Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13023-021-01749-w

RESEARCH Open Access Monitoring of up to 15 years efects of lipoprotein apheresis on lipids, biomarkers of infammation, and soluble in familial hypercholesterolemia patients J. Víšek1, M. Bláha2, V. Bláha1, M. Lášticová1, M. Lánska2, C. Andrýs3, J. Duintjer Tebbens4, Ivone Cristina Igreja e Sá5, K. Tripská5, M. Vicen5, I. Najmanová5 and P. Nachtigal5*

Abstract Background: Lipoprotein apheresis (LA) is considered as an add-on therapy for patients with familial hypercholester- olemia (FH). We aimed to analyze the data collected in the last 15 years from FH patients treated with LA, to elucidate the beneft of this procedure with respect to plasma lipids, biomarkers of infammation, and endothelial dysfunction and soluble endoglin. Results: 14 patients (10 heterozygous FH patients (HeFH), 4 homozygous FH patients (HoFH)) were treated by long- term lipoprotein apheresis. Lipid levels were examined, and ELISA detected biomarkers of infammation and soluble endoglin. Paired tests were used for intergroup comparisons, and a linear regression model served to estimate the infuence of the number of days patients were treated with LA on the studied parameters. LA treatment was associ- ated with a signifcant decrease of total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C, HDL-C, and apoB, in both HeFH and HoFH patients, after single apheresis and in a long-term period during the monitored interval of 15 years. Biomarkers of infammation and endothelial dysfunction were reduced for soluble endoglin, hsCRP, and MCP-1, and sP- after each proce- dure in some HeFH and HoFH patients. Conclusions: LA treatment up to 15 years, reduced cholesterol levels, levels of biomarkers related to endothelial dysfunction, and infammation not only after each procedure but also in the long-term evaluation in FH patients. We propose that long-term LA treatment improves lipid profle and endothelial dysfunction in familial hypercholester- olemia patients, suggesting a promising improvement in cardiovascular prognosis in most FH patients. Keywords: Lipoprotein apheresis, Familial hypercholesterolemia, Lipids, Infammation, Soluble endoglin

Introduction hypertriglyceridemia. FH is caused by mutations that Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an inherited dis- reduce the LDL receptor (LDLR) function, with the order characterized by elevated plasma levels of low- most common mutations in the LDLR gene itself [1]. density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the absence of Less commonly, the FH phenotype may be caused by mutations in other genes, for example, in apolipopro- tein B (apoB), (ligand for the LDLR), PCSK9 (encodes *Correspondence: [email protected] 5 Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy the enzyme proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 type 9, involved in the regulation of the half-life of the 05 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic LDL receptor), STAP1 or apoE [2]. Rarely, FH can be Full list of author information is available at the end of the article caused by autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia

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(ARH) with loss of adaptor function, encoded Results by the LDLR adaptor protein 1 gene (LDLRAP1) [3]. Lipoprotein apheresis reduces total cholesterol, LDL‑C, Untreated FH is associated with a markedly increased HDL‑C, and apoprotein B levels. risk of premature cardiovascular disease depending on Treatment with lipoprotein apheresis was associated with the specific molecular defect of LDL cholesterol (LDL- a signifcant decrease of total cholesterol, LDLC, HDLC, C) receptor and coexisting cardiovascular risk factors apoprotein B after each single lipoprotein apheresis in all [4–8]. patients (both HeFH and HoFH) during the monitored Lipoprotein apheresis (LA) should be considered as a interval of 6–27 years (mean 16.5 ± 4.7 years), median therapeutic option for patients with severe hypercho- 16.5 years of lipoprotein apheresis therapy (p < 0.001) lesterolemia, who have persistently elevated LDL-C (Tables 1, 2). levels, despite pharmacological therapy [9]. It is an Simultaneously, treatment by LA resulted in a grad- extracorporeal elimination technique that removes ual long-term reduction of total cholesterol, LDL-C, not only LDL particles but also some other pathogenic and HDL-C in HeFH (signifcant in 80%, 60%, and lipoproteins such as lipoprotein (a) or triglyceride-rich 50% of patients, respectively) and HoFH (signifcant lipoproteins from the circulation [1]. The main indica- in 100%, 50%, and 50% of patients, respectively) over tions for LA are the diagnosis of homozygous FH or the studied period (up to 15 years). Te average yearly heterozygous FH, which are refractory to standard reduction (where the average is computed over those care, intolerance of routine care, and patients with patients exhibiting a statistically signifcant reduc- increased lipoprotein(a) resistant to the pharmaco- tion) was estimated at 0.18 mmol/L for total cholesterol therapy [10]. LA is also a potent therapeutic player and at 0.18 mmol/L for LDL-C in HeFH. Similarly, in with an impact on inflammation and related mediators HoFH, the average yearly reduction was estimated to be [11, 12]. 0.93 mmol/L and 0.37 mmol/L for total cholesterol and Hypercholesterolemia is associated with the induc- LDL-C, respectively. Te yearly average HDL-C level tion of infammation, endothelial dysfunction, and reduction was estimated at 0.04 mmol/L in both HeFH atherosclerosis [13]. Tere are several well-known and HoFH, and its clinical signifcance is discussed later circulating biomarkers related to infammation and (Table 3). endothelial dysfunction, including high-sensitiv- ity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) [14], soluble form of P-selectin (sP-selectin) [15], soluble CD40 ligand Lipoprotein apheresis efects on soluble endoglin (sCD40L) [16], and monocyte chemoattractant pro- levels and biomarkers of infammation and endothelial tein-1 (MCP-1) [17]. dysfunction (CD40L, hsCRP, MCP‑1, sP‑selectin) Interestingly, soluble endoglin is a circulating cleaved Biomarkers of infammation and endothelial dysfunction form of membrane endoglin, a transmembrane glyco- have been signifcantly reduced in some patients treated protein related to the function of vascular with LA. In the group of HeFH we found a signifcant [18]. Soluble endoglin might represent an interesting decrease of hsCRP, MCP-1, and sP-selectin after each biomarker of increased cholesterol levels since it was single apheresis (p < 0.001), and in the group of HoFH, we shown to be elevated in hypercholesterolemic [19] found a signifcant decrease of CD40L, MCP-1 (p < 0.001) and FH patients [20]. Also, in an experimental mouse and hsCRP (p < 0.05) after every single apheresis model of atherosclerosis with hypercholesterolemia, (p < 0.001) (Table 2). LA resulted in a signifcant decrease soluble endoglin levels were increased before the for- of hsCRP and MCP-1 (both 60% of cases), and sP-selec- mation of visible atherosclerosis in the aorta and during tin (70% of cases) after each procedure in HeFH patients the formation of advanced lesions [21–23], suggesting (Table 2). Similarly, in the HoFH group, we found a sig- the association of soluble endoglin with hypercholes- nifcant reduction of MCP-1 (75% of cases), CD40L (50% terolemia and endothelial dysfunction/atherogenesis. of cases), and hsCRP (75% of cases) (Table 2). Despite the fact that there are several other long- Evaluation of long-term efects of LA showed a signif- term studies in patients undergoing regular LA therapy, cant reduction of sP-selectin in HeFH (40% cases, average these studies did not provide a long-term evaluation yearly reduction 9.92 ng/mL) and a signifcant decrease of selected biomarkers of infammation, endothelial of CD40L and hsCRP in HoFH patients (50% and 75% of dysfunction, and soluble endoglin. Tus, in this study, patients, with average yearly reduction 477 pg/mL and we aimed to evaluate for the frst time the efects of 0.62 mg/L, respectively) (Table 3). Interestingly, even long-term LA treatment (up to 15 years) in FH patients though long-term LA did not signifcantly afect hsCRP on cholesterol levels, biomarkers of infammation, levels in any of the HeFH patients, it reduced hsCRP lev- endothelial dysfunction, and soluble endoglin. els in 75% of cases in HoFH patients (Table 3). Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 3 of 12 − − − + + + − − − − − DM − + − − − + + + − − − − + − PAD − − − − − + − + + − + − + − CVD − − − + − − − − − − − − − − AoS − − + − + − − + + − − + − − − PCI − − − − − − + + − − + − − − CABG + + − + + + − + + + − + + + + + CAD 27 18 17 20 19 14 21 17 13 7 16 14 12 16 Duration Duration of LA(y) Cat the startCat - 17,50 5,47 21,30 4,76 4,50 6,70 9,50 8,95 6,05 14,90 10,14 7,13 5,60 13,92 LDL of LA (mmol/l) 20 58 14 60 56 50 50 33 39 58 50 52 55 22 Age Age at the start of LA (y) p.Asp492Asn/p.Gly592Glu p.Cys681X p.Gly592Glu/c.2390-lG>A − − p.Ser306X − p.Gly324AlafsX46 p.Gly396AlafsX54 C.143T.C; p.(Phe48Ser) C.143T.C; − − p.His690ThrfsX19 p.Gly592Glu/c.2390-lG>A Genotype + + + − − + − + + + − − + + Mutations HoFH HeFH HoFH HeFH HeFH HeFH HeFH HeFH HeFH ARH HeFH HeFH HeFH HoFH Type of FH Type F M F M F M F M M F F F M M Sex Baseline of FH patients characteristics 12 5 11 4 10 3 9 2 8 14 1 6 7 13 1 Table no. Patient Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 4 of 12

Table 2 The efects of every single lipoprotein apheresis therapy during the monitored interval of 15 years on selected parameters of lipid metabolism, infammatory biomarkers, and soluble endoglin Parameter HeFH (n 10) HoFH (n 4) = = Lipids, mmol/l Before LA After LA Decrease, n (%) Before LA After LA Decrease, n patients (%) patients

TC 5.69 (1.16) 1.93 (0.59)*** 10 (100) 7.09 (2.15) 1.95 (0.66)*** 4 (100) LDLC 3.57 (1.19) 0.75 (0.54)*** 10 (100) 5.13 (1.87) 0.85 (0.94)*** 4 (100) HDLC 1.34 (0.65) 0.91 (0.33)*** 10 (100) 1.51 (0.72) 1.15 (0.39)*** 4 (100) ApoB 1.11 (0.28) 0.28 (0.22)*** 10 (100) 1.22 (0.50) 0.18 (0.17)*** 4 (100) Endoglin, ng/mL 6.45 (1.85) 5.56 (1.75)*** 8 (80) 6.22 (1.73) 4.85 (1.80)*** 3 (75) CD40L, pg/mL 5323 (2059) 5367 (3093) 4 (40) 5177 (1585) 4239 (1892) 2 (50) hsCRP, mg/L 2.84 (1.51) 2.39 (1.38) 6 (60) 2.21 (1.36) 1.82 (1.27) 3 (75) MCP-1, pg/mL 321.8 (99.2) 274.5 (86.1) 6 (60) 265.6 (71.0) 221.4 (68.2) 3 (75) sP-selectin, ng/mL 148.1 (50.7) 131.7 (53.8)* 7 (70) 145.6 (70.6) 154.3 (212.2) 3 (75)

Data shows the level of parameters before and after each procedure during the time patients underwent LA and the percentage of cases (patients) where change was signifcant *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001

Table 3 The efects of long-term treatment by LA therapy (average yearly reduction) on selected parameters of lipid metabolism, infammatory biomarkers, and soluble endoglin Parameter HeFH (n 10) HeFH (n 10) HoFH (n 4) HoFH (n 4) = = = = Lipids, mmol/L Decrease, n (%) Mean decrease (SD)/year Decrease, n (%) Mean decrease (SD)/year

TC 8 (80) 0.18 (0.08) 4 (100) 0.93 (1.2) LDL-C 6 (60) 0.18 (0.06) 2 (50) 0.37 (0.19) HDL-C 5 (50) 0.04 (0.01) 2 (50) 0.04 (0.01) apoB 1 (10) 0.06 (0) 0 (0) – Soluble endoglin, ng/mL 3 (30) 0.37 (0.15) 1 (25) 0.52 (0) CD40L, pg/mL 3 (30) 714 (193) 2 (50) 477 (122) hsCRP, mg/L 0 (0) – 3 (75) 0.62 (0.49) MCP-1, pg/mL 3 (30) 27.29 (4.84) 1 (25) 15.99 (0) sP-selectin, ng/mL 4 (40) 9.92 (6.43) 0 (0) –

Data shows how many patients LA resulted in the change of studied parameters. Moreover, we show an average yearly reduction of levels/biomarkers after LA (where the average is computed over those patients exhibiting a statistically signifcant reduction)

Soluble endoglin levels decreased signifcantly immunoadsorption (10 patients) or rheohemapheresis after each single lipoprotein apheresis (in HeFH from (plasma fltration—4 patients) for a total of 6–27 years 6.45 + 1.85 ng/mL to 5.56 + 1.75 ng/mL, in HoFH from (mean 16.5 ± 4.7 years), median 16.5 years. Mann– 6.27 + 1.72 ng/mL to 4.91 + 1.80 ng/mL p < 0.001) Whitney Rank Sum Test for intergroup comparisons. (Table 2). Tis decrease was detected in HeFH patients Te data are shown as mean (SD). Here are the data in 80% of cases and in HoFH in 75% cases (Table 2). In reported in the number and percentage of patients addition, the long-term efects of LA showed a signif- where a signifcant efect occurred. *Te signifcance cant reduction of soluble endoglin in HeFH (30% cases, P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. average yearly reduction 0.37 ng/mL) and signifcant HeFH, heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; reduction of soluble endoglin in HoFH (25% cases, HoFH, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; TC, average yearly reduction 0.52 ng/mL) (Table 3). total cholesterol; LDLC, low density lipoprotein choles- A group of 10 heterozygotes of familial hypercho- terol; HDLC, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; apoB, lesterolemia (age 50.3 ± 8.4, range 33–60 years) and 4 apoprotein B; CD40L, CD40 ligand; hsCRP, high sensitiv- homozygotes FH (age 28.5 ± 19.9, range 14–58 years) ity C-reactive protein; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattract- was treated with lipoprotein apheresis by means of ant protein-1; sP-selectin, soluble plasma selectin. Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 5 of 12

