BAWDESWELL PARISH COUNCIL - MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER 2007 AT 7.45pm IN THE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Councillors Mallen, Shannon, Cockburn, Hipperson, Beane and Mason. Mr. G. Bambridge (DC) 48 parishioners 1.9 APOLOGIES: Councillor Lilwall. Mrs. I.Floering Blackman(CC) 2.9 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING; Agreed and signed

The Chairman opened the meeting stating that the Parish Council had changed the format of meetings to try to encourage more Parishioners to attend and would, in the future, be inviting Officials to speak at the meetings - eg Breckland officials about Planning/LDF, Police etc - to help Parishioners understand the work/role of the Parish Council.

3.9 He then introduced the officials from Breckland Council - David Spencer (Principal Planning Policy Officer, Paul Harris and Lee Webster (Enabling & Projects Officer - affordable housing) - to talk about the Local Development Framework and Bawdeswell’s role within that strategy.

David Spencer handed out a booklet introducing the LDF and work carried out to date. Breckland are looking at specific areas for development such as the large towns of and but also villages which could benefit from new housing and employment which are to be called Local Service Centres (Bawdeswell not identified in any draft LDF documents although it continues to develop). The criteria is for the village to have a population of 1,000+ parishioners, a school, shop, PO, doctors surgery, public transport and employment -Bawdeswell fulfils only two of those categories! The Local Plan would allow for infilling, conversions and suitable use of appropriately located previously developed land. Future role for Bawdeswell - choices are: a) to promote Bawdeswell as a Local Service Centre or b) broadly keep things as they are, where the settlement boundary stays largely as it is. Breckland will be consulting on final draft Strategy by the end of the year/early 2008 and there is a 6 week period for comment. Copies will be sent to PC. The Parish Council now had to - formulate ideas/thoughts - encourage community involvement. The Parish Council will keep Parishioners fully informed about developments. The Chairman thanked everyone present for attending the meeting.

4.9 MATTERS ARISING: -NCC unable to grant permission for a Safety Mirror to be put up on the land opposite the entrance to the Village Hall ‘because such mirrors can give highway users a false perception of speed and the distance of approaching vehicles and could cause oncoming vehicle to be dazzled’. Clerk to query. 5.9 PLANNING: a) - 3PL/2007/1197/F32 Road -proposed replacement extension/conversion of existing garage to study/bedroom. NO OBJECTIONS b) - 3PL/2007/1263/F - The Cottage, The Drift - proposed single storey linked detached annexe (resubmission) - PC objections - it is outside Settlement Boundary and as per Policy HOU.6 of Local Plan ‘does not demonstrate that it is essential in connection with agriculture, forestry … etc.’ Also there appears little difference to original PA (refused) which could become separate building. 6.9 CLERKS REPORT: a) New Model Code of Conduct - it was proposed Councillor Cockburn , seconded Councillor Beane that the PC should adopt the New Model Code of Conduct for Members including paragraph 12(2) ‘which gives elected members with a prejudicial interest the same rights as members of the public to speak to a meeting on the issue, but then leave before the main discussion and vote’ effective immediately. Letter to be sent to the Standards Board confirming this. Local newspaper advert to be inserted with Breckland’s block advert. b) Community Bus Service: NCC letter states ‘no previous letters/requests from you the need for transport to Dereham’- the Chairman had replied outlining past requests and giving details of our transport needs - asking if an Officer of the Council could attend a PC meeting (April 08?) Community Car Scheme : The Chairman had drafted a letter to be sent to all Parishioners asking if they would be interested in such a scheme - names of people who would be willing to volunteer to be a driver (allowances paid) and likely usage. c) PO - Compulsory notice of closure received, although apparently this was a ‘misunderstanding’ as they are not advertising for a new post master at the current point in time given the current review taking place – ‘should the review reveal a requirement for services in Bawdeswell the post will be advertised, if not then the branch will be deemed closed.’ PO will be closing 1pm on Wednesday 19th September. Chairman and Clerk have had talks with Peter Smith, Enterprise Officer from Rural Community Council about the possibility of other avenues for providing PO services. (Article in EDP 30.8.07 suggests Libraries could be one answer). Matter pending. -A47 to A1067 Link Improvement Consultation - letter sent stating PC prefer ‘red’ route. Acknowledgement received from NCC. 7.9 FINANCE: a)Annual Audit forms and Annual Governance Statement were agreed and signed (copies circulated to Councillors before meeting). The PC would like to thank Mrs. Sue Clarke for being our independent auditor. b)Old Surveryors Land, Reepham Road - details/letter from Ewings giving valuation circulated to Councillors before meeting - Councillor Lilwall still to see items - matter pending, to be put on agenda for October meeting c) The following cheques were agreed and signed during recess: 100504 £1,327.75 Playscape Playground Equipment Ltd.- 2 park seats/2 litter bins (part grant) 100505 £84.60 Playsafety Ltd. Annual RoSPA Inspection 100506 £94.00 Ewings - valuation of Old Surveyors Land 100507 £798.95 D.Cockburn - purchase of Goals/Cricket Nets for BAG (donation received from Village Hall of £679.96) The following cheques signed and agreed at PC meeting: 100508 £42.65 Kidde Fire Protection Services - Annual Inspection Agreement 100509 Zurich Insurance (£522.75 - other items to be added - chain link fencing play area/2 bench seats/2 litter bins/cricket nets - Clerk to check new insurance amount before sending cheque). 100510 £10 Breckland Council - Code of Conduct advert in EDP 100511 £50 Dereham CAB - donation (included in Precept for year 07/08) - VAT rebate received for £474.46 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: -Clay Hall Farm - Gt. Witchingharn - Banharn Compost - PA to be discussed Wednesday 12 th September in Gt. Yarmouth - Clerk received Banhams report and had had telephone conversation with Pete Dilloway (Gt.Witchingham// Clerk) who had asked if PC were going to speak at this meeting- PC did not feel it applicable as letter of objection had been sent - Councillor Shannon will like to attend meeting to find out situation and will report back to PC. -Councillor Shannon asked for a vote of thanks for Janet and David Cockburn on organising/helping with the Bawdeswell Activities Group during the summer holidays - this was a great success. The PC would like to thank them very much for all their hard work in running this project. -The PC would like to thank Councillor Hipperson for arranging the printing of the letter to Parishioners advising them of the September meeting with Breckland Officers to discuss the LDF. 9.9 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: MONDAY 1st OCTOBER 7.45pm IN THE VILLAGE HALL. PROJECT BAWDESWELL’S PRESENTATION TO THE PC