Theoretical understanding of spectroscopies in correlated materials in and out of equilibrium

Yao Wang 1, Martin Claassen2, Chaitanya Das Pemmaraju 3, Chunjing Jia3, Brian Moritz3 and Thomas P. Devereaux3* Abstract | Photon-based spectroscopies have had a significant impact on both fundamental science and applications by providing an efficient approach to investigate the microscopic physics of materials. Together with the development of synchrotron X-ray techniques, theoretical understanding of the spectroscopies themselves and the underlying physics that they reveal has progressed through advances in numerical methods and scientific computing. In this Review , we provide an overview of theories for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering applied to quantum materials. First, we discuss methods for studying equilibrium spectroscopies, including first-principles approaches, numerical many-body methods and a few analytical advances. Second, we assess the recent development of ultrafast techniques for out-of-equilibrium spectroscopies, from characterizing equilibrium properties to generating transient or metastable states, mainly from a theoretical point of view. Finally , we identify the main challenges and provide an outlook for the future direction of the field.

New materials are being fabricated on the nanoscale behaviour of materials is borne, ultimately determin- to have surprising performance, such as robust super- ing the functionalities of the materials that shape our conductivity in poorly conducting ceramics or at a thin world. The field of ultrafast materials science is provid- interface a few atoms wide between two electrical insu- ing a microscopic view of this world and has opened lators — a golden age of quantum materials. Likewise, new windows into our understanding of phenomena the tools in our arsenal have been developing at a rapid such as superconductivity, magnetism and ferroelec- pace, and we now have the capacity to measure excita- tricity. The interactions and processes that govern these tions and dynamics on the fundamental time and length phenomena occur over timescales from femtoseconds scales of microscopic processes with remarkable reso- to milliseconds, and length scales from nanometres to lution — a golden age of spectroscopy. Angle-resolved micrometres. The present challenge is to decipher photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), using light from how the collective motion of 1023 degrees of freedom synchrotrons or table-top lasers, can now pinpoint elec- gives rise to high-temperature superconductivity, 1Department of Physics, tron dispersions with detailed energy, and time rapid switching in ferromagnets and ferroelectrics, Harvard University, resolution. Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) and high-capacity batteries and solar cells with high Cambridge, MA, USA. using X-rays from synchrotrons, as well as free- cyclability. From an experimental perspective, the chal- 2 Center for Computational lasers in the near future, has revealed bosonic excita- lenge of covering such a wide range of time and energy Quantum Physics, The Flatiron Institute, New York, tions (orbitons, magnons, phonons and other collective scales as well as length and momentum scales has given NY, USA. modes) with increasingly detailed energy and spin reso- birth to many of the spectroscopic tools discussed in 3Stanford Institute for lution. Moreover, the ability to time-resolve the dynam- this Review. Materials and Energy ics of these excitations may soon be possible. ARPES There is an urgent need for advanced theoretical and Sciences, SLAC National and RIXS, as well as other electron or optical spectros- computational tools to understand and interpret pho- Laboratory and Stanford copies, are providing a wealth of new information about ton spectroscopies, especially photon-in–photon-out University, Menlo Park, CA, USA. quantum materials. scattering and time-domain pump–probe experiments. *e-mail: tpd@ In one femtosecond, light travels the distance of a Developments in theory are moving at a rapid pace, human hair. In the same time period, in solids extending many tools for equilibrium spectroscopy cover a shorter distance of only a few unit cells. These are into the non-equilibrium domain. These advances are s41578-018-0046-3 the natural time and length scales on which the collective revealing the importance of designing tests of competing

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theoretical scenarios, developing new numerical tech- On the one hand, precise treatment of the extrinsic photon– niques, implementing new algorithms and formulating probe processes requires characterization of the pho- a new language to describe out-of-equilibrium systems ton cross section, matrix elements and excited-state for which conventional equilibrium concepts fail. lifetimes. On the other hand, the intrinsic many-body Ultimately, these developments are helping to shape the nature of correlated quantum materials means that landscape for more predictive models of novel quan- the relevant physics needs to be disentangled at the tum phenomena and materials. Theory, modelling and microscopic level to determine the influence of charge, interpretation of spectroscopies, especially in the time spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom. Theoretical domain, are needed to extract and therefore exploit the modelling of many-body systems and their response physical and chemical information encoded in the vast to various X-ray probes must capture both the intrin- volume of experimental data covering energy, momen- sic and extrinsic aspects in an efficient manner. In tum, spin and space–time domains across multiple the following, we review the theoretical progress in scales. This task requires theories that provide a better photoemission spectroscopy, which provides single- treatment of excited-state dynamics, going beyond con- information, and X-ray scattering, which ventional modelling in terms of ground-state properties provides information on collective excitations from (that is, modelling based solely on density functional multiple sources. theory (DFT)). This Review sketches the landscape of theoretical Advances in theories for angle-resolved photoemission photon-based spectroscopies and outlines advances spectroscopy. A theory for angle-resolved photoemis­ in our ability to simulate excited-state properties and sion1,2 with the associated degrees of freedom — spectra. New generations of codes and algorithms for light polarization and energy as well as the momentum, the spectroscopy of quantum materials are now availa- energy, orbital and spin of the photoemitted electron ble, and hybrid simulations have been designed for exas- — involves calculation of the photocurrent under the cale computing environments. In this Review, we focus sudden approximation3,4 (equation 1). principally on correlated materials, with the degrees of 2 freedom treated equally, both in and out of equilibrium. Iω()=(∑f,i VAf,i ifωε−) (1) We further restrict our discussion on equilibrium spec- troscopies to ARPES and RIXS, which have improved The photocurrent is generally expressed in terms of a

both experimentally and, more importantly for the convolution of matrix elements Vf,i, which describes purposes of this Review, theoretically in terms of our the process of exciting an electron from an initial state ability to understand and simulate the spectra for quan- i to a final state (photoelectron) f with kinetic energy

tum materials. Owing to the nascent development and εf. The intrinsic electron-removal spectral function

implementation of out-of-equilibrium spectroscopic Ai(ω − εf) (where ω is the photon energy) contains the techniques — both experimental and theoretical — we single-particle information for each initial state. The

also discuss the nature of the fundamental physics in the matrix elements Vf,i encode all the extrinsic factors ultrafast regime. in the photoemission process, such as the momen- tum and polarization of the incoming photon and Equilibrium spectroscopy theory the characteristics of the final state of the photoelec- With the high level of control enabled by modern syn- tron, while also accounting for photoelectron prop- chrotrons, the electronic structure of a system can be agation through the bulk and sample surface3,4. By

probed with fine momentum and energy resolution, contrast, the spectral function Ai(ω − εf) contains providing detailed information about the states and col- information about the electronic properties intrinsic lective orders in complex quantum materials. However, to the material under investigation and is generally there exist significant challenges in deciphering the of primary interest. underlying physics from these measurements (Fig. 1). In most materials in which correlation effects are neg- ligible or can be treated perturbatively, first-principles Pump Detector approaches can accurately describe the single-particle spectral functions relevant to ARPES. For systems in the ground state, improvements in the efficiency Extrinsic of algorithms5–7 related to the GW (where G is the properties Probe single-particle Green’s function and W is the screened Coulomb interaction) method8,9 for the electronic Intrinsic self-energy have enabled routine simulations of quasi- Charge Spin properties particle band structures in a wide variety of materials, such as semiconductors and topological insulators10. Orbital Lattice Methodologies within the GW paradigm that account for both electron–electron and electron–phonon self-­ Fig. 1 | Theoretical evaluation of spectroscopies. The schematic illustrates the two main energy corrections have also been incorporated in band 11–13 factors required for the theoretical evaluation of spectroscopies: first, treatment of the structure calculations . These corrections, in con- extrinsic measurement details that describe the light–matter interaction, and second, junction with efficient evaluation of electron–phonon assessment of how the individual and collective degrees of freedom (including charge, spin, couplings, enable ab initio investigation of phonon- orbital and lattice) manifest in the intrinsic physical properties relevant to a specific probe. mediated superconductivity in the Migdal–Eliashberg

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framework14,15 (Fig. 2a). Furthermore, generalizations embedded within a dynamical Weiss field. Notably, of GW theory, in particular the GW plus cumulant LDA + DMFT has been incorporated into detailed formalism, have been actively researched with the aim mechanistic ARPES simulations within the relativistic of correctly reproducing renormaliza- Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker (KKR) multiple scattering tion and satellite features induced by electron–boson (MS) framework in order to capture self-energy effects coupling12,16–18. in the initial state21. Additionally, extensions that com- For correlated systems, the local density approxima- bine the first-principles GW method with variants tion (LDA) plus dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT)19 of DMFT have also been developed or proposed for (LDA + DMFT) has been widely applied to several correlated materials22. classes of materials, such as transition metal oxides Starting from ab initio-derived models of Wannier and f-electron materials. This composite approach typ- orbitals and the corresponding matrix elements, more ically uses Wannier downfolding20 schemes to map the sophisticated many-body methods can be adopted in lattice problem onto a correlated single-site problem the calculation of ARPES spectra, including exact diag- onalization (ED)23, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)24, 25 a the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) , cluster perturbation theory26, the dynamical cluster approximation27 and the variational cluster approxi- mation28. These numerical approaches typically treat the many-body effects more precisely than Hartree– 0.0 Fock. For example, the strong correlation-induced ‘high-energy anomaly’ in ARPES has been success- fully characterized by ED29, the dynamical cluster approximation30, QMC31 and cluster perturbation 32 –0.1 theory . These many-body approaches, after modi-

gy (eV) fications, can be extended to multiparticle scattering, as discussed below. Ener In addition to the intrinsic spectral function, a –0.2 reliable interpretation of ARPES spectral intensities requires matrix-element effects21,33,34 to be taken into Γ → K' account. Among the first-principles methods currently 0.1 0.2 0.3 available, the KKR–MS approach35,36 is well suited for k (Å–1) this purpose and has been routinely adopted for inter- b 1.5 preting ARPES data in a wide variety of quantum mate- Max rials, such as high-temperature supercon­ductors33,37 – and, more recently, topological insulators and semi- 1.0 X metals38,39. A recent combined experimental and the- oretical ARPES study on the pnictide superconductor 0.5 Ba1−xKxFe2As2 illustrates the success of the KKR–MS

(π/ a ) 40 y

k approach ; the reported ARPES simulations exhibi­ – – 0.0 Γ Γ ' ted good agreement with experiment in terms of the photon energy and polarization dependence (Fig. 2b). –0.5 Min More precise treatment of light–matter interactions involving quantum electrodynamics has also been devel- –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 oped in the first-principles framework, providing an

kx (π/a) option for describing exotic spectral properties within an optical cavity41. Fig. 2 | Ab initio evaluation of the electronic structure.

