1-Eplying to Your Letter of July 21: Jj,Àas.Imadan to Review Your Periodical in the Journal the American Medicai

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1-Eplying to Your Letter of July 21: Jj,Àas.Imadan to Review Your Periodical in the Journal the American Medicai Tili JOLIANAL 01 TN( AMIRICAII NaDICAL moem!~ Altimkti. 0! INT ..... NIEDIC3P1 hAnomat. CLOSIrilttl NekliNetAtualt Of 015CASN ,11/1111CAN 10UR/1AL O! 01 Of (Natalia OLIAMIRLY CUNULAT.Y1 lesou authicur American fiatral Aeatirialinn ANCNIYNN Of NIUNOLONT ANO MCNIMIT AlilkaiCAPS MEDICAI thRICIORI AR(1.1, ta Of DZINATOLOCI1 LIO 1~W~ 1111~ aNSHITII Of 110 RRRRR 595 NORTH VEARBORN STREET Aesewas Cl OTOt.aRTNIv•OGY Àzr.uiv:$ "%tleCT-CCY 4111CNIVIli Of Of/1 NNNNN 0k~ 111014r1S toem% E. WHELAN, ASIISTANT VO Val t:OIT011 • ruo Piernoil ida ir ibese ~alol CHICAGO, ILL,. July 28, 1942 Dr. Theodore P. Wolfe New York City Dear Doctor Wolfe: '1-eplying to your letter of July 21: jj,àAs.imadan to review your periodical in The Journal the American medicai. Association. It is, however, listed In the Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus. Very truly yours, zw Ray 8th. 1945 haerteezt ONU. Libertigne caiou 170 mui munas 10 Zoei 1O Na. ARWITVES of the ORGONE eirataaseem R INSTITUTE I reeelved 7ometracitatiou te the acetine 431 World Precdoe ot speeeh and Premi, Miwy1 b peraltted to caí a few ~de, beirem& anabie to ~and the acetines Prialkia et apeach and preme are usual], and unooneoloualy lsiug eitelaterpreted In the nenen that Irrationallea ehould have Os same !mudam et *apimentou aa ratIonalleas and that the lis ahould have the u tremi!~ et 'palme' s the truth. This ala- eeneeption of freedon hae LM the amuem world into the 41eaeer ~nos the preeent humo oháraeter etrueture is eore arreta of the trrath than of the lie, and more inolined to irratlonal tkn to Patamal reaetiona. If real pasce and delmoraoy abaula have a chame of erowth, I belleve • UNIrquehdlettnetion between ~local and Irrattonal, trutidul and deoeltful ?man activa and ~regalou ehould bo nide and that freedoa epeech and preso abould aot be eranted to fseclet lie and irrationallea, wherever and by whonever 11 is expreeeed. 1 do noto cif °oure% overlook the treeendoma laplioatione and diffleultlee o! euoh a ~nego 1n the oonospt ef Wenn treedoa. Otneerely youre, NATIONALCOMMTUB LDWj rsDAbeiC 511.1401, lei is 0141411,MALMIA Rum Da. Hmeav E.easit Rasas AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION HON. JOHti Omossury iy 16 Mo 1945 Fios. EDz. M. 5011/MAAR V AN WYCK I1100111 170 Fifth Avcnue • New York City (10) L. HENAY 51fDIL C.ANRT (=r 2oc.4 .Strecee WILLIAM HirillY GreAseizassee Rap, JoeeN M. COPIAIS GRarnerry 7-4330 Mr. Roger Baldwin Moamis L. Coma POIO!. ej BORGA S. COUNT% Amerioan Civil Libertiee Union JOHN Dos PASSO& OFFICERS 170 Fifth Avenue M aLYYN Dot.OLAS ATICHIVES Sitaxsevon Eeare Not. Ume/ao A. Roas Nume. S. Beca. B. W. Siuseasr_ss Luclili H. Meutaa. New York 109 N' t. DiAN Lloya K. GAmaesoN SPereefflit THOILAS H. Usos Cbdieeopo, Már,,..,14 C. Milittet TrrAmMAT PRAN o. P. Gi A MAM Piamo' Ganzepe Rara of the Doam mr C,,Nreaio Fumem Ror. 101411 HAYNER 1101)111 Ri. Rav, Ernwpais E. Paasoma Rotina N. SALLFWIN .Amas IA% II ENOS F Crarirsiedwr, barri al 13.rudsPJ Da. MAAY E. Wooszsy DhárfÉel Riam% L. !men Rire. HARRY EM&ILSON PORDISR Virr•Chaor.cren, .N.ia ceai rowni,i,. Coeso.' RGONE KATI CRAN5 GARTz a Doar Mr. Baldearas Dum CHRISTIAN GAus.1 DiAP. CeekaLas W. INSTITUTE POZIUIS HAPG0OD 'cala G. HAARIsoN 1 am in agredi ent with your etatements in your anmver 114,Aavis C. HARResoN to ey letter te, sue& an ixtent the.