Loyola Lawyer Law School Publications

Fall 9-1-1983

Loyola Lawyer

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by this scholarship, to attract and retain top scholars. Dean Frakt also pointed out that the money will be NEWS placed in an endowment account and income only will be distributed BRIEFS annually. "In this manner," he ex­ plained, "a perpetual scholastic me­ morial will be established in memo­ ALUMNI DINNER­ ry of Mr. Burns and future students will be guaranteed funds." Buy Tickets early General criteria set for the award is that it will be made available to The Alumni Board of Governors day and evening students solely on at their August meeting unanimous­ the basis of scholastic ability and/or ly approved naming the achievement. Depending on the in­ Hon.Manuel L. Real '51 as the re­ terest income available, awards will cipient of the 1983 Alumni Associa­ be made to one: an entering law tion Distinguished Service Award. student who demonstrates Judge Real presides as Chief Judge unusually high scadernic potential of the U.S. District Court. and two: the person who attains the Speaking for the Board, President highest GPA after the first year. If Claire Van Darn '73 summarized funds become available for more Judge Real's career as a scholar, students it has been suggested per­ teacher and jurist and declared him Deborah Snyder first recipient of Burns Scholarship accepts check from the Rev. James haps one such scholarshiop for a a most worthy choice. Markey, S.J., Director of Campus Ministry, and Michael J. Flanagan, Financial Aid Director. day student and one such scholar­ The award will be presented at ship for an evening student might the annual dinner, November 9 at be considered. the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Co­ 24 Months to Match In August of this year the first chairing this year's event will once Burns Scholarship was distributed. again be Kevin Fiore '69 and Roman $500,000 Scholarship Challenge Deborah J. Snyder was named re­ Silberfeld '74. Joining them on the cipient by the Scholarship Commit­ committee will be Fumiko Hachiya The largest scholarship in the his­ not to exceed $250,000." Mr. tee. Ms. Snyder is a second year Wasserman '78 and Charles R. tory of Loyola Law School has been Rawlinson continued, "the founda­ day student who according to the Redmond '75. offered by the Fritz B. Burns tion is to contribute $100,000 and is committee's evaluation achieved a As customary, in addition to the Foundation. Issued in the form of a enclosing herewith their check for performance significantly better award, special recognition will be challenge grant the scholarship's $100,000." than any other student's, with an given the Class of 1933 celebrating potential is $500,000 and will honor Terms of the challenge were then average well above 90 and showed its golden anniversary. the late Fritz B. Burns longtime spelled out as follows, "other mem­ outstanding traits of character. The committee reported that invi­ friend and benefactor of the school. bers of the alumni are to contribute At the award presentation Dean tations Vv.. ill be UL~cd durii·:.g s~p­ In making the written announce­ the next $100,000 and thereafter the Frakt also announced a special cam­ ternber and tickets will remain at ment to Dean Frakt, Burns foundation is to contribute $1 for paign will be started to match the the same price as last year - $35 Foundation President Joseph E. each $1 contributed by others until Burns Foundation's $250,000. It will per person and a table of 10- Rawlinson '58 outlined the terms of the foundation has made a total be a special project of the Board of $350. Information can be obtained the challenge. He stated, "the contribution of $250,000 or a 24 Visitors, and as the matching plan from members of the committee or board, (Burns Foundation), author­ months period has expired, which unfolds alumni will be informed of the Alumni Office, 736-1046. ized a $250,000 grant for the Fritz B. ever comes first." ways to contribute. Dean Frakt em­ Burns Memorial Scholarship Fund Accepting the challenge Dean Ar­ phasized the attractiveness and fis­ for Loyola Law School to be used as thur N. Frakt thanked the Burns cal good sense of supporting the ENVIRONS 2-ART SHOW matching funds for contributions Foundation Trustees for their Burns challenge because," 1 alumni made by other members of the continuing generosity and the op­ dollar contributed is automatically Opens Sept. 30 alumni during the next 24 months, portunity afforded the Law School, worth 2, and the cause is worthy." Curator Ellie Blankfort and Art Further information concerning Committee Chairperson Professor participation should be directed to Robert W. Benson have announced the Development Office, attention an exciting and ambitious schedule Law School Co-Sponsors of Bob Cooney 736-1042. of activities to open the second year of the innovative art program at Institute for Corporate Counsel Loyola Law School. Opening Fri­ Rosen, Gaffney day, September 30, 1983, will be The 3rd annual Institute for Cor­ Law, Wrongful Discharge and Pro­ ENVIRONS 2. An opening recep­ porate Counsel (ICC) will be held tecting Corporate Trade Secrets. The Named to tion for the artists will be held Sep­ March 15-16 at the recently opened program will be presented by a fac­ tember 30 from 6-8 p.m. and alumni Sheraton Grande Hotel. Leopolda ulty attracted from local and nation­ Bradley Chairs and friends are invited. The second Ramos, Assistant Dean for Business al sources. exhibition in the Burns Center Gal­ and Planning at Loyola, made the Among the first who has agreed Two new Professorial Chairs have lery Series, ·featuring the work of announcement after the August to appear is Victor H. Palmieri, been filled for the first time. They eight local artists housed in the An­ meeting of the ICC Board of Gov­ president and chief executive officer are the Harriet L. Bradley Chair in drews Hardware Store Building, ernors. Dean Ramos also serves as of Baldwin United, who will be the Contract Law and the James P. will continue until November 23, the I.C.C.'s Executive Director. luncheon speaker March 15. His Bradley Chair in Constitutional 1983. The institute is a comprehensive 2 topic will concern itself with Work­ Law. The artists, Jerry Byrd, Barry day continuing educational program out: The Role and Responsibility of Gerald P. Rosen will occupy the Campion, Ned Evans, Scott Grieger, for lawyers interested in corporate Corporate Counsel. Another promi­ Contracts Chair and Edward M. Pete Lodato, Jayme Odgers, Bruce legal issues. It features distin­ nent personage, who will partici­ Gaffney, Jr. the Constitutional Richards and John Van Harnersveld, guished panelists, luncheon speak­ pate in the Anti-Trust .Section, is Chair. Professor Rosen is returning are housed together in the "beaux ers and discussion sessions. William F. Baxter, Assistant Attor­ from a one-year sabbatical after arts" architectural-style Andrews' Loyola Law School is co-sponsor ney General, Anti-Trust Division of serving as interim dean during 1981 structure built in 1923. They have of the ICC with the Corporate Law the U.S. Department of Justice. and 1982. He has been teaching at restored and renovated the upper Department Section of the Los An­ Cost of the 2 day program, in­ Loyola since 1971. floors to provide 40,000 square feet geles County Bar Association. Rob­ cluding program materials, lunch­ Professor Gaffney comes to of studio space. Two of the artists, ert C. Lobdell, vice-president and eon and guest reception, is $235 Loyola from Notre Dame Law Odgers and Van Hamersveld, are general counsel for the Los Angeles prior to February 15 - an early reg­ School where he was an associate widely-known graphics artists (post­ Times, is this year's chairperson. istration discount - and $275 there­ professor during the past six years. ers, advertisement illustrations and Among the governors assisting is after. One day registrations are also In filling the chairs Dean Frakt record covers, etc). This inclusion of Francis X. McCormack, senior vice­ being sold at the early fee of $165 stated his belief that, "the school graphics work in a fine arts exhibi­ president and general counsel of At­ and $185 after February 15. Dean will be well served by these two tion is unusual and adds an inter­ lantic Richfield Company. Serving Ramos also explained that registra­ scholars and that the faculty should esting dimension to the showing, as curriculum chairperson, Mr. tion is transferable to permit various be commended for their efforts in according to the curator. McCormack announced that the members of a corporation or firm to this regard." subject matter will include; Toxic attend sessions relating to their spe­ A reception honoring the inaugu­ Reported by Torts: The Torts System Under cial interests. Details are available ration of these chairs is being Susan Shepard Siege, Punitive Damages, Anti-Trust by telephoning 736-1104 planned by the Alumni Governors.

1 "Alumni Support ... is Critical" WORKED WITH AQUINO FROM THE DEAN School Grant Funds Internship s I write these lines, the Loyola Law School campus is in that curious state of semi-completion when buildings have not received their fin­ Mary Chambers, second year law cently assassinated. Chambers A ishing flourishes and the evidence of construction, bricks and planks student, along with Dawn Martin, worked with Aquino in his effort to and equipment, litters the landscape. former student, recently completed prevent Congress from extending In short, the place is a mess. Yet, by summer internships with the Catho­ further aid to the Philippine govern­ the end of October, the three new lic social justice lobbying group ment, primarily lobbying against classrooms and the Loyola chapel will NETWORK in Washington, D.C. legislation before the Congress re­ be complete. Shortly thereafter, all These internships were initiated garding U.S. military bases in the landscaping should be finished, and through the Loyola Marymount Philippines. the campus will finally take on the as­ University Campus Ministry Office. Other legislation with which pects of Frank Gehry's master plan Transportation and room and board Chambers was involved concerned which you have all seen depicted in for the students were paid by a Law disarmament, unemployment, ener­ drawings and models over the past School grant. gy, food issues and women's rights. several years. Chambers stated in a recent inter­ According to Chambers, "NET­ Although this will give us one of the view that she worked primarily as a WORK exists to ensure that the most impressive and striking class­ lobbyist/issue writer in the broad Catholic point-of-view is heard in room and administrative complexes in area of human rights; more specifi­ the legislature and that the choices an urban setting anywhere in the cally, working against United States before our nation may be decided in world, it will not be the end of our intervention in Central American a spirit of concern for basic human construction labors. Architectural work and Philippine affairs. dignity." Chambers continued, "the and final planning for the William M. Rains Library must begin promptly. One of the highlights of her sum­ greatest result of my summer was In fact, the essential impetus for our entire master plan came from a recog­ mer, reported Chambers, was the the chance to deepen my empathy nition of the inadequacy of our current library facilities, shoehorned into opportunity to work with Benino and understanding for the plight of the top floor of the former main law school building at 1440 West 9th. Aquino, leader of the opposition in the poor and to deepen my commit­ Furthermore, we are very hopeful of obtaining additional property adja­ the Philippines and who was re- ment to social justice." cent to the law school to help meet our current critical parking problems as well as to provide space for future graduate level classrooms and, hopeful­ ly, student recreation activities. Needless to say, this continued development, although comparatively Faculty modest, will not come free. In addition to the already generous contribu­ tions of Mrs. Lilliore Rains, we shall need to raise at least $1,000,000 more ForuEn ______for library development. Over a half million must be earmarked for property acquisition. And, an Professor CURT GARBESI partic­ Acting Professor FLORRIE additional $1.5 million is required to complete the financing of the Burns ipated in the founding of, the Inter­ YOUNG ROBERTS has been ap­ Academic Center and the classrooms and chapel. national Association of Human pointed to Federal Courts Practice We have had some success in fund raising for these capital projects. The Rights Teachers, a new association Standards Committee of the Los Fritz B. Burns Foundation has been most generous as has Mrs. Rains and of teachers concerned with the legal Angeles County Bar Association. other donors. The graduating classes of the 70's will soon meet their goal protection of human rights, and be­ MARTHA ROBINSON, profes­ of funding one of our new classrooms. A group of prominent citizens, as came a member of its governing sor, has been appointed co-chair of well as faculty members, have made a significant start on funding our board. The association's headquar­ the Lawyers' Literary Society of the chapel. Yet we need to do much more. And, although we shall continue to ters are located in Strasbourg, Los Angeles County Bar Association seek donations from foundations and institutions, the fact is that by far the France. for 1983-84. She continues to serve most significant donors to our school are found among our alumni. GIDEON KANNER, professor, as a member of the Pasadena Com­ Even more than other graduate or professional schools, alumni support spoke at the American Bar Associa­ mission on the Status of Women for law schools is critical. Not only is the professional prestige and stand­ tion in Atlanta, August 3rd, on the and will chair the Pasadena Ad Hoc ing of a law school's graduates inextricably tied to the success of the law pending action to condemn the Committee on Crisis Services for the school's program; but, unfortunately, lawyers, by and large, are the only Oakland Raiders football franchise, coming year. ones in society who really care about law schools. and on the latest developments We cannot lay claim to finding cures for dread diseases or for creating in the law of eminent domain. Associate Dean and Professor the technology to send human beings to outer space, nor do we directly DANIELL. STEWART explored enrich the artistic and cultural lives of our society (although Loyola's MUSIC will fill the Student Lounge, Wednesday, November political realities in the Middle East unique campus and arts program certainly will contribute to the renais­ for two weeks in July. The excur­ sance of central Los Angeles). Rather, lawyers labor steadily, sometimes te­ 16 at noon. Richard A. Niver, Sr., father of first year student sion was the 20th such expedition diously, at providing the glue which keeps our society functioning. We do sponsored by the American Profes­ the undramatic work that allows others to dream, create and enjoy the Bill Niver, will present a program featuring works of Chopin. sors for Peace in the Middle East, a fruits of civilization. As important as this is, it rarely has intense appeal to campus-based organization de­ potential donors. Joining him on a second piano, will be Dr. Jacqueline Sales, resi­ signed to study the social, economic Many of our alumni and friends recognize these facts and have been and political aspects of the Arab­ generous in their support. The pages of this issue testify to that. On the dent pianist at Cal State, Northridge. Downtown? Come Israel conflict. He was one of 15 other hand, the percentage of our graduates who have in some degree professors participating in the mis­ shared the fruits of their success with us is, unfortunately, small; they are by for lunch and a pleasant inter­ lude. sion, which focused on politics of far fewer in numbers by comparison than their brothers and sisters at most the region. After an initial briefing other major law schools. DANIEL E. LAZAROFF, visiting in Israel, they met with specialists Thus, I come to my plea. professor, received the James T. on the sociological and economic If Loyola is to keep its commitment to excellence in legal education, we Barnes, Sr. Memorial Faculty Schol­ developments occurring in the Mid­ must have greater support from those whom we have served. Not only for ar Award for 1983 from the Univer­ dle East. capital programs, but for endowment, of scholarships and faculty support sity of Detroit School of Law. and research. In fact, in the long run, the sustained growth of endowment GERALD F. UELMEN, professor, is the best guarantee that Loyola will continue its tradition of service. TREVOR NAGEL, Knox fellow of is serving on a panel for the Crimi­ Please join us in this important endeavor through the Advocates cam­ the Center for Criminal Justice at nal Law Section of the State Bar's paign and through special, current programs or planned giving. Our Direc­ Harvard University presented a 1983 Convention in Anaheim. tor of Development, Bob Cooney, and I will be delighted to meet with you, paper to the faculty over lunch on He authored Briefs as Amicus Cu­ August 25. Nagel discussed in detail to explain our plans and programs and explore ways in which your assist­ riae in three cases of statewide con­ ance may be of greatest benefit to you, our school and community. the results of a major empirical re­ cern: In Re Olson (2nd D.C.A.), search project he has been working involving the constitutionality of on dealing with the Connecticut ed­ requiring criminal defense lawyers ucational arbitration scheme recent­ to disclose statements of defense ly enacted. Nagel informed the fac­ witnesses to the prosecution; ulty about his methodology and Yarbrough v. Superior Court (1st Arthur N . Frakt how some of the results seemed to D.C.A.), involving the power of a Dean refute previously accepted court to appoint counsel to repre­ hypotheses dealing with compulso­ sent indigent prisoners in civil cases LOYOLA LAWYER Loyola Law School firmly adheres to a policy against ry arbitration. Nagel, from without compensation; and Allen v. Robert A. Cooney discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, Australia, is currently completing sex, national origin, marital status, physical handi­ Superior Court (3rd D.C.A.), Director of Development/Editor cap, medical condition, or age (as prohibited by appli­ work on his S.J.D. degree from involving the effect of Proposition 8 cable law). Harvard and was on his way to upon the California rule of vicarious present a paper at the 91st annual Mark 0. Weiner Loyola Lawyer is the newspaper of Loyola Law standing in suppression motions. Assistant Director of Development, School, Los Angeles, published by the Development meeting of the American Psycholog­ Office for students, alumni, and friends of the Law Annual Giving and Alumni Relations ical Association in Anaheim when KENNETH VOGEL, acting pro­ School. he visited Loyola. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of fessor, presented a paper on "Prop­ the individual authors and not necessarily those of Veronica Johnson the Law School administration. Unsolicited manu­ Professor QUENTIN OGREN'S erty Rights Entitlements and Pro­ Development Staff Coordinator scripts and photographs are welcome but will not be article entitled "Good Samaritanism duction" at the Western Economics returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self­ Ought Not to Be Optional" was Association meeting in Seattle. He addressed envelope. Letters to the editor must be published in the August 25, 1983 will be travelling to Basel, Switzer­ Chris Park signed, but only the writer's initials will be published if so requested. Letters not intended for publication land in late September to present a Staff Copy Writer issue of the Los Angeles Times per­ should indicate same. Address all mail to: taining to Minnesota's new Good paper on "Property Rights Editor, Loyola Lawyer Samaritan law. He is the father of Entitlements: The Case of Animal COVER: Dean Arthur N . Frakt, (r), welcomes returning Loyola Law School, 1441 West Olympic Blvd. SBA Day President Michael Sloan, ()), and new P.O. Box 15019 Minnesota State Rep. Paul Andres Trespass Laws" to the Verein fUr acting Professor Stanley Goldman at Rains' lia Los Angeles, California 90015-3980 Ogren, principal author of the Sozialpolitik, a German association brary entrance. Circulation this issue: 10,800 state's new law. of lawyers and social scientists.

2 Sen. Mathias Leads Off- Tunney Lecture Series Begins

22, at 3 p.m. in the Moot Courtroom, lions to arrest nuclear arms prolifera­ will feature Senator Charles McC. tion, and has served as a U.S. Senate Mathias, Jr., senior senator from representative at the SALT II arms re­ Maryland. Serving as campus hosts duction talks. for the senator will be the Republican His work on the judiciary Commit­ Law Forum. Format of the gathering tee encompasses a broad range of will be an informal presentation by substantive activities from constitu­ the Senator followed by a dialogue. tional and antitrust law to criminal Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. is the law and the laws guaranteeing the John V. Tunney senior United States Senator from rights and liberties of individual citi­ Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Maryland, and Chairman of the zens. In the 97th congress, Senator Former United States Senator john State's Congressional Delegation. Mathias was chief sponsor of the vestigate law enforcement under­ V. Tunney, a member of the law As a member of the Foreign Rela­ Voting Rights Act of 1982, which ex­ cover activities of the Department of school Board of Visitors, has made tions Committee, he plays an impor­ tends the historic achievements of justice (the ABSCAM Committee). possible the American Political Life in tant role in the senate's constitutional the past 18 years for another decade, He is chairman of the Congressional Action Meetings, a series held 3 or 4 responsibility to review and deter­ thus assuring equal voting rights for joint Committee on the Library of times during the academic year. At mine U.S. foreign policy goals and to all Americans. He is chairman of the Congress and is vice chairman of the these meetings discussions and con­ address the vital international issues subcommittee on Patents, Copy­ joint Committee on Printing. He is versations between students and facing the nation. He has been a key rights and Trademarks and is a mem­ also a member of the Governmental leaders influential in the shaping of player in senate efforts to curb the ber of the subcommittees of Immigra­ Affairs Committee, and chairman of the American Political Experience use and spread of nuclear arms. He is tion and juvenile justice. the subcommittee on Governmental will take place. the author and cosponsor of several Senator Mathias was chairman of Efficiency and the District of Colum­ The inaugural meeting, September senate resolutions calling for negotia- the Senate's Select Committee to in- bia. Lawyering Skills for Tomorrow Here Today . . . Original Funding by Keck Foundation Lawyering Skills is no longer just basics as client counseling, skills program which continues to "There we had a required legal re­ a course at Loyola; it has become a discovery/fact gathering, pre-trial build upon prior training. search and writing course, but it total program of diverse curriculum, practice, negotiation, courtroom In another skills area, students consisted of appellate skills. I grad­ highly-qualified faculty and contin­ procedure and advocacy. may elect to participate in the Scott uated without having written or Moot Court Competition held in the ued growth. Along with many other At the first meeting of this aca­ even seen a points of authority, and innovations, the Lawyering Skills demic year the faculty approved spring. Lionel Sobel, acting profes­ I had to prepare one shortly after I sor of law at Loyola, is teaching ap­ began practicing law." Sobel ex­ program has found a home at use of Loyola Law School facili­ pellate advocacy this fall, a new req­ plained that these are the kinds of Loyola made possible with initial ties by the Western Law Center uisite for the competition. Sobel is skills necessary for a new lawyer to funding by a $340,000 grant from for the Handicapped. It will use very excited about the changes that the William M. Keck Foundation. available office space in the 1440 practice law and that these are Loyola Law School has built and building. The Center will also have occurred this year as a result taught in the Civil Procedure Work­ of the level of interest and participa­ continues to develop this program participate in Loyola's Clinical shop course required at Loyola. tion of students which reached over to train law students in the skills Program. Grace Tonner, visiting professor necessary to practice law. As noted 100 last year. As in the past, the of law at Loyola who teaches sever­ by several speakers at the recent The California State Bar Examin­ program will be mostly student run al sections of CPW, agreed. CPW ABA meeting in Atlanta, new ers recently confirmed their concern with faculty advisement. The main emphasizes pre-trial and trial skills. admittees to the bar have passed with the lack of practical orientation differences in the program are the Students learn basic research skills exams with out even minimal com­ of law school graduates when a sec­ reduction from a full year of compe­ which include how to use the li­ petency in hands-on lawyering tion testing skills was added to the tition to only the spring semester brary, how to analyze the law and skills. The expectation has been that bar exain. !'vfichael VJ'olfson, actLLg and the required appellate advocacy how to apply it. Both expository new lawyers would receive practical professor of law at Loyola and Di­ course in the fall where students and argumentative writing are training once they started practicing rector of the Lawyering Skills and will learn how to prepare and write taught. Tonner analogized, "It's the law. Trial Advocacy programs, indicated an appellate brief and argue before lab component to the Civil Proce­ However, this has not proven to that while many law schools offer an appellate court. Sobel explained dure course and other first year be the general rule. "The less-than­ courses in trial advocacy, far less that the competition is administered courses." Tonner continued, awe rosy economy and heightened com­ offer courses in interviewing, coun- by the Scott Moot Court Board teach them what a lawyer actually petition for clients has made experi­ does in practice." Tonner avidly enced lawyers less willing to advise supports the practical orientation newer attorneys in a buddy-type development at Loyola and would system," notes Harry Haynsworth, " ... By the time people graduate, they have had an opportuni­ like to see a three year skills re­ a professor at the University of to take classes that show them every kind of skill that a quirement. With the limited hours South Carolina School of Law. He ty in the course, CPW places more em­ continues, "many of the types of lawyer is supposed to have." phasis on litigation skills than it cases which gave new practitioners does on other forms of legal writing experience - such as title work, such as contract drafting. She ex­ "fender-bender" auto accidents, and pressed her interest in offering a corporate and banking work- ei­ seling and negotiation, and even which is composed of three stu­ wide variety of legal drafting ther have disappeared or are now fewer offer skills courses in discov­ dents selected at the end of the fall courses at Loyola in the future. handled by in-house counsel." ery and pre-trial practice. "We have appellate advocacy course. These The many changes and innova­ Although this general concern for an emerging program which offers students work with current board tions that Loyola Law School has practical orientation has grown over courses in every one of these members who train them to carry experienced in its recent history and the years and is receiving wide areas," explained Wolfson. "In fact, out the program the following year. those ongoing present a bright fu­ discussion and research today, no Loyola is unique in that it is one of "This provides consistency from ture for the law school community. proposal to remedy the inadequacy the few schools that requires every year to year where little had previ­ As Arthur N. Frakt, Dean of LLS, has yet been put forth as conclu­ student to take a class which ex­ ously existed," Sobel explained. The stated in his annual report, "There sive. plores the interrelated skills of inter­ top 36 students from the fall course are actually ten faculty members en­ Howard Kestin, professor at viewing, counseling and negotia­ will be invited to participate in the tirely new to Loyola. In addition, Seton Hall University School of tion. This year we are even offering Scott Moot Court competition in the seven clinical or visiting professors Law, termed new lawyers' lack of an alternative course called Ethics, spring. From the formal spring com­ now have tenure track status. The competence in practice orientation Counseling and Negotiation which petition, nine students will be se­ additions and changes in our faculty "a crisis in our profession." Kestin combines Lawyering Skills and Eth­ lected to form three teams for na­ will enable us to develop our curric­ states, "Practice orientation has all ics into a single course providing tional, state and specialty competi­ ulum in several areas which are of but disappeared from law schools students skill training experience tions the following school year. growing importance in the ever ... The result is that however well­ with substantial exposure to the Sobel shared his enthusiasm for more specialized practice of law in trained a new lawyer may be, he or type of ethical dilemmas and con­ the Lawyering Skills program devel­ our region." It is important to note she is inadequately trained to serve siderations which lawyers face in oping at Loyola ... "Not only do that these teachers not only have clients when law school is com­ the everyday world." we have all the basics, but we also impressive academic credentials pleted." Loyola, on the other hand, Wolfson had a difficult time con­ offer semester-long courses in all from a number of outstanding law has remained attuned to the neces­ cealing his excitement with his new the lawyering skills areas: law office schools, they also bring a considera­ sity for practical training of law stu­ class offering, Civil Discovery, interviewing, negotiation, trial ad­ bly greater amount of high level dents and has offered Civil Proce­ which he developed over the sum­ vocacy, etc. By the time people practice experience than is usually dure Workshop and Lawyering mer. He explained that it will ex­ graduate, they have had an oppor­ the case among new law teachers. Skills courses for several years. This plore the purpose, scope and uses tunity to take classes that show And the new Lawyering Skills pro­ year these offerings have been sup­ of discovery and its place in the liti­ them every kind of skill that a law­ gram represents one more aspect of plemented with new courses; old gation process, while employing a yer is supposed to have." Sobel, Loyola's tradition of teaching law as courses have been evaluated and number of case simulations to pro­ who left a highly successful busi­ a professional intellectual rather modified; the Scott Moot Court has vide a practical application of the ness and family law firm that he than an abstract discipline. been formalized; and a comprehen­ various discovery procedures. Law­ and a partner founded to join the sive skills program has been fleshed yering Skills is a prerequisite to faculty at Loyola, took a moment to out. Students now have the oppor­ Wolfson's new course, evidence of reflect back on his days at U.C.L.A. Reported by tunity for formal training in such Loyola's goal of a comprehensive where he received his law degree. Lia Woodall


When the 1984 Olympic Games open in Los Angeles next summer, Loyola can take pride in the fact that it is well-represented on the behind-the­ scenes "team" that helped make it all happen. Among the thousands of Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee (LAOOC) staff members and vol­ unteers are a myriad of Loyola representatives. This article is the first in a series that will profile the school's involvement in the 1984 games. If there is other Loyola family participating in the 1984 games contact Phyllis Meadows, 208-3764.

Richard Perelman (Loyola 1981), already found a heavy demand for Assistant Vice President, her talents. This summer, she Press Operations worked on two events, synchro­ By the time Rich Perelman gradu­ nized swimming and the ated from Loyola, he had already McDonald's International Gymnastic made his mark in press manage­ Championship, both in Los Ange­ ment for track and field, statistical les. During the first event, she compilations and was an acting con­ worked alone as official translator sultant to the LAOOC. for the chief de mission of the Korean Starting with experience mana­ team. That official spoke very little ging the UCLA track and field English, so Park found herself by team, as well as undergraduate his side most of the time, including sports writing, Perelman built an some of the exciting social events impressive record in track and field held for Olympic participants. In while studying law. Jnstead of the her second job, she worked with traditional clerking, he honed in another translator. sports skills during his law school She is "on call" to the LAOOC for summers. His first year, he served any assignment, so she's not sure as press officer for the National Jun­ exactly where the role will take her ior Track and Field Team and for in the games. But she's viewing it the World Cup II track and field all with eager anticipation. A self­ events in Montreal. His second confessed "football freak," Park summer was spent first as a statisti­ "loves to watch sports." And, in ad­ cian for NBC-TV, moving on the dition to getting her fill of that as a field later in the season as press of- team translator, she's keeping her Leo Ramos fingers crossed for a possible role in the 1988 Olympics being held a little pool contracts and foreign television Leo Ramos, Assistant Dean, closer to her old horne - Seoul. rights. "I don't think I could do this Member of the LAOOC job effectively without a legal back­ Citizens Advisory Commission ground," he admits. When Los Angeles started to With a staff of nine expected to gear-up for the 1984 games two grow to 44 by the time the games years ago, one of the first things open, Perelman will play a key role Mayor Torn Bradley did was to ap­ in bringing the 1984 Olympics to point a Citizens Advisory Commis­ the world through his media man­ sion to provide detached, "citizen' s­ agement. eye" observations on the organiza­ tion and planning of the Summer Elizabeth White (Loyola 1981), Olympics. Leo Ramos was one of Finance Department the Angelenos tapped to serve on I Elizabeth White's road to the 1984 that Commission. I Olympics was paved with persist­ Since that time, Ramos notes that ence. How did she land her spot on the group has studied almost every the management team? "I knew I aspect of the Olympics, from indi­ wanted to be involved and just kept vidual game organization to traffic on calling," she says. impact on the city. In recent That determination paid off. After 'r Richard Perleman months, however, he has focused a stint with the civil litigation firm his attention on one specific event Steve Johnson ficer for the U.S. Olympic Track and of Sterns, Kim, Lines and Moore, -boxing. Field Trials. In his "free time", he White moved over to the LAOOC As a member of a small commit­ Steve Johnson, Director, also wrote 27 statistical books on in June of this year. White explains tee working with Olympic Boxing Plant and Physical Operations, track and field, used primarily as a her position as "overall contract re­ Commissioner Daniel Villaneuva, Volunteer in LAOOC Venue media resource. These were greeted view and summary." At present, Ramos is part of a ;!management" Management with "critical if not popular suc­ that means more than 1,200 con­ group for the boxing event. His co­ "Hey, you only go around once cess/' he jokes. tracts either being negotiated or set. members include people like sports and I didn't want to miss this op­ The summer after his graduation "They run the gamut," White points promoters and newscasters but his portunity." That, in a nutshell, is was spent with the normal bar out, and that's one of the things she selection was based on his "admin­ Steve Johnson's reason for offering exam regime, as well as service as finds especially appealing about her istrative and organization skills." his expertise to the LAOOC as a press officer for the World Cup III job. "Every day, literally, is differ­ While the group is concerned volunteer in the management of track and field events. By this time, ent." In one day she might renew a with the overall competition now, sites for the games. Johnson knew Perelman had decided that he sponsorship agreement, a lease, a when the games actually begin, that the LAOOC had many things "wanted to combine the analytic cultural or performing contract, an Ramos expects to direct his atten­ they wanted to achieve in their site and communications skills" he had agreement with a food service firm tion on a full-time basis to one of organization, but recognized they learned in law school through his and a construction contract. two projects. "The games break-out might need some management sports work. So, he "walked" his The legal process at the LAOOC into three major areas of activity," "know-how" to actualize their resume into LAOOC President is a triumvirate, she explains. While he explains: Venue management, goals. Peter Ueberoth's office, thinking it most of the departments have attor­ which is concerned with physical lo­ His expertise in physical plant was a long-shot but knowing he neys within them to hammer out cation; competition, which focuses management has already been put wanted to be hired on staff. His contract details, the LAOOC legal on the athletes and events them­ to the test during a "shake-down background carne to the attention of department drafts them and Harry selves, and the media component. cruise" in July at the Summer Garnes. His focus is the massive Harry Usher, LAOOC executive Usher, executive vice president Ramos will mOve into venue or vice president and an attorney him­ oversees them. After the contract competition management for the L.A. Coliseum where the track and field events will be housed. With self. After a series of interviews, has been finalized, it comes to boxing events. Either way, he says Perelman was formally hired in the White, who moves in to provide he is looking forward to the sum­ two events scheduled per day, and fall of 1981. follow-up legal summary and analy­ mer of '84 with enthusiasm. the potential of 160,000 people in As department head in charge of sis that the individual contract par­ and out of the facility, the the 8,200 media expected to cover ties can refer to throughout the organizational challenge is tremen­ the events, Perelman will operate agreement. While White has found Chris Park, Secretary, dous. Some of the problems the main press center and approxi­ the negotiation and formulation end Development Office, Johnson is attacking include devel­ mately 30 subsidiary centers of the deal-making fascinating, her LAOOC Volunteer Translator oping a trash removal system, throughout the Olympic sites. He primary responsibility is to make When Chris Park carne to the determining what tradespeople will and his staff will also organize sure the LAOOC knows specifically United States from Korea in 1980, be needed and how many, and housing for the media, disseminate what has been committed and what she didn't have the Olympics in planning electrical loads. information on events, be involved the financial ramifications of the mind. But once she realized there "The problems are fascinating," in telecommunication support serv­ contract are. might be a need for her special Johnson says, "and include a whole ices and handle media trans­ With the flow of contracts across skills, she jumped right in. "I really range of things that have never had portation. But, he adds, there are her desk increasing daily, White is wanted to participate in the games," to be solved before. If I can do my numerous contracts crucial to his looking forward to a year of chal­ she notes, "and the opportunity to part to make the Olympics come off function that need to be reviewed lenge and opportunity, giving her meet people from other countries is better - great!" as well. Some of those include experience in just about every con­ wonderful." agreements on TV rights, photo ceivable basic contract form. As a Korean translator, Chris has Reported by Phyllis Meadows

I l 4 I Honor Roll of Donors 1982 - 83]

Loyola Law School

July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983

Alumni $422,511 Friends 266,479

Law Firms, Corporations, and Foundations 189,000

Government 11,936 Total $889,926

Gifts and Grants were designated for the Corporations/Firms Foundations following purposes: The following firms and corporations The following made contributions: made contributions: Ahmanson Law Scholarship The Ahmanson Foundation The John E. Anderson Chair of Taxation A. F. Seal, Inc. BankAmerica Foundation Benno Brink Bankruptcy Award The Aerospace Corporation Fritz B. Bums Foundation James P. Bradley Chair in Constitutional Law Ali Star Printing G. and E. Dreyfuss Philanthropic Trust Harriet L. Bradley Chair in Contract Law American National Supply Company The Knudsen Foundation Theo. A. Bruinsma Scholarship AMI Remittance Advice Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation C. A. G. Trucking Litton Industries Foundation Fritz B. Burns Scholarship Cal Coast Mortgage Monogram Foundation John D. Castellucci Writing Award Cariker Construction The Mabel Wilson Richards Foundation Century 21 Real Estate Scholarship Program Century 21 Real Estate Corporation Goldman Sachs Foundation Class of 1952 Scholarship Century 21 Real Estate No. 1, Inc. Elbridge Stuart Foundation Leonard Cohen Chair in Economics CIGNA Corporation The TICOR Foundation J. Rex Dibble Honor Award Daigneault, Abel & Daigneault The Arthur Young Foundation George A. Dockweiler Scholarship Dockweiler & Dockweiler Rev. Joseph J. Donovan Scholarship Fund Dubron and Associates Farmers Insurance Law Scholarship Farmers Insurance Group First Interstate Bank of California Sterling Franklin Loan Fund Gifts were received from the following. George, Georges & Sons General Endowment Good & Novak These gifts were generally, but not General Scholarship Fund Harney and Moore always, restricted as to use. Greater Loyola Law School Development Program Hughes Aircraft Federal Credit Union Cedars Sinai Tenants Association -West Bruce Adams Harling Memorial Scholarship Illinois Bell Tower Instructional Hall of the 1970's Jonathan Development, Inc. Jesuit Community at Loyola Marymount Jesuit Community Scholarships Lawler, Felix & Hall University Lloyds Bank California Kathleen Kinzer Memorial Scholarship Lawyers Wives of Los Angeles, Inc. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company Law Library and Learning Resource Center Los Angeles Municipal Court Judges Naramore & Associates Lawyers Wives of Los Angeles Award Los Angeles Superior Court Judges Robert D. Lynch Memorial Scholarship O'Melveny & Myers Saks 5th Alley George Maslach Memorial Scholarship Stutman, Treister & Glatt Minority Scholarship Fund The Times Mirror Company J. Philip Nevins Fund Thorpe, Sullivan, Wqrkman & Thorpe Jack M. Ostrow Fund The Mabel Wilson Richards Scholarship Fund Florine Carmen Smith Scholarship TICOR Foundation Scholarship Friends Unrestricted Gifts for Current Operations Joyce L. Amram Milton Levine Richard A. Vachon Memorial Scholarship Frank A. Barbera William K. Lundeberg Rev. and Mrs. John Bartos Fraser Macmillian Mary Louise Bekins Mrs. Raymond Macmillian Mr. and Mrs. Mel D. Blumenthal Mrs. Macmillian Mangan John R. Brunner Steven J. Manley Alice Hicks Burr Henry & Goldie Margid Janice M. Chappell W. A. Maurer Sally Catherine Cherry Christopher N. May Mrs. Joseph T. Ciano Kathleen McCarthy Robert A. Cooney Melinda MeG Wulff Mrs.Harry King Cross Silvia A. Michl Rita R. Cruikshank Adrienne Morea Mr. and Mrs. Hyman 0. Danoff Joshua C. Needle Richard L. Davison Bertram R. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dempster Marvin H. Newman Irene Dockweiler Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Newman Jeanne F. Dockweiler Ronald A. Nolte Katherine S. Dockweiler Mrs. Lionel E. Ogden Harold C. Freedman james Michael Owens Arthur N. Frakt Phillip S. Parsons Leo Friedmann Jay R. Perrin W. N. Fritzsche Andre Regia Patrick Fitzsimons Rene P. Regia Mr. and Mrs. B. LeRoy Foster, Jr. JohnS. Richmond Paul G. Frost, Sr. Sara Row Robert E. Gamble John M. Rude Diana Gruenbaum Pierre J. Sarda Herbert H. Halperin Mrs. Eugene Savaiano Paul P. Harbrecht Robert Schiff Billy Edna Herron Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schneiderman Linder & Mary Hobbs Paul P. Selvin Margaret Bohn Holden Har Stevene Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubert Robert Stuckelman S. Loraine Hull James Takiguchi Elinor R. lves Mary Elizabeth Tiffin Veronica L. johnson Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Weidenman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kelley Mark 0. Weiner Lt. James E. Kinzer Paul H. Weisman John Castellucci, (1), Loyola Marymount University President Rev. Donald P. Merrifield, S.J., Michael P. Kleine Jack D. Zeff and Carl Karcher in the faculty library prior to a Board of Visitors meeting. Michael R. Lacey People Participating In The Hall of the 1970's (cont.) Hall of the 1970's (cont.) Greater Loyola Law School 1983 Book Award Program Albert S. Israel '76 Mary E. Porter '77 Development Program W. Barry Kahn '74 Lane Quigley '74 Lisa Bostrom Maxine M. Morisaki Philip Karpel '77 Robert M. Rash '78 BankAmerican Foundation Julie Bowen Diana F. Palenbaum Joel A. Kaufman '73 Leslie D. Rasmussen '74 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Bannan Mike Lebovitz Richard L. Picheny Michael L. Kearney '74 Scott D. Rasmussen '76 Henry G. Bodkin, Jr. '48 John Mackel Debbie Snyder Thomas Keiser '76 Paul L. Raum, Jr. '74 Sy R. Cohen '62 Lisa Mahrer Julie Stamato Richard J. Kellum '79 James T. Rayburn '72 Gilbert Dreyfuss '53 (This program is students contributh1g books to other student~.) Gordon J. King '77 Karen B. Roberts '77 Thomas C King '71 Thomas P. Rowan '74 Joseph S. Dzida, Jr. '79 Jeffrey S. Kravitz '75 Matilda H. Rummage '77 Jerrold A. Fadem '53 Robert D. Lynch Memorial Thomas B. Kristovich '72 John J. Russo '79 First Interstate Bank of California Scholarship Fund James Krug '78 John L Ryan '72 Arthur N. Frakt Walter J. Lack '73 Doris Schaffer '79 Richard L. Franck '52 William J. Bogaard '59 Frederick J.Lower, Jr. '64 Thomas H. Lambert '72 Patricia Schnegg '77 Roger Frommer '66 Daigneault, Abel & James A. Lynch Barry R. Levy '72 Robert C. Schnieders '74 Thomas V. Girardi '64 Daigneault Patrick Lynch '66 Richard E. Llewellyn, II '72 Arthur Schultz '77 George M. Goffin '56 Robert M. Loch '75 Douglas A. Scott '73 Peter Eppinga Morton M. Rosenfeld Carl N. Karcher First Interstate BancorpMark R. Steinberg Sheldon L Lodmer '70 Richard F. Seitz '76 Michael B. Luttman '73 Shelly J. Shafon '75 The Knudsen Foundation Gifts-In-Kind Lee B. Marshall '78 Maureen E. Sheehy '79 Ernest A. Long, III '55 Patrick McDonough '71 Charles B. Sheppard '74 Hugh Macneil '48 M. Hope Aguilar Kevin J. McGee '79 Roman M. Silberfeld '74 Joseph M. McLaughlin '55 Theodore A. Bruinsma Vincent J. MacGraw '71 Ronald K Silver '76 Monogram Foundation Robert K Dornan Lawrence J. McLaughlin '78 Stuart A. Simon '78 Jack M. Ostrow '47 Madelyn Enright Lucinda K McLaughlin '75 Gary J. Singer '77 Charles R. Redmond '75 Gelman & Strasser Patrick W. McLaughlin '79 Jerome H. Sklerov '72 Mark P. Robinson '50 Vicki Michel '79 Joseph V. Sliskovich '78 Ramona P. Gibbs Samuel Schermer '53 Good and Novack Rita Miller '79 Lawrence L Stern '74 Thomas J. Miller '78 Edward A. St. Germain '75 David M. Shaby Daniel King Austin T. Smith '67 Donald L. Hunt Michael C. Mitchell '72 Jane A. Sudhaus '79 Hon. Ross G. Tharp '52 Elizabeth Ann Koen Patrick D. Moran '75 Meredith Taylor '75 Robert K Light Martin R Morfeld '76 Lane J. Thomas '76 Thorpe, Sullivan, Workman & Thorpe MacDonald, Halsted & Laybourne Michael Morgan '74 Rolf M. Treu '74 TICOR Foundation Newell & Chester Michael M. Morisaki '78 James S. Tyre '78 The Times Mirror Company Minda Schechter Geraldine Mund '77 Claire Van Dam '73 Harold T. Tredway '55 Suzanne Schwartz Robert M. Myers '75 BrianT. Wardlaw '74 Alan R. Woodard '52 James M. Warren '78 Paul P. Selvin Dale Nakashima '75 Thomas E. Workman, Jr. '57 Amalia Taylor Gerald W. Newhouse '74 Fumiko Hachiya Wasserman '78 Michael O'Brien '72 William R. Weisman '73 Hall of the 1970's Susan O'Brien '73 John F. Weitkamp '78 Helen Oda '73 Alan Wilion '74 J arilyn Paik '79 Fred T. Winters '79 Leslie B. Abell '75 Kathleen Kinzer Memorial Steven L. Paine '76 Maureen F. Wolfe '75 John 0. Adams '70 Joan Partriz '77 Patrick Wu '74 Scholarship Fund Robert A. Adelman '75 Janice M. Patronite '76 Rae D. Wyman '78 Franklin S. Adler '73 Edward M. Phelps '75 David F. Yamada '74 A. F. Seal, Inc. Dale Alberstone '76 Ruth Phelps '75 Polly A. Young '76 American National Supply Company Richard J. Aprahamian '71 Donald Peckner '76 Russell G. Zarett '72 Rev. & Mrs. John Bartos Michael Arlen '78 Gloria S. Pitzer '78 Harry Zavos '71 Wayne R. Armstrong '70 CA.G. Trucking William Atkinson '79 Cal Coast Mortgage Kathryn A. Ballsun '76 Cariker Construction BankAmerica Foundation Cedars Sinai Tenants Association- West James M. Baratta '72 Tower John S. Barry '77 Mr. and Mrs. Hyman 0. Danoff Michael A. Barth '70 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dempster Paul A. Becker '78 Dubron and Associates Norman Beegun '71 Virgie Benson '77 Patrick Fitzsimons Elayne C Berg-Wilion '75 Paul G. Frost, Sr. Judith Bloom '75 Billy Edna Herron Steven Bloom '79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubert Coe A. Bloomberg '72 S. Loraine Hull Richard J. Bogh '78 Christine A. Kinzer Robert 0 . Boon '79 Lt. James E. Kinzer Tim C Bruinsma '73 Daniel H. Lamonte Lyn Beckett Cacciatore '78 Louis A. Lipofsky, Inc. Thomas P. Cacciatore '71 Steven J. Carnevale '73 Steven J. Manley Nancy K. Chiu '75 Naramore & Associates, Inc. Lynn J. Cicotte '77 Ronald A Nolte Arthur J. Cohen '71 Phillip S. Parsons Robert Cramer '73 Mrs. Eugene Savaiano William M. Crosby '70 Saks 5th Alley Charles Crouch, III '78 Barry A. Schulman Julie Crouch '79 Central classroom building construction underway. Richard A. Schulman Larry Cucovatz '77 Paul Shakstad Alice L Dale '78 Janet Toll Davidson '78 William T. Del Hagen '75 Michael C Denison '74 Richard A. Vachon, S. J. Lloyd A. Dent '75 Judge George A. Dockweiler Mark Deutsch '79 Memorial Scholarship Fund Jeffrey D. Diamond '78 Memorial Scholarship Fund David L Doi '73 Joel Bruce Douglas '73 Mary Louise Bekins George H. Dulgarian '72 Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Brady William C Dunkerly '74 The Richard A. Vachon, S. J. Memorial Scholarship was Alice Hicks Burr Steven J. Dzida '74 endowed June 1981. It honors Father Vachon who served the Sally Catherine Cherry Sandra F. Elstead '70 Law School as Professor, Associate Dean and Dean. Mrs. Joseph T. Ciano Terrence A. Everett '78 Rita R. Cruikshank William A. Finer '72 Dockweiler & Dockweiler Darrell A. Forgey '73 Robert Forgnone '70 Joyce L. Amram Steven M. Martin Mrs. Irene Dockweiler Sterling Franklin '75 Frank A. Barbera Christopher N. May Jeanne F. Dockweiler Mark Frazee '78 Joseph E. Berberich '68 James J. McCarthy '61 Katherine S. Dockweiler Josh M. Fredricks '76 Mr. and Mrs. Mel D. Blumenthal '67 Kevin J. McGee '79 Mr. and Mrs. B. LeRoy Foster, Jr. Marilyn J. Fried '78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Branconier '74 Gladys R. Morse W. N. Fritzsche Marjorie Friedlander '76 Theo. A. Bruinsma Joshua C. Needle George, Georges & Sons Susan Lee Frierson '76 Janice M. Chappell Edwin A. Peeker Margaret Bohn Holden Rhonda Gale '78 Sy R. Cohen '62 Donald Peckner '76 Los Angeles Municipal Court Judges Fund Phyllis M. Gallagher '77 Burton R. Cohn '77 Neal Pereira Los Angeles Superior Court Judges Robert A. Garcin '79 William K. Lundeberg Peter J. Gates '74 Robert A. Cooney Jay R. Perrin Patrick S. Geary '74 William G. Coskran '59 Brig. Gen. Nathan J. Roberts Fraser Macmillian Rev. A. Raymond Gere, III '75 Mrs. Harry King Cross RobertS. Rose '55 Mrs. Raymond Macmillan Donald Leon Gerecht '70 Richard L. Davison Sara Row Mrs. Macmillan Mangau Joseph C Girard '71 Anthony P. Dominis John M. Rude Harry & Goldie Margid John Girardi '72 Robert Forgnone '70 Patrick J. Ryan '80 Kathleen McCarthy Gregory W. Goff '78 Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Freedman Pierre J. Sarda W. A. Maurer David C Grant '72 Leo Friedmann Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schneiderman Bertram R. Newman Pamela C Gray '76 John A. Girardi '72 Frederica M. Sedgwick '70 Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Newman Jonathan Greenspan '75 Joseph E. Gregorich '71 David F. Gondek '80 Paul P. Selvin Marvin H. Newman Richard L. Hall '73 Lola McAlpin-Grant '66 Ronald K. Silver '76 Mrs. Lionel E. Ogden John R. Hanna '79 Diana Gruenbaum Susan M. Spitzer '82 Andre Regia Harney and Moore Herbert H. Halperin Robert Stuckelman Mr. and Mrs. Rene P. Regia Jeffrey B. Harrison '70 Paul P. Harbrecht Har Stevene Rockwell A. Schnabel WilliamS. Hart '72 David M. Harney Peter J. Sullivan '67 Mrs. Frank R. Seaver Angela Hawekotte '79 Linder & Mary Hobbs Robert M. Sullivan '52 Mary Dockweiler Sooy Paula L. Hess '79 Jonathan Development, Inc. Thomas N. Townsend '68 James Takiguchi Karl Hoch, Jr. '77 J. Walter Trinkaus Mrs. Macmillah Thompson Howard Hom '76 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kelley Mary Elizabeth Tiffin Edward J. Howell '70 Michael R. Lacey Frank J. Waters Akemi Ichiho '73 Milton Levine Paul H. Weisman Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Weidenman John M. Inferrera '72 Frederick J. Lower, Jr. '64 Wendy Lee Widlus Leonard Wei! Joan R Isaacs '77 Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company Jack D. Zeff Melinda MeG Wulff Joseph J. Donovan Fellows Walter Henry Cook Fellows Anthony Castanares Patrick McDonough '71 Nancy K. Chiu '75 Kevin J. McGee '79. The late Reverend Joseph J. Donovan, The late Professor Walter Henry Cook John Y. Chu '66 Hon. Charles R. McGrath '63 S. J. was a founding member of Loyola taught many of today's leaders of the Lynn J. Cicotte '77 Lawrence J. McLaughlin '78 Law School and Regent of the School Bench and Bar during his 27 years at Arthur J. Cohen '71 Patrick W. McLaughlin '79 for 44 years. Membership in the Loyola Law School. Membership in the Bennett B. Cohon '69 Hon. Richard Mednick '66 Donovan Fellows is achieved by annual Cook Fellows is achieved by annual Bebette Gualano Coleman '56 Alice T. Merenbach '66 contributions of $1,000 or more. contributions of $250 to $499. Neville Comerford '48 Vicki Michel '79 Gerald Condon '57 Thomas J. Miller '78 John E. Anderson '50 Irving N. Alpern '50 Sidney A. Cooley '67 Michael C. Mitchell '72 Luther C. Anderson S. Robert Ambrose '61 Clayton E. Cooper '69 Paul J. Molloy '37 Mr., and Mrs. Bernard J. Bannan Richard J. Aprahamian '71 Laurence R. Corcoran '55 George Montgomery '59 Coe A. Bloomberg '72 Michael A. Barth '70 Robert L. Corfman '39 Patrick D. Moran '75 Henry G. Bodkin, Jr. '48 John B. Bertero, Jr. '59 Robert E. Courtney '60 Michael M. Morisaki, M.D. '78 Theo. A. Bruinsma Judith Bloom '75 Robert Cramer '73 George E. Morrow '62 Martin J. Burke '26 Leslie C. Burg '54 William M. Crosby '70 Gladys R. Morse John D. Castellucci Martin L. Burke '61 Larry Cucovatz '77 Milton L. Most '52 Ernest M. Clark, Jr. '49 John J. Cayer '54 Hon. James E. Cunningham, Sr. '41 Robert T. Moulton '59 Stanley D. Clark '52 Michael J. Clemens '51 Wm. Blair Dalbey '53 Joseph W. Mullin, Jr. '29 Leonard Cohen '51 John J. Collins '61 Alice L. Dale '78 Geraldine Mund '77 Sy R. Cohen '62 Richard B. Collins '62 Janet Toll Davidson '78 Dale Nakashima '75 Burton R. Cohn '77 Wilson B. Copes '50 Howard J. Deards '42 JohnS. Nelson '73 Richard A. Del Guercio '52 Lawrence Crispo '61 Michael C. Denison '74 Kenneth Nelson '67 Jerrold A. Fadem '53 David Daar '56 Robert S. Dickerman '49 Mary B. Nevins Darrell A. Forgey '73 Thomas M. Dankert '55 Frank W. Doherty '40 Hon. Robert C. Nye '48 Richard L. Franck '52 Anthony DeCorso David I. Doi '73 Michael O'Brien '73 John A. Girardi ' 72 Bernard J. Del Valle '32 Anthony P. Dominis Susan O'Brien '73 Thomas V. Girardi '64 Joel Bruce Douglas '73 Leo H . Dwerlkotte '39 Helen Oda '73 George M. Goffin '56 Benjamin Felton '60 Joseph S. Dzida, Jr. '79 Timothy L. Orr '66 Robert C. Haase, Jr. '56 Kevin P. Fiore '69 Steven J. Dzida '74 Jerilyn Paik '79 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Harling Arthur N. Frakt Robert M. Ebiner '53 Janice M. Patronite '76 William S. Hart '72 Josh M.' Fredricks '76 Sandra F. Elstead '70 Edwin A. Peeker Carl M. Karcher Marilyn T. Fried '78 Joseph]. Enright '31 Donald Peckner '76 James N. Kenealy, Jr. '52 Orlan S. Friedman '50 Peter Eppinga Patricia Phillips '67 Christine A. Kinzer Roger Frommer '66 Terrence A. Everett '78 John C. Pierson '73 David Laufer '67 George C. Garbesi John F. Fay '50 Swan C. Pierson '46 Robert H. Lentz '56 Peter J. Gates '74 Deborah S. Feinerman '80 Gloria Scharre Pitzer '78 Robert K. Light '38 Joseph J. Girard '71 Raymond F. Feist '49 Mary E. Porter '77 Robert M. Loeffler Sidney J. Gittler '65 AI Fenton '29 Paul L. Raum, Jr. '74 Ernest A. Long, III '55 Michael E. Gleason '63 Jack R. Fenton '49 James T. Rayburn '72 Patrick Lynch Joseph E. Gregorich '71 Thomas R. Ferguson '56 Lionel Richman Hugh L. Macneil '48 Kevin R. Griffin '71 William A. Finer '72 Richard B. Rogan Lola McAlpin-Grant '66 John F. Harris '65 David G. Finkle '67 Robert S. Rose '55 Joseph M. McLaughlin '55 Bourke Jones '27 Owen G. Fiore '61 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosenthal David E. Monahan '66 Hon. Charles E. Jones '65 Hugh M. Flanagan '70 Thomas Patrick Rowan '74 Robert Nibley '42 W. Barry Kahn '74 Stanley Flinkman '50 William Russler '67 Jack M. Ostrow '47 Harry J. Kim '62 Roger Franklin '66 John J. Russo '79 Vincent C. Page '52 Louis J. Knobbe '59 Sterling G. Franklin '75 William F. Rylaarsdam '64 Hon. Mariana R. Pfaelzer Robert F. La Scala '68 Marjorie Friedlander '76 Hon. Michael T. Sauer '62 Laurence G. Preble '68 Harry Leppek '40 Paul D. Fritz '72 Doris Schaffer '79 Charles R. Redmond '75 Louis A. Lipofsky Hon. Richard A. Gadbois, Jr. '58 Richard E. Schlottman '55 John Joseph Richmond '77 Frederick J. Lower, Jr. '64 Hon. Helen L. Gallagher '55 Michael Schnoebelen '50 Mark P. Robinson '50 Robert J. Magdlen '32 Phyllis M. Gallagher '77 Barry A. Schulman Raymond A. Rodeno Louis N. Mantalica '41 Thomas Gallagher '65 Marshall M. Schulman '52 Samuel Schermer '53 James J. McCarthy '61 Robert A. Garcin '79 Richard A. Schulman David M. Shaby Rita Miller '79 Charles Garrity '61 Nathan C. Schwartz '35 Hon. Ross G. Tharp '52 Martin R. Morfeld '76 Maury D. Gentile '52 Mrs. Frank R. Seaver Harold T. Tredway '55 Robert M. Myers '75 Rev. A. Raymond Gere, II1 '75 Richard F. Seitz '76 ]. Robert Vaughan '39 William E. Nelson '51 Howard Gershan '61 Arthur Schultz '77 Clement F. Von Lunenschloss '42 Neil A. Olsen '62 Gregory W. Goff '78 Shelly]. Sha&on '75 Frank Real '80 Madeline R. Goodwin Mrs. Leslie Nelson Shaw John L. Roberts '44 Albert Greenfield '54 Maureen E. Sheehy '79 Brig. Gen. Nathan]. Roberts Jonathan Greenspan '75 Charles B. Sheppard '74 Morton M. Rosenfeld Herbert Grossman '39 Harry J. Silver Burton S. Rosky '53 William R. Harmon '67 Ronald K. Silver '76 Matilda H. Rummage '77 David M. Harney Arnold Simon '67 John L. Ryan '72 Angela Hawekotte '79 Stuart A. Simon '78 Rockwell A. Schnabel Paula L. Hess '79 Gary J. Singer '77 Robert C. Schnieders '74 Isabel Higgins Jerome H. Sklerov '72 Sidney P. Schreiber '52 William D. Hobbs '60 Hon. Warren Slaughter '42 Henry Seligsohn '64 Howard Hom '76 Mary Dockweiler Sooy Allan Sigel '53 Francis J. Hourigan '68 Susan M. Spitzer '82 Joseph V. Sliskovich '78 Edward J. Howell '70 Mark R. Steinberg J. Rex Dibble Fellows Daniel L. Stewart John M. lnferrera '72 Roger C. Stern '50 Arnold J. Stone '56 Joan R. Isaacs '77 Lawrence I. Stern '74 This honor~ the late Professor J. Rex Richard A. Stone '54 Albert S. Israel '76 Edward A. St. Germain '75 Dibble, sixth Dean of Loyola Law R. Michael Wilkinson '67 William C. jennings '50 Florence E. Stinson '56 School, for his more than 40 years of Thomas E. Workman, Jr. '57 Gideon Kanner Jane Ann Sudhaus '79 teaching and leadership. Membership in Mrs. Jack Wrather Phillip Karpel '77 Peter J. Sullivan '67 the Dibble Fellows is achieved by joel A. Kaufman '73 Roger M. Sullivan '52 annual contributions of $500 to $999. Advocate Fellows Michael L. Kearney '74 Stephen T. Swanson '69 William J. Keese '63 Ben Taylor '59 Mosaad Al-Aiban Membership in the Advocate Fellows is Thomas Keiser '76 Meredith Taylor '75 Wayne R. Armstrong '70 achieved by annual contributions of Margaret Keller '49 Vincent W. Thorpe '59 Brian Brandmeyer '62 $100-$249. Robert V. Ke ller '63 Maynard J. Toll Lyn Cacciatore '78 Fred F. Kelley '29 Rolf M. Treu '74 Tom Cacciatore '71 Leslie B. Abell '75 Richard J. Kellum '79 Walter Trinkaus John L. Carr '59 Hon. Adrian W. Adams '50 Hon. Ernest L. Kelly '48 James S. Tyre '78 Victor E. Chavez '59 John 0. Adams '70 Elwood S. Kendrick Gino D. Urbano '64 Robert G. Clinnin '53 Robert A. Adelman '75 Barry H. Kenealy '63 Stephen G. Valensi '49 Mark Deutsch '79 Franklin S. Adler '73 John P. Killeen '63 Wilfred L. Von der Ahe '33 George H. Dulgarian '72 Dale Alberstone '76 James H . Kindel, Jr '40 John F. Walter '69 William C. Falkenhainer '59 Thomas P. Anderle '64 Gordon J. King '77 Carl E. Ward, Jr. '64 Robert Forgnone '70 Michael Arlen '78 Thomas C. King '71 James M. Warren '78 John C. Gamble '71 Sid Arnold Martin J. Kirwan '51 Furniko Hachiya Wasserman '78 Annette Gilliam James M. Baratta '72 Patti S. Kitching '74 Hon. Madge S. Watai '67 Stafford R. Grady Brian Barnard '69 Raymond G. Kolts '67 Frank J. Waters David C. Grant '72 Thomas ]. Beaudet '51 Jeffrey S. Kravitz '75 Leonard Wei! Jeffrey B. Harrison '70 Norman Beegun '71 Thomas B. Kristovich '72 John F. Weitkamp '78 William K. Kramer '63 Barton Seek '55 Walter J. Lack '73 Alfred R. Westfall '61 James Krueger '65 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Bennett Thomas H. Lambert '72 Martin E. Whelan, Jr. '51 Robert M. loch '75 Lazare F. Bernhard Daniel H. Lamonte Fred Timothy Winters '79 Steven M. Martin '49 Irving A. Bernstein '51 Louis L. Larose '48 Charles W. Wolfe '32 Gerald W. Newhouse '74 Ronald Bevins '57 Rubin M. Lazar '51 Warren I. Wolfe '62 Takashi Sakai Mel D. Blumenthal '67 Bernard E. LeSage '74 Hon. William Mark Wood '49 Guillermo W. Schnaider '69 Richard J. Bogh '78 Michael D. Leventhal '67 Frank W. Woodhead '36 Patricia Schnegg '77 Henry J. Bogust '55 Barry R. Levy '72 Patrick Wu '74 Frederica M. Sedgwick '70 C. Q. Brady Richard E. Llewellyn, ll '72 Rae D. Wyman '78 Roman M. Silberfeld '74 Spencer Brandeis '55 Sheldon I. Lodmer '70 David F. Yamada '74 Austin T. Smith '67 John H. Brink '57 AI Loskamp '68 Hon. James S. Yip '58 Claire Van Dam '73 Edward R. Brown '63 James A. Lynch James A. Zapp '80 Ernest A. Vargas '64 Tim C. Bruinsma '73 Hon. William E. MacFader '36 Russell G. Zarett '72 Brian T. Wardlaw '74 Sam Bubrick '50 Andrew J. Macht '56 Harry Zavos '71 Donald P. Wilson Dennis P. Burke '67 J. Robert Maddox '49 Hon. Thomas Zeiger '52 Maureen F. Wolfe '75 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Butler Lee B. Marshall '78 Alan R. Woodard '52 Hon. John P. Carroll '51 Alumni Gifts

