11:00 PM

The Crescent, Crossens Saturday 7:10 AM - 11:00 PM

Blundell Lane, Crossens

Verulam Road, Churchtown Bankeld Lane, Southport 49 bus Info Direction: Ainsdale Botanic Gardens, Churchtown Stops: 59 Botanic Road, Southport Trip Duration: 49 min Line Summary: Preston New Road, Crossens, Pool Off Botanic Road, Churchtown Street, Crossens, New Lane, Crossens, The Crescent, 33 Botanic Road, Southport Crossens, Blundell Lane, Crossens, Verulam Road, Churchtown, Botanic Gardens, Churchtown, Off Peets Lane, Churchtown Botanic Road, Churchtown, Peets Lane, Mill Lane, Southport Churchtown, High Place, Highpark, Hesketh Drive, Highpark, Wennington Road, Highpark, High Park Place, Highpark Avenue, Highpark, Grange Avenue, Southport, Zetland Street, Southport, Mount Street, Hesketh Drive, Highpark Southport, Hoghton Street, Southport, Union Street, Southport, Hill Street, Southport, The Monument, Wennington Road, Highpark Southport, Eastbank Street, Southport, Wellington Street, Southport, Westcliffe Road, Southport, Norwood Avenue, Highpark Gloucester Road, , Lulworth Road, Birkdale, York Road, Birkdale, Birkdale Station, Birkdale, Bolton Roe Lane, Southport Road, Birkdale, Eastbourne Road, Birkdale, Stanley Grange Avenue, Southport Avenue, Birkdale, Barrett Road, Birkdale, Clifford Road, Hillside, Sandon Road, Hillside, Halsall Road, Hillside, Central Avenue, Hillside, Waterloo Road, Zetland Street, Southport Hillside, Leybourne Avenue, Hillside, Guildford Road, 107 Manchester Road, Southport Hillside, Philip Drive, Hillside, Mary Avenue, Hillside, Mount Street, Southport George Drive, Hillside, Mill Road, Ainsdale, Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, Leamington Road, Ainsdale, Ainsdale Hoghton Street, Southport Station, Ainsdale, Delamere Road, Ainsdale, Shore Road, Ainsdale, Sevenoaks Avenue, Ainsdale, Union Street, Southport Westminster Drive, Ainsdale, Frailey Close, Ainsdale, 623 Lord Street, Southport Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, Orchard Lane, Ainsdale, Brookdale, Ainsdale, Lilac Avenue, Ainsdale, Vale Hill Street, Southport Crescent, Ainsdale, Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, Pinfold Lord Street, Southport Lane, Ainsdale, Easedale Drive, Ainsdale, Longcliffe Drive, Ainsdale The Monument, Southport Lord Street, Southport

Eastbank Street, Southport 195 Lord Street, Southport

Wellington Street, Southport Garrick Parade, Southport

Westcliffe Road, Southport

Gloucester Road, Birkdale Lulworth Road, Southport

Lulworth Road, Birkdale

York Road, Birkdale Weld Parade, Southport

Birkdale Station, Birkdale 20 Liverpool Road, Southport

Bolton Road, Birkdale

Eastbourne Road, Birkdale

Stanley Avenue, Birkdale

Barrett Road, Birkdale

Clifford Road, Hillside

Sandon Road, Hillside Liverpool Road, Southport

Halsall Road, Hillside

Central Avenue, Hillside

Waterloo Road, Hillside

Leybourne Avenue, Hillside Carr Lane, Southport

Guildford Road, Hillside

Philip Drive, Hillside Heatheld Road, Southport

Mary Avenue, Hillside 207 Heatheld Road, Southport

George Drive, Hillside Mill Road, Ainsdale 555 Liverpool Road, Southport

Liverpool Road, Ainsdale 12 Station Road, Southport

Leamington Road, Ainsdale 17 Station Road, Southport

Ainsdale Station, Ainsdale 59 Station Road, Southport

Delamere Road, Ainsdale Dunes Close, Southport

Shore Road, Ainsdale

Sevenoaks Avenue, Ainsdale

Westminster Drive, Ainsdale

Frailey Close, Ainsdale Frailey Close, Southport

Liverpool Road, Ainsdale Orchard Lane, Southport

Orchard Lane, Ainsdale

Brookdale, Ainsdale Brookdale, Southport

Lilac Avenue, Ainsdale Cherry Road, Southport

Vale Crescent, Ainsdale

Liverpool Road, Ainsdale

Pinfold Lane, Ainsdale

Easedale Drive, Ainsdale Gleneagles Drive, Southport

Longcliffe Drive, Ainsdale Direction: Crossens 49 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Crossens Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:14 AM - 10:44 PM

