Annual Report

YEAR ENDING December 31, 1973





Town of

Holderness, N.H.


Decembers], 1973


/973 INDEX

Results of 1 973 Town Meeting 4

Warrant 6

Budget 8

Floods of 1973 11

Detailed Statement of Payments 15

Fire Department Report 22

Library Report 24

Conservation Commission Report 26

Planning Board Report 27

Health Officers' Report 33

Vital Statistics .34


At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Holderness, Qualified to vote in town affairs, and held in the Town House of said Holderness, March 6, 1973, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following business was transacted.

The Ballot Clerks being in position, the meeting was called to order by the Moderator Laurence H. Roberts at 10:01 A. M. The Town Warrant was read by the moderator. The School Warrant was read by Moderator Laurence H. Roberts.

The polls were declared open for Article 1 at 10:14 A. M. and were declared closed at 6:17 P. M. Count of town and school ballots was made with the following results:

Total Ballots cast - 390 Names on checklist - 776

Town Clerk — Gertrude Eisner Town Treasurer — Richard Gordon Selectman for 3 years — Steven Harrison Tax Collector — Bernice Shields Library Trustee for 3 years — Laura Heath Overseer of Town Welfare — Laura Heath Superintendent of Cemeteries — Walter Greenleaf Trustee of Trust Funds for 3 years — Eleanor S. Wolf Fire Wards — James Cripps, George Richards, Paul Whitman Constable — Lyle Thompson


Total Ballots cast - 390

Moderator — Laurence H. Roberts Jr. Clerk — Ann Noyes Treasurer — Joseph Carvelli Member of School Board for 3 years — Barbara Currier

The opening of the town meeting was delayed to permit completion of ballot count.

Business meeting was opened at 7:50 p. m. by the Moderator. Mr. M. E. McLoud called Mrs. Corinne Cripps to the stage and presented her with a plaque as a token by the town of appreciation for her nine years as Town Clerk.

Results of the School District voting were read by Mr. Roberts, and the results of the town balloting were read by him also. Mr. Roberts then requested a moment of silence out of respect for the memory of George Plant.

Article 3. It was moved and seconded to amend Article 3 by an additional raise of 10% of the $401.50 given as compensation to Ethel Piper for services rendered to the town. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 4. Moved and seconded to raise and appropriate $50.00 for the Humane Society. Voted in the affirmative. Article 5. Moved and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 6. Moved and seconded that the town vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund to finance the cost of construction of a new town office building and furnishings and equipment for same and to transfer to said Fund the sum of $25,000 from the Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund received and to be received. Motion amended to read "to finance the cost of providing town office facilities" instead of "to finance cost of con- struction". Amended article voted in the affirmative.

Article 7. Article declared out of order. Mr. Hopkins stated that since Holderness had adopted the Municipal Budget Act a special town meeting would be required to consider this article.

Article 8. Moved and seconded to amend the July 15, 1967 Septic Tank Ordinance by adding provision that "holding tanks or closed systems will not be approved for any construction and will be approved only as a replacement for an existing system when no other means of disposal is practical in the judgment of the Town Health Office. Motion amended as follows: "holding tanks or closed systems will not be approved for any new construction" etc. Amended article was voted in the affirmative.

Article 9. Moved and seconded that the town raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000. for improvements to the town library. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 10. Moved and seconded that the Pease property located on Beede Road be designated as a town forest. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 1 1 . Moved and seconded to see what action the town would take concerning the designation of any town road as "scenic". Motion to table article was voted in the af- firmative.

Article 12. Moved and seconded that the sum of $891 be raised and appropriated for the support of the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency. Such amount included in the budget under health services. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 13. Moved and seconded that the town raise and appropriate the sum of $26,500.00 for the purchase of a new grader for the Highway Department. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 14. Moved and seconded that the town authorize the Selectmen to borrow in anticipation of taxes. Voted in the affirmative.

Article 15. Moved and seconded that the town authorize the Selectmen to convey any real estate obtained by tax collector's deed and execute any deed or deeds thereof in the name of the town. Voted in the affirmative. Article 16. Moved and seconded to accept the budget as recommended with the following amendments: Fire Dept. From $8,536.00 to $10,536.00 Planning Board from 1.00 to 1,290.00 Ethel Piper Fund $401.50 to 441.65 Voted by ballot — 102 ballots cast. 93 affirmative. 9 negative. Two-thirds majority received. Article passed.

Article 17. Moved and seconded the Town give thanks to, Merlond McLoud for his years of service. Moderator gave thanks to Mr. Flint for acting as police officer. Moved and seconded meeting be adjourned, Motion carried. Moderator requested town clerk to write letter to Mrs. Plant from the Town memorializing George Plant. Moved and seconded. Motion carried. A True Record: Attest

Gertrude L. Eisner Holderness Town Clerk



You are hereby notified to meet at the Town House in said Holderness on Tuesday, the fifth day of March, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the polls shall be opened and shall close not earlier than six o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following subjects, the second and subsequent articles to be acted upon commencing at seven-thirty o'clock in the afternoon of the same day:

ARTICLE 1 : To choose all necessary town officers.

ARTICLE 2: To accept the reports of all town officers.

ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for the support of the New Hampshire Humane Society.

ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the support of the Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital.

ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,000.00 for the support of the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency.

ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to adopt the provisions of R. S. A. 55:9-a and R. S. A. 55:9-b which authorizes the Town Clerk to add names to the checklist and to present such names to the supervisors of the checklist.

ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to accept as a gift from the Squam Lakes Science Center, a deed of one acre of land on Route #3 to be used as a site for a new town office building only, said deed to contain a reservation to said Science Center of the wood from all trees cut having a diameter in excess of six inches and a restriction which would require the parking lot to be constructed behind the building, and to see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum not to exceed $80,000.00 to construct, furnish and equip a new town office building on said site, said sum to be raised in part by withdrawing all funds on deposit in the Capital Reserve Fund established pursuant to an affirmative vote on Article 6 of the warrant for the 1973 Town Meeting and all interest accrued thereon, and the balance to be raised by borrowing on the credit of the Town through the issuance of a note or notes of the Town pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, R. S. A. 33:8, said note or notes to bo repaid, so far as possible, out of such funds as shall be received by the Town from the Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund under the State and Local Assistance Act of 1972.

ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $16,000.00 for the purchase of a new town truck and sander and to make alterations to the existing truck to enable the Town to plow snow on all town roads, said sum to be raised from current taxes.

ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $18,000.00 for necessary repairs and improvements to preserve the old Town Hall, said sum to be raised by borrowing on the credit of the Town through the issuance of a note or notes of the Town under the Municipal Finance Act, R. S. A. 33:8.

ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1 ,900.00 to complete the renovation of the Town Library.

ARTICLE 1 1 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to apply for, contract for and accept on behalf of the Town such financial aid as the Town may now be entitled to receive or hereafter become entitled to receive from the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration.

ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer to transfer to the Town Conservation Trust Fund the unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the Conservation Commission in 1974.

ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to investigate a program to provide a Town Tax Map, such program to be presented to the voters for approval at a later date.

ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to borrow in anticipation of taxes.

ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to administer, lease, rent, sell and convey or otherwise dispose of any real estate acquired by the Town by any Tax Collector's deed.

ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to make any alterations in the amount of money required to be raised and appropriated for the ensuing year for the support of the Town, as recommended by the Budget Committee in its report; to raise and appropriate all sums so determined, and to pass on any other vote relating thereto.

ARTICLE 17: To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting. Given under our hands this 6th day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-four. MALCOLM TAYLOR, SR. EDWARD L. NOYES STEVEN A. HARRISON SELECTMEN OF HOLDERNESS A true copy ATTEST: MALCOLM TAYLOR, SR. EDWARD L. NOYES STEVEN A. HARRISON SELECTMEN OF HOLDERNESS


Approp. Recom. Previous 1974 Fiscal (1974-75) Year


General Govemment: Town Officers' Salaries 6,000.00 6,000.00 Town Officers' Expenses 7,800.00 9,000.00 Election & Registration Expenses 900.00 900.00 Municipal & District Court Expenses 0.00 0.00 Town Hall & Other Town Buildings 700.00 700.00 Employees' Retirement & Social Security 2,600.00 2,800.00

Protection of Persons & Property: Police Department 17,000.00 20,000.00 Fire Department 10,536.00 16,000.00 Insurance 1,650.00 2,200.00 Planning & Zoning 1,290.00 1,270.00 Damages & Legal Expense 1,200.00 1,000.00 Civil Defense 250.00 300.00

Health Dept. [Inch Hospitals & Ambulance] 6,481.00 6,200.00 Vital Statistics 100.00 100.00 Town Dump & Garbage Removal 3,100.00 3,900.00

Highways & Bridges: Town Maintenance—Summer & Winter 36,500.00 36,450.00 Street Lighting 1,350.00 1.460.00 General Expenses of Highway Department 3,900.00 7,000.00 Town Road Aid 590.76 589.89

Libraries: 2,735.00 2,735.00 Public Welfare: Town Poor 1,700.00 2,500.00 Old Age Assistance 2,200.00 2,200.00 Aid to Permanently & Totally Disabled 1.00 1.00

Patriotic Purposes [Memorial Day, Etc.] 255.00 255.00

Recreation 1,100.00 2,200.00

Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries 600.00 600.00

Debt Service: Principal & Long Term Notes & Bonds 3,500.00 8,800.00 Interest-Long Term Notes & Bonds 1,417.40 2,320.00 Interest on Temporary Loans 900.00 900.00

Capital Outlay [List Below]: Town Road Construction 7,000.00 7,000.00 New Equipment 30,100.00 12,300.00 Town Hall-Foundation 18,000.00 Town Office Building 55,000.00* Library Construction 3,000.00 1,850.00 Conservation Commission 300.00 300.00 Humane Society 50.00 50.00

TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 181,806.16 232,880.89 Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Previous Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1974 SOURCES OF REVENUE: (1974-75)

Interest & Dividends 19,000.00 20,112.00 20,000.00 Savings Bank Tax 1,000.00 1,424.00 1,400.00 Meals & Rooms Tax 5,500.00 5,965.00 5,500.00 Highway Subsidy (CI. IV & V) 7,000.00 9,533.00 7,000.00

Reim. A/C Business Profits Tax (Town Portion)) 6,000.00 6,860.00 6,000.00

From Local Sources: Dog Licenses 450.00 480.00 450.00 Business Licenses, Permits & Filing Fees 450.00 488.00 450.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 19,000.00 20,522.00 19,000.00 Interest on Taxes & Deposits 2,200.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 Fines & Forfeits—Municipal & District Court 15.00 15.00 15.00 National Bank Stock Taxes 3,400.00 6,059.00 5,000.00 Resident Taxes Retained 300.00 269.00 300.00 Income from Departments 100.00 2,000.00 1,755.00 1,500.00 Bond & Note Issues (Contra) 26,500.00 26,500.00

From Federal Sources: Revenue Sharing 25,000.00 20,281.00 18,000.00


AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY PROPERTY TAXES (Exclusive of County and School Taxes) 146,065.89


*N.B. Presence of this figure does not imply a willful acceptance and its appearance is

due to advice of Town Counsel, who states that it is the obligation of the Budget Com- mittee to permit the voters to act on the question. It should be further noted that the Budget Committee disapproves of an espenditure of this magnitude for this purpose.


It is no doubt true that not a person living in Holderness during the floods of June and July escaped without some loss or misfortune. To those more fortunate, their loss might have been total isolation from the community for a few days. To many, however, their loss was their home, or their property, or their business, or their livelihood. It is not the purpose of this report to recall to mind the events of those tragic days, for those who have lived through it. But rater as a historical record, to be read by some future generation perhaps twenty-five or fifty years from now.

For several days in the last week of June there was heavy and constant rainfall, and on Saturday June 30th, the overflowed its banks. Thirty seven families on River Street evacuated their homes, and eight business establishments in the Intervale were flooded. The high water mark was about halfway up the hill on Route 175 towards Holderness School. At six P.M. a disaster area was declared. The National Guard, State Police, and Red Cross came to the assistance of the town.

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On Sunday, July 1, a fleet of a dozen trucks, three loaders, and a dozer started emergency measures to open up washed out roads and relieve isolated families. The selectmen talked with the Governor, who advised the Town to proceed with road work immediately, regardless of cost. The police were patrolling the area in boats, the Civil Defense were caring for homeless families.

On Monday the waters started to recede. The fire department moved in to pump out cellars and hose down walls; the health officer examined flooded wells for contamination: to drinking water. The selectmen met with the Governor in Concord.

On Tuesday July 3 families started moving back into their homes, without drinking water. The Army Corps of Engineers toured our roads to assess damage. All roads were by then open on a temporary basis.

On Wednesday July 4th it rained again, with 7.5 inches rainfall in four hours, and with two more inches on July 5th, all Hell broke loose all over town. Every stream, brook, gully and drainage ditch overflowed its banks, leaving ten foot holes in dirt roads, un- dermining paved roads, washing out culverts. The Town was literally shut down. Emergency repairs that had been made to roads in the last few days were washed away.

On July 6th, President Nixon declared this a disaster area, and federal and state engineers moved in to assess damage. Every road was travelled by them, many on foot, and an estimated $70,000 damage was recorded, on Town roads. Unfortunately the Federal Disaster Program does not cover damage to private properties. The expense to townspeople in restoring their private roads, repairing buildings, removing debris, totaled many more thousands of dollars.

Any list of people to whom the Town owes a vote of gratitude for restoring order out of chaos is difficult, for fear of neglecting someone. But though their names may not appear here, the townspeople know well thier efforts and devotion. For exceptional duty, several names should be mentioned. Police Chief Wayne Frizzell and his Special Officers; Fire Chief Kip Hawkins and his entire fire department; Health Officer Charles Currier; Civil Defense Director Paul Whitman.

13 Town Road agent Lyle Thompson and his able crew worked around the clock following the first flood to get people out of their homes, then saw all his efforts "washed away" by the July 4th flood. Again, 24 hour a day labor for several days opened up all town roads. But his disaster work for the Town has continued from the time of the floods through the last week in the year, making permanent repairs, keeping a record of every load of gravel, sand, cold patch, and stones used; a record of every culvert replaced; a record of operating time for all equipment. All this is required by the federal agents, as a basis for compensation to the town for its losses. By the end of the year, the Town has received $37,000 from the Disaster Assistance Administration, with a similar amount due in the spring after inspection of the work. Credit should also go to Donald Dana, who volunteered to assist Lyle in these bookeeping chores, and who spent many many hours on this difficult task.

And so by the end of the year the Town is back to normal. Many unfortunate residents and taxpayers are still making repairs. And to compound their misery, another flood of the river on December 6th and 7th added further damage to homes and businesses in the Intervale. The damage to property owners was again very high, the damage to town roads was about $5,000, which will probably be recovered from the Federal Disaster Relief Administration.

Serious thought must be given to a program to protect the safety of the inhabitants of the Pemigewasset River Flood Plain as determined by the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Protection of their property. Such a program has already been submitted to the selectmen for their future consideration. 14 Inventory of Town Property

Land $3,238,593 Buildings 3,776,882 Mobile Homes (93) 155,330 Utilities 125,600 Boats (447) 103,990

Total -1973 $7,400,395

Total - 1972 6,540,740

1973 Exemption

Elderly (25) $33,710 School 150,000 Veterans (103) 5,150


TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES G. Eisner, Salary & Fees 2,127.95 R. Gordon, Salary 400.00 S. Harrison, Salary 575.00 L. Heath, Salary 240.00 E. Noyes, Salary 600.00 B. Shields, Salary & Fees 914.30 M. Taylor, Salary 625.00

TOWN OFFICERS' EXPENSES: Brahman Publishing, Price Book 10.70 Brown & Saltmarsh, Supplies 127.85 Clays, Supplies 11.41 D. Dana, Prof. Assist. 210.00 G. Eisner, Expenses 62.77 Equity Publishing, R.S.A. Rev. 156.00 S. Harrison, Expenses 27.00 Homestead Press, Printed Forms 48.50 C. Ingraham, Transfer .10 B. Fortier, Transfers .80 Mtn. Media, Printing, Reports 1,810.15 E. Noyes, Expenses 5.00 Pemi Nat'l Bank, Fees 2.14 Postmaster, Postage 514.00 N.H. Assoc. Assessors, Dues 10.00 N.H. Clerks Assoc, Dues 8.00 N.H. Mun. Assoc, Dues 85.33 N.H. Tax Coll. Assoc, Dues 10.00 N.E. Telephone, Service 180.73 Sears Roebuck, Files 564.25 State of N.H., Audit, Boat Reports 846.41 Seymour Trophy, Plaque 14.24 H. Sargent, Bookkeeping 1,700.00

15 B. Shields, Expenses & Clerical 175.24 M. Taylor, Expenses 32.44

Smith-Piper, Rent & Supplies 1 ,207.00 C. Woods, Transfers 87.40 Thomas Office Equip., Repairs 30.00 Wheeler & Clark, Supplies 48.18

ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION: K. Beij, Wages 4.00 D.Dana, Wages 21.00 B. Flint, Wages 16.00 A. Forbes, Supervisor 5.00

J. Greenleaf, Supervisor 193.00 R. Huckins, Wages 12.25 E. Jenkins, Supervisor 232.40 Mtn. Media, Printing 70.64 P. Needham, Supervisor & Exp. 290.18 L. Roberts, Moderator 39.00 H. Sargent, Asst. Moderator 3.00 O. Staples, Wages & Expenses 16.98 P. Whitman, Wages 21.00 M. Winton, Wages 13.75

TOWN HALL & OTHER BLDGS: N.E. Telephone, Service 323.84 N.H. Elec. Coop, Service 408.10 Puccettis, Supplies 14.99

RETIREMENT & SOCIAL SECURITY N.H. Retirement System, Town Share 402.09 Treas. State of N.H., Town Share 2,262.24

POLICE DEPARTMENT Adams Mkt., Supplies, Flood .49 Ashland Esso, Fuel-Repairs 253.84 Ayer Insurance, Insurance 520.00

J. Bell, Supplies 37.20 H. Boyce, Pris. Watch 12.00 Carlson Mtrs., Cruiser 3,205.19 Carsten Products, Bike Regis. 24.00 Central Equip., Equip. 123.20 M. Chambers, Wages, Flood 172.00

J. Chase, Pris. Watch 9.00 Clays, Supplies 4.25 Clifford-Nicol, Printing 41.71

Concord Camera, . -juip. 53.49 Concord Monitor, Adv. for Chief 37.50 Equity Publishing Co., Publishing 9.00 Exxon, U.S.A., Fuel Lub. 705.63 L.B. Flint, Wages 20.00 Floyd's-Manchester, Clothing 451.25 W. Frizzell, Salary 5,230.72

16 W. Frizzell, Wages, Flood 432.00 Grafton Cty. Sheriff, Radio System 258.63 Gulf Oil Corp, Fuel Lub., Repairs 318.02 S. Harrison, Dry Clean Uniforms 8.78 E.L. Heal, Repair 7.74 R. Keeney, Wages 2,129.14 R. Keeney, Wages, Flood 151.25 Laconia Citizen, Adv. for Chief 9.30 G. Mack, Wages 15.00 Meredith News, Adv for Chief 3.00 Merson Uniform, Uniform 121.50 Mtn. Media, Adv. for Chief 3.75 P. Needham, Wages, Flood 68.00 N.E. Telephone, Service 354.44 Norm's Gulf, Fuel, Flood 10.05 E. Paquette, Police Services 300.00 G. Plant, Salary 1,846.20 Plymouth Fire Dept., Tel. Flood 1.05 L. Pocock, Develop Film 2.66 Postmaster, Box Rent 2.40 L. Samaha Store, Supplies 4.20 Sanel, Equip. 32.73 S. Sargent, Pris. Watch 6.00 State of N.H., Police Exams 35.00 Squam Lakes Citgo, Fuel 45.85 G. A. Thompson Co., Equip. 158.05 Town & Campus, Film 1 1 .56 Town of Ashland, Police Exp. 50.00 Union Leader Corp., Adv. for Chief 34.02 Wright Comm., Radio Work 77.19

FIRE DEPARTMENT Francesco Store, Flood Exp. 2.00 C. Hawkins, Sign 10.00 H. Heath, Treas, 1973 Approp. 10,993.20 H. Heath, Treas., Flood July & Dec. 4,055.27 Lakes Region Mut. Aid, 1973 Membership 2,686.08

INSURANCE Ayer Insurance, Premiums 1 ,451 .60

PLANNING F. Ayer, Expenses 2.65 Dr. Staples, Expenses 267.39 Lakes Reg. Plan. Comm., Membership 1,120.00

DAMAGES AND LEGAL FEES F. Hanaford, Dog Damage 18.00 Plymouth Animal Hosp., Dog Damage 8.00 Wakefield & Ray, Fees for Services 880.00

17 CIVIL DEFENSE Brooks Auto, Supplies, Flood 12.90 Andre Chabot, Mud Pump Rent, Flood 100.00 Denny's Esso, Fuel, Flood 20.85 Henny Penny, Food, Flood 26.09 F. D. Mclver, MD, Medical, Flood 10.00 Norms, Gulf, Fuel, Flood 45.23 4"Js" Market, Supplies, Flood 7.69 Rand's, Supplies, Flood 4.31 L. Samaha Store, Supplies, Flood 3.45 Sanel, Supplies, Flood .85 Sceva Speare Hosp., Medical, Flood 4.0C Smith-Piper, Supplies, Flood 17.10 Squam Boats, Boat Rent, Flood 200.00 Squam Lakes Exxon, Fuel, Flood 19.03 VITAL STATISTICS G. Eisner, Fees 33.75 HEALTH Adams Mkt., Supplies, Flood 22.04 Clays, Supplies 1.33 Clifford-Nicol, Printing, Flood 26.10 C. Currier, Wages & Expenses, Flood 1,403.81 C. Currier, Wages & Expenses 522.61 Merrimack Farmers, Supplies, Flood 72.19 Mountain Media, Printing 54.00 Pemi Baker Home Health, Appropriation 891.00 Holderness PTA Health Fund, Appropriation 200.00 Town of Plymouth, Ambulance 2,259.45 P. Reader, Stencils 11.00 Sceva Speare, Appropriation 500.00 TOWN DUMP Ashland Lumber, Supplies 28.00 Wilson Earl, Labor 90.80 Merrimack Farmers, Supplies 9.90 Mtn. Media, Permits 10.75 Puccettis, Supplies 19.80 D. Taylor, Wages 59.10 L.M. Thompson, Wages & Equip. 421.30 C. Winton, Wages 22.00 SUMMER MAINTENANCE Ashland Lumber, Matls., Flood 97.06 Batchelder Tree, Remove Tree, Flood 90.00

J. Bourne, Mowing 609.75 Campton S & G, Matls., Flood 402.84 A. Chabot, Equip Rental 145.00 W. Danforth, Wages 335.50 W. Danforth, Wages, Flood 1,213.00 R. T. Downes, Equip. Rental, Flood 689.60 W. Earl, Wages 783.49 W. Earl, Wages, Flood 1,695.71 D. Farmer, Matls, Flood 45.20

18 H. Hanaford, Equip. Rental, Flood 589.80 C. Howe, Gravel 253.80 C. Howe, Gravel, Flood 820.40 M. Hunkins, Wages 265.55 E. Latulippe, Equip. Rental, Flood 104.00 Lumbertown, Materials 38.40 Melanson Bros., Equip. Rental, Flood 442.80 Mtn. Media, Signs 12.25 N.E. Culvert, Culvert, Flood 6,969.08 N.H. Bituminous, Road Oil, Flood 2,566.68 E. Noyes, Matls, & Equip, Flood 1,192.65 Paquette Paving, Matls. 582.88 Paquette Paving, Matls., Flood 16,954.13 W. F. Richards, Equip. Rental, Flood 500.00

I. Royea, Matl. 67.50 B. Smith, Wages, Flood 996.00 State of N.H., Maps, Flood 9.90 D. Taylor, Wages 789.60

D. Taylor, Wages, Flood 1 ,624.50 L. M. Thompson, Wages & Equip. 3,304.16 L.M. Thompson, Wages & Equip, Flood 9,680.50 Trapper Brown Const, Equip Rental, Flood 822.00 C. Winton, Wages 947.75 C. V/inton, Wages, Flood 1808.75 WINTER Campton S. &G., Winter Sand 656.92 E. Chamberlain, Clear Bridge 75.00

W. Danforth, Labor 1 75.00 Del Chemical, Sand Anti-freeze 157.00 W. Earl, Labor 824.90 R. Gordon, Plowing 190.00 H. Hanaford, Haul Sand 61.60 C. P. Howe, Winter Sand 399.50 International Salt, Road Salt 2,360.99 Paquette Paving, Plowing and Sand 8,835.57

D. Taylor, Labor 1 ,908.80 L. M. Thompson, Labor 5,891.45 C. Winton, Labor 2,372.00

STREETLIGHTS N.H. Electric Coop, Service 1,343.69

GENERAL EXPENSE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Brooks Auto, Parts 149.27 Cantin Chevrolet, Parts 42.94 Cargo, Tires 453.14 Chadwick-BaRoss, Parts 8.37 Cities Service, Fuel 677.48 DemingChev., Repairs 93.64 Exxon U.S.A., Fuel 464.59 Gulf Oil, Lubricants 65.46

J9 Hazeltons, Parts & Repairs 1,009.58 Interlakes Medical, Med. Services 32.00 Merrimack Farmers, Supplies 30.25 Mountain Media, Signs 24.20 N.H. Elec. Coop., Elec. Service 185.07 N.H. Explosives, Parts 8.89 Paige Welding, Repairs 90.00 Panbro Sales, Parts 92.60 Puccettis, supplies 152.77 Ross Express, Frt. Chgs. 18.49 Sanel, Supplies 92.03 Smith-Piper, Supplies 2.89 Texaco, Lubricants 86.79 C.B. Titus, Diesel Fuel 315.20 G. Thompson, Signs 21.00 H. Thompson, Repairs 40.60 TRA Treas. State of N.H., Town Share 590.76

LIBRARIES E. Dana, Treas., 1973 Approp. 1,501.22 L. Hall, Wages 459.38 S. Hites, Wages 273.60 A. MacDonald, Wages 500.80 TOWN POOR Adams Mkt., Case # 16 99.64 A&P Stores, Case #17 40.00 Town Aciiiand, Surplus Food 74.81 Blu'3 Cross, Case #16A 34.25 Duguays Mkt., Case #20 46.47 Farle>'s Rexall, Case #13 6.40 Finas* >tores, Case #15 337.97 GraftC'i Cty. Home, Case #16A 39.00 B. Hainpson, Case #12 435.63 N.H. Cath. Charities, Case #10 1,396.50 Nancy Straw, Deliver Surplus 62.00 OAA Treas. State of N.H., Town Share 2,173.54 MEMORIAL Dupuis Cross Post, Parade Exp. 150.00 A. Forbes, Parade Exp. 40.00 Royal Eagles, Parade Exp. 65.00

