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The Anchor, Volume 114.07: October 25, 2000

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 114.07: October 25, 2000" (2000). The Anchor: 2000. Paper 19. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_2000/19 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 114, Issue 7, October 25, 2000. Copyright © 2000 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

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* * ^ g. October 2000 Jesus Wee jus

Hope College • Holland, Michigan • A student-run nonprofit publication • Serving the Hope College Community for 114 years Students affected by violence in Mid East Some have family there, colleges. These students are taught by both Palestinian and Israel professors in a neutral students studying in Jerusa- place so as to learn about both cultures and lem take refuge in Cyprus gain an unbiased perspective. Megan Krigbaum "When this crisis blew up. they were all in

STAFF REPORTER N different places on their kibbutz stay," said STh Two weeks ago, six signs with small piles Neal Sobania, director of international edu- oI rocks in front of them appeared in the Pine cation. JMsr/cf? Grove apparently in response to the recent A kibbutz is an Israeli community where eruption of violence in Israel. The rocks stood all money earned is shared among the people for the amount of Israelis. Palestinians, and who each have a specific role within that Americans that have died so far in the con- community. At the start of the violence, the flict. decision was made to extend the kibbutz stay. Although the person or group responsible "They needed to stay where they were be- for the signs is unknown, there are other stu- cause we knew it was safe," Sobania said. dents who have very strong views on the con- Later, they had to move even farther away. flict. as ihey are studying this semester in On October 14th, the students were evacu- Jerusalem and others have family who live ated to Cyprus in order to ensure their safety ANCHOR PHOTO BY ANDREW LOTZ very close to the violence. and also so that they could continue their Three Hope students are currently study- course work. WAR PROTEST: Two signs that appeared in the Pine Grove ing in Jerusalem this semester through a pro- "When we received news about the first last week, protesting the violence in Israel and Palestine.The person or gram that is in conjunction with three other more CONFLICT on 2 persons who placed the signs remains unidentified. Administration examines website Knowhope.org still up, houses several student organization sites, such as Opus and Fellowship new policy sought of Christian Students, as well as Matt Cook sites for non-official student orga- CAMPUS BEAT EDITOR nizations, such as Vanderprov and When Josiah Dykstra (402) set up Inklings. his website, knowhope.org, at the Hope College policy is for every beginning of this year, some mem- student organization to have their bers of the administration expressed website on a Hope server. Currently, reservation about it. Dykstra re- all organizations are on one server cently met with some of these maintained by CIT. people to discuss the problems and According to Dykstra, the meet- to examine the issues involved with ing, attended by himself, Richard his website. Frost, dean of students, and Carl Knowhope.org is website owned Heideman, director of computing, and operated by Dykstra which more WEBSITE on 2

ANCHOR PHOTO BY ARIANNA BAKER Clothesline Project HAIL TO THE (EX) CHIEF7-. George Bush addresses the crowd at the Republican rally in the Dow Center, Monday. He urged those in attendance to vote for his son George W. Bush, Jr. in the upcoming presidential election. returns to campus T-shirts by women tic violence group, and Campus Ex-Pres speaks at GOP rally Assault Awareness, Response and victims of violence Education (CAARE). George Bush Sr. lege Republicans and the nearby bringing him here today, I'm cer- Matt Cook The shirts are color coded for dif- county Republican parlies. Two tain that we're all thrilled that he CAMPUS BEAT EDITOR ferent kinds of violence: white for brought to campus Hope students, Beth Kilgore ("02) is going to be speaking," said A display commemorating vic- murder, yellow or beige for battery by Hope Republicans and Louis Canfield ('01), wrote a Canfield. "This is a great day for tims of violence will return to Hope or assault, red, pink, or orange for Andrew Lotz letter to the George W. Bush cam- Hope College. We have hundreds this week. rape or sexual assault, blue or green EDITOR IN CHIEF paign asking for the presidential of students and hundreds of com- The Clothesline Project will be for incest or child sexual assault, On Monday. October 23. ihe nominee to pay a visit to Hope Col- munity members all adding up to shown on Monday, Oct. 30 from 11 and purple or lavender for women Former President of the United lege. Although Bush was unable to thousands of supporters for a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Maas Confer- attacked because they are, or were States George Bush visited Hope visit, the Hope Republicans and George W. Bush." ence Room. perceived to be, lesbian. College to campaign for his son, their advisor, Professor Jack The rally, in support of the Bush/ The Clothesline Project is a dis- "Making the t-shirts is sort of an George W. Bush's presidential Holmes, were able to get Former Cheney ticket, began with the in- play of t-shirts designed by, or in empowering, healing process," said campaign. President Bush to visit the campus. troductions of numerous local memory of, women who have been Lindsey Woodall COO), a CAARE The visit was ihe culmination "Although I'm not sure they [our politicians and political issues, victims of direct personal violence. educator. of action between the Hope Col- letters] are entirely responsible for more GEORGE on 2 It is sponsored by Women in The Clothesline Project was Transition, a Holland area domes- more PROJECT on 2 Inside w * Aerial Dance Check out our Halloween trick and treat: our Football de- Theater very first Ranchor, fall edition. feats Alma [email protected] Arts, The Ranchor, Sports, Page 3. Pages 5-8. Page 12. (616) 395-7877 Campus Beat ^Anchor October 25, 2000 Dance Marathon to hold Halloween party a lot of different groups on campus Costumes will be required at the and pick up a pumpkin and carve it committee is selected." There will be prizes together." party- which will be held in the or paint it," Breclaw said. Breclaw urges all residence halls, Faculty and staff will also be in- for the best costumes DePree parking lot- even if it is just These pumpkins can then be cottages, apartments, student volved. Dance Marathon is giving a little mask. Breclaw said. brought to the party to be groups, faculty and staff members Julie Green pins to those faculty and staff who For the best cos- judged. to get involved. SPOTLIGHT EOITOR have donated $32 for the year to tumes. there will be Dance Mara- "Some groups have already started raising money," Breclaw wear on Fridays. Along with this, Dance Marathon is opening its prizes, including a thon. which raises they will dress casually on Fridays. firsi big fund-raiser with the colors DVD player. The money for DeVos said. Student Congress, who will be The Halloween party will be 9:00 orange and black: a Halloween judging will be at Children's Hospi- providing the deejay for the Hal- p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and is sponsored parly will be held on Sal. Oci. 28 11:00 p.m. In the tal. is in its second loween party, has just committed, by Creative Dining Services, Stu- for all college sludenls. categories of indi- year at Hope and plans but hasn't started fund-raising yet. dent Congress, SAC, Greek Life "We warned lo provide some- viduals, couples, to do better than last year, "We're going to have at least one and friends of the college. thing ihe whole campus could come and groups up to ten which raised more than dancer, maybe more," said Student Tickets can be picked up at the lo on Halloween weekend, and it's people. Pumpkin carving $23,000. Congress president Louis Canfield Student Union Desk or at the door. a good lime to get dressed up." said will be another contest. "We want to have over 200 danc- ('01). "We think the [Halloween Students are asked to bring a $1 Diana Breclaw, director of student "On Thursday [Oct. 261 students ers." Breclaw said. "We still need more volunteers, but the overall party] is a good opportunity to bring donation. activities. can go to the Student Union Desk


outbreak of violence at Al-Aqsa currently living in East Jerusalem positive going on. Israel is explod- mosque, many of us were shocked." where her father works for USAID ing in violence," Yaser said. said Kristy Truax (*02), one of the in international affairs and on for- Last week, as her sister was on sludenls in Jerusalem. "People had eign aid projects, also has little faith her way home from university, she been talking about peace, and sud- in the new agreement. was caught in an air raid for over denly scores of people were "Ii might keep the fighting down two hours, unable to get home. Her Klh/P other sister no longer sleeps in her wounded." for a little while, but both sides will ISRHBU? Truax has found the people of be looking to accuse one another bed near the window, and the area Jerusalem to be very courteous, of breaking it. [The situation] will near her high school was bombed. warm and friendly. gel worse before it gets better," "It is not fair that I get lo go to "This is not a war between name- Staal said. school and go to church and feel less. faceless masses. Each incident Her family was evacuated lo safe, while my sister is stuck in an is made up of people and the narra- West Jerusalem for a short period air raid," Yaser said. tives that they bring to the situa- of time, but have since returned Her biggest frustration comes tion." Truax said. home and will remain there unless from the media. Recently, there has been talk of a there is a mandatory evacuation, "I'm angry with the media and the new peace agreement between ihe because they feel relatively safe. terminology they use. The coverage of the conflict is terrible and the Palestinians and the Israelis, but "I am worried for my Palestin- ANCHOR PHOTOS BY ANDREW LOTZ Truax believes that it will be unsuc- ian friends in Ramallah and scared media is contributing lo making the MEMORIAL: Signs in the Pine Grove represent cessful, as the people are not ready for my Israeli friends who are sol- conflict worse," Yaser said. how many people have been killed in the Middle East. Yaser has information from for it. diers. My parents have been has been reporting. where our heritage and community "The peace that they are trying through crises before and will be friends and journalists in Israel tell- <4[My family] keeps receiving this are?" to form is a peace between two okay" Slaal said. ing her about what is actually hap- message: leave, leave, leave. But Yaser believes that it is lime for elites. If there is to be a full, com- The family of Ghadeer Yaser pening in Jerusalem. According lo they are wondering, where do we the American people to view for- prehensive peace. I believe that it ('01) lives in Israel. Her family is her sources, there are over 4000 go? Do we need to go?" Yaser said. eign policy as an important thing has to come from the bottom up," Palestinian. people wounded and over 200 who "How can we leave our home when and to do something to change it by Truax said. "There is no peace agreement. have died. These numbers are much this is where we were bom, and being active. Nora Slaal ('02), whose family is It's an illusion. There is nothing larger than those the American press

