Parliamentary Documentation Vol.XLIV 16-31 January, 2018 No.2

AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 1. LOVERIDGE, John Enter the NGO: Development as destiny in India’s new borderlands. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.50-57.

Deals with the projects of Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the World Bank in conjunction with the Governments of India and Pakistan to increase foodgrain production in post-partition period in Punjab. **Agriculture-Agricultural Production; WHO.

-FORESTS AND FORESTRY 2. BANJOT KAUR Vanishing Oasis. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.26(No.16), 2018(15.1.2018): P.40, 42-43.

Expresses concern over depleting cover of Khejri trees in Rajasthan and also exposes the indifferent approach of locals towards its preservation. **Agriculture-Forests and Forestry.

3. KUKRETI, Ishan Himalaya's magical grove. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.26(No.16), 2018(15.1.2018): P.25-26.

Focuses on the presence of several precious herbs in Chamoli district of Uttrakhand. **Agriculture-Forests and Forestry.

4. LAHKAR, Rhinusmita Kakoty Nature's timeless abode. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.26(No.16), 2018(15.1.2018): P.20-21, 24.

Focuses on the rich treasury of "Mawphlang sacred grove" in Meghalaya. **Agriculture-Forests and Forestry.

5. NIYOGI, Deepanwita Gita Inherent faith runs deep. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.26(No.16), 2018(15.1.2018): P.30-34.

States that social and cultural consciousness of tribal people preserves the sacred groves in . **Agriculture-Forests and Forestry.

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-TEA 6. Strange brew: Tea in India. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.426(No.9074), 2018(19.1.2018): P.58.

Focuses on the prospects of Indian tea sector. **Agriculture-Tea.

BIOGRAPHIES -BOSE, SUBHAS CHANDRA 7. Netaji on India after Independence. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.56(No.6), 2018(27.1.2018): P.9, 11.

Presents the views of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on the nation building after indendence era in India. **Biographies-BOSE, Subhas Chandra; Political Philosophy and Ideologies.

-GANDHI, INDIRA 8. MURLIDHARAN, Sukumar Many faces of Indira Gandhi. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.33-39.

Highlights the multifaceted personality of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. **Biographies-GANDHI, Indira.

-GANDHI, MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND 9. NEHRU, Jawaharlal Pilgrim in quest of truth. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.56(No.6), 2018(27.1.2018): P.7-8.

Recalls Jawaharlal Nehru's homage to Mahatma Gandhi, three years after his martyrdom. **Biographies-GANDHI, Mohandas Karamchand.

CENSUS AND POPULATION -CENSUS RECORDS-(ASSAM) 10. THKURIA, N J Sifting the chaff. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2018(14.1.2018): P.36-37.

Highlights the issues related with the updation of National Register of Citizen to determine original inhabitants in Assam. **Census and Population-Census Records-(Assam).

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COMMERCE -CONSUMER PROTECTION 11. GIRIMAJI, Pushpa Old gives way to the new: Consumer protection law. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.36-39.

Stresses on the need for stricter protection of consumer interest in emerging role of digital technology in financial sector. **Commerce-Consumer Protection.

12. GUPTA, B C Justice delivery for low income consumers: Dispute redressal.

YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.19-23.

Focuses on the salient features of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism for achieving the objectives of speedy and inexpensive consumer disputes redressal. **Commerce-Consumer Protection.

13. LAHARIYA, Chandrakant Consumer as co-protector in health services. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.40-44.

Calls for a consumer centric health policies. **Commerce-Consumer Protection; Public Health Policy-(India).

14. LENKA, Dibakar Customer satisfaction: Mantra of banking management. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.62-66. **Commerce-Consumer Protection; Banks and Banking.

15. Quality assurance for the consumer. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.58-60.

Highlights the importance of quality assurance for greater consumer satisfaction and promotion of marketing sector. **Commerce-Consumer Protection; Quality Control.

16. RAHUL SINGH Educating the rural consumer. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.51-56.

Stresses on the need for spread of education to promote consumer awareness among rural consumers. **Commerce-Consumer Protection; Education.

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17. SRIVASTAVA, Avinash K Consumer protection: Sine qua non for good governance. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.7-11.

Describes the merits of consumer awareness in achieving the objective of good governance. **Commerce-Consumer Protection; Good Governance.

18. SUNDARAM, G Consumer inclusion in financial services. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.32-34.

Calls for more appropriate controls and insurance mechanisms to protect consumer interest in financial services. **Commerce-Consumer Protection; Banks and Banking; Financial Institutions.

19. VERMA, D P S Consumer protection in India: Genesis and recent developments.

YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.13-17. **Commerce-Consumer Protection.

-INTERNAL TRADE-(INDIA) 20. Elephant in the room. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.426(No.9074), 2018(19.1.2018): P.16-18.

Focuses on the prospects of online trade by multinational business enterprises in India. **Commerce-Internal Trade-(India).

-INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(UNITED STATES) 21. JISHNU, Latha WTO trumped by America. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.26(No.16), 2018(15.1.2018): P.10-11.

Critically comments on United States' stand on World Trade Organisation's recent ministerial meeting held at Buenos Aries. **Commerce-International Trade-(United States); WTO.

CONSTITUTION AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -(INDIA) 22. SACHAR, Rajendra Such significance of secularism being a pillar of the Indian Constitution. JANATA (MUMBAI), V.73(No.1), 2018(28.1.2018): P.5-8. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-(India); Secularism.

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23. THAMMAIAH, Santosh Sanctity lies in spirit. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2017(14.1.2018): P.22-23.

Calls for radical changes in the present Indian Consitution to address the emerging socio-political situation. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-(India).

-CITIZENSHIP 24. India's biometric ID scheme : Uniquely vulnerable. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.426(No.9074), 2018(19.1.2018): P.23.

Expresses concern over vulnerability of personal information of card holder stored in aadhaar card in India. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Citizenship; Aadhaar Card.

DEFENCE -ARMY-(PAKISTAN) 25. ZAIDI, S Akbar Undermining democracy in Pakistan. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.13-17.

Focuses on the increasing role of Army in the political affiars of the state in Pakistan in view of forthcoming national elections. **Defence-Army-(Pakistan); Army-Civil Relations.

-DEFENCE RELATIONS-(PAKISTAN-UNITED STATES) 26. ISSAC, C I Undoing the past. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.30), 2018(21.1.2018): P.34-35.

Contemplates the failure of the United States policy to block the military support to Pakistan. **Defence-Defence Relations-(Pakistan-United States).

-NUCLEAR WEAPONS 27. ANTHONY, Ian European security after the INF treaty. SURVIVAL (WASHINGTON DC), V.59(No.6), 2018(Jan. 2018): P.61-75.

Comments on the approach of Russia and United States over compliance of Intermediate-range Nuclear Treaty and its far reaching implications for Europe. **Defence-Nuclear Weapons.

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ECONOMIC GROWTH -(HARYANA) 28. GUPTA, M C Haryana: 50 years and beyond. GFILES (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.8-9), 2018(Nov.Dec.2017): P.10-13.

Evaluates the performance of Haryana on socio-economic front since its creation. **Economic Growth-(Haryana); Political Development-(Haryana); Social Change and Condition.

29. VISHNU BHAGWAN 'My strength was that I never sought postings'. GFILES (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.8-9), 2018(Nov.Dec.2017): P.42-44.

Portrays the memories of Vishnu Bhagwan, former Chief Secretary of Haryana on the overall development of the State. **Economic Growth-(Haryana); Political Dvelopment-(Haryana); Civil Services-(Haryana).

-ECONOMIC CRISIS 30. TARA, Roshni Global financial crisis and India’s Private Corporate Sector.

ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.40-45.

States that financial crisis of 2007–08 has created significant challenges for the Indian corporate sector and its profitability through debt servicing costs, foreign inflows and liquidity crunch. **Economic Growth-Economic Crisis.

-ECONOMIC POLICIES-(INDIA) 31. IYENGAR, Sudarshan Gandhiji and Nehru on economic policies on the eve of Independence and After. JANATA (MUMBAI), V.73(No.1), 2018(28.1.2018): P.35-40. **Economic Growth-Economic Policies-(India); Gandhism.

EDUCATION -EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 32. BHARDWAJ, Ajay Shaping new dara shikohs. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2018(14.1.2018): P.34-35.

Deals with the inclusion of Sanskrit as a subject in Madrasas in Uttrakhand to help students to explore their career in subjects like yoga and Ayurveda besides improving their cultural perspective. **Education-Educational Institutions; Sanskrit; Students; Minorities.

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-HIGHER EDUCATION 33. DE, Rahul and THOMAS, Alex M Rethinking Undergraduate Economics Education. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.21-24.

Calls for reformulation of teaching concept of economics in undergraduate level in India. **Education-Higher Education; Economic Thought and Theories.

ELECTIONS -ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS-(GUJARAT) 34. ASHOK, T N With Gujarat model demolished BJP looks for new issues. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.17-18.

Highlights the strategies and political issues of for forthcoming Assembly elections in various States. **Elections-Assembly Elections-(Gujarat); Bharatiya Janata Party.

35. KIDWAI, Anser Gujarat verdict: A way back to coalition era. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.15-16.

Analyses the verdict of assembly elections held in Gujarat in the context of performance of Bhartiya Janata Party and Congress Party. **Elections-Assembly Elections-(Gujarat).

-ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS-(NORTH-EAST) 36. MISRA, Shobha BJP starts campaign to capture North-East. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.29-30.

Deals with the Bhartiya Janata Party's campaigning to win upcoming Assembly Elections in Tripura, Meghalaya and Nagaland to be held in 2018. **Elections-Assembly Elections-(North-East); Bharatiya Janata Party.

-CODE OF CONDUCT 37. BHARDWAJ, Brij Role of money power continues to grow in polls. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.25. **Elections-Code of Conduct; Election Cost.

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-ELECTION COMMISSION 38. SHARMA, Rashmi Evolution of the Election Commission of India: Political context and Institutional Design. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.59-66. **Elections-Election Commission.

ENVIRONMENT -AIR POLLUTION 39. WONG, Theresa Singapore and the smoke haze crisis. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.28-32.

Discusses the socio-economic issues related to the crisis of severe air pollution in Singapore during the year 2013. **Environment-Air Pollution.

-ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION 40. MITRA, Dola Graveyard of a land. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(15.1.2018): P.26-27.

Expresses concern over the plight of inhabitants of Sunderbans due to land erosion caused by global warming and climate change. **Environment-Environmental Degradation; Global Warming.

FINANCE -APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE-(INDIA) 41. DESHMANE, Akshay Audit gone awry? FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1..2017): P.24-25.

CAG : Comptroller and Auditor General.

Comments on the political aspects of CAG's audit report on . **Finance-Appropriation and Expenditure-(India); Government Accounting; Telecom Policy-(India).

42. DESHMANE, Akshay Murky waters. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1..2017): P.46-48.

Focuses on the abysmal failure in the implementation of river clean-up programme, "Namami Gange". **Finance-Appropriation and Expenditure-(India); Water Pollution.

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-BANKS AND BANKING 43. BOSE, Prasenjit FRDI Bill, 2017: Inducing financial instability. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.40-45.

Details the salient features of the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill, introduced in the in August 2017 to provide a framework for the resolution of failures of financial institutions, covering the entire financial sector. **Finance-Banks and Banking.

-CURRENCY AND COINAGE 44. AJEYA SINGH Coins of change. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(15.1.2018): P.22.

Details the merits of digital currency and its impact on the performance of banking sector in India. **Finance-Currency and Coinage.

45. MAJUMDAR, Ushinor Black stash of secret money. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.3), 2018(22.1.2018): P.48-52.

Comments on the Indian Government's policy on crypto-currencies in the midst of growing craze for such currency. **Finance-Currency and Coinage; .

-ELECTRONIC BANKING 46. DIXIT, Sitaram Keeping pace with technological dynamics: On-line transactions.

YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.25-29.

Focuses on the digital security and safety measures to protect consumers' payment details to prevent its misuse. **Finance-Electronic Banking; Consumer Protection; Cyber Security.

-FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT 47. AJAY SHANKAR Invest India: An examplar of the new India. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.70-72.

Discusses the changing perception of foreign investors on investment in India. **Finance-Foreign Direct Investment.

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-PUBLIC DEBT 48. KANAGASABAPATHY, K and Others Need to rationalise rising interest burden on Central Government Public Debt. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.93-98.

Explores the measures to reduce interest expenditure incurred by the Central Government through inflation indexed bonds and restructuring of existing debt to fund developmental activities in India. **Finance-Public Debt.

-TAXATION-(INDIA) 49. ASHOK, T N GST: Impact on the consumers. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.47-50.