PARK & RECREATION A. Chabot, Repairs, Flood 500.00 P. Brown, Expenses 3.00 J. Gammons, Lifeguard 900.00 N.H. Elec. Coop., Elec. Chgs. 45.05

20 N.E. Telephone, Tel. Service 26.81 Rands, Supplies 3.35 Squam Boats, Supplies 6.48

CEMETERIES W. Danforth 101.25 M. Hunkins 314.50 G. Melanson 63.00

LONG TERM NOTES Pemi Natl. Bank, Fire Truck 3,500

INTEREST-LONG Pemi Natl Bank, Firetruck 1,417.50

INTEREST-SHORT Pemi Natl Bank, Tax Loan 527.43

CONSTRUCTION L. M. Thompson, Equip. 132.00

LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION Bear Mtn. Corp., Elec. Toilet 710.00 H. Heath, Labor & Matls. 1,913.55

J. Mayhew, Elec. Repairs 184.95 L. M. Thompson, Equip. 23.00 NEW EQUIPMENT R. C. Hazelton, Sander 3,700.00 Chadwick BaRoss, Grader Trade 26,500.00

CONSERVATION A. Bushnell, Expenses 25.00 N.H. Assoc. Conser. Comm., Dues 35.00 Grafton Cty. Cons. District, Maps 100.00 Solid Waste Management, Subscrip. 7.00 Tink Taylor, Misc. Expenses 12.22 U.S. Dept. Agr., Aerial Photos 49.00

N.H. HUMANE N.H. Humane, Appropriation 50.00






Balance on hand, 1 Jan. 1973 $ 68.39 Re-instate cancelled check 2.00 Town ol Plymouth, Barney fire 175.00 Town Treasurer 13.574.00 sale of fire fighting equipment 722.62



1973 Under Over Budget Spent Budget Budge

Heat 62().(X) 661.75 41.7.' Lights 350.00 368.10 18.l( Telephone 200.00 229.16 29. H Insurance on Men 400.00 406.62 6.6: Insurance on trucks 410.00 355.00 55.00 Insurance on building 153.00 152.10 .90 Treasurer's Bond 10.00 10.00 Bank Charges 8.00 4.66 3.34 Stationary 10.00 10.00 Transportation 60.00 42.64 17.36 Cust(xiian 275.00 275.00 Clerk 175.00 175.00 N.H.S.F.A. 40.(X) 114.00 74.0 Mutual Aid 23(X).0() 50.00 2250.00 Meeting Att. 3(K).0() 204.50 95.50 (iasoline 250.(X) 294.45 44.4 Motor Oil 30.00 .90 29.10 Vehicle Inspection 50.(X) 4.00 46.00 Replacement 700.00 1808.85 1108.8 Maintenance 800.00 1562.45 762.4 Hose 945.00 958.71 13.7 Clothing 1(X).0() 26.(X) 74.00 Boots 150.00 163.30 13.31

22 Alerting System 700.00 636.48 63.52 Training 500.00 487.51 12.49 Fire Calls 1000.00 5216.69 4216.69

10,536.00 14,207.87 2,657.21 63,029.08 TOTAL RECEIPTS 14,542.01 less TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,207.87

Balance on hand, as of 31 Dec. 1973 334.14


Balance as per statement of Pemigewasset Nat'l Bank 12/31/73 1203.72 Plus deposit not credited 49.00 Less checks outstanding 918.58

Reconciled balance 334.14


1972 29 Nov. Mutual Aid, Moultonborough 27.00 15 Dec. Russell Geldart, chimney 66.00 26 Dec. Mutual Aid, New Hampton 24.00 27 Dec. Thomas Avery, chimney 54.00 1973

1 Jan. Plymouth, Barney's Dairy 135.00 3 Jan. Mutual Aid, Ashland 48.00 7 Jan. Mutual Aid, Snadwich 117.00 12 Jan. Thomas Avery, chimney 24.00 13 Jan. Mutual Aid, Meredith 48.00 9 Feb. Mutual Aid, Ashland 30.00 19 Feb. Mutual Aid, New Hampton 63.00 24 Mar. Emile Martel, grass 72.00 27 Mar. Dr. Downes, chimney 39.00 29 Mar. Mutual Aid, Center Harbor 132.00 31 Mar. William Young, Grass 30.00 6 Apr. Town Dump 21.00 19 Apr. Almon Bushnell, grass 36.00 20 Apr. Richard Gordon, woods 42.00 12 May Rte. 175 power line, woods 84.00 18 May Mutual Aid, Ashland 33.00 20 May Black Horse Motel 33.00 24 May Mutual Aid, Moultonborough 60.00 3 June Mutual Aid, Ashland 60.00 28 July Livermore Cove, boat 36.00 30 July Auto accident, Rte. 3 & 175 150.00 9 Aug. Charles Bonanno, incinerator 27.00 20 Aug. Mutual Aid, Ashland 72.00 15 Sept. George Heath, resuscitator 24.00 23 11 Oct. Black Horse Motel 18.00 14 Oct. Town Dump 6.00 18 Oct. Fire Prevention Week observance at school 9.00 20 Oct. Mutual Aid, Ashland 81.00 22 Oct. Mutual Aid, Moultonborough 81.00 23 Oct. Royea's Auto Wrecking 21.00 28 Oct. Mutual Aid, Sandwich 90.00 28 Oct. Mutual Aid, Moultonborough 90.00 29 Oct. Mutual Aid, Moultonborough 81.00 14 Nov. Robert Morse, interior 48.00

2,112.00 July flood expenses 2,727.44


1973 6 Jan. Amos Hunnewell, interior 71.75 31 Mar. River St., grass 53.50 10 May William Johnson, grass 82.00 19 Aug. Auto Accident, 1-93 bridge 27.75 5 Oct. Bonfire control, PSC Field House 8.50 27 Oct. Auto Accident, Mt. Prospect Road 133.75

Total Fire Calls and Emergencies 5,216.69


We are very grateful for the sincere interest and concern many have for the HOLDERNESS TOWN LIBRARY. The teachers are most cooperative and the tax- payers support our activities with both funds and good will.

We believe a major responsibility of the library is to remind men and women that there are many ways in which books can help serve their personal needs and help them to keep up with the rapidly changing world.

The future, some say, belongs to today's children—the future also belongs to the immediate generation of adults whose attitudes and decisions are determining the future, today.

It is good news that more people are making use of the library. We want to be open, adequately staffed, to be available to everyone in the community at convenient times.

Lucille M. Hall, Librarian


Balance January 1973 48.97 Town Appropriation Receipts 2,735.00 Insurance Co. 15.00


Expenditures Books & Magazines 305.39 Social Security 72.21 Custodian 180.00 Supplies 66.63 Repairs 190.64 Fuel 239.04 Electricity 71.84 Insurance 154.70 Miscellaneous 33.61

1,314.06 Salaries 1,233.78

$ 2,547.84

Balance December 31, 1973 251.13 Proof of Balance Balance in Meredith Trust Co. per statement Dec. 31, 1973 315.83 Less Outstanding Checks #435-444 265.92

49.91 and deposit 201.22

$ 251.13


During 1973 the Holderness Conservation Commission assisted the town in moving closer to solutions for several key problems; solid waste disposal (dump), lake pollution, sewage disposal and other areas of growing concern.

The commission heartily agrees with an advertisement for Holderness in the "Where To In The Lakes Region" booklet. It says tourists and visitors are welcome to our town but that they should be mindful of our precious natural heritage upon which our economy and well-being depends. Many more residents are coming to realize this simple rule.

In preparation for last year's town meeting the commission had a 50 acre parcel of tax- acquired land on the Beede Road surveyed. Subsequently the voters approved designation of this land as a town forest. Since town meeting the Grafton County and State Foresters have cruised the new forest noting timber types, special natural and manmade features. Holderness Central School students and the Boy Scouts have begun to put the town forest to good use. The commission would now like to acquire a right-of- way access across private lands so students may walk to the forest during school hours eliminating the need for a bus.

At the end of 1973 the commission discussed the possibility of allowing residents to cut needed firewood on the town forest in view of the energy crisis. But no program has yet

been worked out. It is Top priority in 1974!

All fieldwork for mapping the soils of Holderness has been completed by the U. S. Soil Conservation Service. A cooperative agreement between the Lakes Region Planning Commission, U. S. Government, Holderness Planning Board and Conservation Com- mission, financed the project. Soils maps have almost unlimited uses for everything from septic tank location to locating wetlands.

The commission has worked on occasion with the town's health officer and would like to commend Charles Currier's continuing efforts to prevent more serious pollution in and elsewhere.

Under a new state law (RSA 483-A supp) the commission now reviews all proposals to fill or dredge in the town's wetlands. If there is enough local interest, the commission has the right to stop any action by the state for 30 days and call a local hearing. In 1973 only

nine such applications to dredge or fill were received and the commission chose not to intervene in any of them.

Each March the commission agrees to put on an evening's program for the Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club's annual meeting. In exchange the club pays the $50. tuition for sending one Holderness youth to Spruce Pond Conservation Camp in Allenstown. Last June, Jane Sargent ably represented the town as the fifth camper to attend under the commission's auspices. We plan to repeat it again this year with Bill Biddle still serving as chairman of the "finding" subcommittee.

26 The commission has made $283.91 from recycling glass. This money is placed in the Town Conservation Trust Fund. Commissioner Al Bushnell, although not alone in this continuing reclamation effort, deserves the lion's share of the credit. He just keeps going on and on! We have learned that Nottingham (N. H.), population 1200, now has a manned, fulltime recycHng depot which will make $40,000 a year or more for the town. Their Local ordinance requires homemakers to separate all trash at home. Could Holderness ever accompHsh something like this?

At our December 17 meeting representatives of local snowmobiling clubs appeared to help us formulate ground rules for the use of snowmachines on the town forest.

With the energy crisis bearing down upon us at the close of 1973, the commission spearheaded formation of an Energy Subcommittee which did little more than meet only twice to discuss what could be done at the town level. Emergency fuel allocation forms were distributed to the selectmen and police chief. If the situation worsens locally we can always call the subcommittee back into session. So far only one family has run out of heating oil. Respectfully submitted,

Richard L. Currier James Cripps Hollis Willoughby Derwood Corbett Almon Bushnell Malcolm "Tink" Taylor, Chairman


The Holderness Planning Board has experienced another busy year, that of 1973, which they feel quite sure has been a very fruitful one for the Town of Holderness. Fourteen individual business meetings were held, plus one other meeting that had been scheduled, but which lacked a quorum, hence no official action on any matter could be taken. However, the three members who did brave the inclement weather reviewed and discussed several plans that were currently pending before the Board. All but one of the fourteen Planning Board meetings were double session affairs. First there would be Public hearings on Subdivisions seeking Planning Board approval, required for all subdivisions large or small, by State Law, Article 36, Section 23 of the N.H. Planning Enabling Legislation. The Public Hearings were all followed by business meetings, when reports were given, subdivision plans presented, maps studied, and matters pertinent to them were discussed. During the year 1973 34 plats or plans were presented for Planning Board consideration, twenty-one of these have been approved. Most of the twelve others are either still pending, or have not yet been "followed thru" by the subdivider.

In addition to the regular Planning Board meetings, some member or members of the Board endeavor to visit subdivision sites whenever feasible and possible, to gain on- site knowledge of the location and nature of the land being subdivided. This occurs sometimes not under the best of weather conditions. On one occasion last May four members of the Board, one of whom was a Selectman, together with an official and an engineer from the Water Supply & Pollution Control Commission traversed over a 30 acre plot having steep brush covered slopes, deep valleys and small streams, for about three hours one morning during a heavy drizzle. What water did not fall upon us from above was met on all sides as we traveled thru the dripping wet foliage. Most such pilgrimages are less arduous and less wet. 27 As has been stated on previous reports, the subdividers, with but rare exceptions, are desirous of cooperating with state and local requirements, once they learn what they are, and some of the reasons for them realizing that their subdivision, and the homes that will later be constructed, will benefit through such planned development.

Holderness, uilike most towns in the Lakes Region, have only subdivision regulations to guid ^ its future growth and development and to conserve its natural resources and to prevent pollution of its land & waters. There is need for additional measures to further guide and control future growth and development, and one knows not when such measures may be urgently needed. Hence Holderness should be prepared. The recent State Legislature passed House Bill 851, which the governor signed and which became effective last August 31st, that provided for "an emergency temporary zoning and planning ordinance". The Planning Board is giving this ordinance some study and some consideration.

This ordinance contains many measures that couid be very beneficial to Holderness. Under this ordinance the Town would not be zoned or divided. The entire town would remain residential and agricultural, in which certain business, commercial and in- dustrial enterprises would be permitted. The bill provides a series of measures that the Town could adopt, when so voted by the citizens of the town, and be utilized on a trial basis, for a two year period, or until two Annual Town Meetings have been held, or until the town may have considered and adopted specific measures of their own. If, as the end of the two year period the town needed more time to consider these or other ordinances of their own, the toA n may vote to utilize the temporary measure for just one more year, after which time this emergency temporary ordinance becomes null & void.

A town cannot utilize this specific measure beyond this trial period. However, in the interim this temporary ordinance would give the citizens an opportunity to see how such an ordninance works, to see what measures prove beneficial, and which might be deleted, and what measures should be added, or to return to their previous situation.

This is a measure that the citizens of Holderness would do well to study, discuss, and if thought to be of value, could adopt as a trial protective ordinance. Members of the Planning Board would be glad to meet with any group or organization to discuss, explain and clarify the several aspects of this emergency temporary ordinance.

This is a measure that the citizens of Holderness would do well to study, discuss, and if thought to be of value, could adopt as a trial protective ordinance. Members of the Planning Board would be glad to meet with any group or organization to discuss, exlpain and clarify the several aspects of this emergency temporary ordinance.

A year ago the Town Report indicated that the Holderness Planning Board expenses had exceeded the appropriation that was voted for planning use. This was not so, and is not so for the current year. Because of the nature of the Planning Board services, its financial "affairs" are kept as two individual accountings.

#1 . .Those expenses which have to do with routine planning board operating business, and which is naturally charged against the appropriation voted for such expenses at the previous Town Meeting. The amount appropriated at the 1973 Town Meeting for routine Planning Board expenses was $150. The expenses, for want of a better name, called "routine planning board expenses" from January 1st to December 24th, 1973 was $133.07, leaving the amount of $16.93 below the appropriation.

28 #2 . . are those expenses which are directly attributed to the implementation or ad- ministration of the Subdivision Regulations. Land subdividers and/or developers pay a fee which is called an "Application for Subdivision Approval Fee". The purpose of this fee is to assure that the subdivider or developer shall pay for the expenses incurred in the processing of the subdivision regulation, and expenses incidental to them, such as legal advise, and not the town. These fees, and any moneys received from the sale of the town's Subdivision Regulation booklets (75c ea) are sent to the Town Treasurer, and go into the General Funds of the town. Hence any expenses incurred through such subdivision administration procedures should be charged against this income which the town receives. These espenses are often considerable. They cover the cost of conducting and publicizing public hearings for all subdivision, large or small, as required by State Law, Article 36, Section 23. Notices must be sent by certified mail, and certified mail with return receipt (at a cost of between 38 and 53 cents each) to the individuals involved, and all abutting land owners. There is also the cost of fabricating notices for posting & mailing, photocopying, duplication of notices & data pertaining to conditions and provisions applicable to the plat or plan. Such expenses incurred from January 1st through December 24th, 1973 were $149.49. The income or amount received and sent to the Town Treasurer totalled $295. --thus giving the Town of Holderness a profit of $146.51.

Because the Planning Board does not have a checking account or "on hand moneys" from which to pay current expenses in either accountings #1 and #2, the Chairman of the Planning Board pays (out of his pocket) these expenses, which may be less than a dollar or $3 or $5 every week or two as they occur. Twice a year, July 1st and late in December separate detailed statements of the two accountings are sent to the

Selectmen, and the Planning Board chairman is reimbursed by a single check for the moneys that have been expended for the six month period.

The Holderness Planning Board wishes to take this opportunity to express its ap- preciation to the Squam Lakes Science Center for making available facilities for holding the Planning Board meetings. Likewise it might be said that the Planning Board has eight members rather than seven from the standpoint of services rendered. Mrs. Staples types (when she can decipher the Doctor's long hand writing) from twenty to thirty letters and notices per month, many of these may be of several pages. Much of this correspondence is sent to a numbernof individuals, hence requires duplication through photocopying. After five years of such services, and these are on the increase, the Planning Board Chairman offers a public "thank you" to Mrs. S.

Earlier in this report some mention was made of the towns in the Lakes Region, which brings to mind that the remainder of this report should relate some of the activities of the Lakes Region Planning Commission, of which Holderness is one of the 20+ member towns. Mr. Laurence Flint and Dr. Lawrence Staples, Holderness Planning Board Chairmen have- served as the representatives from the Town of Holderness on the Commission.

The Lakes Region Planning Commission holds regular monthly business meetings, with additional gatherings for members of the various committees and officials from the several member towns. The meetings are held in the various towns in the region, which necessitates the traveling of considerable distances foi many members to some of the outer-lying towns.

Many of the L. R. P. C. activities are long range programs, involving collectively the various towns in the Lakes Region. Other activities have had to do with problems of the

29 individual towns, or groups of towns. Most of the individual towns in the region have received assistance with one or more local problems and projects. It might well be said that the Lakes Region Planning Commission office, more specifically its office personnel, has become a library and a storehouse of knowledge gained through experience where information, advise and assistance with planning problems are made available in- dividually and collectively to its member towns.

This past year several surveys, tests & recordings were conducted in several areas of Lake Winnepesaukee, at different depth levels. This coming year similar surveys will begin in the Squam Lakes Watershed. This also is a long range project, and will continue into and probably beyond the year 1975, and the Selectmen in the several towns bor- dering the lakes have been asked to select a goup of five interested individual citizens to assist in the project.

Space will not permit a recital of the many activities of the Commission, and a natural question in the minds of many probably is. How has Holderness benefited by being a member of the Lakes Region Planning Commission?

Due to its regional status the Commission is able to obtain certain Federal Grants for certain of its major projects, funds which are not available to individual towns. One of these was a Solid Waste Disposal Survey for some fifteen towns in the Lakes Region, which included Holderness. This included a study & survey and consideration of certain land areas in the various towns for possible sanitary land fill sites, and surprising as it may seem, sufficient land areas of 20-25 acres with suitable soil depth and type for sanitary waste disposal is difficult to find, and in certain towns appears to be non- existent. The study included a population survey and the possible growth which was likely to occur in the next ten, fifteen and twenty years. It also included the amount of solid waste tonnage as of today, during the summer peak vacation season, and what this tonnage was likely to be one and two decades hence. This Solid Waste Survey was conducted by the engineering concern of Metcalf and Eddy, and the near final report indicates the study to be one of the most comprehensive of its kind ever to be made. Factors involved, figures and methods have been enumerated at several levels. #1, the probable cost to a town if it chooses to "go it alone" and have its own solid waste disposal site, #2, participation with one, two or more other towns with but one of the towns having the disposal site.

What are some of the expenses involved in a Sanitary Land Fill Project? It might be noted here that a sanitary land fill is the most economical method for any community, except perhaps a large city. Incineration, which some towns have tried, has not proved successful, and as of today is exceedingly expensive.

For the sanitary land fill the #1 cost is an examination and investigation of land for a suitable site, and if and when found there is the purchase of 20-25 acres of land, the cost of which depends on land values in the area. #2 is the purchase or rental of equipment for operation, #3, personnel to use the equipment and care for the site, #4 buildings to house and protect the equipment, #5, available water supply at the site, and of course if there is not sufficient fill to cover the waste daily, for the life of the land fill, there is the purchase

& transportation of such fill.

Then of course some of the cost will depend on the number of days that the site will be open, one day weekly or several days.

30 i The costs for a town "going it alone" is almost prohibitive, and in every instance Metcalf and Eddy's recommendations have been a participation with one or more other towns, the number depending on the area. The more towns that use a single site, the shorter will be the Hie of the location. The survey is now nearing completion. The next step for Holderness is for the town officials to study the results of the survey, and contact officials of one or more of its neighbors and see what can be worked out to the advantage of each town concerned.

Holderness has benefited from its membership in the Lakes Region Planning Commission in other ways also. As was mentioned in last year's Planning Board Report, more than half the land in Holderness, at least in recent years, has not been soil mapped, something that is very necessary if the town is to know the nature of its soil, and thus be governed as to its capacity for different uses, as growth and development takes place. •

The cost for the completion of this soil mapping was about $5,600, of which the Federal Government would pay one half, and the town would be required to pay half. The question then was where to find money to pay the town's half. The Holderness Conservation Commission obtained a grant of $1,000 from the Ford Foundation, and made a gift of its own funds for a total of $1,250, leaving the amount of $1,550 to be obtained. The Revenue Sharing Funds, as a source of money supply, was mentioned, but the Town Fathers had already earmarked those funds for another purpose. An appeal was made to the Lakes Region Planning Commission for aid and advise, and they offered to supply the needed $1,550. This is nearly $500 more than Holderness' share con- tribution membership in the L. R. P. C. A contract was drawn up last September with the Soil Conservation Service at Woodsville, and work was begun shortly thereafter. A progress report made at a Planning Board meeting on February 7th, 1974 by Mr. Dannehy and Mr. Dollinger, both of the Soil Conservation Service, indicated that about half of the soil testing for the mapping had been completed when work was halted by "old man winter." The remainder will be cared for in the spring & early summer, and will probably be completed by late June, 1974.

A few weeks ago the engineering concern of DeLeuw Cather & Co. from their Boston office, sent a lengthy communication to the Planning Board stating that they had been hired by HUD in Washington to make a survey, and to obtain maps of Holderness showing, among other things its streets and their names, railroads if any, its rivers and streams with special reference to the extent of its flood plain. The maps were to be used by the Federal Government in its Federal Flood Insurance Program.

Once again, with the assistance of the staff of the Lakes Region Planning Com- mission, using data furnished by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, the requested maps have been fabricated, given to the Holderness Planning Board Chairman, and are now enroute to the proper authorities for use in the Federal Flood Insurance Program.

These are but some of the attested examples of benefits derived by Holderness from its membership in the Lakes Region Planning Commission. Holderness' share for support of the L.R.P.C. for 1974 is $1,076. It's a small fee in view of the benefits the town has and will derive from this expenditure.

Respectfully submitted Lawrence M. Staples, D.M.D.

31 .

Planning Board members are: Jon Bourne Milton Huckins Donald Hagerman Francis O'Donnell Frances Ayer, Secretary-Treasurer Lawrence M. Staples, D.M.D. Chairman Steven Harrison, Selectman Representative

Representatives to the Lakes Region Planning Commission are: Laurence Flint Lawrence M. Staples, D.M.D.



Appropriated for membership in LAKES REGION PLANNING COMMISSION (sent directly to L. R. P. C. by Selectmen) $ 1,120

Appropriated at 1973 Town Meeting for Planning Board "running expenses" $ 150.00

Planning Board operating expenses (reimbursed to Dr. L. M. Staples, Chairman of Planning Board) 133.07

Amount of Appropriation which was NOT SPENT $ 16.93


Total received for Application for Subdivision Approval fees

& sale of Subdivision Regulation booklets . (all moneys sent to Town Treasurer Gordon) $ 295.00

Expenses involved in administering Subdivision Regulations (reimbursed to Dr. Staples for this out of pocket expense) 149.49


Respectfully Submitted, Lawrence M. Staples D.M.D. Chairman Holderness Planning Board


There were 48 Permits issued for the construction of sewerage systems within the Town during 1973. There were 372 inspections of property completed of which 106 were complaints. There were 127 other miscellaneous contacts made, and 124 samples of drinking water tested due to the floods of July and December. 638 man hours worked, with 3,140 miles traveled.

The Holderness Septic Tank Ordinance Booklet has been completed and is now available at the Town Clerks Office or from the Health Officer.

A word about this past years' Budget and the proposed budget for 1974. Although the expenditures of this past year will exceed the appropriation, due to the floods, the 1974 operating Budget will be the same as last year. However, in the 1974 Budget there will be a request for a piece of equipment. The piece of equipment is a Coli-Count Water Tester and an Incubator. This is being requested because the Water Resources Research Center of the University of New Hampshire will not be funded this year as in the past two years.

Projects for 1974 are to continue some of the water testing that the above group was doing along our brooks and open water. To complete the work with the Selectman and the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission regarding the establishment and construction of the Upper Holderness Village Sewerage District along the River Street area and Holderness Road.

A change in granting Sewerage Disposal Approvals from the State of New Hampshire. Beginning on March 1st. The N.H.W.S.P.C.C. will not accept applications from Holderness without a statement from the Health Officer showing the date and time that the test pit was inspected by him, and an approval granted based upon the finding.


Organize the various Depts. within the Town so that there is a clear understanding as to the responsibility of each during an emergency such as the last two floods.