WEBSITE from 1 ing to Dykstra, the administration tional again, when Dykstra realized was to relay information from an about," Dykstra said. web presence. agrees that student organizations it wasn't causing a problem. earlier meeting attended by Frost. Dykstra is now involved with "We've got a lot of smart students should have their own website and Dykstra isn't sure what will hap- Heidcman, Tom Renner, director of helping the administration come up and a lot of them have great ideas," be able to control it, but they have pen to his other website, public relations. Bill Reynolds, with a new policy. Dykstra said. some problems with his site, such WTHS.org, a site for Hope's stu- dean for the arts and humanities, "I encouraged them to let me be Dykstra suggested that the col- as what will happen to it when he dent radio station. A radio station's and the college's aWorney. in on it," Dykstra said. lege set up a server, still on a C1T graduates. call letters, by law. belong to who- The main issue that was ad- One of Dykstra's goals is to al- computer, that would be accessible In the week before his meeting/ ever owns the station. According to dressed was that Hope College poli- low information about Hope and ils off-campus, and be upgradable by Dykstra took his website off-line. Dykstra, the administration sug- cies are not prepared for a situation organizations lo be out in the pub- sludenls themselves, instead of CIT. "I did it to kind of ease some of gested that they mirror the site on such as a student creating his own lic. Currently, many Hope websites Currently, these ideas are still in the burden on me," Dykstra said. school computers. website for student organizations. can only be viewed on-campus. the discussion phase. Talks will con- However, after the meeting, Dykstra is also willing to sell the "II ii was never brought up. it His other goal is to have more tinue. Knowhope.org became fully func- domain name to Hope. would never have been thought siudent involvement with Hope's As far as his own website, accord- GEORGE from 1 cynical and they don't let anybody leaning toward [George W.] Bush." including calls for supporting Bush supported the Michigan Bush stressed the importance of express their political views." Hope Republicans felt that stu- Proposition One and a ban on par- Republican parly, especially candi- Michigan in the upcoming election, Students who attended the rally dents were an especially important tial birth abortions. Bush arrived dates Representative Peter Hoekstra and his desire to return the label of welcomed the chance to listen to a part of the 2000 election, and that a with lots of thank yous for the Hope and Senator Spence Abraham who "noble calling" to politics. former president, and to hear what single student vote can affect the Republicans and Jack Holmes, and are up for reelection. He also ex- When asked how he liked Hope he had to say about the upcoming election. comments about how much he en- pressed his feelings about the presi- College. Bush responded favorably. "There's a lot of apathy, espe- "There's wonderful enthusiasm election. joys visiting Holland. dential election. cially among students," said Malt here, and I'm very proud to be here "I was really excited about it, and "My wife once participated in the "Barbara and I have made a de- 4 it was really cool to see him," said Scogin ( 02). "Someone like the tulip festival," said Bush in his cision. We're going to vole for and very pleased thai they [Hope] Meredith DeAvila (404). "I'm former president might gel some of speech. "She remembers the great George W. Bush," Bush said to permit this kind of event," Bush slightly undecided, but definitely those people involved." hospitality of this side of the stale." laughter in the audience. said. "A lot of colleges get very PROJECT from 1 ing a l-shirt should contact a Listen to: started in Massachusetts in 1990, "When you are surrounded by a CAARE educator or a Women in and by 1995 it was adopted in million t-shirts and they all talk Transition employee at the event. The Show Without a Washington D.C. by the women's about domestic violence and rape, Woodall feels that the shirts can group NOW. The Center for it's really powerful," Woodall said. mean different things to viewers. Home Women in Transition began their "It really speaks to your heart." "Meaning is created in a viewer. own Clothesline Project a few years Most of the t-shirts that will be ago, and they put up clotheslines at displayed were created by women It all depends on how one views it," Woodall said. "It can be eye open- several sites in the area. CAARE in- from the area, including Hope stu- ing and powerful, or it can be very vited them to display at Hope. dents. A few, like ones in memory According to Woodall, the past of a murdered woman, were made sad." Counselors will be available for Clothesline Projects have been very by men. anyone who needs to talk. 12-2 p.m. Fri. WTHS 89.9 effective. Anyone who is interested in mak- October 25, 2000 ThAncho r Arts Emily of pace, j Aerial dance soars high Moe J ^ X^nanne Emily Moellman and obssessive," said lannacone. " forms of theatrical technology to hange of pace ARTS EDITOR I choreographed a dance with a tell a dark story of loss and griev- limited vocabulary and it is hyp- ing. Aerial Dance Theater, an affili- notic in its patterns." "[It's] inspired by a deeply per- ale of Hope College, will present lannacone's choreography of sonal incident," said Graham. "But "Bolero" began with what he re- it universal in its meaning." iis Annual Fall Concert this week- Arts editor end ai the Knickerbocker Theatre ferred to as a "slight germ of an Graham recently received a state- on Friday and Saturday, October idea" and grew over a span of time wide choreography award for 27-28, at 8 p.m. through working and reworking the Aerial piece "Red Wolf. Graham Sports & Arts? Regular patrons and other audi- piece with the help of company was awarded the Maggie Allesee ence members of Aerial will have dancers. Dancing in this piece with Award for New Choreography on You're probably reading this pansy . jock... the unique opportunity to see two lannacone ^re company members Sat. Oct. 14 in Lansing. Inspired by article right now because you saw Still. 1 think there are a few 4 modern companies in one venue Brianne Fry( 01), Jodi her dog, Phoebe, "Red Wolf ex- the title and thought to yourself. of you out there who might as Aerial will be sharing the KurtzeCOl), Christine plores the wild within. Graham is What? A sports column in the think that all of these differ- 4 evening with special guest Lutz( 01), Dan Patterson, honored by the recent award. Arts section?" ences could be resolved and Eisenhower Dance Ensemble. Emily Poel(401) and "[I am] speechless, over- Well, it is finally here. Being on arts and sports could be Although they will share the Amy VertalkaCOl). whelmed, and grateful especially to the cusp of a new century, the blended in some way. stage, each company will sepa- Graham's piece my dancers for doing a super job," )oundaries between ideas and For you silly idealists, all I rately present multiple works. "Just Dust" is a three- Graham said. thoughts are always being pushed, have to say is: peanut butter Under the direction of Linda part work set to the mu- "Beyond Exsistence", choreo- the lines are blurred between and hot tuna. Graham and Steven lannacone. sic of Tom Waits that graphed by Jodi Kurtze, will be per- politics and pop culture, technol- I have one final reason why Aerial Dance Theater will be per- combines a bare theatre, formed by Amy Vertalka. Accord- ogy and everyday life. It was sports and arts do not blend. It forming lannacone's new work a broken down Harley, ing to lannacone, "Beyond inevitable. Sports and arts had lo is a real-life example, taken titled "Bolero", a revival piece cho- repelling harnesses Exsistence", is a lyrical work set to Dlend at some time. from my life. Also, and most reographed by Linda Graham titled hanging from the music of Andrea Boccelli that And. of course, the Anchor will importantly, it is a sign from "Just Dust (When Hell Doesn't above the explores the inner struggle of all be the first one to bring it to you. God. Want You and Heaven is Full)", stage, and people to break free from a monoto- I am going to attempt to write I consider myself an artist. I and a piece choreographed by com- other nous exsistence and reach a level the very first sports-arts combo dance. I sing, I write, and 1 can pany member and Hope student of passionate living. column ever, if you wouldn't mind make some really cool collages Jodi Kurtze (401) titled "Beyond Guest me calling it that. 1 say attempt from magazine articles. I know Exsistence". Eisenhower because you just never know how 1 am not an athlete, but I lannacone's premiering work Dance En- well some things go together. Not thought that I could occasion- "Bolero" is set to the music of the semble, a every combination ends up tasting ally cross the invisible border same title by Ravel. Subtitled "in profes- as good as peanut butter and jelly. between arts and sports every the grip of an obsession", this piece sional rep- Example: peanut butter and hot once in a while. I learned my explores the evolution of a simple e r t o r y tuna. lesson. obsession into a force that company based At first glance, it would seem 1 played intramural sports crushes the senses. lannacone in metropolitan De- that a marriage of sports and the this fall. At first, I played believes that obsessive behav- troit, will be per- arts might be a successful one. It football. And I was decent. I ior is a fact of human nature forming three pieces would seem that the arts would caught the football a couple of and something that be- in the concert as enhance sports and vice versa. times, and even had a intercep- comes a ritual inside all of well: "Sweet Ella For instance, wouldn't it be tion at one point. I had fun in us. The choreography re- Suite", "Ca- interesting to see orchestra playing football until I jammed my flects ritualistic behav- tharsis", along with a football game, with finger one night as I was ior. n d crescendos when the home team catching a ball. It swelled up

" The music [of BY ERIK ALBERG "Mo- gains a first down, and a full purple and blue and the next Ravel] is hypnotic saic." sforzando when someone gets a day I had to go and get an x-ray LET'S KICK 777: Aerial dancers in "Just Dust". A c - touchdown. Likewise, it might be on my finger. It took my about cording to cool to see a football team up on 2 weeks to recover. Graham and lannacone, each of stage performing play formations So I decided I would try to these works display both of the in tap shoes. play basketball. I was doing company's strengths, innate musi- Then again, maybe not. It might well at that too, until I had a cality and ensemble clarity. be a funny joke, but definitely not break away and I twisted my "Eisenhower Dance Ensemble something to keep for good. knee. It was very painful. It does clean work and has beautiful Peanut butter and hot tuna. swelled up and I had to use dancers," Graham said. Furthermore, artists and athletes crutches. I just got off my In addition to the evening perfor- have gone down in history as the crutches last week. I will not be mances, Aerial will also be present- two most opposite types of people. able to dance for about two to ¥ ing a "Family Affair" matinee on The arts appeal to a crowd that is three weeks. HEART OF CHICAGO Saturday, Oct. 28, at 2 p.m. more feminine, more sensitive, And no. I am not a natural- Graham's award-winning work and more in tune with their bom klutz. These are actually he John Marshall Law School prides "Red Wolf will be performed at feelings. the first injuries that I have Tuse If on a rich 1 () 1 year history of this time as well as some excerpts Athletics, on the other hand, since I was five and fractured Jiwrsity, innovation and opportunity, learn from "Just Dust". During the mati- have always appealed to the my arm.This phenomenon of about our programs and specialties during nee there will be a short commen- masculine crowd, those competi- being injured easily is some- on! visu to Michigan Stale University, tary on her work by Graham and a tive spirits, and more energetic thing that is brand new to me. inc hiding: time for children's involvement, personas. Getting back to the argument - Intellectual Property questions and answers. But there are those few types of since I am a dancer and dance - Informal ion Technology lannacone encourages all stu- people who are artistic and is my speciality in the arts, the - I cgal Writing dents lo attend the performance to athletic, all in one. but those are a development of my art form - Trial Advocacs experience the arts first hand and rare breed, and for the purposes of has been hindered by sports. to support their peers and faculty. this article, I will ignore this small I am absolutely convinced - Januar\ Admission (Dcccmhcr I SAT .ici c/itcrd) Audience opinions and reactions to percentage of the population. that the successive injuries the performance are welcomed as Athletes and artists would not caused by intramural sports is a ^Graduate and Professional School audience are invited to fill out a re- get along well with each other if sign from God that sports and Recruitment Fair 2000" sponse card after the performance sports and the arts were blended, arts just do not mix and also Thursday, Oct. 26 to drop off in the lobby on their way even if they tried. Because of this that I should never play sports 12 p.m lo S p.m.; Student Union out. deep seeded resentment towards again. Tickets for the 8 p.m. perfor- each other, and the simple fact that There are a lot of things that Or visit us at www.jmls.edu mances are $6 for adults and $4 for the artistic mind and the athletic can and should be explored in students and seniors. Tickets for the mind are dissimilar. They would combinations. But there are Saturday matinee are $3. Children bicker, they would fight, and most some other things that just under 12 attend free to all perfor- of all. they would spend most of shouldn't, like arts and sports. JOHN MARSHALL mances. All performances are at their time making fun of each Take my word for it, it tastes the Knickerbocker Theatre. other. Examples: meathead. freak. like peanut butter and hot tuna. LAW SCI IOOL " Why would a Hope student 315 SOUTH PIYMOUTH COURT, want to attend this concert?" Gra- We've got this thing we CHICAGO, II. 60604 ham said. "To stretch their under- 800.537.4280 standing of what dance can be." call . Opinion "Anchor October 25, 2000 /11 Your zmc Our voice Your voice Your voice VfH/r L'iiicj Student calls for action against racial slurs. Between two validities To the Editor, ing in line. 1 alone stepped forward nize the implications of our words to confront the individual. This was on the groups we represent. As a Once again, the Middle East is a place of unrest. Just a year agot F.C.S., Greek Life, R.I.S.E., not an easy act, but one I felt obli- senior, 1 know that Greek life is a many political analysists felt that the region was as close to peace Varsity sports, and residential life. gated to make as a member of this beneficial piece of the fabric of as it has been since the founding of the nation of Israel. Barak was Would your opinion of one of the campus community. To my sur- Hope College. What would I think, in power in Israel, Palestinians seemed to be moving toward the above organizations, or any other prise, no one else joined me. Did though, if I was a freshman consid- declaration of statehood, and things in neighboring nations like campus organization, change if they agree with the racial slurs or ering pledging in the spring? By Syria and Lebannon were far from crisis points. So what went so you witnessed one of its members were they afraid to step forward? It making racial remarks, 1 feel like wrong? using racial slurs? How might you would be easy to judge those indi- this individual shamed Greek life, One person, one solitary person, started the chain of events that react? Would you turn the other viduals, but I know that 1 am no Hope students, and Caucasians. started the most recent violence. A vehemently anti-Palestinian way, wait for someone else to act, saint. 1 also have often turned the Equally true, I would have poorly Israeli official visited a contested religious site, one that has holy or personally step forward to con- other way until I realized that si^ represented those groups I am as- significance to both the Jews and the Muslims. This same official front the situation? lence in the face of racism is equally sociated with if I had not stepped owns a house just outside of the Palestinian-controlled area of I actually was presented with as destructive. I write this as a chal- forward. If we as students expect Jerusalem, and flies a massive Israeli flag above the city as a direct this situation a couple of weeks lenge, that the next time injustice is to be treated as adults, we must ac- insult to the Palestinian people. ago when a member of Greek done, we as a college will step for- cept the fact that we represent No wonder violence began. No wonder Palestinians, who have Life, identified by the person's ward. groups, not just ourselves, when been opressed in varying degrees for years, began to protest and shirt, made open racial slurs about 1 would also like to make an ad- choosing our words and actions. throw rocks. The rocks they are throwing are out of desparation. the Phelps dining staff to two ditional challenge. As members of They live among refugees, displaced by Israelis and young children 4 friends and other strangers wait- this community we need to recog- Brad Chassee( 01) killed in crossfire. They cry for freedom and the right to simply live in the land where they belong. On the other side of the table, the Isrealis face violence and Football game gives student new opinions. unrest in their homeland, and respond with force to quell the riots. To the Editor, a year and a half and things have wonderful display of sportsmanship They are working to preserve a homeland that they believe is given changed. This was exemplified on for both teams. After the game, to them by God." They are trying to live as a nation in a region filled As I sit here I begin to think Wednesday night at the IM Coed smiles were exchanged and laughs, with enemies and bitter hatred. about the things I have said in the Flag Football semifinals. My team. were shared. Both groups have absolutely valid reasons for their actions, but, past about Greeks. When I came The Gospel Gangstaz, was playing I am not at all condoning all the unfortunately, those reasons conflict. There are no easy answers to to Hope College, as a freshman, 1 against the Emmy/Sib or the behavior of the Greeks or any other this problem, but an important thing to consider is how this most did not like the Greek system. I "Sibersonians". The game was students on campus. But I am say- recent outburst began: with one person. made fun of many of them and I great. Many people, including my- ing, especially to the freshmen, give Right now, three Hope students are displaced from their studies was very open about my dislike. self, felt the game would get ex- the Greeks a chance. Don't fall prey within Israel by the crisis. There are people on Hope's campus who I heard all of the rumors and I ac- tremely rough and out of hand. But to all of the stereotypes you have are directly affected by the events there. And you, the reader, are cepted all of the stereotypes that the complete opposite happened. heard or will hear throughout the involved too. You live in a nation that is almost entirely on the side were fed to me by upperclassmen. Throughout the game there was a year. Get to know them. Don't fol- of the Israeli people. The United States is playing a huge role in the When a few of my friends de- little pushing and a couple of exple- low my stupid example. Get lo Middle East, and that means that you are playing a huge role in cided to pledge I was upset and tives from both teams, but in gen- know them individually and you what is going on. If nothing else, get involved, and begin pressing angry and I said a lot of things eral the game was clean. After ev- might be pleasantly surprised. for peace. It doesn't matter if you side with the Palestinians, the that reflected my feelings. But ery touchdown the opposing team Israelis, or any other interest group. What matters is that you speak since then I have been at Hope for congratulated the other. It was a Rob Bradford ('02) and act in a way that lets others know that this part of the world is Bush, Gore both unable to compromise, says student. important, and that an end to the bloodshed is something that To the Editor, through the ceiling during his last cause of increased world popula- matters. You may be just a solitary person, but you'll have more eight years. The market is a vola- tion, or, or, or. The fact here is that effect than you can ever imagine. I read two letters to the editor tile thing and is not a high interest global warming, while it may be in the 10/4 Anchor, written by the bearing bank account. To think that solid politically (which is all Gore Republicans and Democrats, it is could be seen as naive. cares about anyway), is (pun in- choi which basically told all of us to So after reading about Bush, I tended) risky scientifically. \nchi teMborMfr staff vote and also to be sure to vole dropped down to the Democrat's Washington warned us about par- Anchor for their candidate, naturally. article all about our green friend, A1 ties and the corruption they would First, there was the Republican Gore. People love people who love bring, and now they have. What this editor-in-chief Andrew Lotz article. The keystone of their ar- the environment, and Gore, to his country needs is a true politician. A true politician is someone with campus beat editor Malt Cook gument was that Bush would let credit, has always had a strong stand us take 2% of our money and put in this area. Unfortunately, Gore strong convictions (like Gore/ sports editor Rand Arwady it in the market. This was fol- seems to have forgotten what all Bush), but is also someone who can spotlight editor Julie Green lowed by the statement, "during these environmental laws do. Sim- reach compromises. Bush and infocus editor Jane Basl no twenty year period have inves- ply put, they raise costs all over. Gore, like Clinton, will both be dis- Emily Moellman arts editor tors in the stock market failed lo Fuel prices, electronics; nearly ev- graces to the office of the presi- production editor Chad Sampson make 7% a year." Really? Ever? ery form of consumer product cost dency because they will not coop- photo editor Arianna Baker The Great Depression, you ask? goes up when a politician puts his erate with the opposing party, which ad representative Kristin I Miners At any rate, what will happen in signiture on a new law. My big gripe in turn will cause lack of action in business manager Sarah Wilkinson the next twenty years? I don't with Gore, however, is his global Congress and government shut- copy editor Tyler Danstrom suppose you have a pamphlet for warming stand. Just as we hear ev- downs. All I can say is to conclude production assistant Rachael Pridgeon that one. In fact, maybe I should eryday about the increase in global that we all have to pick the lesser of the four or five (not two) evils faculty advisor Tim Boudreau vote for Gore since Dubbya's temperature due lo cars and facto- daddy and Reagan had some ries from Gore, there are also many out there. Good luck. Staff Reporters: problems at Wall Street while scientists who will tell you that glo- Beth Lomasney, Krissy Schantz, Andrea Cleary, Clinton (a democrat, thus the con- bal warming is simnply caused by Lauren Pike, Andrew Kleczek, Megan Krigbaum, Jenny nection) saw Wall Street go an increasae in solar activity or be- Stephen Adair ('04) Alderink, Kurt Koehler, Angela Zemia, Lindsay Pollard, and Danielle Koski Letters to the Editor Guidelines: Open to anyone within the college and related communities. The Anchor reserves the Photo and Graphical Support Staff: right to edit due to space constraints. No personal attacks, poor taste, or anything Rob Ondra potentially libelous. Letters are chosen on a first come, first serve basis, or a repre- sentative sample is taken. No anonymous letters, unless discussed with Editor-in- Chief. Editor-in-Chief may verify identity of writer.

I In \iii hi >1 i\ 4i fiiuliu i ill siikIciii cffiiil innl ix fmulcil ilinmxh ihc Hope College Student Coiiiiirw .\mwpriaiioi\s Cniinniiii'i . Lfiiers lo ilw cdiioroie enioiiroged. ilumgh due lo slum1 linniiilioiis ilu Anchor ir.senrx the rifiht to edit. The opinions addressed in the ulitoriiil iirr m>IiI\ ihou of the editor-in i hie/. Stories from the Hope College News Sen-ice Balkan awareness week mi a pnnhut a!iIn- I'nhhi Relations Office. One-year subscriptions to the Anchor are Dates: October 30th to Saturday Nov 4 aioilahlc lor $1*. U, re.sene the rifthl to accept or reject any advertising. Purpose: to increase awareness about the Balkans, the history, its WTHS relevance lo the issues that confront the people of the region today. Activities: 89.9 Vol .114 .Issue 8 -Interactive talk by Professor James Kennedy of history dept. -Panel discussion. Meet and hear from students who have lived it. AncHor -Lots of other fun activities The best thing since potatoes. Questions? Contact: [email protected]. x6284 Oclobel 20 reat Rancher

Dope College • Conservative. Michigan • A stupid publication • Groping the Dope College Community for 3.141... years Straight film series postponed Opponents of the series said the June Vast films were chosen specifically to OUT-OF-FOCUS EDITOR raise campus-wide controversy. A film series exploring hetero- "We can't talk about S-E-X in sexual relationships has been called front of the college C-H-I-L-D-R- to a hall by Dope College Provost E-N!" said major Dope College Jake Niner. donor Max A. Million. "They might The series, called the Men are start asking questions that we don't from Mars/Women are from Venus know how to answer." Film Series was originally sched- Most derisive amongst the films 1 uled to run during the season of Ad- was the romantic drama vent and included five films that "Shadowlands." The film, which covered a tells the story range of het- of the rela- erosexual top- tionship be- ics, including ANCHOR PHOTO BY HARRY NEEDSASHAVE tween C.S. WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH THAT?- New chaplain staff kissing, mar- Lewis and his Hambuglar, Grimace, Birdy, and McDonald jam out with Moa Drukker ('01) and riage, and rais- wife Joy, has the rest of the chapel band. ing children. caused great Provost concern Niner cited amongst the New chaplains announced "bad timing" Horde. amongst his "There's Adam Less enhance Dope's religious life. The dow," said McDonald. "Religion reasons for de- an actual line EDITOR-IN-CHEAT purple shake creature Grimace will has never been as quick or conve- laying the se- in that movie Dope College's Horde of Trust- be giving a number of morning nient with today's busy sched-. ries. where C.S. ees released iheir decision to hire messages, the Fry Guys will form ules." "There are a Lewis tells an entirely new Chaplain's staff on the chapel band. Birdie will direct Dimwitt Chapel has also re- million rea- the little boy Tuesday afternoon. Due to past the Gospel Choir, and the ceived the addition of a tall sign sons why this that it's OK controversies, the Horde chose a Hamburglaf will give testimonials bearing the chapel program's new series was ill- if he doesn't new staff that was completely non- about his decision to leave his life slogan "Over Two Billion Saved." timed," Niner believe in coniroversial: the McDoitald's of crime and follow God. However, some more traditional said. 44First, heaven," Happy Meal characters. "I was totally controlled by my faculty members have criticized it's during Advent. Come ON! Ev- said Horde Newly appointed Dean of desire to snitch those delicious the decision of hiring the erybody knows that the best Christ- of Trustees member Don Alotacash- Chapel Ronald McDonald ex- hamburgers," said Hamburglar. McDonald's staff. mas specials are on during Advent. "C.S. Lewis is second only to the pressed his happiness at being cho- "But the glory of God turned my "I just don't think that their Like students are gonna miss Bible in authority on Christianity. sen for the position, as well as his lustful eyes from my processed- drive-thru-Jesus mentality is ap- "Rudolph the Red Nosed Rein- Students' entire belief systems may desire to be a positive force on meat obsession to the light of the propriate to a college that stresses deer" to watch some crappy film be crushed if they see this movie." Dope's campus. Lord." serious education," said Robert series." Other films in the series included "I hope the students are ready The new staff have a number of Dodenes, a religion professor. Niner insisted that his decision the salacious "Father of the Bride," to lake a serious look at their own projects that they are planning to "Plus, those Chicken McNuggets had in no way to do with the Horde the pornographic Disney film "The failhs, and ihe role that we must improve the religious atmosphere make me so gassy." of Trustees. Little Mermaid," the gratuitously play as Christians in the world/' at Dope. Already, Dimwitt Chapel To prevent any further schisms "I totally made this decision in violent "Home Alone," and a film said McDonald. "Also, I hope they has been renovated to allow quicker between the chaplain's staff and the best interests of the students," on divorce, "The Parent Trap." are ready for delicious french fries, and more efficient services faster the faculty, both groups will be Niner said. "It doesn't matter that "And some of these films aren't cool chocolate shakes, and a free than ever. placed in a special two-compart- the Horde threatened me at knife- even rated G," added Alotacash. "I loy with every conversion." "We're putting God into a ment styrofoam container, to keep point to cancel it. That had abso- just don't think they represent the McDonald brings with him a styrofoam container and handing the hot and cold parts of campus lutely no effect on my decision type of lives Dope students should number of Funland personalities to him right out the drive-thru win- separate. whatsoever." be living." Film marathon's prime directive is charity

Fatt Baker chance they might not otherwise "You may personally think Jean- Geeks to be involved in something "But if they do, we have a little CAMPUS FEET EDITOR have," said Diane Burkle, Direc- Luc Picard is a wimp, but that positive," said George Fratsma something up our sleeve: the origi- Dope College is planning on tor of Student Activities. "When I doesn't mean someone else's opin- (*02), president of the Irkadian fra- nal black and white pilot episode, holding a twenty-four hour Star was a girl. I always wanted to meet ion is invalid." ternity. "Everybody's getting to- with Capt. Pike" Trek viewing marathon this Spring Lt. Uhura." Student organizations will band gether for a good cause. Like when However, not all students ap- in order to raise money for the The 24 hours will be divided into together to sponsor a viewer who the Federation helped out the prove of the marathon. Starfleet Make-a-Wish Foundation, two sections. Half will cover the will watch the show. Morale will Klingons in Star Trek VI: the Un- "I think when we focus on Star which allows terminally ill children original "Capt. Kirk" episodes, be provided by students dressed as discovered Country." Trek, we forget all the other great to meet their favorite Star Trek while the second half will cover Klingons, Romulans and Vulcans. Burkle is not concerned that stu- science fiction shows of our time," crew member. "Star Trek: the Next Generation." Geek Life is making a large ef- dents will get bored with Star Trek. said Brian Jones ('03). "Star Trek "We think this is a great oppor- "I think it's only fair that we get fort to support the project. "I don't know how you could get was a great show, but what about tunity to allow young trekkies a both points of view," Burkle said. "This is an opportunity for us bored with Star Trek," Burkle said. The Outer Limits,' or 'Dr. Who?"'