% the apparent dleaerese- WILLIA:-T H. HA5-111 CHAMAR 11. HODs'i ON May 15th, 1945 men% serve* as an ezeellent example et democrata° ventlaa- QUINCY HowS tion ot opinions DR. MORIAWAS VG JOHNSON SAlloxo KM° DR. JOHN A. LArp Pios. 1-LotouaD. LAsswate. Of coureeet ris oannot antruat the polear to euppreme 'as ciOWN LlACH the *vila of frac epeeeh to anybc, Ay. ln gy publioatione . LERNER WILLIAM DRAPSit tia IA 1 have again and again etreeeed the point that postar and How. Rosam. Moam LovierT Dr. Wilheim Reich trutb are mutualiy eutolualve• Dut the point Ia thie: The PROF. 11001RT S. LYND 99.-OS Stafford Avenue friiN P. NtAilQUAND exiatenoe or a ttvtl b!herdes Union whtoh fighto bravely PROF. KÉRTSZY F. AITATLIBa Forest Hills, New York ~CP FRAN(.13 J. MCCONNRLL g nd etrenuouily againet poli tical irrationallem proves that CARAT 11'..c‘Vrt.LIAmS thr truth hes not the Da. ALWRANDIR Mame.vottes Denr Dr. Reich: gaze right se the lie. 1 would like a,. Ray. %riam Agrruized. to sus thinge revereed; there ehoeld exiet a Fatia Aloirar mLie and Rebolai CLAYTON Moam Rom Hatrede Libertlee Union", with the plight to dirimd iteelf A. J. Meses Ne appreciate your coment. Long ago me cante Da. WILlçAil Muer NseLsoN to the conclusion that nona of us is avise enough to agninet well eetabliehed and unehakeable civil libertleie Nor. Wee_LeAae F. Osoulee Truth ahould not have a leeser Na% a greater chance than asno, G. /11I0AILIT ORNAM determine what is rational or trratIonal, or what i2 jAHLS G. Parroee progress and mhat is not. Benjamin Franklin stated the lie. There are untold numbere of damooratio committeee Japonscs Pium on thie and that; v not eatabliah a cemmittee for the Pine. Mo, RADIN the case when he said,"Of course the ovila of freis A. PHILIP RANTIOLRH investigation ef objective differeneee between ratIonallem Rar. Wu.e. Roçai". JR. speech should be suppressed, but to mhom can me en- JOHN Neevere SAssea and irratiorwellem, mechanieme ot lie and meohanleme of truth, RI', Ray. WILLIAM StAiLITT trust the pomer to suppress them?" JosieTH SSIALossinams During the pari 40 piaria colono* hae providod mano toais of Pior. VIDA D. Scunan knowledge to diatinguleh irrationallem from rationaliam. PROF. 001r.1 SHRFARD We trust no such pomerland therefore are for RODIRT E. SkIerawooD The poesibillty tolineorporate thée now knowledge in to the RAIAI Asas [ SI usa all frise speech iand trust the democratic instinots PROF. C.LARRINC1R Secereeisi total franework o! demeeratie endeavore ia thus givene LIWAN E. Se.esek of the people to decide right. 1 dontt agree that %SUN PKELps STOSAS Europe ment fascist because of freis speech. 