Discusses the importance of Goods and Services Tax regime to enhance external and internal trade of India and its impact on the protection of consumer rights. **Finance-Taxation-(India); Consumer Protection.

50. JOSHI, Rakesh Oil Dilemma. BUSINESS INDIA (NEW DELHI), No.1035, 2018(14.1.2018): P.26.

Discusses the pro and cons of bringing petroleum products under the Goods and Service Tax regime. **Finance-Taxation-(India); Petroleum Products.

FOOD -FOOD SECURITY 51. NAYLOR, Rosamond L Elusive goal of global food security. CURRENT HISTORY (PHILADELPHIA), V.117(No.795), 2018(Jan.2018): P.3-9.

Expresses concern over the world-wide prevalence of malnutrition and hunger and calls for a sustainable Global Food Security measures. **Food-Food Security.

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HISTORY -(INDIA) 52. SENGUPTA, Anwesha and MUKHERJEE, Ishan Legacy of Partition: Foundations of the Indian Nation. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.40-42.

Examines how partition shaped nation-making processes in postcolonial India in a variety of contexts. **History-(India).

-REVOLUTIONS-(RUSSIA) 53. TITOV, Alexander Russia - One hundred years after revolution. POLITICAL INSIGHT (UNITED KINGDOM), 2017(Dec. 2017): P.12-15.

Discusses the revolutions of 1917 and its impact on the economic and political sphere of Russia. **History-Revolutions-(Russia).

INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT -JUTE INDUSTRY 54. SENGUPTA, Anwesha Unthreading partition: The politics of Jute sharing between two Bengals. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.43-49.

Describes the impact of partition on the jute industry of Bengal. **Industrial Development-Jute Industry; History-(India).

INTERNATIONAL LAW -MARITIME LAW 55. BUEGER, Christian and EDMUNDS, Timothy Beyond seablindness: A new agenda for maritime security studies.

INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (OXFORD), V.93(No.6), 2017(Nov. 2017): P.1293-1311. **International Law-Maritime Law.

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INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS -(INDIA) 56. SATISH KUMAR Diplomatic strides. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2018(14.1.2018): P.32-33.

Highlights the emerge of India as a major power on international polity. **International Relations-(India).

-FOREIGN POLICY-(UNITED KINGDOM) 57. WHITMAN, Richard G Avoiding a hard Brexit in foreign policy. SURVIVAL (WASHINGTON DC), V.59(No.6), 2018(Jan. 2018): P.47-53.

Discusses the foreign policy of United Kingdom on exit from European Union. **International Relations-Foreign Policy-(United Kingdom); European Union; Brexit.

-FOREIGN POLICY-(UNITED STATES) 58. BRANDS, Hal Unexceptional superpower: American grand strategy in the age of Trump. SURVIVAL (WASHINGTON DC), V.59(No.6), 2018(Jan. 2018): P.7-32.

Describes the foreign policy of United States. **International Relations-Foreign Policy-(United States); Super Power and World.

-PASSPORT AND VISAS 59. MUKHERJEE, Arindam No snoozing in silicon valley. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.3), 2018(22.1.2018): P.54-55.

Discusses the impact of changed visa policy of United States on Indians working there. **International Relations-Passport and Visas.

-PASSPORTS AND VISAS 60. THAKUR, Sujit One country two passports. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.43(No.5), 2018(29.1.2018): P.8, 10.

Discusses the Union Government's stand on the issue of two types of Passports on different parameters. **International Relations-Passports and Visas.

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-REGIONAL ALLIANCES AND PACTS 61. POSPISIL, Jan 'Unsharing' sovereignty: G7 + and the politics of internet and statebuilding. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (OXFORD), V.93(No.6), 2017(Nov. 2017): P.1417-1434.

G 7 : Timor-Leaste, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti and Sierra Leone.

Highlights the role of G-7 nations in emeging new world order. **International Relations-Regional Alliances and Pacts; G-7.

LAW AND JUSTICE -ISLAMIC LAW 62. Marriages of inconvenience: Islamic family Law. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.425(No.9070), 2017(15.12.2017): P.53-54.

Discusses the consequences of Islamic Family Law in regard to liquidation of marriage under civil law in western countries. **Law and Justice-Islamic Law; Civil Law; Family.

