St Mary and All Saints, Dunsfold, NO DINING OUT BUT IT’S TIME TO BACK THE Sunday, March 7th, 2021 BISHOP OF ’S LENT APPEAL

The Bishop of Guildford’s Communities Fund supports the vulnerable and marginalised throughout the diocese, helping those parishes and charities which are reaching out into their ePEWS NEWS local communities.

Third Sunday of Lent Usually a major source of their income is collections at licensing services and confirmations but coronavirus has meant that most of those have not taken place over the past year. That puts even greater pressure in hoping parishes will help with their Lent donations.

The Bishop of Guildford, (right), is asking parishes and individuals to dig deep and consider how we can help the Fund to continue their vital work.

Our joint initiative with Hascombe Church has been one of the diocese’s most generous in recent years via our popular Lent lunches. This year’s lockdown means we we can’t stage the lunches so we are simply asking for the most generous display of your support yet.

In his challenging book for Lent, Come and See, the , Stephen Cottrell (right), writes: “It has often been said that the last part of a human being to be converted is his wallet! Whether we like it or not, the way we spend our money speaks very eloquently of our priorities.

“To put it bluntly, if we spend more money each year on a daily newspaper, or on alcohol or evenings out or holidays, than on supporting the life of the church or supporting the charities to alleviate suffering in the world, then very clearly those things take a higher priority in our lives than God. 10am Live Holy Communion service from St Mary and All Saints, Dunsfold via Zoom. “Generosity is not measured by how much we give, but Celebrant: Reverend Ian Maslin by how much we have left after we have given.”

Click on the link below to join our service. We’ve been blessed by some generous donations so far this Lent and we’ve raised just over £2000 for the Bishop’s Appeal. That’s a great start but we humbly ask that if you’ve not yet made a donation you support our campaign so we can set a new record for Dunsfold and pwd=WjlIcHBydjdOOEEzZ2tBVDNyMFBaZz09 Hascombe. If you visit our church website, A Church Near You/ Dunsfold you can watch a couple of videos in which Readings and collect for the Third Sunday of Bishop Andrew meets up with two of the charities his Lent. fund is supporting.

OT: Exodus 20: 1-17 There are a couple of ways you can make donations. NT: 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25 You can make your cheque payable to Dunsfold PCC, GOSPEL: John 2: 13-22 write on the back Lent Appeal and pass it on to our treasurer John Gray. He lives at The Old Reading Room, Collect for the 3rd Sunday of Lent: Almighty God, The Common, Dunsfold, GU8 4LL. whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was Or, make a direct bank transfer into our church account crucified: mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of with the reference: Lent Appeal. the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is The details are: Dunsfold PCC. Sort code: alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 30-94-41. Account number: 01828639 one God, now and for ever. REVEREND IAN MASLIN’S How open are we prepared to be? REFLECTIONS ON JESUS’ Amen ANGER IN THE TEMPLE PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS

In today’s Gospel reading Jesus is back in the Temple, CHURCH: Please pray for the chaplains of hospitals, lashing out in anger at those who were trading there. This hospices and mental health trusts that the healthcare chaplains from many denominations and faiths will be incident appears in all four Gospels: at the beginning of successful in their support for staff as well as patients and His ministry as writen here in John and associated with their families. the Passion narratves in the Synoptc Gospels (Mathew, WORLD: We pray for the efficient and successful roll-out of Mark & Luke). coronavirus drugs around the world, especially in areas of immense poverty. A popular interpretaton has been to see this incident as an example of Jesus’ humanity; He got angry, just like the rest of us. THE SICK: Amanda and Hugh, Tim Bailey, Michael Burt, Actually, we have to be careful that in our eagerness to claim Sarah Godwin, Jan and Mark Knott, Sally Rivett, similarity with ourselves we are in danger of missing a much Sue Simper, Jacky Williams, Alli, Judy Bolt, Sue and Dennis Evans, Sami Bennewith, deeper truth. Lizzy Laverty.

John does not have to ‘prove’ Jesus’ humanity; afer all he has THE DEPARTED: John Davies already afrmed that at the beginning of his Gospel, “the Word became fesh”.

It’s much more important to realise the authority that the fully DUNSFOLD CHURCH IN ACTION human Jesus claims for His words and actons Our commitment to Dunsfold Church in The traders that Jesus drove out were not gatecrashers into the Action has never wavered and while life has daily life of the Temple; far from it, they were essental to the become a little easier than in the first whole operaton of the Temple cult. lockdown members of the church community Animals and birds were needed for sacrifces and the money are still helping the less mobile around the changers were essental because coins bearing the Emperor’s head parish. were not acceptable within the Temple precincts. But we have been asked to reproduce the list When the outraged Jews demanded to know by what authority of first responders you can call on for Jesus did these things, He refers cryptcally to His future Passion assistance. It might be for shopping or to and death. help you fulfil a medical appointment. It may “Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up” even be that someone feels lonely and isolated. We are here to help. This was a revolutonary claim. For the Jewish naton, the Temple was the very place where God’s presence was among His people, If you need help don’t hesitate to call: the beatng heart of their faith and worship. Rev Ian Maslin (priest in charge) 200048 Susie Maslin 200048 But by referring to the temple of His body, Jesus was efectvely Sheila Jones (churchwarden) 200204 claiming that the cult of the Temple was now in the past; the Jan Richardson (churchwarden) 200519 presence of God upon earth was now embodied, not in a building, Pam and David Walker 201140 but in Christ Himself. The scandal and the challenge contnue to this day. A great danger SAFEGUARDING IN YOUR CHURCH for the Church in any age is to fall into the trap of assuming that the authority of the Church is the same thing as God’s authority We take safeguarding seriously in Dunsfold Church. If you have any concerns or information you wish to pass When we think of our own Christan communites, what are the on please contact our safeguarding officer, Hazel ‘sacred cows’, areas that we have closed of for discussion, Wiltshire on 01403 753847 or email her at declared non-negotable, made impervious to the healing and [email protected] renewing acton of Christ’s Spirit? The danger is there for all of us, whether we are part of a long- established church community or a new fellowship. THE LAST WORD… If we truly read and understand the authority challenging words ARCHBISHOP and actons of Jesus, we can allow them to show us new ways of DESMOND TUTU: seeing God and the ways in which He seeks to draw us more fully “What matters is not how good into the depths of His love. we are but how good God is. Not how much we As with Saul, the scales fall from our eyes and we see things as if love Him but how much He loves us. And God for the frst tme. The yardstck for all our Christan communites loves us whoever we are, whatever we’ve done or must be the revelaton of God in the life, death and resurrecton of failed to do, whatever we believe or can’t.” Jesus Christ.