Registered Charity No. 1017504

Nine Lives Community Fund Annual Impact Report 2012-2013


During the last year at Forever we’ve made a subtle but important change to our mission statement. We’ve added one word – together. Helping local people do extraordinary things together.

This simple but powerful addition is a direct result of the fantastic learning journey that we’ve been on over the last 12 months. What we’ve learned, however, isn’t earth shattering. It’s quite the opposite. What we’ve learned is more of a reassessment and reimagining of why community foundations exist. We’ve realised that with just a few simple adjustments to our thinking, a huge difference can be made.

These adjustments see us moving from being an organisation that helps communities to an organisation that helps communities to help themselves. The jargon of the day calls this an asset-based approach. It means that we recognise that we all have skills, talents and assets that can be combined and utilised to create a formidable and effective resource.

The traditional approach to societal problems is to find it, fund it and fix it. I cringe when I hear politicians talk about ‘fixing’ people. It’s a disabling and patronising approach and it engenders an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality. The fact is that there is no ‘us’ and ‘them.’ There is only us. When we go home in the evening and take off our professional hats, we are the local people in our local communities.

We can best improve our lot when businesses, local authorities, residents and community associations come together to build bridges to look at what’s possible and create genuine economic opportunities.

With our society hurtling forward in an increasingly disconnected manner due to technology, busy schedules and the frequency at which we change jobs, homes and locations, it makes it almost impossible to feel any sense of community. It is frighteningly easy to become isolated in our homes, which in turn can lead to loneliness or depression - not to mention the innumerable issues many of our communities face.

Community simply comes down to supporting and connecting other individuals who share a vested interest in the wellbeing of the neighbourhood. It shouldn’t be about ticking boxes and meeting socioeconomic targets. So in future our reports won’t measure our impact against targets or blind you with statistics. Instead we’re going to tell you about the inspiring stories coming out of our communities and the ways that local people are contributing to society through their involvement with local voluntary associations. We’ll show you the lasting difference that they’re making.

These are the most fundamental building blocks of community and change must come from within. With your* continued generous support we will continue to help local people do extraordinary things together. We believe that there is really no other way.

Nick and the Forever Manchester team

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for

The Nine Lives Community Fund

Forever Manchester’s Nine Lives Community Fund is a partnership between Forever Manchester and the chambers of Charles Garside QC at 9 St. John Street, Manchester.

Nine Lives was launched in February 2008 and is the first set of chambers in Manchester to create its own charitable fund to support community activity in the north of . They aim to support nine community projects each year.

Representatives from chambers form a panel which meets 3 times each year to consider funding applications which are sourced by Forever Manchester.

Community groups that have an annual income of less than £150,000 can apply for a grant of up to £2,000. The Fund has a focus on providing awards for sporting and diversionary activities for young disadvantaged people in Greater Manchester, aged 10-18 years.

Fund Breakdown

• 27 applications received • £50,762 of funding requested • £9,339 awarded to community groups • 7 successful applicants • 15 rejected applications • 5 cancelled applications

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

Success Stories

Bury Special Olympics

‘’I don’t know how to get on with everyone else during activities’’

When Sam joined Bury Special Boccia Finals in 2013 – largely down to Sam’s arrival on the squad. Olympics he would often phone up the group with his concerns. Bury Special Olympics provides a “I don’t know how to get on with nurturing and supportive environment everyone else during activities. for people with learning difficulties and disabilities to lead healthier and more “The others are more interesting than active lives and to help people like me.” Sam develop into happier and more confident people. A year later, Sam, who has Asperger’s The only phone call that the group Syndrome, attends 4 different sports receives from Sam now is an sessions each month and is already excited request: “When’s the next vice-captain of the boccia team, which football match? Please tell me I’m has a chance of making the National on the team!”

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

Irlam Amateur Boxing Club

“This is our home. Welcome to Boxing.”

energies in a positive way. It’s a safe When we got out of the car outside the environment.” supermarket we didn’t expect to find a hidden gem upstairs. Photos of young Two young twins, 7-year-old Danny and boxing champions holding trophies line the Thomas, keep shouting, “Look at us. off-white tiled walls up the stairs and an Watch what we can do!” before showing old, wooden door opens out into a boxing us their moves. club filled with keen, young boxers. We ask, ‘’so what do you like about We’re greeted by Gary who runs the club: coming here?’’ “This is our home. Welcome to Irlam Boxing.” “It gets me fit and its lots of fun, I want to be like Dave because he’s got a solid belly Gary goes on to tell us how boxing now,” Danny says with ambition. changed his life: “When I was young, boxing got me out of trouble. It helped me Irlam ABC is an Amateur Boxing along in life and it helped me network. As Association of England and an amateur boxer I had a good career. I’ve Sports Network affiliated boxing club met some amazing people and it’s opened for local people that works primarily my eyes to the world. with young people, teaching them skills and discipline and providing them with “I’m here today with a goal and a dream. fitness, training and volunteering I’m getting these kids off the street and opportunities. into a sport where they can use their

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

Awards made

July 2008

South Manchester Down’s Syndrome Support Group £2,000.00 Heaton Moor,

January 2009

Shore Fold Community Farm £2,000.00 Levenshulme, Manchester

The Forest Project £2,000.00 , Salford


Barnabus £695.50 Manchester

Whirlow Hall Farm Trust, Sheffield £2,000.00

June 2009

Stockport Brushstrokes £500.00 , Stockport

Irlam & Community Festival Committee £1,347.87 Salford

Droylsden Amateur Boxing Club £1,615.00 ,

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester


Whirlow Hall Farm Trust £700.00 Sheffield

October 2009

Broadbottom Community Association £671.50 Broadbottom, Tameside

Furniture Project £1,960.00 Kirkholt,

Good Companions £2,000.00

February 2010

Horizons Club £2,000.00 Manchester

East Manchester Community Boat Project £3,400.00 Ashton-Under-Lyne, Tameside

June 2010

Back o'th Moss Community Centre £1,600.00 Heywood, Rochdale

Great Lever Voice £2,000.00 Great Lever, Bolton

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

October 2010

Band United Football Group £2,000.00 Bolton

Ashton Allstars £1,500.00 Ashton-Under-Lyne, Tameside

Miles Platting FC £1,500.00 Ardwick, Manchester

March 2011

1099 Squadron Air Training Corps £1,550.00 , Salford

Astley & Cycle Speedway Club £1,550.00 Tyldesley,

June 2011

Milnrow Tennis Club £1,475.00 , Rochdale

Company Fierce Academy £1,000.00 Moss Side, Manchester

October 2011

Fun for All North £860.00 Manchester

Salford Welcome Group £1,320.00 Salford

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

March 2012

Collette’s Dancing Troupe £1,000.00

Denton Zodiacs £1,000.00 Tameside

Hamer Amateur Boxing Club £976.00 Rochdale

Langley Theatre Workshop £1,000.00 Rochdale

Swinton & Pendlebury Angling Club £700.00 Salford

June 2012

South Manchester Downs Syndrome Group £2,000.00 Stockport

Tyldesley Swimming & Water Polo Club £1,980.00 Wigan

Total £48,240.87

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

Awards Made | September 2012 – September 2013

Amount Project Description - Detailed Community Group Awarded

YWHP is run by and for young lesbian and bisexual women between the ages of 14 and 25. In order to improve health of those that attend, the group promote various activities designed around Young Women’s six areas: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational £688.00 Health Project and social/community. YWHP received an award to provide sport tasters in football, dodge ball, athletics, kick-boxing and martial arts. They was also given an award to support the costs of a young women’s health camp for 30 women who took part in canoeing and cycling.

Irlam Boxing Club works predominantly with young people, teaching them the skills and discipline needed for boxing as a Irlam Amateur £1,981.00 sport. Irlam Boxing helps young people use their energy in a safe and positive environment keeping them fit and healthy. Boxing Club The club was given an award to train 3 young people in ABA assistant coach certificate and to purchase a variety of boxing equipment.

Fun for All North was set up eleven years ago by a group of parents who have disabled children between the ages of 5 -19 Fun for All - North £860.00 years. The aim of the group is to allow children with disabilities to have fun and socialise. Thus, preventing isolation.

The group was given an award to take the children to watch a Peter Pan pantomime last Christmas. They also arranged a trip to Blackpool for 56 people.

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

The Salford Welcome Group was set up in 2006 to help refugees and asylum seekers improve their quality of life by providing them with opportunities to utilise their skills and experience to integrate into the community. Salford Welcome £1,320.00 The group provide information and support on housing, healthy Group living, education, employment, volunteering and debt advice. The group also run various community events and organise sport activities/projects. Salford Welcome Group received funding for room and pitch hire, footballs, bibs, refreshments and volunteer expenses to run football projects for young refugees and asylum seekers in Salford.

Special Olympics Bury offers recreational facilities for mentally disabled young people to give them the opportunity to take part in a Special Olympics variety of sports to assist them in reaching their full sporting £2,000.00 potential as well as leading healthier and more active lives. Bury The group received funding to run new exercise and sport activities. They hired a facility to run 20 badminton, 20 boccia, 15 athletics and 15 horse riding sessions. The award also contributed to staff costs and volunteer expenses for each session.

Reddish Villa Junior FC actively promotes football in Reddish and the surrounding areas to encourage local children and young adults to take part. The aim is to give all children and young adults the Reddish Villa Junior chance to play and enjoy football. £2,000.00 FC The football club received an award to furnish their new premises to create a ‘hub’ for young adults to come and take part in different planned projects and activities. The FC purchased equipment which would help reduce the cost to the young people for activities such as healthy eating, martial arts, exercise and arts and crafts.

The cycling club started up in January 2012 as a disability cycle sports club that offers adapted and mainstream cycling sessions providing training and recreational sessions for less competitive cyclists. Tameside Titans Adapted Cycling £490.00 The club operates an open membership policy and encourages Club everyone no matter what ability or disability they have to take up training sessions.

The club received an award for the cost of room hire and to pay for 7 members to undertake a Level 1 cycling course.

Total £9,339

Amount awarded to date: £57,579.87

Nine Lives Community Fund | Annual Impact Report | 2012 - 2013 Prepared by Forever Manchester The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester