~~ +fl'!d qft G1;:PIUI~1 '2001 CENSUS OF 2001

~-6 \3f1{1'tl61 Series-6 UTTARANCHAL

m~ Vi

~ ~ \i1"1fi'Lclil : tll'(of1 en-5 ~ \i1"1'{i'Lclil : '{il,(uf1 en-6, W \i1"1'{1'Lclil : ~ ~-7 - 1 31 ~ ct \i11 1ft 4i '1ft \i1"H1 'Lclil : tll'( of1 en -8; 31'j1'{iRl ct \i1"1 \i11 1ft mco'T \i1"1 fi {"clIf : tll'( of1 en -9 Total Population: Table A-5 Institutional Population: Table A-6, Houseless Population: Table A-7 L~ChedUled Ca~te~ Population ~ Table A~8, ~cheduled Tribes Population: Table A-9

<"l1c:t> I f'i" ~ t "<.r f"JT.(, lL~ ()l{_'T·" .... r U

\i1 'i ~ Iu HT PI ~ ~" (?flf, Btl 'i! iiI C'1 Directorate of Census Operations, Uttranchal Data Product·Number 05-008-2001-Cel=l-B6Ok ,;'

(ii) \:lxOflICl'i1 ...... v-vi

~ ...... : ...... ix

~ ~ ~ if ...... xi,xiii,xv,xvii,xix

~2fl ...... xxi-xxiii

1[<71" \Ji'i~IOI'i1 x~cpC'G'iI~ ~ ~ - \Ji'i~IOI'i1 2001 ...... xxvii-xxxiv

~ ~ 1:fCP "i\J'IX ...... xliii-xlvii

Rl~~I5jOII,Jicp fClClxfUll1i ...... Iv-Ixiii

Jil'ifil?l ...... Ixv-Ixvi

fll,(ufi Cf)-5 : Wc>J \J1"1'<1'L

':T'TT':'T1-MQ • • fll,(un.Cf)-6 : ~ \J1"1f1,'L

fll,(ufi Cf)-7 : W G'Hti'L

fll~ufi (f)-8 : 31j'

~ Cf)-9 : 31j'

31 j<'P "1 Ch 3lt='j7T(>'jJr:::J'i-==cp Icp ~ I~ ~ 31i~ \Ji1~41 ~ 3ljxifilC'l \Ji'i\JiIRtGil cn't xrm ...... 193-255 3lj(>'jl'icp- " qRClI'< 3ljxiT.n ...... , ...... 257-260



Preface ...... vii-viii Acknowledgements ...... x Figures afa glance ...... xii,xiv,xvi,xviii,xx Introduction ...... : .. xxiv-xxvi Basic census concept;:; and definitions-Census 2001 ...... xxxv-xlii Data highlights ...... : ...... xlviii-Iii Analytical statements ...... lv-Ixiii Map ...... Ixv-Ixvi Table-AS: Total Population ...... 1-67 - A 5- State Primary Census Abstract of Total population :2001 ...... 1-7 A 5- District Primary Census Abstract of Total population: 2001 ...... ,...... 8-42 A 5- Urban Primary Census Abstract of Total.population: ...... ~ ...... 44-67

Table-A6: Institutional Population ...... ~...... 68-74 A 6 - State Primary Census Abstract of Institutional populatio.n : 2001 ...... 68-74

Table-A7 : Houseless Population ...... 75-81 A 7 - State Primary Census Abstract at nstitutio'n population: 2001 ...... 75-81

Table-A8 : Scheduled Castes Population ...... 82-135 A 8 - State Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes population: 2001 ...... 82-88 A 8 ~ District Primary 8ensus Abstract of Scheduled Castes populati_on: 2001 ... 89-123 A 8 - Urban Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes population :2001 .. 124':135

Table-A9 : Scheduled Tribes Population ...... , ...... ~ ...... 136-189 A 9 - State Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes population: 2001 ..... 136-142- A 9 - District Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes population: 2001 .. 143-177 A 9 - Urban Primary Census Abstr?ct of Scheduled Tribes population :2001 .... 178-189

Annexures Annexure la & Ib List of notified Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ...... 193-255 Annexure" Household Schp.r-II lip...... 257-260

iv YffllCirtl -~~~~:;::;-:;:;!>I~4>:;;;I~~I~ -q ~ Tf"Cr \J1~'fi{..c<:j1 ~ ~ ~ 3l'R ~ ~~ ~4 'l1ffil ~ ~ ~.::r, xiJOOqI~'i 3l'R xil'A2J\G'< lR ~ fct>~ (Scanning) ~ ~ qRClI'< ~ ~ ~ cn't xoq=cnR1d 91lll!>lRl ~ ~ m~ \J1"PI UI.::rT ~ cn1 xi4>R1d ~ em cmI1wfi'lc6lll qRClct'i ~ ~ mfcp 6fTCf -q ~ cBT ~fURT, 2001 ~ ~ cn1 ~ ~ ~ Cb~,<'j lR ~ fct>llflR:PI ~ ~ ~ ~ ctN lR '\l1FIT "\J'ffi11 t I ~ qft \J1'i Jlol'il -q ~ ~ Fcl~IIC'1 ~ cn1 ~-!>IR1~ld ~ lR ~ ~ ~ 3ffmlRUT ~ cn1 fllf)C'1dl,"!4Cb fct>

1 991 -q ~ m~ \J1 'i J1 0111 ~ cn1 fli Si l;::;q \J1 'i '!i \Scl1l fnx-fUiICbI~I'i -q ~ \J1'i JIOI'i1 ~ cBT -cp-5 ~ -cp-9 cBT fll,I4>I~H -q 1:fCf) m~ ~ fct>

~ ~ \J1'i JIOI'i1 ~ ~ ~ cn1 ~ ~ ~ cpx ~ !>Itpl~I'1 em ~ -m "CbT ~ 'l1ffil ~ Si g I'< fG1 ~I '< ~ Cb Iq~ C'1 q ~ fcrfii ('t.m:tft), * ~.~. ~ql~q, \3lT f.i~~I4> ('t.m.tfi) $ m ~ ~, \1q ~cf) ('t.m:tft) ~ ~ '!iglllfTl41 &RT 3lTcP~ c)J ~ ~ ~ ~ T~ 3l~ w:rrm qft xi'< Ig 'i I ~ ~ I \3t1\! iil c>1 ~ ~ "'!"ffITt.A' ~ ~ cn1 ~ 1ft gJ~1 C'1 ~ I ~ \S(CT

v , 'BNC'f ctI \Jl"p I °1'1 I, 200 1 ctI 31 j\(ffi1 d \Jl1 Rilll ~ \Jl1 \Jl1 RillI ~ Rl CI ~ °n cBt "\J1t=q m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cpr ~ "if. ~.m. 3PXCIlC1, ~ ~ ~ ~ lipk~~1 if \(illil~Cf) ~ ~~ &RT -FcP

~ "\J1t=q ~ ~ ~'lflTI1 ~ ~ \(i li;:q 11 ~ q ~imt ~ 11 Cf) I~H cnT l>l Cf) I ~I d ~ cpr ~ * 3lR.~. f?r?rr, \jq lil5I'lCf)1~11 ~ ~ x=r4T ~ ~ ~ ~ fl$C11, Rl~<jOIl,liCf) tll'l't"1RiCf)'lCf)1~11 if ~1If?1C1 ~ ~ lil1Rl?l ~. 3lR.tfi. ~, \jq lil5I~~~I~ (liI1Rl.?I) cBt ~\@~\@ if ~11Rl?l ~~ &RT ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ em ~ ~ ~ ~ m"CfCf)CP if * m. i1wClct1, ~ f.1~~ICf) ~ ~ if -FcPlCf)1~11 if ~ ~ tll511'PI ~ ~ ~ ~ \Jl1~IOI11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ x=r4T ~ ~ Cf)4i1IRlll cnT ~ ~;:;qClI~ ~ ~ I

,iFPI UI11 Pt~~IIC1<:i ~ ~ ~ ~ CfJ4'6fIR4i ~ 2001 qft ,iFPI UI11 if m ~ Xi!3111 JI ~ it \jo'f ~ cpr ~ ~ I it \jo'f '\(i6f \Jj .-p 10 111 ~'BP1 ~ ~ 'iBT ~ ~ -~ fGI~I-i "{T\Rl m~ \Jj'1JIOI'1I''flR-~ ~ em ~ ~ ~ if 5!s1C'\!Ol \(i!3111 JI ~I ~ 31R'.~. fu5, .~ Pt~~I¢, ~ ~ if ~ qft OO&lT 3fR 3ITWr ~.~ cpr cpp:f ~ -QI.m. 'fucrRT, fl!3I<:i¢ Pt~~I¢, ~ 31R'.~. +lFn, \(i!3I<:i¢ Pt~~I¢, ~ ~.~. wIT, Xi1.31.~-1 ~ ~ ~, Xi1.31.~-I, ~ 31RTcft ~, 'W.31.~-I, ~ ~ fu5, Xi1.31.~-III, ~ ~ fu5, Xi1.31.~-III, ~~ I C1 (j I wl¢ 'FcP

3hl if -it \3t1~iilC1 Xl'\Rf l>l{l'\(i1 ~ x=r4T ~ ~ ~ Cf)4i1IRlll cpr ~ ~ tll54)~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1i1~flGI'(l ~ ~ 311AT 31f'J1R ~ ~ ~ ~ "\(i"lf$=r ~ ~ \Jl'1 l I 01'1 I, 200 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ cnT 1:J:XT 'CJR '4FIT W:rcr ..,-tT ~ I,

~.~.~ C1\'051 1 \37 f.1~~ICf), ,jHlIOHI Cf)141C111, ~, 200'4

vi Preface

The final population data and its basic characteristics presented in this publication is based on the processing, editing and tabulation of actual data captured through Household Schedule at the Population Enumeration phase of Census of India 2001. The generation of Primary Census Abstract for the Census of India 2001 was a fully computerized exercise starting with the automatic capt~re of data through scanning of the Household Schedule to the compilation of Primary CenslIs Abstract. In the 1991 Census, the final popu'lation totals and their basic characteristics at the lowest geographical, levels, popularly known as the village/town Primary Census Abstract was compiled manually in Regional Tabulation Offices established for this purpose in the state. For processing the huge volume of data collected at the Census of India 2001, a major technological change was introduced, which is the combination of digital imaging and intelligent character recognition or better known as Image Based Form Processing. Indian Census has completed successfully 100% data capturing from very large volume of household schedules and also implemented image enabled computer assisted coding of the descriptive items hand written in many different languages under diversified and extremely challenging field conditions.

In 1991, State Primary Census Abstract was adjunct to General Population Tables while in 2001 Census, these are presented as part of A-series tables. This publication contains Primary Census Abstract Tables A-5 to A-9. These tables present basic population characteristics of Total population (A-5), Institutional population (A-6), Houseless population (A-7), Scheduled Castes population (A-8) and Scheduled Tribes population (A-9). Primary Census Abstract for Total population gives basic information on area, Total households, Population, Population in the age group 0-6, Scheduled Castes population, Scheduled Tribes population, Literates, Total workers, Non-Workers, Main workers and Marginal workers classified by four broad industrial categories, namely, Cultivators, Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry workers and Other workers. The data in tables A-5, A-8 and A-9 is presented ,at State/districVsub-district and Urban Agglomeration/town levels. The Primary Census Abstract of Institutional population (A-6) and Houseless population (A-7) have been given first time up to district level ~y residence and sex. In the 1991 Census, only basic data on population by residence and sex for Institutional and Houseless Households were given in Appendix-3 to Table A-1. A bouquet of Primary Census Abstracts of different categories put together in this publication will be very useful and handy reference for the data users.

The task of finalizing the State Primary Census Abstract and production of this volume is the coordinated effort of various divisions in the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India and the Directorate of Census Operations. I am extremely grateful to Shri D.K.' Sikri, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India for his guidance in bringing out this publication. I am equally grateful to Shri Jayant Kumar Banthia, former Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India for his constant inspiration, help and guidance at every stage. In the Census Directorate Mr. N. K. Laskar, the then Director of Census Operations deserves all credits, under whose guidance and leadership entire Census Operation in the state was conducted successfully. I am thankful to Shri Himakar, Additional Director (EDP) for his untiring efforts in data processing and his team of officers Mr. M.R. Balakrishnan, Joint Director (EDP) Mr. A.K. Srivastava, Deputy Director (EDP) and Mr. Ani! Kumar, Deputy Director (EDP) and their colleagues. The data processing of Uttaranchal was handled efficiently by Data Centre Delhi under the overall

vii supervision of Mr. M.S. Thapa, Deputy Director supported by Sh. S.R Sahay, Deputy Director, Mr. A.M. Ansari, Assistant DireGrtor and dedicated team of his staff.

Scrutinizing and finalizing the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes returns of Census of India, 2001 was co-ordinated by Social Studies Division under the guidance of Dr. I.C.Aggrawal, Senior Research Officer who was ably supported by a team of officers.

The work of finalizing the Primary Census' Abstracts and bringing out this volume after detailed scrutiny and close coordination with other Divisions and Directorates has been accomplished by the Census Division of ORGI under the able guidance of Mr. RG. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (Census and Tabulation). Ms. Suman Prashar, Joint Director who efficiently coordinated the- eritire work of Primary Census Abstract. The work related to compilation, preparation of analytical tables and presentation of data in this publication has been ably done by Mr. H.K. Kaushal, Assistant Director assisted by Mr. RC. Meena, Statistical Investigator Grade-I and other officials. Maps included in this publication have been prepared by the Map Division of the ORGI under the able supervision of Dr. RP. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map). Printing of this volume was handled by Shri C. Chakravarty, Joint Director, Printing and Data Dissemination, Cell. I am also thankful to all·the officers and staff of Census Division and D.P. Division for their co­ operation and support in bringing out this volume.

Among those who were closely associated with this work, I appreciate each member of Census Cell consisting of Mr. P.C. Tewari, Assistant Director, Mr. RS. Meena, Assistant Director, Mr. D.O. Sharma, SI Grade I Mr. Rakesh Kumar SI Grade I, Mr. Sureash Chandra, SI Grade I, Mr. Ariadi Asthana, SI Grade II, Mr. Nanhku singh, SI Grade III, Mr. Balbir Singh, SI Grade III, Late Shri P.K. Pathak, SI Grade III, Mr. 0.1. Lyall, SI. Grade III, Mr. U.G. Jhingran, SI Grade III, Mr. R.L:. Yadav, SI Grade III, Mr. Vinod Soloman, SI Grade III, Mr. Ajai Kumar, Sr. Compiler, Mr. Rame_sh Chandra, Sr. Compiler, Mr. U.S. Singh, Sr. Compiler, Mr. L.P. Yadav, Sr. Compiler, Mr. Ajay -Singh Bharti, Compiler, Late Ms. Sonia Jethwani, Compiler and Ms. Saubhagya Srivastava, Assistant Compiler headed by Mr. R.K. Singh, Joint Director, for scrutiny and finalization of data presented in this~report.

Finally, I would acknowledge the active cooperation and support of the State Government of Uttaranchal and their officials and participation of people of the State but for tbeir support.it would not have been possible to complete the massive exercise of Census- 2001.

Dr. Ranbir Singh Lucknow, Director of Census Operations October, 2004 I '4-4-~~~-chal

viii \iI"1~IOHI ~ J>TT 3lN.\JlI. ~, ~ l=Jt5lxR>i'h;(lx (\Jl'ilIOI'i1 ~ "fmoftCl?xOI), ~J>TT ~ l:RroX, ~ Pt~~ICl?, J>TT ~. ~. ~, "fl8111Cl? f.i~~ICl?, m 3lN.m. lfturr, W.3r.~-I, ~m x=rTtRT ~, m.31. ~-II, ~m cfFrr ~, W.31. ~-III, ~m ~ ~, ~ ~ChC>1'iCl?df, ~m cfFrr lfTCT, 3li~fC;jfqCl?, miI.~. ~, "fit:; IllCl? =f1Cl?(Yj'i Cl?dl

~~~ . m f%l=JICl?x, 3JlR Pt~~ICl? (~~~IPtCl? ~ !iI~ffPl), m ~.~. ~, ~ Pt~!;!ICl?, m ~.~. ~, ~ Pt~~ICl?, m ~ ~, ~ Pt~~ICl?, m ~.~. ~, "flt5I11Cl? f.i~!;/ICl?, m ~ ffnr, "fH5111Cl? Pt~!;!ICl?, m ~.m. ~, "f1t5I11Cl? Pt~~ICl?, m ~ lff"R, "f1t5I11Cl? Pt~~ICl?, m cfi.~. ffnr, "f1t5I11Cl? Pt~~ICl?, J>TT ~.~. ~, "f1t5I11Cl? Pt~~ICl?, J3.fi urr{ c;nc;r, "f1t5I11Cl? Pt~~ICl?, ~J>TT \31TI, ~ ~ "f1t5I11Cl?

~~~~ mm. "iI¢q8i, ~ Pt~!;!ICl?, J>TT 3W:r~, "f1i5I11Cl? Pt~!;!ICl?, m~.m. WlTI, ~ dCl?;:J1CP~ "f18 III Cl?, m ~.m. ~, ~ dCl?;:J1cBl "fl8 IllCl?, m ~ c;nc;r, ~ dCl?"iIc$1 "fl8111Cl?, m cfi.~. <=fGA, ~ i¥t&lcP, m ~.~. ~, ~ ~

wlllft ... . . m~. ~, ~ iJ8IxR>i'h;(lxl-~~; m 6fTC'f pmT, ~ Pt~~ICl?

\iI'iJIOHI ~ Pt~*tIIt'1~ J>TT 3lN.~. ffnr, ~ Pt~!;!ICl?, J>TT 1fT.m. ~, "fl8111Cl? Pt~!;!ICl?, m 3lR.~. RFrr, "fl8111Cl? Pt~!;!ICl?, m tT.tT .. WlTI, W.31.~-1 m ~ ~, W.31.~-I, J>TT 3F1'Tfu ~, W.31.~-I, m ~ fu'5, w.31.~-I", m ~ fu'5, W.31.~-III, ~ m 1fT.~. 1fIOCf), W.31.~-III,· m tT.~. ~, W.31.~-III, m ~.\JlI. :H)"llx'i, w.31.~-IJI, m 3lR.~. ~, m.3f,~-III, J>TT ~ \liI ctliJ'i, m.31.~-III, J>TT 3l\1ITT rnr ~, ~ =f1 Cl? (Yj 'i Cl?*1 f. J>TT ~~ ~. ffnr , ~ =f1 Cl? (Yj 'i Cl?d , m ~.1fT. ~, ~ =f1 Cl? C1 'i Cl?*1 f. m 3l\1ITT fllPtlll ~dql4l, =f1Cl?C1'iCl?*11, 3iR ~J>TT ~ ~ql'«1q, "f1t5I11 Cl? '

ix Acknowledgements

Office of the Registrar General, India

Census Division Mr. RG. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (Census & Tabulation), Ms. Suman Prashar, Joint Director, Mr. H.K. Kaushal, Assistant Director, Mr. RC. Meena, S.1. Grade I, Ms. Sadhna Chhibber, S.1. Grade II, Ms. Veena Kumari, SJ. Grade III, Ms. Indu Bhola, Senior Compiler, Ms. Veena Matta, Steno, Mr. T.K. Mahto, Assistant Compil~r

Data Processing Division Mr. Himakar, Additional Director (Electronic Data Processing), Mr. B.L. Jain, Joint Director, Mr. M.S. Thapa, Deputy Director, Mr. Anil Kumar, Deputy Director, Mr. J.S. Lamba, Assistant Director, Mr. Surendra Singh, Assistant Director, Mr. J.C. Joshi, Assistant Director, Mr. Suresh Paul, A~sistant Director. Mr. V.K. Singh, Assistant Director, Mr. A.K. Shrivas, Assistant Director, Mr. Pyare Lal, Assistant Director, Ms. Usha, Data Processing Assistant - Data Dissemination and Printing Mr. C. Chakravorty, Joint Director, Mr. Om Parkash, Assistant Director, Mr. S.C. Bhakri, Senior Technical Assistant, Mr. M.C. Sharma, Senior Technical Assistant, Mr. Bhushan Lal, Senior Technical Assistant, Mr. B.K. Madan, Printing Inspector, Mr. N.K. Jain, Printing Inspector

Administration Mr. B. Mallik, Joint Registrar General/Joint Secretary, Mr Bal Krishan, Deputy Director

Directorate of Census Operations

Mr. R.K. Singh, Joint Director, Mr. P.C. Tewari, Assistant Director, Mr. RS. Meena, . { Assistant Director, Mr. D.O. Sharma, SI Grade I, Mr. Sureash Chandra, SI Grade I, Mr. Anadi Asthana, SI Grade II, Mr. Nanhku Singh, SI Grade "', Mr. Balbir Singh, SI Grade 111,- Late Shri P.K. Pathak, SI Grade '", Mr. 0.1. Lyall, SI. Grade III, Mr. U;G'. Jhingran, SI Grade III, Mr. RL.'Yadav, SI Grade III, Mr. Vinod Soloman, SI Grade III, Mr. Ajai Kumar, Sr. Compiler, Mr. Ramesh Chandra, Sr. Compiler, Mr. U.S. Singh, Sr. Compiler, Mr. L.P. Yadav, Sr. Compiler, Mr. Ajay Singh Bharti, Compiler, Late Ms. Sonya Jethwani, Compilerand Ms. Saubhagya Srivastava, Assistant Compiler

x ~ '$t \i1'i JIOI"1t 2001 ~ "Fl'fk.clll ~ ~ ~ ~ it

~~"$T~ 13 ~\3lf~en!~ 49 wc;rl1tcITcp'1"fffim 16,826 ~ ~ TfTcIT en! ~ 15,761 "¥f-;p-ffi"$T~ 86 "¥f fIifcrfErcp -.,.m qft ~ 74

~ ~ fBr

'jFN~{"~[ (0-6 3m]; ~) 1,360,032 712,949 647,083 meR (7 err ~ ~ ~ 5,105,782 3,008,875 2,096,907 wc;r~ 3,134,036 . 1,996,177 1,137,859

Cf)1~dCf)l\{ 1,570,116 684,422 885,694 ~Rli5'< ~ 259,683 190,494 69,189 4IRcIlRCf> ~ ~ 72,448 43,744 28,704. ~~ 1,231,789 1,077,517 154,272 ffi-~~ 962 fmJ ~ ~ (0-6 ~ ~) 908 m&RdT~ 71.6 83.3 59.6 cpp:f~~ 36.9 - 46.1 27.3

WC1 ~ cpr !OIRI~ld

en q¢ I fC;j ¢ ClJ1ff 74.1 82.1 60.0

3"1 c>G (fj I Rr1 (fj ~ 25.9 17.9 40.0

cgc;r cnfifm "$T ~

$1~dCf)I'< 50.1 34.3 77.8 ~Rli5'< ~ 8.3 9.5 6.1 41RcllR¢ ~ ~ 2.3 2.2 2.5 ~ cp1ff 39.3 54.0 13.0

~ -- ~ CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 FIGURES AT A GLANCE OF TOTAL POPULATION Uttaranchal Total Number of Districts 13 Total Number of Sub-Districts 49 Total Number of Villages 16,826 Total Number' of Inhabited Villages 15,761 Total Number of Towns 86 Total Number of Statutory Towns 74

Persons Males Females Total Population Total 8,489,349 4,325,924 4,163,425 Rural 6,310,275 3,144,590 3,165,685 Urban 2,179,074 1,181,334 997J40 Population (0-6 years) 1,360,032 712,949 647,083 Literates (7years and above) 5,105,782 3,008,875 2,096,907 Total workers 3,134,036 1,996,177 1,137,859 Main workers 2,322,347 1,639,242 683",105 Marginal workers 811,689 356,935 454,754 Cultivators 1,570,116 684,422 885,694 Agricultura:i labourers 259,683 190,494 69,189 Household industry workers 72,448 43,744 28,704 Other workers 1,231,789 1,077,517 154,272 Sex ratio 962 Child sex ra.tio (0-6 years) 908 Literacy rate 71.6 83.3 59.6 Work participation rate 36:9 46.1 27.3 Percentage to total workers:

Main workers 74.1 82.1 60.0 Marginal workers 25.9 17.9 40.0 Categories of total worker:s __ Cultivators 50.1 34.3 77.8 Agricultural labourers 8.3 9.5 6.1 Household industry worKers 2.3 2.2 2.5 Other workers 39.3 54.0 13.6

xii ~ qft \J1~JIOI~1 2001 ~ GFtfi(.GlH ~ ~ -qcp ~ "f{

Gti'( I~cl ~~cttx=mm 13 ~\3ll~q5T~ 49 WBlltcTIq5T~ 16,826 WB ~ TfTcIT qft ~ 15,761 ~~cttx-mm 86 ~~~qft~ 74 fB;mt czrfcR:r ~ ~ \1F1fi'Lc~1I mrr 107,531 89,655 17,876 "!Wftur 37;231 28,504 8,727 ;:Plflll 70,300 61,151 9,149

\JI'ifi'LclIl (0-6 ~ ~) 3,691 2,046 1,645 W&R(7~~~~ 90,116 77,079 13,037 ~~ 63,107 60,155 2,952 cfl !:lim ~ 4) cplff 57,419 55,396 2,023 ·31 0"I.Cf> IRrI Cf> ~ 5,688 4,759 929

Cf> I ~d Cf> 1'< 2,032 11060 972 ~RtiN~ 1,239 1,008 231 4IRcIlR4) ~ ~ 276 179 97 ~ cp1ff 59,560 57,908 1,652 ffi-~~ 199 fmJ fc;r-r ~ (0-6 ~ ~) 804

WaTXffi ~ 86.8 88.0 80.3 Cl5T4~GX 58.7 67.1 16.5 WB ~ cpr ~Rt~ld

cfl0Cf)1~4) ~ 91.0 92.1 68.5' 31 C"4 4) IItt Cf> ~ 9.0 7.9_ 31.5

cgc1~ctt~ Cf> I!;!d Cf> 1'< 3.2 1.8 32.9 ~Rt6'< ~ 2.0 1.7 7.8 41RqlRCfi ~ ~ 0.4 0.3 3.3 3R:r~ 94.4 96.3 56.0 ~

xiii CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 FIGURES AT A GLANCE OF INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION Uttaranchal Total Number of Districts 13 Total Number of SUb-District::; 49 Total Number of Villages 16,826 Total Number of Inhabited Villages 15,761 Total Number of Towns 86 Total Number of Statutory Towns 74

Persons Males Females Institutional Population Total '107,531 89,655 17,876 Rural 37,231 28,504 8,727 Urban 70,300 61,151 9,149 Population (0-6 years) 3,691 2,046 1,645 Literates (7years and above) 90,116 77,079 13,037 Total workers 63,1'07 60,155 2,952 Main workers 57,419 55,396 2,023 Marginal workers 5,688 4,759 929 Cultivator~ 2,032 1,060 972 Agricultural labourers 1,239 1,008 231 Household industry workers 276 179 97 Other workers 59,560 57,908 1,652

Sex ratio 199 Child sex ratio (0-6 years) 804 Literacy rate 86.8 88.0 80.3 Work participation rate _ 58.7 67.1 16.5 Percentage to total workers:

Main workers 91.0 92.1 68.5 Marginal workers 9.0 7.9 31.5 Categories of total workers Cultivators 3.2 1.8 32-.9 Agricultural labourers 2.0 1.7 7.8 Household industry workers 0.4 0.3 3.3 Other workers· 94.4 96.3 56.0 -- ..- xiv ~ qft \J1~JIOI~1 2001 ~ G1~ti{.c:a1 ~ ~ ~ ~ it

\1f1 '< Iit (i1 ~R;rc;TICf>'t~ 13 ~\3lf~mt~ 49 ~TftclTCf>'t~ 16,826 ~ Jll6fR TfrcIT cp't ~ 15,761 ~-;rNtcpJ"ffism 86 ~~~.Cf>'t~ 74

~ Cl1fcid ~ f??mt ffl \J"11 'fi (.~ I

31 (A Cf) I R>t Cf) cp1ff 3,534 2,981 553

Cf)1~dCf)lx 300 180 120 ~R15X ~ 455 332 123 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ 306 174 132 3RT~ 8,252 7,103 1,149 ffi-~~ 401 tmj fNrT 3fj1Tm (0-6 3m] X1W) 935

~GX 33.9 40.5 14.7 Cf>T

~ ~ CP.T !'IR1~ld en tl Cf) I fC;j Cf> 'Cpifi 62.1 61.7 63.7 31 (A Cf) IfC;j Cf) cpo:fi 37.9 38.3- 36.3

cgc;r ~ Cf>'t ~

Cf) I~d Cf) Ix 3.2 2.3 7.9 ~R1i5x ~ 4.9 4.3 8.1 QIRcIlRCf> ~ ~ 3.3 2.2 8 :7,' 3R-T

Person! Males -Females Houseless Population Total 14,70 10,496 4,207 Rural 10,76 7,762 3,006 Urban 3,93 2,734 1,201

.Population (0-6 years) 1,92, 996 931 Literates (7years and above) 4,329 3,847 482 Total workers 9,3'13 7,789 1,524 Mafn workers 5,7.79 4,808 971 Marginal workers 3,534 2,981 553 Cultivators 300 180 120 Agricultural labourers 455 332 123 Household industry workers 306 174 132 Other workers 8,252 7,103 1,149

Sex ratio 401 Child sex ratio (0-6 years) 935

Literacy rate 33.9 40.5 14.7 Work participation rate 63.3 74.2 36.2 . Percentage to total workers:

Main workers 62.1 61.7 63.7 Marginal worl5ers 37.9 38.3 36.3 Categories of total workers Cultivators 3.2 2.3 7.9 Agricultural labourers 4.9 4.3 8.1 Household industry workers 3.3 2.2 8.7 Other workers _-88.6 91.2 75.4

xvi ~ qft \1F1JIUI~1 2001

3tj'<~tI \ilIRi4i ~ ~ ~ ~ it \3t1 '< Iil Ci1 ~~cBt~ 13 WB~~cBt~ 49 WC1.-ncITcttx=Rsm 16,826 WC1 ~

~~ ~ fB;mt aJ j1fi1 (1 \ill f2t mcBt \iI '1 fi'Lc

'1 J I-

\iI'1f1'Lc ~ 389,466 268,315 121,151 31C'4Cf)IR14> ~ 179,838 87,419 92,419

Cf)1~(14)I'< 268,906 114,494 154,412 ~f2t~'< .~ 87,053 62,936 24,117 4IRcIlRCf) ~ ~ 18,686 12,597 6,089 3Fll" Cf51ff 194,659 165,707 28,952

ffi-~~ 943 fmJ fWr ~ (0-6 ~ ~) 934

ma:Rm ~ 63.4 77.3 48.7 cpr

g>C1 ~ em !>tf2t~l(1

en tlCf) IfCq Cf) ~ 68.4 75.4 56.7 31 C'4 4> IfCq 4> CfJ1ff 31.6 24:6 43.3


Cf)1~(14)I'< 47.2 32.2 72.3 ~Rm'< ~ 15.3 17.7 11.3 QIRClIRCf) ~ CfJ1ff 3.3 3.5 2.9 3RT Cf>1ff 34.2 46.6 13.6


2.. ··13 RGIIND/06 xvii CENSUS OF INDIA 2001

FIGURES AT A GLANCE OF SCHEDULED CASTES Uttaranchal Total Number of Districts 13 Total Number of Sub-Districts 49 Total Number of Villages 16,826 Total Number -Of Inhabited Villages 15,761 Total Number of Towns 86 Total Number of Statutory Towns 74

Persons Males Females Scheduled Castes population Total 1,517,186 780,772 736,414 Rural ' 1,256,122 642,087 614,035 Urban 261,064 138,685 122,379 Population (0-6 years) 281,407 145,492 135,915 Literates .(7 years and above) 783,467 490,81-1 292,656 Total workers 569,304 355,734 213,570 Main workers . 389,466 268,315 121,151 Marginal workers 179,838 87,419 92,419 Cultivators 268,906 114,494 154,412 Agricultural labourers 87,053 62,9·36 24,117 Household industry workers 18,686 12,597 6,089 Other workers 194,659 165,707 28,952 Sex ratio 943 Child sex ratio (0-6 age group) 934 Literacy rate 63.4 77.3 48.7 Work participation rate 37.5 45.6 29.0 Percentage to total workers:

Main workers 68.4 75.4 56.7 Marginal workers . 31.6 24.6 43.3 Categories Of. total workers Cultivators 47.2 32.2 72.3 Agricultural labourers 15.3 17.7 11.3 Household industry workers 3.3 3.5 2.9 Other workers 34.2 46.6 13.6

xviii ~ qft \11~"IO'I~1 2001 3fj~d \11<1\11IRt41 ~. ~ -qq; ~ it \3't1 '< I it C'1 ~~qft~ 13 ~~ftrcrITqft~ 49 ~ llicIT qft ~ 16,826 ~~

~ ~ N?rm ~ 31 j~ d \it 'i \ill Rt 11'j qft \it 'i xi &:II -m.r 256,129 131,334 124,795 wftur 240,209 122,808 117,401 'iJI,fm 15,920 8,526 7,394

\il'ixl&:ll (0-6 3WJ ~) 42,697 21,835 20,862 ~ (7 crtt ~ ~ 3lllfi 105,300 65,502 39,798 c!hhPl f(;j cp cplft 76,961 55,597 21,364 31 C"lJ cp If(;j cp ~ 28,339 9,905 18,434

Cf) I~d Cf) I'I! 66,374 40,392 25,982 ~Rt5'1!~ 13,871 8,596 5,275 41RqlRcp ~ Cf>lfi 6,559 1,731 4,828 3RT T

~~cm QRt~ld

~l')jlJ cp If(;j cp cplft 73.1 84.9 53.7 3lC"lJCPI~cp ~ 26.9 15.1 46.3 cwr cpM"~~. ~ ~

cpl~dCPI'l! 63.0 61.7 65.3 ~Rtg\! ~ 13.2 13.1 13.3 q IRq IR cp trEl)-rr cm:ff . 6.2 2.6 12.1 ~~ 17.6 22.6 9.3

. xix CENSUS OF INDIA i001

FIGURES AT A GLANCE OF SCHEDULED TRIBES Uttaranchal Total Number of Districts 13 Total Number of Sub-Districts 49 Total Number of Villages 16,826 Total Number of Inhabited Villages 15,761 Total Number of Towns 86 Total Number of Statutory Towns 74

Persons Males 'Females' Scheduled Tribes population Total 256,129 131,334 124,795 Rural 240,209 122,808 117,401 Urban 15,920 8,526 7,394 Population (0-6 year-s) 42,697 21,835 20,862 Literates (7 years and above) 134,960 -83,649 51,311 Total workers 105,300 65,502 39,798 Main workers 76,961 55,597 21,364 Marginal workers 28,339 9,905 18,434 Cultivators 66,374 40,392 25,982 Agricultural labourers 13,871 8,596 5,275 Household industry workers 6,559 1,131 4,828 Other workers 18,496 14,783 3,713

Sex ratio 950 Child sex ratio (0-6 age group) 955

Literacy rate 63.2 76.4 49.4 Work participation rate­ 41.1 49.9 3,1.9 Percentage to total workers:

Main workers 73.1 84.9 53.7 " Marginal workers 26.9 15.1 46.3 Categories of total workers Cultivators 63.0 61.7 65.3' Agricultural labourers 13.2 13.1 13.3 Household industry workers 6.2 2.6 1.2.1

Other workers 17~6 22.6 9.3


xx 'Bffil q>'T ,jF'PIOI'"lI, 2001 ~ fH5'Bl1IR 3tR ~cfc6hicfl" ~Idl&fl cBT ~ \11'"1 1101'"11 t I jdl3TI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6'1 ~ 00 xl ~ 00 3tR ~ fl6'Bl1IR ~ ~ flt:'BlIIR if ~ ffi ~ mrT I <) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'BT 3lfucp \11'"1JiI'"lXi fGr:rif 8,489,349 \3'fi'C"'!l101 3tR fc)-cpffi ~ ~ ~ ~ m if flt:~~ol3tR ~ ~ m-rt I

~ 'BT'"R Xj\-cll Cf>'I'"Ixj\41Cf>'l"R Xj\ifl Cf>'l,'

~ 3&r fcmrc;r cwf cpT (~ ~ IDXT ~Ii RI Cf> I t'1 if fcfRrr ~ "CflC11 ~ em ~ CfJ Ji 1"5f ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~lIflPl Cfj cpp:f llFI1 \iffi"fT i)~ ~ "CR ~ 20 c;rmr ~ 'BT ~ q II 0 1Cf>l 3tR ~1ffCPT IDXT 593 fGrHT, 5,463 \3"4"-fGrHT, 5,1 61 ~ 3tR 638,588 llic!T if "£R -"£R \ifTCR ~ dR tR ~ ~ trltcrrx 3lj1~'41 ~ q,(Yj'{" fcrcRur ~ ~ ~ cr.m 'l1JTT-lil B Cf>1~dCfJI:{)/iSllllql41 1) CfJI,q'x 39 "Cf>TC¥f "d"m 23 ~ ~ l"fq ~ ~ ~ dR "QX ~ ll<:rr cr.m TfURT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'11ff fcn

\11 '1 fi§'Ol I ~ 3l'"lRlJi ~ QCfJI~ld m ~ ~ ~ XiI'1 t1cfxiIJiI'"X1 ~ ~ "\iflfl' CR ~ ~ I \3f1xiilH f.i~~IIC1~ ~ 'BT 3lLA \11'1xi{"~1 ~ ~ ~, 2001 ~ -I , " atR "I ~ >l CJJJ ~I '"I ~ ~ ~ fGR;n, \3"4"-fGR;n 3tR ~ ~ 1R 31 '"I RlJi .3TtcPi "\iflfl' ~ t I aT'BT (fCfj \ilRl ~ ~ \11 '1"fi {..clIl ~ x=r'BT aT '"IRiJi ~ ~/~ ~ x=itT ~ ~ ~ (fCfj \11 '"I fi§'Ol I ~iSlX"lJ~c: http://www.censusindia.net."CR.BT ~ ~ I

.3TicPm~wr '1cPR ~Cf>,1 ~ ~-~

xxi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASCII funrt ~ ~ ~ ~eC1"IJl'"'C ~~CfCx RcpiJI4~1'i (~ x:fi 3m) fllQ'C~~x ~ l=fTt2P1 xt m xt ~ 3ljxfil4i "$ ~ cpl ~R1Icli~\T\5 ~ "if ~ TJ"m I ~CPX1)4dl '{j)AWtld ~ ~ ~ fcI~ltiC fllQ'C~~x cpr wn-rr ~ ~ 3ljXiRl~'j "$ hS\ilI~'i 3tR q?lx~reJI cpr ~ ~ ift 'b41'iwTcp PcPm 'Tm ~ ~PiJI m "$ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3lIq~~cp m I ~ ~ qft \34'9)Ck1 ~ !>l~EllfTlc61 cpr ~ ~ \il'iJIOI'i1 ~ ~RH31f1 "if ~ ~ ~ ii cp I'i 'tj\il1 CPX 01 (fm ~ ift ~ \il 'i fi '&ll fli XfCll41 cpl ~ 1"JURT ~ 3TI'CTR" tTf ~ ~ ~ m "fICPT I \3-n,< iil C'1 ~ ~ ~ cpr CJ>Tlf "\SlCT ~ ~ ID'

~Olch'1l 3t1;tClltH m G(if ~ m=rrtmf ~ ~ Wfmf, ~ -&mx m ~ Wro'i". ~ ~ C4lqi$IR cP ~ xt 'ffi 3lICl~~cp m"GfTdl ~ fcp ern ~ ~ em fl4f1IJOtIrfIR mar ~ I ~ ~ ~ TfUFfT ~ qft- ~ ~ $ ~ ~ J11R;tcp fi~\il'i '{j)Pif?qd Cffoir :!OICl-n1 Pi<:i?IOI, fcI~lticp,< g)-?; aT?T qft \il"'lfi&ll "$ ~ qft ljOI Cl't'1 I ~ Pi 4?1 0 I cpr 1j&l' 3TI'CTR" ~ I

31 mfild \il1R1l!lf $ 31 mfild \il 'i\ilIRt 41 em ~ ~ ~ "$ fRq 3l"4"'ilI ""11 G1 'i I~ ~ FcPm 1lI mwm ~ ~ Cf>9c,< ~ 31 mfil d "\1fTfu $ 31 j~ d \il 'i \ill Rt ""I'j fI J4.qr ~ CflitJ'i;fl Pi Cf> IC'1 Cf>x $ ~ tTf ~ ~ ffi 4RQlx ~ ~ ~ ~ qft * cpl \34'9)Ck1 ~~I'i,n q;) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ \il'iJ·IUI'i1 "fIR ~ x1f1IEl'i "$ ~-~ \1f5t ~ 31IQ~~cp ~ ~ 1W wn "$ ~ ~ Cf)9Cx qft fli$i~dt ~ ~ ~ qft ~ I ~ fclR:fi ~ "$ 'Cllf "$ 3TI'CTR" "4X ~ 31j~(1 "G'fTfR/31"'~d \il 'i \ill RI qft ~ "$-Prclf,< 0 I "$ ~ fcpm l"fm ~ I

G1'i JIUI'i1 Pi~~IIC'1~ ID'1~fC'1~ ~ G1'i JIUI'i1 WlTlT qft ~ ~'{ghg ~ iil4kRJI ~ fllJOOllfGiCf> ~ "!rm"lT, ~ x1f1I'CA WlTlT, ~ >ffiR ~ ~ JOtI'ifil?l ~ "$ ~ flt:""I1JI ~ ~ ~ ~ PcPm l"fm I

2001 ctt \il'iJIUI'i1 -4 ~ ~ G1'i JIOI"'l1 "fIN ~ ~ 1f ~ "fI"T qRqct'i FcPm l"fm ~ I 1991 qft \il'iJIUI'i1 ~ ~ \il'iJIUI'i1 "ffR "if 4hfCf>IR1Cf> ~ cpT ;:ff 3fla'lfTlCf> ~ "if QJI1Pd fcnm l"fm m ~ 31ij "fI"l1l"l:('j" "Cf>X ~ TfI!lT ~ 3tR ~ ~ "4X 'cfhfcp Iftt Cf> ~' 3tR '31 <"4 Cf> IR;t cp ~' ~ q;)"ilR 3fta'lfTlCf> ~"if ~ T[<:IT ~ I

"~ G1'i JIUI'i1 "ffR -- WC'1" G1'ix1\§QI" "ffR11ft cp.:5 '+Tffii 2001 ~ ~ em !>Icpl~11 ~ 2004 1f fcpm l"fm I ~ ~ ~ F \i1'ifi\§Q1 ~ \NRl ~ ~ fcI~lisjdl~ ~ fin

xxii 31~ \Jllfd<':Jl 3iR ~ "f1\Jllfd<':Jl ~ Vj"l'f1'(.~I, WaR, cP~C!ii:J qpff ~ ~ zm-~ ~, ~t fitr ~

1981 ~ \Jl"lJI 01'11 if ~ 6fR xrr=rRT ~ \Jl"lJI OI11 X1R ~ ~ ~ \Jllfd4i 3iR 3f~ "\Jp1~ ~ 3l(qTf-3R¥[ ~ \if;;p-ruprr x=rR !OIepl~li:J ~ ~ ~ I ~ !OIepl~I"I 1991 ~ 1ft lTcPl"fud ~ ~ ~ I 1961 ~ 1971 cBT \lFPI 01'1131l it ~ "QCPR ~ ~ mxufi 7l-VIII-flPiIRrlCfl ~ 'fti'tfRlep mfUft ~ Wt9 ~ ~ 3l~i:J GlIRt<':Jl/31~i:J GHGllfd<':Jl ~ ~ fllxfUl~' ~ \31f"~ -g I \JFPIOI"l1 2001 if ~ cBT 31j~i:J \Jllfd4i ~ 31~ Gl"l\J!lfd<':Jl cBt \J!"I'f1&:11 ~ ~ ~.-n x=rR cn1 ~: ~ !OICflI~I"I it ~ cp-8 3fN cp-9 it c:-m-m Tfm ~ I

~ ~ ~ ~ Gl"PIOHI x=rR ~ (cp-5), ~ GH'f1'&4I, ~ Gl"l'f1'(.~1 'fIRUft (cp- 6) , ~ \il"l 'f1 &:II tJRUfi (cp -7) , 31 j'

\J!"I JI 01"11 if ~ ~ ffl \J!"I'f1&:11 ~ Wi IRri Cf) ~ 3I1ff:rcp ~ em ~ 6fR ~ \Jf.-f1TUA1 \9R ~ c:-m-m Tfm ~ I ~ crcct>T c&r \J!"I'f1'(.~1 cBt ~ fc)~ltii:Jl3IT ~ ~ ~ ~ tR ~ t ~ ~ it 1TI51 T ~ ~ ~ qftcrR ~ ~ WflT ~ ~ C4Q5IRCf) ~ xt ~ ~ -cp) UfA if ~ m I ~ m ctl ~ ~ ~ 'iRt4l cBt ~ ct>T ~ -;:fflt \iff m I 3m: ~ ~ cnT \i4'9)Cffi -qfuT1Fl if '

m~ \Jl"lJIOI"l1 x=rR qff ~ fll'l!fUlm ~ 31fdRCRl ~ QCbI~I"I it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, 31~ \J!lfd<':JI ~ 3lj~d<':Jl \J1"1\J!lfdm cBt \Ji"l+l&:ll, fliJiI""ll \J!"I'f1'(.~1 (31~ ~ ~ 31:M\Rlct Gllfdm ~ 31j~ct \J!"I\J!lfd41 $ ~) tR (fi~ ~~&l~OIlf4iep dlR1CflI~ '4T ~ ~ -g ~ Pcrcr xun ~ 2001 qft \J! "I J I° I "II ~ 3fjflN ~ W1l it \Jj "I 'f1 \§!OJ I, ~ ~ 'CPT ~ \Jj "I 'f1&:11 if Qfd~ld, 0-6 ~ ~ Ifd~lct, ffi-~ ~, 0-6 3m]; ~ it fmJ fc{Tr 3Tjtml, W8:RdT zy, ffi-~ "CbT

'B"ffif ~ ~ cBt 'tim 341 ~ 342 ~ (ffi(l mw 'iJ"ICfl-1 cp3I'R I ~ it ~ cBt~~1

xxiii Introduction The first census of the third millennium and twenty first century the Census of India, 2001 was the 14th continuous and uninterrupted Indian census since 1872. Thus, 2001 Census provides data on population and its characteristics marking transition from one century and millennium to another. The data would form the benchmark for framing of th,e welfare and development policies for billion plus people living in this country including 8,489,349 living in Uttaranchal. The Census Act, 1948, forms. the basis for the conduct of population censuses in independent India. The Census of India, 2001 was conducted in two distinct but inter­ related phases: the first phase, the Houselisting Operation was conducted between April­ September, 2000 in different states and union territories as a prelude to the exercise of undertaking the decennial Population Census. Houselisting Operations was conducted in the Uttaranchal from 15th May to 14th June 2000 and 11th to 30th September 2000 in two phases. The houselisting exercise provided the basis for uniform and unambiguous frame to undertake the Population Enumeration with the ultimate objective of achieving as full coverage as is humanly possible without any omission of an area or household. During this Houselisting Operation, data on housing conditions, amenities and assets available to the households were also collected. The second phase of census i.e. Population Enumeration, was undertaken between February, 9-28th 2001 (both days inclusive) with a revisional round from 1st to 5th March, 2001. The Census moment VIlas 00.00 hours of 1st March, 2001, the referral time at which the snapshot of the population of the country was taken. This was a departure from the earlier census tq:ldition, as until the 1991 Census (except 1971), the sunrise of 1st March of the relevant Census year was the census mom,ent. The enumeration th of houseless population was carried out on the night of February 28 , 2001. This gigantic operation (considered by many to be the single, largest and complex peace time administrative exercise in the world) was made possible due to the door to door universal ca'nvassing of the Household Schedule by about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering 593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and 638,588 villages at the national level. In UUaranchal Population Enumeration was carried out in the entire state covering 13 districts, 49 sub districts, 86 towns and 16,826 villages including remote and unaccesable areas. The comprehensive Household Schedule which replaced the individual slip canvassed at the 1991 Census, had three parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual Particulars and Part III contained questions for Household engaged in Cultivation/Plantation (Annexure-II).-The part II of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and 23 questions all of which were universally canvassed and no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. ' - To facilitate quick tabulation for bringing out Provisional Population Totals, provision for page totaling was made in the schedule itself for a few items. namely population, males, females, population aged 0-6 years by sex, literates, illiterates and workers and their categories by·sex. The Provisional Population Totals were put in the public domain on 26th March, 2001 within three weeks of the completion of the enumeratjon providing the basic statistics of the population by sex. The Directorate of Census Operations, UUaranchal had released provisional data at the distriet, SUb-district and town levels for State through the publication of Paper I, II and III of Provisional Population Totals. All 'the provisional population totals released so far are also available on census website: http://www.censusindia.net

Data Processing A quantum leap was made in the technology front while processing the Census 2001 data both for Houselisting and Population ElJumeration. The Schedules for both the phases

xxiv were scanned through high speed scanners in fifteen data centres across the country and hand-written data from the schedules were converted into digitized form through Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) software for creation of ASCII records for further processing. The desfgJ1ing and formatting of the Household Schedule had to be done very carefully using specialized software so as to ensure uniformity, which was an essential pre-requisite for scanning. The selectiol') of appropriate state-of-art technology in data processing has made it possible to produce all the Houselisting as well as Population Enumeration tables on full count basis for the first time in the history of Census. The work for Uttaranchal was done In the data centre Delhi. Quality Assurance After the data is processed, it is expedient on the part of the data producing agency. to satisfy itself about its quality before putting the same in public domain. This has to be done mainly through the process of intemal consistency, comparison with similar data in the past and also through validation with likewise data if available, from external sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception has to be brought into play to understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of population distribution and characteristics. The other very important aspect of the data quality is to ensure complete coverage of all geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct g~ographical linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of the quality control, especially for small area population statistics. There has been a major departure in Census 2001 from the past in respect of the procedure followed for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier censuses, the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes populations were finalized at the time of the manual compilation of the Primary Census Abstracts at the Regional Tabulation Offices which were specially set up for this purpose. The individl:lal Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for each state was finalized much later based on manual coding done by the coders. In 2001 Census, each individual Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe have been coded directly on the computers by the Data Entry Operators through a process known as Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) and taken up along with the processing of Primary Census Abstract data. The CAC process involves pulling down, from the relevant dictionary of the Scheduled Castes and the' Scheduled Tribes, on the computer screen and coding from the dictionary by referring to the image of Jhe specific individua,l entry in the Household Schedule appearing on the screen. The CAC of the response on Religion wherever required, was also undertaken along with the processing of Primary Census Abstract. This is because the Scheduled Castes status had to be determined in relation to the religion of the individual. Two Special Task Forces, one on Religion and the other on Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes were constituted for scrutiny and appropriate classification of these responses. The entir.e work relating to the data validation and scr.utiny was completed by the Directorate under the overall supervision and monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active cooperation and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and Ma-p Division. The format of Primary Census Abstract has been restructured slightly in the 2001 Census. The nine-fold industrial classification of main workers given in the Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census has been discontinued and in its place, four-fold industrial classification of both 'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. The "Primary Census Abstract-Total population" Table A-5, India 2001 was released in July 2004 which besides population includes certain basic population characterstics such

xxv The "Primary Census Abstract-Total population" Table A-5, India 2001 was r~ased lin July 2004 which besides population includes certain basic population characterstics'¢such as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe's population, literates, workers by categories etc at India, State, Union territory, District and Urban Agglomeration/City (with population 100,000 and above) It was for the first time at the 1981 Census that the Primary Census Abstract was brought out for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes separately on the pattern of General Primary Census Abstract. This practice was continued in 1991 also. In-the 1961 'and 1971 Censuses, such data are available in Table C-VIII-Social and Cultural Tables and to some extent in the series 'Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes'. Primary Census Abstracts of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population of 2001 Census have been presented in this publication as Table A-8 and Taple A-9 respectively. .

The Primary Census Abstracts of Total Population Table A-5, Institutional Popuh:~tion Table A-6, Houseless Population Table A-7, Scheduled Castes Population Table A-8 and Scheduled Tribe Population Table A-9.presented in this volume give basic information on the number of households, their population, population in the age group 0-6, literates, total workers, main workers and marginal workers and their four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural labourers, (iii) Household Industry Workers and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. This data is presented at different levels, namely, state, districts, sub districts and towns for A-5, A-8 & A-9 tables. For A-6 & A-7 tables the above information is provided up to the district level .only. The data for each of these characteristics are. presented by sex and rural-urbal1 residence. It is for the firsf time the census is releasing socio-economic characteristics of institutional and houseless population as primary census abstract. The data given at the district level provides important population characteristics of these segments of population. It would be important for the data users to adopt a certain degree of caution while making analysis and drawing inferences. The concepts and definitions used in the census have to be carefully studied and issues related to the ground situations encountered during the canvassing of the Household Schedule have to be recognized in order to app~eciate the limitation of the data collected in such a, mammoth exercise. Although all humanly possible precautions were put in place, validation done, possibility of small processing. errors cannot be totally ruled out. Though the data has to be understood in proper perspective, it must be' clarified that in any case such unintended errors, if any~ should not affect any policy planning exercise or analysiS. In addition to the basic Primary Census Abstract tables, this publication also includes a number of analytical statements on different segments of population such as total population, Scheduled Castes population, Scheduled Tribes population and general population Le. total population excluding Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes. These statements relate to descending order of population, percentage of population to total population in each category, percentage of population in the age group 0-6, sex ratio, child sex ratio in the age group 0-6, literacy rates, work participation rate, percentage of main & marginal workers, cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and other wofkers. These statements along with 'Figures at a glance' and data highlights provide an overview of the key population characteristics of each segments of the population in the state. A list of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes notified by the Government of India in pursuance of Articles 341 & 342 of the Constitution of India for each State and Union territory is placed at Annexure-1 a and 1 b respectively.

xxvi ~ !>Icpl~l"i -q ~ 7it CJ) 'CPlff 1 2. 3l C'Y ij) I R>t Cf) 'CPlff 13. CJ)1~dCJ)"! 14. ~RltN ~ 15. qIRClIRij) ~ 'CJjiff 16. 3RT 'CPlff 1 7. i1x Cf>lff 18.ffi-~~ 19. ~~ ~ (0-6 ~~) 20. m&"RCIT GX 21. CJ>l1f ~ ~ 22. \if1~IUI"i1 2001 ~ ~ ~ ct't&>~I"i ~ OOT 23.~~~aN

~ ClIFcru4l qft TJUAT qft 'f1l 'I~IUIij) ~ ~ ~ ~ cnrt ~ '"'11ff m~ ~ 28 ~J 2001 ~ 4RClI,{ -q c;ftc 3lR qft ~ mI 7JUAT ~ !:l ~)\if"il~ ~ -q PI.-.=tR>tRslct &lfiffl '41 qft 7JUAT qft ~ :-

~ ~ C2Tfcffi '\J1l '{i I+J l'""Qct: ~ -q xmf it 3iR llURT qft ~ ~ ~ 9 Q)'{ q{1 ~ 28 ~,.2001 (GFIT ~ cpT flfUtfBct m ~) ~ ~ qgj m m; ~ C2Tfcffi '\J1l fll+Jl-=4d: ~ -q m m3i'R TfUAT qft ~ (9 ~ ~ -28_ Q)'{CI={), 2001) ~ ~ 'm7T 1f~: qRCllx 1f ~ m~ ~ qft7JUAT ~ ~ ~., m; ~ ~ \1IT flISOJI-=4('1: ~ -q m 51 ~ ~ qft TfURJ' ~ ~ ~ ., 51 ~ 28 ~, 2001 xl ~ ~ CiT4'fl" * ~ qft ~ m; 3l'R ~ ~ '\J1l 7JUAT ~ ~ ~ -q ~ 51 3i'R 7JUAT ~ ~ ~ ~ G'RR ~ ~ fll+Jl-=4 frrqm ~ xl ~ ~ qft ~ mI llURT ~ !>I~)\Jj"i ~ ~ ~ ~ eM- ~~ - --

xxvii ~ cpr '

Gi':PIUI'11 "# ~ ~ ctt ~ ~. ~ 3l2lCIT ~li5'l qft TfURT qft ~,

"!TJlftor -..., J I f)lJ ~ Gi'1xi\§41 ~ ~ ~ qft "flRUfi if wftur 3fR ~ ~ ~ Gi'1xi\§41 ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ Tf'<"ffi it :

i) Cf>11 ~ ~ 5,000 ctT Gi'1ti\§4l; it) Cf>11 ~ Cf>11 75 \ARi~I<1 CbI4"!<1 ~ iR-~ CbI4Cbc>1I4l "# C1'll it; 3ftx iii) Gi'1xi\§41 cpr ~ Cf>11 ~.Cf>11 400 ~ ~ cpt RPC'l14k"! (1 000 ~ cpt ~) it,

'~' &Br ~ ~ "# q,l'fiCP<1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ctT 4i5ill"i m ~ ~ 19,91 ctT Gi;!jllol'1l ~ ~ ~ Tfiq fVi'1c6l Gi'1xi("<41 4,000 3ftx ~ ~ s4T 3ftx ~ cpt RPC1l41c"! Gi'1ti\§41 cpr ~ 400 ~ ~ ~~ \iffii ~ Cf>ll ~ Cf>11 75 \ARt~I<1 Cb14x<1 ~ iR-~ Cb14Cbc>1141 if (>fl') ~, ~ ~ &l?f "# '1~ ~ fuil 'R 1ft ~ "FcP

Gi'1 l I0 1'11 ~ ~ ~ 3lRtRCRi ~ ~ ~ ~ '4T mtcf ~ ~, '1 l l'i111 ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -.:rrR 3ftx ~ 3lffi-LfM ~ ~ ~ fcrcpm

~ ctT Gi'1 l I0 1'11 2001 -$ ~ ~ ~ ctT '{ijqQ(Sl1 ~ \AlllGi'1I~ ~ JiI'1CiO;Sl cpr it-'1T ~ ~ : (cp) cpR ~ 11 ~ Cf>11 ~ ~ cP) ~ ~ ~ iPrr ~; ~ (~) ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ xitlcCf>I' (3lmq "'17Rl 3ftx 5ITIU fclCbltri) ctT F Gi'1xi("c<:f1 20,000 ~ Cf>11 ~ ~ ~ (1991 ctT Gi'1 J IOI'11 -$ ~) , ~ Gl ~ JiI'1CiO;Sl ~ ~ it ~ 'R lft ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ ''1ll'i111 ~ ctT xi"! il '1.1 it : i) ~

xxviii 'qRqlx' ~ CllFcRilll ~ ~ cpT ~ ~ ~ ,r1 -4 CllFcffi III ,cnT ~ ~ 51 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "&r'1T -;:ffiT ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -;:ffiT ~ I ~ ~ ~ cpT ~ 31(Yf7T q R ell'{ l"fFn Tfm I ~ ~ qR q IX' %<:fT "'itT <:ffi ~ ~ fB4 ~ ~13I:'C1cr'i ~ % '

cnW "4itcrR ~ cpl1 ~ q)q ~ 3i1'

tt'W4li lt'l qRql'< ~ ~ ~ X6 ~ ~ &lFcRilll ~ ~ cpT fGJ'1Cf')1 3f[tRl. ~ ~ ~ ";f 51 $ ~ ~ tt ~ ~"&r'1T ~ 61, ~ qRqlx ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ \3GI13,

    i, \3~I'<~J13, ~, 3lT~, ~JWl, ~ I "1'1~101'11 2001 -4 !;PIOICf)l ~ fu

    W qRcll'( vIT ~ 'BCAl <:fT "1'1 ~ 101'11 1=fCPAT -4 -;:ffiT ~ t ~ ~ ~ fcn;:rff ~ ~, ~, ~ ~ -.fffl Gffi \JfR ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ "4h:), '<'11R;1l'i ~ -.fffl <:fT 'ClTflrcp ~, ~ ~, ~ ~cCf)l~l ~ lR ~ ~ "ffi) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Xti'l ~ 1"fRT lTm %I

    q R q 1'< cpr Ijllg;q 1 "1'1~101"l1 ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ i fGRl ~ &Rl ~ ~I""LI~I ~ 51.1 '("f1~1""LI~: <:ffi CI6 "ClIfcR:r mm i ~ ~ cp9- ~ cp9- ~ ~d! Glot) BOlCff i $ q IR q IR Cf') ~ <*=IT i I <:ffi 3i Iq~llCf') -;:ffiT %fcp ~ cpr ~ ~ ~ ll ~ m~ ~. <:fT cp11 \31J cp9- ffi <:fT ~ ~ ~ 51 m t I ~ ~ ~ I""LI~ I l.>Jll

    3tj~ t1 (JIlRi;q i atR 3tj~t1 \11 '1\111 Rill i ~ ~ ~ 341 ~ <:ffi ~ t fcn '<1~qRi, ~ ~ <:fT "fitl ~~ ~ ~ ~ \3"'1" "11 Rlll'i , ~ cj ~ II <:fT \)j '1 "11 Rilll 3l~ "11 Rill), ~ cj ~ II <:fT "1 '1 "11 RllIl ~ '+TI1ll <:fT ~ ~ em f4f.1ffil'C ClR~, ~ ~ ~ ~ lOllll"1;fl ~ fu<) ~ \NT ~

    xxix ~ \3c;cl~ ~ JOt8CGlflf ~ fcp ~ (311,, ~ 3iR 41fU6i1~ ~,~ ~ 3l1~(1 "1"'1"11R1111 q5t ~ ~ ~ ~ 3ffi: ~ ~ 3iR ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3l1~d ~ 3iR 3lftfq(1 "1"'1"1IR1 q5t "1"'1'<1&11 ~ ~ ~ '"'I' ~ ~ ~ cpf ~ ~ tt ~ ~ Tfq ~I

    fcfR:ft ~ &T"

    x=m=r ~ 31'R ~ ~ ~ Cf)l 'GIT Clifcffi fcfR:ft ~ em ~.~ '51 3iR \ffi 1msr ~ '4"' m '51 ~ miff'<' 1fRT IT' ~ ~ ~ miff'<' 1fRT IT' ~ ~ 3iR '"'I' tt m ~ ~ 1~"i I 11<9"'Il '4T ~ Tfq '51, frR"1ff'<' ~ IT

    cnrl·em ~ ~ ~ \3~IGCb CbI,qCbC'lI4 ~ '+1pftGlo{) ~ ~ If ~ fcpm IT1Cf) fl5111 JI ~ 3l~(1P1Cb cpr=r '4T ~ ~ I 'cpr=r' ~ ~ ~ Clifcffi ~'fliRP \3)"Cff ~ ITlff Cb 5 C'li d ~ •

    xxx ~ ~ cp) Cf>1ff 3l~ iR-Cf>1ff ~ ~ ~ ~ m qft "fiG'4 ~ TfURT qft ~ xl ~ cpt ~ ctt ~ llffi ~ ~I

    ;thief) 1R:t Ch "CP1ff . ~ czrfcRr fGt-=o,-i "fiG'4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. (31~ 6 1ITff 3l~ ~ ~) ~ Cf)T11 fcpm m~ <{htct> I f8 cp Cf>1ff 1fAT 7Tm I

    31 t"lI Chi R:t Cb "CP1ff ~ ~ fGt"'i5,-i ~ ~ ~ ctRR 6 lTT"6 xl ~ ~ ~ ~ cpr:f fcfRn m~ 31 (>lI cp I R>1 cp "CPlff 1fAT 7Tm I

    Cbl¥dChIi( G1""P I 0 I "11 "$ !Ol ;q~ \JI "1 "$ ~ Cbl ~d Cf) IX Cll3" CllfcRr ~ "\JIT 3TlFfi ~ ctt "\Jflfi;:r, fI XCf) I'< xl qg -qx ~ "Gf'fi;:r "lIT ~ ~ ~ "lIT ~ xl "'1Cf)"G "lIT fGRT "lIT ~ qx ~ ~ ~ qx ~ ~ ~ I Cf)1~dcpl;(l "$ 3RfTffi 3ltAt ~ ~I{SI~I{SI ~ Pt4~1"1 ~ mfi Cf)xql"1l 1ft ~ ~ I ern- ~ ~ 3ltAt "\Jflfi;:r ~ ~ ~ <:IT C4Fcfu41 <:IT ~ cp) ~ m ~ ~ ~, ~ <:IT ~ ~ ~ "$ ~ -q ~ eft ~ 3tR "\JIT ~ "Gf'fi;:r -q ~ ~ Cf)T11 ctt ~ (fCf) "'1tft ~, Cf)1~d q) 1'1( "'1tft l1RT \1fTm ~ I ~ m ~ ~ "\JIT "'1Cf)"G 3f.!lCll ~ ~ ~ -q ~ GFn ~ xl JOt\JICC.[l qx ~ ctt ~ -qx ~ CfRCTI ~ (~RI5'{ ~) Cf>1~d Cf)1\! -;fflf ~ lJm ~ I

    cpl~dCf)l;[l ~ ~ -=c:rc>lRT, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ I{SIIEllii 3:fR ~ ~ em \3cql~"1 ~ ~, 'ClA, ~, 5fT\iRT, wfi, ~ 31'R 3RT ~ ~ l"ffil, ~, TICf)c4), ~f{l41Cf)I, ~. 31'R~, ~ ~ 3fR ~ ~ ctt ~ ~, cpqffi, R=t"1 l "1 I 3fR 3RT ~ 1:fu), ~ ~, "fI5\Jft \J7TRT "lIT Cf)cfIE1I"1 <:IT ~ wwrr ~ ~ ~ I CfjI~dCf)l{) -q ~ ~ .~ m ~ ~ ~ ~, ~,~, '1IR~(>I3fR~~~~~l '"

    aRtiHc~ tIT czrfcRr ~ <:IT'~ <:IT ~ ~ ~ ~ JOt\JI~~ qx ~ ~ C2Jfcffi ~ ~ ~ cpr:f cpffi"f ~ em ~ ~Rlt5x ~ Cf)t5(>1ldl ~ I ~ ~ cp) "QR1<1" 3lmT <:IT ~ "6Rfi ~ ~ Ct>W ~ tl '<1 Cf) Ix -;fflf 5Rrr ~ I Cll3" ~ ~ "$ ~ ~ JOt \JI ~;[l qx cpr:f CfRCTI ~ I "\Jflfi;:r "$ qg fC.ffl cpr "6CP -;:fflT ~ ~ I

    QIRcIlRCf) ~ ~ q IR CI IR Cf) ~ ern- \RWr ~ "\JIT q R ell x ~ ~ "lIT ~ fI G'f'!ll aRT tR ~ "lIT lJl1=ftur &T?IT ~ Tftcr ctt ~ ~ 3Rf1ffi 31'R ~ ~ ~ \NT ~ ~ 3FGX

    ~ ~ if '4T 4IRqIRCf5 ~ cpr ~ JOtI4~U'5 "4ftCIR "$ ~ <:IT ~ ~ fI~'f'!l' cpr 1WT cffi ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CI 1~f4Cf5 Xi)q xl ~ qx "'1'tl m3tR Tftcr :~ ~ ~ 3tGx "Cf>ift ~ m'ill itt tITtcrN ~ flGX"4' ctt ~ ~ ~ ctt ~ M ~ I ~ ~ if ~'-filifdd ~ Cf)T ~ ~~, 4IRClIRCf5 ~ \NT tR ~ ~ '(fCf) tt ~ "'<1rnT ~ vrni ~ ~ ~ "Cf>1l1 m m ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ qRClI~ ~ fI~'f'!l~' am m tT \3"WT ~ "\JfT ffi m~ ~ ~ tR xl ~ mm ~ 41R CI IR q; ~ "'11ff 1fAT "GfRIT I ~ al?I) ~ ~ -q \3"WT \Nfi 1=fQ)R ~ ~~6Frr~~ 4RClI'< $~wl~1

    QIRClIRCfj ~ "Cf)'f ~ ~ m ~ \3cql~"1, ~1*'Rt41, flFciRt 41, JOt,ft:;--\illlRitfl,

    xxxi ~, ~, ~~If4 ?:IT ~ ClIT'lN ?:IT CLlCJ*illl m ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ CLlCl*illl, ~ ?:IT ~ qRCJI"'! ~ tlG«ll' &NT t:R" tR 1ft qft \1lT m 51 ~ 1ft ~ ~ ~ ~ 5l

    3R1 cn4T "lRJ ~ ~ ~ ~ fctR:fi 31Tfficp It> l;qcp'C'1lq p=f m ~ ~ x=r4T ~ cp) ,3FlI" ~' (3l.CP.) 11PfT Tfm ~, un Cf)'I~dCf)I"'! ?:IT ~Rll5"'! ~ ?:IT QIRCJIRcp \3"W1 "sf Cf)1;q"'!f1 ~ "sf ~ ~ ~ I '3l.cp, , qft ~ ~ ~ ~ x=r4T tl",!Cf)lofl cp:hllofl, "i~I"'!QIR1Cf)1 ~ Cf)B'illo{l, ~, Cf)1",!'{!'lI~ ~ ~ ~ cp) £PI'$CP"'! ~ ~ ~ m ~ '3Pl ~' t I

    TN-~ ~ ~ ~ -l ~ ~ ~ ctRFr ~ cppf ""i1ft f$m ~ m~ TN -~ 1lAl Tfm I 11R dR tR TN -~ qft J?,)uft

    _ ~ ~ ~ d PI cp 3l~ 31 ~ d PI cp X')q ~ ~ 31Tfficp cpl;qcp("ll Q ""i1ft ~ t; ~ cnm \1ll ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~, ~ qft ~ m, lWft~, ~ ~ ~ ~Ji3Cf)I;q ~ 61 dm ~ ~\i(~ (31~f1Plcp) ~ QRCllx ~ ~-'{!'lR1i5I"i1 ~ ~-~ 3l~ ~ \3({lIG"i

    ~-~ 3TjtJffi \i("ifi&n

    x=:fr-~ ~ = ---- X 1000 . ~qft~

    fmj fWr 3TjtJffi (0-6 3m] ~) \i(flfi&ll "sf 0-6 ~ ~ "sf ~ 1 000 ~ qft ~ "sf ~ 3lTicpl3l1 qft ~. (0-6 ~) 1m] ~ ~(0-6 3lT

    xxxii maffffi~ 7 Cft'f $ ~ ~ 3WJ qrc;fi ~ \Jj 1"f1'L«11 it mlffXl "$ \>I R1 ~Id coT \Jj 1"f1 &:II cBt m~ GX "$ X'ill it ~~ fcfRn

    "CPTlf~iR ~ \Jj'1xi&:l1 cBt ~ it WC'f ~ (cfhhblR>iCf5 +31(>QCf5IR>iCf5) "$ \>IR1~ld coT cwt ~ GX . ~ X'ill -it -q#~ ~ i Cf5+ 31 (>Q Cf5 IR>i Cf5) m~GX= X100 WC'f \Jj '1 xi &:II .. "1'1 f IOHI 2001 1l3tq'1I~I11m t'i)4;IlH ~ Gtm \Jj1 J I0 111 2001 -it Pif;OJR1ftld (11Cp~11 m ~ 3TQ"1l

    ~ 1fr l1~JnR1Cf5 ~ cn1 m ~ ~ ~ f1l4"11"'lId: tlqhBlx ~ ~ Tf

    l1ClW1 'tiifl4)\1tOI Cfi1 'CfiTd ~ iM ~ ~ GH l IQI,'11 em COT"d ~ ~ ~ Ti1?f ~ ~ ~ ~,. 2000 ;?f ~ ~ ~ "1'rttf: '31f1'1!i'CIt1, gtft~llC$ 3fN ~m(!j\S em '7'fCA ftmrr rr

    GFlll UHI 2001 ~ wf G11 J IOI'ilafr cBt ql;(Rlxl ~ ~ ~Sfflt1 '$ ~ tR ~ c$ ~ Tfiq cnT ~ ctlCp~11 m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~31Rf cBt ~I ~ ~~I'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tfiq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3iftr:l Tfiq (fCf) ~ ¢liiSf<& X'ill it ~


    3--13 RGI/ND/05 3fq) en ~ '-QO' ~ ~I <) ~ ~ ~ X'ill ~ W lW ~ ~ ~ ~ en 71icIT ~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ Tftq cnT ~ ~ ~ fc;rq ~;@JOjI61 PcP

    ~ cpr (.Y[J(h~I'1 epts ~ 'Bt 3llO .3fcpl cpr ~ ~ ~ (R"tf) Wi ~ ~ ~ 4 cpr 3fq) fi:1~llSC QBill'1 6Rll"ffi ~I ~ en 3fq) \NT ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~"'17N ~ t 3ftx ~ Gl3fq) ~ ~ ~ q,'t W11 ~ cnT ~ ~ I· 3Rf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "ffR ~ ~ lW t ~ 3ITO 3lcPT q,'t ~ ~ m"\3fRfi ~ ~ ~ Trig ~ ~ 611Cp~I'1 -m ~ ~ 3lcPT q,'t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 3m: 40305000 61~(h~I'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 03 W11 msm ~ ~ ~ Sl)ll ~ 5 ~ "f1R" cit GWfffi t I .

    "'17ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 3TWT ~ ~ ctl(h~I'1 ~ ~ rrtT ~ lW ~ 1 <) ~ PcrcPm ~ ..,.m ~ ~ ~ ~ \3"'1" ~ ~ ~ crrt m ~ ~ \Rft W1l ~ ~ fi:1cnlfll ~ ~caiRlcn crrt m~lW~1 ' ,

    ~~a)trr~ . ~ -m ~ q,'t '11~IRcn ~ ~ ~&N: m.m: ~ mi/mq.:fi ~:~:q. ~ "f1lX ~ x:r=q.Cf;l. ~ q;llIf61l1 m. tt. !fTJOj' cj illlHl 3ft.31.at ¢I~Wnli;f) ~ af;r 3ft :~. aJ~ tl~ nl qs ';:('TR al?r '1. tIT. i1J1'(ql~cnl ";f.m. -:rrR mt 'i.~. ';f7R' ~ '1:q. "11R~ ';f.~. "ilR~/~ a:r.al. ~$ 3l.ai:~ ./3l.ai.1;f. ~t?r~/~~~ '1.tt. o:rrR qit III et 31'.". ~';f7R 31' ..,.al. ~ <=f1R af.;r c;r.".~. ~"'fl"R ~ .,.~.I'i.al.~. -;;rR ~/~ t?T ~ .,.f:r.tf . 0fiR~~ .,.tt. 't=fTR cj it III et .,.a). "17R af?r \Jj"1~IOI"11 -.:rrR/~ ~~ ~~ * 1991 \Jj"'PIOI"11 ~ ~ 6RT rrlff ~ ** 1991 \Jj'1~IOI"11 ~ ~ ~ ~ (jB'{il61/\i({. ftR;rr

    xxxiv Basic census concepts and definitions It is important for the data users to familiarize themselves with the concepts and the definitions of the terms used for proper appreciations of the data contained in this publication. At the same time, it is all the more important to underst~nd the implications of the terms used at the Census of India 2001, for making meaningful comparisons of the similar data generated by various other agencies within the country and with the data produced by other countries in the world. The concepts and definitions adopted at the Census of India, 2001 are as given below:

    01. Persons enumerated 02. Rural~Urban Areas 03. City 04. Household 05. Institutional Household 06. Houseless Households 07. Head of the Household 08. Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes 09. Literates 10. Work 11. Main workers 12. Marginal workers 13. Cultivators 14. Agricultural Labourers 15. Household Industry workers 16. Other workers 17. Non workers 18. Sex ratio 19. Child Sex ratio (0-6 age group) 20. Literacy Rate 21. Work Participation Rate 22. Location Code Structure adopted in Census "2001 23. Abbreviations Used

    Persons enumerated Generally speaking, persons who were present in the household during (he entire period of enumeration or who were known to be usual residents of the household and have stayed there for part of the enumeration period or who were not present at the time of visit of the enumerator but were expected to return by 28 th February, 2001 were eligible to be enumerated. For the purpose of enumeration the following persons were enumerated in a household:

    (i) All those who normally resided and were present in that household during the entire period of enumeration, i:e. from 9th February to 28 th Febr.u~ry, 2001 (both days inclusive): - (ii) Those who were known to be normally residing and had actually stayed durin~ a part of the enumeration period in the household (9th February to 28t February, 2001) but were not present at the time of the visit of ~numerator. (iii) Also those who were known to be normally residing in the household and were not present at ~he time of the visit but expected to return by 28 th February, 2001;, and -

    xxxv (iv) Visitors who were present in the household c~nsus,eer and expected to be away from the place(s) of their usual residence during the entire enumeration period. For the purpose of enumeration such visitors were treated as normal residents of the household where they were actually found during the enumeration period provided they were not been enumerated elsewhere.

    In Census, every person irr-espective of age, sex, caste, creed, region, origin or religion is counted only once, without omission or duplication provided she/he satisfied the criteria of enumeration listed above. Foreigners who were expected to stay within the geographical limits of this country throughout the enumeration period were counted wherever they were found, if not enumerated elsewhere. Those' foreigners who were expected to stay in India for a part of enumeration period were not eligible for enumeration. It may also be important to state that the foreigners and their families who were having diplomatic status were not enumerated. But Indian nationals employed and staying with them were enumerated.

    Rural-Urban Areas The data in the table on Final Population Totals were presented separately for rural and urban areas. The unit of classification in this regard is 'town' for urban areas and 'village' for rural areas. In the Census of India 2001, the definition of urban area adopted is as follows:

    (a) All statutory places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area committee, etc. (b) A place satisfying the following three criteria simultaneously: i) a minimum population of 5,000; _ ii) at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and ' ' iii) a density of population of at least 400 persons per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile).

    For identification of plac~s which would qualify to be classified as 'urban' all villages, which, as per the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above, a population density of 400 persons per sq. km. and having at least 75 per cent of male. working population engaged in non-agricultural activity were considered. To work out the proportion of male working population referred to above against b) (ii), the data relating to main workers were taken into account.

    An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically contiguous towns together and any adjoining urban outgrowths of such towns. Examples of OGs are- railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, etc., that may come up near a city or statutory town outside its statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a village or villages 'Contiguous tq the town or city. Each such individual.area by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limit to qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the town as a continuous urban spread.

    For the purpose of delineation of Urban Agglomerations during Census of India 2001, following criteria are taken as pre-requisites: (a) The core town or at least one of the constituent towns of an urban agglomeration should necessarily be a statutory town; and (b) The total population of all .the constituents (I.e. towns and outgrowths) of an Urban Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000 -(as per the 1991 Census). With these two

    xxxvi basic criteria having been met, the following are the possible different situations in which Urban Agglomerations would be constituted: (i) a city or town with one or more contiguous outgrowths; (ii) two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths; and (iii) a city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which form a continuous spread.

    City Towns with popuiation of 100,000 and above are called cities.

    Household A 'household' is usually a group of persons who normally live together and take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevent any of them from doing so. Persons in a household may be related or unrelated or a mix of both. However, if a group of unrelated persons live in a census house but do not take their meals from the common kitchen, then they are not constituent of a common household. Each such person was to be treated as a separate household. The important link in finding out whether it was a household or not was a common kitchen. There may be one member households, two member households or multi-member households.

    A household with at least one Scheduled Caste member is treated as Scheduled Caste Household. Similarly, a household having at least one Scheduled Tribe member is treated as a Scheduled Tribe household.

    Institutional household A group of unrelated persons who live in an institution and take their meals from a common kitchen is called an Institutional Household. Examples of Institutional House11olcts are boarding houses, messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, orphanages, etc. To make the definition more clearly perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 2001, it was specifically mentioned that this category of households would cover only those households where a group of unrelated persons live in an institution and share a common kitchen.

    Houseless households Households who do not live in buildings or census houses but live in the open on roadside, pavements, in hume pipes, under fly-overs and staircases, or in the open in places of worship, mandaps, railway platforms, etc. are treated as Houseless households.

    Head of the household The head of household for census purposes is a person who is recognised as such by the househQld. She or he is generally the person wl:m bears the chief responsibility for managing the affairs of the household and takes decision on behalf of the household. The head of household need not necessarily be the oldest male member or an earning member, but may be a female or a younger member of either sex. In case of an absentee de jure 'Head' who is not eligible to be enumerated in the household, the person on whom the responsibility of managing the affairs of household rests was to be regarded as the head irrespective' whether the person is male or female. .

    Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Article 341 of the Constitution provides that the President may, with respect to any State or Union territory, specify the castes, races or tribes or parts of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall for the purposes of the Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation to that State or Union territory. Similarly, Article 342 provides for specification of tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within tribes or tribal

    xxxvii communities which are deemed to be for the purposes of the Constitution the Scheduled Tribes in relation to that State or Union territory. In pursuance of these provisions, the list of Scheduled Castes and / or Scheduled Tribes are notified for each State and Union territory and are valid only within the jurisdiction of that State or Union territory and not outside.

    It is important to mention here that under the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, no person who professed a religion different from Hinduism was deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste in addition to every member of the Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi, Majhabi or Sikligar caste resident in Punjab or Patiala and East Punjab States Union were in relation to that State whether they professed the Hindu or the Sikh religion. Subsequently, in September, 1956, by an amendment, the Presidential Order of 1950 and in all subsequent Presidential Orders relating to Scheduled Castes, the population professing the Hindu and the Sikh religions were placed on the same footing with regard to their inclusion as Scheduled Castes. Later on, as per the amendment made in the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the Hindu, the Sikh and the Buddhist professing population were placed on the same footing with regard to the recognition of the Scheduled Castes.

    For finalizing the list of Schedule Castes/Scheduled Tribes notified in each State/Union territory, all the constitutional amendments that have taken place prior to the conduct of 2001 cens!Js were taken into account. Since there is no Scheduled Castes list for the state of Nagaland and the Union territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep; and no Scheduled Tribes list -for the States of Haryana and Punjab and the Union territories of Chandigarh, Delhi and Pondicherry, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population figures are furnished for only the relevant category in respect of these States and Union territories. ' . The instructions to the enumerators for recording the individual responses on religion and the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled tribes were more or less the same as in the past censuses. Each enumerator was provided with a notified list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in respect of his/her State/Union territory. The religion for each individual was first of all determined. Then it-was ascertained from the respondent for each individual whether she or he belonged to a Scheduled caste or a Scheduled Tribe through Question NO.8 & 9 of the Household Schedule. If 'in reply to eith~r of this question, the answer was in the affirmative, the name of caste / tribe to which the individual belonged was ascertained. If the name of caste / tribe returned by the respondent appeared in the approved list for the state the enumerator was expected to treat the in'dividual, as belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and record the appropriate entry. A list of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes notified by the Government of India in pursuance of Articles 341 & 342 of the Constitution of India for each State and Union territory is placed at Annexure-Ia and lb.

    Literates A person aged 7 years and above who Cem both read and write with understanding in any language has been taken as literate. It is not necessary for a person to have received any formal education or passed any- minimum educational standard for being treated as literate. People who were blind and could read in Braille are treated literates.

    A person, who can neither read nor write or can only read but cannot write in any language, is treated as illiterate. All, children of age 6 years or less, even if going to school and have picked up reading and writing, ,are treated as illiterate.

    xxxviii Work Work is defined as participation in any economically productive activity with or without compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may be physical and/or mental in nature. Work involves not only actual work but also includes effective supervision and direction of work. It even includes part time help or unpaid work on farm, family enterprise or in any other economic activity. All persons engaged in 'work' as ·defined above are workers. Persons who are engaged, in cultivation or milk production even solely for domestic consumption are also treated as workers. Reference period for determining a person as worker and non-worker is one year preceding the date of enumeration. Main workers. Those persons who had worked for the major part of the reference period (Le. 6 months or more) are termed as Main workers. Marginal workers Those persons who had worked for less than 6 months during reference period are termed as Marginal workers. Cultivators For purposes of the census a person is classified as cultivator if he or she is engaged in cultivation of land owned or held from Government or held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation includes effective supervision or direction in cultivation. A person who has given out her/his land to another person or persons or institution(s) for cultivation for money, kind or share of crop and who does not even supervise or direct cultivation of land, is not treated as cultivator. Similarly, a person working on another person's land for wages in cash or kind or a combination of both (agricultural labourer) is not treated as cultivator. Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing, harvesting and production of cereals and millet crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc., and other crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, ground-nuts, tapioca, etc., and pulses, raw jute and kindreGl fibre crop, cotton, cinchona and other medicinal plants, fruit growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards or groves, etc. Cultivation does not include gowing of the following plantation crops - tea, coffee, rubber, coconut and betel-nut~ (areca). Agricultural labourers A person who works on another person's land for wages in money or kind or share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. She or he has no risk in the cultivation, but merely works on another person's land for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of lease or contract on land on which she/he works. Household industry workers Household Industry is defined as an industry conducted by one or more members of the household at home or within the village in rural areas and only within tne--precincts of the house where the household lives in urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in the household industry consists of members of the household. The industry is not run on the scale of a registered factory which would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act. The main criterion. of a Household industry even ilJ urban areas is the participation of 'one or more members of a household. Even if the industry is not actually located at home in_ rural areas there is a greater possibility of the members of the household particiPJWng-even

    xxxix if it is located anywhere within the village limits. In the urban areas, where organized industry takes greater prominence, the Household Industry is confined to the precincts of the house where the participants live. In urban areas, even if the members of the household run an industry by themselves but at a- place away from the precincts of their home, it is not considered as a Household Industry. It should be located within the precincts of the house where the members live in the case of urban areas. Household Industry relates to production, processing, servicing, repairing or making and selling (but not merely selling) of goods. It does not include professions sucti as a Pleader, Doctor; Musician, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer, Dhobi, Barber, etc., or merely, trade or business, even if such professions, trade or services are run at home by members, & of the household. Foodstuffs, Beverages, Tobacco Products, Textile cotton, Textile Jute, Wool or Silk, Textile Miscellaneous, Manufacture of Wood and Wood Products, Paper and Paper Products, Printing and Publishing, Leather and Leather Products, Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products, Chemical and Chemical Products, Non-metallic Mineral Products-other than Pertroleum and Coal, Basic Metals and their Products, Machinery and Transport Equipments, etc. Other workers All workers, Le., those who have been engaged in some economic activity during the last one year, but are not cultivators or agricultural labourers or in Household Industry, are 'Other workers(OWt. The type of workers that come under this categqry of 'OW' include all government servants, municipal employees, tea,chers, factory worl

    xl Child sex ratio (0-6 years) Child Sex-ratio (0-6 years) has been defined as the number of females in age-group 0-6 years per 1000 males in the same age-group in the ·population. It is expressed as 'number of female children age (0-6) years per 1000 male children age (0-6) years'. Number of female children (0-6 age group) Child Sex-ratio (0-6 years)= x 1000 Number of male children (0-6 age group) Literacy rate Literacy rate of population is defined as the percentage of literates to the total population age 7 years and above.

    Number of Literates Literacy rate = ------x 100 Population age 7+

    Work participation rate Work participation rate is defined as the percentage of total workers (main and marginal) to total population. - Total workers (Main+Marginal) \york participation rate x 100 Total Population

    Location code structure adopted in Census 2001

    In th e C ensus 2001 th e f 0 II oWing oca f Ion co d e st ruc t ure h as b een ad opiet d Area Number of digits Statel Union territories Two digits(within the countrY) District Two digits(within the state/ut) Sub-district Four digits(within the district) Village Eight digits(within the statelut) Town Eight digits (within the district) Ward Four digits (within the town)

    The general pattern followed in coding of any geographical unit was a serpentine one, beginning from the North-west corner and completing at the farthest South-east corner within the defined higher level of the geographical hierarchy. In so far as the StatelUnion territory is concerned Jammu & Kashmir has code number 01 and code number 35 has been allotted to Andaman &' Nicobar Islands. Generally the administrative jurisdiction below a district is a sub-district, for example Tehsil or Taluk. However, in certain States and Union territories exceptions had to be made since the nomenclature for sub-districts is not uniform throughout the country. For eX8,mple, in Orissa Police station is the sub-district, in West Bengal it is the Community Development Block and so on.

