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METALLURGICAL CORPORATION OF LTD. * 中國冶金科工股份有限公司 (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 1618)


This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

The following is the Announcement on Newly Signed Cooperative Agreements for Material Projects by Subsidiaries of Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd.* (the “Company”) published on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange today and on the newspapers in the PRC on 22 December 2009 by the Company, for reference purpose only.

By order of the Board of Directors Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd.* Liu Benren Chairman

Beijing, the PRC 21 December 2009

As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises two executive directors, Wang Weimin and Shen Heting; two non-executive directors, Liu Benren and Guo Wenqing; and five independent non-executive directors, Jiang Longsheng, Wen Keqin, Liu Li, Chen Yongkuan and Cheung Yukming.

*For identification purpose only — 1 — Stock Name: MCC (A share) Stock Code: 601618 (A share) No.: Lin 2009-008



The board of directors and all directors of Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd. (the “Company”) warrant that the contents of this announcement does not contain any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and accept several and joint responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents herein.

“BT” hereof means Build-Transfer, the contractor undertakes the construction of a project, and responsible for the financing of construction expenditures and transfers the project back to the proprietor upon completion and inspection for acceptance and the proprietor will pay the contractor for such construction expenditures, financing costs and return on project in installments pursuant to relevant agreements; “BOT” means Build-Operate-Transfer, the proprietor grants the exclusive rights to a contracted company by concession agreement to undertake the financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance of a project (mainly infrastructure projects) and to charge project users a fee during the concession period to cover its costs of investment, operations and maintenance and to obtain reasonable returns, and, upon expiration of the concession period, to transfer the project back to the proprietor; and “TOT” means Transfer-Operate-Transfer, a financing method in which the government authority transfers the title and operation rights of a completed project to investors for their operation and management for a fee for a limited term. Investors will recover all investments and obtain reasonable returns from operations within an agreed period of time and will return the project to the government authority or its original proprietor upon expiry of contracts.

— 2 — Recently, China MCC 17 Construction Co., LTD (“MCC 17”, which was owned as to 66.7% by the Company) and Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation, MCC (“MCC Huatian”, which was owned as to 82.54% by the Company), subsidiaries in which the Company has controlling share interest, entered into the following cooperative agreements with relevant counties and cities in Province on the Cooperation and Development Conference between Anhui Province and the Central Enterprises(安徽省與中央企業合作發展會議) :

I. MCC 17 and Urban Construction Investment Co. Ltd(滁州市城市建設投資 有限公司) entered into the Government Financing and Purchase Project Agreement for “Grand Chuzhou City” Settlement Residence, Road and Facility Construction(《「大滁 城」安置房和道路及場館建設政府融資採購項目合同》 ), pursuant to which the two parties agreed to cooperate and construct projects including settlement residence, road, hospital and facility by way of BT. The estimated investment of such projects is approximately RMB7.8 billion. Details of the project are subject to separate project BT contracts to be entered into by the two parties after negotiation.

II. MCC 17 and Maanshan Construction Committee(馬鞍山 市建設委員會) entered into the Cooperative Agreement for Maanshan Affordable Residence Construction Project (《馬鞍山保障性住房建設項目合作協議》 ), pursuant to which MCC 17 will invest and construct the relocation and settlement project of Maanshan 3rd district and old city renovation project. Such projects will be repurchased by the government upon completion of its construction. The estimated investment of such projects is approximately RMB13.15 billion. Details of cooperation are subject to separate project implementation contracts to be entered into by the two parties after negotiation.

III. MCC 17 and Maanshan Construction Committee(馬鞍山 市建設委員會) entered into the Government Financing and Purchase Project Framework Agreement for Maanshan Municipal Infrastructure Construction( 《馬鞍山 市城市基礎設施建設政府融資採購 項目框架協議》 ), pursuant to which two parties agreed to build municipal infrastructure in Maanshan City by way of BT. The estimated investment of such projects is approximately RMB3.4 billion. Details of the agreement are subject to the BT contracts and EPC contracts to be entered into by the two parties after negotiation.

— 3 — IV. MCC Huatian and Chuzhou Construction Committee(滁 州市建設委員會)entered into the Cooperative Agreement for Chuzhou City Urban Water Supply Project(《滁州市城 市供水項目合作協議》), pursuant to which MCC Huantian will invest to construct and operate 500,000 tonnes per day water supply project of Chuzhou City No. 3 and No. 4 Water Supply Plant by way of BOT and TOT. The estimated investment of the project is approximately RMB1.05 billion. The two parties will enter into separate agreements in respect of specific cooperative projects upon fulfilment of conditions.

V. MCC Huatian and Chuzhou City Construction Committee(滁州市建設委員會)entered into the Cooperative Agreement for the Centralised Urban Sewage Treatment Project of Chuzhou City(《滁州市城鎮污水集中處理項目合作協議》), pursuant to which MCC Huatian will invest to construct and operate 26 subprojects (with total treatment capacity of 630,000 tonnes per day) including Chuzhou City Qingliu Sewage Treatment Plant by way of BOT. The estimated investment of the project is approximately RMB2.35 billion. The two parties will enter into separate agreements upon fulfilment of conditions.

VI. MCC Huatian and the People’s Government of Dangtu County(當塗縣人民政府)entered into the Framework Cooperative Agreement for the Construction and Development Project of Binjiang New Town in Dangtu Development Area(《當塗開發區濱江新城建設開發 項目框架合作協議》), pursuant to which, MCC Huatian will separately establish a project company to take charge of the primary land development and certain commercial development and construction in Binjiang New Town of Dangtu Economic Development Area. The estimated investment of the project is approximately RMB4.5 billion. The Framework Cooperative Agreement is subject to further negotiation and signing of specific agreements by the two parties.

VII. MCC Huatian and the People’s Government of (廬江縣人民政府)entered into the Cooperative Agreement for Centralised Urban Sewage Treatment Project of Lujiang County(《廬江縣城鎮污水集中處理項目合作協議》), pursuant to which MCC Huatian will invest to construct and operate 10 subprojects (with total treatment capacity of 200,000 tonnes per day) including Lujiang County Sewage Treatment Plant by way of BOT. The estimated investment of the project is approximately RMB0.5 billion. The two parties will enter into separate agreements upon fulfilment of conditions.

— 4 — VIII. MCC Huatian and the Administration Committee of Maanshan Economic and Technological Development Zone(馬鞍山經濟技術開發區管委會)entered into the Framework Cooperative Agreement for the Sewage Treatment Project of Maanshan Economic and Technological Development Zone(《馬鞍山經濟技術開發區污水處理工程項目框架合 作協議》), pursuant to which MCC Huatian will separately establish a project company at Maanshan Economic and Technological Development Zone to make industrial investment and water environment control by way of BOT or otherwise. The estimated investment of the project is approximately RMB1.0 billion. The two parties will enter into separate agreements upon fulfilment of conditions.

Based on the aforesaid framework agreements, the Company will perform its disclosure obligations under relevant requirements of the listing rules after signing the specific agreement separately.

The Board of Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd.*

21 December 2009

*For identification purpose only

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