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, .1--IU. JB_. M-I. idle to think of lout; the in- whirh would then, indeed, he the of are alwaye sure of obtaining good teee at ihia great FOREIGN PERIODICALS. maintaining plory Q AKD CHAIR CHEAT ANDGROW RICH; in to auit ol our we cannot ABLNET,"SOFA, warehouae, quantiliaa their convenience,: REPUBMCATION or THE WHIG. ;; Pacific empire, if the Earth. . NATIONAL- >griiy .MAWMOTOR V. and at the ainu price that tho merchant pay* who LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, r'sacli it unless l»y un overland journey of bus been the secret principle of loo mar'y to y-il .Daily True Man. National Era of August 18.] AMES WILLIAMS Ar SON, would rpH|8of 'ho wholesale dealers iu Ten to this tiru buya again KD1NUUUOH REVIEW, [From llie tree months, or a sea voyage of six. A KINO, Boanlinn-houHf, K -.Ireei, directly T inform their friends and the X up NORTH HRITISH , the General fust Office. O publicrespectfullyend thpy have the moat shameful impolitic)n REVIEW, NEW PLAN mat through the isthmus ot V1" opposite that have now on hand at their new prarliaed fine Oolong Black Tea..The Pelcin Tea Coin- WESTMINSTER Tehuantepee juii!i5~ general, tliey on the Country Merchant without any fear of date REVIEW, UNION. .'ill New Orleans ot 011 7th office pany, 76 and 77 Fulton atraet, aelle a delieioua .and. OF CONTINENTAL brine within twelve ARK ROOMS, street, opposite t|ie lion Hut a new era ptian than have at will Backwoods an exact and fears within," we period ol' thirty days. dressing UureauB, marble top A revolution has hern the consequent'p you been getting aix ehilluiga, you Magazine being fac-similie " without House Ware Fancy complete be to ua for thia notice. lite -c>f the Edinburgh edition. lightings . : p. from ihoae It would secure the control ol the mines WILLIGMAN, Furnishing Do do do mahogany l.pl consumers of Tea look at what v obliged Try Young divorce Amniwu . .-e.. corner ol' avenue and everywhere The wide-spread fame of these now wditch the JOHNRooms, Pennsylvania seal Sofas, latest style have doni'. splendid and the course supply currency of the world 13th south side. Mahogany spring we 0 renders it needless, to much in theirperidicala baleful influences, anticipate street, Do do Disans Int. We were the first to send the.u Teas th a| it U hotter then eny thing of the kind have over say the cessation of It would in a so as 25. one iraise. As literary they stand far in "* of settle, peaceful way, Jut. Do do Rockers used ti> be called too for them before. bought ilaewhere at dollar..Coin. Adveitiaer. organs, events, by proclaiming and in all n t to ofl'end the of the the good J of any works of a similar stamp now adance on our side, good pride South, O. Cabinet Maker ana Do muse do 2d. We bsve driven out the market a vast amoui while the all hostilities domestic of as raised WALL, If of our readera deairo to have tea, political complexion of eachpubished,is submitting to every question slavery, by corner of and streele. Do high-post Bedsteads of trash, and introduced a better class of Teas thiln any good they narked a ana not faith, in a proper way, (lOLIJMBlfjiJ Undertaker, (ith G can obtain it of Pekin TYa 76 and | by dignity, candor, forbearance, the num- llis project of annexing by force merely a 11 Do French do has ever yet been sold. Importers of Tea often conie the, Company, c ften found in works of a character. State in Mexico, having requisite june Table# and 77 Fultou alreeu.Mercury. party of inhabitants, ihe pioposilion to enter, portiou of Mexican territory. Thin is a I* dining to us to gel for their own use, and for their friendg, They embrace the views of the three great her nlost Jlgencyfor the National Whig, in Georgetown. Also, a lot of Common Furniture: such as plain Ana they can find nowhere else. larlies in England.Whig, and Radical into the American Union, important consideration. qualities Tat PiitiK T** Compart..We cheerful- S " Tory, if it so choose, The are ihogany Bureaus, cherry aud pine Tables, Cribs, 3d. We have reduced mote than 25 per clL eery Blackwood" and the London are with the to Braniz the citizens of Georgetown respectfully "J* prices " Quarterly" a footing of equality According Meyer, thai Cr adles, Bedsteads, plain and fancy cane anil wood both in Black and Green Teas. The whelesal'j ly call the attention of all lovera of pure and fragrant 1Tory, the Review" Whig, and the upon n or of Mexico are informed