    After the completion of Houselisting operation, three new states namely, Uttaranchal, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand were created in November, 2000 barely three months before the commencement of Population Enum,eration. These States were carved out of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar respectively. This resulted 'in redoing of the,coding exercise in all the j~risdictional units of these six affected states.

    xli In Assam, Mizoram and Orissa there are a few sub-districts which cut across the , district jurisdictions. In such situations the sub-districts have been provided a separate series of code numbers viz. 0090, 0091 etc. One of the major initiatives taken in the Census 2001 was the allotment of Permanent Location Code Number (PLCN) to each and every village within the State and not within a tahsil as in the earlier censuses. PLCN was thus assigned as one continuous , number from the first village in the first district to the last village in the last district. PLCN is an eight digit unique location code number with the first six digits representing the code number of the village and the last two digits depicting two zeros '00'. These zeros are reserved as buffer to be used for coding any new village(s) that may come up between two villages in future. For exampl~, if a new village comes up between two villages with PLCNs 01254600 and 01254700, the new village will be allotted PLCN 01254601 and 50 on. The location code number for a town is also an eight digit number starting with the digit 4 situ;3ted at the extreme left acting as the unique identifier. The next ~o digits depict the code number of the district in which the town falls followed by two digits representing the town serial number in the district. There are three zeros at the end as 'buffer mainly to meet the requirement of bringing the number of digits to eight to match the number of digits in the PLCN for the villages. Thus a town location code number .40305000 represents the town serial number 5 of the district number 03 in a State. - The out-growths of towns have not been given .any independent location code numbers. These have been given notional ward Godes after the last ward code of the respective towns to which these OGs relate to. Abbreviations Used Abbreviations of civic statu,s of cities or towns : C.B. - Cantonment Board/Cantonmel"lt C.M.C. - City Municipal Council E.O Estate Office G.P. - Gram Panchayat I.N.A. - Industrial Notified Area I.T.S. - Industrial Town$hip M. Municip~lity ~ M.B. - Municipal Board M.C. - Municipal Committee M.el. - Municipal Council M.Corp.-· Municipal Corporation/Corporation N.A. - Notified Area N.A.C. - Notified Area Committee/Notified Area Council N.P. - Nagar Panchayat N.T. Notified Town N. T.A. - Notified Town Area S.T.C. - Small Town Committee T.C. - Town CommitteelTown Area Committee ,T.M.C.- Town MunicipatGoLtJ1cil T.P. Town Panchayat T.8. To"Vnship C.T. Census Town U.A. - Urban Agglomeration O.G. - Out Growth * Newly created district after 1991 Census ** Newly created tehsil/sub--- distdct after 1991' Census xlii ------\3-c=txi"ilC'i ~ cpr TfO-i x=tTTfu-d \3m ~ ~ ~ fcJ'BT\JA" ~ R1Ci~x, 2000 cn't S3TT ~ I \HII'{iPlCfl ~ ~ ~ wrtt ~ ~ ~ 13 ~, 49 Cil5x{)cfi, 86 -;:pw ~ ~ 16,826 TfTq ~ ~I


    2001 qft ~

    3tjtI~t'1 GJ IRJ~ qft \1Htk~ I ~ ~ 3t1'<1\R1Ci \3iIRlll'j qft \3ilCiI1ICi Cf)'<""CiT ~ fcn 3tj'!iR1Ci \JiIRllll'

    "Cf)1 ~ ~. ~ (25.9 \>lRl~ICi) ~ 6I1~I~Clx ~ ~ ~ 'Cf)11 ~ (13.2 \>lRl~ICi) ~ ~~~~I

    31 ~ d GJ IRJ ~ c6l \iF1 ti'Lc~H 2001 ~ 3tj~Ci \JiIRllll' qft \Ji

    ~ I ~ ~ ~ 2001 cnI \JilRl~ICi 3.0 ~ viT fcn 1991 ~ 'l{)' 3.0 ~ I fGrC1T ~ 3t jX"j\R1 Ci \Jj I Rllll' "Cf)1 ~ ~ ~ 8.9 \OJ RI ~I Ci ~ ~ "'"fTR' ~ (f~ ~ 'Cf)11 ~ 0.1 !>lRl~ICi ~S;;\OjllIJI, ~ JliPClIC1 (f~ ~ fGrc;IT ~ 1WTI Tj<:fT ~ I

    G~Ic6)ll ~~ C;~lctl

      lRl~I(i ~ ~ 1 981-91 ~ 23.1 qRl~I(i m '\J11 qft ~ 1991-2001 ~ ~ 20.4 qRl~I(i ~ qft '11lRl~ICi ~ I ~ ~ 1N \JilRl~ICi) ~ "'"fTR' (f~ ~ 'Cf)11 ~ (8.6 \>lRl~I(i) JliPClIC1 ~ st ~ I 1991-2001 in cfm;;:r 'l{)' ~ ~ \JilRl~I(i) ClTC'1T ~ ~ ~ tt w ~ ~xl 'Cf)11 ~ (3.7 \OjRl~ICi) ~ ~ ~ C0Jf cnI ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ qx 1971 ~ 2001 ctt \3i 'i J 101 'i loTI q5T c:; ~ I ctlll ~ ~ cn't \WI~ 'TO lR eft ~ fcrcRuT &RT ~ Tflll ~ I

      xliii' r-- G~ICfftll ~ CR ~ ~l';fJll 1971-1981 1981-1991 1991-2001 Wlf~l_ - \1:tF~ iT1 c>t 27.5 23.1 20.4 1 : \3 'n Xcp I~ft 29.2 25.5 23.1- 2 ~ 24.2 22.6 13.9 3 '(r)S;~<:lI~f* 25.1 18.1 13.4 4 ~ ~I~qlc>l 24.7 16.5 16.2 5 ~Bxl~~ 31.9 34.7 25.0 - 6 ~I~qlc>l 15.5 8.6 3.9 7 ~ 16.4 14.1 t1.0 8 6frl1.R:CR* 19.6 14.9 9.2 9 ~ 15.8 8.9 3.7 10 :q~lq~* 25.3 26.4 17.6 ;) ,.., 11 -"iI~Ic>l 38.1 30.2 32.7 12 ~~* 48.1 38.3 33.6 13 B~i::tlx 32.7 26.3 28.7

      U1 "1 "(1(..~ I q;-y ~ ~ "ffiX l:R 2001 cpi' \Ji~~loHI ~ ~ \Ji+<+L~1 ~ 159 ~ ~ CfTT fcp(>'j)Jilcx t ~ :1991 cpi \Ji~~ IOHI ~ ~ ~ 132 ~ lJfu CfTT f¢c>l14kx ~ I ~ m ~ ~ GWCP ~ ~ 27 ~ lJfu CfTT f¢ctl4kx ~ ~ i I

      ~ "ffiX l:R ~ 3Tfucp \Ji~x=i'&Q1 ~ 1991 ~ BRi::tlx ~ (476 ~ ~ q7f fcl:i(>'jIJiICX) ~ ~ ~. Cf)11 '3'nxcpl!i!ft if (30 ~ lJfu cri PcPctl4kx) ~ I 'j~4kx) w t I

      0-6 '3m] 'fl'W qft GHti'l<'lOl1 'CPT uRl~It1 ~"ffiX l:R 2001 qft \Ji~~(oI~1 ~-0-6 3ITIRl~ld ~ ~ m 1991 cp'T ~ ~ 0-6 3ITIRt~I~ ~ ~i$xl~~ ~ t I

      2001 cp'T \Ji~;IOI11 ~ ~ 3lj~~ \JiIRllll ~ 0-6 3ITIRl~I~ 18.5 t '\liT 1991 ~ \Ji~~IOI~1 ~ 20.7 !>IRt!i!I~ qft ~ ~ 2.2 ~Rl~I~ 3tcP ~ t I ~ "ffiX l:R ~ 3Tfucp ~ .20.5 !>IRt~ld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ q5l1 16.1 !>IRl~I~ fGrc;rr ~Qxl

      2001 qft \J1~~IOI~1 ~ ~ 0-6 3D<]; ~ cp'T 3Ij:{iRl~ \JiIRtlli qft \Ji~x=i'&Q1 q)f !>IRl~I~ 16.7 t ~ 1991 cp'T \Ji~~IOI'11 ~ 19~8 !>IRRI~ ~ I ~ m 1991 cp'T \Ji~~IOI~1 cp'T '¥RT ~ 3lj'{if€l~ \JiIRllll qft 0-6 ~ ~ cp'T \Ji~'{i'L~1 ~ fc;n:) ~ lRl~ld' 3fcp q5l1 "S3lT t I fGrc;n "ffiX l:R ~ ~ ~ ~ w:q Iq~ ~- 21.8 !>l Rl~ld G\if -FcPm 'Tfqlc>l ~ 10.4 !>lRl~I~ llTm Tf

      xliv ~-~ ~ (1 000 ~ ~ ~ R=?rm qft GHti{'«1I) ~"f(N LR ~ ~ ~~ ~ -qm 962 ~ i ~ 1991 cn'T \iI"PIOI

      31jX"jfitd ~ qft \iI

      31 jX"jfit d \Jj IRi4'i qft \Jj

      2001 qft- \11!JII'j)4Id 934 tmn l"[(IT t -GIT ~ ~ ii ~jJlI'j)qlct Cfft ~ l{ m~ i ~ i991 cn'T IJ1'i JIOI'i1 ct ctRA ~iq;f<;jct ~JII'j)qlct (961) ~ ~ ir\1IN ~ ~ tftg 27 e>I'$RP~i q5l1 ~ I ~ q;l1 R>!.IIj4Ict ~: ~ 6~tHi! ~ (867), 'tfSOQlqct ~ (929) ~ ~ ~ ~ (932) tl

      ~ 'j)~ ct Vi I ~ ~ l{ 0-6 3lPl ~ qft G1 "1 fi '@':II l{ ~ ~ tR n;, 4" 'jq Id 9 55 '4TlIl T](:TI t vIT ~='l'1I:1'fi:l~~i;'f \J11~ffi1 ~ ~ ~ tfu§ 18 C1($fip~i Cff11 ~ I ~ WffN 2001 qft Vl'1 JIUI'11 ~ ~ 0-6 ~ ~ "$ ~ 1991 qft \11'1 41°1'11 qft- ~ ii ~ Vl"lti'!Slll ~ f~PII'lql(4, 31'j~~a \J11R141 CJft Gl'9ti'&ll if ~.Il'j)qld ~ a:r'j)~t:1 \111R1m "$ RotJII'j)4Id if ~ 31l'IRi~ld 311lfi1!i!ld t fGr:rif ~ qft 83,3 IIlRlliid ~ ~ qft 59.6 ~~fild ~ I 1991-2001 ~ lRi~kl) 1Wfi 7n:ft t I ~ ctt ~ cp+:f 'ffiaRffi GX fGrc;n l3R&I'! it (73.8 !>'I~f

      ~ ~ tR" 2001 cp't \iIIRif

      xlv Tr Cj I C'1 <1 (86.3 ~ R1 ~I d) ('f2iT R?rm ctt fGrc;rr ~;:f) d I C'1 ~ (59.7 ~R1!i!ld) ~ I ~~ ~ ~ x:w~ ~ Wa:RCfT, GX (70.7 1'IR1!i!ld) ~, i3R~I\! <1 ~ R?rm qft­ (39.3 ~RI~ld) ~ 'df1\!Cj')I~n ~ 3WfT ~ I

      ~ ctt 2001 qft- "'1"'"PI OI'i1 ~ 3J:!Wx 3lj'<~d "'lIR1m qft WIff'«TI ~ 63.2 ~R!!i!ld ~ \:ill qft 1991 in (41.2 1'IR1~ld) ctt ~ ~ 22 !>lR1~ld 3tcn ~ ~ I fGrc;n "fdX -qx ~ ~ mlRXill ~ 93.3 !>lRl~ld ~ ~ <1 ~ ~ cpl1 (46.3 !>lRl~ld) i3R~I\! ~ ~ ~ Tf

      ~ "fdX -qx ~ ctt ~ ~ 'ffTa:RCfT GX ~ ~ ~ (97.2 ~R1~ld) (l~ fBnTI qft '4T fGrc;n ~ if (89.3 !>lRl~ld) %I ~-m '$t ~ cpl1 WIRXill GX gREiI\! ~ (59.2 ~RI~ld) %~ f?:;p:IT '$t 'Bt ~ cpl1 W&m zy fGrc;n gR&I\! ~ (29.7 ~RI~ld) ~ Tf

      Cli'Rf~~ 2001 qft V1"1 JIOI"11 ~ ~ ~ ~ cpf4 ~ ~ Cl1fcR1m cpr ~R1~ld (36.9) ~ ~ 1991 ctT "'1""1JI OI'i1 1) ~ "fdX -qx C5nf m ~ ClIFcRilii cnr !>lRl~ld (39.9) 2iT '\J1T 1991 ctT ~ ~ 3.0 !>l'f?!~1d 3tcn cpl1 %I 3lj~d '\JfTfu ~ ~ ~ "fdX -qx C5nf m ~ &1FcRim cpr !>lRl~ld (37.5) tWIT TflRl~ld 3fcn 'EfCT %I 3lm~d \ifTIfr ~ ~ ~ ~ -qx C5nf m ~ &1fcR1lil em !>lRl~I~ (41.1) t ~ 1991 qft \iI"1 JIOI'i1 ~ C5nf ~ ~ q;r QRi!m4 (45.4) m I 1991 ctT ~ <1 3lj~~ V11R1lil <1 'Cf5llRi}tld 3tq; qft w+ft ~ t I

      2001 qft \iI-PloHI in ~ ftrc;:n 'f(R -qx "CPT4 m ~ c;qFcfull" em ~ 3rf$.n (47.6 QFti~I~) ~ 6II Jll(Cf'< ~ ti~ ~ q;11 (29.4 ~R!~I('f) ~ BR&I'< if ffi I 3lj'lRl~1cl (59.9) ~ ~ IIi$cH~ ~ ~ mro- 1Pl-1 QRl~1d (32.6) ftrc;n 8ftalx ~ tmrr ~ tl

      ~ -qc( ~ CIft qmf ~ 'iR 2001 qft iJI.,rr:rro:tl -$ ~ mm it ~ m ~ ~~ em QRl~I~ (46.1) t ~ 1991 ~ GJ'1 110 HI if'~ ~ tR 'Cf5TlRi1;!1(9 3fq; q;11 ~ I 2001 qft GJo:tllOI'"l1 $' e:tRA ~ if ~ ~ qn;fi ~ q;r !>lRi~I(f (27.3) i ~ 1991 ~ GFPIUI"'II ;r 'fI'\i'lf ~ W cm

      3i ~ ttl I RrI ttl 'ttl1ff

      2001 ctt \iI"1 J IOHI ~ ~,~ ~ W ~ ~ A 3l(>'qCbI~Cf) ~ em ~R1~ld 25.9 m ~ 1991 qft \iI'i~IOI'i1 ~ ~ cti(Yl; ~ ~--o((>qCf)Ifc;jCf) ~ q){ ~R1~ld 11.9 ~ \' ~

      xlvi ~ ~ 3li5'llCfjIF&1¢ ~ cpT 1991 qft GFPI OI"'11 ~ ~ m -qx 14.0 l>lRl~ld ~ cB1 % st t I 2001 cB1 \J1"'1 J IOlrrT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r c.rT ~ ~q) \OlRl~lC"l (41.2) fGrcn ~ If (]~ ~ ~ cp1=f l>IRl~ld (16.0) ~ ~~'I!I~"'1 If xg-r t 1

      Cf)llldcpl,< 2001 cB1 \Jl"'1 J IOI"'11 ~ ~ x=lRl~ld 47.2 ~ ~ 3l'j),lRl!;!ld -r:rr

      \WRit:'< ~ 2001 cB1 \J1'1 J I0I''11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~R!~'{ +i\Jl01 cnT ~ ~ -qx <>lRl~ld (8.3) xg-r ~ 1991 cBT \Jl'ill0l"ll ~ GR-R ~ ~ tR ¥ "CPffrm if ~Rt~'{ Ji\JlcrlRt~Ic1 (9.0) ~.I ~ ~ ~ ;@Ri~'{ Ji\Jl~' cBl1991 cB1 \Jl'iJIOI'i1 ~ ~ m tR 0.7 uRl~ld 3icn cBl"Cf)1fi ~ ~ 1 2001 cB1 \Jl'iJIOI'i1 If pc;r ~ if ~Rt~'{ Ji\Jl(~/i cnT ~ ~ ~ (25.9) fGrcn ~ ~ If (]~ ~ cpl1 <>lRl~ld (0.6) ~ '{ilS(<>l'4I JI +1 WI

      2001' cB1 \Jl'i J1 Ol"l I If 3l'j)'lRl~ld 15.3 ~ ~ 3lj~d \111\J11R14l' +1 "lI15' 13.2 l>lRl~ld t I

      2001 -cit \il'ilIOI"11 ~ ~ 'RR tR ~ ~f?T (¢I~dCfiI,<+;cilRl5'< ~) +1 c.p14xd ClIf@'41 q:i1 l>lRt~ld 58.4 uRl~I~ ~ ~ tR ~ ~ If CfjI4'1!~ CZlFcRi'41 em QRI$(ICi 41.6 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -r" cf1l4'1!d cnflr'4T qft ~ m 'CR ~ aBr if z;rT c;aFcfull1 em 16.8 ~~Id 3tq;" ~ ffi I 1991 Cfft \Jl~lIOI'i1 ~ ctm-=r ~ aT?r ~ c.f)f4'lRliJld 67.2 2:fT ~ ~ ~ ~ if 4>14xd CllFcffi;Ql em \:IRi~ld 32.8 tn<:n ~ I ~ ~ 1991-2001 ~ ~ +1 ~ ~ if Cf)14'1!d C4~m ~ tl'Ri~ld l{ 8.8 ~ C:f1t ~ 3Wft t ~ fR ~ &T?i B Cfi14'!d CZlFcRilfi eft ~ tR o?t crfur ~ t I .

      ql~ql~q; ~ ri 2001 qft Vl"'llIOHI ~ G'RT=; ~ ~ if ql~c1l~q; ~ ~ cpr ~ m tR !;jRl~lfI (2.3) m ~ 1991 Cfft VHlIUI"U ~ GRR ~ ttR lR ~ ~ if 41~cURCf) ~ ~ em Qf?1~ld (1.0) ~ I Q1RqRcn ~ ~ qft 1991 qft \Jl"'lJI OI'1I ~ ~ m tR 1.3 IOlfBlll('l 3tq; qfi ~ ~ t 1 2001 qft- Gji-PIOI'i1 ~ qIRClI~Cf) ~ ~ em ~ ~ QR1~1ct {4.2) 'fUn;rr gRSlx i'f tfm ~ q;1i ~ft1~If1 (0.9) R;rcm felrtT ln$clliS1 ~ ~ 1

      2001 qft G1--r l IUI'i1 ~ 3l:!~ti \Jil~m ~ 3.3 I'rft!llliM 'ClffcRr q'~c]IRcp ~ ~ (1'11 t ~ 3l~j='(!~~=tI \J1

      ~cnsff 2001 qft G1--r l IUI(ffl~lti (31.8) ~ 1 3PXl ~ cB1 1991 -$t G1'1 J IOI'i1 ~ ~ m tR 7.5 !>lRil?lti a:j-cp cB1 ~ ~ ~ I 2001 qtT \il"'1 110HI q 31-Xl ~ cnT ~ ~ ~ct (71. 7) ~ ~g'lRt~ld (20.3) ~ iilli]~Cj,lRt~ld (34.2) ~ ~ 3l'j)Xj,~1_- \J11\J1lm'41 if ~ t;lRt~ld 17.6 ~, \Jlt Cf)ll -g-I .

      xlvii Data highlights

      The state of Uttaranchal was created by bifurcation of the erstwhile composite state of Uttar Pradesh in September 2000. Administratively, in the 2001 Census the newly formed predominantly hilly state has 13 districts, 49 tehsils (sub .districts), 86 towns and 16,826 villages.

      Population The population of Uttaranchal state at the 2001 Census is 8,489,349, consisting of 4,325,924 males and 4,163,425 females. The population of Uttranchal in 1991 was 7,050,634 persons thereby registering a net increase of 1,438,715 persons in the 2·001 Census. Pronounced rural characteristics of the population are evident from the fact that 74.3 per cent population is residing in rural areas of the state in the 2001 Census.

      The institutional and houseless population of Uttaranchal in 2001 is 107,531 and 14,703 persons respectively while corresponding figures for 1991 were 78,979 and 21,960 persons respectively. Thus, as compared~ to 1991 Census, institutional population has regis~ered an increase of 36.2 per cent while in case of houseless population, there is a decline to the tune of 33.1 per cent.

      Scheduled Castes population The Scheduled Castes population during 2001 is 1,517,186 of whic~ 780,772 are males and 736,414 females. In Uttaranchal, the proportion of the Scheduled Castes population is 17.9 per cent at the 2001 Census which is slightly hi~her than 17.5 per cent recorded at the 1991 Census. District wise analysis shows that the proportion of the Scheduled Castes is the highest in 8ageshwar (25.9 per cent) and the lowest in Udham Singh Nagar district (13.2).

      Scheduled Tribes popula·tlon The Scheduled Tribes population at the 200·1 Census is 256,129 persons, consisting of 131,334 males and 124,795 females. At the 2001 Census, the proportion of the Schedule Tribes population at the state level is 3.0 per cent which was same at 1991 Census as well. Among districts, the highest proportion of the Scheduled Tribes population is observed in Udham Singh Nagar (8.9 per cent) and the lowest in Rudraprayag, Tehri Garhwa', and Almora (0.1 per cent) each. .

      Decadal growth The decadal growth during 1971-81 was 27.5 per cent as against'23.1 in 1981-1991 this has declined further to 20.4 fler_cent during 1991-2001. The decadal growth rate of Scheduled Castes population is 23.1 per cent and of Scheduled Tribes 20.9 per cent during 1991-2001. The dec,adal growth rate at district level was Uie highest in Udham Singh Nagar (38.3) and the lowest in Garhwal (8.6) during ;1981-1991. Udham Singh Nagar, a newly created district is again at the top position during 1991-2001 with decadal growth rate of 33.6 while the lowest is observed_in Almora (3.7). Th~_decadal growth rates for the state

      xlviii and districts from 1971 to 2001 Censuses are presented in the statement given on the next page. Decadal Growth Rate SI. No. District name 1971-1981 1981-1991 1991-2001 Uttaranchal 27.5 23.1 20.4 1 Uttarkashi 29.2 25.5 23.1 2 Chamoli 24.2 22.6 13.9 3 Rudraprayag* 25.1 18.1 13.4 4 Tehri Garhwal 24.7 16.5 16.2 .5 31.9 34.7 25.0

      6 Garhwal 15.5 8.6 3.9.- 7 Pithoragarh 16.4 14.1 11.0 8 Bageshwar* 19.6 14.9 9.2 9 Almora 15.8 8.9 3.7 10 Champawat* 25.3. 26.4 17.6 11 Nainital 38.1 30.2 32.7 12 Udham Singh Nagar* 48.1 38.3 33.6 13 Hardwar 32.7 26.3 28.7

      Density of population The density of population at the state level is 159 persons per square km. at the 2Q()1 Census while it was 132 at the 1991 Census. Thus, there has been an increase of 27 persons·per square km. during the decade 1991-2001:

      At the 1991 Census at the district level, the highest density was observed in Hardwar (476) while it was the lowest in Uttarkashi .(30). The same position has been noticed at the 2001 Census as well, since the highest density' is 'again in Hardwar (613) and the lowest in Utlarkashi (37).

      Percentage of population in the age group 0-6 At the 2001 Census, the proportion of child population in the age group 0-6 is 16.0 as against 18.4 per cent in 1991 Census. In other words there has been reduction of 2.4 per cent points in the proportion of child population in the age group 0-6 as compared to 1991 Census. At the district level, the highest proportion is found in Hardwar (18.2 per cent) and the lowest. in Dehradun (13.5).

      At the 2001 Census, the proportion of Scheduled Castes pop-ulation in the age group 0-6 is 18.5 per cent, which is lower by 2.2 per cent points as compared to 1991 :Census (20.7 per cent). At the district level, the highest proportion is observed in Udham Singh Nagar (20.5 per cent) and the lowest in Dehradun (16.1).

      The percentage of Scheduled Tribes population in the age groul?_ 0-6 has also declined by 3'.1 per cent points from 19.8 in 1991 Census to 16.7 in 2001 Census. At the district level, the highest proportion is observed in Champawat (21.8 per cent) whil.e it is lowest in Tehri Garhwal (10.4).

      Sex ratio (number of females per 1000 males) The sex ratio in Census is measured as number of females per thousand males. At the state level, there are 962 females per thousand males, while at ~ 991 Census corresponding sex ratio was 937. The sex ratio has, therefore improved at 2001 Census>as~ ~-

      4--13 RGIIND/Ofj xlix there are now 25 more females per thousand males. At district level, the highest sex ratio is observed in Almora (1146) and lowest in Hardwar (865).

      The sex ratio for Scheduled Castes has also improved from 918 in 1991 to 943 in the 2001 Census. Almora has the highest sex ratio (1079) while the lowest is observed in Hardwar district (872).

      Among the Scheduled Tribes also, sex ratio has increased from 929 in 1991 to 950 in 2001 Census at the state level. At the district level, sex ratio is the highest in 8ageshwar (1161) and the lowest in Tehri Garhwal (337). The sex ratios for both Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are lower in 1991 as well as 2001 Censuses as compared to the sex ratio of total population in the State . . Child sex ratio In Uttaranchal, the sex ratio for children in 0-6 age group is 908 at the Census 2001, while it was 949 in 1991. Thus, considerable decline of 41 points is registered in child sex ratio at the state level. At the district level, the highest child sex ratio of 953 is seen in Rudraprayag. The lowest child sex ratio is recorded in Hardwar (862) preceded by Dehradun (894).

      The sex ratio for children in the age group 0-6 for Scheduled Caste population is 934 in 2001 Census at the state level, which is higher than that observed for the total population but lower by 27 points than 961 recorded for Scheduled Castes in the 1991 Census. The lowest child sex ratio is observed in Hardwar (867) preceded by Champawat (929) and . Udham Si~gh Nagar (932).

      For Scheduled Tribes population, the child sex ratio in age group 0-6. is 955 at the 2001 Census, which is slightly higher than that observed for Scheduled Castes and total population. It has been observed that child sex ratio for Scheduled Tribes was 973 in 1991 which shows that there are now 18 girls less per thousand boys in the age group 0-6 in 2001 as compared to 1991 Census among Scheduled Tribes. At the 2001 Census, there has been decline in the child sex_ratio, in the age group 0-6 for total population, Scheduled. Castes and Scheduled TriQes population <'IS compared to 1991 Census. .

      Literacy rate As compared to the national level literacy rate of 64.8 per cent, Uttaranchal state has registered a higher literacy rate of 71.6 per cent in 2001 Census. Similarly literacy rate for males at 83.3 per cent and for females at 59.6 per cent are higher than the national average for males/females at 75.3 and 53.7 percent respectively in 2001 Cellsus. During the decade 1991-2001 the state has recorded an increase of 13.8 per cent pOints in the literacy levels.

      An analysis of literacy rates at district level by sex indicates that for males it is highest in Garhwal (90.9 per cent) while for females the highest literacy rate is observed in Dehradun (71.2 per cent). The10westrate of literacy for males is observed in Hardwar (73.8 per cent) while lowest for females are observed in Utlarkashi (46.7 per cent).

      The literacy rate of Scheduled Castes at the 2001 Census is 63.4 per cent as against 42.2 per cent at the 1991 Census. Thus there is a significant improvement of 21.2 per cent points in the literacy rate for Scheduled Castes at the 2001 Census. At the district level, the highest literacy rate among Scheduled Castes is observed in Nainital (71.9 ·per cent) and lowest in Uttarkashi (57.0). The gaps 'in male c;lnd female literacy at the district level can be gauged by the fact for ma1es the highest literacy rate is in Garhwal (86.3 per cent) while for females the highest rate is observed in Nainital (59.7). The lowest literacy rate for the males has been in Hardwar (70.7 per cent) while for females the lowest rate is observed in Uttarkashi (39.3).

      As per Census 2001, the literacy rate among Scheduled Tribes population at the state level is 63.2 per cent as against 41.2 per cent in 1991 thereby registering a conside!pble improvement of 22 per cent points in 2001 as compared to 1991 Census. At the district level the highest literacy is found in Almora (93.3 per cent) and lowest in Hardwar (46.3). At the district level, the highest literacy rate for males (97.2) and females (89.3) is recorded in Almora. The lowest rates for both males and females are in Hardwar at 59.2 per cent and 29.7 per cent respectively. .

      Work participation rate

      Total workers account 36.9 per cent of the population at the state level in 2001 Census as against 39.9 in 1991 Census. For Scheduled Castes the proportion of workers is 37.5 per cent in 2001 while it was 41.8 in 1991. Among the Scheduled Tribes the proportion of workers is 41.1 per cent in 2001 while it was 45.4 per cent in 1991. Thus there has been a decline in the work participation rate among all categories of workers in the state as compared to 1991 Census

      Among the districts, the highest work participation rate for total population has been observed in 8ageshwar (47.6 per cent) and the lowest in Hardwar (29.4 per cent). The highest proportion of workers among Scheduled Castes is in Uttarkashi (46.2 per cent) and the lowest in Hardwar (30~6). Among the Scheduled Tribes, the highest proportion of workers is i,n Tehri Garhwal (59:9 per cent) and lowest in Hardwar (32.6).

      Male and female work participation rate At the state level, the proportion of male workers is 46.1 per cent at the 2001 ,Census, while corresponding rate for Census 1991 was 48.8 thereby indicating decline of 2.7 per cent pOints in 2001 as compared to 1991 Census. The female work participation is 27.~ per cent at the state level during 2001 Census as against 30.5 in 1991, which has a decline of 3.2 per cent points in 2001 Census.

      Main workers The main workers of the state account for 74.1 per cent of total workers at the 2001 Census. Their corresponding proportion was 88.1 per cent in 1991. Thus, there has been a drop of 14.0 per cent points in the percentage' share of main workers at 2001 Census as compared to 1991. The highest proportion of main workers is observed in Uttarkashi (84.5 per cent) and the lowest in Chamoli (58.8):

      Marginal workers The proportion of marginal workers to total workers at the 2001 CensUS ~s -25.9 per cent as against 11.9 in the 1991 Census. Thus, the marginal workers in the 2001 Census have increased perceptibly. by 14.0 per cent points as compared to 1991 Census. District Chamoli (41.2 per cent) has the highest proportion of marginal workers while the lowest proportion is found in Dehradun (16.0).

      Cultivators Among workers, the proportion of Cultivators is 50.1 per cent in the 2001 Census at ~ the state level while it was 58.1 in 1991. Thus, there has been a declina of itO per rent

      Ii points in the percentage share of cultivators in 2001 as compared to 1991 Census. Among the Scheduled Castes 47.2 per cent are cultiYators while among the Scheduled Tribes very high proportion of 63.0 percent are Cultivators in 2001 Census.

      Agricultural labourers In 2001 Census, agricultural labourers account for 8.3 per cent bf ·the total population while it was 9.0 per cent in 1991, showing a drop of 0.7 per cent points in 2001 as compared to 1991 Census. Udham Singh Nagar with 25.9 per cent of agricultural labourers has the highest proportion while lowest is observed in Rudrapr.ayag (0.6).

      ArrlOng the Scheduled Castes 15.3 per cent are agricultural labourers while among the Scheduled Tribes this proportion is 13.2 percent in 2001 Census.

      At the 2001 Census, workers engaged in agriculture activities (Cultivators + agricultural labourers) are 58.4 per cent while for non agricultural activities, the proportion is 41.6 per cent at the state level. This suggests that workers engaged in agriculture activities are 16.8 per cent points more as compared to those engaged in non agricultural activities. Corresponding percentages for 1991 Census were 67.2 and 32.8 per cent respectively. Thus, during the decade (1991-2001) proportion of workers engaged in agricultural -a tivities has declined by 8.8 per cent points while there is an improvement in the participation rate of workers engaged in non agricultural activities .

      .Household industry workers The proportion of workers in the household industry is 2.3 per cent in 2001 Census as against 1.0 in the 1991 Census, which shows that in 2001 Census there has been an increase of 1.3 per cent pOints as compared to 1991. Hardwar has the highest participation rate for this category of workers (4.2 per cent) while the lowest is observed ill Tehri Garhwal (0.9).

      Among the Scheduled Castes 3.3 per cent workers are engaged ·in household industry while among the Scheduled Tribes their proportion is higher at 6.2 percent in 2001 /' Census.

      \ Other workers Among the total workers, 'other workers' account for 39.3 per cent in 2001 Census while this was 31.8- per cent in 1991 Census. This shows an increase of 7.5 per cent points at 2001 Census. The other workers are the highest in Dehradun (71.7per cent) and the lowest in Bageshwar (20.3 per cent) at the 2001 Census. Among the Scheduled Castes 34.2 per cent workers constitute 'other workers' while among the Scheduled Tribes their proportion is low at 1},6 per cent in 2001 Census.

      Iii -f4~;) ~OI'lt'"I

      ~ 1 : \JFHk~~il~ : 2001

      Statement 1 : Districts arranged in descending order of population: 2001

      x~/ ~/fGrc;rr State/District \il~~~o<:Jl/Population Rank Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5

      ~ \JI"1i('j~

      05 ,:h1"(i'CIc:>t Uttaranchal 8,489,349 4,325,924 4,163,425

      01~ Hardwar 1,447,187 776,021 671,166

      02~ Dehradun 1,282,143 679,583 602,560

      03 ~""fIR * Udham Singh Nagar * 1,235,614 649,484 586,130

      04~ Nainital 762,909 400,254 362,655

      05~ Garhwal 697,078 331,061 366,017

      06~ Almora 630,567 293,848 336,719

      07~~ T ehri Garhwal 604,747 295,168 309,579

      08 ftr~ Pithoragarh 462,289 227,615 234,674

      09~ Chamoli 310,359 183,745 186,614

      10 \'lf1,

      11~ Bageshwar 249,462 118,510 130,952

      12 tis;U41'1 * Rudraprayag , 227,439 107,535 119,904

      13~ Champawat 224,542 111,084 113,458

      W11Rl \JI;:Hk

      05 '3'di(i'CIc:>t Uttaranchal 6,716,034 3,413,818 3,302,216

      01~ Hardwar 1,130,072 603,591 523,481

      02~ Dehradun 1,009,366 53b,136 473,630

      03 ~""fIR * Udham Singh Nagar * 962,612 506,926 455,686

      04~ Nainital 609,764 319,748 290,016

      05~ Garhwal 588,831 277,645 311,186

      06~~ T ehri Garhwal 516,731 250,983 265,748

      07~ Almora 489,259 225,843 263,416

      .08 ftr~ Pithoragarh 336,561 164,692 171,869

      09 if11t;fT Chamoli 292,336 144,671 147,665

      10 13f1,

      11~* Rudraprayag * 186,942 87,462 99,480

      12~ Champawat 185,704 91,408 94,296

      13~ BageshwCii 182,995 85,802 9-r ,-193

      ~ - 3l."\JfT./ 3l.\Jf."\JfT. ~ 3fRTCfT/GEN - Other than SC/ST population Iv fctcffoT 1 : GFltiitWl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : 2001

      Statement 1 : Districts arranged in descending order of population: 2001

      ~/ ~/fvTI;rr State/District vF'lti celli/Population Rank Persons Males Female~ 2 3 4 5

      ~ \iHtiitWlllnstitutional population

      05 \3t1i(iil~ (Jttaranchal 107,531 69,655 17,876

      01~ Dehradun 32,033 24,940 7,093

      02~ Hardwar 20,404 17,408 2,996

      03 ~ "fl"R * Udham Singh Nagar * 8,321 6,532 1,789

      04~~ Tehri Garhwal 7,370 6,850 520

      05~ Nainital 7,230 6,103 1,127

      06~ Garhwal 6,850 5,532 1,318

      07~ Almora 6,604 5,567 1,037

      08~ Pithoragarh 6,025 5,387 638

      09~ Chamoli 5,959 5,691 268

      10 'iH1i(Cf>I*lft Uttarkashi 3,318 2,954 364

      11~ Bageshwar 1,282 998 284

      12~* Rudraprayag * 1,088 892 196

      13~ Champawat 1,047 801 246

      ~ GHtiitWl/Houseless population

      05 \3t1i(iil~ Uttarancnal 14,703 10,496 4,207

      01~ Dehradun 3,640 2,233 1,407

      02~ Hardwar 2,434 1,381 1,053

      03~ Garhwal 1,250 1,056 194

      04 '3t1'1Cf>I*lft Uttarkashi 1,021 765 256

      05~ Chamoli 1,001 794 207

      06~~ :rehri Garhwal 970 811 159

      07~ ~ainital 941 727 214

      08~ 3ageshwar 937 892 45

      09~ 'l.imora 800 630 170

      10 ~ "fl"R * Jdham Singh Nagar .573 339 234

      11~* Rudraprayag * 475 406 69

      12~ Eithoragarh 357 264 93 13~ Champawat_---- 304 198 106

      Ivi Statement 1 : Districts arranged in descending order of population: 2001

      ~/~/~ State/District "FH~~clll/Population Rank Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5

      ~ ~ CIft 1Jl"'1·('kc

      05 BiH iii ('i UUaranchal 1,517,186 780,772 736,414

      01~ Hardwar 313,976 167,702 146,274

      02~ Dehradun 173,448 91,925 81,523

      03 ~"flR * Udham Singh Nagar * 162,782 86,617 , 76,165

      04~ Nainital 148,184 77,938 70,246

      05~ Almora 140,430 67,544 72,886

      06~ Garhwal 106,653 52,528 54,125

      07~ Pithoragarh 106,449 53,501 52,948

      08~~ T ehri Garhwal 87~325 43,668 43,657 09 Cflffi;fi Chamoli 67,539 33,991 33,548

      10 BfI,,{CflI"ln Uttarkashi 67,46! 34,291 33,176

      11~ Bageshwar 64,524 31,809 32,715

      12 '6S;!>lIlI'1 * Rudraprayag * 40,311 19,967 20,344

      13~ Champawat 38,098 19,291 18,807

      ~ 1Jl"'1\i1IRtlii CIft \i1"'1'fiiMI/Scheduled Tribes population

      05 BtI"{ iilC'l UUaranchal 256,129 131,334 124,795

      01 ~"flR * Udham Singh Nagar * 110,220 55,941 54,279

      02~ Dehradun 99,329 51,922 47,407

      03 ~11t),,{I'I~ Pithoragarh 19,279 9,422 9,857

      04 Cflffi;fi Chamoli 10,484 5,083 5,401

      05~ Nainital 4,961 2,568 2,393

      06~ Hardwar 3,139 1,728 1,411

      07 BfI,,{CflI'i1n Uttarkashi 2,685 1,414 1,271

      08~ Bageshwar 1,943 §99 1,044

      09~ Garhwal 1,594 888 706

      10~ Almora 878 461 417

      11~ Champawat 740 385 355

      12~~ T ehri Garhwal 691 517 174

      '13~* Rudraprayag * 186 106 80

      Ivii ~ 2 : ~. \JHti&l1 -q~, \SI~d ~ 3tN \SI~d \JH\ilIRt

      05 ~~~i'qt'l Uttaranchal 100.0 79.1 17.9 3.0

      01 \3f1'Plft Uttarkashi 100.0 76.2 22.9 0.9 02 ~ Chamoli 100.0 78.9 18.2 2.8 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 100.0 82.2 17.7 0.1 04 ~~ Tehri Garhwal 100.0 85.4 14.4 0.1 05 ~ Dehradun 100.0 78.7 13.5 7.7 06 ~ Garhwal 100.0 84.5 15.3 0.2 07 ~ Pithoragarh 100.0 72.8 23.0 4.2 08 ~ Bageshwar 100.0 73.4 25.9 0.8 Q9 ~ Almora 100.0 77.6 22.3 0.1 10 ~ Champawat 100.0 82.7 17.0 0.3 11 ~ Nainital 100.0 79.9 19.4 0:7 12 \3j'q +j ffi:8 "fTR * Udham Singh Nagar ... 100.0 77.9 13.2 8.9 13 ~ Hardwar 100.0 78.1 21.7 0.2

      ~ 3 : 0-6 3Wj ~ qft \il"1ti'BAl ~ utawo, ~ftffi;n: 2001

      Statement 3 : Percentage of population in the age group 0-6, State/District: 2001

      m ~/fGR;rr State/District 0-6 .:mT ~/ ~ Percentage of population in the age Code group 0-6 No. TOTAL GEN SC 8T 1 2 3 4 5 6

      05 ~'tHi'qt'l Uttaranchal 16.0 15.4 18.5 16.7

      01 \3f1 '< Cf> I'-!ft Uttarkashi 16.9 16.3 18.8 12.3 02 ~ Chamoli 15.0 14.6 17.7 11.1 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 15.8 15.1 19.1 18.3 04 ~~ Tehri Garhwal 16.3 15.7 19.6 10.4· 05 ~ Dehradun 13.5 12.5 16.1 18.3 06 ~ Garhwal 14.5 14.0 17.4 17.3 07 ~ Pithoragarh 15.6 14.8 18.2 14.2 08 ~ BagesRwar 16.5 15.7 18.8 14.8 09 ~ Almora 15.4 14.8 17.6 12.8 10 ~ Champawat 17.8 17.3 20.0 21.8 11 ~ Nainital 14.9 14.4 16.9 16.1 12 ~"fTR * Udham Singh Nagar * 17.7 17.5 20.5 16.3 13 ~ Hardwar 18.2 17.6 20.1 20.2

      'ffil'JRT - 3T.\ifT./ 3T.\if.VU. ~ 3ffilCIT/GEN-ettmrman SC/ST population

      !viii fcrcRuT 4:"¥f, "ffilTRf, ~ ~ 3tR ~ \IH\1lIRl1l1 qf) \1l~fi&t1 qn"cit ¥~ 3TjQffi, ~/ furRT: 2001 Statement 4 : Sex ratio of Total, General, Scheduled- Castes and Scheduled Tribes population, State/District: 2001 ~ ~/fG:r<;rr Sta te/District Bft!F~~/ ~ Sex ratio Code No. TOTAL GEN 8C 8T 1 2 3 4 5 6

      05 \3ti'1i'CIcl Uttaranchal 962 967 943 950

      01 ,'h'1x Cfl I lift Uttarkashi 941 933 967 899 02 ~ Chamofi 1,016 1,021 987 1,063 03 ~* Rudraprayag " 1,115 1,137 1,019 755 04 f?:5fr~ -Tehri Garhwal 1,049 1,059 1,000 337 05 ~ Dehradun 887 884 887 913 06 ~ Garhwal 1,106 1,121 1,030 795 07 fq~ Pithoragarh 1,031 1,044 990 1,046 08 ~ 8ageshwar 1,105 1,133 1,028 1,161 09 ~ Almora 1,146 1,166 1,079 905 10 ~ Champawat 1,021 1,032 975 922 11 ~ Nainital 906 907 901 ~32 12 ~';:flN .. Udham Singh Nagar .. 902 899 879 970 13 ~ Hardwar 865 863 872 817

      fctcRur 5: WR. ~. 311~d ~ 3tR aJ1'<1~d \iI"1\1lIRi41 qft \iI"'1'tk.<41 qrr ~ fWT ~ (0-6 3Wj ~ qft \11'1'<1'&011), ~ fGwrr: 2001 Statement 5 : Child sex ratio (Population 0-6 age group) of Total, General, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population, State/District: 2001

      m ~/-R;rc;rr State/District ~ fWT 3lTffil (0-6 3lTg ~ ~ \i11'1.k"4l) "ffi.s

      01 \3ti'1i'CIcl Uttaranchal 908 899 934 955

      01 \:Iff '< Cfll ~ft Uttarkashi 942 927 Q92 818 02 ~ Chamoli 935 928 967 877 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 953 947 976 1,000 04 f?:5fr~ Tehri Garhwal 927 922 952 846 05 ~ Dehradun 894 872 956 958 06 ~ Garhwal 930 922 969 897 07 fq~ Pithoragarh 902 881 953 956 08 ~ 8ageshwar 930 924 941 1,110 09 ~ Almora 933 922 967 647 10 ~ Champawat 934 934 929 1,333 11 ~ Nainital 910 899 948 1,018 12 •~t';;TR • Udham Singh Nagar * 913 905 932 955 13 ~ Hardwar 862 861 867 997

      ~ - 3T.'\J1T./ 3'J.Uf.iJiT. ~ 3ffilCff/GEN - Other than SC/ST population

      lix fcIcRuT 6 : ~, 'lWtRt, ~~d ~ 3tR ~~d \1I"NlIRlt41 qft \1I+«'L~1 qft meffifT~, ~/~: 2001 Statement 6: Literacy rate of Total, General, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popu'lation, State/District; 2001 m ~/~ State/District W&ffiIT "GX/ ~ Literacy rate Code , No. TOTAL GEN SC ST 1 2 3 4 5 6

      05 i3mi'q~ Uttaranchal 71.6 73.7 63.4 63.2

      01 l3f1x45I~A Uttarkashi 65.7 68.1 57.0 78.1 02 ~ Chamoli 75.4 76.8 68.7 79.3 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 73.6 75.4 65.2 75.7 04 ~~ Tehri Garhwal 66.7 68.1 58.0 68.7 05 ~ Dehradun 79.0 83.1 66.1 57.0 06 ~ Garhwal 77.5 78.6 71.0 66.3 07 ~ Pithoragarh 75.9 78.1 68.6 7-7.4 08 ~ Bageshwar 71.3 73.4 64.8 80.3 09 ~ Almora 73.6 75.7 66.1 93.3 10 ~ Champ.awat 70.4 72.0 62.6 64.6 11 ~ Nainital 78.4 80.0 71.9 63.1 12 i£El+J ffI Q "fTR * Udham Singh Nagar * 64.9 66.5 55.6 63.9 13 ~ Hardwar 63.7 65.5 57.3 46.3

      fcrcRur 7 : ~, 'lWtRt, 31'jw~m ~ 3tR 31 t

      Code No. TOTAL GEN SC ST 1 2 3 4 5 6

      05 i3't1'(i'q~ Uttaranchal" 36.9 36.6 37.5 41.1 01 I3'tH45I~ft Uttarkashi 46.1 46.1 46.2 ,38.7 02 ~ Chamoli 44.5 45.1 41.8 44.7 03 ~* Rudraprayag 44.9 45.0 44.4 43.5 04 ~~ T ehri Garhwal 43.8 44.1 42.0 59.5 05 ~ Dehradun 31.2 29.8 33.7 41.2 06 ~ Garhwal 38.7 38.8 38.1 41.7 07 ~I~ Pithoragarh 43.0 43.2 42.0 44.0 08 ~ Bagesh~r- 47.6 48.8 44.2 50.1 09 ~ Almora 46.3 46.9 44.6 32.9 10 ~ Champawat 40.2 40.2 40.0 33.2 11 ~ Nainital 36.6 35.8 39.3 45.0 12 ~+J ffl8 ';:j1R'* Udham Singh Nagar 31.7 30.8 31.3 40.2 13 ~ Hardwar 29.4 29.0 30.6 32.6

      'ffi11Rl - 3l'.vrr.l 3l'.\1f.vrr. ~ ;m;rrcrr/GEN - Other--- thao.sGlSrpoDulation Ix fcrcRuT 8 : ~, ~, 3lj~d ~ 3tR 3lj+SJild GFI\ilIRIlil qft \iI"'"ItiMI.q

      05 Bt1'< i=Clcl Uttaranchal 74.1 75.5 68.4 .73.1 01 \aT!\( Cfl) !ill) Uttarkashi 84.5 85.1 82.2 90.1 02 ~ Cbamoli 58.8 59.4 54.6 67.9 03 ~* Rudraprayag 74.6 75.5 70.2 75.3 04 ~~ Tehri Garhwal 68.5 69.1 64.2 87.1 05 ~ Oehradun 84.0 85.7 78.0 80.5 06 ~ Garhwal 63.6 65.0 56.0 57.7 07 fq~ Pithoragarh 62.4 63.9 57.0 65.1 08 ~ Bageshwar 72.0 74.3 64.6 82.6 09 ~ Almora 70.0 71.3 65.2 92.7 10 ~ Champawat 62.3 62.8 59.7 68.3 11 ~ Nainital 79.2 81.6 71.2 58.4 12 ~~* Udham Singh Nagar 76.5 78.7 71.2 68.3 13 ~ Hardwar 83.1 85.4 75.4 . 81.5

      fcrcRuT 9 ~ W"R, ~, 31'j'(i~d ~ 3tR 31~d Ui'1\i1IRilil ctt W"lfi&tl1l ~~ cofltm coT~ ~.q~. ~/R;rc;rr: 2001 Statement 9 : Percent~ge of-Marginal workers to Total workers of Total, General, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population, State/District: 2001 .

      05 BT!\( i'CIcl Uttaranchal 25.9 24.5 31.6 26.9 01 \3T!\(Cfl)!il1) UUarkashi 15.5' 14.9 17.8 9.9 02 ~ Chamoli 41.2 40.6 45.4 32.1 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 25.4 24.5 29.8 24.7 04 ~~ T ehri Garhwal 31.5 30.9 35.8 12.9 05 ~ Dehradun 16.0 14.3 22.0 19.5 06 ~ Garhwal 36.4 35.0 44.0 42.3 07 fq~ Pithoragarh 37.6 36.1' 43.0 34.9 08 ~ ,Bageshwar 28;0 25.7 35.4 17.4 09 ~ Almora 30.0 28.7 34.8 7.3 10 ~ Champawat 37.7 37.2 40.3 31.7 11 ~ Nainital 20.8 18.4 28.8 41.6 12 I3?wlR18 ~ * Udham Singh Nagar * 23.5 21.3 28.8 31.7 13 '8fuR Hardwar 16.9 14.6 24.6 18:5

      ~ - 3T.vrr.l 3T.\if.vrr. 'ij) 3R'ITCIT/GEN - Other than SC/ST populatiGn

      Ixi fctcRur 10 : WR, WlfRl, 31'j'(ifild ~ 3fN 31'j'(ifild \J1'1\J1IR1~1 qft \J1'1fi{"~1 .q ~m cpT W"R ~ .q~, "'(l'\Tl:I'/fGrc;rr: 2001 Statement 10 : Percentage of Cultivators to Total. workers of Total, General, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population, State/District: 2001

      m ~/f;rc;rr State/District ~m cpT ~ ~ it ~I ~ Percentage of cultivators to total workers Code No. TOTAL GEN SC 8T 2 3 4 5 6 05 ,·hHj'Cl('1 Uttaranchal 50.1 50.2 47.2 63.0

      01 'dfi'(Cflllifl Uttarkashi 74.8 74.3 78.3 16.3 02 ~ Chamoli 69.6 70.9 69.8 30.9 03. ~* Rudraprayag * 75.9 76.2 74.7 29.6 04 ~~ Tehri Garhwal 70.0 70.8 65.7 2.2 05 ~ Dehradun 18.8 10.5 24.9 71.1 06 ~ Garhwal 66.5 67.2 62.9 26.6 07 ~ Pithoragarh 67.6 70.3 65.3 34.0 08 ~ Bageshvyar 74.5 78.3 64.1 35.8 09 ~ Almora 74.7 76.2 69.6 12.8 10 ~ Champawat 69.7 70.3 67.3 17.5 11 ~ Nainital 41.8 41.q 42.8 36.4 12 ~~* Udham Singh Nagar * 30.3 26.7 16.7 70.0 13 ~ Hardwar 22.8 25.7 13.0 33.0

      fctcRur 11 : WR, WlfRl, 31 mfild ~ 3fN 31 mfild \J1 '1\J1IR1~'j qft \J1'1fi(§Q I .q ~~cpTW"R~.q~, ~/fGrc;rr: 2001 Statement 1 ~ : Percentage of Agricultural labourers to Total workers of Total, General, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population, State/District: 20.01 m ~/f;rc;rr State/E)lstrict ~~cpT~~it~1 ~ Percentage of agricultural labourers to Code total workers No. TOTAL GEN SC 8T 1 2 3 4 5 6

      05 \3fi,(jl"lcl Uttaranchal B.3 6.5 15.3 13.2

      01 'dfixCflllifl Uttarkashi 2.0 1.6 3.5 0.3 02 ~ Chamoli 0.8 0.8 1.3 0.5 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 0.6 0.4 1.6 0.0 04 fmT~ Tehri Garhwal 1.3 1.0 3.3 0.0 05 ~ Dehradun 7.0 6.0 10.8 8.7 06- ~ Garh!_Yal 1.7 1.1 4.2 29.2 07 'fq~ Pithoragarli - 1.3 0.6 3.3 1.2 08 ~ Bageshwar 3.0 1.2 8.8 0.3 09 ~ Almora 1.6' 0.8 4.3 1.7 10 ~ Champawat 2.0 1.4 4.2 38.6 11 ~ Nainital 8.7 6.0 18.1 32.0 12 ~~* Udham Singh Nagar * 25.9 23.4 45.5 19.5 13 ~ Hardwar- 19.0 13.8 36.4 51.6

      X1I+fR1 - 3T.VlT.I 3T. \If. VlT. ~ \31clTCITIGEN - Other than SC/ST population Ixii· ~ 12 : ~, ~, 3lftfil

      m x]\J'lll~ State/District 41RcliRCI> ~ ~ Cf)f g;c;r ~ ~ ~/ ~ Percentage of household industry workers Code to total workers No. TOTAL GEN SC ST 1 2 3 4 5 6

      05 i3n'li'i1~ Uttaranchal 2.3 1.9 3.3 6.2

      01 i3~Wf)lliIfl Uttarkashi 1.5 0.8 2.7 35.5 02 ~ Chamoli 2.6 1.1 3.7 37.9 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 1.1 0.8 2.5 13.6 04 ~'WIffi T ehri_ Garhwal 0.9 0.6 2.9 0.2 05 ~ Dehradun 2:5 2.7 2;0 2.0 06 'WIffi Garhwal 1.3 0.9 3.5 0.8 07 ~ Pithoragarh 4.0 1.4 6.7 33.8 08 ~ Bageshwar 2.1 1.0 4.3 35.0 09 ~ Almora 1.3 0.8 3.2 2.4 10 ~ Champaw6t 1.7 1.5 2.9 7.3 11 ~ Nalnital 2.1 2.1 2.0 0.4 12 ~~* Udham Singh Nagar * 2.5 2.9. 1.6 0.8 13 ~ Hardwar 4.2 4.2 4.2 1.6

      fcmuT 13 : "¥r, ~, 31 j'(ifiI

      $ XTV'lf/~ State/District 3A cWf

      05 i3n'(i'i1~ Uttaranchal 39.3 41.4 34.2 17.6

      01 i3f1 '(if, llilfl Uttarkashi 21.7 23.3 15.5 48.0 02 ~ Chamoli 27.0 27.3 25.3 30.6 03 ~* Rudraprayag * 22.4 22.7 21.2 56.8 04 ~~ Tehri Garhwal 27.8 27.7 28.2 97.6 05 ~~ Dehradun 71.7 80.8 62.2 18.2 06 ~ Garhwal 30.6 30.7 29.3 43.5 07 ~ Pithoragarh 27.1 27.7 Z4.7 30.9 08 ~ Bageshwar 20.3 19.5 22.8 28.9 09 ~ Almora 22.4. 22.2- 22.9 83.0 10 ~ Champawat 26.6 26.8 25.5 36.6 11 ~ Nainital 47.4 50.3 37.0 31.2 12 l3o'CPi Ri 15 ~ * Udham Singh- Nagar * 41.4 47.0 36.2 9.8 13 ~ Hardwar 54.0 56,3 46.4 13.8

      ~ - 31.\ilT.I 31.'Gf.\ilT. ~ 3ffiTCIT/GEN - Other than SC/ST population



      KILOMETRES 20 40 60 20 o I

      / .' ,...• \ :·Rajgarhl. "_'· .... Utlarkashi ..\ .

      D s H

      BOUNDARIES: INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: STATE STATE ...... "* DISTRICT DISTRICT ...... TAHSIL Where the district name differs from its headquarters name, the latter is given within brackets.

      Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government of India, copyright 2004.

      The state boundaries between Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh have not been verified by Government concerned. "fI1 '< oft cp -5 : ~ Gt .... '(i {"clIl TABLE A-5: TOTAL POPULATION

      CIl-5 ~ \IHti'Lclll COT ~ m~ \jF'I~lol~1 ~ - 2001 A· 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      +rG 05 \3'tixiil& 01 \3't1'1CbP~ft Item Sex UTTARANCHAL Uttarkashi 'lIPrIT otal "!IJ"4lurIRura I ~Urban 'lIPrIT otal "!IJ"4lurIR ural ~Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ qrf FcP.lft. ~ I Area in Sq. Kms. 53,483.00 52,68623 796.77 8,016.00 7,990.98 25.02 2. g>c1' ~ I Total households 1.603.242 1,185,737 417,505 55,558 50,501 5,057 3. ~ \i1''1't1'@011 (~3tR "Ulo/p 8,489,349 6,310,275 2,179,074 295,013 272,095 22,918 tERvr~~) ~o/M 4,325,924 ·3,144,590 1,181,334 152,016 138,737 13,279 Total population (including institutional fBlo/F 4,163,425 3,165,685 997,740 142,997 133,358 9,639 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3ll"1J ~ c6T \1J1ti'&ll "UlO/P 1,360,032 1,072,360 287,672 49,758 47,017 2,741 Population in the age group 0-6 ~oIM 712,949 559,248 153,701 25,619 24,082 1,537 fBlo/F 647,083 513,112 133,971 24,139 22,935 1,204 5. ~ urrfrr<:IT qft G! 1 xi '@OIl "Ulo/p 1,517,186 1,256,122 261,064 67,467 64,148 3,319 Scheduled Castes population ~o/M 780,772 642,087 138,685 34,291 32,536 1,755 fB:ro/F 736,414 614,035 122,379 33,176 31,612 1,564 6. ~ G!1G!Ifi'lm qft G!1xi'@Oll "Ulo/P 256,129 240,209 15,920 2,685 2,449 236 Scheduled Tribes population ~o/M 131,334 122,808 8,5~6 1,414 1,284 130 fB:ro/F 124,795 117,401 7,394 1,271 1,165 106 7. X1T&R "Ulo/p' 5,105,782 3,565,347 1,540,435 161,161 143,685 17,476 Literates ~o/M 3,008,875 2,114,320 894,555 105,663 94,722 10,941 fB:ro/F 2,096,907 1,451,027 645,880 55,498 48,963 6,535 8.~~ "Ulo/P 3,134,036 2,498,842 635,194 135,904 128,165 7,739 Total workers ~o/M 1,996,177 1,436,711 559,466 73,398 67,252 6,146 ~o/F 1,137,859 1,062,131 75,728 62,506 60,913 1,593 9. cflQCj)II(;fep ~ "Ulc/P 2,322,347 1,745,562, 576,785 114,842 107,607 7,235 Main workers 'lo/M 1,639,242 1,123,925 515,317 64,352 58,499 5,853 fB:ro/F 683,105 J 621,637 61,468 50,490 49,108 1,382 (i) Cj)1~('1Cj)I"( "UlotP 1,067,647 1,055,906 11,741 85,990 85,382 608 Cultivators ~o/M 531,003 522,717 8,286 39,648 39,418 230 fF;ro/f 536,644 533,189 3,455 46,342 45,964 378 (ii)~~ "Ulo/p 142,624 132,434 10,190 941 934 7 Agricultural labourers 'l0/M 122,799 113,792 9,007 606 601 5 fF;rolF 19,825 18,642 1,183 335 333 2 (iii) 4IRqIR¢ 'i3E:lTrr ~ CZ[,.IP 49,027 37,024 12,003 1,467 1,395 72 Household industry workers 'l0/M 34,905 25,804 9,101 931 881 50 fF;ro/F 14,122 11,220 2,902 536 514 22 (iv) aRC

      (ii)~~ C2lo/P 117,059 112,086 4,973 1,764 1,754 < 10 Agricultural labourers 1];o/M 67,695 64,197 3,498 827 822 5 fB:ro/F 49,364 47,889 1,475 937 932 5 (i ii) q IRq I R ¢ 'i3E:lTrr Cf>l'lT C2lo/P 23,421 19,830 3,591 608 593 15 Household industry workers 'l0/M 8,839 7,599 1,240 227 222 5 fB:ro/F 14,582 12,231 2,351 381 371 10 (iv) 3Rl Cf>l'lT C'.lfo/p 168,740 121,068 47,672 3,073 2,651 422 Other workers 1];o/M 126,982 88,248 38,734 2,333 2,068 265 fF;ro/F 41,758 32,820 8,938 740 583 157 11. iR~ C'.lfo/p 5,355,313 3,811,433 1,543,880 159,109 143,930 15,179 Non-workers 1];o/M 2,329,747 1,707,879 621,868 78,618 71,485 7,133 fF;ro/F 3,025,566 2,103,55<1 922,012 80,491 72,445 8,046 CIl-5' ~ \J1"1'<1iLclIl C61 ~ ~ \J1"1 Jlol"1l ~ - 2001 A- 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 02~ 03~* Item Sex __~~~ __~c~h~am~o_l_i~ __~~ _____~~~ __~~~~ __~~~_ "llFTITotal 1l11ftuT!Rural ~Urban "llFTITotal 345 6 1, ~ crt f

      10, 3lC'4CflI~q; ~ ClTo/P 67,829 65,317 2,512 25,96~ 25,881 84 Marginal workers ~o/M 27,769 26,030 1,739 9,450 9,369 81 fBl'o/F 40,060 39,287 773 16,515 16,512 3 (i) CflI~('jCf)I~ ClTO/P 55,821 55,339 482 21,958 21,957 Cultivators ~o/M 18,688 18,565 123 6,308 6,307 fBl'o/F 37,133 36,774 359 15,650 15,650 (ii)~~ ClTO/P 888 863 25 416 416 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 395 38~ 12 207 207 fBl'o/F 493 480 13- 209 209 (iii) QiRqlRCfl ~ ~ ClTa/P - 1,782 1,630 152 258 257 Household industry workers ~o/M 766 720 46 175 175 fi:?To/F 1,016 910 106 83 82 (iv) 3l'Xf 'Cfl1ff ClTo/P 9,338 7,485 1,853 3,333 3,251 82 Other workers 'go/M 7,920 6,362 1,558 2,760 2,680 80 .fi:?To/F 1,418' 1,123 295 573 571 2 11. tIT ~ ClTa/P 205,630 173,809 31,821 125,406 124,087 1,319 Non-workers '9;o/M _ 101,236 86,677 14;559 62,031 61,485 546

      fBl'o/F HM,394 87A ta2- 17,262 63,375 62,602 773

      2 co-5 ~ \i1.H1OLQll COT ~ m~ \i1'"1JIOHI~ - 2001 A- 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~. 04fertt~ 05~ Item Sex Tehri Garhwal Dehradun mrvrotal ~Rural ~Urban mrvrotal !IJl'fiuT/Rural ~/Urban 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 1. ~ crrT f

      5. ~ ~ ~ Gt1'!1'&1l1 CZl"o/P 87,325 8~,044 5,281 173,448 92,033 81,415 Scheduled Castes population -go/M 43,668 40,698 2,970 91,925 48,843 43,082 f'B;ro/F 43,657 41,346 2,311 81,523 43,190 38,333 6 ~ Gt1GtIR'Ii:ti cBT Gt1'!1'&1l1 ciro/P 691 273 418 99,329 94,910 A,419 Scheduled Tribes population -go/M' 517 169 348 51,922 49,435 2,487 f'B;ro/F 174 104 70 47,407 45,475 1,932 7. m&R CZl"o/p 337,816 292,352 45,464 876,441 359,443 516,998 Literates :J;o/M 208,251 178,444 29,807 505,379 212,583 292,796 f'B;ro/F 129,565 113,908 15,657 371,062 146,860 224,202 8.~~ CZl"o/p 264,715 242,076 22,639 400,475 200,498 199,977 Total workers -go/M 133,016 112,137 20,879 324,725 149,591 175,134 f'B;ro/F 131,699 129,939 1,760 75,750 50,907 24,843 9. c{)qq')Ifc;jq') ~ CZl"o/p 181,205 159,883 21,322 336,504 153,914 182,590 Main workers -go/M 105,811 86,083 19,728 284,276 123,054 161,222 f'B;ro/F 75,394 73,800 1,594 52,228 30,860 .21,368 (i) q')1~('jq')I'! CZl"o/p 114,037 113,951 86 61,619 60,329 1,290 Cultivators :J;o/M 45,270 45,218 52 42,021 41,000 1,021 f'B;ro/F 68,767 68,733 34 19,598 19,329 269 (ii)~~ CZl"o/p 1,508 1,477 31 11,775 10,945 830 Agricultural labourers -go/M 1,048 1,024 24 9,863 9,200 663 f'B;ro/F 460 453 7 1,912 1,745 167 (iii) QIRcUR<"!l ~ ~ CZl"o/p 1,821 1,702 119 7,496 3,847 3,649 Household industry workers -go/M 1,481 1,392 89 5,808 2,817 2,991 f'B;ro/F 340 310 30 1,688 1,030 658 (iv) 3Pll" ~ CZl"o/p 63,839 42,753 21,086 255,614 78,793 176,821 Other workers -go/M 58,012 38,449 19,563 226,584 70,037 156,547 f'B;ro/F 5,827 4,304 1,523 29,030 8,756 20,274 10. 3lC'G<"!l1fc:1<"!l ~ CZl"o/p 83,510 82,193 1,317 63,971 46,584 . 17,387 Marginal workers -go/M 27,205 26,054 1,151 40,449 26,537 13,912 f'B;ro/F 56,305 56,139 166 23,522 20,047 3,475 (i) q')1~('jq')I'! CZl"o/p 71,239 71,194 45 13,735 13,555 180 Cultivators -go/M 18,230 18,214 16 3,927 3,849 78 f'B;ro/F 53,009 52,980 29 9,808 9,706 102 (ii)~~ CZl"o/p 1,908 1,895 - 13 16,102 15,061 1,041 Agricultural labourers -go/M 807 798 9 9,991 "9;2-34_ 757 f'B;ro/F 1,101 1,097 4 6,111 5,827 284 (iii) QIRqIRq') ~ ~ CZl"o/p 520 490 30 2,680 1,873 807 Household industry workers -go/M 287 273 14 1,231 783 448 f'B;ro/F 233 217 16 1,449 1,090 359 (iv) 3Pll" ~ CZl"o/p 9,843 8,614 1,229 31,454 16,095 15,359 Other workers -go/M 7,881 6,769 1,112 25,300 12,671 12,629 f'B;ro/F 1,962 1,845 117 6,154 3,424 2,730

      11. tR ~ CZl"o/p 340,032 302,825 37,207 881,668 402,903 478,765~ Non-workers :J;o/M 162,152 146,264 15,888 354,858 165,714 _ -18~,144 f'B;roiF 177,880 156,561 21,319 526,810-- 237.189 289,621

      3 Cff-5 ~ iJFl'{i('~1 em mm m~ \11"1~IOHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~ 06~ 07 trr2.iTv~ Item Sex Garhwal Pithoragarh TJT ota I W1ftuT/Rural ~Urban ro/F 74,302 71,486 2,816 53,373 51,167 2,206 (i) cW(iCllJ,< C16B:8~O 27,201 128,819 110,519 18,300 f'B;ro/F _..234-;t-76-- 193,841 37,335 134,761 111,124 23,637

      4 q;~5 WR ,jFltiiLqoH q;y ~ m~ ''''I'1~I01'11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lJ'Cr 08~* 09~ Item Sex Bageshwar* Almora m.rrrotal m4lur!Rural ~Urban. m.rrrotal m4lur!Rural ~Urban 2 3 4 5 6 8 1. ~ crt fcI>.llT. ~ / Area in Sq. Kms. 2,246.00 2,240.50 5.50 3,139.00 3,106.35 32.65 2. ~ 1:1ftcrR / Total households 51,949 50,250 1,699 131,052 119,741 11,311 3. ~ vi"ni'&ll (~ ~ CZfa!P 249,462 241,659 7,803 630,567 576,062 54,505 ~ \iF"I'fi'&l1 ~ ) '9;a/M 118,510 114,199 4,311 293,848 26~.128 30,720 Total population (including institutional ~o/F 130,952 127,460 3,492 336,719 312,934 23,785 and house less population) 4. 0-6 ~ ~ <1ft GF"I'fi'&l1 CZfa!P 41,206 40,129 1,077 97.368 91,799 5,569 Population in the age group 0-6 '9;a/M 21,352 20,766 586 50,376 47,415 2,961 ~o/F 19,854 19,363 491 46.992 44,384 2,608 5. ~ ~ <1ft \1I'i'fi&11 CZfa/P 64,524 62,925 1,599 140.430 132,130 8,300 Scheduled Castes population '9;o/M 31,809 30,984 825 67.544 63,190 4,354 ~o/F 32,715 31,941 774 72.886 68,940 3,946 6. ~ \1I'i\ilIRlm ~ WI fl'&l I CZfa/P 1,943 1,619 324 878 488 390 Scheduled Tribes population '9;o/M 899 746 153 461 255 206 ~o/F 1,044 873 171 417 233 184 7. x=rTPiR CZfo!P 148,464 142,634 5,830 392,640 347,780 44,860 Literates '9;a/M 85,160 81,779 3,381 217.169 190,946 26,223 ~o/F 63,304 60,855 2,449 175,471 156,834 18,637 8.~~ CZfa/P ·118,844 116,378 2,466 292.182 274,634 17,548 Total workers '9;oIM 53,499 51,452 2,047 130.833 115,635 15,198 ~o/F 65,345 64,926 419 161,349 158,999 2,350 9. 4'\ tl Cfll R1 Cfl CJ5lff CZfo!P 85,613 83,368 2,245 204.649 188.155 16,494 Main workers '9;a/M 40,263 38.376 1,892 98.331 84,026 14,305 ~o/F 45,345 44,992 353 106,318 104,129 2,189 (i) CflI~\iCflI'( CZfa!P 63,505 63,453 52 146,370 146,191 179 Cultivators ~o/M 20,964 20,953 11 47.382 47,342 40 ~o/F 42,541 42,500 41 98,988 98,849 139 (ii)~~ CZfa!P 852 850 2 1,185 1,144 41 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 548 546 2 626 588 38 ~o/F 304 304 559 556 3 (iii) 41RcllRCfl '31'.Wr ~ CZfa!P 1,696 1,639 57 2,618 2,427 191 Household industry workers '9;o/M 1,132 1,106 26 2.217 2,035 182 fB'o/F 564 533 31 401 392 9 (iv) 3RT ~ CZfa/P 19,560 17,426 2,134 54,476 38,393 16,083 Other workers '9;o/M 17,624 15,771 1,853 48,106 34,061 14,045 fB'o/F 1,936 1,655 281 6,370 4,332 2,038 10. 3l&4ClJlfclCfl ~ CZfo!P 33,231 33,010 221 87,533 86,479 1,054 Marginal workers '9;a/M 13,231 13,076 155 32.502 31,609 893 fB'o/F 20,000 19,934 66 55,031 54,870 161 (i) CfMd CIJ 1'1 CZfa!P 25,069 25,061 8 71,910 71,868 42 Cultivators '9;a/M 8,307 8,306 1 22,276 22,270 6 ~o/F 16,762 16,755 7 49,634 49,598 36 (ii)~~ CZfa!P 2,745 2,736 9 3,383 3,379 4 Agricultural labourers '9;o/lyt 1,044 1,044 1,302 1,301 1 fB'o/F 1,701 1,692 9 2,081 2,078 3 (Iii) qlRqlRCfl ~ CJ5lff CZfa!P 803 796 7 1,208 1,163 45 Household industry workers '9;o/M 386 385 1 720 687 33 fB'o/F 417 411 6 488 476 12 (iv) 3RT CJ5lff CZfa!P 4,614 4,417 197 11,032 10,069 963 Other workers '9;a/M 3,494 3,341 153 8.204 7,351 853 ~o/F 1,120 1,076 44 2,828 2,718 110 11. i)"'{' C!fIff CZfa!P 130,618 125,281 5,337 338,385 301,428 36&51 Nott-workers '9;a/M 65,011 62,747 2,264 163.015 147,493 15,522 ~o/F 65,607 62,534 3,073 175,370 153,935 21,435

      5 cn-5 ~ \11'""1'<1'L"41 em ~ ID~ \11'""1"1 0 1'11 -mx - 2001 A- 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      llG 10 'i[lQ1Cffi * 11~ Item Sex Champawat • Nainital WrlTotal m4tariRural ~Urban WrlTotal m4tariRural ~Urban 2 3 4 6 7 8 1. ~ qrf fcp.~. "B I Area in Sq: Kms. 1,766.00 1,752.96 13.04 4,251.00 4,185.81 65.19 2. ~ ~ I Total households 43,902 37,041 6,861 142,113 91,216 50,897 3. ~ \JF"Ifi&lI (~ 3fR CZTO/P 224,542 190,764 33,778 762,909 493,859 269,050 ~\Jj'i'(i&ll~) llo/M 111,084 92,816 18,268 400,254 256,956 143,298 Total population (including institutional fBl"o/F 113,458 97,948 15,510 362,655 . 236.,903 125,752 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3Ti1l1 CZTO/P 20,183 12,128 8,055 116,471 49,867 66,604 ·Other workers llo/M 18,071 10,682 7,389 102,829 43,132 59,697 ~o/F 2,1'12 1,446 666 13,642 6,735 6,907 10. 3l1ACf)Ifc;jCfj CI>1l1 CZTO/P 34,043 32,820 1,223 57,952 51,858 6,094 Marginal workers llo/M 12,050 11,130 920 27,980 23,142 4,838 fBl"o/F 21,993 21,690 303 29,972 28,716 1,256 (i) CfjI~tlCfjI'< CZTo/P 28,473 28,294 179 .27,907 27,885 22 Cultivators llo/M 8,058 8,015 43 9,152 9,141 11 ~o/F 20,415 20,279 136 18,755 18,744 11 (ii)~~' CZTo/P 1,281 1,213 68 12,432 12,284 148 Agricultural labourers llo/M 717 669 48 6,243 6,144 99 ~o/F 564 544 20 6,189 6,140 49 (iii) 41RqlRCfj ~ Cfi1ff "UTo/P 470 417 53 1,926 1,731 195 Household industry workers llo/M 211 179 32 652 566 86 ~o/F 259 ~38 21 1,274 1,165 109 (iv) ~ CI>1l1 "UTo/p 3,819 2,896 923 15,687 9,958 5,729 Other workers llolM 3,064 2,267 797 11,933 7,291 4,642 ~o/F 755 629 126 3,754 2,667 1,087 11 iN CflI'll "UTo/P 134,334 110,510 23,824 483,962 289,312 194,650 Non-workers "9;o/M 62,778 53,203 9,575 207,907 130,451 77,456 R=?ro/F 71,556 57,307 14,249 276,055 158,861 117,194

      6 cp-5 ~ G1""ttt{..c'lU cPy mTll ~ G1"1 J IOI"1I ~ - 2001 A- 5 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOT~L POPULATION - 2001

      ~ 12 \1jeJirlfui' 'OflR * 13 ifuiR Item Sex Udham Singh Nagar * Hardwar l1)tlfTotal lTJ1fivrIRural ~Urban WIlTotal '!I'T1ftvTIRural ~Urban 2 4 5 6 8 1. ~ CflT fcl;.1ft. +l / Area in Sq. Kms. 2.542.00 2,442.98 99.02 2,360.00 2,283.07 76.93 2. "W'R ~ / Total households 208.076 138.225 69.851 240.702 161,117 79.585 3. "W'R \J11-R&:I1 (~31'R C1l'O/P 1.235.614 832,600 403,014 1,447.187 1.000.912 446.275 ~\J1"Hi&lI~) lJo/M 649.484 434.654. 214,830 776,021 534.038 241.983 Total population (including Institutional ~o/F 586.130 397.946 188,184 671.166 466.874 204.292 and house less population) 4. 0-6 3TI

      7 q;-5 ~ \1I'1ti('c<11 C6T ~ m~ \1I'1~IOHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRtMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 01 \3't1\(CflI~ 0001~ Item Sex UTTARKASHI Puraula "!l)TrJTotal 1IJ1fiurIRurai ~/Urban Wrrrotal 1IJ1fiurIHurai ~Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ crt f

      7.m~ Cll'o/P 161,161 143,685 17,476 29,133 29,133 literates lJo/M 105,663 94,722 10,941 19,573 19,573 ~o/F '55,498 48,963 6,535 9,560 9,560 8. WC1~ Cll'o/P 135,904 128,165 7,739 30,858 30,858 Total workers lJo/M 73,39'8 67,252 6,146 16,565 16,565 ~o/F 62.506 60,913 1,593 14,293 14,293 9. c!ltlCflIPc1Cfl ~ Cll'o/P 114.842 107,607 7;235 23,009 23,009 Main workers lJo/M 64,354 58,499 5,853 13,773 13,773 ~o/F 50,490 49,108 1,382 9,236 9,236 (i) CflI~~CflI'< Cll'O/P 85,990 85,382 608 18,702 18,702 _Cultivators lJo/M 39,648 39,418 230 10,032 10,032 ~o/F 46,342 45,964 378 8,670 8,670 (ii)~~ Cll'o/P 941 934 7 410 410 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 606 601 5 301 301 ~o/F 335 333 2 109 109 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ Cll'o/P 1,467 1,395 72 439 439 Household industry workers :So/M 931 881 50 369 369 ~o/F 536 514 22 70 70 (iv) 3Rf~ Cll'o/P 26,444 19,896 6,548 3;458 3,458 Other workers lJo/M 23,167 17,599 5,568 3,071 3,071 ~o/F 3,277 2,297 980 387 387 10. 3lC'4CflIR;jCfl ~ Cll'o/P 21,062 20.558 504 7,849 7,849 Marsinal workers lJo/M 9,046 8,753 293 2,792 2,792 tao/F 12,016 11,805 211 5,057 5,057 (i) CflI~~CflI'< Cll'o/p 15,617 15,560 57 5,838 5,838 Cultivators lJo/M 5,659 5,641 18 1,805 1,805 ~Q/F 9,958 9,919 39 4,033 4,033 (ii)~~ Cll'o/p 1,764 1,754 10 1,223 1,223 Agriculturallabouters "9,o/M 827 822 5 554 554 ~o/F ·937 932 5 669 669 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ cntiT Cll'o/P . 608 593 15 350 3~0 Household industry workers lJo/M 227 '222 5 115 115 ~o/F 381 371 10 235 235 (iv) 3Rf~ Cll'O/P 3,073 2,651 422 438 438 Other workers lJo/M 2,333 2,068 265 318 318 ~o/F 740 583 157 120 120 11. -tR ~ Cll'o/P -159,109 143,930 15,179' 31,936 31,936 Non-workers lJo/M 78,618 71,485' 7,133 15,693 15,693 ~o/F 80,~a;_ 72,445 8,046 16,243 16,243

      8 cp-5 ~ V"FI;8{"GllI COT ~ m~ \iFPloHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAC.T OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      0002~ 0003~ Item Sex Rajgarhi Dunda "lI'PT/Total "!fI1ftuTIRural ~/Urban "lI'PT/Total "!fI1ftuTIRural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 1. ~ crt F

      7.m~ C<:[O/P 32,034 27,606 4,428 53,869 53,869 Literates "9;o/M 21,395 18,611 2,784 35,098 35,098 ~o/F 10,639 8,995 1,644 18,771 18,771 8~~ "CZTo'P 29,671 27,721 1,944 46,010 46,010 Tolal workers :;oIM 15,467 14,036 1,431 22,826 22,826 f?-::fo/F 14,204 13,691 513 23,184 23,184 9. c;~1 gCJ? IR1 q; Cfi'lff C<:[O/P 27,441 25,650 1,791 37,736 37,736 Main workers "9;o/M 14,588 13,208 1,380 19,123 19,123 R:?!o/F 12,853 12,442 411 18,613 18,613 (i) CJ?1~(1CJ?I'( ClfOlP 23,208 22,768 440 30,224 30,224 Cultivators -go/M 10,937 10,743 194 12,880 12,880 f?-::fo/F 12,271 12,025 246 17,344 17,344 (ii)~~ C<:[O/P 241 239 2 208 208 Agricultural labourers -go/M 154 152 2 105 105 f?-::fo/F 87 87 10? 103 (iii) ~q) ~ CfJ1ff "CZTG/P 190 174 16 529 529 Household industry workers -gc/M 153 138 15 278 278 f?-::fu/F 37 36 251 251 (iv) JR1 c(>~ "CZTo/p 3,802 2,469 1,333 6,775 6,775 Other workers :;o/M 3,344 2,175 1,169 5,860 5,860 f?5ro/F 458 294 164 915 915 10. ;jJC'lIiblR1ib ~ "CZT(J/P 2,230 2,077 153 8,274 8,274 Marginal workers ~o/M 879 828 51 3,703 3,703 f?-::fo/F 1,351 1,249 102 4,571 4,571 (i) CJ?I ~(1CJ?I'( "CZTo/P 1,783 1,777 6 6,363 6,363 Cultivators ~o/M 640 639 1 2,416 2,416 f?5ro/F 1,143 1,138 5 3,947 3,947 (il) ~!R~ "CZTo/P 60 58 2 448 448 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 30 29 226 226 f?5ro/F 30 29 222 222 (iii) 41R cllRCJ? ~ ~ ClfO/P 26 24 2 203 203 Household Industry workers ~0/M 12 12 91 91 fac/F 14 12 2 112 112 (iv) 3Rl cJ?!'lT CliOIP 361 218 143 1,260 1,260 Other workers .l];o/M 197 148 49 970 970 ~o/F 164 70 94 290 290 11. fR ~ ClfOIP 32,603 28,452 4,151 54,120 54,120 Non-workers ~o/M 16,655 14,652 2,003 26,767 26.767 R?ro/F 15,948 13,800 2,1 .. 8 27,353 27,353 .-

      9 Cff-5 ~ \J1'ifk.c~lI cnr ~ ~ \J1'i JluHI "ffR - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      m! ~ 0OO4~ Item Sex Bhatwari mrrrrotal wfiaTlRural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. af.5rq;-c{ qrf ~.1'jl. 1'i / Area in Sq. Kms. 1,55019 1,530.17 20.02 2. pct ~ / Total households 14,455 10,719 3,737 3. g;c;r ~(5lff (~pm 3l'R . czr'J/P 69,815 52,992 16,823 ~1.Jf~~) ~JM 38,043 28,198 9,845 Total population (including institutional ~0/F 31,772 24,794 6,978 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 ~ "Wis ctT \1Rmsm Cf cp1ff CZfO/P 29,365 23,570 5,795 Total workers ljo/M 18,540 13,825 4,715 t?-:fclF 10,825 9,745 1,080 9

      Ii) CfjI~dCfjI::( C

      10 q)"-5 ~ GH'fiiLc:a1 em fu:rr;rr tmlfliCf) G1"1~IOI'1I WR - 2001 A· 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      1lG 02 "fI'1ffi;ft 0001~ Item Sex CHAMOLI Joshlmath 'IlFr!T otal ~Rural ~Urban "lI)Trfr otal ~Rural ~Urban 2 3 4 6 8 1. ~ Cf1t f$.lfi. B / Area in Sq. Kms. 8,030.00 7,958.73 71.27 5,282.48 5,268.98 13.50 2. ~ ~ / Total households 76,121 64,239 11,882 8,751 5,297 3,454 3. ~ \J1"H'i&l1 (~ atR C21o/P 370,359 319,656 50,703 39,919 25,033 14,886 ffl V1"j;H&l1 ~ ) -go/M 183,745 154,197 29,548 22,503 13,284 9,219 Total population (including institutional ~o/F 186,614 165,459 21,155 17,416 11,749 5,667 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 anG Cf) I fcq C(i CIJlfi C21o/P 67,829 65,317 2,512 5,167 4,549 618 Marginal workers -go/M 27,769 26,030 1,739 2,746 2,386 360 ~o/F 40,060 39,287 773 2,421 2,163 258 (i) C(i1~t1Cf)I"( C21o/P 55,821 55,339 482 2,780 2,571 209 Cultivators -go/M 18,688 18,565 123 984 919 65 ~o/F 37,133 36,774 359 1,796 1,652 144 (ii)~~ Cllo/P 888 863 25 45 26 19 Agricultural labourers So/M 395 383 12 22 14 8 ~o/F 493 480 13 23 12 11 (iii) QiRqIRCf) ~ "Cfilff CZl"o/p 1,782 1,630 152 451 401 50 Household industry warners So/M 766 720 46 75 68 7 ~o/F 1,016 910 106 376 333 43 (iv) 3Rl" CIJlfi CZl"o/p 9,338 7,485 1,853 1,891 1,551 340 Other workers ~o/M 7,920 6,362 1,558 1,665 1,385 280 fBro/F 1,418 1,123 295 226 166 60 11. fR "Cfilff C21o/P 205,630 173,809 31,821 20,945 12,927 8,018 Non-workers So/M 101,236 86,677 14,559 9,462 6,030 3,432 ~o/F 104,394 87,132 17,262 11,483 6,897 4,5.86

      11 cn-5 ~ \11'ifi'L~1 cor ~ m~ \11'i~loHI XlN - 2001 A· 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      11<:" fWT 0OO2~ 0OO3~** Item Sex Chamoli Pokhari •• <:1 ~ / Total households 19,239 13992 5,247 7,583 7,083 3. ~ vi o/F 6,344 5,276 1,068 2,539 2,539 b. ~ ~ ctt \ii'"H4&11 CZ[o/P 19,886 15,999 3,887 5,822 5,822 Scheduled Castes population :!n/M 10,244 8,092 2,152 2,926 2,926 R?ro/F 9,642 7,907 1,735 2,896 2,896 6. ~ \Ji'"i\JiIRllil ctt ~{g.ff CZ[O/P 3.691 2,389 1,302 54 54 Scheduled Tribes population ,!o/M 1,756 1,104 652 34 34 R?ro/F 1.935 1,285 650 20 20

      7. ~'1'[~ CZ[U/P 58.995 42,020 16,975 23.231 23,231 Literates -gclM 35.392 25,187 10,205 12,900 12,900 R?rfJ/F 23.603 16,833 6,770 10,331 10,331 B. ~ cn4T Cll"o/P 39.142 32,272 6,870 15.955 15,955 Total workers -gc/M 20,910 15,561 5.349 7,007 7,007 R?ro/F 18.232 16,711 1,521 8,948 8948 9. <;1 QcmfttCl'> Cfl4T CZ[O/P 23,724 17,909 5,815 7,558 1,558 Main workers 1jc/M 13.940 9,392 4,548 3,945 3,945 R?ru/F 9.784 8,517 1,267 3,613 3.613 (;) Cl'>'~I"i4'iI'< CZ[O/P 13,615 B,065 550 5,073 5.073 Cultivators -gu/M 5,486 5,355 131 1 669 1,669 R?ro/F 8,129 7.710 419 3,404 3,404 (ii) ~t''{ 11~ CZ[O/P 58 51 7 71 71 Agricu:tural labourers -go/M 29 23 6 44 44 R?ro/F 29 28 27 27 (ii i) tfIitcnR Cl'> ,HilT[ q, >IT CZ[O/P 995 750 245 157 157 Household industry workers -go/M 411 344 67 137 137 R?ro/F 584 406 178 20 20 (iv) ~ Cf>->JT ClTC/P 9,056 4,043 5,013 2,257 2,257 Other workers -go/M 8,014 3,670 4,344 2,095 2,095 ~c/F 1,042 373 669 162 162 10 31C'4Cl'>!fc;tC:P ~ CZ[II/P 15,418 14,363 1,055 8,397 8,397 Marginal workers -gc/M 6,970 6,169 801 3,062 3,062 R?ro/F 8,448 8,194 254 5,335 5,335

      () iP~cfq,H Cll"u/P 12.320 12,226 94 7,320 7,320 Cu:tivators 1jclM 4,554 4,528 26 2,238 2,238 R?ru/F 7,766 7,698 68 5,082 5.082 (ii) ~ ".Jf~' u:j'o/p 90 89 140 140 Agricl.lltural labourers -go/M 54 53 45 45 ~o/F 36 36 95 95 (iii) ~crrf{q, oJWrr q,-->JT CZ[o;,P 599 526 73 186 186 Household industry workers -go/M 252 236 16 133 133 R?rD/F 347 290 57 53 53 (jv) 3RT Cfl1f. Cll"o/p 2,409 1,522 887 751 751 Other workers -gu/M 2.110 1,352 758 646 646 f?-Jro/F 299 170 179 105 105 1'. ~ CIJlff CZ[,)/p 52,851 38,184 14,667 19.507 19,507 Non-workers -gu/M 25.916 19,064 6,852 9,778 9,778 R?ro/F 26,935 19,120 7,815 9,729 9,729

      12 q;--5 ~ \iI"1ti'L<41 COT ~ m~ \iI"1 J loHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      "'ffl' fWT 0004 C/)uhHlI' I 0005~ Item Sex Karnaprayag Tharali m-1ff Ufo/P 225 177 48 300 300 Household industry workers go/M 169 125 44 252 252 ~ofF 56 52 4 48 48 (iv) 3RT 'C/JllT GIl'o/p 6,437 3,051 3,386 6,500 6,500 Other workers '9;ofM 5,744 2,718 3,026 5,684 5,684 ~ofF 693 333 360 816 816 10. 3l<"GCblr&Cb ~ Ufo/P 10,514 9,675 839 13,226 13,226 Marginal workers '9;ofM 3,902 3,324 578 5,411 5,411 ~o/F 6,612 6,351 261 7,815 7,815 (i) CbI~ctCjiI'l Ufo/P 8,811 8,632 179 10,809 10,809 Cultivators 2,534 2,502 32 3,682 3,682 tMofF 6,277 6,130 147 7,127 7,1?] (ii) ~~ UfO/P 80 75 5 306 306 Agricultural labourers 31 28 3 92 92 ~ofF 49 47 2 214 214 (iii) QIRqlRCb ~ ~ Ufo/P 181 152 29 180 '180 Household industry workers 92 69 23 115 115 tM ofF 89 83 6 65 65 (iv) 3RT CfJ1ff UfO/P 1,442 816 626 1,931 1,931 Other workers '9;ofM 1,245 725 520 1,522 1,522 fB;{ofF 197 91 106 409 409 11.'tR~ UfO/P 31,362 22,226 9,136 49,005 49,005 Non-workers 15,464 11,189 4,275 24,344 24,344 tM ofF 15,898 11,037 4,861 24,661 24,661


      6-13 RGI/ND/06 Cf>-5 ~ \iFH1{..GQI Cf)J ~ ~ \JF1~IUI'1I ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRiMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      liG fWr 0006 TR~*· Item Sex Gair Sain *.