A group of 10 heterozygotes of familial hypercholester- Table 5 Multiple linear regression of parameters olemia (age 50.3 8.4, range 33–60 years) and 4 homozy- of infammation and endothelial dysfunction with soluble ± endoglin gotes familial hypercholesterolemia (age 28.5 ± 19.9, range 14–58 years) was treated with lipoprotein aphere- Biomarker Positive No correlation % of positive sis by means of immunoadsorption (10 patients) or rheo- correlation hemapheresis (plasma fltration—4 patients) for a total of MCP-1 5 9 35.7 6–27 years (mean 16.5 ± 4.7 years), median 16.5 years. A hsCRP 4 10 28.6 linear regression model was used to estimate the infu- CD40L 2 12 14.3 ence of the number of days when patients were treated sP-selectin 1 13 7.1 with lipoprotein apheresis on the above parameters; here Data shows in how many patients we found a signifcant correlation of soluble are the data reported in the number and percentage of endoglin levels with selected biomarkers of infammation and endothelial patients where a signifcant efect occurred in one col- dysfunction umn. Te next column displays the average (standard deviation) decrease for those patients where a signifcant and four with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia efect occurred, expressed in concentration decrease per (age 28.5 19.9, range 14–58 years) was treated with LA year. ± by means of immunoadsorption (10 patients) or rheohe- HeFH, heterozygous Familial hypercholesterolemia; mapheresis (plasma fltration—4 patients) for the period HoFH, homozygous Familial hypercholesterolemia; TC, of 16.5 4.7 years (range 6–27 years). Multiple linear total cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein choles- ± regression analysis was used for the correlation. terol; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; apoB, TC, total cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein apoprotein B; CD40L, CD40 ligand; hsCRP, high sensitiv- cholesterol; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; ity C-reactive protein; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattract- apoB, apoprotein B. ant protein-1; sP-selectin, soluble plasma selectin. A group of ten patients with heterozygous familial Multiple linear regression analysis of lipids, biomarkers hypercholesterolemia (age 50.3 ± 8.4, range 33–60 years) of infammation, and endothelial dysfunction (CD40L, and four with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia hsCRP, MCP‑1, sP‑selectin) with soluble endoglin (age 28.5 ± 19.9, range 14–58 years) was treated with LA by means of immunoadsorption (10 patients) or rheohe- Tis part of the study aimed to evaluate the possible cor- mapheresis (plasma fltration—4 patients) for the period relation of soluble endoglin with cholesterol and/or with of 16.5 4.7 years (range 6–27 years). Multiple linear biomarkers of infammation and endothelial dysfunction. ± regression analysis was used for the correlation. Despite the signifcant decrease of lipids (total choles- MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; hsCRP, terol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and apoB) and soluble endoglin high sensitivity C-reactive protein; CD40L, CD40 ligand; in the FH patients treated with LA, we found a signif- sP-selectin, soluble plasma selectin. cant correlation between soluble endoglin and TC, LDL- C, HDL-C only in 7.1% cases and in apoB only in 14.3% cases (Table 4). Interestingly soluble endoglin correlation Discussion was higher with biomarkers of infammation (MCP-1: In this paper, we aimed to analyze the data collected in 35.7%, hsCRP: 28.6%, CD40L: 14.3%) (Table 5). the last 15 years from patients with homozygous or het- A group of ten patients with heterozygous familial erozygous FH treated with LA in order to elucidate the hypercholesterolemia (age 50.3 ± 8.4, range 33–60 years) beneft of this procedure with respect to plasma lipids, selected biomarkers of infammation, endothelial dys- function, and soluble endoglin. Table 4 Multiple linear regression of parameters of lipid Tere are two main fndings in this study. (i) Treatment metabolism with soluble endoglin with LA was associated with the signifcant, desirable decrease of total cholesterol and LDL-C not only after Lipids, mmol/l Positive No correlation % of positive correlation every procedure but in the long-term follow-up of up to 15 years, in both HeFH and HoFH patients. (ii) Treat- TC 1 13 7.1 ment with LA was associated with the signifcant reduc- LDL-C 1 13 7.1 tion of CD40L, MCP-1, and soluble endoglin not only HDL-C 1 13 7.1 after each procedure but in the long-term evaluation (up apoB 2 12 14.3 to 15 years) in most HeFH and HoFH patients. Data shows in how many patients we found a signifcant correlation of soluble Te cumulative LDL-lowering efects of combined endoglin levels with selected lipid parameters hypolipidemic therapy predetermined the gradual Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 6 of 12

long-term decrease of total cholesterol and LDL-C in our absorption. However, the therapy, which limits cho- FH patients. Te patients in our study had been treated lesterol synthesis (statins) or decreases cholesterol by LA for a total of 16.5 ± 4.7 years (range 6–27 years). absorption (ezetimibe), are the most probable reasons During that long-time follow-up, the guidelines and why any further transient increase in cholesterol syn- target values were dramatically changing. Nowadays, thesis or absorption was not seen post-apheresis, as the target LDL-C for FH patients with atherosclerotic discussed previously [28]. cardiovascular disease, who are in a very high-risk cat- LA is a well-established extracorporeal treatment of egory, is characterized as ≥ 50% LDL-C reduction from severe hyperlipoproteinemia. Te procedure reduces baseline and an LDL-C value < 1.4 mmoL/L, or for FH total and LDL cholesterol very efciently, which was also patients in primary prevention ≥ 50% LDL-C reduction confrmed in this study. Several other long-term stud- from baseline and an LDL-C value < 1.8 mmoL/L [24]. ies in patients undergoing regular LA therapy evaluate Tese target values were quite diferent when some of changes in lipids, lipoproteins, clinical events, or compli- our patients started therapy with LA. For example, in ance ranging from 7 to 22 years [29–32]. However, these the NCEP III guidelines published in the year 2001, the studies did not provide a long-term evaluation of selected LDL-C target was < 2.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dl) for high- biomarkers of infammation, endothelial dysfunction, risk, and < 3.4 mmol/L (130 mg/dl) for intermediate-risk and soluble endoglin. patients [25]. Besides, today we have more therapeutic Tus, we demonstrate here for the frst time that both options for FH patients, for example, more potent statins, homozygous and heterozygous patients, treated with ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, or even mipomersen [26]. apheresis for many years (up to 15 years) have reduced In addition, lomitapide became available for FH patients total cholesterol levels not only after each procedure, and enabled them to lower their LDL-C even more [27]. which is expected, but also gradually each year when they Some of these novel therapies, namely PCSK9 inhibi- undergo LA. tors, are much less costly than lipoprotein apheresis (in In this study, LA treatment was associated with a sig- the Czech Republic less than 10 times). However, because nifcant decrease in total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, of the lack of insufcient functioning LDL receptors, and apoB after every single apheresis in all patients in some of the patients with severe familial hypercholes- the study. Moreover, we showed an average yearly reduc- terolemia, namely homozygous patients, will still not be tion (where the average is computed over those patients able to reach LDL cholesterol goals without lipoprotein exhibiting a statistically signifcant reduction) in total apheresis. cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C in both HeFH and HoFH Te main factor for long term reduction of lipid param- patients. In the patients where both the total cholesterol eters is the change of hypolipidemic therapy over time, and LDL cholesterol did not decrease signifcantly over as already mentioned above. Te hypolipidemic therapy the long-term period, it did not further increase nei- was changing during the time of the study; basically, the ther and remained stable. Indeed, we believe that this dose of statins was increasing, ezetimibe and/or inhibi- is an important positive efect of lipoprotein apheresis, tors of PCSK9 were added based on availability in the which translates into the desired reduction of athero- Czech Republic and current recommendation for lipid sclerotic cardiovascular complications, as mentioned in target values. Te same is for the management of lipo- the description of the patient group. It is interesting to protein apheresis. Te target values set by the European mention that HDL-C loss during LA occurs primarily Atherosclerosis Society and European Cardiology Society because of a reduction in the CE-rich HDL2b subpopu- were quite diferent when we started therapy with apher- lation (approximately 45%). Despite the removal of small esis and the end of the study period. As we were strictly amounts of HDL3 (< 20%), selective removal of apoE- trying to reach these target lipid values, also the course containing particles (up to 66%) occurred, and the action of more intensive apheresis led to the decreasing lipid of apheresis on apoE-HDL in FH seems to have a primar- values. ily atheroprotective character [33]. Besides that, there is another possible explanation. Besides the reduction of LDL-C and physiology modi- After the depletion of the rapidly exchangeable pool, fcations of lipoprotein and lipid metabolism, lipopro- represented by, e.g., plasma lipoproteins, erythrocytes, tein apheresis may have crucial efects on many other liver, and intestines, recuperation of this pool is medi- atherogenic factors related to vascular infammation ated by input via an intermediate exchangeable pool and endothelial dysfunction [34]. Endothelial dysfunc- (e.g., skin and adipose tissues) and a slowly exchange- tion contributes to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, able pool (e.g., skeletal muscles and arterial wall). In both in the early stages of lesion formation and later dur- addition, cholesterol homeostasis will also be cor- ing the disease when patients have already developed rected by increased cholesterol synthesis and intestinal clinical symptoms [35]. Te arterial wall of FH patients is Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 7 of 12

