T H E D I O C E S E O F M O N T E R E Y F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 2 0 THE TIDE

Our Most Reverend Welcome SECOND EDITION: But the angel said to them, "Do not be Danny Garcia afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." A Vist to Luke 2:10 The Diocese of Monterey warmly A Jubilee Celebration welcomes you to The Tide, your local official newsletter that brings good news to all. In our second edition, we California Catholic reflect on our fall and winter months, Ministry Conference highlighting special moments from Like us on Facebook your Diocesan family. for daily news and This Diocese of Monterey newsletter Christmas Angels updates: does not require subscription and The R oman

does not include any paid advertising Catholic Diocese or solicitation. of Monterey A Visit to Rome...

Article by Fr. Ommar Solis, Dir. of Vocations On Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019, I was blessed to be in Rome attending the General Audience of our Holy Father. I was on a pilgrimage with a very specific mission: to pray for our seminarians, and for an increase of vocations in our diocese. That morning, with the hope that Francis somehow may bless our seminarians, I took with me the final draft our new diocesan seminarian poster, and protectively covered it with a white poster board. As all of the pilgrims waited patiently for the General Audience to begin, I began to write on the white poster board a message, and I wrote it in Spanish hoping to grab ' attention as he passed by on the Popemobile. The message read: “Pope Francis, bless our seminarians.” Well, the moment came when Pope Francis was brought into St. Peter's Square on the Popemobile. I asked Esperanza, one of my fellow pilgrims, to help me hold high the sign while I held the seminarian poster. As the Holy Father was passing by our section, the two posters immediately caught his attention, and as he was reading the written message, a great smile grew on his face and he blessed the seminarian poster. It was a very special moment for us! Being present at the General Audience and listening to the Holy Father’s message was a great blessing, but it was even more so at the end of the event. While most of the people present left St. Peter's Square after the final blessing, Esperanza, two other members of our group, and I remained there. We moved to the front of the barricades hoping to see Pope Francis up-close for the last time, before he would depart on the Popemobile. Patience paid off! After waiting approximately 45 minutes in the sun, Pope Francis was walking towards our section approaching and greeting the pilgrims. As he walked right in front of me, I was in shock… motionless… speechless. He graciously blessed the poster once again and was continuing his path. At that moment, I said to him out loud: “Holy Father, this is for you!” Turning around, he received our poster and took it with him. The Seminarians of the Diocese of Monterey are truly BLESSED! A Jubilee Celebration...

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Delight yourself in Article by: Sr. Gloria Loya, Vicar for Religious In mid- October, sixty- one Religious Women and Men gathered the Lord and he well at Villa Maria del Mar, Santa Cruz to celebrate Religious Life. Bishop give you the desires Danny and Father Miguel Grajeda were the main celebrants for the of your heart. Eucharistic Liturgy. Four Sisters celebrated their jubilees. During the the Religious sang a Litany to their founders and Commit your way to foundresses. Our Cistercian Monks sang a the Lord; trust in beautiful meditation song to Our Lady, accompanied by Sister him and he will do Barbara on the piano. A wonderful and joyful meal followed in the this: dining room. Religious Life is based on the following of Jesus through the He will make your

Sixty one Religious Women and Men gathered at Villa Maria del Mar, Santa Cruz to Celebrate Religious Life. Bishop Danny and FatherMiguel Grajeda were the main celebrants for the charism and mission of each unique Institute by living the Eucharistic Liturgy. Four Sisters celebrated their jubilees. During the Mass the Religious sang a righteousnesLitany to their founderss and foundresses. Our Cistercian Monks sang a beautifuls meditation song to hine Our Lady, accompanied by Sister Barbara on the piano. A wonderful and joyful meal followed in the dining room.

Religious Life is based on the following of Jesus through the charism and mission of each unique Institute by living the essence of their lives through the vows. All of the Religious stood during Mass to renew their vows to the Lord through their particular communities. Together they professed their renewal: essence of their lives through the vows. All of the Religious stood like the dawn, the during Mass to renew their vows to the Lord through their particular justice of your cause communities. Together they professed their renewal. like the noonday sun.

Psalm 37:3-6

California Catholic Conference In early December more than 2,000 people gathered at this year's California Catholic Ministry Conference (CaCMC). The 3-day event is a multi-cultural and multi-lingual event that highlights the importance of faith development at all levels of church and society ,it is aimed at adults to enrich their faith and strengthen their knowledge and skills to do ministry in their church and in the world. Those who attended celebrated in prayer, visited exhibits and took part in inspiring workshops. Christmas Angels Article by: Socorro Lagarda-Quiroz, Dir. of Hispanic Ministry

As is part of our tradition during the Advent Season, many parishes across our diocese made a special effort to help individuals and families in need, to help make the Christmas experience brighter. In a similar way, our diocesan staff came together to collect toys and gift cards as Christmas Angels for some of our Hispanic Migrant Ministry families. These actions of love and generosity are very important and represent expressions of the Gospel coming alive in our communities.