Class of 1926 Class of 1953 Class of 1966 Hon. Louis H. Burke* Robert G. Clinnin*** john Y. Chu* Martin j. Burke•••• Wm. Blair Dalbey• Roger Franklin* Frank J. McCarthy Robert M. Ebiner* Roger Frommer•• jerrold A. Fadem•••• Patrick Lynch*••• j. E. Finn Lola McAlpin-Grant•••• Class of 1927 Burton S. Rosky*• Hon. Richard Mednick* Bourke jones•• Samuel Schermer...,."'"' Alice T. Merenbach* Joseph W. Saunders Allan Sigel** David E. Monahan.. •• Timothy L. Orr* Class of 1929 AI Fenton• Class of 1954 Fred F. Kelley• Leslie C. Burg.. Class of 1967 Mel D. Blumenthal* Joseph W. Mullin, Jr. • john J. Cayer•• Albert Greenfield* Dennis P. Burke* Richard A. Stone•• Sidney A. Cooley• Class of 1931 David G. Finkle* Joseph J. Enright* William R. Harmon* L. H. Pemberton Class of 1955 Raymond G. Kolts* Barton Beek* David Laufer•••• Henry J. Bogust* Michael D. Leventhal* Class of 1932 Spencer Brandeis* Bernard J. Del Valle** Kenneth Nelson* Laurence R. Corcoran* Patricia Phillips* Robert j. Magdlen** Thomas M. Dankert** Charles W. Wolfe• William Russler• Hon. Helen L. Gallagher* Arnold Simon• Ernest A. Long, III**** Austin T. Smith*** Class of 1933 Joseph M. McLaughlin**** Peter J. Sullivan•• Ruth Phelps '75 newest member, is welcomed by Board of Visitors Wilfred L. Von der Ahe* Robert S. Rose* Hon. Madge S. Watai* Chairman Jack M. Ostrow '47. Richard E. Schlottman* R. Michael Wilkinson .. Class of 1935 Harold T. Tredway••• Nathan Schwartz• Class of 1974 Marilyn J. Fried .. Class of 1968 Rhonda Gale Class of 1956 Joseph E. Berberich Michael Branconier Class of 1936 Bebette Gualano Coleman* Michael C. Denison• Gregory W. Goff* Hon. William E. MacFaden• Francis J. Hourigan• James Krug David Daar* Robert F. La Scala.. Anthony T. Di Bari Frank W. Woodhead• Thomas R. Ferguson* William C. Dunkerly Lee Marshall AI Loskamp* Lawrence J. McLaughlin* George M. Goffin •••• Stephen F. Page Steven J. Dzida* Robert C. Haase, Jr. •••• Peter J. Gates• Thomas J. Miller* Class of 1937 Patrick J. Perrett Michael M. Morisaki* Paul J. Molloy• Robert H. Lentz•••• Laurence G. Preble•••• Patrick S. Geary W. Barry Kahn** Gloria Scharre Pitzer* Andrew J. Macht* Olin A. Schneyer Robert M. Rash Class of 1938 Florence E. Stinson* Francis E. Scott Michael L. Kearney* Patti S. Kitching* Richard R. Roy Herbert Grossman• Arnold J. Stone** Daniel Seigel Stuart A. Simon• Robert K. Light*... Thomas N. Townsend Bernard E. LeSage• Michael Morgan Joseph V. Sliskovich** Class of 1957 Gerald W. Newhouse••• Sandra Stevens Class of 1939 Ronald Bevins• James S. Tyre• Robert L. Corfman• Lane Quigley John Brink* Class of 1969 Leslie D. Rasmussen James M. Warren• Leo H. Dwerlkotte• Gerald Condon• Brian Barnard* Fumiko Hachiya Wasserman• J. Robert Vaughan••.. Paul L. Raum• Thomas E. Workman, Jr. •• Bennett B. Cohon• Thomas P. Rowan• John F. Weitkamp• Rae D. Wyman• Clayton E. Cooper• Robert C. Schnieders** Class of 1940 Kevin P. Fiore** Charles B. Sheppard* Frank W. Doherty• Class of 1958 Leonard R. Herrst Roman M. Silberfeld.. * Robert H. Dahl James H. Kindel, Jr. • Phillip M. Hosp Lawrence I. Stem• Class of 1979 Hon. Richard A. Gadbois, Jr.• Harry Leppek** Patrick M. Kelly Rolf M. Treu• William Atkinson John Kronenberg Conrad Lopes Anthony J. Vulin Steven Bloom Class of 1941 Hon. James S. Yip* Frank Malanca BrianT. Wardlaw••• Robert 0. Boon Hon. James E. Cunningham• Barbara Cosgriff Overland Alan Wilion Julie Crouch Louis N. Mantallica•• James E. Ryan Patrick Wu* Mark Deutsch*.. Class of 1959 Guillermo W. Schnaider••• David F. Yamada* Joseph S. Dzida, Jr. • Class of 1942 John B. Bertero, Jr.•• Stephen T. Swanson• Robert A. Garcin* Jack Carlow William J. Bogaard William F. Tisch John R. Hanna Howard J. Deards* John L. Carr•.. John F. Walter• Class of 1975 Angela Hawekotte• Robert Nibley ..•• Victor E. Chavez••• Leslie B. Abell* Paula L. Hess• Hon. Warren Slaughter• William G. Coskran Robert A. Adelman• Richard J. Kellum* David S. Smith William C. Falkenhainer••• Class of 1970 Elayne C. Berg-Wilion Kevin J. McGee* J. Judson Taylor Louis J. Knobbe.. Judith I. Bloom•• Patrick W. McLaughlin* John 0. Adams• Kathleen L. Casey Clement F. Von Lunedschloss•••• George Montgomery• Wayne R. Armstrong.. • Vicki Michel* Robert T. Moulton• Nancy K. Chiu* Rita Miller** Michael A. Barth** William T. Del Hagen Ben Taylor* William M. Crosby* Jerilyn Paik* Class of 1944 Lloyd A. Dent John L. Roberts•• Vincent W. Thorpe Sandra F. Elstead* John J. Russo• Sterling C. Franklin* Doris Schaffer• Hugh M. Flanagan• Rev. A. Raymond Cere, Ill* Class of 1946 Robert Forgnone.. • Maureen E. Sheehy* Class of 1960 Jonathan Greenspan* Jane Ann Sudhaus• Swan C. Pierson• Donald L. Gerecht jeffrey S. Kravitz* Robert E. Courtney• Jeffrey B. Harrison••• Wendy Lee Widlus James S. Doherty Robert M. Loch** Fred Timothy Winters• Class of 1947 Edward J. Howell* Lucinda K. McLaughlin Jack M. Ostrow•••• Benjamin Felton•• Sheldon I. Lodmer• William C. Hobbs• Patrick D. Moran• Frederica M. Sedgwick** Robert M. Myers•• Class of 1980 Class of 1948 Dale Nakashima• Michael S. Askenaizer Thomas G. Baggot• Charles R. Redmond**** Teresa Beaudet Henry G. Bodkin, Jr.•••• Class of 1961 Class of 1971 Shelly j. Shafron• Edythe L. Bronston Neville Comerford* S. Robert Ambrose•• Richard J. Aprahantian•• Edward A. St. Germain* Cary Clovicko Hon. Ernest L. Kelly• Martin L. Burke•• Norman Beegun• Meredith Taylor* Roberta A. Conroy Louis L. LaRose• John J. Collins•• Thomas Cacciatore••• Maureen F. Wolfe••• Andrena G. Dancer Hugh L. Macneil** .. Lawrence Crispo•• Arthur J. Cohen• Marjorie L. Erickson Hon. John D. McFarland* Owen G. Fiore* John C. Gamble••• Deborah S. Feinerman• Hon. Robert C. Nye• Charles Garrity* Class of 1976 Gregg Gann Joseph C. Girard** Dale Alberstone• Howard Gershan• Joseph E. Gregorich** Colette Yoda Garibaldi James J. McCarthy** Kathryn A. Ballsun David F. Gondek Class of 1949 Kevin R. Griffin .. Neal T. Feinerman Ernest M. Clark, Jr. •••• James P. McGarry Thomas C. King• Bernard Hittner Ralph W. Miller Josh M. Fredricks** Raymond S. llgunes RobertS. Dickerman• Patrick McDonough* Marjorie Friedlander* Raymond F. Feist• Alfred R. Westfall* Vincent j. McGraw A. Todd Littleworth Susan Lee Frierson Gerald W. Morris Jack R. Fenton• Anthony T. Ross Pamela C. Gray Margaret Keller* Harry Zavos• Joan S. Ortolano Class of 1962 Howard Hom• Frank Real .. J. Robert Maddox• Albert S. Israel* Steven M. Martin.. • Brian Brandmeyer*.. Gail A. Reisman Sy R. Cohen•••• Thomas Keiser• Jeanne C. Rubin Stephen G. Valensi* Martin R. Morfeld* Hon. William Mark Wood* Richard B. Collins•• Class of 1972 Patrick J. Ryan Harry J. Kim** James M. Baratta• Steven L. Paine George Snyder Class of 1950 George E. Morrow• Coe A. Bloomberg•••• Janice M. Patronite* Mitchell C. Tilner Neil A. Olsen*• George H. Dulgarian.. • Donald Peckner* Lee W. Tower Hon. Adrian W. Adams• Scott D. Rasmussen Irving Alpern•• Hon. Michael T. Sauer* William A. Finer* James Trachy Warren I. Wolfe* Paul D. Fritz• Richard F. Seitz• James A. Zapp* John E. Anderson•••• Ronald K. Silver* Sam Bubrick • John A. Girardi**** David C. Gran t••• Lane J. Thomas Wilson B. Copes.. Polly Ann Young Class of 1981 John F. Fay• Class of 1963 William S. Hart** .. Jan Elizabeth Eakins Edward R. Brown* John M. lnferrera• Stan Flinkman• Class of 1977 Godfrey B. Evans Orlan S. Friedman•• Richard Dawson Thomas B. Kristovich• Fred Marcus Michael E. Gleason .. Thomas H. Lambert• John S. Barry William C. Jennings• Virgie Benson Gregory D. Schetina Mark P. Robinson ..** William J. Keese• Barry R. Levy* Jeffrey Stern Robert V. Keller* Richard E. Llewellyn, II* Lynn J. Cicotte• Michael Schnoebelen• Burton R. Cohn**** David G. Swanson Roger C. Stem• Barry H. Kenealy* Michael C. Mitchell' John P. Killeen* James T. Rayburn• Larry Cucovatz• William K. Kramer*** John L. Ryan* Phyllis M. Gallagher• Class of 1982 Class of 1951 Hon. Charles R. McGrath* jerome H. Sklerov• Karl J. Hoch, Jr. Cheryl Dow Thomas J. Beaudet* Russell G. Zarett* Joan R. Isaacs* Lynn E. Kaufman Irving A. Bernstein• Philip Karpel• Susan M. Spitzer• Hon. John P. Carroll* Class of 1964 Gordon j. King* John Stovall Michael J. Clemens** Thomas P. Anderle• Gerald Mund* Leonard Cohen .... Thomas V. Girardi**** Class of 1973 Joan Partritz Martin J. Kirwan• Michael S. Komey Franklin S. Adler• Mary E. Porter• Rubin M. Lazar• Michael T. Lesage Evan Braude John J. Richmond**** William E. Nelson•• Frederick J. Lower, Jr. •• Tim C. Bruinsma* Karen Barlevi Roberts Martin E. Whelan, Jr.• Steven j. Carnevale *Advocate Fellows Joyce Pollack Matilda H. Rummage.. ••walter Henry Cook Fellows W_ F. Rylaarsdam• Robert Cramer• Patricia Schnegg•.. David I. Doi* •••r. Rex Dibble Fellows Class of 1952 Henry Seligsohn** Arthur Schultz• ••.. Joseph f. Do11ovan Fellows Stanley D. Clark•••• Gino D. Urbano• Joel Bruce Douglas•• Jay Sherman Richard A. Del Guercio•••• Ernest A. Vargas•.. Darrell A. Forgey•••• Gary J. Singer• Joseph C. Du Ross Carl E. Ward, Jr. • Richard L. Hall Richard L. Franck••• Akemi Ichiho Maury D. Gentile* Joel A. Kaufman• Class of 1978 James N. Kenealy, Jr.•••• Class of 1965 Walter J. Lack* Michael Arlen• Should you have any inquiries John S. Malone Michael J. Farrell Michael B. Luftman Paul A. Becker Milton L. Most• Thomas E. Gallagher• John S. Nelson• Richard J. Bogh* about the Honor Roll, please tele­ phone Veronica Johnson 736·1046. Vincent C. Page•••• Martin E. Gilligan, Jr. Michael O'Brien• Lyn B. Cacciatore**• Sidney P. Schreiber.. Sidney J. Gittler** Susan O'Brien• Charles Crouch, Ill Marshall M. Schulman• John F. Harris** Helen Oda* Alice L. Dale* Robert M. Sullivan• Hon. Charles E. Jones•• John C. Pierson• Janet Toll Davidson• Hon. Ross G. Tharp•••• James Krueger••• Douglas A. Scott Jeffrey D. Diamond Alan R. Woodard*** David j. Oliphant Claire Van Dam••• Terrence A. Everett• Hon. Thomas Zeiger* Neal Pereira William R. Weisman Mark Frazee HALL OF THE 1970's Final Drive for Goal Begins

As part of the new look coming will be installed in the Hall of to Loyola Law School - an academ­ the 1970's entrance·. The names ic village - the new campus will in­ of all sponsors, pacesetters, clude three new instructional halls, benefactors, and founders are an interdenominational chapel, and being permanently inscribed on campus landscaping. The Hall of this bronze plaque, which re­ the 1970's is one of these three new quires a minimum $500 commit­ instructional halls. Because approxi­ ment. mately 60% of Loyola's alumni • will continue to be included on graduated between 1970 and 1979, it the Advocates Donor Honor was deemed appropriate by school Roll for the 5 years pledged, or authorities that the north instruc­ for whatever period selected. tional hall be dedicated to these The building will be completed by classes and named The Instructional year's end and the casting for the Hall of the 1970's. commemorative plaque will be com­ More than 245 alumni from the missioned. Pledges to the 1970's 1970's have already pledged more Program must be made on or before than $210,000 towards their December 31, 1983 to assure donor's $250,000 goal to fund their name­ inclusion on the plaque. sake classroom building. The Program is being chaired by The building is now 80% com­ Claire Van Dam '73. Van Dam pro­ pleted and 80% funded. Gifts, jects that an intense campaign early which may be pledged over a 5 year this fall will wrap up the 1970's Pro­ term to this Program, will be recog­ gram. If you have any questions nized in two ways. The donor's about program participation and name: commitment, contact Mark Weiner • will be inscribed on a bronze at the Law School, 736-1045 or commemorative plaque which Claire Van Dam, 207-1200.

