643-2711 Anrli^Strr Hrralji

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643-2711 Anrli^Strr Hrralji -'V V" ’ i’- V'" MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. March 25, 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Mall battle now Whalers facing Marteney dowry I CARS , CAMPERS/ ITV/8TERE0/ I PETS AND IMISCELLANEDUS CARS up to the court crucial stretch is tasty recipes HOMES I MISCELLANEOUS FDR SALE FDR SALE TRAILERS FOR RENT APPLIANCES SUPPLIES I FDR SALE N FOR RENT I . p a g e 9 ... page 14 1974 Dodge Dort Swinger 1973 Volkswagen Camper . p a g e 3 AKC Golden Retrievers, Diamond Sollfore Ring — , 1978 Dafsun FIO — Sfoflon Manchester — Keeney Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ — Not running. Good tor — Good condiflon. $1,500. .lii. Manchester — Cute One ready 4/10/86 call 646-1263 Round modern brllllonf wagon, excellenf condi­ Street exit, 1-384. Storage trie! freezer. $350. 649- parts. Best offer. 643-5296. Coll 742-8843. bedroom house near after 5pm. cuf. .43 karof, never worn. flon. Low mileage, $2,000. Main Street. $350, security space ayallable. 500 to 9012: Musf be seen. Please call 643-9730, please leave & references reaulred. 6,000 so. ft., Ideol for 872-4836 offer 5:30pm. message. 1981 Cougar XR7 — Auto­ T H E E A S Y W A Y to find a distributor, parts supplier G .E. Self Clean Stove — Free — Benll Type dog. Call after 11am, 643-1499. Good with children, 12 matic, power, olr condi­ cash buyer for no-lonoer- In retail warehousing. 232- Brown, rebuilt 1985. Must 1979 Renaulf LeCar — tioning and more. needed household Items It 5903.____________________ sell. $200 or best offer. years old. 646-4019 offer Nice Older Colonial — 5:30pm^______________ __ Needs clufeh. Ofherwise Excellent condition. with a wont ad. Dial Walking distance to 742-5955. $4,850. 646-6887. Now Is the time to run on In good condiflon. $300 or 643-2711 to place your stores, churches, schools TO CLEAN artificial flow­ I TAG SALES besf offer. 742-8758. aulck-actlon ad. and bus line. No pets, od In classified to sell that 1978 Chevetfe — 4 door, camera you no longer I MACHINERY ers, place them heads security deposit. $650 Everyfhlng musf go! 1985 Ford Escorf — 2 door new brakes, new fires, tor use. down In a paper bog, add monthly. Call Ed, 649-2947. I AND TOOLS salt and shake well. To Clofhes, furnifure, klf- hafchback. New England Dorfs. $300. 647-1029. M0TDRCYCLE8/ clean out sforoge areas In chen ufenslls, ladders and Lfd. package, low mi­ MDPED8 ONE OF THE nicest Onnan Generator — 21.8 ofher miscellaneous. 150 leage, like new. $5,000 or anrli^strr HrralJi your hoi7i6 or ooroo^ things about want ads Is Merchandise Amp. Very Good condi­ placB an ad In classified Walnuf Sfreef. Tuesday, besf offer. 646-6926 f^TRUCKS/VANS ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm their low cost. Another Is tion. $500. 74^87S8. telling our readers what 11-4, Wednesday, 11-4, evenings. 1982 KawosakI 550 LTD — their gulck action. T ry a sale Excellent condition. 6,500 you hove for sale. Thursday, 11-4, Friday, |9Z|foh want ad today! 11-4, Safurday, 11-4. TODAY IS a good day to miles. 742-8843.___________ place an ad In classified to 1979 Ford Cube Von — 25 Cents I FURNITURE I LAWN AND I MISCELLANEOUS sell those Idle Items Runs great, body needs Motorcycle Insurance — Wednesday, March 26,1986 I STORE AND GARDEN FOR SALE you've been storing. A work. $1,200 or besf offer. Get Protection! Ride with Automotive See at Al Sletferf's, 445 AAA Coverage. Competi­ OFFICE SPACE Protect Your Treasured quick coll to 643-2711 will put your ad In print. Hartford Road, tive rates tor all riders. Dining Room Table with 10 X 70 ft. glass 8, wood Discounts tor expe­ custom fit table pads. frame green house to sit Manchester. / W f / Manchester — Prime ENDROLLS 1977 Mustang — Leather rienced riders 8, riders downtown store or office Guaranteed. Superior on foundation. Already 19^ ( fo r SALE with prior Insurance. Spe­ Administration Interior, air conditioning, 1980 Bronco — 351, V-8, space. Approximately workmonship. Some dismantled. Best offer. 27'h width - 25$ cial rates tor older riders styles with decorator co­ 646-6754. automatic transmission, Automatic, 4 wheel drive, 2 1750 square feet with utili­ 13V. width - 2 for 25$ A M /FM stereo cassette with touring bikes. For a lors. I'll come to your 1982 Clfaflon — In running power brakes 8. steering, ties, 668-1447. M U S T be picked up at the and running boards. no obligation quote, call home to measure your Manchester Herald Office condiflon. Aufomafic. low mileage. $2,200 negoti­ able, 244-4093 days or 643- $4,000. Call 649-8112 after AAA Insurance at 646- Office Space — 500 sq. ft. table with no obligation. I RECREATIONAL before 11 A M. ONLY. Banged up righf side. $500. 633-5654 offer 6pm. 5641 evenings. 