Monday 6:58 AM - 10:44 PM Orchard Lane, Ainsdale Tuesday 6:58 AM - 10:44 PM Brookdale, Ainsdale Brookdale, Southport Wednesday 6:58 AM - 10:44 PM

Lilac Avenue, Ainsdale Thursday 6:58 AM - 10:44 PM Cherry Road, Southport Friday 6:58 AM - 10:44 PM

Vale Crescent, Ainsdale Saturday 6:50 AM - 10:42 PM

Liverpool Road, Ainsdale

Pinfold Lane, Ainsdale 49 bus Info Easedale Drive, Ainsdale Direction: Crossens Gleneagles Drive, Southport Stops: 57 Trip Duration: 49 min Longcliffe Drive, Ainsdale Line Summary: Orchard Lane, Ainsdale, Brookdale, Ainsdale, Lilac Avenue, Ainsdale, Vale Crescent, Bridgend Drive, Ainsdale Ainsdale, Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, Pinfold Lane, Chestereld Close, Southport Ainsdale, Easedale Drive, Ainsdale, Longcliffe Drive, Ainsdale, Bridgend Drive, Ainsdale, Westminster Westminster Drive, Ainsdale Drive, Ainsdale, Sevenoaks Avenue, Ainsdale, Kenilworth Road, Ainsdale, Tudor Road, Ainsdale, Sevenoaks Avenue, Ainsdale Ainsdale Station, Ainsdale, Faireld Road, Ainsdale, No. 664, Ainsdale, Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, Kettering Road, Southport Oakwood Avenue, Hillside, Mary Avenue, Hillside, Kenilworth Road, Ainsdale Nixons Lane, Hillside, Heatheld Road, Hillside, Leybourne Avenue, Hillside, Waterloo Road, Hillside, Tudor Road, Ainsdale Central Avenue, Hillside, Arundel Road, Hillside, Sandon Road, Hillside, St Johns Road, Hillside, Richmond Road, Birkdale, Carlisle Road, Birkdale, Ainsdale Station, Ainsdale College Close, Birkdale, Rivington Close, Birkdale, 122 Station Road, Southport Birkdale Station, Birkdale, York Road, Birkdale, Weld Road, Birkdale, Palatine Road, Birkdale, Westcliffe Faireld Road, Ainsdale Road, Southport, Duke Street, Southport, Nevill 28 Station Road, Southport Street, Southport, Bold Street, Southport, Leicester Street, Southport, Thistleton Mews, Southport, No. 664, Ainsdale Hawkshead Street, Southport, Leyland Road, 569 Liverpool Road, Southport Southport, Park Avenue, Southport, Parklands, Southport, Hesketh Drive, Churchtown, Derwent Liverpool Road, Ainsdale Avenue, Churchtown, Bibby Road, Churchtown, 537 Liverpool Road, Southport Peets Lane, Churchtown, Botanic Road, Churchtown, Botanic Gardens, Churchtown, Oakwood Avenue, Hillside Verulam Road, Churchtown, Merlewood Avenue, Crossens, Slackeys Lane, Crossens, North Road, Mary Avenue, Hillside Crossens, Brook Street, Crossens, Preston New Road, Crossens Nixons Lane, Hillside

Heatheld Road, Hillside

Leybourne Avenue, Hillside Waterloo Road, Hillside

Central Avenue, Hillside

Arundel Road, Hillside 302 Liverpool Road, Southport

Sandon Road, Hillside Liverpool Road, Southport

St Johns Road, Hillside

Richmond Road, Birkdale

Carlisle Road, Birkdale

College Close, Birkdale

Rivington Close, Birkdale Liverpool Road, Southport

Birkdale Station, Birkdale 4a Liverpool Road, Southport

York Road, Birkdale

Weld Road, Birkdale

Palatine Road, Birkdale

Westcliffe Road, Southport Priory Mews, Southport

Duke Street, Southport Garrick Parade, Southport

Nevill Street, Southport 165 Lord Street, Southport

Bold Street, Southport 519 Lord Street, Southport

Leicester Street, Southport 659 Lord Street, Southport

Thistleton Mews, Southport

Hawkshead Street, Southport

Leyland Road, Southport 131 Manchester Road, Southport

Park Avenue, Southport

Parklands, Southport Roe Lane, Southport

Hesketh Drive, Churchtown

Derwent Avenue, Churchtown Bibby Road, Churchtown

Peets Lane, Churchtown Mill Lane, Southport

Botanic Road, Churchtown 33 Botanic Road, Southport

Botanic Gardens, Churchtown Botanic Road, Southport

Verulam Road, Churchtown Bankeld Lane, Southport

Merlewood Avenue, Crossens Rufford Road, Southport

Slackeys Lane, Crossens

North Road, Crossens North Road, Southport

Brook Street, Crossens 168 Rufford Road, Southport

Preston New Road, Crossens Preston New Road, Southport 49 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved