1. Introduction & background 2. Methodology ► Online survey details 2020

► ARB approach 2014-2020

► ARB approach 2008-2012

3. Australian Reconciliation Barometer 2020 ► Key high level findings and trends 2014-20

► Full results:

. Race Relations

. Equality and Equity

. Unity

. Institutional Integrity

. Historical Acceptance

► Trends analysis

4. Appendix ► Online survey sample profiles

2 Introduction & background POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Reconciliation (RA) first launched the Reconciliation Barometer research project in February 2007. The objective of the research was to develop a tool to measure the progress of reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-. The first study was completed in 2008, with subsequent biennial tracking waves since then. While improvements in Indigenous health, employment, housing and education are essential for the reconciliation process, equally important, and at the core of reconciliation, is the relationship between the and those who have come since. If we are to improve the relationship and create an environment which provides equal life chances for all Australians we must also measure, track and understand the underlying values and perceptions that shape this relationship and influence our social interactions and structures. This is the only study of this nature undertaken in Australia. The inspiration for the Barometer came from South Africa, where the Institute of Justice and Reconciliation developed the ‘South African Reconciliation Barometer’.

3 Introduction & background (cont.) POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

The Australian Reconciliation Barometer (ARB) delves into the heart of our nation to identify the attitudes Indigenous and non- Indigenous Australians hold about each other, and about reconciliation in this country. It also attempts to shed some light on opportunities for moving the relationship forward, towards a greater reconciled, shared unity. Reconciliation cannot be seen as a single issue or agenda. Reconciliation Australia undertook a review of reconciliation in Australia and internationally and, as a result of this work, five critical dimensions that together represent a holistic and comprehensive picture of reconciliation were identified. Since 2014, the Barometer has aligned closely with RA’s Reconciliation Outcomes Framework, to focus on 5 key dimensions: ► Historical Acceptance, Race Relations, Equality and Equity, Institutional Integrity and Unity. Using these five dimensions, we can get a clear picture of what is required to achieve reconciliation in Australia. These dimensions do not exist in isolation. They are interrelated and Australia can only achieve full reconciliation if we make progress in all five areas.

4 RA’s Reconciliation Outcomes framework: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING The 5 key dimensions of the ARB ______

Historical Acceptance We can’t change the past but we can learn from it. We can make amends and we can ensure mistakes are never repeated. Our nation’s past is reflected in the present and unless we can heal historical wounds, they will continue to play out in our country’s future.

Race Relations At the heart of reconciliation is the relationship between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. To achieve reconciliation, we need to develop strong relationships built on trust and respect, and that are free of racism.

Equality and Equity Reconciliation is more likely to progress when Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous Australians participate equally and equitably in all areas of life. To make this happen we have to close the gaps in life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and achieve universal recognition and respect for the distinctive collective rights and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Institutional Integrity The active support of reconciliation by the nation’s political, business and community structures.

Unity In a reconciled Australia, national unity means Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights, histories and cultures are valued and recognised as part of a shared national identity.

The 2020 Australian Reconciliation Barometer report presents some key findings from this year’s survey, followed by full findings under each Dimension, as well as survey trends, state and territory breakdowns and tracking (where possible) since 2014.

As the Methodology overview explains, this latest ARB report includes data and tracking from 2014 only. For results and tracking of 2008-2012 data, please refer to past ARB reports, especially 2018 when 10-year tracking was included. However, owing to sampling and questionnaire changes, comparison of results prior to 2014 with 5 today should be approached with some caution. Methodology POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING 2008-12 Barometers ______

Original ARB development To create the first Australian Reconciliation Barometer, the first part of the research task was to identify different factors that contributed to advancing reconciliation. Several phases of both quantitative and qualitative research were used in the process of identifying and defining these factors. In May 2007 RA commissioned a quantitative survey among 1,024 people to determine the underlying values of Australians towards Indigenous issues and reconciliation. This survey was further enhanced by a series of in-depth interviews with 14 key Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders. From this, 29 hypotheses of reconciliation were identified, forming the basis of a discussion guide for further study. In November-December 2007, a series of 12 forums were conducted with Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in Shepparton, Rockhampton and Sydney. The forums explored the 29 hypotheses of reconciliation and this resulted in the development of 31 “outcomes” for reconciliation, that is: actions or conditions that will advance reconciliation. These outcomes were used to inform the development of the original Barometer questionnaire. This first Barometer survey was conducted in May 2008, May 2010 and July 2012.

General Community Sample 2008-2012 For the 2008-2012 studies, the general community sample of Australians was selected and weighted to be representative in terms of age, gender and location (state and urban/regional splits), as per Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 Census data. Participants were recruited from a professional market and social research panel and they received a small incentive for their participation. 1007 Australian residents aged 18+ completed the survey in May 2008, 1220 completed the survey in April 2010, and 1012 completed the survey in July 2012. These sample sizes are associated with margins of error of +/- 3.1%, +/- 2.8% and +/-3.1% at the 95% confidence interval respectively. Indigenous Sample 2008-2012 The 2008-2012 surveys among Indigenous respondents involved recruitment through Indigenous networks across Australia, with an open invitation distributed by email and hosted on the RA website. This targeted approach was taken due to the relatively small proportion of Indigenous Australians within established research panels, and the Australian population overall. A sample of 617 Indigenous Australians completed the survey between 25- 30 June 2008, while 704 Indigenous Australians completed it in 12-29 April 2010, and 516 completed it in July 2012. These sample sizes are associated with margins of error of +/- 4%, +/- 3.7% and +/- 4.3% respectively. Gaining a truly representative sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians is difficult because of a number of geographical and socioeconomic factors. Accounting for these factors was beyond the scope of the research, and it was acknowledged that the sample of Indigenous people (recruited via Indigenous networks) may not have been truly representative of the overall Indigenous population. The data was weighted according to Indigenous demographic data (age/gender and location) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 Census, to try and ensure it was as representative as possible.

6 Methodology POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING 2014-2020 Barometer ______

ARB reviewed and refined In early 2014, following a tender process, Polity Research & Consulting was selected to conduct the ARB survey, and to assistRA and its stakeholders with a comprehensive review of the Barometer survey. In May 2014, RA convened a Roundtable workshop at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence in Redfern. Participants were invited based on their knowledge and experience in Indigenous affairs, reconciliation and social research, and to achieve an appropriate mix of not-for-profit, academic and commercial sectors and gender. The Roundtable identified 4 key areas for improvement of the ARB: i. To better inform a broader narrative on reconciliation, by more closely aligning with RA’s Reconciliation Outcomes Framework ii. To remove questionnaire asymmetry, with too many existing questions ‘speaking’ to non-Indigenous respondents rather than both groups iii. To address Indigenous sample bias, as much as logistically possible, with respondents drawn from a narrow group of Indigenous networks iv. To measure the ‘lived experience’ of respondents more, rather than their perceptions of the broader social reality

Accordingly, the Barometer was revised extensively and contains many new measures, as well as some revisions to past questions. For this reason and also due to the improved ‘random’ sampling approach for the Indigenous community (see below), the ARB since 2014 represents something of a resetting of the reconciliation baseline in Australia, and makes direct tracking comparisons with 2008-2012 results difficult. Following the “10-year tracking” report in 2018, it was decided that the results of surveys prior to 2014 would no longer be included in the ARB, so that applicable tracking results are now more directly comparable. To access past results, readers should refer to previous Barometers, archived with Reconciliation Australia. However Polity advises caution regarding any dramatic changes in results since 2012. Acknowledgements It is further acknowledged that, in the interests of graphical and reporting brevity, the abbreviation Indigenous has been used in this report, to refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Similarly, the term “Australians” has been used in both the survey questions and report, to refer to all people who are resident in Australia, including both citizens and non-citizens. Online approach Participants from both groups completed the survey online. Previous studies have shown that online research produces researchwhich is at least as accurate (and sometimes more accurate) than telephone research. Another benefit of this approach is the removal of any interviewer bias that may come into play when discussing sensitive issues. Online surveys also have the advantage of allowing people to respond at their own pace, giving them enough time to properly consider important and complex issues. However, it is possible that this methodology over-samples the computer literate population which on average may be more highly-educated than the general population.

7 Methodology POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING 2014-2020 Barometer: Question changes ______

Question changes in the Barometer and considerations for tracking Since 2014, the ARB questionnaire has undergone occasional changes or edits, as part of a continuous process to develop and improve the survey as required. Reasons for making changes include responding to changing social realities and/or events, such as the Referendum Council recommendations and Uluru Statement from the Heart, or to meet evolving focal points of Reconciliation Australia, or to address any errors or ambiguities that become apparent. The following list outlines key changes since 2014, and explains potential implications for the research tracking. The list does not address entirely new questions which have been added, as the presence of such changes is self evident. Key changes to existing questions in the ARB since 2014: In 2014-18, the survey asked people to indicate levels of acceptance regarding a number of key facts about Australia’s past (p.38). In 2020, the question was changed to ask if they “believed” these facts (i.e. rather than accepting them). This was due to it becoming apparent there was considerable ambiguity with the word ‘accept’, and as such this question has been reset entirely. All results for this question in previous ARB reports should be disregarded.

In 2018, the survey asked people to indicate levels of importance for undertaking a truth telling process (p.50). In 2020, the question was changed to ask in relation to truth telling “processes”. This change does not dramatically affect the focus nor intention of the question, and tracking is maintained in the report. However, shifts between 2018-20 should be treated with caution. In 2014-16, the survey asked people to indicate which statement they agreed with most (from a list of 4) regarding how to address the wrongs of the past (p.53) resulting from European settlement in Australia. In 2018, the question was changed to ask in relation to “European colonisation of Australia”. Shifts in tracking results 2016-18 should be treated with caution. In 2014-18, the survey asked people to indicate if they felt they could be true to their culture or beliefs in a number of contexts (p.94). In 2020, the question was changed to ask in relation to “culture” only (i.e. removed personal beliefs). Shifts in tracking results 2018-20 should be treated with caution. In 2014-16, the survey asked people to indicate levels of prejudice between non-Indigenous and Indigenous Australians (p.81), and (comparatively) between non-Indigenous Australians and new immigrants from overseas. In 2018, this question regarding levels of prejudice between groups was changed to ask them as independent questions – i.e. the first part of this question was asked separately, and then subsequent questions asked about prejudice between more specific groups (e.g. people of Anglo-Celtic heritage, people of non-English speaking heritage). Shifts in tracking results 2016-18 related to the first question (prejudice between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples) should be treated with caution.

8 Methodology 2020 Barometer: Survey details POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General Community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Samples Since the first Barometer in 2008, the general community sample of Australian residents has been recruited from a professional market and social research panel. Participants received a small incentive for their participation. The sample of 1988 completed the survey between 1-15 July 2020, and is associated with a margin of error of +/-2.2% at the 95% confidence interval. This means that if a result of 50% is found, we can be 95% confident the real result is between 47.8% and 52.2%. Since 2014, the Indigenous sample has also been drawn from a professional market and social research panel. Participants self-identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. The sample of 495 completed the survey between 1-9 July-28 2020 (simultaneously with the general community sample), and is associated with a margin of error of +/-4.4% at the 95% confidence interval. Both the general community sample and the Indigenous sample are weighted to be representative in terms of age group, gender and location (state and territory populations), as per Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census data.

The general community sample of Australian residents included quotas set for states and territories, which are associated with the following margins of error at the 95% confidence interval: NSW, Victoria, QLD +/-4.9% WA, SA, Tasmania, +/-6.9% ACT, NT, +/-9.8%

NOTE: State breakouts for the general population in this report have each been weighted separately as per ABS 2016 Census stats per State/Territory. Further details of the composition of both samples are provided in the Appendix.

Comparative samples from previous waves In 2014, 1100 residents aged 18+ in the general community and 502 in the Indigenous community completed the survey in Sept-Oct 2014. In 2016, 2277 residents aged 18+ in the general community and 500 in the Indigenous community completed the survey in July-August 2016. In 2018, 1995 residents aged 18+ in the general community and 497 in the Indigenous community completed the survey in July-August 2018.

9 The social context of 2020 POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______Before interpreting any changes in the Barometer results for 2020, it is Black Lives Matter demonstrations and the potential increase in racism important to acknowledge the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in awareness and backlash Australia during this survey period. Also, the advent of heightened Following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in the US state of awareness and sentiments around the Black Lives Matter and Black Deaths Minnesota on 25 May 2020, a wave of protests swept around the world in in Custody movements globally and locally, may have directly influenced our support of the Black Lives Matter movement and against police brutality. In attitudes to reconciliation and other Indigenous issues this year. Australia, protest marches were staged around the country, starting in COVID-19 Sydney on 2 June 2020 and continuing throughout the month. The marches were held not only in support of the movement for justice in the USA, but In Australia, awareness about the COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic also to highlight and call for greater action on the continuing high rates of started in January and quickly grew with the World Health Organisation Aboriginal deaths in custody, and over-incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres declaring a Global pandemic in March 2020. Concern also grew, evident Strait Islander people. through panic-buying and shortages of groceries, hand sanitisers and personal protection equipment etc. Alongside these issues, the Black Lives Matter protests may have helped focus attention on racism and perceptions of racism, which may have had Spread of the COVID-19 virus resulted in Australia’s first social distancing some impact in relation to racism related questions. rules and nationwide lockdown starting in late March, with international borders closed to all non-residents on March 2020. This first round of Destruction of Juukan Gorge by regulations started to ease in late May - early June 2020. However, since In late May 2020 Rio Tinto mining company destroyed 46 000 year-old caves then, regulations in various states and territories have fluctuated in response at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. This site was to new outbreaks, most severely in Victoria which re-introduced even stricter a significant cultural heritage site of the Puutu Kunti Kurama and Pinikura lockdown rules from June 2020 and throughout July, until a state of disaster (PKKP) People. The loss to the PKKP, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander was declared by Premier Dan Andrews on 2 August 2020. people across Australia, as well as the broader community and the world is While it is impossible to know exactly how the loss of loved ones, pandemic hard to comprehend. The destruction caused outrage in Australia and fears and related impacts on people’s lives might have influenced attitudes internationally. and perceptions across the general population, there is likely to have been Shortly after the destruction, Rio Tinto was suspended from Reconciliation some effect. Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program. On Thursday 11 June Social lockdowns and the potential exacerbation of discrimination 2020 the Australian Senate referred The destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia to an One of the key impacts of the lockdown regulations has been on people’s Inquiry. economic security, with business closures and job losses affecting many millions of Australians. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, The destruction and Inquiry has led to significant media coverage and some 594,000 people lost their jobs in April 2020 alone. Such economic ongoing discussions on the importance on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in hardship would not only have impacted people’s personal well being, but Australia, and a strong desire from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander may have resulted in increased tensions between bosses and workers, and people and broader community to push for changes to better protect cultural between landlords and tenants. A potential impact is how Culturally and heritage. The Australian Reconciliation Barometer Survey was in the field 4 Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities in general, and Aboriginal and weeks after the destruction, so it is possible that this context has had some Torres Strait Islander people in particular, may have experienced increased impact on responses in relation to culture and heritage. racism and discrimination.

10 Australian Reconciliation Barometer 2020


11 We widely view the relationship as very important POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the importance of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians:

3 6 35 56 2020 14 24 71

4 7 40 50 2018 3 3 21 73

4 7 41 48 2016 21 21 76

5 9 43 43 2014 13 22 73

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Most people among the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to feel the relationship is important to Australia as a nation. However, Indigenous respondents (71%) remain much more likely than the general community (56%) to view the relationship as very important. Most notably, there continues to be a steady increase in the general community (56%) who view the relationship as very important, since 2014.

12 More Australians now believe it is important POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING to undertake formal truth-telling processes ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Important or not to undertake formal truth 2020 3 8 39 50 telling processes, to 2 4 32 61 acknowledge the reality of Australia's shared history?

2018 6 14 44 36 3 6 33 58

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community (89%) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (93%) widely believe it’s important to undertake a formal truth telling process, in relation to Australia’s shared history. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to feel this is very important, compared to the general public. Most notably, there has been a strong increase in the general community of people who now think it’s very important (50%), since 2018.