6pm. 7096. Heat Included. $200 per Llso, 236-1808, leave I EQUIPMENT keeps eye on month. Call 649-5334 or message. 643-7175. Furniture Sole — Moving, Pools! Pools! Pools! AAA 474 Main street, the center everything must go. Coll pool distributor must dis­ of town. 3 rooms, first 646-0549. pose of entire stock of floor. Call 646-2426 week­ new, leftover, 1985, 31 ft, trouble spots 6 days, 9-5. fomllv sized swimming I ITV/STEREO/ pools with huge sundeck, fencing, filter, ladders MUNCHESTEII APPLIANCES and warranty for only from the aircraft carriers Sara­ OmCC SPACE $976. Installation optional TAKE Combined Wire Services AVAIIAILE Used Refrigerators, and extra, financing avail­ toga and Coral Sea fired missiles at Good Location. Adaquata Washers, Ranges — able. Call Paul at 721-1884. U.S. planes defied threats by a Soviet-built Nanuchka II missile parking & raaaonabia rants. boat near Benghazi, leaving it Idaal location for attomay or clean, guaranteed, parts Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy and service. Low prices. "dead in the water and on fire," the accountant. LIQUOR PERMIT and roamed unchallenged today in 64»-2A»1 B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A the Gulf of Sidra, where the lack of Pentagon said. Main Street, 643-2171. any Libyan military activity sig­ “ If Khadafy had not attempted This is to give notice that I, anything, we could have ended it NORMAN P. M O R TLO CKof naled an apparent end to the battle. Upright Vocuum — $30 or tomorrow or the next day,” a RESORT best offer. 643-1720. 248 WETHERELL ST., MAN­ Pentagon officials said. PROPERTY CHESTER, CT 06040 hove As relative calm returned to senior Pentagon official said Tues­ filed an appMcotlon pla­ day, on condition he not be N carded MARCH 18, 1986 with CHANCE disputed gulf waters, Defense INVITATION TO BID the Department of Liauor Secretary Caspar Weinberger and identified. Vermont — Cottages for The Manchester Public Control 0 PACKAGE Ll- ' Four Soviet warships shadowed rent. Beautiful Lake Schools solicits bids for STU­ (3UOR for the sale ot alco­ other Pentagon officials hinted Memphremagog, New­ DENT INSURANCE for the holic liquor on the premises that U.S. flight operations may be the American task force north of port, Vermont. Modern 1986-1987 school year. Sealed 57 COOPER ST., MANCHES­ ended there sooner than the the Gulf of Sidra, the Pentagon bids will be received until TER , C T 06040. The business said. housekeeping cottages. APRIL 23, 1986, 2:00 P.M., at will be owned by COOPER scheduled April 1. One Pentagon Sandy beach, good fish­ which tlnre they will be oub- STREET PACKAGE STORE. source said they may be over by ing, especially In June llcly opened. The right Is re­ INC. of 57 COOPER ST., Thursday. (Salmon). Call Windsor served to relecf any and all MANCHESTER, CT 06040 Meanwhile, President Reagan is Locks, C T, 668-7846. bids. Specifications and bids and will be conducted by forms may be secured ot the NORMAN P. M ORTLOCK OS staying out of public view while Business Office, 45 North permittee. moving behind the scenes to keep Reaction School Street, Monchester, NORMAN P. M ORTLOCK U.S. pressure on Libya and to send I INDUSTRIAL Connecticut. Doted 3-24-1986 050-03 060-03 ^ $a) million in militaiy aid to PROPERTY Honduras to repel a Nicaraguan KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright invasion. (Story on page 4.) is mixed Manchester — Industrial Supporters and opponents of space, 1,500 square feet. President Reagan’s $100 million Also 3,000 SQuore feet storage. Tullv Real Est­ aid package to Nicaraguan rebels in town ate, 643-0005. tried today to fashion a comprom­ W E’VJ OT YOUR NUMBER” H8ISW photo by Bwfww ise that would win widespread UJOeb. Senate support. The Senate was Bv John F. Kirch LEGAL NOTICE m ■fe w w r f i a BeiMfyacEWENTb4 Studehts at Bennati4unlor Hiflb School clamor for an Peckhim y C h u f^ Kaltoth.'.enootiragod. ■ctaeduled later today to begin t$ TO: ENROLLED MEMBERB OF hours of debate on the aid plOn, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 'CPiVJSB Hes (W A To BACfcTb tue autograph from Mfbaier k e yM D iM lliil* * 4 a y after an' seventh-graders to ehoosesports and school activities THE TOWN OF BOLTON. ^ T b f ^ m c ^ r , CONTEST anti-drug presentation in the liiR n ib r a r y . Dineen, over drugs: Th e players distributed posters and with a vote likely tonight or Two days after Libyan and American forces clashed in the CONNECTICUT: teammate Dave Tippett and announcers Rick pictures to the mere than 200 students who attended. Thursday. Pursuont to the provisions of Calm prevailed into the early Gulf of Sidra, local officials and A Sections 9-390 and 9-391 of the General Statutes of the State morning hours today in the dis­ politicians remain divided over of Connecticut, you are her­ puted Gulf of Sidra.
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