Bible Study – :1-40 Believe and Live Lesson 19 – Christ the Faithful One

Preview: After going up to the Mount of Olives with His disciples and praying, is arrested and unjustly tried before the high priests Annas and . Then He is taken into the Roman Praetorium to Pilate, who is confused about what he should do with Christ. He asks, “Are You the King of the Jews?” He also asks his now famous question, “What is truth?” and then finally admits, “I find mo guilt in Him.” As a custom of mercy, Pilate can release one prisoner and even offers to let Jesus go. But the crowds shout, “Not this Man, but Barabbas,” a robber.

The betrayal and (18:1-14)

1. Jesus responded in a momentary revelation of His divine glory. Jesus used the familiar title “ ______” (18:5), identifying Himself with the Old Testament name of ______.

2. Throughout this chapter, John emphasizes the deity of Jesus, referring to His divine ______(18:4), His divine ______(18:6), and His divine ______(18:8-9)


The Trials of Jesus

The Jewish trials Before Annas (18:12-14) Before Caiaphas (18:19-24) Before the Sanhedrin (Matt. 27:1-2)

The Roman trials Before Pilate (18:28-38) Before Herod (Luke 23:6-11) Before Pilate (18:39-19:16)

3. Jesus was first taken to Annas, whom John identifies as the ______-___-____ of ______, the high priest (18:13).

The denial of Peter (18:15-27)


4. When Jesus was arrested in the garden, all His disciples ______(Matt. 26:56).

5. Although John remained faithful to Jesus, being the only disciple present at the crucifixion (19:26), it was in the first priest’s official residence that Peter ______.


6. Caiaphas began his questioning by asking about Jesus’ ______(18:19).


7. Peter’s second denial recorded by John occurred when a group of the servants of this high priest and officers of the temple ______him (18:25).

8. The third recorded denial came when a ______of the man Peter had ______in the garden questioned him (18:26-27).

9. The crowing of a cock followed this third denial. This normally occurred about the third watch of the night, that is, ____:____A.M. (Mark 13:35).

10. Jesus was condemned by the ______for ______.

The trial of Jesus before Pilate (18:28-40)

11. The trial before Pilate was very early … it was technically the fourth watch of the night, 3:00 to ___:___ A.M.

12. By the end of the fourth watch, Jesus was delivered to be ______(19:14).


Pilate Attempted to Release Jesus

• You judge Him (18:31). • He is innocent (18:38). • Jews substitute Barabbas (18:39) • Partial punishment (19:1) • Play on pity (19:5) • Behold your King (19:14)



• Out Heard their non-indictment (18:28-32) • In “Are You the King of the Jews?” (18:33-37) • Out “I find no guilt in Him” (18:38-40) • In Scourged Jesus (19:1-3) • Out “Behold, the Man!” (19:4-8) • In Sought to release Him (19:9-12) • Out “Behold, your King!” (19:13-16)


Some have suggested as many as forty-three specific illegalities in the proceedings. Several of these violations are listed here:

1) The binding of a prisoner before he was condemned was unlawful unless resistance was offered or expected. Jesus certainly offered no resistance (18:12, 24).

2) It was illegal for judges to participate in the arrest of the accused (18:3).

3) No legal transactions, including a trial, could be conducted at night (18:28).

4) The arrest was effected through the agency of an informer and traitor (18:5; see Ex. 23:6-8).

5) While an acquittal could be pronounced the same day, any other verdict required a majority of two and had to come on a subsequent day (Matt. 26:65-66).

6) No prisoner could be convicted on his own evidence (Matt. 26:63-65).

7) The judge had a duty to see that the interest of the accused was fully protected (18:14).

8) Preliminary hearings before a magistrate were completely foreign to the Jewish legal system (18:13).

9) Carrying weapons on the feast day was illegal (18:3).

10) The use of violence during the trial was apparently unopposed by the judges (18:2-23).

11) The judges sought false witnesses against Jesus (Matt. 26:59; :56).

12) In a Jewish court the accused was to be presumed innocent until proved guilty by two or more witnesses (11:53).

13) The Jews failed to find two witnesses agreeing against Jesus (Mark 14:59).

14) When the witnesses first disagreed, the prisoner should have been released (Mark 14:56-59).

15) No witness was ever called for defense.

16) The trial under Caiaphas took place in his home rather than in the council chamber where it should have been held (18:13-16).

17) This court lacked the civil authority to condemn a man to death (18:31).

18) Conducting a session of the court on a feast day was illegal (18:28).

19) A guilty verdict was rendered without evidenced (18:30).

20) The balloting was illegal. It should have been by roll with the youngest voting first. Here the balloting is simultaneous (Matt. 26:66).

21) The sentence was finally passed in the palace of the high priest, but the law demanded it be pronounced in the temple, in the hall of hewn stone (18:28).

22) The high priest tore his garment (Matt. 26:65; see Lev. 21:10). He was never permitted to tear his official robe, but if he did not have on his priestly rove, he couldn’t put Christ under oath.

Lesson 19 – Christ the Faithful One Study Questions

1. What was the relationship between Annas and Caiaphas, in terms of family and as priests of the Jewish people?

2. How was the trial of Jesus a legal farce? Summarize.

3. Which Pharisee was probably not in the Sanhedrin when Jesus was accused of blasphemy?

4. What authority did the Jews not have as they plotted to get rid of Jesus?

5. What charge from the Jews could Pilate not ignore?