1423 a Microcosm of Our Broken Society (Sports)
#1423 A Microcosm of our Broken Society (Sports) JAY TOMLINSON - HOST, BEST OF THE LEFT: [00:00:00] Welcome to this episode of the award-winning Best of the Le; podcast in which we shall look at the poli=cs of sports, including racism, sexism, capitalism, media, and mental health. So, preCy much just like regular poli=cs, but with the one group of rich people who society broadly thinks don't have a right to be heard. Clips today are from Why is This Happening With Chris Hayes; Cita=ons Needed; The Damage Report; TYT Sports; Vice News; Edge of Sports; Past Present; and The Old Man and the Three. THe Uneven PLaying FieLd witH Howard Bryant - WHy Is THis Happening? witH CHris Hayes - Air Date 1-21-20 HOWARD BRYANT: [00:00:34] Sports, and the culture... it's mirroring each other in so many different ways, where you're star=ng to see... Okay, like the sec=on in the book is called "The Jokes On You," where the numerous opportuni=es to cheat... it's like it's open season. Whether you're talking about the Cabinet, whether you're talking about what's happening in sports, whether you're talking about the priva=za=on of public money, all of it. It's the same "If you ain't chea=ng, you ain't trying" a]tude. CHRIS HAYES - HOST, WHY IS THE HAPPENING?: [00:00:58] That's such a good point because, and the crazy thing too, and one of the ways that I think that sports and society mirror each other, is that we have increasingly adopted a kind of compe==ve ethos in non sport situa=ons, HOWARD BRYANT: [00:01:12] That's right! CHRIS HAYES - HOST, WHY IS THE HAPPENING?: [00:01:12] Right? Like the way that firms are run, the way that we think about like the market driving, everything, the idea that like, the person that makes the most money wins the superstar performers, HOWARD BRYANT: [00:01:21] That idea of meritocracy.
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