Block Wise and Activity Wise Establishments, Subarnapur, 6Th

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Block Wise and Activity Wise Establishments, Subarnapur, 6Th GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Block wise and Activity wise Establishments Subarnapur 6th Economic Census, 2013 (Provisional) Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Odisha Bhubaneswar ସଙ୍କର୍ଷଣ ସାହୁ, ଭା.ପ.ସେ ଅର୍ଥନୀତି ଓ ପରିସଂ孍ୟାନ ଭବନ ନିସଦେଶକ Arthaniti ‘O’ Parisankhyan Bhawan ଅର୍େନୀତି ଓ ପରିେଂଖ୍ୟାନ HOD Campus, Unit-V Sankarsana Sahoo, ISS Bhubaneswar -751001, Odisha Director Phone : 0674 -2391295 Economics & Statistics e-mail : [email protected] Foreword Economic Census is a joint effort and huge administrative exercise which provides official count of all establishments irrespective of their size in terms of employment including those in the unorganized sector. The Economic Census is undertaken with intervals of 5 years conducted under the technical guidance and support of Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India. The report contains information on the total number of establishments in agriculture (excluding crop production and plantation) and non-agriculture (except public administration and defence and compulsory social security service) along with the total number of persons usually working therein. The present report ”Block wise and Activity wise Establishments, Subarnapur, 6th Economic Census, 2013, (Provisional)” provides information on characteristics of the national industrial classification wise enterprises, ownership status etc. in the CD Blocks of the district. Due care have been taken to consolidate the villages in to Block level from Police Station level. I, extend my thanks to the Deputy Director and Staff of DPMU, Subarnapur for providing full administrative support for successful conduct of this detailed exercise. I am thankful to the enumerators and supervisors who worked under the directions of the officers and staff of DPMU, Subarnapur and made this Census a grand success. I, further place on record the tireless efforts of the Sri P. K. Dash, Statistical Officer and Sri Sarat Chandra Sahoo, Statistical Officer of the Directorate for their efforts for compilation of data and bringing out the report. I am sure that the report will be useful to administrators, Policymakers, researchers, academicians and other stakeholders. Suggestion in general and consolidation of villages in to block in particular for improvements on this report are most welcome. Bhubaneswar (S. Sahoo) July 2020 Sri Pabitra Mohan Dwibedy, Joint Director Directorate of Economics & Statistics Odisha, Bhubaneswar Preface The 6th Economic Census was conducted in Orissa at the instance of Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), Government of India. The Directorate of Economics & Statistics executed the gigantic operation throughout the state in collaboration with all block/urban level functionaries. The sixth economic census used Enumeration Blocks of 2011 population census. This Census collected information from all establishments (excluding crop production, plantation, public administration and defence and compulsory social sector). The information from Handicraft/ Handloom sector have been collected for the first time, establishments owned by women and the source of finance etc. The district level report ”Block wise and Activity wise Establishments, Deogarh, 6th Economic Census, 2013, (Provisional)” have been prepared basing on the district wise unit level data of 6th Economic Census. I record my appreciations for all the officers and staff of Joint Directors (Statistics) Northern Range, Deputy Directors of District Planning and Monitoring Unit, Subarnapur for their concerted effort in the national programme. My special thanks to all Enumerators and Supervisors involved in the process. I sincerely acknowledge the guidance of Sri S. Sahoo, ISS, Director, D E&S for enriching this publication with his valuable technical inputs and insights. I also place on record the valuable services rendered by the Officers and Staff Computer Centre bringing out this District Level report. Bhubaneswar July, 2020 (Pabitra Mohan Dwibedy) Contents Sl.No Subject Page No. Highlights 1 Chapter-I Introduction 2 Objectives 3 Scope and coverage 4 New initiatives 5 Planning and execution 6 Methodology 6 Scheduled canvassed 7 Classification of activities 7 Compilation of data 7 Chapter- II Concept and Definition 8 Chapter- III NIC Code - 2008 14 Chapter- IV Results at a Glance 24 Annexure 1 Block wise and Activity wise total number of enter prises 34 Annexure 2 Block wise and Activity wise total number of enter prises 41 owned by women in Subarnapur District Annexure 3 Block wise and Activity wise total number of workers 44 employed in Subarnapur District Annexure 4 Block wise and Activity wise total number of female workers 51 employed in Subarnapur District