Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik 345

Progress Report 2009/2010

General Information 346 The Institute General Information 347

The Institute

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 348 General Information The Institute

Organizational Structure of the MPQ (as of June 30, 2010) General Information The Institute 349

Directors, Scientific Members General Advisory Board (Kuratorium)

Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Gerhard Abstreiter Walter Schottky Institut Garching Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch Technische Universität München Prof. Dr. Ignacio Cirac Prof. Dr. Theodor W. Hänsch Dr. Dirk Basting (Chairman) Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz Ehemals Vorsitzender der Lambda AG Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rempe, Managing Director Fort Lauderdale, USA

Hannelore Gabor Emeriti Scientific Members Erste Bürgermeisterin Garching Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karl-Ludwig Kompa Dr. Siegbert Witkowski Prof. Dr. Ernst O. Göbel Präsident der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt Braunschweig External Scientific Members Dr. Carlos Härtel Prof. Dr. Raphael D. Levine Direktor General Electric Global Research - Europe The Hebrew University Garching Jerusalem, Israel Prof. Dr. Wolfgang M. Heckl Prof. Dr. Marlan O. Scully Generaldirektor Deutsches Museum Texas A&M University München College Station, USA Prof. Dr. Bernd Huber Rektor der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Representatives of the Scientists to the Section München

Dr. Guido Saathoff (from June 2009 until June 2011) Dr. Angelika Niebler Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments CSU-Kreisgeschäftsstelle Ombudsperson Ebersberg

Dr. Peter Hommelhoff (from July 2008 until June 2011) Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik Works Council Jena

Josef Bayerl (Vice Chairman) Dr. Adalbert Weiß Birgitta Bernhardt Ministerialdirigent im Bayrischen Staatsministerium Karin Fröschl für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Dr. Geza Giedke München Claudia Schenker Thomas Strobl Hildegard Werth Simon Trinkgeld (Chairman) Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen Andreas Widhopf Anstalt des Öffentlichen Rechts Thomas Wiesmeier Chefredaktion HR Aktuelles / heute-journal Mainz

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 350 General Information The Institute

Scientific Advisory Board (Fachbeirat)

Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt (Chairman) Prof. Dr. Christophe Salomon Institut für Experimentalphysik Laboratoire Kastler Brossel Universität Innsbruck Ecole Normale Supérieure Innsbruck, Austria Département de Physique Paris, France Prof. Dr. Paul B. Corkum Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences Prof. Dr. Jook T.M. Walraven National Research Council of Canada Universiteit van Amsterdam Ottawa, Canada Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. Artur Ekert Department of Applied Mathematics and Prof. Dr. Ahmed H. Zewail Theoretical Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of , UK Chemical Physics Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor, California Institute of Technology National University of Singapore Pasadena, USA

Prof. Dr. Roy J. Glauber Prof. Dr. Peter Zoller Harvard University Institut für Theoretische Physik Department of Physics Universität Innsbruck Boston, USA Innsbruck, Austria

Prof. Dr. John L. Hall University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Physics Members of the extended Boulder, USA Scientific Advisory Board 2010

Prof. Dr. Serge Haroche Prof. Dr. Département de Physique de l´Ecole Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics, Normale Supérieure Quantum Information Collège de France Universität Wien Paris, France Wien, Austria

Prof. Dr. Jeff Kimble Prof. Dr. Johanna Stachel Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics Physikalisches Institut California Institute of Technology Universität Heidelberg Pasadena, USA Heidelberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Gérard A. Mourou Directeur Laboratoire d´Optique Appliquée Ecole Polytechnique Paris, France

General Information The Institute 351

The Members of the Scientific Divisions

• Senior Scientists/PostDocs Kagerbauer, Helga • Doctoral Candidates Kahl, Barbara (01.06.2008 - 01.08.2008) • Diploma/Master/Bachelor Candidates Kaiser, Werner • Technical/Administrative Staff Keller, Günter Kilgus, Nina (since 01/2009) are found on the following pages: Kinzler, Angela (since 11/2008) Lachner, Norbert Quantum Many-Body Systems Division: p. 10 Langenegger, Uwe Theory Division: p. 60 Laufer, Franz Laser Spectroscopy Division: p. 112 Leonhardt, Thomas Attosecond Physics Division: p. 196 Maier, Verena Quantum Dynamics Division: p. 268 Marinkovic, Johann (until 06/2010) Laser Chemistry Emeritus Group: p. 326 Mayrhofer, Petra Dr. Meyer-Streng, Olivia Mitterer, Elisabeth Staff of the Administration, Service Groups and Muhr, Melissa Elke (since 09/2008) Machine Shop (as of June 30, 2010) Neugebauer, Bernhard Neugebauer, Sylvia Asch, Manuel (until 11/2009) Pfister, Damaris Dr. Bahmad, Layla (01.07.2008 - 30.06.2009) Pflüger, Jacqueline Barth, Christian Pittner, Anton Baumann, Lena Pöschko, Christine (since 08/2009) Becker, Christina (since 04/2009) Rogg, Michael Bindman, Wladimir Schenker, Claudia Christof, Petra Schmidt, Barbara (since 04/2009) Dandl, Sebastian Schütz, Bettina Demeter, Franz Sirrenberg, Gabriele (until 01/2010) Deutscher, Werner Steinkrebs, Carina (since 09/2008) Dörre, Sabine Elenore (since 05/2010) Dr. Stern, Christian Ecker, Julia (since 06/2010) Strobl, Thomas Edenharter, Caroline (until 12/2008) Sturm, Theresa Edling, Marion (until 07/2009) Thomas, Florian (since 01/2009) Epp, Julia Trinkgeld, Simon Fechter, Alfred (since 09/2008) Urban, Tobias (since 01/2010) Fölsner, Thomas Völkl, Michael (since 09/2008) Forster, Klaus Wagner, Katrin Frisch, Wolfgang Weber, Sonja (until 04/2009) Fröschl, Karin Widhopf, Andreas Gertler, Werner Wieser, Manuela Gertler, Marion Wunschik, Angelika Glas, Manfred (01.09.2008 - 31.12.2008) Zappe, Andreas Grote, Manfred Zenger, Caroline Gruber, Martin Ziegltrum, Maria Hofstaller, Claudia Zipprich, Manja Huber, Wolfgang Zölfel, Andreas Jürschik, Timo (since 06/2009)

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 352 General Information The Institute

Visiting Scholars 2008 – 2010 (at MPQ longer than one month)

Name Native Place Start Finish

Dr. Abgrall, Michel France 31.05.2010 04.06.2010

Dr. Baghai-Wadji, A.R. Austria 24.06.2010 25.07.2010

Dr. Doerr, Hans-Peter Germany 01.06.2010 31.07.2010

Prof. Eidelman, Simon Israel 13.07.2009 15.08.2009

02.11.2009 18.11.2009

18.03.2010 28.04.2010

Dr. Földes, Istvan Hungary 22.06.2009 19.07.2009

Prof. Gabrielse, Gerald USA 01.12.2007 30.04.2008

Dr. Garcia-Ripoll, Juan-Jose Spain 19.04.2010 16.05.2010

Dr. Goncharov, Mykhaylo Russia 01.08.2009 30.09.2009

Dr. Gorodetsky, Michael Russia 25.05.2009 24.08.2009

Dr. Guelachvili, Guy France 06.05.2008 31.10.2008

Dr. Ivanov, Vladimir Russia 01.10.2008 31.10.2008

30.09.2009 28.10.2009

Dr. Jacquet, Patrick France 06.05.2008 31.10.2008

Johnson, Nora USA 01.03.2009 15.07.2010

Dr. Karshenboim, Savely Russia 17.03.2008 30.11.2008

15.03.2009 30.11.2009

15.03.2010 30.11.2010

Prof. Knize, Randall USA 01.01.2010 30.06.2010

Dr. Kobayashi, Yohei Japan 02.10.2008 17.10.2008

27.11.2009 12.12.2009

Dr. Kolachevsky, Nikolai Russia 08.07.2008 08.08.2008

15.01.2010 15.04.2010

Dr. Korzinin, Evgeny Russia 01.08.2008 30.09.2008

03.08.2009 30.09.2009

03.05.2010 20.06.2010 General Information The Institute 353

Name Native Place Start Finish

Prof. Kumar, Ajit Russia 20.05.2010 07.08.2010

Dr. Laskowski, Wieslaw Russia 02.11.2009 31.05.2010

Prof. Lee, Jae Dong South Korea 01.07.2010 31.08.2010

Dr. Lee, Roman Russia 01.07.2008 31.08.2008

14.05.2009 17.07.2009

15.04.2010 15.06.2010

Prof. Lewenstein, Maciej Poland 14.04.2008 28.04.2008

02.07.2008 19.07.2008

31.10.2008 17.11.2008

14.04.2009 28.04.2009

07.11.2009 22.11.2009

21.03.2010 27.03.2010

Dr. Lin, Jinquan China 01.01.2008 31.12.2008

Dr. Loh, Zhi-Heng China 01.08.2008 31.08.2008

Prof. Lukin, Mikhail Russia 05.01.2009 31.07.2009

Dr. Mandon, Julien France 06.05.2008 31.10.2008

Dr. Mans, Torsten Germany 24.11.2009 27.11.2009

07.12.2009 18.12.2009

18.01.2010 22.01.2010

Prof. Meystre, Pierre Swiss 17.08.2009 06.09.2009

17.08.2010 06.09.2010

Dr. Moehring, David Lynn USA 01.01.2008 30.09.2008

Dr. Navarrete-Benlloch, Carlos Spain 22.09.2008 21.12.2008

Dr. Nishikawa, Tadashi Japan 01.09.2008 28.11.2008

Dr. Novoa Fernandez, David Spain 02.09.2009 31.05.2009

Pereda, Jose Antonio Spain 31.10.2008 28.02.2009

Dr. Perkins, Cade USA 05.07.2009 30.09.2009

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 354 General Information The Institute

Name Native Place Start Finish

Dr. Pico Perez, Vicent Spain 29.07.2009 30.11.2009

Dr. Picqué, Nathalie France 06.05.2008 31.10.2008

09.03.2009 31.08.2009

Dr. Ramazanov, Alexander Russia 10.07.2008 15.08.2008

Dr. Rubio Pena, Javier Spain 15.09.2009 15.12.2009

Dr. Ruhl, Hartmut Germany 22.02.2008 15.10.2008

Dr. Scherson, Jacob Denmark 01.09.2009 31.12.2009

04.05.2010 07.05.2010

Dr. Schmied, Roman Germany 01.05.2010 30.09.2010

Prof. Schüssler, Hans Germany 01.07.2008 30.09.2008

01.07.2009 30.09.2009

12.07.2010 15.09.2010

Dr. Shelyuto, Valery Russia 15.03.2009 14.05.2009

10.03.2010 14.04.2010

15.05.2010 10.06.2010

Prof. Sierra, Germán Spain 26.10.2008 01.11.2008

20.01.2009 31.01.2009

23.03.2009 07.04.2009

29.06.2009 05.07.2009

09.11.2009 21.11.2009

08.02.2010 20.02.2010

26.07.2010 31.07.2010

Dr. Stafe, Mihai Hungary 22.06.2009 19.07.2009

Prof. Stockman, Mark USA 07.12.2008 31.12.2008

01.07.2009 31.08.2009

Prof. Tajima, Toshiki Japan 26.09.2008 30.09.2009

Dr. Terekhov, Ivan Russia 15.04.2010 15.06.2010

Prof. Toporkov, Dmitri K. Russia 01.08.2008 31.08.2008 General Information The Institute 355

Name Native Place Start Finish

Prof. Toporkov, Dmitri K. Russia 01.11.2009 30.11.2009

15.08.2010 15.09.2010

Prof. Vahala, Kerry USA 04.06.2008 09.09.2008

12.06.2009 05.09.2009

Dr. Varju, Katalin Hungary 22.06.2009 19.07.2009

Dr. Vasilyev, Denis Russia 01.05.2009 31.05.2009

Prof. Villas-Boas, Celso Jorge Brazil 01.03.2009 28.02.2010

Dr. Wittmann, Tibor Hungary 01.01.2008 18.11.2008

Dr. Wu, Hui-Chun China 01.01.2008 28.02.2009

Dr. Xueqing, Yan China 01.09.2008 30.09.2009

Dr. Yelin, Susanne Germany 05.01.2009 31.07.2009

Dr. Zagdoud, Amani Tunisia 06.05.2008 31.10.2008

Prof. Zepf, Matthew Great Britain 01.12.2009 31.08.2010

Zhu, Feng China 02.07.2008 30.09.2008

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Scientific Cooperations

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 358 QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division GroupScientific Members Cooperations

Scientific Cooperations with other Institutions

Cooperations of the Quantum Many-Body Systems Division

Institution Research Project

University of Cologne, Germany Fermionic Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices

Universität Frankfurt, Germany Quantum Many-Body Systems in Optical Lattices

Harvard University, Cambridge, USA - Fermionic Quantum Gases - Non-Equilibrium Dynamics - Quantum Optics

European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy - Optical Lattices (LENS), Florence, Italy - Molecular Quantum Gases

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany - Non-Equilibrium Dynamics - Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems

Technische Universität München, Germany - Low-Dimensional Quantum System - Fermionic Quantum Gases

University of Innsbruck, Austria - Quantum Many-Body Systems - Long-Ranged Interactions

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel - Bosonic Quantum Gases - Fermionic Quantum Gases - Non-Equilibrium Dynamics - Quantum Optics (Light Storage) QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division SummaryScientific ofCooperations Scientific Activities 359

Cooperations of the Theory Division

Institution Research Project

University of Vienna, Austria - Quantum Information Theory - Quantum Many-Body Systems

Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark - Atomic Ensembles - Quantum Many-Body Systems

Institut Ciencies Fotoniques, Spain - Quantum Networks - Quantum Optics

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Quantum Many-Body Systems (CSIC), Spain

Harvard University, USA - Quantum Dots - Quantum Optics

University of Tel-Aviv, Israel Hawking Radiation

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany - Trapped Ions - Topological Phases

California Institute of Technology, USA Quantum Many-Body Systems

University of Brisbane, Australia - Numerical Algorithms. - Topological Phase

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain - Quantum Information Theory - Quantum Many-Body Systems

University of Lyon, France Cold Atoms

Quantum Optics and Electronics Group Quantum Dots ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 360 QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division GroupScientific Members Cooperations

Cooperations of the Laser Spectroscopy Division

Institution Research Project

- Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire Antimatter Spectroscopy (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland - Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Monolithic frequency combs based on microresonators Switzerland

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich, Atom Laser Switzerland

European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy High resolution laser spectroscopy (LENS), Florence, Italy

European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany Calibration of large astronomical spectrographs with frequency combs

Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, High-power ytterbium-based femtosecond amplifier Germany

Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA Mid-infrared frequency combs based on quantum cascade semiconductor lasers

Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, France Molecular spectroscopy with frequency combs

Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Ecole Normale Quantum laboratory on a chip Supérieure, Paris, France

Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Precision spectroscopy of hydrogen Sciences, Moscow, Russia

National University of Singapore Fermionic Quantum Gases

Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland Lamb shift of muonic hydrogen

- Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt, Long-haul optical fibre link Braunschweig, Germany - European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Systèmes de Référence Temps Espace, Paris, France Transportable cesium fountain clock for precision spectroscopy of hydrogen QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division SummaryScientific ofCooperations Scientific Activities 361

Cooperations of the Laser Spectroscopy Division (cont.)

Institution Research Project

Texas A&M University, College Station TX, USA Laser spectroscopy in ion traps

Universität Basel, Switzerland Ultracold atoms on atom chips coupled to micro- and nanomechanical oscillators

Universität Bonn, Germany Atom Interferometry

Cooperations of the Attosecond Physics Division

Institution Research Project

- Hellenic National Research Foundation, Greece Ab-initio modelling of many-electron dynamics in atoms - Technische Universität Wien, Austria

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Advanced laser-plasma accelerator schemes for generating electron beam qualities sufficient for driving a table-top FEL

Foundation for Research & Technologie, Greece Atomic physics, mass spectroscopy, temporal characterization

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Attosecond measurements of molecular dynamics

University of California, USA Beam diagnostics and beam transport/manipulation

Leybold Optics GmbH, Germany Broad Band Monitoring system (BBM) development

Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany Coating process, consulting

- Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science, Germany Coincidence studies on attosecond and few-femtosecond - Kansas State University, USA electron and nuclear dynamics employing COLTRIMS - Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Germany (AS-1 / FLASH)

- FOCUS GmbH, Germany Development of delay line detector technology for - Surface Concept, Germany Photoelectron Emission Microscopy (PEEM)

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany Development of PFS pump laser

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 362 QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division GroupScientific Members Cooperations

Cooperations of the Attosecond Physics Division (cont.)

Institution Research Project

Universität Mainz, Germany Development of Time-Resolved Photoelectron Emission Microscopy (TR-PEEM)

Institute for Molecular Science, Japan Development of a high-energy Yb-based microchip oscillator

Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik, Germany Development of a slab amplifier system, integration into the cavity setup and subsequent experiments in the XUV in the framework of the KORONA project

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany Development of an Yb fibre amplifier system for cavity seeding and theoretical design and realization of XUV grating output couplers and nanostructures for local field enhancement

King Saud Universität, Saudi Arabia Development of an intense MHz-rate coherent XUV source in the framework of the Nobel program

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany Development of carrier envelope phase measurement and control

Moscow State University, Russian Federation Development of new design algorithms for multilayer structures and in-situ deposition control

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Development of soft X-ray optics and diffractive optics

Universität Karlsruhe, Germany Development of superconducting undulators for free electron lasers

Foundation for Research & Technology, Greece Development of the high energy / high photon flux attosecond beamline AS6

Georgia State University, USA Direct observation of nanoplasmonic fields with attosecond nanoplasmonic field microscopy; generation of coherent (attosecond) XUV pulses on nanostructures via nanoplasmonic enhancement (AS-5)

Forschungszentrum Dresden, Germany Electron acceleration in a capillary discharge and electron , UK diagnostics QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division SummaryScientific ofCooperations Scientific Activities 363

Cooperations of the Attosecond Physics Division (cont.)

Institution Research Project

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Germany Electron diagnostics

Fritz-Haber-Institut, Germany Experiments on ultrafast surface dynamics

Research Institute for Solid-State Physics and Optics, Femtosecond laser oscillators, ultrafast plasmonics Hungary

- Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Free-electron-laser design studies and development of new Synchrotronstrahlung, Germany cryogenic undulators - Paul-Scherrer-Institut, Switzerland

Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Generation of higher harmonics with syntesized China waveforms

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany High harmonic generation from solid targets, coherence measurement techniques, plasma physics

- Central Laser Facility, UK High harmonic generation from solid targets, plasma - KFKI - Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear mirror technique, plasma physics & plasma spectroscopy Physics, Hungary - Queens University, UK - Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti, Poland

Technische Universität Wien, Austria High-energy pulse limits of a fs oscillator operating in the Positive Dispersion Regime (PDR), theory

Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für KORONA project Synchrotronstrahlung (BESSY), Germany

Helmholtz-Zentrum, Germany Medical application of spontaneous undulator radiation (X-ray absorption imaging)

Moscow State University Physics Faculty International Nonlinear propagation of single cycle pulses in gaseous Laser Center, Russian Federation media, UV/VUV pulse generation

Instituto Superior Technico, Portugal PIC-simulations of laser-wakefield acceleration

Technische Universität München, Germany Performance of experiments on ultrafast surface dynamics

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 364 QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division GroupScientific Members Cooperations

Cooperations of the Attosecond Physics Division (cont.)

Institution Research Project

- Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Resolving attosecond electron dynamics in atoms and The Netherlands molecules with full momentum resolution using velocity- - Lund University, Sweden map imaging (AS-1, AS-5) - Politecnico, Italy

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russian Shortening of electron pulse down to <10 fs by Federation RF-chirping

Moscow State University, Russian Federation Spectral broadening of ultrashort pulses in waveguides

- Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Studies on electron emission and acceleration in dielectric - Universität Rostock, Germany and metallic nanoparticles in strong few-cycle laser fields

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany Studies on space-charge effects and wakefields in free- electron lasers, pulse length measurements

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany Studies on space-charge effects and wakefields in free- electron lasers, pulse length measurements, THz electron beam diagnostics

Moscow State University, Russian Federation White light interferometry

Cooperations of the Quantum Dynamics Division

Institution Research Project

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Dissipation induced strongly correlated many-body systems

Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Quantum gas in a cavity optical lattice Switzerland

University of Twente, The Netherlands Feedback Cooling

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany Quantum Simulations: Trapped Ions and Molecules QuantumGeneral Information Dynamics Division SummaryScientific ofCooperations Scientific Activities 365

Cooperations of the Laser Chemistry Emeritus Group

Institution Research Project

Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Germany XUV-XUV time resolved spectroscopy, spatially resolved multiphoton XUV ionization

- Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), XUV-XUV time resolved spectroscopy Germany - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain - Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA - Tohoku University, Japan - University of Crete, Greece - DESY, Germany - Technische Universität München, Germany - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany - Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA

- Universität Frankfurt, Germany XUV-XUV time resolved spectroscopy, attosecond real - Kansas State University, USA time observation and control of strong-field ionization and electron-electron rescattering

- The Hebrew University, Israel Exploring molecular computing using infrared - Université de Liège, Belgium spectroscopy - Universität Heidelberg, Germany - University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Electronic and nuclear dynamics in elementary chemical reactions

Technische Universität München, Germany Electronic and nuclear dynamics in elementary chemical reactions, coherent electron dynamics and dephasing in isolated molecules and molecular nano-architectures

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Germany Attosecond real time observation and control of strong- field ionization and electron-electron rescattering

University of Applied Science, Esslingen, Germany Cluster-induced desorption of surface adsorbates

Universität Hannover, Germany Laser collision spectroscopy

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Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 368 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Publications in Journals 2008 – 2010

Aguado, M. and M. Asorey and D.B. Milošević Vafa-Witten theorem and Lee-Yang singularities. Interference in strong-field ionization of a two-centre In: Phys. Rev. D 80, 127702 (2009). atomic system. In: New J. Phys. 10, 093027 (2008). Aguado, M., M. Asorey, E. Ercolessi, F. Ortolani and S. Pasini Antognini, A., K. Schuhmann, F.D. Amaro, F. Biraben, Density-matrix renormalization-group simulation of the A. Dax, A. Giesen, T. Graf, T.W. Hänsch, P. Indelicato, SU(3) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. L. Julien, C.-Y. Kao, P.E. Knowles, F. Kottmann, In: Phys. Rev. B 79, 012408 (2009). E. Le Bigot, Y.-W. Liu, L. Ludhova, N. Moschüring, F. Mulhauser, T. Nebel, F. Nez, P. Rabinowitz, C. Schwob, Aguado, M., G.K. Brennen, F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac D. Taqqu and R. Pohl Creation, Manipulation, and Detection of Abelian and Thin-Disk Yb:YAG Oscillator-Amplifier Laser, ASE, and Non-Abelian Anyons in Optical Lattices. Effective Yb:YAG Lifetime. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 260501 (2008). In: IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 45, 983-995 (2009).

Ahmad, I., S.A. Trushin, Z. Major, C. Wandt, S. Klingebiel, Arcizet, O., R. Rivière, A. Schließer, G. Anetsberger and T.J. Wang, V. Pervak, A. Popp, M. Siebold, F. Krausz and S. T.J. Kippenberg Karsch Cryogenic properties of optomechanical silica microcavities. Frontend light source for short-pulse pumped OPCPA In: Phys. Rev. A 80, 021803 (2009). system. In: Appl. Phys. B 97, 529-536 (2009). Ariunbold, G.O., M.M. Kash, H. Li, V.A. Sautenkov, Y.V. Rostovtsev, G.R. Welch and M.O. Scully Alekseev, V.A., J. Grosser, O. Hoffmann and F. Rebentrost A model experiment for stand-off sensing.

Simultaneous optical excitation of Na electronic and CF4 In: J. Mod. Opt. 55, 3273-3281 (2008). vibrational modes in Na+CF4 collisions. In: J. Chem. Phys. 129, 201102 (2008). Bañuls, M.C., M.B. Hastings, F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac Matrix Product States for Dynamical Simulation of Infinite Alnis, J., A. Matveev, N. Kolachevsky, T. Udem and Chains. T.W. Hänsch In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 240603 (2009). Subhertz linewidth diode lasers by stabilization to vibrationally and thermally compensated ultralow- Barna, D., A. Dax, J. Eades, K. Gomikawa, R.S. Hayano, expansion glass Fabry-Pérot cavities. M. Hori, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, N. Ono, W. Pirkl, In: Phys. Rev. A 77, 053809 (2008). E. Widmann and H.A. Torii Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by Alnis, J., A. Matveev, N. Kolachevsky, T. Wilken, laser spectroscopy of pHe+. R. Holzwarth and T.W. Hänsch In: Hyperfine Interact. 194, 1-6 (2009). Stable diode lasers for hydrogen precision spectroscopy. In: Eur. Phys. J. 163, 89-94 (2008). Bastin, T., S. Krins, P. Mathonet, M. Godefroid, L. Lamata and E. Solano Amarie, S., T. Ganz and F. Keilmann Operational Families of Entanglement Classes for Mid-infrared near-field spectroscopy. Symmetric N-Qubit States. In: Opt. Express 17, 21794-21801 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 070503 (2009).

Anetsberger, G., O. Arcizet, Q.P. Unterreithmeier, R. Rivière, Bastin, T., C. Thiel, J. v. Zanthier, L. Lamata, E. Solano and A. Schließer, E.M. Weig, J.P. Kotthaus and T.J. Kippenberg G.S. Agarwal Near-field cavity optomechanics with nanomechanical Operational Determination of Multiqubit Entanglement oscillators. Classes via Tuning of Local Operations. In: Nat. Phys. 5, 909-914 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 053601 (2009).

Anetsberger, G., R. Rivière, A. Schließer, O. Arcizet and Batteiger, V., S. Knünz, M. Herrmann, G. Saathoff, T.J. Kippenberg H.A. Schüssler, B. Bernhardt, T. Wilken, R. Holzwarth, Ultralow-dissipation optomechanical resonators on a chip. T.W. Hänsch and T. Udem In: Nat. Photonics 2, 627-633 (2008). Precision spectroscopy of the 3s-3p fine-structure doublet in Mg+. Ansari, Z., M. Böttcher, B. Manschwetus, H. Rottke, In: Phys. Rev. A 80, 022503 (2009). W. Sandner, A. Verhoef, M. Lezius, G.G. Paulus, A. Saenz TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 369

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Gagnon, J., E. Goulielmakis and V.S. Yakovlev Goulielmakis, E., Z.-H. Loh, A. Wirth, R. Santra, The accurate FROG characterization of attosecond pulses N. Rohringer, V.S. Yakovlev, S. Zherebtsov, T. Pfeifer, from streaking measurements. A.M. Azzeer, M.F. Kling, S.R. Leone and F. Krausz In: Appl. Phys. B 92, 25-32 (2008). Real-time observation of valence electron motion In:Nature 466, 739-743 (2010) Gagnon, J., K.F. Lee, D.M. Rayner, P.B. Corkum and V.R. Bhardwaj Goulielmakis, E., S. Köhler, B. Reiter, M. Schultze, Coincidence imaging of polyatomic molecules via laser- A.J. Verhoef, E.E. Serebryannikov, A.M. Zheltikov and induced Coulomb explosion. F. Krausz In: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 215104 (2008). Ultrabroadband, coherent light source based on self- channeling of few-cycle pulses in helium. Gagnon, J. and V.S. Yakovlev In: Opt. Lett. 33, 1407-1409 (2008). The robustness of attosecond streaking measurements. In: Opt. Express 17, 17678-17693 (2009). Graf, U., M. Fieß, M. Schultze, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz and E. Goulielmakis Ganz, T., M. Brehm, H.G. von Ribbeck, D.W. van der Weide Intense few-cycle light pulses in the deep ultraviolet. and F. Keilmann In: Opt. Express 16, 18956-18963 (2008). Vector frequency-comb Fourier-transform spectroscopy for characterizing metamaterials. Grosche, G., O. Terra, K. Predehl, R. Holzwarth, In: New J. Phys. 10, 123007 (2008). B. Lipphardt, F. Vogt, U. Sterr and H. Schnatz Optical frequency transfer via 146 km fiber link with 10-19 Gao, T., F.L. Yan and Y.C. Li relative accuracy. Optimal controlled teleportation via several kinds of three- In: Opt. Lett. 34, 2270-2272 (2009). qubit states. In: Sci. China Ser. G 51, 1529-1556 (2008). Grosser, J., O. Hoffmann, F. Rebentrost and E. Tiemann NaNe potentials from a combined analysis of spectroscopic García-Ripoll, J.J., S. Dürr, N. Syassen, D.M. Bauer, and scattering data. M. Lettner, G. Rempe and J.I. Cirac In: Eur. Phys. J. D 56, 335-339 (2010). Dissipation-induced hard-core boson gas in an optical lattice. Grüner, F.J., C.B. Schroeder, A.R. Maier, S. Becker and In: New J. Phys. 11, 013053 (2009). J.M. Mikhailova Space-charge effects in ultrahigh current electron bunches Gebhardt, C.R., A. Tomsic, H. Schröder, M. Dürr and generated by laser-plasma accelerators. K.-L. Kompa In: Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 12, 020701 (2009). Matrix-Free Formation of Gas-Phase Biomolecular Ions by Soft Cluster-Induced Desorption. Gu, X., G. Marcus, Y. Deng, T. Metzger, C. Teisset, N. Ishii, In: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 4162-4165 (2009). T. Fuji, A. Baltuska, R. Butkus, V. Pervak, H. Ishizuki, T. Taira, T. Kobayashi, R. Kienberger and F. Krausz Ghafur, O., W. Siu, P. Johnsson, M.F. Kling, M. Drescher Generation of carrier-envelope-phase-stable 2-cycle 740-μJ and M.J.J. Vrakking pulses at 2.1-μm carrier wavelength. A velocity map imaging detector with an integrated gas In: Opt. Express 17, 62-69 (2009). injection system. In: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 033110 (2009). Habs, D., B.M. Hegelich, J. Schreiber and P.G. Thirolf Vision of a fully laser-driven nγ-mγ collider. Giovannetti, V., S. Montangero, M. Rizzi and R. Fazio In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 253-264 (2009). Homogeneous multiscale-entanglement-renormalization- ansatz states: An information theoretical analysis. Habs, D., M. Hegelich, J. Schreiber, M. Gross, A. Henig, In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 052314 (2009). D. Kiefer and D. Jung Dense laser-driven electron sheets as relativistic mirrors for Gopal, R., K. Simeonidis, R. Moshammer, T. Ergler, coherent production of brilliant X-ray and γ-ray beams. M. Dürr, M. Kurka, K.U. Kühnel, S. Tschuch, C.D. Schröter, In: Appl. Phys. B 93, 349-354 (2008). D. Bauer, J. Ullrich, A. Rudenko, O. Herrwerth, T. Uphues, M. Schultze, E. Goulielmakis, M. Uiberacker, M. Lezius and Habs, D., T. Tajima, J. Schreiber, C.P. Barty, M. Fujiwara M.F. Kling and P.G. Thirolf Three-Dimensional Momentum Imaging of Electron Wave Vision of nuclear physics with photo-nuclear reactions by Packet Interference in Few-Cycle Laser Pulses. laser-driven γ beams. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 053001 (2009). In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 279-285 (2009). TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 373

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Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 3 74 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Hoff, P. von den, I. Znakovskaya, S. Zherebtsov, M.F. Kling intense laser pulse by radial confinement with heavy ions. and R. de Vivie-Riedle In: Phys. Plasmas 17, 013106 (2010). Effects of multi orbital contributions in the angular- dependent ionization of molecules in intense few-cycle laser Hübener, R., M. van den Nest, W. Dür and H.J. Briegel pulses. Classical spin systems and the quantum stabilizer In: Appl. Phys. B 98, 659-666 (2010). formalism: General mappings and applications. In: J. Math. Phys. 50, 083303 (2009). Hommelhoff, P., C. Kealhofer, A. Aghajani-Talesh, Y.R.P. Sortais, S.M. Foreman and M.A. Kasevich Hundertmark, H., S. Rammler, T. Wilken, R. Holzwarth, Extreme localization of electrons in space and time. T.W. Hänsch and P.St.J. Russell In: Ultramicroscopy 109, 423-429 (2009). Octave-spanning supercontinuum generated in SF6-glass PCF by a 1060 nm mode-locked fibre laser delivering 20 pJ Hommelhoff, P., C. Kealhofer and M.A. Kasevich per pulse. Reaching the resolved tunnel regime for a femtosecond In: Opt. Express 17, 1919-1924 (2009). oscillator driven field emission electron source. In: Laser Phys. 19, 736-738 (2009). Hunger, D., S. Camerer, T.W. Hänsch, D. König, J.P. Kotthaus, J. Reichel and P. Treutlein Honrubia, J.J. and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn Resonant Coupling of a Bose-Einstein Condensate to a Fast ignition of fusion targets by laser-driven electrons. Micromechanical Oscillator. In: Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 51, 014008 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 143002 (2010).

Honrubia, J.J., J.C. Fernández, M. Temporal, B.M. Hegelich Iblisdir, S., D. Pérez-García, M. Aguado and J. Pachos and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn Thermal states of anyonic systems. Fast ignition of inertial fusion targets by laser-driven In: Nucl. Phys. B 829, 401-424 (2010). carbon beams. In: Phys. Plasmas 16, 102701 (2009). Iblisdir, S., D. Pérez-García, M. Aguado and J. Pachos Scaling law for topologically ordered systems at finite Hori, M. temperature. Spatial profile monitors for keV and MeV antiproton In: Phys. Rev. B 79, 134303 (2009). beams. In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 604, Ivanov, V.G. and S.G. Karshenboim 154-157 (2009). Recoil correction to the decay rate of 2p states in hydrogenlike atoms. Hori, M. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 032518 (2009). Collisional dynamics in antiprotonic helium. In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 267, Ivanov, V.G., S.G. Karshenboim and R.N. Lee 343-346 (2009). Electron shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment in a hydrogenlike atom. Hori, M. and A. Dax In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 012512 (2009). Development of precise nanosecond and picosecond dye lasers for spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms. Ivanov, V.G., E.Y. Korzinin and S.G. Karshenboim In: Hyperfine Interact. 194, 195-199 (2009). Second-order corrections to the wave function at the origin in muonic hydrogen and pionium. Hori, M. and A. Dax In: Phys. Rev. D 80, 027702 (2009). Chirp-corrected, nanosecond Ti:sapphire laser with 6 MHz linewidth for spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium. Jiang, Y.H., A. Rudenko, J.F. Pérez-Torres, O. Herrwerth, In: Opt. Lett. 34, 1273-1275 (2009). L. Foucar, M. Kurka, K.U. Kühnel, M. Toppin, E. Plésiat, F. Morales, F. Martín, M. Lezius, M.F. Kling, T. Jahnke, Hori, M., R.S. Hayano, M. Fukuta, T. Koyama, H. Nobusue R. Dörner, J.L. Sanz-Vicario, J. van Tilborg, A. Belkacem, and J. Tanaka M. Schulz, K. Ueda, T.J.M. Zouros, S. Düsterer, R. Treusch, Large-area imager of hydrogen leaks in fuel cells using C.D. Schröter, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Investigating two-photon double ionization of D-2 by In: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 103104 (2009). XUV-pump-XUV-probe experiments. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 051402 (2010). Huang, L.G., A.L. Lei, J.H. Bin, Y. Bai, W. Yu, M.Y. Yu and T.E. Cowan Jiang, Y.H., A. Rudenko, E. Plésiat, L. Foucar, M. Kurka, Improving proton acceleration with circularly polarized K.U. Kühnel, T. Ergler, J.F. Pérez-Torres, F. Martin, TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 375

O. Herrwerth, M. Lezius, M.F. Kling, J. Titze, T. Jahnke, Karshenboim, S.G., V.G. Ivanov, E.Y. Korzinin and R. Dörner, J.L. Sanz-Vicario, M. Schöffler, J. van Tilborg, V.A. Shelyuto 5 2 A. Belkacem, K. Ueda, T.J.M. Zouros, S. Düsterer, Nonrelativistic contributions of order α mμc to the Lamb R. Treusch, C.D. Schröter, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich shift in muonic hydrogen and deuterium, and in the muonic Tracing direct and sequential two-photon double ionization helium ion. of D-2 in femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 060501 (2010). In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 021401 (2010). Karshenboim, S.G., E.Y. Korzinin and V.G. Ivanov Johnson, L.A.M., H.O. Majeed, B. Sanguinetti, T. Becker Hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen: QED corrections and B.T.H. Varcoe of the α2 order. 85 Absolute frequency measurements of Rb n F7/2 Rydberg In: JETP Lett. 88, 641-646 (2008). states using purely optical detection. In: New J. Phys. 12, 063028 (2010). Karshenboim, S.G. and E. Peik Astrophysics, atomic clocks and fundamental constants. Johnsson, P., A. Rouzée, W. Siu, Y. Huismans, F. Lepine, In: Eur. Phys. J. 163, 1-7 (2008). T. Marchenko, S. Düsterer, F. Tavella, N. Stojanovic, A. Azima, R. Treusch, M.F. Kling and M.J.J. Vrakking Karshenboim, S.G. and E. Peik Field-free molecular alignment probed by the free electron Editorial. laser in Hamburg (FLASH). In: Eur. Phys. J. 163, 333 (2008). In: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 134017 (2009). Karshenboim, S.G., V.A. Shelyuto and A.I. Vainshtein Jordan, J., R. Orus, G. Vidal, F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac Hadronic light-by-light scattering in muonium hyperfine Classical Simulation of Infinite-Size Quantum Lattice splitting. Systems in Two Spatial Dimensions. In: Phys. Rev. D 78, 065036 (2008). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 250602 (2008). Kay, A. Kaluza, M.C., M.I.K. Santala, J. Schreiber, G.D. Tsakiris Role of rotational invariance in the properties of and K.J. Witte Hamiltonians. Time-sequence imaging of relativistic laser-plasma In: Phys. Rev. A 80, 040301 (2009). interactions using a novel two-color probe pulse. In: Appl. Phys. B 92, 475-479 (2008). Kay, A. Interfacing with Hamiltonian dynamics. Karshenboim, S.G. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 042330 (2009). Precision Physics of Simple Atoms and Constraints on a Light Boson with Ultraweak Coupling. Kay, A. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 220406 (2010). Nonequilibrium Reliability of Quantum Memories. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 070503 (2009). Karshenboim, S.G. A constraint on antigravity of antimatter from precision Kay, A., D. Kaszlikowski and R. Ramanathan spectroscopy of simple atoms. Optimal Cloning and Singlet Monogamy. In: Astron. Lett. 35, 663-669 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 050501 (2009).

Karshenboim, S.G. Keilmann, T., J.I. Cirac and T. Roscilde Adjusted recommended values of the fundamental physical Dynamical Creation of a Supersolid in Asymmetric constants. Mixtures of Bosons. In: Eur. Phys. J. 172, 385-397 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 255304 (2009).

Karshenboim, S.G. Kelkensberg, F., C. Lefebvre, W. Siu, O. Ghafur, New recommended values of the fundamental physical T.T. Nguyen-Dang, O. Atabek, A. Keller, V. Serov, constants (CODATA 2006). P. Johnsson, M. Swoboda, T. Remetter, A. L’Huillier, In: Phys. Usp. 51, 1019-1026 (2008). S. Zherebtsov, G. Sansone, E. Benedetti, F. Ferrari, M. Nisoli, F. Lépine, M.F. Kling and M.J.J. Vrakking Karshenboim, S.G. Molecular Dissociative Ionization and Wave-Packet Towards a natural system of units for physics and Dynamics Studied Using Two-Color XUV and IR Pump- metrology. Probe Spectroscopy. In: Eur. Phys. J. 163, 141-157 (2008). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 123005 (2009).

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 376 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Kessler, E.M., S. Yelin, M.D. Lukin, J.I. Cirac and G. Giedke Strong-field control of electron localisation during Optical Superradiance from Nuclear Spin Environment of molecular dissociation. Single-Photon Emitters. In: Mol. Phys. 106, 455-465 (2008). In: Phys. Lett. 104, 143601 (2010). König, R. and M.M. Wolf Kiefer, D., A. Henig, D. Jung, D.C. Gautier, K.A. Flippo, On exchangeable continuous variable systems. S.A. Gaillard, S. Letzring, R.P. Johnson, R.C. Shah, In: J. Math. Phys. 50, 012102 (2009). T. Shimada, J.C. Fernández, V.K. Liechtenstein, J. Schreiber, B.M. Hegelich and D. Habs Kolachevsky, N., A. Matveev, J. Alnis, C.G. Parthey, First observation of quasi-monoenergetic electron bunches S.G. Karshenboim and T.W. Hänsch driven out of ultra-thin diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils. Measurement of the 2S Hyperfine Interval in Atomic In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 427-432 (2009). Hydrogen. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 213002 (2009). Kienberger, R. and F. Krausz Elektronenjagd mit Attosekundenblitzen. Korzinin, E.Y., V.G. Ivanov and S.G. Karshenboim In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2010, 32-40 (2010). Uehling correction in muonic atoms to all orders of Z alpha. Kiesel, N., W. Wieczorek, S. Krins, T. Bastin, H. Weinfurter In: Phys. Rev. A 80, 022510 (2009). and E. Solano Operational multipartite entanglement classes for Kosma, K., S.A. Trushin, W. Fuß and W.E. Schmid symmetric photonic qubit states. Cyclohexadiene ring opening observed with 13 fs In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 032316 (2010). resolution: Coherent oscillations confirm the reaction path. In: PCCP 11(1),172-81 (2009) Kiess, A., D. Pavičić, T.W. Hänsch and H. Figger HD+ in a beam in intense pulsed laser fields: Dissociation Kosma, K., S.A. Trushin, W.E. Schmid and W. Fuß and ionization with high-energy resolution of the Vacuum ultraviolet pulses of 11-fs from fith-harmonic fragments. generation of a Ti:sapphire laser. In: Phys. Rev. A 77, 053401 (2008). In: Opt. Lett. 33, 7, 723-725 (2008).

Kippenberg, T.J. Kosma, K., S.A. Trushin, W. Fuß and W.E. Schmid Microresonators Particle sizing by mode splitting. Ultrafast Dynamics and Coherent Oscillations in Ethylene

In: Nat. Photonics 4, 9-10 (2010). and Ethylene-d4 Excited at 162 nm. In: J. Phys. Chem. A 112, 7514-7529 (2008). Kippenberg, T.J. Nanomechanics gets the shakes. Kosma, K., S.A. Trushin, W. Fuß and W.E. Schmid In: Nature 456, 458-458 (2008). Characterization of the supercontinuum radiation gener- ated by self-focusing of few-cycle 800 nm pulses in argon. Kippenberg, T.J., A.L. Tchebotareva, J. Kalkman, A. Polman In: J. Mod. Opt. 55, 2141-2177 (2008). and K.J. Vahala Purcell-Factor-Enhanced Scattering from Si Nanocrystals Kraus, C.V., N. Schuch, F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac in an Optical Microcavity. Fermionic projected entangled pair states. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 027406 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 052338 (2010).

Kippenberg, T.J. and K.J. Vahala Kraus, C.V., M.M. Wolf, J.I. Cirac and G. Giedke Cavity Optomechanics: Back-action at the Mesoscale. Pairing in fermionic systems: A quantum-information In: Science 321, 1172-1176 (2008). perspective. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 012306 (2009). Klembovsky, M.P., M.L. Gorodetsky and T. Becker Atomic interferometry in high-Q toroidal microwave cavity. Kraus, C.V., M.M. Wolf, J.I. Cirac and G. Giedke In: Phys. Lett. A 372, 5246-5249 (2008). Pairing in fermionic systems: A quantum-information perspective. Kling, M. and F. Krausz In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 012306 (2009). Attoscience: An attosecond stopwatch. In: Nat. Phys. 4, 515-516 (2008). Krausz, F. and M. Ivanov Attosecond physics. Kling, M. Ch. Siedschlag, F. Krausz, I. Znakovskaya, In: Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 163-234 (2009). A.J. Verhoef and M. Lezius TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 377

Krischek, R., W. Wieczorek, A. Ozawa, N. Kiesel, Li, Y., P. Treutlein, J. Reichel and A. Sinatra P. Michelberger, T. Udem and H. Weinfurter Spin squeezing in a bimodal condensate: spatial dynamics Ultraviolet enhancement cavity for ultrafast nonlinear and particle losses. optics and high-rate multiphoton entanglement In: Eur. Phys. J. B 68, 365-381 (2009). experiments. In: Nat. Photonics 4, 170-173 (2010). Lin, J., N. Weber, A. Wirth, S.H. Chew, M. Escher, M. Merkel, M.F. Kling, M.I. Stockman, F. Krausz and Kubanek, A., M. Koch, C. Sames, A. Ourjoumtsev, U. Kleineberg P.W.H. Pinkse, K. Murr and G. Rempe Time of flight-photoemission electron microscope for Photon-by-photon feedback control of a single-atom ultrahigh spatiotemporal probing of nanoplasmonic optical trajectory. fields. In: Nature 462, 898-901 (2009). In: J. Phys. Condens. Matter 21, 314005 (2009).

Kubanek, A., A. Ourjoumtsev, I. Schuster, M. Koch, Lobino, M., C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa and A.I. Lvovsky P.W.H. Pinkse, K. Murr and G. Rempe Memory for Light as a Quantum Process. Two-Photon Gateway in One-Atom Cavity Quantum In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 203601 (2009). Electrodynamics. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 203602 (2008). Major, Z., S. Trushin, I. Ahmad, M. Siebold, C. Wandt, S. Klingebiel, T.-J. Wang, J.A. Fülöp, A. Henig, S. Kruber, Kurka, M., J. Feist, D.A. Horner, A. Rudenko, Y.H. Jiang, R. Weingartner, A. Popp, J. Osterhoff, R. Hörlein, J. Hein, K.U. Kühnel, L. Foucar, T.N. Rescigno, C.W. McCurdy, V. Pervak, A. Apolonskiy, F. Krausz and S. Karsch R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, M. Schulz, O. Herrwerth, M. Lezius, Basic Concepts and Current Status of the Petawatt M.F. Kling, M. Schöffler, A. Belkacem, S. Düsterer, Field Synthesizer-A New Approach to Ultrahigh Field R. Treusch, B.I. Schneider, L.A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer, Generation. C.D. Schröter, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich In: Rev. Laser Eng. 37, 431-436 (2009). Differential cross sections for non-sequential double ionization of He by 52eV photons from FLASH. Marcus, G., S. Samin and Y. Tsori In: New J. Phys. 12, 073035 (2010) Phase-separation transition in liquid mixtures near curved charged objects. Labzowsky, L., G. Schedrin, D. Solovyev, E. Chernovskaya, In: J. Chem. Phys. 129, 061101 (2008). G. Plunien and S. Karshenboim Nonresonant corrections for the optical resonance Marcus, G. and Y. Tsori frequency measurements in the hydrogen atom. Phase Separation Transition in Liquids and Polymers In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 052506 (2009). Induced by Electric Field Gradients. In: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78, 041010 (2009). Lamata, L., J. Leon, D. Perez-Garcia, D. Salgado and E. Solano Mathonet, P., S. Krins, M. Godefroid, L. Lamata, E. Solano Sequential Implementation of Global Quantum and T. Bastin Operations. Entanglement equivalence of N-qubit symmetric states. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 180506 (2008). In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 052315 (2010).

Lamata, L., D. Porras, J.I. Cirac, J. Goldman and Matveev, A.N., N.N. Kolachevsky, J. Alnis and G. Gabrielse T.W. Hänsch Towards electron-electron entanglement in Penning traps. Spectral parameters of reference-cavity-stabilised lasers. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 022301 (2010). In: Quantum Electron. 38, 391-400 (2008).

Laskowski, W., T. Paterek, C. Brukner and M. Zukowski Matveev, A.N., N.N. Kolachevsky, J. Alnis and Entanglement and communication-reducing properties of T.W. Hänsch noisy N-qubit states. Semiconductor laser with the subhertz linewidth. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, (2010). In: Quantum Electron. 38, 895-902 (2008).

Laskowski, W., M. Wiesniak, M. Zukowski, M. Bourennane Maxein, D., S. Kratz, P. Reckenthäler, J. Buckers, and H. Weinfurter D. Haertle, T. Woike and K. Buse Interference contrast in multisource few-photon optics. Polarons in magnesium-doped lithium niobate crystals In: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 114004 (2009). induced by femtosecond light pulses. In: Appl. Phys. B 92, 543-547 (2008).

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 378 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Mazza, L., L. Fontanesi and G.C. La Rocca equilibrium dynamics. Organic-based microcavities with vibronic progressions: In: New J. Phys. 12, 055016 (2010). Photoluminescence. In: Phys. Rev. B 80, 235314 (2009). Montangero, S., M. Rizzi, V. Giovannetti and R. Fazio Critical exponents with a multiscale entanglement Mendl, C.B. and M.M. Wolf renormalization Ansatz channel. Unital Quantum Channels - Convex Structure and Revivals In: Phys. Rev. B 80, 113103 (2009). of Birkhoff’s Theorem. In: Commun. Math. Phys. 289, 1057-1086 (2009). Mora, C.E., M. Piani, A. Miyake, M. van den Nest, W. Dür and H.J. Briegel Metzger, T., A. Schwarz, C.Y. Teisset, D. Sutter, A. Killi, Universal resources for approximate and stochastic R. Kienberger and F. Krausz measurement-based quantum computation. High-repetition-rate picosecond pump laser based In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 042315 (2010). on a Yb:YAG disk amplifier for optical parametric amplification. Motsch, M., M. Schenk, M. Zeppenfeld, M. Schmitt, In: Opt. Lett. 34, 2123-2125 (2009). W.L. Meerts, P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe 1 1 Spectroscopy of the à A2 ← X A1 transition of -1 1 3 Meyer-ter-Vehn, J. and H.C. Wu formaldehyde in the 30140-30790 cm range: The 20 40 and 2 1 Coherent Thomson backscattering from laser-driven 20 40 rovibrational bands. relativistic ultra-thin electron layers. In: J. Mol. Spectrosc. 252, 1, 25-30 (2008). In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 433-441 (2009). Motsch, M., C. Sommer, M. Zeppenfeld, L.D. van Buuren, Mezzacapo, F., N. Schuch, M. Boninsegni and J.I. Cirac P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe Ground-state properties of quantum many-body systems: Collisional effects in the formation of cold guided beams of entangled-plaquette states and variational Monte Carlo. polar molecules. In: New J. Phys. 11, 083026 (2009). In: New J. Phys. 11, 055030 (2009).

Miaja-Avila, L., G. Saathoff, S. Mathias, J. Yin, Motsch, M., L.D. van Buuren, C. Sommer, M. Zeppenfeld, C. La-o-vorakiat, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, G. Rempe and P.W.H. Pinkse M.M. Murnane and H.C. Kapteyn Cold guided beams of water isotopologs. Direct Measurement of Core-Level Relaxation Dynamics In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 013405 (2009). on a Surface-Adsorbate System. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 046101 (2008). Motsch, M., M. Zeppenfeld, P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe Cavity-enhanced Rayleigh scattering. Miaja-Avila, L., J. Yin, S. Backus, G. Saathoff, In: New J. Phys. 12, 063022 (2010). M. Aeschlimann, M.M. Murnane and H.C. Kapteyn Ultrafast studies of electronic processes at surfaces using Mücke, M., E. Figueroa, J. Bochmann, C. Hahn, K. Murr, the laser-assisted photoelectric effect with long-wavelength S. Ritter, C.J. Villas-Boas and G. Rempe dressing light. Electromagnetically induced transparency with single atoms In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 030901 (2009). in a cavity. In: Nature 465, 755-758 (2010). Micheau, S., Z.J. Chen, A.T. Le, J. Rauschenberger, M.F. Kling and C.D. Lin Murg, V., F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac Accurate Retrieval of Target Structures and Laser Exploring frustrated spin systems using projected entangled Parameters of Few-Cycle Pulses from Photoelectron pair states. Momentum Spectra. In: Phys. Rev. B 79, 195119 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073001 (2009). Nauerth, S., M. Fürst, T. Schmitt-Manderbach, H. Weier Mikhailova, J.M., P.A. Volkov and M.V. Fedorov and H. Weinfurter Biphoton wave packets in parametric down-conversion: Information leakage via side channels in freespace BB84 Spectral and temporal structure and degree of quantum . entanglement. In: New J. Phys. 11, 065001 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. A 78, 062327 (2008). Nest, M. van den Moeckel, M. and S. Kehrein Classical Simulation of Quantum Computation, the Crossover from adiabatic to sudden interaction quenches Gottesmann-Knill theorem, and Slightly Beyond. in the Hubbard model: prethermalization and non- In: Quantum Inf. Comput. 10, 258-271 (2010). TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 379

Nest, M. van den, W. Dür, R. Raussendorf and H. J. Briegel B. Hidding, S. Becker, E.A. Peralta, U. Schramm, F. Grüner, Quantum algorithms for spin models and simulable gate D. Habs, F. Krausz, S.M. Hooker and S. Karsch sets for quantum computation. Generation of Stable, Low-Divergence Electron Beams by In: Phys. Rev. A 80, 052334 (2009). Laser-Wakefield Acceleration in a Steady-State-Flow Gas Cell. Nielsen, A.E.B., C.A. Muschik, G. Giedke and In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 085002 (2008). K.G.H. Vollbrecht Quantum state engineering, purification, and number- Ourjoumtsev, A. resolved photon detection with high-finesse optical cavities. Don’t look now. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 043832 (2010). In: Nature 456, 880-881 (2008).

Nilson, P.M., S.P.D. Mangles, L. Willingale, M.C. Kaluza, Ozawa, A. and T. Kobayashi A.G.R. Thomas, M. Tatarakis, R.J. Clarke, K.L. Lancaster, Puzzling spectral structures of molecular vibration S. Karsch, J. Schreiber, Z. Najmudin, A.E. Dangor and observed in ultrafast pump-probe experiment of K. Krushelnick transparent material. Plasma cavitation in ultraintense laser interactions with In: Chem. Phys. Lett. 477, 281-284 (2009). underdense helium plasmas. In: New J. Phys. 12, 045014 (2010). Ozawa, A., J. Rauschenberger, C. Gohle, M. Herrmann, D.R. Walker, V. Pervak, A. Fernandez, R. Graf, Nilson, P.M., S.P.D. Mangles, L. Willingale, M.C. Kaluza, A. Apolonskiy, R. Holzwarth, F. Krausz, T.W. Hänsch and A.G.R. Thomas, M. Tatarakis, Z. Najmudin, R.J. Clarke, T. Udem K.L. Lancaster, S. Karsch, J. Schreiber, R.G. Evans, High harmonic frequency combs for high resolution A.E. Dangor and K. Krushelnick spectroscopy. Generation of Ultrahigh-Velocity Ionizing Shocks with In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 253901 (2008). Petawatt-Class Laser Pulses. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 255001 (2009). Ozawa, A., W. Schneider, T.W. Hänsch, T. Udem and P. Hommelhoff Nishikawa, T., A. Ozawa, Y. Nishida, M. Asobe, F.L. Hong Phase-stable single-pass cryogenic amplifier for high and T.W. Hänsch repetition rate few-cycle laser pulses. Efficient 494 mW sum-frequency generation of sodium In: New J. Phys. 11, 083029 (2009). resonance radiation at 589 nm by using a periodically poled

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Schmitz, H., A. Friedenauer, C. Schneider, R. Matjeschk, Schwager, H., J.I. Cirac and G. Giedke M. Enderlein, T. Huber, J.T. Glückert, D. Porras and Quantum interface between light and nuclear spins in T. Schätz quantum dots. The “arch” of simulating quantum spin systems with In: Phys. Rev. B 81, 045309 (2010). trapped ions. In: Appl. Phys. B 95, 195-203 (2009). Scully, M.O. Collective Lamb Shift in Single Photon Dicke Superrad- Schmitz, H., R. Matjeschk, C. Schneider, J.T. Glückert, iance. M. Enderlein, T. Huber and T. Schätz In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 143601 (2009). Quantum Walk of a Trapped Ion in Phase Space. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 090504 (2009). Scully, M.O., Y. Rostovtsev, A. Svidzinsky and J.T. Chang XUV coherent Raman superradiance. Schnatz, H., O. Terra, K. Predehl, T. Feldmann, T. Legero, In: J. Mod. Opt. 55, 3219-3236 (2008). B. Lipphardt, U. Sterr, G. Grosche, R. Holzwarth, T.W. Hänsch, T. Udem, Z.H.H. Lu, L.J. Wang, W. Ertmer, Serebryannikov, E.E., E. Goulielmakis and A.M. Zheltikov J. Friebe, A. Pape, E.M. Rasel, M. Riedmann and Generation of supercontinuum compressible to single-cycle T. Wubbena pulse widths in an ionizing gas. Phase-Coherent Frequency Comparison of Optical Clocks In: New J. Phys. 10, 093001 (2008). Using a Telecommunication Fiber Link. In: IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 57, Shwa, D., S. Eisenmann, G. Marcus and A. Zigler 175-181 (2010). Using the self-filtering property of a femtosecond filament to improve second harmonic generation. Schneider, U., L. Hackermüller, S. Will, T. Best, I. Bloch, In: Opt. Express 17, 6451-6456 (2009). T.A. Costi, R.W. Helmes, D. Rasch and A. Rosch Metallic and Insulating Phases of Repulsively Interacting Simon, C., M. Afzelius, J. Appel, A.B. de la Giroday, Fermions in a 3D Optical Lattice. S.J. Dewhurst, N. Gisin, C.Y. Hu, F. Jelezko, S. Kroll, In: Science 322, 1520-1525 (2008). J.H. Muller, J. Nunn, E.S. Polzik, J.G. Rarity, H. De Riedmatten, W. Rosenfeld, A.J. Shields, N. Skold, Schnorrberger, U., J.D. Thompson, S. Trotzky, R. Pugatch, R.M. Stevenson, R. Thew, I.A. Walmsley, M.C. Weber, N. Davidson, S. Kuhr and I. Bloch H. Weinfurter, J. Wrachtrup and R.J. Young Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Light Quantum memories. Storage in an Atomic Mott Insulator. In: Eur. Phys. J. D 58, 1-22 (2010). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 033003 (2009). Sommer, C., L.D. van Buuren, M. Motsch, S. Pohle, Schuch, N., J.I. Cirac and F. Verstraete J. Bayerl, P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe Computational difficulty of finding matrix product ground Continuous guided beams of slow and internally cold polar states. molecules. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 250501 (2008). In: Faraday Discuss. 142, 203-220 (2009).

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Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 384 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Steinke, S., A. Henig, M. Schnürer, T. Sokollik, P.V. Nickles, Spectroscopy of rubidium Rydberg states with three diode D. Jung, D. Kiefer, R. Hörlein, J. Schreiber, T. Tajima, lasers. X.Q. Yan, M. Hegelich, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, W. Sandner and In: J. Mod. Opt. 56, 2055-2060 (2009). D. Habs Efficient ion acceleration by collective laser-driven electron Thoumany, P., T.W. Hänsch, G. Stania, L. Urbonas and dynamics with ultra-thin foil targets. T. Becker In: Laser Part. Beams 28, 215-221 (2010). Optical spectroscopy of rubidium Rydberg atoms with a 297 nm frequency-doubled dye laser. Steinmetz, T., T. Wilken, C. Araujo-Hauck, R. Holzwarth, In: Opt. Lett. 34, 1621-1623 (2009). T.W. Hänsch, L. Pasquini, A. Manescau, S. D’Odorico, M.T. Murphy, T. Kentischer, W. Schmidt and T. Udem Tóth, G., W. Wieczorek, R. Krischek, N. Kiesel, Laser Frequency Combs for Astronomical Observations. P. Michelberger and H. Weinfurter In: Science 321, 1335-1337 (2008). Practical methods for witnessing genuine multi-qubit entanglement in the vicinity of symmetric states. Steinmetz, T., T. Wilken, C. Araujo-Hauck, R. Holzwarth, In: New J. Phys. 11, 083002 (2009). T.W. Hänsch and T. Udem Fabry-Perot filter cavities for wide-spaced frequency combs Trushin, S.A., K. Kosma, W. Fuß and W.E. Schmid with large spectral bandwidth. Wavelength-independent ultrafast dynamics and coherent In: Appl. Phys. B 96, 251-256 (2009). oscillation of a metal-carbon stretch vibration in

photodissociation of Cr(CO)6 in the region of 270-345 nm. Stockman M.I. In: Chem. Phys. 347, 309-323 (2008). The spaser as a nanoscale quantum generator and ultrafast amplifier. Trushin, S.A., W.E. Schmid and W. Fuß In: J. Opt. 12, 024004 (2010). A time constant of 1.8 fs in the dissociation of water excited at 162 nm. Szczepkowicz, A., L. Krzemien, A. Wojciechowski, In: Chem. Phys. Lett. 468, 9-13 (2009). K. Brzozowski, M. Krüger, M. Zawada, M. Witkowski, J. Zachorowski and W. Gawlik Tsomokos, D.I., M.B. Plenio, I. de Vega and S.F. Huelga Optimal geometry for efficient loading of an optical dipole State transfer in highly connected networks and a quantum trap. Babinet principle. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 013408 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. A 78, 062310 (2008).

Tajima, T. Udem, T., R. Holzwarth and T.W. Hänsch Prospect for extreme field science. Femtosecond optical frequency combs. In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 519-529 (2009). In: Eur. Phys. J. 172, 69-79 (2009).

Tajima, T. Vahala, K., M. Herrmann, S. Knünz, V. Batteiger, Laser acceleration and its future. G. Saathoff, T.W. Hänsch and T. Udem In: Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B - Physical A phonon laser. and Biological Sciences 86, 147-157 (2010). In: Nat. Phys. 5, 682-686 (2009).

Terra, O., G. Grosche, K. Predehl, R. Holzwarth, T. Legero, Veisz, L., K. Schmid, F. Tavella, S. Benavides, R. Tautz, U. Sterr, B. Lipphardt and H. Schnatz D. Herrmann, A. Buck, B. Hidding, A. Marcinkevicius, Phase-coherent comparison of two optical frequency U. Schramm, M. Geissler, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, D. Habs and standards over 146 km using a telecommunication fiber F. Krausz link. Laser-driven electron acceleration in plasmas with few-cycle In: Appl. Phys. B 97, 541-551 (2009). pulses. Accélération laser d’électrons dans les plasmas à l’aide d’impulsions formées de quelques cycles. Thirolf, P.G., D. Habs, A. Henig, D. Jung, D. Kiefer, C. Lang, In: C. R. Phys. 10, 140-147 (2009). J. Schreiber, C. Maia, G. Schaller, R. Schutzhold and T. Tajima Verstraete, F., J.I. Cirac and J.I. Latorre Signatures of the Unruh effect via high-power, short-pulse Quantum circuits for strongly correlated quantum systems. lasers. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 032316 (2009). In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 379-389 (2009). Verstraete, F. and J.I. Cirac Thoumany, P., T. Germann, T. Hänsch, G. Stania, Continuous Matrix Product States for Quantum Fields. L. Urbonas and T. Becker In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 190405 (2010). TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 385

Verstraete, F., V. Murg and J.I. Cirac treatment compared with 1D-PIC simulation. Matrix product states, projected entangled pair states, and In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 451-455 (2009). variational renormalization group methods for quantum spin systems. Wieczorek, W., N. Kiesel, C. Schmid, W. Laskowski, In: Adv. Phys. 57, 143-224 (2008). M. Zukowski and H. Weinfurter Multiphoton Interference as a Tool to Observe Families of Verstraete, F., M.M. Wolf and J.I. Cirac Multiphoton Entangled States. Quantum computation and quantum-state engineering In: IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15, driven by dissipation. 1704-1712 (2009). In: Nat. Phys. 5, 633-636 (2009). Wieczorek, W., N. Kiesel, C. Schmid and H. Weinfurter Voigt, A.C., M. Taglieber, L. Costa, T. Aoki, W. Wieser, Multiqubit entanglement engineering via projective T.W. Hänsch and K. Dieckmann measurements. Ultracold Heteronuclear Fermi-Fermi Molecules. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 022311 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 020405 (2009). Wieczorek, W., R. Krischek, N. Kiesel, P. Michelberger, Vollbrecht, K.G.H. and J.I. Cirac G. Tóth and H. Weinfurter Quantum simulations based on measurements and Experimental Entanglement of a Six-Photon Symmetric feedback control. Dicke State. In: Phys. Rev. A 79, 042305 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 020504 (2009).

Wallquist, M., K. Hammerer, P. Zoller, C. Genes, Wieczorek, W., C. Schmid, N. Kiesel, R. Pohlner, O. Gühne M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, J. Ye and and H. Weinfurter H.J. Kimble Experimental observation of an entire family of four- Single-atom cavity QED and optomicromechanics. photon entangled states. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 023816 (2010). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 010503 (2008).

Wang, T.-J., H.Z. Zhang, F.G. Wu, Z.S. Feng, H.Y. Zang, Wilken, T., C. Lovis, A. Manescau, T. Steinmetz, Z.H. Kang, Y. Jiang and J.Y. Gao L. Pasquini, G. Lo Curto, T.W. Hänsch, R. Holzwarth and

3-5 μm AgGaS2 Optical Parametric Oscillator with Prism T. Udem Cavity. High-precision calibration of spectrographs. In: Laser Phys. 19, 377-380 (2009). In: Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Lett. 405, L16-L20 (2010).

Wang, W.M., Z.M. Sheng, H.C. Wu, M. Chen, C. Li, Wilk, R., I. Pupeza, R. Cernat and M. Koch J. Zhang and K. Mima Highly Accurate THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Strong terahertz pulse generation by chirped laser pulses in Multilayer Structures. tenuous gases. In: IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 14, 392-398 (2008). In: Opt. Express 16, 16999-17006 (2008). Will, S., T. Best, U. Schneider, L. Hackermüller, Wasilewski, W., T. Fernholz, K. Jensen, L.S. Madsen, D.S. Luhmann and I. Bloch H. Krauter, C. Muschik and E.S. Polzik Time-resolved observation of coherent multi-body Generation of two-mode squeezed and entangled light in a interactions in quantum phase revivals. single temporal and spatial mode. In: Nature 465, 197-201 (2010). In: Opt. Express 17, 14444-14457 (2009). Willingale, L., S.P.D. Mangles, P.M. Nilson, R.J. Clarke, Weber, B., H.P. Specht, T. Müller, J. Bochmann, M. Mücke, A.E. Dangor, M.C. Kaluza, S. Karsch, K.L. Lancaster, D.L. Moehring and G. Rempe W.B. Mori, J. Schreiber, A.G.R. Thomas, M.S. Wei, Photon-Photon Entanglement with a Single Trapped Atom. K. Krushelnick and Z. Najmudin In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 030501 (2009). Longitudinal Ion Acceleration From High-Intensity Laser Interactions With Underdense Plasma. Weichselbaum, A., F. Verstraete, U. Schollwock, J.I. Cirac In: IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36, 1825-1832 (2008). and J. von Delft Variational matrix-product-state approach to quantum Will, S., T. Best, U. Schneider, L. Hackermüller, impurity models. D.S. Luhmann and I. Bloch In: Phys. Rev. B 80, 165117 (2009). Time-resolved observation of coherent multi-body interactions in quantum phase revivals. Wen, M., H.C. Wu, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn and B. Shen In: Nature 465, 197-201 (2010). Acceleration of ultra-thin electron layer. Analytical

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 386 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Wilson-Rae, I., N. Nooshi, J. Dobrindt, T.J. Kippenberg and Zeppenfeld, M., M. Motsch, P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe W. Zwerger Optoelectrical cooling of polar molecules. Cavity-assisted backaction cooling of mechanical In: Phys. Rev. A 80, 041401 (2009). resonators. Zeppenfeld, M. and P.W.H. Pinkse In: New J. Phys. 10, 095007 (2008). Calculating the fine structure of a Fabry-Perot resonator using spheroidal wave functions. Wittmann, T., B. Horváth, W. Helml, M.G. Schätzel, X. Gu, In: Opt. Express 18, 9580-9591 (2010). A.L. Cavalieri, G.G. Paulus and R. Kienberger Single-shot carrier-envelope phase measurement of few- Znakovskaya, I., P. von den Hoff, S. Zherebtsov, A. Wirth, cycle laser pulses. O. Herrwerth, M.J.J. Vrakking, R. de Vivie-Riedle and In: Nat. Phys. 5, 357-362 (2009). M.F. Kling Attosecond Control of Electron Dynamics in Carbon Wolf, M.M., J. Eisert, T.S. Cubitt and J.I. Cirac Monoxide. Assessing Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 103002 (2009). In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 150402 (2008). Wu, H.C., J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, J. Fernandez and Zoest, T. van, N. Gaaloul, Y. Singh, H. Ahlers, W. Herr, B.M. Hegelich S.T. Seidel, W. Ertmer, E. Rasel, M. Eckart, E. Kajari, Uniform Laser-Driven Relativistic Electron Layer for S. Arnold, G. Nandi, W.P. Schleich, R. Walser, A. Vogel, Coherent Thomson Scattering. K. Sengstock, K. Bongs, W. Lewoczko-Adamczyk, In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 234801 (2010). M. Schiemangk, T. Schuldt, A. Peters, T. Könemann, H. Müntinga, C. Lämmerzahl, H. Dittus, T. Steinmetz, Wu, H.C. and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn T.W. Hänsch and J. Reichel The reflectivity of relativistic ultra-thin electron layers. Bose-Einstein Condensation in Microgravity. In: Eur. Phys. J. D 55, 443-449 (2009). In: Science 328, 1540-1543 (2010).

Wytrykus, D., M. Centurion, P. Reckenthäler, F. Krausz, A. Apolonskiy and E.E. Fill Submitted Publications Ultrashort pulse electron gun with a MHz repetition rate. In: Appl. Phys. B 96, 309-314 (2009). Cao, W., S. De, K.P. Singh, S. Chen, M.S. Schöffler, A. Alnaser, I.A. Bocharova, G. Laurent, D. Ray, Yan, X.Q., M. Chen, Z.M. Sheng and J.E. Chen S. Zherebtsov, M.F. Kling, I. Ben-Itzhak, I.V. Litvinyuk, Self-induced magnetic focusing of proton beams by Weibel- A. Belkacem, T. Osipov, T. Rescigno and C.L. Cocke like instability in the laser foil-plasma interactions. Dynamic control of the fragmentation of COq+ excited In: Phys. Plasmas 16, 044501 (2009). states generated with high-order harmonics. (submitted to Phys. Rev. A). Yan, X., T. Tajima, M. Hegelich, L. Yin and D. Habs Theory of laser ion acceleration from a foil target of Centurion, M., P. Reckenthäler, F. Krausz and E. Fill nanometer thickness. Picosecond electron diffraction from molecules aligned by In: Appl. Phys. B 98, 711-721 (2010). dissociation. (J. Mol. Struct., in press). Yan, X.Q., H.C. Wu, Z.M. Sheng, J.E. Chen and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn Chen, Y.-A., S.D. Huber, S. Trotzky, I. Bloch and E. Altman Self-Organizing GeV, Nanocoulomb, Collimated Proton Many-body Landau-Zener dynamics in coupled 1D Bose Beam from Laser Foil Interaction at 7 x 1021 W/cm2. liquids. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 135001 (2009). (Nat. Phys., in press).

Yuan, L.Q., G.O. Ariunbold, R.K. Murawski, D. Pestov, De, S., I.A. Bocharova, M. Magrakvelidze, D. Ray, W. Cao, X. Wang, A.K. Patnaik, V.A. Sautenkov, A.V. Sokolov, B. Bergues, U. Thumm, M.F. Kling, I.V. Litvinyuk and Y.V. Rostovtsev and M.O. Scully C.L. Cocke Femtosecond wave-packet dynamics in cesium dimers Tracking nuclear wave packet dynamics in molecular studied through controlled stimulated emission. oxygen ions with few-cycle infrared laser pulses. In: Phys. Rev. A 81, 053405 (2010). (submitted to Phys. Rev. A).

Zeppenfeld, M. Durach, M., A. Rusina, M.F. Kling and M.I. Stockman Solutions to Maxwell’s equations using spheroidal Metallization of nanofilms in strong adiabatic electric fields. coordinates. (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.). In: New J. Phys. 11, 073007 (2009). TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 387

Fieß, M., M. Schultze, E. Goulielmakis, B. Dennhardt, Reinhardt, S., E. Peters, T.W. Hänsch and T. Udem J. Gagnon, M. Hofstetter, R. Kienberger and F. Krausz Imaging of Microwave Fields using Ultracold Atoms. Versatile apparatus for attosecond metrology and (submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett.). spectroscopy. (submitted to Rev. Sci. Instrum.). Rudenko, A., Y.H. Jiang, M. Kurka, K.U. Kühnel, L. Foucar, O. Herrwerth, M. Lezius, M.F. Kling, C.D. Schröter, Horstmann, B., B. Reznik, S. Fagnocchi and J.I. Cirac R. Moshammer and J.Ullrich Hawking radiation from an acoustic black hole on an ion Exploring few-photon, few-electron reactions at FLASH: ring. From ion yield and momentum measurements to time- (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.). resolved and kinematically complete experiments. (J. Phys. B, in press). Hunger, D., T. Steinmetz, Y. Colombe, C. Deutsch, T.W. Hänsch and J. Reichel Sames, C., M. Balbach, M. Koch, A. Kubanek, A fiber Fabry–Perot cavity with high finesse. P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe (submitted to New J. Phys.). FPGA-based Feedback Control of a Single-Atom Trajectory. Hunger, D., S. Camerer, T.W. Hänsch, J. Reichel, D. König, (submitted to VIP). J.P. Kotthaus and P. Treutlein Resonant Coupling of Bose Einstein Condensates to a Schneider, U., L. Hackermüller, J.P. Ronzheimer, S. Will, Micromechanical Resonator. S. Braun, T. Best, I. Bloch, E. Demler, S. Mandt, (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.). D. Rasch, A. Rosch Breakdown of diffusion: From collisional hydrodynamics Knünz, S., M. Herrmann, V. Batteiger, G. Saathoff, to a continuous quantum walk in a homogeneous Hubbard T.W. Hänsch, K. Vahala and T. Udem model Injection Locking of a Trapped Ion Phonon Laser. (submitted, Preprint: arXiv:1005.3545) (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.). Sherson, J., C. Weitenberg, M. Endres, M. Cheneau, I. Bloch Koch, M., C. Sames, A. Kubanek, M. Apel, M. Balbach, and S. Kuhr A. Ourjoumtsev, P.W.H. Pinkse, K. Murr and G. Rempe Single-Atom Resolved Fluorescence Imaging of an Atomic Feedback cooling of a single neutral atom. Mott Insulator. (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.). (Nature, in press).

Kosma, K., S.A. Trushin, W. Fuß, W.E. Schmid and Sommer, C., M. Motsch, S. Chervenkov, L.D. van Buuren, B.M.R. Schneider M. Zeppenfeld, P.W.H. Pinkse and G. Rempe Photodissociation of group-6 hexacarbonyls: Observa- Velocity-selected molecular pulses produced by an electric tion of coherent oscillations in an antisymmetric (pseu- guide. dorotation) vibration in Mo(CO)5 and W(CO)5. (submitted to Phys. Rev. A). (J. Phys. B, in press). Conference Proceedings and Kubanek, A., M. Koch, C. Sames, A. Ourjoumtsev, Book Chapters 2008 – 2010 P.W.H. Pinkse, K. Murr and G. Rempe Feedback control of a single atom in an optical cavity. Aguado, M., M. Asorey, E. Ercolessi, F. Ortolani and (submitted to Appl. Phys. B). S. Pasini DMRG simulation of the SU(3) antiferromagnetic Mauritsson, J., T. Remetter, M. Swoboda, K. Klünder, Heisenberg model. A. L’Huillier, K.J. Schafer, O. Ghafur, F. Kelkensberg, In: Mathematical Physics and Field Theory, (Eds.) W. Siu, P. Johnsson, M.J.J. Vrakking, I. Znakovskaya, M. Asorey, J.V. García Esteve, M.F. Rañada, J.P. Sesma. T. Uphues, S. Zherebtsov, M.F. Kling, F. Lepine, Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 2009, 35-43. E. Benedetti, F. Ferrari, G. Sansone and M. Nisoli Attosecond pump-probe electron interferometry. Anetsberger, G., A. Schließer, R. Rivière, O. Arcizet and (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.). T.J. Kippenberg Mechanical Dissipation in Optical Microresonators. Ozawa, A., T. Udem, U.D. Zeitner, T.W. Hänsch and In: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) P. Hommelhoff Annual Meeting. IEEE, New York 2008, 2067-2068. Modeling and Optimization of Single-Pass Laser Amplifiers for High Repetition Rate Laser Pulses. Bañuls, M.C., J.I. Cirac and M.M. Wolf (submitted to Phys. Rev. A). Entanglement in systems of indistinguishable fermions. In: J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 171. IOP, Bristol 2009, 012032.

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 388 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Bloch, I. Computing (QCMC), (Ed.) A. Lvovsky. AIP Conf. Proc. Strongly Correlated Quantum Phases of Ultracold Atoms 1110. AIP, Melville 2009, 249-252. in Optical Lattices In: International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Hörlein, R., Y. Nomura, J. Osterhoff, Z. Major, S. Karsch, Varenna, Nano optics and atomics: transport of light and F. Krausz and G.D. Tsakiris matter waves High harmonics from solid surfaces as a source of ultra- bright XUV radiation for experiments. Bloch, I. and A. Rosch In: Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 50, IOP, Bristol 2008, Exploring strongly correlated quantum many-body systems 124002. with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. In: Phys. Status Solidi B 247, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010, Keilmann, F. and R. Hillenbrand 530-536. Near-field nanoscopy by elastic light scattering from a tip. In: Nano-Optics and Near-Field Optical Microscopy. (Eds.) Cavalieri, A.L., F. Krausz, R. Ernstorfer, R. Kienberger, A. Zayats, D. Richards. Artech House, Norwood 2009, P. Feulner, J.V. Barth and D. Menzel 235-265. Attosecond time-resolved spectroscopy at surfaces. In: Dynamics at Solid State Surface and Interfaces, Vol.1: Kling, M.F., S. Zherebtsov, I. Znakovskaya, T. Uphues, Current Developments, (Eds.) U. Bovensiepen, H. Petek, G. Sansone, E. Benedetti, F. Ferrari, M. Nisoli, F. Lepine, M. Wolf. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010, 537-553. M. Swoboda, T. Remefter, A. L’Huillier, F. Kelkensberg, W.K. Siu, O. Ghafur, P. Johnsson and M.J.J. Vrakking Chambaret, J., O. Chekhlov, G. Cheriaux, J. Collier, Attosecond control of electron localization in one- and

R. Dabu, P. Dombi, A.M. Dunne, K. Ertel, P. Georges, two-color dissociative ionization of H2 and D2. J. Hebling, J. Hein, C. Hernandez-Gomez, C. Hooker, In: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) S. Karsch, G. Korn, F. Krausz, Le C. Blanc, Z. Major, Annual Meeting. IEEE, New York 2008, 2018-2019. F. Mathieu, T. Metzger, L. Mourou, P. Nickles, K. Osvay, B. Rus, W. Sandner, G. Szabó, D. Ursescu and K. Varjú Kuroda, N., Y. Nagata, H. A. Torii, D. Barna, J. Eades, Extreme Light Infrastructure: architecture and major D. Horváth, M. Hori, H. Imao, K. Komaki, A. Mohri, challenges. M. Shibata and Y. Yamazaki In: Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers IV, and High-Power Radial compression of antiproton cloud for production of Lasers, (Eds.) T. Graf, J.I. Mackenzie, H. Jelinková, ultraslow antiproton beams. G.G. Paulus, V. Bagnoud, C. Le Blanc. SPIE Proc. 7721, In: Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VII, (Eds.) J.R. Danielson, Bellingham 2010, 77211D. T.S. Pedersen. AIP Conf. Proc. 1114. AIP, Melville 2009, 157-162. Cundiff, S.T., F. Krausz and T. Fuji Carrier-Envelope Phase of Ultrashort Pulses. Manescau, A., C. Araujo-Hauck, L. Pasquini, M.T. Murphy, In: Strong Field Laser Physics, (Ed.) T. Brabec. Springer T. Udem, T.W. Hänsch, R. Holzwarth, A. Sizmann, Ser. Opt. Sci. 134, Springer, New York 2008, 61-89. H. Dekker and S.D. Odorico High Resolution Wavelength Calibration: Advancements Del’Haye, P., O. Arcizet, A. Schließer, T. Wilken, with Laser Frequency Comb Development. R. Holzwarth and T.J. Kippenberg In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, Astrophysics and Full stabilization of a frequency comb generated in a Space Science Proc. Springer,New York 2009, 411-413. monolithic microcavity. In: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Meyer-ter-Vehn, J. Annual Meeting. IEEE, New York 2008, 1564-1565. From laser fusion to laser accelerators: basic studies into high power laser plasmas. Dürr, S., N. Syassen, D.M. Bauer, M. Lettner, T. Volz, In: Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 51, IOP, Bristol 2009, D. Dietze, J.J. García-Ripoll and J.I. Cirac 124001. A Dissipative Tonks-Girardeau Gas of Molecules. In: Pushing the Frontiers of Atomic Physics, (Eds.) R. Côté, Mezzacapo, F. and M. Boninsegni P.L. Gould, M. Rozman, W.W. Smith. World Scientific, Classical and quantum physics of hydrogen clusters. London 2009, 307-314. In: J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 21, IOP, Bristol 2009, 164205.

Figueroa, E., J. Appel, D. Korystov, M. Lobino, C. Kupchak Mezzacapo, F. and M. Boninsegni and A.I. Lvovsky Parahydrogen clusters: Numerical estimates and physical Electromagnetically-induced transparency and squeezed effects. light. In: J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 150, IOP, Bristol 2009, 032059. In: CP 1110, Quantum Communication, Measurement and TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 389

Ono, N., M. Hori and R.S. Hayano intense laser pulses with overdense plasma. Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by In: 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics European high precision laser spectroscopy of pHe+. Conference Abstracts 32D. European Physical Society, In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Cold Antimatter Mulhouse 2008, P-1.145. Plasmas and Application to Fundamental Physics, (Eds.) Y. Kanai, Y. Yamazaki. AIP Conf. Proc. 1037. AIP, Melville Schließer, A., R. Rivière, G. Anetsberger, O. Arcizet and 2008, 137-147. T.J. Kippenberg Resolved-Sideband Laser Cooling of a Micro-Mechanical Osterhoff, J., A. Popp, Z. Major, B. Marx, Oscillator. T.P. Rowlands-Rees, M. Fuchs, R. Hörlein, F. Grüner, In: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) D. Habs, F. Krausz, S.M. Hooker and S. Karsch Annual Meeting. IEEE, New York 2008, 2061-2062. Stable Laser-Driven Electron Beams from a Steady-State- Flow Gas Cell. Schuch, N., J.I. Cirac and M.M. Wolf In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1086. AIP, Melville 2009, 125-130. Gaussian Matrix Product States. In: Quantum Information and Many Body Quantum Ozawa, A., M. Herrmann, A. Vernaleken, C. Gohle, Systems, (Eds.) M. Ericsson, S. Montangero. Edizioni della B. Bernhardt, T. Wilken, W. Schneider, P.V. Welter, Normale, Pisa 2008, 129-142. S. Knünz, V. Batteiger, R. Holzwarth, E. Peters, S. Reinhardt, T.W. Hänsch and T. Udem Walker, D.R., T. Udem, C. Gohle, B. Stein and T.W. Hänsch Extreme Ultraviolet Frequency Combs for Spectroscopy. Frequency Dependence of the Fixed Point in a Fluctuating In: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium Frequency Frequency Comb. Standards and Metrology, (Ed.) L. Maleki. World Scientific In: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Publishing, Singapore 2009, 271-279. Annual Meeting. IEEE, New York 2008, 1315-1316.

Pask, T., D. Barna, A. Dax, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, Will, S., B. Paredes, L. Hackermüller, U. Schneider, T. Best, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, C. Malbrunot, J. Marton, N. Ono, M. Moreno and I. Bloch K. Suzuki, J. Zmeskal and E. Widmann Strongly Correlated Bosons and Fermions in Optical Collisional Effects on the Antiprotonic Helium Hyperfine Lattices. Structure Measurement. In: Laser Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the XIX In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Cold Antimatter International Conference, (Eds.) H. Katori, K. Nakagawa, Plasmas and Application to Fundamental Physics, (Eds.) H. Yoneda. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 2009, Y. Kanai, Y. Yamazaki. AIP Conf. Proc. 1037. AIP, Melville 191-202. 2008, 148-161.

Pervak, V., F. Krausz and A. Apolonskiy Doctoral Theses 2008 – 2010 1,5 octave dispersive dielectric multilayers for pulse compression. Bauer, Dominik: Optical Control of a Magnetic Feshbach In: Advances in Optical Thin Films III, (Eds.) N. Kaiser, Resonance. TU München 2009. M. Lequime, A.H. Macleaod. SPIE Proc. 7101. SPIE, Bellingham 2008, 710116. Henig, Andreas: Advanced Approaches to High Intensity Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration. LMU München 2010. Rebentrost, R., O. Hoffmann and J. Grosser Nonadiabatic Electron Dynamics by Direct Excitation of Herrmann, Maximilian: Precision Spectroscopy and Collision Pairs. Optomechanics of Single Trapped Ions in the Weak- In: Spectral Line Shapes, (Eds.) M.A. Gigosos, Binding Limit. LMU München 2008. M.A. Gonzales. AIP Conf. Proc. 1058. AIP, Melville 2008, 172-174. Hörlein, Rainer: Investigation of the XUV Emission from the Interaction of Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses with Rempe, G. Solid Targets. LMU München 2009. Cavity QED with Single Atomic and Photonic Qubits. In: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Hunger, David: A Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a Annual Meeting. IEEE, New York 2008, 3551-3551. micromechanical oscillator. LMU München 2010.

Rykovanov, S.G., M. Geissler, Y. Nomura, R. Hörlein, Motsch, Michael: Cold Guided Beams of Polar Molecules. B. Dromey, J. Schreiber, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn and G.D. Tsakiris TU München 2009. Properties of the harmonic emission from the interaction of

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010 390 TheGeneral Institute Information Publications

Ozawa, Akira: Frequency combs in the extreme Braun, Simon: Experiments with Ultracold Bose-Fermi ultraviolet. LMU München 2009. Mixtures in Optical Lattices using Raman-Induced Interaction Control. Universität Heidelberg 2009. Perseguers, Sébastien: Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks. TU München 2010. Deeg, Andreas: Zustandsdetektion eines einzelnen Atoms. LMU München 2008. Rom, Tim: Bosonische und Fermionische Quantengase in Dreidimensionalen Optischen Gittern - Präparation, Deutsch, Christian: High Finesse Fibre Fabry-Perot Manipulation und Analyse. LMU München 2009. Resonators - Production, Characterization, and Applications. LMU München 2008. Rosenfeld, Wenjamin: Experiments with an Entangled System of a Single Photon. LMU München 2008. Dou, Tai: Towards Single Molecule Imaging in an Ion Trap. LMU München 2009. Schließer, Albert: Cavity Optomechanics and Optical Frequency Comb Generation with Silica Whispering- Graf, Roswitha: Microfabrication with a High-Energy Gallery-Mode Microresonators. LMU München 2009. Femtosecond Oscillator. Technische Universität Wien 2008.

Schmid, Christian: Multi-photon entanglement and Graf, Ulrich: Generation and Characterization of Intense applications in quantum information. LMU München sub-4-fs Pulses in the deep UV. LMU München 2008. 2008. Guhl, Christoph: Zustandsdetektion einzelner Atome in Schultze, Martin: Attosecond real time observation of einem optischen Resonator hoher Finesse. TU München ionization and electron-electron interactions. LMU 2009. München 2008. Hagemann, Borys: Vibration isolation and spectroscopy of Schuster, Ingrid: Nonlinear spectroscopy of a single-atom- a high-finesse optical resonator. TU München 2008. cavity-system. TU München 2008. Hahn, Carolin: Cross-dimensional Relaxation in Fermi- Steinmetz, Tilo: Resonator-Quantenelektrodynamik auf Fermi Mixtures. LMU München 2009. einem Mikrofallenchip. LMU München 2008. Hauke, Philipp Hans-Jürgen: Classical and Quantum Urbonas, Linas: Experiments with the One-Atom-Maser. Simulations of Frustrated Spin Models. TU München 2009. LMU München 2009. Höfling, Diana: Ytterbium-Faserlaser für Frequenzkamm- Voigt, Arne-Christian: Heteronuclear Molecules from Applikationen. LMU München 2008. a Quantum Degenerate Fermi-Fermi Mixture. LMU München 2010. Hofer, Johannes: Optomechanics with Crystalline Optical Microresonators. LMU München 2009. Weber, Bernhard: Distribution of quantum information between an atom and two photons. TU München 2008. Jacob, Christian: Zustandspräparation einzelner Atome. LMU München 2008. Wieczorek, Witlef: Multi-Photon Entanglement: Experimental Observation, Characterization, and Krüger, Michael: Laser Triggered Electron Emission from Application of up to Six-Photon Entangled States. LMU Tungsten Tips. LMU München 2009. München 2009. Lampert-Richart, Daniel: Entanglement of High- Dimensional Quantum States. LMU München 2008. Diploma Theses 2008 – 2010 Mang, Matthias: Atomare Streuung und Interferometrie Apel, Matthias: Aufbau eines Cavity-Experiments der mit einem entarteten Fermigas. LMU München 2009. nächsten Generation. TU München 2009. Michelberger, Patrick: Femtosecond Pulsed Enhancement Bothschafter, Elisabeth: Collinear Generation and Cavity for Multi-Photon Entanglement Studies. LMU Characterization of Ultrashort UV and XUV Laser Pulses. München 2009. Universität Stuttgart 2009. TheGeneral Institute Information Publications 391

Ortegel, Norbert: Atom-Photon Entanglement. LMU MPQ-325, 2009 München 2009. Weber, B.: Distribution of quantum information between an atom and two photons. Reiter, Florentin: Sub-3 femtosecond pulse generation and characterization in the deep and vacuum ultraviolet. TU MPQ-327, 2010 München 2009. Ozawa, A.: Frequency combs in the extreme ultraviolet.

Schneider, Waldemar: Towards Higher Repetition Rate MPQ-329, 2010 XUV Frequency Combs. LMU München 2009. Motsch, M.: Cold Guided Beams of Polar Molecules.

Schweinberger, Hans Wolfgang: Development of a High- Energy Pulse Compression System Based on a Hollow Core Fiber. LMU München 2008.

Tautz, Raphael: Single-shot characterization of sub-10-fs laser pulses. Universität Regensburg 2008.

Weineisen, Tobias: Density Measurement inside a Sapphire Capillary for Laser Wakefield Acceleration. LMU München 2009.

Zeitler, Benno: Development of a Soft-X-Ray Spectrometer for the Characterization of a Laser-driven Undulator Source. LMU München 2010.

Bachelor Theses 2008 – 2010

Hauck, Matthias: Polarisationsanalyse mit Hilfe von Flüssigkristall Phasenschiebern. LMU München 2009.

Kolb, Jan Philip: Model of a Cryogenic Undulator Tapered by Thermal Gradient. LMU München 2010.

MPQ Reports 2008 – 2010

MPQ-321, 2008 Treutlein, P.: Coherent manipulation of ultracold atoms on atom chips.

MPQ-322, 2008 Nomura, Y.: Temporal characterization of harmonic radiation generated by intense laser-plasma interaction.

MPQ-323, 2008 Schuster, I.: Nonlinear spectroscopy of a single-atom- cavity-system.

MPQ-324, 2009 Hörlein, R.: Investigation of the XUV Emission from the Interaction of Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses with Solid Targets.

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik · Progress Report 2009/2010