63. One is enough: Islamic marriage in Canada. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.425(No.9070), 2017(15.12.2017): P.54.

Discusses the political aspects of polygamy in the settlement of Muslim refugees in Canada. **Law and Justice-Islamic Law; Social Custom; Refugees and Rehabilitation.

64. RAHATKAR, O Vijaya New era of self-respect. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.30), 2018(21.1.2018): P.16-18.

Focuses on the legal status of Muslim women under Islamic law and Indian civil law and their struggle to regain legal rights. **Law and Justice-Islamic Law; Women-Social Condition; Religion and Society.

-JUDICIARY-(UNITED STATES) 65. Full-court press: The judiciary. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.426(No.9074), 2018(19.1.2018): P.28.

Deals with the politics of President Donald Trump's judicial appointments in United States'. **Law and Justice-Judiciary-(United States).

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-SUPREME COURT-(INDIA) 66. DATTA, Damayanti Oh My Lords ! INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.43(No.5), 2018(29.1.2018): P.39-46.

Deals with the allegations of abuse of power and court traditions by four senior-most judges of the Supreme Court against the Chief Justice of India. **Law and Justice-Supreme Court-(India); Judges.

67. ZAIDI, S Akbar Crises in the Judiciary: Restoring order in the Courts. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.10-13.

Critically comments on state of affairs in in the context of recent press conference by four senior judges. **Law and Justice-Supreme Court-(India); Judges.

MIGRATION -REFUGEES AND REHABILITATION 68. DHABHAI, Garima Purusharthi Refugee: Sindhi migrants in Jaipur’s walled city.

ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.66-72.

Focuses on the demographic set-up in Jaipur during late 1940s and early 1970s. **Migration-Refugees and Rehabilitation.

69. SENGUPTA, Kaustubh Mani Education, Training and Refugee Rehabilitation in post-partition West Bengal. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.58-65.

Studies the role of education and training in the rehabilitation of Hindu refugees in post-partition West Bengal. **Migration-Refugees and Rehabilitation.

70. SHAHANI, Uttara Refugee legal challenges to Bombay Government’s Land Requisition Housing Scheme. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.73-79.

Deals with the legal challenges of Sindhi refugees to the Bombay Government’s land requisition scheme of 1947–48 and that partition refugees helped to shape the legal and constitutional landscape of newly independent India. **Migration-Refugees and Rehabilitation; Land Acquisition.

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POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT -CASTE POLITICS 71. Group think: Caste in Indian politics. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.425(No.9070), 2018(15.12.2017): P.25-26.

Focuses on the role of caste politics in the election campaigning for Assembly elections held in Gujarat. **Politics and Government-Caste Politics; Assembly Elections-(Gujarat).

72. PINGLAY-PLUMBER, Prachi Fresh layers of biting memory. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.3), 2018(22.1.2018): P.40, 42.

Examines the impact of latest round of Dalit-Maratha clashes in Koregaon on the political prospects of Bharatiya Janata Party in Maharashtra. **Politics and Government-Caste Politics; Scheduled Castes; Bharatiya Janata Party; Violence and Disorder-(Maharashtra).

73. RAJIVLOCHAN, M Bloody scrum, glorious victory. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.3), 2018(22.1.2018): P.34-36.

Analyses the recent outbreak of violence in Koregaon from historical perspective. **Politics and Government-Caste Politics; Scheduled Castes; Violence and Disorder-(Maharashtra).

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(HARYANA) 74. Haryana's political journey. GFILES (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.8-9), 2018(Nov-Dec.2017): P.30-35.

Looks at the contributions of various Chief Ministers in building the Haryana State. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Haryana).

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(INDIA) 75. NOORANI, A.G Our swadeshi McCarthy. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1.2017): P.49-54.

Raises concern over Modi’s divisive politics and hateful rhetoric during the final phase of the campaign for the Gujarat elections. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(India); Bharatiya Janata Party; Assembly Elections-(Gujarat).

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-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(JAMMU AND KASHMIR) 76. BUKHARI, Shujaat Mission without mandate. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1..2017): P.37-40.

Focuses on the challenges ahead of Dineshwar Sharma as the Government of India’s interlocutor to resolve Kashmir problem. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir).

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-() 77. GURINDER SINGH Rajnikanth: In a new role. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.9-13.