Hinds i

Woman is named Younger Bultmanis Student misses Former editor Legion, for she is slightly resembles mother, builds missing, presumed [email protected] many. Val Kilmer. replica. dead. KL5-5555 Today's Woman, InStyle, Innovations, Scotland Review, Page 6. Page 7. Page 8. Page 8. Fiish and Game ^Ranchor October 25, 2000 Dutch classic rock band to perform in GPS Fatt Baker ground also had a lot to do with CAMPUS FEET EDITOR bringing the group to Soap. As pari of ihc Great Performance "Because of Holland's Dutch cul- Series (GPS), Soap College will be tural tradition, we really wanted to presenling ihe Dutch arena-rock bring in an authentic music group band next Friday in that would demonstrate that the the Knickerbocker Theater. Dutch are about more than tulips "We have a long history of high- and windmills," Immerson said. quality acts to Soap in every area- "They are also about rocking hard." dance. theater, and music," said Eric Hope students are excited about Immerson, GPS coordinator. "And the upcoming performance, which we thought it was a good time to features the band's original lineup: experiment with something we guitarist , bass- hadn't really tried before: - ist Rinus Gerritsen, vocalist Barry oriented classic rock." Hay, and drummer Cesar Golden Earring formed in the Zuiderwijk. in 1964, and is best "These guys are like best friends known for the 1974 hit, "Radar to me. I own all their records, from Love." •Just Earring,' to ',' to However, Immerson stressed that 'Long Blond Animal.' I can't wait Golden Earring was not a one-hit to see them in person," said Joe wonder. VanWoorst ('02). "Sometimes I "Most people don't remember think Cesar and Rinus understand RANCHOR PHOTO COURTESY PRIVATE RELATIONS their first hit, 'Dong-Dong-Di-Ki- me better than my parents do." RADAR LOVEi Golden Earring member Rinus Gerritsen perfroms with a friend at a recent concert. The popular Dutch band will be performing next week as part of Di-Gi-Dong,' but they do when they Jimbo Bultmanis, Soap College hear it," Immerson said. "Plus, they president and long time "Earring- the Great Performance Series. had a top ten single in 1984 with Head" is also looking forward to Soap," Bultmanis said. "Golden Americans in the 70s. They had a Opening for Golden Earring will Twilight Zone.'" seeing the band. Earring really spoke truth to a gen- thing they called Radar Love, and be the late 60s underground British Golden Earring's Dutch back- "It's really a great catch for eration of disenchanted Dutch we wanted it." psychedelic band. Soft Machine. Fraternity's quest continued, good triumphs Fizban's cloak finally the fraternity faced serious disci- ing to parties late at night wearing Their characters secured the sought- taining the spell, Melf's Acid Ar- plinary action over their quest for those light black pants," said Lewis after cloak, and good finally tri- row. Dope President Jimbo found. Fizban's Cloak of Honeycutt Jr. (400), fra- umphed over evil. Bultmanis also denied Adam Less Feather Fall. ternity member and dun- "My halfling thief, ever wielding the Sword EDITOR-IN-CHEAT "It was really serious," geon master. "It looked Gubbins the Grand, is in- of Kazz. With the easing of Dope College said Teddy Pinkerton like the administration vincible!" exclaimed "We were completely alcohol policies, good has finally (40l). president of the was turning a blind eye Pinkerton. "The poi- unaware of the trimumphed over the evil horde Minervian Fraternity. "I to underage drinking soned arrows of the [Minervian] fraternity's amassed by Warmaster Gandolph didn't think that even my again, and we fell it was lizardmen archers renewal of last year's activities," Bultmanis and his undead liche army. Helm of +2 Water Ward- time to renew the quest couldn't stop him, and In April of 2000, the Minervian ing could save us from a for Fizban's Cloak." neither could Dope's ju- said. "We were also un- dicial board." aware that the Bone Fraternity was busted in the midst revoked charter." T. Pinkerton In two consecutive L. Honeycutt of an alcohol-fueled session of Dun- But upon returning nights of heavy gaming, College officials de- Club of +3 Bugbear geons and Dragons. Six cans of this fall, the Minervians found a dif- the fraternity managed to defeat the clined to comment on their role in slaying was hidden in the dungeon. Coors and a whole pile of multi- ferent atmosphere. entirety of Gandolph's army, as well aiding the demigoron horde and If only my psionicist hadn't missed sided dice were apprehended, and "We saw all sorts of girls walk- as the griffon riders of Tall'badon. their plot to obtain the scroll con- his wisdom check." l/oiFloraland Fauna of Provost to work for no money Ce Will now be called Niner will also be giving up most "I greatly respect Jake for giving F«« ^De^ttlandfi^ of his endorsements, including up the flashy life and the parlies of amateurvost Pepsi, Wendy's, and Glad-Lock. being a professional vost," said Funian vanderprovia Andrew Lotz Fatt Baker However, he will continue to make Jimbo Bultmannis, Dope College Winus atkleczekcum Mall Cook CAMPUS FEET EDITOR free-of-charge appearances for the president. "I've often wished I Talkusreali loudous Rand Anvady Jake Niner, Dope College provost Arbor Day Foundation. could do the same." Despite rumors, Alfonso Dirtae mouthoderm Julie Green will no longer receive a paycheck. "Even though I'm going amateur, I hope my influence will still be Gonzaga, assistant provost, will re- Getsno repectacus Jane Basl Starting next month, his new title will be amateurvost. strong enough to encourage people main in the pro-tour. Takabrake tosmokem Emily Moellman "I've decided I've been on the to plant a tree for their tomorrow," "Although I admire Jake's deci- Cantfindium datus Chad Sampson pro-tour long enough," Niner said. Niner said. sion, I still think the highest caliber Barus footidae Arianna Baker "I want to get back to my roots, Niner's responsibilities will re- of play is still with the pros," Yetanothur lamers Krislin Lamers where the game is still pure.' main the same. Gonzaga said. Getusaur paycheksa Sarah Wilkinson Forgota apostrophi Tyler Danslrom Online! puteruper Rachael Pridge on Hungry for a late night snack? Girlia handsodont Nick Denis No seeum Tim Boudreau Related species: Beth Lomasney, Krissy Schantz, Andrea Cteary, Lauren Pike. Andrew Kleczek, Megan Krigbaum, Jenny Alderink, Kurt Koehler, Angela Zemla, Lindsay Pollard, and Danielle Koski Or '0. N. Species suffering from loss of habitat: Rob Ondra

Ccnlnil Dewillldiul has sonic of flic most inieresling Jloru and fnnnti in I he world. Ohseninx ihrin is encoiiniical. however lliey tire shy creatures inul nuiy run away. They are also noc In ma I ami have been rarely observed sleeping. Sailly inanv of these noble animals are on the bring of extim iion Bm. you can help ihem onl Your ilonaiion 10 the "save ihe wildlife fund. " which yon can drop off al the Ranchor office, will go towards purchasing items that would ensure their survival, such as a working printer and free food Now open for delivery 1-800-CRUNCHY Vol .114 ,Issue 7 24 hours! Ranchor P.S.: As much as we waul it to be. the Ranchor r is I So fresh they're still alive ( f. / not real. Fizban's cloak has not yet been found October 25, 2000 z ever say Clieetos ^Arnchor There's no place called home for Dope students

Bob Mantra brought back tents to sleep in. Set up in the Pine Copse, ihey have named their STAFF HOBO Wilh a record freshman class and seniors shanlylown afler the President; 'Ye Olde on campus, some Dope sludenls are felling a Charlered Towne-ship of Bullmanisville.' housing crunch. "We're not happy," commented Dulchy Several hundred sludenls are being forced Freid ('04), student and Elected Lord Sover- lo live like bums along 8lh Street, sleeping eign King of Bullmanisville. He went on lo wherever they lie. Dope College's high en- say that they might be "angry" as well. rollment exceeds the capabilities of the fa- Citizens of Bullmanisville thought about cilities. organizing a sleep-out in the Pine Copse in "Il was a joke," said Rumen Van Boerd, protest, bul the idea fell through when they head of Admissions. "We didn't expect them realized that they were already sleeping there. all to allend." "It's not my fault. Go talk to Rumen Van As il lurns out, Ihe Admissions staff just Boerd," President Bullmanis retorted. The got lazy and slarled to accept every one thai Rancor already did. came along. Sludenls who are forced lo live outdoors "It was late in the summer and we were have voiced concern over the fact that they tired of the same routine every day," said Van are not adequately protected against the black Boerd. "You know how boring those essays squirrels. are? Try reading them all day long." "What are we supposed to do? Those ob- Van Boerd denied the accusation that the noxious rodents crawl into our tents at night Admissions slaff allegedly read comic books and nibble on our toes," said Sovereign King and played Mari^ Karl for the last half of the Freid. summer. Presidenl Bullmanis dispatched a phalanx of armed Public Safety officers to patrol the Whether those extra students were sup- RANCHOR GRAPHIC BY HARRY NEEDSASHAVE area at all times, mainly in reaction to stu- posed to come or not, they're here. And BROTHER CAN YOU SPARE A DIME?: A first year dents who have decided to use the Bullmanis' they're making do with what they have. student sleeps in the squalid living conditions of Bultmanisville. SomOUIIICe studentaiuu&nisd returneiciuiiit.vd j tiow theimwir homeiiwinws anuiivd* back yarj d as a publii c rest room. Agnostic Dope student dies, goes to hell . — . • t t i • . i. ; DurWoni^ol friAnHc FollowinFnllnwingp Vanderoosen'Vande.roosen ss sermosent n Adam Kleck-Zeck Yesterday, at a special chapel - in a booming voice. "I've seen his non-Puritanical friends. Vanderoosen then quoted several the chapel praise team played rol- STAFF WHINER memorial service held in honor of picture and I know, in his three years biblical references to support his licking renditions of "In my Dope College student. Matt Russell, John Vanderoosen, chap- he never spent a short, but insight- belief that Russell was in hell, as Father's House". "I Know A Place", Russell ('02) died at approximately lain, mentioned ihe lessons that can ful twenty minute chapel session in well as C.S. Lewis' "Merc Chris- and "Jesus loves me. But Not You". 8:35 p.m. last Thursday night as a be learned from Russell's life. this building, and if I don't know tianity". Al the end of the Lewis Afler the service, many students result of massive cardiac arrest. He "Mall Russell was a fine young him, the Almighty doesn'l know quole the crowed laughed and many had similar reactions to the mes- was 20 years old. man," said Vanderoosen. "He was him." members of the audience could be sage. Those that knew him described a humanitarian, a role model to Vanderoosen, overcome wilh seen mouthing the words. "Let's just say I'm darn glad I Russell as a "nice guy," and a younger kids, a nice guy, and a lov- emotion, slopped, took a sip of wa- "Friends, God loves you," said an come to chapel " said John Greene "friendly outgoing student." Some ing friend. Bul friends, brothers and ter and continued. impassioned Vanderoosen. "And (01). "I mean, crap, I drink, smoke went on to say he was one of the sisters in Christ, being a good per- "He may have never lied, he may he's used Mall Russell's death to weed and sleep around, bul since most peaceful, caring individuals on son doesn'l mean anything if you have never drank, and he may have show you just how imporlanl il is I'm here every Monday, Wednes- campus. In his ihree years at Dope, don't have God, and we know never messed around wilh women," thai you attend chapel." day, and Friday al 10:30 a.m. plus Russell was involved in Habitat for Russell was agnostic." said Vanderoosen. "But you see Later, Vanderoosen would de- al 8 p.m. on Sunday, I know my Humanity, Alcohol Issues Mailer, None of Russell's friends that friends, that doesn't mean anything, scribe Russell's elernal home as, "a bull's saved. Also, it's a great place and CASA. were inlerviewed exactly knew without God. Even Malt Russell place of weeping and gnashing of to meet women." "He was one of the best guys I've what he believed. knows that as he burns in hell"wilh leelh," "a dark Godless place," and Vanderoosen refused lo comment ever known," said Brad Vander "You see. Mall Russell never at- all of his other agnostic, atheist, Is- "hell." on the matter. Moore (02), his roommate. tended Chapel," said Vanderoosen lamic, Catholic, non-Calvinistic, Adjectives to be banned Jesus...

Butch Cassidy versy among faculty members, As the dispute entered into its sec- ond month it appeared to be no COMPUTER GENIUS some of whom believed that the The Actien term "homeslyle" was offensive to closer to resolution. Bullmanis then ftsro/ Presidenl Jimbo Bullmanis today decided lo lake action. announced lhal adjectives will no those sludenls who were raised in "I have decided to take an unor- longer be allowed al Hope College. apartments or duplexes. thodox approach to the problem and "Unfortunately adjectives jusl Defenders of Ihe menu board form a committee to address the cause loo many problems," pointed lo Websler's definition of concerns of the faculty,"said Bullmanis said. "We thought per- homeslyle as "food prepared in a Bullmanis. haps we could still have semi- manner consislenl wilh that of food Bullmanis acknowledged the fi- unoffensive adjeclives such as 'red' prepared in homes." nal decision of the commille, which and 'round' bul in ihe end we jusl Those offended by the term ar- suggested that there will be a tran- decided lo cul ihe cord clean. gued lhal common usage of ihe sition period while adjectives are We are going to slick lo nice his- word conlained a negative conno- phased out of Ihe Hope torically Chrislian parts of English tation. community's vocabulary. like ihe preseni participle. In fact, 1 "I was raised in a duplex on ihe He maintained that there are still like lo pronounce il 'parlici- pai' norlh side of Holland," said a fac- ways lo for students to express what Because who's your friend? Thai's ully member who did not wish lo they want lo say. righl, the preseni parlici^fl/." be idenlified. "Every lime some- "For instance, instead of calling Today's announcement comes al one in from of me al Arby's orders il the fantastic new Science Center, ihe end of three months of commit- homeslyle fries my ears jusl burn." Comes complete wiffi arm cannon, kung fu il will now be described as the Cen- tee investigation inlo what some The controversy continued lo ter of Science of the Future that is battle grip, and attitude. Find your personal would call a simple mistaken menu "grow over ihe campus e-mail sys- Fantastic," said Bullmanis. relationship in the Dope College Bookstore board. tem, unlil in ihe interesl of main- To aid wilh freshman wilh the A Whelps manager described ihe taining an open discussion il was today! transition, the administration is de- iradilional Tuesday lunch beef turn- placed on SholPul. ihe Dope Col- veloping a mandatory class, which overs as being covered wilh lege discussion board and access will stress the importance of a vo- "homeslyle gravy." The menu was limited lo left handed faculty Ownership docs not garuntcc passage inlo heaven cabulary free from adjeclives for board prompted immediate conlro- members with birthdays in March. Missing your head? Acer Services can help.

These are just a few of the lovely heads we have cryogenic ally frozen in our sub-basement. Getting one is as simple as colling (616) KL5-5555 Torgo ^Ranchor October 25, 2000 Doors lock at seven, unknown student dies

Roger Manos ter deciding he must sit in the back another random private safety of- KNEES EDITOR 1 tried to open the door, but the blue ficer, "He was probably out there Dope College bids farewell 10 guy was blocking it so I had to go banging on the door for a couple of one of iis siudenis al ter finding him around to the front. It look so much hours. I can just imagine him curl- frozen ai the back entrance of time that 1 missed the first song and ing up into a little fetal ball as it Slurpee Hall. couldn't find a seat in the first ten got colder * sniff*, clutching the "We will always miss him |the rows. cold door handle with his frozen suideiu|." said the mortified Col- After receiving calls about the little hands ... hey why are those lege Prcsideni Jimbo Buhmanis. situation private safely responded kids carrying those candles?" while finishing his Frozen Coke immediately five hours later. "The college will be responding from 7-11. He had such a huge "We had three people complain to this immediately," said Dean impact on our lives. Now there is about being late for chapel because Snow, taking a bite from his just an empty space where he used some blue guy was blocking the popsicle. "We have already posted to be ... I'll never forget the times door lo Slurpee," said a random pri- a reminder to all students about when we Hey who was he any- vate safety officer. "After dinner we carrying their access cards, on way?" rushed over to Slurpee and found NoHope. We have also hired a team The body of the yet unidentified the frozen body of some kid hold- of St. Bernard rescue dogs to carry student was found early on Friday ing on to the back door It took us little containers of hot chocolate morning by a female visitor who two hours pry his fingers from the around the college." was trying to leave Slurpee hall. door handle with a crowbar and two "This is a day that will not be 'I was walking out of my boy- of them broke off." soon forgotten.... SLIDE. SLIDE," friends dorm on Friday in a hurry The Public Safety report says that said Buhmanis while coaching a because 1 was going to be late for the student had forgotten his access baseball game. "What's his name chapel, when 1 noticed some blue card and was trying to get in that will always be remembered." guy standing outside the door." said back door after 7:00. As it grevC When asked what affect the Jenny VanDyke. "My first thought colder he tried to dial 8911 as he death would have on the college, RANCHOR GRAPHIC BY VLAD THOMPSON had read in the Ranchor. the chaplain's staff refused to com- was what's this blue guy doing out CHILL OUT-. Jimbo Bultmanis takes time out of "The temperatures that night ment as they snacked on Eskimo there? Does he go" here, because the third inning to examine the frozen student. I've never seen him in chapel? Af- reached a low thirteen degrees." said Pies. Are You Dope College Dope loses to Material? Calvin, Hobbes