NOTE: This question has changed from previous Barometers, from ‘a process’ to “processes”. For details see p.8 13 We believe it is very important for key POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING constitutional changes to happen ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

To remove racial discrimination from the Constitution - like 3 6 27 64 Section 25 that says people 3 6 25 66 can be banned from voting based on race To formally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait 5 12 33 50 Islander peoples and cultures 4 7 27 62 in the Constitution To establish a representative Indigenous Body, to share the 5 9 40 46 views of Indigenous 3 5 31 60 Australians regarding Indigenous affairs and policies To protect an Indigenous Body within the Constitution, so it 6 13 37 44 can't be removed by any 5 7 30 58 government

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people widely believe it’s important to implement the key constitutional changes that have been proposed in Australia. In particular, strong majorities of both groups feel it’s very important to remove racial discrimination from the Constitution.

14 The importance of teaching and learning about POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and ______cultures is increasing

General community Indigenous respondents

Important Indigenous histories 2020 5 12 40 43 and cultures are a compulsory 3 5 30 61 part of the school curriculum?

2018 7 13 47 32 4 7 27 62

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Important Indigenous history is 2016 6 14 45 35 a compulsory part of the school 23 27 69 curriculum? 2014 8 15 46 31 3 5 30 62

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to believe it is very important that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures should be compulsory in school (61%), compared to the general public (43%). However, there has been a strong increase among the general community of people who now consider this very important, since 2018.

15 NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers, from ‘history’ to “histories”. For details see p.8 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of health to ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in health?

12 22 34 30 20 Educational institutions 32 4 25 30 36

Aboriginal and Torres 12 11 31 32 22 Strait Islander 315 33 33 26 organisations

Community sector 13 21 34 32 19 organisations 4 23 24 33 34

Private sector 16 42 32 28 19 businesses 5 2 5 25 29 33

Government 10 12 27 28 32 departments 332 20 29 44

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are still more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of health, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely believe educational institutions (36%), the community sector (34%) and the business sector (33%) need to do a lot more.

16 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of employment to close the gap ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in employment?

Educational 9 21 35 33 18 institutions 3 4 4 22 38 28

Aboriginal and Torres 12 11 33 32 20 Strait Islander 3 33 34 38 19 organisations

Community sector 12 22 37 32 16 organisations 4 3 5 28 38 23

Private sector 12 22 31 33 20 businesses 4 4 5 25 30 32

Government 8 23 30 32 25 departments 32 4 27 31 33

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of employment, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely believe the education sector (28%), the government sector (33%) and the business sector (32%) need to do a lot more.

17 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of justice to close the gap ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in access to justice?

Educational 12 22 33 30 22 institutions 4 3 4 19 37 33

Aboriginal and Torres 11 11 29 31 27 Strait Islander 423 25 40 25 organisations

Community sector 12 22 32 32 19 organisations 6 24 25 34 30

Private sector 16 5 2 34 25 18 businesses 7 4 4 29 30 27

Government 8 22 25 28 34 departments 32 5 18 29 42

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of justice, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely believe the educational sector (33%), the community sector (30%) and the business sector (27%) need to do a lot more.

18 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people are more POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING likely to experience racial prejudice ______

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced racial prejudice in the last six months, than the general community, with 52% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people having experienced at least one form of such racism. The most common forms of this have been verbal or social media abuse, prevented from renting or buying property or refused entry to a venue. This significant disparity in daily realities remains a key stumbling block in the relationship andan impediment to reconciliation.

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Experienced at least 1 21 79 form of racial prejudice 52 48 in past 6 months

13 87 Verbal abuse 36 64

Social media abuse 9 91 (e.g. via Facebook, 36 64 Instagram etc)

Prevented from renting 3 97 or buying a property 21 79

Refused entry to a 2 98 venue 21 79

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

19 More Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australians have POLITY experienced recent prejudice in 2020, than in 2018 RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 21 79 52 48

Experienced at least 1 2018 20 80 form of racial prejudice 43 57 in past 6 months

2016 18 82 46 54

2014 16 84 39 61

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced racial prejudice in the last 6 months, compared with the same period in any of the years since 2014. However, it is notable the prevalence of such prejudice experienced in the general community has also increased since 2014. This stark increase of discrimination in 2020 may indicate how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been more widely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lock downs, creating stress and tensions in communities. For example, Indigenous respondents were much more likely to have experienced being prevented from renting/buying property and being refused entry to a venue (see page 13). 20 NOTE: This question was updated this year to include ‘social media abuse’, which may have contributed to the rise in experiences since 2018. People with high knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait POLITY Islander histories and cultures are more likely to agree the RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______past has caused Indigenous disadvantages today

General community 2020 People with Fairly/Very high knowledge of Indigenous histories AND cultures:

100 Past race-based policies are the cause of Indigenous 8 16 17 30 29 34 disadvantage today 40 Australia's colonial 75 legacy is the cause of Fairly/Very Indigenous 11 17 19 25 28 high disadvantage today

Fairly low 50 People with Very low/No knowledge of Indigenous histories AND cultures: 54 48 Past race-based policies are the cause Very low/No 6 8 40 31 16 25 of Indigenous knowledge disadvantage today at all Australia's colonial legacy is the cause of 13 12 Indigenous 7 12 39 25 18 0 disadvantage today Knowledge about Knowledge about the Indigenous cultures histories of 0 25 50 75 100 Indigenous peoples in Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree Australia

Those people in the general community with fairly high or very high knowledge of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are more likely to strongly agree that past race-based policies (29%) and Australia’s colonial legacy (28%) are the causes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s disadvantage. Conversely, people with very low or no knowledge of Indigenous histories and cultures are more likely to be indifferent.

21 More people with high knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres POLITY Strait Islander histories and cultures also now agree the past RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______has caused Indigenous disadvantages today

General community 2018 2020

People with Fairly/Very high knowledge of Indigenous histories AND cultures:

Past race-based policies are the cause of 9 12 21 35 23 Indigenous disadvantage 8 16 17 30 29 today Australia's colonial legacy 10 17 22 28 23 is the cause of Indigenous 11 17 19 25 28 disadvantage today

People with Very low/No knowledge of Indigenous histories AND cultures:

Past race-based policies are the cause of 10 15 30 31 15 Indigenous disadvantage 6 8 40 31 16 today Australia's colonial legacy 8 18 35 30 9 is the cause of Indigenous 7 12 39 25 18 disadvantage today

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree

More people in the general community with fairly high or very high knowledge of both Indigenous histories and cultures strongly agree that past race-based policies (29%) and Australia’s colonial legacy (28%) are the causes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s disadvantage, than in 2018 (both 23%). Conversely, people with very low or no knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are now more likely to be indifferent. 22 People who strongly agree Australia’s past has been the POLITY cause of Indigenous disadvantages today also widely believe RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______those wrongs must be rectified

General community 2020 People who strongly agree colonial legacy/past policies are cause of Indigenous disadvantage: 100

22 23 I don't believe there The wrongs of the past have been any wrongs of the past 9 22 must be rectified Strongly agree 75 before all Australians can move on, 69 30 Agree 36 The wrongs of the past can never be 50 forgiven Neither agree or disagree People who strongly disagree colonial legacy/past policies are cause of Indigenous disadvantage: 25 Disagree 23 There should be 25 forgiveness for the Strongly disagree wrongs of the past 16 There should be and all Australians 13 forgiveness for the should now move on 7 5 23 5 wrongs of the past and 3 0 all Australians should The wrongs of the Australia's colonial Past race-based now move on, 69 past must be rectified legacy is the cause policies are the before all Australians of Indigenous cause of can move on disadvantage today Indigenous 0 25 50 75 100 disadvantage today

Those people in the general community who strongly agree that both past government racial policies and Australia’s colonial legacy are the causes of Indigenous disadvantages, also widely believe the wrongs of Australia’s past must be rectified (69%) before we can move on. Conversely, the vast majority of people who strongly disagree with both of those assertions feel there should be forgiveness and we should all move on (69%). 23 More people who strongly agree Australia’s past has caused POLITY Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s disadvantage RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______also now widely believe those wrongs must be rectified

General community 2018 2020

People who strongly agree colonial legacy/past policies are cause of Indigenous disadvantage:

The wrongs The wrongs of the past must of the past 6 35 9 22 be rectified, 59 must be rectified, 69

People who strongly disagree colonial legacy/past policies are cause of Indigenous disadvantage:

There should be forgiveness There should be 15 2 for the wrongs of the past, 2 23 5 forgiveness for the wrongs 3 81 of the past, 69

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 I don't believe there have been any wrongs of the past The wrongs of the past can never be forgiven There should be forgiveness for the wrongs of the past The wrongs of the past must be rectified

More people in the general community who strongly agree that both past racial policies and Australia’s colonial legacy are the causes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage, now also widely believe the wrongs of Australia’s past must be rectified (69%), than in 2018 (59%). Conversely, the majority of people who strongly disagree with both of those assertions still feel there should be forgiveness and we should all move on (69%). It is also notable that more now say there haven’t been any past wrongs (23%). 24 Australian Reconciliation Barometer 2020

FINDINGS BY DIMENSION Full results comparing Indigenous-only respondent perspectives with the general public

25 Race Relations

All Australians understand and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous cultures, rights and experiences, which results in stronger relationships based on trust and respect and that are free of racism

How do we see cultural diversity and how well do we treat each other? Key Findings: 95% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and 91% of the general community feel our relationship is important

60% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people agree that Australia is a racist country (43% of the general community)

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experienced discrimination from professionals in the past 6 months, especially from police (17%) and employers (17%)

52% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced at least one form or racial prejudice in the past 6 months (43% in 2018)

26 Most Australians rarely socialise with people of POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

People of British or 16 84 European heritage 22 78

People of Asian 26 74 heritage 31 69

49 Peope of Middle 46 51 Eastern heritage 54

People of Aboriginal 65 35 or Torres Strait 17 83 Islander heritage

36 People of another 41 64 cultural heritage 59

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Socialise with never/rarely Socialise with occassionally/frequently

Most Australians continue to have little ‘socialising’ contact with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. While there is no doubt the relatively small Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Australia doesn’t make regular contact easy, this continues to highlight a key ‘gap’ in reconciliation progress.

27 Most Australians still socialise less with people of POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage than ______with any other major cultural group

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

People of British or 4 12 34 50 European heritage 5 17 37 42

People of Asian 7 18 36 38 heritage 8 23 42 26

15 Peope of Middle 12 34 38 13 Eastern heritage 33 38 16

People of Aboriginal 24 41 28 7 or Torres Strait 3 14 39 45 Islander heritage People of another 8 28 46 18 cultural heritage (not 8 33 40 19 listed here)

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently

Australians remain most likely to socialise with people of British or European cultural heritage on a frequent basis. When it comes to socialising with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, the general community are least likely to do so frequently (7%), than they are with people from any other major cultural group.

28 There has been little change in the percentage of Australians POLITY who frequently socialise with people of Aboriginal or Torres RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______Strait Islander heritage

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 24 41 28 7 3 14 39 45

Socialise with people of Aboriginal or Torres 2018 21 2 42 27 10 Strait Islander 16 33 49 heritage?

2016 24 43 24 8 4 12 34 51

2014 25 45 23 7 4 14 38 44

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently

There has been little change in the percentage of Australians who socialise with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, either frequently (7%) or occasionally (28%), since 2018. However, Australians (35%) are now more likely to socialise frequently or occasionally with Indigenous peoples than in 2014 (30%).

29 We widely view the relationship as very important POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the importance of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians:

3 6 35 56 2020 14 24 71

4 7 40 50 2018 3 3 21 73

4 7 41 48 2016 21 21 76

5 9 43 43 2014 13 22 73

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Most people among the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to feel the relationship is important to Australia as a nation. However, Indigenous respondents (71%) remain much more likely than the general community (56%) to view the relationship as very important. Most notably, there continues to be a steady increase in the general community (56%) who view the relationship as very important, since 2014.

30 The views among younger Australians remain POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING generally more positive ______

General community 2020

How important is the relationship? Fairly high/Very high trust: 65+ yrs old 17 4 6 37 54 65+ yrs old 28 55-64 3 7 36 54 55-64 19 Trust Indigenous peoples have for 27 other Australians 45-54 5 5 38 52 20 45-54 30 35-44 4 7 34 54 28 Trust other Australians have for 35-44 32 Indigenous peoples 25-34 1 5 33 61 25-34 23 18-24 8 27 65 31 22 18-24 29 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important 0 25 50 75 100

I don't believe there Important Indigenous peoples have a voice? have been any 65+ yrs old 23 33 62 65+ yrs old 24 77 17 wrongs of the past 55-64 23 73 22 The wrongs of the 55-64 11 27 71 past can never be 45-54 2 4 32 62 45-54 3 7 64 26 forgiven 35-44 33 33 61 35-44 3 8 62 27 There should be forgiveness for the 25-34 14 31 65 25-34 17 55 37 wrongs of the past 18-24 24 21 74 18-24 18 39 52 The wrongs of the past must be rectified 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

When it comes to holding high value in the relationship, perceptions of trust, a sense that past wrongs must be rectified and belief that it’s very important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a say in matters that concern them, 18-24 year olds are mostly ahead of all other age groups in the general community. That these attitudes are also largely evident among 25-34 year olds continues to indicate how these positive views have largely been carried forward by young people since the first Barometer in 2008. 31 The views among younger Aboriginal and Torres POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Strait Islander people are a mixed picture ______

Indigenous respondents 2020

How important is the relationship? Fairly high/Very high trust: 19 Trust Indigenous 65+ yrs old 21 52 44 65+ yrs old 24 peoples have for 32 other Australians 55-64 6 11 83 55-64 28 22 45-54 2 14 84 45-54 27 61 Trust other 35-44 33 20 75 35-44 56 Australians have 65 for Indigenous 25-34 3 4 35 57 25-34 65 39 peoples 18-24 6 20 74 18-24 58 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

I don't believe there Important Indigenous peoples have a voice? have been any 65+ yrs old 16 84 65+ yrs old 91 9 wrongs of the past 55-64 6 49 45 The wrongs of the 55-64 6 6 88 past can never be 45-54 3 22 74 45-54 24 40 54 forgiven 35-44 23 33 62 35-44 3 8 52 37 There should be forgiveness for the 25-34 3 8 33 56 25-34 3 15 50 31 wrongs of the past 18-24 42 25 69 18-24 1 31 40 28 The wrongs of the past must be rectified 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

When it comes to agreeing that past wrongs must be rectified and belief that it’s very important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a say in matters that concern them, 18-24 year olds are mostly behind other age groups in Indigenous respondents. However, they do mostly agree that the relationship is very important. A key underlying factor for the contradictions in the views among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may be that while they widely feel other Australians trust them (58%), they are less inclined to reciprocate that trust (39%). 32 More people in all states/territories now view POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING the relationship as very important ______

General community 2018 2020

Perceptions of the importance of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians:

NT 10 7 34 49 NT 4 9 33 54

ACT 12 36 61 ACT 22 29 67

TAS 4 7 41 48 TAS 4 6 41 49

SA 3 8 43 47 SA 3 4 36 57

WA 2 7 38 52 WA 3 6 34 57

QLD 4 5 42 50 QLD 3 8 31 59

VIC 3 8 40 49 VIC 3 5 33 58

NSW 5 6 39 50 NSW 2 5 36 56

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

More people among the general community in all states and territories now feel the relationship is very important to Australia as a nation, compared with 2018. This increase has been most notable in South Australia (57%), compared to two years ago.

33 ACT residents are most likely to view the POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING relationship as very important ______

General community 2020

Perceptions of the importance of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians:

NT 4 9 33 54

ACT 2 2 29 67

TAS 4 6 41 49

SA 3 4 36 57

WA 3 6 34 57

QLD 3 8 31 59

VIC 3 5 33 58

NSW 2 5 36 56

0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Most people (96%) among the general community in ACT feel the relationship is important to Australia as a nation, with 67% saying it’s very important. Conversely, people in Tasmania are least likely (49%) to view the relationship as very important. Notably, the Northern Territory is where more people think the relationship is not important (13%), compared to other States and Territories.

34 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people’s trust has improved for all groups of ______professions since 2018

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall level of trust with the following groups of people: Doctors, nurses, 1 7 10 45 37 medical staff etc 1 5 7 39 47

8 13 12 42 26 Police 8 13 11 32 35

School teachers 2 9 25 41 22 and principals 3 8 16 45 27 Local shop 2 6 16 55 19 owners and staff 2 8 13 50 27

3 9 30 41 18 Employers 3 9 25 42 21

Real estate 13 18 36 24 9 agents 7 17 27 35 14

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Very low trust Fairly low trust Dont know Fairly high trust Very high trust

There has been an improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feeling there is high trust shared with all the professional groups, compared with 2018.

35 More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING now feel that other Australians trust them ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Trust that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have for other Australians:

21 44 14 17 5 2020 19 34 3 24 20

18 48 13 16 5 2018 11 37 6 28 18

21 46 14 15 4 2016 13 33 8 31 15

20 46 13 16 4 2014 14 41 5 27 12

Trust that other Australians have for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:

12 45 13 23 7 2020 20 28 5 25 22

13 49 11 21 6 2018 21 33 6 25 15

14 48 13 20 4 2016 23 35 7 20 15

15 48 12 21 5 2014 23 36 7 21 13

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Very low Fairly low Don't know Fairly high Very high

Perceptions of trust among the general community have remained steady, with 30% feeling they trust Indigenous Australians (27% in 2018) and 22% believing that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have trust for non- Indigenous Australians (21% in 2018). Similarly, the perception of trust held among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has changed little: 44% now feel they have high trust for other Australians, 46% in 2018. However, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now believe other Australians have high trust for them (47%), than in 2018 (40%). 36 Trust is lowest among West Australians and Queenslanders POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______General community 2020

Trust that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have for other Australians: NT 14 43 6 18 19 ACT 16 47 12 20 6 TAS 15 47 12 20 7 SA 19 44 19 10 7 WA 26 40 12 17 5 QLD 24 45 14 14 3 VIC 19 49 13 15 4 NSW 20 40 14 19 6 Trust that other Australians have for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: NT 12 45 7 23 12 ACT 8 40 10 31 11 TAS 8 49 12 24 7 SA 11 49 12 22 6 WA 19 45 10 21 5 QLD 11 49 13 21 5 VIC 9 46 15 23 7 NSW 12 41 14 25 7

0 25 50 75 100 Very low Fairly low Don't know Fairly high Very high

Perceptions of trust are lowest in WA, with 64% of the general community there feeling there is very/fairly low trust for Indigenous Australians; and also Queensland, where 79% believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have very/fairly low trust for other Australians.

37 Relationships have mostly improved between Aboriginal POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING and Torres Strait Islander people and all groups of ______professions since 2018

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall quality of the relationship with the following groups of people:

14 8 48 39 Doctors, nurses, medical staff etc 24 4 50 41

2 5 10 53 31 Local shop owners and staff 2 5 8 48 37

3 5 27 41 23 School teachers and principals 2 6 20 41 31

3 5 28 40 26 Employers 3 5 23 41 29

6 11 15 39 29 Police 5 11 13 42 29

7 6 39 35 13 Real estate agents 3 9 31 37 20

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very poor relationship Fairly poor relationship Don't know Fairly good relationship Very good relationship

There has been an improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feeling they have very good relationships with all professional groups (except for Police), since 2018.

38 We mostly feel there is mutual trust with POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING medical staff, police and school staff ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall level of trust with the following groups of people:

Doctors, nurses, 12 5 44 48 medical staff etc 1 5 7 39 47

3 9 15 46 27 Police 8 13 11 32 35

School teachers 15 23 48 24 and principals 3 8 16 45 27

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very low trust Fairly low trust Don't know Fairly high trust Very high trust

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely feel there is a shared trust with medical staff, police and teachers and principals. However, 21% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feel there is low trust with police, compared with 12% of the general community. Similarly, 11% see low trust with school staff, compared with 6% in the general community.

39 We mostly have a good relationship with POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING medical staff and local shops ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall quality of the relationship with the following groups of people:

Doctors, nurses, 12 8 44 46 medical staff etc 24 4 50 41

Local shop 12 9 52 35 owners and staff 2 5 8 48 37

2 4 26 39 29 Police 5 11 13 42 29

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very poor relationship Fairly poor relationship Don't know Fairly good relationship Very good relationship

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely feel they have good relationships with medical staff, local shop owners and police. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are much more likely to have a poor relationship with police (16%) than the general community (6%).

40 We are most likely to feel there is a low level of POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING trust with real estate agents ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall level of trust with the following groups of people:

Local shop 13 14 63 19 owners and staff 2 8 13 50 27

2 11 28 45 14 Employers 3 9 25 42 21

Real estate 11 27 31 26 6 agents 7 17 27 35 14

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very low trust Fairly low trust Don't know Fairly high trust Very high trust

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely feel there is high trust shared with shop owners and staff and employers. However, both groups are divided about the overall level of trust shared with real estate agents.

41 We are also most likely to have poor relationships POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING with real estate agents ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall quality of the relationship with the following groups of people:

14 24 42 29 Employers 3 5 23 41 29

School teachers 23 32 36 27 and principals 2 6 20 41 31

3 9 37 39 11 Real estate agents 3 9 31 37 20

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very poor relationship Fairly poor relationship Don't know Fairly good relationship Very good relationship

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely feel they have good relationships with employers and school staff. However, both groups are most likely to have a poor relationship with real estate agents (12%). This may reflect how community relationships have been impacted by COVID-19 lock downs in 2020, especially in terms of letting issues.

42 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people’s trust with most professions is now ______more mixed than in 2014

2014 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall level of trust with the following groups of people: Doctors, nurses, 13 8 47 40 medical staff etc 1 5 7 39 47

8 7 15 42 28 Police 8 13 11 32 35

School teachers 2 8 22 48 21 and principals 3 8 16 45 27 Local shop 13 20 53 23 owners and staff 2 8 13 50 27

2 5 29 46 18 Employers 3 9 25 42 21

Real estate 7 22 38 24 9 agents 7 17 27 35 14

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Very low trust Fairly low trust Don't know Fairly high trust Very high trust

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now feel there is low trust shared with all professional groups (except for estate agents), compared with 2014. In particular, Indigenous respondents are currently more likely to feel there is a low level of trust between them and police (21%) and local shop staff (10%), than in 2014 (15% and 4% respectively). However, perceptions of very high trust with all professions have also increased since 2014.

43 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander relationships POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING have mostly improved with all groups of ______professions since 2014

2014 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of the overall quality of the relationship with the following groups of people:

1 7 9 47 37 Doctors, nurses, medical staff etc 24 4 50 41

1 6 15 45 33 Local shop owners and staff 2 5 8 48 37

2 9 22 42 25 School teachers and principals 2 6 20 41 31

2 6 26 35 31 Employers 3 5 23 41 29

4 12 20 38 25 Police 5 11 13 42 29

4 14 42 30 11 Real estate agents 3 9 31 37 20

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very poor relationship Fairly poor relationship Don't know Fairly good relationship Very good relationship

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now feel they have very good relationships with all professional groups, compared with 2014. However, the exception is with Employers. Notably, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely now to have a good relationship with estate agents (57%), than in 2014 (41%).

44 Personal experience is a main source of POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait ______Islander people

General community Indigenous respondents

Main source of information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:

32 39 19 3 7 2020 13 45 11 27 5

34 39 17 3 7 2018 9 50 7 30 4

34 38 16 3 9 2016 10 50 6 27 7

36 36 15 3 10 2014 10 49 7 28 6

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 The media Your own personal experiences with Indigenous people School education or other research Parents and family Other people around you

The general community continues to be less likely to cite the media (32%) as their main source of information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Conversely, personal experiences have steadily increased as a key source since 2014. Unsurprisingly, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to learn about their people mostly from their own interactions with their communities (45%) and families (27%).

45 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING more likely to worry about other cultures ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 6 29 26 27 11 10 30 26 20 13

2018 4 28 29 28 11 6 25 27 21 21

2016 I worry about causing offence when I meet 5 26 26 30 13 people from other racial/cultural groups 8 28 26 24 14 2014 3 25 28 30 15 12 28 28 20 11

2020 3 14 31 36 15 9 20 33 26 12

2018 3 17 28 39 13 5 23 32 23 17

I find it difficult to understand the customs and 2016 3 15 29 37 16 ways of other racial/cultural groups 7 20 31 27 15 2014 3 18 29 37 14 10 23 27 24 15

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to be more likely to worry about causing offence to people from another racial/cultural group (40%) and to find other racial/cultural groups difficult to understand (29%), than the general community.

46 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING more likely to feel other cultures can be harmful to ______theirs

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 3 9 25 30 34 10 22 27 22 19

Other racial/cultural groups 2018 3 11 24 31 31 are harmful to mine 7 15 29 22 27

2016 3 13 24 30 30 10 17 26 24 22

2014 3 12 26 33 26 10 23 28 22 18

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to be more likely to worry that other cultures are harmful to their own (32%), than the general community (12%). Notably, this level of worry has not been as widespread since 2014 (33%), and again could underline how the COVID-19 pandemic may have exacerbated community conflicts and stressful experiences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

47 Most people reject the notion that non-Indigenous POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Australians are superior ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Non-Indigenous Australians are superior to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians?

25 22 23 47 2020 8 17 17 12 47

3 8 23 28 39 2018 9 9 18 18 46

2 6 25 26 40 2016 8 9 14 15 54

2 6 24 32 35 2014 5 14 20 14 47

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

More people in the general community (70%) now disagree that non-Indigenous Australians are superior to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, than Indigenous respondents (59%). Notably, there has been an increase in Indigenous respondents who agree with this sentiment (25%), a level not seen since 2014. This may continue to reflect issues of low self esteem or perceptions of ‘material’ superiority in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, among Indigenous respondents. Again, however, the increase may also be due to negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 48 We mostly agree we are better off with many POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING racial/cultural groups ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Australia is better off because we have many different racial/cultural groups?

3 7 20 39 31 2020 5 8 18 39 29

3 7 20 42 28 2018 5 9 30 34 22

4 9 21 41 25 2016 6 10 28 33 23

3 10 23 40 24 2014 9 9 24 36 22

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

The general community mostly continues to agree that Australia is better off for having many cultural groups (70%), as do Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (68%). Most notably, there has been a sharp increase among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who agree with this sentiment, since 2018.

49 More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people still believe Australia is a racist ______country

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 2 9 16 45 27 4 6 17 46 27 I believe it is possible 2018 3 9 16 48 24 for all Australians to 3 8 15 42 32 become united 2016 3 10 18 45 23 5 9 20 37 29

2014 3 11 21 44 21 4 7 20 39 30

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

2020 11 32 29 20 8 24 36 22 9 10 2018 8 30 30 23 9 19 32 25 17 7 Australia is a racist 2016 6 33 29 23 9 19 38 23 13 7 country 2014 6 29 33 24 8 17 31 29 17 6

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are still more likely to agree Australia is a racist country (60%), than the general community (43%), and are much more likely to strongly agree (24%, compared to 11%). However, the vast majority of both communities also continue to believe all Australians can become united. Most notably, there has been a sharp increase among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who strongly agree Australia is a racist country, since 2018 (51%). This may reflect not only negative impacts from COVID-19 stresses, but 50 also raised awareness from the Black Lives Matter protests in June 2020. We continue to be more likely to see high POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING prejudice between ourselves ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 9 39 32 16 3 26 38 21 11 5

2018 7 42 35 15 2 18 37 29 14 3

Prejudice between non- Indigenous Australians and 2016 12 37 19 27 6 Aboriginal and Torres Strait 20 40 17 17 6 Islander Australians

2014 10 35 19 30 6 22 40 11 23 4

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Very high prejudice Fairly high prejudice Don't know Fairly low prejudice Very low prejudice

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to be more likely to feel there is very high prejudice between themselves and non-Indigenous Australians (26%), than the general community (9%). Most notably, there has been a sharp increase among Indigenous respondents who believe there is very high prejudice, since 2018 (18%). Again, this may reflect not only negative impacts from COVID-19 stresses, but also raised awareness from the Black Lives Matter protests in June 2020.

51 NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers. For details see p.8 We are most likely to see high prejudice from POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people of Anglo-Celtic heritage ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020 Prejudice from people of Anglo-Celtic 10 34 35 18 3 cultural heritage towards Indigenous 18 39 25 13 4 Australians

Prejudice from people of non-English 5 20 55 16 3 speaking cultural heritage towards 22 25 30 15 9 Indigenous Australians

Prejudice from people of Anglo-Celtic 7 37 31 22 3 cultural heritage towards people of non- 19 36 30 11 4 English speaking cultural heritage 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very high prejudice Fairly high prejudice Don't know Fairly low prejudice Very low prejudice

Both the general community (44%) and Indigenous respondents (57%) widely see high prejudice from Australians of Anglo- Celtic heritage towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are much more likely to see high levels of prejudice towards themselves from non-English speaking heritage Australians (47%), than the general community believes (25%).

52 West Australians are most likely to feel there is POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING very high prejudice between the communities ______

General community 2020

Level of prejudice between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians?

NT 8 48 27 17

ACT 7 47 31 14 1

TAS 7 40 35 15 2

SA 9 41 34 14 2

WA 15 42 24 19 1

QLD 5 45 28 19 3

VIC 10 37 32 18 3

NSW 11 36 36 15 2

0 25 50 75 100

Very high prejudice Fairly high prejudice Don't know Fairly low prejudice Very low prejudice

Levels of prejudice between non-Indigenous Australians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are most widely perceived to be high in Western Australia and Northern Territory. Conversely, the general communities of Queensland (22%) and Victoria (21%) most widely believe there are low levels of prejudice.

53 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING much more likely to have experienced racial ______prejudice in the past 6 months

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Personally experienced any of these forms of prejudice in the past 6 months, on the basis of your race?

13 87 Verbal abuse 36 64

Social media abuse 9 91 (e.g. via Facebook,… 36 64

Prevented from renting 3 97 or buying a property 21 79

3 97 Physical violence 18 82

Refused service in a 3 97 shop 19 81

Refused entry to a 2 98 venue 21 79

7 93 Other 24 76

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are nearly three-times as likely to have experienced verbal abuse in the past six months (36%), than the general community (13%), and are much more likely to have experienced other forms of prejudice, on the basis of their race.

54 The experiences of younger Aboriginal and Torres POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Strait Islander people are mostly more negative ______

Indigenous respondents 2020

Prejudice between Indigenous & non-Indigenous? Experienced racial prejudice in past 6 months? 65+ yrs old 60 6 65+ yrs old 14 55-64 37 18 55-64 28 45-54 47 26 45-54 46 35-44 30 29 35-44 46 25-34 42 21 25-34 65 18-24 25 39 18-24 75 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Fairly high prejudice Very high prejudice Experienced at least 1 form of racism

Felt discriminated against in the past 6 months by.. Can always be true to your culture.. 5 36 65+ yrs old 6 65+ yrs old 22 52 At work 55-64 5 55-64 64 14 Employers 37 45-54 12 45-54 31 35-44 18 35-44 58 15 54 In the general 16 46 25-34 23 Police 25-34 41 community 33 46 18-24 29 18-24 39 0 25 50 0 25 50 75 100

When it comes to views of prejudice between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the general community, young Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples are most likely to see very high prejudice (39%), compared to other age groups. Several daily issues can be seen as underlying factors. Along with many experiencing racial prejudice in the past six months (75%), 18-24 year olds are most likely to have felt discriminated against by employers or police. And, consequently, not many young Indigenous peoples feel they can always be themselves at work or in the general community. 55 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING experiences of racial prejudice have increased since ______2018

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

33 67 Verbal abuse 36 64

Social media abuse (e.g. via Facebook, 36 64 Instagram etc)

Prevented from renting 15 85 or buying a property 21 79

Refused entry to a 12 88 venue 21 79

Refused service in a 12 88 shop 19 81

14 86 Physical violence 18 82

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

There has been a notable increase in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing racial prejudice in the past six months, compared to 2018. Most notably, there have been sharp increases among experiencing property (21%), venue entry (21%) and shop service (19%) related racist prejudice, since 2018. Again, this may reflect not only negative impacts from COVID-19 stresses, but also raised awareness or reactions from the Black Lives Matter protests in June 2020. 56 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING experiences of racial prejudice have increased since ______2014

2014 Indigenous respondents 2020

31 69 Verbal abuse 36 64

Social media abuse (e.g. via Facebook, 36 64 Instagram etc)

Prevented from renting 12 88 or buying a property 21 79

Refused entry to a 11 89 venue 21 79

Refused service in a 11 89 shop 19 81

14 86 Physical violence 18 82

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

There has largely been a worsening of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences of race-based prejudice in the past six years. Most notably, the issue appears to be getting worse in terms of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people trying to rent or buy property or gaining entry to a venue or being served in shops.

57 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING much more likely to have witnessed racial prejudice ______in the past 6 months

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Personally seen others experience any of these forms of prejudice in the past 6 months, on the basis of their race?

Social media abuse 30 70 (e.g. via Facebook,… 46 54

26 74 Verbal abuse 43 57

14 86 Physical violence 29 71

Refused entry to a 7 93 venue 25 75

Prevented from renting 6 94 or buying a property 29 71

Refused service in a 6 94 shop 26 74

9 91 Other 27 73

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have witnessed verbal abuse (43%) or social media abuse (46%) of another person in the past six months, than in the general community (26% and 30%). Notably, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are much more likely to have witnessed other forms of prejudice, on the basis of their race, compared to the general public.

58 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING witness of racial prejudice has mostly increased ______since 2018

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

Social media abuse (e.g. via Facebook, 46 54 Instagram etc)

46 54 Verbal abuse 43 57

Prevented from renting 19 81 or buying a property 29 71

30 70 Physical violence 29 71

Refused service in a 22 78 shop 26 74

Refused entry to a 24 76 venue 25 75

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

Since 2018, there has been a slight increase in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people witnessing most forms of race-based prejudice. Most notably, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have witnessed prejudice towards others in the context of property transactions (29%), than two years ago (19%). This may well have been exacerbated by COVID-19 lock down stresses, especially in terms of letting conflicts. 59 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING witness of racial prejudice has increased since ______2014

2014 Indigenous respondents 2020

Social media abuse (e.g. via Facebook, 46 54 Instagram etc)

42 58 Verbal abuse 43 57

Prevented from renting 17 83 or buying a property 29 71

23 77 Physical violence 29 71

Refused service in a 19 81 shop 26 74

Refused entry to a 22 78 venue 25 75

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Yes No

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (29%) have witnessed others being prevented from renting or buying a property in the past six months, up from 2014 (17%). Worryingly, they are also more likely to have witnessed other forms of race-based prejudice, compared to 2014.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples participate equally in a range of life opportunities and the unique rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are recognised and upheld.

How do we feel about our living standards and is enough being done to close the gap? Key Findings: 94% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and 95% of the general community believe it is important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a say in matters that affect them.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and Australians in the general community, believe more must be done by government departments to close the gap in areas of disadvantage:

Health: general community (60%), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (73%) Justice: general community (62%), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (71%) Employment: general community (57%), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (64%)

61 We mostly believe it is very important for POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to ______have a say in their affairs

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Important or not for Aboriginal and Torres 2020 23 30 65 Strait Islander peoples to 23 25 69 have a voice/say in matters that affect them?

2018 24 37 58 24 22 72

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community (95%) and Indigenous communities (94%) widely believe it’s important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a say in matters that affect them. This level of overall support remains constant since 2018. Most notably, this includes an even stronger majority of the general public (65%) who think this is very important.

62 More people from Victoria believe it is very POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ______people to have a voice

General community 2020

Important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a voice/say in matters that affect them?

NT 2 8 37 54

ACT 3 28 69

TAS 2 2 38 58

SA 2 3 33 62

WA 4 4 30 63

QLD 1 3 29 66

VIC 2 3 26 70

NSW 1 2 31 65

0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community in Victoria mostly believe (70%) that it’s very important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a say in matters that affect them. Conversely, only 54% of people in Northern Territory think this is very important. However, strong majorities in all states and territories believe this is important.

63 More people in most States/Territories now believe it is very POLITY important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______have a voice

General community 2018 2020

Important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a voice/say in matters that affect them?

NT 2 7 45 47 NT 2 8 37 54

ACT 27 73 ACT 3 28 69

TAS 5 41 54 TAS 22 38 58

SA 23 38 58 SA 23 33 62

WA 14 40 56 WA 4 4 30 63

QLD 3 4 36 58 QLD 13 29 66

VIC 24 36 58 VIC 23 26 70

NSW 1 4 37 58 NSW 12 31 65

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community in all states and territories (except ACT) now believe that it’s very important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a say in matters that affect them, compared to 2018. This increase has been most notable in Victoria (70%), since two years ago.

64 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING more likely to consider their living conditions are ______less comfortable

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 1 23 55 20 22 23 46 27 Own living 2018 12 31 49 16 conditions 2 6 43 32 16 2016 13 31 48 17 3 6 38 34 20 2014 13 29 52 16 4 4 40 34 18

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Very poor Poor Just getting by Comfortable Very comfortable

2020 2 11 47 30 12 Own living 5 13 38 27 18 conditions 2018 2 15 42 31 10 compared to 7 16 47 19 11 majority in 2016 2 13 45 30 10 Australia 8 19 39 21 13 2014 2 13 47 29 9 8 20 38 18 16 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 My conditions are a lot worse Slightly worse About the same Slightly better A lot better

75% of the general community and 73% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people consider their own living conditions to be comfortable. This ‘gap’ has improved sharply since 2018, with less Indigenous respondents now “just getting by”. However, while only 2% of the general public consider their own living conditions to be a lot worse than the majority of people in Australia, 5% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feel that way.

65 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING more likely to feel their prospects will change for ______the better

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Perceptions of how prospects will change in the next year:

My home life 7 76 17 will… 13 60 27

My financial 19 60 21 situation will… 17 54 29

My working 12 71 17 situation will… 15 60 25

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Get worse Stay the same Improve Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely think their prospects for next year will stay the same. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to think their conditions will improve or deteriorate, in terms of home life and working situation, compared to the general community.

66 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING remain more likely to feel their prospects will ______change for the worse

General community Indigenous respondents

Perceptions of how prospects will change in the next year:

2020 7 76 17 13 60 27 2018 8 71 21 12 58 31 2016 7 73 20 My home life will… 11 55 34 2014 7 72 22 13 58 29

2020 19 60 21 17 54 29 2018 18 57 25 24 43 33 2016 22 54 24 My financial situation will… 21 43 36 2014 22 54 24 27 44 29

2020 12 71 17 15 60 25 2018 10 68 21 16 57 27 2016 10 69 20 My working situation will… 13 52 35 2014 11 70 19 16 58 26 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Get worse Stay the same Improve

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely think their prospects for next year will stay the same. However, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people still think their conditions will deteriorate, in terms of home life and working situation, compared to the general community.

67 More Indigenous Australians see employment potential in POLITY terms of education and equal opportunity RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 5 16 34 36 9 5 16 28 35 16 2018 5 18 32 35 9 7 19 32 27 15 Employers in Australia follow the 2016 7 19 33 34 7 Equal Opportunity laws 11 19 35 25 10 2014 7 17 35 35 6 9 25 33 23 9

2020 8 26 31 28 6 14 24 24 27 11 2018 9 31 29 27 5 15 30 22 21 11 The Australian education system 2016 13 29 28 26 4 prepares children well to find a 16 32 26 20 6 job 2014 12 27 29 28 4 18 27 28 18 9

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are now more likely to feel that employers in Australia do follow equal opportunity laws and practices (51%), than the general community (45%). Similarly, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now agree (38%) that the education system prepares children well for employment. However, they remain also more likely to strongly disagree with this premise (14%), than the general public (8%).

68 More Australians think organisations need to do POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING a lot more in areas of education, than in 2014 ______

General community 2014 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in education?

Educational institutions 9 22 32 31 24

Aboriginal and Torres 16 21 27 36 19 Strait Islander 12 11 32 32 22 organisations

Community sector 17 21 32 34 13 organisations 12 22 35 32 18

Private sector 20 41 28 33 14 businesses 13 32 30 31 20

Government 12 22 25 34 24 departments 8 12 28 30 30

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community regarding how various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of education, to help close the gap, since 2014.

69 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of employment to close the gap ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in employment?

Educational 9 21 35 33 18 institutions 3 4 4 22 38 28

Aboriginal and Torres 12 11 33 32 20 Strait Islander 3 33 34 38 19 organisations

Community sector 12 22 37 32 16 organisations 4 3 5 28 38 23

Private sector 12 22 31 33 20 businesses 4 4 5 25 30 32

Government 8 23 30 32 25 departments 32 4 27 31 33

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of employment, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely believe the education sector (28%), the government sector (33%) and the business sector (32%) need to do a lot more.

70 More Australians think organisations need to do POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING a lot more in areas of employment ______

General community 2018 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in employment?

Educational 11 22 37 35 13 institutions 9 21 35 33 18

Aboriginal and Torres 12 12 31 37 16 Strait Islander 12 11 33 32 20 organisations

Community sector 13 23 36 35 11 organisations 12 22 37 32 16

Private sector 14 33 30 35 15 businesses 12 22 31 33 20

Government 9 23 28 36 21 departments 8 23 30 32 25

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community regarding how various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of employment, to help close the gap, since 2018.

71 More Australians think organisations need to do POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING a lot more in areas of employment, than in 2014 ______

General community 2014 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in employment?

Educational institutions 9 21 35 33 18

Aboriginal and Torres 13 22 29 38 16 Strait Islander 12 11 33 32 20 organisations

Community sector 14 21 33 39 11 organisations 12 22 37 32 16

Private sector 13 31 28 40 15 businesses 12 22 31 33 20

Government 12 22 28 38 18 departments 8 23 30 32 25

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community of people who think that various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of employment, to help close the gap, since 2014. Notably, more people now feel the business sector (20%) and the government sector (25%), needs to do a lot more compared to six years ago.

72 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of health to close the gap ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in health?

12 22 34 30 20 Educational institutions 32 4 25 30 36

Aboriginal and Torres 12 11 31 32 22 Strait Islander 315 33 33 26 organisations

Community sector 13 21 34 32 19 organisations 4 23 24 33 34

Private sector 16 42 32 28 19 businesses 5 2 5 25 29 33

Government 10 12 27 28 32 departments 332 20 29 44

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are still more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of health, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely believe educational institutions (36%), the community sector (34%) and the business sector (33%) need to do a lot more.

73 More Australians think organisations need to do POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING a lot more in areas of health ______

General community 2018 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in health?

Educational 15 3 34 30 16 institutions 12 22 34 30 20

Aboriginal and Torres 14 2 28 31 23 Strait Islander 12 11 31 32 22 organisations

Community sector 15 2 35 33 15 organisations 13 21 34 32 19

Private sector 20 5 32 27 15 businesses 16 42 32 28 19

Government 11 2 26 32 29 departments 10 12 27 28 32

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community of people who think that various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of health, to help close the gap, since 2018.

74 More Australians think organisations need to do a POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING lot more in areas of health, than in 2014 ______

General community 2014 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in health?

Educational institutions 12 22 34 30 20

Aboriginal and Torres 15 11 26 34 23 Strait Islander 12 11 31 32 22 organisations

Community sector 16 21 31 34 15 organisations 13 21 34 32 19

Private sector 20 52 30 29 15 businesses 16 42 32 28 19

Government 12 22 22 34 28 departments 10 12 27 28 32

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community of people who think that various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of health, to help close the gap, since 2014.

75 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of justice to close the gap ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in access to justice?

Educational 12 22 33 30 22 institutions 4 3 4 19 37 33

Aboriginal and Torres 11 11 29 31 27 Strait Islander 423 25 40 25 organisations

Community sector 12 22 32 32 19 organisations 6 24 25 34 30

Private sector 16 5 2 34 25 18 businesses 7 4 4 29 30 27

Government 8 22 25 28 34 departments 32 5 18 29 42

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of justice, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely believe the educational sector (33%), the community sector (30%) and the business sector (27%) need to do a lot more.

76 More Australians think organisations need to do a POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING lot more in areas of justice ______

General community 2018 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in areas of justice?

Educational 13 3 35 32 14 institutions 12 22 33 30 22

Aboriginal and Torres 12 1 27 34 24 Strait Islander 11 11 29 31 27 organisations

Community sector 14 2 33 34 14 organisations 12 22 32 32 19

Private sector 19 6 34 26 11 businesses 16 5 2 34 25 18

Government 10 2 26 32 27 departments 8 22 25 28 34

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community of people who think that various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of justice, to help close the gap, since 2018. In particular, more Australians now believe the government sector (34%), the business sector (18%) and educational organisations (22%) need to be doing a lot more, compared to two years ago.


An Australian society that values and recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and heritage as a proud part of a shared national identity

How much do we all value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?

Key Findings: 78% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and 61% of the general community want to do something to help improve reconciliation.

83% of the general community and 91% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people believe it’s important for Indigenous histories and cultures to be taught in schools, a steady increase from 2018.

83% of the general community believes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures should be recognised in the Constitution.

69% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people support a treaty, compared with 53% of the general community.

78 Most Northern Territorians feel they know about POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history ______

General community 2020

Knowledge of the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia:

NT 4 37 45 14

ACT 14 53 30 3

TAS 16 51 29 4

SA 8 49 34 8

WA 12 42 42 3

QLD 12 46 36 6

VIC 12 50 34 4

NSW 12 49 32 7

0 25 50 75 100 Very low/No knowledge at all Fairly low Fairly high Very high

59% of the general community in Northern Territory believe they have a high level of knowledge about the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Conversely, Capital Territorians and Tasmanians are least likely to feel they have a high level of knowledge about the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia (33%).

79 Our knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Islander histories and cultures continues to show ______little change

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 4 30 54 12 4 18 46 32 Knowledge about 2018 2 26 58 14 the history of 5 16 49 30 Australia

2020 12 48 34 6 Knowledge about the 4 21 42 33 histories of Aboriginal 2018 8 48 37 6 and Torres Strait 6 21 47 27 Islander people in Australia

2020 13 54 29 5 6 22 45 26 Knowledge about 2018 Aboriginal and Torres 10 53 33 5 Strait Islander 5 23 45 27 cultures 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very low/No knowledge at all Fairly low Fairly high Very high

66% of the general community and 78% of Indigenous respondents believe they have a high level of knowledge about the history of Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to have a high level of knowledge about the histories of their people (75%) or their cultures (71%), than the general community (40% and 34% respectively). This can be seen to highlight how, for Indigenous respondents, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories are more central to Australian history overall. 80 NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers, from ‘history’ to “histories”. For details see p.8 Our knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Islander histories and cultures 2014-18: ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2018 2 26 58 14 5 16 49 30 2016 Knowledge about the 4 26 56 14 history of Australia 4 15 45 35 2014 3 27 57 13 2 21 48 28

2018 8 48 37 6 Knowledge about the 6 21 47 27 histories of Aboriginal 2016 10 48 37 5 and Torres Strait 5 19 41 35 Islander people in 2014 9 52 33 6 Australia 4 23 43 30

2018 10 53 33 5 Knowledge about 5 23 45 27 2016 Aboriginal and Torres 12 55 29 4 Strait Islander 5 21 41 33 2014 11 59 26 4 cultures 3 31 38 27

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Very low/No knowledge at all Fairly low Fairly high Very high

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to have a high level of knowledge about the histories of their people (74%) or their cultures (72%), than the general community (43% and 38% respectively). However, it is notable that higher knowledge levels have increased steadily among the general public, since 2014.

81 The importance of learning about Aboriginal and POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures has ______increased strongly

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 16 34 59 2 6 26 66 Importance of knowing about the 2018 25 39 55 history of Australia 24 29 65

2020 4 10 42 45 3 5 28 64 Importance of knowing about the 2018 3 11 50 36 histories of Indigenous people 3 5 28 64

2020 3 11 44 41 3 6 28 64 Importance of knowing about 2018 3 13 51 33 Indigenous cultures 2 6 31 61 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to believe it is very important for all Australians to learn about the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (64%) or their cultures (64%). However, it is notable there has been a strong increase in these sentiments in the general community since 2018. Similarly, Indigenous respondents remain more likely to feel that learning the history of Australia is very important, compared to the general public. Again, this may indicate how they see ‘Indigenous’ and ‘Australian’ histories entwined.

82 NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers, from ‘history’ to “histories”. For details see p.8 The importance of learning about Aboriginal and POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures 2014-18: ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Importance of knowing about the 2018 25 39 55 history of Australia 24 29 65 2016 15 39 55 13 24 71 2014 24 39 54 4 31 65

Importance of knowing about the 2018 3 11 50 36 histories of Indigenous people 3 5 28 64 2016 3 11 48 37 32 25 70 2014 5 12 50 33 25 32 62

Importance of knowing about 2018 3 13 51 33 Indigenous cultures 2 6 31 61 2016 4 13 50 34 24 30 65 2014 6 15 49 31 1 6 36 57 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to believe it is very important for all Australians to learn about the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people or their cultures. However, it is encouraging that there has been a slight increase in these sentiments in both communities since 2014.

83 The importance of teaching and learning about POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and ______cultures is increasing

General community Indigenous respondents

Important Indigenous histories 2020 5 12 40 43 and cultures are a compulsory 3 5 30 61 part of the school curriculum?

2018 7 13 47 32 4 7 27 62

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Important Indigenous history is 2016 6 14 45 35 a compulsory part of the school 23 27 69 curriculum? 2014 8 15 46 31 3 5 30 62

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to believe it is very important that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures should be compulsory in school (61%), compared to the general public (43%). However, there has been a strong increase among the general community of people who now consider this very important, since 2018.

84 NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers, from ‘history’ to “histories”. For details see p.8 There is widespread support in ACT for Aboriginal and Torres POLITY Strait Islander histories and cultures to be formally taught in RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______schools

General community 2020

Important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are a compulsory part of the school curriculum?

NT 6 16 38 40

ACT 4 4 44 47

TAS 9 13 41 37

SA 3 10 44 43

WA 7 16 37 41

QLD 6 13 40 41

VIC 3 13 38 45

NSW 5 12 39 44

0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

People in ACT are most likely to believe it is very important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures to be compulsory in school (47%). It is notable that Western Australia is where the general community is most divided on the importance of this, with 41% saying it’s very important but 23% saying its unimportant.

85 There is growing support in all states/territories for Aboriginal POLITY and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures to be formally RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______taught in schools

General community 2018 2020

Important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are a compulsory part of the school curriculum?

NT 6 9 55 30 NT 6 16 38 40

ACT 4 14 40 41 ACT 4 4 44 47

TAS 10 17 42 31 TAS 9 13 41 37

SA 6 13 52 28 SA 3 10 44 43

WA 9 12 41 38 WA 7 16 37 41

QLD 8 13 47 32 QLD 6 13 40 41

VIC 6 14 49 32 VIC 3 13 38 45

NSW 6 14 49 32 NSW 5 12 39 44

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

More people in all states and territories now believe it is very important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures to be compulsory in school, compared to two years ago. This increase is most notable in SA (43%), since 2018 (28%).

86 We widely agree Aboriginal and Torres Strait POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Islander people hold a unique and important place ______in the national identity

General community Indigenous respondents

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are important to Australia’s identity as a nation?

23 15 38 41 2020 13 11 27 58

2 5 14 47 32 2018 12 10 23 64

24 18 46 31 2016 2 5 27 66

3 5 20 46 26 2014 12 10 28 59

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

2020 3 4 18 35 41 3 11 28 58

2018 3 4 19 39 35 12 10 22 65 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a 2016 24 20 39 34 unique place as the First 2 7 19 72 Australians? 2014 4 4 21 40 31 22 9 23 64

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to be more likely to strongly agree (58%) that their cultures are important for Australia’s national identity, compared to the general community (41%). Similarly, Indigenous respondents are more likely to strongly agree that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a unique place as the First Australians. However, there continues to be an encouraging increase in both sentiments in the general community, since 2014.

87 People in ACT widely agree Aboriginal and Torres POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Strait Islander people hold a unique place as the ______First Australians

General community 2020

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a unique place as the First Australians?

NT 2 4 29 35 29

ACT 4 2 10 36 48

TAS 3 5 18 42 32

SA 3 5 20 34 38

WA 4 6 21 34 35

QLD 3 7 19 33 38

VIC 1 3 14 37 46

NSW 3 3 18 33 43

0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

More people in the ACT strongly agree Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a unique standing as the First Australians (48%), than in other areas. Conversely, people in WA and Queensland are most likely to disagree (10%) that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a unique place.

88 More people in most states/territories now strongly agree Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING hold a unique place as First Australians ______

General community 2018 2020

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a unique place as the First Australians?

NT 4 5 26 44 21 NT 2 4 29 35 29

ACT 4 15 30 52 ACT 42 10 36 48

TAS 3 7 18 43 29 TAS 3 5 18 42 32

SA 2 6 20 43 29 SA 3 5 20 34 38

WA 3 6 19 37 34 WA 4 6 21 34 35

QLD 2 6 20 37 35 QLD 3 7 19 33 38

VIC 32 17 39 38 VIC 13 14 37 46

NSW 2 4 18 40 35 NSW 3 3 18 33 43

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

More people in most States and Territories (except ACT) strongly agree Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have a unique standing as the First Australians, compared with 2018. This increase is most notable in South Australia (38%), since two years ago (29%).

89 We remain proud of Aboriginal and Torres POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Strait Islander cultures ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Proud of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?

2 5 28 36 28 2020 12 10 31 56

2 5 30 40 22 2018 11 11 24 62

2 5 33 39 21 2016 11 7 28 62

4 6 34 40 17 2014 11 14 34 51

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Most people in the general community agree they are proud of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures (64%). However, this continues to lag behind the prevalence among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who agree they are proud of their cultures (87%). Notably, this sentiment continues to increase in the general community, since 2014, especially people who strongly agree.

90 More people in ACT and Victoria are strongly POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING proud of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ______cultures

General community 2020

Proud of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?

NT 2 6 27 43 21

ACT 12 24 42 32

TAS 2 3 33 39 23

SA 4 7 25 39 25

WA 4 7 30 34 24

QLD 2 5 30 38 26

VIC 1 4 26 36 32

NSW 2 5 28 35 30

0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

More people in the general community in the ACT and Victoria strongly agree they are proud of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures (32%), than in other areas. Conversely, more people in Western Australia (12%) and South Australia (11%) disagree they are proud of Indigenous cultures.

91 More people in most states/territories are now POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING strongly proud of our Indigenous cultures ______

General community 2018 2020

Proud of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?

NT 3 8 27 38 24 NT 2 6 27 43 21

ACT 4 20 39 37 ACT 12 24 42 32

TAS 3 6 36 36 19 TAS 23 33 39 23

SA 3 7 27 41 21 SA 4 7 25 39 25

WA 2 6 35 33 23 WA 4 7 30 34 24

QLD 2 5 31 41 21 QLD 2 5 30 38 26

VIC 23 31 42 21 VIC 1 4 26 36 32

NSW 2 7 27 42 22 NSW 2 5 28 35 30

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

More people in the general community in all states and territories (except ACT) now strongly agree they are proud of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, than in 2018. This increase is most notable in Victoria (32%), compared with two years ago (21%).

92 We continue to be proud of our multiculturalism POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Proud of our multiculturalism?

35 19 40 34 2020 3 5 19 33 39 4 5 18 45 29 2018 5 5 18 39 33 3 7 21 42 27 2016 6 6 23 40 26 3 7 23 44 23 2014 6 5 23 31 35

Proud of our British/European cultures? 3 7 34 37 19 2020 6 6 34 37 18 2 6 30 41 21 2018 6 11 35 32 16 2 6 29 43 21 2016 8 11 35 29 16 15 30 44 20 2014 5 8 37 32 18

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

The general community (74%) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people both agree they are proud of Australia’s multiculturalism. Notably, there has been a steady increase in both communities of people who strongly agree with this sentiment, since 2014.

93 More Australians continue to be proud of POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Australia’s multiculturalism than of Aboriginal and ______Torres Strait Islander cultures

General community Indigenous respondents

Proud of our multiculturalism?

3 5 19 40 34 2020 3 5 19 33 39

4 5 18 45 29 2018 5 5 18 39 33

Proud of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?

2 5 28 36 28 2020 12 10 31 56

2 5 30 40 22 2018 11 11 24 62

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

The general community are more likely to agree they are proud of Australia’s multiculturalism (74%) than they are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures (64%). Conversely, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are much more likely to agree they are proud of their cultures (87%), compared to Australia’s multiculturalism.

94 The values among younger Australians are POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING generally positive for the future ______

General community 2020

Proud of our Indigenous cultures? Indigenous cultures important to Australia’s national identity? 65+ yrs old 36 23 65+ yrs old 42 35 55-64 40 25 55-64 43 38 45-54 35 26 45-54 39 42 35-44 37 29 35-44 35 41 25-34 29 35 25-34 35 45 18-24 40 32 18-24 36 49 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree

Indigenous respondents 2020

Proud of our Indigenous cultures? Indigenous cultures important to Australia’s national identity? 65+ yrs old 24 74 65+ yrs old 22 77 55-64 29 62 55-64 20 65 45-54 28 62 45-54 22 71 35-44 31 56 35-44 43 43 25-34 43 35 25-34 36 44 18-24 28 63 18-24 14 66 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree

When it comes to being proud of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to believe they are important to Australia’s national identity, 18-24 year olds are mostly ahead of all other age groups in the general community. That these attitudes are also largely evident among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly in terms of ‘strongly agreeing’, further indicates that the future of reconciliation continues to be positive.

95 Racial/cultural differences are still seen as the POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING biggest cause of social divisions in Australia ______

General community Indigenous respondents

39 38 38 Differences in racial/cultural 49 37 background 39 39 41 31 25 27 Differences in income and 23 27 wealth 24 24 25 9 8 16 10 2020 17 Differences in religion 12 19 14 2018 11 14 2016 10 7 12 Differences in education 10 2014 11 10 8 8 2020 7 7 4 Political differences 9 2018 5 5 2016 3 6 2 Differences in health 5 2014 3 6 2 5 50 25 0 0 25 50

Racial/cultural differences continue to be most widely viewed as the biggest cause of divisions in our society, by both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people . Difference in income and wealth is also cited as the biggest cause among both groups.

96 More Australians would like to do something POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING to improve reconciliation ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 3 6 29 41 20 22 18 46 32 2018 4 8 34 41 13 31 23 40 33 I would like to do something to help 2016 4 8 37 39 13 improve reconciliation 32 25 41 29 2014 4 8 44 36 8 33 26 46 22

2020 6 25 37 26 6 2 14 28 33 23 2018 7 26 38 25 4 5 12 39 25 19 I know what I can do to help improve 2016 7 26 41 22 4 reconciliation 4 10 37 32 17 2014 5 25 47 20 4 3 11 39 34 13

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

There has been a steady increase in both communities since 2014 of people who want to help improve reconciliation, now 61% in the general community and 78% among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, both groups are still more likely to want to help than they are to know exactly what they can do.

97 More Australians believe the Government should POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING initiate measures to improve reconciliation ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 3 6 18 39 34 22 12 38 47 The Federal Government 2018 5 6 19 42 27 should put measures in place 32 16 32 47 to help improve reconciliation 2016 4 7 25 41 23 23 12 37 46 2014 4 8 25 43 19 22 17 36 43

2020 3 9 27 37 23 22 18 41 36 Businesses should put 2018 6 12 28 38 16 measures in place to help 4 4 24 36 32 improve reconciliation 2016 5 11 33 38 13 24 20 44 30 2014 6 11 36 36 11 3 4 25 38 29

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

There has been an increase in both communities since 2014 of people who strongly agree the Federal Government and businesses should do something to help improve reconciliation. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to strongly agree with these notions, compared to the general public.

98 More Australians believe the Government should POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING initiate measures to improve reconciliation (cont.) ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations should 2020 24 19 48 28 put measures in place to help 22 15 42 39 improve reconciliation

Community sector organisations should put 2020 3 5 22 44 26 measures in place to help 33 15 38 40 improve reconciliation

2020 3 6 19 41 31 23 11 38 46 Educational institutions 2018 5 7 20 45 23 should put measures in place 24 17 34 43 to help improve reconciliation 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

There has been an increase in both communities since 2018 of people who strongly agree the education sector should do something to help improve reconciliation. There is also widespread agreement that Community sector and Indigenous organisations should adopt a leading role. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to strongly agree with these notions, compared to the general public.

99 We most agree ANZAC Day could celebrate Australia’s POLITY national unity with more shared ceremonies RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Shared cultural icons or events that would celebrate national unity and identity:

General community Indigenous respondents

79 Official ANZAC Day ceremonies to honour 85 78 Indigenous AND non-Indigenous soldiers 84

74 Acknowledgement of the Traditional Custodians 84 72 of the land at Australian Citizenship ceremonies 85 72 Official dual naming of significant sites in 74 Australia, using English AND Indigenous names 2020 69 (e.g. Uluru/Ayers Rock) 79 65 Having addresses at major 78 2018 sporting events (e.g. Melbourne Cup, 2020 60 International matches, etc) 75 63 63 2018 Australia Day continuing on January 26th 72 60

76 Establishing a national day of significance that 83 71 celebrates Indigenous histories and cultures 82 70 81 National Reconciliation Week 67 82 40 56 Australia Day moving to a different date 31 47

100 75 50 25 0 0 25 50 75 100 % Yes % Yes

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to believe a range of things could become shared icons that celebrate a national unity and identity, particularly official ANZAC ceremonies to honour both non-Indigenous and Indigenous soldiers. It is also notable that support for moving Australia Day to a different date is growing in both communities.

100 Events to celebrate Australia’s national unity with more POLITY shared ceremonies 2014-18: RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Shared cultural icons or events that would celebrate national unity and identity:

General community Indigenous respondents

78 Official ANZAC Day ceremonies to honour 84 76 86 75 Indigenous AND non-Indigenous soldiers 84 72 Acknowledgement of the Traditional Custodians 85 68 84 66 of the land at Australian Citizenship ceremonies 83 69 Official dual naming of significant sites in 79 66 83 61 Australia, using English AND Indigenous… 76 2018 Making Mabo Day (June 3) a day of national 61 significance 82 2016 55 75 60 Having Welcome to Country addresses at major 75 2014 52 76 47 sporting events (e.g. Melbourne Cup,… 71 2018 72 60 2016 Australia Day continuing on January 26th 2014

71 Establishing a national day of significance that 82 celebrates Indigenous histories and cultures 67 82 National Reconciliation Week

31 47 Australia Day moving to a different date

100 75 50 25 0 0 25 50 75 100 % Yes % Yes

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to believe a range of things could become shared icons that celebrate a national unity and identity, particularly official ANZAC ceremonies and establishing a national day of significance to celebrate Indigenous histories and cultures. However, agreement with these potential cultural icons/events remains more widespread in the Indigenous communities.

101 We believe it is very important for key POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING constitutional changes to happen ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

To remove racial discrimination from the Constitution - like 3 6 27 64 Section 25 that says people 3 6 25 66 can be banned from voting based on race To formally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait 5 12 33 50 Islander peoples and cultures 4 7 27 62 in the Constitution To establish a representative Indigenous Body, to share the 5 9 40 46 views of Indigenous 3 5 31 60 Australians regarding Indigenous affairs and policies To protect an Indigenous Body within the Constitution, so it 6 13 37 44 can't be removed by any 5 7 30 58 government

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people widely believe it’s important to implement the key constitutional changes that have been proposed in Australia. In particular, strong majorities of both groups feel it’s very important to remove racial discrimination from the Constitution.

102 More Australians believe it is very important for POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING key constitutional changes to happen ______

General community 2018 2020

To remove racial discrimination from the Constitution - like 4 6 32 58 Section 25 that says people 3 6 27 64 can be banned from voting based on race To formally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait 7 12 36 45 Islander peoples and cultures 5 12 33 50 in the Constitution To establish a representative Indigenous Body, to share the 5 10 49 36 views of Indigenous 5 9 40 46 Australians regarding Indigenous affairs and policies To protect an Indigenous Body within the Constitution, so it 8 15 43 34 can't be removed by any 6 13 37 44 government

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

There has been a solid increase in the general community of people who think that it’s very important to implement the key constitutional changes that have been proposed in Australia, since 2018. In particular, more Australians now believe we should establish a representative Indigenous Body (46%) and protect that Body in the Constitution (44%), compared to two years ago.

103 Most Indigenous Australians continue to believe it is very POLITY important for key constitutional changes to happen RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

To remove racial discrimination from the Constitution - like 5 5 23 67 Section 25 that says people 3 6 25 66 can be banned from voting based on race To formally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait 5 5 24 66 Islander peoples and cultures 4 7 27 62 in the Constitution To establish a representative Indigenous Body, to share the 5 5 31 59 views of Indigenous 3 5 31 60 Australians regarding Indigenous affairs and policies To protect an Indigenous Body within the Constitution, so it 6 8 28 59 can't be removed by any 5 7 30 58 government

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The vast majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to feel it’s important to implement the key constitutional changes that have been proposed in Australia, since 2018. Most notably, two out of three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people believe these changes are very important.

