Mr A S R GROVES MBE CLERK THE PARISH OFFICE HASKELL CENTRE Tel: 01428 722988 MIDHURST ROAD Fax: 01428 727335 LIPHOOK e-mail: [email protected] GU30 7TN


MINUTES PRESENT: Cllr Mrs E Hope (Chairman), Cllr J Austin-Olsen, Cllr M Croucher, Cllr Mrs B Easton, Cllr R Evans, Cllr Mrs D Hoskins, Cllr D Jerrard, Cllr B Mouland, Cllr Ms J Poole (Parish Councillors). Mr A Groves (Clerk), Mrs A Haussauer (Deputy Clerk). Fourteen members of the public and one member of the press were present.


Preliminaries – Mobile Phones, Toilets, Fire Escapes, Loop, and Tape machine.

83/11 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Cllr Mrs James, Cllr Dr Judge, Cllr Robinson.


Annual Meeting - 16 May 2011. Cllr Hoskins said that any mention of accounts had been omitted from the decision on Item 75/11, and therefore the scope of the Working Party had been reduced and not the remit that had been agreed upon. The Clerk confirmed that the minute was correct. The recording had been checked this could be confirmed by the Deputy Clerk. The Clerk informed members that the Working Party established by the F&P Committee earlier that evening was an Accounts and Annual Return Working Party.

For Decision : To agree the minutes of the meeting. Proposed : Cllr Croucher Seconded : Cllr Jerrard Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Clerk

Extraordinary Meeting – 13 June 2011. Clarification of the motion at Minute 81/11 was sought. The confusion was felt to be due to having agendas and minutes for the open and exempt sessions; this was discussed. The Clerk said he continued to advise the Council to have one agenda and one set of minutes.

For Decision : To agree the minutes of the extraordinary meeting. Proposed : Cllr Croucher Seconded : Cllr Easton Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Clerk 1


Annual Meeting – 16 May 2011 . 76/11 Any Other Business . Alternative venues for the Parish Council meetings.

For Decision : To hold meetings of the Parish Council in an alternative venue. Proposed : Cllr Evans Seconded : Cllr Easton Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Agreed. (The Chairman said she would discuss this with the Clerk) Clerk

Extraordinary Meeting - 13 June 2011 . None.

86/11 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - The declaration was read out.


LMCMC Meeting – 19 May 2011. Cllr Jerrard expressed his concerns over the minutes, and read from a recent report in the Liphook Herald concerning secret meetings. Cllr Jerrard referred to Standing Order 2.8. which he read from. He found it disturbing that there were pages of discussion in the minutes which were reported in the paper, and did the Council no good at all, because a lot of it was not accurate. The Chairman said there had been support from the public because of the article, and members of the public had read it and made comment to her. The Chairman said that the Council were open and above board and would discuss things openly, and the raising of secret meetings was absolute nonsense. If this continued, The Chairman said she would have to do something about the press coverage. The Chairman asked the public to read the Parish Council website and the minutes would be checked before they went on the website.

Finance & Policy (F&P) Committee – 6 and 9 June 2011 . H, B & T Committee Meeting – 13 June 2011 . Planning Committee Meetings – 23 May and 20 June 2011 .

Website Working Party – 3 June 2011 Cllr Austin - Olsen said that he could not find anything about this meeting. Cllr Jerrard gave his opinion on minutes and notes for Working Parties. Cllr Jerrard said he had produced Terms of Reference (TOR) and notes for the meeting which were subsequently distributed to members. Cllr Mrs Easton asked if there were any questions.

Annual Return Working Party - 16 May and 15 June . Cllr Austin - Olsen said that he had been unable to find anything about these meetings. Cllr Jerrard said that the notes for these meetings were not for distribution. Cllr Hope said that as explained at the recent training sessions, notes or minutes for Working Parties were not required but if a Working Party was making decisions that was a different matter. This was discussed further. The Clerk asked for confirmation of the date of the first meeting for the record, and confirmed that notes of the meeting had been written with decisions made. There was further discussion about the date, location, and status, and nature of Working Party meetings. The Chairman said Working Parties were not about councillors going away and making decisions.

For Approval : Acceptance of the minutes/notes of Committees and Working Parties and their recommendations. Proposed : Cllr Jerrard Seconded : Cllr Hoskins Vote : For: 8, Abstention: 1 2

Resolution: Agreed. (less Annual Return Working Party meetings of 16 May and 15 June as no minutes or notes had been placed before the Council) Clerk


Cllr Croucher reported on the completion of monthly checks for period 1-30 May 2011 and invited questions.