Fatt Baker Hobbes. can work together on what CAMPUS FEET EDITOR is really important," said Jimbo Dope College dropped another Bultmanis. Dope College president. game in its longtime rivalry with "We must get rid of slimy girls." Circle the Answer that Best Describes You; Calvin last Wednesday as Calvin, This is not the first time Dope and with the aid of his best friend stuffed Calvin haVe worked together. V/N Do you go to chapel to pick up girls? tiger Hobbes, defeated Soap 1 bil- "Let's not forget the infamous lion to q in a heated game of noodle incident " Hobbes said. Y/N Do you enjoy playing Irisbee golf at ridiculously late hours Calvinball. Dope. Calvin and Hobbes pro- of night, like at four in the morning, banging those damned The pivotal moment occurred to- ceeded to drop water balloons on discs against dorm windows, waking other students from wards the end of the Derkins from Calvin's their much needed heauty rest? game when Soap tree house hideout. The stepped into a blind- attack was halted when Y/N Does a 6/1 ratio of women to men sound OK to youP folded poetry zone. it was discovered that When Soap refused to Hobbes preferred Y/N Do you think that there's nothing better to do on weekends recite the 21 verse smooching Derkins and than drink and look up Internet porn in the Durfee com rhyming poem about ti- did not think she was puterlab (Mmm... Silicon)? gers. a fight broke out that slimy. between Dope and "A sad day it was for Y/N Have you ever considered owning a visor or styling your Calvin. all of us, and our col- hair like 1C from N'Sync? "I know there are no leagues Calvin and rules in Calvinball. but Calvin Hobbes," Bultmanis this is ridiculous," said said. Circle the Answer that Best Describes You: Lenny Van Warren, Dope's However. Hobbes was able to Calvinball coach. obtain Derkin's beloved stuffed rab- Y/N Do you like to blast the latest Dixie Chicks CD every waking The fight, and the game, was soon bit, Mr. Bun. Reportedly, a mischie- minute of the day? halted by the arrival of next door vous grin crossed Calvin's face. neighbor and suspected girl, Suzie "This might be one of Calvin's Y/N Was your family listed in the Church Herald as one of the top Derkins. Both sides agreed to set best ideas since the transmogrifier," five most influential lamilies in the RCA? aside their differences in order to Van Warren said. pool their resources against Promotions were given all Y/N Does a 6/1 ratio of women to men sound OK to you? Derkins. around, with Calvin retaining the "It's good to see that, despite our greatest title of supreme dictator for Y/N Are you a member of three or more Dible studies? rivalry. Soap and Calvin, as well as life.

Y/N Does your idea of a fun Friday night inciude coffee at IP's, then heading back to Dykstra to watch a Julia Roberts movie Engaged? with the gals? re-engaged? answer Kev: pre-engaged? Mostly Y's Congratulations! You re a perfect Dope student. Whether you're spending your paycheck on the ish you were latest fashions from Abercrombie, or dancing to the Chapel CD with your cluster mates, you belong nere. Sure, maybe you look exactly like everyone else, but conformity has it's benefits. engaged? Mostly N's Remember that old Sesame Street song-one of these things is not like the other, one of these things Come to Li'i Tammy's Bridal Palace! just doesn't belong? Well, you are that thing. Rut don't worry! If you're still desperate to belong, join the Supplying all your bridal needs since 1953. Ranchor staff. We're desperate too. October 2.5, 2000 Anchor Religion Living abroad: missionary kids at Hope

Jane Bast cally connected to job fields in the RELIGION EDITOR church. Some, like Daniel Bruggers' ('03) parents, work in While the children of missionar- secular job fields while using their ies are American citizens, many free time for mission work. have spenl ihe majority of their lives "|My parents] are tent-makers," outside the U.S. Bruggers said. "The etymology of Currently, over twenty Hope stu- the word comes from Paul, who dents are missionaries' kids, com- would make tents and sell them to pay for his travels." monly referred to as MK's, and Papua New Guinea have come to college from coun- Bruggers' parents, who teach in ColBdnioIre tries as far away as Papua New Lima, Peru, are also church plant- Guinea. The types of mission fields ers. where MK's live and work are as . "They try to get a church to the varied as the countries they come stage where it will be self-support- from. ing, with a Peruvian pastor," Daniel Attalah (402) is originally Bruggers said. from Cyprus, an island located in After growing up in Peru, the Mediterranean Sea. His father, Bruggers is bilingual in Spanish and ANCHOR GRAPHIC BY JANE BAST Victor Attalah, records Christian ra- English, which he says is one of the WHERE IN THE WORLD?'. The twelve missionary kids at Hope come dio broadcasts in Arabic, which are benefits of being an MK in a for- from eight countries around the world. broadcast across the Middle East eign country. culture from the movies," Beck said. was born in Lahore, Pakistan. Like and North Africa. It's a job that is "Living in a foreign country "We don't have an understand- "There's a lot of pressure in America Bruggers, Larsen's parents had not without danger. In order to pro- broadens your horizons to some ing or appreciation that the world to be something- that there's some- secular jobs, but cr.mc to Pakistan tect his identity, Attalah's father degree," Bruggers said. "I got a re- is more in our backyard than we thing that you need to be doing that with a sense of mission. uses an alias. ally good education." realize," Beck said. you're not. Do we all have to be re- "My father worked as a chemis- "In some countries where the Despite the benefits, being a MK Part of the smallness comes from ally cool, or are we supposed to be try teacher at Habibia High School, broadcasts are heard, the govern- also brings tough challenges. Since an overdominance of Western, and independent? In the Philippines you the only high school in the country ments are definitely opposed to Bruggers' family lives so far away, specifically American, culture in could be whoever you wan'cd to at the time," Larsen said. "He then Christian broadcasting and they he rarely sees them. He plans on third world countries. became the principal and hired would take measures to stop him," returning to Peru for Christmas, "It's amazing how much our cul- be." Besides missing his family. Beck many American teachers whom he Attalah said. which will be his first time visiting tures try to be like each other." also misses the sense of gratitude knew were Christians." Even though his father's job in- home since coming to Hope one and Beck said. "Every Filipino knows that living in a developing country Larsen's father later joined the volves an element of risk, Attalah a half years ago. who Michael Jordan is and what United Nations Educational and has never felt worried for his "I don't get to see my parents or McDonalds is. They know the con- can give. "You forget how blessed you are Scientific Cultural Organization family's safety. my little brothers as much as I'd like sumer culture. I think the beauty of when you live in America," he said. (UNESCO) and the family later "It's pretty safe in Cyprus," to," Bruggers said. "My little the Philippines is in being who they "In the Philippines, I would pass moved to Paris. Larsen's childhood Attalah said. brother Peter is seven, and he's go- are." children living in the street on my abroad had a lasting impact, later Despite living the majority of his ing to grow up away from me." Beck appreciates his childhood way to school. In America, you miss influencing her career choice. life in a foreign country, Attalah Six of the MK's at Hope come exposure to two different cultures. your contact with reality and the real "I grew up in an international feels that the adjustment from from the same high school in the However, after living away from community which strengthened my Cyprus to the U.S. has been fairly Philippines, Faith Academy. Peter America for so long, the change world." 4 Not all MK's at Hope are students love for other cultures and other lan- easy. Beck ( 03) is one of those students. from the Philippines can be signifi- either. Some faculty and staff mem- guages," Larsen said. "That ex- "Sometimes someone will make His dad teaches Physical Education cant. bers also grew up abroad. One is plains in part why I chose to do a reference to a TV show and I at the Academy, which has over 650 "When you grow up in the Phil- French professor Anne Larsen, who graduate work in French." won't catch it," Attalah said. "But students. ippines, you learn about American we have mostly American TV Although Beck has not been back —.— shows in Cyprus. I'm American. 1 to the Philippines since arriving at feel American." Hope, he is amazed at the small size Not all missionaries are specifi- of the world. tiip


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David Zaccardelli, President. MDS Tricon Tlv October 25, 2000 Ajnchor Spotlight Audio producer finds home at Hope

Julie Green Erskine's life. do. You just have to make enough Spotlight Editor As well as working with Wooster, money to survive." Erskine would go on tour with mu- Nonetheless, he encourages stu- One year after John Erskine sic groups like Sonic Youth. dents to go there. In coming here, moved to Holland a plane crashed "I ended up going on tour with Erskine has found students of his into his house. Julio Iglesias. It was all in Spain, in own to leach. "That was just bizarre," said Bull rings, and in Scandinavia." "I like the intensity students can Erskine, the Recording Arts Man- The most difficult part of the bring to things," he said. "People ager at Hope. sound equipment while touring was are pretty open and they have an Despite the bizarre event. Erskine the set up. energy to try different things." decided to slay and today he teaches "It would always be different ev- As for his WTHS show, 8 a.m. to courses in recording techniques, ery night," Erskine said. noon on Fridays, Erskine takes his records recitals and runs a format- Among other places, Erskine has free format as far as it will go. free radio program at WTHS Fri- spent time in Hong-Kong, Glasgow, "I call it a rude awakening be- day mornings. England, and Indonesia. cause I usually play something-you Erskine, who had been working "I went a couple of times to In- can call it unusual or you can call it for the Wooster theater company in dia to conduct workshops with annoying-in the morning. I had a New York, moved back to Michi- Doordashanthe Indian BBC. Trying number of calls this morning." gan after a nearly fatal car crash. to take my skills and adapt them to Erskine has been involved with ANCHOR PHOTO BY JULIE GREEN "It took me about a year to re- what they have [was tough]," some form of audio for at least the past twenty years, starling in col- GET THE MUSIC ON: John Erskine, who cover enough to walk and talk," Erskine said. "It's a nation with so teaches recording techniques classes, gets the next CD Erskine said. "I couldn't return [to many people and we don't realize lege. ready for his specialty show on WTHS Friday mornings, Wooster]. It involved too much that. There's a certain integrity to "I spent a long lime at Michigan State. It was a lot of fun," said 8 a.m. to noon. traveling." all these different cultures that is Traveling had been a big part of incredibly stimulating." Erskine, who went part-time while Living in New York City was an paying his own way. experience in itself, though. "The development of personal Julie Green "It's like living in a big toy box " flexibility really helps; being open Erskine said. "You have to make for whatever experience is available certain connections and once you and not being afraid to take a SETTING SAIL do, there's so many things you can chance," he said.