Review the flowage regulations of White Oak Pond and the requirements of the State of New Hampshire. Establish a level that will be enforced so that an extremely dangerous situation as last summer does not happen again to the residents living below the dam. Respectfully submitted, Charles L. Currier Holderness Health Officer

33 >

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(A o 3 X X) -t-> (1> O e .5 ^ t: 5 00 o a >-. £ (/} t-i 3 XI o c Q c o o B N >4 X Z 2 &H PU 15 G x: (U G K ^ O o (U < X I 5 o V% ti % 3 Vh o X O < PQ Pu O CO o c o O c X ID s S X 01 z H CQ

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H O H » O 2 ? 3* O c 3* 2 Barb < c Hold Herb 3t Albic p 2 Madi •-t 3 n o o 3 a 'I TS a p* p n n V) M CD a*j P D- Ci. 3 c P 3 P rt 3 a C/5 P po 3 3* 2 3 1- q P CO CD ess P 3 k •-t_ H.Ka p c (-K N 3 ^ 3^ 3- 5*. p. p 3 0* 0* 3* C/3 J-. 0* cIq' 3* p 3 3* ^ £: c 3 Q 3 c 3 OQ 3 "* ^ OQ p. ^ «— 3* C ^ k 3 Q3 3' p k 3 0' 3 OQ C/3 3! •-t n t/>' n DEATHS

Date Name of Deceased Age 1973

Jan 5 David P. Howe 69 Years

Jan 23 John Pakan 82 Years

Jan 25 Roscoe Conklin Kimball 81 Years

Feb 15 Mary Elizabeth Johndroe 57 Years

Feb. 21 Margaret L. Comeau 77 Years

Feb 27 Laura E. Glines 73 Years

Mar 1 George Albert Plant 64 Years

Mar 6 Frank Douglas Osgood 70 Years

Mar 6 Marcus Verne Sargent 56 Years

Mar 13 Mary Elizabeth Johndroe 86 Years

Apr 15 Norman Charles Young 61 Years

Apr 22 Margaret T. Urquhart 83 Years

June 15 MaryWentzell 88 Years

June 30 M. Lillian Baker 86 Years

July 20 Pan Leora Young 68 Years

July 30 Edward M.Robb 32 Years

Aug 4 Walter Leon Greenleaf 83 Years

Aug 4 Mary Clement Greenleaf 89 Years

Aug 26 Harold Linwood Henderson 80 Years

Aug 31 Helen Lucy Clifford 80 Years

Sept 10 Casei Vaillant 1 day

Sept 15 George Heath 79 Years

Oct 1 John H. Urquhart 84 Years

Oct 9 Wilbert Cyr, Jr. 20 Years

Oct 14 Ethel J. Piper 89 Years

Dec 4 Olive Rand 80 Years

Dec 5 Lyman Frederick Taylor 73 Years

Dec 22 Grant T. Chayer 79 Years

Dec 24 Morton Charnley Stone 87 Years

Dec 31 Reginald Clark 80 Years
















GENERAL FUND : A- 1 Comparative Balance Sheets - As of December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973 5 A-2 Analysis of Change in Current Financial Condition 6 A-3 Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures 7 - 8 A-4 Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Summary 9-10

LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS : A-5 Comparative Balance Sheets - As of December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973 H A- 6 Statement of Debt Service Requirements 12


GENERAL FUND : B-1 Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures 13_ i5


C-1 Suinnary of Warrants -yj- l8 C-2 Summary of Tax Sale Accounts 1Q


D - Statement of Town Clerk's Accounts 20


E - Statement of Receipts, Expenditures and Fund Balance 21


F - Statement of Account 22


G - Statement of Account 23 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS



EXHIBITS : (Continued)


H - Statement of Account 2U


I - Statement of Account 25


J - Town Officers' Surety Bonds 26 :^tN.^

Srpartmrnt uf Srurnup Aimtniatraliuu (Tonrnr^. D3301

Division of Mun'cipal iClogb ffl. ^riff Accounting Frederick E. Lapuante (tummifiBionrr DinecTOH

February 12, 1974


Board of Selectmen Holderness, New Hampshire


Submitted herewith is the report of the annual examination and audit of the accounts of the Town of Holderness for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1973, which was made by this Division in accordance with the vote of the Town, Exhibits as hereafter listed are included as part of the report.

One of these audit reports must be given to the Town Clerk to be retained as part of the permanent records.


Included in the examination and audit were the accounts and records of the Board of Selectmen, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Town Clerk, Free Library, Fire Department, Conservation Commission and Trustees of Trust Funds.


General Fund:

Comparative Balance Sheets - December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973 : (Exhibit A-1)

Comparative Balance Sheets, as of December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973 are presented in Exhibit A-1. As indicated therein, the Current Surplus decreased by $8,682 from $37,332 to $28,650 during 1973.

Analysis of Change in Current Financial Conditio n: (Exhibit A- 2)

An analysis of the change in current financial condition of the Town during the year is made in Exhibit A-2, with the factors which caused the change indicated therein. These were as follows:

- 1 Town of Holderness February 12, 1974

Decrease in Current Surplus ;

Surplus Used to Reduce Tax Rate $25,000

Increase in Current Surplus ;

Net Budget Surplus (Exhibit A-4) 16,318

Net Decrease in Current Surplus $8,682

Comparative Statements of Appropriations and Expenditures - Estimated

and Actual Revenues ; (Exhibits A-3 and A-4)

Comparative statements of appropriations and expenditures, estimated and actual revenues for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1973 are presented in Exhibits A-3 and A-4. As indicated by the Budget Summary (Exhibit A-4), a revenue surplus of $12,366 and a net unexpended balance of appropriations of $3,952 resulted in a net budget surplus of $16,318.

Long Term Indebtedness :

Comparative Balance Sheets - December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973 ; (Exhibit A-5)

Comparative Balance Sheets showing the outstanding long term indebtedness of the Town as of December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973 are presented in Exhibit A-5. A statement showing annual debt service requirements (principal and interest) is contained in Exhibit A- 6.


General Fund ;

Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures ; (Exhibit B-1)

A classified statement of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1973 made up in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts, is included in Exhibit B-1.


The accounts and records of all Town officials charged with the custody, receipts and disbursements of public funds were examined and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circumstances,

Verification of uncollected and unredeemed taxes was made by mailing notices to delinquent taxpayers as indicated by the Tax Collector's records. The amount of uncollected and unredeemed taxes as stated in this report are therefore subject to any changes which may be necessitated by the return of verification notices.

- 2 - Town of Holderness February 12, 1974

Conclusion :

The provisions of Chapter 71-a, Section 21, require that the auditors' suimnary of findings and recommendations (letter of transmittal) shall be published in the next annual report of the Town. Publication of the Exhibits contained in this audit report is optional at the dis- cretion of the Board of Selectmen. This letter, however, must be pub- lished in its entirety.

We extend our thanks to the officials of the Town of Holderness for their assistance during the course of the audit.

^.»—V Yours very truly.



- 3 &tatr uf "^^yxi Hampshire

D^parlmrut uf Srurnup Aiminiiitraliim

(Eunrurb. D33D1

Division of Municipal Accounting Frederick E. Laplante (Tummisaionpr DIRCCTOH

February 12, 1974


Certificate of Audit

This is to certify that we have examined and audited the accounts and records of the Town of Holderness for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1973,

Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circumstances.

In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and state- ments of sources of revenues and expenditures present fairly the fin- ancial position of the Town of Holderness at December 31, 1973, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to govern- mental entities, applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding fiscal year.

Respectfully submitted.

9 /) -J^'-W



- 4 - EXHIBIT A-1 TOWN OF HOLDERieSS General Fund Conrparative Balance Sheets As of Deceniber 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973

ASSETS December 31, 1972 December 31, 1973


Town Treasurer $182,61+3 $138,2^8 Fire Department Fund 68 1,309 In Hands of Tax Collector 18 $162,729 $139,557

Accounts Due Town:

From State of New Hampshire Business Profits Tax $ 1,715

From Federal Government : Disaster Relief Act Funds 18,157 19,872

Unredeemed Taxes:

Levy of 1972 760 Levy of 1971 2,UU0 275 Levy of 1970 2 2,UU9 1,035

Uncollected Taxes;

Levy of 1973 $ 59,8ifl Levy of 1972 1^3,i+63 1+56 Levy of I97I 271 158 Levy of I969 337 1+1+ UU,071 60,1+99

TOTAL ASSETS $229,21+9 $220,963

- 5 - A-1

LIABILITIES & CUREEMT SURPLUS December 31 > 1972 Deceinber 31 » 1973

Unexpended Balances of Special

Appropriations :

Town Hall (Article 9, 1966) $2,5^+0 $2,5^^0 New Construction - Highways 6,868 $ 2,5^0 $ 9,Uo3

Due To Trustees of Trust Funds :

a/c Capital Reserve Funds 25,000

Fire Department Fund (Contra) 68 1,309

Unexpended Revenue Sharing Funds 7,i+77 3,500

Overpayments To Be Refunded :

Property Tajces 9^

Due State of New Hampshire :

2% Bond and Debt Retirement Tax : Uncollected $ 63 $ 217 Collected - Not Remitted 152 215 217

Resident Taxes : Uncollected $ 567 Collected - Not Remitted 1,133 1,700

School District Tax Payahle 179,917 152,785

Total Liabilities $191,917 $192,313

Current Surplus 37,332 28,650


- 5 - 2

EXHIBIT A- TOTOJ OF HOLDERIIESS General Fund Analysis of Change in Current Financial Condition

Fiscal Year Ended Deceinber 31 j 1973

Current Surplus - December 31, 1972 $37,332

Current Surplus - December 31, 1973 23,6^0

Decrease in Current Surplus $8,682

Analysis of Change

Decrease in Current Surplus :

Surplus Used To Reduce Tax Rate $25,000

Increase in Current Siirplus :

Net Budget Surplus l6,3l8

Net Decrease $8,682

- 6 -

e>:hibit a- 3 TOVm OF HOLDERIESS General Fund Comparative Statenent of Appropriations and Expenditures

Fiscal Year Ended December 31 > 1973

Appropriations Forwarded Appropriat ions From 1972 1^73

General Government :

Town Officers' Salaries $ 6,000 Town Officers' Expenses 7,800 Election and Registration Expenses 900 Town Hall and Buildings Maintenance 2,5^+0 700

Protection of Persons and Property :

Police Department 17,000 Fire Department, Including Forest Fires 10,536 Planning and Zoning 1,290 Insurance 1,650 Civil Defense 250 Conservation Commission 300

Health and Sanitation :

Health Department, Including Hospitals ) 6,U3l

) Vital Statistics 100 Town Dump 3,100

Highways and Bridges :

Town Road Aid 591 Town Maintenance ) 36,500

) Street Lighting 1,350 General Expenses of Highway Department 3,900

Libraries 2,735

Public Welfare:

Old Age Assistance 2,200 Town Poor 1,701

Patriotic Purposes :

Memorial Day 255

- 7 - 3


(Assets) & Receipts Total Appr opr iat i o ns and Amount Expenditiires Balances Forwarded Relrnbiirsements Available 1973 Unexpended Overdrafts To 197^

> $ 6,000 $ 5,1+83 $ 517 $ k 7,80l| 8,150 3I+6 900 938 38 3,21+0 717 17 2,51+0

528(2) 17,528 17,932 77 ( 327) 1,622(2) 12,158 17,21+7 3,628 ( 1,^61) 1,290 1,390 100 1,650 1,1+52 198 528(2) 778 1+72 306 300 229 71

500 7,396 5,961+ 1,588 ( 156) I|15(2) 100 31+ 66 3,100 3,898 798

591 591

131 71,259 83,503 3,969 ( 16,213) 3i+,628(2) 1,350 1,^59 109 3,900 l+,876 976

2,735 2,735

2,200 2,171+ 26 223 1,921+ 2,680 756

255 255

- 7 - EXHIBIT A- 3 (Continued) TCX'JN OF HOIDERNESS General Fund Corapaxative Statement of Appropriations eind Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended Deceniber 31, 1973

Appropr iat i ons Forwarded Appropriations From 1972 1973

Recreation :

Parks and Playgrounds $ 1,100

Public Service Enterprises :

Cemeteries 600

Unclassified :

Employees' Retirement and Social Security 2,600 Damages and Legal Expenses 1,200 Humane Society 50 Ethel Piper Fund kk2

Debt Service:

Interest on Debt : Paid on Tax Anticipation Notes 900 Paid on Long Terra Notes 1,1+18

Principal of Debt : Payment on Long Term Notes 3,500

Capital Outlay :

Tovn Construction - Highways 7,000 Library Reconstruction 3,000 New Equipment 3,600 Payments To Capital Reserve Fund 25,000

Total Town Appropriations $ 2,5^+0 $155,7^*9

Payments To Other Governmental Divisions :

School District Tax 179,917 292,868 County Tax 31^,209

Overlay : (Discounts, Abatements and Refunds) 1U.856

$182,1+57 $1+97,682

(1) Proceeds of Long-Term Notes (2) Disaster Relief Act Funds

- 8 - A-3 (2)

(Assets) & Receipts Total Appropriat ions and Amount Expenditures Balances Forwarded eimbursements Available I973 Unexpended Overdrafts To 197^

1,100 $ l,i+65 $ 365

600 59^

72 2,672 2,713 kl 1,200 906 29U 50 50 kk2 kk2

900 527 373 l,in8 l,Ul8

3,500 3,500

7,000 132 6,868 3,000 2,832 168 26,500(1) 30,100 30,200 100 25,000 25 ,000 (~T8,157) $65,151 $223 Mo $206,516 $ 8,021+ $7,351 $ 3hM^

1^72,785 320,000 152,785 3l+,209 3l+,209

111,836 11,577 3,279 L IS, 157) $65,151 $71+5,290 $572,302 $11,303 $7,351 $187,193

- 8 - :

EXHIBIT A-1+ TOVm OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actioal Revenues and Budget Summary Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

-Revenues- SOURCES Estimated Actual Excess


Current Year : Property Taxes 175,170 $380,060 $ ^,890 National Bank Stock Taxes 15 15 Yield Taxes 1,085 1,085 Resident Taxes Retained 5,710 6,1^92 782

Prior Years : (Added Taxes) Property Taxes 5U1 5IH

Interest on Delinquent Taxes 1,500 1,91^ klk

Surplus Used To Reduce Tax Rate 25,000 25,000

From State of New Hampshire :

Interest and Dividends Tax 20,112 20, n? Savings Bank Tax 1,^23 1,1+2U 1 Meals and Rooms Tax 5,950 5,965 15 Highway Subsidy 9,532 9,533 1 Business Profits Tax 6,860 6,860

Reimbursements ; a/c Road Toll. Refunds U02 02

From Federal Agency :

Revenue Sharing Funds 25,000 25,000

From Local Sources, Except Taxes :

Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 19,000 20,522 1,522 Dog Licenses ii50 1^80 30 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees k^O 1+88 38 Ambulance Fees U40 U83 U3 Sale of Town Property 100 100

Dartmouth College : Payment in Lieu of Taxes 1,987 1,987

-----Income From Denartments I I I I — II M

Accident Reports 138 138 Subdivision Fees 315 315 Bicycle Fees 15 15 Septic Tank Inspection Fees k6h k6k Beach Permits 1+20 1+20

- 9 - ErOilBIT A-k (Continued) TtT.'IJ OF HOLDSRIffiSS General Fund Comparative Statenient of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Summary Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

Revenues SOURCES Estimated Actual Excess

I^om Local Sources, Except Taxes (Continued)

Planning Board : Prior Year Fees 233 233

$1+97,682 $510,01+8 12,366

Budget Sujomary

Actual Revenues $510, Ql+S

Estimated Revenues 1+97,682

Revenue Surplus $12,366

Unexpended Balances of Appropriations $ 11,303

Overdrafts of Appropriations 7,351

Net Unexpended Balance of Appropriations 3 ;^^2

Net Budget Surplus $16,318

- 10 - 5

EXHIBIT A- TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Long Term Indebtedness Comparative Balance Sheets As of December 31, 1972 and December 31, 1973

ASSETS December 31, 1972 December 31, 1973

Amount To Be Provided For Retirement of Long Term Debt $31,500 $54,500


Long Term Notes Outstanding ;

Fire Truck Notes - 1972 $31,500 $28,000 Grader Notes - 1973 26,500

Total Liabilities $31,500 $54,500

- 11 -

EXHIBIT A-6 TO\m OF HOLDERNESS Long Term Indebtedness Statement of Debt Service Requirements As of December 31, 1973

Fire Truck Note

4 1/2 7o

Amount of Original Issue $35,000 Date of Original Issue January 14, 1972 Principal Payable Date December 30 Interest Payable Date December 30 Payable at Pemigewasset National Bank Plymouth, New Hampshire

Maturities Fiscal Year Ending ; Principal Interest

December 31, 1974 $ 3,500 $1,260 December 31, 1975 3,500 1,103 December 31, 1976 3,500 945 December 31, 1977 3,500 787 December 31, 1978 3,500 630 December 31, 1979 3,500 472 December 31, 1980 3,500 315 December 31, 1981 3.500 158

$28,000 $5,670

- 12 - 6


Grader Note 4 %

$26,500 March 21, 1973 March 21 March 21 Pemigewasset National Bank Plymouth, New Hampshire

Totals Principal Interest Principal Interest

$ 5,300 $1,060 $ 8,800 $2,320 5,300 848 8,800 1,951 5,300 636 8,800 1,581 5,300 424 8,800 1,211 5,300 212 8,800 842 3,500 472 3,500 315 3,500 158

$26,500 $3,180 $54,500 $8,850

- 1? - EXHIBIT B-1 TO\m OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973


Current Revenue :

From Local Taxes:

Current Year: Property Taxes $312,667 Resident Taxes 4,460 National Bank Stock Taxes 15 Yield Taxes 269 $317,411

Prior Years : Property Taxes $ 41,640 Resident Taxes 1,598 43,238

Interest on Delinquent Tcixes 1,914

Penalties on Delinquent Resident Taxes 173

Tax Sales Redeemed 3,633 $366,369

From State of New Hampshire :

Interest and Dividends Tax $ 20,112 Savings Bank Tax 1,424 Meals and Rooms Tax 5,965 Highway Subsidy 9,533 Business Profits Tax 5,145

Reimbursements : a/c Road Toll Refunds 402


From Local Sources, Except Taxes :

Motor Vehicle Pennit Fees $ 20,522 Dog Licenses 480 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 488 Ambulance Fees 483

- 13 - EXHIBIT B-1 (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Stateiaent of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

Receipts (Continued)

Current Revenue : (Continued)

From Local Sources, Except Taxes : (Continued)

Income From Departments : Accident Reports $ 138 Subdivision Fees 315 Bicycle Fees 15 Septic Tank Inspection Fees 464 Beach Permits 420 $ 1,352 $ 23.325 Total Current Revenue Receiptsiceipts $432,275

Receipts Other Than Current Revenues :

Proceeds of Tax Anticipation Notes $ 50,000 Proceeds of Long Term Notes 26,500

Planning Board : Prior Year Fees 233 Sale of Equipment 100

Dartmouth College : Payinent in Lieu of Taxes 1,987

Grants From U.S.A. : Revenue Sharing 20,281 Interest on Investments of Revenue Sharing Funds 742 Disaster Relief Act Funds 37,721 Refunds: Appropriation Credits: Town Officers' Expenses $ 4 Health Department 500 Town Maintenance 131 Town Poor 223 Eaployees' Retirement and Social Security 72 930 138,494 Total Receipts From All Sources $570,769

Balance - January 1, 1973 182,643

GRAND TOTAL $753,412

- lU - EXHIBIT B-1 (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973


General Government :

Tovm Officers' Salaries 5,483 Town Officers' Expenses 8,150 Election and Registration Expenses 938 Town Hall and Buildings Maintenance 717 $ 15,288

Protection of Persons and Property :

Police Department $ 17,932 Fire Department, Including Forest Fires 17,247 Planning and Zoning 1,390 Insurance 1,452 Civil Defense 472 Conservation Commission 229 38,722

Health and Sanitation : Health Department, Including Hospitals $ 5,964 Vital Statistics 34 Town Dump 3,898 9,896

Highways and Bridges ;

Town Road Aid $ 591 Town Maintenance 83,503 Street Lighting 1,459 General Expenses of Highway 4,876 90,429 Libraries 2,735

Public Welfare :

Old Age Assistance 2,174 Town Poor 2,680 4,854

Patriotic Purposes :

Memorial Day 255

Recreation :

Parks and Playgrounds 1,465

Public Service Enterprises :

Cemeteries 594

- 15 - EXHIBIT B-1 (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

Expenditures (Continued)

Unclassified : Employees' Retirement and Social Security $ 2,713 Damages and Legal Expenses 906 Humane Society 50 Taxes Bought By Town 2,219

Discounts, Abatements and Refunds : Property Tax Abatements 106 $ 5,994

Debt Service ;

Interest on Debt :

Paid on Tax Anticipation Notes $ 527 Paid on Long Term Notes 1,418

Principal of Debt :

Tax Anticipation Notes Paid 50,000 Payments on Long Term Notes 3,500 55,445

Capital Outlay ;

Town Construction - Highways $ 132 Library Reconstruction 2,832 New Equipement 30.200 33,164 Payments to Other Governmental Divisions: State of New Hampshire:

Resident Taxes $ 1,910 2% Bond and Debt Retirement Tax 204 2,114 County Tax 34,209

School District Tax:

1972 - 73 Assessment $179,917 1973 - 74 Assessment 140,083 320,000 356,323 Total Expenditures For All Purposes $615,164 Balance - December 31, 1973 138,248 GRAND TOTAL $753,412

- 16 - EXHIBIT C-1 TOVm OF K0LDERIE3S Surmary of Warrants Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

Levies of; - DR. - 1973 1972 1971 1969

Cash on Hand - January 1, 1973 -

a/c Resident Taxes $ $ I8 $ $

Uncollected Taxes - January 1, 1973 :

Property Taxes 1^2,029 113 293 Resident Taxes 1,260 Yield Taxes 17^+ 158 kk

Taxes Committed To Tax Collector :

Property Taxes 375,575 Resident Taxes 5,710 Yield Taxes 1,302 National Bank Stock Taxes 15

Added Taxes :

Property Taxes U,if85 5UI Resident Taxes 320 630

Interest Collected on Delinq^uent Taxes 35 l,i*70 k 120

Penalties Collected on Delinquent Resident Taxes 13 160

Overpayments To Be Refunded ;

a/c Property Taxes 9U_

$387,5^9 $i+6,282 $275 $^57

- 17 - EXHIBIT C-1 (Continued) Ta-/W OF HOLDERMSS Sumnary of V/arrants Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

•Levies of:- - CR. - 1973 _1272. 1971 12§2

Remittances To Treasurer:

Property Taxes $312,667 $Ul,23i+ $113 $293 Resident Taxes if, 1+60 1,598 Yield Taxes 269 National Bank Stock Taxes 15 Resident Tax Penalties 13 160 Interest 35 iMo 120

Abatements Allowed:

Property Taxes 9,871 1,07U Resident Taxes 310 290 Yield Taxes 68

Uncollected Taxes - December 31, 1973 :

Property Taxes 57,616 262 Resident Taxes 1,260 20 Yield Taxes 965 I7U 158 Uh

$387,5^+9 $i+6,282 $275 $i+57

- 18 - EXHIBIT C-2 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Summary of Tax Sale Accounts Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

• Levies of ; - DR. - 1972 1971 1970

Unredeemed Taxes - January 1, 1973 $ $2,440 $9

Tax Sale of August 27, 1973 2,219

Interest and Costs After Sale 54 231

$2,273 $2,671 $9

- CR. -

Remittances To Treasurer :

Redemptions ,459 $2,165 $9

Interest and Costs 54 231

Unredeemed Taxes - December 31, 1973 760 275

$2,273 $2,671 $9

- 19 - EXHIBIT D TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Statement of Town Clerk's Accounts Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

- m^ -

Motor Vehicle Permits Issued :

1972 Permits $ 288

1973 Permits 19,i^99

197^+ Permits 735 $20,522

Dog Licenses Issued :

167 @ $2 $ 33^^ 15 @ $5 75 2 @ $20 ko 1 @ $12 12 Pro- rated Licenses 2

$ U63

17 Penalties @ $1 17 kQO

Dump Permits

Filing Fees 11

Bicycle Licenses 15 $21,il7^

- CR. -

Remittances To Treasurer :

Ntotor Vehicle Permit Fees $20,522 Dog Licenses and Penalties kQO Dump Permits Filing Fees 11 Bicycle Licenses 15 $21,1+7^

- 20 - EXHIBIT E TOVrxJ OF HOLDERIIESS Revenue Sharing Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balance Fiscal Year Ended Deceriber 31, 1973

Available Funds - Januaiy 1, 1973 $ 7,hT7

Add Revenue ;

Entitlement Payments $20,281

Interest 7i^2 21,023

Total Available Funds $28,500

Less Encumbrances :

Capital Expenditures : General Government 25,000

Available Funds - December 31, 1973 $3,500

- 21 - :

EXHIBIT F T0V;N of HOLDERrEoS Free Library/- Statement of Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

Balance - January 1, 1973 $ ^9

Receipts During Year ;

Town of Holderness $2,735 Insurance Refund 1^ 2,750


Expenditures During Year :

Salaries Librarian and Assistant Librarian $1,23^+ Custodian 180 Books and Periodicals 305 Fuel 239 Insurance 155 Repairs 191 Utilities 72 Supplies 67 Social Security Taxes 72 Miscellaneous Expenses 33 2,51^8

Balance - December 31, 1973 $251

- 22 - : :

EXHIBIT G TOWN OF IIOLDSRIffiSS Fire Department Statenent of Account Fiscal Year Ended Deceiriber 31' 1973

Balance - January 1, 1973 $ 68

Receipts During Year :

Town Appropriation $11^,51^8 Sale of Equipment 723 Mutual Aid Refunds 175 Old Checks Cancelled 2


Expenditures Dxaring Year

Fire Calls $ 5,218 Training Sessions km Alert System 636 Vehicles Repair Parts 1,809 Maintenance, Including Gasoline 1,863 Hose and Other Fire Equipment l,lii8 Mutual Aid 50 Attendance and Dues 319 Insurance 92i^ Salaries Custodian 275 Clerk 175 Utilities 1,259 Miscellaneous Expenses ^3 lif,207

Balance - Deceiriber 31, 1973 $1,309

- 23 - ^

EXHIBIT H TOWN OF HOLDERHESS Conservation Commission Statement of Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

Balance - January 1, 1973 $2,070

Receipts D\iring Year :

Sale of Glass $13^+ Interest on Investment 126 260


Expenditures During Year ;

Sxirvey of Town Forest 22

Balance - December 31, 1973 $2,105

- 2U - EXHIBIT I TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Trust Funds Statement of Principal, Income and Investments Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1973

PRINCIPAL Depository- Balance Balance Plymouth Guarantee January December Savings Bank 1, 1973 31, 1973

Elliot and Hannah Merrill 30256 $ 200 $ 200

Hugh Ramsey 30257 100 100

Elizabeth Brown 30258 100 100

Cox Cemetery 30259 500 500

Nora Ellsworth 30260 100 100

Charles Dinsmore 30261 200 200

Melissa Crawford 30262 100 100

Emma P. Cox 30263 50 50

Henry Huckins 30264 100 100

Daniel Batchelder 30265 100 100

Caroline L. Leverett 30266 200 200

Watson Lot Fund 30267 500 500

Etta Cox and J, W. Brown 30268 300 300

Lilly Carr, Steven and Julia Worthernirn 30269 200 200

Ruby W. Davison Fund 41852 1 ,500 1 ,500

$4 ,250 $4 ,250

- 25 - INCOME Balance Earned Expended Balance Balance of January During During December Principal and Income 1, 1973 Year Year 31, 1973 December 31, 1973

$ 245 $ 27 $ 15 $ 257 $ 457

92 12 3 101 201

109 13 5 117 217

87 36 25 98 598

5 5 100

158 22 12 168 368

5 5 100

15 4 1 18 68

45 9 3 51 151

36 8 3 41 141

12 12 200

457 59 25 491 991

19 19 300

84 17 10 91 291

170 103 25 248 1.748

$1,498 $351 $168 $1 ,681 $5,931

- 25 - EXHIBIT J TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Town Officers' Surety Bonds 1973

Number Amount Term Beginning

Tax Collector;

Bernice E. Shields New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-40-78 $24,000 March 6,, 1973

Town Treasurer :

Richard L. Gordon New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-40-78 $20,000 March 6, 1973

Town Clerk :

Corinne M. Cripps New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-40-78 $ 5,000 March 6, 1973

Trustees of Trust Funds :

Richard L. Gordon New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-41-11 $ 1,000 March 7, 1972

Eleanor S. Wolf New Hampshire Insurance Company 92-56-75 $ 1,000 March 6, 1973

Charles J, Ayer II American Fidelity Company 82-28-31 $ 1,000 March 9, 1971

Constable and Chief of Police:

Wayne Fuzzell New Hampshire Insurance Company 35-06-87 $10,000 August 22, 1973

- 26 -



Kevin J. Barlow, Chairman Barbara C. Currier Frederick E. Brown

Moderator Laurence Roberts Clerk Ann W. Noyes Treasurer Joseph A. Carvelli School Doctor Alastair Craig, M.D. School Nurse Mary Richards Auditors State Tax Commission Assistant Superintendent of Schools Daniel A. Cabral Superintendent of Schools Kenneth Smith


MARCH 10, 1973

The meeting of the Holderness School District was called to order at 7:33 p. m. on March 10, 1973. Mr. Roberts opened with a silent prayer. He then read the warrant, which was to be taken up article by article.