For Approval : Acceptance of the report and approval for payments for May 2011. Proposed : Cllr Mrs Hoskins Seconded : Cllr Evans Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Agreed. Clerk


Meeting adjourned.

Questions to the Parish Council – Matters not on the Agenda

Liphook Herald Article (Mr Trodden). The writing of a formal letter to the Farnham Herald making a complaint about the biased reporting by Gabrielle Pike, and the “slagging off” of decent and good councillors.

Response: The production of a proforma complaint letter to send to the press was being considered by Cllr Mrs Hoskins.

Oak Tree – Parish Office (Mr Trotter) . The receipt of a report on its condition.

Response: A report had been received from the Parish Tree Warden that there was a growth problem and a recommendation would be made to the Council.

Bohunt Manor – Damage to the trees with Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on the drive (Mr Trotter) . Receipt of further reports.

Response: No further reports received; noted for follow up with other related matters by the Planning Committee.

Bohunt Manor – TPO felled trees replanting (Mr Trotter) .

Response: Report matter to EHDC; advised to write to the Chairman of the Planning Committee with questions of this nature.

Legal Correspondence from Thompson’s Solicitor (Mr Jackson) . What the letter was about as listed on an agenda.

Response: Exempt matter; whether a statement would be made would be decided by the Committee/Council and was confidential.

Verges - Old Midhurst Road/Station Road (Mrs Kirkpatrick). Overhanging branches problem.

Response: Already reported to HCC.


Footpath - Triggs Cottages (Mrs Kirkpatrick) . Dangerous junction with main road and what about having some traffic lights.

Response: Noted; suggested to write to Cllr Evans the Chairman of the H, B & T Committee with these concerns.

Minutes of the Meeting (Mr Young) . Will the minutes be verbatim minutes.

Response: Minutes are at the discretion of the Clerk of the meeting.

Appendices to agendas (Mr Young) . Why no appendices sent out for these meetings.

Response: Appendices sent out to all councillors but available to public anytime they want; was effectively an agenda item on the Website Working Party.

The Avenue (Mr Young) . Hope the Parish Council going to push hard over parking and traffic problems.

Response: Regular meetings had been held previously; noted by Cllr Evans for H, B & T Committee.

The Peak Centre – CCTV Cameras (Mr Hall) . Possibility of having cameras because of vandalism, and drug activity which the police were not dealing with.

Response: Noted by the Chairman for the next Community Tasking and Co-ordinating Group (CTCG) meeting. The meeting was re-convened.

Members/Public Participation (Code of Conduct, Paragraph 12 (2)) . None. Public Participation (Items on the Agenda) . The Chairman invited questions; none were received.


The Motion: “This Council approves the Annual Return for the Year ended 31 March 2011 and that it should be signed on behalf of the Council by the Chairman and the Clerk and forwarded to the Audit Commission”.

The Motion was put by the Chairman, and following discussion the Chairman withdrew the motion.


Co-opted Members - LMCMC The Chairman explained the background to appointing six co-opted members, and read out the list of nominations, checked that those present wished to be nominated, and added Mr C Evenden to the list. The Chairman said that there was still a need for volunteers, and increased numbers to keep the LMC going. She thanked everybody who had been involved.

The Chairman sought a ballot. Following discussion over the nominations and how the ballot would be conducted, the Chairman decided that the three representatives, as set out in Standing Orders, should be appointed. 4

For Decision : Co-option of the representatives from the Scouts and Guides, the Preservation Society and Age Concern to the LMCMC. Proposed : Cllr Jerrard Seconded : Cllr Hoskins Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Mr K Stephenson (Scouts and Guides), Ms J Marr (Preservation Society) and Mrs D Rapley (Meals on Wheels working for Age Concern), were co-opted to the LMCMC. Clerk

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a five minute break and then re-convened the meeting. The Chairman explained that a further three members would be co-opted. A ballot was held. The Chairman announced that Mr C Evenden and Mrs Garwood had received seven votes each, Mrs Laver and Mrs Murray had received four votes each, Mr Tanner had three votes and Dr Tough two votes. The Chairman confirmed that she wished to co-opt the nominations with the highest number of votes. The Clerk advised that no single nomination had an absolute majority.

Result of Ballot: Mr Evenden, Mrs Garwood were co-opted to the LMCMC. Clerk

Cllr Mouland proposed that as Mrs Murray was happy to be a volunteer, Mrs Laver should be co-opted.