Annexure 5 Block wise and Activity wise total number of enter prises 56 owned by SC in Subarnapur District Annexure 6 Block wise and Activity wise total number of enter prises 60 owned by ST in Subarnapur District Schedules of 6th Economic Census Highlights The Sixth Economic Census (EC) covered all the Blocks of Subarnapur District The Sixth Economic Census covered all establishments engaged in various agricultural and non-agricultural activities excluding crop production, plantation, public administration, defence and compulsory social security. Data for handicraft/handloom establishments were collected for the first time. Enumeration Blocks (EBs) of Population Census, 2011 were used as the primary geographical units for collection of data. As per the Sixth Economic Census (2013), out of total 38201 establishments, 32038 establishments (83.86%) were found in rural areas and 6163 (16.13%) were found to be located in urban areas . Out of total 38201 enterprises in the district, 7784 (20.38%) are owned by Scheduled Caste and 2171 (5.68%) are owned by Scheduled Tribe Categories. Out of total 2778 enterprises owned by Women 2410 (6.30%) enterprises are in rural areas, 368 (0.96%) enterprises are in urban areas. Overall average employment per establishment in Sixth EC was 2.12 in Subarnapur District. As per 6th economic census in Subarnapur District out of total 80946 workers are 24021 (26.53%) female workers. Out of 24021 female workers in the district 21475 (26.53%) are in rural areas, 2546 (3.15%) are in urban 1 Chapter - I Introduction The first coordinated approach was made by Central Statistics Office (CSO),Govt. of India by launching a Plan Scheme “Economic Census and Surveys”in 1976. The scheme envisaged organizing countrywide census of all the economic activities (excluding those engaged in crop production and plantation) followed by detailed sample surveys of un-organized segments of different sectors of non- agricultural economy in a phased manner during the intervening period of two successive economic censuses. The economic census collects data on distribution of establishments along with their salient features like location of the establishments, entrepreneurial activity being carried out by the establishment, nature of operation, type of ownership, number of persons usually working in the establishments with male-female, hired, non-hired, power and fuel used etc. The entrepreneurial data collected under the economic census is highly indispensable for formulation and updationof the industrial policy both at the centre and at the state level. The data generated under the economic census apart from other uses forms the basis for estimation of macro level aggregates of various parameters of industrial economy and for improving the estimation of National Income and related aggregates from time to time. The follow-up surveys provide detailed sector specific information on inputs, outputs, investments etc. The economic census is conducted every 5 years on a State to Country level to provide valuable data concerning sales, receipts, employers, and employees. Till date the Central Statistical Organisation has conducted six Economic Censuses, Five Economic Census have been conducted earlier throughout the country during the year 1977,1980,1990, 1998 and 2005.It is sixth in series and 100% centrally sponsored scheme of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation, Government of India. A reliable and updated database is the foundation of organized and proper planning. The Central Statistics Office (CSO), since its inception, has been instrumental in 2 creation and updation of database for various sectors of the economy and its periodic updation so as to meet the requirements of the planners for sound and systematic planning both at the macro as well as micro levels. Our economy can broadly be classified into two sectors, namely, Agricultural and Non-Agricultural sectors. Fairly reasonable database exists for Agricultural Sector whereas such data base for Non- Agricultural sector is much desired. Keeping in view the importance of the non- agricultural sector in the economy and non-availability of basic frame for adoption in various sampling techniques for collection of data and estimation of various parameters, there is necessity of Economic Census. With this background, the CSO started Economic Census for preparing frame of establishments, particularly the ‘area frame’which could be used for various surveys for collection of detailed data, mainly on non-agricultural sector of the economy and has been pursuing through its continuous efforts to develop a sound and reliable data base for this sector. Economic census is the census of the Indian economy through counting all entrepreneurial units in the geographical boundary of the country which involved in any economic activities of either
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