Protests Resume in Thought for Today BAGHDAD (Dispatches) – Protesters have gathered in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square to mark one year since a second wave of protests erupted and gripped Iraq over their living conditions, a heritage of the U.S. invasion of the coun- To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in try in 2003. Sunday’s demonstrations renewed calls from early October last year, which saw the start of Iraq’s biggest protest movement since the 2003 grief and sorrow. fall of Saddam Hussein, with demonstrations in the capital Baghdad and Iraq’s mainly Shia south demanding basic services and employment oppor- tunities. Protesters also marched in and several southern cities including Najaf, Nasiriyah and Basra to renew demands proclaimed a year ago. Amir al-Momeneen Ali (AS)

VOL NO: LV 11284 TEHRAN / Est.1959 Monday, October 26, 2020, Aban 5, 1399, Rabi al-Awwal 9, 1442 Palestinian Teen Dies After Bombing at Kabul Education Being Beaten by Zionist Troops Center Kills, Injures Dozens Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility in a statement on Telegram, without providing evi- dence. Family members gathered at a nearby hospital, searching for missing loved ones among bags containing the remains of those killed, laid out on the hos- pital floor, while outside order- Zionist troops attack Palestinians north of Ramallah. lies wheeled injured patients on WEST BANK (Dispatches) – (PLO) accused the occupying stretchers for treatment, a Reuters A Palestinian teenager has died regime’s troops of “a mon- witness said. of his injuries after being beaten strous act of brutality against a Dozens of students died in the by Zionist troops near the town defenseless young man whose same area of Kabul in an attack on of Turmus-Ayya northeast of only crime was being Palestin- another education centre in 2018. Ramallah, according to several ian”. Meanwhile, Afghan security Palestinian news outlets. Senior PLO official Hanan forces have killed Abu Muhsin al- The Palestinian health min- Ashrawi said in the statement Masri, a senior al Qaeda ringleader. istry said that Amer Abedal- that Sanouber had been “blud- Residents gather at a site following a suicide bomber blew himself up in an education center, Al-Masri, believed to be al Qa- rahim Snobar arrived at the geoned” to death by Zionist in Kabul on October 24, 2020. eda’s second-in-command, was hospital after being “severely troops. KABUL (Dispatches) – A bomb- who detonated explosives in the according to the health ministry. killed during a special operation in beaten on the neck”. Members of a medical NGO ing at an education center in Af- street outside the Kawsar-e Dan- Fifty-seven were injured in the at- Ghazni province. Ahmed al-Bitawi, director of team told local Palestinian ghanistan’s capital Kabul killed 24 ish center. tack, the interior ministry said. The al Qaeda operative, who also the Palestine Medical Com- news outlets they tried to per- people including teenage students The attack took place in an A Taliban spokesman on Twit- went by the name Husam Abd-al- plex, confirmed to Palestinian form cardiac resuscitation on and wounded dozens more on Sat- area of west Kabul that is home ter denied responsibility for the Ra’uf, was an Egyptian national. news outlets on Sunday morn- Snobar before transferring him urday. to many from the country’s Shia attack, which came at a sensitive Last month, U.S. Secretary of ing that Snobar died as a result to the medical centre. of injuries sustained from an Zionist troops regularly ex- A Ministry of Interior spokes- community. time as teams representing the State Mike Pompeo said fewer attack by Zionist troops. ercise violence and open fatal man, Tariq Arian, said security Most of the victims were stu- militants and the government meet than 200 al-Qaeda operatives re- “There were visible signs of fire on Palestinians, accusing guards had identified a bomber dents aged between 15 and 26, in to seek a peace deal. main in Afghanistan. beatings on Snobar’s neck,” them of attempting to carry out Bitawi said. stabbing attacks. The medical centre reported Human rights groups have New Lebanese PM Stresses Urgency to Form Cabinet that the injuries to Snobar’s repeatedly criticized the occu- neck were consistent with be- pying regime for brutally kill- (Dispatches) – Newly with 65 votes out of 128 to form a list of woes including a bank- that the new premier, the third in ing beaten with the butts of Zi- ing Palestinians who did not onist troops’ rifles. pose serious threats to Zionists appointed Lebanese Prime Min- a cabinet, one year after the ing crisis and currency crash. a year, would have to spearhead In a statement, the Pales- at the scene of the alleged at- ister said on Fri- eruption of nationwide protests Meanwhile, ’s Amal reforms and combat corruption tine Liberation Organization tacks. day that authorities must put all that led to his resignation. bloc called for the formation of to rescue the crisis-wracked their differences aside to form a Hariri assured that he will a government “as fast as possi- country. cabinet and restore confidence in form a government of special- ble” after Hariri was nominated In late August, Erdogan Brushes Off U.S. the country, said a statement by ists to implement reforms. to be the next prime minister. was nominated to form a new Hariri’s office. “We need time to get out of The small Mediterranean coun- government