a | The top part shows the structure of C6CaC6 (C in grey and Ca in red). The bottom part shows the single-particle Theoretical approaches to resonant inelastic X-ray spectral function of the phonon-driven superconducting scattering. Multiparticle processes in correlated mate-

bilayer C6CaC6 in the normal state. The ab initio band rials encode information on collective excitations, structure, calculated in the Migdal approximation with and this information can be revealed using various (solid lines) and without (dashed lines) electron–phonon photon-in–photon-out X-ray scattering probes. Among coupling, is superimposed on the experimental spectral these scattering approaches, RIXS is a rapidly develop- function. The spectral function exhibits clear kinks at a ing and expanding technique that enables an under- | binding energy of 180 meV. b Fermi surface cuts across standing of low-energy excitations in a wide range of several Brillouin zones for (Ba K )Fe As . The surface cuts 0.6 0.4 2 2 materials. The element specificity and electronic-state were calculated from first principles with the local density approximation combined with dynamical mean-field selectivity of RIXS can be tuned by changing the inci- theory to simulate a one-step model for angle-resolved dent photon energy, the photon polarizations and the photoemission spectroscopy at an energy of 75 eV. relative momentum transfer in the material, making The black lines correspond to the experimental data. a, it a powerful method for interrogating specific excita- lattice constant; k, momentum. Panel a is adapted from tions of interest42–44. In such a resonant process, the ref.14, CC-BY-4.0. Panel b is adapted from ref.38, CC-BY-4.0. intermediate many-body state has a significant role

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and therefore usually cannot be treated simply with ground-state energy and wavefunction, respectively.

mean-field approaches or DFT. Here, H′j represents the intermediate-state Hamiltonian, RIXS has proved to be an effective tool in probing the which contains the interactions induced by the core † excitations in transition metal systems, which typically hole; Dj is the dipole transition operator with a specific contain many intertwined degrees of freedom, including X-ray absorption edge; r is the electron position; σ is the charge, spin, orbitals and phonons, in the low-energy spin; and i is the site index. In the direct RIXS process, range. In the study of high-temperature superconduct- an incoming photon excites a dipole transition from ing materials, such as cuprates, RIXS was first used a core level to a valence level, whereas in the indirect at the Cu K-edge to detect charge excitations45,46 and RIXS process, the dipole transition occurs between a then extended to the Cu L-edge to detect mainly spin core level and a level much higher than the valence, and excitations as well as orbitals and charge-transfer excita- the Coulomb attraction from the core hole acts on the tions47–51. Spin excitations are accessible in the RIXS pro- valence electrons (Fig. 3). For systems with strong cor- cess at the Cu L-edge because the spin is coupled to the relation effects, the Hilbert space dimension for many- 2p core orbital and accordingly breaks the valence spin body states exponentially increases with the system size, conservation rule. In addition, RIXS has been applied making full evaluation challenging or even impossible. at the O K-edge52,53 and M-edge44 of cuprates and used in One way to tackle the challenge of full evaluation is the study of other correlated systems; for example, RIXS to develop algorithms that embed both symmetry reduc- has been used to measure spin excitations in Fe-based tion and large-scale parallel computing techniques61 and superconductors54, to explore spin and orbital degrees to evaluate the Kramers–Heisenberg formula explicitly of freedom in iridates55,56 and to determine the hidden using ED. In pioneering theoretical calculations for RIXS (ref.57) 62,63 64 order in URu2Si2 . As RIXS provides a ‘fingerprint’ on 2D cuprates with the single-band and three-band of the electronic state of a system, it has also been used Hubbard model, the momentum and doping dependen- in the chemistry community for the study of transition cies of Cu K-edge RIXS were calculated. The calculated metal complexes58,59. momentum dependence and resonant profile showed The momentum-dependent RIXS cross section can good agreement with experiment. For example, the RIXS be expressed using the Kramers–Heisenberg formula60 spectrum evaluated by ED for an undoped cuprate dis- plays a feature at 4.7 eV for zero momentum transfer, 1 1 which corresponds to the charge-transfer energy in this IΩ(,q ,)ωψi = Im⟨∣ + ∣⟩ψ (2) π H −−EΩG −0i material (Fig. 4a). The calculations for various doping levels demonstrated that the screening effect for the and intermediate states is crucial for the accurate evaluation of RIXS spectra. 1 iqr.†jD D Theoretical studies have also established the con- ∣⟩ψ =e∑jσ, j j∣⟩G (3) H′j −−EωGi− iΓ nection between Cu K-edge65 and L-edge RIXS66,67 and the corresponding dynamical charge and spin structure

where q is the momentum transfer; ωi is the incident factors. Such a connection provides a cheaper alterna-

photon energy; Ω is the energy transfer (Ω = ωi − ωf; tive to evaluating the more complicated four-particle

where ωf is the energy of the emitted photon); Γ is RIXS diagram, which can instead be approximated

the inverse core-hole lifetime; and EG and ∣⟩G are the by a two-particle correlation function under certain


ωi, ki ωi, ki ωi, ki ωi, ki

ω , k ω , k f f f f ωf, kf ωf, kf

Fig. 3 | Feynman diagrams for RIXS processes and approximations. In these diagrams, the wavy lines represent photon propagators; the blue and black lines represent the core level and valence electron Green’s functions, respectively; and the red lines represent the Green’s function for electronic states in bands into which core-level electrons are excited in an indirect resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) process. a | Full RIXS cross section for direct RIXS. The photon-in and photon-out dipole processes are indicated by the vertices; with interactions included, the cross section represents an irreducible four-point correlation. b | Full RIXS cross section for indirect RIXS. As the core electron is excited to a high-energy state, the valence electrons contribute to the cross section through an effective two-point correlation. The dashed lines indicate the interaction between the core hole and valence electrons. c | Charge or spin dynamical structure

factor. ωi and ωf, energy of the incident and emitted photon, respectively ; ki and kf, momentum of the incident and emitted photon, respectively.