104 Younger Australians place high importance on POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING constitutional change ______

General community 2020

Important to establish an Indigenous rep body in the Important to protect an Indigenous rep body in the Constitution? Constitution? 65+ yrs old 8 11 39 42 65+ yrs old 11 15 33 41 55-64 5 9 40 46 55-64 7 13 38 42 45-54 5 10 41 44 45-54 6 13 38 43 35-44 5 9 42 44 35-44 8 11 41 40 25-34 2 8 40 50 25-34 2 12 37 50 18-24 2 8 41 49 18-24 3 10 37 51 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Important to remove discrimination from the Constitution? Important to formally recognise Indigenous peoples in the Constitution? 65+ yrs old 5 5 26 64 65+ yrs old 9 14 34 42 55-64 3 5 27 65 55-64 7 13 32 49 45-54 3 7 26 64 45-54 5 10 35 50 35-44 5 7 32 57 35-44 5 11 36 47 25-34 2 6 25 67 25-34 2 13 31 55 18-24 4 4 25 66 18-24 1 8 28 63 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

When it comes to the importance of removing race discrimination, recognition and establishing a representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution, 18-24 year olds are largely ahead of all other age groups in the general community. However, it is notable that more 25-34 year old people also believe these changes are very important, since 2018 (see p.143). 105 Younger Australians place high importance on POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING constitutional change 2018: ______

General community 2018

Important to establish an Indigenous rep body in the Important to protect an Indigenous rep body in the Constitution? Constitution? 65+ yrs old 9 12 46 33 65+ yrs old 13 17 39 32 55-64 7 11 47 35 55-64 12 18 41 30 45-54 5 10 49 36 45-54 6 15 44 34 35-44 6 11 52 32 35-44 7 13 48 32 25-34 2 9 52 37 25-34 4 16 46 34 18-24 24 44 49 18-24 5 11 36 47 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Important to remove discrimination from the Constitution? Important to formally recognise Indigenous peoples in the Constitution? 65+ yrs old 6 7 31 56 65+ yrs old 13 15 30 43 55-64 4 6 32 58 55-64 8 16 37 38 45-54 4 5 32 59 45-54 5 13 39 44 35-44 5 8 34 54 35-44 7 13 35 44 25-34 2 7 35 56 25-34 5 9 39 47 18-24 34 27 67 18-24 3 6 35 56 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

When it comes to the importance of removing race discrimination, recognition and establishing a representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution, 18-24 year olds are ahead of all other age groups in the general community.

106 Older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people place high importance on constitutional ______change Indigenous respondents 2020

Important to establish an Indigenous rep body in the Important to protect an Indigenous rep body in the Constitution? Constitution? 65+ yrs old 2 8 17 73 65+ yrs old 17 12 71 55-64 7 1 19 74 55-64 13 6 7 74 45-54 6 2 27 65 45-54 8 6 20 66 35-44 4 4 44 49 35-44 14 49 47 25-34 2 6 38 54 25-34 2 7 40 50 18-24 1 9 29 61 18-24 4 7 30 58 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Important to remove discrimination from the Constitution? Important to formally recognise Indigenous peoples in the Constitution? 65+ yrs old 15 12 82 65+ yrs old 4 5 16 76 55-64 61 18 76 55-64 8 010 82 45-54 5 3 14 78 45-54 8 2 25 64 35-44 34 40 53 35-44 2 6 42 50 25-34 4 10 36 50 25-34 3 8 34 55 18-24 1 8 19 72 18-24 1 14 22 64 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

When it comes to the importance of removing race discrimination, recognition and establishing and protecting a representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in the Constitution, 55+ year olds continue to be ahead of all other age groups in Indigenous respondent.

107 Older Indigenous Australians place high POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING importance on Constitutional change 2018: ______

Indigenous respondents 2018

Important to establish an Indigenous rep body in the Important to protect an Indigenous rep body in the Constitution? Constitution? 65+ yrs old 4 35 62 65+ yrs old 22 33 63 55-64 15 20 74 55-64 5 14 12 69 45-54 3 6 33 58 45-54 5 11 28 56 35-44 33 46 48 35-44 2 6 34 59 25-34 9 7 26 58 25-34 10 5 27 58 18-24 5 5 27 63 18-24 7 9 29 54 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

Important to remove discrimination from the Constitution? Important to formally recognise Indigenous peoples in the Constitution? 65+ yrs old 21 79 65+ yrs old 2 19 79 55-64 6 10 13 71 55-64 14 6 12 68 45-54 9 3 16 72 45-54 6 1 24 68 35-44 13 43 53 35-44 6 38 56 25-34 8 8 20 64 25-34 8 6 19 66 18-24 14 23 72 18-24 1 7 25 67 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

When it comes to the importance of removing race discrimination, recognition and establishing a representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution, 55+ year olds are ahead of all other age groups in Indigenous respondents.

108 Indigenous Australians more strongly support a POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING treaty and sovereignty, than the general public ______

General community Indigenous respondents

Support or 2020 6 6 25 25 28 10 4 4 19 25 44 4 oppose a treaty?

2018 8 7 25 26 21 12 51 23 28 36 8

Support or oppose 2020 8 9 28 20 19 16 sovereignty for 6 7 21 24 34 8 Indigenous peoples? 2018 13 12 26 18 13 17 6 3 24 23 32 13

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Definitely oppose Oppose Neither support nor oppose Support Definitely support Don't know

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more widely support a treaty (69%) between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and gaining sovereignty (58%), than the general public. However, it is notable that support among the general community for both initiatives as increased since 2018.

109 NOTE: The ‘sovereignty’ question has changed from 2018. For details see p.8 More people from ACT and Victoria support a POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ______people

General community 2020

Support or oppose a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

NT 8 5 34 20 26 7

ACT 6 4 25 23 33 9

TAS 8 6 29 29 22 6

SA 4 5 31 24 26 10

WA 6 10 26 23 21 14

QLD 9 5 28 22 27 11

VIC 5 7 22 26 32 8

NSW 6 5 23 26 29 11

0 25 50 75 100 Definitely oppose Oppose Neither support nor oppose Support Definitely support Don't know

More people in the Victorian general community support a treaty with First Nations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (58%), than in other areas. There is also a high level of support in ACT (56%). Conversely, people in WA are most likely to oppose (16%) a treaty.

110 More people in most States/Territories now definitely support POLITY a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2018 2020

Support or oppose a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

NT 10 13 23 26 22 5 NT 8 5 34 20 26 7

ACT 6 4 18 29 33 9 ACT 6 4 25 23 33 9

TAS 6 7 29 21 25 13 TAS 8 6 29 29 22 6

SA 9 4 30 25 21 11 SA 4 5 31 24 26 10

WA 6 8 26 26 17 17 WA 6 10 26 23 21 14

QLD 8 9 29 25 17 12 QLD 9 5 28 22 27 11

VIC 10 7 22 27 25 10 VIC 5 7 22 26 32 8

NSW 8 7 23 27 20 14 NSW 6 5 23 26 29 11

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Definitely oppose Oppose Neither support nor oppose Support Definitely support Don't know

More people in the general community in all States and Territories (except ACT and Tasmania) now definitely support a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, than in 2018. This increase is particularly notable in Queensland (27%), compared to 2018 (17%).

111 West Australians are widely divided on POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait ______Islander people

General community 2020

Support or oppose sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

NT 7 11 36 15 23 8

ACT 9 5 27 20 26 14

TAS 7 10 34 21 14 13

SA 7 10 32 15 16 20

WA 8 14 30 17 14 16

QLD 9 11 24 19 18 20

VIC 8 7 25 25 21 14

NSW 9 8 27 22 20 15

0 25 50 75 100 Definitely oppose Oppose Neither support nor oppose Support Definitely support Don't know

More people in the ACT and Victorian general communities support sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (46%), than in other areas. Conversely, people in WA are most divided, with 22% opposing and 31% supporting this proposal.


The active support of reconciliation by the nation’s political, business and community structures.

What role do we think institutions play in reconciliation?

Key Findings:

There have been sharp increases regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being racially discriminated against by police in the past twelve months (30%), and local shop owners/staff (24%).

20% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feel they cannot be true to their culture in their interactions with police or the courts, compared to 12% of the general community.

46% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people believe media portrayal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is usually negative, as does 44% of the general community.

113 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING more likely to experience racial discrimination from ______professionals

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Have you or members of your family felt racially discriminated against by any of the following groups?

Doctors, nurses, 222 94 and/or medical 10 12 7 70 staff etc

Real estate 12 5 92 agents 11 13 18 59

22 4 91 Police 17 13 19 52

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Yes, in the past 6 months Yes, between 6-12 months ago Yes, but more than a year ago No

10% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have felt racially discriminated against by medical professionals in the past six months, compared to only 2% of the general community. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are also more likely to have experienced racial discrimination recently from police (17%) and real estate agents (11%), than the general community.

114 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING more likely to experience racial discrimination ______(cont.)

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Have you or members of your family felt racially discriminated against by any of the following groups?

School teachers 22 5 91 and/or principals 9 12 18 61

Local shop 22 5 91 owners and/or 13 11 14 62 staff

3 3 6 88 Employers 17 14 16 54

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Yes, in the past 6 months Yes, between 6-12 months ago Yes, but more than a year ago No

9% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have felt racially discriminated against by school staff in the past six months, compared to only 2% of the general community. Similarly, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced racial discrimination recently by a local shop staff (13%) and employers (17%), compared to the general community.

115 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING experiences of racial discrimination from ______professionals have increased since 2018

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

8 8 16 68 Police 17 13 19 52

8 5 13 74 Employers 17 14 16 54

Local shop 8 10 11 72 owners and/or 13 11 14 62 staff Real estate 6 6 15 73 agents 11 13 18 59 Doctors, nurses, 7 7 6 81 and/or medical 10 12 7 70 staff etc School teachers 7 5 12 76 and/or principals 9 12 18 61

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Yes, in the past 6 months Yes, between 6-12 months ago Yes, but more than a year ago No

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences of racial discrimination have mostly increased in professional and service contexts, since 2018. Most notably, there have been sharp increases regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being racially discriminated against by police in the past six months (17%), and by employers (17%). Again, this may reflect not only negative impacts from COVID-19 stresses, but also raised awareness or reactions from the Black Lives Matter protests in June 2020.

116 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING experiences of racial discrimination from ______professionals have increased since 2014

2014 Indigenous respondents 2020

9 7 17 68 Police 17 13 19 52

7 6 12 75 Employers 17 14 16 54

Local shop 6 8 9 76 owners and/or 13 11 14 62 staff Real estate 5 6 10 80 agents 11 13 18 59 Doctors, nurses, 6 5 9 81 and/or medical 10 12 7 70 staff etc School teachers 5 9 11 75 and/or principals 9 12 18 61

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Yes, in the past 6 months Yes, between 6-12 months ago Yes, but more than a year ago No

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences of racial discrimination have increased in all professional and service contexts, since 2014. Most notably, there have been sharp increases regarding racial discrimination by police (17%), and by employers (17%), compared to six years ago.

117 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING remain less likely to feel they can always be true ______to their culture

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Can you be true to your culture in the following contexts?

11 21 69 At work 15 38 47

In my interactions 10 19 71 with educational 14 41 45 institutions

In my interactions 10 22 69 with Government 12 45 43 departments

In the general 8 23 69 community 10 48 42

In my interactions 12 19 69 with Police or the 20 39 41 Courts

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

No, never Only sometimes Yes, always

The general community continues to be more likely to believe they can always be true to their own culture in various contexts, than Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In particular, Indigenous respondents more widely feel they can never be themselves in their interactions with law and order officials (20%), than the general public (12%).

118 NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers. For details see p.8 More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people now feel at least somewhat empowered ______culturally

2018 Indigenous respondents 2020

Can you be true to your culture in the following contexts?

19 39 42 At work 15 38 47

In my interactions 17 29 53 with educational 14 41 45 institutions In my interactions 19 36 45 with Government 12 45 43 departments

In the general 13 37 50 community 10 48 42

In my interactions 25 30 45 with Police or the 20 39 41 Courts

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 No, never Only sometimes Yes, always

Less Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now feel they can never be true to their culture or beliefs in various contexts, than in 2018. However, the shift has largely been towards feeling they can “only sometimes” be true about their culture. Most notably, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now feel they can always be themselves at work (47%), compared to two years ago.

119 Fewer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING people now feel empowered culturally than in ______2014

2014 Indigenous respondents 2020

Can you be true to your culture in the following contexts?

11 39 50 At work 15 38 47

In my interactions with educational 14 41 45 institutions In my interactions 10 43 47 with Government 12 45 43 departments

In the general 6 44 51 community 10 48 42

In my interactions 10 44 46 with Police or the 20 39 41 Courts

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 No, never Only sometimes Yes, always

Less Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now feel they can always be true to their culture or beliefs in various contexts, than in 2014. Most notably, more Indigenous respondents now feel they can never be themselves in their interactions with law and order (20%), compared to six years ago.

120 We mostly think more needs to be done in POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING areas of education to close the gap ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in education?

Educational 9 22 32 31 24 institutions 3 4 22 36 34

Aboriginal and Torres 12 11 32 32 22 Strait Islander 32 4 37 31 23 organisations

Community sector 12 22 35 32 18 organisations 4 3 26 39 25

Private sector 13 32 30 31 20 businesses 3 6 26 32 30

Government 8 12 28 30 30 departments 23 5 18 32 40

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to think that various organisations need to do more in areas of education, to help close the gap, than the general community. In particular, Indigenous respondents more widely believe government (40%), the education sector (34%) and the business sector (30%) need to do a lot more.

121 More Australians think organisations need to do POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING a lot more in areas of education ______

General community 2018 2020

Doing enough to help close the gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in education?

Educational 10 22 33 34 18 institutions 9 22 32 31 24

Aboriginal and Torres 15 21 29 34 18 Strait Islander 12 11 32 32 22 organisations

Community sector 15 22 33 36 12 organisations 12 22 35 32 18

Private sector 18 5 2 31 31 14 businesses 13 32 30 31 20

Government 11 23 26 34 24 departments 8 12 28 30 30

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Don't know Should do nothing Should do less Doing as much as they can Need to do more Need to do a lot more

There has been an increase in the general community of people who think that various organisations need to do a lot more in areas of education, to help close the gap, since 2018.

122 We are divided on whether the media usually POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING portrays Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ______people in a balanced way

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Media portrayal of non- 25 21 54 Indigenous Australians 17 39 44

Media portrayal of 44 12 44 Aboriginal and Torres 46 19 35 Strait Islander Australians

Media portrayal of new 45 10 45 immigrants from overseas 39 18 43

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Usually negative Usually positive Balanced

The general community is divided over whether the media usually portrays Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a negative (44%) or balanced way (44%). While Indigenous respondents are also divided, they are more likely to believe the media usually portrays Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people negatively (46%), than in a balanced way (35%).

123 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING continue to be less sceptical about media ______portrayal

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 44 12 44 46 19 35 Media portrayal of Aboriginal and 2018 42 11 47 Torres Strait 50 9 40 Islander Australians 2016 45 10 45 57 10 33

2014 44 7 49 45 10 45

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Usually negative Usually positive Balanced

The general community remains divided over whether the media usually portrays Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a negative or balanced way, in line with previous years. However, while Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are also divided, they are now less likely to believe the media usually portrays them in a negative way (46%), continuing to fall since 2016 (57%).

124 Historical Acceptance

All Australians understand and accept the wrongs of the past and the impact of these wrongs. Australia makes amends for the wrongs of the past and ensure these wrongs are never repeated.

How much do we accept the wrongs of the past? Key Findings: 90% of the general community agrees it is important for all Australians to learn about past issues, compared to 86% in 2018.

89% of the general community and 93% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people believe it is important to undertake formal truth telling processes in Australia.

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people largely believe a number of key facts about historical realities and Australia’s past institutional prejudices against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people widely agree that past government policies are responsible for many forms of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today.

125 We mostly believe key facts about past injustices POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Do we believe the following accounts are factual?