Mr. Biddle moved and Mrs. Roberts seconded: Article I: I move that we accept the salaries of the School Board, Truant officer and fix the compensation of any other officers or agents of the district. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mrs. Ayer moved and Mr. Hayes seconded:

Article H: I move that the District accept the reports of the Auditors of the General fund, Treasurer, School Lunch Program, and the Agents of the School District as printed in the annual report. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mrs. Eisner moved and Mr. Wolf seconded: Article HI: I move that the District appoint any agents, auditors, and committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Dales seconded: Article IV: I move that the District raise and appropriate the sum of $320,869.00 for the support of schools, for the school district officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the District and to authorize the application against said ap- propriations of such sums as are estimated to be received from State Foundation Aid, School Building Fund, Sweepstakes together with other revenue, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen the balance between estimated revenue and the appropriation, said balance to be raised by taxes by the town. Part of the salary increase is for a special education teacher. What comes under special education, and how many need it? Mr. Eames said that the school had no program as it did not know what there would be to work with, teacher time or materials. There are 3 to 5 children with emotional difficulties. Also, other children who are above average, but are unable to learn in a classroom situation because of neurological difficulties. They would have to be diagnosed. Altogether there are approximately 20 children in need of help. Mr. Barlow said that the State says we must educate these children here, or at a special institution. It is better to spend the money now on special education to create self- sustaining members of society, than to have to spend more money later on when these individuals may be on the Welfare Rolls. The special education teacher would be shared with other schools. Another increase is for a gym teacher, also to be shared with another school. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mr. Wolf moved and Dr. Staples seconded:

Article V: I move that the District vote to authorize the School Board to make ap- plication for, and to accept on behalf of the District, any or all grants or offers for educational purposes which now or hereafter may be forthcoming from the State of New Hampshire and/or the United States. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mr. Gordon moved and Mr. Carvelli seconded:

Article VI: I move that the District establish a contingency fund to meet the costs of unanticipated expenses which may arise during the year, in an amount not to exceed $250.00, all in accordance with RSA 198:4-b. Mr. Brown amended and Mr. Dales seconded to add: This $250.00 to be the same $250.00 voted under Account 1900 in the Holderness School District '73-74 Budget and included in the $320,869.00 voted under Article 4 of the warrant. The vote on the amendment and the motion were in the affirmative.

Mr. Noyes moved and Mr. Brown seconded:

Article VII: I move that the Town vote to rescind its 1970 vote whereby the District voted to elect the School District officers at the annual Town Meeting in accordance with RSA 197:1 -A, and to elect the School District officers at the annual School District meeting, effective 1974. The motion was voted down.

It was the consensus of opinion that the day of the annual school meeting could be changed to another day.

Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Roberts seconded the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Respectfully submitted,


To the inhabitants of the School District of Holderness qualified to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Holderness Central School in said district on the 9th day of March, 1974, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following subjects:

1. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agent of the district.

2. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees or Officers chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

3. To choose Agents, Auditors, and Committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

4. To see what sum of money the District will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the. payment of statutory obligations of the District and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from State Foundation Aid, School Building Aid, Sweepstakes together with other income, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen the balance between estimated revenue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the town.

5. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board to make application for, to receive and spend in the name of the District such advances, grants-in-aid or other funds for educational purposes as may now or hereafter be forthcoming from Federal, State, local or private agencies.

6. To see if the District will establish a contingency fund to meet the costs of unanticipated expense which may arise during the year in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250), all in accordance with RSA 198: 4-b.

7. To see if the District will vote to approve the action of the School Board in ac- cepting and expending funds from the Federal government to pay for flood damage caused to school property during the period of June 26-July 6, 1973.

8. To see if the District will vote to indemnify and save harmless any officer or employee for loss or damage arising out of any claim, demand, suit or judgment by reason of negligence or other act resulting in accidental injury to a person or accidental damage to or destruction of property while said officer or said employee is acting in his official capacity or employment pursuant to the provisions of New Hampshire RSA 31:105. .

9. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting. Given under our hands at said Holderness this 14th day of February, 1974.

Kevin Barlow Ferderick E. Brown Barbara C. Currier School Board

A true copy of Warrant— Attest:

Kevin Barlow Frederick E. Brown Barbara C. Currier School Board


To the inhabitants of the School District of Holderness qualified to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Holderness Town Hall in said district on the 5th day of March, 1974, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects:

1 To choose a Moderator for the coming year. 2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year. 3. To choose a Member of the School Board for the ensuing three years. 4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

Given under our hands at said Holderness this 13th day of February, 1974.

Kevin Barlow Frederick E. Brown Barbara C. Currier School Board

A true copy of Warrant—Attest:

Kevin Barlow Ferderick E. Brown Barbara C. Currier School Board HOLDERNESS SCHOOL DISTRICT

1974-75 BUDGET

School Approved Board's Purpose of Appropriation Budget Budget Recom. 1973-74 1974-75 1974-75

100. Administration 110. Salaries 1,120.00 1,120.00 1,120.00 135. Contracted Services 295.00 345.00 345.00 190. Other Expenses 620.00 615.00 615.00

200. Instruction 210. Salaries 115,097.00 126,402.00 120,847.00 215. Textbooks 2,100.00 1,906.00 1,906.00 220. Library & Audiovisual Materials 2,733.00 2,465.00 2,465.00 230. Teaching Supplies 5,600.00 7,564.00 7,564.00 235. Contracted Services 740.00 720.00 720.00 290. Other Expenses 1,815.00 2,295.00 2,295.00

300. Attendance Services 15.00 0.00 0.00

400. Health Services 3.175.00 3.568.00 3,568.00

500. Pupil Transportation 18,201.00 19,200.00 19,200.00

600. Operation of Plant 610. Salaries 8,435.00 9,070.00 9,070.00 630. Supplies 2,050.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 635. Contracted Services 580.00 780.00 780.00 640. Heat 3,100.00 10,000.00 8,500.00 645. Utilities 2,621.00 3,350.00 3,350.00 690. Other Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00

700. Maintenance of Plant 4,660.00 5,600.00 5,600.00

800. Fixed Charges 850. Employee Retirement & F.I.C.A. 11,221.00 13,000.00 12,000.00 855. Insurance 5,120.00 3,689.00 3,689.00 890. Other Expenses o.oot 5,200.00 2,600.00

900* School Lunch & Spec. MUk Program 5,238.00 5,731.00 5,731.00 lOOO.Student-Body Activities 800.00 2,050.00 1,500.00

1200 Capital Outlay 1267. Equipment 2,150.00 1,892.00 1,892.00

7 1300. Debt Service 1370. Principal of Debt 15,875.00 15,875.00 15,875.00 1371. Interest on Debt 8,754.00 7,976.00 7,976.00

1477. Outgoing Transfer Accounts in State 1477.1 Tuition 87,330.00 97,944.00 97,944.00

1477.3 Supervisory Union 1 Expenses 9,749.00 11,665.00 11,665.00

1479.Expenditures to other than Pub. Schls. 1,425.00 1,480.00 1,480.00 i

1700. Summer School 250.00 250.00 250.00

TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 320,869.00 364,302.00 353,097.00 ( Federal & District Funds

ESTIMATED REVENUE School Approved Board's Budget Revenues Budget Committee 1973-74 1974-75 1974-75

Revenues & Credits AvaUable To Reduce School Taxes UNENCUMBERED BALANCE 16,856.90 0.00 0.00 4 Revenue from State Sources: Sweepstakes 3,732.00 2,799.00 2,799.00 School Building Aid 4,762.00 7,563.00 7,563.00 Foster Children Aid 200.00 200.00 200.00

Revenue from Federal Sources: NDEA-Title Ill-Science, Math & Language 200.00 200.00 200.00 School Lunch & Special Milk Program 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00

Total School Revenues and Credits 28,000.90 13,012.00 13,012.00 DISTRICT ASSESSMENT 292,868.10 351,290.00 340,065.00

Total Appropriations 320,869.00 364,302.00 353,097.00 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS

This is my first report as your Superintendent of Schools. Officially I assumed my duties on July 1, 1973.

The State Tax Commission has recently notified all school districts they will be unable to perform school audits on 1972-73 business for at least one year. The School Board has authorized an audit by a private firm which will be performed as soon as possible.

The energy crisis has had a profound effect on many budget items. The lack of energy has caused a redesign of some school programs. It is evident we have several challenging years ahead, and from time to time we will be required to make adjustments in our plans.

There is still a good deal to accomplish in meeting the needs of the Holderness students; however, the school department has made giant steps in the past few years. Your continued support of the schools is necessary for each child to receive the best education possible.

Your school department has worked closely with the community when possible, and this relationship has been conducive to a better understanding of problems.

Respectfully submitted,


Superintendent of Schools


Chapter 189, Section 48 Revised Statutes Annotated of the State of New Hampshire, requires that the school district annual report show the total amount paid to the Superintendent of Schools as per the following quotation: "Reports. Each superin- tendent of a supervisory union shall annually prepare a report of the total salary paid to the superintendent, showing in detail the amount paid by the state and each local school district, and their share of same. Said report shall be filed with the school board of each school district involved and shall be included in the annual report of the respective school district as a separate entry. A like report and entry shall be made for each assistant superintendent, teacher consultant, and business administrators, if any is in service in the union."

One-half of the supervisory union expenses is prorated among the several school districts of the union on the basis of adjusted valuations. One- half is prorated on the basis of average daily membership in the school for the previous school year ending June 30th. The salary of $16,500 which was received by the Superintendent of Schools of Super- visory Union #48 during 1972-1973 was made up as follows: $2,500 paid by the State of New Hampshire and $14,000 was prorated among the school districts comprising the Supervisory Union. Allowance for $400 travel within the Union was also prorated as stated above. The salary of the Assistant Superintendent during 1972-1973 was made up as follows: $2,190 paid by the State of New Hampshire and $12,510 was prorated as stated above. Allowance for $1,500 travel within the Union was also prorated as stated abov€.

The table below shows the portion of salary and travel charged to each school district.

Asst. Asst. Adjusted Supt's. Supt's. Supt's. Supt's..,

Percent Salary Travel Salary Travel 1 Campton 14.57 $ 2,039.80 $ 58.28 $ 1,822.71' $ 218.55

Holderness 18.48 2,587.20 73.92 2,311.84 277.20

Plymouth 40.80 5,712.00 163.20 5,104.08 612.001

Rumney 9.94 1,391.60 39.76 1,243.49 149.101

Thornton 7.77 1,087.80 31.08 972.03 116.55

Waterville Valley 4.28 599.20 17.12 535.43 64.20(

Wentworth 4.16 582.40 16.64 520.42 62.40(

100.00% $ 14,000.00 $400.00 $12,510.00 $1,500.00(

Kenneth Smith Superintendent of Schools


To the School Board, Superintendent of Schools, Parents and Citizens of Holderness, I respectfully submit my annual report.