Advocates Set A Record

Bill Schnaider '69, chairman of the Accepting the nomination he an­ ARTISTS CONCEPTION OF CHAPEL- M.C. 1983 Advocates Campaign, an­ nounced, "this year's goal will be nounced that an all time high of $172,000 and special emphasis will more than $159,000 has been given be placed on getting new donors to Carl Karcher Makes First G~ft by 375 alumni and friends of the begin participating." Law School. Chairman Schnaider As part of the plan to increase the was effusive in his thanks, "to all donor base a special 1980's gradu­ $150,000 Goal Set for Building Chapel the donors and the volunteers who ates section will be inaugurated. helped make the success possible." Chairing this 4 class effort will be, A special chapel fund raising project, within Singled out for particular praise Arne Vaughan '82. the Greater Loyola Law School Development were the efforts of the Phonathon Alumni members wishing to vol­ Program, was announced by Dean Arthur Frakt. volunteers. unteer for the Advocates task force "This special appeal," said the Dean, "is in re­ Fulfilling the adage that one good should contact Bill Schnaider sponse to the particular enthusiastic interest turn deserves another, Aiumni Pres­ (629-1261), Arne Vaughan (274-3181) shown for the growth and development of the ident Claire Van Dam '73 reap­ or the Development Office's Mark Campus Ministry Program." pointed Bill Schnaider to chair the Weiner (736-1044). Highlight of the $150,000 goal campaign open­ 1984 Advocates Campaign. ing was Dean Frakt's announcement that a first gift of $20,000 was received from Carl Karcher, a Board of Visitors' member and well-know restauranteur and philanthropist. Mr. Karcher will be a member of the Chapel Thomas H . McGovern Memorial Development Committee whose other members include: Rev. Charles S. Casassa, S. J., Chancel­ Macdonald, Halsted and Laybourne lor of LMU; Sy R. Cohen '62; Lawrence W. Crispo '61; Professor Steven R. Hirschtick; Pro­ Begin Scholarship Endowment fessor Frederick J. Lower, Jr. '64; Jack M. Ostrow '47, Board of Visitors; Hon. Manuel L. Real, '51, Thomas H . McGovern, a 1928 the firm's spokesperson and in­ Boards of Governors and Visitors; Charles R. graduate of Loyola Law School, vited, "all friends and associates of Redmond '75, Board of Visitors; Michael L. Sloan died July 12 of this year. In memory the late Mr. McGovern to consider '84, SBA day president; Roger M. Sullivan '52; of him, his law firm, in which he participation in funding the corpus and Professor Lloyd Tevis '50. was a partner, Macdonald, Halsted of the endowment." Loyola Law School has a three member Cam­ and Laybourne, has endowed a Gifts should be made payable to pus Ministry team consisting of a Jesuit Priest, scholarship. Proceeds from the Loyola Law School, Thomas H . Catholic Lay Woman Counselor and Protestant scholarship will be distributed an­ McGovern Scholarship Fund. In­ Minister. The Jewish Law Students Association is nually beginning with the Fall 1984 quiries should be directed to either served by a Rabbi commissioned by Hillel Exten­ semester to a worthy and needy Tom Curtiss, (213) 481-1200 or Bob sion. student. Cooney at the School, (213) Campus Ministry is available to all students, Thomas Curtiss Jr., a member of 736-1042. for consultation on any matter, as is the Rabbi. Loyola's adjunct faculty, served as Each member has designated office hours, but meets with students at any pre-arranged hour. With the program's growth, the facilities are not available to satisfy the students' needs. Con­ sequently the continuation and expansion of these programs depends directly on facilities. As summarized by Dean Frakt, "the students want and deserve an opportunity for their program. The time has come to give them space for growth." Information concerning participation can be addressed to the Rev. James Markey, S.J., Cam­ pus Ministry Office (736-1009) or Bob Cooney of the Development Office (736-1042).

I '83 Scholarship A wards Near $250,000 This September over a hundred were granted on the basis of scholas­ students received monetary awards tic achievement and financial need. A ranging from $50 to $6,800 from 35 "B" average and demonstrated finan­ academic, financial, and special inter­ cial need were the basis upon which est scholarships and awards donated most of the dose to a quarter of a mil­ or endowed by law school benefac­ lion dollars in scholarships and Dan Stewart, Associate Dean, thanks Everette B. Laybourne for initial $5,000 funding of Thomas H. McGovern Scholarship. Kevin Fiore '69 (L), Board of Governors member and tors. awards were given to second, third, Thomas Curtiss, Jr., of the Adjunct Faculty look on approvingly. Most scholarships and awards and fourth year students.

5 Murals LMU Competition Placement Center Campus Underway Job Opportunities Being Grows

The Times Mirror Foundation has Loyola Marymount University has awarded $24,000 to the Law School in Updated Continuously acquired approximately 28 acres of land adjacent to the university from an ~nnouncement made by Stephen C. Meier, foundation secretary. A valuable service provided Loyola alumni is continuing informa­ Hughes Aircraft Co., according to Funded by this grant will be 2 mural tion concerning job opportunities. Michiko Yamamoto, Executive Di-. Richard A. Archer, chairman of the projects and a painting for the recent­ rector of Admissions and Placement provided the following brief de­ LMU board of trustees. ly dedicated Casassa Room. scription of these services: "The acquisition," said Archer, It was announced by Art Program "not only enlarges the campus by Attorney Job Listing Books almost 30 percent but also gives it and Gallery Curator Ellie Blankfort Current openings for attorneys from law firms, corporations, gov­ that Carlos Almaraz has been com­ the natural boundaries and com­ ernment and other legal employers are cataloged and available for on pleteness it has lacked since its 1929 missioned for a series of paintings campus office use. These listings include information related to job re­ which will be permanently installed founding. It will provide much quirements, type of practice, location and salary. New employment needed living, instructional and rec­ in the Casassa Room of the Burns oportunities are listed as soon as they are received. Center. The Almaraz commission, reational space for LMU' s current when completed, will represent key Graduate Job Listing Books undergraduate student body. LMU stages in the growth of the law from Identical to the Attorney Job Listing Books in format, these identify does not, however, intend to in­ classical to modern times. current openings for recent graduates and those awating results of the cre,ase enrollment as a result of Ms. Blankfort went on to explain, bar examination. securing this additional acreage." "the exterior mural of the central Initial plans for the property, lo­ Attorney Job Bulletin cated at the western boundary of its classroom building, scheduled for The AJB lists brief descriptions of current openings from the Attor­ completion this fall, will consist of 3 current approximately 100-acre cam­ ney and Graduate Job Listing Books. It is prepared approximately pus, include the construction of stu­ panels each measuring 11' x 14' and every three weeks and is mailed to any alumnus requesting it. Such will depict various developments in dent housing, parking areas and requests should be addressed to the Career Planning and Placement playing fields and the Conrad N. the history of the law. The interior Center care of Loyola Law School. mural which will be located on the Hilton Business Administration fourth floor of the Burns Academic Counseling Center. Center will address themes relevant Two professional career counselors staff the office and are available LMU had originally sought to ac­ to society, religion and the law." on an appointment basis. Counseling services can entail resume con­ quire the parcel from the Summa Professor Robert W. Benson, Art struction, job search, interviewing technique and any other areas re­ Corporation through the eminent domain process when the property, Committee Chairperson, also an­ lated to successful career development. nounced that the School's permanent along with other acreage, was sold Workshops and Seminars to Hughes Aircraft Company by art collection has been enlarged by Workshops are offered on special topics throughout the year. Al­ Summa. The University acquired the addition of four new works by though most are developed in response to current students' needs, the acreage from Hughes. Los Angeles artists Michael Todd, Joe alumni may also find them beneficial and are welcome to participate. Fay, Margaret Nielson and Barney O'Brian. He also invited alumni and Office Hours others interested to tour the school The Center is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Friday when and its art installations on weekdays closing time is 4 p.m. As a special provision the center remains open from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Private to 8 p.m. one day a week, alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays. tours can be arranged by appoint­ Ms. Yamamoto stated that the Center, "would be happy to receive ment. any suggestions as to how it can better serve Loyola alumni. These Information concerning tours may suggestions can be communicated through the Alumni Association or be obtained by contacting Ellie directly to the Career Planning and Placement Center staff. (736-1150) Blankfort, 661-2321 or Professor Benson, 736-1001. School Bell Rings for 1,300 Students

Arnold Siegel, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, conducted an orientation program Professor Louis Natali (center) Professor George Garbesi (2nd from lett) for 403 incoming students. The first year total is divided between 296 d8y and 107 evening students. Added to the other stu­ PHOTOS BY dents already in attendance the total enroll­ Glenn Seki ment as of August 29 was 1 ,314, according to Registrar Frank Real. The orientation included a welcome by Dean Frakt, words of encouragement from Claire Van Dam '73, president of the Alumni Board of Governors, and a colorful and pointed description of the school and its po­ tential from Professor Michael Josephson. Beginning the academic year on campus for their first year were new faculty mem­ bers: Jan Costello, Jennifer Friesen, Edward Gaffney, Daniel Lazaroff, Richard Macias, Therese Maynard, Louis Natali, and Edith Padolsky. Changing from Visting Professor to tenure track are Dan Schechter and Lionel Sobel; moving from the adjunct faculty to tenure track are Stanley Goldman and Daniel Selmi. Clinical instructors placed in the tenure track include: Mary-Lynne Fisher, Charlotte Goldberg, Florrie Roberts, Arnold Siegel and Michael Wolfson. These changes and additions bring the number of full-time faculty to 51 serving the 1,314 students and as a usual Loyola tradi­ tion a group of well qualified adjunct profes­ sors compliment the full-time faculty. Professor Dan Schechter (center) Professor Richard Macias (center) 6 Performance Citation at the 16th National and a member of Mayor Bradley's Business Legal Briefs needs news about you or Conference of State and Local Defense Asso­ Council. your classmates. ciations held recently in Point Clear, WILLIAM G. WELZENBACH has been ap­ Alabama. He was honored for having guided pointed chairman of the Los Angeles County If you have news, contact your the Association of Southern California De­ Bar Association's Travel Committee for the Class Correspondent or write fense Counsel (ASCDC) in a number of edu­ coming year. He has recently lectured at ap­ Mark 0. Weiner, Alumni Relations cation and information related activities while proved Department of Real Estate continuing Department, Loyola Law School serving as the Association's president. The education programs for real estate licensees. ASCDC is an association of defense trial law­ WELZENBACH, formerly general counsel for 1441 West Olympic Boulevard, Los yers who defend personal injury and civil Fred Sands Realtors, Brentwood, is now as­ Angeles, California 90015. law litigants. sociated with the law offices of Wilson, Elser, Edelman & Dicker in Los Angeles. The firm has offices in New York, Washington D.C., 1940's 1963 San Francisco, London, and Newark. CAROLYN FRLAN REYNOLDS was HON. THOMAS C. MURPHY '40, of the honored with the Director's Award for her 1971 Los Angeles Superior Court's Burbank Divi­ superior performance as assistant U.S. attor­ sion, was a guest speaker at the July 28 ney. The Award was given to her recently by ANDREW L. SHAPIRO is a partner in the meeting of the Wilshire Bar Association, re­ the Director of Executive Office for U.S. At­ firm of Lewitt, Hackman, Hoefflin, Shapiro & marking on the court system in general. torneys in Washington D.C. Herzog in Encino. 1950 1967 1972 HON. MARK P. ROBINSON SR., a well­ JOSEPH DI BENEDETTO and his wife Bon­ BARRY R. LEVY has become a member of known personal injury lawyer and former nie are proud to announce the birth of a Horvitz & Greines at 16000 Ventura Boule­ member of the State Bar Board of Governors, vard, Suite 401, Encino. baby girl, Laura Ann, weighing 6 lbs., 151/2 was highlighted in the Profile of the 7/12/83 ozs. issue of the Daily Journal. He was appointed MICHAEL S. BESIKOF has recently moved 1973 to the Orange County Superior Court by the his office to 2140 West Olympic Boulevard, former Governor, Edmund G. Brown, Jr. HON. DAVID DOl, who was appointed to Suite 350, Los Angeles. the Los Angeles Municipal Court bench by PATRICIA PHILLIPS has been elected the former governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., 1954 president-elect of the Los Angeles County was featured in the Profile of the 8/17/83 issue EDWIN H. FRANZEN, partner in the law Bar Association. When she succeeds to the of the Daily Journal. In August, he began a firm of Hill, Farrer & Burrill, has been active presidency July 1, 1984, she will become the tenure as presiding judge at the Central Thomas H. McGovern '26 in Goodwill Industries of Southern Califor­ first woman to hold that office in the Associ­ Arraignments Court. nia, Inc. He is currently serving on the Board ation's history. JOHN PIERSON has been elected recording of Directors as secretary, and chairman of the PHILLIPS is a partner in Hufstedler, Miller, secretary of the Workers' Compensation sec­ Mortgage Corporation which is a subsidiary Development Committee. Goodwill is an or­ Carlson & Beardsley and practices family law tion of the Los Angeles County Bar Associa­ of American Savings and Loan Association ganization that succeeds in funding over 90% and civil litigation. tion. and a service of Financial Corporation of of its costs of operations through recondi­ N . GREGORY YOUNG has acquired Sepia America. tioning and selling donated discards through magazine. "Information with Style" is the PAUL B. NESBITT and SCOTT 0. SMITH its Goodwill Stores, with handicapped or dis­ ALUMNI NEEDED TO credo of the new Sepia magazine, rejuvenated have become partners in the law firm of advantaged persons playing a major role in JUDGE MOOT COURT under black ownership for the first time since Smith & Smith. The firm has its main office each step of the process. Its purpose is to 1949. Now located in Beverly Hills, Sepia ad­ in Encino with offices in San Francisco and train, employ, and rehabilitate disabled/dis­ COMPETITION ... dresses the multicultural aspects of personal Newport Beach, specializing in commercial advantaged persons so that they can be gain­ The Scott Moot Court Honors and career development, lifestyle, and enter­ and bankruptcy litigation. fully employed by private business and in­ Board is soliciting volunteers to tainment. COLIN PETERS is a certified specialist in dustry. act as judges for the Spring family law and served as Judge Pro Tern. Honors Competition. Require­ 1974 LESLIE D. RASMUSSEN has formed a new 1955 partnership with the name of Hege and ments: experience in Appellate BRUCE J. ALTSHULER of Brown & SPENCER BRANDEIS is now advisor of the Altshuler, has been publishing a newsletter Rasmussen. She is chair of the Probate and State Bar Family Law Section's Executive Advocacy either as a past Scott entitled "Family Law Trial Summaries" re­ Trust Law section of the Los Angeles County Committee, after having served as Chair of participant, in practice, or as a porting results of contested family law trials. Bar Association for 1983-84. the Committee last year. judge. Please submit your name The newsletter is in its second year of publi­ STEPHEN I. SIMON had published an arti­ THOMAS M. DANKERT has authored Cali­ cation. cle on "Inland Marine Insurance Subroga­ to: Phyllis Meadows, Chief Just­ tion" in the June, 1983 issue of California As­ fornia Condemnation Practice Handbook which ice, Scott Moot Court Honors BRUCE C. CHESTER is a partner of Wild, was published as Vol. 14 of California Real Es­ Carter, Tipton & Oliver, A Professional Cor­ sociation of Independent Insurance Adjusters tate Practice. He had been a consultant on Board, Loyola Law School, 1441 poration in Fresno, specializing in business Newsletter. Eminent Domain to California's Law Revision W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, and estate planning. His community activi­ LINDA NATHAN SLAVENS temporarily re­ Commission for 1972-82, and International ties include serving as a member of the tired to rear 2 boys in the Canadian CA 90015. Information will be wilderness. Chairman of Law and Legislation Committee sent to you. Board of Governors of Valley Children's Hos­ for 1982-83. pital Foundation and the Executive Commit­ BARRY CLIFFORD SNYDER has become a tee of Valley Children's Hospital Associates partner in the law firm of Archbald and and as a member of the Fresno Estate Spray in Santa Barbara. The firm specializes 1956 Planning Council. in insurance defenl'e an

7 s I write these lineE state of semi-compl Aishing flourishes ar

relocated her law office to 78 West Winnie the law firm of Tuttle & Taylor. involved in extensive litigation dealing with entitled "Purchasing Property at a Way, Arcadia. Her practice is limited to im­ LARRY MclNDOO is the new head librarian land-use issues arising from that city's regu­ Foreclosure Sale" for California State Univer­ migration and nationality law. at Vanowen Park Branch Library in North lations pertaining to rent and condominium sity, Los Angeles. The same seminar will be JEFFREY G. SHELDON has opened offices Hollywood. conversions. given at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa at 16 N. Marengo Avenue, Suite 510, RANDY SPIRO has opened offices at 8844 on October 1, 1983. On Oct. 8, 1983 he will Pasadena. Olympic Boulevard, Beverly Hills. 1980 be teaching a seminar on " Bankruptcy" for I. DONALD WEISSMAN recently discussed RAE WYMAN, sole practitioner of Ranch o Orange Coast College. MICHAELS. ASKENAIZER has become as­ "Insurance Bad Faith" before the Inglewood Palos Verdes, enjoys the majority of her sociated with the firm of Pacht, Ross, Warne, District Bar. practice in San Pedro that provides a career and involvement in the community she has Bernhard & Sears, Inc. in the insolvency and 1982 commercial law department. 1976 been a part of for 25 years. She was featured AME D. VAUGHAN has opened offices at in the recent issue of the Penins ula News and 9595 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 706, Beverly LARRY K. ROBERTS has recently formed Rolling Hills Herald. WYMAN is a member 1981 Hills. the firm, Roberts and Quiogue, A Law Cor­ of the Women's Guild of San Pedro Peninsu­ DOUGLAS SMITH conducted a discussion JEFFREY A. ZINN is a member of the law poration, with Manuel Quiogue at 17 la Hospital and her practice is concentrated on "Real Estate & the Law" at the August firm of Sirnke, C hodos, Silberfeld & Sol!, Cororate Plaza Drive, Newport Beach. He in the family law, probate and estate 4th meeting of the Orange County Legal Sec­ Inc., Los Angeles. will continue to specialize in intellectual planning areas. retaries Association. property law, includin g patents, trademarks, ALAN S. ZALL has recently opened offices tradesecrets, copyrights, and related litigation at 17592 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 204, Tustin . 1983 and licensing. 1979 H e has a general practice with emphasis on MICHAEL A. DUCKWORTH has been JANNA ZIMMER has become the new direc­ real estate, business, bankruptcy, and corpo­ honored by the American Board of Trial Ad­ 1977 tor of impact litigation at Bet Tzedek Legal rate law. He has received a MBA degree vocates at the organization's Sept. 14 meeting JOAN PATSY OSTROY, president of the Services, a free legal assistance center for the from California State University, Fullerton at the Jonathan Club. Students are selected Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, poor residents of the Fairfax, West Holly­ and has been a licensed real estate broker annually by the deans and their committees had a luncheon meeting of the Association wood, and North Hollywood communities. since 1978. ZALL has taugh t Advanced Real for excellence in preparation for trial advoca- cy. . where California Secretary of State March As part of her duties, ZIMMER will handle a Estate Finance for the University of California Fong Eu was the speaker. variety of cases including those dealing with at Irvine Extension, Business Law for the ALEXANDRA K. MELLS has just been ap­ government benefits, tenants rights, and the University of La Verne, and Real Estate Prin­ pointed district justice with Phi Alpha Delta rights of the elderly and the disabled. She ciples and Practices and Real Estate Finance Law Fraternity International. Her district in­ 1978 was previously staff attorney for the Santa and Investment for Chapman College. On cludes Southern California, Nevada, and NANCY COHEN has become a partner in Monica Rent Control Board, where she was Sept. 24, 1983, he will be teaching a seminar .

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In this Issue

Bums Scholarship Challenge ...... Page 1 Alumni Honor Judge Real...... P age 1 Lawyering Skills ...... Page 3 Law School and Olympics ...... Page 4 * Donor Honor Roll ...... Insert