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Frontier wars occurred across the Australian continent as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 6 30 64 people defended their traditional lands from 8 25 67 European invasion

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people did 3 18 80 not have full voting rights throughout Australia 3 15 82 until the 1960s

Government policy enabled Aboriginal children to 3 16 81 be removed from their families without permission 5 16 80 until the 1970s

4 32 64 Government policy in the 1900s dictated where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 6 22 71 could live and be employed

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 4 21 76 were subject to mass killings, incarceration, forced removal from land and restricted 5 15 80 movement throughout the 1800s At the time of British colonisation, there were at 3 32 65 least 250 distinct Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nations, each with their own cultural 3 22 75 identities and custodial connections to land 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 I do not believe this is true I am unsure about this I believe this is true

Both the general community and Indigenous respondents largely believe a number of key facts about historical realities and Australia’s past institutional prejudices against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, the greatest disparity between the groups regards the fact that Australia was inhabited by Indigenous Nations at the time of British colonisation, which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to agree is true.

126 NOTE: This question has changed from previous Barometers. For details see p.8 More people in the ACT and QLD accept that pre-colonial POLITY Australia was inhabited by Indigenous Nations RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2020

Do we believe there were more than 250 Indigenous Nations at the time of colonisation?

NT 2 31 67

ACT 5 24 70

TAS 3 40 57

SA 4 34 62

WA 2 33 65

QLD 3 27 70

VIC 2 33 66

NSW 3 32 65

0 25 50 75 100 I do not believe this is true I am unsure about this I believe this is true

The general communities of ACT and Queensland most widely agree with the fact that Australia was inhabited by Indigenous Nations at the time of British colonisation. Conversely, more people in Tasmania do not believe this is factual, compared to other areas of Australia.

127 The majority of us now agree it is important for POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING all Australians to learn more about past issues ______

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 3 7 38 52 3 4 26 67 Important for all Australians to learn more about past issues of 2018 3 11 41 45 European settlement and 3 6 26 65 govt policy for Indigenous people? 2016 3 10 44 43 22 24 72

2014 4 11 46 39 4 4 26 66

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community (52%) remains less likely to feel that it’s very important to learn about the past issues of European settlement and government policies experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, than Indigenous respondents (67%). However, for the first time a majority in the general community now believes that it’s very important.

128 More people from NSW feel it is very important for all POLITY Australians to learn more about past issues RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2020

Important for all Australians to learn more about past issues of European settlement and government policy?

NT 3 14 39 45 ACT 4 3 41 52 TAS 3 9 45 43 SA 3 5 43 50 WA 4 11 33 51 QLD 3 8 37 52 VIC 2 6 39 54 NSW 3 7 36 55

0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community in NSW mostly believe (55%) that it’s very important to learn about the past issues of European settlement and government policies experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Conversely, only 43% of people in Tasmania feel this way. The Northern Territory has the most widespread indifference on this, with 17% saying it’s not important.

129 More people in most States/Territories now believe it is POLITY very important to learn more about past issues RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2018 2020

Important for all Australians to learn more about past issues of European settlement and government policy?

NT 2 7 53 38 NT 3 14 39 45 ACT 12 34 53 ACT 4 3 41 52 TAS 4 15 45 35 TAS 3 9 45 43 SA 5 7 45 43 SA 3 5 43 50 WA 4 13 40 44 WA 4 11 33 51 QLD 3 11 40 45 QLD 3 8 37 52 VIC 2 11 42 44 VIC 2 6 39 54 NSW 2 11 42 45 NSW 3 7 36 55

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

More of the general community across all States and Territories (except ACT) now believe that it’s very important to learn about the past issues of European settlement and government policies experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This is notably higher than in 2018. Conversely, only in Northern Territory do more people now say it’s not important (17%), compared to two years ago.

130 More Australians now disagree that Aboriginal and POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Torres Strait Islander people are responsible for ______their own disadvantages

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 9 20 30 22 18 16 22 22 11 30

2018 11 24 32 20 13 14 19 25 15 26

Indigenous Australians are 2016 9 23 36 21 11 responsible for their own 7 17 25 22 29 disadvantages today?

2014 10 24 36 20 10 10 15 30 22 23

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

While the general community remains divided on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s responsibility for their disadvantages, there has been a steady increase in people who disagree with that premise, since 2014. However, among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the issue seems to be getting more polarised, with increasing numbers disagreeing that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are responsible for their own disadvantages today, since 2016. This may highlight how some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander believe their own people should take the initiative regarding their current disadvantages, despite not being responsible for causing them.

131 We widely agree that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander POLITY people are disadvantaged today because of past race-based RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______policies and colonial legacy

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Indigenous Australians are Strongly 9 20 30 22 18 responsible for their 16 22 22 11 own disadvantages disagree, 30 today?

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are disadvantaged today because of…?

Past race-based Strongly 5 13 23 36 23 4 10 16 31 policies agree , 40

Australia's colonial 7 16 25 30 22 legacy 4 10 19 29 38

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain divided on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s responsibility for their disadvantages today. However, both groups widely agree that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander are disadvantaged today because of past race-based policies and Australia’s colonial legacy. As in previous years, this may highlight how some Australians believe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander should take the initiative regarding their current disadvantages, despite not being responsible for causing them.

132 We mostly agree the past is responsible for the POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING disadvantages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ______people face today

General community Indigenous respondents

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are disadvantaged today because of…?

2020 5 13 23 36 23 4 10 16 31 40 2018 6 13 26 36 18 6 8 19 32 35 2016 5 14 27 38 16 Past race-based policies 4 3 19 39 34 2014 6 12 30 38 14 5 7 21 37 30

2020 7 16 25 30 22 4 10 19 29 38 2018 8 16 28 30 17 7 8 25 29 31 2016 7 17 30 33 14 Australia's colonial legacy 5 6 24 33 32 2014 7 14 35 32 11 7 7 26 37 24 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree

The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people widely agree that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are disadvantaged today because of past race-based policies and Australia’s colonial legacy. Notably, there continues to be a steady increase in those who strongly agree among both groups since 2014.

133 We widely agree that past policies have been a POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING cause of many forms of disadvantage for ______Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Have past government policies been a cause of these disadvantages among some Indigenous Australians?

Alcohol and 8 14 20 29 28 substance abuse 6 7 21 31 35

5 9 22 36 28 Discrimination 6 6 18 25 45

6 13 20 35 27 Poor education 6 6 16 32 40

Lack of respect (for Aboriginal 5 11 24 34 26 and Torres Strait 5 7 16 31 40 Islander people)

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people widely agree that past government policies are responsible for many forms of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today. However, the general public are less likely to strongly agree, than Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people . It is also notable that the general public more widely disagree past policies have been a cause of alcohol and substance abuse (22%), compared to just 13% of Indigenous respondents.

134 We widely agree that past policies have been a cause of POLITY many forms of disadvantage for Aboriginal and Torres RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______Strait Islander people (cont.)

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Have past government policies been a cause of these disadvantages among some Indigenous Australians?

6 14 23 33 25 Poor health 4 6 22 32 36

6 14 23 33 24 Low employment 5 7 20 29 40

Lack of confidence and low self 6 11 25 35 23 esteem of Aboriginal and Torres 5 8 20 32 36 Strait Islander people

7 15 23 32 23 Inadequate living conditions 4 6 26 29 35

Lack of personal responsibility 7 13 30 31 18 (among Aboriginal and Torres 7 8 20 33 32 Strait Islander people)

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Both the general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people widely agree that past government policies are responsible for many forms of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today. However, the general community is far less likely to strongly agree, than Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people It is also notable that the general community more widely disagrees that past policies have been a cause of housing issues (22%), compared to just 10% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

135 More Australians now strongly agree that past policies have POLITY been a cause of disadvantages for Aboriginal and Torres Strait RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______Islander people

Have past government policies been a cause of these disadvantages among some Indigenous Australians?

General community 2018 2020

10 16 21 30 23 Alcohol and substance abuse 8 14 20 29 28

5 11 23 38 23 Discrimination 5 9 22 36 28

7 14 21 37 21 Poor education 6 13 20 35 27

Lack of respect (for Aboriginal and 6 12 25 37 20 Torres Strait Islander people) 5 11 24 34 26

7 15 25 34 19 Poor health 6 14 23 33 25

6 15 23 36 20 Low employment 6 14 23 33 24

Lack of confidence and low self 6 13 26 35 18 esteem of Aboriginal and Torres… 6 11 25 35 23

7 17 23 35 18 Inadequate living conditions 7 15 23 32 23

Lack of personal responsibility 7 15 28 32 18 (among Aboriginal and Torres… 7 13 30 31 18

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Most people in the general community continue to agree that past government policies are responsible for many forms of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today. Most notably, there has been an increase in people who strongly agree (with the exception of causing a lack of personal responsibility), compared to 2018.

136 Since 2014 more of us now strongly agree that past policies POLITY have been a cause of disadvantages for Aboriginal and Torres RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______Strait Islander people

Have past government policies been a cause of these disadvantages among some Indigenous Australians?

General community 2014 2020

7 17 24 29 23 Alcohol and substance abuse 8 14 20 29 28

4 10 28 41 17 Discrimination 5 9 22 36 28

5 12 25 41 17 Poor education 6 13 20 35 27

Lack of respect (for Aboriginal and 4 12 29 39 15 Torres Strait Islander people) 5 11 24 34 26

5 14 27 38 16 Poor health 6 14 23 33 25

3 13 30 38 15 Low employment 6 14 23 33 24

Lack of confidence and low self 4 12 30 39 15 esteem of Aboriginal and Torres… 6 11 25 35 23

5 16 30 35 14 Inadequate living conditions 7 15 23 32 23

Lack of personal responsibility 6 15 30 35 14 (among Aboriginal and Torres… 7 13 30 31 18

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

More people in the general community now strongly agree that past government policies are responsible for many forms of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today, than in 2014. In particular, more Australians now strongly agree past policies have been a cause of lack of respect, discrimination and poor education for Indigenous people, than six years ago.

137 More Australians now believe it is important POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING to undertake formal truth-telling processes ______

General community 2020 Indigenous respondents 2020

Important or not to undertake formal truth 2020 3 8 39 50 telling processes, to 2 4 32 61 acknowledge the reality of Australia's shared history?

2018 6 14 44 36 3 6 33 58

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community (89%) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (93%) widely believe it’s important to undertake a formal truth telling process, in relation to Australia’s shared history. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to feel this is very important, compared to the general public. Most notably, there has been a strong increase in the general community of people who now think it’s very important (50%), since 2018.

NOTE: This question has changed from previous Barometers, from ‘a process’ to “processes”. For details see p.8 138 More people from the ACT believe it is very important to POLITY undertake formal truth-telling processes RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2020

Important to undertake formal truth-telling processes about our shared history?

NT 3 19 38 41 ACT 2 4 40 54 TAS 4 6 47 44 SA 3 9 40 48 WA 5 9 40 47 QLD 4 8 36 52 VIC 2 7 38 53 NSW 2 8 38 52

0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

The general community in ACT mostly believes (54%) that it’s very important to hold formal truth-telling processes about the past issues of European settlement and government policies experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Conversely, more people in Northern Territory (22%) feel it’s not important, than in other areas.

139 More people in all states/territories now believe it is very POLITY important to undertake formal truth-telling processes RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community 2018 2020

Important to undertake formal truth-telling processes about our shared history?

NT 4 17 45 33 NT 3 19 38 41 ACT 7 12 35 45 ACT 24 40 54 TAS 5 18 40 37 TAS 4 6 47 44 SA 5 16 46 33 SA 3 9 40 48 WA 6 17 44 32 WA 5 9 40 47 QLD 7 12 47 33 QLD 4 8 36 52 VIC 7 12 45 36 VIC 2 7 38 53 NSW 5 14 43 37 NSW 2 8 38 52

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Not important at all Fairly unimportant Fairly important Very important

More people in the general community across all states and territories now believe that it’s very important to hold formal truth-telling processes about the past issues of European settlement and government policies experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This is notably higher than in 2018.

140 We mostly continue to believe that past issues POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING should be forgiven and all of us should move on ______

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain more likely to feel the wrongs of the past must be rectified before we can move on with reconciliation (35%), compared with the general community (29%).

General community Indigenous respondents

2020 2 6 63 29 2 13 50 35

2018 4 5 63 28 4 16 41 40

2016 5 6 61 28 4 14 39 44

2014 6 5 66 23 4 14 45 37

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

I don't believe there have been any wrongs of the past The wrongs of the past can never be forgiven There should be forgiveness for the wrongs of the past and all Australians should now move on The wrongs of the past must be rectified before all Australians can move on

NOTE: This question has changed in previous Barometers. For details see p.8 141 Victorians are most likely to feel past issues must POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING be rectified ______

Victoria has the largest percentage of people who feel past wrongs must be rectified (34%), while the Northern Territory has the largest percentage of people in the general community who believe “there should be forgiveness so we can now move on” (73%), compared to other States and Territories.

General community 2020

NT 4 5 73 18

ACT 2 7 58 33

TAS 4 5 65 26

SA 2 8 65 25

WA 3 6 63 28

QLD 3 4 66 27

VIC 1 6 58 34

NSW 1 6 64 29

0 25 50 75 100 I don't believe there have been any wrongs of the past The wrongs of the past can never be forgiven There should be forgiveness for the wrongs of the past and all Australians should now move on The wrongs of the past must be rectified before all Australians can move on

142 More people in WA now believe past issues must POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING be rectified before we can move on ______

More West Australians now feel “past wrongs must be rectified” (28%), than in 2018. In ACT, SA, Queensland and Victoria there have been small gains in this sentiment, in the past two years. However, in NSW and NT there has been little change, while in Tasmania, less people now believe this (26%), compared to 2018.

General community 2018 2020

NT 6 13 63 19 NT 4 5 73 18

ACT 34 63 31 ACT 2 7 58 33

TAS 22 63 32 TAS 4 5 65 26

SA 6 3 68 23 SA 2 8 65 25

WA 5 4 72 20 WA 3 6 63 28

QLD 4 5 66 24 QLD 3 4 66 27

VIC 5 5 58 31 VIC 1 6 58 34

NSW 3 7 61 29 NSW 1 6 64 29

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 I don't believe there have been any wrongs of the past The wrongs of the past can never be forgiven There should be forgiveness for the wrongs of the past and all Australians should now move on The wrongs of the past must be rectified before all Australians can move on

143 Australian Reconciliation Barometer 2014-2020

Trends Analysis

144 2014-2020 Trends Analysis: Significance testing POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING details ______

Key ‘significant’ trends in the General Community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander samples The following results presented in this analysis highlight a number of key positive trends for reconciliation in Australia. Polity has tested each of the trends from 2014-2020, at 1% or 5% significance levels, to identify the most reliable key shifts in public attitudes and views. For the larger general community samples since 2014, significance testing was conducted at the 1% level, while for the smaller Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander samples testing was conducted at least at the 5% level. This means we can be 99% or 95% confident (respectively) that the trend identified is a real one, and not potentially due to any sampling anomalies. Accordingly, while the overall tracking results across both the general community samples and Indigenous samples often indicate positive trends, we can be highly confident that the trends evident in these particular results are actually occurring within Australian communities.

Comparative samples and error margins for each survey wave The general community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander samples of Australian residents since 2014 have comprised the following totals, and are associated with the corresponding margins of error at the 95% confidence interval: In 2014, 1100 residents aged 18+ in the general community (error margin +/-2.9%) and 502 (error margin +/-4.4%) in the Indigenous community completed the survey in Sept-Oct.

In 2016, 2277 residents aged 18+ in the general community (error margin +/-2.0%) and 500 (error margin +/-4.4%) in the Indigenous community completed the survey in July-August.

In 2018, 1995 residents aged 18+ in the general community (error margin +/-2.2%) and 497 (error margin +/-4.4%) in the Indigenous community completed the survey in July-August.

In 2020, 1988 residents aged 18+ in the general community (error margin +/-2.2%) and 495 (error margin +/-4.4%) in the Indigenous community completed the survey in July.

145 Tracking social contact between the general POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait ______Islander people: While a relatively small proportion of people in the general community regularly socialise with Indigenous peoples, there has been an encouraging trend since 2014.

