H312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 11, 2017 Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Mr. Swinney, and to Deshaun Watson for out how we create tech jobs across this Speaker, in the history of mankind, both recognizing that their talents and Nation. civilizations have turned to sports as a that team’s specialness came from Al- f means of entertainment, as a distrac- mighty Creator God. tion from the routines of everyday life, Clemson is special to me. I am a 1988 RECESS a great way to spend time with friends graduate. I played walk-on at Clemson The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and family. Whether it was the glad- 1984, 1985, and part of 1986. Part of Hun- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair iators in the coliseums of Rome, the ter Renfrow’s and ’s sto- declares the House in recess until noon jousting in the Middle Ages, or college ries that you can be a walk-on and ulti- today. football today, it is a great form of en- mately succeed is one that we should Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 29 tertainment. take away from this great game. minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- I rise today to honor and recognize So my congratulations, standing here cess. , the 2016 college on the floor of the United States House football national champions. The of Representatives, representing the f coaches are to be commended—from Third Congressional District, home of b 1200 Dabo Swinney and his coaching staff, Clemson, South Carolina, home of the team he has put together, the men Clemson University, and now home of AFTER RECESS of character that he builds, and I will the 2016 national cham- The recess having expired, the House mention some of those shortly; Presi- pions, the . I am proud was called to order by the Speaker at dent Jim Clements; athletic director to be here and say, ‘‘Go Tigers.’’ Con- noon. Radakovich; the students of Clemson; gratulations, Clemson. and, most importantly, the fans, a 35– f f 31 victory against Alabama. PRAYER It has been 35 years since Clemson CREATING TECHNOLOGY JOBS won the national championship in 1981. The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick The SPEAKER pro tempore. The J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: That is a special national champion- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ship to me because my brother John Dear God, we give You thanks for California (Mr. KHANNA) for 5 minutes. giving us another day. was on the national championship Mr. KHANNA. Mr. Speaker, I have team in 1981. Danny Ford, Coach Ford, As a parent encourages a child or a the great privilege and honor of rep- mentor calls forth the hidden potential was the coach when the 1981 national resenting Silicon Valley in the United championship team was inducted, rec- of an intern, Lord our God, may You States Congress. We are living through bless all who work as the 115th Con- ognized in the College Football Hall of revolutionary times. If 100 years ago Fame the very night, Monday night, of gress convenes, especially those new we had the industrial revolution, today Members. this year’s national championship. we have the software revolution, and The connections between the Univer- Remove fear and confusion, wipe the forces of automation and away distrust, which only inhibit good sity of Alabama and their football pro- globalization are fundamentally chang- gram and Clemson University’s foot- judgment and leadership. Strengthen ing our economy. the resolve and compassion of all Mem- ball program are numerous. Danny We first must thank the hardworking bers, that they may serve Your people Ford played football for . Americans who helped build this econ- with renewed clarity of vision and re- He coached the national championship omy—the steelworkers and the coal fined purpose that will soon unify this in 1981. Dabo Swinney, current head miners and those who were machinists Nation in self-discipline and con- coach at Clemson, played for Alabama. who built the economy that made us an fidence. Dabo was a walk-on at Alabama. It has exceptional Nation—that were the For You reward the just and their been 110 years since Clemson defeated foundation of everything that Silicon deeds. Alabama, 1905. Valley does today. We need to thank I am not taking anything away from Bless all Members this day, O God, them for the extraordinary hard work Coach Saban and the Alabama Crimson and be with them and with us all in and grit that they showed. Tide. What a great football program every day to come. May all that is done We also need to recognize that our they have in the great State of Ala- be for Your greater honor and glory. economy is changing, and not everyone bama. They fell to a very good Clemson Amen. has participated in the technology rev- football team on Monday night. f Deshaun Watson, number 4, he was olution. Some folks have benefited, and the difference. He is the best football they are creating jobs and wealth, and THE JOURNAL player in the Nation with 420 yards others have been left behind. We have an obligation to make sure that every The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- passing, 36 for 57; total offensive, 511 ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- yards. Watson was the MVP of the na- American and their daughters and their sons get to participate in this ceedings and announces to the House tional championship game. Ben his approval thereof. Boulware was Clemson’s defensive technology revolution and have tech- nology jobs. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- MVP of the game. nal stands approved. But I want to give a special shout- Enrico Moretti, an economist at out to a unique individual, Hunter Berkeley, has shown for every one f technology job, it creates four to five Renfrow, number 13, who caught the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE winning touchdown pass at the end of other jobs in communities, from the the game with 1 second left. Hunter barista to a lawyer, to a construction The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Renfrow, a walk-on at Clemson, like worker. Tech jobs have a larger multi- from Rhode Island (Mr. LANGEVIN) his , Dabo Swinney, a walk- plier today than manufacturing jobs come forward and lead the House in the on who earned a spot, ultimately had in previous eras. Pledge of Allegiance. catching two touchdown passes in this My commitment, my vision is to see Mr. LANGEVIN led the Pledge of Al- national championship game, two how Silicon Valley can help create legiance as follows: touchdown passes in the 45–40 loss last technology jobs not just in my district, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the year, a walk-on. but across America. There is no reason United States of America, and to the Repub- Both ends of the spectrum, a five-star that Des Moines, Iowa, and Wichita, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, quarterback, number 4, Deshaun Wat- Kansas, and Dayton, Ohio, cannot be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. son, arguably the best quarterback in come centers for technology innova- f the Nation, throwing to the other end tion and have extraordinary tech- of the spectrum, a walk-on. What a nology jobs. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER great story. I look forward to working across the The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- I want to give a shout-out to the aisle with my Republican colleagues tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute coaching staff, specifically Dabo and Democratic colleagues to figure speeches on each side of the aisle.

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