190 Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59:190–195 Increased expression of CD40 ligand (CD154) on CD4+ T cells as a marker of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis

Beate Berner, Gabriele Wolf, Klaus M Hummel, Gerhard A Müller, Monika A Reuss-Borst

Abstract Whether this phenotypically defined RA Objectives—The interaction between the CD40Lhigh+ subgroup will preferentially activation induced surface glycoprotein respond to an anti-CD40L treat- CD40L (ligand) (CD154) on CD4+ T cells ment remains to be elucidated. and its receptor CD40, which is expressed (Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59:190–195) on various cell types, plays a crucial part in numerous cell mediated and humoral immune reactions that may be of pathoge- The ability of T to transmit netic importance in rheumatoid arthritis signals to various other cell types via distinct (RA). To further evaluate the pathogenetic cell contact dependent mechanisms has been role of CD40L in RA, expression of CD40L known for over a decade. CD40L (ligand) and various other activation anti- (CD154), a 33 kDa activation induced T cell gens as well as costimulatory molecules surface glycoprotein, which is transiently ex- was investigated on CD4+ T cells in RA by pressed on activated, but not resting CD4+ T flow cytometry. cells1 is crucially involved in this cell-cell Methods—Two colour flow cytometry was signalling process by binding to CD40. This used to determine the percentage of CD4+ phosphorylated glycoprotein belonging to the T cells expressing CD40L, CD69, CD25, tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) HLA-DR, CD39, CD27 and CD28 in family23is expressed on various cell types such peripheral blood (PB) of 62 RA patients in as B cells, vascular endothelial cells, comparison to 20 healthy controls (HC). monocytes/macrophages, dendritic cells and Disease activity was assessed by clinical, fibroblasts. Thus, CD40L-CD40 interactions laboratory and radiological examination. are involved in humoral and numerous cell Status of clinical remission of RA was mediated immune responses.3–5 evaluated according to the ACR prelimi- Ligation of activated CD40L+ CD4+ T cells nary criteria for complete clinical remis- to CD40 expressed on endothelial cells, for sion of RA. example, results in upregulation of certain Results—CD40L was expressed on > 10% adhesion molecules such as E- of CD4+ T cells in 29% of RA patients thus (CD62E), VCAM-1 (CD106) or ICAM-1 defining a CD40Lhigh+ patient group. Dis- (CD54) thus increasing leucocyte margination ease activity as estimated by C reactive and diapedesis.4 Activation of histiocytes, den- , rheumatoid factor and status of dritic cells and/or monocytes/macrophages by clinical remission of disease (p = 0.049) CD40L-CD40 signalling induces the produc- was higher in this subgroup than in the RA tion of chemokines and inflammatory cy- CD40Llow+ group. Expression of CD69, tokines as well as the synthesis of nitric oxide CD25, and HLA-DR was significantly (NO) and metalloproteinases.4 Interaction of increased in both RA patient groups in CD40L+ CD4+ T cells (that is, T helper cells) comparison with HC. However, the per- with CD40 on B cells causes prolifera- centage of CD39+ CD4+ T cells was tion and diVerentiation, isotype switching and increased only in the RA CD40Lhigh+ sub- formation of B memory cells.5 group (versus HC p = 0.019, versus RA The clinical importance of CD40L expres- CD40Llow+ p = 0.044). Furthermore, ex- sion in vivo is further highlighted by studies of pression of CD40L and CD39 on CD4+ T the hyper-IgM-syndrome. This human cells correlated positively as estimated by X-linked immunodeficiency characterised by absent or low levels of IgG, IgA and IgE in Department of Spearman correlation (p < 0.001). Nephrology and The percentage of CD4+ T cells lacking serum, but normal or increased levels of IgM Rheumatology, the costimulatory molecules CD27 (p = and defects in T cell mediated immunity is University Medical 0.002) and CD28 (p = 0.026) was increased caused by mutations in the CD40L that Clinic, in RA CD40Llow+ patients in comparison result in a lack of functional expression of Robert-Koch-Str 40, CD40L on activated T cells.6 37075 Göttingen, with HC. Germany Conclusions—These data suggest that in- In patients with systemic lupus erythemato- creased expression of CD40L on CD4+ T sus (SLE) baseline expression of CD40L and Correspondence to: cells in RA indicates prolonged and in- CD40L regulation was recently shown to be Dr Berner creased activation of CD4+ T lymphocytes changed.78 Furthermore, anti-CD40L anti- Accepted for publication and is associated with active disease and body treatment in mice produced longlasting 2 November 1999 possibly an unfavourable prognosis. disease remissions stressing the pathogenetic Expression of CD40 ligand (CD154) on CD4+ T cells as a marker of disease activity in RA 191

importance of CD40L-CD40 interactions in patients received disease modifying antirheu- murine SLE.9–11 matic drugs (DMARD). Status of clinical With regard to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), remission of disease was determined according the most frequent autoimmune rheumatic dis- to the ACR preliminary criteria for complete ease characterised by chronic inflammation clinical remission of RA.14 Table 1 gives the and proliferation of the synovium and consecu- patient characteristics. Additionally, SF was tive cartilage and bone destruction, the patho- obtained from 10 patients with RA by arthro- genetic importance of CD40L-CD40 interac- centesis. tions remains to be elucidated, in particular as the contribution of T cells to RA has been a DIRECT IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE AND FACS matter of debate for years. Several lines of evi- ANALYSIS dence, however, support the hypothesis of a T Immunophenotypical analysis was performed cell driven disease such as the observation that using a large panel of directly labelled mono- T cells are the dominant cell population in the clonal against various lymphoid dif- synovial infiltrate, the association with certain ferentiation and activation antigens. Antibodies MHC class II molecules and at least the partial against CD27 (clone M-T271), CD28 (clone therapeutic eVect of T cell depletion.12 In this CD28.2), CD39 (clone Tü 66) and CD40L study, we provide evidence that the activation (clone TRAP 1) were purchased from induced T cell antigen CD40L may finally Pharmingen (San Diego, CA, USA), antibod- prove to be such an important marker of ies against CD25 (clone B1.49.9) were ob- disease activity and possibly unfavourable tained from Coulter-Immunotech Diagnostics prognosis. Therefore, the expression of CD40L (Hamburg, Germany). Antibodies against by CD4+ T cells was investigated in 62 CD3 (Leu 4), CD4 (Leu 3a), CD69 (Leu 23) peripheral blood (PB) and 10 synovial fluid as well as ã1/ã2-controls were purchased from (SF) samples of patients with RA in compari- Becton Dickinson (San José, CA, USA). son with 20 healthy controls (HC) and results Results of CD40L expression were reproduced were correlated with clinical and laboratory by using another two monoclonal antibodies disease status. against CD40L, clone 89–76 (Becton Dickin- son, San José, CA, USA) and clone 24–31 Methods (Ancell Corporation, Bayport, MN, USA). Heparinised PB samples of 62 patients with Briefly, 20 µl fluorescein isothiocyanate RA and 20 HC were investigated. All patients (FITC) or phycoerythrin (PE) conjugated fulfilled the ARA revised criteria 1987.13 monoclonal antibody was given to 200 µl Patients (51 women and 11 men) ranged in age heparinised PB and incubated for 15 minutes. from 25 to 77 years (mean age 58.4). By clini- Two ml FACS-Lysing-Solution (Becton Dick- cal and radiological evaluation patients were inson, San José, CA, USA) was added and categorised as having early disease (that is, no incubated for 15 minutes. Cells were then radiological evidence of bone erosions, no washed twice and resuspended in phosphate extra-articular features) (10 patients), progres- buVered saline (PBS) (Biochrom KG, Berlin, sive disease (that is, continous disease activity, Germany) for flow cytometry. SF was drawn radiological evidence of bone erosions, possibly aseptically into heparinised tubes. SF mononu- extraarticular features) (51 patients) and late clear cells were isolated by Ficoll (Biochrom, disease (that is, disease duration of many years, Berlin, Germany) gradient centrifugation. residual joint damage) (one patient). Extra- Then 2 × 105 –1 × 106 cells in 200 µl PBS were articular features were present in nine patients incubated with 20 µl FITC or PE labelled (four with rheumatoid nodules, four with a monoclonal antibody for 15 minutes. Cells sicca syndrome and one with a vasculitis). Dis- were washed twice and resuspended in PBS for ease activity of RA was assessed by level of C analysis. reactive protein (CRP). Sixty six per cent of RA For two colour analysis PB and SF cells were analysed on a FACS-Calibur (Becton Dickin- Table 1 Patient characteristics son, San José, CA, USA) using cellquest software (Becton Dickinson, San José, CA, RA CD40Lhigh+ RA CD40Llow+ (n=18) (n=44) USA). Data of 10 000 cells/sample were collected for forward scatter (FSC) and Mean disease duration (range) in years 7 (0.5–25) 7 (0.5–40) Mean age (range) in years 54.6 (29–75) 61.5 (25–77) sideward light scatter (SSC) in linear scale, for Male/female 4 / 14 7 / 37 fluorescein (530 nm band pass (bp)) and phy- State of disease coerythrin (580 nm bp) fluorescence in log early / progressive / late 3 / 15 / 0 7 / 36 / 1 Extraarticular features scale. Analysis was done by gating on mononu- nodules / sicca syndrome / vasculitis 1 / 2 / 0 3 / 2 / 1 clear cells in FSC/SSC dot plots. Non-specific Increased CRP level 15 (83%) 28 (64%) immunofluorescence was determined by using Mean (SD) CRP (mg/l) 30.2 (24.1) 36.5 (34.7) Positive RF 16 (89%) 32 (73%) negative control antibodies and subtracted Mean (SD) RF (IU/ml) 292.8 (306.3) 240.5 (453.1) from specific immunofluorescence. The per- Complete Remission 0 (0%) 9 (21%) DMARD medication centage of FITC and PE positive cells and the methotrexate 10 20 mean fluorescence levels were calculated. sulfasalazine 2 8 hydroxychloroquine 0 2 cyclosporin A 3 0 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY no DMARD 6 (33%) 15 (34%) Six µm frozen cryostat sections of synovial tis- sue (ST) of a RA patient were analysed for Characteristics of RA CD40Lhigh+ (n=18) and RA CD40Llow+ (n=44) patients. SD: standard deviation, CRP: C reactive protein, RF: rheumatoid factor, DMARD: disease modifying antirheu- CD40L expression by direct immunofluores- matic drug. cence. Sections were air dried and fixed in 192 Berner, Wolf, Hummel, et al









CD4+ CD40L+ /CD4+ % 20


0 HC RA CD40Llow+ SF RA CD40Lhigh+ Figure 1 Percentage of PB CD4+ T cells expressing CD40L in healthy controls (HC, n = 20), RA CD40Llow+ (n = 44) and RA CD40Lhigh+ (n = 18) patients as well as percentage of SF CD4+ CD40L+ T cells in RA patients (SF,n = 10). The bars indicate the medians. acetone for five minutes. Then they were rehy- temperature. Sections were washed with TBS drated with TRIS buVered saline (TBS) for after each incubation, and primary antibody five minutes, blocked for 60 minutes in 5% was diluted in TBS. An irrelevant isotype swine serum (DAKO Corporation, Carpinte- matched PE labelled antibody (Coulter- ria, CA, USA) in TBS and incubated with a PE Immunotech Diagnostics, Hamburg, Ger- labelled anti-CD40L antibody (clone 24–31, many) was used for control staining. Ancell Corporation, Bayport, MN, USA) at ° 4 C for 12 hours. Finally, ST sections were STATISTICS counterstained with 4’,6-diamidine-2’- Statistical analysis was performed with Sigma- phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI) (Boeh- Stat (Jandel Scientific). Median as well as 25% ringer Mannheim GmbH, Mannheim, Ger- and 75% percentile of data were calculated. many) for 15 minutes. Imaging was done using Statistical significance between groups was fluorescence microscopy (Axiovert S 100 TV, determined by Mann-Whitney rank sum test. Carl Zeiss GmbH, Jena, Germany). With the Results were considered to be statistically exception of incubation with the primary anti- body all incubations were done at room 100 20 A


80 10 Counts


60 0 100 101 102 103 104 FL2-H

20 CD4+ CD40L+/ % 40 B


20 10 Counts


0 0 t1 t2 100 101 102 103 104 FL2-H Figure 3 Intraindividual variability of CD40L expression in 8/18 RA CD40Lhigh+ patients. Under intensified Figure 2 Fluorescence activated cell sorter histograms of CD40L expression (gating on immunosuppressive treatment the percentage of CD40L+ CD4+ T cells) demonstrating the intensity and density of CD40L antigen expression CD4+ T cells declined in seven of eight patients, but patterns (thin line) defined as CD40Lhigh+ (A) and CD40Llow+ (B) expression. The negative remained in seven of eight patients > 10%. The mean time control was obtained by using a isotype monoclonal antibody (thick line). (t1–t2) was eight months (ranging from 3 to 20 months). Expression of CD40 ligand (CD154) on CD4+ T cells as a marker of disease activity in RA 193

Table 2 Expression of activation and costimulatory molecules on PB CD40Lhigh+ and CD40Llow+ CD4+ T cells in RA

RA CD40Lhigh+ RA CD40Lhigh+ RA CD40Llow+ RA CD40Lhigh+ RA CD40Llow+ versus RA HC (n=20) (n=18) (n=44) versus HC versus HC CD40Llow+

Activation antigens CD69 (%) 4.0 (2.0;7.75) 17.0 (7.0;25.25) 14.0 (8.25;22.5) p<0.001 p<0.001 NS CD25 (%) 13.0 (9.5;16.0) 19.0 (12.75;22.25) 19.0 (13.0;21.0) p=0.042 p=0.009 NS HLA-DR (%) 0.0 (0.0;2.0) 7.0 (1.5;17.0) 2.0 (0.0;7.25) p=0.009 p=0.032 NS CD39 (%) 5.0 (3.0;6.0) 10.0 (5.0;27.0) 5.0 (3.0;8.0) p=0.019 NS p=0.044 Costimulatory molecules CD27 (%) 93.5 (88.0;96.0) 83.5 (69.0;97.0) 83.0 (75.0;93.0) NS p=0.002 NS CD27- (%) 6.5 (4.0;12.0) 16.5 (3.0;31.0) 17.0 (7.0;28.0) NS p=0.002 NS CD28 (%) 98.0 (96.0;100.0) 98.0 (91.0;100.0) 96.0 (93.0;98.0) NS p=0.026 NS CD28- (%) 2.0 (0.0;4.0) 2.0 (0.0;9.0) 4.0 (2.0;7.0) NS p=0.026 NS

Percentage of PB CD4+ T cells expressing the activation antigens CD69, CD25, HLA-DR and the costimulatory molecules CD27 and CD28 are shown. The percentage of PB CD4+ T cells lacking the expression of CD28 (CD28-) and CD27 (CD27-) are listed, too. Medians and 25% and 75% percentile ranks (in parentheses) are given. Statistical significance between groups (healthy con- trols (HC), RA CD40Lhigh+ and RA CD40Llow+ patients) was determined by Mann-Whitney rank sum test. p Values >0.05 were considered to be not statistically significant (NS).

significant atapvalue < 0.05. Correlation was preliminary criteria for complete clinical estimated by Spearman rank correlation. Cor- remission14 at the time of analysis (p = 0.049). relation was considered atapvalue < 0.05. The percentage of patients with an increased CRP level was higher in the CD40Lhigh+ low+ Results subgroup (83%) than CD40L patients Expression of CD40L on PB CD4+ T cells was (64%). In addition, a positive RF was more evaluated in 62 RA patients and 20 HC by two often observed in CD40Lhigh+ (89%) than colour flow cytometry. CD40L expression was CD40Llow+ (73%) patients. Eight of 18 significantly increased in RA patients (median CD40Lhigh+ patients and 8 of 44 CD40Llow+ 6.5%) in comparison with HC (median 2.5%, patients were reanalysed several months later. p < 0.001). In addition, CD40L was strongly The percentage of CD40L+ CD4+ T cells expressed on > 10% of CD4+ T cells in 18 of remained > 10% in seven of eight CD40Lhigh+ 62 (29%) of RA patients but 0 of 20 (0%) of patients showing, however, a tendency to HC (fig 1). These data were obtained by using decline under intensified immunosuppressive the anti-CD40L-antibody TRAP1 and could treatement—that is, increased doses of pred- be confirmed by using two other antibodies nisone in all patients and initiation of a directed against CD40L (clone 89–76 and new/additional DMARD medication (sul- 24–31). According to the percentage and den- fasalazine, hydroxychloroquine and cy- sity of antigen expression of CD40L two closporin A) in three patients (fig 3). These groups of RA patients could be determined: patients did not achieve clinical remission and patients with < 10% CD40L+ CD4+ T cells inflammatory laboratory markers remained (RA CD40Llow+ ) and patients with ≤ 10% increased. Within the CD40Llow+ subgroup, CD40L+ CD4+ T cells (RA CD40Lhigh+ ) (fig expression of CD40L on CD4+ T cells did not 2). Table 1 shows the clinical characteristics of exceed 10% on repeated analysis. Clinically, both patient groups. There were no diVerences these patients had stable disease. SF was inves- between these groups with regard to disease tigated in 10 RA patients with CD40L being duration, age of patients, male/female ratio, expressed on a significantly higher percentage state of disease, occurrence of extra-articular of SF than PB CD4+ T cells in CD40Llow+ features and medication. Remarkably, 0 of 18 patients (p < 0.001). Of the CD40Lhigh+ patient (0%) patients were in clinical remission in the group, two matched samples of PB and SF RA CD40Lhigh+ subgroup, whereas 9 of 44 were obtained for analysis. Remarkably, in both (21%) CD40Llow+ patients fulfilled the ACR patients CD40L was expressed on a higher percentage of PB than SF CD4+ T cells. In ST 100 obtained from one of these two CD40Lhigh+ patients, immunofluorescence microscopy re- vealed CD40L expression on infiltrating mononuclear cells. Coexpression of the activation antigens CD69, CD25, HLA-DR and CD39 as well as the costimulatory molecules CD27 and CD28 was studied on CD4+ T cells. Results are sum- marised in table 2. The expression of CD69, CD25 and HLA-DR was significantly in- creased in the CD40Lhigh+ and CD40Llow+ sub- CD4+ CD40L+/ % group when compared with HC. Between the two RA subgroups no diVerences in the expression of these activation antigens could be 10 110100 detected. In contrast, the expression of the CD4+ CD39+/ CD4+ % activation antigen CD39 was significantly increased in the CD40Lhigh+ group (p = 0.044) Figure 4 The percentage of CD39+ CD4+T cells correlated significantly (p < 0.001) low+ with the expression of CD40L in the RA CD40Lhigh+ group as determined by Spearman in comparison with the CD40L patients. rank correlation. Data are shown in logarithmic scale. Moreover, expression of CD40L and CD39 on 194 Berner, Wolf, Hummel, et al