41MoND S.A INC 1 would ilke to mention only one Great dietinotion "MAU. GARILISON ViLLARD between rationallem and lierationallem, the e WH_LiAm L. WHres Bincerely yours„ L. HOM. I NIMISORTH Woco and the JAU' Mo:ative tunotione within our OCO • Da. WILLIAM LihdDRAT YouNn BOARD OF DIRECTORS ledid net man to eay that *Surope went faseie% beeettee ERNIMI AHGILL A ente) M. SINGRAM of frise apeece, but that Zurope went faeolet beeauee of the HARRY Loam BINFIR PROF. PAUL F. Raiamo/mel leek of euch dletinotiono in eocial thinkinge 1 alvo firmais Dowareer Domem' Remoa:Ler belleve In the democratio inetinoto of the ~pie to decide AetAN Keine-ff °emacies Riamo S. Colma what la right and shat Ite wrong; but there* demooratio In - Noalcem CotioNs Moitaes L ismer etlnote will not ~me effmative unleee the poser of orcem* 1011N P. FrNM1TY iamd irrationallee le matehed by unreatrloted and proteeted OSMOND K. PRARNISIL WALTRR FRANIC tom4pq qt_truth ali over the world. VAIHAN WAVris. GILLHoRN Sincerely you Nanam GRUM ARIFIUR Garito HAYS ANNA ARwoLD HIDDRMAN Ray. JOHN Hpro as Holm rs e, 11t.rvasH Dotarem KINYON 2‘. CORLIRa LAMONT Plasmo' LA1111111 Nor. Eoupao C. Lereolaw4 Ppm KARL N. Listram" Pior. Roam- M. Medrai TH urlio~ MARSHALL FIRAM: NoRTHRUT E ualea Rica Wien-Nay Nome Smicatra Rav. Wee.u.sas Fe. Bromam NOSIMAN MIMAM C. Dama:tome Wasiaarg $92c• —gwenty-five Years in nfénse eívil erderlies— R ay eá orne L %Vem ;945 ~tele TIIE NEW REPUBLIC ECFMRER 2, 11346 IsWina vi Vienna. Fretlf 192.5 to 19;a ke was ISSi`alnit Calling All Couriers gibmi medem director of the Peychoanalytic Clinic there. TFIE NEW REPUBLIC DECEMBER 2, 1946 Froco uatil 1933 he worked in Vienna and Berlin The Piees-logy ef feeeihn, jWillee!sei Reihh,MI). in fres ardes esrabliehod to give atledce utt sex problems. instehheeneel firouesesee," iVanstorsd by Theodore P. Wall, M.D. New Y ork: "Ltajitiun" appears "biedqriad Is is intelesting—nos to aay alarming---how he Ene Particnbuty notewortby were his elinkal contributions to ebariacterologfeal rigick." ?ha caritas peia Orgone 1 nstitu. re Presa. 344 pager, " ," Now psychoanalysis Meu his phliticophobia. One of há early loc- the study of character formadon from the psyehoanalytic cialistic'" 4', are 4bdislas4 tures was attendcd by a Russian prefessor who questioncd They were /roa to choose whother they ~tad to ha kitágt The Funetion of the aillastatgaalail~r point of view. In his monograph the valtdity of the Oedipus complex. Reich now Irrites dm, s2i twnted to de or the ccuriers of kiftgr. Like ehildrm, Orgarm he added to our knowledge of a neglected phase are o Is reznarres 'as W36 previam elidam tottrierr. That is why there aro noto nothing bui eouriers. They triumphantly: "Fourteen years later há comradea were of the psychology• of sex. His contributions to psycho- Other tearts acene to have beeseLdeenad jethae~ rata through the world ata, fif1(‘ th.ora are rio kirigs, they reg being kllied by the horda of Führeresubservient nue/eine analytic tçchnique were widely accepted. Pleitaing. That maltes much of the to ene another their rnersages which lava becorne sertseleit. teat unclear. But what men." Does he really want us to believe that more exun- In his next period, Reicb occupied himsdf with the stands out from ali the bio hja£ical obfuscatisprt is an latr sive cultivation of psychoanalysie and bebe! in the Oedipus N THIS little story the poet Kafka illustrates a sete of social problems with which any consistent development of VD.Se1.-nPt fu_02 Tpale o: "that typical structure of tias complex would have aaved the Rusaians froin Nazi mind prevalent in our time: the shirking of active politi- psychoanalysis finda itself inevitably confroneed.
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