Spotlight editor Celery

"Whatcha readin"?" but the friends that were silling next to Not much is harder lo understand lhan me. a four year old with a mouth full of ice A few days ago, it was raining, so I cream. went walking. I walked with a friend to a I showed him the poetry book I had park where we sat on wet swings and brought to Centennial Park to read, then soaked ourselves going down the slide. realized 1 had no idea where he had come On the way back, we jumped in every from: I was in the middle of a park and he puddle we could find, to feel the cold was just a little boy. greasy water splash up and down our legs The ice cream smudged onto his nose, and even hit us in the face. then his chin. I saw his father on a nearby Not even the best of classes, the bench. classes in which we learn more than just The little boy smashed a bug for me the course material, or the most fun and the ice cream, vanilla, attacked his extra-curricular activity can compare. flannel shin and dropped onto his black They're good for us and they'll get us jeans. It wasn't long before we were somewhere, but in the end, they're friends: him silting on my blanket, and structure. the ice cream drips making nice homes So I will do the things that make me there too. He had me looking up in trees happy as well. for squirrels that weren't there, wonder- Life is more lhan classes. ing why 1 didn't eat ice cream for dinner, I ale celery when 1 was eight because it and throwing leaves in the air just to was good for me, and I am sure that watch them fly again. twelve years later, it has done me some All this from a little boy I had never good in some form. met. And. though I had never met him, he But I also jumped in leaves when I was was a wonderful vacation. eight, and 1 know that has done me all Fernando Ortega Home Tour with Michelle College, after all, is just part of life. the good in the world. Before I left, the little boy in Centen- Yes, it consumes life now, but it is not TumeS life. Life is not the sum of the tests, the nial Park folded my blanket for me and papers, the readings and the lectures that helped me pick up my books. I was sorry November 13, 2000 at TOO p.m. keep us in structure. I had to go. I was going lo miss the Even in the strongest of structures, invisible squirrels in the trees. And he Dimnent Memorial Chapel- there is so much more lo it. was sorry too, asking me when I could A week ago, 1 found a pile of leaves to come back and play. jump in. then lay in. looking at the He thought I was a wonderful play- speckled bellies of the golden leaves mate. What he doesn't know was that, for Ticket Prices** General Admission $il.oo against the dark sky to think of nothing forty-five minutes, he made life real. Hope College Sti)

Andrew Kleczek "J.D. Graves - what a competi- STAFF REPORTER tor, running down here at the goal Nick Conrad ('OB) could have line, he just said, 'not gonna let been one of Alma's lop receivers in them stop me' and makes the big Saturday's game, except for the play," Dean Kreps, head football little detail about being a Hope de- coach said. "He's just gutsy, he's fensive back. Conrad, the Michigan gonna find a way to get it done." Intercollegiate Athletic Association The Flying Dutchmen also ran (MIAA) defensive player of the the option, much to the delight of week, finished with two intercep- Graves. Hope had held back on the tions. a pass break up, and six tack- option so far this season. les. "J.D. would love to run it every Conrad and the rest of the team play if he could," Kreps said. "He helped Hope to a 35-25 victory over loves the option. If I don't want him the Alma Scots. It was the team's to audible, all I have to do is call an fourth quarter performance that option, because I guarantee you he helped seal the game. won't check out of an option." Entering the fourth quarter Hope The game was perhaps the most trailed 19-14. They would, how- complete one of the season so far, ever, score three touchdowns in the according to Kreps. final quarter, and (he defense ad- "We need to be tough for 60 min- justed to deal with Alma's wide- utes and I thought we were," Kreps open passing attack. said. They |Hope| put some pressure Hope rushed for 222 yards, and on us with their linebackers and we passed for 185, for a total of 407 just didn't respond." Jim Cole, yards. Previously, Alma had held Alma head coach said. "They did opponents to an average of 94.2 some wonderful things out there yards rushing per game. ANCHOR PHOTO BY ARIANNA BAKER taking the ball out of the air, and it The victory leaves Hope as the caught up with us.>: only team in the MIAA without a RUNNING MAN: Hope Quarterback J.D. Graves ('01) eludes Alma defenders The Flying Dutchmen defense league loss. This means they can on a passing play last Saturday. Graves would finish the day with 185 yards passing, brought the blitz in the fourth quar- win the league championship with- and 74 yards rushing. He helped lead the Flying Dutchmen to a 35-25 MIAA win. ter, attacking Alma quarterbacks out needing another team to lose, Steve Slowke ('03) and Brandon as they did last season. Despite the Wrobel ("01). Two of Hope's three fact they control their own destiny, Women's Lacrosse underway sacks, along with four hurries/ Kreps is wary. knockdowns, came in the last 13 44It's not gonna get any easier, if Danielle Koski own against the men's team. I do." minutes of the game. Slowke, we think Adrian and Olivet are just STAFF REPORTER "We concentrate more on the According to Kinney, the guys on Alma's starting quarterback, even- gonna lay down so we can play The Chippewa Indians used la- technique and skill then on the brute the men's team have been very sup- tually left the game in the fourth Albion for the championship we're crosse to surprise attack the British strength," Kinney said. "Most of portive. quarter. dreaming," Kreps said. "These at Fort Michilimackinac in 1763. the girls are just too small to play "They have offered to share ev- Offensively, Hope quarterback games are gonna be tough." In 1974 the Hope College Men's [with the guys]." erything," said Kinney. "They are J.D. Graves ('01) and running back Brian Adloff ('01) finished as Lacrosse team was founded. Most of the girls on the team are helping us to get started." Adam Magers ('01) both lead the Hope's leading receiver with 7 re- In the year 2000 the Hope Col- freshmen with a couple of sopho- The women's team hasn't started team with a strong attack. Graves ceptions for 75 yards. Kevin Kudej lege Women's Lacrosse team has mores. any official practices yet because went 14-29 for 185 yards passing, ('01) finished the game with 7 tack- been started. "I enjoy knowing that I'm a part most of the girls don't have sticks, and rushed for 74 yards and two les and 2 sacks. Pat Warren ('02) "Right now we have 32 girls on of something new on Hope's cam- but girls who have sticks are prac- touchdowns. Magers rushed 28 also had a sack. the team," said Amanda Kinney pus " said Hannah Reddick ('04). ticing now. This year is more of a times for 118 yards, and three Hope travels to play Adrian next ('04), president of the team. Lacrosse is another group for learning experience for the team, touchdowns. Saturday, Oct. 28 at 1 p.m. Lacrosse is known to be a high women on Hope's campus to be a according to Kinney, and next year contact sport. In Kinney's opinion, part of. the team will focus on actual games. a women's lacrosse team was "I feel cool when I carry my la- "We are teaching people [the needed at Hope, so that all girls crosse stick around," Lindsay game] and there may be scrim- could have a chance to play, not just Bosak (*04) said. "People ask me mages in the spring," Kinney said. wijb q pair cf eyenis ^aranteec1 the ones that could stand on their if I play lacrosse and I'm like, yeah. "I'm glad to get this thing started."

[o eniertoin and scare m A. c G-aiii % JUfc-taKi i yO> Volleyball: Wednesday at 6:30 PM, vs. St. ® y/z/vyrv Mary's 89.9 WTHS m%]< • V f pumwn Men and Women's Cross Country: Sat- 'r.iv1 V.WinHL UltT !«MNLl r^LOT WlhL. JIK^M WWHfot urday at 11 AM, MIAA Finals @ Albion I- jBHr Mvifi 'hi t* vmm at mw m im*- list F-?r( mvv*. iii't

Football: Saturday at 1:00 PM, @ Adrian

1 ONr AND * J YOU'LL NITVrP Women's Soccer: Saturday at 4:00 PM SANT AGAIN. CDT, @ St. Mary's ft P.M. 12 A.W. IClhS! ^ ^ K & U Vortihct Sis IU St ft Coiiiy* A»i' 4J U WITH COSTUMr -H l cQm'niT/ nimity Men's Soccer: Saturday at 7:00 PM CDT, wuw. O O @ Wheaton, 111. . zl0

No:o3incer*3 (D ^ rH S O amflfrjtofalase. E- x cu re vf Iterpw.'.or