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a c 70,71 RIXS intensity (arb. units ) 100 intermediate state . Later on, the ultrashort core-hole 6 0.5 3.5 Intensity (arb. units) 3z2 – r2 lifetime (UCL) expansion was introduced for both indi- 0.4 43,52 3.0 rect and direct RIXS processes . Under UCL, it has 4 been shown that an indirect RIXS cross section can be 0.3 xz, yz

gy (eV) 2.5 50 reduced to the charge dynamical structure factor N(q,ω),

gy loss (eV) 0.2 2 whereas a direct RIXS cross section in the spin-flip chan- Ener 2.0 xy

Ener 0.1 nel can be reduced to the spin dynamical structure fac- 1.5 tor. In higher-order expansions, it is also possible to map 0 0.0 1 72 0 246 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 onto bimagnons . Although UCL is powerful in deriv- Energy loss (eV) q (2π/a) ing effective RIXS cross sections, caution must be taken b d in using it for specific cases, as convergence of the UCL n = 1.15 n = 1.00 n = 0.85 1.2 expansion may break down when the intermediate-state

(π,0) 0.1 Intensity (arb. units) S ( q , ω ) (arb. units) energy manifold is not much smaller than the inverse 10 core-hole lifetime. To test the validity of these downfolding approaches, (0,0) 0.6 the full RIXS cross section can be directly evaluated q (1/ a ) gy loss (eV) 5 π π ( , ) and compared with calculated dynamical structure 2 2 Ener factors on an equal footing. It was demonstrated that (π,π) 0.0 0.0 0 indirect RIXS is consistent with the charge dynamical 0210102 1 2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 structure factor when the screening effect does not have Energy (t) Momentum shift (r.l.u.) a role in the intermediate state (Fig. 3b): by neglecting Fig. 4 | Theoretical simulations of RIXS highlighting various elementary excitations the core-hole Coulomb attraction (represented by the in cuprates. a | Charge-transfer excitations in Cu K-edge resonant inelastic X-ray dashed lines in Fig. 3b), the Feynman diagram for indi- scattering (RIXS) calculated using the 2D three-band Hubbard model. The inset shows rect RIXS can be simplified to dynamical charge struc- (Fig. 3c) the orbital geometry of the small 2 × 2 cluster with four CuO2 basis elements used in the ture factors . Moreover, it has been shown that calculation. b | Paramagnon excitations in Cu L-edge RIXS, approximated here by direct RIXS in the spin-flip channel can be mapped the spin dynamical structure factor S(q,ω) (where q is the momentum transfer and ω is the onto the dynamical spin structure factor on a qualita- excitation energy), simulated in the 2D single-band Hubbard model for various carrier tive and semi-quantitative level, although the connection concentrations (n). c | Orbiton dispersions in a quasi-1D cuprate (SrCuO ) calculated 66 3 becomes less precise for doped models , while in the using a spin–orbiton model. | RIXS intensity of phonon excitations in a 1D system with d nonspin-flip channel, the cross section can be mapped a charge-density wave instability and strong electron–phonon coupling, calculated onto a projected dynamical charge structure factor in the Migdal approximation. The momentum shift is calculated relative to 2kF (where kF 67 is the Fermi momentum). a, lattice constant; r.l.u., reciprocal lattice units; t, hopping only qualitatively . The failure of the above attempts to parameter.Panel a is adapted with permission from ref.64, American Physical Society. simplify the description in terms of two-particle corre- Panel b is adapted from ref.66, Springer Nature Limited. Panel c is adapted from ref.50, lation functions reflects the inherent complexity of the Springer Nature Limited. Panel d is adapted from ref.77, Springer Nature Limited. RIXS process. The connection between final and initial states through a complicated process involving intermediate conditions, such as using different incoming and outgo- states means that certain dipole-forbidden excitations, ing polarization combinations, specific incoming pho- including orbital excitations (for example, d–d excita- ton energies tuned to different X-ray edges and specific tions in transition metal compounds73,74) and even doping concentrations. Although the complicated full excitations involving the lattice degree of freedom75,76, RIXS cross section can thus far be treated only diagram- are active in RIXS. The simulated RIXS spectra from matically or calculated using ED, correlation functions a simple spin–orbital model (Fig. 4c) were shown to be can also be evaluated for a much finer momentum consistent with experimental results demonstrating (ref.50) grid with other numerical tools, such as QMC. The spin–orbiton coupling in the 1D cuprate Sr2CuO3 , QMC-evaluated dynamical spin and charge structure and RIXS simulations and experiments have charac- factor S(q,ω) captures the spin excitations across both terized phonon modes and their interplay with the electron and hole dopings66,68,69 (Fig. 4b), including the charge degrees of freedom in quantum materials at low hardening of the paramagnon energy for electron-doped energies77 (Fig. 4d). cuprates and the persistence of the excitation energy for hole-doped cuprates around (π, 0), consistent with Non-equilibrium spectroscopy theory measured RIXS data47–51. This consistency makes RIXS Time adds a new dimension to the study of quantum a complementary tool to inelastic neutron scattering for materials. By using this extra dimension, it is possible studying the momentum dependence of spin excitations. to directly access excited states and non-equilibrium Compared with traditional approaches, RIXS requires dynamics as a means to decipher underlying equilibrium much smaller sample volumes, enabling a wider range properties — that is, unoccupied states, certain elemen- of materials to be investigated. tary excitations and excited-state and quasiparticle life- The endeavour to connect RIXS with correlation times. The complex nature of quantum materials often functions dates back to the 1990s. Fast collision approx- makes these properties difficult to measure directly or to imations were first used to connect RIXS with S(q,ω) distinguish easily, especially at low energies, using estab- based on the assumption that the dynamics need lished equilibrium techniques. Remaining close to equi- be considered only at the site of the core hole in the librium, within or just beyond the regime applicable to