Analyses the challanges and opportunities for RajniKanth, the actor-turned-politician in Tamil Nadu politics. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Tamil Nadu).

78. VENKATESAN, T S Thalaivar's political plunge. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2018(14.1.2018): P.12-15.

Deals with the entry of superstar Rajnikanth in Tamil Nadu polity. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Tamil Nadu).

-POLITICAL PARTIES-BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY 79. BHARDWAJ, Brij Threatening statements by BJP leaders create uncertainlty. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.32.

Comments on the issue of far reaching provocative political statements by the leaders of Bhartiya Janata Party. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party; Cruelty to Animals.

80. JOSHI, Yashwardhan BJP & Congress fine tune strategies for state polls. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.19-20.

Comments on the strategies of Bharatiya Janata Party and for forthcoming Assembly Elections in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Karnataka in 2018. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-Bharatiya Janata Party; Indian National Congress; Assembly Elections-(India).

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-POLITICAL PARTIES-INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 81. NAYAR, Kuldip Third Person. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.56(No.6), 2018(27.1.2018): P.45-46.

Discusses the role of in the developement of Indian National Congress in India in recent years. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-Indian National Congress; GANDHI, Sonia.

-WATER DISPUTE 82. KIRAN, K S Politics behind Mahadayi. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2018(14.1.2018): P.27-29.

Deals with the renewed efforts to resolve Mahadayi river dispute between Goa and Karnataka. **Politics and Government-Water Dispute.

83. SRIDHARAN, M K Water for people, not for politics. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.29), 2018(14.1.2018): P.24-27.

Suggests measures to resolve river water tangle among various states in India. **Politics and Government-Water Dispute; Irrigation System.

-WATER DISPUTES 84. TARE, Kiren D and GOWDA, Aravind Water wars. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.43(No.5), 2018(29.1.2018): P.24-25.

Deals with ths State Governments' reaction to the settlement bid of the two-decade-old Mahadayi river water dispute between Goa and Karnataka. **Politics and Government-Water Disputes.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -CHARGES AGAINST MINISTER 85. SRIDHAR, V Great telecom swindle. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1.2017): P.4-8.

Deals with the judgement of CBI Special Court acquitting A Raja and Kanimozhi and several others in the 2G spectrum allocation scam cases. **Public Administration-Charges against Minister; Telecom Policy-(India); Judgement; Scams.

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86. VENKATESAN, V Questionable acquittals. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1.2017): P.9-18.

Comments on the criminal corporate-politician nexus in wake of acquittal of all the accused in the 2G spectrum case. **Public Administration-Charges against Minister; Corruption; Security Agencies.

-CHARGES AGAINST MINISTERS 87. RAMAKRISHNAN, Venkitesh and TRIPATHI, Purnima S Silence of the crusaders. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1.2017): P.22-23.

States that recent verdict on 2G spectrum case undermines Bharatiya Janata Party’s propaganda blitz about corruption during United Progressive Alliance regime. **Public Administration-Charges against Ministers; Corruption; Scams; Security Agencies.

--(HARYANA) 88. BHATTACHARYA, Shubhabrata Lals of Haryana. GFILES (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.8-9), 2018(Nov.Dec.2017): P.26-28.

Highlights the significant role of Chief Ministers of Haryana Bansi Lal, Chaudhary Devi Lal and Bhajan Lal in State politics. **Public Administration-Chief Minister-(Haryana); Political Development-(Haryana).

-CIVIL SERVICES-(INDIA) 89. DEVASAHAYAM, M G Far away from home: My Haryana days. GFILES (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.8-9), 2018(Nov.Dec.2017): P.20-25.

Recalls the political development in Haryana during the tenure of a civil servant during Congrees Government in 1970s. **Public Administration-Civil Services-(India); Political Development-(Haryana).

-CORRUPTION 90. TRIVEDI, Divya Scam chronicle. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1.2017): P.27-29.

Analyses the prevalence of political from historical perspective. **Public Administration-Corruption; Charges against Ministers; Scams.

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-CYBER CRIME 91. WALL, David S How big data feeds big crime. CURRENT HISTORY (PHILADELPHIA), V.117(No.795), 2018(Jan.2018): P.29-34.

Expresses concern over rising incidents of cyber crime and its impact on the wellbeing of economies and society. **Public Administration-Cyber Crime; Economic Growth-(India); Social Change and Condition.