For Decision : The co-option of Mrs J Laver to the LMCMC. Proposed : Cllr Mouland Seconded : Cllr Austin-Olsen Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Mrs J Laver was co-opted to the LMCMC. Clerk

The Chairman said she would be looking to Mr Tanner, Dr Tough and Mrs Murray to lead on projects, as they did now, as volunteers. It was important that the voluntary work should continue. She said would like to meet with them to work out how they would continue their work as volunteers.

Planning Committee . Members considered the appointment of a councillor to fill the vacancy on the Committee. Following discussion, no volunteers were forthcoming.


The Motion : “This Council resolves that draft minutes for all Parish Council Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, and Working Party/Group minutes or notes, are published with a “DRAFT” watermark until they are formally approved.”

Cllr Mrs Hoskins said, that as Cllr Jerrard had already pointed out, a lot of councillors were upset with the way the LMCMC minutes were put together. As a result, Cllr Mrs Hoskins had put a motion together to try and prevent that sort of thing happening again. After putting the original motion forward, there was an amendment and the motion was not her full motion as the additional sentence had been omitted. The Chairman asked Cllr Mrs Hoskins to put her motion. Cllr Mrs Hoskins read from her notes in support of the motion; the Chairman interjected that Cllr Mrs Hoskins should put the motion on the agenda. Cllr Mrs Hoskins put the motion saying that it was clearly not her motion. The Clerk informed the Chairman that it was Cllr Mrs Hoskins’ motion, that it had been received with her name and agreement to the amended version put forward.

Cllr Hoskins made further representations about her motion, and that her motion being voted upon was not her motion. The Chairman said that Cllr Mrs Hoskins should withdraw her motion until the matter was sorted out. The Clerk made a statement setting 5

out the background to the motion as placed before the Council and that HALC had provided advice which had been copied to Cllr Mrs Hoskins

Cllr Mrs Hoskins proposed that the motion should be removed from the agenda and the motion be put as she had written it. Cllr Mrs Hoskins said she was not asking for the Chairman or Vice Chairman to approve the minutes that they agree with the Clerk that the draft minutes as written were appropriate. This did not constitute voting on the minutes which was an entirely different matter. If the LMCMC Minutes had been shown to any councillor prior to them being put on the website, not one councillor would have said they were appropriate.

Discussion : The inclusion of “DRAFT” on the minutes in relation to the motion, the additional sentence, and what had been discussed at the training session. The proposing of an amendment or putting the motion, and the status of minutes/notes for Working Parties; the Clerk provided advice in respect of Working Parties.

For Decision: The motion. Proposed : Cllr Jerrard Seconded : Cllr Mouland Vote : For: 8, Against: 1 Resolution: Agreed. Clerk


Website Working Party . Cllr Mrs Easton explained the need for an additional member. Cllr Jerrard proposed that Cllr Mrs Easton should be the Chairman. For Decision : To appoint Cllr Jerrard to the Working Party. Proposed : Cllr Easton Seconded : Cllr Croucher Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Cllr Jerrard was appointed to the Website Working Party. DJ For Decision : To appoint Cllr Mrs Easton as Chairman of the Working Party. Proposed : Cllr Jerrard Seconded : Cllr Evans Vote : For: 9 Resolution : Cllr Mrs Easton was appointed Chairman of the Website Working Party. BE

The Terms of Reference (TOR), which had been circulated by Cllr Jerrard earlier in the meeting were noted; the Clerk advised that such TOR should be received in well advance.

For Decision : To agree the (TOR) for the Website Working Party. Proposed : Cllr Croucher Seconded : Cllr Mrs Hoskins Vote : For: 9 Working Resolution : The TOR for the Website Working Party were agreed (Appendix 1). Party

Standing Orders Working Party The Motion: “To set up a Working Party (WP) to develop a new set of Standing Orders based on the latest version of the new NALC Standing Orders. The Chairman of the WP is to be Cllr Hoskins together with two other nominated Councillors. The WP will report to the full council with its recommendations at the September meeting or earlier if possible.”

Cllr Croucher explained that this piece of work was mind numbingly boring because of checks and double checks of the standards and proposed standards. Cllr Croucher suggested two councillors join Cllr Mrs Hoskins who had already started the preparation. Cllr Croucher felt that the two councillors should be those not involved in another Working Party.


Discussion : The importance of Standing Orders and the involvement of councillors in the process and commenting on any proposals . Who the additional councillors should be. Amending the Motion.