both in town and to the Tea 11 Edinburgh " States. This plan may seem startling, States the Departlents it Chairs, grocers say we are ruining the trade and call tla Tea*, country, great Westminster," Radical. The North British original John W. Warehouae of thin a more ir Bhonauoh, at a Cur fleview" is of has but let us examine. follow'g: Esq., Broker, &.P., All of which they will sell such prices will humbugs. This we have done already, and now Company. long acquaint- Religious cast, and for ance wi h the u* DEPARTMENTS. POPULATION. on street, a few doors west of the Union sui t the times, lor cash, or to punctual customers. see what we are to do. Proprietor* enable* to be-peak for ilIs editors Sir David Brewster and Dr. Hanna, First, its relations to justice ; Bridge ready them the entire confidence of the We Amnio ii of the lite Dr. of Its - sons-law - tavern, is for the National in their employ experienced workmen. I at. We will Hell Teas the cheat, hi If public. Chalmers, Edinburgh. to the Federal Constitution ; Mexico 1,389,520 agent Whig. Having by single are Secondly, desirous of served with the the are to manufacture at the shortest er at same thlt that their Teaa, loth in quality and prioe, are all 'iiterary articles of the first order, and it is lib - - beiug NationalPersons >y prepared cheat 14 box, the prices Jalisco 679,311 pound that iaatated of them. of a cral in its Thirdly, to Expediency. in will leave their tic Furniture of every description noli wholesale to the when the Many lorer ofthe fragrant politics. - please grocers of a State to Puebla - Whig, Georgetown, pay importers herb haa been to rachew the of i lie. prices 01 me reprints are less man Few persons deny the light 661,902 names and residences with Mr. Bronaugh. N.B. Those who have old Furniture which they buy by the hundred packages. cem|ielled drinking - - ' of those of the while with the for Yucatan 580,948 d the Pubiilc s 5. F. A. Tallmadgc 22. A. Birdall, (O. H.) f Superior Madeira Wine, Ac We drink Green Tea, and for many years have LEONARD SCOTT & Co., Publishers, submission of a of annexation si ; and, to the favorite * invites the article. proposition ng according nonavrhold6. D. S. Jackson f 23. William Duer 3'AMES FITZGERALD respectfully by supplying pure been one dollar per for it. But thanks jun 28.lyr" 79, Fulton st., N. Y. to of the States of d< and * * of and who payiog pound each sovereign Mexico, >ctrine of Mr. Calhoun South 7. William Nelson 24. Daniel Gott Members Congress, citixena others, CJiTALOGFK OF TE.HS to the Pekin Tea we now a better tea TO FOREIGN GENTLEMEN, a * * to Company, get or to the free each ol such |ji each Slate must determine and 8. Cornelius Warren 25. Herman S. Conger nm.y desire have superior Madeira Wine, fine from them at 75 cents We drink one A RRIVING in tbe United States, or others, deal acceptance by Caroea, * * per pound. Free for each 9. D. B. St. John 26. W. T. Lawrence 0o|gnac Brandy, and other first-rate spiritous liquors, ON SALE AT THE WAREHOUSES OF THE we are now ous of a acceptance, In its own institutions. Hence,regute * pound per week, by which saving thir- 1\ purchasing permanent proposition. peculiar 10. Eliukin 27. Jno. M. torMil at his and on tile country be left free to decide for le as the Sperrell Holley Confectionary Fruit Store, tern dollars and better tea in the di in Pennsylvania. 1'be subscriber oflereresisncefor should th of raised war, * per year, enjoying perfectly question slavery, by 11. P. H. Sylvester 28. Elias B. Holmes north side of Penney Ivania avenue.next door to PEKITV sitie his situated in to be re- to * bargain. Cdmmcnd us to the Pekin Tea farm, Montgomery county, itself, and its decision ought then w ould be settled at once, satisfactorily 12. G. O. Reynolds 29. Robert L. Rose the United States Hotel. Company 14 miles north of It contains * say we..Mirror. »J Philadelphia. Pennflvania, th le free to the of the 13. J. J. Slingerland 30. David .1lames for sale the acres of 288 acres spected. States, advantage » Rumsey Fitzgerald keeps constantly 08 land, of which era in tbe The second the consti- caluae of Human and in such a 14. O. D. Kellogg 31. Dudley Marvin * ver best wine, fruit and TEA slate of way y liquors, COMPANY ) be sure of at hi question regards Rights, * confectionary You may obtaining all times pure ighest cultivation, producing wheat, lye, 15. Sidney Lawrence t 82. Nathan K. Hall icle which can be at the most corn on our of such an act. aa not to offend the Slale of the slave * » procured respectablearts, 75 77. Fulton JVew York. and highly flavored teas bv the single pound, at Itidian and hay, equal to any upland farm.the tutionaiity, part, pride 16. Hugh White 33. Putnam hot see the was Sf Street, if we understand the has States. Harvey in country. His Madeira Wine «vbole«al(i price*, of the Pekin Tea 7fi riunaining 20 acres being woodland. On the This, matter, 17. G. Petrie, (O. H.) t 34. Washington Hunt jm,mrted himself in cannot be *The Tea in this ar® Company, been settled The American by 1840, and mentioned Catalouge, and 77 Fulton street. They have probably the n is a fine atone mansion, 60 feet by 4fi, withprolinesa by precedent. Two would remain to be NEW JERSEY. lerl any wine or store in this oxcelatHiB done up in half and one poun " vinrandah 16 feet the questions * * liquor city. quarter pound, pound largest stuck, and greatest variety of fine green and attached, wide, extending have ratified the Jetier- p( of.that to the Public Lands, 1. J. G. Hampton 4. Jno. Van Brn Holland Qin, and old whis- first or inside wrapper is lead, thr and a on People purchase, by relating dis>sed * Dyke indy, Monnngahela packages.the blank teas,of any entabliahment in the United .States, length of the house, large piaxxa the east, saute au- 3. W. A. Newell 5. D. S. are of the first is water the lliirl' son, of fureign territory, and the atid that to the Public Debt. Both Gregory ky, very quality. Call, taste, and iecond wrapper proof paper, and They are doing a large business, and a great benefit tble whole giving ample accommodation for a family relating 3. Jos. E. Edsall t for ir outside is of Chinese rice Th' thority has tatified the art of the American ccmid be united and settled, by the assump- juj, ge yourselves. wrapper paper. to consumers of tea.. ol F twenty persons. The pleasure grounds surround' PENNSYLVANIA. 0 The Fine Brown Stout, and good sell none but good teas, done up in thi » in the home are shaded with Congress, in passing a joint resolution for (j,>n of the Public Debt the Federal Company and Publishers of ig elegant evergreens, by 1. i,. l. i.evin, native i.». James ronocK pnii Ale constantly on hand. Philadeli tuperior manner all of them grown in the most lu* £n5*Editor* Newspapers in ihe a|id are laid out. There are on the the annexation of a Stale. If a to us an * * United Weal very beautifully foreign q,ovnrnment, and the cession it, 2. J. R. Ingersoll 14. Geo. N. Eckert iirious d.strirts in C'nina. Counliy dealers may State*, Canada*, Indies, etc., who will ffl rm three stone houses for farmers or tenants, * 13 foreign slave State rould thus be annexed, ec| of the Public Lands. The 3. Charles Brown 1 IS. Henry Nes ClioYE ANODYNE elect as small a of each kind as they likt give the above insertions in their respective with three stone luivalent, 1(1. E. * quantity this be for large ha'os, containing to?lher there can be no doubt as to the power to la this could be attended 4. C. J. Ingersoll j Jasper Brady OOTH-ACHE DROPS. An immediate snd and have them packed in one chest. These leas sis naU, including notice, will paid the Jourjsame h| and conveniences for a hundred head of of arrangement deils * 17. John Blanchairt* in choose to cattle,staing in a similar a 5. Jiio. Freedley I Perfect cure. For sale by come in five pound Chinese packages, calird qua' any Tea* they may select from the above aiid for the of 260 tons of with annex, way, foreign free State, t0 in due time, so as at once to satisfy till C. W. " 18. Andw. 8tewa"rt * * storage produce, We shall not now J. Hornbeek toons, a convenient fanciful and e Catalogue, at the prices there named, and their c( or any number of them. cr and not our * CHARLESSTOTT, very portabl hy >ach house, wagon house, granary and corn cribs editors, impose upon present 7. A. R. Mcllvaine 19. Job Mann J cornrr of th-* twice the amount of behind that act of and its rati- * * Dniggiit Sr Apoth. of 7th 4* I'a. av, shape. purchasing Company a(tachrd. There are also tbe advantages of a fine go Congress, g,tates. 8. Jno. Strohm 20. Jno. Dickey in any of the United States or their which are at to of as " nay 12.tf [Persons part bill, they liberty dispose ring house, ice house, fish pond, a garden of two iicatioa by the American People. 9. William Strong t 21. Moses Hampton l anaua, cnR oruer 01 ine lens in inia Some that this wholesale W. Fa * any (yataioguc hey please. a( tree, orchards stocked with the finest fruit, grsen The to be might object, 10. Rich'd Brodhead | 22. Jno. rely \ to p great question discussed, then, a( * Luxury indeed! by letter, in quantitiee auit their wiahee. W '1(luse and a stream of water in Imission of Mexico would to 23. James . who must direct marked grape wail, give 11. Chester Butler Thompson t " Paper* advertise, copie* spring concerns the expediency of such annexa- > TEPID, JUTD COLD SHOWER peak them in Chinese boxes and deliver them t0 ^ field, a which the an undue influence in this country;Catholism12. David Wilmot t 24. Alexander Irvin ?PO», free to the Pekin Tea Company Gazette, 76 and 77 Pol rery daily mall, by Philadelphia tion and here we must lake a wide !c the Forwaiding Merchant from charge for « of same are ; range, Jt that Protestantism asks no OR RUS8IWJMTH. peck ton street, New York. aug 3 13t* id New Yoik papers tbe day received, they forget DELAWARE. ing in cartage. The money should accom * ai an as the subject is of vast importance, and .' John W. Houston " Hie hrtWriber, (through the persuasion of always id omnibus passing the gate morning and 81 d .legislation. It demands entire many pany the order. TU8T u> embraces many points of xiew. from as MARYLAND JL mthnatr friends) has been induced to fit up the GREEN RECEIVED. and for sale at the even« a divorce of State and TEAS. ino wiwwwiu us to ihe Church, abo ve bath never before J. . Book Stork of A. 4JMM, jii vinimy are Apiacopu, Fim, practicability (one element ?' the General and thailulau'otl, (No election.) establishment, (a known YOUNG HYSON, good $0 38 the laftmtd 'mHP<#psylv*nia Arid churches. our regards Goverment, 10 this for the of do do street Avenue, following ImracuW Preabyterian xauineri of expediency! of extending VIRGINIA. community) purpose rendering cargo 50 vis: s e of conscience shall never be ' «** convenience and to the ductions, Further description unnecessary, as all persona over this immense Some rights.1-:- II ir .1 e.lj 1. Arch'd-Atkinson t 9. Jno. 3. Pendleton ry necessary luxury citi do* do do do finer Jambs. The Ancient 26 abridglv/i.r 69;| By Regime, rent*; Chan. w to are invited to call territory.Governmente( in mi. in iuc and examine it) Iena of this do do > iahing purchase we that upcuuciu 2. Rich'd K. Meade ( 10. Henry Beidinger ( metropolis. fine cargo 75 Pyrrol, or the Bitter Blood, 26 cts; The 25 tu may doubt, but have always held (r * I n to the the of ihis do extra 1 Robber, e estate. It may, however, he added, that for beau williout Governmental w»oversy,3. T. S. Flournoy 11. James McDowell f offering public advantages do fine 87; cts; Corac de Leon, 26 c.ts; Falae Heir, 25; and the peculiar political system of this country cannot Thos. S. Bocock 12. William B. Preston * moit bath, he would to those who arc do do silver leaf 1 00 25 j Steo 2 vols. the 25. ^ , healthful situation, advantages, it is not sur c-n one side or the it 4- I delightful say Mother,' 60$, SmugglerHchileberg*, other, interfcrice * issed in the United 8tates. It be well is specially to extended empire. not of 5. Wm. L. Goggin 13. Andrew S. Fulton » in i slate of physical debility, that there is nothing Silver Leaf..Seldom sold even by large dealers Ilcauchamp, 25. Pa by any may adapted w itself against Catholicism, it is mainin By Miss Pickering. The so the mention the which is acre. hecuuse of the small made on , the #220 State Governments will pievent the oppres- . 6. John M. Bolts 14. R. A. Thompson t kmiwn that is so well calculated to restore the very profits ill Quiet Husband; price, pet .r Ia».i t,. ik. r.n«. od, but ofman.it is not Truth, 7. Thos. H. t 16. William G. Brown of the human The most delicate female sale..This is a very Tea. F.xpectnnt; the Squire; the Prince and Pedler; the Apply to from Bayly f giei system. eners superior 6ecret Cousin We cannot apprehend dangerbctFalse5od.8- Rob'l T. L. Beale t uni lor its influence in with most do » do golden chop, plantation Foe; Agnes Serl; Nandarrel; Hinton; GEORGE 8HAFF, Whilemsrsb, and of themselves efli- improves strength or 1 50 the Fright,each 25 cents; the Heiress, 25; Who shall 2 2awlm* Pa. ernment, provide ^>e free collision of ftiiml with mind, NORTH CAROLINA asumishing rapidity. garden growth 25. .be-july Montgomery Co., for their and we can * GoWen is the finost Green Tea culti Heir, IOE! ICE 11 w ciently promotion; 1. T. L. C. James J.

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