      (i) CflI~("jCflI'! 'UfotP 13,781 13,781 Cultivators g;c/M 4,696 4,696 ~o/F 9,085 9,085 (Ii) ~~ 'UfotP 227 227 Agricultural labourers :;n/M 151 151 fFsro/F 76 76 ·('ii) q,RqIRCfl ~ Cfllff U[O/P 185 185 Household industry workers :;J/M 99 99 ff?ro/F 86 86 (;v) 3R:[ q,~ 'Ufo/p 914 914 Other workers '9;o/M 732 732 ~o/F 182 182 11 tR q,-BT 'Ufo/p 31,960 .31,960 Non-workers :;o/M 16,272 16,272 "fF.;ro/F 15,688 15,688

      14 cp-5 ~ "1"1ti~ cor ~ ~ "1"1 110 1"11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      llG 03~* 0001~ Ite~ Sex RUDRAPRAYAG· Ukhimath

      15 Cf)-5 ~ ,,"Hti't.c~n Cf)J ~ ~ ,,",'''111 0 1''11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 'OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ljQ fWr 0OO2~ Item Sex Rudraprayag WtrTotal ~Rural "'I'I;ftlllU rban 2 1. ~ qlf fc$. ift'. if I Area in Sq. Kms. 354.59 353.59 1.00 2. ~ ~ I Total households 31,130 30,576 554 3. ~ \i1'1'<"i1(§1Ol1 (~ 3tR ClTO/P 147,254 145,904 2,250 ~ "1'1,{1{§>Q1 ~ ) ~o/M 68,817 67,394 1,423 Total population (including institutional f'Bro/F 78,437 77,610 827 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 amJ ~ qft Wl'<"i&ll ClTO/P 23,117 22,826 291 Population in the age group 0-6 tM 11,849 11,693 156 o/F 11,268 11,133 135 5. ~ ~ q\'f WH1&l1 ClTo/P 25,7.68 25,494 274 SCheduled Castes population ~o/M 12,763 12,596 167 f'Bro/F 13,005 12,898 107 6. ~ WI"1IRtdi qft "1 '1 '!1;iQ I ClTO/P 96 76 20 Scheduled Tribes population 48 38 10 ~o/F 48 38 10 7. W&R ClTo/P 89,987 88,296 1,691 1,127 Literates tM 50,665 49,538 o/F 39,322 38,758 564 8. ~ qn:jT ClTO/P 65,116 64.171 945 IotaI workers tM 28,657 27,771 886 o/F 36,459 36,400 59 9. ","hlCliIR:tCfi ~ t2;1'o/P 46,764 45,855 909 Main workers ~o/M 22,352 21.500 852 f'Bro/F 24,412 24,355 57 (i) Cj)1:t\1Cj)I~ ClTo/P 33,559 33,559 Cultivators ~o/M 10,553 10,553 f'BroiF 23,006 23,006 (ii)~~ ClTO/P 171 171 Agricultural labourers tM 96 96 o/F 75 75 (iii) 4IRqIRCJ>' 'i3El'r1 .~ ClTO/P 531 519 12 Household industry workers lJo/M 401 389 12 f'Bro/F 130 130

      (iv) 3l'XI ~ ClTO/P 12,503 ~ 1.606 897 840 Other workers tM 11,302 10,462 o/F 1,201 1,144 57 10. 3l(iqCliIfc;jCj)-~ ClTO/P 18,352 18,316 36 Marginal workersw 6.305 6,271 34 ~o/F 12,047 12,045 2 (i) CliI~<'1C1iI'< ClTO/P 15,825 15.824 Cultivators lJo/M 4,417 4,416 f'Bro/F 11,408 11,408 (if) ~~ ClTO/P 320 320 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 164 164 -~oLf_ 156 156 (iii) q IRq I R Cj) '\3E:Jtrr ~ ClTO/P 149 148 -Household industry workers tM 92 92 o/F 57 56 1 (iv)~"CJ>'lft C1Jo/P 2,058 2,024 34 Other workers ~o/M 1.632 1,599 33 ~o/F 426 425 11. tR ~ ClTO/P 82.138 80,833 1.305 Non-workers lJo/M 40,1'60 39,623 537 f'Bro/F 41,978 41,210 768

      16 , q;-5 ~ \11 "1ti'Lc<£I 1 CPT ~ mlllf4C6 '\11"1 4101"11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      1JG fWT 04~~ 0001 ~**. Item Sex TEHRI GARHWAL Ghansall ** lIPTrTotal lIPftvrtRural -::JIlfuJ/u rban lIPTrTotal 1l11fivrIRurai -::JIlfuJ/u rban 2 3 6 6 1. ~ CfIt f

      3. ~ Vl1ti&l1 (~ atR C2l'o/P 604,74~ 544,901 59,846 117,913 117,913 W Vl"Hi&lI~) ljo/M 295,168 258,401 36,767 54,252 54,252 Total population (including institutional ~o/F 309,!i79 286,500 23,079 .63,661 63,661 and house less population) 4. 0-6 31nJ; ~ <1ft Vl1ti<.sa1 C2l'olP 1;)8,524 91,500 7,024 20,465 20,465 Population in the age group 0-6 ljo/M 51,116 47,351 3,765 10,532 10,532 ~o/F 47,408 44,149 3,259 9,933 9,933 5. ~ ~ ~ VI"'Iti&l1 C2l'o/p 87,325 82,044 5,;181 20,735 20,735 Scheduled Castes population -g;o/M 43,668 40,698 2,970 10,172 10,172 ~o/F 43,657 41,346 2,311 10,563 10,563 6. ~ Vl1V1IRt I'{ ~otP 71,239 71,194 45 12,560 12,560 Cultivators 18,230 18,214 16 2,507 2,507 tMo/F 53,,009 52,980 29 10,053 10,053 (ii) ~~ ~otP 1,908 1,895 13 92 92 Agricultural labourers 807 798 9 41 41 ~o/F 1,101 1,097 4 51- 51 (iii) qlRqlRCb ~ q;lff C2l'otP 520 490 30 50 50 Household industry workers 287 273 14 28 28 tMo/F 233 217 16 22 22 (iv)3l"::x:r~ C2l'o/P 9,843 8,614 1,229 1,194 1,194 Other workers 7,881 6,769 1,112 1,057 1,057 ;tMo/F 1,962 1,845 117 137 137 11. -t'R ~ ~O/P 340,032 302,825 37,207 65,913 65,913 '. Non-workers ~M 162,152 146,264 15,888 32,413 32,413 o/F 177.880 156,561 21,319 33,500 33,500


      cn-5 ~ \1'Hti("~·1 q;y fGR;rr ~ \1'1'"1 4101'11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~ 0004~ 0005 "1~""Sl"1II~ Item Sex Tehri Narendranagar

      7. "ffi~ Clio/P 117,588 93,007 24,581 50,124 31.692 18,432 Literates -go/M 75,185 58,619 16,566 31,412 19,572 11,840 fB"o/F 42,403 34,388 8,015 18,712 12.120 6.592 8.~~ Clio/P 90,367 76,405 13,962 34,787 27,090 7,697 Total workers -go/M 52,068 39;154 12,914 19.866 12,759 7,107 fB"o/F 38,299 37,251 1,048 14,921 14,331 590 Clio/P' 65,971 52,475 13,496 22.956 16,045 6,911 Main workers -go/M 43,500 30,995 12,505 15,803 9,373 6,430 fB"o/F 22,471 21,480 991 7,153 6,672 481 (i) c)?1~(jc)?I~ Clio/P 35,843 35,804 39 10,690 10,649 '41 Cultivators -go/M 16,476 16,456 20 4,624 4,594 30 1'Bfo/F 19,367 19,348 19 6,066 6,055 11 (ii)~~ CliO/P 743 730 13 301 283 18 Agricultural labourers -go/M 543 530 13 178 167 11 ~o/F 200 200 123 116 7 (iii) 4IRqIRC)? ~ ~ CZfO/P 683 622 61 228 179 49 Household industry workers lJu/M 519 476 43 159 121 38 1'Bfo/F 164 146 18 69 58 11 (iv) 3RT ~ CZfO/P 28,702 15,319 13,383 11,737 4,934 6,803 Other workers lJo/M 25,962 13,533 12,429 10,842 4,491 6,351 1'Bfo/F 2,740 1,786 954 895 443 452 10, 3l<>GC/Jr~C/J ~ CZfOfP 24,396 23,930 466 11,831 11,045 786 Marginal workers -go/M 8,568 8,159 409 4,063 3,386 677 1'Bfo/F 15,828 15,771 57 7,768 7,659 109 (i) c)?1~(jc)?I~ CZTO/P 19,955 19,929 26 9,787 9,768 19 Cultivators -go/M 5,654 5,645 9 2,472 2,465 7 1'Bfo/F 14,301 14,284 17 7,315 7,303 12 (ii)~~ CZTO/P 1,072 1,071 237 225 12 Agricultural labourers -gJ/M 411 410 95 87 8 1'Bfo/F 661 661 142 138 4 (iii) 4IRqIRC)? ~ "Cfllff '&[O/P 216 199 17 29 18 11 Household industry workers -go/M 122 114 8 9 5 4 1'Bfu/F 94 85 9 20 13 7 (iv) 3RT~ CZTO/P 3,153 2,731 422 1,778 1.034 744 Other workers -go/M 2,381 1.990 391 1,487 829 658 1'Bfo/F 772 741 31 291 205 86 11. tR ~ '&[O/P 112,885 94,844 18,041 51,004 34,073 16.931 Non-workers -go/M 52,578 45,105 7,473 24,099 16,564 7,535 1'Bfo/F 60,307 49,739 10,568 26,905 17,509 9,39(i

      19 CIi-5 ~ \1I'1fi{'''lI1 Q;T Rifffi ~ \11'1 1101'11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATmN - 2001

      lfG 05~ 0001~ Item Sex DEHRADUN 'lIFv'T otal !IJlfiuTIRural ~Urban 'lIFv'T otal "iwfiur1Rural ~Urban 2 3 4 5 8 1. ~ Cflf fcIi.-.ft. III Area in Sq. Kms. 3,088.00 2,850.76 237.24 904.14 888.16 15.98 2. WR T:lftcrR I Total households 239,975 105,420 134,555 15,465 14.585 880

      3. WR "1'ifi&l1 (Wwffi 3i'R ellO/P 1,282.143 603,401 678,742 118.667 115,171 3,496 ~"1'ifi&lI~) :J;o/M 679,583 315,805 364,278 62,319 60,157 2,162 Total population (including institutional ~o/F 602,560 288,096 314,464 56,348 55,014 1,334 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 31n;l; ~ ~ Wifi&ll ellO/P 172,486 93,595 78,891 22,489 22,054 435 Population in the age group 0-6 :J;o/M 91,065 48.776 42,289 11,391 11,155 236 ~o/F 81,421 44,819 36,602 11,098 10,899 199 5. ~ vnftrm ~ "1'ifi&l1 qCf)1 fc:ICf) cplj'f ellO/P 63,971 4'6,584 17,387 8,962 8.889 73 Marginal workers :J;o/M 40,449 26,537 13,912 3,222 3,159 63 ~o/F . 23,522 20,047 3,475 5,740 5,730 10 (i) Cf)1~ctCf)I'< ellO/P 13,735 13.555 180 5,588 5,588 Cultivators :J;o/M 3.927 3.849 78 1.303 1.303 ~oIF 9,808 9,706 102 4,285 4,285 (ii)~'~ ellO/P 16,102 15.061 1,041 1,454 1,452 2 Agricultural labourers :J;o/M 9.991 9,234 757 711 710 ~o/F_ 6,111 5,827 284 743 7.42 (iii) 4IRqIRCf) i3E:fTrr cplj'f' C!TO/P 2;680 1,873 807 289 284 5 Household industry VIIorkers :J;o/M 1,231 783 448 123 119 4 fBro/F 1,449 1,090 359 166 165 (iv)~ri C!TO/P 31,454 16.095 15,359 1,631 1,565 66 Other workers :J;o/M 25,300 12,671 12,629 1,085 1,027 58 fBro/F 6,154 3,424 2,730 546 538 8 11. tR cplj'f ellO/P 881,668 402,903 478,765 66,215 64,170 2.045 Non-workers :J;o/M 354,858 165,714 fs9.144 29,463 28,642 821 fBro/F 526.810 231.189 289.621 36.752 35.528 1.224

      20 Cff-5 ~ \11'1ti\!O..4011 cor ~ ~ \11'1 410 1'11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      llG 0002 PciCbI'tl"'1.,,< ** 0003~ Item Sex Vikasnagar •• Dehradun mrrtTotal 1lJlftvTIRurai ~Urban mrrtTotal "!JI1lhrT/Rural ~Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ eM f

      7.W~ ClTO/P 134,974 119~373 15,601 554,905 119,555 435,350 Literates '9;o/M 79,770 71,083 8,687 313,458 68,195 245,263 fBro/F 55,204 48,290 6,914 241,447 51,360 190,087 8.~~ ClTO/P 75,716 69,467 6,249 217,758 50,042 167,716 Total workers l]o/M 58,930 53,395 5,535 186,997 41,012 145,985 fF.:fo/F 16,786 16,072 714 30,761 9,030 21,731 9. cfl tic/) I fC:i C/) CIJ'1ff . ClTO/P 56,695 51,541 5,154 192,127 38,556 153,571 Main workers l]o/M 47,870 43,199 4,671 167,244 32,620 134,624 fBl'o/F 8,825 8,342 483 24,883 5,936 18,947 (i) CflI~(iCflI'< ClTO/P 15,204 14,979 225 7,396 6,447 949 Cultivators '9;o/M 10,600 10,401 199 5,456 4,715 741 iBio/F 4,604 4,578 26 1,940 1,732 208 (ii)~~ ClTO/P 6,073 5,916 157 2,749 2,127 622 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 5,234 5,090 144 2,348 1,867 481 fF.:fo/F 839 826 13 401 260 141 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ ClTO/P 1,336 1,189 147 4,352 1,453 2,899 Household industry workers g;o/M 1,051 917 134 3,359 1,048 2,311 fF.:fo/F 285 272 13 993 405 588 (iv) 3Rl~ ClTO/P 34,082 29,457 4,625 177,630 28,529 149,101 Other workers '9;o/M 30,985 26,791 4,194 156,081 24,990 131,091 fF.:fo/F 3,097 2,666 431 21,549 3,539 18,010 10. 31C'4CflIfC:iCfl ~ ClTO/P 19,021 17,926 1,095 25,631 11,486 14,145 Marginal workers '9;o/M 11,060 10,196 864 19,753 8,392 11,361 fF.:fo/F 7,961 7,730 231 5,878 3,094 2,784 (i) CflI~(iCflI'< ClTO/P 3,928 3,910 18 1,531 1,420 111 Cultivators 'g;o/M 1,174 1,170 4 649 596 53 fF.:fo/F 2,754 2,740 14 882 824 58 (ii)~~ ClTO/P 7,760 7,660 100 3,483 2,692 791 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 4,635 4,567 68 2,495 1,931 564 fF.:fo/F 3,125 3,093 32 988 761 227 (iii) ~ ~ Cf>1ff ClTO/P 573 518 55 1,378. 783 595 Household industry workers go/M 207 179 28 656 328 328 fF.:fo/F 366 339 27 722 455 267 (iv) 3Rl 'CflI'll ClTO/P 6,760 5,838 922 19,239 6,591 12,648 Other workers g;o/M 5,044 4,280 764 15,953 5,537 10,416 fF.:fo/F 1,716 1,558 158 3,286 1,054 2,232 11. TN ~ ClTO/P 156,997 141,517 15,480 524,279 124,360 399,919 "Jon-workers g;o/M 63,067 57,158 5,909 208,197 50,207 157,990 fF.:fo/F 93,930 84,359 9,571 316,082 74,153 241,929

      21 C5-5 We>r \1I"'iti'Lcm em Pvn>rr ~ \1I .... JI01'i1 XlN - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG ~ 0OO4~·· Item Sex *. m>Trrotal w:ilur!Rural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 1. ~ crrT frfi.lfi. ~ L Area in Sq. Kms. 195.30 170.26 25.04 2. ~ ~ I Total households 36,247 19,025 17,222 3. ~ VI "I 'tll&l I (~ 3tR 'ClTo/p 188,726 102,844 85,882 ~ VI "I til&l I. ~ ) 1];o/M 100,073 53,376 46,697 Total population (including institutional fF.;ro/F 88,653 49,468 39,185 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3ll CJ51ff 'ClTo/p 44,192 21,705 22.487 Main workers 39,528 18,879 20,649 tM o/F 4,664 2,826 1,838 (i) c!>1~111i( 'ClTo/p 6,486 6,374 112 Cultivators 1];o/M 4,956 4,878 78 fF.;ro/F 1,530 1,496 34 (ii)~~ C2lo/P 1,126 1,077 49' Agricultural labourers 1];o/M 1,013 975 38 fF.;ro/F 113 102 11 (iii) 4IRqIR ~ q1f& CJ51ff C2lo/P 10,357 8,283 2,074 Marginal workers 1];o/M 6,414 4,790 1,624 fF.;ro/F 3,~43 3,493 450

      (i) (/)1~(1I'( C2lo/P 2,688 2,637 51 Cultivators 1];o/M 801 780 21 fF.;ro/F 1,887 1,857 30 (ii) ~~ C2lo/P 3,405 3,257 148 Agricultural labourers 1];o/M 2,150 2,026 124 fF.;ro/F 1,255 1,231 24 (iii) 4IRqIR ~ CJ51ff C2lo/P 440 288 152 Household industry workers 1];o/M 245 157 88 fF.;ro/F 195 131 64 (iv) ~ CJ51ff C2lo/P 3,824 2,101 1,723 Other workers 1];olM 3,218 1,827 1,391 fF.;ro/F 606 274 332 11. fR ~ C2lo/P 134,177 72,856 61,321 Non-workers S'o/M _54r13f 29,707 24.424 fF.;ro/F 80,046 43,149 36,897

      22 co-5 ~ \11'1'<1(.c

      1lG 06~ 0001 ~** Item S.ex GARHWAL Srinagar ** $rtTotal m4tutiRural ~Urban $rtTotal m4tutiRural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ crt fcn:4't. -q / Area in Sq. Kms. 5,329.00 5,259.09 69.91 114.06 105.06 9.00 2. ~ ~ / Total households 149,987 131,596 18,391 11,134 7,051 4,083 3. ~ \il"'1fi&l1 (~ 3iR ClTo/P 697,078 607,203 89,875 49,800 30,142 19,658 ~\il"'1fi'MI~) ,:!o/M 331,061 281,706 49,355 25,699 14,501 11,198 Te!al population (including institutional ff?ro/F 366,017 325,497 40,520 24,101 15,641 8,460 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ \il"'1fi&l1 ClTo/P 101,255 90,511 10,744 5,805 3,859 1,946 Population in the age group 0-6 ,:!o/M 52,464 46,639 5,825 3,120 2,056 1,064 ff?ro/F 48,791 43.872 4,919 2,685 1,803 882 5. ~ '\Jf'lfum ~ \il"'1fi&l1 ClTo/p 106,653 96,717 9,936 7,735 5,487 2,248 Scheduled Castes population '9;o/M 52,528 47.201 5,327 3,924 2,677 1,247 ff?ro/F 54,125 49,516 4,609 3,811 2,810 1,001 6. ~ \il"'1\ilIRlJi ~ \il"'1fi&l1 ClTO/P 1,594 1.348 246 101 11 90 Scheduled Tribes population '9;o/M 888 744 144 50 4 46 ff?ro/F 706 604 102 51 7 44

      7.m~ ClTo/P 461,675 392,203 69,472 37,577 21,518 16,059 Literates ,:!o/M 253,270 213,070 40,200 21,249 11,769 9,480 ff?ro/F 208,405 179,133 29,272 16,328 9,749 6,579 8.~~ ClTo/P 269,871 244,532 25,339 16,500 11,697 4,803 Total workers ,:!o/M 135,030 112,876 22,154 10,009 5,764 4,245 ff?ro/F 134,841 131,656 3,185 6,491 5,933 558 9. I ~<:1c!>I'< ClTO/P 99,391 99,036 355 4,873 4,868 5 Cultivators ,:!o/M 34,088 33,961 127 1,391 1,388 3 ff?ro/F 65,303 65,075 228 3,482 3,480 2 (ii)~~ ClTo/P 1,049 997 52 56 53 3 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 684 635 49 22 19 3 ff?ro/F 365 362 3 34 34 (iii) 4IRqIRC!> ~ q;;jf ClTo/P 2,280 1,936 344 174 94 80 Household industry workers ,:!o/M 1,952 1,642 310 156 85 71 ff?ro/F 328 294 34 18 9 9 (iv) 3RT ~ ClTo/P 68,927 46,359 22,568 7,605 3,184 4,421 Other workers ,:!o/M 60,621 40,604 20,017 6,634 2,716 3,918 ff?ro/F 8,306 5,755 2,551 971 468 503 10 3l&4C!>1R;JC!> ~ ClTo/P 98,224 96,204 2,020 3,792 3,498 294 Marginal workers ,:!o/M 37,685 36,034 1,651 1,806 1,556 250 ff?ro/F 60,539 60,170 369 1,986 1,942 44 (i) c!>1~<:1c!>I'< ClTo/P 80,033 79,920 113 2,706 2,699 7 Cultivators ,:!o/M 24,646 24,603 43 913 913 ff?ro/F 55,387 55,317 70 1,793 1,786 7 (ii)~~ ClTo/P 3,479 3,439 40 65 65 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 1,784 1,753 31 34 34 ff?ro/F 1,695 1,686 9 31 31 (iii) QIRqIRC!> ~ ~ ClTo/P 1,171 1,084 87 68 53 15 Household industry workers ,:!o/M 747 705 42 40 35 5 ff?ro/F 424 379 45 28 18 10 (IV) 3P

      23 co-5 ~ Gi~ti&ll COT ~ ~ Gi"1 JIOI"11 ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRA_CT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ;re 0002~ 0003 2h;fi~ Item Sex Pauri Thali Sain 1lTrTIT ota:! lIJ1ftorJRural ~Urban 2 4 8 1. ~~ cpf fcn."Ift. or I Area in SQ. Kms. 618,59 574.84 43.75 3'84.19 384.19 2. ~ "t1ftcm- / Total households 33,396 27,714 5,682 18,663 18,663 3. ~ "I'iti&:ll (~ 3fR "UlO/P 146,074 120,737 .25,337 93,409 93,409 m iJi'iti&l1 ~ ) ~o/M 67,731 54,171 13,560 42,346 42,346 Total population (including institutional fBIo/F 78,343 66,566 11,777 51,063 51,063 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3WJ ~ Cfft iJi1'<1&l1 "Ulo/P 20,659 17,710 2,949 16,377 16,377 Population in the age group 0-6 ~o/M 10,656 9,095 '1,561 8,423 8,423 fBIoiF 10,003 8,615 1,388 7,954 7,954 5. ~ ~ Cfft Wlti&ll "Ulo/p 30,348 27,052 3,296 13,479 13,479 Scheduled Castes population ~o/M 14,736 12,968 1,768 6,437 6,437 fBIo/F 15,612. 14,084 1,528 -7,042 7,042 6. ~ iJi''iiJiIRt111 Cfft iJi1x1'&l1 "Ulo/P 135 11 124 22 22 Scheduled Tribes population ~o/M 83 7 76 14 14 fBIo/F 52 4 48 8 8 7. 'ffi&R "Ulo/P , 98,261 78,035 20,226 52,027 52,027 Literates ~o/M 52,782 41,379 11,403 29,294 29,294 fBIo/F 45,479 36,656 8,823 22,733 22,733 8. ~ 'C!f4T "Ulo/P, 60,746 53,564 7,182 42,918 42,918 Total workers ~o/M 27,350 21,507 5,843 17,823 17,823 fBIo/F 33,396 32,057 1,339 25,095 25,095 9., cfl tl C/) I ~ Cfi 'C!f4T "Ulo/P 43,591 36,979 6,612 30,472 30,472 Main workers ~o/M 20,516 15,116 5,400 13,596 13,596 fBIo/F 23,075 21,863 1,212 16,876 16,876 (i) c/)1~('1c/)I'< "UlO/P 28,543 28,289 254 25,426 25,426 Cuftivators ~o/M 7,426 7,385 41 9,217 9,217 fBIo/F 21,117 20,904 213 16,209 16,209 (ii)~~ "Ulo/P 183 171 12 92 92 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 89 79 10 54 54 fBIo/F 94 92 2 38 38 (iii) 4IRqIRC/) ~ CflIff "UlO/P 468 369 99 353 353 Household industry workers ~o/M 403 312 91 320 320 fBIo/F 65 57 8 33 33 (iv)~~ "Ulo/P 14,397 8,150 6,247 4,601 4,601 Other workers ~o/M 12,598 7,340 5,258 4,005 4,005 fBIo/F 1,799 810 989 596 596 10. 3l&4c/)1~c/) ~ "Ulo/P 17,155 16,585 570 12,446 12;446 Marginal workers ~o/M 6,834 6,391 443 4,227 4,227 fBIo/F 10,32_1 10,194 127 8,219 8,219 (i) c/)1~('1CfiI'< "Ulo/P 14,290 14,196 94 11,371 11,371 Cultivators ~o/M 4,630 4,591 39 3,545 3,545 fBIo/F 9,660 9,605 55 7,826 7,826 (ii)~~ "Ulo/P 522 511 11 169 169 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 205 199 6 53 53 fBIo/F ~17 312 5 116 116 (iii) 4IRqIRC/) ~ ~ "Ulo/P 199 160 39 155 155 Household industry workers ~o/M 146 121 25 109 109 fBIo/F 53 39 14 46 46 (iv)~~ "Ulo/P 2,144 1,718 426 751 751 Other workers ~o/M 1,853 1,480 373 520 520 fBIoiF 291 238 53 231 231 11. -fR' CflIff "Ulo/P - 85,328 67,173 18,155 50,491 50,491 Non-workers ~o/M 40,381 3~q,64 7,717 24,523 24,523 fBIo/F 44,947_ -'M,509· 10,438 25,968 25,968

      24 co-5 ~ V1"1ti{"~1 CJ)T ~ m~ V1"1 J loHI mx - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 0004~ 0005 ~rtI;SI\3'"1 Item Sex Dhoomakot Lansdowne m.rrrotal !IJlfiaTIRu ral ~/Urban m.rrrotal !IJlfiaTIR ural ~Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ Cf't fcn.lft ~ / Area in Sq. Kms. 265.78 265.78 896.07 889.19 6.88 2. ~ ~ / Total households 9,552 9,552 37,081 35,598 1,483 3. ~ \11 1 '<1&l I (~ 3lR moR 44,010 44,010 169,788 161,886 7,902 ffi \1I1'<1{"GllI ~ ) :!o/M 19,871 19,871 79,000 73,952 5,048 Total population (including Institutional R=?To/F 24,139 24,139 90,788 87,934 2,854 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3Tl ~ Cfll'ff ClTo;P 141 141 569 566 3 Household industry workers 1]o/M 124 124 479 479 R=?To/F 17 17 90 87 3 (iv) 31"Xl' ~ ClTo;P 2,223 2,223 13,791 10,561 3,230 Other workers 1]o/M 1,979 1,979 12,344 9,341 3,003 R?ro/F 244 244 1,447 1,220 227 10. 3l(.>tlCl>IR;jCl> Cfll'ff ClTO/P 8,611 8,611 34,713 34,596 117 Marginal workers 1]o/M 2,800 2,800 12,115 12,010 105 R?ro/F 5,811 5,811 22,598 22,586 12 (i) q,~ ClTo;P 7,931 7,931 29,570 29,570 Cultivators 1]o/M 2,323 2,323 8,872 8,872 R=?To/F 5,608 5,608 20,698 20,698 (ii)~~ ClTo;P 110 110 1,070 1,070 Agricultural labourers 1]o/M 62 62 505 505 R=?To/F 48 48 565 565 (iii) qlRqlRCI> ~ Cfll'ff mO/P 154 154 262 262 Household Industry workers 1]o/M 106 106 178 178 R=?To/F 48 48 84 84 (iv) 31'Xl' Cfll'ff ClTo;P 416 416 3,811 3,694 117 Other workers 1]o/M 309 309 2,560 2,455 105 R?ro/F 107 107 1,251 1,239 12 11. tR Cf5'Iff ClTo;P 26,658 26,658 99,051 94,552 4,499 Non-workers' "9;o/M 12,288 12,288 46,352 44,464 1,888 R=?To/F 14,370 14,370 52,699 50,088 2,611

      25 'ij)-5 ~ V1"1ti''lclJl em ~T ~ V1"1 J loHI 'tIN - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG fWr 0OO6~ Item Sex Kotdwara mrvTotal '!lJ1ftvTtRural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. 1;~ qrf f.lfT. "lll Area in Sq. Kms. 578.14 567.86 10.28 2. "WC'I1:ifurR /'Total households 40,161 33,018 7,143 3. "WC'I 'J1"1fi&l1 (~ 3iR Cl(o/P 193,997 157,019 36,978 ffi \1l1fi&l1 ~ 1 -go/M 96,414 76,865 19,549 Total'population (including institutional f3'?ro/F 97,583 80,154 17,429 and houseless populatio'n) 4. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ \1l1fi&l1 Cl(O/P 27,395 22,274 5,121 Population in the age group 0-6 lJo/M 14,351 11,558 2,793 fBro/F 13,044 1,0,716 2,328 5. ~ \ifTfum ~ \1l1fi&l1 Cl(o/P 21,834 18,352 3,482 Scheduled Castes population lJo/M 11,266 9,445 1,821 fBroiF 10,568 8,907 1,661 6. ~ \1l1\1lIRllil ~ \1l1{1&l1 Cl(o/P 1,299 1,272 27 Scheduled Tribes population lJo/M 718 700 18 fB'o/F 581 572 9 7. 'fileR Cl(O/P 134,531 108,124 26,407 Literates lJo/M 74,239 59,473 14,766 fBrol.F 60,292 48,651 11,641 8. "WC'I Cfilff Cl(o/P 61,618 51,667 9,951 Total workers -go/M 39,617 30,711 8,906 fB'o/F 22,001 20,956 1,045 9. GI Ehli I R;i C/) Cfilff Cl(O/P 40,111 31,199 8,912 Main workers lJo/M 29,714 21,661 8,053 fBro/F 10,397 9,538 859 (il c/)I~dc/)I'( Cl(O/P 12,803 12,1'57 46 -Cultivators -go/M 5,845 5,811 34 fBro/F 6,958 6,946 12 (ii)~~ Cl(o/P 423 389 34 Agricultural labourers tM 338 305 33 o/F 85 84 (iii) qlRqlRC/)' \3EIlTr Cfilff ~O/P 575 413 162 Household industry workers lJo/M 470 322 148 fB'o/F 105 91 14 (ivl ~ Cfilff Cl(O/P 26,310 17,640 8,670 Other workers tM 23,061 15,223 7,838 o/F 3,249 2',417 832 10. 3lC'llC/)IR;iC/) q;iff Cl(o/P 21,507 20,468 1,039 Marginal workers lJo/M 9,903. 9,050 853 fBro/F 11,604 11,418 186 (il c/)I~dc/)I'( Cl(o/P 14,165 14,153 12 Cultivators lJo/M 4,363 4,359 4 fBro/F 9,802 9,794 8 (ii) ~~ Cl(o/P 1,543 1,514 29 Agricultural labourers tM - 925 900 25 o/F 618 614 4 (iii) q IRq IR C/) \3EIlTr Cfilff Cl(o/P 333 300 33 Household industry workers lJo/M 168 156 12 fB'o/F 165 144 21 (iv)~,~ Cl(o/P 5,466 4,501 965 Other workers tM 4,447 3,635 812 o/F 1,019 866 153 11. tR Cfilff Cl(o/P 132,379 105,352 27,027 Non-workers -go/M 56,197 46,154 10,643 fB'o/F __..-: -_--- 75,582 59,198 16,384

      26 q;-5 WC1 V1'1tkt41 C6T ~ m21fqq; V1'1 JIOHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 07 fi'ld!'I1114 0001~ Item Sex PITHORAGARH Munsiari 'tiFTIT ota I Mv!IRural ~Urban 'tiFTIT otal m4\vlIRural ~Urban 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ crt fcp.+fi. 1f / Area in Sq. Kms. 7,090.00 7,056.17 33.83 406.38 406.38 2. WR ~ I Total households 98,514 84,761 13,753 9,906 9,906 3. ~ ,j1"lti'@Oli (~aiR '&[o;P 462,269 402,456 59,833 46,546 46,546 ffi 'i1'""ftil!91I ~ ) ~o/M 227,615 194,810 32,805 22,720 22,720 Total population (including inst]tutional fF3ro/F 234,674 207,646 27,028 23,826 23,826 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 31l7j ~ <1ft \11'1'1(1&:11 '&[O/P 72,080 64,685 7,395 7,875 7,875 Population in the age group 0-6 ~o/M 37,892 33,839 4,053 3,955 3,955 fF3ro/F 34,188 30,846 3,342 3,920 3,920

      5. ~ ~ <1ft \11"1~11!911 CZTo/p 10~,449 98,067 8,382 9,236 9,236 Scheduled Castes population ~o/M 53,501 49,118 4,383 4,669 4,669 fF3ro/F 52,948 48,949 3,999 4,567 4,567 6. ~ "I"I"IIRill'i qft "I'itil!91l CZTO/P 19,279 14,934 4,345 7,268 7,268 Scheduled Tribes population -go/M 9,422 7,341 2,081 3,502 3,502 fF3ro/F 9,857 7,593 2,264 3,766 3,766 7. 'ffi~ CZTO/P 296,362 249,067 47,295 26,165 26,165 Literates -go/M 170,872 143,457 27,415 15,892 15,892 fF3ro/F 125,490 105,610 19,880 10,273 10,273 8·WR~ CZTO/P 198,709 180,813 17,896 23,083 23,083 Total workers -gc/M 98,796 84,291 14,505 10,901 10,901 fF3ro/F 99,913 96,522 3,391 12,182 12,182 9. cfltl4iIf&t4i ~ CZTO/P 124,062 108,601 15,461 14,138 14,138 Main workers -go/M 70,689 57,434 13,255 7,628 7,628 fF3ro/F 53,373 51,167 2,206 6,510 6,510 (i) 4i1~d4iI'< CZTO/P 74,361 73,998 363 9,132 9,132 Cultivators -go/M 28,281 28,100 181 3,916 3,916 fF3ro/F 46,080 45,898 182 5,216 5,216 (ii)~~ CZTO/P 615 596 19 154 154 Agricultural labourers -go/M 397 384 13 98 98 ~o/F 218 212 6 56 56 (iii) qlRqlR4i ~ C!J"1ff CZTO/P 4,415 4,047 368 1,283 1,283 Household indu~try workers -go/M 2,503 2,333 170 482 482 Tf?ro/F 1,912 1,714 198 801 801 (iv)~~ CZTO/P 44,671 29,960 14,711 3,569 3,569 Other workers -go/M 39,508 26,617 12,891 3,132 3,132 fF3ro/F 5,163 3,343 1,820 437 437 10. 3lt>

      27 cp-5 ~ \TJ'-H1{'''l11 q;J ~ ~ \TJ .... 410FtI·~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ll'"<: 0002~ 0003~ Item Sex Dharchula Didihat m>T!Total lII1fiurJRu ra I ~Urban m>T!Total IDlfiuttRu ral ~Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ crrT fc)?~. ~ / Area in Sq. Kms. 218.34 197.51 20.83 50&34 504.34 4.00 2. ~ ~ / 10tal households .12,180 9,877 2,303 29,292 28,036 1,256 3. ~ Ui'ifi&ll (~ 3i'R Cll'o/p 61,089 51,026 10,063 136,057 131,251 4,806 ~ \il'"lfi&ll ~ ) ~o/M 31,034 25,734 5,300 65,678 63,041 2,637 Total population (including institutional R?ro/F 30,055 25,292 4,763 70,379 68,210 2,169 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3lTlj; ~ q\1 \Jj"HiMI Cll'otP 10,579 9,094 1,485 20,360 19,742 618 Population in the age group 0-6 ~o/M 5,524 4,717 807 10,740 10,404 336 R?ro/F 5,055 4,377 678 9,620 9,338 282 5. ~~qft \if"Hk<41 Clfo/P 10,669 8,673 1,996 35,478 34,539 939 Scheduled Castes population ~o/M 5,303 4,282 1,021 17,812 17,305 507 R?ro/F 5,366 4,391 975 17,666 17,234 432 6. ~ \if'i\JlIRl4'i qft \Jl'ifi&:ll Cll'otP 9,195 6,572 2,623 1,525 870 655 Scheduled Tribes population ~o/M 4,529 3,271 1,258 755 447 308 R?ro/F '4,666 3,301 1,365 770 423 347 7.m~ Cll'otP 34,902 27,875 7,027 89,116 85,311 3,805 • Literates ~oiM 21,719 17,612 4,107 49,930 47,724 2,206 R?ro/F 13,183 10,263 '2,920 39,186 37,587 1,599 8. ~ CflIfi ClfotP 27,275 23,675 3,600 61,827 60,426 1,401 Total workers ~o/M 14,963 12,508 2,455 29,075 27,966 1,109 R?ro/F 12,312 11,167 1,145 32,752 32,460 292 9. en tl411 fcl41 CflIfi ClfotP 16,820 14,394 2,426 32,746 31,569 1,177 Main workers ~o/M 10,872 8,910 1,962 18,544 17,540 1,004 R?ro/F 5,948 5,484 464 14,202 14,029 173 (i) Cf\1~dCJ1I'( 'C

      28 en-S wcrr \i1'1<8{"<41 Cf)J ~ m~ \i1'1~IOHI XlR - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      0004 *~Jlt:lc 0005 ftr~ Item Sex Gangolihat Pithoragarh tWTrrotal !Il1ftuT!Rural ~Urban tWTrrotal !Il1ftuT!Rural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ Cflt f

      29 C:P-5 ~ \1i'iti{"clIl COT ~~, \1iq~loHI XlR - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      l1G 08~* ( 0001 cnqcp)c ** Item Sex BAGESHWAR*' Kapkot ** mtVTolal lIfIfiutiRural ~Urban "il)TiiT olal ID1ftu1IRural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 1. ~ crrT fcn. +ft. -ij / Area in Sq. Kms. 2,246.00 2,240.50 5.50 643.69 643.69 2. ~ ~ / Total households 51,949 50,250 1,699 15,558 15,558 3. ~ \J1"1 xkcll I (~ 3fR C21"o/p 249,462 241,659 7,803 77,031 77,031 itt:R \iFni &II ~ ) - :!o/M 118,510 114,199 4,311 '36,537 36,537 Total population (including institutional f'?::Io/F 130,952 127.,460 3,492 40,494 40,494 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 :3n

      7.m~ CljO/P 148,464 142,634 5,83C 41,513 41,513 Literates :J;o/M 85,160 81,779 3,381 24,852 24,852 ~o/F 63,304 60,855 2,449 16,661. 16,661 8. ¥'f Cfi1ff C21"o/P 118,844 1f6,378 2,466 39,066 39,066 Total workers :J;o/M 53,499 51,452 2,047 17,055 17,055 ~o/F 65,345 64,926 419 22,011 22,01'1 9. {l tfCflIfc;jCf) Cfi1ff C21"o/p 85,613 83,368 2,245 31,701 31,701 Main workers :!o/M 40,268 38,376 1,892 13,545 13,545 ~o/F 45,345 44,992 353 18,156 18,156 (i) CflI~dCflI'< C21"o/P 63,505 63,453 52 26,815 26,815 Cultivators 1,!o/M 20,964 20,953 11 9,554 9,554 1'Blo/F '42,541 42,500 41 17,261 17 ,261 (ii)~~ "Ufo/P 852 850 2 300 300 Agricultural labourers 1,!oIM 548 546 2 159 159 ~o/F 304 304 141 141 (iii) qlRcllRCfl ~ Cfi1ff CljO/P 1,696 1,639 57 826 826 Household industry workers lJo/M 1,132 1,106 26 479 479 1'Blo/F 564 533 31 347 347 (ivl 3A:T~ Cljo/P 19,560 17,426 2,134 3,760 3,760 Other workers lJo/M 17,624 15,771 1,853 3,353 3,353 f'?::Io/F 1,936 1,655 281 407 407 10. 3lC'llCflIfc;jCfl "Cfl"4T "UfO/P 33,231 33,010 221 7.365 7,365 Marginal workers 1,!o/M 13,231 13,076 155 3,510 3,510 1'Blo/F 20,000 19,934 66 3,855 3,855 (il CflI~C1CflI'< C21"o/P 25,069 25,061 8 5,352 5.352 Cultivators 1,!o/M 8,307 8,306 1 2,261 2,261 f'?::Io/F 16,762 16,755 7 3,091 3,091 (ii)~~ C21"otP 2,745 2,736 9 446 446 Agricultural labourers :J;o/M 1,044 1,044 207 207 ~o/F 1,7,01 1,692 9 239 239 (iii) qlRClIRCfl ~ cpffi, CljO/P 803 796 7 489 489 Household industry workers :J;o/M 386 385 1 211 211 1'Blo/F 4'17 411 6 278 278 (iv) 3A:T ~ mO/P 4,614 4,417 197 1,078 1,078 Other workers _:J;o/M 3,494 3,341 153 831 831 f'?::IaIF 1,120 1,07£ 44 247 247 11. tR ~ C21"0IP 130,6..18- 125,281 5,337 37,965 37,965 Non-workers - -1,!o.LM- 65.011 62,747 2,264 19,482 19,482 1'Blo/F 65,607 62,534 3,073 18,483 18,483

      30 co-5 ~ \1i .... tiiLGqI em ~ ~ GH110 HI -mx - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATIQN - 2001

      lfG ~ 0OO2~ Item Sex Bageshwar

      (i) c/)1~<:"1c/)I'( CZTo/P 19,717 19,709 8 Cultivators 6,046 6,045 tM 7 o/F 13,671 13,664 (ii) ~~. CZTo/P 2,299 2,290 9 Agricultural labourers "9;o/M 837 837 fBro/F 1,462. 1,453 9 (iii) qlRqlRC/) BWT 'Cfl4T CZTo/P 314 307 7 Household industry workers "9;o/M 175 174 1 R?ro/F 139 133 6 (iv) 3Rf 'Cfl4T CZTo/P 3,536 3,339 197 Other workers "9;o/M 2,663 2,510 153 fBro/F 873 829 44 11 TRCf>1'l1 CZTo/P 92,653 87,316 !\,337 Non-workers "9;o/M 45,529 43,265 2,264 fBro/F 47,124 44,051 3,073

      31 CJ>-5 ~ \J1"i'ti\L~1 q)J ~ ~ \J1"i JluHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL'POPULATION - 2001

      11<:' 09~ 0001~~ Item Sex ALMORA Bhikia Sain T!T otal m4\ur!Rural "f1'I'fuYUrban T!T otal m4\ur!Rural ~rban 2 3 4 . 5 7 8 1. ~ crt f.>tt. ~ I Are~ in Sq. Kms .• 3,1'39.00 3,106.35 32.65 706.60 706.60 2. ~ 'lftcrR I Total households 131,052 119,741 11,311 31,175 31,175 3. g;c;r \Jl1'!i&l1 (~3tR ClfO/P 630,567 576,062 54,505 146,565 146,565 .~ Gj·Hi&l1 ~ ) -go/M 293,848 263,128 30,720 64,336 64,336 Total population (including institutional - R=?ro/F 336,719 312,934 23,785 82,229 82,229 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ \1j1x1&l1 CZl'O/P 97,368 $1,799 5,569 23,341 23,311 Population in the age group 0-6 -go/M 50,376 47,415 2,961 11,975 11,975 R=?ro/F 46,992 44,384 2,608 11,366 11,366 5, ~ ~ ~ \1j"l {1(.cll I CZl'o/p 140,430 132,130 8,300 24,442 24,442 Scheduled Castes population -go/M 67,544 63,190 4,354 11,203 11,203 R=?ro/F 72,886 68,940 3,946 13,239 13,239 6. ~ \1j"lGjIR'llil ~ \1j1x1&l1 CZl'o/P 878 488 390 16 16 Scheduled Tribes population -go/M 461 255 206 10 10 R=?ro/F 417 2~ 1M 6 6

      7. tfTffi' ClfO/P 392,640 347,780 44,860 85,672 85,672 Literates -goiM 217,169 190,946 26,223 45,524 45,524 R=?ro/F 175,471 156,834 18,637 40,148 40,148 8. ~ C!J1'\t CZl'o/P 292,182 274,634 17,548 74,856 74,856 Total workers -go/M 130,833 115,635 15,198 29,102 29,102 R=?ro/F 161,349 158,999 2,350 45,754 45,754 9 . <:;"1 tI Cb Iftl C!) C!J1'\t CZl'O/P 204,649 188,155 16,494 51,041 51,041 Main workers -go/M 98,331 84,026 14,305 21,128 21,128 R=?ro/F 106,318 104,129 2,189 29,913 29,913

      (i) c!)1:t("Jc!)lx ClfO/P 146,370 146,191 179 43,372 43,372 Cultivators -go/M 47,382 47,342 40 14,296 14,296 R=?ro/F 98,988 98,849 139 29,076 29,076 (ii)~~ CZl'o/p 1,185 1,144 41 123 123 Agricultural labourers -go/M­ 626 588 38 56 56 R=?ro/F 559 556 3 67 67 (iii) 4IRqIRC!) ~ ~ CZl'O/P 2,618 2,427 191 503 503 Household industry workers -goiM 2;-217 2,035 182 429 429 R=?ro/F 401 392 9 74 74 (iv) ~ Cfi'lff CZl'o/P 54,476 38,393 16,083. 7,043 7,043 Other workers -go/M . 48,106 34,061 14,045 6,347 6,347 fBl'o/F 6,370 4,332 2,038 696 696 10. 3l&4c!)lftlc!) ~ ClfO/P 87,533. 86,479 1,054 23,815 23,815 Marginal workers -go/M 32,502 31,609 893 7,974 7,974 fBi'o/F 55,031 54,870 161 15,841 15,841 (i) CbI:t("JC!)I'I! CZl'o/P 71,910 71,868 42 22,064 22,064 Cultivators -go/M 22,276 22,270 6 6,989 6,989 R=?ro/F 49,634 49,598 36 15,075 15,075 (ij)~~ CZl'o/P 3,383 3,379 4 489 489 Agricultural labourers -go/M - 1,302 1,301 126 126 R=?ro/F 2,081 2,078 3 363 363 (iii) qlRqlRCb ~ Cfilff CllO/P 1,208 1,163 45 187 187 Household industry ~rkers -go/M 720 687 33 102 102 R=?ro/F 488 476 12 85 85

      (iv) 3RT 'C/3'Iff CZl'o/p 11,032 10,~69 963 1,075 1,075 Other 'workers -go/M 8,204 7,351 853 757. 757 ~o/F 2,828 2,718 - 110 318 318 11. TR ~ CZl'o/P 338,385 _301,428 36,957 71,709 71,709 Non-workers. -go/M ~63';015 11\7,493 15,522 35,234 35,234 ______------~~~~~~-----1~7~5~,3~70~--~15~3~,9~3~5----~2~1,~4~35 ______~3_6~,4~7~5 _____ 36,475

      32 q;-5 ~ \1F'Iti'L«l11 cor ~ m~ \1'H~IOHI ~ - 2001 A- 5' DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      llG 0002~ 0003~ Item Sex Ranikhet Almora mruTotal "!l'JlftuT/Rural ~Urban mruTotal "!l'JlftuT/Rural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ CfTf fcn.>lT. ~ I Area in Sq. Kms. 663.80 639.18 24.62 902.30 894.27 8.03 2. ~ ~ / Total households 42,584 38,296 4,288 57,293 50,270 7,023 3. ~ \i1'"lti&l1 (~ 3fR ClTo/P 204,591 182,444 22.147 279.411 247,053 32,358 ~"1·Hi&lI~) ,:!o/M 95,687 82,526 13,161 133.825 116,266 17,559 Total population (including institutional m-o/F 108,904 99,918 8,986 145,586 130,787 14,799 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3TIi Cfi Iff ClTo/P 65,331 57,726 7,605 88,277 79,388 8,889 Main workers qu/M 32,436 25,565 6,871 44,767 37,333 7,434 ~o/F 32,895 32,161 734 43,510 42,055 1,455 0) CfiI~dClJI'( ClTo/P 43,900 43,738 162 59,098 59,081 17 CultiVators ,:!oIM 13,349 13,324 '- 25 19,737 19,722 15 ~o/F 30,551' 30,414 137 39,'361 39,359 2 (ii)~~ ClTo/P 523 518 5 539 503 36 Agricultural labourers :;o/M 241 237 4 329 295 34 m-o/F 282 281 1 210 208 2 (iii) YIRClIRClJ ~ q;-.ff ClTo/P 887 790 97 1,228 1,134 94 Household industry workers qo/M 791 700 91 997 906 91 m-o/F 96 90 6 231 228 3 (iv) 3RT m4T ClTo/P 20,021 12,680 7,341 27,412 18,670 8,742 Other workers qo/M 18,055 11,304 6,751, 23,704 16,410 7,294 ~o/F 1,966 1,376 590 3,708 2,260 1,448 10. 3lC'llClJIR>iClJ m4T ClTo/P 28,970 28,482 488 34,748 34,182 566 Marginal workers qo/M 11,200 10,788 412 13,328 12,847 481 m-o/F 17,770 17,694 76 21,420 21,335 85 (i) ClJI~dCfiI'< ClTo/P 23,427 23,391 36 26,419 26,413 6 Cultivators qo/M 7,531 7,526 5 7,756 7,755 ffio/F 15,896 15,865 31 18,663 18,658 5 (ii)~~ ClTo/P 1,023 1,019 4 1,871 1,871 Agricultural labourers go/M 401 400 1 775 7i15 m-o/F 622 619 3 1,096 1,096 (iii) 41RClIRCfi ~ Ci>lff ClTo/P 354 335 19 667 641 26 Household industry workers qo/M 226 209 17 392 376 16 ffio/F 128 126 2 275 265 10 '(iv) 3FU~ ClTo/P 4,166 3,737 429 5,791 5.257 534 Other workers qo/M 3,042 2,653 389 4,405 3,941 464 m-J/F 1,124 1,084 40 1.386 1,316 70

      11 fR~ ClTo/P 110,290 96,236 14,054 156,386 133.483 2.f~903 Non-workers qo/M 52,051 46,173 5,878 75,730 6.,6,1)86 9,644 m-o/F 58.239 50,063 8,176 80,656 67,397 13,259

      33 Ci)-5 Wt>J \Ji""'1'<1'Lc

      lfG ~ 10~* 0001~ Item Sex CHAMPAWAT * Champawat 9,575 62,778 53,203 9,575 ~o/F 71,5$. - 57,307 14,249 71,556 57,307 14,249

      34 C6"-5 ~ \J1'"1ti'L~1 C5T"Rimr m~ \J1'"1~loHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      11 *fum;r ooo1~wM Item Sex NAINITAL Kosya Kutauli "lWTrTotal m4luriRural ~Urban "lWTrTotal !Jl1ftur!Rural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 678 1. ~ crt FcP.lft. -q / Area in Sq. Kms. 4,251.00 4,18581 65.19 189.95 189.95 2. ~c;r ~ / Total households 142,113 91,216 50,897 9,725 9,725 3. ~ \i1"H1&11 (~ 3iR 'UlotP 762,909 493,859 269,050 50,477 50,477

      1'lt 'UlO/P 116,471 49,867 66,604 3,382 3,382 Other workers lJo/M 102,829 43,132 59,697 3,001 3,001 fBro/F 13,642 6,735 6,907 381 381 1O. 31t'4 Cf) I R;t Cfj ~ 'Ulo/p 57,952 51,858 6,094 4,936 4,936 Marginal workers lJo/M 27,980 23,142 4,838 2,056 2,056 fBro/F 29,972 28,716 1,256 2,880 2,880 (i) Cf)1~C1Cf)I'< 'Ulo/P 27,907 27,885 22 4,033 4,033 Cultivators lJo/M 9,152 9,141 11 1,410 1,410 fBro/F 18,755 18,744 11 2,623 2,623 (ii)~~~ 'Ulo/P 12,432 12,284 148 267 267 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 6,243 6,144 99 155 155 fBro/F 6,189 6,140 49 112 112 (iii) 41RqlRCIi BEWr 'CIi'Iff 'Ulo/p 1,926 1,731 195 61 61 Household industry workers lJo/M 652 566 86 28 28 fBro/F 1,274 1,165 109 33 33 (iv) 3RT 'Cf>1'lt 'Ulo/p 15,687 9,958 5,729 575 575 Other workers lJo/M 11,933 7,291 4,642 463 463 fao/F 3,754 2,667 1,087 112 112 11.-tR'CIi'Iff CZTO/P 483,962 289,312 194,650 27,079 27,079 Non-workers lJo/M 207,907 130,451 77,456 13,156 13,156 fBro/F 276,055 158,861 117,194 13,923 13,923

      35 cp-5 WB \iFH1'Lc:Q1 C61 ~ ~ '11'1 JloHI ~ - 2001 . A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      llG 0002~ 0003~ Item Sex Nainital Uhari 'lITrTIT otal lIl'ftuTIRural "'f'"!furIu rban "l!)TvT otal llJ1ftuT/Ru ral ~Urban 2 3 4 6 7 8 1. ~ qrf ~:4T. -if / Area in Sq. Kms. 271.78 232.35 39.43 289.10 289.10 2. WB ~ / Tottll households 28,241 17,058 11,183 12,523 12,523 3. WB \Jl'1 xi&:l I (~ 3fR CZfO/P 141,874 90,577 51,297 72,689 72,689 iT1Cb ~ 'Clfo/P 40,030 25,943 14,087 23.073 23,073 Main workers ~o/M 29,267 17,572 11,695 13.500 13,500 ~o/F 10,763 8,371 2,~92 9,573 9,573 (i) CbI~dCbI'( 'Clfo/P 15,415 15,262 153 19,332 19,332 Cultivators ~o/M 8,978 8,885 93 10,441 10,441 ~o/F 6,431 6,377 60 8,891 8,891 (ii)~~ CZfO/P 821 785 42 313 313 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 585 553 32 245 245 ~o/F 242 232 10 68 68 (iii) 41RcllRCb \3"Wrr ~ CZfO/P 552 403 149 473 473 Household industry workers ~o/M 389 265 124 273 273 ~o/F 163 138 25 200 200 (iv) 3T'"Xl ~ CZfO/P 23,23.6 9,493 13,743 2,955 2,955 Other workers '9;o/M 19,315 '7,869 11,446 2,541 2,541 ~o/f 3,921 1,624 2,297 414 414 10. 31(.'l1CbIR-iCb ~ CZfO/P 10,444 9,361 1,083 10,727 10,727 Marginal workers ~o1M 5,521 4,671 856 4,431 4,431 ~o/F- 4,917 4,690 227 6,296 6,296 (i) CbI~dCbI"( CZfO/P ;;,638 5,627 11 9,150 9,150 Cultivators -go/M 1,869 1,864 5 3,494 3,494 ~o/F 3,769 3,763 6 5,656 5,656 on ~~ CZfO/P 873 866 7 446 446 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 538 534 4 275 275 ~o/F 335 332 3 171 171 (iii) 41RcllRCb \3"Wrr ~ 'Clfo/P 377 .341 36 369 369 Household industry workers '9;o/M 134 122 12 122 122 ~o/F 243 219 24 247 247 (iv) 3T'"Xl ~ 'Clfo/p 3,556 2,527 1,029 762 762 Other workers ~o/M 2,986 2,151 835 540 540 ~o/F 570 376 194 222 222 CZfO/P 91,400 55,273 36,127 38,889 38,889 Non-workers '9;o/M 40,102 24,862 _...15,240 19,037 19,037 1ao/F 51,296 ~,4~1" 20,887 19,852 19,852

      36 C6"-5 WFf \J1""i'fiiLclIl·C6T ~ ~ \J1""i J loHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfC:' ~~ 0OO4~ Item Sex Haldwanl . lWr/Total ~Rural "'11!futIu rban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~ cpt f'q;AT. -q / Area in Sq. KmS. 361.74 335.98 25.76 2. ~'l:!fu!R / Total households 91,624 51,910 39,714 3. ~ Vl"1ti&11 (~~ CZlo/P 497,869 280,116 217,753 ~ Vl"lti&11 ~ ) 263,667 148,160 115.507 tM Total population (including institutional o/F 234,202 131,956 102,246 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3lnJ ~ q5T Vl"1 ti&1 I CZlO/P 71,876 41,005 30,871 Population in the age group 0-6 'lo/M 38,013 21,648 16,365 fB;ro/F 33,863 19,357 14,506 5. ~ ~ q5T Vl"1ti&11 CZloip 76,458 55,644 20,814 Scheduled Castes population 40,680 29,814 10,866 tM ofF 35,778 25,830 9,948 6. ~ Vl"1VlIRll1! q5T \Jl'"lti&:l1 CZloP 4,393 3,654 739 Scheduled Tribes population 'lo/M 2,255 1,880 375 fB;ro/F 2,138 1,774 364

      7.m~ CZlO/P 330,735 180,701 150,034 Literates 189,437 - 105,152 84,285 tM o/F 141,298 75,549 65,749 8. ~ '1!>4T CZlO/P 171,275 112,045 59,230 Total workers 'lo/M 128,055 74,764 53,291 fB;ro/F 43,220 37,281 5,939 9. lCfl ~ CZlO/P 139,430 85,211 54,219 Main workers 112,089 62,780 49,309 tM o/F 27,341 22,431 4,910 0) CflI~~q;I,{ c2io/P 39,324 38,996 328 CultiVators 25,177 24,907 270 tM o/F 14,147 14,089 58 (ii)~~ CZlotP 10,570 10,370 200 Agricultural labourers 7,167 7,027 140 tM ofF 3,403 3,343 60 (iii) 41RellRCfl ~ ~ CZlO/P 2,638 1,808 830 Household industry workers 1,773 1,125 648 tM olF 865 683 182 (iv) 3Rl CI>lff CZlO/P 86,898 34,037 52,861 Other workers 77,972 29,721 48,251 tM olF 8,926 4,316 4,610 10. 3lC'4CflI~Cfl ~ CZlO/P 31,845 26,834 5,011 Marginal workers 'lo/M 15,966 11,984 3,982 fB;rofF 15,879 14,850 1,029

      (i) CflI~~CflI'{ CZlO/P 9,086 9,075 11 Cultivators 2,379 2,373 6 ;tM ofF 6,707 6,702 5 (ii) ~~ CZlO/P 10,846 10,705 141 Agricultural labourers 'lo/M 5,275 5,180 95 fB;ro/F 5,571 5,525 46 (iii) .4IRqIRCfl ~ ~ CZlotP 1,119 960 159 Household industry workers 'lo/M 368 294 74 fB;ro/F 751 666 85 (iv) 3Rl~ CZlotP 10,794 6,094 4,700 Other workers 7,944 4,137 3,807 ;tM o/F 2,850 1,957 893 11.-tR~ CZlO/P 326,594 168,071 158,523 Non-workers 135,612 73,396 tM ~2.l216 - olF 190,982 94,675 96,307

      37 Cf)-5 ~ \1'I'1ti'Lc.lJ1 CfiT ~ trr~ \1'I'1 t lol'1l ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTR~CT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      lfG 12\3)~~* 0001.~ Item Sex UDHAM SINGH NAGAR * Kashipur • 'lIfrT!T olal "!l'J1fivrIRural ~Urban mTJJTolal "!l'J1fivrIRural "fTJfuVUrban 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1. ~ qrf fft. if / Area in Sq. Kms. 2,542.00 2,442.98 99.02 811.93 782.22' 29.71 2. ~ ~ / Total-households 208,076 138,225 69,851 79,323 48,613 30,710 3.~~(~3tR CZ[O/P 1,235,614 832,600 403,014 481,208 292,855 188,353 ~ \J1'i'1i&l1 x:rf%cl ) -go/M 649,484 434,654 214,830 254,458 154,526 99,932 Total population (including institutional fBTo/F 586,130 397,946 188,184 226,750 138,329 88,421 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3IT IR:! Cfi CflllT CZ[o/p 300,141 202,372 97,769 112,018 68,683 43,335 Main workers -go/M ·263,853 174,219 89,634 103,207 62,229 40,978 fBTo/F 36,288 28,153 8,135 8,811 6,454 2,357 (i) CfiI~Ii4>Ii! CZ[o/p 96,760 92,635 4,125 29,669 27,108 2,561 Cultivators -go/M 82,687 78,736 3,951 27,458 24,963 2,495 fBTo/F 14,073 13,899 174 2,211 2,145 66 (ii)~~ CZ[O/P 57,110 50,657 6,453 23,869 21,164 2.705 Agricultural labourers -go/M 49,162 43,480 5,682 21,321 18,767 2,554 fBTo/F 7,948 7,177 771 2,548 2,397 151 (iii) 41RqlRqi "\RlTrr ~ CZ[o/p 6,081 3,870 2,211 1,934 1,054 880 Household industry workers ~;;;M 4,427 2,707 1,720 1,552 844 708 fBTo/F 1,654 1,163 491 382 210 1,72 (iv) 3R:r ~ CZ[o/p 140,190 55,210 84,980 56,546 19,357 37,189 Other workers -go/M 127,577 49,296 78,281 52,876 17,655 35,221 fBTo/F 12,613 5,914 6,699 3,670 1,702 1,968 10. 3kQ.4>Ifc;JCf) "Cf>"lfi CZ[O/P 92,015 79,212 12,803 25,341 19,504 5,837 Marginal workers ,:!o/M 48,093 38,604 9,489 17,338 12,506 4,832 fBTo/F 43,92? '40,608 3,314 8,003 6,998 1,005 (i) Cf)1~flCf)li! CZ[O/P 21,904 21,468 436 2,371 2',242 129 Cultivators ~o/M 6,~27 6,122 205 861 783 78 fBTo/F 15,577 15,346 231 1,510 1,459 51 (ii)~~ CZ[O/P 44,318 41,528 2,790 15,028 13,714 1,314 Agricultura~ labourers -go/M 25,973 23,964 2,009 10,096 9,083 1,013 fBTo/F _"Ul.,3~5 17,564 781 4,932 4,631 301 (iii) 4IRqIRCf)"\RlTrr ~ CZ[o/p 3,629 3,041 588 682 438 244 Household industry workers ~o/M 846 682 164 302 217 85 fBTo/F 2,783 2,359 424 380 221 159 (iv) 3R:r ~ CZ[o/p 22,164 13,175 8,989 7,260 3,110 4,150 Other workers ~o/M 14,947 7,836 7,111 6,079 2,423 3,656 fBTo/F 7,217 5,339 1,878 1,181 687 494 11. tR CflllT CZ[o/p a43,458 55.1,016 292,442 343,849 204,668 139.181 Non-workers ~o/M 337,538 221,~1 115,707 133,913 79,791 54.122 ff'::ro/F 505,920 ...... --=329,185 176,735 209,936 124,877 85,059

      38 CJ)-5 'W<>f Vi'ifk.

      0002 fcl;my 0003 Fficll'l!lj\il Item Sex

      39 q:;-5 ~ \1J'""I'{i{.QlI em ~ m~ \11.'""I JloHI ~ - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      1f<:" fWr 0OO4~ Item Sex Khatima 1iFTfTotal wfturIRural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 1. ~ crf f

      (i) Cf)1~MiI"! czrO/P 11,95~ 11,959 Cultivators '9;o/M 3,160 3,160 R=?ro/F 8,799 8,799 (ii) ~~ czrO/P 7,470' 7,466 4 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 3,234 3,231 3 R=?ro/F 4,236 4,235 (iii) -qftcITttCf> ~ q;lfi czrO/P . 594 576 18 Household industry workers 219 211 8 ~o/F 375 365 10 (iv) 3Rl' q;lfi czro/P 4,213 3,870 343 Other workers '9;o/M· 2,574 2,308 266 R=?ro/F 1,639 1,562 77 11. 1R ~ czrO/P 111,487 101,112 10,375 . Non-workers 48,051 _- 43,872 4,179 tMo/F 63;436 _____ - 57,240 6,196 _.-- 40 cp-5 WR GFlti'Lc'lOU C6T ~ ~ \1I"""I J luHI XlR - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      1lG 13~ 0001~ Item Sex HARDWAR

      (ii i) 4 IRq I R Cf) \3EI)Tr CIJlfi ~o/p 12,961 9,469 3,492 8,394 6,275 2,119 Household industry workers lJo/M 9,159 6,658 2,501 5,949 4,543 1,406 fBl'o/F 3,802 2,811 991 2,445 1,732 713 (iv) 3l"Xl' ~ CZTo/P 197,918 89,721 108,197 105,351 54,008 51,343 Other workers lJo/M 178,849 79.444 99,405 94,416 47,157 47,259 fBl'o/F 19,069 10,277 8,792 10,935 6,851 4,084 10. 3lt'BT Ulo/P 1,021,924 702,018 319,906 548,598 402,775 145,823 Non-workers l10/M 409,753 281,180 128,573 220,206 161,936 58,270 fBl'o/F 612,171 420,838 191,333 328,392 240,839 87,553

      41 q;-5 ~ \jFH1'Lclil em fGrffi ~ \JF·PIOHI "ffR - 2001 A- 5 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      'lOI"G 0002mtm 0003~ Item Sex ___ ~ ______~~H~a~rd~w~a~r ______~ ______~~~~ ____ ~La~k~s~a~r~ ____ ~~~_ "llFT/Total wftuT/Rural ~Urban "llFT/Total wftuT/Rural ~Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ crt fcn.lft. ~ / Area in Sq. Kms, 515.00 469.83 45,17 376.06 371.06 5.00 2. W<11:!ftcrR / Total households 84,188 42,495 41,693 30,907 27,785 3,122 3.W<1~(~~ ClfO/P 479,671 258,904 220,767 189,275 171,033 18,242 ~~~) -go/M 257,311 138,077 119,234 101,348 91,507 9,841 Total popUlation (including institutional 1"F.;ro/F 222,360 120,827 101,533 87,927 79,526 8,401 and houseless population) 4. 0-6 3n

      ---- 42 "1~ 1~1I UT~~Cb \iI"1~ IOIY"lI x:rR URBAN PRIMAY CENSUS ABSTRACT 'CP-5 ~ Gl'1tilL«I1 q;y ~ ~filCh Gt"1~loHI ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~~/~/ WC1 \ii"1 ti <-ell I (WWm ai'R ~ 0-6 3ll

      ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

      00 ~(~.1:f.) 618 2,769 1,463 1,306 334 170 164 04 ~ ('"i.1:f.) 3fffif 478 2,175 1,141 1,034 282 143 139 06 ~(~.1:f.)~ 140 594 322 272 '52 27 25 01 \3't1'(ChI~fl 01 1,320 6,095 3,434 2,661 865 489 376

      01 'iI"\1,

      01 ~("'l.1:f.) 147 605 578 27 2 02~

      02 ~(~.q.) 401 1,682 1,224 458 146 77 69 02 ~ ("'l.'Q1.q.) 3,053 13,204 7,995 5,209 1,601 844 757 02.. ~ ~ ("'l.'Q1.'I:f.) 4,891 19,833 11,139 8,694 2,111 1,138 973

      02 ~("'l.1:f.) 356 1,704 1,062 642 205 110 95 02 ~("'l.1:f.) 1,588 7,303 4,221 3,082 892 495 397 02 ~("'l.1:f.) 1,593 6,977 3,907 3,070 888 481 407 03 '6SiUlWI *

      03 ~(~.1:f.) 134 482 469 13

      03 ~(~.1:f.) 554 2,250 1,423 827 291 156 135 04~~ 04 ~("'l.1:f,) 241 1,040 597 443 116 56 60

      04 ~("'l.'Q1.'C[.) .. 5,476 25,423 16,482 8,94~ 2,614 1,386 1,228 04 '<11m ("'l.1:f.) . 1,528 6,580 3,905 2,675 785 411 '374 04 ~("'l.'CfT.'I:f.) \964 5,304 3,247 2,057 557 299 258 04 ~(vr."'l,) 2,525 .11,444 6,407 5,037 1,608 909 699 04 ',!f.r qjt ~ ("'l.1:f.) 1,663 7,880 4,988 2,892 1,062 561 501 \__j 05 atl'

      05 ~(mq,) 880 3,496 2,162 1,334 435 236 199 05 FciC'f)Ifl1'I" ("'l.I:fT.q.) 2,247 12,486 6,573 5,913 1,563 846 717 05 ~("'l.1:f.) 1,657 9,243 4,871 4,372 1,247 689 558 05 ~"'l.X1. 105,000 53~,263 J83,064 247,199 60,862 32,648 28,214 05 (q;) ~ ("'l.f.r.) 84,012 426,674 224,?46 2{)2, 128 48,492 25,961 22,531 05 (~) cpr ~ ~ 3lR 1,172 5,424 2,860 2,564 603 334 269 ~ Ill?r (\If,~.)

      05 (Tf)~(UTq.) 10,845 53,675 31,340 22,335 6,258 3,361 2,897 05 (tl) ~ CJ\:R (UT q.) 3,733 19,569 11,401 8,168 2,623 1,433 1,190 - .._ 05 (6') ~ (\If,1.) 5,238 - '- 24,921 12,917 12,004 2,886 1,559 1,327 05 ~1.X1. 6,040 29,329 16,573 12,756 3,091 1,642 1,449 05 (Cii) ~ (1.'CfT.q.) ..- 5,225 26,075 14,779 11,296 2,791 1,497 1,294 05 (~)~('i:9T'C[.) , 815 3,254 1,794 1,460 300 145 .155 05 ~(1.1:f.) 1,509 8,043 4,338 3,705 941 466 475 05 ~1.X1. '15,818 78,805· 43,183 35,622 9,751 5,221 4,530

      44 cp-5 ~ \7I"'Iti&l1 q;y ~ lmI~Cf) \71"'1 1101"'11 ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~~ ~\11"'1\11IR1m m~ Urban Agglomeration! City! qft" \1I"'1"1"i&l1 ~~ Literates Town!OG Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes population population

      ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 397 189 208 2 2 2,183 1,211 972 Devaprayag (NP) 326 150 176 2 2 1,661 917 744 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 71 39 32 522 294 228 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 Uttarkashi 937 481 456 19 15 4 4,428 2,784 1,644 Barkot (NP) 2,377 1,269 1,108 217 115 102 12,522 7,641 4,881 Uttarkashi (MB) 5 5 526 516 10 Gangotri (NP) 02 Chamoli 70 46 24 13 7 6 1,451 1,123 328 Badrinathpuri (NP) 1',618 885 733 1,266 632 634 9,934 6,477 3,457 Joshimath (MB) 3,382 1,877 1,505 1,141 575 566 15;841 9,452 6,3,89 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MB) 505 275 230 161 77 84 1,134 753 381 Nandprayag (NP) 1,628 906 722 83 51 32 5,727 3,445 2,282 Gochar (NP) 1,321 664 657 90 53 37 5,202 3,115 2,087 Kamaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag * 22 22 9 • 9 320 313 7 Kedarnath (NP) 274 167 107 20 10 10 1,691 1,127 564 Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri G"arhwjll 153 79 74 790 484 306 Kirtinagar (NP) 2,356 1,336 1,020 347 303 44 19,584 13,385 6,199 Tehri (MB) 502 300 202 20 18 2 4,997 3,181 1,816 Chamba (NP) 983 544 439 32 17 15 4,126 2,652 1,474 Narendranagar (MB) 154 86 68 11 7 4 8,563 5,235 3,328 Dhaluwala (CT) 807 475 332 6 5 5,743 3,953 1,790 Muni Ki Reti (NP) 05 Dehradun 767 420 347 868 497 371 2,593 1,731 862 Chakrata (CB) 1,712 903 809 306 168 138 9,270 5,090 4,180 (MB) 1,371 706 665 127 78 49 6,331 3,597 2,734 (NP) 62,858 33,191 29,667. 2,477 1,392 1,085 406,639 228',043 178,596 Dehradun UA 52,860 27,956 24,904 1,930 1,090 840 324,929 179,292 145,637 (a) Dehradun (M.Corp) 1,082 569 513 170 91 79 4,316 2,378 1,938 (b) Forest Research Institute & College Area (CT)

      4,267 .2,242 2,025 100 53 47 42,589 26,247 16,342 (c) Dehradun (CB)

      1,604 830 774 13 5 8 14,770 9,262 5,508 (~) (CB) 3,045 1,594 1,451 264 153 111 20,035 10,864 9,171 (e) RaipOr (CT) 4,875 2,633 2,242 229 132 97 22,625 13,689 8,936 UA 4,283 2,322 1,961 140 87 53 20,137 12,182 7,955 (a) Mussoorie (MB) 592 311 281 89 45 44 2,488 1,507 981 (b) Landaur (CB) 608 322 286 15 5 10 6,086 3,531 2,555 (NP) 8,555 4,557 3,998 118 65 53 58,583 34,496 24,087 Rishikesh UA

      45 C5'-5 ~ \J1'1~~1 Cj)J ~ Ule!i'¥llb \J1'1'lol'1l ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~~/mx/ ~Cj)Iff G~j tiel'll f<:i CI> Cj)Iff cfltiCl>If<:iCl> ~ 'ClIT ~ CIR'

      Cl>1~t1C1>I~ Cultivators

      ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

      ~("'l.ll.) 794 718 76 760 684 76 7 4 3 ~ ("'l.ll.) atmr 624 555 69 590 521 69 ~ ("'l.ll.) atmr 170 163 7 170 163 7 7 4 3 01 \3'tNCf)I~

      ~("'l.ll.) 1,944 1,431 513 1,791 1,380 411 440 194 246 ~("'l.QT.1:f.) 5,211 4,156 1,055 4,929 3,977 952 166 36 132 ~("'f.ll.) 584· 559 25 . 515 496 19 02 "'tl1ffi;fi

      ~~("'l.ll.) 1,080 1,024 56 950 920 30 8 8 ~("'l.QT.1:f.) 5,788 4,763 1,025 5,300 4,507 793 . 693 246 447 ~ ~ ("'f.QT.1i.) 6,138 4,710 1,426 5,464 4,245 1,219 550 131 419

      ~("'f.ll.) 732 639 93 351 303 48

      $R' ("'f.ll.) 2,~28 2,046 762 2,333 1,737 596 521 114 407 ~("'l.ll.) 2,316 1,807 509 1,972 1,538 434 324 73 251 03 ,<,sHI'llI'1 * ~("'l.ll.) 468 460 6 420 413 7

      ~("'f.ll.) 945 686 59 909 852 57 04~~ ~("'f.ll.) 356 303 53 325 272 53 6 2 4 ~("'f.QT.1:f.) 11,569 10,764 605 11,306 10,526 780 11 7 4

      ~("'l.ll.) 2,393 2,150 243 2,190 1,979 211 26 13 15

      ~("'f.QT.q.) 2,091 ~,896 193 1,744 1,586 158 13 12

      ~(\i[."'l.) 3,162 2,920 242 2,925 2,740 185 23 13 10

      ~ qjT ~ ("'f.ri.) 2,444 2,289 155 -2,242 2,104 1:38 5 5 05 ~5~1C;:'1 WRl'

      PciC/iI'!11'1~ ("'l.'CfT.1:f.) 3,801 3,380 421 2,916 2,665 251 42 42 ~("'l.q.) 2,448 2,155 293 2,238 2,006 232 183 157 26 ~"'l.~. 156,013 135,654 20,359 142,781 125,068 17,713 848 652 196 (Cfj')~("'l.f.'r.) 121,773 104,330 17,443 110,960 95,744 15,216 579 454 125 ("

      (T[)~(mq.) 19,561 18,029 1,532 18,425 17,065 1,340 76 66 10 (tT) ~ CJ\:f1 (m 1i.) 6,773 6,379 394 6,404 6,065 339 106 65 41

      (-;g:)~(VI."'l.) 6,403 5)'08 - 795 5,559 4,931 628 87 67 20 ~"'l.~. 9,493 8,322 1,171 9,103 8,029 1,074 50 42 6 (Cfj')~("'f.QT."Q'.) 8,451 7,395 1,056 8,064 7,104 960 46 38 6


      46 C5-5 ~ \iHti\':..«IOI1 q;y ~ ~/~ ~ \1I"jll01"'l1 "flR - 2001 A-S URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ,,'hhblfc:tCfl Cf#rm ctt ~ Urban Agglomeration! City! Categories of main workers Town!OG ~~ 41RqlRCfl ~ CJ>Iff aA CJ>Iff Agricultur~llabourers Household industry workers Other workers

      ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2

      6 6 747 674 73 Devaprayag (NP) 2 2 588 519 69 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 4 4 159 155 4 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 UUarkashi

      2 2 16 15 1,333 1,169 164 Barkot (NP) 5 3 2 54 33 21 4,702 3,905 797 Uttarkashi (MB) 2 2 513 494 19 Gangotri (NP) 02 Chamoli

      58 51 7 884 861 23 Badrinathpuri'(NP}

      83 5~ 29 59 23 36 4,465 4,184 281 Joshimath (MB) 7 6 228 65 163 4,679 4,043 636 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MB) 17 2 15 334 301 33 Nandprayag (NP) 6 3 3 33 33 1,773 1,587 186 Gochar (NP) 20 15 5 15 11 4 1,613 1,439 174 Karnaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag *

      419 412 7 Kedarnath (NP) 12 12 897 840 57 Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri Garhwal

      7 6 312 264 48 Kirtinagar (NP) 12 12 56 41 15 11,227 10,466 761 Tehri (MB) 5 2 3 2,156 1,963 193 Chamba (NP) 2 2 13 13 1,716 1,559 157 Narendranagar (MB) 14 8 6 25 14 11 2,863 2,705 158 Dhaluwala (CT) 2 11 11 2,224 2,087 137 Muni Ki Reti (NP) 05Dehradun

      2 2 34 23 11 1,3~8 1,252 86 Chakrata (CB) 18 15 3 81 72 9 2,775 2,536 239 Vikasnagar (MB) 139 129 10 66 62 4 1,850 1,658 192 Herbertpur(NP) 597 458 139 2,683 2,121 562 138,653 121,837 16,816 Dehradun UA 499 380 119 2,496 1,981 515 107,386 92,929 14,457 (a) Dehradun (M.Corp) 5 4 1,428 1,239 189 (b) Forest Research Institute & College Area (CT)

      26 18 8 69 48 21 18,254 16,953 1,301 (c) Dehradun (CB) 40 32 8 48 37 11 6,210 5,931 279 (d) Clement Town (CB) 32 28 4 65 51 14 5,375 4,785 590 (e) Raipur (CT) 8 7 172 148 24 8,873 7,832 1,041 Mussoorie UA 8 7 172 148 24 7,838 6,911 927 (a) Mussoorie (MB) 1,035 921 114 (b) Landaur(CB) 17 16 44 42 2 1,575 1,422 153 Doiwala (NP) 13 11 2 566 520 46 20,650 18,975 1,675 Rishikesh UA

      47 cp-5 ~ \iI"1'<1&11 'CPT ~ ~ \iI"1.IOI"11 ~ _- 2001 A-5.URBAN PRI~ARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL.. POPULATION· 2001

      / "Jll"fuJ ~/ ~/ ~ &lI cp I ~ q; i'iff ¢l&llq;I~cp ~ qft ~ ~/ 6IT.fcr. Marginal workers Categories of marginal workers ctll~C1ctll'< ~~ Cultivators Agricultural labourers·

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f$ilit ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ~('i.~.) 34 34 ~ ('i.tf.) 3tffif 34 34 ~ ('i.tf.) 3tffif ;. 01 l3't'1i(q;I~fI

      ~('i.tf.) 153 51 102 6 5 2 \3t1,(">I'i~ ('i.m.1l'.) 282 179 103 51 17 34 8 4 4 ~(~.tf.) 69 63 6 02~ ~('i.tf.) 130 104 26 4 4 ~('i.QT.1l'.) 488 256 232 205 61 144 19 8 11 674 209 94 26 68 -~ ~ ('i.m.1l'.) 465 ~('i.tf.) 381 336 45

      {TJ) ~ (UT 1l'.) 1,136 944 192 12 10 2 10 8 2 ('C!) ~ CJ\R (UT 1l'.) 369 314 55 2 18 2 16

      (~ ~ (iJf.'i.) 844 - -S7J 167 40 3 37 47 37 10 ~'i.'ff. 3~0 293 97 4 4 4 4 (

      48 q;-5 W<>r GHtii@ll Cf)J ~ \IM~(f) \11"'1'1 0 1"'11 ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      3l<'4411~41 ~ <1ft ~ Urban Agglomeration! City! Categories of marginal workers Non-workers Town!OG

      Household industry workers Other workers

      ~ ~ Persons Males • Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 2

      34 34 1,975 745 1 ,230 Devaprayag (NP) 34 34 1,551 586 965 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 424 159 265 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 Uttarkashi 2 2 143 49 94 4,151 2,003 2,148 Barkot (NP) 13 5 8 210 153 57 11,007 5,111 5,896 Uttarkashi (MB) 69 63 6 21 19 2 Gangotri (NP) 02 Chamoli 4 4 122 96 26 602 200 402 Badrinathpuri (NP) 46 3 43 218 184 34 7,416 3,232 4,184 Joshimath (MB) 42 11 31 537 427 110 13,695 6,429 7,266 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MB) 31 5 26 350 331 19 972 423 549 Nandprayag (NP) 13 10 3 350 275 75 4,475 2,175 2,300 Gochar (NP) 16 13 3 276 245 31 4,661 2,100 2,561 Karnaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag *

      48 47 14 9 5 Kedarnath (NP) 34 33 1,305 537 768 Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri Garhwal 2 2 29 29 684 294 390 Kirtinagar (NP) 14 8 6 247 228 19 13,854 5,718 8,136 Tehri (MB) 3 3 175 163 12 4,187 1,755 2,432 Chamba (NP) 4 2 2 335 309 26 3,213 1,349 1,864 Narendranagar (MB)

      5 5 20~ 166 43 8,282 3,487 4,795 Dhaluwala (CT) 2 2 200 183 17 5,436 2,699 2,737 Muni Ki Reti (NP) 05Dehradun 5 4 66 58 8 2,045 821 1,224 Chakrata (CB) 47 24 23 767 644 123 8,685 3,193 5,492 Vikasnagar (MS) 8 4 4 155 120 35 6,795 2,716 4,079 Herbertpur (NP) 572 314 258 11,794 9,683 2,111 374,250 147,410 226,840 Dehradun UA 538 300 238 9,540 7,760. 1,780 304,901 120,216 184,685 (a) Dehradun (M.Corp) 68 63 5 3,921 1,552 2,369 (b) Forest Research Institute & College Area (CT)

      11 2 9 1,103 924 179 34,114 13,311 20,803 (c) Dehradun (CB) ;348 311 37 12,796 5,022 7,774 (d) Clement Town (CB) 22 12 10 735 625 110' 18,518 7,309 11,209 (e) Raipur (CT) 14 7 7 368 282 86 19,836 8,251 11,585 Mus500ne UA 14 7 7 365 280 85 17,624 7,384 10,240 (a) Mussoorie (MS) 3 2 2,212 867 1,345 (b) Landaur (CB) 9 7 2 486 451 35 5,833 2,329 3,504 Doiwala (NP) 147 86 61 1,596 1,301 295 55,744 22,217 33,527 Rishikesh UA

      49 cp-5 ~ GH'tl('<41 (j)J ~ \mOIfllq; \J1"1 l IOI"1I ~ - 2001


      0-6 3Wl~ ~~ District Total Total population (including institutional Population in the Code households and houseless population) age group 0-6 ~ fuirnt ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

      05 (q;) ~ (<[.Gl.-q.+'il1.~.) 13,022 66,189 36,550 29,639 8,659 4,620 4,039 05 (i) ~ (<[.Gl.-q.) 11,654 59,540. 33,048 26,492 7,770 4,129 3,641 05 (ii)~(m.~.) 1,368 6,649 3,502 3,147 889 491 398 05 (~ ~ (3ft.<[.) 2,796 12,616 6,633 5,983 1,092 601 491 05 ~ (\if.<[.) 1,404 7,077 3,514 3,563 1,001 541 460

      06~ 06 ~ ·(<[.Gl.1:f.) 4,083 19,658 11,198 8,460 1,946 1,064 882 06 ~ (<[.m.ll'.) 5,542 24,743 13,238 11,505 2,897 1,534 1,363 06 ~(m.ll'.) 1,483 7,902 5,048 2,854 728 407 321

      06 ~ (<[.m.ll'.) 611 2.998 1,748 1,250 357 206 151 06 ~ (<[.m.ll'.) 4,700 24.947 13,178 11,769 3,589 1,944 1,645 06 - q;1~~\!ISj~ (\if.<[.) 1,832 9,033 4,623 4,410 1,175 .643 532 07 ~\(Illij

      07 ~ ~ (\if.":f.) 759 3,739 1,901 1,838 652 347 305 07 ~(":f.tt.) 1,544 6.324 3,399 2,925 833 460 373 07 ~ (<[.tt.) 1,256 4,806 2,637 2,169 618 336 282 07 ~ (";l'.Gl.-q.) 10,194 44,964 24,868 20,096 5,292 2,910 2.382 08~ 08 ~ ('l.m.t:f.) 1,699 7,803 4,311 3,492 1,077 586 491 09~ 09 GTmTC ('l.tt.) 687 3,092 1,629 1,463 324 177 147 09 ~(m.-q.) 3,601 19,055 11,532 7,523 1,921 1,035 886 09 ~<[.'fI'. Z.,023 32,358 17,559 14,799 3,324 1,749 1,575 09 (q;) ~ (<[.Gl.t:f.) 6,661 30,154 16,038 14,116 3,076 1.617 1.459 09 (~~(m.-q.) 362 2,204 1,521 683 248 132 • 116 ~ 10 "i:[+qJCffi

      10 ~(<[.tt.) 1,318 5,829 3,252 2,577 814 476 338

      10 ~(":f.tt.) 965 3,959 2,283 1,676 570 310 260

      10 ~ (":f.Gl.t:f.) !,913 15,811 8,454 7,357 2,445 1,304 1,141 1 0

      11 ~":f.'fI'. 8,647 39,911 21,645 18.266 3,985 2.076 1.909 11 (q;) ~ (

      11 ~-~-q;]Q1"])-zyr -29,384 158,896 84,541 74,355 21.711 11,572 10,139 ("'I.m.'4.+m.~.) cn-5 ~ \if .... tk..

      ~~ ~\J1"i\J1IR1m "ffiffi" Urban Agglomeration/ City/ qft~ qft~ Literates Town/OG Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes population population

      ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

      6,379 3,403 2,976 115 64 51 48,481 28,833 19,648 (a) Rishlkesh (MB+OG) 5,910 3,153 2,757 109 61 48 43,565 26,074 17,491 (i) Rishikesh (MB) 469 250 219 6 3 3 4,916 2,759 2,157 (ii) Rishikesh (OG) 2,176 1,154 1,022 3 2 10,102 5,663 4,439 (b) Virbhadrll (ITS) 669 350 319 279 150 129 4,871 2,619 2,252 Pratitnagar (CT) 06 Garhwal

      2,248 1,247 1,001 90 46 44 16,059 9,480 6,579 Srinagar (MB) 3,225 1,729 1,496 124 76 48 19,704 11,109 8,595 Pauri (MB) 910 491 419 5 4 6,780 4',551 2,229 Lansdowne (CB) 566 285 281 5 3 2 2,357 1,449 908 Dogadda (MB) 1,611 837 774 5 5 17,261 9,622 7,639 Kotdwara (MS) 1,305 699 606 17 10 7 6,789 3,695 3,094 Kashirampur (CT) 07 Pithoragarh

      1,123 562 561 419 206 213 2,370 1,388 982 Dharchula Dehat (eT) 873 459 414 2,204 1,052 1,152 4,657 2,719 1,938 Dharchula (NP) 939 507 432 655 308 347 3,805 2,206 . 1,599 Didihat (NP) 5,447 2,855 2,592 1,067 515 552 36,463 21,102 15,361 Pithoragarh (MB) 08 Bageshwar

      1,599 825 774 324 153 171 5,830 3,381 2,449 Bageshwar (MB) 09 AImora

      648 336 312 20 10 10 2,501 1,391 1,110 Dwarahat (NP) 2,545 1,347 1,198 39 21 18 15,492 9,835 5,657 RaniKhet (CB) 5,107 2,671 2,436 331 175 156 26,867 14,997 11 ,870 AimoTa UA 4,842 2,495 2,347 306 153 153 25,168 13,761 11,407 (a) Almora (MS) 265 176 89 25 22 3 1,699 1,236 .offi3 (b) Almora (CB) 10 Champawat

      748 399 349 31 18 13 4,470 2,562 1,908 Lohaghat (NP) 604 335 269 33 14 19 2,894 1,775 1,119 Champawat (NP) 1,857 987 870 45 25 20 10,137 5,921 4,216 Tanakpur (MB) 1,320 688 632 li8 32 26 5,444 3,154 2,290 Banbasa (eT) 11 Nainital

      8,827 4,640 4,187 227 124 103 32,162 18,406 13,756 Naintal UA 8,497 4,469 4,028 227 124 103 31,117 17,830 13,287 (a) Nainital (MB) 330 111 159 1,045 576 469 (b) Nainital (CB) 1,179 622 557 5 2 3 4,399 2,453 1,946 Bhowali (MB) 1,433 746 687 28 13 15 4,539 2,546 1,993 Bhimtal (NP) 15,051 7,895 7,156 693 345 348 111,721 62,415 49,306 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA

      15,051 7,895 7,156 693 345 348 111,721 62,415 49,306 Haldwanl-Gum-Kathgodam (MB+OG)

      51 'ij)-5 ~ \1I'1:fl&l1 Cffi' ~ tlll!lfliCb \1I'1 l I0 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~ ~/ ~/ ~ i1ff ,M4>I~4> iiff cfld4>Ift:l4> if*ll¥ qft ~ ~/ ill. fcr. Total workers . Main workers Categories of main workers

      4>1~t14>I'< Cultivators

      ~ .~ ~~~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Ma~ Femares 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

      (q;) ~~ (';f."QT.tJ.+iIT.fct)~ 19,647 17,994 1,653 18,029 16,717 1,312 29 24 5 (i)·~(';f.m.tJ.) 17,969 16,441 1,528 16,491 15,272 1,219 26 21 5 (i~ ~ (iIT.~.) 1,678_ 1,553 125 1,538 1,445 93 3 3 <

      06~ ~ (';f."QT.tJ.) 4,803 4.245 . 558 4,509 3,995 514 '5 3 2 ~ (1'."QT.tJ.) 7,012 5,680 1,332 6,442 5,237 1,205 247 37. 210 ~(m.tJ.) 3,403 3,160 243 3,286 3,055 231 50 49

      ~ (';f.lll.tJ.) 925 860 65 876 813 63 2 ~ (';f."QT.tJ.) 6,965 6,220 745 6,309 5,690 619 22 15 7 Cf>1~fNllj9>'< (VI. ';f.) 2,061 1,826 235 1,727 1,550 177 22 18 4 07 ftN:niClllij

      ~~(VI.';f.) 1,482 918 564 796 644 152 146 107 39 ~(';f.ti.) 2,118 1,537 581 1,630 1,318 312 18 11 7 ~(';f.rt.) 1,40)1 1,109 292 1,177 1,004 173 2 2 ~ (';f."QT.tJ.) 12,895 10,941 1,954 1(858 10,289 1,569 197 61 136 08~ ~ (';f.tn.tJ.), 2,466 2,047 419 2,245 1,892 353 52 , 11 41 09~ &RTm' (';f.ti.) 914 648 266 847 618 229 151 15 136 ~(UT.Il".) 7,179 6,6:J5 544 6,758 6,253 505 11 10 ~';f.~. 9,455 T.915 1,540 8,889 7,434 1,455 17 15 2 (q;) ~ (';f."QT.q.) 8,290 6,809 1,481 7;750 6,338 1,412 862 (

      ~(';f.rt.) 1,584 1,419 165 1,504 1,346 158 ~(';f.ti.) 1,501 1,211 290 1,331 1,087 244 163 38 125

      ~ (';f.tn."ti.) - 4,496 4,113 383 3,811 3,529 282 15 14'

      ~(VI.1'.) 2,373 1,950 423 2,085 1,811 274 281 134 147 11 ~;ftdl('l ~';f.~. 11,523 9,6U4 1,919 10,865 9,044 1,821 55 42 13 (

      ~-w-cl>ld·ilGIIj 43,756 39,289 4,467 40,599 36,732 3,867 194 157 37 (';f. "QT.q.+'ilT. ~.) cp-5 ~ \1l""lti'Blll q;J ~ ~/~ UltIfliCb \1l""lJIOI""l1 ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      c~hhj)J~Cf) ~ q\T ~ Urban Agglomeration! City! Categories of main workers Town! OG ,~~ ql~ql~Cf) ~ "CflllT 3R" "CflllT Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers

      ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

      10 8 2 553 511 42 17,437 16,174 1,263 (a) Rishikesh (MS+OG) 7 5 2 532 492 40 15,926 14,754 1,172 (i) Rishikesh (MS) 3 3 21 19 2 1,511 1,420 91 (ii) Rishikesh (OG) 3 3 13 9 4 3,213 2,801 412 (b) (ITS) 36 27 .9 3 3 1,107 1,035 72 Pratitnagar (CT) 06 Garhwal

      3 3 80 71 9 4,421 3,918 503 Srinagar (MS) 12 10 2 95 87 8 6,088 5,103 985 Pauri (MS)

      3 3 3 3 3,230 3,003 227 Lansdowne (~S) 2 2 20 19 852 791 61 Ddgadda (MS) 6 5 90 80 10 6,191 5,590 601 Kotdwara (MS) 26 26 52 49 3 1,627 1,457 170 Kashirampur (CT) 07 Pithoragarh

      60 25 35 590 512 78 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 2 2 129 26 103 1,481 1,279 202 Dharchula (NP) 2 55 21 34 1,118 980 138 Didihat (NP) 15 10 5 124 98 26 11,522 10,120 1,402 Pithoragarh (MS) 08 Bageshwar· 2 2 57 26 31 2,134 1,853 281 .Bageshwar (MB) 09Almora

      11 11 684 592 92 Dwarahat (NP) 4 4 86 80 6 6,657 6,159 498 Ranikhet (CS) 36 34 2 94 91 3 8,742 7,294 1,448 A1mora UA 5 4 94 91 3 7,643 6,237 1,406 (a) Almora (MB) 31 30 1,099 1,057 42 (b) Almora (CB) 10 Champawat

      48 47 1,45? 1,298' 157 Lohaghat (NP) 2 2 1,166 1,047 119 Champawat (NP) 11 11 52 42 10 3,733 3,462 271 Tanakpur (MB) 46 40 6 57 55 2 1,701 1,582 119 Sanbasa (CT) 11 Nainital 24 18 6 129 106 ' 23 10,657 8,878 1,779 Naintal UA 24 18 6 127 105 22 10,315 8,602 1,713 (a) Nainital (MS) 2 342 276 66 (b) Nainital LeS) 2 6 6 1,425 1,245 180 Bhowali (MB) 16 13 3 14 12 2 1,661 1,323 338 Bhimtal (NP) 170 120 50 548 454 94 39,687 36,001 3,686 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA

      170 120 50 548 454 94 39,687 36,001 3,686 Haldwani-cum-Kathgodam (MB+OG)

      53 C5'-5 ~ U1'1'<1&11 q;r ~ ~ U1'1.I OI'1I 'flR - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      ~~/·WX/ 31 ('q C/) If<;j C/) "C!>1ff . 31 ('q C/)I f<;j C/) iM"iH <1ft ¥iTlit ~/ m.fcr. Marginal workers Categories of marginal workers C/) I~(1 C/) I"{ ~~ Cultivators Agricultural labourers

      ~ ~ fBfm ~ ~ f?5rm "- "Uifckf ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

      (CIJ) ~ ("f.l:IT.ti.HIT.~.) 1,618 1,277 341 1 . 57 46 11 (i) ~ ("f.l:IT.ti.) 1,478 1,169 309 49 38 11' (ii) ~ (


      ~ (.,.l:IT.1l.) 294 250 44 7 7 ~ (.,.QT.ti.) 570 443 127 94 39 55 11 6 5 ~(m.ti.) 117 105 12

      ~ (.,.l:IT.1l.) 49 47 2 10 10 ~(.,.l:IT.tn 656 530 126 2 2 1 1 Cj)1~ft{T'1~ (~.

      &RTmC (


      'fl'tTlCR[ (

      ~ (

      ~(~ ..,.) 288 ' 139 149 142 31 111 56 39 17 11 ~;:fldlcl ~

      ~-~-Cj)ld·nC;I'1 3,157 2,557 600 10 6 4 126 85 41 (

      3l(>Q Cf) I R:I Cf) "CI#n:IT ~ ~ Urban Agglomeration! City! Categories of marginal workers Non-workers Town!OG

      Household inoostry workers Other workers

      ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 46 47 "48 49 50 51 52 53 54 2

      143 86 57 1,417 1,144 273 46,542 18,556 27,986 (a) Rishikesh (MB+OG) 127 76 51 1,301 1,054 247 41,571 16,607 24,964 (i) Rishikesh (MB) 16 10 6 116 90 26 4,971 1,949 3,022 (ii) Rishikesh (OG) 4 4 179 157 22 9,202 3,661 5,541 (b) Virbhadra (ITS) 5 2 3 127 90 37 5,577 2,207 3,370 Pratltnagar (CT) 06 Garhwal 15 5 10 272 245 27 14,855 6,953 7,902 Srinagar (MB) 39 25 14· 426 373 53 17,731 7,558 10,173 Paun(MB) 117 105 12 4,499 1,88& 2,611 Lansdowne (CB) 2 2 37 35 2 2,073 888 1,185 Dogadda (MB) 18 2 16 635 527 108 17,982 6,958 11,024 Kotdwara (MB) 13 8 5 293 250 43 6,972 2,797 4,175 Kashirampur (CT) 07 Pithoragarh 214 16 198 253 220 33 2,257 983 1,274 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 238 32 206 223 180 43 4,206 1,862 2,344 Dharchula (NP) 105 11 94 118 94 24 3,405 1,528 1,877 Didihat (NP) 96 45 51 650 541 109 32,069 13,927 18,142 Pithoragarh (MB) 08 Bageshwar 7 6 197 153 44 5,337 2,264 3,073· Bageshwar (MB) 09Almora 29 26 3 2,178 981 1,197 Dwarahat (NP) 19 17 2 400 363 37 11,876 4,897 6,979 Ranikhet (CB) 26 16 10 534 464 70 22,903 9,644 13,259 Almora UA 20 16 4 519 454 65 21,864 9,229 12,635 (a) Almora (MB) 6 6 15 10 5 1,039 415 624 (b) Almora (CB) 10 Champawat 3 2 76 71 5 4,245 1,833 2,412 Lohaghat (NP) 4 2 2 129 110 19 2,458 1,072 1,386 Champawat (NP) 30 19 11 644 557 87 11,315 4,341 6,974 Tanakpur (MB) 16 10 6 74 59 15 5,806 2,329 3,477 Banbasa (CT) 11 Nainital 8 5 3 644 549 95 28,388 12,041 16,347 Naintal UA

      8 5 3 600 515 85 27,4!;l5 11,683 15,~12 (a) Nainital (MB) 44 34 10 893 358 535 (b) Nainital (CB) 3 3 216 174 42 3,854 1,529 2,325 Bhowali (MB) 25 4 21 169 112 57 3,885 1,670 2,215 Bhimtal (NP) 104 34 70 2,917 2,432 485 115,140 45,252 69,888 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA

      104 34 70 2,917 2,432 485 115,140 45,252 69,888 Haldwani-cum-Kathgodam (MB+OG)

      55 q;-5 ~ \"HI('j'Lc~1I q;-r ~ ~ \jFtlIUI"'II'~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~'PT ~~/~/ ~ ~~(~3TRffi 0-6~~ m cnoo/ m.fct ~ ~~) ~ \i1'1fiMI District Total Total population (including institutional Population in the

      Code households and houseless populatio~) age group 0-6

      'f.lIfcffi ~ ~ 'f.lIfcffi ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

      11 (i) ~-~-Cf>ICl'nC:11i 23,083 129,015 68,755 60,260 18,159 9,583 8,576 ("i."QT.q.) 11 (ii) ~3Tf G)1f[ ~ ('ILfcr.) 250 1,166 615 551 113 70 43

      11, (iii) ctiRcT (~ 187 • 915 492 423 119 66 53 ~(

      11 - (vii) ~ ~ ~ (

      11 (viii)~(~,~ 1,687 '7,803 4,086 3,717 ·800 470 330 fuR~~~ l:J>l1'I)(m.fcr.)

      11 (ix)~;am(~ 183 848 479 369 91 51 40

      11 (x) ~ WID (Cf'f ~ 56 192 90 102 41 20 21 ~(

      11 (xi) ~ ~ (

      ./ 11 (xiii) "WWf ~ (

      12 lJSCIT 6liRT ~ ("i. 'If.) 924 6,103 3,205 2,898 1,137 602 535 12 ~ ("i."QT.1<:) 5,780 38,937 20,523 18,414 6,818 3,569 3,249 12 ~ ("i."QT.1<.) 15,625 92,967 48,943 44,024 13,648 7,154 6,494 12 .~ ~ (VT."i.) 868 4,200 2,393 1,807 614 331 283 12 ~~("i.'If.) 1,238 8,858 4,707 4,151 1,924' 1,005 919 12 'tlcldl'19i< ("i.1"f.) 1_.256 7,714 '4,111 3,603 1,515 832 683 ...,_ 12 ~ ("i."QT.1<.) 3,985 21,792 11,937 9,855 3,304 1,821 1,483 12 ~("i.'If.) 1,034 7,182 4,113 3,669 1,796 928 868

      12 ~ ("i."QT."Cf.) 2,422 13,645 7,314 6,331 2,286 1,283 1,003 12 ~("i.1"f.) -,1,572 8,856 4,598 4,258 1,540 802 738 12 ~ ("i."QT.1<.) 16,229 88,676 47,293 41,383 15,201 8,050 7,151

      56 en-S W<" GI"'Itj{.QOII cnr ~ tllt!lIlICh GI"'I*I"'II WR - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~~ ~Gt'1GtIRt41 m~ Urban Agglomeration! City! ~ Gt'1'<"i&:l1 ~~ Literates Town!OG Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes population population

      ~ ~ ~ ~ fBnn ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons• Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 2

      12,233 6,410 5,823 512 253 259 87,949 49,386 38,563 (i) Haldwani-cum-Kathgodam (MB)

      47 26 21 6 3 3 981 531 450 (ii). Dhamua Dhoga Bandobasti (OG)

      84 40 44 737 413 324 (iii) Korta (Chanmari Mohalla.) (OG)

      209 101 108 12 8 4 983 518 465 (iv) Byura (OG) 25 15 10 96 48 48 1,832 983 849 (v) Bamon Malli (OG) 104 64 40 9 3 6 2,865 1,578 1,287 (vi) Bamori Talli Bandobasti, Amrawati Colony, Shakti Vihar, Bhatt Colony (OG)

      3 3 159 101 58 (vii) Bamori Talli Kham (OG)

      213 114 99 17 8 9 6,559 3,483 3,076 (viii) Mukhani (Roopnagar, Basant Vihar Colony and JU9ges Farm) (OG)

      .?2. 52 30 5 3 2 647 377 270 (ix) Manpur Uttar (Palika Yatayat Nagar) (OG)

      14 5 9 115 ' 61 54 (x) Harf'pur Siikha (Van· Cancer Hospital) (OG)

      560 307 253 21 12 9 3,063 1,706- 1,358 (xi) Haldwani Talli (OG) 73 40 33 1,025 571 454 (xii) Gojajally Uttar (Shishu Bhartiya Vidya Mandir) (OG)

      338 164 174 12 7 5 2,859 1,572 r,287 (xiii) Kusum Khera (OG) 1,069 557 512 1,947 1,1;36 811 (xiv) Bithoria No.1 (OG) 4,161 2,133 2,028 30 18 12 30,029 16,926 13,103' Ramnagar (MS) 863 449 414 3,777 2,235 1,542 Kaladhungi (NP) 739 389 350 16 12 4 4,507 2,709 1,798 Lalkuan (NP) 1.2 Udham Singh Nagar * 818 436 382 3,538 2,133 1,405 Mahua Dalfra Haripura (NP) 2,661 1,437 1,224 22,964 13,517 9,447 (MB) 4,860 2,584 2,276 74 39 35 61,981 35,188 26,793 Kashipur (MB)' 434 224 210 4 3 2,979 1,867 1,112 Kachnal Gosain (CT) 2,760 1,488 1,272 3,782 2,529 1,253 (NP) ~- 1,201 655 546 3,960 2,575 1,385 Suitanptlf-(NP) 3,037 1,631 1,406 39 24 15 14,140 8,459 5,681 Bazpur (MB) 284 159 125 9 4 5 2,626 1,742 884 (NP) '881 471 410 14 8 6 8,648 4,960 3,688 (MB) 305 164 141 12 8 4 4,950 2,948 2,002 tNP) 14,419 7,793 6,626 201 100 101 47,786 28,655 19,131 Rudrapur (MB)

      57 Cfi-5 ~ G1"'1ti&:l1 CfiT ~ \AAI~Cf) \1101 410 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~~/~/ ~iiff 1~(jCflI'< Cultivators ,

      ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons -Males. Females 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

      (i) ~-~-CI>ld'~GI&f 36,014 32,621 3,393 33,713 30,717 2,996 61' 49 12 ('.1:lT.tr.) (ii) G113TT Wrrr ~ (orr.fcr.) 285 248 37 262 228 34 6 3 3


      (vii) ~ ~ <5TJl1' (iIT.fcr.) 46 34 12 38 30 8

      (viii) ~ (~, ERFG 1,929 1,623 306 1,784 1,510 274 26 19 7 ~~~~ tfiTIt)(iIT. fcr.)

      (ix)~\3"ffi"(~ 243 226 17 231 222 9

      (xi) ~ ~ (iIT.fcr.) 1,070 971 99 854 789 65 23 23 (xii) '~G1IG1

      (Xiii)_ ~ ~ (orr.fcr.) 946 815 131 912 787 125 49 40 9 (xiv) ~ 'Of. 1 (orr.fcr.) 723 612 111 510 453 57 8 5 3

      ~('.1:lT.tr.) 12,069 10,842 1,227 10,919 10,Q22 897 34 25 9 ~(,.q.) 1,608 1,456 152 1,044 966 78 98 86 12

      ~:m(,.q.) 1,797 1,704 93 1,657 1,589 68 2 2 , 2 \i)tI +t flm ';f1'R * . lfSClT \SlfR1 ~ ("f.tt.) 1,447 1,375 72 1,209 1,166 43 408 407 ~("f.1:lT.tr.) 9,810 9,255 555 8,637 8,221 416 484 475 9 ~("f.1:lT.tr.) 24,236 22,631 1,605 22,156 20,850 1,306 326 308 18

      ~ ('f.1:lT.tr.) 5,~2 5,556 386 4,978 4,703 275 191 187 4 ~("f.q.) / 1,916 1,819 ·97 1,808 1,731 77 248 234 14

      ~ ('f. 1:lT. tr.)· 3,552 3,294 258 3,204 2,991 213 227 222 5 ~(Of.tt.) 2,877 2,201 676 2,318 1,932 386 316 298 18

      ~ (Of.1:lT.tr.) 25,936 22,253 3,683 23,568 20,761 2,807 209 182 27

      58 'CO-5 ~ G1'1ti(.

      c\,hlCf)I~4i ~ ~ ~ Urban Agglomeration/ City/ Categories of main workers Town/OG ~~ 4IRqIR4i ~ "4ilfi 3f'XT "4ilfi Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers -urfcffi .. -urfcffi ~ fBrm ~ R?Tm C2:Ifcffi ~ fBrm Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2

      72 57 15 414 333 81 33,166 30,278 2,888 (i) Haldwani-cum-Kathgodam (MB)

      4 4 252 221 31 (ii) Dhamua Dhoga Bandobasti (OG)

      11 10 204 186 18 (iii) KOrla (Chanmari Mohalla.) (OG)

      256 220 36 (iv) Byura (OG) 6 3 3 480 402 78 (v) Bamori Malli (OG) 17 10 . 7 17 16 891 760 131 (vi) Bamori Talli Bandobasti, Amrawati Colony, Shakti Vihar, Bhatt Colony (OG)

      38 30 8 (vii) BamorLTalii Kham (OG)

      27 19 8 26 21 5 1,705 1,451 254 (viii) Mukhani (Roopnagar, Basant Vihar Colony and Judges Farm) (OG)

      8 7 222 214 8 (ix) Manpur Uttar (Palika Yatayat Nagar) (OG)

      48 42 6 (x) Haripur Sukha (Van Cancer Hospital) (OG)

      12 8 4 14 9 5 805 749 56 (xi) Haldwani Talli (OG) 38 38 306 291 15 (xii) Gojajally Uttar (Shishu Bhartiya Vidya Mandir) (OG)

      26 14 12 20 20 817 713 104 (xiii) Kusum Khera (OG) 4 3 497 444 53 (xiv) Bithoria No.1 (OG) 24 15 9 240 163 77 10,621 9,819 802 Ramnagar (MB) 4 3 28 21 7 914 856 58 Kaladhungi (NP) 2 2 14 10 4 1,639 1,575 64 Lalkuan (NP) 12 Udham Singh Nagar * 157 144 13 45 41 4 599 574 25 Mahua Dabra Haripura (NP) 231 217 14 180 144 36 7,742 7,385 357 Jaspur (MB) 375 359 16 402 335 67 21,053 19,848 1,205 Kashipur (MB) 40 40 15 15 965 944 21 Kachnal Gosain (CT) 366 361 5 157 106 51 676 647 29 Mahua Kheraganj {NP) 585 528 57 20 16 4 819 766 53 Sultanpur (NP) 218 196 22 47 38 9 4,522 4,282 240 Bazpur (MB) 733 709 24 14 13 813 775 38 Kela Khera (NP) 75 74 138 117 21 2,764 2,578 186 Gadarpur (MB) 707 612 95 120 60 60 1,175 962 213 Dineshpur (NP) 1,924 1,567 357 372 312 60 21,063 18,700 2,363 Rudrapur (MB)

      59 q;~5 ~ Gl,,"!tiiLc:lIl CfiT ~ ~ Gl"1~IOI"'II mx - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~~/~/ 3{ <4 Cfll fc1 Cfl q;+ff 3{<4CflIR;iCfl ~ qft ~ 'CflW/ Ell. fcr. Marginal workers Categories of marginal workers CflI~dCflIi( ~~ Cultivators Agri?ulturallabourers

      czrfcffi ~ ~ czrfcffi ~ fBn:ff ~ ~ .f*ilrt . Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persqns Males Females 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

      (i) ~-~-Cj)ld"I~ISj 2,301 1,904 397 8 4 4 27 19 8 ("1.m.q.)

      (ii) ~3lT ~ ~ (

      (iii) cfflcr (~ 25 16 9 ~)(m.f

      (iv) EZ1ffi (m.f


      (viii) ~ (w:RlR,

      (ix)~\3"ffi"(~ 12 4 8 2 2 ~ "'f'R") (ilT.f

      (xi) ~ ~ (m.fJ) \1m (~ 27 19 - 8 4 3 ~ fclm ~)(m.fct.) ./ (xiii) ~ ~ (m.f

      ~("l.m.q.) 1,150 820 330 9 7 2 ~("l.ti.) 564 490 74 6 3 3 ~("l.ct.) 140 115 25 12 ~~ "'1TR *

      1'fS'IT ~ ~ ("l.ci.) 238 209 29 11 7 4 180 170 10' ~("1.m.q.) 1,173 1,034 139 13 11 2 71 63 8 ~("l.m.q.) 2,0ae- 1,781 299 12 4 8 116 98 18 ~~(\jf."1.) 68 39 29 2 2 39 20 19 , 1'fS'IT ~ ("1.ti.) 763 524 239 59 28 31 394 274 120 '(j

      ~("1.m.q.) 964 ---"ffi53-- 111 16 16 128 90 38 ~.(1'.ti.) 108 88 20 60 58 2

      ~("1,m.q.) 348 303 45 3 3 58 50 8 ~("1.ti.) 559 269 290 4 3 301 217 84 .W""" (~mTT\ 2,368 1,492 . 876 13 8 5 422 219 ·203

      60 cp-5 ~ \1I"1ti'L«ll1 Cf)J ~ ~ \11'1 110 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ;jjc;qCflIR>!Cl'> ~ ~ ~ Urban Agglomeration! City! Categories of marginal workers Non-workers Town!OG

      Household industry workers Other workers

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 2

      59 14 45 2,207 1,867 340 93,001 36,134 56,867 (i) Haldwani-cum-Kathgodam (MB)

      17 17 881 367 514 (ii) Dhamua Dhoga Bandobasti (OG)

      3 2 22 15 7 675 280 395 (iii) Korla (Chanmari Mohalla.) (OG)

      13 12 980 390 590 (iv) Byura (OG) 51 34 17 1,615 690 925 (v) Bamori Malli (OG) 76 53 23 2,605 1,077 1,528 (vi) Bamori Talli Bandobasti, Amrawati Colony, Shakti Villar, Bhatt Colony (OG)

      3 2 152 85 67 (vii) Bamori Talli Kham (OG)

      17 11 6 97 76 21 5,874 2,463 3,411 (viii) Mukhani (Roopnagar, Basant Vihar Colony and Judges Farm) (OG)

      3 3 7 2 5 605 253 352 (ix) Manpur Uttar (Palika Yatayat Naglr) (OG)

      6 4 2 128 35 93 (x) Haripur Sukha (Van Cancer I:lospital) (OG)

      2 6 175 156 19 3,007 1,170 1,837 (xi) Haldwani Talli (OG) 22 16 6 962 373 589 (xii) Gojajally Uttar (Shishu Bharllya Vldya Mandir) (OG)

      5 4 28 23 5 2,595 1,070 1,525 (xiii) Kusum Khera (OG) 6 5 193 155 38 2,060 865 1,195 (xiv) Bithoria No.1 (OG) 16 10 6 1,124 803 321 34,136 13,329 20,807 Ramnagar (MB) 32 27 5 526 460 66 4,520 1,771 2,749 Kaladhungi (NP) 7 3 4 133 112 21 4,727 1,864 2,863 Lalkuan (NP) 12 Udham Singh Nagar * 19' 8 11 28 24 4 4,656 1,830 2,826 Mahua Dabra Haripura ~NP) 58 18 40 1,031 942 89 29,127 11,268 17,859 Jaspur (MB) 87 37 50 1,865 1,642 223 68,731 26,312 42,419 Kashipur (MB) 6 2 21 17 4 3,035 1,278 1,757 Kachnal Gosain (CT) 41 14 27 269 208 61 6,412 2,588 3,824 Mahua Kheraganj (NP) 4 3 97 51 46 5,504 2,171 3,333 Sultanpur (NP) 26 5 21 794 742 52 15,850 6,381 9,469 Bazpur (MB) 3 3 45 30 15 5,866 2,294 3,572 Kela Khera (NP) 8 3 5 279 247 32 10,093 4,020 6,073 Gadarpur (MB) 27 4 23 227 45 182 5,979 2,397 3,582 Dineshpur (NP) 66 23 43 1,867 1,242 625 62,740 25,040 37,700 Rudrapur (MB)


      9·--1:3 RGI/ND/05 cn-5 ~ \Jl'1tiILOllI cnT "1'1TfuI, ~ \Jl'1.l ol'1l ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      ~CIlT ~~/~/ ~ ~~(~3fR~ 0-6~~ m ~/ orr.f

      'CZlfcR; ~ ~ 'CZlfcR; ~ fBIm Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

      12 ~C\i[·"'f·) 4,635 22,947 12,670 10,277 2,907 1,529 1,378 12 orR

      13 ~"'f.Xl. 20,374 115,278 64,240 51,038 13,124 7,127 5,997 13 ("q;-) ~ ("'f.tIT."Q.) 17,615 97,516 51,645 45,871 11,407 6,213 5,194 13 (XlI) ~ (m."Q.) 2,759 17,762 12,595 5,167 1,717 914 803 13 ~(Vl."'f.) 2,573 15,288 7,959 7,329 2,613 1,451 1,162 13 ~ '1)$AjG'j~ (Vl."'f.) 1,451 8,696 4,505 4,191 1,270 697 573

      1.3 ~("'f.It.) 1,359 9,384 5,014 4,370 1,699 947 752 13 ~ ("'f.tIT."Q.) 6,558 42,584 22,537 20,047 8,525 4,408 4,117 13 ~("'f.It.) 2,455 16,036 8,653 7,383 3,445 1,765 1,680 13 ~"'f.Xl. 41,693 220,767 119,234 101,533 26,713 14,322 12,391 13 (q;-) ~ ("'f.tIT."Q.HT.fc!.) 32,515 177,509 96,191 81,318 22,666 12,148 10,518 13 (i) ~ ("'f.tIT."Q.) 32,178 175,340 94,736 80,604 22,498 12,052 10,446 13 (ii) ~ ~ (

      13 (XlI) 'l1ffif -gcjt ~ ~ ~ q;- &t 9(,1'78 43,258 23,Q43 20,215 4,047 2,174 1,873 ~, ~ (3lT."'f.)


      62 'CP-s ~ GI'1ti'L«lI1 C5T ~ ~ GI'1~IOI'1I 'flR - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      ~vrrfum ~ Uj

      ClIfcffi ~ mm ClIfcffi ~ ff?rm ClIfcffi ~ mm Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 3,397 1,842 1,555 24 15 9 15,858 9,784 6,094 NagJa (CT) 1,367 771 596 4,825 3,091 1,734 Bandia (CT) 4,106 2,175 1,931 60 35 25 16,829 9,945 6,884 Kichha (MS) 206 109 97 9 7 2 2,879 1,710 1,169 (NP) 1,547 806 741 568 279 289 11,722 6,945 4,777 Sitarganj (MB) 1,433 754 679 398 338 60 9,431 5,633 3,798 (MB) 13 Hardwar 11,506 6,208 5,298 50 31 19 89,912 53,061 36,851 Roorkee UA 10,673 5,721 4,952 26 16 10 74,449 41,509 32,940 (a) Roorkee (MB) 833 487 346 24 15 9 15,463 11,552 3,911 (b) Roorkee (CB) 4,336 2,278 2,058 8,195 4,791 3,404 Dhandera (CT) 2,130 1,082 1,048 5,595 3,238 2,357 Mohanpur Mohammadpur (CT)

      936 493 443 5,198 3,161 2,037 Jhabrera (NP) 935 496 439 15,338 9,474 5,864 Manglaur (MS) 960 525 435 7 3 4 5,453 3,493 1,960 Landhaura (NP) 29,212 15,436 13,776 124 66 58 156,954 90,755 66,199 Hardwar UA 22,048 11,566 10,482 87 47 40 122,235 71,019 51,216 (a) Hardwar (MB+OG) 21,840 11,449 10,391 71 39 32 120,397 69,703 50,694 (i) Hardwar (MS) 195 104 91 16 8 8 1,580 1,084 496 (ii) Gurukul Kangri (OG) 13 13 258 232 26 (iii) Jwalapur Mahavidyala (OG)

      7,164 3,870 3,294 37 19 18 34,719 19,736 14,983 (b) Bharat Heavy EJectricaJs Limite,d Ranipur (ITS)

      3,499 1,847 1,652 12,118 7,251 4,867 Laksar (NP)

      63 ep-5 ~ G1""'<1\L

      ~"ffW/~1 WC'T"iiff eft elCb IR:! Cfi "iiff cflelCfiIR:!Cb ~ ct't ~ ~/6ff.fcr. Total workers Main workers Categories of main workers CbI'tctCfiI'{ Cultivators

      ~ ~ ~ ·ClIfcffi ~ ~ ClIfcffi ~ ~ Persons 'Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 _ 27

      ;prc;rr (\if. "1. ) 5,942 5,072 870 5,671 4,895 776 13 '7 6 ~(\if."1.) 2,840 2,578 262 2,268 2,080 188 125 118 7 .~ ("'1'.tfT.q.) 8,673 7,790 883 7,443 6,888. 555 230 215 15

      ~("1.tt.) 1,657 1,1~9 458 1,085 871 214 101 97 4 ~ ("1.1lT.ll.) 5,963 5,340 623 5,282 4,929 353 308 283 25 ~ ("'i.1lT.ll.) 3,960 3,586 374 3,595 3,309 286 35 34 13 mtm" ~"'i.Xl. 34,928 32,148 2,780 33,970 31,406 2',564 251 239 12 (<11) ~ ("'i.m.ll.) 25,439 22,808 2,631 2~,560 22,120 2,440 238 227 11 _ ('&) ~ (m.ll.) 9,489 9,340 149 9,410 9,286 124 13 12 ~(\if."'i.) 4,610 3,360 1,250 3,496 2,801 665 126 118 8 ~ 11)!3AjC:!!~ (\if. "'i.) 2,040 1,883 157 1,920 1,789 131 51 49 2

      ~("'i.-q.) 2,902 2,344 558- 1,951 1,844 107 200 191 9 ~ ("'i.tfT."Q'.) 12,178 10,849 1,329 11,468 10,548 920 300 290 10 ~('1.q.) 4,785 4,054 731 3,734 3,214 520 262 253 9 "!3fu;N '1. Xl. 59,867 54,298 5,569 54,630 49,980 4,650 198 167 31 (<11) ~ ('l.m.q.+OIT.fq-.) 48,700 44,120 4,580 43,921 40,196 3,725 181 155 26 (i) ~ ("'1.1lT.q.) 48,255 43,747 4,508 43,481 3!;l.,827 3,654 180 155 25 (ii) ~ ~ (0IT.f

      (~ 'l1"T«[ ~ ~ C1 ~ Cfi 1;'1 11,167 / 10,178 989 10,709 9,784 925 17 12 5 ~, ~ (3tT."'i.)

      WRR ("'i.tt.) 5,059 4,474 585 41475 4,051 424 257 243 14

      64 CJ)-5 WR \1I"'Itii@ll CJ)J "1'1l'"fur ~/ci;'oo ~ \1I"'Illol'1l ~ - 2001 A-5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION - 2001

      cflQc/ilf(;J'b ~ ~ ~ Urban Agglomeration/ City/ Categories of main workers Town/OG ~~ q IRq I[h, \3ElTrr "

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C1lfcffi ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2 129 102 27 41 23 18 5,488 4,763 725 (CT) 2M 245 39 47 29 18 1,812 1.688 124 Bandia (CT) 234 184 50 313 261 52 6,666 6.228 438 Kichha (MB) 112 100 12 119 59 60 753 615 138 Shaktigarh (NP) 254 217 37 115 97 18 4,605 4,332 273 Sitarganj (MS) 29 27 2 66 54 12 3,465 3,194 271 Khatima (MS) 13 Hardwar 46 43 3 792 701 91 32,881 30,423 2,458 Roorkee UA 43 41 2 780 691 89 23,499 21,161 2,338 (a) Roorkee (MS) 3 2 12 10 2 9.382 9.262 120 (b) Roorkee (CS) 187 163 24 110 77 33 3.043 2,443 600 Dhandera (CT) 275 272 3 176 162 14 1,418 1.306 112 Mohanpur Mohammadpur (CT)

      103 96 7 79 75 4 1,569 1,482 87 Jhabrera (NP) 758 743 15 887 329 558 9,523 9,186 337 Manglaur (MB) 488 480 8 75 62 13 2.909 2,419 490 Landhaura (NP) 215 181 34 1,225 990 235 52.992 48.642 4.350 Hardwar UA 198 167 31 1,155 938 217 42,387 38,936 3,451 (a) Hardwar (MB+OG) 190 162 28 1,135 927 208 41,976 38,583 3,393 (i) Hardwar (MS) 8 5 3 20 11 9 381 326 55 (ii) Gurukul Kangri (OG) 30 27 3 (iii) Jwalapur Mahavidyala (OG)

      17 14 3 70 52 18 10,605 9,706 899 (b) Sharat Heavy Electricals Limited Ranipur (ITS)

      208 199 9 148 105 43 3,862 3,504 358 Laksar (NP)

      65 cp-5 wc;r G1"'1'<'i(..c~n q;r ~ ~ G1"'1~IOHI "ffR - 2001 A·5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF l'OTAL POPULATION - 2001

      .~~/~/ 31 C'Q cP Ifc1 cp ilff aJC'QCPIR>iCP ~ ~ ~ ~/

      ~ ~ R=?nrt ~ R=?nrt ~ ~ R=?nrt Persons Males Females Persons• Males Females Persons Males Females 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

      ~(\if."'.) 271 177 94 43 38 5 ~(\if."'.) 572.. 498 74 8 5 3 100 83 17 fcI;eyr (.". rrr. q.) 1,230 902 328 13 10 3 246 158 88 ~(.".tt.) 572 328 244 52 46 6 207 165 42 ~(~.m.q.) 681 '411 270 214 52 162 95 63 32 ~(.".m.q.) 365. 277 88 4 3 135fum ~~.Xf. 958 742 216 8 4 4 33 26 7 (q;) ~ (~.m.q.) 87q 688 191 5 2 3 32 26 6 ('~)~(m.q.) 79 54 25 3 2 ~ (\if.~.) 1,144 559 585 41 7 34 206 67 139 -~ I1'16Uj<;9:1 \\if.~.) 120 94 26 3 2 8 6 2

      ~(.".tt.) 951 500 451 6 2 4 168 68 100 ~ (.".rrr.q.) 710 301 409 10 9 51 45 6 ~(~.tt.) 1,051 840 211 4 4 113 . 107 6 ~~.R' 5,237 4,318 919 22 10 12 160 146 14 (q;) ~ (.",qr.q,+m.fcf.) 4,779 3,924 855 21 9 12 154 140 14 (i)~(-.r,qr.q.) 4,774 3,920 854 21 9 12 154 140 14 (ii) ~ ~ (m,fc).) 3 2 (iii) ~ f'J61[4\!llclll (m.fc),) 2 2


      66 q;-5 ~ \1I'1ti&l1 C6T"'1l'TfuJ ~ \11'1 410 1'11 ~ - 2001 A·5 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF TOTAL POPULATION· 2001

      31C'llClllf<;tC/) ~ ctt ~ "iR

      arfcRr ~ ~ ~ ~ furm ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 2 13 4 9 215 135 80 17.005 7.598 9,407 Nagla (CT) 13 3 10 451 407 44 6,056 2,412 3,644 Sandia (CT) 36 15 21 935 719 216 21,830 8,420 13,410 Kichha (MB) 147 13 134 166 104 62 3,119 1,287 1,832 Shaktigarh (NP) 16 6 10 356 290 66 16,064 6,232 9,832 Sitarganj (MB) 18 8. 10 343 266 77 10,375 4,179 6,196 Khatima (MB) 13 Hardwar 86 42 44 831 670 161 80,350 32.092 48.258 Roorkee UA 82 41 41 760 619 141 72,077 28,837 43,240 (a) Roorkee (MB) 4 3 71 51 20 8,273 3,255 5,018 (b) Roorkee (CB) 57 14 43 840 471 369 10,678 4,599 6,079 Dhandera (CT) 7 7 102 80 22 6,656 2,622 4,034 Mohanpur Mohammadpur (CT)

      171 25 146 606 405 201 6,482 2,670 3,812 Jhabrera (NP) 347 25 322 302 230 72 30,406 11,688 18,718 Manglaur (MB) 16 4 12 918 725 193 11,251 4,599 6,652 Landhaura (NP) 243 141 102 4,812 4,021 791 160,900 64,936 95,964 Hardwar UA 238 139 99 4,366 3,636 730 128,809 52,071 76,738 (a) Hardwar (MB+OG) 238 139 99 4,361 3,632 729 127.085 50,989 76,096 (i) Hardwar (MB) 3 2 1,484 874 610 (ii) Gurukul Kangri (OG) 2 2 240 208 32 (iii) Jwalapur Mahavidyala (OG)

      5 2 3 446 385 61 32,091 12,865 19,226 (b) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Ranipur (ITS)

      31 7 24 491 362 129 13,183 5,367 7,816 Laksar (NP)


      tll"~ofl q;-6 : :fl~ 1'* fa \it '1~("c.lIl TABLE A-6 : INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION CIi'-6 : ~ Gt'1fk.c~:U Q>T ~ ~ Gt'1~loHI ~ - 2001 A-6: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION - 2001

      l1cl' fWr 05 ,'hli(i'tlcl 01 \3fii(Cblfll Item Sex UTTARANCHAL Uttarkashi iIhT iiTlffiiT 'ifiT"ffii iIhT iiTlffiiT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1."fcl"~~ 6,780 2,744 4,036 211 148 63 Total Institutional households

      2.~~ ClTO/P 107,531 37,231 70,300 3,318 2,516 802 Institutional population ~c/M 89,655 28,504 61,151 2,954 2,235 719 ~o/F 17:876 8,727 9,149 364 28'1 83 - 3, 0-6 3WJ ~"!j' ~ ~ WO/P 3,691 2,276 1,415 77 71 6 Institutional population in the age ~o/M 2,046 1,187 859 37 33 4 group 0-6 ~o/F 1,645 1,089 556 40 38 2

      4,~~qft~ ClTO/P 6,560 4,242 2,318 304 258 46 Scheduled Castes population ~o/M 4,941 3,008 1,933 254 213 41 f?:¥olF 1,619 1,234 385 50 45 5

      5, 3M~ \i1'iVlI• ~ til"qft ~, ClTO/P 2,568 1,754 814 36 32 4 SchedLlI~d Tribes .population ~o/M 1,734 970 764 34 30 4 ~o/F 834 784 50 2 2

      6, WIlR ClTO/P 90,116 26,627 . 63,489 2,721 2,048 673 Literates ~o/M 77,079, 21,189 55,890 2,506 1,901 605 ~o/F 13,037 5,438 7,599 215 147 68

      7,~~ ClTO/P 63,107 19,205 43,902 _ 2,390 1,984 406 Total workers ~o/M 60,155 17,177 42,978 2,297 . 1,901 396 ~o/F 2,952 2,028 924 93 83 10

      (0 Cf)1~ctCf)I'( ClTO/P 2,032 1,836 196 96 94 2 Cultivators ~o/M 1,060 878 182 43 42 f?:¥o/F 972 958 14 53 52

      (ii)~~ '&I'O/P 1,239 1,101 138 13 13 Agricultural labourers -1,008 878 130 6 6 tMo/F 231 223 8 7 7 .; ,/ (iii) QIRqlRCb iRITrr ~ ClTO/P 276 159 117 2 2 HousehOld industry workers 179 95 84 2 2 tMo/F -97 64 33

      (iv) ar-xr ~ '&I'o/P 59,560 16,109 43,451 2,279 1,875 404 Other workers 57,908 15,326 42,582 2,246 1,851 395 tMo/F 1,652 783 869 33 24 9

      8, (~hhlllfc;jCf) ~ '&I'O/P 57,419 15,562 41,857 2,175 1,778 397 Main Workers ~o/M 55,396 14,334 41,062 2,098 1,709 389 ~o/F 2,023 1,228 795 77 69 8

      9. 3lC'GCflIR;ic'f) ~ '&I'o/P 5,688 3,643 2,045 215 206 9 r.-Iarginal workers 4,759 2,843 1,916 199 192 7 tMo/F 929 800 129 16 14 2

      10, 7R~ ClTotP_ 44,424 18,026 26,398 928 532 396 Non-workers ~o/M - --29,500 11,327 18,173 657 334 323 ~o/F 14,924 6,699 8,225 271 198 73

      68 q;--6 ': ~ \iI'1ti('~1 COT ~ ~ \iI'1~loHI ~ - 2001 A-6: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF INSTITUTIONAl,. POPULATION - 2001

      llG 1WT 02~ 03~* Item Sex Charnoli Rudraprayag * mrr iI1lftUJ ;r;r& mrr iI1lftUJ ;r;r& Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~ 510 173 337 92 87 5 Total Institutional households

      2. ~ GF"lfi&l1 CZTotP 5,959 2,577 3,382 1,088 1,043. 45 Institutional population -go/M 5,691 2,406 3,285 892 847 45 ~o/F 268 171 97 196 196

      3·0-6 3n

      5. ~ Gl1G1IRi111·qft Gl1fi&ll CZTO/P 164 54. 110 2 2 Scheduled Tribes p.opulation ,!!o/M 154 45 109 2 2 ~o/F 10 9

      6. mll'R CZTotP 4,802 1,897 2,905 773 739 34 Literates 4,662 1,836 2,826 668 634. 34 r:olF 140 61 79 105 105 7. ~

      (i) q; PWlJI '( C2IO/P 91 86 5 100 100 Cultivators 46 44 2 28 28 tMolF 45 42 3 72 72 \ (ii)~~ CZTotP 40 31 9 23 23 Agricultural labourers 36 27 9 19 19 tMolF 4 4 4 4

      (iii) 4IRqIRq; ~ 'Cf>Iff CZTotP 6 6 2 2 Household industry workers tMolF 6 6

      (iv) ~ CJ14T . CZTO/P 5,176 2,112 3,064 711 666 45 Other workers 5,119 2,082 3,037 702 657 45 tMo/F 57 30 27 9 9

      8. GIt\"q;I~q;

      9. 3lC'4q;1~q;

      69 Cff-6 : ~ \J1'1tt('clIl i'6T ~ ~ \J1'1~I0i'11 ~ - 2001 A-6: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION·- 2001

      llG ~ 04~~ 05~ Item Sex Tehrl Garhwal' Oehradun iftii iiTIffUT "iIlT"ffii iftii ii1lftUT #iTffii Total Rural Urban . Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ W.J11Rf -qftcm" 385 165 220 2,172 344 1,828 Total Institutional households

      2.~Gt1x1&l1 ClI"olP 7,370 1,648 5,722 32;033 6,833 25,200 Institutional population tM 6,850 1,252 5,598 24,940 4,450 20,490 o/F 520 396 124 7,093 2,383 4,710

      3.0-6 3TI

      4. ~ ~ q\T Gt'1x1&l1 ClI"olP 347 166. 181 879 404 475 Scheduled Castes population tM 281 103 178 613 262 351 o/F 66 63 3 266 142 124

      5. ~ Gt1GtlRi41 q\T Gt'1 x1&l I ClI"olP 274 5 '269 651 569 82 Scheduled Tribes population tM 273 4 269 250 171 79 o/F 1 401 398 3

      6.m~ - ClI"o/P 5,951 1,197 4,754 28,788 5,591 23,197 Literates tM 5,632 982 4,650 22,754 3,696 19,058 olF 319 215 104 6,034 1,895 4,139

      7.~~ ClI"olP 6,009 1,017 4,992 16,363 1,504 14,859 Total workers tM 5,806 85~ 4,950 15,553 1,100 14,453 olF 203 161 42 810 404 406

      (i) CPI~dCPI;;: ClI"o/P 178 169 9 347 293 54 Cultivators tM 74 65 9 141 92 49 olF 104 104 206 201 5

      (ii)~.~ ClI"o/P 16 .. 16 132 87 45 Agricultural labourers tM 6 6 104 62 42 olF 10 10 28 25 3 / (iii) 41RqlRcp i3E:ITrT ~ ClI"o/P_ 2 2 47 19 28 Household industry workers 1 38 14 24 ~olF 9 5 4 (iv) 3R'~ ClI"O/P 5,813 830 4,983 15,837 1,105 14,732 Other workers tM 5,725 784 4,941 15,270 932 14,338 o/F 88 46 42 567 173 394

      8. 4'lt!CPI~CP ~ ClI"o/P 5,385 780 4,605 15,305 1,154 14,151 Main workers lJo/M 5,258 688 4,570 14,729 935 13,794 tao/F 127 92 35 576 219 357

      9. 3l;;;qCPI~CP ~ ClI"o/P 624 237 387 1,058 350 708 Margina~workers tM 548 168 380 824 165 659 olF 76 69 7 234 185 49

      10. iR~ ClI"o/P - "1';'36.t __ 631 736 15,670 5,329 10,341 Non-workers tM 1,044 396 648 9,387 3,350 6,037 olF 317 235 82 6,283 1,979 4,304

      70 Cfi"-6 : ~ \11"'1t1'l.~1 cor ~ ~ \11"'1 J IOHI ~ - 2001 A-6: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfc! fWr 06lW1ffi 07~ Item Sex Garhwal Pithoragarh 'iifI1 ijJlfiUj :;:rilifu 'iifI1 ijJlfiUj ;JiRfu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 1.~~~ 330 157 173 412 295 117 Total Institutional households

      2. ~ \JI'iti&l1 Clfo/P 6,850 1,698 5,152 6,025 3,824 2,201 Institutional population 1jo/M 5,532 1,346 4,186 5,387 3,319 2,068 fBro/F 1,318 352 966 638 505 133

      3. 0-6 3W;!~-q~~ Clfo/P 136 84 52 131 118 13 Institutional population in the age 81 39 42 76 69 7 ;tM group 0-6 o/F 55 45 10 55 49 6

      '"'/ 4. ~ \Jflfu

      5. ~ G1'iG1IRi41 qft Gl"lti&l1 Clfo/P 20 19 398 371 27 Scheduled Tribes population 18 17 215 207 8 t:o/F 2 2 183 164 ,9 6. WIIR Clfo/P 6,157 1,216 4,941 5,370 3,268 2,102 Literates 1jo/M 5,029 984 4,045 4,905 2,909 1,996 fBro/F 1,128 232 896 465 359 106

      7.~~ Clfo/P 3,713 881 2,832 5,009 3,033 1,976 Total workers 1jo/M 3,561 776 2,785 4,864 2,920 1,944 mo/F 152 105 47 145 113 32

      (i) Cf)1~dCf)I'( Clfo/P 134 89 45 119 116 3 Cultivators 1jo/M 78 34 44 43 40 3 fBro/F 56 55 76 76

      (ii)~~ ClfO/P 61 32 29 28 26 2 Agricultural labourers 1jo/M 52 25 27 24 23 fBro/F 9 7 2 4 3

      (iii) qlRqlRCf) ~ ~ Clfo/P 8 8 22 12 10 Household industry workers 1jo/M 16 8 8 mo/F 8 8 6 4 2

      (iv) 3Rl' ~ Clfo/P 3,510 760 2,750 4,840 2,879 1,961 Other workers 3,431 717 2,714 4,781 2,849 1,932 ;tM o/F 79 43 36 59 30 29

      8. C\h1"cIiI~Cf) ~ Clfo/P 3,306 567 2,739 4,779 2,858 1,921 Main workers 1jo/M 3,214 505 2,709 4,692 2,790 1,902 fBro/F 92 62 30 87 68 19

      9. 31('QCf)I~Cf) ~ Clfo/P 407 314 93 230 175 55 Marginal workers 347 271 76 172 130 42 tM o/F 60 43 17 ---58 -- 45 13

      10. TR~ ClfO/P 3,137 817 2,320 1,016 791 225 Non-workers 1jo/M 1,971 570 1,401 523 399 124 mo/F 1,166 247 919 493 392 101

      71 Cff-6 : ~ \1t'i'<1('

      lfC:' fWr 08 iIlificR * 09~ Item Sex 8ageshwar* Almora iIfii ij]1ffi1T :;riifui iIfii iiTiftUT :;riTffii Total Rural Urban Total .Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6, 7 8 1.~~~ 96 86 10 259 183 76 Total Institutional households

      2.~~ ClJo/p 1,282 1,154 128 6,604 2,400 4,204 Institutional population 99a. 913 85 5,567 1,527 4,040 tMofF 284 241 43 1,037 873 164

      3. 0-6 3ll

      4.~~~~ ClJO!p 229 224 5 506 327 179 Scheouleo Castes population 111 '1'12. '5 373 2.l}a 11)'5 tM 112 133 o/F 112 119 14

      5. ~ \iP'1\J1IRllj'j ~ G("Hi'{§Ql CZTo!P 9 8 56 34 22 Scheduled Tribes population ~o/M 3 3 23 7 16 ~o/F 6 5 33 27 6

      6. "ffl&R

      (iii) 'QIRqIRCIl "i3E:lTrT ~ CZTo!P 2 2 30 26 4 Household industry workers ~o/M 12 8 4 ~ofF 18 18

      (iv) ~ Cfilff CZTo;P 769 676 93 4,438 681 3,757 Other workers 742 657 85 4,326 624 3,702 ~o/F 27 19 8 112 57 55 8. cfl t1C1l I R;r CIl Cfilff CZTo!P 799 706 93 4,487 745 3,742 Main workers 729 644 85 4,278 591 3,687 ~o/F 70 62 8 209 154 55 9. 3'l6

      10. tR·~ CZTo!P --s9-t 356 35 1,812 1,419. 393 Non-workers 198 198 1,079 794 285 ~o/F 193 158 35_ 733 625 108

      72 cp-6 : ~ ciJ"ifi{'~1 cpr ~ ~ \11"i JluHI ~ - 2001 A-6: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION - 2001

      lfG ~ 10 'fI1tl'JCI(f * 11~ Item Sex Champawat· Nainital m"lT irilfiUT :;rifffii m"lT irilfiUT :;rifffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~ 84 57 27 554 384 170 Total Institutional households

      2. ~ Vl'ifi&:ll Cll'o/p 1,047 748 299 7,230 4,152 3,078 Institutional population '9;o/M- 801 512 289 6,103 3,554 2,549 fF;ro/F 246 236 10 1,127 598 529

      3. 0-6 3ll<]; ~ ~ ~ ~ Cll'o/p 54 50 4 270 151 119 Institutional population in the age '9;o/M 22 19 3 146 80 66 group 0-6 fB.ro/F 32 31 124 71 53

      4. ~ ~ ~ Vl'i{1&:11 Cll'o/p 131 92 39 981 873 108 Scheduled Castes population '9;o/M 84 53 31 840 763 77 fB.rolF 47 39 8 141 110 31

      5. ~ V1"lVlIRllll ~ ~ Cll'o/p 16 15 15 14 Scheduled Tribes population '9;o/M 12 11 10 9 fB.ro/F 4 4 5 5

      6.m~ Cll'o/P 823 557 266 4,727 2,136 2,591 Literates -go/M 658 399 259 3,999 1,792 2,207 fB.ro/F 165 158 7 728 344 384

      7.~~ Cll'otP 604 323 281 3,998 2,738 1,260 Total workers -go/M 568 287 281 3,766 2,600 1,166 fF;jo/F 36 36 232 138 94

      (i) c»1~IiCl5I~ Cll'o/p 47 41 6 147 140 7 Cultivators '9;o/M 22 16 6 88 8f 7 fB.ro/F 25 25 59 59

      (ii)~~ Cll'o/P 2 2 80 71 9 Agricultural labourers 63 54 9 tM o/F 2 2 17 17

      (iii) QIRClIRi$ '\3elTrr ~ C

      (iv) 3RT ~ Cll'o/p 553 278 275 3,746 2,519 1,227 Other workers "9;o/M 544 269 275 3,608 2,462 1,146 fB.ro/F 9 9 138 57 81

      8. 4ltfCl5If<;jC» ~ Cll'otP 534 253 281 3,702 2,510 1,192 Main workers 516 235 281 3,514 2,407 1,107 tM o/F 18 18 188 103 85

      9. 3l(iqc»lfclC» ~ Cll'otP 70 70 296 228 68 Marginal workers '9;o/M 52 52 252 193 5!:1 fB.ro/F 18 18 44 35 9

      10.TR~ Cll'o/p 443 425 18 3,232 1,414 1,818 Non-workers '9;o/M 233 225 8 2,337 954 1,383 fB.ro/F 210 200 10 895 460 435

      73 (f)-6 : ~ \i1""1tl'Lclil em ~ ~ \i1""1~loHI ~ - 2001 A-6: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION - 2001

      lJG fWr 12 \3j~ 0JlR • 13~ Item Sex Udham Singh Nagar • Hardwar mlT irilffUT :;rij"ffii mlT irilffUT ~ Total Rural Urban '- 'Total Rural Urban .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~. ~ LlftcrR 502 . 335 167 1,173 330 843 Total Institutional households

      2.~~ ~O/P 8,32.1 4,443 3,878 20,404 4,195 16,209 Institutional population -go/M 6,532 3,142 3,390 17,408 3,001 14,407 ~o/F 1,789 1,301 488 '2,996 1,194 1,802

      3.0-6~~~~~ ~O/P 591 423 168 900 463, 437 Institutional population in the age -go/M 331 219 112 508 265 243 group 0-6 ~o/F 260 204 56 392 198 194

      4.~~q51~ ~O/P 751 420 331 1,037 650 387 Scheduled Castes population -go/M 618 317 301 69~ 404 295 ~o/F 133 103 30 338 246 92

      5. ~ \ij1\ij1'f~1Ol'i ~ ~1fil!.§!ll ~O/P 845 574 271 82 77 5 Scheduled tribes population -go/lV! 687 432 255 53 50 3 ~o/F 158 142 16 29 27 2

      6. "fIT1lR ~O/P 6,061 2,704 3,357 17,466 2,655 14,811 Literates -go/M 5,032 2,028 3,004 15,654 2,157 13,497 ~o/F 1,029 &-76 '353 1,812 498 1,314

      7. ~ CJJ4T ~O/P 3,081 1,749 1,332 10,108 1,171 8,937 Total workers -go/M 2,801 1,508 1,293, 9,700 923 8,777 ~o/F 280 241 39 408 248 160

      (i) eWI:1CflI"< ~O/P 259 247 12 168 132 36 Cultivators 200 188 12 150 118 32 tMo/F 59 59 18 14 4

      .(ii)~~ ~O/P 598 589 9 148 146 2 Agricultural labourers -go/M 518 510 .8 120 118 2 R?ro/F/ 80 79 28 28

      (iii) 41RcllRCfl ~ 'Cfll'lT ~O/P 24 21 3 104 57 47 Household industry workers -go/M 1.9 17 2 80 38 42 R?ro/F 5 4 24 19 5

      (iv) 3RT 'Cfll'lT ~O/P 2,200 892 1,308 9,688 836 8,852 Other workers 2,064 793 1,271 9,350 649 8,701 ~Mo/F 136 99 37 338 187 151

      8 . c;l tI elil fC;t Cfl 'Cfl1ff ~O/P 2,548 1,382 1,166 9,665 900 8,765 Main workers 2,383 1,247 1,~36 9,387 762 8,625 ;tMo/F 165 135 30 278 138 140

      9. 3\.<."4CflIfC;tCfl 'Cfl1ff ~O/P 533 367 166 443 271 172 Marginal workers 418 261 157 313 161 152 tMo/f 115 106 9 130 110 20

      1 O. ~ 'Cfll1T ~a/P -5,240 2,694 2,546 10,296 3,024 7,272 Non-workers 3,731 1,634 2~097 7,708 2,078 5,630 tMo/F 1,509 1,060 449 2,588 946 1,642

      '4 tI.l'~oft q;-7 : ~ \TI~ti~clIl TABLE A-7 : HOUS_ELESS POPULATION

      Cfi-7 : W \11'1'<1'Lclil cor mm ~ \11'1 110 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-7: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF HOUSELESS POPULATION - 2001

      tre fWr 05 \3't1'!iilC!1 01 \3"11'

      2. ttR vl'Hi &11 Ulo/P 14,703 10,768 3,935 1,021 913 108 Houseless population -g;o/M 10,496 7,762 2,734 765 673 92 fBro/F 4,207 3,006 1,201 256 240 16

      3. 0-6 3IT9: ~ B ffl vr-Rffim Ulo/P 1,927 1,385 542 130 126 4 Houseless population in the age tM 996 700 296 67 66 1 group 0-6 o/F 931 685 246 63 60 3

      4.~~ctt~ Ulo/P 1,327 1,001 326 52 38 '14 Scheduled Castes population ~M 797 604 193 31 25 6 o/F 530 397 133 21 13 8

      5. ~ \il'i\i11 Fa"~41 \i1'i*1&11. Cll'o/p 112 93 19 4 4 Scheduled Tribes population -g;o/M 78 68 10 4 4 fBro/F 34 25 9

      6. 'ffiffi' Cll'o/p 4,329 3,276 1,053 324 289 35 Literates tM 3,847 2,961 886 298 264 34 o/F 482 315 167 26 25

      7. ~ cpiff Cll'o/p 9,313 7,384 1,929 761 686 75 Total workers -g;o/M 7,789 6,210 1,579 630 562 68 fBrc/F 1,524 1,174 350 131 124 7

      (il ChI~(jCf)I'1 Cll'o/p 300 288 12 7 7 Cultivators "9:o/M 180 169 11 4 4 fBro/F 120 119 3 3

      (ii)~~ Cll'o/p 455 428 27 50 50 Agricultural labourers "9:o/M 332 318 14 36 36 ff?ro/F 123 110 13 14 14

      (iii) q I Rell R Cf) \ffiTrr Cfilff Cll'o/p 306 159 147 4 4 Household industry workers tM 174 91 83 2 2 o/F 132 68 64 2 2

      (iv) 3Rl' 'CIJIff CZTo/P 8,252 6,509 1,743 700 625 75 Other workers -g;o/M 7,103 5,632 1,471 588 520 68 fBro/F 1,149 877 272 112 105 7


      9. 3l~CfllfclCfl ~ Cll'o/p 3,534 2,885 649 234 195 39 Marginal workers ~o/M 2,9(11 2,454 527 206 173 33 i'BTo/F 553 431 122 28 22 6

      10. iR CI'i'Ifi ' Cll'o/p 5,390 3,384 2,006 260 227 33 Non-workers "9:o/M 2,707 1,552 1,155 135 111 24 fBro/F 2,683 1,832 851 125 116 9

      75 C6-7 : ~ \11'1'ti'l.~1 'CPT ~ m~ \11'1 410 HI ~ - 2001 A-7: STATE PRIMAR'( CENSUS ABSTRACT OF HOUSELESS POPULAT~ON - 2001

      l!'C:' fWr 02 "ii1i)ift 03~* Item Sex Chamoli Rudraprayag • m"ii ififfiJJ :;rlJffii "iIliT ififfiJJ :;p:Jtfu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ W llftcm' 209 151 58 70 68 2 Total houseless households

      2. ittR~ CZl'o/p 1,001 747 254 475 467 8 Houseless population "9;ofM 794 610 184 406 402 4 ~ofF 207 137 70 69 65 4

      3. 0-6 3TT

      4. ~ ~ qft ,w'1 x1'&l I CZl'o/p 24 23 18 18 Scheduled Castes population 14 13 17 17 ~ofF 10 10 5. ~ \J11\J11R141 qft ~ CZl'o/p 3 3 Scheduled Tribes population 3 3 ~ofF 6. WIl'R CZl'o'P 415 334 81 212 212 Literates "9;ofM 393 316 77 192 192 ~ofF 22 18 4 20 20

      7. ~ 'C!fIfi CZl'o/p 757 610 147 415 414 Total workers M 652 534 118 377 376 itofF 105 76 29 38 38

      (i) 4>1~o4>li( CZl'o/p 23 16 7 27 27 Cultivators "9;ofM 14 7 7 20 20 ~ofF 9 9 7 7

      (ii)~~ CZl'o'P 25 25 68 68 Agricultural labourers jtM 18 18 59 59 ofF 7 7 9 9

      (iii) QIRqIR4> ~ 'C!fIfi CZl'o/p 2 2 Household ifldustry workers "9;ofM ~ofF

      (iv) ~ cp+jl CZl'o/p· 707 567 140 319 318 Other workers "9;ofM 619 508 111 297 296 .~ofF 88 59 29 22 22

      8. ciJ tl4> I ~ 4> 'C!fIfi CZl'otP 346 255 91 237 236 Main wod

      9. 3i &4 4> I ~ 4> 'C!fIfi CZl'o/p 411 355- 56 178 1-78 -Marpina[ workers "9;ofM 350 308 42 161 161 ~ofF 61 47 14 17 17

      1o. fR 'C!fIfi CZl'oij3' 244 137 107 60 53 7 Non-workers 142 76 66 29 26 3 tM ofF 102 61 41 31 27 4

      76 cj;-7 : W \1I'1tt(!41 cor ~ ~ \1I'1 J IOI'1I ~ - 2001 A-7: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF HOUSELESS POPULATION - 2001

      ll<:' ~ 04a~ 05~ Item Sex Tehrl Garhwal Oehradun ii)1r 1ri1ffUT i!1Tffii "iItii 1ri1ffUT i!1Tffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 '·5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ tlfurR 172 ~11 61 689 337 352 Total houseless households

      2.~~. ~o/p 970 622 348 3,640 2,249 1,391 Houseless population ~11 527 284 2,233 1,282 951 tMolF 159 95 64 1,4.07 967 440

      3. 0-6 3ll

      4. ~ ~ <1ft WI '<1 &:I I ~O/P 53 22 31 600 448 152 Scheduled Castes population 38 19 19 353 260 93 tMolF 15 3 12 247 188 59 I 5. ~ \111\111R1

      6. m&R CZTO/P 370 265 105 789 336' 453 Literates 343 251 92 661 281 380 tMolF 27 14 13 128 55 73

      7. ~ q;lff ~O/P 685 520 165 !,025 1,257 768 Total workers "9;o/M 622 466 156 1,462 848 614 ~o/F 63 54 9 563 409 154

      (Q c!>1~dc!>I'< ~O/P 24 24 2_l;j 28 Cultivators -tM- 9 9 18 17" ofF 15 15 11 11

      (ii)~~ ~otP 11 11 44 25< 19 Agricultural labourers "9;o/M 5 5 2!i 15 10 ~o/F 6 6 19 10' 9

      (iii) 4IRqIRC!> ~ q;lff ~O/P 14 8 6 75 23 52 Household industry workers 12 6 6 27 4 23 ;tMo/F 2 2 48 19 29

      (iv) 3RT' q;lff ~o/p 636 477 159 1,877 1,181 696 Other workers "9;o/M 596 446 150 1,392 812 580 ~o/F 40 31 9 485 369 116

      8. "IElC!>lfclC!> q;lff ~O/P 515 406 109 1,386 914 472 Main workers 473 372 101 945 566- 379 tMo/F 42 34 8 441 348 93

      9. 3lC'4c!>1~c!> q;lff ~O/P 170 114 56 639 343 296 Marginal workers 149 9'4 55 517 282 235 tMo/F 21 20 122 61 61

      1o. Tff 'C!>1ff ~O/P 285 102 183 1,615 -992 623 Non-workers "9;o/M 189 61 128 771 434 337 ~o/F 96 41 55 844 558 286

      77 Cfi-7 : ~ \IHtk.clIl 'CPT ~ ~ \11'1 J loHI 'tIR - 2001 I A·7: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF HOUSELESS POPUL~TION • tOO1

      lJG ~ 06~ 07~ Item Sex Garhwal Pithoragarh "miT iIl1ffUT ~ "miT "iI1iftiiT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~ffl~ 288 264 24 66 59 7 Total houseless households

      2.ffl~ CZl"otP 1,250 1,180 70 357 330 27 Houseless population ~o/M 1,056 992 64 264 249 15 f'Bro/F ,194 188 6 93 '81 12

      3.0-5~~~W~ CZl"otP 84 84 28 24 4 Houseless population in the age ~o/M 45 45 16 14 2 group 0-6 f'Bro/F 39 39 12 10 2

      4.~~~~ CZl"o/p 9 6 3 41 25 16 Scheduled Castes population tM 6 4 2 22 14 8 o/F 3 2 19 11 8

      5. ~ \Jt'i\Jt1R't4'i ~ ~ CZl"otP 38 38 4 4 Scheduled Tribes population ~o/M 24 24 4 4 f'Bro/F 14 14

      5. WIlR CZl"otP 567 536 31 165 161 4 Literates 526 501 25 127 . 123 4 r:o/F 41 35 6 38 38 7.~~ GlTo/P 1,029 978 51 249 238 11 Total workers tM 926 875 51 207 197 10 o/F 103 103 42 41 1

      (i) q') Pwlll'< GlTo/p 43 43 64 64 Cultivators 23 23 31 31 tM 20 33 o/F 20 33

      (ii)~~ GlTotP 23 23 2 2 . Agricultural labourers ~o/M 18 18 N?ro/f 5 5 /' (iii) 4IRqIRq') I3El'rr ~ GlTo/p 9 9 4 4 Household industry workers ~o/M 5 5 3 3 N?ro/F 4 4

      (iv) 3Flf q;+ff CZl"o/p 954 903 51 179 172 7 Other workers tM 880 829 51 11'2 165 7 o/F 74 74 7 7

      8. cft0q')1~q')~ CZl"o/p 457 419 38 109 106 3 Main workers tM 419 381 38 76 73 3 o/F 38 38 33 33

      9. 3l(illq')Ifc;JCfl~ C'1To/p 572 559 13 140 132 8 - Marginal workers ~DIM 507 494 13 131 124 7 N?ro/F 65 65 9 8

      10.iR~ "&To~ _ 221 202 19 108 92 16 Non-workers tM 130 '117 13 57 52 5 o/F 91 85 6 51 40 11

      78 Cfi':'7, : W ""...,ti

      +rG fWr 08~* 09~ Item Sex Bageshwar * Almora "iWf iiIlffUT ;riJ& 'iltiT ii11ffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~W~ 159 149 10 129 113 16 Total houseless households

      2. ~ \jj"1til!5l1l Cll"o/P 937 906 31 800 714 86 Houseless population '9;ofM 892 867 25 630 573 57 ~ofF 45 39 6 170 141 29

      3. 0-63WJ~~W~ Cll"o/P 30 25 5 79 60 19 Houseless population in the age '9;ofM 17 12 5 34 25 9 group 0-6 ~ofF 13 13 45 35 10

      4.~~qft~ Cll"o/P 27 26 36 33 3 Scheduled Castes populAtion '9;ofM 18 17 21 20 1 fBl'ofF 9 9 15 13 2

      5. ~'\jj"1\jjIRllll qft \jj"1ti&l1 Cll"o/P Scheduled Tribes pppulation tMofF

      6,W~ Cll"o/P 471 468 3 254 238 16 Literat'3s tM 495 462 3 241 226 15 ofF 6 6 13 12 1

      7, ~ CJJl\T Cll"o/P 867 860 7 612 591 21 Total workers 847 843 4 534 515 19 ~ofF 20 17 3 78 76 2

      (i) cpl~t1cpl'< ~lP 10 10 16 -16 Cultivators tM 5 5 10 10 ofF 5 5 6 6

      (ii)~~ Cll"O/P 14 14 45 45 Agricultural labourers 14 14 39 39 tM ofF 6 6

      (iii) QIRqlRCjj ~ CJJl\T Cll"o/P 46 46 Household industry workers tM 26 26 ofF 20 20

      (iv) 3Rt CJJl\T Cll"o/P 843 836 7 505 484 21 Other workers ''9;ofM 828 824 4 459 440 19 fBrofF 15 12 3 46 44 2

      8. C;lt!CjjIfc;tCjj q;iff Cll"o/P 594 590 4 341 341 Main workers '9;ofM 581 577 4 303 303 fBrofF 13 13 38 38

      9. 31 <'Q Cjj IR;t Cjj CJJl\T Cll"olP 273 270 3 271 250 21 Marginal workers 266 266 231 212 19 tMofF 7 4 3 40 38 2

      1 O. ~ CJJl\T C2Jo/P 70 46 24 188 123 65 Non-workers '9;ofM 45 24 21 96 58 38 fBrofF 25 22 3 92. 65 27

      79 Cfi-7 : W \i1 .... 'ti{.G£j1 q;y ~ ~ \1'H~lol'1l ~ - 2001 A-7: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF HOUSELESS POPULATION - 2001

      lre ~ 10~* 11~, Item· Sex Champawat* Nainital 'lJ)ii lITlftOT :;riiffii 'lJ)ii iJT"ijfOf ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~W~ 63 40 23 182 105 77 Total house less households

      2.~~ CZ[o/p 304 189 '115 941 617 324 Houseless population ~o/M 198 134 64 727 483 244 ~o/F 106 55 51 214 134 80

      3.0-6~~+1~~ CZ[o/p 44 27 17 101 62 39 Houseless population in the age ~o/M 15 9 6 57 33 24 group 0-6 ~o/F 29 18, 11 44 29 15

      4.~~~~ CZ[o/p 6 6 104 95 9 Scheduled Castes population ~o/M 5 5 77 68 9 ~o/F 1 1 27 27

      5. ~ GF'IG11R141 ~ G1'"'Iti'<.SQl 'Cll'o/p 3 3 Scheduled Tribes pop~lation ~o/M 3 3 ~o/F

      6. XlT&R Cll'o/p 75 49 26 239 163 76 literates 57 40 17 221 149 72 tM o/F 18 9 9 18 14 4

      7. ~ "Cfilfi Cll'o/p 183 .129 54 696 472 224 Total workers 151 111 40 603 411' 192 tM o/F 32 18 14 93 61 32

      (i) CbI~dCfjI'( CZ[o/p' 4 4 12 12 Cultivators 2 2 10 10 tM o/F 2 2 2 2

      (ii)~~ Cll'o/p 39 38 Agricultural labourers ~oIM 29 29 f'ao/F 10 9

      (iii) 41RqlRCb i3"WT cp!ff Cll'o/p 20 20 Household ind~stry workers -tM "1 16 16 o/F 4 4

      (iv) ~ cp!ff Cll'o/p 177 123 54 625 402 223 Other workers ~o/M 148 108 40 548 356 192 ~o/F 29 15 14 ,77 46 31

      8. c;'hICbIf<;JCfj cp!ff Cll'o/p . 129 80 49 434 282 152 Main workers 108 38 392 267 125 tM 79 olF 21 10 11 42 15 27

      9. 31 &4 Cb I R:i Cfj "Cfilfi Cll'olP 54 49 5 262 190 72 Marginal workers 43 41 2 211 144 67. tM o/F 11 8 3 51 46 5

      1 o. i'R "Cfilfi Cll'o/R 121 60 61 245 145 100 Non-workers ~o/M 47 23 24 124 72 52 '~o/F 74 37 37 121 73 48

      80 Cfi-7 : ~ uFft1{..c

      1JG ~ 12 \n~ ';:(l'R * 13~ Item Sex Udham Singh Nagar· Hardwar iftTi "iii1ffUT ~ iftTi "iii1ffUT ~. Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 1.~W~ 152 75 77 574 297 277 Total house less households

      2. W \i1'i~&l1 CZTO/P 573 317 256 2,434 1,517 917 Houseless population "9;o/M 339 191 148 1,381 779 602 ~o/F 234 126 108 1,053 738 315

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ W \i1'i~&:I1 CZTO/P 144 90 54 475 345 130 Houseless population in the age iJo/M 84 54 30 249 179 70 group 0-6 ~o/F 60 36 24 226 166 60

      4. ~ ~ qft \i1'i~&lr CZTQ/P 44 32 12 313 229 84 Scheduled Castes population "9;oIM 25 19 6 170 123 47 ~o/F 19 13 6 143 106 37

      5. ~ \i1'i\i1!Rt4) qft \i1'i'fi&l1 CZTO/P 7 7 18 18 Scheduled Tribes popUlation 4 4 9 9 tMo/F ..3 3 9 9

      6.~ CZTO/P 84 56 28 364 169 195 Literates 70 47 23 253 109 144 tM o/F 14 9 5 111 60 51

      7.~~ CZTO/P 215 124 91 819 505 314 Total workers "9;o/M "154 86 68 624 386 238 ~o/F 61 38 23 195 119 76

      0) CfiI't('1CfiI'< . - CZTolP_ 10 10 31 27 4 Cultivators 8 8 26 23 3 r o/F 2 2 5 4 (ii)~~ ClfolP 40 40 93 86 7 Agricultural labourers 32 32 56 52- 4 tM o/F 8 8 37 34 3

      (HO 41RqlRCfi I3EITrr ~ CZTO/P 14 5 9 116 40 76 Household industry workers "9;o/M 7 2 5 73 27 46 ~o/F 7 3 4 43 13 30

      (iv) 3RT~ CZTO/P 151 69 82 579 352 227 Other workers 107 44 63 469 284 185 tM o/F 44 25 19 - 110 68 42 8. cl)QCfiIf(;tCfi ~ CZTO/P 134 67 67 570 312 258 Main workers 102 48 54 467 269 198 tM o/F 32 1'9 13 103 43 60

      9. ¢!{'lICfiIR:tCfi ~ CZTO/P 81 57 24 249 193 56 Marginal workers "9;o/M 52 38 14 157 117 40 ~o/F 29 19 10 92 76 1!) -~ 10. tR cpifi CZTO/P 358 193 165 1,615 -_ 1,012 603 Non-workers "9;o/M 185 105 80 757 393 364 ~o/F 173 88 85 858 619 239


      ttl"<_ufl Cff-8 : ,3t~fiId G11R1m qft·\Jt;:rti("clIl TABLE A-8 : SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATIO-N :q;-8 : 3t'j'qfild \J11R141 qfi \J1"i'<1&i1 C6T ~ lIMfi:lCh \J1"i J IOI;;rr ~ - 2001 A-8: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 05 13~·

      2. ~ 'GI'Ifum

      3. 0-6 3ml ~ qft ~ 'GI'Ifum 'C?l'o/p 281,407 241,046 40,361 12,715 12,230 485

      4. 'ffi1l'R C2loIP 783,467 624,548 158,919 31,236 28',981 2,255 Literates 1];o/M 490,811 395,227 95,584 20,685 19,329 1,356 fBro/F' 292,656 229,321 63,335 10,551 9,652 899

      5. ~

      6. ,fl Qtb I R:i CIl 'CpIff C2lo/P 389,466 328,987 60,479 25;634 24,684 950 Main workers ,!!oIM 268,315 216,288 52,027 14,153 13,429 724 fBro/F 121,151 112,699 8,452 11,481 11,255 226

      (i) c,')"ictCllI~ C2lo/P 178,675 177,302 1,373 20,660 20,532 128 Cultivators ,!!o/M 86,873 86,096 777 10,045 9,995 50 fBro/F 91,802 91,206 596 10,615 10,537 78 (ii)~~ C2lo/p 48,017 46,375 1,642 334 333 Agric;ulturallabourers ~o/M 40,733 39,321 1,412 205 204 fBro/F 7,284 7,054 230 129 129

      (iii) 41RqlRCIl ~ 'CpIff C2lo/P 12,329 11,235 1,094 619 595 24 Household industry workers ,!!o/M 9,309 ,8,557 752 472 457 15 fBro/F 3,020 2,678 342 147 138 9

      (iv) 3Flf 'CpIff C2lo/P 150,445 94,075 56,370 4,021 3,224 797 Other workers ,!!o/M /131,400 82,314 49,086 3,431 2,773 658 ~o/F 19,045 11,761 7,284 590 451 139

      7. 31~CIlIR:iCll 'CpIff C2lo/P 179,838 168,235 11,603 5,564 5,492 72 'Marginal workers ,!!oIM 87,419 ·78,721 8,698 2,363 2,323 40 fBro/F 92,419 89,514 2,905 3,201 3,169 32

      (i) CIlI~ctCllI~ C2loIP 90,231 89,946 285 3,780 3,771 9 Cultivators ,!!oIM 27,621 27,540 81 1,273 1,269 4 fBro/F 62,610 62,406 204 2,507 2,502 5 (iQ~~ C2loIP 39,036 38,029 1,007 745 743 2 Agricultural labourers ,!!o/M 22,203 21,480 723 351 349 2 fBroiF 16,833 16,549 284 394 394

      (iii) _4IRqlfh> ~ 'CpIff C2lo/P 6,357 5,804 553 234 230 4 Household industry workers 'l];o/M 3,288 3,092 196 107 105 2 fi??rolF 3,069 2,712 357 127 125 2

      (iv) 3Flf

      lfG 02~ 03~* Item Sex Chamoli Rudraprayag * mTf 1riiftl1i "#ii"ffij mTf Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 1. ~~vn1mit-&;~ 13,344 11,470 1,874 7,957 7,882 75 Total Scheduled Castes households 2. ~ vn1mit qft V1'i'ti'<5!l1 Cll'otP 67,539 09,015 8)524 40,311 40,015 296 (~ 3fR m V1'i{1&i1 m%cr) '9;o/M 33,991 29,338 4,653 19,967 19,778 189 Scheduled Castes population (including "R=?ro/F 33,548 29,677 3.871 20.344 20,237 107 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3fnJ ~ qft ~ ~ Cll'otP 11,925 10,640 1,285 7,698 7,654 44 qft V1'iti'<5!lll Scheduled Castes '9;o/M 6,063 5,397 666 3,895 3,872 23 population in the age group 0-6 "R=?ro/F 5,862 5,243 619 3,803 3,782 21 4. -mm Cll'otP 38,217 32,367 5,850 21,270 21,062 208 Literates '9;o/M 23,558 19,924 3.634 13,346 13,203 143 "R=?ro/F 14,659 12,443 2,216 7,924 7,859 65 5. ~ Cf>lfi Cll'otP 28,252 25,731 2,521 17,890 17,779 111 Total workers '9;o/M 14,477 12,654 1,823 8,614 8,509 105 "R=?ro/F 13,775 13,077 698 9,276 9,270 6 6. 4hhm R1 (j) Cf>lfi Cll'otP 15,431 13,522 1,909 12,552 12,451 101 Main workers '9;o/M 8,804 7,421 1,383 6,313 6,217 96 "R=?ro/F 6,627 6,101 526 6,239 6,234 5

      (i)' (j)1~C1(j)I\( Cll'otP 9,996 9,557 439 9,235 9,235 Cultivators '9;o/M 3,991 3,884 107 3,300 3,300 "R=?ro/F 6,005 5,673 332 5,935 5,935 (ii)~~ Cll'otP 101 70 31 86 86 Agricultural labourers llo/M 55 39 16 59 59 "R=?ro/F 46 31 15 27 27 (iii) 4IRqIR(j) ~ Cf>lfi O!:[otP 500 483 17 345 345 Household industry workers '9;o/M 414 404 10 273 273 "R=?ro/F 86 79 7 72 72 (iv) 3RT Cf>lfi Cll'o/p 4,834 3,412 1,422 2,886 2,785 101 Other workers '9;o/M 4,344 3,094 1,250 2,681 2,585 96 "R=?ro/F 490 318 172 205 200 5 7. ~&9(j)I~(j) Cf>lfi Cll'otP 12,821 12,209 612 5,338 5,328 10 Marginal workers '9;o/M 5.673 5,233 440 2,301 2,292 9 "R=?ro/F 7,148 6,976 172 3,037 3,036

      (i) (j)1~d(j)l\( Cll'otP 9,722 9,622 100 4,120 4,120 Cultivators '9;o/M 3,228 3,199 29 1,332 1,332 "R=?ro/F 6,494 6,423 71 2,788 2,788 (ii)~~ Cll'otP 256 249 7 205 205 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 114 111 3 74 74 "R=?ro/F 142 138 4 131 131 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ Cf>lfi Cll'otP 542 516 26 105 105 Household industry workers '9;o/M 331 315 16 88 88 "R=?ro/F 211 201 10 17 17 (iv) 3Rf Cf>lfi Cll'otP 2,301 1,822 479 908 898 10 Other workers '9;o/M 2.000 1,608 392 807 798 9 "R=?ro/F 301 214 87 101 100 8. fR Cf>lfi Cll'o/p 39.287 33,284 6,003 22,421 22,236 185 Non-workers '9;o/M 19,514 16,684 2,830 11,353 11,269 84 "R=?ro/F 19,773 16,600 3,173 11,068 10,967 101

      83 co-a :. 3t'j'q\RJa \J11R141 qft \J1'1ti{"~1 em ~ ~ \J1'1~IOI'1I ~ - 2001 A·8: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION· 2001

      ll"G 04~~ 05~ Item Sex Tehri Garhwal Dehradun "i1)lJ 1iTiftUT "i1)lJ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~$~ 16,063 14,957 1,106 31,532 16,379 15,153 Total Scheduled Castes'households

      2.~~~~ Clfo/P 87,325 82,044 5,281 173,448 92,033 81,415 (~3lR ~ Gl"lti&lI.~) ~o/M 43,668 40,698 2,970 91,925 48,843 43,082 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 43,657 41,346 2,311 81,523 43,190 38,333 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3Tl'.! ~ ~ ~ ~ Clfo/P 17,109 16,298 811 27,894 16,318 11,576 ~ \Jj'"H1&l1l Scheduled Castes ~o/M 8,765 8,353 412 14,258 8,253 6,005 papulation in the, age group 0-6 ~o/F 8,~44 7,945 399 13,636 8,065 5,571

      4. ~a:R Clfo/P 40,732 37,325 3,407 96,148 44,830 51,318 Literates ~o/M 26,554 24,401 2,153 58,352 28,024 30,328 ~o/F 14,178 12,924 1,254 37,796 16,806 20,990 5. ~ j fc;J Cjj

      (i) CjjI~dCf)t~ Clfo/P 14,292 14,283 9 12,099 12,018 81 Cultivators ~oIM 6,074 6,069 5 7,980 7,921 59 ~o/F 8,218 8,214 4 4,119 4,097 22 (ii)~~ Clfo/P 528 526 2 2,985 2,792 193 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 380 378 2 2,391 2,234 -157 ~o/F 148 148 594 558 36

      (iii) qlRqlRCf) ~ Cf>Iff Clfo/P 791 777 14 871 499 372 Household industry workers ~o/M 706 694 12 634 400 234 ~o/F 85 83 2 237 99 138 (iv) 3RT Cf>Iff Clfo/P 7,920 6,399 1,521 29,653 11,051 18,602 other workers ~IlIM 7,250- 5,880 1,370 25,620 9,551 16,069 ~o/F 670 519 151 4,033 1,500 2,533 7. 3lc;;qCf)lritCf) Cf>Iff Clfo/P 13,127 13,037 90 12,838 8,517 4,321 Marginal workers ~o/M 4,807 4,739 68 8,378 4,963 3,415 ~o/F 8.320 8,298 22 4,460 3,554 906

      (i) Cf)1~dCf)li( Clfo/P 9,783 9,775 8 2,438 2,418 20 Cultivators ~o/M 2,268 2,268 631 621 10 ~o/F 7,515 7,507 8 1,807 1,797 10 (ii)~~ Clfo/P 673, 669 4 3,354 3,030 324 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 301 297 4 2,097 1,874 223 ~o/F 372 372 1,257 1,156 101 (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ 'C21'o/p 269 265 4 320 235 85 Household indu'stry workers ~o/M 184 181 3 187 ~34 53 ~o/F 85 84 133 101 32 (iv) 3RT Cf>Iff 'Ufo/p 2,402 2,328 74 6,726 2,834 3,892 Other workers ~o/M 2,054 1,993 61 5,463 2,334 3,129 ~o/F 348 335 13 1,263 500 763 'C21'otP 50,667 47,022 3,645 115,002 57,156 57,846 Non-workers ~o/M 24,451 22,938 1,513 46,922 23,774 23,148 ~o/F 26,216 24,084 2,132 68,080 33,382 34,698

      84 Cff-8 : 3tj'ti~{1 \ilIRIlil qft \iI'1tk<41 em ~ m~ \iI'1~lul'1l ~ - 2001 A-8: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lIG 06~ 07 fCr.!I'I'(I'lij Item Sex Garhwal Pithoragarh "iitiT IDlffOT :;r1Rfu "iitiT IDlffOT ~ Total Rural Urban Total. Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 21,307 19.325 1,982 21,393 19,570 1,823 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ qlT \i!1x1i1Slll CZfo/P 106,653 96,717 9,936 106,449 98,067 8,382 (~ 3tR ~ \i!1x1i1Sll1 ~) "9;o/M 52,528 47,201 5,327 53,501 49,118 4,383 Scheduled Castes population (including faolF 54.125 49,516 4,609 52,948 48,949 3,999 institutional and house less population)


      4. W&N CZfO/P 62,563 55,719 6,844 59,706 53,907 5,799 Literates "9;oIM 37,198 33,081 4,117 36,599 33,248 3,351 fao/F 25,365 22,638 2,727 23,107 20,659 2,448

      5. ~ C!fIlt CZfO/P 40,585' 38,106 2,479 44,753 42,400 2,353 Total workers "9;o/M 21,508 19,381 2,127 22,961 21,193 1,768 fao/F 19,077 18,725 352 21,792 21,2.07 585

      6. G1QCj)I~Cj) C!fIlt CZfO/P 22,728 20,598 2,130 25,523 23,874 1,649 Main workers "9;o/M 13,497 11,649 1,848 14,694 13,304 1,390 fao/F 9,231 8,949 282 10,829 10,570 259

      (i) Cj)1~<:1Cj)I'< CZfO/P 13,256 13,237 19 15,987 15,959 28 Cultivators "9;o/M 5,006 5,001 5 6,475 6,463 12 fao/F 8,250 8,236 14 9,512 9,496 16

      (ii)~~ CZfO/P 327 320 7 332 329 '3 Agricult,urallabourers "9;o/M 211 204 7 199 197 2 faolF 116. 116 133 132 1 (iii) 4IRcIlRCj) ~ ~ CZfo/P 873 838 35 1,701 1,639 62 Household industry workers "9;o/M 816 784 32 1,261 1,228 33 fao/F 57 54 3 440 411 29 (iv) ~ Clilff CZfO/P 8,272 6,203 2,069 7,503 5,947 1,556 Other workers "9;o/M 7,464 5,660 1,804 6,759 5,416 1,343 fao/F 808 543 265 744 531 213

      7. 31 <'4 Cj) I R:! Cj) C!fIlt CZfO/P 17,857 17,508 349 19,230 18,526 704 Marginal workers "9;o/M 8,011 7,732 279 8,267 7,889 378 fao/F 9,846 9,776 70 10,963 10,637 326

      (i) Cj)1~<:1Cj)I'< CZfO/P 12,281 12,271 10 13,227 13,160 67 Cultivators "9;o/M 3,856 3,854 :2 4,172 4,162 10 fao/F 8,425 8,417 8 9,055 8,998 57

      (ii)~~ CZfO/P 1,388 1,379 9 1,150 1,137 13 Agricultorallabourers "9;o/M 702 696 6 504 500 4 fao/F 686 683 3 646 637 9

      (i ii) 4 IRq IR Cj) "i3EI)Tr C!fIlt CZfO/P 550 532 18 1,299 1,086 213 Household industry workers "9;o/M 414 404 10 531 504 27 faolF 136 128 8 768 582 186

      (iv) ~ C!fIlt CZfO/P 3,638 3,326 312 3,554 3,143 411 Other workers "9;o/M 3,039 2,778 261 3,060 2,723 337 faolF 599 548 51 494 420 74

      CZfO/P 66,068 58,611 7,457 61,696 55,667 6,029 Non-workers "9;o/M 31,020 27,820 3,200 30,540 27,925 2,615 fao/F 35,048 30,791 4,257 31,156 27,742 3,414

      85 CJ)-8 : 3t:NJ~d \J1IRtll~ qft GF1tk,c

      llG 08~* 09~ Item Sex Bageshwar* Almora iriiftUi ¥Tfui "litiI iriiftUi <;fiJ#ii Total* Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.WC1~~~~ 12,668 12,337 331 . 27,532 25,833 1,699 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2.~~mt~ "UfO/P 64,524 62,925 1,599 140,430 132,130 8,300 (~3tRw~~) -go/M '31,809 30,984 825 67,544 63,190 4,354 Scheduled Castes population (including fBfo/F 32,715 31,941 774 72,886 68,940 3,946 institutional and house less population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ mt ~ \ilTfum "UfO/P 12,114 .11,830 284 24,734- 23,629 1,105 mt ~I Scheduled Castes -go/M 6,242 6,103 139 12,576 12,020 556 population in the age group 0-6 fBfo/F 5,872 5,727 145 12,158 11,609 549 4. wm "Ufo/P . 33,940 32,941 999 76,494 70,416 6,078 Literates -go/M 20,846 20,249 597 45,306 41,799 3,507 fBfo/F 13,094 12,692 402 31,188 28,617 2,571 5. WC1 cp;ff' "Ufo/P 28,538 28,131 407 62,577 60,373 2,204 Total workers -go/M 13,848 13,508 340 29,439 27,708 1,731 fBfo/F 14,690 14,623 67 33,138 32,665 473' 6. c:f1~CflI~Cfl cp;ff 18,439 18,127 312 40,807 38,894 1,913 Main workers 9,686 9,421 265 20,201 18,717 1,484 8,753 8,706 47 20,606 20,177 429

      (i) CflI~(iCflI'l! -"Ufo/P 12,465 12,462 3 28,805 28,743. 62 Cultivators -go/M 4,532 4,,532 9,987 9,979 8 fBfo/F 7,933 7,930 3 18,818 18,764 54 (ii)~~ "Ufo/P 596 596 582 582 Agricultural labourers -go/M 371 371 309 309 fBfo/F 24.5 225 273 273

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ cp;ff "Ufo/P 824 819 5 1,432 1,403 29 Household industry workers -go/M 610 605 5 1,224 1,196 28 fBfo/F -214 2W 208 207 1

      (iv) 3A cp;ff "Ufo/P '4,554 4,250 304 9,988 8,166 1,822 Other workers -go/M 4,173 3,913 260 8,681 7,233' 1,448 1Bro/F 381 337 44 1,307 933 374 7. 3it>

      (i) CflI~(1CflI'{ "Ufo/P 5,837 5,837 14,722 14,717 5 Cultivators -go/M 1,734 1,734 4,495 4,495 fBfo/F 4,103 4,103 10,227 10,222 5 (ii)~~ "Ufo/P 1,924 1,922 2 2,106 2,106 Agricultural labourers -go/M 716 716 800 800 fBfo/F 1,208 1,206 2 1,306 1,306 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ cp;ff "Ufo/P 399 399 599 588 11 Household industry workers -go/M 217 217 423 413. 10 fBfo/F:, 182 182 176 175

      (iv) 3A cp;ff '"Ufo/P f;939 1,846 93 4,343 4,068 275 Other workers '-go/M 1,495 1,420 l5 3,520 3,283 237 fBfo/F 444 426 18 823 785 38 8. tR 'Cfl'I%T "Ufo/P 35,986 34,794 1,192 77,fl5.3 71,757 6,096 Non-workers -go/M 17,961 17,476 485 38,105 35,482 2,623 fBfo/F 18,025 17,318 707 39,748 36,275 3,473'

      86 <0-8 : 31j~d GlIRl4i qft GI'1fiMI Q5T ~ ~ Gt'1 J IOHI ~ - 2001 A-8: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION -.2001

      1'1<: 10~* Item Sex Champawat* Nainital iITTi 1ri1ffUT ~ iITTi 1ri1ffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 345 6 7 1. ~~~~'tlftcrR 7,312 6,364 948 28,024 21,770 6,254 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ~ ',F'Iti'&ll C!lo/P 38,098 33,569 4,529 148,184 115,931 32,253 (~ afR ~ "1'""1ti'&ll ~) ~o/M 19,291 16,882 2,409 77,938 61,064 16,874 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 18,807 16,687 2,120 70,246 54,867 15,379 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3Tq ~ ~ ~ 'V'ITfd

      4.~m C!lO/P 19,067 16,173 2,894 88,555 66,843 21,712 Literates ~o/M 12,356 10,615 1,741 53,886 41,368 12,518 ~o/F 6,711 5,558 1,153 34,669 25,475 9,194 5. ~c;r CJ5'lff C!lo/P 15,246 14,030 1,216 58,217 49,522 8,695 Total workers ~o/M 8,361 7,317 1,044 37,938 30,659 7,279 ~o/F 6,8B5 6,713 172 20,279 1B,B63 1,416 6. GJoc\CflIfc1Cf>' ~ CLfo/P 9,107 8,043 1,064 41,422 33,826 7,596 Main workers ~o!M 5,822 4,884 938 29,241 22,827 6,414 ~o!F 3,285 3,159 126 12,181 10,999 1.182


      (iv)~~ ~o/p 3,010 2,022 988 17,222 9,811 7,411 Other workers ~o/M 2,661 1,773 888 14,879 8,581 6,298 ~o/F 349 249 100 2,343 1.230 1,113 7. ~rfc;rcp ~ UTO/P 6,139 5,987 152 16,795 15,696 1,099 Marginal workers ~o/M 2,539 2,433 106 8,697 7,832 865 ~o/F 3,600 3,554 46 8,098 7,864 234

      (i) c/)1~('Ic/)I~ C!lO/p 4,653 4,640 13 6,6613 6,664 4 Cultivators ~o/M 1,447 1,445 2 2,289 2,287 2 ~o/F 3,206 3,195 11 4,379 4,377 2 (ii)~~ C!lo/P 476 461 15 5,350 :5,308 42 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 255 244 11 2,704 2,679 25 ~o/F 221 217 4 2,646 2,629 17 (iii) 41RqlRCfl \3E:Ilrr ~ C!lo/p 126 123 3 ·450 416 34 Household industry workers ~o/M 78 76 2 186 176 10 ~o!F 48 47 1 264 240 24 (iv)~~ UTO/P 884 763 121 4,327 3,308 1,019 Other workers ~o/M 759 668 91 3,518 2,690 828 ~o!F 125 95 JO 809 618 191 8. 7R q;+ff C!lo/P 22,852 19,539 3,313 89,967 66,409 23,558 Non-workers lJo/M 10,930 9,565 1,365 40,000 30,405 9,595 ~o!F 11,922 9,974 1,948 49,967 36,0~ 13,963


      11·-13 RGliND/06 Q;"-8 : 311'q~d G1IRllii qft \1HfiiL~1 em ~ ~ \1H~iOHI ~ - 2001 A-8: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 12 'Gi~ "IlR * 13~ Item Sex Udham Singh Nagar * Hardwar . iITiT lrilffUi :;:rii"ffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ -;:;rrfWit ~ ~ 28.435 20,855 7,580 55,812 46,140 9,672 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2.~~~~ Cll'o/p 162,782 119,066 43,716 313,976 260,462 53,514 (~~ W \Jl1x11!5!l1 ~) -go/M 86,617 63,118 23,499 167,702 139,337 28,365 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 76,165 55,948 20,217 146,274 121,125 25,149 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3ffij ~ ~ ~ \il1fulIT Cll'olP 33,352 25,149 8,203 63,245 54,867 8,376 ctt ~I Sched!,lled Castes -go/M 17,267 12,967 4,300 33,879 29,418 4,461 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 16,085 12,182 3,903 29,366 25,449 3,917

      4. 'ffiffi' Cll'o/p 71,989 51,945 20,044 143,550 112,039 31,511 Literates- '9;o/M 47,526 34,537 12,989 94,599 75,449 19,150 ~o/F 24,463 17,408 7,055 48,951 36,590 12,361 5.~~ Cll'o/p 50,8.99 38,981 11,918 96,045 82,094 13,951 Total workers -go/M 40,486 30,144 10,342 77,566 65,355 12,011 ~o/F 10,413 8,837 1,576 18,679 16,739 1,940 6.