100 General Community - % Occasionally/frequently socialise with people of Indigenous heritage




60 General community 50

40 37 35 33 30 30

20 2014 2016 2018 2020

146 The importance of the relationship and pride in our POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Indigenous cultures are gaining traction ______

Within the general community as a whole, the importance of the relationship between non-Indigenous Australians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has steadily grown in people’s consciousness since 2014. Similarly, pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and the view that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a unique place, have gained steady traction.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

100 General Community 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Aug 2018 July 2020 4th Barometer 5th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 90 91 89 90 86 80 75 73 74 71 70

60 64 62 56 60 People who feel the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is fairly/very important 50 People who agree/strongly agree Indigenous peoples hold a unique place as First Australians People who agree/strongly agree they are proud of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures 40 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

147 The importance of knowing about Aboriginal and POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Torres Strait Islander cultures is gaining traction ______

Within the general community as a whole, the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures to our national identity has steadily grown in people’s consciousness since 2014. Similarly, the importance of knowing and learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures has gained steady traction.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

100 General Community 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Aug 2018 July 2020 4th Barometer 5th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 90 85 84 83 80 80 80 82 80 80 77 79 77

70 72

People who feel it is fairly/very important to know about Indigenous cultures 60 People who feel Indigenous cultures are fairly/very important to Australia's national identity

People who feel it is fairly/very important for Indigenous histories and cultures to be in the school curriculum

50 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

148 The notion that Government and businesses should POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING support reconciliation is increasing strongly ______

Within the general community as a whole, the feeling that the Federal Government and Australian businesses should put measures in place to help improve reconciliation has grown strongly since 2014. Notably, the view that employers in Australia follow Equal Opportunity laws has steadily increased also.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

100 General Community 4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020 90 People who agree/strongly agree employers follow the Equal Opportunity laws

80 People who agree/strongly agree Federal Govt should adopt measures to help improve reconciliation People who agree/strongly agree businesses should adopt measures to help improve reconciliation

70 73 69 60 60 63 64 54 51

50 47 46 44 41 41 40 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

149 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander views that POLITY education and employment are becoming more RESEARCH & CONSULTING equitable are growing strongly ______

Within the Indigenous community, the view that employers in Australia follow Equal Opportunity laws and that the education system prepares children well to find a job have both grown strongly since 2014. This potentially highlights how the lived experience among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in both these areas has improved markedly, not least through the effectiveness of reconciliation programs across both education and employment.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

70 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community 4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020

60 People who agree/strongly agree the Australian education system prepares children well to find a job

51 People who agree/strongly agree employers follow the Equal Opportunity laws 50


40 38 35 33 32

30 27 27

20 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

150 Awareness that the past has caused many POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING disadvantages for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander______people is increasing Among the general community as a whole, belief that Australia’s colonial legacy has caused today’s disadvantages experienced by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and consequently the view that Indigenous Australians are not responsible for their own disadvantages, have both grown strongly. Within the Indigenous community, the view that past race-based government policies have specifically caused a lack of personal responsibility among some Aboriginal and Torres Strait people has grown steadily since 2014. Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

90 Australian Communities

(Indigenous Community): People who agree/strongly agree past govt policies have caused a lack of personal responsibility among some 80 Indigenous Australians (General Community): People who agree/strongly agree many Indigenous Australians are disadvantaged today because of Australia's colonial legacy 70 (General Community): People who disagree/strongly disagree Indigenous Australians are responsible for their own disadvantages today

64 60 61 61 57 51 50 46 47 43 40 40 33 34 29 30 4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020 20 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

151 Awareness that past policies have caused many POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING disadvantages for Aboriginal and Torres Strait ______Islander people is increasing Within the general community as a whole, the view that past race-based government policies have caused some of today’s disadvantages experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has steadily grown in people’s consciousness since 2014. This is evident specifically in terms of discrimination towards, a lack of respect for, and inadequate living conditions among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

80 General Community

People who agree/strongly agree past govt policies have caused discrimination towards some Indigenous Australians

People who agree/strongly agree past govt policies have caused a lack of respect for some Indigenous Australians 70 People who agree/strongly agree past govt policies have caused inadequate living conditions for some Indigenous Australians


61 60 60 58 60

57 57 56 55 53 50 49 50

4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020 40 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

152 Appreciation of diversity is steadily increasing POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Within the general community as a whole, the notion that Australia is better off with many different racial/cultural groups and pride in Australia’s multiculturalism have steadily grown in people’s consciousness since 2014. Similarly, there has been a steady increase in belief that it is possible for all Australians to become united.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

80 General Community 4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020 74 74

72 70 70 72 68 67 70 70

67 66

63 People who agree/strongly agree they are proud of our multiculturalism 60

People who agree/strongly agree Australia is better off with many different racial/cultural groups People who agree/strongly agree it is possible for all Australians to become united

50 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

153 A sense of being trusted is increasing among POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people ______

Within the Indigenous community, the sense that non-Indigenous Australians have high trust for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has grown strongly since 2014. As with the general community as a whole, there has also been a steady increase in those who feel they are proud of Australia’s multiculturalism.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

90 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community 4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020


72 73

70 65 66

60 People who feel non-Indigenous Australians have fairly/very high trust for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

50 People who agree/strongly agree they are proud of our multiculturalism 47

40 40 34 34

30 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

154 Awareness of wanting to help and how to improve POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING reconciliation is growing strongly ______

Within both the general community as a whole and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a sense of wanting to help improve reconciliation has increased strongly since 2014. For the general community, awareness of how to help has also gained traction.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

80 Australian Communities th th 78 4 Barometer 5 Barometer 73 Sept 2014 Aug 2016

70 6th Barometer 7th Barometer 71 69 Aug 2018 July 2020

60 61 54 51 50 44

40 (Indigenous Community): People who agree/strongly agree they would like to do something to help improve reconciliation (General Community): People who agree/strongly agree they would like to do something to help improve reconciliation (General Community): People who agree/strongly agree they know how to help improve reconciliation 30 33 29 27 23 20 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

155 Welcome to Country addresses at major sports POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING events would widely celebrate National unity ______

For both non-Indigenous Australians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, there is growing support for introducing Welcome to Country addresses at major sporting events, to help celebrate national unity and identity.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

100 Australian Communities: People who believe these events would celebrate national unity and identity

(Indigenous Community): Having Welcome to Country addresses at major sporting events (e.g. Melbourne Cup etc) 90 (General Community): Having Welcome to Country addresses at major sporting events (e.g. Melbourne Cup etc)

80 78

76 75 70 71 65

4th Barometer 60 60 Sept 2014


50 47

5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020 40 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

156 Belief in a number of events to celebrate unity is POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING growing steadily ______

Within the general community as a whole, there has been growing support for some key events to help celebrate national unity and identity: Official ANZAC celebrations to honour Indigenous and non-Indigenous soldiers; Acknowledgment of Country at Citizenship ceremonies; and official dual naming of major sites around Australia.

Abbott Govt focuses Four Corners Referendum Turnbull Govt puts COVID-19 pandemic and on ‘austerity’ and story on Don Dale Council report Constitutional global Black Lives Matter border protection Detention Centre released Recognition on hold protests

100 General Community: People who believe these events would also celebrate national unity and identity

Official dual naming of significant sites in Australia, using English AND Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander names (e.g. Uluru/Ayers Rock)

90 Acknowledgement of the Traditional Custodians of the land at Australian Citizenship ceremonies

Official ANZAC Day ceremonies to honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander AND non-Indigenous soldiers

80 78 76 79 75

72 74

68 70 72 66 69 66

60 61

4th Barometer 5th Barometer 6th Barometer 7th Barometer Sept 2014 Aug 2016 Aug 2018 July 2020 50 Early '14 Late '14 Early '15 Late '15 Early '16 Late '16 Early '17 Late '17 Early '18 Late '18 Early '19 Late '19 Early '20 Late '20

157 Australian Reconciliation Barometer 2014-20

Key trends tracking reconciliation


For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the importance of their relationship with other Australians has remained consistently high since 2014 (long term average of 73% very important). This compares with a long term average of 49% very important among the general community. However, most notably, there has been a solid increase in the general community since 2014. 100 % The relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians is very important, for Australia as a nation: 90

80 76 Av 73% 73 73 70 71 Indigenous Peoples

60 General Community Linear (Indigenous Peoples) 56 Linear (General Community) Av 49% 50 50 48 43 40


20 2014 2016 2018 2020

159 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, strong agreement that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are important to Australia’s national identity has remained considerably higher within the Indigenous community (long term average of 62%). However, this sentiment has increased within the general community over the past six years (long term average of 33%).

100 % Strongly agree Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures important to Australia’s national identity:

90 Indigenous Peoples General Community

80 Linear (Indigenous Peoples)

Linear (General Community) 70 66 64 Av 62% 60 59 58


40 41

32 30 31 Av 33% 26 20 2014 2016 2018 2020

160 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, strong pride about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures has remained considerably higher within Indigenous communities (long term average of 58%). However, this sentiment has increased steadily within the general public (long term average of 22%).

100 % Strongly agree they feel proud of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures:

90 Indigenous Peoples

General Community 80 Linear (Indigenous Peoples)

70 Linear (General Community)

62 62 60 Av 58% 56 50 51


30 Av 22% 28 20 21 22 17 10 2014 2016 2018 2020

161 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, a sense of trust for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has steadily increased within both the general community (long term average of 27%) and Indigenous communities (long term average of 39%). However, belief among Indigenous respondents that other Australians hold high trust for them has increased more since 2014, than the sense of high trust towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people among the general public.

100 % Fairly high/Very high trust for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:

90 Indigenous respondents who feel other Australians have fairly/very high trust for them

General community respondents who feel they have fairly/very high trust for Indigenous Australians 80 Linear (Indigenous respondents who feel other Australians have fairly/very high trust for them)

70 Linear (General community respondents who feel they have fairly/very high trust for Indigenous Australians)


50 47 Av 39% 40 40 34 34 30 30 26 27 25 Av 27% 20

10 2014 2016 2018 2020

162 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, a sense of trust held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for other Australians has steadily increased within Indigenous communities (long term average of 44%). However, belief among the general community that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold high trust for them has remained fairly static (long term average of 20%).

100 % Fairly high/Very high trust held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:

90 Indigenous respondents who feel they have fairly/very high trust for other Australians General community respondents who feel Indigenous Australians have fairly/very high trust for them 80 Linear (Indigenous respondents who feel they have fairly/very high trust for other Australians)

70 Linear (General community respondents who feel Indigenous Australians have fairly/very high trust for them)


50 46 46 44 Av 44% 40 39


Av 20% 21 20 20 19 21

10 2014 2016 2018 2020

163 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people citing personal experience as their main source of information about their people has declined slightly (long term average of 49%). This compares to a slight increase within the general public (long term average of 38%).

100 % Personal experience with Indigenous Australians is their main source of information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: 90 Indigenous Peoples 80 General Community Linear (Indigenous Peoples) 70 Linear (General Community)


Av 49% 50 49 50 50 45 40 38 39 39 36 Av 38% 30

20 2014 2016 2018 2020

164 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, the prevalence of high knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories has remained steady, both within the Indigenous community (long term average of 74%) and within the general public (long term average of 41%).

100 % Fairly/Very high knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories:


80 Av 74% 76 75 73 73 70 Indigenous Peoples

60 General Community Linear (Indigenous Peoples)

50 Linear (General Community)

43 Av 41% 40 42 39 40


20 2014 2016 2018 2020

165 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, the prevalence of high knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures has remained steady within the Indigenous community (long term average of 71%), while increasing slightly within the general public (long term average of 33%). However, notably, both communities have seen increased knowledge levels since 2014. 100 % Fairly/Very high knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures:



74 72 72 70 Av 71% 66 60 Indigenous Peoples

50 General Community Linear (Indigenous Peoples)

40 Linear (General Community) 37 33 34 30 30 Av 33%

20 2014 2016 2018 2020

166 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median ARB tracking: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

Since 2014, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have consistently indicated that the wrongs of Australia’s past must be rectified, before the country can move on with reconciliation (long term average of 39%), compared to the general public (long term average of 27%). However, there has been a notable increase in this sentiment within the general community. 100 % The wrongs of the past must be rectified before we can move on:

90 Indigenous Peoples

General Community 80 Linear (Indigenous Peoples)

70 Linear (General Community)



44 Av 39% 40 40 37 35 30 28 28 29 Av 27% 23 20 2014 2016 2018 2020

167 NOTE: the linear average indicates the tracking trend, while the long term average (in box) indicates the tracking median Appendix

Respondent profiles

168 Sample characteristics: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Gender and age weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers) Male 49% 990 50% 204 Female 51% 998 50% 291 Non-binary/other gender 0% 12 0% 5 18-24 years old 12% 230 21% 89 25-34 19% 275 23% 174 35-44 17% 326 19% 125 45-54 17% 350 17% 52 55-64 15% 366 12% 32 65+ 20% 441 8% 23

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Employment weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers) Working full-time 35% 668 46% 247 Working part-time 19% 390 14% 90 Unemployed/not working 7% 129 9% 38 Student 11% 198 8% 30 Retired 19% 437 11% 27 Manage household/ family 6% 107 9% 51 Other 3% 59 3% 12

General community total sample size = 2000. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander total sample size = 500 Please note, percentages have been rounded and may not equal 100%. Other gender respondents do not figure in the weighted samples, due to the ABS census not yet including this data. 169 Sample characteristics: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community State weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers)

NSW 32% 398 33% 187 VIC 26% 389 7% 100 QLD 20% 392 29% 101 WA 11% 203 12% 28 SA 7% 203 5% 38 TAS 2% 201 4% 29 ACT 2% 101 1% 9 NT 1% 101 9% 3

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Metro/Regional weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers)

Capital city 64% 1224 39% 224 Major regional city 14% 286 20% 100 Regional town 10% 200 19% 75 Rural town 8% 187 10% 51 Remote town or community 4% 91 13% 45

General community total sample size = 2000. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander total sample size = 500 Please note, percentages have been rounded and may not equal 100%. Other gender respondents do not figure in the weighted samples, due to the ABS census not yet including this data. 170 Sample characteristics: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Birth/Language weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers)

Born in Australia 69% 1403 97% 478

Not born in Australia 31% 585 3% 17

English-speaking at home 88% 1785 97% 478 Non-English speaking at home 12% 203 3% 17

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Indigenous Heritage weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers)

Non-Indigenous 98% 1937 0% 0

Australian Aboriginal 2.1% 39 91% 423

Torres Strait Islander 0.1% 5 5% 31 Aboriginal AND Torres Strait Islander 0.1% 7 4% 41

General community total sample size = 2000. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander total sample size = 500 Please note, percentages have been rounded and may not equal 100%. Other gender respondents do not figure in the weighted samples, due to the ABS census not yet including this data. 171 Sample characteristics: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Education level weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers) Postgraduate degree 13% 245 10% 58 Graduate diploma or graduate certificate 6% 130 7% 33 Bachelor degree 28% 515 20% 117 Advanced diploma or diploma 12% 251 15% 73 Certificate I, II, III or IV 15% 313 18% 101 Secondary education 20% 418 18% 68 Primary/Part of secondary education 5% 104 12% 41 Other 0.5% 12 1% 4 General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Household weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers) Single with dependent children living at home 5% 100 14% 71 Single without dependent children living at home 29% 551 23% 111 Married/defacto with dependent children living at home 25% 477 36% 211 Married/defacto without dependent children living at home 32% 670 18% 81 Other 10% 190 8% 21

General community total sample size = 2000. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander total sample size = 500 Please note, percentages have been rounded and may not equal 100%. Other gender respondents do not figure in the weighted samples, due to the ABS census not yet including this data. 172 Sample characteristics: POLITY RESEARCH & CONSULTING ______

General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community Accommodation weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers) Own my home outright 29% 617 24% 119 Own my home but paying mortgage still 27% 544 25% 133 Renting (e.g. leaseholder, flat share, student campus etc) 30% 575 38% 196 Living with parents or family member(s) 12% 205 10% 36 Staying in temporary accommodation 1% 14 2% 9 Other 1% 33 0% 2

Household income General community General community Indigenous community Indigenous community (annual gross) weighted % (raw numbers) weighted % (raw numbers) Less than $30,000 14% 298 17% 76 $30,000 - $49,999 13% 293 13% 66 $50,000 - $69,999 13% 256 10% 55 $70,000 - $89,999 10% 190 13% 68 $90,000 - $119,999 12% 249 18% 75 $120,000 - $149,999 10% 197 9% 52 $150,000 - $249,999 10% 184 8% 47 $250,000 or more 3% 44 6% 30 Don’t know/prefer not to say 14% 277 5% 26

General community total sample size = 2000. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander total sample size = 500 Please note, percentages have been rounded and may not equal 100%. Other gender respondents do not figure in the weighted samples, due to the ABS census not yet including this data. 173 POLITY PTY. LTD. RESEARCH & CONSULTING Sydney; NSW 2010 ABN: 93 169 495 130