Cllr Mrs Easton proposed that the motion be amended to read “ two or more other nominated councillors ”. For Decision : The amendment. Proposed : Cllr Mrs Easton Seconded : Cllr Jerrard Vote : For: 9 Working Resolution: Agreed. Party

Cllr Mrs Easton, Cllr Mrs Hoskins, Cllr Ms Poole, The Chairman expressed interest in participating in the Working Party.

The Motion: “To set up a Working Party (WP) to develop a new set of Standing Orders based on the latest version of the new NALC Standing Orders. The Chairman of the WP is to be Cllr Hoskins together with two or more other nominated Councillors. The WP will report to the full council with its recommendations at the September meeting or earlier if possible.”

For Decision : The motion. Proposed : Cllr Mrs Hoskins Seconded : Cllr Croucher Vote : For: 9 Working Resolution: Agreed. Party

Members-Officer Protocol Working Party The Motion: “To set up a Working Party (WP) to develop a Member – Officer Protocol based on the December 2009 LAIS 1265.1 Document, or the latest version if it has been superseded. The Chairman of the WP is to be Cllr Croucher together with two other nominated Councillors. The WP will report to the full council with its recommendations at the September meeting or earlier if possible.”

Cllr Croucher explained the background to the motion, that such a motion had already been agreed, although Cllr Croucher wished to enact it again. It was an interesting topic because it was effectively how the members and the officers work together under a joint framework.

For Decision : The motion. Working Proposed : Cllr Croucher Seconded : Cllr Ms Poole Vote : For: 9 Party Resolution: Agreed.


Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Meeting – 17 May 2011 . Cllr Croucher explained the recent CAB re-organisation from three organisations to one. CAB as it was known, had three offices in , , and Alton. There were outreaches in Liphook and . Research work had been carried out which showed that quite a lot of Liphook citizens did not come to the Liphook Outreach and chose Petersfield and Bordon instead. The reason for this was to do with the current location in the Parish Office. The CEO had asked if there were any alternative venues and Cllr Croucher had suggested the Liphook Millennium Centre. Visits had been conducted, and there would be further discussion. CAB were happy with the service provided by the Parish Council but wished to address the reasons why more citizens did not come to Liphook. Cllr Croucher said the Council paid a fee to run the service. 7

CTCG Meeting - 18 May 2011 . The Chairman said this was a useful forum because issues in Liphook could be dealt with. The Community Safety Team from East Hampshire, the local police sergeant, the Fire Service, and Youth representative from attended. The Clerk would be informing her of the next meeting and she would take a list of matters raised earlier in the meeting to the CTCG meeting.

Parish Plan Steering Group Meeting - 25 May 2011 . Cllr Ms Poole apologised because she had been unable to consult with people on the Parish Plan Group because of inadvertently missing some meetings. Cllr Ms Poole reported that in last few months there had been involvement in Vision for Liphook with manning stalls at various community events. The aim was to improve awareness of the Parish Plan as a means of getting people to think about what they like, dislike and would like to change about Liphook. This had helped to address and update the Parish Survey and to compare and contrast the results. Cllr Ms Poole would prepare a comprehensive overview for the next meeting.

EHAPTC Meeting - 15 June 2011 . The Chairman referred members to the notes of the meeting kindly prepared by the Clerk. She informed members she had left the meeting early because she felt unwell.

Community Magazine Meeting – 15 June 2011 . Cllr Mouland reported that he had attended the meeting. They were a vibrant group who were continuing to deliver a printed journal and giving away 3,900 copies , which was three hundred more than previously. They were saving on costs by shopping around for printers, and appreciative of everything the Parish Council did for them. Cllr Mrs Easton had been volunteered to deliver magazines in Hewshott Lane, and they were keen to write an article on the Youth Club.


The Motion: “This Council resolves to exclude members of the public and the press during the consideration of the following items, as it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were to be present during that item there would be disclosure of exempt information as specified in Paragraph 3 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Local Government Act 1972”. For Decision : The Motion. Proposed : The Chairman Seconded : Cllr Croucher Vote : For: 5, Against: 4 Resolution : Agreed.

The Clerk left the meeting.

Exempt Session Decisions – 27 June 2011 The following were agreed with no matters arising: Minutes - Exempt Session of Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council - 13 June 2011. Acceptance of minutes: Minutes; LMCMC Exempt Session -19 May 2011.

Business Concluded: 10.05pm. Confirmed at the meeting: 26 July 2011 Signed: Chairman

Draft minutes until approved by the Parish Council, which does not preclude the implementing of decisions