      (i) CflI~~CflI'{ Cll'o/p 7,159 -6,743 416 10,852 10,786 66 Cultivators -go/M 6,069 5,661 408 10,148 10,086 62 ~o/F 1,090 1,082 8 704 700 4

      (ii)~'{'~ Cll'o/p 13,437 12,444 993 23,330 22,958 372 Agricultural labourers -golM 11,670 10,820 850 21,425 21,076 349 ~o/F 1,767 1,624 143 1,905 1,882 23

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ Cll'o/p 548 386 162 2,776 2,501 275 Household industry workers. '9;o/M 411 292 119 1,689 1,502 187 ~o/F 137 94 43 1,087 999 88

      (iv)~~ Cll'o/p / 15,081 6,646 8,435 35,501 24,159 11,342 Other workers -go/M 13,436 5,863 7,573 30,021 19,992 10,029 ~o/F 1,645 783 862 5,480 4,167 1,313

      7. 3l&4CflIfc;tCfl ~ Cll'O/P 14,674 12,762 1,912 23,586 21,690 1,896 Marginal workers -go/M 8,900 7,508 1,392 14,083 12,699 1,384 ~o/F 5,774 5,254 520 9,503 6,991 512

      (i). CflI~~CflI'{ Cll'o/p 1,346 1,304 42 1,654 1,647 7 Cultivators -go/M 412 391 21- 484 463 1 ~o/F 934 913 21 1,170 1,164 6 (ii)~~ Cll'o/p 9,742 9,264 478 11,667 11,556 111 Agricultural labourers -go/M 6,148 5,794 354- 7,437 7,346 91 ~o/F 3,594 3,470 124 4,230 4,210 20

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ Cll'o/p 253 213 40 1,211 1,096 115 Household industry workers . '9;o/M 113 95 ,18 429 364 45 ~o!F- - 140 118 22 782 712 70

      (iv)~~ Cll'o/p 3,333 1,981 1,352 9,054 7,391 1,663 Other workers -go/M 2,227 1,228 999 5,733 4,486 1,247 ~o/F 1,106 753 353 3,321 2,905 416 s. tR

      88 co-a: 3i1'<'l~d \J1(Rl4'j qft \J1"1fk.

      1:[Cl' ~ 01 13't1'(ChI!Jfl 0001~ Item Sex UTTARKASHI Puraula iftlT "!iJltlUT ~ iftlT "!iJltlUT ~ I Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 12,996 12,290 706 3,470 3,470 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ctt \J1"1ti'lilll Cll'o/p 67,467 64,148 3,319 18.800 18,800 (~3l'R ~ \J1"1ti'lilll ~) tM 34,291 32,536 1,755 9,582 9,582 Scheduled Castes population (including o/F 33,176 31.612 1,564 9,218 9,218 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~~ctt~~ Cll'o/p 12,715 12,230 485 3,677 3,677 ctt \J1"1ti'lillll Scheduled Cast~s '!);o/M 6,382 6,144 238 1,829 1,829 population in the age group 0-6 ff?ro/F 6,333 6,086 247 1,848 1,848 4. m&R Cll'o/p 31,236 28,981 2,255 7,483 7,483 Literates '!);o/M 20,685 19,329 1,356 5,087 5,087 ff?ro/F 10,551 9,652 899 2,396 2,396 5. ~ Cfil-TT Cll'o/p 31,198 30,176 1,022 9,220 9,220 Total workers '!);o/M 16,516 15,752 764 4,871 4,871 ff?ro/F 14,682 14,424 258 4,349 4,349 6. c:;lIjChI~Cl'i Cfil-TT i'ZTo/p 25,634 24,684 950 6,622 6,622 Main workers '!);o/M 14,153 13,429 724 3,968 3,968 ff?ro/F 11,481 11,255 226 2,654 2,654 (i) Cl'i1\!(1 Cl'il'( i'ZTo/P 20,660 20,532 128 5,541 5,541 Cultivators '!);o/M 10,045 9,995 50 3,028 3,028 fBro/F 10,615 10,537 78 2,513 2,513 (ii)~~ i'ZTo/p 334 333 113 113 Agricultural labourers 205 204 75 75 tMo/F 129 129 38 38 (iii) ql~ql~Cl'i ~ 'il'ilff Cll'O/P 619 595 24 241 241 Household industry workers 472 457 15 214 214 tMofF 147 138 9 27 27 (iv) 3Fll' 'il'ilff i'ZTo/p 4,021 3,224 797 727 727 Other workers 3,431 2.773 658 651 651 tMo/F 590 451 139 76 76 7: 3lC'4Cl'i1[{;J

      (i) Cl'il~~

      89 co-a: 31j~d G1IRt4) qft G1'1'ti'L<41 em ~ ~ G1'1~lol"'l "flR - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION -,2001.

      ~ fWy 0OO2~ 0OO3~ Item Sex Rajgarhi Dunda "iftTI "iiTiffiJi ~ "iftTI irilffUj :;ri}"fui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ vrrfu<:it ~ ~ 3,008 2,805 203 4,760 4,760 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ vrrfu<:it CJIT ~ CZTo/P 16,072 15,135 937 24,252 24,252 (~ 3i'R W \i1'"lti&:l1 ~) "9;o/M 8,219 7,738 481 12,096 12,096 Scheduled Castes population (including R=?ro/F 7,853 7,397 456 12,156 12,156 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6~~CJIT~~ CZTo/P 3,101 2,949 152 4,596 4,596 CJIT ~I Scheduled Castes ~o/M 1,581 1,507 74 2,301 2,301 population in the age group 0.6 R=?ro/F ,1,520 1,442 78 2,295 2,295 4. m&R CZTo/P 7,098 6,495 603 11,552 11,552 Literates 4,830 4,466 364 7,575 7,575 tM'o/F 2,268 2,029 239 3,977 3,977 5. ~ Cf>1ff . CZTo/P 7,757 7,462 295 10,930 10,930 Total workers 3,973 3,776 197 5,605 5,605 tMo/F 3,784 3,686 98 5,325 5,325

      6. Cf>1ff CZTo/P 7,152 6,880 272 8,837 8,837 Main workers 3,708 3,519 189 4,577 4,577 tMo/F 3,444 3,361 83 4,260 4,260

      (i) c/}I~ctc/}I'< CZTo/P 6,337 ~,226 111 7,190 7,190 Cultivators ~o/M 3,020 2,972 48 3,293 3,293 R=?ro/F 3,317 3,254 63 3,897 3,897 (ii)~~ CZTo/P 108 108 103 103 Agricultural labourers 72 72 51 51 tMo/F 36 36 52 52 (iii) qlRqlRCI> \3EITrr Cf>1ff CZTo/P 74 71 3 202 202 Household industry workers 65 62 3 129 129 tMo/F 9 9 73 73 (iv) aRT q;lj1 CZTo/P 633 475 158 1,342 1,342 Other workers 551 413 138 1,104 1,104 tMo/F 82 62 20 238 238

      7. 31 c;q C/} I R:1 CI> 'Cf>lfi CZTo/P 605 582 23 2,093 2,093 Marginal workers "9;o/M 265 257 8 1,028 1,028 R=?ro/F 340 325 15 1,065 1,065

      (i) Cl>1~ctc/}I'< CZTo/P 479 477 2 1,320 1,320 Cultivators lJo/M 188 188 470 470 R=?ro/F 291 289 2 850 850 (ii)~~, CZTo/P 42 41 228 228 Agricultural labourers 25 24 120 120 tMo/F 17 17 108 108 (iii) qlRqlRCI> \3EITrr ~ CZTo/P 11 11 75 75 Household industry workers lJo/M 10 10 42 42 R=?ro{F 1 33 33 (iv) aRT 'Cf>lfi CZTo/P 73 53 20 '470 470 Other workers "9;o/M 42 35 7 .396 396 R=?ro/F 31 18 13 74 74 8. ~ Cf>1ff CZTo/P 8,315 7,673 642 13,322 13,322 Non-workers 4,246 3,962 284 6,491 6,491 ;tM ofF 4,069 3,711 358 .6,831 6,831

      90 (f)-8 : 311'tlfild \OitlRlm qft \Oit'1t1't.<41 COT ~ m~ \Oit'1~loHI ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG fWr 0004~ Item Sex Bhatwari "mil WffiJT ~ Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1.~~~~tlfurR 1.758 1.255 503 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ctt \J1"Hi"l§1ll ClI'O/P 8.343 5.961 2.382 (~ 3tR W V1'1'1i"l§1ll ~) ljo/M 4.394 3.120 1.274 Scheduled Castes population (including fA'o/F 3.949 2,841 1,108 institutional and houseless population)

      3, 0-6 3ll

      (i) CPI~dCPI'" ClI'o/P 1.592 1.575 17 Cultivators ljofM 704 702 2 fuc/F BBB B73 15 (ii)~~ 'UfO/P 10 9 Agricultu~allabourers 7 6 ~ofF 3 3 (iii) 41RqlRcp \RI)Tr ~ ClI'otP 102 81 21 Household industry workers 64 52 12 tM ofF 38 29 9 (iv) 3Rl ~ ClI'o/P 1.319 680 639 Other workers ~ofM 1,125 605 520 ~ofF 194 75 119

      7. 3l'c;1l c:mfucp- q;1ff C2l'otP 268 219 49 Marginal workers ljcfM 167 135 32 fuo/F 101 84 17

      (i) CPI~dCPI'" C2l'otP 157 150 7 Cultivators ljofM 89 85 4 fuofF 68 65 3 (ii) ~ If\i'f~ C2l'otP 6 5 Agricultural labourers 3 2 ~ofF 3 3 (iii) 4 IRq I R cP \RI)Tr q;1ff ClfotP 6 2 4 Household industry workers ljofM 2 2 fuofF 4 2 2 (iv) 3RT q;1ff C2l'otP 99 62 37 Other workers ljofM 73 48 25 fuo/F 26 14 12 8. tR q;1ff C2l'otP 5,052 3,397 1,655 Non-workers 2,327 1,620 707 tM olF 2,725 1,777 948

      91 CJ)-8 : ~j'(!Rld \111R141 ctt \fI'1ti'L~1 cnr ~ m~ \11'1~IOHI ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT _OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ 02~ 0001~ Item Sex CHAMOLI Joshimath iITiT m"ifiUT "ifirtfu iITiT iillffUT Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ 'G!Tfu<:ff eli ~ 13,344 11,470 1,874 1,222 806 416 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ 'G!Tfu<:ff ~ \J1 'i {i <911 C2l'o/P 67,539 59,015 8',524 5,389 3,701 1,688 (~3i'R ffi ~~) :J;o/M 33,991 29,338 4,653 2,832 1,901 931 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 33,548 29,677 3,871 2,557 1,800 757 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6~~

      4.m~ C2l'O/P 38,217 32.367 5,850 3,195 2,125 1,070 Literates :J;o/M 23,558 19,924 3,634 2,016 1,325 691' ~o/F 14,659 12,443 2,216 1,179 800 379 5.~~ C2l'O/p 28,252 25,731 2,521 2,155 1,590 565 Total workers :J;o/M 14,477 12,654 1,823 1,375 946 429 ~o/F 13,775 13,077 698 780 644 136 6. GI4CfiIf<;tCfi~ C2l'o/P 15,431 13,522 1,909 1,458 1,007 451 Main workers :J;o/M 8,804 7,421 1,383 1,001 657 344 ~o/F 6,627 6,101 526 457 350 ~07

      (i) CfiI\!<:1CfiI~ C2l'o/P 9,996 9,557 439 604 522 82 Cultivators :J;o/M 3,991 3,884 107 225 211 14 ~o/F 6,005 5,673 332 379 311 68 (ii)~~ C2l'o/P 101 70 31 30 4 26 Agricultural labourers :J;o/M 55 39 16 16 2 14 ~o/F 46 31 15 14 2 12

      (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ ~ C2l'O/P 500 483 17 49 47 2 Household industry workers :;o/M 414 404 10 28 26 2 ~o/F 86 79 7 21 21

      (iv) 3R1'~. C2l'Q/P 4,834 3,412 1,422 775 434 341 Other workers :J;o/M 4,344 3,094 1,250 732 418 314 ~o/F 490 318 172 43 16 27 7. 3i6'4CfiIR!lCfi ~ C2l'o/P 12,821 12,209 612 697 583 114 Marginal workers :J;o/M 5,673 5,233 440 374' 289 85 ~o/F 7,148 6,976 172 323 294 29 (i) CiJI\!<:1Cfilx C2l'O/P 9,722 9,622 100 371 339 32 Cultivators :J;o/M 3,228 3,199 29 117 104 13 ~o/F 6,494 6,423 71 254 235 19 (ii)~~ C2l'O/P 256 249 7 11 5 6 Agricultural labourers :J;o/M 114 111 3 6 3 3 ff?ro/F 142 138 4 5 2 3

      (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ ~ 542 516 26 66 59 7 Household industry workers 331 315 16 24 20 4 211 201 10 42 39 3

      (iv) 3R1' ~ C2l'o/P 2,301 1,822 479 249 180 69 Other workers :J;o/M 2,000 1,608 392 227 162 65 ff?ro/F 301 214 87 22 18 4 mo/P 39.287 33,284 6,003 3,234 2,111 1,123 Non-workers :J;o/M 19,514 16,684 2,830. 1,457 955 502 ~o/F 19,773 16,600 • 3,173 1,777 1,156 621

      92 co-8 : 31'j~d G1IRim qft GHti\LGlJI C6l fGR;rr m~ GI .... JIOHI x=t'R - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED'CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lR 0002~ 0003~·· Item Sex Chamoli Pokhari .* mTf iiTiftUT ~ mTf miffOT :;:rii"ffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1, ~~~<$11furR 3,925 3,059 866 1,194 1,194 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ~ \JI

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ "VfIfu

      4. mm­ Cll"o/p 10,918 8,228 2,690 3,268 3,268 Literates ~o/M 6,998 5,304 1,694 2,054 2,054 f??ro/F 3,920 2,924 996 1,214 1,214 5.~~ Cll"o/P 8,133 7,093 1,040 2,527 2,527 Total workers ~o/M 4,419 3,618 801 1,212 1,212 ~o/F 3,714 3,475 239 1,315 1,315

      6, cflt:!Cf)IR;iCf) ~ C2l"o/p 4,269 3,565 704 1,044 1,044 Main workers ~o/M 2,528 1,981 547 590 590 f'ao/F 1,741 1,584 157 454 454

      (i) Cf)1~ctCf)I'{ ClfO/P 2,774 2,704 70 638 638 Cultivators ~o/M 1,208 1,200 8 221 221 f??ro/F 1,566 1,504 62 417 417 (ii)~~ Cll"o/p 9 9 26 26 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 5 5 12 12 f??ro/F 4 4 14 14

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ Cll"o/p 177 165 12 59 59 Household industry workers ~o/M 141 136 5 52 52 ~o!F 36 29 7 7 7.

      (iv) 3R.T ~ Cll"o/p 1,309 687 622 321 321 Other workers ~o/M 1,174 640 534 305 305 f??ro/F 135 47 88 16 16

      7. 31<'t1Cf)IR;iCf) ~ Cll"O/P 3,864 3,528 336 1,483 1,483 Marginal workers ~o/M 1,891 1,637 254 622 622 fBro/F 1,973 1,891 82 861 861

      (i) Cf)1~ctCf)I'< Cll"o/p 2,823 2,792 31 1,085 1,085 Cultivators ~o/M 1,019 1,009 10 327 327 N?ro/F 1,804 1,783 21 758 758

      (ii)~~ Cll"o/p 29 29 52 52 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 16 16 11 11 f?:'fo/F 13 13 41 41

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf) \3E:I)Tr ~ Cll"o/P 149 138 11 71 71 Household industry workers ~o/M 94 87 7 56 56 f??ro/F 55 51 4 15 15

      (iv) 3Rl ~ ClTO/P 863 569 294 275 275 Other workers ~o/M 762 525 237 228 228 f??ro/F 101 44 57 47 47 8. tR Cli1ff CZTotP 11,753 8,906 2,847 3,295 3,295 Non-workers ~o/M 5,825 4,474 1,351 1,714 1,714 f??ro/F 5,928 4,432 1,496 1,581 1,581

      93 en-a: ~j'1fi1d \J1IRt~l qft \J1'1fi\L~1 Q)J ~ m~ \J1'1 J IUI'i1 ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfC:" 0004 (j)UhHlIll 0005~ Item Sex Karnaprayag Tharali "$I iiTiftUT :;rlj"ffii "$I iiTiftUT :;rlj"ffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ vrifFr

      2. ~ ~ <1ft G1'i{iilSlll , Cll'O/P 10,166 7,217 2,949 17,971 17,971 (~ 3tR tER G1'i{iilSlll 'ffi%q) ~o/M 5,071 3,501 1,570 8,920 8,920 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 5,095 3,716 1,379 9,051 9,051 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 '3ITIJ ~ <1ft ~ ~ Cll'O/P 1,612 1,185 427 3,341 3,341 ctt G1'i{iilSllll Scheduled Castes ~o/M 802 588 214 1,700 1,700 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 810 597 213 1,641 1,641 4. <1T1\R Cll'o/p 6,430 4,340 2,090 9,715 9,715 Literates ~o/M 3,759 2,510 1,249 5,978 5,978 ~o/F 2,671 1,830 -841 3,737 3,737 5. ~ 'Cfi'4T Cll'O/p 4,090 3,174 916 7,592 7,592 Total workers ~o/M 2,055 1,4r.1 593 3,748 3,748 ~o/F 2,025 1,702 323 3,844 3,844 6. ~ t!q:;1 fc:Iq:; 'Cfi'4T Cll'O/P 2,181 1,427 754 4,937 4,937 Main workers ~o/M 1,347 855 492 2,498 2,498 ~o/F 834 572 262 2,439 2,439

      (i) q:;1~oq:;I'{ 1,188 901 287 3,706 3,706 Cultivators 456 371 85 1,456 1,456 732 530 202 2,250 2,250 (ii)~~ 19 14 5 16 16 Agricultural labourers 8 6 2 14 14 ~1 8 3 2 '2

      (iii) 4IRqIRq:; ~ 'Cfi'4T Cll'O/P 43 40 3 127 127 Household industry workers ~o/M 39 36 3 112 112 ~o/F 4 4 15 15

      (iv) 3'F

      7. 31 iA <1>1 fc:I Cfl 'Cfi'4T 1,909 1,747 162 2,655 2,655 Marginal workers 718 617 101 • 1,250 1,250 1,191 1,130 61 1,405 1,405

      (i) q:;1~oq:;I'{ Cll'O/P 1,550 1,513 37 1,935 1,935 Cultivators ~o/M 424 418 6 694 694 ~o/F 1,126 1,095 31 1,241 1,241 (ii)~~ Cll'O/P 34 33 102 102 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 18 18 46 46 ~o/F 16 15 56 56

      (iii) 4IRqIRq:; ~ 'Cfi'4T Cll'o/p 25 17 8 97 97 Household industry workers ~o/M 17 12 5 70 70 ~o/..F 8 5 3 27 27 (iv) 3'F

      94 co-8 : 3f'j~d \111R1111 qft \11'1ti{.c

      ll'Cr ~ 0006 tR t)ur** Item Sex Gair Sa in ** iWT irilftUT iJlT& Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1.~~~~~ 1,604 1,604 Total Scheduled Castes households 2. ~ ~ ctt "1'""1 fi&1 I ClfotP 8,305 8,305 (~3tR W "1'""1fi&11 ~) '9;o/M 3,998 3,998 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 4,307 4,307 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 ~ ~ ctt ~ ~ Clfo/P 1,459 1,459 ctt ~I Scheduled Castes '9;o/M 732 732 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 727 727

      4. W&R ClfotP 4,691 4,691 Literates '9;o/M 2,753 2,753 ~o/F 1,938 1,938 5. ~ ClJlff ClfotP 3,755 3,755 Total workers '9;o/M 1,658 1,658 ~o/F 2,097 2,097

      6. c;'Itj'rmR1Cf) ClJlff ClfotP 1,542 1,542 Main workers "9;o/M 840 840 ~o/F 702 702

      (i) Cf)1~ctCf)I"( ClfotP 1,086 1,086 Cultivators "9;o/M 425 425 ~o/F 661 661 (ii)~~ ClfotP Agricultural labourers ~Mo/F

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ ClfotP 45 45 Household industry workers '9;o/M 42 42 ~o/F 3 3 (iv) -3l"'l:r ClJlff ClfotP 410 410 Other workers '9;o/M 373 373 ~o/F 37 37 7. 31 ~ C!J"+\T ClIotP 2,213 2,213 Marginal workers "9;o/M 818 818 ~o/F 1,395 1,395

      (i) Cf)1~ctCf)I'! ClfotP 1,958 1,958 Cultivators "9;o/M 647 647 ~o/F 1,311 1,311 (ii) ~~ Clfo/P 28 28 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 17 17 ~o/F 11 11

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf)~~ ClfotP 134 134 Household industry workers '9;o/M 70 ],0 ~o/F 64 64

      (iv)-3l"'l:r~ ClfotP 93 93 Other workers '9;o/M 84 84 ~o/F ' 9 9

      8. tR ClJlff Clfo/P .,,4,550 4,550 Non-workers "9;o/M 2,340 2.340 ~o/F 2,210 2,210' ,',

      95 iP-8 : 31j'(~d \11IRtlii qfi \11'1'<1{.c

      lIG furl 03~· 0OO1~ Item Sex ~UDRAPRAYAG· Ukhlmath iftTi m"ifflJT mlii "iWl m"ifflJT ;pjffii Total Rural Urban Total . Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 7 8 1.~~~m-~ 7,957 7,882 75 2,922 2,915 7 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ~ G1'1~&H C2l"o/p 40,311 40,015 296 14,543 14,521 22 (~3tR tER ~~) ~o/M 19,967 19,778 189 7,204 7,182 22 Scheduled Castes population (including fBlo/F 20,344 20,237 107 7,339 7,339 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3ll

      4. ma:R C2l"o/p 21,270 21,062 208 7,768 7,760 8 ~ Literates 13,346 13,21)'3 143 4,964 4,956 a ~o/F 7,924 7,859 65 2,804 2,804 5.~~ C2l"o/p 17,890 17,779 111 6,732 6,711 21 Total workers 8,614 8,509 105 3,182 3,161 21 tMo/F 9,276 9,270 6 3,550 3,550

      6. "itlCfllfBtCfl ~ CZl"o/p 12,552 12,451 101 4,995 4,981 14 Main workers ;tM 6,313 6,217 96 2,415 2,401 14 o/F 6,239 6,234 5 2,580 2,580

      (i) CflI~dCl?Ii( C2l"o/p 9,235 9,235 3,852 3,852 Cultivators ~o/M 3,300 3,300 1,357 1,357 fBlo/F 5,935 5,935 2,495 2,495

      (ii)~~ C2l"o/p 86 86 19 19 Agricultural labourers ;tM 59 59 11 11 o/F 27 27 8 8 (iii) qlRqlRCfl ~ ~. / CZl"o/p 345. 345 161 161 Household ind,-!stry workers ~o/M 273 273 129 129 fBlo/F 72 72 32 32

      / (iv) 3Rl~ C2l"o/p ,- 2,886 2,785 101 963 949 14 Other workers ~o/M 2,681 • 2,585 96 918 904 14 fBlo/F 205 200 5 45 45

      7. 31 C'4 Cfll fcl Cfl q;+jl C2l"o/p 5,338 5,328 10 1,737 1,730 7 Marginal workers 2,301 2,292 9 767 760 7 tMo/F 3,037 3,035 1 970 970

      (i) C6I!{ctC6Ii( CZl"o/p 4,120 4,120 1,291 1,291 Cultivators ~oIM 1,332 1,332 398 398 fBTo/F 2,788 2,788 893 893 (ii) ~~ C2l"o/p 205 205 52 52 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 74 74 15 15 fBTo/F 131 131 37 37

      (iii) qlRqlRCfl ~ q;+jl C2l"o/p 105 105 49 49 Household industry workers 88 88 40 40 tM_-o/F 17 17 9 9

      (iv) 3Rl q;+jl C2l"o/p 908 898 10 345 338 7 Other workers 807 798 9 314 307 7 r:o/F 101 100 31 31 8. fR q;+jl C2l"o/p 22,421 22,236 185 7,811 7,810 Non-workers 11,353 11,269 84 4,022 4,021 tMo/F 11,068 10,967 101 3,789 3,789

      96 en-8 : 31j'tlRla. \1lIRtlii c6t \11'1tt{..c

      ~ ~ 0OO2~ Item Sex Rudraprayag "iitii "iiT1ftUT :;riiifu Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~~~~1:iftcm' 5,035 4,967 68 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ qft IiFH'i&l1 Ulo/P 25,768 25,494 274 (~3lR W 1il'"1'ti&l1 ~) ljo/M 12,763 12,596 167 Scheduled Castes population (including fBfo/F 13,005 12,898 107 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3mJ~qft~~ Ulo/P 4,951 4,907 44 qft 1il'"1'ti&l11 Scheduled Castes ljo/M 2,528 2,505 23 population in the age group 0-6 fBfo/F 2,423 2,402 21

      4. 'fIT~ UlO/P 13,502 13,302 200 Literates ljo/M 8,382 8,247 135 fBfo/F 5,120 5,055 65 5.~~ c1lo/P 11,158 11,068 90 Total workers ljo/M 5,432 5,348 84 fBfo/F 5,726 5,720 6 6. G~0c!)Ifc;jCl? ~ UlO/P 7,557 7,470 87 Main workers "9;o/M , 3,898 3,816 82 fBfo/F 3,659 3,654 5

      (i) Cl?1~\"1C1?I'< UlO/P 5,383 5,383 Cultivators "9;o/M 1,943 1,943 fBfo/F 3,440 3,440 (ii)~~ UlO/P 67 67 Agricultural labourers 48 48 tM o/F 19 19 (iii) QIRqlRCI? ~ ~ UlO/P 184 11}4 Household industry workers "9;o/M 144 144 fBfo/F 40 40 (iv)~~ Ulo/P 1,923 1,836 87 Other workers ljo/M 1,763 1,681 82 fBfo/F 160 155 5

      7. 3lC'4C1?IR:iC!) ~ UlO/P 3,601 3,598 3 Marginal workers 1,534 1,532 2 tM o/F 2,067 2,066

      (i) c!)1~\"1c!)I'< Ulo/P 2,829 2,829 Cultivators ljo/M 934 934 ~o/F 1,895 1,895 (ii) ~~ Ulo/P 153 153 Agricultural labourers ljo/M 59 59 fBfo/F 94 94 (iii) QIRqIRC!)~~ UlO/P 56 56 Household industry workers ljo/M 48 48 fBfo/F 8 8 (iv)~~ UlO/P 563 560 3 Other workers ljo/M 493 491 2 fBfo/F 70 69 8.iR~ Ulo/P 14,610 14,426 184 Non-workers ljo/M 7,33,1 7,248 83 fBfo/F 7,279 7,178 101

      97 q)-8 : 31j~~d \ifIRt4'j qft GHti&11 CfiT ~ ~ \ifrtJIOHI ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      l1c:' fW1 04~~ 0001 ~**' Item Sex TEHRI GARHWAL Ghansall ** "miT "!iiiftUT :;:rTI"& "miT iWffUi :;:riiifli Total • Rural Urban Total ,Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \ifIfum ~ trfurR 16,063 14,957 1,106 , 3,725 3,725 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ \ifIfum ~ \JI'1~&11 'Ufo/P 87,325 82,044 5,281 20,735 20,735 (~3tR~~~) tM 43,668 40,698 2,970 10,172 10,172 Sched,uled Castes population (including olF 43,657 41,346 2,311 10,563 10,563 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3l'T

      (i) CjjI~ctCjjI'< 'UfO/P , 14,292 14,283 9 4,933 4,933 Cultivators tM 6,074 6,069 5 2,001, 2,001 olF 8,218 8,214 4 2,932 2,932 (ii)~~ 'UfO/P 528 526 2 38 38 Agricultural labourers ;(M 380 378 2 29 29 olF 148 148 9 9 (iiil 41RqlRCjj \roTrr CIJ1ff 'Ufo/P 791 777 14 136 136 Household industry workers 'l0/M 706 694 12 132 132 fBTo/F 85 83 2 4 4 (iv) 3R1' CIJ1ff 'Ufo!? 7,920 6,399 1,521 1,246 1,246

      Other workers 'lo/M ~/ 7,250 5,880 1,370 1,168 1,168 fBTo/F '670 519 151 78 78 7. 31 C'G 4J I R:i Cjj CIJ1ff 'Ufo!? 13,127 13,037 90 2,504 2,504 Marginal workers tM 4,807 4,739 68 815 815 o/F 8,320 8,298 22 1,689 1,689

      (i) q)1~ctCjjI'< 'Ufo!? 9,783 9,775 8 1,969 1,~69 Cultivators tM 2,268 2,268 343 343 olF 7,515 7,507 8 1,626 1,626 (ii) ~~ 'Ufo!? 673 669 4 38 38 Agricultural labourers tM 301 297 4 23 23 olF 372 372 -' 15 15 (iii) 4 IRq I R Cjj \roTrr CIJ1ff 'UfO/P 269 265 4 25 25 Rousehold industry worke_rs tM 184 181 3 17 17 ofF 85 84 1 8 8 (iv) 3R1' CIJ1ff 'Ufo!? - 2,4.J)!! 2,328 74 472 472 Other workers tM 2,054 1,993 61 432 432 olF 348 335' 13 40 40 8. iR CIJ1ff C2l'o!? 50,667 ,47,022 3,645 11,878 11,878 Non-workers 'lo/M 24,451 22,938 1,513 6,027 6,027 fBTo/F 26,216 24,084 2,132 5,851 5,851 co-a: 3t1t!Jitd \J11f{fdi qft \J1'1'tk.c~:U COT mr ~ \J1'1 J loHI ~ .._ 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfC:" ~ 0002~ 0003 !H114'1'I~ Item Sex Oevprayag Pratapnagar 'iillT iiIlffUT "i{irtfu 'iillT iiIlffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~ttftcrR 3,053 2,963 90 2,570 2,570 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ~ "'1 "Hi&:l I ClfO/P 16,337 15,858 479 14,190 14,190 (~ $ ~ "'1'1ti&:l1 ~) :l;o/M 8,079 7,850 229 6,996 6,996 Scheduled Castes population (including ff?ro/F 8,258 8,008 250 7,194 7,194 institutional and house less population)

      3.0-6~~~~~ ClfO/P 3,152 3,077 75 2,766 2,766 ~ "'1'iti&:l1l Scheduled Castes :l;o/M 1,613 1,576 37 1,384 1,384 population in the age group 0-6 ff?ro/F 1,539 1,501 38 1,382 1,382

      4.~ ClfO/P 8,502 8,196 306 6,243 6,243 Literates 5,175 5,007 168 4,205 4,205 tMo/F 3,327 3,189 138 2,038 2,038

      5. ~ q;-4T ClfO/P 6,449 6,346 103 6,431 6,431 Totai workers 3,339 3,253 86 3,194 3,194 tM o/F 3,110 3,093 17 3,237 3,237

      6. ,,"IQC/)I[BC/) ri ClfO/P 4,243 4,145 98 3,237 3,237 Main workers :l;o/M 2,437 2,356 81 2,147 2,147 tao/F 1,806 1,789 17 1,090 1,090

      (i) c/)I~~c/)I'{ ClfO/P 2,578 2,578 1,650 . 1,650 Cultivators :l;o/M 988 988 657 657 f'ao/F 1,590 1.590 993. 993

      (ii)~~ "UTO/P 51 51 7~ 71 Agricultural labourers :l;o/M 30 30 47 47 f'ao/F 21 21 24 24

      (iii) 4IRqIRC/) ~ ri ClfO/P 199 199 171 171 Household industry workers 163 163 152 152 tM ofF 36 36 19 19 (iv) 3Rl ri ClfO/P 1,415 1,317 98 1,345 1,345 Other workers :l;o/M 1,256 1,175 81 1,291 1,291 f'ao/F 159 142 17 54 54

      7. 3l<'YC/)1f<;Ji'fi q;-sjl UlO/P 2,206 2,201 5 3,194 3,194 Marginal workers 902 897 5 1,047 1,047 tMo/F 1,304 1,304 2,147 2,147

      (i) c/)I~~c/)I'< ClfO/P 1,574 1,574 2,512 2,512 Cultivators :l;o/M 448 448 495 495 -!Bro/F 1,126 1,126 2,017 2,017

      (ii) ~~ "UTo/P 123 123 118 118 Agricultural labourers :l;o/M 50 50 49 49 f'ao/F 73 73 69 69

      (iii) 4IRIlIRC/) ~ q;-4T ClfO/P 73 73 57 57 Household industry workers 41 41 43 43 tM ofF 32 32 14 14

      (iv) 3RT C!J1f. ClfO/P 436 431 5 507 507 Other workers 363 358 5 460 460 ~ofF 73 73 47 47 8.tR~ ClfO/P 9,888 9,512 376 7,759 7,759 Non-workers 4,740 4,597 143 3,802 3,802 ~o/F 5,148 4,915 233 3,957 3,957

      99 Q)"-8 : 31'j'

      11G 0004~ 0005 '1~~.1'1'( Item Sex Tehri Narendranagar iiflT fuiffOT :;riTfui iiflT "iiTiff# ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1· 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 1.~~~'$~ 5,172 4,558 614 1,543 1,141 402 Total Scheduled Castes households

      ·2.~~~~ C2l'o/p 28,086 2~,228 2,858 7,977 6,033 1,944 (~~W~mm=r) -go/M 14,289 12,653 1,636 4,132 3,027 1',105 Scheduled Castes population (including N?ro/F 13,797 12,575 1,222 3,845 3,006 839 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3m,! "fIW ~ ~ ~ C2l'o/p 5,423 4,999 424 1,501 1,189 312 ~ ~I Scheduled Castes -go/M 2,800 2,585 215 771 611 160 population in the age group 0-6 N?ro/F 2,623 2,414 209 730 578 152

      4. -mm C2l'o/p 13.1?1 11.245 1,906 4,037 2,842 1.195 Literates -go/M 8,652 7,438 1,214 2,621 1,850 771 N?ro/F 4,499 3,807 692 1,416 992 424 5. ~ CfJ'Ifi C2l'o/p 11,881 10,945 936 3,040 2,443 597 Total workers -go/M 6,739 5,906 833 1,800 1,262 538 N?ro/F 5,142 5,039 103 1,240 1,181 59

      6. GIQCliI~C/i 'Cj)"Iff C2l'o/p 7,822 6,901 921 1,876 1,349 527 Main workers -go/M 5,142 4,318 824 1,354 870 484 N?ro/F 2,680 2,583 97 522 479 43

      (i) C/i1~dC/iI'! C2l'o/p 4,319 4,311 8 .812 811 Cultivators -go/M 2,059 2,055 4 369 368 &;rolF 2.260 2.256 4 443 443

      (ii)~~ C2l'o/p 355 354 13 12 Agricultural labourers -go/M 265 264 9 8 fBo/F 90 90 4 4 (iii) 4IRq!RC/i \.TI1TrT 'Cj)"Iff C2l'o/P 238 225 13 47 46 Household industry workers -go/M 215 204 11 44 43 fBo/F 23 21 2 3 3 /' (iv)~~ C2l'o/p 2,910 2,011 899 1,004 480 524 Other workers --g6/M 2,603 1,795 808 932 451 481 N?ro/F 307 216 91 72 29 43

      7. 3l(.ilfC/iIfc:!CIi ~ C2l'o/p 4,059 4,044 15 1,164 1,094 70 Marginal workers -go/M 1,597 1,588 9 446 ·392 54 fBo/F 2,462 2,456 6 718 702 16

      (i) C/i1~dC/iI'< C2l'01P 2,839 2,836 3 889 884 5 Cultivators '9;o/M 773 773 209 209 N?ro/F 2,066 2,063 3 680 675 5 (ii)~~ C2l'o/p 379 378 15 12 3 Agricultural labourers_ -go/M 17.4 173 5 2 3 N?ro/F 205 205 10 10

      (iii) 4IRqIRC/i ~ 'Cj)"Iff C2l'o/p 111 108 3 3 2 Household industry workers -go/M :-­ 80 78 2 3 2 N?ro/F 31 30 (iv)~~ C2l'o/P 730 722 8 257 196 61 Other workers '9;o/M 570 564 6 229 179 50 N?ro/F 160 158 2 28 17 11

      8.tR~ C2l'o/p 16,205 14,263 1,922 4,937 3,590 1,347 Non-workers 'io/M 7,550 6,747 803 2,332 1,765 567 fBo/F 6,655 7,536 1,119 2,605 1,825 780

      100 co-8 : ~j~RI~ \1iIRllll c5t \1i""'lfi'Lt:lOIl cor ~ m~ \;1""'1 110 1""'11 ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      llG 05~ 0001~ Item Sex DEHRADUN Chakrata "lIFT "!iT1fiUT ~ "lIFT lfI"i"fitJI' ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \iflftn:if $ t1ftcrR 31,532 16,379 15,153 5,108 4,912 196 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ vrrft1<:if ~ ~ c'lfo/P 173,448 9?,033 81,415 33,905 33,138 767 (~ 3lR &tR \ij"Hi~1 ~) lj;o/M 91,925 48,843 43,082 17,911 17,491 420 Scheduled Castes I?opulation (including ~a/F 81,523 43,190 38,333 15,994 15,647 347 institutional and houseless populalion)

      3. 0-6~~

      6. C;~~CflIR;jC/) ~ C21'a/P 45,608 26,360 19,248 12,511 12,293 218 Main workers :!a/M 36,625 20,106 16,519 8,567 8,381 186 ~o/F 8,983 6,254 2.729 3,944 3,912 32

      (i) c/)1~dCflI~ C21'o/P 12,099 12,018 81 9,098 9,097 Cultivators :!o/M 7,980 7,921 59 5,989 5,988 ~a/F 4,119 4,097 22 3,109 3,109 (ii)~~ C21'a/P 2,985 2,792 193 1,118 1:118 Agricultural labourers lj;a/M 2,391 2,234 157 791 791 ~o/F 594 558 36 327 327

      (iii) qlRqlRCfl ~ ~ C21'O/P 871 499 372 214 203 11 Household industry workers lj;a/M 634 400 234 156 149 7 ~o/F 237 99 138 58 54 4

      (iv) 3f'XT ~ C21'a/P 29,653 11,051 18,602 2,081 1,875 206 Other workers lj;o/M 25,620 9,551 16,069 1,631 1,453 178 ~o/F 4,033 1,500 2,533 450 422 28

      7. 3l01CflIR;jep ~ CZl'O/P 12,838 8,517 4,321 2,682 2,660 22 Marginal workers "9;a/M 8,378 4,963 3,415 1,058 1,036 22 R?ro/F 4,460 3,554 906 1,624 1,624

      (I) CflI~dCflI'< G:1'O/P 2,438 2,418 '20 1,390 1,390 Cultivators lj;a/M 631 621 10 286 286 ~a/F 1,807 1,797 10 1,104 1.104 (ii)~"~ C21'o/P 3,354 3,030 324 720 719 Agricultural labourers "9;a/M 2,097 1,874 223 354 353 "fBro/F 1,257 1,156 101 366 366

      (iii) qlRqlRCfl ~ ~ C21'O/P 320 235 85 83 83 Household industry workers :J:o/M 187 134 53 46 46 "fBro/F 133 101 32 37 37

      (iv)~~ CliO/P 6,726 2,834 3,892 489 468 21 Other workers lJo/M 5,463 2,334 3,129 372 351 21 "fBro/F 1,263 500 763 117 117

      8.TR~ C21'O/P 115,002 57,156 57,846 18,712 18,185 527 Non-workers lj;o/M 46,922 23,774 23,148' 8,286 8,074 212 fBro/F 68,080 33,382 "34,698 10,426 10,111 315

      101 (5-8 : 3tj'«~d \11IRt41 qft \11'::fti'L<41 'ij)J ~ m~flICf) \11"1 J loHI ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULE!? CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfC:' 0002 fcjCbltl'1'I'< *. ~003~ Item Sex Vikasnagar ** " Dehradun "iftlT ~ "iftlT ii11ffUT Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~m-~ 5,557 4,972 585 17,453 4,75'1 12,702 Total Scheduled C;l.stes households

      2. ~ ~ qj't v1"lx1&11 GIlo/P 28,509 25,426 3,083- 92,756 24,415 68,341 (~ 3tR W \1l"1 ti&l I ~) llo/M 15,131 13,522 1,609 49,129 12,983 36,146 . Scheduled Castes population (including fBro/F 13,378 11,904 1,474 43,627 11,432 32,195 institutional and house less population)

      3. 0-6 ~ 'W!5 qj't ~ ~ GIlo/P 4,541 4,071 470 13,143 3,669 9,474 q,'T ~/ Scheduled Castes ~o/M 2,334 2,102 232 6,763 1,851 4,912 population in the age group 0-6 fBro/F 2;207 1,969 238 6,380 1,818 4,562

      4. X1TllR GIlo/P 15,926 14,211 1,715 58,499 14,792 43,707 Literates lJ,Q/M 9,658 8,663 995 34,719 8,930 25,789 fBro/F 6,268 5,548 720 23,780 5,862 17,918

      5.~~ GIlo/P 10,345 9,392 953 27,896 7,940 19,956 Total workers llo/M 7,759 6,926 ,833 23,257 6,497 16,760 fBro/F 2,586 2,466 120 4,639 1,443 3,196

      6. th!cfllR1Cf) ~ GIlo/P 7,221' 6,638 583 22,178 5,801 16,377 Main workers llo/M 5,889 5,351 538 18,811 4,875 13,936 fBro/F 1,332 1,287 45 3,367 926 2,441

      (i) Cf)liidCf)I'< GIlO/P 2,001 1,983 18 657 600 57 Cultivators llo/M 1,231 1,215 16 471 432 39 fBro/F 770 768 2 186 168 18 (ii)~~ GIlO/P 1,051 953 98 658 567 91 Agriculturallabo~rers ~o/M 910 815 95 545 486 59 fBro/F 141 138 3 113 81 32

      0ii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ GIlo/P 115 101 14 450 139 311 Household in,dustry worKers -go/M 99 86 13 292 111 181 fBro/F 16 15 158 28 130

      (iv) 3RT~ GIlo/P 4,054 3,601 453 20,413 4,495 15,918 Other workers -llo/M 3,649 3,235 414 17,503 3,846 13,657 fBro/F 405 366 39 2,910 649 :2,261

      7. 3{~"lCf)IR1Cf) ~ C2l0/P 3,124 2,754 370 5,718 2,139 13,579 Marginal workers -go/M 1,870 1,575 295 4,446 1,622 2,824 ~o/F 1,254 1,179 75 1,272 517 755 (i) Cf)liidctil'< C2l0/P 770 768 2 175 158 17 Cultivators -go/M 217 217 82 72 10 fBro/F. 553 551 2 93 86 7 (ii)~~ GIlo/P 1,127 1,070 57 941 705 236 Agricultural labourers llo/M 707 666 41 622 467 155 fBro/F 420 4M 16 319 238 81 (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ C2l0/P 41 38 3 136 69 67 Household industry workers llo/M 18 17 82 39 43 fBro/F" 23 21 2 54 30 24

      (iv) 3RT ~ C2l0/P 1,186 878 308 4,466 1,207 3,259 Other workers -go/M 928 675 253 3,660 1,044 2,616 ~o/F 258 203 55 806 163 643

      8. fR~ GIlo/P' 18,164 16,034 2,130 64,860 16,475 48,385 Non-workers -go/M 7,372 6,596 776 25,872 6,486 19,386 fBro/F 10,792 9,438 1,354 38,988 9,989 28,999

      102 en-8 : 3Ji~d \111R1~1 qft \11'1fi'Lclil cnT ~ m~ \11'1~I01'11 mx - 2001 A·8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION· 2001

      'llG fWT 0OO4~*· Item Sex Rishikesh *. mil IDifiUT =;fiRfu Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1.~~~'i);~ 3,414 1,744 1,670 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2.~~ctt~ CZTU/P 18,278 9,054 9,224 (~ -3tR ~ \Ji1{i&:l1 ~) 1J:o/M 9,754 4,847 4,907 Scheduled Castes population (including fBro/F 8,524 4,207 4,317 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3ITll ~ mt ~ ~ CZTO/P 2,948 1,428 1,520 "$t Scheduled Castes 1,523 ~I tM 723 800 population in the age group 0-6 o/F 1,425 705 720

      4. m~ ~O/P 10,840 5,403 5,437 Literates 1J:o/M 6,641 3,373 3,268 fBro/F 4,199 2,030 2,169

      5. ~ cn41 ~O/P 5,012 2,592 2,420 Total workers 1J:o/M 4,362 2,229 2,133 fBro/F 650 363 287

      6. ,,'hrcfll R;j Cfl cn41 C<:[O/P 3,698 1,628 2,070 Main workers -go/M 3,358 1,499 1,859 fBro/F 340 129 211

      0) Cfi1V~ ~O/P 343 338 5 Culhvators 1J:o/M 289 286 3 fBTo/F 54 52 2

      (ii)~~ C<:[O/P 158 154 4 Agricultural labourers 1J:o/M 145 142 3 fBro/F 13 12

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl \roTrT cn41 C<:[O/P 92 56 36 Household industry workers 1J:o/M 87 54 33 fBro/F 5 2 3

      (iv) 3R4 cn41 ~O/P 3,105 1,080 2,025 Other workers 1J:o/M 2,837 1,017 1,820 fBro/F 268 63 205

      7. 31

      (i) 4l1>{dCflI'< ~O/P 103 102 Cultivators 1J:o/M 46 46 rero/F 57 56 (ii) ~~ C<:[O/P 566 536 30 Agricultural labourers l];o/M 414 388 26 fBro/F 152 148 4

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ ttro/P 60 45 15 Household Industry workers l];o/M 41 32 9 fBro/F 19 13 6

      (iv) 3R4 <'!Jlff C<:[O/P 585 281 304 Other workers l];o/M 503 264 239 fBrc/F 82 17 65

      8. Tr{ Cfll'lt C<:[O/P 13,266 6,462 6,804 Non-workers 2,618 2,774 tM 5,392 o/F 7,874 3,844 4,030

      103 en-a: 31j,

      l1G 06~ 0001 ~** Item Sex GARHWAL Sri"agar •• mlJ "!iilffUT :;riTffii mlJ iiJiftUT :;riffui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. WB ~ ~ m-1:l"furR 21,307 19,325 1,982 1,542 1,114 428 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ qft \ii<'Ix1@l1 :

      3.0-6 ~~ ~ ~"\if"Ifu

      4.m~ 'Ul'o/P 62,563 55,719 6,844 5,034 3,463 1,571 Literates ljo/M 37,198 33,081 4.117 2,960 1,991 969 ~o/F 25,365 22,638 2,727 ~,074 1,472 602 5.¥1~ 'Ul'o/p· 40,585 38,1-06 2,479 2,619 2,060 559 Total workers ljo/M 21,508 19,381 2,127 1,599 1,113 486 ~o/F 19,077 18,725 352 1,020 947 73

      6. cf)1!\4l1fc:i4l ~ 'Ul'olP. 22,728 20,598 2,130 1 ~781 1,264 517 Main workers ljo/M 13,497 11,649 1,848 1,138 677 461 ~o/F 9,231 8,949 282 643 587 56

      (i) 4l1~tl4lI'i( 'Ul'O/P 13,256 13,237 19 777 777, Cultivators ljo/M 5,006 5,001 5 250 250 ~o/F 8,250 8,236 14 527 527 (ii)~~ 'Ul'O/P 327 320 7 15 15 Agricultural labourers ljo/M 211 204 7 1 1 ~o/F 116 116 14 14

      (iii) qlRqlR4l \Rl'rr ~ 'Ul'o/P 873 838 35 46 40 6 Household industry workers ljo/M 816 784 32 43 38 5 ~o/F 57 54 3 3 2 1

      (iv) 3R"~ 'Ul'o/P 8,272 6,203 2,069 943 432 511 Other workers ljo!M' 7,464 5,660 1,804 844 388 456 ~o/F 808 543 265 99 44 55 7. a1(>q4lIfc:i4l ~ 'Ul'o/P 17,857 17,508 349 838 796 42 Marginal workers ljo/M 8,011 - 7,732 279 461 436 25 fBfo/F 9,846 9,776 70 377 360 17

      (i) (j)1~tI(j)I'i( 'Ul'o/P 12,281 12,271 10 477 477 Cultivators ljo/M 3,856 3,854 2 167 167 fBfo/F 8,425 8,417 8 310 310 (ii)~~ 'Ul'O/P 1,388 1,379 9 '20 20 Agricultural labourers ljo/M 702 696 6 9 9 fBfo/F 686 683 3 11 11

      (iii) qlRqlR4l \Rl'rr ~ 'Ul'o/P 550 532 18 28 21 7 Household industry workers ljo/M 414 404 10 19 17 2 ~o/F 1"36 128 8 9 4 5

      (iv) 3R"~ 'Ul'o/P 3,638 3,326 312 313 278 35 Other workers ljo/M 3,039 2,778 26'1 266 243 23 fBfo/F 599 548 51 47 35 12

      8. tR

      104 en-S : 31j'

      +rG fWr 0OO2~ 0OO3~~ Item Sex Pauri Thali Sain '"liTTT lrilffiJT ~ "liTTT lriiftU'I ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \iflfdS9 2,659

      6. ~tlCI>IR;iCl> ~ ClTO/P 7,648 6,913 735 3,939 3,939 Main workers ~o!M 3,938 3,311 627 2,035 2,035 ~o!F 3,710 3,602 108 1,904 1,904

      (i) Cl>1~('1C1>lx ClTOIP 5,170 5,154 16 2,993 2,993 Cultivators ~o!M 1,723 1,721 2 1,185 1,185 ~o/F 3,447 3,433 14 1,808 1,808 (ii)~~ ClTO/P 65 65 47 4V Agricultural labourers ~o!M 29 29 27 27 ~o/F 36 36 20 20 (iii) 4IRqIRCf) \3E1TTr ~ ClTO/P 181 162 19 233 233 Household industry workers 168 150 18 220 220 tM o/F 13 12 13 13 (iv) \3Rl ~ ClTO/P 2,232 1,532 700 666 666 Other workers ~o!M 2,018 1,411 607 603 603 ~o/F 214 121 93 63 63 7. 3l<"lCf)1R;iCf) ~ ClTO/P 4,285 4,196 89 2,146 2,146 Marginal workers ~o!M 1,901 1,833 68 746 746 ~o/F 2,384 2,363 21 1,400 1,400 (i) Cl>1 :t('1Cf)lx ClTO/P 3,009 3,000 9 1,748 1,748 Cultivators ~M 947 946 1 495 495 o/F 2,062 2,054 8 1,253 1,253 (ii) ~~' ClTo/P 323 321 2 95 95 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 114 113 22 22 ~o!F 209 208 73 73 (iii) 41RqlRCI> \3E1TTr ~ ClTO/P 91 85 6 117 117 Household industry workers ~o/M 76 72 4 90 90 ~o/F 15 13 2 27 27 (iv) \3Rl ~ ClTO/P 862 790 72 186 186 Other workers 764 702 62 139 139 tM o/F 98 88 ,10 47 47 8. tR~ ClTOIP 18,415 15,943 2,472 7,394 7,394 Non-workers ~oIM 8,897 7,824 1,073 3,656 3,656 ~o/F 9,518 8,119 1,399 3,738 3,738

      105 . . en-a: 31'j~Rlij GiIRh.. 'i qft Gi"iti'Lclil CIiT fGR;n m~ Gi"i,lIOHI ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATfON - 2001

      lfC:' fWT 0004~ 0005 ~""fI;SI\3"'1 Item Sex Dhoomakot Lansdowne "ii)Tf ii11ffUT ::rrTffii "ii)Tf ii11ffUT :;:riT#ii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ ~ ~ 'CI'furR' 1,467 1,467 5.249 5;040 209 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2.~~~~ CZfO/P 7.146 7.146 26,111 25,201 910 (~ 3tR mrx \i1'itil!Slll ~) ~o/M 3,528 3,528 12,637 12,146 '-491 Scheduled Castes population (including fBl'o/F 3,618 3,618 13,474 13,055 419 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3n

      (i) Cf)1~dCf)I'< CZfO/P 752 75;2 2,571 2,569 2 Cultivators ~o/M 366 366- 1,'006 1,004 2 fBl'o/F 386 386 1,565 1,565 (ii)~~ CZfOI? 20 20 61 . 60 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 18 18 37 36 fBl'o/F 2 2 24 24 (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ CfillT CZfO/P 80 80 233 233 Household industry workers '9;o/M 71 71 221 221 fBl'o/F 9 9 12 12 (iv) 3R1' ~ CZfO/P ,/ 312 312 1,676 1,452 224 Other workers '9;o/M 288 288 1,502 1,308 194 fBl'o/F 24. 24 174 144 30 7. 31 c;q Cf) I ~ Cf) cn4T . CZfO/P 1,517- 1,517 5,987 5,982 5 Marginal workers ~o/M 611 611 2,440 2,437 3 ~o/F 906 906 3,547 3,545 2

      (i) Cf)1~dCf)I'< CZfO/P 1,203 1,203 4,563 4,563 Cultivators ~o/M 378 378 1,426 1,426 fBl'o/F 825 825 3,137 3,137 (ii) ~~ CZfO/P 73 73 393 393 Agricultural labourers :l0/M 45 45 193 193 fBl'o/F 28 28 200 200 (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ 'CfillT CZfO/P 108 108 144 144 Household industry workers ~M 77 77 108 108 o/~ __ 31 31 36 36 (iv) 3R1' ~ CZfO/P 133 133 887 882 5 Other workers '9;o/M 111. 111 713 710 3 fBl'o/F 22 22 174 172 2 8. tR 'CfillT C2id/P 4,465 4,465 15,583 14,905· 678 Non-wo.rkers ~o/M 2,174 2,174 7,431 7,140 291 fBl'o/F 2,291 2,291 8,152 7,765 387

      106 CIl-8 : 31j~fI \111R1lii qft \11"1ti'Lclil em Rm1T m~ \11"1 J lol"1l ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT p,RIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG ~ 0OO6~ Item Sex Kotdwara iftlT "irilftUT #iT"fui Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 ;; 4 5 1.~~~~~ 4,343 3,670 673 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ~ \i1'i~&l1 ClIo/P 21,834 18,352 3,482 (~ 3tR ~ \i1'i~\!9l1 ~) "9:o/M 11,266 9,445 1,821 Scheduled Castes population (including mro/F 10,568 8,907 1,661 'institutional arid houseless population)

      3. 0-6.31T

      (i) Cf)1~\iCf)I'1 ClI0/P 993 992 Cultivators 1J;o/M 476 475 mro/F 517 517 (ii)~~ ClI0/P 119 113 6 Agricultural labourers -JJa/M - 99 93 -6 mro/F 20 20 (iii) qlRqlRCf) ~ ~ ClI0/P 100 90 10 Household industry workers "9:o/M 93 84 9 mro/F 7 6 1

      (iv) 3RT ~ CZlO/P 2,443 1,809 634 Other workers "9:o/M 2,209 1,662 547 mro/F 234 147 87 7. 31 c;;q Cf) IR1 Cf) 'CIJIff ClI0/P 3,084 2,871 213 Marginal workers "9:o/M 1,852 1,669 183 mro/F 1,232 1,202 30'

      (i) Cf)1~\iCl'lI'1 ClI0/P 1,281 1,280 Cultivators "9:o/M 443 442 mro/F 838 838 (ii) ~~ ClI0/P 484· 477 7 Agricultural labourers 1J;o/M 319 314 5 mro/F 165 163 2 (iii) qIRqIRCI'l~~ CZlO/P 62 57 5 Household industry workers "9:o/M 44 40 4 mro/F 18 17 1 (iv) 3RT 'CIJIff ' CZlO/P 1,257 1,057 200 Other workers 1J;o/M 1,046 873 173 mro/F 211 184 27 8. TR~ ClIo/P 15,095 12,477 2,618 Non-workers "9:o/M 6,537 5,462 1,075 7,015 \ mro/F 8,558 1,543 --

      107 en-a: ~j\{iRtd \illRl~:li qft \iHti'Lcttl

      1fG fWr 07ft!~ 0OO1~ ~tem -, Sex PITHORAGARH Munsiari iftTi 'riTifiUT ~ iftTi iITiftUT ";fiRfu Total Rural Urban 'Total Rural Urban • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 21,393 19,570 1,823 1.957 1.957 Total Scheduled Castes. households. 2. ~ ~ qlT \Jj'n11&l1 C

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ <#t ~ vrrfum C

      4.Wm C

      6. c;iQCflIR;jqj cpl\l ClfO/P 25.523 23,874 1,649 2,631 2,631 Main workers ljo/M 14,694 13,304 1,390 1,493 1,493 fBTo/F 10,829 10,570 259 1,138 1,138

      (i) CflI~ctCflI'1 C

      (iv) 3R1' CI>1ff mo/p 7,503 5,947 1,556 683 683 Other workers -go/M 6,759 5,416 1,343 601 601 fBfo/F 744 531 213 82 82 7. 31 C'G Cfl I R;j Cfl CI>1ff mo/p 19,230 18,526 704 1,807 1,807 Marginal workers '9;o/M 8,267 7,889 378 807 807 fBTo/F 10.963 10,637 326 1,000 1,000

      (i) CflI~ctCflI'1 'UTo/p 13,227 13,160 67 948 948 Cultivators ljo/M 4,172 4,162 10 307 307 ff?ro/F 9,055 8,998 57 641 641 (ii) ~~ 'UTo/p 1,150 1,137 13 110 110 Agricultural labourers '9:o/M 504 -500 4 45 45 fBTo/F 646 637 9 65 65 (iii) 41RcllRCfl ~ cp1ff 'UTo/p 3,554 3.143 411 368 368 Other workers '9;o/M 3.060 2,723 337 327 327 ~o/F 494 420 74 41 41 8. tR CI>1ff mo/p 61,696 55,667 6,029 4,798 4,798 Non-workers -go/M 30,540 27,925 _2,615 2,369 2,369 fBTo/F 31,156 27,742- 3,414 2,429 2,429

      108 cp-8 : 31j'T fGrm m~ \11"1 4101""11 "

      lfG 0002 ETRT{ffi 0003~ Item Sex Dharchula Didihat iftiI iiTlffUT ;m"fu iftiI iiTlffUT :;jTffuf Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~\JfT1Wit~~ 2,183 1.749 434 7,112 6,880 232 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2 . .3f:'J.X~ ~ q5t \i1"1fi&11 (lfII/P 10.669 8,673 1,996 35,478 34,539 939 (~ 3i'R ~ \Jl'ifi&11 ~ct) "9;o/M 5.303 4,282 1,021 17,812 17,305 507 Scheduled Castes population (including R'?ro/F 5,366 4,391 975 17,666 17,234 432 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3lq ~ q5t 3lj~ ~ (lfO/P 2.149 1,799 350 6,282 6,141 141 q5t \Jl'ifi@lll Scheduled Castes "9;o/M 1,065 880 185 3,204 3,129 75 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 1,084 919 165 3,078 3,012 66

      4. m&'R (lfO/P 5,663 4,403 1,260 20,252 19,594 658 Literates 1]o/M 3,489 2,752 737 12,282 11,884 398 ~c/F 2174 1,651 523 7,970 7,710 260

      5.~~ (lfO/P 4,362 3,648 714 15,508 15,216 292 Total workers 1J,o/M 2,386 1,925 461 7,923 7,707 216 ~o/F 1,976 1,723 253 7,585 7,509 76

      6. «lclclJlfc;jctl ~ (lfO/P 2,407 2,048 359 7,333 7,127 206 Main workers 1jo/M 1,587 1,286 301 4,568 4,391 177 ~o/F 820 762 58 2,765 2,736 29

      (:) CflI~~CflI'< (lfO/P 1,027 1,019 8 4,273 4,272 Cultivators -go/M 496 489 7 1,780 1,779 ~o/F 531 530 1 . 2,493 2,493

      .(ii)~~ (lfO/P 69 69 68 68 Agricultural labourers 1J,o/M 38 38 44 44 ~o/F 31 31 24 24 (iii) QIRqlRctl ~ ~ ClTO/P 277 251 26 444 426 18 Household industry workers 1jo/M 155 147 8 398 389 9 ~o/F 122 104 18 46 37 9 (iv)~~ ClTO/P 1,034 709 325 2,548 2,361 187 Other workers t.);c/M 898 612 286 2,346 2,179 167 f?;;rc/F 136 97 39 202 182 20

      7. 3l01CflIR;iCfl ~ Ul'O/P 1,955 1,600 355 8,175 8,089 86 Marginal workers -go/M 799 639 160 3,355 3,316 39 ~o/F 1,156 961 195 4,820 4,773 47

      (i)~ Ul'O/P 884 855 29 6,534 6,533 Cultivators -go/M 248 245 3 2,176 2,176 ~o/F 636 610 26 4,358 4,357

      (ii)~~ C1l'O/P 72 69 3 435 435 Agricultural labourers t.);o/M 28 28 211 211 ~o/F 44 41 3 224 224 (iii) QIRqlRCfl ~ ~ Ul'o/p 390 245 145 353 308 45 Household industry workers -go/M 79 73 6 192 186 6 ~o/F 311 172 139 161 122 39

      (jv)~"Cfl'Iff Ul'O/P 609 431 178 853 813 40 Other workers -go/M 444 293 151 776 743 33 ~o/F 165 138 27 77 70 7

      CZfO/P 6,307 5,025 1,282 19,970 19,323 647 Non-workers -go/M 2,917 2,357 560 9,889 9,598 291 ff?ro/F 3,390 2,668 722 10,081 9,725 356

      109 '-P-8 : a:t~d \1IIRt4l. qft \1I""Iti'l.<'l'1I em R;mr ~ \11""1'101""11 ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      1JG fWr 0"004 lil~JlI* 0005 RtefI'

      3. 0-6~~

      4. mm czro/p 10,3~2 10,322 18,636 14,755 3,881 Litetatello -g,1l/M S,S2.6 6,526 '\'\,200 8,S9Q 2,21,6 ~ofF 3,796 3,796' 7,430 '5,765 1,665 5,WR~ Cllo/P 8,830 8.83'0 11,615 '10,268 1,347 Total workers 4,153 6,199 5,108 1,091 ;tM 4,153 ofF 4,677 4,677 5,416 5,160 256 6. ,fhh151 f<;j CI> 'CI>lff czro/p 5,609 5,609 7,543 6,459 1,084 Main workers -g;ofM 2,877 2,877 4,169 3,257 912 ~ofF 2,732 2,732 3,374 3,202 172 (i) Cl>1> ~ C/5llT czro/P 188. 188 318 300 18 Household industry workers 170 170 282 266 16 tM ofF -18 18 36 34 2 (iv) 3l'XT C/5llT Cllo/P / 833 833 2,405 1,361 1,044 Other wo~ers 766 766 2,148 1,258 890 tM ofF 67 67 257 103 154

      7. 3lC'iR:1 C/5llT Cllo/P 3,221 3,221 4,072 3,809 263 Marginal workers 1,276 1,276 2,030 1,851 179 tM ofF 1,945 1,945 '2,042 1.958 84 (i) Cl>1 > 1'< CZfo/P 2,497 2.497 2,364 2,327 37 Cu Itivators 672 672 769 762 7 tM ofF 1,825 1,825 1,595 1,565 30 (ii) ~~ Cllo/P 72 72 461 451 10 Agricultural labourers -g;ofM 48 48' 172 168 4 ~ofF 24 24 289 283 6 (iii) ql~ql~c/)~''Cf>1'ff ClTorP 47 47 128 105 23 Household industry workers 34 34 98 83 15 tM o7p- '13 1:3 30 22 8 (iv) 3l'XT C/5llT ClTo/P 605 605 1,119 926 193 522 522 991 838 153 Other workers ;tM ofF 83 83 128 88 40 8, TR C/5llT czro/P 11,618 11,618 19,003 14,903 4,100 Non-workers -g;ofM 6,130 6,130 9,235 7,471 1,76:1 ~ofF 5,488 5,488- 9,768 7,432 2,336

      110 co-8 : 31j~d GlIRI~'j qft GI .... fi\L~1 COT ~ ~ GI .... JIUHI ~ - 2001 I. . A-S: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfC:' fWT 08~* 0001 ~** Item Sex BAGESHWAR* Kapkot ** "iiliT iillftUT ~ "iiliT iillftUT :;:jl$i Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 12,668 12,337 331 3,222 3,222 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ qft G1"'Ifi'&ll ~O/P 64.524 62.925 1.599 16.702 16.702 (~3tR~~~ tM 31,809 30,984 825 8,290 8,290 Scheduled Castes population (including o/F 32,715 31,941 774 8,412 8,412 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ qft ~ '\Jl'Tfum ~O/P 12,114 11,830 284 3,376 3,376 qft GJ'ifi'&ll! Scheduled Castes golM 6.242 6,103 139 1,786 1,786 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 5,872 5,727 145 1,590 1,590

      4. WaR ~O/P 33,940 32,941 999 7,878 7,878 Literates go/M 20,846 20,249 597 5,033 5,033 ~o/F 13,094 12,692 402 2,845 2,845

      5.~~ czrofP 28,538 28,131 407 7,985 7,985 Total workers go/M 13,848 13,508 340 3,707' 3,707 ~o/F 14,69cr 14,623 67 4,278 4,278

      6. <{hhl'll R;j Cfi CIJlff ~D/P 18,439 18,127 312 6,152 6,152 Main workers -g;o/M 9,686 9,421 265 2,814 2,814 ~o/F 6,753 8,706 47 3,338 3,338

      (i) CfiI'i1C1'!'I,< ~D/P 12,465 12,462 3 4.830 4,830 Cultivators -g;o/M 4,532 4,532 1,841 1,841 ~o/F 7,933 7,930 3 2,989 . 2,989

      (ii)~~ ~O/P 596 596 240 240 Agricultural labourers tM 371 371 123 123 o/F 2?5 225 117 117

      (iii) 4,Rq,RCfi ~ CIJlff ~orP 824 819 5 431 431 Household industry workers 277 277 tM 610 605 5 o/F 214 214 154 154

      (iv) 3RT CIJlff ~D/P 4,554 4,250 :304 651 651 Other workers -g;o/M 4,173 3,913 260 573 573 ~o/F 381 337 44 78 78

      7, 31

      (i) CfiI'i1C1CfiI,< ~D/P 5,837 5,837 963 963 Cultivators 1,734 400 400 tM 1,734 o/F 4,103 4,103 563 563

      (ii) ~~ ~OfP 1,924 1,922 2 318 318 Agricultural labourers M 716 716 128 128 t o/F . 1,208 1,206 2 190 190

      (iii) qlRqlRCfi ~ CIJlff ~orP 399 399 256 256 Household industry workers -g;o/M 217 217 '121 121 ~o/F 182 182 135 135

      (iv) 3RT 'Cfj'1ff ~O/P 1.939 1,846 93 296 296 Other workers -g;oIM 1,495 1,420 75 244 244 ~o/F 444 426 18 52 52

      8. tR' ~ ~o/p 35,986 34,794 1,192 8,717 8,717 Non-workers -g;o/M 17,961 17,476 485 4,583 4.583 ~o/F 18,025 17,318 707 4,134 4,134

      111 co-a: 3l1'

      l!G fWT 0OO2~ Item Sex Bageshwar iIT1T iiT4fOT <;fiTffii Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1.~~~~~ 9,446 9,115 331 Total Sc.heduled Castes households

      2. ~~~ 1J1'1'fi&l1 CZTotP 47,822 46,22~ 1,599 (~3tRw~~) lJo/M 23,519 22,694 825 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 24,303 23,529 774 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3ITlJ~~~~ CZTotP 8,738 8,454 284 ~ ~I Scheduled Castes lJo/M 4,456 4,317 139 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 4,282 4,137 145

      4. -m&N CZTotP 26,062 25,063 999 Literates 15,813 15,216 597 tM o/F 10,249 9,847 402 5.~~ CZTotP 20,553 20,146 407 Total workers 10,141 9,801 340 r:o/F 10,412 10,345 67 6.

      (i) CflI~dCflI'< CZTotP 7,Q_35 7,632 3 2,691 2,691 Cultivators tM olr:: 4,944 4,941 3, (ii)~~ CZTotP 356 356 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 248 248 ~ol 108 108

      (iii)- 41RqlRCfl '\3E:fTrT ~ CZTotP 393 388 5 Household industry workers 333 328 5 tM 01 60 60 (iv) 3Rl "Cfllff CZTotP 3.903 3.599 304 3,600 3,340 260 Other workers tM 01 303 259 44

      7. 3k4CfllfttCfl ~ CZTotP 8,266 8,171 95 3,269 3,1,94 75 Marginal workers tM 01 4,997 4,977 20

      (i) CflI~dCflI'< CZTotP 4,874 4,874 Cultivators lJo/lV1 1,334 1,334 ~ol 3,540 3,540 (ii) ~~ CZTotP 1,606 1,604 2 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 588 588 ~oJ 1,018 1,016 2

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl '\3E:fTrT ~ CZTotP 143 143 Household industry workers 'lJo/M 96 96 ~oJ 47 47 (iv) 3Rl" ~ CZTotF 1,643 1,550 93 Other workers ~o/M 1,251 1,176 75 ~oJt' 392 374 18 8.~~ CZTotP 27,269 26,077 1;192 Non-workers lJo/M 13,378 12,893 485 ~o/F 13,891 13,184 707

      112 CJ>-8 : 31'j'<"J\Rlt1 \J1lfcldi c6l \J1'1tk.clll cor fGrc;rr ~ \1F"• .fJURT"fJR - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      llG 09~ 0001~~' Item Sex ALMORA Bhikia Sain "lItlT iillffUT Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~vrrfum~~ 27.532 25.833 1.699 5.108 5.108 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ q51 \iI'ititWl 'Ulo/P 140,430 132.130 8.300 24,442 24,442 (~Cf 3tR ~ \iI'iti&11 ~) lJo/M 67.544 63.190 4.354 11.203 11.203 Scheduled Castes population (including lB"o/F 72.886 68.940 3.946 13.239 13.239 institutional and houseless population)

      3.0·6~~q\1~~ CZTO/P 24.734 23.629 1.105 4.215 4.215 q51 ~I Scheduled Castes lJo/M 12.576 12.020 556 2.148 2.148 population in the age group 0-6 lB"o/F 12:58 11.609 549 2.067 2.067 4. 'fflm­ CZTO/P 76,494 70,416 6.078 13.341 13.341 Literates lJo/M 45.306 41.799 3507 7.538 7.538 lB"o/F 31.188 28.617 2.571 5.803 5.803 5.~~ CZfO/P 62.577 60.373 2.204 12.115 12.115 Total workers lJo/M 29,439 27.708 1.731 4.996 4.996 lB"o/F 33.138 32.665 473 7.119 7.119

      6. c;"ltl4lIR>14l ~ 'UlO/P 40.807 38.894 1.913 8.001 8.001 Main workers lJo/M 20.20'1 18.717 1,484 3.558 3.558 lB"o/F 20.606 20.177 429 4.443 4,443

      (i)~'{ CZfO/P 28.805 28.743 62 6.747 6.747 Cultivators lJo/M 9.987 9.979 8 2,486 2.486 lB"o/F 18.818 ~8.764 54 4.261 4.261 (ii)~~ CZfO/P 5f!2 582 45 45 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 309 309 22 22 lB"o/F 273 273 23 23 (iii) 4IRCI[R4l \Rll

      (iv) 3l'""'

      7. 31

      (i) CfjI~~CfjI"( CZfO/P 14.722 14.717 5 3.596 3.596 Cultivators lJo/M 4,495 4,495 1.144 1.144 fF.:ro/F 10.227 10.222 5 2452 2,452

      (ii)~~ CZfO/P 2.106 2.106 152 152 Agriculturallabourers - lJo/M 800 800 40 40 iB"c./F 1.306 1.306 112 112

      (iii) 41RClIRCfj \Rll

      (iv)~~ CZfU/P 4.343 4.068 275 294 294 Other workers lJo/M 3.520 3.283 237 207 207 iB"o/F 823 785 38 87 87

      8 t['{ CflllT CZfO/P 77.853 71.757 6.096 12.327 12.327 Non-workers lJo/M 38.105 35,482 2.623 6.207 6.207 iB"o/F 39.748 36.275 3.473 6.120 6.120

      113 (f)-8 : 3f'j~d \i1ll'dlihm \i1""1'<1iLc

      '1{G 0002~ .0003~ Iterri Sex, Ranikhet Almora. --~~~----~~~~--~~~~- ~, ~ ¥Tffij Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 ' 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 9,270 8,618 -652 13,154 12.107 1,047 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ctt ~ C2:fo/P 46,374 43,181 3,193 69,614 64,507 5,107 (~ ~ ~ GJ'1till§!1l ~) "9;o/M 22,002 20,319 1,683 34,339 31,668 2,671 Scheduled Castes population (i[1cluding N?ro/F 24,372 22,862 1,510 35,275 32,839 2,436 institutional and houseless population),

      3.0-6~~ctt~~ C2:fo/P 7,409 6,979 430 13,110 12,435 675 ctt GJ'1till§!1ll Scheduled Castes "9;oIM' 3,787 3,565 222 6,641 6,307 334 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 3,622 3,414 208 6,469 6,128 341

      4. WIlN C2:fo/P 28,t99 25,975 2,224 34,954 31,100 3,854 Literates "9;o/M 15,999 14,676 1,323 21,769 19,585 2,1M ~o/F 12,200 11,299 901 13,185 11,515 1,670

      5 .•~~ C2:fo/P 20,053 19,211 842 30,409 29,047 1,362 Total workers "9;o/M 9,370 8,709 661 15,073 14,003 1,070 ~o/F 10,683 ,10,502 181 15,336 15,044 292


      (i) CfiI:t~CfiI'l! i2lo/P 8,840 8,779 61 13,218 13,217 1 , Cultivators "9;o/M 2,912 2,905 7 4,589 4,588 1 ~o/F 5,928 5,874 54 8,629 8,629 (i~~ C2:fo/P 252 252 285 285 Agricultural labourers "9;o/M 120 120 167 167 ~o/F 132 132 118 118

      (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ ~ ~O/P ,485 474 11 714 696 18 Household industry workers "9;o/M 439 429 10 590 572 18 ~ ~o/F 46 45 124 124 ./ (iv) aRl~ C2:fo/P 3,310 .l,682 628 5,702 4,508 1,194 Other workers -"9;o/M 2,891 2,371 520 4,935 4,D07 928 ~D/F 419 311 108 767 501 266

      7.~<'tiCfiI~Cfi~ C2:fo/P 7,166 7,024 142 10,490 10,341 149 Marginal workers ~o/M 3,008 2,884 124 4,792 4,669 123 ~o/F 4,158 4,140 18 5,698 5,672 26

      (i) CfiI'(qCfiI'l! CZfO/P 4,930 4,926 4 . 6,196 6,195 Cultivators ~o/M 1,489 1,489 1,862 1,862 ~o/F 3,441 3,437 4 4,334 4,333 (ii)~~ CZfolP 559 559 1,395 1,395 Agriculturall.abourers ~o/M 293 203 557 557 ~o/F 356 356 838 838

      (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ ~ CZfO/P 178 174 4 349 342 7 Household industry workers "9;o/M 128 124 4 248 242 6 ~D/F -50 50 101 100

      (iv) aRl.~ CZfolP 1,499 1,365 1~4 2,550 2,409 141 Other workers "9;o/M 1,188 1,068 120 2,125 2,008 117 ~olF 311 297 14 425 401 24 8.tR~ CZfo/P 26,321 23,970 2,351 39,2P5 35,460 3,745 Non-workers ~o/M 12,632 11,610 1,022 19,266 17,665 1,601 ~oIF _ 13,689 12,360 _~,329 1-9,939 17,795 2,144

      114 (5-8 : 3t1~~d GiIRt4! qft Gi"1fiiLc4l C5T ~ ~ Gi"1 J IU ..... 1 ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 10~* 0001~ Item .Sex CHAMPAWAT* Champawat "ijfif iiTlffUT "iI1T"fui "ijfif "mlfflJi :;:r1Tfui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 345 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 7,312 6,364 948 7,312 6,364 948 Total Scheduled Castes households 2. ~ ~ <1ft" \i1"1~i§l1 ~o/p 38,098 33,569 4,529 38,098 33,569 4,529 (~ am- ~ \i1"1'l1'&l1 ~) ;Xo/M 19,291 16,882 2,409 19,291 16,B82 2,409 Scheduled Castes population (including fBro/F 18,807 16,687 2,120 18,807 16,687 2,120 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3TI

      4. X1T&'R ~o/p 19,067 16,173 2,894 19,067 16,173 2,894 Literates ;Xo!M 12,356 10,615 1,741 12,356 10,615 1,741 fBro/F 6,711 5,558 1,153 6,711 5,558 .1,153

      5. ~ 'CIJ4T ~o/p 15,246 14,030 1,216 15,246 14,030 1,216 Total workers ;Xo/M 8,361 7,317 1,044 8,361 7,317 1,044 fBro/F 6,885 6,713 172 6,885 6,713 172

      6. c;,,:j Cfll fc;J Cfl Cfi1'lT ~o/p 9,107 8,043 1,064 9,107 8,043 1,064 Main workers ;Xo/M 5,822 4,884 938 5,822 4,884 938 f'Bro/F 3,285 3,159 126 3,285 3,159 126

      (i) CflI~dCflI'( ~OIP 5,611 5,565 46 5,611 5,565 46 Cultivators .;Xo/M 2,803 2,782 21 2,803 2,782 21 ~o/F 2,808 2,783 25 2,808 2,783 25

      (ii)~~ ~o/p 170 164 6 170 164 6 Agricuituraiiaboul ers ;Xo/M 103 97 6 103 97 6 f?5ro/F 67 67 67 67

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ 'CIJ4T ~o/p 316 292 24 316 292 24 Household· industry workers ;Xo/M 255 232 23 255 232 23 fBro/F 61 60 61 60 1

      iiv) 3Rl 'CIJ4T ~o/p 3,010 2,022 988 3,010 2,022 988 Other workers ;Xo/M 2,661 1,773 888 2,661 1,773 888 fBro/F 349 249 100 349 249 100

      7. ~ ~CflIR:lCfl 'CIJ4T ~O/P 6,139 5,9B7 152 6,139 5,987 152 Marginal workers ;Xo/M 2,539 2,433 106 2,539 2,433 106 f?5ro/F 3,600 3,554 46 3,600 3,554 46

      (i) CflI~\1CflI'( ~o/p 4,653 4,640 13 4,653 4,640 13 Cultivators ;Xo/M 1,447 1,445 2 1,447 1,445 2 fBro/F 3,206 3,195 11 3,206 3,195 11

      (ii)~~ ~o/p 476, 461 15 476 461 15 Agricultural labourers ;Xo/M 255 244 11 255 244 11 f?5ro/F 221 217 4 221 217 4

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ 'CIJ4T ~o/p 126 123 3 126 123 3 Household industry workers ;Xo/M 78 76 2 78- 76 2 tao/F 48 47 48 47 .'

      (iv) 3Rl 'CIJ4T ~o/p 884 763 121 884 763 121 Other workers ;Xo/M 759 668 91 759 668 91 f?5ro/F 125 95 30 125 95 30

      8. tR 'CIJ4T ~o/p 22,852 19,539 3,313 22,852 19,539 3,313 Non-workers ;Xo/M 10,930 9,565 1,365 10,930 9,565 1,365 fBro/F 11,922 9,974 1,948 11,922 9,974 1,948 -- -,. ... _l ..... ~

      115 (f)-a: 311,

      +rG fWT 11~ 0OO1~.~ Item Sex NAINITAL Kosya Kutauli iIfii .WffiTi ~ iIfii WffiTi <;fijfui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~m-~ 28,024 21,770 6,254 2,704 2,70.\ Total Scheduled Castes households 2.~~rtt~ ClJo/P 148,184 115,931 32,253 14,451 14,451 G1'ifi&li 77,938 61,064 16,874 7,284 7,284 (~~ ~ ~) ;tM Scheduled Castes population (including ofF 70,246 54,867 15,379 7,167 7,167 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3TI

      4. ~aR ClJO/P 88,555 66,843 21,712 8,182 8,182 Literates 53,886 41,368 12,518 5,001 5,001 tM ofF 34,669 25,475 9,194 3,181 3,181 5.~~ ClIo/P 58,217 49,522 8,695 6,413 6,413 Total workers ~ofM 37,938 30,659 7,279 3,404 3,404 ~ofF 20,279 18,863 1,416 3,009 3,009

      6, 4hhfJlR:iCfl ~ ClJo/P 41,422 • 33,826 7,596 4,761 4,761 Main workers 29,241 22,827 6,414 2,682 2,682 tM ofF 12,181 10,999 1,182 2,079 2,079

      (i) CflI~d¢I"< ClTO/P 18,258 1S,,182 76 3,721 3,721 Cultivators 10,463 10,423 40 1,787 1,787 tM ofF 7,795 7,759 36 1,934 1,934 (ii)~~ ClJO/P 5,209 5,175 34 113 113 Agricultural labourers ~ofM 3,355 3,333 22 73 73 ~ofF 1,854 1,842 12 40 40 (iii) qlRqlRCfl \3EITrr ~ ClJo/P 733 658 75 68 68 Household ilJdustry workers 544 490 54 59 59 tM ofF 189 168 21 9 9 /' (iv) 3R1~ ClJo/P 17,222 9,811 7,411 859 859 Other workers 14,879 8,581 6,298 763 763 ~ofF 2,343 1,230 ,1,113 96 96 7. 3k'4¢1R:i¢ q;1ff ClJo/P 16,795 15,696 1,099 1,652 1,652 Marginal workers 8,697 7,832 865 722 722 tM ofF 8,098 7,864 234 930 930

      (i) CflJ~d¢J"< ClJo/P 6,668 6,664 4 . 1,219 1,219 Cultivators 2,289 2,287 2 412 412 tM ofF A,379 4,377 2 807 807 (ii) ~~ ClJo/P 5,350 5,308 42 160 160 Agricultural labourers 2,704 2,679 25 94 94 ~ofF 2,646 2,629 17 66 66 (iii) q IRq IR ¢ \3EITrr 'Cfllff ClJc5/P 450 416 34 18 18 Household industry workers ~ofM 186 176 10 11 11 ~ofF 264 240 24 7 7 (iv) 3Rr Cf)1ff ClJo/P 4,327 3,308 . 1,019 255 255 Other worke, s 3,518 2,690 828 205 205 ~ofF 809 .618 191 50 50 8.TR~ ClJo/P 89,967 66,409 23,558 8,038 8,038 )\lon-workers ~ofM 40,000 30,405 9,595 3,880 3,880 ~ofF 49,967 36,004 , • .13,963 4,158 4,158

      116 cp-8 : 31'j~Rld \111R1li'i qft GFwit..clll q;y ~ ~ \11'1 1101011 ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMA'RY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfC:' fWT 0002~ 0003 art) Item Sex Nainital Chari iI)iJ "miffiiT ~ iI)iJ "miffiiT o;riiffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 7,459 5,110 2,349 3,265 3,265 Total Scheduled Castes households 2. ~ ~ mT \J1'"1~&l1 "&fa/P 38,573 27,134 11,439 18,702 18:7:02 (~ 3lR ~ \ij'1~&l1 ~ ~a/M 20,145 14,137 6,008 9,829 9,829 Scheduled Castes populatio"l (including ta-o/F 18,428 12,997 5,431 8,873 8,873 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3WJ~qft~~ "&folP 5,920 4,492 1,428 3,717 3,717 mT \ij'"1~&l" Scheduled Castes 3,050 2,318 732 1,878 1,878 population in the age group 0-6 tMo/F 2,870 2,174 696 1,839 1,839 4. W&R "&fa/P 25,945 17,461 8,484 10,466 10,466 Literates ~o/M 15,356 10,487 4,86.9 6,811 6,811 ta-o/F 10,589 6,974 3,615 3,655 3,655 5. '¥f~ "&fo/P 12,704 9,619 3,085 9,008 9,008 Total workers 8,960 6,397 2,563 4,957 4,957 tMo/F 3,744 3,222 522 4,051 4,051 6. ,M¢IR:i¢ ~ "&fo/P 8,732 5,983. 2,749 6,860 6,860 Main workers 6,650 4,350 2,300 3,945 3,945 tMo/F 2,082 1,633 449 2,915 2,915

      (i) ¢1~(j¢I'< "&fo/P 3,193 3,138 55 6,105 6,105 Cultivators 1,920 1,894 26 3,310 3,310 tMo/F 1,273 1,244 29 2,795 2,795 (ii)~~ "&folP 288 272 16 79 79 Agricultural labourers 237 226 11 71 71 tMoIF 51 46 5 8 8 (iii) qlRqlR¢ \fflTrr Cfi1ff "&fo/P 137 101 36 141 141 Household industry workers ~o/M 100 75 25 108 108 ta-oiF 37 26 11 33 33 (iv) 3Rl cn4T "&fo/P 5,114 2,472 2,642 535 535 Other workers lja/M 4,393 2,155 2,238 456 456 ta-o/F 721 317 464 79 79 7. ~

      (i) ¢1~(j¢I'< "&folP 1,878 1,875 3 1,777 1,777 Cultivators 592 590 2 730 730 tMo/F 1,286 1,285 1,047 1,047 (ii) ~~ "&folP 395 392 3 108 108 Agricultural labourers 269 267 2 73 73 tMo/F 126 125 35 35 (iii) q IRq I R ¢ \fflTrr cn4T "&fo/P 113 99 14 80 80 Household industry workers 55 51 4 38 38 tMo/F 58 48 10 42 42 (iv) 3Rl C!51ff "&fO/P 1,586 1,270 316 183 183 Other workers 1,394 1,139 255 171 171 ~o/F 192 131 61 12 12 8.iR~ CZTO/P 25,869 17,515 8,354 9,694 9,694 Non-workers 11,185 7,740 3,445 4,872 4,872 tMolF 14,684 9,775 4,909 4,822 4,822

      H7 Cfi"-8 : 3t1~d \i1IRFdfCfft \i1;H1'Lc

      1lG fWr 0OO4~ Item Sex Haldwani m;r iTilftUT "ifiTfui Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. W<1' ~ ~,<$- qfum- 14,596 10,691 3,905 Toial Scheduled Castes households 2.~~

      (i) (/)1~dCliI'( C2l'o/p 5,239 5,218 21 Cultivators 3,446 3,432 14 tM ofF 1,793 '1.786 7 (ii)~~ C2l'o/p 4,729 4,711 18 Agricultural labourers -gofM 2,974 2,963 11 taofF 1,755 1,748 7 (iii) 41RqlRCIi ~ C!fIlT C2l'otP 387 348 39 Household industry workers 27-7 248 29 tM ofF 110 100 10 (iv) 3R:I C!fIlT C2l'o/p- . 10,714 5,945 4,769 Other workers 9,267 5,207 4,060 tM ofF 1,447 738 709 7. 3k4CliIfc;!CIi "CIi'Ift' 'ClTo/p 9,023 8,260 763 Marginal workers 4,653 4,051 602 tM ofF 4,370 4,209 161 (i) CliI:td&?I'( 'Ulo/P 1,794 1,793 Cultivators -gofM 555 555 taofF 1,239 1,238 (ii) ~~ 'UlotP 4,687 4,648 39 Agricultural labourers 2,268 2,245 23 tM ofF 2,419 2,403 16 (iii) 41RqlRCIi ~ 'CI>lff 'Ulo/p 239 219 20 Household industry workers 82 76 6 tM.ofF 157 143 14 (iv) 3R:I 'CI>lff 'Ulo/p 2,303 1,600 703 Other WOrker~ -gofM 1,748 1,175 573 taofF 555 425 130 8. TR"CIi'Ift' 'Ulo/p 46,366 31,162 15,204 Non-workers 20,063 13,913 6;150 tM ofF 26,303 17,249 9,054

      118 co-a: 3t1'«~d \J11R1lii qft \if~ cor fGwrr ~ \J1"1~IOHI ~ - 2001 A·S: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION· 2001

      ~ 12 w~ "I"lR * 0001~ Item Sex UDHAM SINGH NAGAR· Kashipur "il)1l iri1ffUT :;:pfffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 28,435 20,855 7,580 13,265 10,620 2,645 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ~ \iI'iti'&ll Cll'o/p 162,782 119,066 43,716 76,796 60,741 16,055 (~ 3tR ~ \iI'iti&:l1 ~) ~o/M 86,617 63,118 23,499 40,999 32,385 8,614 Scheduled Castes population (including i'Bro/F 76,165 55,948 20,217 35,797 28,356 7,441 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-63n

      4.wm CZTO/P 71,989 51,945 20,044 34,778 26,101 8,677 Literates "!!o/M 47,526 34,537 12,989 23,035 17,514 5,521 i'Bro/F 24,463 17,408 7,055 11,743 8,587 3,156 5.~~ CZTotP 50,899 38,981 11,918 22,703 18,535 4,168 Total workers -go/M 40,486 30,144 1p,342 19,020 15,306 3,714 i'Bro/F 10,413 8,837 1,576 3,683 3,229 454 6. <\'1 e!cPlR;J 4> ~ Cll'otP 36,225 26,219 10,006 16,367 13,009 3,358 Main workers "!!o/M 31,586 22,636 8,950 14,651 11,572 3,079 i'Bro/F 4,639 3,583 1,056 1,716 1,437 279

      (i) 4>Plt"14>I,< CZTo/P 7,159 6,743 416 3,464 3,080 384 Cultivators "!!o/M 6,069 5,661 408 3,106 2,724 382 i'Bro/F 1,090 1,082 8 358 356 2 (ii)~~ CZTO/P 13,437 12,444 993 7,021 6,564 457 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 11,670 10,820 850 6,298 5,874 424 i'Bro/F 1,767 1,624 143 723 690 33

      (iii) 4IRqIR4> ~ ~ Cll'otP 548 386 162 214 156 58 Household industry workers ~o/M 411 292 119 167 131 36 i'Bro/F .137 94 43 47 25 22 (iv)~~ Cll'o/P 15,081 6,646 8,435 5,668 3,209 2,459 Other workers ~o/M 13,436 5,863 7,573 5,080 2,843 2,237 i'Bro/F 1,645 783 862 588 366 222 7. 3lf44>1R14> 'lJlff CZTO/P 14,674 12,762 1,912. 6,336 5,526 810 Marginal workers "!!o/M 8,900 7,508 1,392 4,369 3,734 635 i'Bro/F 5,774 5,254 520 \967 1,792 175

      (i) 4>1~t"14>I'< Cll'otP 1,346 1,304 42 317 283 34 Cultivators "!!o/M 412 391 21 120 105 15 fBrolF 934 913 21 197 178 19 (ii)~~ Cll'O/P 9,742 9,264 478 4,766 4,424 342 Agricultural labourers "!!o/M 6,148 5,794 354 3,310 3,035 275 i'BrolF 3,594 3,470 124 1,456 1,389 67 (iii) 41RcllR4> ~ ~ Cll'o/P 253 213 40 119 107 12 Household industry workers -go/M 113 95 18 60 53 7 i'Bro/F 140 116 22 59 54 5 (iv) ~ COIff 'C2TotP 3,333 1,981 1,352 1,134 712 422 Other workers ~o/M 2,227 1,228 999 879 541 338 i'Bro/F 1,106 753 353 255 1Y1 84

      8.1R~ 'C2TO/P 111,883 80,085 31,798 54,093 42,206 11,&'87 Non-workers "!!o/M 46,131 32,974 13,157 21,979 17,079 4,900 i'Bro/F 65,752 47,111 18,641 32,114 25,127 6,987


      13··-13 RGIIND/05 Q;"-8 : 31j'tJ\Rld \ilIRt4! qft \iI .... fiiLc4l C6T ~ ~ \iI .... JIOHI ~ - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      1Jc:' 0002~ 0003 Rldl\(.j\Jl Item Sex Kichha SitarganJ 'mi1 1iTlffUT "iili& 'mi1 "!iilffUj "iili& Total .Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 567 8 1.~~~~~ 9,182 4,810 4,372" 2,478 2,168 310 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ql't \J1"lti'!§ll_l 'Ul'o/p 50,818 26,343 24,475 14,210 12,457 1,753 (~~W~~) ljo/M 27,305 14,089 13,216 7,518 6,603 915 Scheduled Castes population (including fF.iro/F 23,513 12,254 11,259 6,692 5,854 838 institutional and house less populationL

      3. 0-6 3mJ ~ ql't ~ ~ 'Ul'o/p 10,339 5,597 4,742 2,971 2,634 337 ql't \Jl'1ti&l1l Scheduled Castes 1lo/M 5,367 2,905 2,462 1,492 1,313 179 population in the age group 0-6 fF.irolF 4,972 2,692 2,280 1,479 1,321 158

      4. W&R 'Ul'o/p 20,792 11!082 9,710 6,311 5,393 918 Literates ljo/M 13,844 7,395 6,449 4,214 3,656 558 fF.iro/F 6,948 3,687 3,261 2,097 1,737 360 5. ~

      6: ,fttj cp I ~ cp

      (i) cpl~(jcpl\( 'Ul'o/p 714 693 21 713 704 9 Cultivators 1lo/M 664 647 17 676 668 8 fF.iro/F 50 46 4 37 36 (ii)~~ '&ro/p 3,654 3,133 521 1,415 1,400 15 Agricullurallabourers l];o/M 3,138 2,727 411 1,251 • 1,236 15 fF.iro/F 516 406 110 164 164 (iii) qlRqlRcp ~

      7. ~cp

      (i) cpl~(jcpl~ 'Ul'o/p 163 155 8 116 116 Cultivators ljo/M 54 48 6 45 45 ~olF 109 107 2 71 71 (ii)~~ 'Ul'o/p 2,260 2,133 127 1,104 1,095 9 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 1,499 1,425 74 ,592 587 5 ~o/F 761 708 53 512 508 4 (iii) qlRqlRcp ~

      120 co-8 : 3fjifj\fttd \1fIRllii c6t \1f"1ti'l.~1 Q)J ~ ~ \1f"1~IOI"11 ~ - 2001 A-S: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ ~ 0004 atl;rr Item Sex Khatima m:;r 1iTiffUT :;riTffii Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1.g>(1"~~~~ 3,510 3,257 253 Total Scheduled Castes households 2.~~CIfr~ CZTo/P 20,958 19,525 1,433 (~ 3tR m Gt'i'lii&:ll ~) ljo/M 10,795 10,041 754 Scheduled Castes population (including ~o/F 10,163 9,484 679 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3l1

      (i) c/)I~dc/)I'( CZTO/P 750 750 Cultivators 193 193 tM o/F 557 557 (ii) ~~ CZTO/P 1,612 1,612 Agricultural labourers 747 747 tM o/F 865 865 (iii) 41RqlRC/) ~ q;lfi CZTO/P 57 53 4 Household industry workers "9;o/M 20 20 ~o/F 37 33 4 (iv) 3RT"Cj'j1ff CZTotP 610 549 61 Other workers "9;o/M 307 262 45 ~o/F 303 287 16 8. fR 'C/J1iT CZTO/P 12,886 11,840 1,0<1'" Non-workers 5,673 5,240 tM "'4 o/F 7,213 6,600 613

      121 en-8 : 341'

      lfG 13~ 0001~ Item Sex HARDWAR Roorkee 'miT iiiiftUT ~ 'miT i1TiftlJi :;:pfffiJ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 55,812 46,140 9,672 30,790 27,111 3,679 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ ctl" G1'ifi&:l1 'Ufo/P 31:',976 260,462 53,514 174,095 153,292 20,803 (~ 3lR ffl G1"1fi&:l1 ~) lJo/M 167,702 139,337 28,365 93,027 81,945 11,082 Scheduled Castes population (including -fF.iro/F 146,274 121,125 25,149 '81,068 71,347 9,721 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 ;m

      6. IR;t <6 'CIJ1ff 'Ufo/P 72,459 60,404 12,055 40.650 35,767 4,883 Main workers l]o/M 63,283 52,656 10,627 34,924 30,701 4,223 fF.iro/F 9,176 7,748 1,428 5,726 5,066 660

      (i) <61~d<6I'( 'UfO/P 10,852 10,786 66 5,192 5,168 24 Cultivators lJo/M 10,148 10,086 62- 4,837 4,814 23 fBroiF 704 700 4 355. 354

      (ii)~~ urO/P 23,3~0 22,958 372 13,697 13,435 262 Agricultural labourers lJofM 21";425 21,076 349 12,702 12,455 247 fBrofF 1,905 1,882 23 995 980 15

      (iii) 4IRqIR<6 m:Wr cpsf: CZTO/P 2,77~ 2,501 275 1,8'19 1,736 83 Household industry workers l]o:M 1,689 1,502 187 1,197 1,144 53 fBrofF / 1,087 999 88 622 592 30 /' (iv) ~ cn4T CZTOfP 35,501 24,159 11,342 19,942 15,428 4,514 Other workers lJofM 30,021 19,992 10,029 16,188 12,288 3,900 fBro/F 5,4_80 4,167 1,313 3.754 3,140 614

      7. 3f 6'4 <61 R;t <6 cn4T CZTotP 23,586 21,690 1,896 13,658 12,829 829 Marginal workers lJofM 14,083 12,699 1,384 8,14\;. 7,602 547 fF.irofF 9,503 8,991 512 5,509 5,227 282

      (i) <6ll1d<6I'( CZTo/P 1,954 1,647 7 771 766 5 Cultivators l]o/M 484 483 1 249 248 1 fBrofF 1,170 1,164 6 522 518 4 (ii)~~ CZTotP 11,667 11,556 111 6.406 6,336 70 Agricultural labourers lJofM 7,437 7,346 91 4,233 4,179 54 fBrofF 4,230 , 4,210 20 2,173 2,157 16 (iii) 4IRqIR<6 m:Wr ~ CZTO/P 1,211 1,096 115 928 885 43 Household industry workers lJofM 429 384 45- 316 309 7 ·fF.irofF 782 712 70 612 576 36 (iv)~~ .­ C2:fo/p 9,054 7,391 1,663 5,553 4,842 711 Other workers lJofM 5,733 4,486 1,247 3,351 2,866 485 fF.irofF 3,321 2,905 416 2,202 1,976 226 8. tR cn4T CZTo/P 217,931 178,368 39,563 119,787 104,696 15,091 Non-workers lJofM 90,336 73,982 16,354 49,954 43,642 6,312 ~ofF 127,595 104,386 _ 23,209 69,833 61,(\54 8,779

      122 co-a: 31j~(1 "1IRill! qft V1"1tt'l.c4l COT ~ ~ V1"1~IOI"11 mx - 2001 A-8: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG 0002~ 0003~ Item Sex Hardwar Laksar "ii)Tf "mlffUT ~ "ii)Tf "mlffUT :;:riTffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.~~~~~ 16,782 11,368 5,414 8,240 7,661 579 Total Scheduled Castes households

      2. ~ ~ '1ft "'l""l'{'i&H '&fo/P 92,978 63,766 29,212 46,903 43,404 3,499 (~ 3fR' ~ "'l""l'{'i&:ll ~) ~o/M 49,667 34,231 15,436 25,008 23,161 1,847 Scheduled Castes population (including fao/F 43,311 29,535 13,776 21,895 20,243 1,652 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3TT

      4. WlfR' '&fO/P 45,449 28,037 17,412 20,269 18,278 1,991 Literates ~o/M 29,298 18,766 10,532 13,660 12,403 1,257 fao/F 16,151 9,271 6,880 6,609 5,875 734 5.~~ '&fO/P 26,194 18,877 7,317 15,543 14,621 922 Total workers ~o/M 22,224 15,779 6,445 12,069 11,273 796 fao/F 3,970 3,098 872 3,474 3,348 126

      6. c;"lqCf>I~Cfi ~ '&fO/P 20,598 14,219 6,379 11,211 10,418 793 Main workers ~o/M 18,310 12,599 5,711 10,049 9,356 693 fao/F 2,288 1,620 668 1,162 1,062 100

      (i) CfiI,{dCfiI'< '&fo/P 2,439 2,426 13 3,221 3,192 29 Cultivators ~o/M 2,220 2,209 11 3,091 3,063 28 fao/F 219 217 2 130 129 (ii)~~ '&fo/P 5,726 5,713 13 3,907 3,810 97 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 5,014 5,003 11 3,709 3,618 91 fao/F 712 710 2. 198 192 6

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf> ~ ~ '&fo/P 510 377 133 447 388 59 Household industry workers- ~o/M 324 231 93 168 127 41 fao/F 186 146 40 279 261 18

      (iv) 3Rl' 'Cf>'1lT mO/P 11,923 5,703 6,220 3,636 3,028 608 Other workers ~o/M 10,752 5,156 5,596 3,081 2,548 533 fao/F 1,171 547 624 555 480 75

      7. 31c;;qCf>I~Cfi ~ mO/P 5,596 4,658 938 4,332 4,203 129 Marginal workers ~o/M 3,914 3,180 734 2,020 1,917 103 faolF 1,682 1,478 204 2,312 2,286 26

      (i) Cf>1~t1CfiI'< molP 372 370 2 511 511 Cultivators ~o/M 94 94 141 141 fao/F 278 276 2 370 370 (ii)~~ 2,515 2,511 4 2,746 2,709 37 Agricultural labourers 1,880 1,877 3 1,324 1,290 34 635 634 1,422 1,419 3 (iii) 4IRqIRCf> ~ ~ mO/P 186 123 63 97 88 9 Household industry workers ~o/M 88 54 34 25 21 4 fao/F 98 69 29 72 67 5

      (iv) 3Rl' 'Cf>'1lT '&fo/P 2,523 1,654 869 978 &95 83 Other workers ~o/M 1,852 1,155 697 530 465 65 fao/F 671 499 172 448 430 18

      8. iR·'Cf>'1lT mO/P 66,784 44,889 21,895 31,360 28,783 2,577 Non-workers ~o/M 27,443 18,452 8,991 12,939 11,888 1,051 fao/F 39,341 26,437 12,904 18,421 16,895 1,526

      123 cp-8 ~~d ~ qft \J1"'1'<1'8l11 q;y ~ 1I1~flIq; \J1"'1'loHI ~ - 2001 A-8 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ ~ ~ ~ \ifTfcnif qjf-~ 0-6~~ miff'{ cpf~ \ifTfcnif ~ (~31'R ~ ~ wmr) ,qlt~ Literates District ~ Scheduled Castes population Population in the Code Total (including institutional and age group 0-6 Scheduled houseless population) --~~Fcffi=------~~~4~i- Castes ~ households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

      00 ~(;;,"tf,) 78 397 189 208 61 29 32 264 142 122 04 ~ (;;,"tf,) afmf 63 326 150 176 .• 53 25 28 206 108 98 06 ~ (;;,"tf,) afmf 15 71 39 32 8 4 4 58 34 24 01 \3"('j'(Cf)l'tfl

      01, ~ (;;,"tf,) 203 937 481 456 152 "[4 78 603 364 239 01 \3t1,«wft (;;,1IT.1:1.) 502 2,377 1,269 1,108 333 164 169 1,647 987 660 01 ~ (;;."tf.) 5 5 5 5 02~ 02 ~~(;;,"tf,) 21 70 /46 24 7 5 2 50 40 10 02 ~ (;;.1:1T.1:1,) 395 1,618 885 733 283 140 143 1,020 651 369 02 ~ 'lTWR (;;.1IT,1:1,) 748 3,382 1,877 1,505 479 257 222 2,411 1,504 907

      02 ~(;;,"tf.) 118 505 275 230 89 50 39 279 190 89 .02 'ittR (;;."tf.) 315 1,628 906 722 234 128 106 1;i92 718 474 02 ~(;;,"tf.) 277 1,321 664 657 193 86 107 898 531 367 03 ~SlU41'1 * 03 7 22 22 8 8

      03 ~ (;;,"tf.) 68 274 167 107 44 23 21 200 135 65 04~~ 04 ~(;;,"tf.) 27 153 (9 74 22 12 10 100 6,0 40 04 ~ (;;.1IT.1:1.) 506 2,356 1,336 1,020 353 181 172 1,556 980 576

      04 ~ (;;."tf,) 108 502 300 202 71 34 37 350 234 116 04 ~ (;;,1IT.1:1,) 207 983 544 439 135 75 60 654 404 250

      04 ~ (Uf,;;.) 33// 154 86 68 26 13 13 98 63 35 04 :if1" qlt ,~ (;;,"tf.) 162 807 475 332 151 72 79 443 304 139 05~ 05 'i.f

      05 • RiCflI'<'l'"l'l'1 '(;;.1IT.1:1.) 321 1,712 90~ 809 244 127 117 998 571 427 05 ~ (;;."tf,) 264 1,371 706 665 226 105 121 717 424 293 05 ~;;.~. 11,541 62,858 33,191 29,667 8,725 4,528 4,197 40,125 23,592 16,533 05 ~;;.~. 1,034 4,875 2,633 2,242 669 345 324 3,175 1,955 1,220 05 ~(;;,"tf,) 127 608 • '322 286 80 39 41 407 242 165 05 ~"f.~. 1,542 8,555 4,557 3,998 1,431 752 679 5,018 3,020 1,998 05 ~(Uf.;;:) 128 669 350 319 89 48 41 419 248 171

      06~ 06 ~ (;;.1IT.1:1.) 428- _2!48 1,247 1,001 339 189 150 1,571 969 602 06 'lUI (;;.1IT.1:1.) 657 3,225 1,729 1,496 435 231 204 2,363 1,421 942 06 ~(m.'q.) 209 910 491 419 Jl0 63 47 689 397 292

      06 ~ (;;,1IT.1:1.) 108 566 285 281 86 46 40 402 224 178 06 ~ (;;·1IT·1:1,r 306 1,611 837 774 255 134 121 949 573 376 06 CflI~~XII'l9>X (Uf.;;.) 259 1,305 699 606 230 133 97 812 499 313

      124- (f)-a ~1~d ~ qft Gf .... til!!4l em "17T'fu:r ~ Gf ..... lul'1l "flR - 2001 A-8 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001 " F~ ctltlCf)I~Cf) "Cf>1ff 3l


      92 80 12 91 79 12 J 1 305 109 196 D",vaprayag (NP) 70 59 11 69 58 11 256 91 165 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 22 21 22 21 49 18 31 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 Uttarkashi

      295 197 98 272 189 83 23 8 15 642 284 358 Barkot (NP) 722 562 160 6n 530 143 49 32 17 1,655 707 948 Utlarkashi (MB) 5 5 5 5 Gangotri (NP) 02 Chamoli

      33 33 16 16 17 17 37 13 24 Badrinathpuri (NP) 532 396 136 435 328 107 97 68 29 1,086 489 597 Joshimath (MB) '896 680 216 648 500 148 248 180 68 2,486 1,197 1,289 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MB) 144 121 23 56 47 9 88 74 14 361 154 207 Nandprayag (NP) 603 377 226 500 324 ,176 103 53 50 1,025 529 496 Gochar (NP) 313 216 97 254 168 86 59 48 11 1,008 448 560 Karnaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag *

      21 21 14 14 7 7 Kedarnath (NP) 90 84 .6 87 82 5 3 2 184 83 101 Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri Garhwal 33 27 6 '29 23 6 4 4 120 52 68 Kirtinagar (NP) 762 675 87 754 669 85 8 6 2 1,594 661 933 Tehri (MB). 174 158 16 167 155 12 7 3 4 328 142 186 Chamba (NP) 267 233 34 243 221 22 24 12 12 716 311 405 Narendranagar (MB) 48 46 2 33 32 15 14 106 40 66 Dhaluwala (CT) 282 259 23 251 231 20 31 28 3 525 216 309 Muni Ki Reti (NP) 05 Dehradun 240 208 32 218 186 32 22 22 527 212 315 Chakrata (CB) 547 457 90 225 199 26 322 258 64 1,165 446 719 Vikasnagar (MB) 406 376 30 358 339 19 48 37 11 965 330 635 Herbertpur (NP) 18,342 15,321 3,021 14,916 12,633 2,283 3,426 2,688 738 44,516 17,870 26,646 Dehradun UA 1,438 1,284 154 1,356 1,214 142 82 70 12 3,437 1,349 2,088 Mussoorie UA 176 155 21 105 89 16 71 66 5 432 167 265 Doiwala (NP) 2,254 1,986 268 1,942 1,740 202 312 246 66 6,301 2,571 3,730 Rishikesh UA 166 147 19 128 119 9 38 28 10 503 203 300 Pratitnagar (CT) 06 Garhvyal

      559 486 73 517 461 56 42 25 17 1,689 761 928 Srinagar (MB) 802 674 128 713 606 107 89 68 21 2,423 1,055 1,368 Pauri (MB) 232 200 32 227 197 30 5 3 2 678 291 387 Lansdowne (CB)

      104 91 13 93 81 12 11 10 462 194 268 Dogadda (MB~ 472 388 84 363 297 66 109 91 18 1,139 449 690 Kotdwara (MB) 288 267 21 195 185 10 93 82 11 1,017 432 585 Kashirampur (CT)

      125 CI'i-8 31':Wfitq ~ qft \11"1'

      cfl I'hPi ~ q) ~ _:q\T .sMUmt Categories of main workers ~ ~~ qIRqIRq)~~ 3Rl~ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 25 26 _ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

      ~(""l,1:i,) 2 89 78 11 ~ (""l,1:i,) amcr 69 58 11 ~ ("'l,q,) amcr 2 20 20 01 \3'tI ~ Cjj ptft ~("f,-q,) 111 48 63 3 3 158 138 20 \3~1'

      ~("1,tt,) 55 47 8 ~('l,q,) 209 66 143 5 2 3 2 2 284 254 30 ~('1,q,) 78 19 59 175 148 27 03 ,<,sHllll.1 *

      ~'I:!(""l,tt,) 14 14

      ~(",q,) 87 82 5 04~1Wm1 ~ (",<.i,) 29 23 6 ~(",1:ff,'([,) 2 13 11 2 738 656 82 'efl'€I1 (",<.i,) 6 3 3 161 152 9 ~ ('l,1:ff,'1,) .241 219 22

      ~ (\;I,,,,) 33 32 _- ljf.r cn't ~ (", ti,) 250 230 20 05~ ~/ ~ (t9l'l.) 11 7 4 206 178 28 Fclq)I'<1;'1'I~ (".''4T.q.) 7 7 6 6 7 6 205 180 25 ~(",<.i.) 11 9 2 92 89 3 7 7 248 234 14 ~"1.~. - 48 31 17 89 57 32 299 172 127 14,480 12,373 2,107 • ".<1, 9 8 11 8 3 1,336 1,198 138 ~("1,ti.) 2 2 102 86 16 ~".~, 4 2 2 36 33 3 1,901 1,704 197 ~(\;I.""l.) 3 2 124 116 8


      ~ (".'4T.'1.) - -...... ~ 6 5 511 456 55 ~ ('l.1:ff.'1.) 14 13 19 18 680 587 93 ~(m.'([.) 2 2 224 194 30 ~ ("f.'4T.'1.) 4 3 89 78 11 ~ (".'4T.q.) 362 296 66 q)1'~ft ..(\Sj g;~ (\if',,,.) 6 6 6 6 183 173 10

      126 CI1-8 31'j~!filt1 ~ ~ \Jl'1ti'L~1 cpr ~ m~ \Jl'1~IOI'11 ~ - 2001 A-a URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~C'QCliI~CIi ~ ql1 ~ Urban Categories of marginal workers Agglomeration! \ ~R ~~ QIRillRCIi ~ CJllff ~"C/i"Il1 CitylTown Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2

      Devaprayag (NP) Devaprayag (NP) (Part) Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 Uttarkashi 2 2 20 7 13 Barkot (NP) 7 4 3 4 2 2 37 25 12 Uttarkashi (MS) Gangotri (NP) 02 Chamoli 4 4 13 13 Sadrinathpuri (NP) 32 13 19 6 3 3 3 3 56 52 4 Joshimath (MS) 31 10 21 11 7 4 206 163 43 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MS) 88 74 14 Nandprayag (NP) 31 5 26 4 4 67 44 23 Gochar(NP) 6 5 4 3 49 46 3 Kamaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag * 7 7 Kedarnath (NP) 3 2 Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri Garhwal 4 4 Kirtinagar (NP) 2 2 5 3 2 Tehri (MS) 3 3 3 3 Chamba (NP) 5 5 18 11 7 Narendranagar (MS) 3 3 12 11 Ohaluwala (CT) 31 28 3 Muni Ki Reti (NP) 05Dehradun 21 21 Chakrata (CS) 50 36 14 3 2 269 221 48 Vikasnagar (MS) 2 2 7 5 2 39 32 7 Herbertpur (NP) 17 - 10 7 235 154 81 65 .42 23 3,109 2,482 627 Dehradun UA 2 , 80 69 11 Mussoorie UA 70 65 5 Doiwala (NP) 11 11 15 9 6 286 226 60 Rishikesh UA 19 15 4 18 13 5 Pratitnagar (CT) 06 Garhwal 7 2 5 35 23 12 Sri nagar (MS) 9 8 2 6 4 2 72 62 10 Pauri (MS) 5 3 2 Lansdowne (CS) 2 2 8 7 Dogadda (MS) 109 91 18 Kotdwara (MS) 6 4 2 3 2 83 75 8 Kashirampur (eT)

      127 'ij)-8 ~ ~ qft 'iI"'ItiMI CfiT ~ lJI~ 'iI"'IJIOI"'l1 ~ - 2001 A-8 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCH.EDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ ~ ~, ~ \i!Tfcr

      09 ~('f,-q,) 144 648 336 312 76 39 37 445 2.72 173 09 ~~(m,11",) 508 2,545 1,347 1,198 354 183 171 1,779 1,051 728 09 ~'f,'{1, 1,047 5,107 2,671 2,436 675 334 341 3,854 2,,184 1,670


      10 ~{'f.Tt,) 164 748 399 349 137 8D 57 534 302 232

      10 ~("'l.-q.) 155 604 335 269 101 58 43 373 231 142

      10 ~('f,1:fT,11",) 365 1,857 987 870 282 150 132 1,201 726 475

      10 ~ (vr."I,) 264 1,320 688 632 251 115 136 786 482 304 11~ 11 ~"I.'{1, 1,817 8,827 4,640 4,187 1,093 548 545 6,481 3,7.47 2,734 11 ~("I,1:fT,1:[,) 232 1,179 622 557 153 85 68 912. 508 404 11 ~("l,-q,) 300 1,433 746 687 182 99 83 1,091 614 477 11 ~r;fi·xn;'CI>ld'IIC;lli "I,'{1, 2,803 15,051 7,895 7,156 2,332 1,189 1,143 9,647 5,578 4,069 ~/

      11 ~ ("I,1:fT,-q,) 784 4,161 2,133 2,028 665 354 311 2,594 1,487 1,107 11 ~("I,-q,) 174 863 449 414 151 76 75 540 315 225

      11 ~3rt ('f.1f,) 144 739 389 350 136 78 58 447 269 178 12\3i~~* - 12 lJSCfT ~ ~ ("I,ll,) 126 818 436 382 152 78 74 484 300 184, 12 ~ ("I.m,1:[.) 418 2,661 1,437 1,224 ,444 257 187 1,585 981 604 12 ~("l.1:fT,1:[,) 828 4,860 2,584 2,276 725 374 351 2,944 1,779 1,165 12 ~~(vr,"I,) 82 434 224 210 78 36 42 263 163 100 12 lJSCfT mrttr ("I. -q,) 406 2,760 1,488 1,272 582 306 276 1,257 899 358 12 Xjl.'1ctl1g'< ("I,Tt,) 195 1,201 655 546 249 135 114 550 384 166

      12 ~ ("I,1:fT,-q.) 543 3,037 1,631 1,406 554, 298 256 1,487 942 545 12 ~("I.Tt,) 47 --284 159 125 60 35 25, 107 73 34

      12 ~("I.1:fT,1:[.) 148 881 471 410 139 82 57 540 330 210 12 ~('f,-q.) 54 305 164 141 45 23 22 194 121 73

      12 ~('f,1:fT,1:[.) 2,517 14,419 7,793 6,626 2,883 1,514 1,369 5,195 3,457 1,738 12 1""'R1T (vr, "I,) 656 3,397 1,842 1,555 589 294 295 \880 1,233 6-17 12 ~(vr.'f.) 251 1,367 771 596 236 123 113 514 364 150

      128 en-a 31'1'tlfild ~ qft \11'1'<'iil

      ~~ C;"It1"Cfi(~cti~ 3\<"4cti(~Cfi~ Urban Total workers Main workers Marginal workers Non-workers Agglomerationl City/Town

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 13 14 15 16 17· 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 07 Pithoragarh 442 259 183 163 140 23 279 119 160 681 303 378 Dharchula Oehat (CT) 272 202 70 196 161 35 76 41 35 601 257 344 Dharchula (NP) 292 216 76 206 177 29 86 39 47 647 291 356 Didihat (NP) 1,347 1,091 256 1,084 912 172 263 179 84 4,100 1,764 2,336 Pithoragarh (MB) 08 Bageshwar 407 340 67 312 265 47 95 75 20 1,192 485 707 Bageshwar (MB) 09Almora 161 96 65 150 89 61 11 7 4 487 240 247 Dwarahat (NP) 681 565 116 550 448 102 131 117 14 1,864 782 1,082 Ranikhet(CB) 1,362 1,070 292 1,213 947 266 149 123 26 3,745 1,601 2,144 AlmoraUA 10 Champawat 175 146 29 161 133 28 14 13 573 253 320 Lohaghat (NP) 225 168 57 190 148 42 35 20 15 379 167 212 Champawat (NP) 477 429 48 404 376 28 73 53 20 1,380 558 822 Tanakpur (MB) 339 301 38 309 281 28 30 20 10 981 387 594 Banbasa (CT) 11 NainitaJ 2,347 1,982 365 2,095 1,774 321 252 208 44 6,480 2,658 3,822 Naintal UA 311 261 50 275 234 41 36 27 9 868 361 507 Bhowali (MB) 427 320 107 379 292 87 48 28 20 1,006 426 580 Bhimtal (NP) 4,149 3,449 700 3,631 3,047 584 518 402 116 10,902 4,446 6,456 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA

      1,058 909 149 907 785 122 151 124 27 3,103 1,224 1,879 Ramnagar (MB) 223 194 29 150 133 17 73 61 12 640 255 385 Kaladhungi (NP) 180 164 16 159 149 10 21 15 6 559 225 334 Lalkuan (NP) 12 Udham Singh Nagar * 206 179 27 145 128 17 61 51 10 612 257 355 Mahua Dabra Haripura (NP) 704 636 68 651 589 62 53 47 6 1,957 801 1,156 Jaspur(MB) 1,208 1,044 164 1,031 899 132 177 145 32 3,652 1,540 2,112 Kashipur(MB) 115 103 12 92 91 23 12 11 319 121 198 Kachnal Gosain (CT) 768 676 92 542 524 18 226 152 74 1,992 812 1,180 Mahua Kheraganj (NP) 309 283 26 236 225 11 73 58 15 892 372 520 Sultanpur (NP) 793 733 60 598 565 33 195 168 27 2,244 898 1,346 Bazp_ur (MB) 65 60 5 63 58 5 2 2 219 99 120 Kela Khera (NP) 214 190 24 190 169 21 24 21 3 667 281 386 Gadarpur (MB) 70 67 3 67 64 3 3 3 235 97 138 Dineshpur (NP) 4,077 3,513 564 3,613 3,190 423 464 323 141 10,342 4,280 6,062 Rudrapur (MB) 845 725 120 798 690 108 47 35 12 2,552 1,117 1,435 Nagla (CT) 403 372 31 311 288 23 92 84 8 964 399 565 Bandia (CT)

      129 q;-S atnfild ~ qft GI"'I't1i8l1l q;y ""f'1'rt1

      ,Mchl~CP ~ q,'1 ~ Categories of main workers ~~ QIRcliRco ~ q;#i Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers ClIfcRl ~ ~ ~ ~ ClIfcRl fBnrt ClIfcRl :!'Q1'f ~ Persons Males Females Persons J:::s Females Persons '::;:5 Fe~'es Persbns Males Females 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 36 07~ ~~(ur.-;r.) 7 6 16 3 13 140 131 9 ~(-;r,-q.) 10 5 5 185 155 30 ~(-;r,-q.) 18 9 9 187 167 20 fit~ (-;r,l:IT.tr.) 19 4 15 3 2 18 16 2 .1,044 890 154 08~ ~ (-;r.'1T,11.) 3 3 5 5 260 44 09~ -mrw; (-;r.-q.) 61 7 54 2 2 87 80 7 ~(m.tr.) 9 8 541 440 101 ~-;r.~. t 18 18 1,194 -928 266

      10~ ~(-;r.-q.) 15 146 118 28

      ~(-;r:rf.) 34 9 25 156 139 17 8 8 3 3 393 365 28 ~(-;r.\fT.Q.) • ~(ur.-;r.) 4 4 6 6 6 293 266 27 11~ ~-;r.~, 3 2 3 2 31 21 10 2,058 '1,750 308 ~(-;r.4T.U,) 274 233 41 ~(-;r.-q.) 52 24 28 13 10 3 4 3 310 255 55 ~-m>-CfJIOlm -;r.X1. 15 10 5 16 9 7 16 13 3 3,584 3,015 569

      Wf'fl'R (-;r.m.Q.) 2 2 5 4 900 779 121 ~(-;r.-q.) 4 2 2 17 1-1 6 129 120 9 , 2 ~3rt (-;r.-q.) 2 156 146 10 12\3)~~*

      ~~~(-;r.rf.) 45 45 36 25 11 64 58 6 ~ (-;r.4T.tr.) 48 4~ 94 87 7 6 6 503 448 55 ~ (-;r."4T.Q.) "17 17 64 61 3 36 21 15 914 800 114 ~~(ur.-;r.) 14 14 7 7 3 3 68 67 ~~_(-;r.-q.) 214 213 124 123 )1 4 193 184 9 ~clC1I'1g'( (-;r.rf.) 37 36 75 70 5 124 119 5

      ~ (-;r,"4T.tr.) 8 8 46 40 6 2 2 542 515 27 ~(-;r.-q,) 11 11 51 46 5

      ~(";f.m.Q.) -_ - 5 5 9 6 3 176 158 18 ~(-;r.-q.) 2 2 3 3 5 5 57 54 3

      ~ (";f."4T.Q,) 3 3 317 256 61 37 33 4 3,256 2,898 358

      ~ (ur.'1.) 2 10 10 9 3 6 777 676 101 ~(ur.-;r.) 6 2 69 54 15 3 2 233 229 4

      t30 $-8 ~"j~('j ~ <1ft GI .... ti'!Slll C5'T ~ ml!1~q; GI ..... lu ..... 1 ~ - 2001 A-8 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      31('qCl>I~CI> ~ ctt ~ Urban Categories of marginal workers Agglomerationl

      ~ ~ q>+ff CityfTown Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers C2lfcffi ~ ~ C2lfcffi ~ .~ C2lfcffi ~ ~ C2lfcffi ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2 07 Pithoragarh 21 21 3 3 129 5 124 126 114 12 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 8 3 5 16 15 52 37 15 Dharchula (NP) 45 6 39 40 33 7 Didihat (NP) 37 7 30 10 4 6 23 15 8 193 153 40 Pithoragarh (MB) 08 Bageshwar 2 2 93 75 18 Bageshwar (MB) 09 Almora 4 4 7 7 Dwarahat (NP) 4 4 127 113 14 Ranikhet (CB) 7 6 141 117 24 Almora UA 10 Champawat 13 12 1. [ohaghat (NP) 9 2 7 2 2 24 16 8 Champawat (NP) 2 2 70 51 19 Tanakpur (MB) 4 4 12 8 4 14 12 2 Banbasa (CT) 11 Nainitat 2 2 2 2 248 204 44 Naintal UA 35 26 9 Bhowali (MB) 3 2 11 10 33 25 8 Bhimtal (NP) 38 22 16 13 2 11 466 378 88 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA

      151 124 27 Ramnagar (MB) 6 4 2 66 56 10 Kaladhungi (NP) 20 15 5 Lalkuan (NP) 12 Udham Singh Nagar * 52 45 7 9 6. 3 Mahua Dabra Haripura (NP) 15 13 2 37 33 4 Jaspur (MB) 4 3 5 4 168 138 30 Kashipur (MB) 21 10 11 2 2 Kachnal Gosain (CT) 30 12 18 147 119 28 6 3 3 43 fB 25 Mahua Kheraganj (NP) 3 2 56 54 2 14 2 12 Sultanpur (NP) 47 31 16 147 137 10 Sazpur (MS) 2 ·2 Kela Khera,(NP) 7 7 1.7 14 3 Gadarpur (MS) 2 2 Dineshpur (NP) 6 5 77 41 36 12 4 8 369 273 96 Rudrapur (MB) 4 - 3 4 3 39 29 10 Na91a (CT) 13 9 4 79 75 4 Sandia (CT)

      131 (1;'-8 atl~d ~ qft Gt"'iti'!Y1l q)J ~ ~ 61"'1.1 0 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-8 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF .S_CHEOULEO-CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ ~~I ~~ ~~

      Castes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

      12 ~ (-;:r.111.~.) 746 4,106 2,175 1,931 850 426 424 1,387 944 443 12 ~(~.\:i.) 36 206 109 97 55 30 25 93 58 35 12 ~(jl,<*ij (-;:r.111.~.) 274 1,547 806 741 282 149 133 825 500 325 12 ~(~.l:\I.~.) 253 1,433 754 679 280 140 140 739 461 278 13~ 13 ~-;:r."fI. 2,066 11,506 6,208 5,298 1,560 850 710 7,549 4,585 2,964 13 ~(\;f.-;:r.) 756 4,336 2,278 2,058 789 434 355 2,115 1,266 849 13 ~ ,-t16"'iGg'< (\;f.-;:r.) 349 2,130 1,082 1,048 317 171 146 1,318 767 551

      13 ~(-;:r.ti.) 155 936 493 443 216 120 96 362 239 123 13 lf7R;t'R (-;:r. 111. ~.) 169 935 496 439 178 90 88 400 255 145 13 ~(-;:r.ti.) 184 960 525 435 205 109 96 364 249 115 13 ~-;:r:~. 5,414 29,212 15,436 13,776 4,493 2,360 2,133 17,412 10,532 6,880 13- ~(-;:r.ti.) 579 3,499 1,847 1,652 620 327 293 1,991 1,257 734

      132 cp-8 31'jtJ\~d ~ qft V1'1flMI Cffi ~ ~ V1'1

      ~::\cPl fc;j q)

      "ClIfcffi ~ fB<:rt "ClIfcffi ~ ~ "ClIfcffi ~ fB<:rt "ClIfcffi ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1,3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 1,318 1,064 254 971 852 119 347 212 135 2,788 1,111 1,677 Kichha (MS) 58 46 12 52 43 9 6 3 3 148 63 85 Shaktlgarh (NP) 378 330- 48 324 299 25 54 31 23 1,169 476 693 Sitarganj (MS) 387 321 66 322 276 46 65 45 20 1,046 433 613 Khatima (MS) 13 Hardwar 2,919 2,565 354 2,823 2,489 334 96 76 20 8,587 3,643 4,944 Roorkee UA 1,372 1,001 371 966 738 228 406 263 143 2,964 1,277 1,687 Dhandera (CT) 482 434 48 422 387 35 60 4-' 13 1,648 648 1,000 Mohanpur Mohammadpur (CT)

      305 217 88 150 135 15 155 82 73 631 276 355 Jhabrera (NP) 288 276 12 275 266 9 13 10 3 647 220 427 Manglaur (MS) 346 277 69 247 208 39 99 69 30 614 248 366 Landhaura (NP) 7,317 6,445 872 6,379 5,711 668 938 734 204 21,895 8,991 12,904 Hardwar UA 922 796 126 793 693 100 129 103 26 2,577 1,051 1,526 Laksar (NP)

      133 cp-8 3'l1'(~d ~ qft GI .... tilMl Cffi ~ mlll~q:; GI ..... luHI "(ffi' - 2001 A-8 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      ~~I ,(hlcl>lfc;iq5 ~ ~ ~ ~~ Categories of main workers ~ ~~ 4IRqIRq5 ~ CI>1ff 3RT "fi1it Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers "- ~. C1ffcRf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 fcln;m (~.~.l:I.) 8 7 117 83 34 25 22 3 821 140 81 ~(~.q.) 2 49 41 8 R1C1I~li\il (~.l:IT.l:I.) 9 8 14 14 5 5 296 272 24 ~(~.~.1l.) 2 9 7 2 311 268 43 13~ ~~.~. 11 10 7 7 31 12 19 2,774 2,460 314 ~ (\i[.~.) 4 4 28 21 7 36 25 11 898 688 210 ~ l1'IiOAjC;~~ (\i[.~.) 2 2 113 112 15 15 292 258 34

      ~(~.-q.) 4 4 15 15 130 115 15 ~(~.~.1l.) 2 2 90 83 7 183 181 2 ~(~.1l.) 9 9 237 198 39 ~~.~. 13 11 2 13 11 2 133 93 40 6,220 5,596 624 <'fiRR ~~ .1l.) 29 28 97 91 6 59· 41 18 608 . 533 75

      134 en-8 311~t'1 ~ qft Gi'1'(1&011 q;y "1'1'I'ful ~ Gi'1.loHI ~ - 2001 A-a URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION - 2001

      3lc;QCf1IRiCl> ~ ~ ~ Urban Categories of marginal workers Agglomeration/

      ~ ~~ 4lfhlRCf1 ~ "Cf1lff 31"

      "fllfcffi ~ ~ "fllfcffi ~ ~ "fllfcffi ~ ~ C

      34 30 4 28 27 93 51 42 Jhabrera (NP) 5 4 7 6 1 Manglaur (MS) 99 69 30 Landhaura (NP) 2 2 4 3 63 34 29 869 697 172 Hardwar UA 37 34 3 9 4 5 83 65 18 Laksar (NP)


      ~·-13 RGIIND/05

      '{1 I'! oft co -9 : 3'Ij'qRt d \iF1 GIl R14i qft \11 ~ '(i (..c\Q I TABLE A-9 : SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION (ff-9 : 3Il'

      lJG 05 13't'l'

      2. ~ \i1'1\i1IRt

      3; 0-6 3n

      4. "W1ffi" "U;fo/p 134,960 123,024 11,936 1,840 1,668 172 Literates ~o/M 83,649 76,871 6,778 1,112 1,009 103 N?ro/F 51,311 46,153 5,158 728 659 69 5. WC'I" ~ "U;fo/P 105,300 100,185 5,115 1,038 972 66 Total workers ~o/M 65,502 61,949 3,553 623 569 54 N?ro/F 39,798 38,236 1,562 415 403 12

      6. cfltlCbIFc>!Cb ~ "U;fO/P 76,961 72,865 4,096 9~5 873 62 Main workers ~o/M 55,597 52,496 3,101. 592 541 51 N?ro/F 21,364 20,369 995 343 332 11

      (i) CbI~ctCbI'< "U;fo/P 52,275 51,921 354 142 142 Cultivators "9;o/M 36,995 36,786 209 79 79 N?ro/F 15,280 15,135 145 63 63

      (ii)~~ "U;fo/P 5,920 5,888 32 2 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 4,821 4,799 22 2 N?ro/F 1,09'9 1,089 10

      (iii) 41RqlRCb ~ ~ "U;fo/P 3,994 3,592 402 3j8 318 Household industry workers ~o/M 1,258 1,171 87 81 81 N?ro/F 2,736 2,421 315 237 237

      (iv) 3R1~ "U;fo/P 14,772 11,464 3,308 473 412 61 Other workers "9;o/M 12,523 9,740 2,783 430 380 50 N?ro/F 2,249 1,724 525 43 32 11 7. 3l&4CbIFc>!Cb ~ "U;fo/p 28,339 27,320 1,019 103 99 4 Marginal workers, ~o/M .9,905 9,453 452 31 28 3 N?ro/F 18,434 17,867 567 72 71

      (i) CbI~ctCbI'< "U;fo/P 14,099 13,905 194 27 27 Cultivators ~o/M 3,397 3,343 54 6 6 N?ro/F _10,702 10,562 140 21 21

      (ii)~~. "U;fo/P 7,951 7,917 34 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 3,775 3,758 17 N?ro/F 4,176 4,159 17 (iii) 41RqlRCb ~ ~ "U;fo/p 2,565 2,153 412 50 50 Household industry work.ers "9;oLM 473 419 54 4 4 N?ro/F 2,092 1,734 358 46 46

      (iv) 3Rl~ "U;fo/P 3,724 3,345 379 25 22 3 Other workers ~o/M 2,260 1,933 327 21 18 3 N?ro/F 1,464 1,412 52 4 4 8. fR"'~ "U;fo/p 150,829 140,024 10,805 1,647 1,477 170 Non-workers ~o/M 65,832 60,859 4,973 791 715 76 N?ro/F 84,997 79,165 ...5,832 856 762 94

      136 cp-9 : 31j'{1fild \11'1\111R141 qft \11'1'{1'Lclil CIlT ~ m~ \11'1 J luHI "'{1R - 2001 A-9: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      lIG fWr 02~. 03~* Item Sex Chamoli Rudraprayag • mrT "iiTiffUT :;:rlTfui mrT "iiTiffUT :;:rlTfui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1, ~ ~ "Fj\illfrlzil ~ ~ 2,705 2,036 669 49 42 7 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2, ~ \il'1\ilIRllll ctt \il'1{1&11 C2lo/P 10,484 7,730 2,754 186 157 29 (~3TR ~ \il'1x1&11 ~l -g;o/M 5,083 3,688 1,395 106 87 19 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~oIF 5,401 4,042 1,359 80 70 10 institutional and houseless population)

      3, 0-6 3WJ ~ Cf\T ~ \Jf

      6, c;"IQCflIR:!Cfl ~ C2l0/P 3,182 2,310 872 61 45 16 Main workers -g;o/M 1,718 1,202 516 43 28 15 ~o/F 1,464 1,108 356 18 17

      (il CflI~\iCflI'{ C2lo/P 919 717 202 12 12 Cultivators -g;o/M 435 355 80 3 3 ~o/F 484 362 122 9 9 (ii)~~ " C2l0/P 19 16 3 Agricultural labourers 1J;o/M 11 10 1 ~o/F 8 6 2

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ C2l0/P '1:085 873 212 6 6 Household industry workers 1J;o/M 264 217 47 1 1 fF.;ro/F 821 656 165 5 5

      (iv) 3Rl 'Cf>"Iff C2l0/P 1,159 704 455 43 27 16 Other workers -g;o/M 1,008 620 388 39 24 15 ~o/F 151 84 67 4 3

      7: 3l(>4 Cfl I R:! CJ1 cnBT C2l0/P 1,504 1,338 166 20 20 Marginal workers -g;o/M 522 460 62 9 9 ffto/F 982 878 104 11 11

      (i) CfJI~\iCfJI'< C2l0/P 531 514 17 12 12 Cultivators -g;o/M 196 191 5 3 3 ffto/F 335 323 12 9 9 (ii) ~~ C2l0/P 6 4 2 Agricultural labourers -g;o/M 2 2 ~o/F 4 2 2

      ,(iii) qlRqlRCfJ ~'Cf>"Iff C2l0/P 692 602 90 5 5 Household industry workers 1J;o/M 104 96 8 3 3 ~o/F 588 506 82 2 2 (IV) 3Rl 'Cf>"Iff C2lo/P 275 218 57 3 3 Other workers -g;o/M 220 171 49 3 3 ~c/F 55 47 8 8, fR~ C2l0/P 5,798 4,082 1,716 105 92 13 Non-workers -g;o/M 2,843 2,026 817 54 50 4 ~o/F 2,955 2,056 899 51 42 9

      137 CO"-9 : 31j~d \11'1G1IRtll'j qft G1'1O«iLclil COT ~ ~ GHJlol'11 ~ - 2001 A·9: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION· 2001

      lJG fRTr 04~~ 05~ Item Sex Tehri Garhwal Oehradun mtT 'iI1iftll1 :;:p:['ffij mtT 'iI1iftll1 #1ffi"ii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. wa~ \11'1\11IRl41 m- ~ 135 76 59 13,728 12,707 1,021 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \11'1\11IR1m qlT \11 '1 ti&l I ClfO/P 691 273 418 99,329 94,910 4,419 (~3TR~~~) ~M 517 169 348 51,922 49,435 2,487 Scheduled Tribes population (including o/F 174 104 70 47,407 45,475 1,932 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3ITll ~ qlT ~ \J1'1\11IRllll ClfO/P 72 48 24 18,154 17,535 619 qlT ~l Scheduled Tribes ~o/M 39 29 10 9,273 8,92;3 350 population i~ the age group 0-6 fBro/F 33 19 14 8,881 8,612 269

      4. WIl'R ClfO/P 425 185 240 46,299 43,096 3,203 Literates ~ofM 318 123 195 29,814 27,894 1,920 fBro/F 107 62 45 16,485 15,202 1,283

      5. ~ ClJI'\T ~O/P 411 88 323 40,882 39,787 1,095 Total workers lJo/M 393 74 319 26,132 25,167 965 ff?ro/F 18 14 4 14,750 14,620 130

      6. c;l ETCf) I ~ Cf) ClJI'\T ~O/P 358 75 283 32,894 31,886 1,008 Main workers lJofM 347 68 279 22,833 21,94? 891 ff?ro/F 11 7 4 10,061 9,944 117

      (i) Cf)1~~Cf)I'I ~O/P 2 2 24.668 24,635 33 Cultivators lJo/M '1 16,044 16,017 27 fBrofF 8,624 8.618 6

      (ii)~~ ~O/P 1,4.14 1,464 10 Agricultural labourers lJofM 1,242 1,235 7 ff?rofF 232 229 3

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ClJI'\T ~O/P 525 510 15 Household industry workers lJofM 320 310 10 fBrofF 205 200 5

      (iv) 3Rl ClJI'\T ~O/P /" 355 72 283 6,227 5,277 950 Other workers lJofM 345 66 279 5,227 4,380 847 ~a/F 10 - 6 4 1,000 897 103 7. 31 C'4 Cf) I ~ Cf) ClJI'\T ~O/P 93 13 40 7.988 7,901 87 Mar9inal workers lJo/M 46 6 40 3,299 3,225 74 ~o/F 7 7 4,689 4,676 13

      (i) Cf)1~(jCf)I'I ~O/P 7 7 4,401 4,400 Cultivators 4 4 1,106 ~,106 tM o/F 3 3 3,295 3,294 (ii) ~~ czro/P 2,102 2,092 10 Agricultural labourers 1,349 1,340 9 tM o/F 753 752

      (iii) QIRqIRCf) ~ ClJI'\T ~O/P 274 268 6 76 71 5 Household industry workers tM a7P' 198 197

      (iv) 3Rl ClJI'\T ~O/P 46 6 40 1,211 1,141 70 Other workers 42 2 40 768 708 60 r:.o/F 4 4 443 433 10 8. tR cptff czrO/P 280 185 95 58,447 55,123 3,324 Non-workers lJo/M 124 95 29 25,790 24,268 1,522 ~o/F 156 90 66 32,657 30,855 1,802

      138 CI)-9 : 311~d \i1"1\i1lffi41 c6t \i1"1til{Wl em ~ ~ \i1"1~loHI ~ - 2001 A·9: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION· 2001

      lfC:' 06~ 07 ~li(lll4 Item Sex Garhwal Pithoragarh mrr 1iIlftliT '#iTffii m"iT 1iIlftliT "iflTffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \i1"1GlI~m -$ ~ 367 292 75 4,871 3,808 1,063 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \i1"1\i1IRt4t ~ \i1"1{i1!§1l1 "Clfo/p 1,594 1,348 246 19,279 14,934 4,345 (~ afR ffi \i1"1 {i1!§1l I ~) ~o/M 888 744 144 9,422 7,341 2,081 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 706 604 102 9,857 7,593 2,264 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3Tl1J ~ ~ ~ \1I'1\11IRlzil Cll"o/p 275 243 32 ~,738 2,169 569 qIt \1I'1{i1!§1l1! Scheduled Tribes ~o/M 145 128 17 1,400 1,079 321 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 130 115 15 1,338 1,090 248 4. m&R "Clfo/p 874 670 204 12,801 9,482 3,319 Literates ~o/M 587 463 124 7,147 5,469 1,678 ~o/F 287 207 80 5,654 4,013 1,641 5. ~ CflIfi Cll"o/p 665 579 86 8,481 7,112 1,369 Total workers ~o/M 489 415 74 4,265 3,505 760 ~o/F 176 164 12 4,216 3,607 609 6. c!hlcm R>l Cj) q;+lT Cll"o/p 384 303 81 5,519 4,608 0911- Main workers ~o/M 311 242 69 3,210 2,612 598 ~o/F 73 61 12 2,309 1,996 313

      (i) Cj)1~dCj)l~ "ClfolP 125 125 1,862 1,838 24 Cultivators ~o/M 80 80 1,157 1,138 19 ~o/F 45 45 705 700 5

      (ij)~~ Cll"o/p 48 48 57 56 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 46 46 34 33 ~o/F 2 2 23 23 (iii) qlRClIRCfl \RITrT ~ "Clfo/p 5 3 2 1,552 1,385 167 Household industry workers ~oIM 3 3 328 300 28 ~o/F 2 2 1,224 1,085 139 (iv) 3Rt CflIfi Cll"o/p 206 127 79 2,048 1,329 719 Other workers ~o/M 182 113 69 1,691 1,141 550 ~o/F 24 '14 10 357 188 169 7. 3l~Cj)1fc;tCj) q;+lT Cll"o/p 281 276 5 2,962 2,504 458 Marginal workers ~oIM 178 173 5 1,055 893 162 ~o/F 103 103 1,907 1,611 296

      (i) CflI~dCj)l~ "Clfo/p 52 52 1,023 1,021 2 Cultivators ~o/M 13 13 380 379 ~o/F 39 39 643 642 (ii)~~ Cll"olP 146 146 48 45 3 Agricultural labourers ljo/M 90 90 20 19 1 ~o/F 56 56 28 26 2

      (iii) qlRClIRCfl ~ ~ Cll"otP 1,317 1,009 308 HOusehold industry workers ljo/M 221 181 40 ~o/F 1,096 828 268

      (iv) 3Rt CflIfi Cll"olP 83 78 5 574 429 145 Other workers ~o/M 75 70 5 434 314 120 ~o/F 8 8 140 115 25

      8. tR q;1fT Cll"o/p 929 769 160 10,798 7,822 2,976 Non-workers ~o/M 399 329 70 5,157 3,836 1,321 ~o/F 530 440 90 5,641 3,986 1,655

      139 (5-9 : 3fjt!Rla \1I'1\111R141 qft \11'1fit.-

      1fG fWr 08~* 09~ Item Sex Bageshwar * Almora mrr "irilftiJT "ifirifu iIiTi IDlffUT ,~ ·Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \J1'i\J1IR'Ill1 ~ ~ 485 413 72 230 129 101 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \J1'i\J1IRi41 ~ ~ (lfo/p 1,943 1,619 324 878 488 390 (~3tR mrx ~~) ~o/M 899 746 153 461 255 206 Scheduled Tribes population (including fBfo/F 1,044 873 171 417 233 . 184 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 31Tl,l; ~ ctt ~ \J1'i\J1IRill1 (lfo/p 287 225 62 112 64 48 ctt ~I Scheduled Tribes ~o/M 136 108 28 68 41 27 population in the age gro"lJ4) 0-6 fBfo/F 151 117 34 44 23 21 4. W&R (lfo/p 1,330 1,100 230 715 393 322 Literates ~o/M 702 587 115 382 207 175 fBfo/F 628 513 115 333 186 147 5. ~ CfJl'TT (lfo/p 974 866 108 289 170 119 Total workers ~o/M 438 375 63 195 104 91 fBfo/F 536 491 45 94 66 28

      6. cflelCfiIfc;tCfi 'Cfil'\T (lfo/p 805 722 83 268 151 117 Main workers ~o/M 353 310 43 187 98 89 fBfo/F 452 412 40 81 53 28

      (i) CfiI~(1CfiI'< (lfo/p 314 314 33 33 Cultivators ~o/M 108 108 18 18 fBfo/F 206 206 15 15 (ii)~~ (lfo/p 2 2 Agricultural labourers . ~o/M 2 2 fBfo/F

      (iii) qlRqlRCfi ~ CfJl'TT (lfo/p 251 246 5 3 3 Household industry workers ~o/M 68 67 fBfo/F 183 179 4 3 3 (iv)~~ (lfo/p 238 160 78 232 115 117 Other workers ,~o/M 175 133 42 169 80 89 fBfo/F 63 27 36 63 35 28 7. 3l('q


      140 'Cf)-9 : 31j'(1JiIa \11""1\111R141 qft \11""1't1{''l!1 COT ~ m~ \11""1.1 0 1""11 x:IN - 2001 A-9: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ll'C:" fWr 10~* 11~ Item Sex Chilmpawat· Nainital iItiT "!iT1ffOT :;riRfu iItiT Ullff01 "ifi!"fui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. "We'! ~ \i1'i\i1IRl1l1 ~ 1lfurR 168 123 45 1,068 808 260 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2 ~ \i1'i\i1IRl4i ctT ~ C2lo;P 740 573 167 4,961 3,962 999 (~~ ~ ~ \i1'ix1@11 ~) '9;o/M 385 296 89 2,568 2,054 514 Scheduled Tribes population (including f?-3ralF 355 277 78 2,393 1,908 485 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3W:! ~ ctT ~ \i1'i\i11R1111 C2lo;P 161 131 30 797 682 115

      (i) CflI~dCflI'< C2lo;P 32 32 562 561 Cultivators '9;o/M 25 25 434 433 ~o/F 7 7 128 128 (ii) '&Rl-gx ~ C2lo;P 33 23 10 191 191 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 23 16 7 167 167 ~o/F 10 7 3 24 24 (iii) QIRcllRCfl ~ ~ C2lo;P 15 14 2 2 Household industry workers '9;o/M 8 7 1 ~o/F 7 7 (iv) 3fX! cplff C2lo;P 88 48 40 549 286 263 Other workers -go/M 79 45 34 446 252 194 ~o/F 9 3 6 103 34 69 7. 3iiACflIR1Cfl ~ C2lo;P 78 70 8 927 897 30 Marginal workers -go/M 46 44 2 337 312 25 m-o/F 32 26 6 590 585 5

      (i) CflI~dCflI'< czro;P 11 11 249 249 Cultivators '9;o/M 1 57 57 m-o/F 10 10 192 192 (ii) ~~ C2lo;P 62 56 6 524 519 5 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 44 42 2 177 174 3 ~o/F 18 14 4 347 345 2 (iii) QIRqIRCfl~~ czro;P 3 2 8 7 Household industry workers '9;o/M 2 2 1'Bfo/F 3 2 6 5 (iv) 3fX! cplff czro;P 2 146 122 24 Other workers '9;o/M 101 79 22 f?-3ro/F 45 43 2 8. 7R q;1fT C2lo;P 494 386 108 2,730 2,025 705 Non-workers -go/M 204 159 45 1,183 889 294 f?-3ro/F 290 227 63 1,547 1,136 411

      141 cp-9 : 3il~d \1l'1\1lIRilil qft GP1'(j\L~1 C6T ~ m~ \1l'1 JIOHI ~ - 2001 A·9: STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      +rG ~ 12i3i"~~* 13~ Item Sex Udham Singh Nagar * Hardwar 1Wi iIliffUT ~ 1Wi iIl"iffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \Ji"1\JilRl41 ~ tlftcIR 16,642 16,396 246 603 556 47 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \Ji"1\JiIUHi'l C!iT \Ji"1tiMI ~o/p 110,220 108,808 1,412 3,139 2,958 181 (~3TR~~~) ~o/M 55,941 55,081 860 1,728 1,628 100 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 54,279 53,727 552 1,411 1,330 81 institutional and house less population)

      3. 0-6 3lnl ~ C!iT ~ \Ji"1\JiIRl41 ~o/p 17,943 17,771 172 635 600 35 C!iT ~/ Scheduled Tribes ~o/M 9,176 9,078 98 318 302 16 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 8,767 8.693 74 317 298 19

      4. maN ~o/p 59,008 57,971 1,037 1,160 1.042 118 Literates 1J,a/M 36,719 36,011- 708 835 762 73 ~o/F 22.289 21,960 329 325 280 45

      5. ~

      6. ifh! q) I ~ q)

      (i) q)1~dq)f'< ~o/p 23,319 23,225 94 285 285 Cultivators 18,336 18,254 82 275 275 r:o/F 4,983 4,971 12 10 10 (ii)~~ ~o/p 3,689 3,686 3 405 401 4 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 2,914 2,911 3 380 378 2 ~o/F 775 775 25 23 2 (iii) qlRqlRCf) ~ Cfilff Cll'o/p 216 216 15 15 Household industry workers ~o/M :170 170 13 13 ~o/F 46 46 2 2

      (iv) 3RT

      (i) q)1~dq)I'< Cll'o/p 7,694 -7,520 174 53 53 Cultivators ~o/M 1,597 1,549 48 9 9 ~o/F 6,097 5,971 126 44 44 (ii) ~~ Cll'o/p 4,933 4,926 7 123 123 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 2,045 2,043 2 48 48 ~o/F 2,888 2,883 5 75 75 (iii) qlRqlRq) ~

      (iv) 3RT Cj'jlff ~o/p 1,296 1,287 9 12 9 3 Other workers 544 539 5 9 7 2 ~.o/F 752 748 4 3 2 8. ~ Cj'jlff Cll'o/p 65,927 65,009 918 2,116 1,983 133 Non-workers 27,678 27,145 533 882 825 57 tMo/F 38,249 37,864 385 1,234 1,158 76

      142 q;--9 : 311~fil(f \1f'1\ifIRl41 ~ \1f'1'tk~1 CPT ~ m~ \if'1~IOF'lI ~'- 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      lfcr fBrr 01 \jtl'(CI'IF~ft 0001~ Item Sex UTTARKASHI Puraula "ift1T 'iiTiffUT ~ 1lTrr "irilffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \Jj"'FillR141 ~ ~ 614 559 55 91 91 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \1I"I\1IIRldl cBT ~ CZTO/P 2,685 2,449 236 388 388 (~~ ~ \1I"H1&l1~) -go/M 1,414 1,284 130 222 222 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 1,271 1,165 106 166 166 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ cBT ~ \1I"I\1IIRldl CZTO/P 329 295 34 75 75 cBT ~I Scheduled Tribes 181 159 22 42 42 tM population in the age group 0-6 o/F 148 136 1-2 33 33

      4. W&R CliO/P 1,840 1,668 172 243 243 Literates -go/M 1,112 1,009 103 162 162 f?::fo/F 728 659 69 81 81 5. W<;{ Cl31ff CZTO/P 1,038 972 66 123 123 Total workers ljo/M 623 569 54 101 101 ~o/F 415 403 12 22 22

      6. ~hICflIR;jCfl ~ CZTo/P 935 873 62 100 100 Main workers ljo/M 592 541 51 92 92 f?::fo/F 343 332 11 8 8

      (i) C!i1~f1C!iI'< CZTO/P 142 142 36 36 Cultivators 79 31 31 tM 79 o/F 63 63 5 5 (ii)~~ CZTo.'P 2 Agricultural labourers 2 r:o/F (iii) QIRqIRC!i ~ Cj)lff CZTo/P 318 318 ~ Household industry workers '9;o/M 81 81 f?::fo/F 237 237

      (iv) ~ Cl31ff ic2:[o/p 473 412 61 64 64 Other workers ~o/M 430 380 50 61 61 fF;J-o/F 43 32 11 3 3

      7. 31 &Q C!i I f& Cfj CI7l'fi CZTO/P 103 99 4 23 23 Marginal workers ljo/M 31 28 3 9 9 ~o/F 72 71 14 14

      (i) C!i1~ctCfjI'< CliO/P 27 27 19 19 Cultivators ljo/M 6 6 5 5 fF.lo/F 21 21 14 14 (ii)~~ C1rO/P Agricultural labourers ljo4M fFidl,F

      (iii) QIRqIRC!i ~ Cfllff CZTO/P 50 50 Household industry workers 4 4 r:olF 46 46 (iv) 3Rr~ tlJo/P 25 . 22 3 4 4 Other workers -go/M 21 18 3 4 4 f?::fo/F 4 4

      8.tR~ C1rO/P 1,647 1,477 170 265 265 Non-workers ljo/M 791 715 76 121 121 N?ro/F 856 762 -94 144 144

      143 cp-9 : 31j'

      lfC:' fflrq (jOO2~ 0OO3~ Item Sex Rajgarhi Dunda iI1lT IDlffOj ~ iI1lT liTiftUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 ,2 3 4 5 ,6 7 8 1, ~ ~ Gt1GtlRlm -q; ~ 86 77 9 183 183 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2, ~ Gt1'JlIRilll Cf\T ~ "ClfotP 356 337 1.9 830 830 (~ 3lR ~ Gt1fi&:ll ~) -go/M 226 211 15 409 409 Scheduled Tribes population (including R'?ro/F 130 126 4 421 421 institutional and houseless population)

      3, 0-6 31nl ~ qft ~ Gt1GtIRl41 "ClfotP 45 43 2 101 101 qft ~I Scheduled Tribes -go/M 32 30 2 51 51 population in the age group 0-6 fBro/F 13 13 50 50

      4,m~ "ClfotP 274 257 17 562 562 Literates -go/M 185 172 13 319 319 fBro/F 89 85 4 243 243 5, ~ Cfl1'\T "Clfo;P 76 66 10 375 375 Total workers -go/M 69 60 9 185 185 fBro/F 7 6 190 190 6, G~denlfc;Jen Cfl1'\T "ClfotP 76 66 10 318 318 Main workers -go/M 69 60 9 174 174 fBro/F 7 6 1 144 144

      (i) enl~denlx "Clfo;P 4 -4 8 8 Cultivators -go/M 3 3 4 4 fBro/F 1 4 4 (ii)~~ "Clfo/p Agricultural labourers -go/M fBro/F (iii) qlRqlRen ~ Cfl1'\T "Clfo;p 2 2 186 186 Household industry workers -go/M 62 62 fBro/F 124 124

      (iv) JR:[ Cfl1'\T "Clfo;P 70 60 10 123 123 Other workers ,tM 65 56 9 107 107 o/F 5 4 16 16 7, 31 c;q en I ~ en Cfl1'\T "ClfotP 57 57 Marginal workers -go/M 11 11 fBro/F 46 46

      (i) enl~denlx "Clfo;P 2 2 Cultivators -go/M fBro/F 2 2 (ij)~~ "Clfo;P - Agricultural labourers ;tMo/F (iii) qlRcllRen ~ Cfl1'\T "Clfo;P 47 47 Household industry workers -go/M 4 4 fBro/F 43 -43

      (iv) JR:[ Cfl1'\T "Clfo;P 8 8 Other workers -go/M ';: 7 7 ~o/F 8, tR Cfl1'\T "Clfo/p 280 271 9 455 455 Non-workers 157 151 6 224 224 tM o/F 123 1.20 3 231 231

      144 CI)-g : 31j~C1 \11'1\11I!fgri qft \11'1\{i'L~1 em ~ m~ \11'1 l loHI mx - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRI~ES POPULATION· 2001

      lfG ~ 0OO4~ Item Sex Bhatwari iitil i"iTiffUi :;p:JThj Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1, W.:;T ~ li1'1Ii1IRidl ~ ~ 254 208 46 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2, ~ 1J111J11Rilll ~ lJ1"1fi&l1 "UJ()/P 1,111 894 217 (~3i'R~~~) lJo/M 557 442 115 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 554 452 102 institutional and houseless population)

      3, 0-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      4. m&R "UJO/P 761 606 155 Literates ~olM 446 356 90 mo/F 315 250 65 5,~~ "UJO/P 464 408 56 Total workers lJo/M 268 223 45 fBlo/F 196 185 11

      6. GltlCflIfc;1ttl ~ "UJO/P 441 389 52 Main workers lJo/M 257 215 42 mo/F 184 174 10

      (i) CflffilCl1T{ "UJO/P 94 94 Cultivators 41 41 r:o/F 53 53 (ii)~~ "UJO/P Agricultural labourers ~o/M ~o/F

      (iii) 4IRcIlRCf> \RlTrr q;B'f "UJO/P 130 130 Household industry workers ~o/M 18 18 fBlo/F 112 112

      (iv) 3l"lI Cff4T "UJO/P 216 165 51 Other workers ~o/M 197 156 41 mo/F 19 9 10

      7. 3liACf>I~Cf> Cff4T "UJO/P 23 19 4 Marginal workers -qo/M 11 8 3 fBro/F 12 11

      (I) Cf>1~\'1

      (iii) 4,RcllRCf> \RlTrr ~ c<:!O/P 3 3 Household industry workers "9;o/M ~o/F 3 3

      (iv) 3l"lI 'qJ1fr "UJoiP 13 10 3 Other workers -qo/M 10 7 3 mo/F 3 3

      8.tR~ c<:!O/P 647 486 161 Non-workers "9;o/M 289 219 70 fBlo/F 358 267 91

      145 cp-9 : 3i'j~d G1""1U11ff141 qft U1"1'(1'L~1 COT fGfm ~ U1"1 J lol"1l "'(1R - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPU.LATION - 2001

      lfG 02~ 0001~ Item Sex CHAMOLI Joshimath "iitii iiTlfiUT "iitii "iiliffUT :;rifffii Total Rural Urban Total '" Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 1. ~. ~ \ij"'l\ijIRl~l '$ll1tcrR 2,705 2,036 669 1,503 1,206 297 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \ij"'l\ijIRl~l qft \ij"'l ti&l I '&TotP 10,484 7,730 2,754 5,710 4,431 1,279 (~3tR,~ \ij"'l ti&l I ~) '9;o/M 5,083 3,688 1,395 2,766 2,127 639 Scheduled Tribes population (including R=?ro/F 5,401 4,042 1,359 2,944 2,304 640 institutional and house less population)

      3. 0-6 3lT

      4. 'ffi~ '&TotP, 7,393 5,241 2,152 3,812 2,826 986 Literates '9;o/M 4,127 2,946 1,181 2,194 1,648 546 R=?ro/F 3,266 2,295 971 ~ ..618 1,178 440

      5. ~ CIJ1ff '&TotP 4,686 3,648 1,038 2,694 2,213 481 Total workers '9;o/M 2,240 1,662 578 1,306 1,030 276 R=?ro/F 2,446 1,986 460 1,388 1,183 205

      6. c~)EhPl f<;j en CIJ1ff '&TotP 3,182 2,310 872 1,794 1,370 424 Main workers '9;o/M 1,718 1,202 516 997 731 266 R=?ro/F 1,464 1,108 356 797 639 158

      (i) CJ)I~~CJ)I'< '&TotP 919 717 202 868 667 201 Cultivators '9;o/M 435 355 80 409 329 80 R=?ro/F 484 362 122 459 338 121

      (ii)~~ '&TotP 19 16 3 15 14 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 11 10 1 10 10 R=?ro/F 8 6 2 5 4

      (iii) 4IRqIRCJ) ~ CIJ1ff '&TotP 1,085 873 212 380 356 24 Household industry workers '9;o/M 264 217 47 95 84 11 R=?ro/F 821 656 165 285 272 13

      (iv) ~ CIJ1ff '&TotP 1,159 704 455 531 333 198 Other workers ~o/M 1,008 620 388 483 308 175 R=?ro/F 151 84 67 48 25 23

      7. 3l&4enlf<;jCJ) CIJ1ff '&TotP 1,504 1,338 166 900 843 57 Marginal wOrk~rs '9;o/M 522 460 62 309 299 10 R=?ro/F 982 878 104 591 544 47

      (il CJ)1~~enl'< '&TotF> 531 514 17 393 376 17 Cultivators '9;o/M 196 191 5 149 144 5 R=?ro/F 335 323 12 244 232 12 (ii)~~ '&TotP 6 4 2 5 3 2 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 2 2 1 1 R=?ro/f 4, 2 2 4 2. 2

      (iii) 4IRqIRCJ) ~ CIJ1ff '&TotP 692 602 90 349 317 32 Household industry workers '9;o/M 104 96 8 36 36 R=?ro/l ""588 506 82 313 281 32 (iv) ~ CIJ1ff G11'otP 275 218 57 153 147 6 Other workers '9;o/M 220 171 49 123 118 5 R=?ro/l- 55 47 8 30 29 1

      8. TR' CIJ1ff '&TotP 5,798 4,082 1,716 3,016 2,2~8 798 Non-workers '9;o/M 2,843 2,026 817 1,469 1,097 363 R=?ro/F 2,955 2,056 _ .899, 1,556 1,121 435

      146 'Q)-9 : 31j'(j\fitd \JI'1\J11R141 qft \JI'1tkclll C6T fGwrr m~ \JI'1~loHI ~ - 2001 A·9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION· 2001

      lfG ~ 0002~ 0003~** Item Sex Chamoli Pokhari .. iftlT "iiTlftUi ~ iftlT liTiftUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \iI'i\ilIRi£ll "$ -qfurR 919 593 326 17 17 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \iI'i\ilIRim q\T ~ Cll"o/P 3,691 2,389 1,302 54 54 (~ 3tR ~ \iI'i{1&11 ~) -go/M 1,756 1,104 652 34 34 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 1,935 1,285 650 20 20 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 31fll ~ q\T ~ Ui'i\ilIRim C21'o/P 381 253 128 4 4 q\T \iI"Hi&111 Scheduled Tribes -go/M 207 131 76 2 2 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 174 122 52 2 2

      4.m~ C21'O/P 2,795 1,769 1,026 46 46 Literates -go/M 1,476 930 546 31 31 R'?rc/F 1,319 839 480 15 15 5. ~ CJ1l'\T C21'o/P 1,482 998 484 29 29 Total workers -go/M 652 411 241 20 20 ~o/F 830 587 243 9 9 6. Ci'hhlllfc;{Cj)~ C21'o/P 1,087 689 398 19 19 Main workers -go/M 510 303 207 16 16 ~o/F 577 386 191 3 3

      (i) CPI~dCflI~ C21'o/P 35 34 2 2 Cultivators lJo/M 15 15 ~o/F 20 19 (ii)~~ C21'o/P 2 2 Agricultural labourers lJo/M ~o/F 2 2 (iii) qlRqlRCfl \3EllTr ~ C21'o/P 631 449 182 Household industry workers lJo/M 149 116 33 ~o/F 482 333 149 (iv) 3FlT ~ C21'o/p 419 204 215 17 17 Other workers lJo/M 346 172 174 15 15 R'?ro/F 73 32 41 2 2 7.3f~~ C21'o/p 395 309 86 10 10 Marginal workers lJo/M 142 108 34 4 4 ~o/F 253 201 52 6 6

      (i) Cfll ~dCf>l''< C21'o/p 64 64 3 3 Cultivators lJo/M 26 26 ~o/F 38 38 3 3 (ii) ~IR~ C21'o/P AgriCultural labourers lJo/M fBfo/F (iii) ~~ \3EllTr "1flIff C21'o/P 251 193 58 3 3 Household industry workers lJo/M 48 40 8

      ~o/F 203 153 ~ 50 3 3 (iv) 3Rl' "1flIff C21'o/P 79 51 28 4 4 Other workers lJo/M 67 41 26 4 4 fBfo/F 12 10 2 8. tR"Cfl'IlT C21'o/P 2,209 1,391 818 25 25 Non-workers lJo/M 1,104 693 411 14 14 fBfo/F 1,105 698 407 11 11

      147 cp-,9 : 3l'j'

      2. ~ \Jl'i\JlIRi

      3. 0-6 3ll<] ~ qfr ~ \Jl'iGlIRim Cl:{o/p 76 60 16 34 34 qft ~I Scheduled Tribes '9;o/M 43 34 9 16 16 population in the age group 0-6 iBfo/F 33 26 7 18 '18

      4,m~ Cl:{o/p 470 330 140 203 203 Literates '9;0/1\1 265 176 89 124 124 iBfo/F 205 154 51 79 79 5·WR~ Cl:{o/p 297 224 73 128 128 Total workers '9;o/M 150 89 61 86 86 iBfo/F 147 135 12 42 42 6. ~tlc/)IfC;tc/)'~ Cl:{o/p 167 117 50 100 100 Main worke.rs '9;o/M 107 64 43 74 74 iBfo/F 60 53 7 26 26

      (if C/)I~dc/)I'< Cl:{o/p 7 7 7 7 Cultivators '9;o/M 5 5 5 5 iBfo/F, 2 2 2 2 (ii)~~ Cl:{o/p 2 2 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 1 iBfo/F

      (iii) qlRqlRC/) '\3'EWr ~ Cl:{o/p 68 62 6 6 6 Househol,d industry workers '9;o/M 20 17 3 iBfo/F , 48 45 ;3 6 6

      (iv) ~ 'CJ?llT ~ mo/p 90 48 42' 87 87 Other workers 81 42 39 69 69 tM o/F -9 6 3 . 18 18

      7. 3li;'QCf>lfctC/) ~ Cl:{o/p 130 107 23 28 28 Marginal workers lJo/M 43 25 18 12 12 iBfo/F 87 82 5 16 16

      (i) c/)I~qc/)I,{ Cl:{o/p 13 13 19 19 Cultivators . 3 3 7 7 -, tM o/F 10 '10 12 12 (ii) ~~ mo/p Agricultural labourers :J;o/M iBfo/F (iii) qlRqlRC/) '\3'EWr 'Cfil'\l Cl:{o/p 87 87 2 2 Household industry workers 1J;o/M- -19 19 '1 iBfo/F 68 68 1

      (iv) 3FI:[ 'CP'ff Cl:{otP 30 7 23 7 7 'Other ~rkers 1J;o/M 21 3 18 4 4 ,. iBfo/F 9 4 5 3 3 8.tR~ Cl:{o/p, 349 249 100 157 157 Non-workers lJo/M 174 131 43 70 70 iBfo/F - 175 118..- 57 87 87

      148 CJ)-9 : 311~RltI \11'1\11IR1m qft \11'1tt'l.GlII cnr ~ ~ \11'1 JloHI ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      1IG fWT 0006 iR tror* Item Sex Gair Sain ** iWT !iTiffiJT :;pfffii Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~ ~ Gl"i\illR'im ~ ~ 26 26 Total Scheduled Tribes households 2. ~ Gl'i\illR'illl q\T \iI

      4.W~ Cll'o/P 67 67 Literates :;ofM 37 37 ~ofF 30 30 5. ~ CIJIlT Cll'o/P 56 56 Total workers 26 26 tMofF 30 30 6. {\ t\ 4i I R14i CIJIlT Cll'o/P 15 15 Main workers 14 14 tMofF

      (i) 4i1'{d4il~ Cll'o/P Cultivators :;o/M ff?ro/F (ii)~~ Cll'OIP Agricultural labourers tMofF (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ ~ Cll'o/P Household industry workers tMofF (iv) ~ CIJIlT Cll'olP 15 15 Other workers :;ofM 14 14 ff?rofF 1 1 7.

      (i) CflI~dCflI'< Cll'o/p 39 39 Cultivators :;ofM 11 11 ff?ro/F 28 28 (ii) ~~ Cll'o/p - Agricultural labourers :;o/M ff?ro/F (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ CIJIlT Cll'o/P Household industry workers ;tMo/F (iv) ~ CIJIlT Cll'o/p 2 2 Other workers :;o/M ff?ro/F 8. TR CIJIlT Cll'o/p 42 42 Non-workers :;oIM 21 21 ff?ro/F 21 21

      149 Cf)-9 : 3i1't!Rltf \i1'"1\11IRtlil c6t \11'1'<1'L

      ~ fu-rr 03~* 0OO1~ Item Sex RUDRAPRAYAG* Ukhimath "iIfiT "iITifiUT ~ "iIfiT m"iffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 i. ~ ~ \i1'i\i1IR141 ~ ~ 49 42 7 21 20 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      .2. ~ \i('i\i1IR1lil qft ~ C(j'O/P 186 157 29 90 81 9 (~ 31R irER \Jl'i'(i'lSlll ~) lJo/M 106 87 19 58 49 9 Scheduled Tribes population Qncluding m-ofF 80 70 10 32 32 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ qft ~ \Jl'i\JlIRl41 C(j'O/P 34 32 2 18 18 qft ~I Scheduled Tribes 17 17 9 9 tM population in the age group 0-6 o/F 17 15 2 9 9 4. ffTfiR' ClTotP 115 95 20 51 47 4 Literates 75 61 14 39 35 4 tM ofF 40 34 6 12 12 5. W<'f ~ C(j'O/P 81 65 16 44 35 9 Total workers ~o/M 52 37 15 30 21 9 m-ofF 29 28 1 14 14

      6. cfltlCjjIf"&Cfi ~ ClTO/P 61 45 16 29 20 9 Main workers ~o/M 43 28 15 22 13 9 m-ofF 18 17 7 7

      (i) CfJI~\iCfJI'( C(j'otP 12 12 8 8 Cultivators 1J;o/M 3 3 2 2 m-o/F 9 9 6 6

      (ii)~~ C(j'O/P' Agricultural labourers -go/M m-o/F

      (iii) QIRqlRCfJ \3Eirrr ~ C(j'O/P 6 6 2 2 Household industry workers 1J;o/M 1 m-o/F 5 5 /' (iv) 3R:T ~ ClfOIP 43 27 16 19 10 9 Other workers 1J;o/M 39 24 15 19 10 9 fBro/F 4 3 1 7. \>lC'4


      (iii) QIRqIR

      (iv) 3R:T ~ ClTO/P 3 3 3 3 Other workers 3 3 3 3 ~Mo/F

      8.tR~ ClTO/P 105 92 13 46 46 Non-workers -go/M 54 50 4 28 28 m-oiF 51 42 _- 9 18 18

      150 cp-9 : 31j~RIO \JFI\1iIRlll'i qft \1i"iti'LclIl cor fGwrr m~ \1i'1~lul'1l "fIN - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG fW1 0002~ Item Sex Rudraprayag iftlT "iri"iffUT ;rrRfu Total Rur~1 Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~ ~ "1 '1"1 I R\<:lf ~ ~ 28 22 6 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ Gj"1GjIR'l

      (i) CfiI~ctCfiI'< C21'o/p 2 2 Cultivators "9;o/M fBro/F 2 2 (ii) ~~ C21'o/p Agricultural labourers "9;o/M 'fBro/F (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ CI71'1T C21'o/p 3 3 Household industry workers "9;o/M fBro/F 2 2 (iv) ~ CI71'1T C21'o/p Other workers "9;o/M fBro/F 8.tR~ C21'o/p 59 46 13 Non-workers 1J:o/M 26 22 4 fBro/F 33 24 9

      151 cp-9 : 3i.j'

      ~ fWr 04.~~ 0001 ~** Item Sex TEHRI GARHWAL Ghansali •• m1T "ri1itlUT :;o{Tfffi"i m1T "iiTlftUT :;:rrRfu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. wc;r ~ 1J1'11J11R141 ~ ~ 135 76 59 6 6 Total SchedulfJd Tribes households

      2. ~ 1J1'1lJ1lf?141 ~ ~ CZfO/P 691 273 418 17 17 (~~ ~ 1J1'1{iMI~) 1:Jo/M 517 169 348 "7 7 Scheduled Tribes population (including R?ro/F 174 104 70 10 10 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3Tr

      4. WIIR ClIO/P 425 185 240 12 12 Literates ~o/M 318 123 195 5 5 R?ro/F 107 62 45 7 7 5 . wc;r


      (i) ¢1~\iCflI,{ ClIO/P 2 2 Cultivators ~o/M mo/F

      (ii)~~ ClIO/P Agricultural labourers 1:Jo/M mo/F

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl I3EWT ~ CZfO/P Household industry workers 1J;o/M mo/F (iv) ~

      7. 3lC'4CfJIfc;j¢

      (i) CfJI~\iCflI,{ ClIO/P 7 7 Cultivators 4 4 tMo/F 3 3

      (ii) ~~ ClIO/P Agricultural labourers ~o/M mo/F

      (iii) 41RqlfqCfJ I3EWT ~ CZfO/P Household industry workers 1:Jo/M R?ro/J=;__

      (iv) i3Rr ~ ClIOfP 46 6 40 Other workers ~o/M 42 2 40 R?ro/F 4 4 , 8.~~ UlO/P . 280 ;85 95 . 11 11 Non-workers ~o/M 124 95 29 5 5 R?ro/F 156 90 66 6 6

      152 'ij}-9 : 31'j~C1 \J1"1\J1IRnli qft \J1"1'li{'~1 COT ~ m~ \1H~IOI"1I ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      llG ~ 0002~ 0003 IOH114"N< Item Sex Devprayag Pratapnagar iiTii IDlffUT ;pjfflf iiTii iITiffUT :;pfffiJ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~31~vr-l~~~ 2 10 10 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \J1'1\J1IRl

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ qft ~ vT~ ClTO/P 3 3 qj7 \J1'1x1&11! Scheduled Tribes -go/M 2 2 population in the age group 0-6 ff;ro/F 1

      4. ffi~ C2lo;P 3 2 18 18 Literates "9;o/M 2 2 14 14 ff;ro/F 4 4 5.~~ C2lc/P 2 2 11 11 Total workers -go/M 2 2 10 10 ~o/F 6. c~lth" Iftt Cll Cfilll ClfO/P 2 2 10 10 Main workers -go/M 2 2 9 9 ~o/F 1

      (i) Cfjmr

      (iii) 41RqlRCll ~ ~ C2lo;P Household industry workers "9;o/M fBfo/F

      (iv) 3Rl' cp>ff ClTo;P 2 2 10 10 Other workers l],c/M 2 2 9 9 ~o/F 7.~~ CllO/P Marginal workers "9;o/M ~o/F

      (i) CllI~(1CllIii! C2lo/P Cultivators "9;o/M ~o/F

      (Ii) ~.~ C2l0/P Agricultural labourers -go/M ~o/F (iii) qIRqIRCfl~~ C2lo;P Household industry workers "9;o/M fB:Io/F (iV)~~ ClTo/P Other workers "9;o/M mo/F 8. fR

      153 C5-9 : 31j,«fild GFI\1ftR!lii qft \1f'1ti~clIl em ~ ~ \1f'1 J loHI ~ - 2001 A·9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION· 2001

      l1c:' ~ 0004~ 0005 "l~::S:;PI'< Item Sex Tehri Narendranagar "mlT iIl"iffUT :;:p:fffii "mlT "irilffUT :;r;Tffii Total Rural Urban '- Total Rural Urban 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \il"l\i1IR141 ~ ~ 98 54 44- 19 5 14 Total Scheduled Tribes households 2. ~ 1Jl11Jllf?l41 ~ 1Jl1tiBllI Cll'o/P 582 215 367 65 16 49 (~~ ~ \i11tiBllI~) lJo/M 451 130 321 41 16 25 Scheduled Tribes population (including R?ro/F 131 85 46 24 24 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 ~ ~ 'mT ~ V1"'1\i1lf?141 Cll'o/p 58 42 16 8 8 'mT ~I Scheduled Tribes lJo/M 30 25 5 5 5 population in the age group 0-6 R?ro/F 28 17 11 3 3

      4.~ Cll'o/p 351 149 202 41 5 36 Literates lJo/M 272 99 173 25 5 20 R?ro/F 79 50 29 16 16 5.~~ Cl[o/p 373 65 308 19 6 13 _Total workers ljo/M 362 56 306 17 6 11 R?ro/F 11 9 2 2 2 6. 4hfcfllfclCl'> 'CI'>'lff Cl[o/p 322 54 268 19 6 13 Main workers lJo/M 317 51 266 17 6 11 R?ro/F 5 3 2 2 2 (i) Cl'>1:tdCflI,< Cl[o/P 2 2 Cultivators ljo/M fBl"o/F (ii)~~ Cl[o/p Agricultural labourers lJo/M fF;{o/F (iii) 41RqlRCIi ~ ~ Cl[o/P Household industry workers lJo/M fBl"o£? (iv) 3R1' ~ Cl[o/p 320 52 268 18 5 13 Other workers 316 50 266 16 5 11 tMo/F _4 2 2 2 2 7. 3ie,;qCl'>l~Cfl ~ Cl[o/p 51 11 40 Marginal workers 45 5 40 tMo/F 6 6

      (i) CflI~dCfl"! Cl[o/p 6 6 Cultivators ljo/M 3 3 fBl"o/F 3 3 (ii)~~ Cl[o/p Agricultural labourers ljo/M fBl"a/F (iii) 41RqlRCI'> 'i3'ElTrr ~ ((la/P Household industry workers ljdfvr-- - __ fBl"o/F (iv) 3R1' 'Cfl1ft ((lo/P 45 5 40 Other workers jtM 42 2 40 a/F 3 3 8.fR~ 'C21O/P 209 150 59 46 10 36 Non-workers 89 74 15 24 10 14 tM olF 120 IS 44 22 22

      154 'ij)-9 : 3tj~Rld "HG1IR141 qft G1"1'{i'Lc~:1I COT ~ ~ G1"1~loHI mx - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      'l1c:" 05~ 0001~ Item Sex DEHRADUN Chakrata mTT "iiPftUT ;riRfu mTT lriifiUT ;riRfu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ iit1\1tIRl41 ~ ~ 13.728 12.707 1,021 8,658 8,451 207 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ iit'"liitIRl41 ~ ~ C2l0/P 99.329 94,910 4,419 73,127 72,259 868 (~3tRffi iit1t1&1I~) -go/M 51.922 49,435 2,487 37,763 37,266 497 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 47,407 45,475 1,932 35,364 34,993 371 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 31TIl ~ qft ~ iit'1iitIRl41 C2l0/P 18,154 17,535 619 13,523 13,400 123 cJi't VPrfflsml Scheduled Tribes -go/M 9,273 8,923 350 6,845 6,777 68 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 8.881 8,612 269 6,678 6,623 55

      4. mill{ C2l0/P 46,299 43,096 3,203 33,574 32,961 613 Literates -go/M 29,814 27,894 1,920 21,490 21,113 377 tao/F 16,485 j5,202 1,283 12,084 11,848 236 6. ~ C!f4T Cll'O/P 40,882 39,787 1,095 32,423 32,188 235 Total workers -go/M 26,132 25,167 965 19,379 19,166 213 ~o/F 14,750 14,620 130 13,044 13,022 22

      6. 4hlcbl R1 Cfl C!f4T C2l0/P 32,894 31,886 1,008 26,869 26,653 216 Main workers -go/M 22,833 21,942 891 17,671\ 17,475 196 ~o/F 10,061 9,944 117 9,198 9,178 20

      (i) CflI~dCflI'1 Cll'O/P 24,668 24,635 33 22,471 22,471 Cultivators -go/M 16,044 16,017 27 14,360 14,360 ~o/F 8,624 8,618 6 8,111 8,111 (ii)~~ C2l0/P 1,474 1,464 10 435 433 2 Agricultural labourers -go/M 1,242 1',235 7 278 278 ~o/F 232 229 3 157 155 2

      (iii) 4lRqllh) ~ C!f4T 'Cll'O/P 525 510 15 364 353 11 Household industry workers -go/M 320 310 10 206 200 6 ~o/F 205 200 5 158 153 5

      (iv) 3RT C!f4T C2l0/P 6,227 5.277 950 3,599 3,396 203 Other workers -go/M 5,227 4.380 847 2,827 2,637 190 ~o/F 1,000 897 103 772 759 13

      7. 3jCACflIR1Cfl C!f4T i'lTo/P 7,988 7,901 87 5,554 5,535 19 Marginal workers -go/M 3,299 3,225 74 1,708 1,691 17 ~o/F 4,689 4,676 13 3,846 3,844 2

      (i) CflI~dCflI'1 C2lU/P 4,401 4,400 4,051 4,051 Cultivators -go/M 1,106 1,106 982 982 ~o/F 3,295 3,294 3,069 3,069

      (ii)~~ CZl'O/P 2,102 2,092 10 588 588 Agricultural labourers -go/M 1,349 1,340 9 265 265 ~o/F 753 752 323 323

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ C!f4T C2l0/P 274 268 6 177 173 4 Household industry workers -go/M 76 71 5 60 56 4 R'?ro/F 198 197 117 117

      (iv) 3RT C!f4T C2l0/P 1,211 1,141 70 738 723 15 Other workers -go/M 768 708 60 401 388 13 ~o/F 443 433 10 337 335 2

      8. tR C!f4T C2l0/P 58,447 55,123 3,324 40,704 40,071 633 Non-workers -go/M 25.790 24,268 1.522 18,384 18,100 284 ~o/F 32,657 30,855 1,802 22,320 21,971 349

      155 cn-9 : ~1~t1 \11"1\11IRHli qft lit"1tkc:£ll em fGrffi ~ \11"1 110 1"11 'tfR - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Of SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      1iG 0002 14(61'«"1'1'< ~* 0003~ Item Sex Vikasnagar ** Dehradun "$T "$T iWffUi ;:p]"& Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ GF'1\JlIRt4f ~ ~ 3.688 3,600 739 115 624 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ Wf\JlIRt4f qft ~ Cl(o/p 19,977 19,544 433 3,163 442 2,721 (~$~~~) '9;o/M 10,704 10,458 246 1,781 252 1,529 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 9,273 9,086 187 1,382 190 1,192 institutional aM houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ \;J"'1\JlIRi41 Cl(OIP 3,707 3,635 72 411 56 355 qft ~I Scheduled Tribes '9;o/M 1,912 1,869 43 236 31 205 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 1,795 1,766 29 175 25 150

      4. WIlR Cl((}/p 8,758 8,449 309 2,374 289 ?,085 Literates '9;o/M 5,868 5,681 187 1,411 187 1,224 ~o/F 2,890 2,768 122 963 102 861

      5. ~ CflllT Cl(o/p 6,658 6,580 78 788 140 648 Total workers '9;o/M 5,186 5,112 74 693- 122 571 .~o/F 1,472 1,468 4 95 18 77

      6. ,,1 tlcf)( ~ Cl? CflllT Cl(otP 4,707 4,641 66 698 89 609

      Main workers '9;o/M 3,999 3,935 64 619 84 535 1 fBio/F 708 706 2 79 5 74

      (i) Cl?1!ldCl?I'I( Cl(o/p 2,040 2,031 9 10 8 2 Cultivators '9;o/M 1,569 1,560 9 9 7 2 ~o/F 471 471 1 (ii)~~ Cl(o/p 910 908 2 30 29 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M !M4 842 2 28 27 ~o/F 66 66 2 2

      (iii) QIRqIRCl? ~ CflllT Cl(otP 148 147 5 3 2· Household industry workers '9;o/M 104 103 5 3 2 fBio/F ,.. 44 44 (iv) 31r4" CIfIff Cl(o/p 1,609 1,555 54 653 49 604 Other workers '9;o/M 1,482 1,430 52 577 47 530 fBio/F 127 125 2 76 2 74

      7. ~ C'Y Cl? Iftl Cl? C!f4T Cl(o/p 1,951 1,939 12 90 51 39 Marginal workers ''9;o/M 1,187 1,177 10 74 38 36 ~o/F 764 762 2 16 13 3

      (i) Cfil!ldcpl'l( Cl(o/p 321 32·1 6 6 Cultivators '9;o/M 106 106 5 5 fBio/F 215 215

      (ii)~~ Cl(o/p 1,229 1,229 41 34 7 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 847 847 29 22 7 ~o/F 382 382 12 12

      (iii) QI R ell R BEfrrr Cfilft 92 91 Household industry workers 12 12 80 79

      (iv) 31r4" 'CPlff Cl(o/p 309 298 11 42 11 31 Other workers '9;o/M' 222 212 10 39 11 28 ~oLF 87 86 3 3 'C2l0/p 13,319 12,964 355 2,375 302 2,073 Non-workers '9;o/M 5,518 5,346 172 1,088 130 958 ~o/F 7,801 7,618 ~ -~183 ~,287 172 1,115

      156 "ij)-9 : 3ij'

      'Il'G fWr 0OO4~'* Item Sex Rishikesh .* iftlT IDiftUT ~ Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~ ~ \J1"i\J1IRl'lll c);" ~ 643 541 102 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \J1"1\J1IRl'lll Cf5T \J1"1<1&:l1 ClfO/P 3,062 2,665 397 (~$~~~) '9;o/M 1,674 1,459 215 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 1,388 1,206 182 institutional and houseless popUlation) 3. 0-6 3Wl ~ qft' ~ \Jj<'j\J1IR'1<'if ClfoIP 513 444 69 Cf5T ~I Scheduled Trib~s :J;o/M 280 246 34 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 233 198 35 4. W8:R :uTo/P 1,593 1,397 196 Literates :J;o/M 1,045 913 132 ~o/F 548 484 64

      5. ~ Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 1,013 879 134 Total workers '9;o/M 874 767 107 ~Q/F 139 112 27

      6. c;1t1enlf{;jen Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 620 503 117 Main workers :J;o/M 544 448 96 ~o/F 76 55 21

      (ii enl~(iq* ClfO/P 147 125 22 Cultivators '9;o/M 106 90 16 ~o/F 41 35 6

      (ii)~~ ClfO/P 99 94 5 Agricultural labourers :J;o/M 92 88 4 ~o/F 7 6

      (iii) 41RqlRen ~ Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 8 7 Household industry workers :J;o/M 5 4 ~o/F 3 3

      (iv) 3R1 Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 366 277 89 Other workers :J;o/M 341 266 75 ~D/F 25 11 14

      7. 3lC'Q en Ifc1 en Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 393 376 17 Marginal workers :J;o/M 330 319 11 ~o/F 63 57 6

      (i) enl !{(i en I,{ ClfO/P 23 22 Cultivators :J;o/M 13 13 ~o/F 10 9 (ii) ~~ ClfO/P 244 241 3 Agricultural labourers '9;o/M 208 206 2 ~o/F 36 35 (iii) 41RqlRen m Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 4 4 Household industry workers '9;o/M 3 3 ~o/F

      (iv) 3R1 Cfi1'TT tllo/P 122 109 13 Other workers -go/M 106 97 9 ~o/F 16 12 4

      8. tR Cfi1'TT ClfO/P 2,049 1,786 263 Non-workers '9;o/M 800 692 108 ~o/F 1,249 1,094 1"55

      157 cp-9 : 3'I"j'{iRid G1 .... G11R1111 qft \i1 .... ti'Lc:a1 Cf)J ~ mWfrcp G1 .... JIOHI XlR - 2001 A-9: D.ISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION· 2001

      'l1G fWT 06~ 0001 ~ .. * Item Sex GARHWAL Srinagar ** "$j "iiTiftUT o;{Tffui "lWT "iiT1ffUT :;:JTifui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \iI"j\JlIR'l41 m~ 367 292 75 30 4 26 Total Scheduled Tribes households 2. ~ \il1\i1IR'liOll ctt \il1'{'i&l1 "Ulo/p 1,594 1,348 246 101 11 90 (~~~~~) -go/M 888 744 144 50 4 46 Scheduled Tribes population (including fu:ro/F 706 604 102 51 7 44 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 31TIj ~ ctt ~ \il1\i11R'lIlT 'CZTo/p 384 303 81 36 3 33 Main workers ~oIM 311 242 69 26 2 24 fu:ro/F 73 61 12 10 9

      (i) CflI~C1CflI'( "Ulo/p 125 125 Cultivators ~o/M '80 80 fu:ro/F 45 45 (ii)~~ "Ulo/p 48 48 -Agricultural labourers ~o/M 46 46 fu:ro/F • 2 2 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ C!>IlT "Ulo/p 5 3 2 Household industry workers ~oIM 3 3 fB1"o/F 2- 2 (iV)3A~ "Ulo/p- 206 127 79 36 3 33 Other workers ~oIM 182 113 69 26 2 24 fu:ro/F 24 14 10 10 9 7. 3liACflIR1Cfl ~ "Ulo/p 281 276 5 Marginal workers ~o/M 178 173 5 1'Bro/F 103 103

      (i) Cf)1~C1CflI'< "Ulo/p 52 52 Cultivators ~oIM 13 13 1'BrolF 39 39 (ii) ~~ ."Ulo/P 146 146 Agricultural labourers ~o/M ~O 90 fu:ro/F 56 56 (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ C!>IlT "Ulo/P Household industry workers ~o/M fB1"o/F (iv) 3RT CIJl1T

      158 'Q)-9 : 3ij'(iRta \iFI\ifIRtdi qft \if'H1\!O..clIl cnr ~ ~ \l1'"i JIOHI ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ fWr 0OO2~ 0OO3~~ Item Sex Pauri Thali Sain ilfil iITiffUT "ifiRfii $1 fulffUT "ifiRfii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '8 1. ~ 31j~ \J11\J11R1111 ~ 1lf«rR 43 6 37 7 7 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \J11\J11R'l1l1 q\T \J11 fi&:l I CZTO/P 135 11 124 22 22 (~ 31'R tER \J11{i&:l1 ~) -go/M 83 7 76 14 14 Scheduled Tribes population (Including fBl"o/F 52 4 48 8 8 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ q\T ~ \J11\J11R'l1i1 CZTo/P 20 2 18 2 2 ctT ~/ Scheduled Tribes :!o/M 12 11 2 2 population in the age group 0-6 fBl"o/F 8 7

      4. ~IJ:R CZTO/P 113 8 105 18 18 Literates -go/M 71 6 65 12 12 fBl"o/F 42 2 40 6 6 5. ~ cn+ff CZTo/P 45 5 40 13 13 Total workers -go/M 41 4 37 8 8 fBl"o/F 4 3 5 5 6. ,,1 tI em fcq CJj cn+ff CZTO/P 44 5 39 13 13 Main workers -go/M 40 4 36 8 8 fBl"o/F 4 3 5 5

      (i) CJjI~C1CJjI~ CZTo/P 6 6 Cultivators :!o/M fBl"o/F 5 5 (ii)~~ CZTO/P Agricultural labourers :!o/M fBl"o/F (iii) 41RqlRCJj ~ cn+ff CZTO/P 2 2 2 2 Household industry workers -go/M 2 2 fBl"o/F 2 2 (iv) ~ Cfi'ff CZTO/P 41 4 37 5 5 Other workers -go/M 39 3 36 5 5 fBl"o/F 2 7. 316

      0) CJjI~C1CJjI'( CI:[o/p Cultivators :!o/M fBl"o/F (ii) ~~ CZTO/P Agricultural labourers :!o/M m-o/F (iii) 41RqlRCJj ~ cn+ff CZTO/P Household industry workers -go/M fBl"o/F (iv) ~ cn+ff CZTO/P Other workers :!o/M m-o/F 8. tR cn+ff CZTO/P 90 6 84 9 9 Non-workers :!o/M 42 3 39 6 6 fBl"o/F 48 3 45 3 3

      159 Cf)-9 : 31j~~ \J1'1\111R141 qft \11'1'ft'Lclil COT ~ ~ \1H~lol'1l ~ - 2p01 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OPSCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      llG ~ 0004~ 0005 ~""t1~IG"'I Item Sex Dhoomakot Lansdowne 1WT iillffUi :;:pJ"ffii 1WT 1iT"iffiIT :;:pJ"ffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \iI"'1\i1IR141 m- ~ 2 2 20 17 3 Total Scheduled Tribes households 2. ~ \iI"'1\i1IR141 ~ ~ Clfo/P 7 7 30 25 5 (~$W~~) .~M 3 3 20 16 4 Scheduled Tribes population (including ofF 4 4 10 9 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 Wl ~ q\1 ~ \iI"'1\i1IR141 Clfo/P 2 2 ~ ~I Scheduled Tribes 'So/M population in the age group 0-6 ~ofF 2 2 4. m&R Uro/p 5 5 27 23 4 Literates -g;o/M '3 3 17 14 3 ~ofF 2 2 10 9 5. ~ cptfi Clfo/P 3 3 19 16 3 TotaJ workers 3 3 16 13 3 tM ofF 3 3 6. c;iE\Cf}IR:iCli cptfi Clfo/P 3 3 17 14 3 Main workers 'SofM 3 3 14 11 3 ~ofF 3 3 - (i) CliI~t1C1iI'( Clfo/P Cultivators 'So/M ~ofF (ii)~~ Clfo/P Agricultural labourers tM ofF (iii) 41RqlRCIi ~ cptfi Clfo/P Household industry workers tM ofF // (iv)~"Cfi"Ifi CZl'otP 3 3 17 14 3 Other workers 'SofM 3 3 14 11 3 ~o/F 3 3 7. 3l(.illCf)1Fc:iCf) cptfi CZl'o/p 2 2 Marginal workers 2 2 tM ofF

      (i) Cf)1~dCf)I'( CZl'o/p Cultivators 'SofM ~oIF (ii) ~~ CZl'o/p 2 2 Agricultural labourers 'SofM 2 2 ~ofF (iii) 41RClIRCii ~ cptfi CZl'o/p Household industry workers 'SofM -_ ~ofF (iv) ~ cptfi CZl'o/p Other workers ~M. ofF' 8. tR cptfi CZl'o/p 4 4 11 9 2 Non-workers .'SofM 4 3 ~- - ~o1F 4 4 _- 7 6

      160 cn-9 : 31j~d \11'i\J1IR!{ji c6T \Ji'iti~<41 COT ~ m~ \Ji'iJloHI ~ - 2001 A·9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION· 2001

      'l1c':" ~ 0OO6~ Item Sex Kotdwara "mTf '!iiiftUT :;:riRfu Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~C'l ~ \ij'i\i1lR1~1 ~ ~ 265 256 9 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ vr~ ctt Vffifflm CZTO/P 1,299 1,272 27 (~(f 31R W \ij'ix1&G1 ~) 1j~/M 718 700 18 Scheduled Tribes population (including fBTo/F 581 572 9 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3lT qft ~ V1'i\ijI?!df CZTO/P 238 735 3 q\1 \ij .... xkclll! Scheduled Tribes lJo/M 125 124 1 population In the age group 0-6 fF.:fo/F 113 111 2

      4.~~ CZTO/P 627 608 19 Literates lJo/M 441 426 15 fBro/F 186 182 4

      5 TC'Iri CZTO/P 548 538 10 Total workers lJo/M 394 384 10 ~c/F 154 154

      6. c;'hlCflI~Cfl ri UlO/P 271 265 6 Main workers lJc/M 220 :'>14 6 fBTo/F 51 51

      (i) Cfl:~(1CflI'< CZTO/P 118 118 Cultivators lJo/M 78 78 fu'o/F 40 40

      (ii)~~ CZTO/P 48 48 Agricultural labourers 46 46 tM o/F 2 2 (iii) QIRcliRCfl ~ ~ CZTO/P Household industry workers lJo/M fBro/F

      (iv) ~ cp1ff CZTO/P 104 98 6 Other workers lJo/M 95 89 6 fBTc/F 9 9

      7. 3lC"Q$Ifc;je/i c:l?'ll CZT~/P '277 273 4 Marginal workers lJo/M 174 170 4 fF.:fclF 103 103

      (I) CflI~dCflI'< CZTO/P 52 52 Cultivators lJclM 13 13 ~n/F 39 39 (ii) ~~ CZTO/P 144 144 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 88 88 fu'o/F 56 56 (iii) QIRqIRCfl~~ CZTO/P Household industry workers lJo/M fBro/F

      (iv) 3RT cp1ff CZTO/P 81 77 4 Other workers lJo/M 73 69 4 fBrLlF 8 8

      8. <'R ~ CZT0/P 751 734 17 Non-workers ~\)/M 324 316 8 fu'()/F 427 418 9

      161 Cff-9 : 3l1'1fi1d \J1'1\J1IR1m qft \J1'1fi{'clIl COT ~ m~ \11'1 J IOI'1I XlR - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      lfG ~ 07 flM'I'(I;J14 0001~ Item Sex PITHORAGARH Munsiari mrr "iiilftUT :;rll"fui iitiT "iiilftUT :;rilifu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ G1'iG1IRilll ~ 11furR 4,871 3,808 1,063 "- 1 ,859 1,859 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ Gl'iG1IRilll ct't ~ Clfo/P 19,279 14,934 4,345 7,268 7,268 (~3tR~~~) llo/M 9,422 7,341 2,081 3,502 3,502 Scheduled Tribes population (including R?ro/F 9,857 7,593 2,264 3,766 3,766 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ ct't ~ G1'iG1IRill'l Clfo/P 2,738 2,169 569 1,064 1,064 ct't ~I Scheduled Tribes llo/M 1,400 1,079 321 506 506 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 1,338 1,090 248 558 558 4. 'ffi1lR Clfo/P 12,801 9,482 3,319 4,710 . 4,710 Literates -go/M 7,147 5,469 1,678 2,685 2,685 ~o/F 5,654 4,013 1,641 2,025 2,Q25 5. ~ CIi'BT Clfo/P 8,481 7,112 1,369 3,443 3,443 Total workers llo/M 4,265 3,505 760 1,614 1,614 ~o/F 4,216 3,607 609 1,829 1,829 6. ,,"I tlcf)l fC;j 4l CfJ+fi Clfo/P 5,519 4,608. 911 2,231 2,231 Main workers llo/M 3,210 2,612 598 1,259 1,259 ~o/F 2,309 1,996 313 972 972

      (i) 4l1~C1411'( Clfo/P 1,862 1,838 24 757 757 Cultivators llo/M 1,157 1,138 19 407 407 ~o/F 705 700 5 350 350 (ii)~~ Clfo/P 57 56 23 23 Agricultural labourers llo/M 34 33 16 16 ~o/F ?3 23 7 7 (iii) 4IRqIR41 ~ CIi'BT Clfo/P 1,552 1,385 167 670 670 Household industry workers llo/ M 328 300 28 160 160 R?ro/F 1,224 1,085 139 510 510 (iv) 3R CIi'BT Clfo/P 2,048 1,329 719 781 781 ./ Other workers llo/ M 1,691 1,141 550 676 676 ~o/F 357 188 169 105 105 7. 3lC'4 411 fC;j 4l CfJ+fi Clfo/P 2,962 2,504 458 1,212 1,212 Marginal workers -go/M 1,055 893 162 355 355 ~o/F 1,907 1,611 296 857 857

      (i) 4l1~C1411'( Clfo/P 1,023 1,021 2 481 481 Cultivators llo/ M 380 379 1 147 147 R31o/F 643 642 334 334 (ii) ~~ Clfo/P • 48 45 3 16 '16 Agricultural labourers 20 19 1 5 5 ;tM o/F 28 26 2 11 ·11 (iii) 4IRqIR41 ~ CfJ+fi Clfo/P 1,317 1.009 308 577 577 Household industry workers llo/M 221 181 40 84 84 l'Bio/t 1,096 828 268 493 493 -~ (iv) 3R~ Clfo/P --574 429 145 138 138 Other workers llo/M 434 314 120 119 119 ~o/F 140 115 25 19 19 8. TR CIi'BT Clfo/P 10,798 7,822 2,976 3,825 3,825 Non-workers llo/M 5,157 3,836 1,321 1,888 1,888 ~o/F 5,641 3,986 1,655 1,937 1,937

      162 · q;-9 : 311~d 'IH\liIR!tli qft \li"i-a'Lc~U q;y ~ ~ \li"iJloHI ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      +re 0002~ 0003~ Item Sex Dharchula Didihat iItlT "!iilffUT ~ iltI1 "iriiffUT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ VI"1V1IRi41 ~ t1ftcrR 2,276 1,664 612 398 223 175 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ "l1V11R141 qf) Vl1X"i&l1 UfO/P 9,195 6,572 2,623 1,525 870 655 (~ 3tR ~ vFjX"i&l1 ~) :;o/M 4,529 3,271 1,258 755 447 308 Scheduled Tribes population (including fBTo/F 4,666 3,301 1,365 770 423 347 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3lnl Wig qf) ~ \i11V11R141 UfO/P 1,290 940 350 205 120 85 $t ~I Scheduled Tribes :;o/M 691 486 205 103 60 43 population in the.age group 0-6 fBTo/F 599 454 145 102 60 42

      4. WIlR UfO/P 5,984 4,053 1,931 1,082 568 514 literates :;o/M 3,371 2,378 993 580 324 256 fBTo/F 2,613 1,675 938 502 244 258

      5.~~ UfO/P 4,028 3,135 893 670 460 210 Total workers ~o/M 2,051 1,590 461 351 242 109 fBTo/F 1,977 1,545 432 319 218 101 6. c;"I'JCflIR1Cfl ~ 2,494 1,960 534 506 358 148 Main workers 1,426 1,097 329 299 204 95 1,068 863 205 207 154 53

      (i) CflI~I"fCfjIi! UfO/P 944 921 23 160 159 Cultivators :;c/M 671 653 18 79 78 fBTo/F 273 268 5 81 81

      (ii) ~ l1\1f~ UfO/P 26 25 8 8 Agricultural labourers :;o/M 17 16 1 1 fBTo/F 9 9 7 7 (iii) 41RqtRCfl ~ ~ 770 640 130 100 71 29 Household industry workers 137 117 20 27 21 6 633 523 110 73 50 23 (iv) 3FXT 'Cfilff 754 374 380 238 120 118 Other workers 601 311 290 192 104 88 153 63 90 46 16 30

      7. ~cn 'Cfl1ff 1,534 1,175 359 164 102 62 Marginal workers 625 493 132 52 38 14 909 682 227 112 64 48 (i) CfjI~("jCfjIi! 515 513 2 27 27 Cultivators 222 221 11 11 293 292 16 16

      (ii)~lR~ 21 20 9 9 Agricultural labourers 14 14 7 6 9 9

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl ~ 'Cfilff UfO/P 630 389 241 84 36 48 Household industry workers :;o/M 127 94 33 5 2 3 fBTo/F 503 295 208 79 34 45 (iv) 3RT 'Cfl1ff 368 253 115 44 30 14 Other workers 262 164 98 36 25 11 106 89 17 8 5 3


      163 Cff-9 : 311~Rld G1""1G1IR1m qft GI'""Iti'L<41 CffT ~ ~ G1'1 410 HI ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      'llG ~ 000'4 lil~J1lllc! 0005ttr~ Item Sex Gangolihat Pithoragarh mq iri'iffiJT :;rii"ffii mq IDlftUT :;rii"ffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \'1'"1\JlIRrll'i ~ ~ . 5 5 333 57 276 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \Jl1\JlIRrm ~ \i1'"lfi&l1 Cll'o;P 13 13 1,278 211 1,067 (~3tR ~ \J1"Wi&:l1 ~) tM 6 6 630 115 515 Scheduled Tribes population (including ofF 7 7 648 96 552 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3ll

      4.Wm Cll'o;P 6 6 1,019 145 874 Literates ~ofM 2 2 509 80 429 R?rofF 4 4 510 65 445 5 ..~ cp1ff Cll'otP 3 3 337 71 266 Total workers 2 2 247 57 190 tM ofF 1 90 14 7£


      (i) CfiI~(iCfiI'< Cll'o;P Cultivators ~o/M R?rofF (ii)~~ Cll'otP Agricultural labourers ~o/M R?rofF (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ cp1ff Cll'o;P 12 4 8 Household'industry workers ~o/M 1 2 2 R?ro/F 8 2 6 / (iv) ~ cp1ff Cll'otP 3 3 272 51 221 Other workers -tM 2 2 220 48 172 ofF 1 52 3 49

      7. ¢l C'Q Cl51 R:t Cfi cp1ff Cll'otP 52 15 37 Marginal workers ~o/M 23 7 16 R?rofF 29 8 21

      (i) CfiI~(iCfiI'< Cll'otP Cultivators ~o/M R?rofF (ii) ~~ Cll'otP 2 2 Agricultural labourers ~ofM 1 1 R?rofF (iii) 41RqlRCfi ~ cp1ff Cll'otP 26 7 19 Household industry workers ~ofM -. 5 1 4 R?ro/F 21 6 15 _(iv) ~ cp1ff Cll'otP 24 If 16

      Other workers 17 6 11 / tM o/F 7 2 5 8. TR q;4T Cll'o;P 10 10 941 140 801 Non-workers ~ofM 4 4 38;3 58 325 R?ro/F 6_ " 6 -- 558 82 476

      164 q;-9 : 3fj~d \11'1\11IR1tii qft \11'1tk<41 cor RiJffi m~ \11'1 4101'11 'tfR, - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      'llG .~ 08~* 0001 ~** Item Sex BAGESHWAR* Kapkot ** mrr, "ri1lfflJT :;m®i mrr "ri1lfflJT "iflffui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1, ~ ~ \Jl'i\JlIRtli'l ~ ~ 485 413 72' 320 320 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ Gj'iGjIRt~ qft ~ ClfO/P 1,943 1,619 324 1,269 1,269 (~ 3i'R W \Jl'ix1&l1 ~) ,!!o/M 899 746 153 577 577 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 1,044 873 171 692 692 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3Il'J ~.qft ~ Gj'i\JllRi

      4. mlfR ~O/P 1,330 1,100 230 848 848 Literates ,!!o/M 702 587 115 452 452 ~o/F 628 513 115 396 396

      5. "¥I cn4t ~O/P m 866 108 715 715 Total workers ,!!o/M 438 375 63 304 304 ~o/F 536 491 45 411 411

      6. ~~i~C/iIR:tC/i cn4t ~O/P 805 722 83 593 593 Main workers ,!!o/M 353 310 43 248 248 fF.;ro/F 452 412 40 345 345

      (i) C/i1~ctC/iI'( ClfotP 314 314 300 300 Cultivators ,!!o/M 108 108 105 105 fF.;ro/F 206 206 195 195

      (ii)~~ ~O/P 2 2 2 2 Agricultural labourers 2 2 2 tM 2 o/F

      (iii) qlRqlRC/i ~ cn4t ~O/P 251 246 5 191 191 Household industry workers ,!!o/M 68 67 54 54 fF.;ro/F 183 179 4 137 137

      (iv) 3RT. cn4t ~O/P 238 160 78 100 100 Other workers 175 133 42 87 117 tM o/F 63 27 36 13 13

      7. 3i ('q C/i I R:t

      (i) C/i1~ctCfjI'< ~O/P 35 35 33 33 Cultivators ,!!o/M 23 23 21 21 fi1"o/F 12 12 12 12

      (ii)~~ ~O/P Agricultural labourers ,!!o/M fF.;ro/F

      (iii) q I R ql R C/i \RITTT cn4t ~O/P 90 85 5 75~ 75 Household industry workers 24 24 tM 26 25 o/F 64 60 4 51 51

      (iv) 3RT cn4t ~O/P 43 23 20 13 13 Other workers ;tM 36 17 19 11 11 o/F ' 7 6 2 2

      8. iR cn4t. ~O/P 969 753 216 554 554 Non-workers ;tM 461 371 90 273 273 -_.- o/F 508 382 126 281 281 -

      165 Cf)"-9 : ~j'

      "if<:' ~ 0OO2~ Item Sex Bageshwar iltlT ii1lftUT ~ Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. g;c;r ~ \Jl'iG1IRllil in ~ 165 93 72 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ Gl'i\JlIRl41 qft ~ UTo/P 674 350 324 (~\31R~~~) "9;o/M 322 169 153 Schedllied Tribes population (including fBIo/F 352 181 171 institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3mJ ~ qft ~ \Jl'iG1IR141 UTo/P 114 52 62 qft ~I Scheduled Tribes "9;o/M 53 25 28 population in the age group 0-6 fBIo/F 61 27 34 4. W!l'R UTotP 482 252 230 Literates "9;o/M 250 135 115 fBIo/F 232 117 115 5. ~ q;-+fi "UfotP 259 151 108 Total workers "9;o/M 134 71 63 'fBio/F 125 80 45 6. ,,'hICflIfc;jCfl q;-+fi "UfotP 212 129 83 Main workers "9;o/M 105 62 43 fBIo/F 107 67 40

      (i) CflI~\1CflI'< "Ufo/p 14 14 Cultivators "9;o/M 3 3 fBIo/F 11 11 (ii)~~ "UfotP _Agricultural labourers "9;o/M fBIo/F

      (iii) 41RqlRCfl iTI1'rl q;-+fi "Ufo/p 60 55 5 Household industry wo~kers "9;o/M 14 1~ fBIo/F 46 42 4 (iv) 3Rl' q;-+fi' -UTo/P 138 60 78 Other workers :!o/M 88 46 42 fBIo/F 50 14 36 7. 31 C'GCflI RqCfl q;-+fi "UfotP 47 22 25 Marginal workers "9;o/M 29 9 20 ~o/F 18 13 5

      (i) CflI~\1CflI'< "UfotP 2 2 Cultivators 2 2 ~Mo/F (ii)~~ UTo/P Agricultural labourers :!o/M fBIo/F (iii) 41RqlRCfl iTI1'rl ~ UTo/P . 15 10 5 Household industry workers 2 1 tMo/F 13 9 4 (iv) 3Rl Cf51lT "UfotP 30 10 20 Other workers :!o/M 25 6 19 fBIo/F 5 4 1 8. ~ q;-+fi "UfotP 415 199 216 Non-workers "9;o/M 188 98 90 fBIo/F 221- 101 126

      166 cp-9 : 3ij'<1fil(l \iF1V11R14i qft \J"l'"1,

      TfG fu-rr 09~ 0001 ~tfur Item Sex ALMORA Bhikia Sain iilTT iiTittUT :;riTfui "ll111 iiTittUT :;riTfui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~c;r 3f1~ 1J1'i\JlIRl

      2. ~ \Jl'i\JlIRi

      3. 0-6 3ll

      4. X1T1lR C'lfO/P 715 393 322 13 13 Literates 1Jo/M 382 207 175 8 8 fao/F 333 186 147 5 5 5. g>C'l q,41 C'lfo/p 289 170 119 7 7 Total workers 'l0/M 195 104 91 4 4 ~o/F 94 66 28 3 3

      6. <\)QCfllfBCfl ~ C'lfu/p 268 151 117 7 7 Main workers qo/M 187 98 89 4 4 ~o/F 81 53 28 3 3 (il en ffil

      (i) CflI~("jCflI'( Clfo/P 4 4 Cultivators 2 2 ~Mo/F 2 2 (ii)~~ ClfO/P 5 5 Agricultural labourers 1Jo/M ~o/F 5 5 (iii) qIRqIRCfl~~ Clfo/P 4 4 Househo!d industry workers 1Jo/ M f'Bro/F 4 4 (iv) 3fOXT ~ C'lfo/p 8 6 2 Other workers qo/M 6 4 2 mo/F 2 2 8. tR~ Clfo/P 589 318 271 9 9 Non-workers 1Jo/M 266 151 115 6 6 mo/F 323 167 156 3 3

      167 Cff-9 :. 3fj'

      llG fWr 0OO2xRt$ 0OO3~ Item Sex Ranikhet Almora miT "iiilffliT #iTffii mrr "iiilffliT #iTffii Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ G11V1IR1lil ~ ~ 39 23 16 183 98 85 Total Schedulet1 Tribes hOuseholds

      2. ~ Vl1V11R1lii ~ \i11fi&l1 ~O/P 144 85 59 718 387 331 (~ atR .~ \i11{1&l1 ~) -go/M 82 51 31 369 194 175 Scheduled Tribes population (including - ~o/F 62 34 28 349 193 156 institutional and. houseless population)

      3. 0-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ \i11\i1IR1ll1 ~O/P 26 16 10 83 45 38 qft ~/ Scheduled Tribes -go/M 14 9 5 52 30 22 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 12 7 5 31 15 16

      4. Wffi" ~O/P 105 62 43 597 318 279 Literates -go/M 65 40 25 309 159 150 ~o/F 40 22 18 288 159 129 5. ~ q?1ff 'Ufo/P 44 26 18 238 137 101 Total workers -go/M 30 15 15 161 85 76 ~o/F 14 11 3 77 52 25 6. 1 155 81 75 ~o/F 13 10 . 3 65 40 25 (i).CfjI,{dCfjI{ 'Ufo/P 32 32 Cultivators -go/M 17 17 ~o/F 15 15 (ii)~~ 'Ufo/P Agricultural labourers -go/M ~o/F (iii) 41RqlRCfj ~ q?1ff 'Ufo/P 3 3 Household industry workers -go/M ~o/F/ 3 3 ,/ (iv) ~ q?1ff 'Ufo/P 39 22 17 186 86 100 Other workers -go/M 26 12 14 139 64 75 ~o/F 13 10 3 47 22 25 7. 3lC'QCfji~CIi ~ 'UfO/P 4 3 17 16 1 Marginal workers -go/M 3 2 5 4 1 fBro/F 12. 12

      (i) CfjI~dCliI'< 'UfO/P 4 4 Cultivators -go/M 2 2 ~o/F 2 2 (ii) ~~ 'Ufo/P 5 5 Agricullurallabourers -go/M ~o/F 5 5 (iii) 41RqlRCfj ~ cnfiT 'Ufo/P 4 4 Household industry workers -go1M ~o/F ". 4 4 (iv) ~ CfJIfi 'Ufo/P 4 '3 4 3 Other workers -go/M 3 2 3 2 ~o/F 1 1 8. TR~ 'Ufo/P 100 59 41 480 250 230 Non-workers -go/M 52 36 16 208 109 99 ~o/F 48 --23 ,.1_" - 25 272 141 131

      168 - cp-9 : 3{i'{~ct \lFJ\1IIRldi qft \1I'Hi{'~1 C5T fGrc;n m~ \11'1 1101'11 mx - 2001 A·9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION" 2001

      lfG fWr 10~* 0001 'i'P'QlCffi Item Sex CHAMPAWAT' Champawat iIfiT WffUT "iflTffii mil iiT1ffUT :;pyfui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ 31J

      2 31j ~ \ifrlVfrtWit 'i$)' \Jj 'i fi &l ' 'CZlo/p 740 573 167 740 573 167 (~

      3. 0-6 3f'?1 ~ qft ~ vl'"1"1IR'141 Cljr"p 161 131 30 161 131 30 $I vr.,fffimi Schedt..led Tribes ~0/M 69 55 14 69 55 14 population in the age group 0-6 tao/F 92 76 16 92 76 16

      4. W!\R "Ulo/p 374 270 104 374 270 104 Literates 'go/M :.>41 177 64 241 177 64 ~o/F 133 93 40 133 93 40 5 '¥'"C'l ~ Cll'o/p 246 187 59 246 187 59 Total workers lJo/M 181 137 44 181 137 44 fBfo/F 65 50 15 65 50 15

      6. C;ltlCfllfcoiCfl ~ 'CZloIP 168 117 51 168 117 51 Main workers lJo/M 135 93 42 135 93 42 ~o/F 33 24 9 33 24 9

      (:) "1f'TV"1"[ t:PR 'Ufc,P 32 32 32 32 Cultivators :gc/M 25 25 25 25 fBfo/F 7 7 7 7

      (ii}~l1~ 'CZlo/p 33 23 10 33 23 10 Agricultural labourers :!o/M 23 16 7 23 16 7 ~o/F 10 7 3 10 7 3

      (iii) QIRC1IRCfl \3'EITri ~ "Ufo/P 15 14 15 14 Household industry workers 8 7 8 7 r;:o/F 7 7 7 7 (IV) 3R1 ~ tlTo,P 88 48 40 88 48 40 Other workers ~o/M 79 45 34 79 45 34 ~c/F 9 3 6 9 3 6

      7 3lC'll'hlfC14> ~ 'UfO/P 78 70 8 78 70 8 Marginal workers ~J!M 46 44 2 46 44 2 fBlvlF 32 26 6 32 26 6

      (i) CIm'(f<{lR ClIO/P 11 11 11 11 Cultivators ~dM 1 1 1 1 ~c/F 10 10 10 10 (ii) ~~ 'CZloIP 62 56 6 62 56 6 Agricultural labourers :!c/M 44 42 2 44 42 2 ~dF 18 14 4 18 14 4

      (Iii) q;f~ IIT"Wr Cliqr czro,p 3 2 3 2 Household industry workers lJo/M ~o/F 3 2 3 2

      (iv) 31rlT q,llT CZfO/P 2 2 Other workers lJo/M fFl"o/F

      8. tR~ "UfO/P 494 386 108 494 386 108 NOI"-workers :J;o/M 204 159 45 204 159 45 fBro/F 290 227 63 290 227 63

      169 cp-9 : 3lj'

      ~ ~ 11~ 0001 ~¢Rt Item Sex NAINITAL Kosyil Kutauli iitiT m"4tDT ~ iitiT m"4tDT :;p:ffui Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \il'NIRlll'! ip ~ 1.068 808 260 9 9 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ G1"1G11R11Ol1 ~ ~ "Ul"o/P 4.961 3,962 999 25 25 (-m~ JtR

      3. 0-6'3lT

      4. W&R "Ul"o/P 2,626 1,811 815 18 18 Literates -go/M 1,590 1,162 428 11 11 R?ro/F -1,036 649 387 7 7

      5. ~ cp.ff "Ul"o/P 2,231 1,937 294 8 8 Total workers -go/M 1,385 1,165 220 6 6 1'Bfo/F • 846 772 74 2 2

      6. ~~IQ¢I~¢ ~ CZTO/P 1,304 1,040 264 8 8 Main workers -go/M 1,048 '853 195 6 6 1'Bfo/F 256 187 69 2 :1

      (i) CfJI~\iCfJI~ "Ul"o/P 562 561 Cultivators -go/M 434 433 1'Bfo/F 128 128

      (ii)~~ "Ul"o/P 191 191 Agricultural labourers -go/M 167 167 1'Bfo/F 24 24

      (iii) 4IRqIR¢ ~ ~ "Ul"o/P 2 2 Household industry workers -go/M 1'Bfo/F / / (iv) 3Rl cp.ff "Ul"O/P 549 286 263 8 8 Other workers -go/M 446 252 194 6 6 1'Bfo/F 103 34 69 2 2

      7. 3li3'4¢1fc;JCf) ~ C

      (i) Cf)1~\iCf)I~ "Ul"o/P 249 249 Cultivators -go/M 57 57 ~o/F 192 192 (ii) ~~ "Ul"o/P 524 519 5 Agricultural labourers -go/M 177 174 3 ~o/F 347 345 2

      (iii) 4IRqIR¢ Im'rT cp.ff C

      (iv) 3Rl cp.ff "Ul"o/P 146 122 24 Other'workers -go/M 101 79 22 1'Bfo/F 45 43 2

      8,fR~ C

      170 co-9 : 31j~d \J1"'IGtIRili'i qft Gt'itioLc:a1 cor ~ m~ \J1'i J loHI "fIR - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      llG fWT 0002~ 0003 aRt Item Sex Nainital Dhari iftlT 1il1ftUT :;ri"Rfu iftlT 1il1ftUT :;ri"Rfu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \i1'1\i1IRlli'l ~ ~ 113 51 62 20 20 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \i1'1\i1IR141 qIT'wlfi&l1 C2lo/P 470 210 260 73 73 (~ 3tR ~ \i1'1fi&l1 ~) "9;o/M 262 123 139 39 39 Scheduled Tribes population (including N?ro/F 208 87 121 34 34. institutional and houseless population)

      3. 0-6 3m.! ~ qIT ~ \i1'1GlIRl41 "Ulo/p 50 22 28 11 11 qIT GJ'1'11&l1l Scheduled Tribes "9;o/M 29 11 18 7 7 population in the age group 0-6 N?ro/F 21 11 10 4 4 4. W8;N "Ulo/p 363 156 207 40 40 Literates "9;o/M 217 102 115 25 25 N?ro/F 146 54 92 15 15 5. ~

      (i) Cf)1~(1Cf)I;;: "Ulo/p 28 28 6 6 Cultivators "9;o/M 24 24 6 6 N?ro/F 4 4 (ii)~~ "Ulo/p Agricultural labourers "9;o/M N?ro/F (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~

      (i) Cf)1~(1Cf)I'{ C2lo/P 3 3 Cultivators "9;o/M 2 2 N?ro/F (ii)~~ "Ulo/p Agricultural labourers "9;o/M N?ro/F (iii) 4lfhlRCf) ~

      171 Q;"-9 : 31j'

      l!G ~ 0OO4~ Item Sex Haldwani iftiT iITi\tUi ~ Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. ~ ~ \i1~\ij[Rl41 ~ ~ 926 728 198 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \i1~\i1IRl41 qft ~ ~oIP 4,393 3,654 739 (~JfR~~.) 2,255 1,880 375 Scheduled Tribes population (including tMo/F 2,138 1,774 364 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3lTlJ ~ qft ~ \i1~\ifIRt.41 ~o/p 734 647 87 qft ~/ Scheduled Tribes ~o/M 359 315 44 population in the age groUP 0-6 fao/F 375 332 43

      4.mm ~o/p 2,205 1,597 608 Literates ~o/M 1,337 1,024 313 fao/F 868 573 295

      5. ~ CIilff ~oIP 2,048 1,835 213 161 Total workers ~M 1,243 1,082 ofF 805 753 52

      6. cflqCf)I~Cf) Cf>1ff ~otP 1,134 951 183 Main workers ~o/M 913 777 136 fao/F 221 174 47

      (i) Cf)1~QCf)I,{ ~o/p 528 527 Cultivators ~o/M 404 403 TaqJF 124 124

      (ii)~~ ~O/P 191 191 167 Agricultural labourers ~M 167 o/F 24 24 {iiif 4IRCI,IRCf) ~ ~ Clfo/P 2 2 Household industry workers 1 tMo/F

      . (iv) 31"

      7. 31~"'I~Cf) ~ ~o/p 914 884 30 Marginal workers ~o/M 330 305 25 m-o/F 584 579 5

      (i) Cf)1~d"'l'{ Clfo/P 245 245 Cultivators ~o/M 54 54 m-o/F 191 191 (ii) ~~. C2lo/P 524 519 5 174 3 Agricultural labourers tM 177 o/F 347 345 2 (iii)- QIRqIR", ~ 'CfJ'Iff Clfo/P 7 6 Hou'sehold industry workers ~o/M 2 2 m-o/I: 5 4 (iv) 3RT~ C2lo/P 138 114 24 Other workers ~61M 97 75 22 fao/F 41 39 2 8. tR·~ C2loIP 1,345 1,819 526 Non-workers ~o/M 1,012 798 214 m-o/F 1,333 1,021 312

      172 CJ)-9 : 3l'j't!f"ila \jFI\JtIRt4i qft GHti'l."lI1 Cf)J fGR;rr ~ \11"1 JIOl'"il ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      lIC:" 12 i3)~ -.:{lR * 0001~ Item Sex UDHAM SINGH NAGAR * Kashipur iftlT ~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \il1\i1IR1m ~ ~ 16,642 16,396 246 2,543 2,511 32 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \il1\i1IR1i11 qft \il1 'ti&1 I C21"oIP 110,220 108,808 1,412 15,385 15,259 126 (~ 3fR ~ \iI'ixi&11 ~) ~o/M 55,941 55,081 860 7.808 7,738 70 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 54,279 53,727 552 7,577 7,521 56 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3Wl ~

      4. m&'R C21"o/P 59,008 57,971 1,037 6,977 6,873 104 Literates ~o/M 36,719 36,011 708 4,577 4,515 62 "fBro/F 22,289 21.960 329 2,400 2,358 42 5.~~ C21"o/P 44,293 43,799 494 5,411 5,379 32 Total workers ~o/M 28,263 27,936 327 3,852 3,821 31 ~o/F 16,030 15,863 167 1,559 1,558 1

      6. G~tlCj)I[(;tCf) ~ UlO/P 30,249 29,946 303 4,084 4,054 30 Main workers -go/M 24.041 23,769 272 3,445 3,415 30 "fBro/F 6,208 6,177 31 639 639

      (i) Cj)1~ctCf)I'< UlolP 23,319 23,225 94 2,989 2,989 Cultivators ~o/M 18,336 18,254 82 2,542 2,542 ~o/F 4.983 4,971 12 447 447 (ii)~~ UlO/P 3,689 3,686 3 823 821 2 Agricultural labourers -go/M 2,914 2,911 3 675 673 2 ~o/F 775 775 148 148

      (iii) 4IRqIRCf) ~ ~ C21"O/P 216 216 20 20 Household industry workers -go/M 170 170 16 16 ~o/F 46 46 4 4

      (iv) 3fXf ~ C21"O/P 3,025 2,819 206 252 224 28 Other workers .~o/M 2,621 2,434 187 212 184 28 ~o/F 404 385 19 40 40

      7. 3l(>!lCf)lf&Cff ~ C21"o/P 14,044 13,853 191 1,327 1,325 2 Marginal workers lJo/M 4,222 4,167 55 407 406 ~o/F 9,822 9,686 136 920 919

      (i) CffI~ctCf)I'< C21"o/P 7,694 7,520 174 490 490 Cultivators ~o/M 1,597 1,549 48 68 68 ~o/F 6,097 5,971 126 422 422 (ii)~~ C21"otP 4,933 4,926 7 770 770 Agricultural labourers -go/M 2,045 2,043 2 296 296 ~o/F 2,888 2,883 5 474 474

      (iii) 41RqlRCff mWT ~ C21"o/P 121 120 7 7 Household industry workers ~o/M 36 36 3 3 ~o/F 85 84 4 4

      (iv) 3fXf CJ>lff C21"O/P 1,296 1,287 9 60 58 2 Other workers ~o/M 544 539 5 40 39 1 ~o/F 752 748 4 20 19 1

      C21"O/P 65,927 65,009 918 9,974 9,880 94 Non-workers ~o/M 27,678 27,145 533 3,956 3,917 39 ~o/F 38,249 37,864 385 6,018 5,963 55

      173 CI?-9 : 31'l'

      'JI'C:' 0002 fcn;:m 0003 Rtdl\(.j\i1 Item Sex Kichha Sitarganj "lWT ;riffui mrr i!TlffUT Tot~1 Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. ~ ~ \J1'1\JHRllif m- ~ 2,180 2,099 81 4,546 4,459 87 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ \J1'1'\J1IR1lif qft \J1'1d&11 CZTotP 12,450 12,139 311 33,169 32,592 577 (~ 3i'R ~ \J1'1'!1&l1 ~) :;o/M 6,360 6,194 166 16,912 16,626 286 Scheduled Tribes population (including R?ro/F 6,090 5,945 145 16,257 15,966 291 institutional and house less population) _ 3. 0-6 3ll

      4 . 'fIT8.'R' CZTotP 5,452 ·5,222 230 19,013 18,660 353 Literates :;o/M 3,715 3,583 132 11,573 11,369 204 R?ro/F 1,737 1,639 98 7,440 7,291 149 5.~~ CZTotP 3,958 3,867 91 12,972 12,649 323 Total workers :;o/tV! 3,158 3,081 77 8,604 8,431 173 R?ro/F . 800 786 14 4,368 4,218 150 6. C{h:lcfll~Cf) ~ CZTotP 3,119 3,031 88 8,615 8,477 138 Main workers ~o/M 2,717 2,640 77 7,352 7,232 120 R'?ro/F 402 391 11 1,263 1,245 18

      (i) Cf)1~("jCf)I~ CZTotP 1,941 1,941 6,614 6,520 94 Cultivators :;o/M 1,724 1,724 5,715 5,633 82 R?ro/F 217 217 899 887 12

      (ii)~~ CZTotP 877 876 844 844 Agricultural labourers :;o/M 726 725 681 681 R?ro/F 151 151 163 163

      Wil qI R en RC/1 ~ ct11ff CZTotP 6 6 57 57 Household industry.worke~s :;o/M 5 5 49 49 .. R?ro/I 8 8 (iv)~'Cfl1'\l CZTotP 295 208 87 1,100 1,056 44 Other workers :;o/M 262 186 76 907 869 38 R?ro/I 33 22 11 193 187 6

      7. ~<'GCf)I~Cf) ct11ff CZTotP 839 836 3 4,357 4,172 185 Marginal workers :;o/M 441 441 1,252 1,199 53 R?rof.1 398 395 3 3,105 2,973 132

      (i) ClJI~(jClJI'< CZTotP 132 132 2,509 2,335 174 Cultivators ~o/M 28 28 514 466 48 R?ro/f 104 104 1,995 1,869 126

      (ii)~~ CZTotP -668 668 1,274 1,267 7 Agricultural labourers :;o/M 389 389 509 507 2 R?ro/F 279 279 765 760 5

      (iii) QIRqlRClJ ~ 'Cfl1'\l 27 26 Household industry workers 10 10 17 16

      (iv)~'Cfl1'\l CZTotP 38 35 3 547 544 3 Other workers "9;o/M 24 24 219 216 3 R?ro/F 14 11 3 328 328

      8.~'Cfl1'\l CZTotP, 8,492 8,272 220 20,197 19,943 254 Non-workers "9;o/M 3,202 3,113 89 8,308 8,195 113 R?ro/F 5,290 5,159 131 11,889 11,748 141

      174 Cf)-9 : 3lji(iRIct G1"1\i11R14) qft \i1'n1{.clll COT fv:rt;rr m~ \i1\iJIOHI "UR - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      lJ"G fc.rrr 0OO4~ Item Sex Khatima 'iITlT iiTiftUT :;:riRfu Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 1. grc;r ~ ';1<1 VI IRt 111 m- "GftclR 7,373 7,327 46 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ Vl'"iVlIRt41 qlT ~ ClIO/P 49,216 48,818 398 (~~~~~) lJo/M 24,861 24,523 338 Scheduled Tribes population (including ~o/F 24,355 24,295 60 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 .m<]; ~ qlT ~ \ifil~ ClIO/P 7,443 7,406 37 qlT ~I Scheduled Tribes lJo/M 3,799 3,772 27 population in the age group 0-6 ~o/F 3,644 3,634 10 4. wm ClIO/P 27,566 27,216 350 Literates 16,854 16,544 310 tMufF 10,712 10,672 40 5. grc;r CflI'1T u.rO/P 21,952 21,904 48 Total workers lJo/M 12,649 12,603 46 ~o/F 9,303 9,301 2 6. <;"IQ


      (ii)~~ ClIO/P 1,145 1,145 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 832 832 R3fo/F 313 313 (iii) QIRcllRCb ~ CflI'1T • C11'o/P 133 133 Household industry workers "9;o/M 100 100 R3fo/F 33 33 (iv) 3frl.:f "Cfll'11 ClIo/P 1.378 1,331 47 Other workers "9;o/M 1.240 1.195 45 fB'o/F 138 136 2

      7. 3lC'llCbIfc;tCb C54T CIlo/P 7.521 7,520 Marginal workers "9;o/M 2,122 2,121 R3fc/F 5,399 5,399


      175 10-9 : 31j~cl \J1'1\J1IRt4~j qft \J1'1ti'Lclll COT ~ ~ \J1'1 J loHI x:JR - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ltG ~ 13~ 0OO1~ Item Sex HARDWAR Roorkee mlT IDlffUT :;rrT"ffii "m1T iiTifftJT :;prtfu Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 - 6, 7 8 1: ~ ~ Gl1GlIRlm ~ ~ 603 556 47 ( 30 13 17 Totaf'Scheduled Tribes households 2. ~ Gl1GlIRlzl'i qft Gl1fil!S1l1 C2l'o/P 3,139 2,958 181 128 71 57 (~3tR"~~~) ~o/M 1,728 1,628 100 73 39 34 Scheduled Tribes population (including R=5roiF 1,411 1,330 81 55 32 23 institutional and houseless population) 3, 0-6 3ll<.! ~ qft,~ Gl1GlIRl1l1 C2l'o/P 635 600 35 21 12 9 qft ~I Scheduled Tribes ~o/M 318 302 16 8 5 3 population in the age group 0-6 R=5ro/F 317 298 19 13 7 6 4. 'WI\R C2l'OIP 1,160 1,042 '118 82 40 42 Literates ~o/M 835 762 73 55 27 28 R=5ro/F 325 280 45 27 13 14 5.~~ C2l'o/P 1,023 975 48 31 17 14 Total workers ~o/M 846 803 43 29 16 13 R=5ro/F 177 172 5 2 1 6. c;ltiCfJIfc;jcp ~ C2l'o/P 834 789 45 26 12 14 Main workers ~o/M 779 738 41 24 11 13 R=5ro/F 55 51 4 2 1

      (i) CfJI~(jCfJI'< C2l'o/P. 285 285 Cultivators ~o/M 275 275 R=5ro/F 10 10 - (ii)~~ C2l'o/P 405 401 4 5 5 Agricultural labourers ~o/M 380 378 2 5 5 R=5ro/F 25 23 2

      (iii) qIRqIRCfJ_ ~ q;1ff ~O/P 15 15 Household industry workers ~o/M 13 13 R=5ro/F 2 2 (iv) 3FI1' q;1ff C2l'OjP 29 ·88 41 21 7 14 Other workers :;o/M 11 72 39 19 6 13 R=5ro/F 18 16 2 2

      7. 3lC'4CfJIfc;jCfJ ~ ~O/P 89 186 3 5, 5 Marginal workers :;o/M 67 65 2 5 5 R=5ro/F 22 121

      (i) CfJI~(jCfJI'< C2l'o/P 53 53 - Cultiyators :;o/M 9 9 R=5ro/F 44- 44 (ii) ~~ 'Uio/P 23 123 Agricultural labourers :;o/M 48 48 R=5ro/F 75 75

      (iii) 4IRqIRCfJ~~ ~O/P Household industry workers tMo/F

      (iv) 3FI1' ~ ~O/P 12 9 3 5 5 Other workers 9 7 2 5 5 t~o/F 3 2

      8. tR~ ~O/P 2,t16 1,983 133 97 54 43 Non-workers 882 825 57 44 23 21 tMo/F -1,234 1,158 ,76 53 31 22

      176 co-9 : 31jxiJ~a \1F1\11IRt~'j qft \11 ... xi{..c:a1 COT fGrc;rr ~ \11"'JIOHI ~ - 2001 A-9: DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      11cr ~ 0OO2~ 0OO3~ Item Sex Hardwar Laksar "litiT ii1lftUT :;p:ffuJ "litiT ii1lftUT :;p:ffuJ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ ~ V11V1IR'1ql ~ "GftcrR 570 540 30 3 3 Total Scheduled Tribes households

      2. ~ V11V1IR'1m ~ V11 {1(?4 I ClTO/P 3.008· 2,884 124 3 3 (~3tR ~ vrm&!T ~) lJn/M 1,652 1,586 66 3 3 Scheduled Tribes population (including lB'c/F 1.356 1,298 58 institutional and houseless population) 3. 0-6 3Wj ~g ~ 31j¥1'f V11V1IR'1ql C21"J/P 614 588 26 ~ ~I Scheduled Tribes lJo/M 310 297 13 population in the age group 0-6 lB'o/F 304 291 13 4. "ffiffi' C21'o/P 1,076 1,000 76 2 2 Literates ljo/M 778 733 45 2 2 fBlo/F 298 267 31 5 WC'fC!JllT ClTO/P 989 955 34 3 3 Total workers lJo/M 814 784 30 3 3 fFsro/F 175 171 4

      6. c;ltlCJ'lIR:lCJ'l C!5lff CZ[O/P 805 774 31 3 3 Main workers lJo/M 752 724 28 3 3 lB'o/F 53 50 3

      (i) CJ'l1 ~\1CJ'lI{ ClTO/P 284 284 Cultivators lJu/M 274 274 lB'o/F 10 10 (ii)~~ C21'OIP 399 395 4 Agricultural labourers lJo/M 374 372 2 "fBfo/F 25 23 2

      (iii) qlRcllRCJ'l ~ C!JIlT C21'o/p 15 15 Household industry workers lJo/M 13 13 lB'o/F 2 2 (iv) 3R1~ ClTO/P 107 80 27 Other workers lJoiM 91 65 26 lB'o/F 16 15 1

      7. 3lC'QCJ'l1fc;jCJ'l ~ ClTO/P 184 181 3 Marginal workers lJc/M 62 60 2 fFsro/F 122 121

      (0 c.j)ffif

      177 Cfi-9 31'j'

      fv8 ~ ~ ~ \J11\J11R111'j q\1 ~ 0-6~~ meR cmm \J11\J11R1ll'i~(~~W~~) c#t~ ·Literates District ~ Scheduled Tribes population Population in the Code Total (including institutional and age group 0;6 Scheduled houseless population) Tribes ~ ~. f?;;nrt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f?;;nrt households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Pensons Males Females . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

      00 2 2 2 2

      04 ~ ("'1.tt.) 3ffi

      03 ~("'1.1T.) 6 20 10 10 2 2 16 10 6 04~~ 04 -~("'1.tf.) 04 ~("'1.1IT.l:!.) 41 347 303 44 15 5 10 183 155 28 04 ~ ("'1.1T.) 3 20 18 2 19 18 04 ~("'1.l:!T.'Q".) 9 ... / 32 17 15 4 3 25 14 11 04 ~ (iJf."'1.) 3 11 7 4 3 2 7 5 2 04 lJf.r q\1 mr ("'1.1T,) 2 6 5 4 3 05~

      05 ~(ml:!.) 207 868 497 371 123 68 55 613 377 236 05 fi1¢I'{i1<1'{ (-;f.l:!T.1:[.) 62 306 168 138 53 30 23 224 131 93 05 ~("'1.tt.) 26 127 78 49 19 13 6 85 56 29 05 ~"'1."'{i. 562 2,477 1,392 1,085 327 190 137 1,918 1,125 793 05 ~"'1."'{i. 59 229 132 97 24 15 9 159 95 64 05 ~("1'.1T.) 3 15 5 10 4 4 8 4 4 05 ~"1',"'{i, 37 118 65 53 22 10 12 48 32 16 05 ~(iJf."1'.) 65 279 150 129 47 ,24 23 148 100 48


      06 ~("'1.1IT.l:!.) 26 90- 46 44 11 5 6 76 41 35 66 ~ ("1'.1IT.l:!.) 37 124 76 48 18 11 7 105 65 4p 06 .~(m.l:!.) 3 5 4 4 3

      06 ~("1'.l:!T.l:!,) 4 5 3 2 2 2 06 ~("1'.m.l:!.) 2 5 5 5 5 06 Cj)1'{n'{I'1~,{ (iJf."'1.) 3 17 10 7 3 2 12 8 4 q;-9 ~j'

      f<:! q,lff d1t)CfiIR1Cfi ~ 3l('qCfiI~Cfi ~ Urban Total workers Main workers Margina, workers Non-workers AgglomeratIOn! CltylTown

      ~~~~~~~~~vbffi~~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 13 14 15 16, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2

      2 2 2 2 Devaprayag (NP) 2 2 2 2 Devaprayag (NP) (Part) Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 Uttarkashi

      10 9 10 9 9 6 3 Sarkot (NP) 56 45 11 52 42 10 4 3 161 70 91 Ultarkasni (MS) Gangotri (NP) 02 Chamoli 5 5 5 5 8 2 6 Sadrinathpuri (NP) 476 271 205 419 261 158 57 10 47 790 361 429 Joshimath (MB) 407 204 203 373 196 177 34 8 26 734 371 363 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MB) 77 37 40 25 11 14 52 26 26 84 40 44 Nandprayag (NP) 48 40 8 26 23 3 22 17 5 35 11 24 Gochar (NP) 25 21 4 24 20 4 65 32 33 Karnaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag * 9 9 9 9 Kedarnath (NP) 7 6 7 6 13 4 9 Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri Garhwal Kirtinagar (NP) 291 289 2 251 249 2 40 40 56 14 42 Tehrr (MS) 17 17 17 17 3 2 Chamba (NP) 9 8 9 8 23 9 14 Narendranagar (MS) 2 2 2 2 9 5 4 Dhaluwala (CT) 2 2 4 4 Muni Ki Retl (NP) 05Dehradun 235 213 22 216 196 20 19 17 2 633 284 349 Chakrata (CS) 54 51 3 44 43 10 8 2 252 117 135 Vikasnagar (MS) 24 23 22 21 2 2 103 55 48 Herbertpur (NP) 557 497 60 520 463 57 37 34 3 1,920 895 1,025 Dehradun UA 87 71 16 87 71 16 142 61 81 Mussoorie UA 4 3 2 2 2 11 2 9 DOlwala (NP) 39 26 13 34 22 12 5 4 79 39 40 Rishikesh UA 95 81 14 83 74 9 12 7 5 184 69 115 Pratitnagar (CT) 06 Garhwal 33 24 9 33 24 9 57 22 35 Srinagar (MS) 40 37 3 39 36 3 84 39 45 Pauri (MS) 3 3 3 3 2 Lansdowne (CS) 3 3 3 3 2 2 Dogadda (MS) 4 4 3 3 Koldwara (MS) 3 3 2 2 14 7 7 Kashirampur (CT)


      ~~/ 41 t:\Cf'1 ~ Cf' cWr

      ~ ~~. QIRcIlRCf' ~ q;


      ~(1.lt.) 2 ,2 ~ (''!.It.) 3fficl 2 2 ~ ("1'.lt.) 3fficl 01 \3 'tN CIl ptft

      ~(1.lt.) 10 9 ~ (~.'IT.tl.) 51 41 10 1f7it;f\ ("1 ..q.) 02 "iflffi;ft

      orsft-;n~ (1.llIl'1 * ~~("1.ti.) 9 9 ~("1.ti.)· 7 6 04~~ _.:rR ("1.ti.) ~ ("1.'IT.tl.) 251 249 2 'CRT ("1.ti.) 17 17 ~ ("1.'IT.tl.) 9 8 .. / ~ (\if."!.) 2 2 ~ q5t Mr ("1.lt.) 2 05~

      ~(UTtl.) 2 2 11 6 5 203 190 13 ~Cf'lfl1'1i! ("1.'IT.tl.) 3 3 2 2 38 37 ~("1.lt.) - 6 6 16 15 ~"1.,{f. 2 2 2 2 515 458 57 ~"1.X1. 87 71 16 ~('l.q.) 2 ~ "1.X1. 34 22 12 _~(\if."1.) 22 16 6 5 4 55 53 2


      ~ ("1.'IT.tl.) -;:.. 33 24 9 'Q'Rft ("!.'IT.n.) 2 2 37 36 ~rm.tl.) -- 3 3

      ~ ("1.'IT.tl.) 3 3 cm-C1;R (1. 'IT .-q.) Cf'1~ni!I'1gi! (\if."1.) 2 2

      180 cp-9 3Fj"!Ifild \iFI\1lIRt41 c6t \1l'1tiMI COT ~ ~ \1l'1 t IOHI 'ffiX - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ~~~~ Urban Categories of marginal workers . Agglomeration! qjlVdT{ ~~ q RqlRCI) \3ElTrr CI)l=jt ~~ CilylTown Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Cl1fcfq 1'1!fcffi ~ fB!

      Devaprayag (NP) Devaprayag (NP) (Part) Devaprayag (NP) (Part) 01 Uttarkashi Sarkot (NP) 3 3 Uttarkashl (MS) Gangotn (NP) 02 Chamoli Sadrinathpuri (NP) 17 5 12 2 2 32 32 6 5 Joshimath (MS) 28 4 24 6 4 2 Chamoli Gopeshwar (MS) 30 4 26 22 22 Nandprayag (NP) 22 17 5 Gochar (NP) Karnaprayag (NP) 03 Rudraprayag * Kedarnath (NP) Rudraprayag (NP) 04 Tehri Garhwal

      Kirtinagar (NP) 40 40 Tehri (MS) Chamba (NP) Narendranagar (MS) Dhaluwaia (CT) Muni KI Retl (NP) 05 Dehradun 4 4 15 13 2 Chakrata (CS) 9 8 Vikasnagar (MS) 2 2 Herbertpur (NP) 5 5 31 28 3 Dehradun UA Mussoorie UA 2 2 Doiwala (NP) 5 4 Rishikesh UA 3 2 8 5 3 Pratitnagar (CT) 06 Garhwal Snnagar (MS) Paun (MS) Lansdowne (CS) Dogadda (MS) 3 3 Kotdwara (MS) Kashlrampur (CT)

      181 CJ)-9 a!j'

      ~ 3'C1 ~ ~ "1"1"1IRtlli CJIT ~ 0-6~~ WI!-R

      07fTt~ 07 ~ ~ ('\i1'."1.) 93 419 206 213 66 39 27 294 156 138 07 ~("1.1:f.) 519 2,204 1,052 1,152 284 166 118 1,637 837 800 07 ~("1.1:f.) 175 655 308 347 85 43 42 514 256 258 07 ~ ("1.tIT.'ll.) 276 1,067 . 515 552 134 73 61 874 429 445 ,08~

      08 ~("1.'Q'r.'ll.) 72 324 15~ 171 62 28 34 230 115 115 09~

      09 ~("1.1:f.) 5 20 10 10 18 10 8

      O~ ~(UT.'ll.) 11 39 21 18 10 5 5 25 15 10 09 ~~rr.X1. 85 331 175 156 38 22 16 279 150 129

      10~ 10 c;m;-rcnc ('1".1:f.) 9 31 18 13 2 2 28 18 10

      10 ~("1.1:f.) 9 33 14 19 9 4 5 20 10 10

      10 ~('1"."Q1.'ll.) 14 45 25 20 6 3 3 29 18 11

      10 ~(\if.'1".) 13 58 32 26 13 7 6 27 18 9 11 ~;ftt1I('1

      11 ~'1".X1. 52 227 124 103 21 13 8 188 106 82 11 ~ ('1"."Q1.'ll.) 2 5 2 3 2 11 ~("1.1:f.) 8 28 13 15 6 4 2 17 8 9 11 "1.X1. 181 693 345 348 78 40 38 575 290 285 ~l"ll-x:ro~cl>ldjnGI'i / " 11 w:r-f'N ("1.tIT.'ll.) 9 30 18 12 9 4 5 20 13 7 11 ~ (rr.tT.) 11 ~3rt ('1".tT.) ,8 16 12 4 13 10 3 12 ~£I"" ffI (( "1'fN *

      12 ~ (rr.1IT.'ll.) 12 ~("1."Q1.'ll.) 17 74 39 35 4 2 2 64 36 28 12 ~~(\if.'1".) 4 3 4 3 12 ~~("1.tT.) 12 'ttc'ldl'19}< ('1".1:f.) 12 ~('1".1IT.'ll.) 13 39 24 15 3 3 31 20 11 ~1 12 ~('1".tT.) 9 4 5 5 3 2 12 ~ ('1".tIT.'ll.) 4 14 8 6 3 2 9 5 4 12 ~('1".tT.) 3 12 8 4 4 2 2 5 5 12 ~('1".1IT.'ll.) 50 201 100 101 24 11 13 170 89 81

      12 ~(\if.'1".) 7 24 15 9 21 15 6 12 ~(\if.'1".)

      182 q;--9 311~a Ui'1UiIRidi qft Ui'1ti'L~1 cnr ~ ~ Ui'1 110 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      g>-'l q;4T G1QeplR;iep "Cfi1\'r 31C'\iq,Tf(;r tf> ~ Urban Total workers Main workers Margl'lal worke's Non-workers Agglomeration! CltylTown

      arfiKi ~ ~ "Cltfcffi ~'(i~ ~ ~ ~ %rill U!fcttr ~ ~ Persons Males f-ernales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 07 Pithoragarh 161 84 77 92 67 25 69 17 52 258 122 136 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 732 377 355 442 262 180 290 1'5 175 1,472 675 797 Dl"'archula (NP)

      2'0 109 ~01 148 95 53 62 14 48 445 199 246 Didihat (NP) 266 190 76 229 174 55 37 16 21 80' 325 476 Pithoragarh (MB) 08 Bageshwar '08 63 45 83 43 40 25 20 5 216 90 126 Bageshwar (MB) 09 Almora 8 5 3 8 5 3 12 5 7 Dwarahat (NP) 10 10 9 9 29 11 18 Ranikhet (CB) 101 76 25 100 75 25 230 99 131 Almora UA 10 Champawat '1 9 2 10 9 20 9 11 Lohaghat (NP) 11 8 3 10 8 2 22 6 16 Champawat (NP) 15 12 3 15 12 3 30 13 17 Tanakpur (MB) 22 15 7 16 13 3 6 2 4 36 17 19 Banbasa (CT) 11 Nainital

      69 52 17 69 52 17 158 72 86 Naintal UA 2 2 3 2 Bhowali (MB) 10 6 4 10 6 4 18 7 11 BhlmtallNP) 194 142 52 167 120 47 27 22 5 499 203 296 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA

      11 l' 8 8 3 3 19 7 12 Ramnagar (MB) Kaladhungi (NP) 8 8 8 B 8 4 4 Lalkuan (NP) 12 Udham Singh Nagar * Mahua Dabra Hanpura (NP) Jaspur(MB) 17 17 17 17 57 22 35 Kashipur (MB) 3 2 1 Kachnal Gosa'n (CT) Mahua Kheraganj (NP) Sultanpur (NP) 11 9 9 2 28 14 14 Bazpur (MB)

      3 3 3 3 6 5 Kela Khera (NP) 4 4 4 4 10 4 6 Gadarpur (MB) 4 3 3 3 8 5 3 D,neshpur (NP) 56 48 8 56 48 8 145 52 93 Rudrapur (MB) 4 4 4 4 20 11 9 Nagla (CT) Bandla (CT)

      183 q;--9 311~d \1I"'I\1IIRt4i qft \1I"'Iti'l.:a1 em ~ ~ \11'1'1 0 1'11 ~ - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Of SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001 .

      "'f1lfnr ~/ I~q> ~ ctT ~ mx/~ Categories of main workers ~ ~~ QIRtHR", ~ cptft ORr q;+ff Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers

      c:llfcffl ~ tam ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fBmf ~ ~ fBmf Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 25 26 27 28 2g 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 . 07~ ~~(vr."'l'.) 14 13 27 6 21 51 48 3 ~("'l'.q.) 9 5 4 103 14 89 329 242 87 ~("f.1:i.) 29 6 23 118 88 30 ftr~ ("'l'."QT."Q.) 0, 8 2 6 221 172 49 08~ ~ ("'l'."QT.q.) 5 4 78 42 36 09~

      IDmlC ("'l'.11.) 8 5 3 ~(m.q.) 9 ~ 9 ~"'l'.~. 100 75 25 10 'i:[lqJCffi

      ~("'l'.tt.) 9 8 ~('l.tt.) 10 8 2 ~ ('l."QT."Q.) 15 12 3

      ~"'l'.~. 69 52 17 ~ ("'l'.1ff."Q.) 2 ~('l.tt.) 10 6 4 ~_W'CI>ll3ll)C:I'" "'l'.'fT. 166 119 47

      ~ ('1."QT.1:f.) 8 '8 ~("'l'.1t.) ~31i. ('1.1t.) 8 8 12 \Jii1 Ji R'i il ';:f7R *

      ~ \SJORT ~ ("'l'.1t.) ~("'l'.1ff.1:f.)

      ~ ("!."QT.1:f.) -, 17 17 ~~(\if.,,!.) +f8C!T ~ (".1:i.) 'tlC'l('jH~~ ('l.tt.)

      ~("'l'."QT.1:f.) 9 9 ~('1.-t.) =- 2 2 ~("'l'.1:fI.q.) 4 4 ~ ("!.-t.) 2 2 ~('l.m.1:f.) 56 48 8 ~(\if."'l'.) 4 4 ~ (\if.".)

      184 Cj)-9 31j~~d \J1"1\J1IRtll1 qft \J1"1tiMI CilT ~ m~ \J1"1.l ol"1l 'WX - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      3kqq;I~q; ~ q\1 ~ Urban Categories of marginal workers Agglomeration/ ~~ QIRcHRq; ~ C!JlfT. City/Town Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers czrfcffi~~czrfcffi~~czrfcffi~~Cl!fcffi~~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2 07 Pithoragarh 56 11 45 13 6 7 Dharchula Dehat (CT) 2 185 22 163 102 92 10 Dharchula (NP) 48 3 45 14 11 3 Didihat (NP) 2 19 4 15 16 11 5 Pithoragarh (MB) 08 Bageshwar 5 4 20 19 Bageshwar (MB) 09 Almora

      Dwarahat (NP) Ranikhet (CB) Almora UA 10 Champawat

      Lohaghat (NP) Champawat (NP) Tanakpur (MB) 6 2 4 Banbasa (CT) 11 Nainital

      Naintal UA Bhowali (MB) Bhimtal (NP) 5 3 2 21 19 2 Haldwani cum Kathgodam UA ., 3 3 Ramnagar (MB) Kaladhungl (NP) Lalkuan (NP) 12 Udham Singh Nagar * Mahua Dabra Haripura (NP) Jaspur (MB) Kashipur (MB) Kachnal GosaJn (CT) Mahua Kheraganj (NP) Sultanpur (NP) 2 Bazpur (MB) Kela Khera (NP) Gadarpur (MB) Dineshpur (NP) Rudrapur (MB) Nagla (CT) Bandia (CT)

      185 (j)-9 3j'j~tI Gi"1GiIRtlil qft Gi"1ti'8lll CfiT ~ merPlCh Gi"1'l ol"1l m;c - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF S-CHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ~ -;prfur ~I ~ ~ ~ \iI'1\i1IR1ll'j c5t ~ 0-6 3TnJ ~ ww CIiJ$ -mx/Cl5"ffi \iI'1"1IR1lli ~ (~am ffi ~ ~) qfr~ Literates District ~ -Scheduled Tribes population Population in the -Code Total (including institutional and age group 0-6 Scheduled houseless population)

      Tribes ClIfcfu ~ ~ ~ ~ ClIfcfu ~ ~ households Persons Males Females Persons• Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 fcIn:m ("1'.1lT.'(f.) 17 60 35 25 7 4 3 25 18 7 12 ~("1'.-q.) 2. 9 7 2 2 2 7 5 2 12 ffidl'Pi"l ("1'.1lT.'(f.) 85 568 279 289 86 45 41 346 199 147 12 ~ ("1'.1lT.'(f.) 46 398 338 60 37 27 10 350 310 40 13~ 13 ~"1'.X1. 16 50 31 19 5 4 39 27 12 13 ~(\;[."1'.) 13 ~ li~I5Ujc;g,< (\;[."1'.)

      13 ~("1'.-q.) 13 ~ ("1'.11T.'(f.) 13 ~("1'.-q.) 7 3 4 4 2 2 3 2 13 ~"1'.X1. 30 124 66 58 26 13 13 76 45 31 13 ~("1'.-q.)

      186 q;-9 31'j'(~d \1I"1\111R141 qft \1I"1ti'Ml 'CPT ~ 'tI1~ \11'1., 0 1'1' ~ - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      Urban Categories of marginal workers Agglomeration/ ~~ qIRql~

      2 2 Kichha (MB) Shaktigarh (NP) 174 48 126 7 2 5 3 3 Sitarganj (MB) Khatima (MB) 13 Hardwar Roorkee UA Dhandera (CT) Mohanpur Mohammadpur (CT)

      Jhabrera (NP) Manglaur (MB) Landhaura (NP) 3 2 Hardwar UA Laksar (NP)

      187 q;--9 311'(~d \1I ... \1IIRl41 qfi \1I ... tii@i1 q;y ~ ~ \11 .... 1°1'11 "(l'R - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ~~/ c;lehtllR1C1> ~ q5l ~ ~/CIR=En Categories of main workers ~ ~~ q IRq I R CI> \'!EI)-tr Q>ljf 3FXT Q>ljf Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 PcPmT ("."41."4".) 21 18 3 ~(".tT.) 2 R1dl~*'1 ("."41."4".) 94 82 12 42 37 5 ~ ("."41.,"4".) 47 45 2 13~ ~".X1. 13 12 ~ (ur.".) ~ "lJ6UjC:~'I! (\iT.".) wmr ("'i'.tT.) ~'("."41."4".) ~ (".tT.) ~".X1. 4 2 2 27 26 WRR (".1i.)

      188 'CP-9 31~d \7I01\ilIRtlll c5l \7I01fl<§ll1 'CPT '"'1l1'fu:I U1l!:I~Cb \7101'1 0 1"'11 ~ - 2001 A-9 URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - 2001

      ~iiff , GlElq;I~CIl Q)lfi 3l<"4q;I~CIl iiff iRiiff Urban Tolal workers Main workers Marginal wor1(ers Non-workers Agglomeralionl CityfTown

      . C"2!fcRf ~ ta

      Jhabrera (NP) Mahglaur (MS). 6 ...._ 2 4 Landhaura (NP) 34 30 4 31 28 3 3 2 90 36 54 Hardwar UA - Laksar (NP)


      3i 1(1 J ~ CIf) ANNEXURES

      31 "I Hl "I Cfi-Iq)"/ Annexure-Ia '" ~ 31'1'Bfil(i 'JIlfd~1 Cf>l~/List of notified Scheduled Castes C\. ..:) C"\ C'\

      \1{1+f 3ltt~/Jammu & Kashmir '" ~(~31h"~)~~~,1956 The Constitution ( Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956

      3liWili1 ~/Schcduled Castes

      1~ 1 Barwala 2~ 2 Basith

      3~ 3 Butwal

      4 T:fI1T{

      5~ 5 Chura 6 'l:IIIT 6 Dhyar 7 wr

      f~qliH1 m/Himachal Pradesh

      ~~ 31h"~'i1'1'rlIRl

      3l1f1fitct ~/Scheduled Castes ",,,, 1 3llG~ I Ad Dharml 2~,~ 2 Badhi, Nagalu -"'~,~, 'Jm, W' ~ 3 Balmiki, , Bhangi, Chuhra, Chura, Chuhre 4~ 4 Bandhela 5~ 5 Bangul! 6 *rro 6 Banjara 7~ 7 Bansi 8

      10~ 10 Batwal 11~,~ 11 Bauria, Bawaria 12~ 12 Bazigar 13 '$ro, ~ 13 Bhanjra, Bhanjre 14 'tI'm. ~'qIiR, WF,~,~, 14 Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rehgar, Raigar, Ramdasi, ~, {14<;('Rf.lI, lOl'R:ft Ravldasl, Ramdasia, Mochi

      IS T.RTff 15 Chanal 16 ~, l:1t.ft 16 Chhimbl:, Dhohi 17 zyft 17 Dagi 18 st.=r 18 Darain ~/Cont ...... 193 ~ 3i1WT:l('i \1tlffi41 Cfft ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      19 Darai, Daryai 19w{,~ 20 Daule, Daole 20~,GT.mB 21 Dhaki, Toori 21~, "¥t 22 Dhanak 22~ 23 Dhaogri, Dhuai 2~ maWm,q~ 24 1)hogri, Dhangri, Siggi 24 ~, mrm, funft 25 Doom, Doornna, Durnna, Durnne, Mahasha 25 ~, ~, WRT, ~, l16mT 26 Gagra 26 'Tim 27 Gandhi1a, Gandil Gondola 27~,~~ 28 Rali 28~ 29 Resi 29~

      ~\) -iiWTr 31 Ju1aha, Ju1ahe, Kabirpanthi, Keer 31~,~,~,m 32 Kamoh, Dago1i 32W,~ 33 CR)q:; 33 Karoack 34 Khatik 34~ 35 cnm, q;)ffi 35 Kori, Koli 36 Lohar 36~ 37 Marija, Marecha 37~,~ 38 Mazhabi 38~ 39 Megh 39*r 40 Nat 40~ 410d 41 am 42 Pasi 421ffi# 43 Perna 43~ 44 Phrera, Pherera 44>R-r, m 45 Rehar, Rehara 45~, tmr 46 Sanhai 46~ 47 Sanha1 47~ 48 Sansi, Bhedkut, Manesh 48 mm, ~, lfffi 49 Sansoi 49~ 50 Sapela -50~ 51 Sarde, Sarera, Sarare, Siryare, Sarehde 51 ~,mu,"ffilt, ftR

      194 ~ at'lf{.qct \illiflql qft~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      ~/Punjab ~~ 31k~'l1"N1IR1<1i amrn(mm..r) ~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      3i1~11 'iil'l'fum/Scheduled Castes 1 "*~ 1 Ad Dharmi 2~,~,.qrft 2 Balmiki, Chuhra, Bhangi 3~ 3 Bangali 4 OIW, 'isJm, -.1m 4 Barar, Burar, Berar 5

      8~ 8 Bhanjra

      9 "

      10~ 10 Chanal ll-zyTI 12~ lin 13~,~,~ :I, Dhaya, Dhea

      14~ 1ak 15 mrro, ...wm, furriT gri, Dhangri, Siggi 16WRT'~,W1 ma, Mahasha, Doom 17 ..".-m ra 18~,~~ ihila, Gandil Gondola 19~,~ lrpanthi, Julaha 20~ 20 Khatik 21 q;lfr, cnWft 21 Kori, Koli 22~,m 22 Marija, Marecha 23~ 23 Mazhabi 24~ 24 Megh 25 ::rc: 25 Nat 26 am 260d 27 "!ffilT 27 Pasi 28~ 28 Perna 29m 29 Pherera 30~ 30 Sanhai

      31~ 31 Sanha! 32mm,~,~ 32 Sansi, Bhedkut, Manesh 33~ 33 Sansoi 34$ 34 Sapela 35mn 35 Sarera 36~ 36 Sikligar 37~ 37 Sirkiband

      195 ~'E!ril<'1 3t1'E1fill1 \11lif1~1 qff ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      i4og1 i 1~7Chandigarh

      ~~ 3ltt~;;j'1;;jlf<'14i~(~)~, 1956;:rm 1966t1>~~3] iRT~ The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956 and added by Act 31 of 1966

      ~1~'i:ifl ~/Scheduled Castes 13lK~ 1 Ad Dhanni 2~ 2 Bangali 3 orm, "FR

      -10~ 10 Chanal llc:rrrr 11 Dagi 12~ 12 Darain

      13 'tFfq:) 13 Dhanak 14~, ~

      15~, l1QmT

      24~ 24 Nat ·25.ms 250d 26~ 26 Pasi 27m 27 Perna 28 -qfur 28 Pherera 29m 29 Sanhai

      -30~ 30 Sanhal 31m,~

      196 ~ atrtl'.qct \i1(foql cit ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      3TH j:q("(/Uttaranchal

      ~~ artr~"HJ1if

      3i'lf{lilo ~/Scheduled Castes

      1~ 1 Agariya 2~ 2 Badhik 3~ 3 Badi 4~ 4 Baheliya 5~ 5 Baiga 6~ 6 Baiswar 7~ 7 Bajaniya 8~ 8 Bajgi 90wrw 9 Balhar 10~ 10 Balai ll~ 11 Balmiki 12~ 12 Bangali

      13~ 13 Banmanus 14~ 14 Bansphor 15 0RClR 15 Barwar 16 omIT 16 Basor 17~ 17 Bawariya 18~ 18 Beldar 19 i)R

      20~ 20 Bhantu 21~ 21 Bhuiya 22~ 22 Bhuyiar 23 i!1Wrr 23 Boria 24 'Cll1ff, ~, ~, unc:cr 24 Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia, Jatava 25mT 25 Chero

      26~ 26 Dabgar 27~ 27 Dhangar 28~ 28 Dhanuk 29 'I:lR'fi{ 29 Dharkar 30~ 30 Dhobi 31 ~ 31 Dom 32~ 32 Domar 33~ 33Dusadh 34mm 34 Dharmi 35~ 35 Dhariya 36~ 36 Gond 37 'TCI"R'f 37 Gwal 38~ 38 Habura 39ru 39 Hari

      ;;rrftIConl ...... 197 amt~ff at1~'"'ilH \illrn

      42~ 42 Kanjar 43~ 43 Kapariya

      44~ 44Karwal 45~ 45 Xliaraita 46~(~CfiT~) 46 Kharwar (excluding Vanwasi) 47~ 47 Khatik 48~ 48 Kharot 49~ 49Kol 50 cnRr 50 Kori 51~ 51 Korwa 52~ 52 Lalbegi 5311W'1R 53 Majhwar 54~ 54 Mazhabi

      -55~ 55 Musahar

      56~ 56 Nat 57 ci

      ~/Delhi ~~~~""'1""~4i~(~)amm, 1956 The Scheduled Castes and S~heduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956

      .ai~(1 ~/Schedu)ed Castes

      1 ~-wIT 1 Adi-Dharmi 231llWrr 2 Agria 3~ 3 Aheria 40wnt 4 Ba1ai 5 '$rru, 5 Banjara 6~ 6 Bawaria 7~ 7 Bazigar 8$fr &Bhangi 91fu;r 9 Bhil

      ·10 'q11ff, $R' 'q11ff, ~ 'ZIT ~ 'i:[11R, ~, 10 Chamar, Chanwar Chamar, Jatya or Jatav Chamar, <1'"l~lffl41,~,~, ~ ~~ ~11ochi, Ramdasia, "Ravidasi, Raidasi, Rehgarh or Raigar

      ;:;rr#ICont "~"""""""""" "\" " " " " 198 ~ 3i1W.qd \i11f(1~'i cit~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      II~(~) II Chohra (Sweeper) 12 "'q~ (oW>fifq,) 12 Chuhra (Balmiki)

      13 ~

      19~ 19 Kachhandha 20 ~

      2)~ 25 Mallah 26~ 26 Mazhabi 27~ 27 Meghwal 28~ 28 Naribut

      29 ~(\1U1T) 29 Nat (Rana) 30 '1ffir 30 Pasi 31~ 31 Perna 3200

      35 fur\1qwrr lii1O<:; 36 Sirkiband

      ~~'4iolllHaryana ~~ art. ~ "'''1'I1IRt

    1. 31'i'tV.... ilrl ~/Scheduled Castes I .:3lR ~ 1 Ad Dharrni 2~,~,$iT 2 Balmiki, Chura, Bhangi 3~ 3 Bangali 4"ii1m,~, <1m 4 Barar, Burar, Berar

      5~ 5 Batwal 6~,~ 6 Bauria, Bawaria 7~ 7 Bazigar

      8~ 8 Bhanjra 9~,~~,~,~, 9 Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rebgar, Raigar, ~,~ Ramdasi, Ravidasi

      10 'tRlM" 10 Chanal 11 zyft 11 Dagi "flit/Cont ...... 199 \. ~ 3fii'f!r~H \TIIM41 qft.~/List of notified Scheduled Castes.