-OMBUDSMAN 92. DIXIT, Rakesh Normalising corruption. GFILES (NEW DELHI), V.11(No.8-9), 2018(Nov.Dec.2017): P.50-54.

Comments on the appointment of present incumbent Lokayukta for 'normalisation of corruption'' in Madhya Pradesh. **Public Administration-Ombudsman; Corruption.

-SCAMS-() 93. SINHA, R K Lalu meets his nemisis. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.30), 2018(21.1.2018): P.28-29.

Discusses the impact of 's imprisionment in fodder scam on the future prospects of Rashtriya . **Public Administration-Scams-(Fodder Scam); Crime in Politics.

-TERRORISM 94. LAHOUD, Nelly How will the Islamic State endure ? SURVIVAL (WASHINGTON DC), V.59(No.6), 2018(Jan. 2018): P.55-57.

Discusses the success and future of ISIS known as Islamic State. **Public Administration-Terrorism; Islam.

-VIOLENCE AND DISORDER-(UKRAINE) 95. POND, Elizabeth War in Ukraine: Is this the way it ends. SURVIVAL (WASHINGTON DC), V.59(No.6), 2018(Jan. 2018): P.143-152.

Focuses on the concerted efforts of Russia, Ukraine and the West to solve the violent crisis in Eastern part of Ukraine and its far reaching implications. **Public Administration-Violence and Disorder-(Ukraine).

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-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-(RAJASTHAN) 96. RAJALAKSHMI, T.K Living in fear. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.35(No.1), 2018(19.1..2017): P.41-45.

States that the series of attacks on Muslims in Rajasthan has triggered insecurity among minority community. **Public Administration-Violences and Disorders-(Rajasthan); Communalism.

PUBLIC HEALTH -DISEASES-CANCER 97. VISARIA, Leela No cure in this prevention policy. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.43(No.5), 2018(29.1.2018): P.18.

Comments on the Government's decision to cancel the introduction of vaccine for the "Human Papilloma Virus" to prevent cervical cancer among women. **Public Health-Diseases-Cancer; Women.

-DOCTORS 98. JOSHI, Yashwardhan Need to check corruption in Medical Profession. INDIAN OBSERVER (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(31.1.2018): P.31.

Deals with the sailent features of National Medical Commission Bill to tackle corruption in Medical Profession in India. **Public Health-Doctors; Medical Ethics.

-HOSPITALS 99. NAYAR, Lola Misery as a terrific biz opportunity. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(15.1.2018): P.33-37.

Calls for strict regulation of hospitals in private sector to curb unscrupulous profiteers in India's healthcare infrastructure. **Public Health-Hospitals.

100. PRAGYA SINGH Clever idea, radiant too. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(15.1.2018): P.40-41.

Raises controversy over the modus operandi of corporate hospitals to outsource the management while retaining the hospital's status as non-profit society. **Public Health-Hospitals.

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101. VIJ-AURORA, Bhavna Charity remains the facade. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.2), 2018(15.1.2018): P.38-40.

Urges the Government to regulate laws for corporate hospitals to provide treatment to poor people as well. **Public Health-Hospitals.

-INFECTIOUS DISEASES 102. McINNES, Colin and ROEMER-MAHLER, Anne From security to risk: Reframy global health threats. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (OXFORD), V.93(No.6), 2017(Nov. 2017): P.1313-1337.

Expresses concern over the outbreak of various diseases in different countries threatening the survival of mankind and also deals with the approach of World Health Organisation in tackling these health issues. **Public Health-Infectious Diseases; WHO.

RELIGION -BUDDHISM 103. GELNER, David N Politics of Buddhism in Nepal. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.17-20.

Discusses the politics over state of Buddhism in Nepal with substantive claim on the life and teachings of Lord Budha. **Religion-Buddhism; Political Development-(Nepal).

-RELIGION AND STATE 104. GOVINDACHARYA, K N Rashtra is not "Nation". INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.43(No.5), 2018(29.1.2018): P.56-58.

Discusses Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh's Hindutava concept of 'Rashtra'. **Religion-Religion and State; Hindusim; Religion and State.

105. RAHUL GOVIND Ambedkar’s lessons, Ambedkar’s challenges: Hinduism, Hindutva and the Indian Nation. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.4), 2018(27.1.2018): P.80-92. **Religion-Religion and State; Religion and Politics; Hinduism; Ambedkar, B R.

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Comments on the poor performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in providing employment opportunities in rural areas. **Rural Development-Rural Employment; MGNREGA.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 107. GRIGSBY, Alex End of cyber norms. SURVIVAL (WASHINGTON DC), V.59(No.6), 2018(Jan. 2018): P.109-119.

Looks at policies of all leading countries on cyberspace and calls for a collaborated efforts to avoid an hostile approach towards more stable cyber norms. **Science and Technology-Information Technology.

SOCIAL POLICY AND PLANNING -CASTE CONFLICTS 108. Fact-finding Report on the Rashtra Seva Dal’s Inquiry into Bhima-Koregaon Riots. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.56(No.6), 2018(27.1.2018): P.13-15.

Deals with the fact finding report on Riots in Bhima-Koregaon in Maharastra. **Social Policy and Planning-Caste Conflicts; Riots.

109. GATADE, Subhash On Ninetieth Anniversary of Mahad Satyagraha: Remembering Mahad.

MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.56(No.6), 2018(27.1.2018): P.23-24.

Remembers the Mahad Satyagraha in Maharashtra where thousands of people had gathered to challenge the practice of untouchability by drinking water from a public pond. **Social Policy and Planning-Caste Conflicts; Riots.

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-GIRL CHILD 110. CHOWDHURY, Ishita Savina Kanyashree Prakalpa: State intervention to prevent child marriage. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2017(20.1.2018): P.25-28.

Deals with the performance of Kanyashree Prakalpa in providing educational support to unmarried girls through conditional cash transfers scheme of the Government of West Bengal. **Social Policy and Planning-Girl Child.

-PROHIBITION 111. ANANTHPUR, Kripa To drink or not to drink—Is not the question!: For a comprehensive Liquor Policy. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.46-52.

Calls for framing of a comprehensive liquor policy that regulates, rehabilitates, and refocuses on the importance of awareness creation to counter drunken driving. **Social Policy and Planning-Prohibition.

-SCHEDULED CASTES 112. GURU PRAKASH and JOSHI, Vinay Dalit stage. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.69(No.30), 2018(21.1.2018): P.31.

Expresses concern over the rising trend of caste politics in Indian political land scape with reference to the role of Jignesh Mivani and Maoists. **Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Castes; Caste Politics.

-WOMEN 113. BERGIA, Elena Women and war: A complex matter. POLITICAL INSIGHT (UNITED KINGDOM), 2017(Dec. 2017): P.22-23.

Discusses the role of women during a conflict and as a peace maker. **Social Policy and Planning-Women.

-WOMEN-WOMEN IN POLITICS 114. KATOCH, Archna Women’s political participation: A catalyst for gender equality in India. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.56(No.6), 2018(27.1.2018): P.47-49. **Social Policy and Planning-Women-Women in Politics.

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TRANSPORT -AIR TRANSPORT 115. SUKUMARAN, Ajay Finally to make a plane and fly it. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.58(No.3), 2018(22.1.2018): P.58-59.

Highlights India's first indigenous light civil transport aircraft, an upgraded Dornier. **Transport-Air Transport.

-ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 116. RAGHURAM, G Corridor concept to road development: Bharatmala project. YOJANA (NEW DELHI), V.61, 2017(Dec. 2017): P.67-68.

Highlights the features of Bharatmala Pariyojana for rapid road development. **Transport-Roads and Highways.

TRANSPORTATION -WATER TRANSPORT 117. UNNITHAN, Sandeep Man out of his depth. INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI), V.43(No.5), 2018(29.1.2018): P.10-11.

Comments on the Indian Navy's opposition to construction of a jetty near Malabar Hill to connect to a luxury floating hotal on a cruise liner offshore in Mumbai. **Transportation-Water Transport; Navy-(India); Hotels.

URBAN DEVELOPMENT -SLUMS AND SLUM CLEARANCE 118. SMITHA, K.C and DEB PAL, Barun Spatial reproduction of urban poverty in global city: Gender, informality and mobility in Bengaluru. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.53(No.3), 2018(20.1.2018): P.67-76.

Explores the impact of displacement and resettlement on slum dwellers, particularly uneducated and elderly women in Bengaluru. **Urban Development-Slums and Slum Clearance; Poverty.