FROM ARCHDEACON JEANETTE Exciting changes ahead!

Some folk love change and the opportunities it brings. Others are less enthusiastic. So let me tell you about a couple of changes in the near future which from my archdeacon’s perspective I think are really positive and exciting, enabling the churches to be even more active and involved in their local communities. The first involves the Revd Claire Kiddy, who has been the curate in the benefice for the past few years. The bishop has ‘signed her off’ from her curacy – meaning she has officially ‘fledged’ from that first phase of ordained ministry. This offers a great opportunity for her to try something new. So the plan is that Claire will be seconded to the Hundred River and Wainford benefice for an initial period of 6-12 months, though this may be extended. Claire will minister alongside the Revd Phil Miller, who remains the Rector and will retain oversight of the whole benefice. She will be licensed to the benefice as a self-supporting Assistant Curate (to be known as Associate Priest) in Hundred River and Wainford with specific responsibility for the parishes of Brampton, , Redisham and on 5th July. The intention is that she gains even more experience and has a sense of leadership in those four parishes, leaving Phil freer to focus his energies on the other parishes and develop ministry and mission there. Claire will work with the four parishes to explore new types of service, to help people to grow in their faith and get involved, and to build relationships with the local communities. I see this as a real opportunity for growth and encourage you to welcome Claire and work with her as together you develop plans and ideas. This is a new venture – so please pray for the benefice, for Phil and for Claire in the coming weeks and months. The second bit of change relates to the benefice and surrounding areas. You are probably aware of another exciting appointment – the Revd Josh Bailey – as half time priest in charge of the Bungay benefice and half time Pioneer Leader of the Lightwave Rural Hub. At the time of writing Josh is due to be be licensed on 28th June in Bungay and this will again be a new venture: a shared post, part supported by the funding the Lightwave project has received from national grants. Josh will do the usual work of a parish priest in Bungay, and Barsham with , offering regular pastoral care and worship, but will also have a real focus on reaching out to those who are not necessarily connected with the churches, and in particular the younger generations. In time, once he has settled, he will work closely with Leon Collyer and the Saints benefice to encourage small groups to gather for prayer and worship and to help them to engage in their local communities. This again offers a real opportunity to grow the churches and to bring new life and hope to the area. Please pray for and welcome Josh and his family if you see them around. They will be living in the rectory in Bungay. I hope this year to be able to visit the churches a little more often than has been possible in the last few months, but want to thank you all for the way you have offered care to those in need in your congregations and communities during the covid pandemic: a truly amazing witness to the love of Christ. With prayers,

Ven Jeanette Gosney Archdeacon of