characterized by increased infammation, which is mark- 6–27 years)); therefore, we cannot exclude that some edly reduced after LA [36]. biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and infam- Terefore, we aimed to evaluate selected biomarkers mation may change with age. On the other hand, we of infammation and endothelial dysfunction, namely propose that it is unlikely that biomarkers of endothe- CD40L, hsCRP, MCP-1, and sP-selectin. Te results lial dysfunction and infammation would be decreased showed that hsCRP, MCP-1, sP-selectin are signifcantly with age. Tus, we suggest that familial hypercholes- reduced in most of the HeFH patients after apheresis. terolemia patients will beneft from long-term apher- Similarly, CD40L, hsCRP, MCP-1 were decreased in esis procedure by the reduction of infammation, which HoFH patients. Tese data clearly show the beneft of the might be important for the prevention of cardiovascu- apheresis not only on the levels of plasma lipids but also lar events. We suggest that the genotype infuences may on the levels of infammation biomarkers. Tese results be one of the probable explanations for the diferences are in line with several papers showing that a single pro- in the reduction of infammatory parameters between cedure results in the reduction of hsCRP, MCP-1, sP- HeFH and HoFH. We think that genotype infuences selectin [37, 38]. We have previously shown that the levels may be one of the probable explanations for the dif- of sP-selectin and MCP-1 decreased signifcantly after ferences in the reduction of infammatory parameters apheresis and could be used as another marker showing between HeFH and HoFH. In addition, as recently pub- the efectivity of the extracorporeal LDL-C elimination lished, lipoprotein apheresis has an impact on plasma- (immediately after the procedure), and may serve as a circulating levels of miRNAs associated with lipid marker of the therapy efcacy [17]. Sampietro et al. dem- homeostasis and vascular status. Tere may be a poten- onstrated the reduction of adhesion molecules by dextran tial relationship between mutations within the LDLR sulfate columns (sICAM and sELAM—soluble intercel- and several miRNA, but these results should be verifed lular and soluble leukocyte adhesive molecules) [39]. in a larger study cohort [42]. Soluble endoglin might Empen et al. 2002 found a decrease in E-selectin levels, represent a novel and exciting biomarker in cardiovas- VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 by direct absorption of lipids, cular disorders. It is released into the circulation during dextran sulfate adsorption, or heparin extracorporeal hypercholesterolemia endothelial dysfunction [43], ath- low-density lipoprotein precipitation [40]. Pulawski et al. erosclerosis [23], type 2 diabetes mellitus, and arterial 2002 found reduced plasma levels of sVCAM-1, sICAM- hypertension [44]. It was also demonstrated that high 1, and P-selectin during heparin extracorporeal low-den- levels of soluble endoglin contribute to the develop- sity lipoprotein precipitation (HELP) [41]. Our results do ment of arterial hypertension [45], and when combined not mean that decreased levels of infammatory biomark- with hypercholesterolemia, it can aggravate endothe- ers were associated with decreased frequency of infec- lial dysfunction [46]. Tis implies that the reduction of tious complications (e.g., infections). We proposed that soluble endoglin might be benefcial with respect to the long-term LA treatment improves lipid profle, micro- function of vascular endothelium and the development infammation and endothelial dysfunction associated of cardiovascular complications in FH patients. It was with atherosclerosis in familial hypercholesterolemia demonstrated that soluble endoglin levels are higher patients, suggesting a promising improvement in cardio- in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia when vascular prognosis in most FH patients. Tus, we suggest compared to healthy controls [20]. Moreover, solu- that familial hypercholesterolemia patients will beneft ble endoglin levels were reduced after a series of two from long-term apheresis procedure by the reduction of aphereses, suggesting that soluble endoglin serves as microinfammation, which might be important for the an indicator of a benefcial and sufcient procedure in prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events. patients with familial hypercholesterolemia [20]. We extended the observation of these biomarkers In this study, we extended this information by the fact of infammation and endothelial dysfunction for the that soluble endoglin is reduced after each apheresis in 15 years follow-up in this study. In addition, we meas- most of HoFH and HeFH patients. Moreover, soluble ured the levels of selected biomarkers before each endoglin levels were reduced in more HeFH patients apheresis and evaluated whether the levels of these compared to other traditional biomarkers, namely biomarkers are reduced after several years of apher- CD40L, hsCRP, MCP-1, and sP-selectin. Interestingly, esis when compared to the beginning of the procedure. soluble endoglin levels were also reduced in some HeFH We showed that sP-selectin and MCP-1 were signif- patients when the efect of long-term apheresis was eval- cantly reduced in some HeFH patients, and hsCRP was uated. Further analysis revealed soluble endoglin cor- decreased in most of the HoFH patients. Indeed, the relation with biomarkers of infammation (rather than patients aged during the long-term period of obser- cholesterol levels), including MCP-1 and hsCRP in some vation throughout our study (16.5 ± 4.7 years (range patients, suggesting soluble endoglin refects endothelial Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 8 of 12

infammatory status in some patients treated with Te demographic, anthropometric, and clinical charac- apheresis. teristics of patients at baseline are summarized in Table 1. It is of interest to mention that the measurement of FH patients treated by long-term LA were included in samples before and after passage through the elimination our study. Tere were 14 patients (eight male and six media did not demonstrate any non-specifc capture of female), ten diagnosed with heterozygous FH (HeFH, age soluble endoglin and other biomarkers in the adsorption 50.3 ± 8.4, range 33–60 years), and four with homozy- and fltration columns [20]. gous FH (HoFH, age 28.5 ± 19.9, range 14–58 years). LDL-C before the start of LA was 6.88.3 ± 2.01 (range Study limitations 4.50—10.14) mmol/l in HeFH patients and 16.91 ± 3.29 (range 13.92–21.30) mmol/l in HoFH patients. Te char- Our study had a small sample size, especially in the acteristics and clinical phenotype of FH under combined treatment group, and we did not incorporate a control long-term LA/hypolipidemic therapy were described treatment arm in this study. Te small number of par- previously [47]. DNA-based evidence of a mutation in the ticipants in the present study may afect the accuracy of LDLR gene was the criterion for the diagnosis of HoFH: our results. Te sample size was too small, and thus our three (75%) homozygous FH patients were classifed as study cannot appropriately identify whether LA indeed double heterozygous, and one (25%) patient with ARH decreased the levels of diferent biomarkers of infam- was homozygous for the LDL receptor adaptor protein 1 mation. Tese fndings should be verifed by multicenter gene. For HeFH diagnosis: Five (50%) HeFH patients had prospective studies. In addition, we cannot exclude the DNA-based evidence of a mutation in the LDLR gene. infuence of concomitant treatment besides lipopro- No mutation was confrmed so far in the other fve (50%) tein apheresis (statins, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors) on HeFH patients; these patients were selected according the reduction of lipid and/or infammatory parameters. to Dutch Lipid Network Criteria [5]. None (0%) of the Furthermore, since the lipoprotein apheresis treatment patients had proven a mutation in the APO-B or PCSK9 technique is carried out only in a few big medical centers, gene. All patients had confrmed atherosclerotic lesions many FH patients are unable to receive apheresis treat- determined by the ultrasonographically measured carotid ment, resulting in a particular bias in patient selection. artery intima-media thickness and/or by coronarography. Our study’s strength is the collection of a large set of data Patients with diseases and conditions known to increase comprising the long-term treatment with LA for a total the concentration of infammatory markers, such as of 15 years. acute infection, chronic infammatory, and autoimmune diseases, as well as malignancies, were excluded. All Conclusions patients were treated daily with high-dose statins (rosu- We demonstrate here for the frst time that LA treat- vastatin 40 mg or atorvastatin 80 mg) at the last assess- ment for up to 15 years reduces total cholesterol levels in ment. Te hypolipidemic therapy was changing during both homozygous and heterozygous patients diagnosed the time of the study; basically, the dose of statins was with familial hypercholesterolemia, not only after every increasing, ezetimibe and/or inhibitors of PCSK9 were procedure but also in the long-term perspective as well. added based on availability in the Czech Republic and Moreover, LA results in a decrease of biomarkers related current recommendation for lipid target values. Tus, to endothelial dysfunction and infammation (hsCRP, one HeFH patient (7%) was treated in combination with MCP-1, and soluble endoglin) not only after each pro- fenofbrate (160 mg), two patients (14%) in combination cedure but also in the long-term evaluation (at least in with bile acid-binding resins (6 mg), all patients (100%) in most patients). We propose that long-term LA treatment combination with ezetimibe (10 mg), and seven patients improves lipid profle and endothelial dysfunction in (50%) with PCSK9 inhibitors (alirocumab 150 mg and/or familial hypercholesterolemia patients, suggesting poten- evolocumab 140 mg every two weeks) at the end of the tial benefts against the development of cardiovascular sampling period (4 HoFH, 3 HeFH patients) (range of complications. treatment 5 months—6 years). F, female; M, male; FH, familial hypercholesterolemia; Methods HeFH, heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; Subjects HoFH, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; Te protocol was carried out according to the Declara- ARH, autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia; LA, tion of Helsinki. All examined individuals were Cauca- lipoprotein apheresis; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein sians, and all signed informed consent forms, which, cholesterol; CAD, coronary heart disease; CABG, cor- together with the protocol of the study, were approved by onary artery bypass graft surgery; PCI, percutaneous the institute’s ethics committee. coronary intervention; AoS, aortic valve stenosis; CVD, Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 9 of 12