      1.2m 12 Darain 13~,~,~ 13 Deha, Dhaya, Dhea 14 'tFf

      31~ 31 Sanhal 32wm,~,~ 32 Sansi, Bhedkut, Manesh 33m 33 Sansoi 34~ 34 Sapela 35mu 35 Sarera 36 ffiCflMl'1( 36 Sikligar 37 f·mi:f>1"1O:<; 37 Sirkiband

      U:iH~R/Rajasthan ~~ 31tt~"""1\i1IRl4i~(~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      3111!"ih1 ~/Scheduled Castes

      1~~ 1 Adi Dharmi 2amt 2 Aheri 3~ . , 3 Badi .4onrm,~ 4 Bagri, Bagdi 5~,~ 5 Bairwa, Berwa

      6~ 6 Bajgar 7~ 7 Balai 8~,~ 8 Bansphor, Bansphod 9"IT~ 9 Baori 10 orrr\T, cwTr, r.rrr 10 Bargi, Vargi, Birgi 11~ 11 Bawaria 12 ~, offil~/List of notified Sch~duled Castes

      13~ 13 Bhand 14~, w,~,~, mm,~, t\MIM@k 14 Bhangi, Chura, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, ~,~,~,colm,~ Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, Valmikt, Korar, Zadmalli

      15~ 15 Bidakia 16 nWr, ~~, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, Chambhar, Chamgar, ~-riRlt,~, ~, ~ Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Telegu Machi, Kamati Machi, Ranigar, Rahit, Samgar 18~ 18 Chandal

      I9~ 19 Dabgar

      20 l:TFfcf), ~ 20 Dhanak, Dhanuk: 2I~ 21 Dhankia 22 m.ft 22 Dhobi . 23 GMt 23 Dholi 24mq,~ 24 Dome, Dom 251'"fiWrr 25 Gandia 26 rm-..:rr, ft 26 Garancha, Gancha 11.,m,~,~, ~ 11 umo, CtilTU1'iI, C:f'uii-h, \:iWW'h 28~ 28 Gayaria 29~ 29 Godhi 30 -;;ft;rn 30 Jingar 31 CflI(1~fl1"1l, ~ 31 Kalbelia, Sapera 32~,~ 32 Kamad, Kamadla 33~,~ 33 Kanjar, Kunjar 34~mm 34 Kapadia Sansi 35~ 35 Khangar 36lS1iJq; 36 Khatik 37w, q;TU 37 Koli, Kori 38¥*,,~ 38 Kooch Band, Kuchband 39~ 39 Kona 40~,~ 40 Madari, Bazigar 4Itm\, mB, ~ 41 Mahar, Taral, Dhegumegu 42~, ~, ~, cfcR, ~cfcR 42 Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Dheda,Vankar, Maru Vankar 43~ 43 Majhabi 44l1frT, "I1J?irT, f'""lR'"1IR" I 44 Mang, Matang, Minimadig 45l1frT~, l1frT ~ 45 Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi 46~,~,~,~ 46 Megh, Meghval, Meghwal, Menghvar 47~ 47 Mehar 48~¥ 48 Nat, Nut 49~ 49 Pasi 50'{'l'q(1" 50 F.awal 'iifT(tICont ..••...... •..•.. 201 ~ di1~f'~d \i1IRttif Cfft~/List of notified S-cheduled Castes

      51~~ 51 Salvi 52 mill 52 Sansi 53·~,~ 53 Santia, Satia 54m$ft 54 Sarbhangi 55 "fRTRT 55 Sargara 56 furfTcm;:rr 56 Smgiwala 57~,~ 57 Thori, Nayak 58mw,~ 58 Tirgar, Tirbanda 59qfr 59 Turi

      I ~~/Uttar Prade~h ~~ am-~,"'1,"lfaqi ~(~)~, 1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      at¥!!ila ~/Scheduled' Castes 13PlWrr 1 Agariya - 2 Gtfuq; 2 Badhik 3~ 3 Badi 4~. 4 Baheliya 5$rr 5 Baiga 6~ 6 Baiswar 7~ 7 Bajaniya 8~ 8 Bajgi

      9~ 9 Balahar 10

      13~ 13 Banmanus 14~' 14 Bansphor

      15~ 15 Barwar 16

      20~ 20 Bhantu 21~ 21 Bhuiya 22~ 22 Bhuyiar 23.nft

      26~ 26 Dabgar 27 !:WR 27 Dhangar 28~ 28 Dhanuk

      29~ 29 DharkaF- ;;rrf(ICont .....•...... 202 ~ 311~f::q" \J1lfHql qft~/Lis1 of notified Scheduled Castes

      30 m.rr 30 Dhobi 31 irq 31 Dom

      32~ 32 Domar

      33 ~fmf 33 Dusadh 34 'i.RfIfr 34 Gharami 35 tlfwn 35 Ghasiya 36llTs 36 Gond 37lJC1TR 37 Gual

      38~ 38 Habura

      39~ 39 Hari

      40~ 40 Hela

      41~ 41 Kalabaz

      42~ 42 Kanjar

      43~ 43 Kapariya

      44~ 44 Karwal

      45~ 45 Khairaha

      46~(~cpl~) 46 Kharwar (excluding Benbansi)

      47~ 47 Khatik

      48~ 48 JS.horot

      49~ 49 Kot 50cnm 50 Kori

      51~ 51 Korwa

      52~ 52 Lalbegi

      53~ 53 Majhwar

      54~ 54 Mazhabi

      55~ 55 Musahar 56 -:=tC: 56 Nat 57 ti&T 57 Pankha

      58~ 58 Parahiya

      59 1:lTffi, ~ 59 Pasi, Tarmali 60tR:Tft 60 Patari

      61 \JCffi 61 Rawat

      62~ 62 Saharya

      63~ 63 Sanaurhiya 64 "Bifu

      65~ 65 Shilpkar

      66~ 66,TuraiRa

      203 ~/Bihar ~~ 31tt~~lffi

      at1't{1~o ~/Scheduled Castes

      1~ 1 Bantar 2 ormt 2 Bauri 3~ 3 Bhogta 4~ 4 Bhuiya 5 ~ ("3'i'R1 m~ 3'lk~m~"&Uit 5 Bhumij (excluding North Chotanagpur and South 3ftt ~ 1R7RT f;wt-q;)-~) 'Ii Chotanagpur divisions and Santal Parganas district)" 6~,W 6 Chamar, Mochi 7~ 7 Chaupal 8~ 8 Dabgar 9~ 9 Dhobi 10~,~ 10 Dom, Dhangad 11~,mU,~ 11 Dusadh, Dhari, Dharhi 12mm 12 Ghasi 13 ~

      q; "3'i'R1 ma ~ ~.q ~, ~ $ ~"1lil"llll ~ " North Chotanagpur division comprised of Dhanbad, ~ t, ~ ·3'I20I"1iI 19>{ ~.q 1WITl1 Ml~IN'II, ~, ~, Giridih and Hazaribag 'districts; South Chotanagpur ~~3'lk~~m~t,~WRTmtl division comprised of Palamu, Lohardaga, Tllgr, f11f~'l'i"1, ~31tt~m~t I Gumla,Ranchi, Purbi Singhbhum and Pashchimi Singhbhum districts;Santal Parganas district compnsed of Godda, Sahibganj, Dumka and Deoghar districts.

      f~ Fcfct:iq-/Sikkim ~.(~) ~~ atmT, 1978 rhe Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978

      at1't{1..... ~o ~/Scheduled Castes 1 ~ (*rrffi) 1 Damai (Nepali) 2~(~),~(~) 2 Kami (Nepali), Lohar (Nepali) 3 ~ (*rrffi) 3 Majhi' (Nepali) 4~(~)' 4"SMki (Nepali)

      ,-04 .~ ~'f(Jf~n \i1lfct

      3t(i0llin1 ror/Arunachal Pradesh ~~~~"1;NlIfnQi~(~)~, i956mrr1986~~~69ilm~3Rf:~ The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956 and as inserted by Act 69 of 1986

      aii'tifilcl ~/Scheduled Castes

      1~ 1 Bansphor 2 ~

      11~ 11 Mahara 12 ~

      16~ 16 Sutradhar

      ~1M~nipur ~;;nfffqt 31lr~"1'NIIRt

      3ii~cl ~/Scheduled Castes,

      I~, m.ft 1 Dhupi, Dhabi 2~ 2 Lois 3~,~ 3 Muchi, Ravidas 4~ 4 Namasudra 5ri 5 Patni 6~ 6 Sutradhar 7~ 7 Yaithibi

      M\i\ln:r/Mizoram ~~ ~~"1'1"1'frlQi~(~)~, 1956mrr 1971 ~~~ 81 ilm~ ;.;..:~ The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) {)rder, 1956 and as inserted by Act 81 of 1971

      Ol"Wf~cl ~/Scheduled Castes

      1~ 1 Bansphor 2~, 11Tffi 2 Bhuinmali, Mali 3~~~. 3 Bntt{a( BanIa, Ban{a "fTftICont .....•..•.•.....' •. 205 4~,'I:1f.iT 4 Dhupi, Dhobi 5 WTffi, ~ 5 Dugla, Dholi 6tm 6 Rrra '1117~ 7 Ialkeot '8~,~,~~~ 8Jhalo, Malo, 111alo-Malo 9W,~ 9 Kaibartta, Ialija 1O~ 10 Lalbegi 11~ II Mahara 12~,*ft 12 Mehtar, Bhan~i 13~-m 13 Muchi, Rishi 14~ 14 Namasudra 15~ 15 Patni 16~ 16 Sutradhar

      ~/Tripura ~~ 31\r~vt"'lvtl~'li~(~)~,1976 The'Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe~ Orders (Amendment) ~ct, 1976

      ~'i~Jfil(1 ~/Scheduled Castes 1~ 1 Bagdi 2~ 2 Bhuimali 3~ 3 Bhunar 4~,~ 4 Chamar, Muchi 5~ 5 Dandasi 6~31{ 6 Phenuar 7~ 7 Dhoba 8w:r 8 Durn 9mBt 9 Ghasi lOlltt 10 Gour ll~ 11 Gur 12~W 12 Ialia Kaibarta 13cpm 13 Kabar 14~ 14 Kalindi 15 CIi'R 15Kan 16 q;;:<:J 16 Kanda 11~ 17 Kanugh 18~ 18 Keot 19~ 19 Khadit 20. 20 Kharia 21 q;fq 21 Koch 22~ 22 Korr 23 q;Wf 23 Kol 24 q;ffi -24 Kora 2S~ ~5 Kotil ~Cont ...... 206 ~ 3i1'9J:q(Of \I1IRt~1 ctt~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      26 4Q;lZIe:lfl 26 Mahisyadas 27"111'"ffi 27 Mali 28~ 28 Mehtor

      29~ 29 ~husahar

      30~ 30 Namasudra 31~ 31 Patni 32m


      ~~ 31tt ~ "I"1"1,fo

    2. ::It'i~'"'~i'1 "iiIlfuc:ri/Scheduled Castes

      1~ 1 Bansphor 2~,'J:1'Tffi 2 Bhuinmali, Mali 3~~,~ 3 Brittial Bania, Bania 4 'ql1t, $TI 4 Dhupi, Dhabi 5 §TR1T, ~ 5 Dugla, Dholi 6mr 6 Hira 7"fR"~ 7 Jalkeot 8 ~, l1J"ffi, ~-l1J"ffi 8 Jhalo, Malo,, Jhalo-Malo 9W,~ 9 Kaibartta, Jaliya 1O~ 10 Lalbegi 11ll'ru II Mahara 12~, $IT 12 Mehtar, Bhangi 131ftTt, ~ 13 Muchi, Rishi 14~ 14 Namasudra 15~ 15 Patni

      16~ 16 Sutradhar


      ~~31tt~"I'1"1IR1(li ~(~)~, 1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      61'i~"~i'1 ~/Scheduled Castes

      1~ 1 Bansphor 2~,"I11'"ffi 2 Bhuinmali, Mali 3 Brittial Bania, Bania 3 ~~,

      9tcrnT,~ -9 Kaibartta, Jaliya 10~ 10 Lalbegi 11 l1'RT 11 Mahara 12~,~ 12 Mehtar, Bhangi n'Wft,~ 13 M~chi, Rishi 14~ 14 Namasudra 15 '0fr 15 Patni

      16~ Hi Sutradhar

      q; :31WJ *~ f;n;IT .q q;oft - ~ ~ ~ 'lim{ fu'R:r "The autonomous districts of Assam comprised of Karbi fi;wt~t ) Anglong and North Cachar Hills districts.

      q~:q", ~IW est Bengal

      ~~~~;'H"lfd(d ~(~)~, 1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      ~~/Scheduled Castes 1~,~ 1 Bagdi, Duley 2~ 2 Bahelia 3..mt 3 Baiti 40Rm 4 Bantar 5

      12~ 12 Chaupal

      13~ 13 Dabgar 14~(~) 14 Damai (Nepali) 15 m.rr, ~ 15 Dhbba, DJiobi 16~ 16 Doai 17sm,~ 17 Dom, Dhangad 18-wm,~,~, ~ 18 Dosadh, Dusadh, Dhari, Dharhi 19mm 19 Ghasi 20 TJliT 20 Gomhi 21 Halalkhor n-ru,~,~,~ 22 Hari, Mentar, Mehtor, Bhangi 23~~ 23 Ialia Kaibartta 24 wffi lITffi, lITffi 24 ]halo Malo; Malo \ 25 q;f"gu .25 Kadar "iifT/tICont •..••..•.•••...•• , 208 ~ 311i!'ito \i11~<'I1 qft~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      26 CfiTl=lt (~) 26 Kami (Nepali)

      27~ 27 Kandra 28 ciwR" 28 Kanjar 29~ 29 Kaora 30~, cnTMr 30 Karenga, Koranga 31~ 31 Kaur 32~,~ 32 Keot, Keyot 33~ 33 Khaira 34~ 34 Khatik 35 q;fq 35 Koch 36 q;);:n{ 36 Konai 37~ 37 Konwar 38~ 38 Kotal 39~ 39 Kurariar 40~ 40 Lalbegi 41~ 41 Lohar 42 lim 42 Mahar

      43~ 43 Mal

      44~ 44 Mallah 45~ 45 Musahar 46~ 46 Namasudra 47 ';fC 47 Nat 481fl

      55~ 55 Rajwar 56mCfft(~) 56 Sarki (Nepali) 57wm(~


      ~~am-~"1"1"1If<:!qiatmr(mmr.r)~,1976nm2000~~mm30am-qmaRf:~ The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 and as inserted by Act 30 of 2000

      ~~(1 ~/Scheduled Castes 1 Bantar 2 Baurri 3 Bhogta 4 Bhuiya

      ~/Cont ._ ....••.••., ..... , 209 ~ 3t1~ \j1lM<:ii Cfft ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      5 'q1ffi, ..mrr 5 Chamar, Mochi 6~ 6 Choupal

      7~ 7 Dabajar 8 $IT 8 Dhabi 9W1,~ 9. Dom, Dhangad 10~,~,~ 10 Dusadh, Dhari, Dharhi ntmlT 11 Ghasi 12 t\i.'11i.'1@1< 12 Halalkhor 13~,~,~ 13 Hair, Mehtar, Bhangi 14 cf;;;R 14 Kanjar 15'jit3m 15 Kuraiar 16~ 16 Lalbegi 17:pm 17 Musahar

      18~ 18 Nat 1911F[, ~ 19 Pan, Sawasi 2011T'ffi 20 Pasi

      21~ 21 Rajwas 22"11" 22 Turi

      ~/Orissa ~~a1l<~'h'1'hIRt",i ~ (mrltR)~, 1976 The Scheduled CasM and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      at;:FA~~ ~/Scheduled Castes

      1 31If<:: 3!P;1 1 Adi Andhra

      2 3fl1Rf, 3ll1J(f 2 Amant, Amat 3~ 3 Audhelia 4~ 4 Badaik '5~,on¢ 5 Bagheti, Baghuti 6~ 6 Bajikar 7~ 7,Bari 8~ 8 Bariki 9"Rffi", ~ 9 Basor, Burud 10~ 10 Bauri 11-w 11 Bauti 12~ 12 Bavuri 13~m,~ 13 Bedia, Bejia 14~ 14 Beldar

      15~ 15 Bhata 16~ 16 Bhoi J7~ 17 Chachati 18~ 18 Chakali 19 'q1ffi, 11ftfr, ~, ~ 19 Chamar,__ - Mochi, Muchi, Satnami 20~ ---20 ChandaJa "fTftICont •...... , . , ...... 210 ~ at1~frT:(" \l11f~'41 ctt~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      21 ~1=fR<\ 21 Chandhai Maru 22~3JT,~ 22 Cherua, Chhelia 23~ 23 Dandasi 24tm- 24 Dewar 25 'i:f.1C.fP: 25 Dhanwar 26~,~ 26 Dhoba, Dhobi 27 sm, ~, W

      30~,ciw 30 Ghantarghada, Ghantra 31

      ]] q'(jI~'1'1 ]] Ghusuria 34~ 34 Godagali 35~ 35 Godari 36 rTImT 36 Godra 37. 37 Gokha 38llR$,~ 38 Gorait, Korait 39~, mr,-ro 39 Haddi, Hadi, Hari 40 fflcf;r 40 Irika 41~ 41 Jaggali

      42~,ct5m 42 Kandra, Kandara

      43~3JT 43 Karua 44~3JT 44 Katia 45~ 45 Kela

      46~ 46 Khadala 47~,~ 47 Kodalo, Khodalo 48 q;JU 48 Kori 49~ 49 Kummari SO~ 50 Kurunga Sl~ 51 Laban 52~ 52 Laheri 53l1"GTft 53 Madari 54l1lWrr 54 Madiga 55~ 55 Mahuria 56 l1R'1T, ~, mffi, ~ 56 Mala, Jhala, Malo, Zala 57 'lltrT 57 Mang . 58lifrR 58 Mangan 59~,l1W 59 Mehra, Mahar 60~, $iT 60 Mehtar, Bhangi 61 *m 61 Mewar 62~ 62 Mundapotta 63~ 63 Musahar 64~ 64 Nagarchi urrfrlCont ••...••••......

      211 ~ a11;~tf.qH \i1ifo41 cit~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      65~ 65 Namasudra 66w 66 Paidi 67~ 67 Painda 681WftiT 68 Pamidi 69 lffi, "l1Rl 69 Pan, Pano 701:f

      72 -q;:fcf;T 72 Panka 73 1:!R"i1iffi 73' Pantanti 741W1 74 Pap 75 1ffift 75 Pasi 76 -qfcirR, ~, .m, ~3TI 76 Patial, Patikar, Patratanti, Patua 77 '\'iRT 77 Rajna 78 tffiT 78 Relli 79~31T 79 Sabakhia 80 wrrffi 80 Samasi 81~ 81 Sanei 82m 82 Sapari 83 ~, Wfu;;rr 83 Sauntia, Santia 84~31T 84 Sidhria 85~ 85 Sinduria 86~ 86 Siyal 87~ 87 Tamadia 88~ 88 Tamudia 89~ 89 TanIa 90 Rm-, ~ 90 Tiar, Tior 91 qfr 91 Turi 92 ~31T 92 Ujia 93 Cli

      0Jlflll~/Chhattishgarh . / ~~ altt~ "I"'l"lIAClj ~ (mTIwf)~, 1976 our 2000

      ~l'f1i"'~fI 'iiI'1fu

      1~ 1 Audhelia 2 orrrrfr, Q 2 B.agri, Bagdi

      3~,~ '3 Bahria, Bahana

      4_,~ 4 Balahi, Balai

      5~ 5 Banchada

      6~,~ 6 Barahar, Basod

      7~ 7 Bargunda ~Cont ...... •...... ~ at1~r-qM \itlf(iq1 Cfft ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      8~, ~, -.ruR,~, ~,

      9~ 9 Bedia

      IO;ffiw,~ 10 Beidar, Sunkar

      II *ft, ~, ~, ~, !:ffiCR II Bhangl, ~ehtar, Baimiki, Laibegi, Dharkar

      12'1;~ 12 Bhanumati.

      13~ 13 Chadar

      14 'tJ11f{, ~, ~, ~, ;;rrcq, llMt, rn-, ;;fAr, itfuGm, 14 Chamar, Chamari, Bairwa, Bhambhi, Jatav, Mochi, Ul=RJlft, ~, ,({.:r1

      ~ Surjyabanshi, Surjyaramnaml, Ahirwar, Chamar, Mangan, Raidas

      15fuey{ 15 Chidar

      16~,~ 16 Chikwa, Chikvi 17 furrR 17 Chitar

      18~,~,~ 18 Dahait, Dahayat, Dahat

      19~ 19 Dewar

      20~ 20 Dhanuk

      21 ~,'t)r 21 Dhed, Dher 22 s1itr 22 Dohor

      23 Wi, ~, im, ~, sTfu:r 23 Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris 24 Tfisr, 'fTTir 24 Ganda, Gandi 25

      26~ 26 Holiya

      27~ 27 Kanjar

      28~,~ 28 Katia, Pathana 29 &lico 29 Khatik 30 'liMt, q;)fI 30 Koli, Kori

      31 'W\{, ~, 1i=rm 31 Khangar, Kancra, Mirdha

      32 ~ ifcffi.T

      3.3~,~,~ 33 Mahar, Mehra, Mehar

      34 lWT, lWT TJT\lit, lWT '1l'Rlit, ~ .wT, lWT~, ~, ~, 34 Mang, :\-iang Garodi, Mang Garudi, Dankhani Mang, -wtlWT Mang Mahasi, Madari, Garudi, Radhe Mang

      35~ 35 Megl;lwal 36~r 36 Moghia

      37~ 37 Muskhan 38 ""IC:, CflI(1~fMQI, ~, ~, ~ 38 Nat, KaIbeIia, Sapera, Navdigar, Kubutar 39 -qrffi 39 Pasi

      40~ 40 Rujjhar 4Imm,~ 41 Sansi, Sansia 42~ 42 Silawat

      43~ 43 Zamral

      213 ~ a:tifi1i4" \i1lkl

      ~m/Madhya Pradesh ~~31tt~"'''1'''iRt

    3. ;:)1i~'"'i4ct ~/Scheduled Castes 1~ 1 Audhelia 2~, owrfr 2 Bagri, Bagdi 3 OWIT, 0fi'AT 3 Bahna, Bahana 4~,~ 4 Balahi, Balai 5~ 5 Banchada 6i!m,~ 6 Barahar, Basod 7~ 7 Bargunda 8~,~,~,~, ~,omR 8 Basor, Burud, Bansor, Bansodi, Bansphor, Basar 9~ 9 Bedia 10~,~ 10 Beidar, Sunkar 11 $TI,~,~,~,~ 11 Bhangi, Mehtar, Balmik, Laibegi, Dharkar 12~ 12 Bhanumati 13~ 13 Chadar 14 T.flW, ~, oRen, $ft, ~, ~, ~, -;:fl;:rr, ~, wr.wfr, 14 Chaniar, Chamari, Bairwa, Bhambi, Jatav, Mochi, ~, ~;;l41

      15fqw 15 Chidar 16 fuq;qr, mctT 16 Chikwa, Chikvi 17 fuorr 17 Chitar 18~,~,~ 18 Dahait, Dahayat, Dahat 19~ 19 Dewar 20~ 20 Dhanuk 21~, $: 21 Dhed, Dher 22 ~ [~, ~ 31ttmm~-q] 22 Dhobi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts) 23~ 23 Dohor 24~,~,Wl,~,~ 24 Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris 25 Tim, TiiT 25 Ganda, Gandi 26 trrW, mw:rr 26 Ghasi, Ghasia 27~ 27 Holiya 28 cj:;;m" 28 Kanjar 29cnfm", ~ 29 Katia; Patharia 30~ 30 Khatik 31 q;)ffi, ~ 31 Koli, Kori 32 ~ [m, 'tiR, ~, 1.f1T, ~, ~, ~-m, ~, 32 Kotwal (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior, ~,~,~,~,~, fucrtT, ~ ~~ Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, ~-q]l$ Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and Vidisha_-- districts)a 33

      34~ 34 Kuchbandhia 35 ~ [~, ~, tTm, frcrr,

      36 llW, ~, ir~ 36 Mahar, Mehra, Mchar 37 11iTr, $T T'Jitit, lWT TTRiit, ~.n 11M, -.w: lfffifr. ~, TTRiit. 37 Mang, Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi, Dankhni Mang, TIttWT Mang Mahasl, Madari, Garudi, Radhe Mang

      38~ 38 Mcghwal 39~ 39 Moghia 40lpl&R 40 Muskhan 41 ~, CflI(1~fM

      42 ~ [m, 'I;ffi, ~, lfIT, ~, ~, ~m, ~, 42 Pardhi (Ill Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior, **, ~, ~, «WIfJ1, ~, ~, ~ 3fr- ~ Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, ~if] q; Rajgarh, Ratiam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and Vidisha districts)"

      43 -m:IT 43 Pasi

      44~ 44 Rujjhar 45 mm, Wfu<.rr 45 Sansi, Sansia 46 fuc;nqc: 46 Silawat

      47~ 47 Zamral

      '" ~q;1 "~, 'I;ffi, ~, 1FT, ~, ~, ~m, ~ a The entry is to be read as Tin Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, ~. -r:t

      1\i1~ Ift/Guj arat

      ~~aW~'rl+'lIr<"1qi~(~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      6l1~.qo ~/Scheduled Castes 1 Ager 2 Bakad. Bant 3

      4~, ~, ~, ~, ~, T:I11R. W'lW, T:[11TTf{, 4 Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, ~,~,~,~,~, mc:<,~, mm,~, Chamar, Chambhar, Chamgar, Haralayya, Harali, itWj~, ~.n-,f;, m"rR, ~, ~, ~ Khalpa, Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi. Nalia, Tclegu Mochi, Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, Rohidas, Rohlt, Samgar

      5 $ft,~,~,~,~, t\~,~.~, 5 Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana. Rukhi, Malkana, Halalkhor, 'Cfl1m,~ Lalbegl, Balmiki, Karar, ladmalli

      6~,~ 6 Chalvadi, Channayya 7 itm -eym, m

      8~ 8 Dangashia

      9rW,~,~ 9 Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya

      10~ 10 Garrnatang

      11 ~, 1JRT 11 Garoda, Garo

      12~ 12 Halleer

      13·~,~,~,~ 13 Halsar, Haslar, Hul~svar, Halasvar

      14~,~ 14 Holar, Valhar

      15~,mffi 15 Holaya, Holer

      16~ 16 Lingader

      17 lID{,(ffi'f, ~ Wr 17 Mahar, Taral, Dhegu Megu 18 '"11t\'4Ic.j~i1,..g,~,~, liRi~, ~ 18 Mahyavansi, Dhed, Dhedh, Vankar, Maru Vankar, Antyaj

      19l1iTT, ~, flOl;ft'"1 If';lI 19 Mang, Matang, Minimadig 20l1iTT-~ 20 Mang-Garudi

      21 ~Ci;Z;;, ~, ~ _ 21 Meghval, Meghwal, Menghvar 22lj}1>l 22 Mukri

      23~,tTiT 23 Nadia, Hadi 24 -cm:IT 24 Pasi

      25 #=rcrr,~, ~, ~, ~ 25 Senva, Shenva, Chen va, Sedma, Rawat

      26~ 26 Shemalia

      27~ 27 Thori

      28mm,~ 28 Tirgar, Tirbanda 29 q{t 29 Turi 30 q{t -.run, ~-.run 30 Turi Barot, Dedh Barot

      a The area comprised of Jamnagar and Junagadh districts.

      b Spelling of Kutch is to be read as Kachchh.

      ~_am-G1cr/Daman & Diu

      ~(TJlcrr,~artr;ftq)~~~, 1968 The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968

      __~11[i4H ~/Scheduled Castes

      1 .qrfr (~) I Bhangi (Hadi)

      2~ 2 Chambhar

      3 lID{ 3 Mahar

      4~(~) 4 Mahyavanshi (Yankar)

      5 l1iTT 5~g.

      216 ~ ~'l~t1 \i1IM<:lf cit~/List of. notified Scheduled Castes

      ~ • ';fl1'R ~/Dadra & Nagar Haveli ~ (mGtf am-0{fI"["{~) ~~~, 1962 The Constitution (Dadra & Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962 0I1'f!!ilrl ~/Scheduled Castes 1 Bhangi 2 Chamar 3 Mahar 4 Mahyavanshi, Dhed



      3t~rl ~/Scheduled Castes 131lR 1 Ager 2~ 2 Anamuk 3 am- '11R'lT 3 ArayMala 4 31\CIT mffi 4 ArwaMala

      5~,~ 5 Bahna, Bahana 6~,

      12 $IT, ~, 31lwRT, m, ~, (>fllfl@h,~, ~, 12 Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, Halalkhor, ~,\ij1:g4~'j Lalbegi, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli

      13~ 13 Bindla 14

      ~/Cont ...... ,. 217 ~C\ ~"Ft"lfT:l(1IJ1Ift=tan...:) C\ qft.".,di./List~~'J of notified Scheduled Castes

      23~,~ 23 Ghasi, Ghasia 24~ 24 Halleer

      25~,~,~,~ 25 Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar 26~, cwrm- 26 Holar, Valhar 27~,mm,~,~ 27 Holaya, Holer, rtoleya, Holiya 28~ [~, ~, ~, ~, ~,crm ~ 28 Kaikadi (in Akola, Arnravati, Bhandara, Buldana, ~f;wIT-q~~ ~cor~~~-q]-'; Nagpur, Wardha and Yavatmal districts and Chandrapur district, other than Rajura tahsil)3

      29cnl?Ar, ~ 29 Katia, Patharia 30 "&rw, m, fiRm 30 Khangar, Kanera~ Mirdha 31 ~, fqcpqr, ~ 31 Khatik, Chikwa, Chikvi 32 CflI{'j'j(1ClIUMj 32 Kolupulvandlu 33 q;ffi- 33 Kori 34 fWTm' 34 Lingader 35~ 35 Madgi 36l11Wrr 36 Madiga ?i7~,~, i'RTR, $J*x_ 37 Mahar, Mehra, Taral, Dhegu Megu 38 JO

      -.; ~

      _-- 218 ~ ~i'(ir'T.h1 '11lfu~1 cit~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      &Al ~/ Andhra Pradesh

      ~~ 31tt~"Hi1IRl",i ~ (~)~, 1976 The Schedu.led Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      ai1)fi(ili't ~/Scheduled Castes

      I~~ 1 Adi An

      11~ 11 Byagara' 12~ 12 Chachati 13~ 13 Chalavadi

      14 "iflIT{, l1Rfi, 1ftlT 14 Chamar, Mochi, Muchi

      15~ 15 Chambhar

      16~ 16 Chandala 17 ~, :Sl¥tlWm 17 Dakkal, Dokkalwar 18~ 18 Dandasi 19m 19 Dhor 20 &Ttl, ~, ~, -qFft 20 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 21 l{R14<"C11<, 4R14IW'llu::!Wl 21 Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu 22 emft, W, tffit ~ 22 Ghasi, Haddi, Relli Chachandi 23~ 23 Godagali 24~ 24 Godari 25llTWft 25 Gosangi 26~ 26 Holeya 27~~ 27 Holeya Dasari 28~ 28 Jaggali

      29~ 29 Jambuvulu 30 q>l\1'¥1cllu:S\1 30 Kolupulvandlu 31 n cp;qT, ~ cp;qT 31 Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva 32~ 32 Madiga 33~~~ 33 Madiga Dasu, Mashteen 34~ 34 Mahar 35 'l::fTffi 35 Mala 36'l:f1"ffi~ 36 Mala Dasari

      37'l:f1"ffi~ 37 Mala Dasu 38'l::fTffi~ 38 Mala Hannai

      39~ 39 Malajangam iif/ftICont .•...... •..•.. 219 ~ 31"'ififiOl(1 ;;lIf<"1~'i CIft tfit/List of notified Scheduled- Castes 0. ~C\ C'.

      40 "l1"R'IT lffiiT 40 Mala Masti 41 l1Iffi~, ~ 41 Mala Sale, Netkani 42 "GWIT~ 42 Mala Sanyasi 43 "I1irT 43 Mang 44 "I1irT~ 44 Mang Garodi 45 -.cl 45 Manne 46~ 46 Mashti 47l1T&ft 47 Matangi 48~ 48 Mehtar 49fl:rffi~ 49 Mitha Ayyalvar 50~ 50 Mundala 5l.,mm,~ .~ 1 Paky, Moti, Thoti

      52~,~ 52 Pambada, Pambanda 53~ 53 Pamidi 541fcmT,~ 54 Panchama, Pariah 55 tffit 55 Relli 50mww 56 Samagara

      57~ 57 Samban

      58~ 58 Sapru 59~,~ 59 Sindhollu, Chindollu

      Cfi'1h:'Cf)/Karnataka ~~31tt~"'''Nllfuqi ~(~)~, 1976mu 1991 cl;~mm 39!fU~3Rf: ~ The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 and as inserted by Act 39 of 1991 I

      .;ji'if!!~d ~/Scheduled Castes / 1 anfi:: 3lP;T 1 Adi Andhra 2 anfi::OO. 2 Adi Dravida 3 anfi::~ 3 Adi Karnataka

      4 anR

      7~ 7 Anamuk 8 awf"GWIT 8 ArayMala 9~ 9 Arunthathiyar 1Q..31@T lffiVIT' 10 ArwaMala 11 ~ 11 Baira

      12~ 12 Bakad 13 Bant (in Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwar and North Kanara 13

      -l4~ 14 Bakuda 15~ 15 Balagai 16

      17~,~ 17 Banjara, Lambani lR~ 18 Bathada 19~~,~~ 19 Beda Jangam, Budga langam 20~ 20 Bellara 21 '$IT, ~, 31TwTRT, ~, ~,$<:1ii'1@{, ~, ~, 21 Bhangi, Mchtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, Halalkhor, .,~ Lalbcgi, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli

      22~, ~, ~, anOO,~,~,~,~, 22 Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, ~,~, &WIT, l1Rfrn,~, lRl"{,.-r, l1fclT,~, Chamar, Chambhar, Chamgar, HaraJayya, Harali, MI'1'JI4I"Cl1, ~l1fclT,~, ~,~, ~ Khalpa, Machlgar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi, Muchi, Tclcgu Mochi, Kamatl Mochl, Ramgar, Rohldas, Rohit, Samgar

      23 -q)cft 23 Bhovi 24~ 24 Bindla 25 0i!WRT 25 Byagara 26 ilFcfot>fl1"l"i 26 Chakkiliyan 27~,~,~ 27 Chalavadl, Chalvadi, Charmayya 28~ 28 Chandala 29-mrr~,~~ 29 Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar 30 ~, i:.1cI<:flWll{ 30 Dakkal, Dokkalwar 31~ 31 Dakkaliga 32~,~,~ 32 Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya 33 ~, ~, ~, 11Rf 33 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 34 V>ffi1Ol{'1ClI{, ~rnU\<:1ClIO'5(j 34 Ellamalwar, Yellammalawandlu 35 TiiT~ 35 Ganti Chores 36~, llRT 36 Garoda, Garo 37 TJ1gr 37 Godda 38.-ftWft 38 Gosangi 39~ 39 Halleer 40~,~,~,~ 40 Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar 41 tit~ 41 Handi Jogis 42~ 42 Hasla 43~,~ 43 Holar, Valhar 44~,mm,~ 44 Holaya, Holer, Holeya 45~~ 45 Holeya Dasari 46~ 46 Jaggali 47~ 471ambuvulu 48~ 48 Kadaiyan 49~ 49 Kalladi 50~ 50 Kepmaris 51 Cfll('j;'j<:1ClIO'5('j; 51 Kolupulvandlu 52

      56~ 56 Kudumban 57~ 57 Kuravan urrftlCont ...... :. 221 58~ 58 Lingader 59 l1'tII1T 59 Machala 60 -qc;ffi 60 Madari 61 111WrT 61 Madiga "- 62 ~, mT('f, ~ ~ 62 Mahar, Taral, Dhegu Megu, 63 ~, ~, cfcR, l1Ri~ 63 Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vankar, Maru Vankar 644ffi 64 Maila 65 l:JTffi 65 Mala 66l:JTffi~ 66 Mala Dasari 67l:JTffi~ 67 Mala Hannai 68' l:JTffi ~ 68 Mala Jangam 69l:JTffi~ 69 Mala Masti 70 'iTffi~, ~ 70 Mala Sale, Netkani 71~~ 71 Mala Sanyasi 72 l1irT, 'I1TfiTr, f'"1f"l41f.::'1 72 Mang, Matang, Minimadig 73 l1irT 7JRiit, l1irT TTR1it 73 Mang Garudi, Mang Garodi 74.rn· 74 Manne 75rmfT 75 Masthi 76~ 76 Mavilan 77~,~ 77 Meghval, Menghvar 78~ 78 Moger 79¢ 79 Mukri 80~ 80 Mundala 81 -==nfu

      94~ 94 Samban 95~ 95 Sapari 96 f-8<:+lfCfl4'4~ 96 Sillekyathas 1)7~~ 97 Sindhollu, Chindollu 98 ~ftr.aT 98 Sudugadu Siddha 99~ 99 Thoti 100~,~ 100 Tirgar, Tirbanda 101~ 101 Valluvan

      'j; ~ q;l "CfiTsrI ~ -q" ~~ I °The entry is to be read as 'i:in Kodagu districm.

      &~q;l"~,~,~aTtr~~~-qIl~ bThe entry is to be read as 'i:in Belgaum, Bijapur,

      ~I Dharwad and Uttara Kannada districts",

      222 3ffu~'"'i4H ~,~'"'i4H \J'IIM41 ctt ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      TIlerr/Goa ~(lllm, GOR3:ftn:Tcf) ~~31k~\i1'1\i1lrnqi anW, 1968 The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders, 1968

      ~'i~".q(1 ~/Scheduled Castes 1 ..pTI(mr) 1 Bhangi (Hadi)

      2~ 2 Chambhar 3l=1m 3 Mahar 4~(~) 4 Mahyavanshi (Vankar) 5"$T 5 Mang


      ~~ artr ~ "'.I'itIRi

      3l'i1.R:li"I ~/Scheduled Castes 1 .mF:: amr 1 Adi Andhra 2 3lTfc;"~ 2 Adi Dravida 3 .mF::~ 3 Adi Kamataka 4~ 4 Ajila 5~ 5 Arunthathiyar 6~ 6 Ayyanavar 7~ 7 Baira 8~ 8 Bakuda 9

      14 €lf%f(1"l1'1 14 Chakkiliyan 15 T.fliR, ~ 15 Chamar, Muchi 16~ 16 Chandala 17~ 17 Cheruman 18~ 18 Domban 19 l'"fCfU 19 Gavara 20~ 20 Godagali 21 7Jlgr 21 Godda 22lJR:irIT 22 Gosangi 23~ 23 Hasla 24~ 24 Holeya 25~ 25 Kadaiyan 26~ 26 Kakkalan 27~ 27 Kalladi Uf!#ICont ...... 223 am:.~~(1 3i~(1 \11lf~ql Cfft ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      28~, -qeyrr 28 Kanakkan, Padanna 29 CflfFlqlt"H 29 Kanmpalan 30 'Cfl'Cm 30 Kavara 31~ 31 Koosa 32~,~ 32 Kootan, Koodan -33~ 33 Kudumban 34~,~ 34 Kuravan, Sidhanar 35 -4MT 35 Maila 36 ~ [~~~, 1956 (1956 q;r 37) qft I:.lTU 5 36 Malayan lin the ar.eas comprising the Malabar district as qft ~ (2) mr <:flIT ~ ~ m -q ~ ~ CflT specified by sub-section (2) of section 5 of the States ~]'" Reorganisation Act, 1956 (37of 1956)t

      37~ 37 Mannan "' 38~ 38 Mavilan 39l{)iR 39 Moger 40~ 40 Mundala 41~ 41 Nalakeyava 42 "'R1CfiI:S~U 42 Nalkadaya "' 43~ 43 Nayadi 44~ 44 Padannan 45~ 45 Pallan 46~ 46 Palluvan 47~ 47 Pambada 481:lFR 48 Panan 49'i:f,:p:rr 49 Panchama 50~,'R

      q;~m-q~~(~~);~, l1R'f1"3>{4 a Malabar district comprised of Kannur (earlier m~~~q:;T~~(~~)m Cannanore), Kozhikode, Malappuram districts and ~~I Palakkad (earler Palaghat) district excluding Chittur _- --talule - - 224 ~ 3ti'E'J)~(1 'l1IRt'll CFft ~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      (1M(1"1I~/Tamil Nadu

      ~-;;nftrqt 31it ~ "1'1"1IRt

      ~1~iI<'1 \ilTfu<:tt/Scheduled Castes 1 Adi Andhra 2 Adi Dravida 3 Adi Karnataka 4 Ajila 5 31'b04qMali{ 5 Arunthathiyar 6 ~ (Cfl"4I'f14I'(1 f-;ffi -q a:m: f(jQ~I'1~f~ f-;ffi * ~ 6 Ayyanavar (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah ~-q)~ taluk of Tirunelveli district)" 7<1u 7 Baira 8~ 8 Bakuda 9 quiT 9Bandi 10~ 10 Bellara 11 'IWR (Cfl"4I'f4Fn ~-q ~ f(jQ~I'1~f~ f-;ffi *~ ~ 11 Bharatar (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk -q)'Ii of Tirunelveli district)·

      12 ilFcfct>fr"'l'"l'1 12 Chakkiliyan 13~ 13 Chalavadi 14~,~ 14 Chamar, Muchi-

      15~ 15 Chandala 16~ 16 Cheruman 17 ~~~'fI'1II!1'1 17 Devendrakulathan 18 6fr1, ~, ~, l1Rl 18 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 19~ 19 Domban 20~ 20 Godagali 21 TJW 21 Godda 22 riTWft 22 Gosangi 23~ 23 Holeya 24~ 24 Jaggali

      25~ 25 Jambuvulu 26 Cfi"WR 26 Kadaiyan 27 Cfi~ (Cfl;:"Wtl41{1 ~ -q a:m: f(j'6~I'1~f~ f;;wt * ~ 27 Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah ~~)'" taluk of Tirunelveli district)"

      28~ 28 Kalladi

      29 ~." ~ (~f-;ffi -q) llI' 29 Kanakkan, Padanna (in the Nilgiris distnct)b 30 Cflf<4QII'1'1 30 Karimpalan 31 CfilCfU (Cfl"4l'l'l4J{J ~ -q 31tt f('j6~I'1~f~ ~ <); ~ ~ 31 Kavara (in Kanyakumari distnct and Shenkottah taluk ~~ ofTirunelveli district)"

      32~ 32 Koliyan 33 crm 33 Koosa -;;nit/Cont ....•••••••.•.•.••

      225 ~ 3i1't!!""~H \i1lf('1111 ctt~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      34 ~, ~ (Cfl~I'l''""lI'll f>R;t ll3ltt R1{i~M~f<;1 f>R;t ct- ~ 34 Kootan, Koodan (in Kanyakumari district and ~ll)'" Shenkottah taluk ofTirunelveli district)" 35~ 35 Kudumban 36'F"R,~ 36.Kuravan, Sidhanar, 37~ 37 Madari 38 "I1lWTI 38 Madiga 39~ 39 Maila 40 l1Tffi 40 Mala 41 lffl1 (Cfl~I'l''""llfi m II 3ltt f(i{i~(YI~f<;1 m <); ~ ~ 41 Mannan (in K~yakumari district and Shenkottah taluk ~)'" of Tirunelveli district)'

      42~ 42 Mavilan 43~ 43 Moger

      44~ 44; Mundala 45~ 45 Nalakeyava 46~ 46 Nayadi 47~(Cfl~I'l''""llfim~,,*fl'1(l~(YI~f<;1 m<);~~ 47 Padannan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah ~) '" taluk of Tiruneiveli district)" 48~ 48 Pagadai

      49~ 49 Pall an

      50~ 50 Palluvan

      51~ 51 Pambada 52 11FR (Cfl~I'l'14I~"i m ~ "* fl'1(l~(YI~f(1 m <); ~ ~ 52 Panan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk ~)'Ii of Tirunelveli district)'

      .53~ 53 Panchama 54~ 54 Pannadi 551:Jfu:Mt 55 Panniandi 56~,1WR,~ 56 Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar 57 'RCA" (Cfl~I'l'14Rl m II "* f(i(l~W~f<;1 m <); ~ ~ 57 Paravan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk ~)'Ii of Tirunelveli district)'

      58 ~ (Cfl~I'l'14lfi mll f<:'1(l~(YI~f<;1 mct-~~ 58 Pathiyan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk "* • ll) 'Ii of Tirunelveli district)'

      59~,~ 59 Pulayan, Cheramar 60 ~Cf"iR 60 Puthirai Vannan 61~ 61 Raneyar 62 'ffiI1IlR 62 Samagara

      63~ 63 Samban 64~ 64 Sapari 65~ 65 Semman 66 ~ (Cfl"'9I'l''""llfi m ~ "* f<:'1(l~M~f<;1 f>R;t <); ~ ~ 66 Thandan (in Kanyakumari 'district and Shenkottah taluk ll) 'Ii ofTirunelveli district)'

      67~ 67 Thoti 68 f<:'1(lClR'jCH 68 Tiruvalluvar . 69~ 69 Vallon___ -

      "I7ft/Cont < •••••••••••••••••• 226 ~ 311{i1.q(,( ii1lf~<'I'i cit~/List of notified Scheduled Castes

      70~ 70 Valluvan 71 mR (Cfi4Oi1'1'QI'(\ f~ -q a:fR fI"Hi~\1~fM m c); ~ ~ 71 Vannan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk -q) "Ii ofTlrunelveh district)"

      72~ 72 Vathlriyan 73~ 73 Velan 74 ~ (Cf>"'4I'1''""IR! ~ -q a:fR f(H'~\1~f(1 fo1c;)- c); ~ ~ 74 Vetan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of -q) 'Ii Tirunelveli district)'

      75~ 75 Vettiyan 76~ (Cfi"'1I'1''""II{l fo1c;)--q~fl"1'(i~M~fM f;;wtc);~~ 76 Vettuvan (m Kanyalcumari district and Shenkottah taluk --q)'Ii ofTirunelveli district)'

      'Ii ~ ~ "Cfi"'4I;;jjQI'(! ~ -q a:fR fl"1'(i~\1~fM ~ c); ~ "The entry is to be read as '

      b The entry is to be read as '

      q If\hi5~~l/Pondicherry


      The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964

      3i"ftf'*'1 ~/Scheduled Castes 1 anf<:: 31W 1 Adi Andhra 2~~ 2 Adi Dravida 3 ilFciCf1f<'ilH 3 Chakkiliyan 4~ 4 Jambuvulu 5 CfU1 8 Paky 9 "!1ITR 9 Pall an I01WR,~ 10 Parayan, Sambavar

      11~ 11 Samban 12~ 12 Thoti 13~ 13 Valluvan 14 clz.:r 14 Vetan 15~ 15 Vettiyan

      227 a:iiMh'\<:fl I~ I Annexure - Ib ~ 31"lf{Mft \J1"N'IIRt~1 ctr ~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

      "\i1l+l afu- ~IJ ammu & Kashmir ~(~artr~)~"'Of'illrnqi~,198'artr~(~"''1'''lrn4i)~(~)~,1991 The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1989 and The Comtitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amel1dment) Act, 1991

      a:i~('1 \i1;::I\iUftl4i/Scheduled Tribes

      1~ 1 Bakarwal 2~ 2 Balti 3~ 3 Beda 4~, .nit 4 Bot, Boto 5~,~,~,ftR 5 Brokpa, Drokpa, Dard, S~in

      6~ 6 Changpa 7TJiT 7 Gaddi 8rm 8 Garra 9~ 9 Gujjar 10 l1t.1 IOMon 11~ 11 Purigpa 12 fuaIT 12 Sippi

      ftqlilM ~lHimachal Pradesh

      ~~ artr~UR~~(~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      at'j)"!!'"'-t:j('1 \i1"'i\i1IRt4i1Scheduled Tribes 1 Bhot, Bodh 2 TJiT [~~~, 1966 (1966 Sffl' 31) Cf>1 'tlm 5 Cf>1 2 Gaddi [excluding the territories specified in sub-section ~(i)lt~, ~:$~f;wT"#~~q;T (1) of section 5 of the Punjab-Reorganisation Act, 1966 ~]'Ii (31 of 1966), other than the Lahaul and Spiti district]"

      3 ~ [~ ~ ~, 1966 (1966 c:pr 31) Cf>1 3 Gujjar .[excluding the territories specified in. sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966 'tlm 5 Cf>1~ (i) lt~~q;T~] (0 (31 of 1966)t

      4"fIG,~,~ 4 Jad, Larnba, Kharnpa 5~, fcnmT 5 Kanaura, Kinnara 6~ 6 Lahaula 7~' 7 Pangwala

      8~ 8 Swangla

      'Ii ~ ~ ~ .q 3lO! ~, ~, ~ '3rl1 :$ fu:wrr f;wT "The areas excluded now comprises of Kangra, ~tl - Hamirpur, Kullu, Una and Shimla districts.

      1jf~~ ~lt 3lO!~, ~, ~ '3rl1, W:wrr:$~ bThe area excluded now comprises of Kangra, ~f;wT ~tl Hamirpur, KuBu, Una, Shimla and Lahul and Spiti distircts.

      228 01'1;4~(",,.R~ Wl,\( di'i'Hfil('i.:) 0. \1I'i.\1Ilfo4! Cffr~/List0. of notified Scheduled Tribes

      \3"iH i"CtM/U ttaranchal

      ~(~ "1"1"1if<'l

      3l'l~ili1 \1I'1'l'lIPI'l


      ~-;;nfuqf artr ~-;;r-r~ ~ (tmhR)~, 1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

      3l'l'tlf'ili1 \1I'1\11lfn

        2~$n 2 Bhil Mina 3~,~ 3 Damor, Damaria 4 ~T, mcft, ~, cwrciT 4 Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi 5 TRlfu

        7~,~,~ 7 Kokoa, Kokoi, Kukna 8 mw, ~ m, ~, ~ 8 Koh Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha 91fRT 9 Mina 10~,~, rilC11c(lMI~, ~ 10 Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, Kapadia ~ayaka, ~, 111cJ~, ;wrr~ Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka

        II~ II Patelia

        12 Sehana, Sehria, Sahariya

        '3"iit ~/U ttar Pradesh

        ~ (~"1"1"1IRi

        aii1fili1 \1I'1\11ifl'l

        229 20--13 RGIIND/05 ~ 3t'jffil" \i1Pj\i1lfct41 ctt ~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes


        ~;;nft:rqt ~ ~ "1'1"1 I f(l <1 i ~ (~) ~, 1976 fhe Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        ~'f(i!it(1 \i1"'1\i'lIft'lqj/Scheduled Tribes

        1~ 1 Asur 20trrr 2 Baiga 3 "$1'ro 31Janjara 4. 4 'Bathiidi 5~ 5 Bedia 6 ~ (~~~nfp:cfuufr~ 6 Bhumij (in North Chotanagpur and South Chotanagpur ~~afR~WRT~.q)'" divisions and Santal Parganas district)a

        7~ 7 Binjhia 8 f.mR 8 Birhor 9~ 9 Birjia 10~ 10 Chero 11 mOffi% 11 Chik Baraik 12~ 12 Gond 13~ 13 Gorait 14m 14 Ho 15~ 15 Karmali 16~ 16 Kharia

        17 ~l;ClR "17 Kharwar 18 ~ 18 Khond 19~ 19 Kisan

        20 q:;W 20 Kor~ 21 'liWIT. 21 Korwa 22ffi"m, ~ 22 Lohara, Lohra 23~ 23 Mahli 2411TR'~ 24 Mal Paharia 25lf'5T 25 Munda 26~ 260raon 27 '1$rr 27 Parhaiya

        28~ 28 Santal 29~~ 29 Sauria Paharia

        30~ 30 Sayar "North Chotanagpur division comprised of Dhanbad, Giridih and Hazaribag districts; South Ch~.!!inagE~ division comprised of Palamu, Lohardaga, Gumla,Rancm, Purbi Singhbhum and Pashchimi Singhbhum districts;Santal Parganas district comprised of Godda, Sahibganj, Dumka and Deoghar districts.

        230 ~ 31if!!"'ilct 1l1'11l11f"1I1 ctft ~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes


        ~ (~) ~ "1'1"1 lia

        ati~o \J1"1\J1I~~i/Scheduled Tribes

        1 ~ (~, ~, ~,CfiTIlZ, ~, 1 Bhutia (including Chumbipa, Dopthapa, Dukpa, fuotR,~, ~~). Kagatey, Sherpa, Tibetan, Tromopa, Yolmo)

        2~ 2 Lepcha

        ~HiOIl~C1 m/Arunachal Pradesh

        ~~ 31tt ~ "1'1"1lh'1

      1. atifif?clo \J1"1\J1I~~ i/Scheduled Tribes ~ cit ri "1+:lIfrl«1 ~ : All tribes of the State including:

        1~ 1 Abor

        2 31cfiT 2 Aka

        3~ 3 Apatani

        4~ 4 Dafla

        5~ 5 Galong

        6~ 6 Khampti 7. 7 Khowa 8~ 8 Mishml

        9~ 9 Momba

        10 cnW ~::wIT~ 10 Any Naga tribes ll~ 11 Sherdukpen 12 furTq;T 12 Singpho


        ~ (~) ~ "1'1"1lia

      2. atif!Pclo \J1"1\J1I~~i/Scheduled Tribes I11ffi 1 Garo 2 qyqm 2 Kachari 3~ 3 Kuki 4~ 4 Mikir

        5 ::wIT 5 Naga

        231 ~ 31i~" \11'1\i1If"1041 qft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        qfUlq~lManipur ~~ ~~"'"1"'IRI

        The Scheduled Castes and Sc~eduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        ati~"ilfl \1I"1\11IRt<'lilScbeduled Tribes 1~ 1 Airnol 23f=m1 2 Anal 3 3frrn:it 3 Angarni 4~ 4 Chiru 5~ 5 Chothe 6 -rpffi 6 Gangte 7~ 7Hrnar 8~ 8 Kabui 9 ~;:wrr 9 Kacha Naga 10.alt 10 Koirao n~ 11 Koireng 12 CfiTq I2Korn

        13~ 13 Lamgang 1411Talt 14 Mao 15 lTI1l1 15 Maram 16'llTWr,.. 16 Maring 17 q;]t -.:ft;;IT (~) "1"'i"1if('t'4i 17 Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes 18~ I-8Monsang 19 t:W.rFr 19 Moyon 20~ 20 Paite 21~ 21 Purum 2200 22 Ralte 23*rr 23 Serna 24~ 24 Sirnte 25~ 25 Suhte 26~ 26 Tangkhul 27~ 27 Thadou 28~ 28 Vaiphui 29 "11ol 29 Zou



        a:l~"'ilfl \1I"1\111if14i1Scbeduled Tribes 1 Chakma 2 Dimasa (Kachari) ).Darcr-- ;;n#ICont ••••.•...•.••..•..

        232 ~ aiiW.q~ \11'1\J11k:t'41 ctr~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        4~;;trr 4 Hajong

        5~ 5 Hmar 6 M 3ltt~, (M fu;:Wr"tIT"G1R, 6 Khasi and Jaintia (including Khasi Synteng or Pnar, cm-, ~"tIT fWTm.) War, Bhoi or Lyngngam) 7 7. cnTt ~ "1;1"tlfl1'"'1i, f-i'""ifMf@f1 ~ : 7 Any Kuki Tribes, Including: (i)f~,~ (i) Biate, Biete (ii) wrnR (Ii) Changsan (iii)~ (iii).chongloi (IV)~ (IV) Doungel (v)~ (v) Gamalhou (vi) rPTrr (vi) Gangte (vii)~ (vii) Guite (vlii)~ (viii) Hanneng (ix)~,~ (ix) Haokip, Haupit (x)~ (x) Haolai (xi)~ (XI) Hengna (xii)~ (xii) Hongsungh (xiii)~,~ (xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol (xiv)~ (xiv) Jongbe

        (xv)~ (xv) Khawchung (xvi) @Clt'lktjll, ~ (xvi) Khawathlang, Khothalong (xvli)~ (xvii) Khelma (xviii)~ (xviii) Kholhou (XIX) fcl:;oR (xix) Kipgen (xx)~ (xx) Kuki (xxi)~ (xxi) Lengthang

        (XXIl)~ (xxii) Lhangum (xxiii)~ (xxiii) Lhoujem (xxiv)~ (xxiv) Lhouvun (xxv)~ (xxv) Lupheng (xxvi)~ (xxvi) Mangjel (xxvii)~ (xxvii) Misao (xxviii) WWT (xxviii) 'Rlang (xxix) ~p:r (xxix) Sairhem (xxx)~ (xxx) Selnam (xxxi)~ (xxxi) Singson (xxxii)~ (xxxii) Sitlhou (xxxiii)wm (xxxiii) Sukte (xxxiv) ~ (xxxiv) Thado

        (xxxv)~ (xxxv) Thangngeu

        (xxxvi)~ (xxxvi) Uibuh (xxxvli)~ (XXXVll) Vaiphei 8~ 8 Lakher 9 11R (ill{ ;;ffi:;R qrffi) 9 Man (Tai speaking) ;;rr(tICont ....•....•.•...•.•

        233 I 0 ~ ~ (~) "Fl"11ft'1""'1i 10 Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes II fi::IfcR II Mikir 12 "C!ili -;:wn "1;1"iITnl..li 12 Any Naga tri.bes 13~ 13 Pawi 14 ft:mrr 14 Synteng


        ~~~~"1.1'illfftlli~(~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        -:if'11filff \jf.1\i'fIRlqilScheduled Tribes l~ 1 Bhil 2~ 2 Bbutia 3~ 3 Chaimal 4~ 4 Chakma 5TJRT 5 Garoo 6~ 6 Halam 7~ 7 Jamatia 8~ -il Khasia 9

        "flit/Coni , •......

        234 ~ ~1f1Ji4" \i1;N11fi1<011 Cfft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        17~ 17 Santal 18~,~,~ 18 Tripura, Tripuri, Tippera 19~ 19 Uchai


        ~~~artr~~~(~)~, 1976artr~(~~)~(~)~, 1987 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 and The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 1987

        3iifjJ".qcl liH\i1lfrlqilScheduled Tribes 1 Boro Kacharis 2 Chakma 3 Dimasa, Kachari 4 Garo

        5~ 5 Hajong

        6~ 6 Hmar

        7 00, ~, ft::RV[, "t;fR", C!T{', oq)t, fWrrq . 7 Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War, Bhoi, Lyngngarn

        8~ 8 Koch 9 co1t~ "'H"1lfrJ

        (xiii)~,~ (xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol (xiv)~ (xiv) Jongbe (xv)~ (xv) Khawchung (xvi)~,~ (xvi) Khawathlang, Khothalong (xvii)~ (xvii) Khelma (xviii)~ (xviii) Kholhou (xix) fq;oR (xix) Kipgen (xx)~ (xx) Kuki (xxi)~ (xxi) Lengthang

        (xxii)~ (xxii) Lhangum (xxiii)~ (xxiii) Lhoujem

        (xxiv)~ (xxiv) Lhouvun ;;yft;Cont ......

        235 (xxv)~ (xxv) Lupheng (xxvi) lfi;;ffi (xxvi) Mangjel (xxvii) fl:mra; (xxvii) Misao . -(xxviii) furtrr (xxviii) Riang (xxix)~ (xxix) Sairhem (xxx)~ (xxx) Selnam (xxxi) ftlTfR (xxxi) Singson (xxxii)~ (xxxii) Sitlhou (xxxiii) ~ (xxxiii) Sukte (xxxiv)~ (xxxiv) Thado (xxxv)~ ,(xxxv) Thangngeu (xxxvi)~ (xxxvi) Uibuh (xxxvii)~ (xxxvii) Vaiphei 10. 10 Lakher 11 l=!R '(ffit

        16 TfiIT, ~ 1_6 Raba, Rava 17 fum 17 S)'nteng

        atW{/Assam ~~ am~ijf"IiIIRlqi amrn(~)~, 197(j The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        ~'l~H 1ij"'ll'i1lf1!t4tJScheduled Tribes 1~~1l:. I In the autonomous districts:"

        1~ 1 Chakma 2~,~ 2 Dimasil, Kachari 3TTRl 3 Garo 4~ 4 Hajong 5~ 5Hmar 6 q,~,~,~, C{R,'1lt, ~ 6 Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War, Bhoi, Lyngngam

        7 f"1lO"1f('1f@1'1 ~. a:p:f ¢ "1"1"1lfn4i: 7 Any Kuki Tribes, including: ii)~,~ (i) Biate, Biete

        (ii),~ (ii) Changsan (iii)~ (iii) Chongloi (iv)~ (iv),DoungeI (v)~ (v) Gamalhou (vi) T\lm (vi) Gangte (vii)~ (~ii) Guile (viii)mWr (vii!)Jiann::eng ;;nit/Cont ••...•... " ...... 236 ~ ~i~'!r~i;1 \l101\i1lrn41 Cfft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        (ix)~, mfim (ix) Haokip, Haupit (x)~ (x) Haolai (xi)m (xi) Hengna (xii~Nr$ (xii) Hongsungh (xiii)~,~ (xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol (xiv)~ (xiv) Jongbe

        (xv)~ (xv) Khawchung (xvi)~,~ (xvi) Khawathlang, Khothalong (xvli)~ (xvii) Khelma (xviii)G~ (xviii) Kholhou (xix)fcf;uR (xix) Kipgen (xx)¢ (xx) Kuki (xxi)~ (xxi) Lengthang

        (xxii)~ (xxii) Lhangum (xxiii)G~ (xxiii) Lhoujem

        (xxiv)G~ (xxiv) Lhouvun (xxv)~ (xxv) Lupheng (xxvi)G~ (xxvi) Mangiel (xxvii)~ (xxvii) Misao (xxviii) Ram (xxviii) Riang (xxix)~ (xxix) Sairhem (xxx)~ (xxx) Selnam (xxxi)~ (xxxi) Singson (xxxii)~ (xxxii) Sitlhou (xxxiii)~ (xxxiii-) Sukte (xxxiv) I!:iT5T (xxxiv) Thado

        (xxxv)~ (xxxv) Thangngeu (xxxvi)~ (xxxvi) Uibuh (xxxvii)~ (xxxvii) yaiphei 8~ 8 Lakher 9 l1R (nTt -.rrffi ~) 9 Man (Tai speaking) 10 q:;)t fl:FiT (wut) "1"1"1if(l4i 10 Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes 11 fl:1m 11 Mikir • 12 3:p:f;:urn- "1"1"1if(l4i 12 Any Naga tribes 13 'qjCft 13 Pawi 14 fu$"r 14 Syntheng

        II In the State of Assam excluding the autonomous districts 1 (iP:f.:fC'I;'

        237 &fu't{~H1 '3i1~'"''i4\1 \i1;:1\J1Ifrl

        6~ 6 Lalung 7~ 7 Mech 8fl:RT 8Miri 9 'UI1T 9 Rabha

        'Ii 31Wf cl> ~ f;wIT -q q;

        q~q ~lWest Bengal

        ~~ ~~"''1'''IRI

      3. 3i'ff1!'i.it1 Jt"'\J1IRlCOlj/Scheduled Tribes 1 arw 1 Asur 2$n 2 Baiga 3~m,~ 3 Bedia, Bediya 4~ 4 Bhumij 5 ~,"Wlr, c)it,~,~,~, ~ 5 Bhutia, Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan, Yolmo 6fimR 6 Birhor 7~ 7 Birjia

        8~ &Chakma 9"$T 9 Chero 10 filCfl.HI~Cfl 10 Chik Baraik ll1JTd 11 Garo 12 TJTg 12 Gond 13llT$" 13 Gorait

        14~ 14 Hajang 15m 15 Ho 16~ <16 Karmali

        17~ 17 Kharwar 18~ 18 Khond 19~ 19 Kisan 20 "Cflffi 20 Kora 21 "Cfllrcrr 21 Korwa 22~ 22 Lepcha 23.,~,.~ 23 Lodha, Kheria, Kharia 24~,~ 24 Lohara, Loma 2511Ttr 25 Magh 26~ 26 Mahali 27~ 27 Mahli 2811Wf~ 28 Mal Pahariya 29~ 29 Mech 3011 30Mru_- _ iifRtlCont .•••....•.....•...

        238 3tf~Hfitn a11f{liln iJ1'1iJ1lffi

        31~ 31 Munda 32~ 32 Nagesia 33 affitcI 330raan 34 J:RWrr 34 Parhaiya 35~ 35 Rabha 36~ 36 Santal 37~~ 37 Sauria Paharia 38Wi\ 38 Sayar

        ~m &-sl Jharkhand ~~ 31h"~"'''1''1lfl1qi ~(~)~, 1976

        di~'"'ik' \JI'1\J1I~

        239 ~1f.qft ~1f!r'.qft \J1'1\J1lrn4f CfiT~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        ~/Orissa ~~ atr~"'''1'''IRlqj~~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, ]976

        rmr 111"'1111 lfu<04 j/Scheduled Tribes 1 "f11ffi 1 Bagata 2*n 2 Baiga 3~,~ 3 Banjara, Banjari 4~ 4 Bathudi 5~,~ 5 Bhottada, Dhotada 6~,'fIT 6 Bhuiya, Bhuyan 7~3lT 7 Bhumia 8.~ 8 Bhumij 9 ~3lT 9 Bhunjia 10~ 10 Binjhal 11 film3lT, f.mt~ 11 Binjhia, Binjhoa 12~ 12 Birhor 13..ml~ 13 Bondo Poraja 14~ 14 Chenchu 15 ls,~,~m,~m 31 Khond, Kond, Kandha, Nanguli Kandha, Sitha Kandha 32~ 32 Kisan 33 <'IiWr 33 Kol 34~~, <'IiWr~ 34 Kolab Loharas, Kol Loharas 35 CfiTffi 35 Kolha 36q;t;TI, ~ 36 KoIi, Malhar 37 Cfi)':~mil<1 37 Kondadora 38 q;ffi 38 &ora 3g cffi;3lT

        ;;rdt/Cont ..•...... " ..•..••• 240 ~ 311'('!fT:lo \i1"Ntlf~(417.fft ~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        40~ 40 Katia 41. 41 Kaya 42~ 42 Kulis 43. 43 Ladha 44 lllfu<:rr 44 Madia 45~ 45 Mahali 46~ 46 Mankidi 47~31T 47 Mankirdia 48 >nfo:rr 48 Matya 49~ 49 Mirdhas 50~,~~,~~ 50 Munda, Munda Lahara, Munda Mahalis 51~ 51 Mundari 52~ 520manatya 53~31l 53 Oraon 54 'ltrIT 54 Parenga 55~ 55 Paroja 56 "W:rr 56 Pentia 57 ~31T"{ 57 Rajuar 58~ 58 Santal 59 "ff3TIu, ~ tfm, ~ 59 Saara, Sayar, Saura, Sahara 60~,. 60 Shabar, Ladha 61A 61 Sounti 62 'lfRC\31T 62 Thama

        0J1:a~ 1~/Chhattisgarh


        :iA'jf1!".q11 >St"'l\ilIR=!£li/Scheduled Tribes

        1~ 1 Agariya

        2~ 2Andh 3~ 3 Baiga 4$rr 4 Bhaina 5 11lR3TI ~31T, WR~, ~31T, 'GTftcy, ~, ~ 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhuinhar Bhumia, Bhumiya, Bharia, Paliha, Panda

        6 'I1\!U 6 Bhattra 7 ~, ~,

        14~ 14 Dhanwar

        15~,~ 15 Gadaba, Gadba ;;nit/Cont ......

        241 ~ 3i11f~fI \11"'i\i1lffi41 qft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        16 rITs, 31&, ~, ~, mF, "Iit~, ~ l1IW:rr, ~, 16 Gond; Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, Badi Maria, ~, ~, ~, ~, $, ~ l1IW:rr, ~ Bada. Maria, Bhatola, Bhimma, Bhuta, Koilabhuta, l1IW:rr, ~ l1IW:rr, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, Kolibhuti, Bhar, Bisonholp Maria, Chota Maria, llif, ftc;r, ~, ll1crrU ~ 111ft:zrr, ~, cnWTr, ~, ~, Dandami Maria, Dhuru, Dhurwa, Dhoba, Dhulia, CfiT

        17~,~ 17 Halba,Halbi

        18 "C.fi11T{ 18 Kamar

        19~ 19 Karku 20~, ~,~, mm,~, WR, mIT 20 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar, Chattri 21~,~ 21 Khairwar, Kondar 22-mm 22 Kharia 23~,~,Cfii';:r 23 Kondh, Khond, Kandh ,24 CfiWr 24 Kol 25~ 25 Kolam 26~,~,~, fflR,~, oiNT, ~ 26 Korku, Bopchi, Mouasi, Nihar, Nahul, Bondhi, Bondeya 27C!iWn",~ 27 Korwa, Kodaku 28. 28 Majhi

        29~ 29 Majhwar 30 -qqrffi 30 Mawasi

        31~ 31 Munda 32 ;:rTRl<:rr, ~ 32 Nagesia, Nagasia_

        33~,~,~ 33 Oraon, Dhanka, Dhangad

        34 'qfq 34Pao 35 'R'i:TR, ~, ~ 35 Pardhan, Pathari, Saroti 36~; ~, ~, ~ ~, ~~, -q;"ffi~, 36 Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli Pardhi, fuq;nl,~, ~ [(i)~,~,~,~, ~ Phans Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia [in (i) Bastar, ~, ~ $ q;]ft

        37~ 37 Parja 38~,~,~,~,~,mt 3$ Saharlya, Saharia, Seharia, Sehria, Sosia, Sor

        ~-- ;:;rr(tICont •••••••.•.••••••••

        242 ~ 34~ft \11 '1 ,111 fulif ctft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        39 'BTaTIrrr, ~ 39 Saonta, Saunta 40~ 40 Saur

        41 mq(, wm 41 Sawar, Sawara 42mr 42 Som

        ~~lMadhya Pradesh

        ~~ 31tt~", .. NtIfi1«i~(~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        ::fI':W!~i'1 \l1"'1\l1lrnili/Scheduled Tribes I WTWrr 1 Agariya 23lP:l 2 Andh 3$rr 3 Baiga 4$rr 4 Bhaina

        5 ,:nft31T '1fl131T, ~ ~, ~31T, ~, ~, 'lisT 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhoinhar Bhumia, Bhumiya, Bharia, Paliha, Pando

        6~ 6 Bhattra

        7 ,fu;r, ~, -.m-rr, ~ 7 Bhil, Bhilala, Barela, Patella 8 ~l1R1 8 Bhil Mina

        9~ 9 Bhunjia 10

        11~ 11 Binjhwar

        12~,mm 12 Birhul, Birhor

        13~,~ 13 Damor, Damaria

        14 'i:RCIR 14 Dhanwar

        15 rm

        16~, amr, ~, WTWrr, ~, ~ l11ft

        17~,~ 17 Halba,Halbi

        18 q;lIT{ 18 Kamar

        19~ 19 Karku

        20 Cf)C!\, cf;"q{, ~, ~, ~, "fm, ~ 20 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar, Chattri "fTit/(.'ont .....•......

        243 ~ ~i~o Ji'1Jiift'llll qft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        21 cit\[~,~~mw~it] 21 Ket(r (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts)

        22~,~ 22 Khairwar, Kondar 23~ 23 Kharia 24~,..m,~ 24 Kondh, Khond, Kandh 25 CfiWr 25Kol 26~ 26 Kolam

        27 ~,~,~,~,~, oirtft, ~ 27 Korku, Bopchi,' Mouasi, Nihal, Nahul, Bondhi, Bondeya 28~,~ 28 Korwa, Kodaku 29. 29 Majhi

        30~ 30 Majhwar 31 l!CI'Rfi 31 Mawasi

        32 "GAT (~Fffi*~~ it) 32 Mina (in Sironj sub-division of Vidish a district)

        33~ 33 Munda

        34~,~ 34 Nagesia, Nagasia 35 Oraon, Dha,nka, Dhangad

        36 ~ [(i) ~, 'ffl'[, 00" mAT, msWr,~, ~ ~ 36 Panika (in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna, ~~,~(ii)~f;;ffi*~~~ ~it] Shahdol, Sid)li and Tikamgarh districts) 37 'tITan 37 Pao - 38 "W:lR, m, trom 38 Pardhan, Pathari Saroti 39~[~,~~mw~it] 39 Pardhi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts) 40~, ~, ~, ~~, WiTffi ~, 1:fiR:r ~, 40 Pardhi; Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli fuq;-rU, ~, ~ [(i) ~,~, ~ ~ fuq.:fi Pardhi, Phans Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia [in ~, (ii) ~ f;;ffi q;l ~~, (iii). f;;ffi q;l (1) Bastar, Chhindwara, Mandla, Raigarh, Seoni and ., ~~~~,(iv)~f;;ffiq;lT.llG-1~ Surguja districts, (2) Baihar tahsil of Balaghat district, ~fumr~~~, (v)clf;;ffiq;lcl(~) ~ (3) Betul and Bhainsdehi 'tahsils of Betul district, (4) ~ ~ ~ 1fcf ~ ~ ~ 0ffiCfl, (vi) Bilaspur and Katghora tahsils of Bilaspur disitrict, (5) ~ fzR;t q;l~, ~, ~, ~ a:fu: ~ Durg and Balod tahsils of Durg district, (6) Chowki, ~ ~ ~ 0ffiCfl, (vii) ~ f-;wrr ~ (viii) ~ Manpur and Mohala Revenue Inspectors Circles of fzR;t q;l ~ ~ itt Rajnandgaon district, (7) Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils of Jabalpur district (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagpur tahsils of Hoshangabad district and Narsirnhapur district, (9) Harsud tashil of Khandwa district, (10) Bindra-Nawagarh, Dhamtari and Mahasamund tahsils ofRaipur district]"

        41 ~ 41 Parja

        42~, ~an, _an, ~an, mman, ~ 42 Sahariya, Saharia, Seharia, Sehria, Sosia, Sor 43mamrr, • 43 Saonta, Saunta

        44~ 44 Saur

        45~, -mcro 45 Sawar, Sawara

        46~ 46 Sonr

        "$ ~ q;T '~~ f;;ffi q;l ~ ~ (10) ~ ~ .a The entry is to be read as "(9)Harsud tashil of East ~ fzR;t a:fu: ~ f;;ffi q;l foro -~~' '!f<$T ~ I N_imar-drstrict, (10) Dhamtari and Mahasamund districts __. "'and Bindra-Nawagarh tahsil of Raipur district", ------244 31fuW~ct di1;~rfilct ';H\i1lffi~1 Cfft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        Il\i1 ~ Ict/Guj arat ~~ art,- ~\iI'1'iIIRt4i a:rr

        ati't!!iI<1 \i1'1\i1lfu4i/Scheduled Tribes 10lTm 1 Barda

        2~,~ 2 Bavacha, Bamcha 3 Bharwad (in the Nesses of the forests of Alech, Barada and Gir)a 4 ~, ~ TRTfwrr, mffi \fu;f, wm ~, wm TRTfu

        5 "i:lTR (~, ~ ~ -,nr~ ~ c); at1ftqT~) q; 5 Charan (in the Nesses of the forests of Alech, Barada and Gir)"

        6 ~(~~~Frffi-q) 6 Chaudhri (in Surat and Valsad districts) 7~ 7 Chodhara 8~,~,~,~ 8 Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi 9~ 9 Dhodia 10~,~,~ 10 Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 11 -rTIim, T(1W, *, l11Cf€fr, 1Wit 11 Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi 12~,~ 12 Gond, Rajgond 13~,~, 0R~, 0R~, 'f1R~, m~ 13 Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor Katkari, Son Kathodi, Son Katkari

        14~,~,"¥RT 14 Kokna, Kokni, Kulma

        15 q;lffi (q;w ~ -q) {i 15 Koli (in Kutch district)b 16q;lffi0R,~~,~,~ 16 Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha 17

        ';{RT~ Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka

        19~ 19 Padhar

        20 ri(q;w~.q) {i 20 Paradhi (in Kutch district)b 21 ri, 3'I<;fq~~'(, ~ ~ (~, 'IlIcFf1R, ~, 21 Pardhi, Advichincher, Phanse Pardhi (excluding ~,q;w, ~~~FrffiCfil~) Amreli, Bhavnagar, Jarnnagar, Junagadh, Kutch, Rajkot and Surendranagar districts)

        22~ 22 Patelia 23~ 23 Pomla

        24 ~ (~, iR16T ~ m c);;;trrffi c); at1ftqT -q) q; 24 Rabari (in the Nesses of the forests of Alech, Barada and Gir)a

        25~ 25 Rathawa 26 Rm (~, 'IlIcFf1R, ~, ~, ~ ~ ~ 26 Siddi (in Amreli, Bhavnagar, Jarnnagar, Junagadh, F>rffi -q) Rajkot and Surendranagar districts)

        >iflftICont ...... •...•...

        245 ~ 311'tJ)T.4H \i1"1\i1IM<41 qft~/List of n'otified Scheduled Tribes

        27 cntm (q;w fm;) -q) 13 27 Vaghri (in Kutch district)b 28,~ 28 Varli 29 ~, Q;'l9 cllf

        q;1$r~~~~fm;)~t I a The area compnsed of Jamnagar and Junagadh districts.

        b Spelling of Kutch is to be read as Kachchh.

        ~.~lDaman & Diu lifcr!IR' (11lcrr, GlR" .-

        ~~(1Ii1'13i1IRt<'li/Scheduled Tribes l~ 1 pht>dia 2~(~) 2 Dubla (Halpati) "3~(~) 3 Naikda (Talavia) 4imT(~) 4 Siddi (Nayaka) 5 <.Kffi 5 Varli

        ~ .';fl1'R"~lDadra & Nagar Haveli ~ (Glm .OWR"~) al1i!"-.iia ~ anm, t'962 The Constitution (Dadra & Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes

        'Wl~(1 1i1'11i11fi1<'1i/Scheduled Tribes

        l~ 1 Dhodia 2~~~~amtt , 2 Dubla Including Halpati 3~ 3 Kathodi 4~ 4 Kokna 5 cnWft~~~~amtt 5 Koli Dhor ,Including Kolgha 6~

        ~aharashtra ~~ '-~"''''''Ir..qiamm~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        3l1~_~Ii1IR:1<'1i/Scheduled Tribes

        1~ lAndh 2'$'rr 2 Baiga 3

        4~,~ 4 Bavacha, Batricha 5$rr 5 Bhaina 6~~,WR-~'~ 6 Bharia13hu~ia,.- Bhuinhar Bhumia, Pando

        ;;rr(tICont ...... •... 00 0 • ; •••

        246 ~ atlW-qf( Gt'1Gtifrt

      4. 7 'qTIU 7 Bhattra 8~, ~ TTUfw:rr, mffi ~, ~ ~,~ ~, *mIT 8 Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, Dungri ~, ~~, ~ ~, ~,~, lW'm,~, GaraSla, Mewasi Bhll, Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, ~ Bhagalia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, Vasave

        9~ 9 Bhunjia 10~ 10 Binjhwar 11 f.RsR, mm 11 Birhul, Birhor 12 ~ [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, crtlT, 12 Chodhara (excluding Akola, Amravati, Bhandara, ~,~,~,~, 3

        13 ~, ilSCft, ~, ~ 13 Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi

        14~ 14 Dhanwar 15~ 15 Dhodia 16~,~,~ 16 Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 17 TTIflm, l1ll1iiT, TTT

        19~,~ 19 Halba,Halbi 20

        22 q;q{, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, W:ft 22 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar, Chattri

        23~ 23 Khairwar 24~ 24 Kharia 25~,~,~ 25 Kokna, Kokni, Kukna 26 CliWr 26 Kol 27~,~ 27 Kolam, Mannervarlu 28 cnWITm, ~cnWIT, ~, ~ 28 Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha 29 cnWIT~, iTrR q;fffi 29 Koli Mahadev, Dongar Koli 30cnWIT~ 30 Koli Malhar 31 ., W, q;itT 31 Kondh, Khond, Kandh "fTf}ICont ••.••..•...••.....

        247 ~ 3t'l~"ilH \it'1\itJf~Cjl itt~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        32~,~,~, AmFr,~, ifNt, ~ 32 Korku, Bopchi, Mouasi, Nihal, Nahul, Bondhi, Bondeya

        33.,~,~ 33 Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya 34~,~, 34 Nagesia"Nagasia " 35~,~, T.llJiqiiffi~, ~~, ~~, 35 Naikda, Nayaka, Chqlivala Nayaka, Kapadia 'Nayaka,

        :::jFJf~ Mota Nayaka, Nana ~ayaka

        36 affiiq, ~ 36 Oraon, Dhangad' 37~,~,~ 37 Pardhan, Pathari, Saroti 38 ttTNr, 3lGfqfil'

        39~ 39 Parja 40~ 40 Patelia 41~ 41 Pomla

        42~ 42 Rathawa

        43~,mcro 43 Sawar, Sawara

        44~,~, Cf;fCWF, Ciif$,mCWF, 1{Torq;'{ 44 Thakur, Thakar, Ka Thakur, Ka Thakar, Ma Thakur, Ma Thakar 45 ~ [~-~, ~, 3f'lHiiiliG 3ltt ~ m 3ltt 45 Thotf (in Auranagbad, Bhir, -Nanded, Osmanabad and

        ~ f-;Wtqft-~~-q] TSf Parbhani districts and Rajura tahsil of Chandrapur district)b

        46~ 46 Varli 47 ~, Cf)ll1qif~lH, .romr 47 Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia iII~ Cf>t "~, ~, ,:fmr, llTWrr, ~, ~, "The entry is to be read as "excluding Akola, Amravati, ~, crm, ~, ~, ;;m;AT, ~, ~, 3f'l1'i1.IIG, Bhandara,Gondiya, Buldana, Chandrapur, Nagpur,_ ffiF, ~ aiR wiWft~Cf>t~, ~~ I Wardha, Yavatmal, Aurangabad, Jalna, Bid, Nanded, /" .t" Osmanabad, Latur, Parbhani and Hingoli districts" .

        IJ~ q;)- "~, ~, ~, •• 3f'lHliilIG, ~, b The entry is to be read as "in Aurangabad, Jalna, Bid, ~ 3ltt WTIffi m- il'm ~ ~ qft ~ ~ 1f' ~ Nanded, Osmanabad, Latur, Parbhani and Hingoli ~I districts and Rajura tahsil of Chandrapur' district".

        3lAf ~/Andhra Pradesh ~~ 31tt ~ "HIiIIRl'!i antt (mmr-r) ~, 1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        34i'tt!'i:i"- iii~l~qi/Scheduled Tribes lAndh 2 Bagata 3 Bhil 4 Chenchu, Chenchwar 5 .--Gadab'aS 'ifTftICont •...... •.•......

        248 ~ ai1fifT.4ct \if'1\ifrf(t41 cit~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        6~,~,~ 6 Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 7 ~(3lfqq,~ ~-q) '" 7 Goudu (in the Agency tracts)' 8 frntiT 8 HJlI Reddis 9~ 9 Jatapus 10~ 10 Kammara

        II c:ti(~'1I'1Ic:ti'1 II Kattunayakan 12 Cf>1wr, ~ 12 Kolam, Mannervarlu 13mr~ 13 Konda Dhoras 14mr~ 14 Kanda Kapus 15 ctii:gI~i1f1, 15 Kondareddis 16

        17 "c:tilforr, ~ anwrr, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, 17 Kotia, Bentho Oriya, Bartika, Dhulia, Dulia, Holva, ~.m-r,~ Paiko, Putiya, Sanrona, Sidhopaiko 18 •• rfts, ~, mrr., ~ (trrtffiUT), ~ ., 18 Koya, Goud, Rajah, Rasha Koya, Lingadhari Koya 1':R m,m • (ordinaryj, Kottu Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya

        19~ 19 Kulia 20~ (~, ~, ~,~, 14i$"i"l"'1% m, 20 Malis (excluding Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, ~J'1"1II4I~Ie: a:ftr CfftrR;r f.>!ffiCfiT~) Khammam, Mahbubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal districts)

        21l1m!:1lu 21 Manna Dhora 22 ~ mu, 1."i'1 mu 22 Mukha Dhora, Nooka Ohora 23~(~~-q)'" 23 Nayaks (in the Agency tracts)"

        24~ 24 Pardhan 25~,~ 25 Porja. ParangiperJa 26 ~tffi"m 26 Reddi Dhoras 27"ffiT, Br 27 Rona, Re~a 28~. CfiT\l~, ~'fIClTffi1, ~~ 28 Savaras, Kapu Savaras, Maliya Savaras, Khutto Savaras

        29~,~ 29 Sllgalis, Lambadis 30 ~ (<}llf,,(1I"lIe:, ~, ~,~, 14t:"i"l'1'I '(,m, 30 Thoti (m Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, ~J'1"1II4I~ Ie: a:ftr CfltrrR f-;w;T -q) Kharnmarn, Mahbubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Warangal districts)

        31~(~~-q)q; 31 Valmiki (in try\! Agency tracts)"


        '" ~ ~ -q ~, fCl"1'1'1'IF1, fq!(IRSlI42"'114, ~ aThe Agency tracts is comprised of Srikakulam, ~, ~ rITe;rqft a:ftr lSJ"01Tl1 f.>R;f ~ ~ I Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari and Khammam districts.

        249 ~ ~l~i:lH \i1;:1\J11k141 qfr~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        cfHIGCf)/Karnataka ~~ 31tt ~ "''''''''I[d,d amm- (~)~, 1976"ffm 1991 ~ ~~ 39 am

        d1'l1~" \11'1\11Ii'rlqi/Scheduled Tribes 1 Adiyan 2 Barda

        3 "GfCf'tIT, 0!Pqf 3 Bavacha, Bamcha 4 'ifu;r, 'ifu;r ~, mffi 'ifu;r, ~ 'ifu;r, ~ ~,*m:IT 4 Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, Dungri 'ifu;r, ~ 'ifu;r, ~ 'ifu;r, ~, ~, ~, crn:!CU, ~ Garasia, Mewasi Bhil, Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, Vasave

        5$t~ 5 Chenchu, Chenchwar 6~ 6 Chodhara 7~,~,~ 7 Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 8-., 7]l1ffi, ll1fc.«;,·~,,-d, ~ 8 Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi, Valvi 9~,~,~ 9 Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 10~ 10 Gowdalu 11 6%WI¥ti1 1r Hakkipikki 12~ 12 Hasalaru

        13~ 13Irular i4~ 14Iruliga 15 ~rp

        17 Cf>IlmT (~q;;:mf ~ 3TR ~ f;ffi c1; Cf»)ffi l ll<1 ~ -q) 1!1 17 Kammara (in South Kanara disitrict and Kollegal taluk of My sore district)b

        18 Kaniyan, Kanyan (in Kollegal taluk of Mysore district)c

        19~,~, GR~, ~~, tl);;~,-m.:r 19 Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor Katkari, Son ~ Kathodi, Son Katkari

        20 Cfl~"'14Cfl"l 20 Kattunayakan 21~,~,~ 21 Kokna, Kokni, Kukna 22.q;TffiGR, ~q;Tffi,~, ~ 22 Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Koigha 23cmr~ 23 Konda Kapus 24 q:;ffirrr 24 Koraga 25~ 25 Kota 26., f'H., ~ 26 Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya 27~,~ 27 Kudiya, M~lakudi 28 ~ (cpt f;ffi-q)'" 28 Kuruba (in Coorg district)"

        29~ 29 Kurumans 30 "I16T"l1WITffi 30 Maha Malasar 31 ""<1I~'i':il 31 Malaikudi 3 2 "l1WITffi 3211<.Uasar- - ./ 33 ""1(i'llilCflI;;S~1 -j3_ ~alayekandi ------;:;n#ICont •..••••••••....••. \

        250 ~ 3i1'qI''i4o IiIPflillfHcn qft~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        34~ 34 Maleru 351WO[ (cpt~-qt 35 Maratha (in Coorg district)"

        36 mTit (Gfuuft q:;;rm ~ -q) >l 36 Marati (in South Kanara district)d 37 m-r 37 Meda 38~,~, ~ m, ~~, l11cJ~, 38 Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, Kapadia Nayaka, 1RT~,~,~, om, m 3Tt"t~ Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka, Naik, Nayak, Beda, Bedar and Valmiki

        39~ 39 Palliyan 40~ 40 Paniyan 41 m,

        0; ~ q:,1 "~~ Jf' ~ "Illt I a The entry is to be read as "in Kodagu district".

        1lf ~ q:,1 "~~ f;m;rr afrt ~ ';:j'TR ~ "fiT ~ bThe entry is to be read as "Dakshina Kannada district ~" ~ "Illt I ' and Kollegal taluk of Chamaraj anagar district".

        " ~ q:,1"'qI"HI"1"'1 II< f;ffi "fiT~~' -qcpr ~ I CThe entry is to be read as "Kollegal taluk of Chamarajanagar district".

        ~e entry is to be read as "in Dakshina Kannada district".

        Tflcrr/Goa ~(l"rlqr, ~ad"nttq) ~"''1'''lfd

      5. iiIi'if{!"0i4('j 1If"'lllflrnCOli/Scheduled Tribes 1~ 1 Dhodia 2~(~) 2 Dubla (Halpati) 3~(~) 3 Naikda (Talavia) 4fmT(~) 4 Siddi (Nayaka) 5 cm;:iT 5 Varli

        251 ~/Lakshadweep

        ~~3lk~GFNlIfd4i~(~)amm,19563lk~,~3lk'~~WW(-::mf~)(ftrlq~) atmr,1974 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956 and the Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Islands (Alteration of Name) (Adaptation of Laws) Order, 1974


        (1%(c;lQ, ~ .afR 31141"1c;lq~( rn cf; 'l3; f.1rm:it "IT ~ .afR Inhabitants of the Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi ~lITffi-fufn;l;:fTm 6-1~~ ~ ~ l'li Islands who, and both of Whose parents, were born in those islands."

        'li ~ em '~ cf; 'l3; f.:iqRft "IT ~ "QCt fiRe); lITffi-m cpr "The entry is to be read as "Inhabitants of the ~~~.qs31T"~~ I Lakshadweep who, and both of whose parents, were born in the Union Territory".


        ~~ .~;iH"'lfdqiamm~)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 ..

        31~a \J1"'1\11I~t/Scheduled Tribes. 1 Adiyan 2 Arandan 3 Eravallan 4 Hill Pulaya 5 Irular, Irulan 6q;m 6 Kadar

        7 ~ [~~ ~, 1956 (1956 CfiT 37) Cfft !:lm 5 7Kammara [in the areas comprising the Malabar district Cfft~(2)~~~~~·cf;~~]'li as specified by sub-section (2) of section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956 (370f 1956)]"

        8~,~ 8 Kanikaran, Kanikkar

        9 Cfi(~"1(4Cfi"'( 9 Kattunayakan

        10~~ 10 Kochu Velan 1l~~ 11 Konda Kapus 12~~ 12 Kondareddis 13 "Cfllwrr.. 13 Koraga 14 Cfi)cr 14 Kota

        15~,~ 15 Kudiya, Melakudi 16~ 16 Kurichchan 17 KurumijllS---- - 17~ ...- "I7ft/Cont ..•.•..•......

        252 ~ 31"l~"'iI~ \J1"'i\J11R1~1 ctt~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        18~ 18 Kurumbas

        19>®~ 19 Maha Malasar 20 lWItaTWR 20 Malai Arayan 21lW1t~ 21 Malai Pandaram 22lW1t~ 22 Malai Vedan 23 111<11Cf'!'{qi_ 23 Malakkuravan

        24~ 24 Malasar

        251:W1'R [~~~, 1956 (1956 q;y 37)

        26 IOR'114Fulll{ 26 Malayarayar

        27~ 27 Mannan 2811'Uit [~f.;n;f*~ ~~~-q] 13 28 Marati (in Hosdrug and Kasaragod taluks of Cannanore district)b

        29~,WR,~ 29 Muthuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan

        30~ 30 Palleyan

        31~ 31 Pa1liyan

        32~ 32 Palliyar

        33~ 33 Paniyan

        34~ 34 Ulladan 35 '3'

        '""I1W!JifR f.;n;f -q ~ mr (~~), ~, 111<11'1<11 "Malabar district comprised of Kannur (earlier f.;n;f ~ ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~ (~~) f.;n;f Cannanore), Kozhikode, Malappuram districts and ~tl Palakkad (earler Palaghat) district excluding Chittur taluk.

        13~q;J"~f.;n;f*~~~."4""~ bThe entry is to be read as "in Hosdrug and Kasaragod ~I taluks ofKasaragod district".

        i1f'l(WI"'iI§/Tamil Nadu ~~ 31tt ~ "'''NIIRlClj arnm (~) ~, 1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976

        ~~i1rl \J1"'\J1I~qilScheduled Tribes 1 Adiyan 2 Aranadan 3 Eravallan 4 Irular 5 Kadar

        6 CjillJ'RT (Cf)"""lI1'llI{I f.;n;f ~ frH>4<1

        253 ~ 3i'i~liI(1 ::iFt\i1IRt'41 CfiT~/List of notified Scheduled Tribes

        7~, ~ (Cf?:fll''"1Rl f;r(;f ~ ~ RH'~M~R1 ~ cl; 7 Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanyakumari district and ~~~)<;; Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli districtt

        8 cnf.:r:R, ~ 8 Kaniyan, Kanyan 9 Cfi~"II'**H 9 Kattunayakan 10~cWR 10 Kochu Velan 11~~ 11 Konda Kapus 12 Cfll~:gMI\ij 12 Kondareddis 13 CfiWTT 13 Koraga 14 Cfl1?J (Cfi""'4ll''"1l

        15~,~ 15 Kudiya, Melakudi 16~ 16 Kurichchan 17~(um:~~)1li 17 Kurumbas (in the, Nilgiris district)b

        18~ 18 Kurumans

        19"11gT~ 19 Maha Malasar 20~~ 20 Malai Arayan 21lW1t~ 21 Malai Pandaram 22lW1t~ 22 Malai Vedan

        23 l41C11~(cH 23 Malakkuravan

        24~ 24 Malasar '25~(~,~~,~,m,~~ 25 Malayali (in Dhasmapuri, N{}rth ArC{}t, Pudukottai, aiR fl"1(ifil(lq&ll m -q)" Salem, South Arcot and Tiruchirapalli districts)d

        26~ 26 Malayekandi 27l11$'f' 27 Mannan

        28~, lffCR 28 Mudugar, Muduvan 29~ 29 Muthuvan 30~ 30 Palleyan 31 '!lfffi

        36~ 36 Uraly

        'Ii ~ q;1 "Cfi""'4I¥i4Hl f;r(;f -q aiR f('H)4M~f~ f;r(;f cf> ~ "The entry is to be read as "in.J<.anniyakumari dis_trict ~~"~~r and Shencottah taluk of Tirunelvell .district",

        '"~q;1"~~~"~~ I bThe entry is to be read as "in the Nilgiri district", 'I ~ q;1 "~~ f;r(;f ~ fI"1Q4C1~f~ f;r(;f cl; ~ cThe entry is to be read as "excluding Kanniyakumari ~q;1~"~~J district and Shencottah taluk ofTirunelveli district".

        "E! ~ q;1 "~, ~, fl"1(iq~I'"1M{, ~, -ffi;:m, ~e entry is to be read as "in Dhamiapuri, VeIl ore, ~, ~, ~, fl"1(ifil(IQR'"t1, ~ ~ ~ Tiruvannamalai, Pudukkottai, Salem, Namakkal, m-q"~~1 Villupuram;- Cuddalore, Tiruchirappalli, Karur and .-- -perambalur districts".

        254 ~ ~1'~!f'~t1 \i1;:NlIfuql Cffr~/List of notifred Scheduled Tribes

        at0s"iH 31lt f.:tCf)'am ifIQ'A,!tIAndaman & Nicobar Islands ~~ ~~'i1"'1G1lraqiar$r(mmr.r)~,1976 The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 3ii'Ei)"'ild \i1"'1\i1lfu4j/Scbeduled Tribes 1 ~, ~, "iIffi, q;ffi, CJiit,

        2~... 2 Jarawas 3 fPjCfilGlI~"1 3 Nicobarese 4~ 40nges 5 :ilil"'lI:'1'I"1 5 Sentinelese 6"W1~ 6 Shorn Pens

        255 -n.,.:rV) ~f ~ 1Oiii'i'" c:: IicJif ~&'j;,~ti 0-, ~,~ lbIt 1I1 <;-"_'~-~1IoIt ,t-.... ~ , e-qIlII,'I-_ ~ .... :1:lI>l!I~"'~1dli1WlJ hi A if iIIJJ ""'l ;~ '1~ ::i ~ ~ h llilf J ~l Ii If 1I1~'i ~ J ~ !J'-"\;

        C-~'I-_ I~ ! : IljIlo!P)" .lli~11H I AI ~ :: ~HJ ~ ~. i l i f • 1;", ., Ii ,.. !'o ='!i r~ ~ Il ~ .. l ~ 'Il i t '" nAi

        - Ii~l -

        1< ~ 1... iJ!i t! 2 J"t!i ii , '- ! :E t !. l1< j 1ft 'J 1- - !t 1< 10 it.. J, I" I I i :it~ or " .. .. 1 .. .- til 1~1 I. If II IiJ - " .. 11' ..-1" '" J 1 i : S'oJ/ .. I ill .: i !;.. -:,;,.:, "! ~ :,_ ~ ~'lf Ii L L L L L L L L L L "1 ~ ·d 111 1 1 1,!,1i'", If Itt ! ~ ~ Ii ~ ~ Ii I ~ :'"f ! J '! lit w~~r· i 1i - ~t~,~ ,[,1I1,e,ll\*p.9_l!jI& ~ '*1 .110 .... I .. !10 on .. '(PI/JII/Jll)LJir _*~ "Il "10 ·r'h"l' (~.I.W .Ii*~~ll~ n .. hl11~r J If ~ 1 VI - ;ri 'po!trHJ .II ~ !- f. I ~-fIl'I-..r. : lIi!!I ['I" f+ f.DID i !i. ~ ~ 14 I 'i - i i ;(. 10 1 ,-,.. , 10 .., I! Ii"i .. ! t t'" .-_10 J? , I~ ! -, "J.t !10~I'll? .. ~ ,Ii -:i ",f " f+IOi *l~ ... 1" ~ - , - -IIi - VI ~ 00 e- o u.jt. blII - " "' '!: .. t-" ~--"'" -- --- , I t -.. ~ I < 0'7j l ~ § _D ~ ~~ ~'1.;; I H I ~, ] .il ,)! f! ~~ o tl ~~ .... ~z i

        _l f-+:I~m § ~ l ~ '0 '0 1 i )he~ II 'o~ i~I! nlc,,'" ll!~!"a- , , , :: "j ~ ..l ;J Q ::~ u Vl Q ..l 0 .... :z: :z0 :zci ~ III rn i -::l u ~ ~ 0 ;:.:J :I: >< .. ~z 8 z n <- -< Q ... z 16 - " "';' - j ""0 • § rn :! :z L L L L L L L L LU! 1. ::l ti :> ] l .5 I ,., t rn Ii i .. i~ ~ 1 j Z 5 ,_0 '" III 1,1 ~ u ;. U '0 '0 ~ ~ I z z Ji

        B~~:z0 z. z0 ,~ ~ i u u U .. c ~ '"g ~. t"t~ ~~ O'~ ~ 5 S 'l! .. ~ '" .:: .. c "E 5 ;;; ; .; ~ e ~ .~ II. .. 0 "5 G- -.l! .... o. ~ E 0'-': ;0; ,_ ; .. 0 r+! ....,_ .:;, z .". . .! ; :E ~ I .. - .. '"'.2 I ; ; ] 2 I .... VI .: ~ ! " I 0 '0 " ~ - ~ E = _, ~ ... ~ o 5 5 J~L1JnlJ Irll~~ - ~ J .. .. Z ;. } .. -~ '" " I 1

        u I

        n ~ I o