405 bus time schedule & line map

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The 405 bus line (Eastleigh) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Eastleigh: 7:05 AM (2) Thornhill: 4:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 405 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 405 bus arriving.

Direction: Eastleigh 405 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Eastleigh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:35 AM The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice High Street, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish Tuesday 7:05 AM

Copse Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice Wednesday 7:05 AM

Hamble Fire Station, Hamble-Le-Rice Thursday 7:05 AM Chadwick Way, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish Friday 7:05 AM

Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice Saturday Not Operational

Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice

Sports Ground, Hamble-Le-Rice 405 bus Info Broadway, Hound Direction: Eastleigh Stops: 33 Satchell Lane, Hound Trip Duration: 55 min Line Summary: The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice, Copse Hound Farm, Hound Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, Hamble Fire Station, Hamble- Le-Rice, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice, Verdon Hound Road, Hound Civil Parish Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice, Sports Ground, Hamble-Le- St Marys Church, Hound Rice, Broadway, Hound, Satchell Lane, Hound, Hound Farm, Hound, St Marys Church, Hound, Yaverland, , Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath, Yaverland, Netley Tenterton Avenue, Weston, The Gardeners Arms, Arreton, Hound Civil Parish Weston, Weston Infant School, Weston, Weston Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath Junior School, Weston, Scott Road, Weston, Squires Walk, Weston, Ticonderoga Gardens, Weston, Swift Road, Woolston, Church Road, Woolston, Health Tenterton Avenue, Weston Clinic, Woolston, Johns Road, Woolston, Fort Road, Woolston, St Annes Road, Woolston, Sholing Station, The Gardeners Arms, Weston Woolston, Millers Pond, Woolston, St Monica School, Sholing, St Andrews Church, Sholing, Landseer Road, Weston Infant School, Weston Sholing, Butts Square, Sholing, Orpen Road, Newtown Road, Thornhill, Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh

Weston Junior School, Weston

Scott Road, Weston Squires Walk, Weston 1 Squires Walk, Southampton

Ticonderoga Gardens, Weston 8 Bevan Close, Southampton

Swift Road, Woolston

Church Road, Woolston Weston Grove Road, Southampton

Health Clinic, Woolston Condor Close, Southampton

Johns Road, Woolston Road, Southampton

Fort Road, Woolston

St Annes Road, Woolston

Sholing Station, Woolston

Millers Pond, Woolston Station Road, Southampton

St Monica School, Sholing St Monica Road, Southampton

St Andrews Church, Sholing

Landseer Road, Sholing

Butts Square, Sholing Butt's Square, Southampton

Orpen Road, Thornhill

Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh 177a Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Direction: Thornhill 405 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Thornhill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:10 PM Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh 177a Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Tuesday 4:10 PM

The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice Wednesday 4:10 PM High Street, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish Thursday 4:10 PM Copse Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice Friday 4:10 PM

Hamble Fire Station, Hamble-Le-Rice Saturday Not Operational Chadwick Way, Hamble-Le-Rice Civil Parish

Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice

Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice 405 bus Info Direction: Thornhill Sports Ground, Hamble-Le-Rice Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 50 min Broadway, Hound Line Summary: Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh, The Square, Hamble-Le-Rice, Copse Lane, Hamble-Le- Satchell Lane, Hound Rice, Hamble Fire Station, Hamble-Le-Rice, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-Le-Rice, Verdon Avenue, Hamble-Le- Hound Farm, Hound Rice, Sports Ground, Hamble-Le-Rice, Broadway, Hound, Satchell Lane, Hound, Hound Farm, Hound, Hound Road, Hound Civil Parish St Marys Church, Hound, Yaverland, Netley, St Marys Church, Hound Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath, Tenterton Avenue, Weston, The Gardeners Arms, Weston, Weston Infant Yaverland, Netley School, Weston, Weston Junior School, Weston, Scott Road, Weston, Squires Walk, Weston, Arreton, Hound Civil Parish Ticonderoga Gardens, Weston, Swift Road, Bowcombe, Butlocks Heath Woolston, Church Road, Woolston, Health Clinic, Woolston, Johns Road, Woolston, Fort Road, Woolston, St Annes Road, Woolston, Sholing Station, Tenterton Avenue, Weston Woolston, Millers Pond, Woolston, St Monica School, Sholing, St Andrews Church, Sholing, Landseer Road, The Gardeners Arms, Weston Sholing, Butts Square, Sholing, Orpen Road, Thornhill

Weston Infant School, Weston Newtown Road, Southampton

Weston Junior School, Weston

Scott Road, Weston

Squires Walk, Weston 1 Squires Walk, Southampton

Ticonderoga Gardens, Weston 8 Bevan Close, Southampton

Swift Road, Woolston

Church Road, Woolston Weston Grove Road, Southampton Health Clinic, Woolston Condor Close, Southampton

Johns Road, Woolston Portsmouth Road, Southampton

Fort Road, Woolston

St Annes Road, Woolston

Sholing Station, Woolston

Millers Pond, Woolston Station Road, Southampton

St Monica School, Sholing St Monica Road, Southampton

St Andrews Church, Sholing

Landseer Road, Sholing

Butts Square, Sholing Butt's Square, Southampton

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