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Time Although the non-equilibrium virtual states that mediate such a process may be short-lived owing to the transient Pump pulse nature of the pump field, the exotic phase and its signa- tures may be metastable or at the very least detectable for some time in the immediate aftermath of the pump pulse or in its tail (see Metastable excitations in Fig. 5). Excitation The non-equilibrium numerical techniques on which this Review focuses fall broadly into methods based on either the wavefunction and density matrix or a Green’s function formalism. The former includes Krylov-subspace ED78, variational ED79, dynamical DMRG and matrix-product state methods80. Each, in some form, tracks the evolution of a time-dependent state, treated as either a vector or density matrix in Hilbert space, and measures all observables based on that state. The exponential increase in Hilbert space Quasi-equilibrium Transient states Metastable excitations Quasi-equilibrium dimension with system size typically limits these stud- Fig. 5 | Accessing physics out of equilibrium. Schematic illustrating a pump pulse and ies to small clusters. By contrast, methods based on the excitation profile as a function of time. A time-resolved measurement can reveal Green’s functions describe the evolution of observ- distinct non-equilibrium regimes as a function of the pump–probe delay , which can in ables expanded on a generalized Green’s function. turn provide information about both equilibrium and transient states. For example, it is Time-dependent Hartree–Fock, DMFT81 and clus- possible to uncover intertwined or subleading equilibrium orders or low-energy ter perturbation theory82 techniques belong to this excitations that may be easier to resolve in the time domain, create novel states of class. These methods are less restricted by the Hilbert matter that do not have an equilibrium analogue, manipulate metastable states and tip space dimension but cannot describe all many-body the balance between competing orders. These phenomena are approximately separated observables with similar accuracy. in time during the pump–probe process and also differ in their deviation from equilibrium. The insets show the single-particle spectra typical for each dynamical Although there are currently only a few, the number of regime during the pump. The solid black lines represent the instantaneous electron and ab initio simulations of single-particle spectral functions hole distribution, the white lines denote the equilibrium bands and the dashed lines and photoemission spectra in quantum materials out of denote the transient Floquet sidebands. The initial stages of the pump can be equilibrium is expected to grow in the near future owing understood within the linear response, providing a snapshot of quasi-equilibrium to recent methods development83–86. The methods and behaviour. When the system is highly excited, a transient modification of both the attempts at simulation include, but are not restricted to, Hamiltonian and the distribution dominates the physics. Afterwards, the system may a non-equilibrium generalization of the GW approach83 access metastable states with pre-thermal excitations before ultimately returning to and a first-principles lesser Green’s-function approach85. quasi-equilibrium in the final stages. Real-time, time-dependent, DFT-based approaches within the adiabatic local spin-density approxima- linear-response theory, while accessing this new dimen- tion87 have also been adopted for simulating spin- and sion of time requires low pump fluences, which can be time-resolved ARPES88. observed at the very beginning or end of a typical pump envelope (see Quasi-equilibrium in Fig. 5). Characterizing hidden equilibrium properties. Taking By pushing a quantum material out of equilibrium, advantage of additional information afforded in the novel states of matter can be stabilized, such as those that time domain, non-equilibrium approaches can dis- have no equilibrium analogue or may not be easily acces- entangle and reveal otherwise obscured parameters of sible by standard approaches of chemical substitution. quantum materials. For example, time-domain tech- These exotic states may emerge from the light–matter niques have been used widely to determine quasipar- interactions through precise engineering of new terms ticle relaxation and infer lifetimes in the recombination or modification of existing terms in the many-body of particle–hole pairs from semiconductors and super- Hamiltonian. By modulating or manipulating the eigen- conductors89–92. A theoretical understanding of these state manifold, exotic states can be stabilized through phenomena has come from a microscopic description strong pump fields or pump fields that persist over a that treats electron–phonon­ and electron–electron sufficient period of time to enable the formation and interactions93–96, tying the relaxation and lifetimes to resolution of distinguishing characteristics and features the effective scattering rates due to these interactions. of these states (see Transient states in Fig. 5). More recently, a combination of two time-domain spec- The complex interplay between multiple degrees of troscopic techniques has made strides in elucidating the freedom in quantum materials often gives rise to coop- electron–phonon coupling strength in FeSe (ref.97); erating and competing phases. A single phase typically the extracted deformation potential is consistent with becomes dominant for a given set of equilibrium param- theoretical predictions from an equilibrium DFT + DMFT eters, such as chemical composition, temperature or pres- approach98. Deciphering material-specific properties sure. However, pump–probe time-domain techniques can using these time-domain methods can help to test and be used to alter the sometimes delicate balance between correct intuitive models and theoretical descriptions. intertwined orders and to manipulate the physics enough Basic physical properties in condensed-matter sys- to reveal an exotic phase with subleading character tems are usually directly tied to the electronic struc- that would otherwise not be expressed in equilibrium. ture. With unique developments and improvements in

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ARPES1, the single-particle spectral functions can be Experimentally, in materials, the photon-dressed measured with fine momentum and energy resolutions. sidebands and dynamical symmetry breaking associated However, this information is available only for the occu- with this Floquet physics were first observed directly pied single-particle states with similar information about in the single-particle spectrum of the surface state of the unoccupied band structure not as easily accessible a topological insulator using time-resolved ARPES owing to the much poorer resolution and cross section (trARPES)118,119. In general, the effective Floquet–Bloch for inverse photoemission. Non-equilibrium spectro- band structures of a driven Dirac fermion120 can entail scopic approaches, such as two-photon photoemission, a change in band topology121–123; this was first proposed seek to circumvent this problem. A fraction of electrons for graphene124 and then extended to monolayer transi- can be excited to unoccupied states above the Fermi tion metal dichalcogenides125 (Fig. 6a). More recently, this energy, and subsequent photoexcitation liberates these type of dynamical Floquet engineering has been adopted electrons. This technique of two-photon photoemis- numerically to create a Weyl semimetal by implementing sion has been used to elucidate the unoccupied states a version of Floquet time-dependent DFT126 (Fig. 6b).

of topological insulators (from the Be2Se3 and Be2Te 3 Although a great deal of effort has been devoted to families)99–103, which can be well captured by DFT meth- Floquet studies in systems with negligible or weak inter- ods. The spin textures that accompany these states can actions, the possibility of manipulating transient dynam- be mapped owing to experimental advances in resolv- ics in strongly interacting systems is an enticing prospect. ing the electronic spin for ARPES, and the observed To achieve this, it is essential to not only introduce the spin–orbital locking can be captured in DFT simula- pump frequency as a new energy scale for determining tions104. Compared with weakly correlated topological the one-particle and two-particle response functions, but insulators, the characterization of unoccupied states also to ‘reshape’ the underlying interacting Hamiltonian in correlated systems is more challenging105. However, in to stabilize phases of matter that might be inaccessible a recent study, the unoccupied states of cuprates were at equilibrium. The central challenge is to understand successfully characterized through the comparison with and control both the effective transient dynamics that are many-body numerical calculations106. determined by the pump plateau and the effective distri- Beyond single-particle states, non-equilibrium bution that is set by the transient envelope and relaxation approaches have been applied to the characterization of processes. Theoretically, arguments based on the eigen- collective excitations. Differences in the relaxation time state thermalization hypothesis entail that driven systems structure of pump–probe dynamics allow for character- continuously absorb energy and heat to infinite temper- ization of charge-density waves, spin fluctuations and ature127,128 unless the system is integrable or many-body phonon degrees of freedom107–109, providing a tool to localized129–131. However, it has been shown that disentangle intertwined degrees of freedom in a corre- long-lived ‘Floquet pre-thermal’ regimes with effective lated system. With fine control of the ultrafast pump, the engineered local Hamiltonians can persist for a suitable ‘Higgs’ mode, or amplitude mode, in superconductors separation of energy scales between materials degrees of has been identified in NbN (refs110–112) and validated by freedom and the external drive132–137. The simplest exam- comparison with mean-field theory113,114 and by micro- ple is the single-band Hubbard model, for which per- scopic calculation of photoemission spectroscopy in the turbation theory leads to a renormalized spin exchange 115,116 +∞ 2 superconducting state . Additional theoretical work JAex()∕∕JAex(=0) = ∑m=−∞ J m ()Am(1+ ωU∕ ) for an has demonstrated how ultrafast approaches can not only off-resonant pump field with frequency ω and pump separate equilibrium modes for cleaner detection, but strength A, where U is the value of the Hubbard interaction,

can also be used to characterize the intertwined nature J m is the Bessel function of the first kind and m indexes of the degrees of freedom near a quantum phase tran- the rungs of the Floquet ladder138,139 (Fig. 6c). Beyond sition where fermionic and bosonic excitations become modifying local spin exchange, circularly polarized entangled117. pumping of frustrated Mott insulators can dynamically break time-reversal symmetry and induce a transient chi- Creating novel transient states of matter. The most ral spin liquid in a frustrated Mott insulator140, thus chang- intriguing aspect of non-equilibrium approaches might ing not merely the band structure but also the topological be the potential to exploit the change in electronic or order of the system. magnetic dynamics during the pump pulse to achieve In addition to manipulating quantum magnets, exotic states of matter that have no equilibrium analogue. Floquet engineering of effective Hubbard models Consider a wide pump pulse such that the combined with a resonant drive or at finite doping can similarly Hamiltonian of the system and this non-equilibrium exhibit pre-thermalized regimes, which are described driving field approximately obey discrete time transla- by exotic correlated pair hopping models for photoin- tion symmetry over a wide time window. In this regime, duced doublon– pairs141,142 or photo-enhanced the transient dynamics can be mapped onto an effective Cooper pairing143, respectively. These systems can static eigenproblem by virtue of Floquet’s theorem. The similarly exhibit long pre-thermalized regimes even resulting ladder of virtual states represents a steady-state for resonant excitation133,135,144. Microscopic modelling solution to the problem given a continuous driving field and full time-domain simulations have revealed that with a well-defined frequency, and this steady-state the transient states can mediate post-pump metastable approximation will apply over a range of times near the excitations in a coherent manner145. Thus, such artifi- centre of relatively wide pump pulses in time-resolved cially designed transient states could provide a platform pump–probe schemes. for the study of novel physics not accessible through

318 | SEPTEMBER 2018 | volume 3 Synchrotron techniques

a standard materials synthesis and equilibrium controls, such Bulk as temperature or pressure. 8 2.0 Spectr Controlling orders and metastable states. By taking ε (eV)

advantage of transient dynamics out of equilibrium, it al function ( × 10 1.8 becomes possible to induce transitions between com- peting or metastable phases that otherwise would be Edge 4 subleading orders in equilibrium. The conceptually 2.0 simplest application uses a strong pump field to induce –3

a change in the electronic distribution, photodop- ) ε (eV) ing or heating of the system to a higher effective tem- 1.8 perature. Experimentally, Mott146,147, charge-density 0 A = 0.15 A = 0.2 A = 0.4 A = 0.55 A = 0.6 wave148–150 and other bandgaps151 have been melted by an ultrafast pump. Photoexcitation and thermalization b can be explained using numerical methods such as non-equilibrium DMFT81. For example, a Mott insula- tor has been shown to melt146 through a series of meta­ 0.02 stable metallic states induced either by pumping or by a quantum quench of the Hamiltonian parameters (the ratio t/U)152. Although pre-thermalized states can 153 0 Weyl point be accessed after perturbing a Hubbard model , strong gy (eV) correlations present in the model preclude integrability, leading to a smooth thermalization towards an effective Ener photodoping condition154 (Fig. 7a). In comparison to the rather dramatic effects of melt- –0.02 ing an insulator or existing order, a more challenging –0.003 task has been to stabilize an out-of-equilibrium order in –0.003 0.003 0.003 a metal or weakly correlated material. Experimentally, k (1/a ) k (1/a ) the superconducting transition temperature has been x 0 y 0

observed to increase with coherent pumping in K3C60, c 155 –0.8 a fulleride compound . Subsequently, numerous theo­ 0.7 retical efforts have focused on first explaining the –0.9 Dr

0.6 iv

observed effect and then predicting other systems that ing susceptibilit y may display a similar sort of non-equilibrium super- 0.5 –1.0 0.4 conductivity. There are two main explanations for the –1.1 effect: dynamical cooling, which suppresses thermal 0.3 156–158 fluctuations, increasing the transition temperature ; ing susceptibilit y –1.2 iv 0.2

and an increase in effective electron–phonon interac- Dr 0.1 –1.3 tions as a result of photoinduced phonon deformation or squeezing159–163, which amplifies the superconduct- 0.0 –1.4 ing order parameter at the level of Bardeen–Cooper– 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 Schrieffer and Migdal–Eliashberg theory164–166 (Fig. 7b). ω Fig. 6 | Pumped-induced Floquet physics. a | Floquet A first-principles study of the A3C60 family further physics in a semiconductor. A red-detuned pump field reveals that photoinduced deformation of the T1u phonon mode can cause an interaction imbalance167, induces a hybridization gap at the bottom of the conduction band in bulk WS , whereas a conducting state favouring superconductivity168. 2 forms in this gap at the edge of a finite-sized sample in a Ultrafast control of order can have additional prac- ribbon geometry. A is the strength of the pump field in tical meaning in materials with multiple competing natural units of the simulation and ε is the electron phases, such as the high-temperature superconduct- energy. b | Floquet physics in a semimetal. When driven ing cuprates. The transient dynamics in such systems by a periodic pump field, Floquet–Weyl points form 3D

can lead to phenomena such as ultrafast switching cones in the Brillouin zone of Na3Bi. The band structure between metallic (superconducting) and insulating was calculated using density functional theory and is | phases. Following experiments that demonstrated shown here in the kx–ky plane. c Floquet physics in a transient light-enhanced superconductivity in insulat- correlated Mott insulator. The driving susceptibility J /(J A2), where J is the exchange interaction, for ing, charge-ordered La Eu Sr CuO (ref.169), it was Δ ex ex ex 1.8−x 0.2 x 4 frequencies evaluated in the Hubbard model above expected that pumped correlated materials could display ω (blue) and below the Mott gap (red), obtained from a rich variety of phases resulting from a change in the dynamical mean-field theory (circles), from the numerical balance between dominant and subleading instabilities. Floquet spectrum of a two-site cluster (solid lines) and It was shown that superconductivity can be enhanced from perturbation theory (dashed lines). a0, lattice by a pump through competition with bond-density constant.Panel a is adapted from ref.125, CC-BY-4.0. wave170,171 and charge-density wave172 orders. More Panel b is adapted from ref.126, CC-BY-4.0. Panel c is recently, the discussion has progressed to the concept of adapted from ref.138, CC-BY-4.0