cerebrovascular disease; PAD, peripheral artery disease; Plasma samples and blood analysis DM, diabetes mellitus. Te patients were sampled throughout their treatment Twelve (86%) patients have been without progres- by LA every six months. Blood samples were collected sion of cardiovascular disease (CVD), one HoFH immediately before and after LA or hemorheopheresis in patient (7%) underwent aortocoronary bypass surgery EDTA-containing tubes and centrifuged within 30 min for coronary heart disease at the age of 27 years, one at 1500G for 15 min at room temperature. Plasma sam- HoFH patient (7%) underwent aortic valve replacement ples were aliquoted and stored at − 80 °C before the for aortic stenosis, one HoFH patient (7%) survived a proteomic analysis. Te analysis was performed peri- recurrent ischemic stroke at the age of 64 years. How- odically with a consistent methodology. Data from the ever, the last patient was treated by lipoprotein apher- last 15 years (2004–2019) were used. Even though older esis for the shortest interval (7 years), started late samples were available, the data were not included in this (at the age of 58 years), and was treated only once a analysis because of the incomparable methodology. month because of the apheresis center’s distance [48]. TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, apoprotein B, and triglycerides No patient died during the study period; however, six were determined using a commercial with a Modular months after completing the study, one HoFH patient Roche analyzer, as previously described [50]. died due to the artifcial aortic valve thrombosis, asso- Analyses investigating whether biomarkers of infam- ciated with acute myocardial infarction during preg- mation and soluble endoglin are non-specifcally nancy, at the age of 32. adsorbed in columns or flters were performed previ- ously [17, 20]. Briefy, two columns used for each of eight patients (total of 16 columns) and four Evafux 4A flters Lipoprotein apheresis (for capture at hemorheopheresis) were examined. Lev- Patients were treated with LA immunoadsorption (10 els of investigated parameters were measured in plasma patients) or rheohemapheresis (plasma fltration—4 fowing in and out of the columns, in the frst half of the patients) for the period of 16.5 ± 4.7 years (range frst adsorption cycle, in each column. In the fltration 6–27 years). However, in this study, we only include method, levels of investigated parameters were deter- data from the last 15 years (2004–2019). Te rate of mined in front of and behind the flter. side efects of long-lasting lipoprotein apheresis in our patients with familial hyperlipoproteinemia did not exceed 6.26% and was subsequently resolved by standard Biomarkers of infammation and soluble endoglin symptomatic therapy [49]. Plasma separation was carried Te levels of hsCRP were assessed by immunonephelom- out using a Cobe-Spectra or Optia continuous centrifu- etry with analyzer IMMAGE 800 (Beckman, USA), and gal separator (Terumo, Likewood, Co, USA) in 9 patients. results were expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) of An adsorption–desorption automatic device (Adasorb, serum with a detection limit of 1.0 mg/L. Medicap, Germany) controlled repeated fllings and Te serum concentrations of the human soluble form of washings of Lipopak adsorbers used for the reduc- P-selectin were determined by sandwich enzyme-linked tion of LDL cholesterol (Pocard, Moscow, Russia). In 2 immunosorbent assay technique (ELISA) with Human patients, Lipocollect adsorbers (Medicollect, Germany) Quantikine P-Selectin/CD62P ELISA commercial kit were used. 3 patients simultaneously received long-term (R&D Systems, MN, USA) according to the manufactur- rheohemapheresis therapy due to hypercholesterolemia er’s instructions. Te limit of detection of sP-Selectin was and increased levels of fbrinogen. Plasma was collected 0.05 ng/mL. Samples were diluted at 1:20. Absorbance using a Cobe-Spectra or Optia separator following high- values were measured at 450 nm/620 nm by Multiskan speed centrifugation. Afterward, it went through a "sec- RC ELISA reader (Termo Fisher Scientifc, MA, USA). ond stage" consisting of a flter (Evafux 4A, Kawasumi, Concentrations of soluble endoglin (CD105) were Tokyo, Japan) with hollow fbers of ethylene–vinyl alco- assessed in serum samples with ELISA using the Quan- hol with 0.03 mm pores. We used the CF-100 (Infomed, tikine Human Endoglin/CD105 ELISA kit (R&D Systems, Geneva, Switzerland) as a secondary device. Te plasma MN, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- fow was continuous, and anticoagulation was secured tions. Samples were undiluted. Te sensitivity of the kit with heparin. Te basic volume of processed plasma was was 0.007 ng/mL. Te absorbance values were measured 1.5 times the body volume, as calculated using the Cobe at 450 nm with a Multiskan RC ELISA reader (Termo separator. Initially, the LDL-C target level was considered Fisher Scientifc, MA, USA). to be less than 1 mmol/L after lipoprotein apheresis. We Te level of MCP-1 was evaluated by ELISA using now consider a target level of 0.5 mmol/L to be more Quantikine Human CCL2/MCP-1 ELISA kit (R&D benefcial to the patient. Systems, MN, USA) according to the manufacturer’s Víšek et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:110 Page 10 of 12

instructions. Te concentration was expressed in pico- Funding Supported by AZV CZ No. 17-31754A and Specifc University Research (SVV grams per milliliter (pg/mL) of serum, with a detection 260 549). limit of 1.7 pg/mL. Samples were diluted twice (1:1) with specifc diluent. Te absorbance values were measured at Availability of data and materials All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published 450 nm by a Multiskan RC ELISA reader (Termo Fisher article (and its supplementary information fles). Scientifc, MA, USA). Te levels of CD40 ligand (CD40L) were detected by Ethics approval and consent to participate The protocol was carried out according to the Declaration of Helsinki. All ELISA kit Quantikine Human CD40 Ligand/TNFSF5. examined individuals were Caucasians, and all signed informed consent Te kit was manufactured by R&D Systems, MN, USA. forms, which, together with the protocol of the study, were approved by the Te assay was run according to the instructions for use institute’s ethics committee Faculty hospital in Hradec Kralove. provided by the manufacturer. Absorbance was meas- Consent for publication ured at 450 nm with the microplate reader Multiskan Available upon request. RC ELISA reader (Termo Fisher Scientifc, MA, USA). Competing interests Serum samples were 1:5 diluted, and the concentration of None of the authors have a fnancial relationship with a commercial entity CD40L was expressed in pg/mL of serum, with a detec- interested in the subject of the presented manuscript or other conficts of tion limit of 4.2 pg/mL. interest to disclose. Author details 1 Metabolism and Gerontology, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty Other laboratory parameters of Medicine in Hradec Králové, University Hospital Hradec Králové and Charles University, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. 2 4th Department of Medicine ‑ Besides the above-mentioned laboratory analyses, we Hematology, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, University Hospital Hradec have performed other multiple investigations (lipopro- Králové and Charles University, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. 3 Depart- ment of Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, tein (a), primary hemostasis, the involvement of throm- University Hospital Hradec Králové and Charles University, Hradec Králové, bocytes etc.), which were published previously and are Czech Republic. 4 Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry, Faculty therefore not reported in this manuscript [51–53]. of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. 5 Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Phar- macy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. 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