CD4+ T cells correlated positively in was, however, documented in ST. Hence, one CD40Lhigh+ patients as could be shown by might speculate that CD40L+ CD4+ T cells Spearman rank correlation (correlation coeY- preferentially migrate from PB into the syno- cient 0.765, p < 0.001) (fig 4). No diVerence in vial tissue, where they may interact with CD40 the expression of CD39 could be observed being expressed on diVerent cell types in between CD40Llow+ patients and HC. Expres- particular on synovial fibroblasts.19 20 sion of the costimulatory molecules CD27 and In addition, expression of several activation CD28 showed similar results in both RA antigens and costimulatory molecules was subgroups. The percentage of T cells lacking investigated on CD4+ T cells. In accordance the expression of CD27 and CD28 was with previous studies,21–24 the expression of very increased in RA patients in comparison with early, early and late activation antigens as HC. Statistically significant diVerences in anti- CD69, CD25 and HLA-DR on PB CD4+ T gen expression could, however, only be de- cells of RA patients was significantly increased tected between CD40Llow+ patients and HC in the RA CD40Lhigh+ and RA CD40Llow+ (CD27: p = 0.002; CD28: p = 0.026). subgroups compared with HC. There were no diVerences in the expression of these antigens Discussion between RA CD40Lhigh+ and RA CD40Llow+ The signalling between the TNFR CD40 and patients and expression of these antigens could its ligand CD40L plays a crucial part in the not be correlated with CD40L expression. immune system contributing to cell mediated Interestingly, expression of CD39, a lymphoid as well as humoral immune responses.3–5 It is activation marker with prolonged expression known that CD40L forms a homotrimeric after activation,25 mediating homotypic complex on the surface of activated T cells, to adhesion25 26 and showing ecto-apyrase which three CD40 molecules can bind by activity,27 was significantly increased and posi- fitting into the interface between adjacent tively correlated with CD40L expression in the CD40L monomers.15 16 CD40 receptor bind- RA CD40Lhigh+ group. Thus, CD40L+CD39+ ing to CD40L trimer induces clustering of the CD4+ T cells probably constitute a distinct receptors thus initiating signal transduction.23 subset of CD4+ T lymphocytes that have In RA, the chronic tissue destructive process undergone prolonged and increased activation. has been attributed to an ongoing antigen On repeated analysis, expression of CD40L driven immune response in which activated T showed intraindividual variability. This obser- cells play an important inflammatory part.12 vation strongly argues against a genetic control Numerous CD40L-CD40 mediated inflam- of CD40L expression in the RA CD40Lhigh+ matory reactions such as induction of proin- subgroup and favours the hypothesis of diVer- flammatory cytokines and NO production as ent activation levels at distinct well as upregulation of costimulatory activity of phases of disease. dendritic cells and monocytes/macrophages34 In agreement with recent results28–30 CD4+ T are known to be of functional and pathogenetic cells lacking expression of the costimulatory relevance in this destructive joint disease. In molecule CD28 were augmented in the particular, CD40-CD40L interaction regulates investigated RA cohort. Remarkably, an in- IL12 production of dendritic cells, which is creased percentage of CD28- CD4+ T cells required for induction of Th1 type responses.4 was only found within the RA CD40Llow+ sub- As RA has been identified as a Th1 cell type group. Similarly, the percentage of CD4+ T mediated disease, this pathogenetic pathway cells lacking the costimulatory molecule may be another important function of CD40L- CD27, another member of the TNFR family CD40 interaction.17 Furthermore, CD40L+ T being expressed on discrete subpopulations of cells infiltrating the joints in RA could interact T and B cells and providing costimulatory sig- with CD40+ synovial fibroblasts causing their nals for B and T cell proliferation,31 was proliferation and upregulation of CD54 increased in the RA CD40Llow+ subset. This is (ICAM-1),18 which could result in further in accordance with a previous report by Kohem recruitment of inflammatory cells in the et al.32 synovium, as well as increasing the production So far, it seems that strong expression of of tumour necrosis factor á, the key inflamma- CD40L on CD4+ T cells reflects augmented tory cytokine in RA.19 and prolonged activation of lymphocytes. In a recent study, MacDonald et al20 showed Remarkably, CD40L expression correlated expression of CD40L mRNA by PB and SF T with increased disease activity as the percent- cells from RA patients, whereas CD40L cell age of patients with increased CRP level and surface expression was only observed on a positive RF was higher in the RA CD40Lhigh+ small percentage of PB and SF T cells. In con- than in the RA CD40Llow+ subgroup. Further- trast with this study we provide evidence that more, the percentage of RA CD40Lhigh+ pa- CD40L is strongly expressed on CD4+ T cells tients (0%) in clinical remission of disease was in a particular subset of RA patients (29%) significantly lower than that of CD40Llow+ thus phenotypically defining a CD40Lhigh+ RA patients (21%). Thus, the expression of subgroup. CD40L expression was significantly CD40L is associated with active disease and higher in SF than PB of CD40Llow+ RA possibly an unfavourable prognosis. This prob- patients; however, simultaneous analysis of PB ably may be attributable to chronic and and SF in 2 of 18 RA CD40Lhigh+ patients prolonged activation of T lymphocytes and revealed a higher percentage of CD40L+ consecutively raised and prolonged inflamma- CD4+ T cells in PB than SF. In one of these tory activity of disease. Interestingly, expres- two CD40Lhigh+ patients CD40L expression sion of CD40L was not restricted to very early Expression of CD40 ligand (CD154) on CD4+ T cells as a marker of disease activity in RA 195

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