after his predeces- Criticism Over S-400 “We should work on restoring this crisis but we should start try is grappling with its worst sor, Hassan Diab, resigned in ANKARA (Sputnik) – Turkish that “the purchase and planned confidence between the citizens with reforms quickly to unlock economic crisis in decades and the aftermath of the gigantic ex- President Recep Tayyip Erdogan check-ups of the S-400s do not and the government on one hand support by the International still reeling from a colossal port plosion in Beirut. has affirmed that Ankara does mean that the country is alienat- not intend to abandon the S-400 ing itself from NATO”. and between the government Monetary Fund in a bid to stop explosion that claimed the lives However, Adib, who had missile systems purchased from He stressed that the purchase and the international commu- the country’s deterioration and of 203 people and ravaged large vowed to form a cabinet of ex- Russia. of the Russian-made missile nity on the other hand,” Hariri rebuild Beirut following the parts of Beirut on August 4. perts in line with conditions set “The United States does not systems does not violate Tur- said following parliamentary port’s blasts,” he said. The devastating blast, which by French President Emmanuel know who it is dealing with. key’s obligations as a member consultations conducted for the Hariri faces major challenges razed the Beirut port to the Macron, faced resistance from a You told us to send the S-400s of the alliance and asked NATO back to Russia. But we are not a to point out an alternative to the formation of cabinet. to navigate Lebanon’s sectarian ground, further injured some number of main parties and ul- tribal state, we are Turkey”, Er- air defense system, instead of Lebanon named on Thursday power-sharing politics to agree a 6,500 others. timately stepped down nearly a dogan told a meeting in the city criticizing the deal. Hariri as the new prime minister cabinet, which must then tackle On Wednesday, Aoun warned month later. of Malatya on Sunday. Earlier this week, Akar con- In an apparent jab at Washing- firmed that Turkey had con- ton, the Turkish president also ducted tests of the air defense suggested that the U.S. should systems in Sinop, noting that Starts Voting in Parliamentary Elections slap sanctions on Ankara, a the drills were scheduled in ac- CAIRO (Al Jazeera) – Egyptians are voting to Giant billboards have sprung up across the government coalition led by the Mostakbal move that the White House has cordance with the contract. elect a new parliament which critics say will just bustling capital, Cairo and elsewhere ahead of Watan party, or the “Nation’s Future Party”. repeatedly pledged to make This followed Erdogan stating replicate a “rubber-stamp” body in place since the vote that takes place on Saturday and Sun- It includes top businessmen and public figures with regard to Turkey. that Turkey will not hold any 2015 under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. day. and has grown since 2014 to be one of the domi- “Whatever the sanctions will consultations with the United In the second national elections this year, the And some candidates are campaigning online nant political forces. be, do not be late, introduce States regarding tests of the S- country will be electing 568 seats out of 596 in and have released video clips with songs to The October vote is the second to be held amid them”, Erdogan said, recalling 400s, adding, “the tests have the lower house of parliament from Saturday draw support. the COVID-19 pandemic which has so far in- that even though Turkey “paid been carried out and they are and will stretch over several weeks. But many of those running also stood for fected more than 105,000 people and killed money for [the U.S. fifth-gener- being carried out”. The remaining deputies will be appointed election five years ago in a political landscape nearly 6,200 in the country. ation fighter] F-35, Washington “The approach of the U.S. is by the army general-turned-president el-Sisi, marked by the presence of dozens of parties In August, Egypt held elections for the newly never supplied the warplanes to not binding for us in any way whose government has over the years silenced with little weight and influence on the ground. restored 300-seat Senate in muted upper house Ankara”. because how can we not test the any serious political opposition to its rule. The 2015 parliament was the first to come into elections marked by low voter turnout of about The statement comes a day means that we have? Of course, More than 4,500 candidates are running as in- office after the army, led by el-Sisi, deposed 14 percent. after Defense Minister Hulusi we are not going to consult with dependents and on lists of party alliances. They former leader Mohamed Morsi following wide- The reinstatement of the upper house – which Akar said that the Turkish mili- the U.S. on that. Not only for are widely seen as backers of el-Sisi. spread protests against the country’s first demo- was abolished after Morsi’s removal – was tary is checking its S-400 air the S-400, but also many other Final results are not expected until mid-De- cratically elected civilian president. among the constitutional amendments that defense systems and preparing heavy and light weapons”, he cember. Most of the candidates are fielded by a pro- Egyptians overwhelmingly voted for last year. them for deployment, adding underlined.