Lent, Holy Week & Easter 2020

Holy Week and Easter Services Preacher: The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane

Dean of

We glory in your cross, O Lord, and praise you for your mighty resurrection; for by virtue of your cross joy has come into our world.

Holy Week acclamation During Lent and Holy Week we are all invited on a pilgrimage with Jesus. From his time of trial in the wilderness, we journey with Christ, joining in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, going through the desolation of Golgotha on Good Friday and then on into the eternal joy of Easter. The services of Holy Week contain some of the most ancient texts used in the Church, and help us to experience more fully the timeless mystery of God’s love for us, shown in the passion, death and resurrection of his Son. Artist Nicholas Mynheer’s work The Passion of Christ from his Sarum Cycle will form a focal point in the for prayer and reflection throughout Lent. In this Year of Pilgrimage for all English , we in Portsmouth focus on our inheritance rooted in the life of St from our foundation in his memory shortly after Becket’s death in 1170. Join us on our pilgrimage and journey to the Cross through worship, music, art, preaching and prayer.

Our pilgrimage starts as Lent begins on Ash Wednesday - 26th February with services of music and readings as well as traditional ‘ashing’ with the sign of the Cross, signifying repentance and reminding us of our mortality and our need of God. 8am Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes 12noon Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes 6pm Sung Eucharist with Litany and Imposition of Ashes sung by Senior Girl Choristers and Men Music by William Byrd and Gregorio Allegri

pilgrimage Passion

A Lenten exploration of the Passion Story Four days of music, reflection and journey in faith

Wednesday 18th - Saturday 21st March

Wednesday 7.30pm Portsmouth Cathedral Choral Scholars Tenebrae—a concert of devotional music

Thursday 7.30pm Talk by artist Nicholas Mynheer The Passion of Christ in my art, focussing on the ‘Sarum Cycle’ on display in the Cathedral throughout Lent

Friday 7.30pm Price (organ) with Angela Tilby The Stations of the Cross by Alan Ridout

Portsmouth Cathedral and Capelle Baroque Orchestra Saturday 7.30pm Handel’s ’Messiah’

Donations warmly welcomed (Wednesday - Friday) Messiah ticket information (available from Cathedral Shop and Eventbrite) Centre Nave £25 (£20 concessions) Side Aisles £20 (£16 concessions)

2020 is the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Thomas Becket and the 800th anniversary of his translation at Canterbury - and the new shrine in the Cathedral became a focus for thousands of pilgrims over the next three centuries.

As part of our 2020 celebrations at Portsmouth Cathedral we are inviting all parishes to join in a variety of pilgrimage days and activities during the year. Each month from January to November at our 6pm Sunday Choral a special sermon on the theme will be given by of our Honorary Canons.

Details of four of these occasions are shown below:

23rd February Looking Ahead: the Hope of Glory Canon Julie Price (Warblington and Emsworth) The closest Sunday to the date of St Thomas’ canonisation

8th March Lent: Wilderness and exile Canon Kevin Arkell (Newport) Becket spent 6 years of his time as Archbishop in exile

22nd March Evensong with presentation of St Thomas Awards Christopher has instituted a diocesan award in the name of Thomas Becket, our patron saint, to mark notable Christian service in the church and wider society.

26th April Journeying with Christ Canon Bob White (St Mary’s, Fratton) The Emmaus road story and Becket’s vision of the risen Christ

Mediaeval Pilgrimage: faith, fun, or folly? Wednesday 11th March at 7pm Illustrated talk by Professor Nicholas Orme Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Exeter and Honorary Lay Canon of Author of The History of ’s Cathedrals (2017) - copies on the night at a special reduction.

Writing an ikon of St Thomas Saturday 4th April from 9.30am Watch the iconographer at work on an ikon

There will be outline drawings of the ikon available to paint or colour in as a prayer exercise.

9.30 setup and start 12.15-12.45 lunch break (12.50 plainchant midday prayer) 1.00 short talk on ikons with Q&A 3.00 finish. Palm Sunday 5th April Procession of Palms & Eucharist at 10.30am The service begins near the Royal Garrison Church. Bring a branch or some greenery from home to wave as we process with a donkey to the Cathedral where the service continues. The Choir sings the Passion, the ac- count of Jesus’ arrest, trial and death. This year the music setting is by Richard Lloyd from the Gospel according to Saint Matthew and the Communion setting is the Mass in G minor by Ralph Vaughan-Williams. Choral Evensong at 6.00pm The Cathedral Choir sings Lo, the full final sacrifice by Gerald Finzi. The preaches on ‘Hosanna! Christ brings us to our senses’.

Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th April Address and Compline at 7.30pm A short address by The Dean each evening accompanied by time to reflect. The Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars will sing a setting of The Lamentations Monday: ‘Smelling Christ’ Tuesday: ‘Seeing Christ’ Wednesday: ‘Tasting Christ’

Maundy Thursday 9th April Chrism Eucharist at 11.00am sung by the Cathedral Choir The Bishop blesses Oils for use in parishes, and leads ministers from across the Diocese in a renewal of their commitment to serve God and their neighbours. The Cathedral Choir will sing Roxanna Panufnik’s Westminster Mass.

Eucharist of The Last Supper 7pm sung by Cathedral Consort and Cantate The service recalls how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as a sign of loving service, shared bread and wine and instituted the Eucharist. The Dean preaches on ‘The Touch of Christ’. After the service all decoration is stripped from the . A vigil of prayer follows until midnight, as we remember how Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before he was arrested. Good Friday 10th April Today we remember Jesus’ death on a cross: for Christians his death is the greatest sign of God’s love for the world and a victory over evil. Good Friday Service for children at 10.00am An informal service for accompanied children of all ages, telling the story of Holy Week.

Three Hours’ Devotion from midday to 3.00pm led by The Dean 12.00 to 2.00pm Preaching of the Passion sung by the Cathedral Consort A sequence of addresses, readings, prayers and music for Good Friday.

From 2.00pm Liturgy of the Passion sung by the Cathedral Choir The traditional Good Friday Liturgy - including the sung Passion according to John by , The Reproaches by John Sanders, the Proclamation of the Cross and concluding with the opportunity to receive the Sacrament consecrated at the Maundy Thursday Eucharist. Easter 2020 Easter Easter Eve 11th April Easter Vigil at 8.00pm with Baptism and Confirmation sung by Cantate This first service of Easter begins quietly in darkness, but ends in joyful light and noise as we greet our Saviour Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.

Easter Day 12th April On the first Easter Day, Jesus’ disciples found his tomb was empty and then met and ate with their risen Lord. Our celebrations, begun last night, continue with festival services throughout the day.

Holy Communion (BCP said) at 8.00am Eucharist at 10.30am Music: Messe Solennelle by Vierne and Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus President: The Dean Preacher: The Bishop followed by an Easter Egg hunt on Cathedral Green

Festal Evensong at 6.00pm sung by the Cathedral Choir Music: Canticles by Dyson and Rise Heart by Vaughan Williams Preacher: The Dean ‘Go, and bring others on the journey’

SUNDAYS IN LENT Throughout Lent and on Palm Sunday the music for our 10.30am Eucharists will explore settings by significant 20th and 21st century composers who, with their distinctive musical languages, bring fresh insight to ancient texts.

Sunday 1st March Mass Igor Stravinsky

Sunday 8th March Missa Sancti Paulae Anthony Caesar

Sunday 15th March Missa de Angelis Roxanna Panufnik

Sunday 22nd March Missa Sancti Thomae Kenneth Leighton

Sunday 29th March Missa brevis James Davy

Sunday 5th April Mass in G minor Ralph Vaughan-Williams

Portsmouth Cathedral www.portsmouthcathedral.org.uk High Street [email protected] Old Portsmouth PO1 2HH 023 9282 3300