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Fig. 7 | Non-equilibrium excitations and phase change. a | Electronic excitations induced by a quantum quench of a Néel system. The time (t) evolution of the electron double occupancy d(t) for different values of the Hubbard interaction U (top), and the evolution of the electron distribution as a function of energy (ε), n(ε,t), for U = 6 (bottom). b | Superconductivity induced by parametrically driven phonons. The plot shows the relative change in the superconducting transition temperature with respect to equilibrium in an electron–phonon system as a function of the pump frequency Ω ∕ ω ̄and the driving amplitude A. The data are evaluated for linearly dispersing phonons with mean frequency ω,̄ relative spread ω ∕ ω = 0.2 and negative quartic couplings between Raman and infrared-active modes. c | Unconventional ̄ † superconductivity and spin fluctuations induced by a pulse pump. Change in the d-wave pairing correlation (⟨⟩ΔΔdd, top)

and projected spin fluctuations (Λd, bottom) evaluated for various pump strengths A and model parameters (dimensionless electron–phonon coupling strength λ and electron–electron coupling strength u) near the boundary between the Mott and Peierls phases. The calculation is based on a Hubbard–Holstein model, with the pump field coupled directly to the electrons using a Peierls substitution.Panel a is adapted from ref.154, CC-BY-3.0. Panel b is adapted with permission from ref. 164, American Physical Society. Panel c is adapted with permission from ref.173, American Physical Society.

inducing unconventional d-wave superconductivity by properties of numerous materials, from semiconduc- driving a material with competing charge-density wave tors and topological insulators to complex transition and spin-density wave ordering tendencies near a quan- metal oxides and unconventional superconductors. tum phase transition173 (Fig. 7c). Photoinduced localiza- Out-of-equilibrium, pump–probe techniques hold tion effects have been suggested as a possible pathway great advantages in characterizing hidden proper- to further enhance correlations and the competition ties of materials, creating novel states of matter and between orders174. controlling phase transitions. With appropriate mod- Beyond materials with charge-density wave, spin- ifications, equilibrium numerical approaches can be density wave and superconducting ordering tendencies, advanced to describe pump–probe experiments. These the idea of manipulating competing orders in correlated methods can quantitatively explain transient phe- materials has been extended to excitonic insulators175,176. nomena, such as superconductivity, and help to pre- The transient nature of these photoinduced metastable dict exotic non-equilibrium phases that are accessible phase transitions implies that the traditional paradigm by a fine control of pump conditions. of symmetry breaking and long-range order does not The main challenge for current theories lies in the necessarily apply in simple toy models. Thus, current oversimplification of materials descriptions owing theoretical work focuses on instabilities extracted from to computational limitations. The mean-field-based correlation functions or susceptibilities, re-expressed methods, including the variants of Hartree–Fock, out of equilibrium. What is lacking currently is precise random-phase approximation, DMFT and other var- treatments of non-equilibrium phases with a unified iational approaches, are computationally efficient and definition connected directly to potential experimental provide a direct connection between the physical picture observables. and experimental observables. However, oversimplifi- cation of many-body Hamiltonians means that they can Summary and outlook provide only a biased, posterior perspective on a spe- With the help of advances in scientific computing, cific problem. The many-body approaches overcome the theoretical understanding of photon-based spec- some of these issues, providing an exact description of troscopies has advanced significantly in the past two the correlated physics induced by various many-body decades. From an equilibrium perspective, this under- interactions through a complicated numerical evalua- standing has enabled the separate treatment of extrin- tion. However, as a compromise, these approaches are sic measurement and intrinsic electronic properties. limited by the mathematical complexity of the prob- The combination of first-principles and many-body lem. For example, ED is restricted to small clusters, approaches has been used to successfully decipher the DMRG is restricted to low dimensions and short-range

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entanglement, and QMC is restricted to high tempera- scalable, have a limited domain of applicability owing tures. These issues limit their applicability in resolving to the shortcomings of currently available exchange– fine details of experimental measurements in realistic correlation functionals. The simulation of spectrosco- materials. First-principles approaches extend mean-field pies proves especially difficult for strongly correlated methods by including correlation effects through methods, as more complicated multi-time correlation exchange–correlation functionals, pseudopotentials and functions such as RIXS or Raman cross sections are force fields. Based on material-specific, atomic ingredi- currently computationally inaccessible even for small ents, these first-principles approaches offer a description of systems out of equilibrium. Finally, oversimplification both intrinsic material properties and extrinsic details of the materials description is an even more severe issue of the process for each spectroscopy. However, such a in a non-equilibrium setting. For example, proper mod- first-principles approach obscures underlying physical elling of pump–probe experiments should require a intuition, and current exchange–correlation functional microscopic description of the light–matter interaction treatments underestimate many-body correlations and beyond a Peierls substitution in effective low-energy are somewhat dependent on known material-specific models, as well as correct treatment of the lattice and data sets. multi-orbital effects. These issues are even more severe out of equilib- Despite the challenges faced by each of these rium. Green’s function methods based on the Keldysh approaches, there has nevertheless been remarkable pro- formulation, valid only in the perturbative regime, gress in theoretical and numerical methods for advanced require retention of the full two-time dependence of spectroscopies, occurring in tandem with novel experi- correlation functions even if only equal-time quanti- mental advances in both table-top and large-scale facility ties are desired, placing a constraint on the maximum investigations of quantum matter. As the golden age of achievable simulation time. Many-body methods fare spectroscopy progresses, we can be sure that advances even worse: real-time QMC suffers from a severe phase in both theory and experiment will bring us closer to problem even for models that are free of sign problems understanding the behaviour of materials on their in equilibrium, limiting its applicability to ultrashort intrinsic time and length scales, with the hope of unrav- time behaviour only, and DMRG and tensor network elling the phenomena of emergence through predictive methods are restricted by the exponential increase of the tools for novel quantum phenomena and materials. bond dimension with time. First-principles approaches such as time-dependent DFT, although computationally Published online 22 August 2018

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