We have five new faculty members this year. Mrs, Ellen Tapply replaced Mrs. Betty Homeyer as our first grade teacher in October. Mrs Tapply did her undergraduate and graduate work at Plymouth State College and has several years of teaching experience in Plymouth. Mr. Larry DiCenzo, a graduate of Plymouth State College, is teaching science and reading, having replaced Mr. Gary Russell. Mrs. Mary Smith is our learning disabilities specialist. She has had extensive teaching experience in New Jersey, , and New Hampshire. Her educational background includes a BEd. degree from Wheelock College and a MEd. degree from Paterson State. Mr. Larry Lord

is our physical education specialist. He completed his undergraduate degree requirements at Plymouth State and completed his graduate program at Florida In- ternational University. Mr. Robert McCadam is responsible for our Industrial Arts program. His background includes a degree from Boston University, graduate courses at the University of New Hampshire and teaching experience in Rochester, New Hampshire and Plymouth. Dr. Walter Smith, professor of education at Plymouth State College, is devoting one morning per week from his busy schedule to our music program. 10 Returning staff members include Mrs. Judith Landry, Miss Linda Morse, Mrs. Sally Webb, Mrs. Sandell Morse, Miss Marilyn Barden, Mrs. Nancy Hogan, Mrs. Patricia Heinz, Mrs. Arline Bownes, Mrs. Mary Richards, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Blair.

Our very valuable support personnel include: Mrs. Frances Currier, our teacher aide; Mrs. Pat Giroux, our school secretary; Mr. Richard McCormack, head custodian; and Mr. Arthur Comeau, custodian. Mrs. Rose Carvelli, hot lunch manager, Mrs. Marjorie Hayes, cook, and Mrs. Norma Pike, cook, are again combining their talents to run a hot lunch program that is the finest in the area.

In my Principal's Report of last year, I discussed certain curricula goals that we had established for this year. A progress update on these is appropriate for this Year's report. Our first area of concern was our reading program. We decided to organize a nongraded, continuous progress reading curriculum into 21 levels for grades K-6. Last year we implemented the first sixteen levels and added the other five this year. This has made it possible for us to eliminate the artificial grade level barriers and allow each student to move through the system at a rate consistent with his individual ability. A second area of concern has been our mathematics program. We conducted a pilot program with a group of students last year as part of a study of our math needs. In addition, a committee of four faculty members studies several commercial programs throughout the year in an effort to select one that would assist us in developing a comprehensive program con- sistent with the instructional needs of our youngsters. Thus far we have been extremely pleased with the results of the decisions made last spring and early in this school year. Our third area of concern was our learning disabilities program. We had documented a need for one and hoped to establish something on a Union basis. However, when that idea failed to materialize, we decided to organize one for our school. Accordingly, Mrs. Mary Smith was hired, and we worked out a program to be implemented in the fall. She has been working on a daily basis with several children (primarily our younger children in grades 1-4), who have learning difficulties. These are students who, for a variety of neurological reasons, are not making the academic progress we feel they should be able to. Our specialist has diagnosed pupils' difficulties by administering a battery of tests and identifying problem areas as pinpointed by the testing instruments. A program of remediation was prescribed for each child, and a group of paraprofessional tutors from our community has been trained to assist her in the time-consuming task of helping students overcome their difficulties. We are indeed indebted to the following volunteers: Mrs. Pat Farley, Mrs. Pat Giroux, Mrs. Arline Woodbridge, Mrs. Gail Wiltsie, and Mrs. Sue Dales. A special note of thanks is also due to Mrs. Donna Hill, who has been doing volunteer library work, Mrs. Elizabeth Currier, who has donated her services to our language arts program, Mrs. Ann Noyes, who has been working in our mathematics program, Mrs. Barbara Cirincione and Mrs. Peggy Hendel in the third grade.

I would like to take this opportunity to express the sincere appreciation of the faculty and staff of Holderness Central School, to the parents and other citizens of our com- munity who have continued their support of all we are doing to insure the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development of our most important investment, the young people who will be tomorrow's responsible citizens.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Eames, Principal


Fiscal Year July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973 SUMMARY

Cash on Hand July 1,1972 $ 17,595.15 Received from Selectman $260,000.00 Revenue from State Sources 12,082.71 Revenue from Federal Sources 2,303.15 Received from Tuitions 815.00 Received from all Other Sources 1,811.80

TOTAL RECEIPTS $277,012.66

Total Amount Available for Fiscal Year 294,607.80 Less School Board Orders Paid 289,035.68

Balance on Hand June 30, 1973 5,572.12

JOSEPH A. CARVELLI District Treasurer

July 16, 1973


Date From Whom Description Amount June 20, 1972 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross $ 25.50 June 26, 1972 D. C. Heath Co. Refund 6.92 July 5, 1972 State of N. H. Hot Lunch-April 149.80 July 14, 1972 State of N. H. Hot Lunch-May 217.11 July 31, 1972 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 25.50

Aug. 1, 1972 Blue Cross Refund -Terrell 76.50 Aug. 1, 1972 Blue Cross Refund -King 25.50 Aug. 14, 1972 Town of Holderness Selectmen 10,000.00 Aug. 31, 1972 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 25.50 Sept. 11 1972 Town of Holderness Selectmen 20,000.00 Sept. 29, 1972 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 36.00 Nov. 1, 1972 Town of Holderness Selectmen 15,000.00 Nov. 1, 1972 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 Nov. 6, 1972 State of N. H. Building Aid 4,365.62 Nov. 20, 1972 Charles Tanner Tuition 182.50 Nov. 29, 1972 Town of Holderness Selectmen 35,000.00 Dec. 3, 1972 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 Dec. 11, 1972 Holderness Central School Lost Book 3.00 Dec. 19, 1972 Plymouth School District Incentive Aid 785.68 Dec. 20, 1972 State of N. H. Sweepstakes 4,915.83 Jan. 1, 1973 Holderness P.T.A. P.T.A. 500.00

12 Jan. 2, 1973 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 Jan. 11, 1973 Town of Holderness Selectmen 20,000.00 Jan. 18, 1973 Mary Richards Refund 8.25 Jan. 18, 1973 Charles Tanner Tuition 150.00 Jan. 22, 1973 Town of Holderness Selectmen 35,000.00 Jan. 24, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 217.68 Jan. 25, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 251.33

Feb. 1, 1973 State of N. H. National Forest 130.27

Feb. 1, 1973 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 March 1, 1973 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 March 3, 1973 Charles Tanner Tuition 182.50 March 7, 1973 State of N. H. Building Aid 2,801.26 March 21, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 259.08 March 21, 1973 Town of Holderness Selectmen 20,000.00 March 31, 1973 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 April 2, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 238.58 April 16, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 321.07 April 16, 1973 Town of Holderness Selectmen 50,000.00 April 30, 1973 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 April 30, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 231.05 May 4, 1973 Charles Tanner Tuition 300.00 May 31, 1973 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 30.75 June 4, 1973 Town of Holderness Selectmen 40,000.00 June 7, 1973 State of N. H. Hot Lunch 287.18 October Outstanding Checks Put Back Into Bank State 47.45

ft 1. Total Receipts During Year $277,012.66


As of September 1 Total 0-18 In Local School

1973 384 175 1972 415 204 1971 410 206 1970 412 217 1969 381 199 1968 365 199 1967 362 181 1966 348 161

Ages of September 1, 1973

Boys Giris Total

Less than 1 year 3 7 10 1 year 5 11 16 2 years 9 19 28 3 years 11 8 19 4 years 13 11 24

41 56 97







Tax rate—$52.70/M


Veteran—$50 credit on tax [Exvet]

Elderly—$1,400 credit on assessment [Exeld]



NR—Non Resident description Total NAME ASSESSMENT Res. of Property assessment

Adams, Bessie R Trailer 300 Adams, W. Carleton NR 1.5A 200' Proctor shld& Cottage 8,060 Adams, Fletcher NR Boat 500

Adams, Harold R Trailer,Exeld, Exvet \ism 600 Adams, Leroy & Beulah R Trailer 1,715 Adams, Stanley C. & Gladys R House9Ld. Rt. 175 Exvet 4,250 Adriance, Vanderpool & Barbara H. NR 5A 464' shld, no bldg 10,570 Ahern, Henry D. NR Baker shld & cottage 4,000 Allen, Martin A. & Mildred F. NR J.B. Williams Prop. Ld & cottage 23,300 Boats 230 23,530 Allen, Stanley R. & Marion S. R 183' shld & cottage 7,000 Altoff, Charles C. NR 100' shld & cottage 5,500 Boat 100 5,600 Alvord, Buell, EST NR 750' shld & 3 cottages 18A 34,000 Alvord, George C. NR 2 Boats 190 Alvord, James B. NR Boat 350 Alvord, George & James (Theo Alvord Prop) NR 250' Pariseau shld & cottage 14,300 AMF, Inc. Bowling Products Group NR 2 Boats 1,700 Ammon, E. Jean NR Hawkins Id. «& bldg Rt. 113 4,750 Anderson, Olav T. & Ruth S. NR 200' shld & cottage Rt. 3 8,550 Boat 300 8,850 Anderson, Paul H. R Boat 835 Andrejkovics, Steven J. NR Boat 150 Antrim, J.L. & Nora NR See Windwood Corp. Archfield, Augustus T. NR 184' shld & cottage 6,200 Boat 420 6,620 Armstrong, John C. & Constance A. R Ld. & bldgs Rt. 175 29A 19,440 2 Boats 450 19,890 Arnold, J. Herbert & Beryl J. NR 1/3 int. Thurber Ld 7A 3,100 3/36 int. Cottagers Cove 420 3,520 Ash, David B. & Nancy T. R Trailer, Exvet 2,600 Description Total 1 Assessment NAME of property Res. 1 Assessment i 1 j Avery, Frank K. & Eva M. R Ld&bldglA 1,400 Avery, Maurice W. & Madeline S. R Ld&bldgsRt. 175 1,900 Avery, Mrs. Mona A. R Ld&bldgsRt. 175 1,100 Avery, Richard P. & Ivis M. R Ld&bldgsRt. 175 1,350

Avery, Thomas J. R Ld&bldgsRt. 175 Exvet 1,400

Ayer, Charles J. & Frances C. R Ld & bldgs Beede Rd. 15A 6,300 Ayers, Robert F. & Elizabeth A. R lALd& trailer 1,520 Ayotte, Robert & Roberta NR 100' Tear shld& cot. 3,780 Boat 100 3,880 Bailey, Kenneth E. & Doris E. NR 2 1/2 A Pine Knoll Lodge Assoc. Kesumpe Hts. 3,300 Baker, Benjamin A. R Boat 100 Baker, Edwin C. Jr. & Louise NR 100' shld, Davis Prop. 4,750 Baker, Kenneth M. & Shirley E. R ll/2ALd&bleg Exvet 4,500 Baker, Loren & 4,500 Linda M. R 8A Evans Ld & bldg Baker, Raymond & M. Lillian NR 26A McDonald prop. Rt. 3 8,600 Brogren Prop. 4,00 )2,600 Baker, Thomas R Mobile Home 1,500 Ballinger, Wynne S. NR 6 Boats Barker, Cdr. N.C. NR 3 1/2 A Lot 44 Morgan Prop. Exvet 9,000

BArlow, Kevin J. & Anne E. R Ld & bldg River St. 2,970 Ld & Bldg Hob Nob Lane 9,800 2 Exvets 12,770 Barnes, William S. & Mary W. NR 632' shld & cot. 17A 18,960 Fairclough lot 250 Boat 100 19,310 Barry, Donald T. & Emmy L. NR 1 1/2 A Young Id & bldg 1,870 Barry, Ellen C. NR 23A Gardner prop. 7,800 17A, 600' shld &cott. 17,700 Boat 200 25,700 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property Assessment

Batchelder, Norma M. R Ld & Bldg N. River St. Exvet 3,970 Batman, Co., Inc. NR 74ALdRt. 175 3,600 Real, George & Carol R White Oak Motel & cot. 30,000 Bears, Charles R. R Mobile Home 1,500 Beede, E. John & Patricia R llA Goodrich Ld. Coxboro Rd. 4,000 Beenhouwer, Owen & Lillemore NR lABlosLd. 225 Beij, Pierce H. & Kathryn S. R 200A Smith Farm 3,420 75A Brown Pasture 1,125 75A Eastman Pasture 1,125 44' Nicolay Shld 1,000 8,670 Bellandi, Thomas R 4.5A Taylor Id & bldgs 9,600 3.5A Morgan Farm 2,100 11,700 Bellaud, Jean D. & Urilda B. NR 2.5A Ld & bldgs- Cotton Cove 3,600 Benedix, Harold R Mobile Home 380 Bennett, Ellen F.D. NR House only. Great Is. 6,600 Bennett, John T. Jr. NR 3 Boats 1,800 Bennett, Miles N. NR Potato Island 3,000 2 Boats 300 3,300 Bennett, Richard A. & Marsden, Wm. M. NR Morgan Ld & camp 2,050 Bennett, W.S. 2nd NR 2 Boats 440 Bensch, Michael B. & Eleanor M NR 8A Howard Small Id 600 Bergen, Elston 3rd & Nancy NR l/3int.Thurberld&1/3 int. Thurber Id & bldgs 3,100 1/36 int. Cottagers Cove 140 3,240 Bergren, Richard V. NR 75AGolfCourse- Pulsifer Hill 20,292 Berry, Bertha W. NR 2.5A Berry Place 2,600 Capron Land 300 Porter Land 100 3,000' Bettencourt, Albert & Elinor A. NR 176' shld, MooneyPt. 9,100 Big Perch, Little Perch & Moosilaukie Pond Trust NR 275A Forest Prod. Co. 11,000 lOOA Jaquith Land 4,000 lOOA Atkinson Land 4,000 33A Davison Land 1,320 7A Bump Land 280 20,600 Description Total Assessment I NAME Res. of property ASSESSMENT 1

Blaisdell, RogerJ. NR 50' shld & bldg, Little Squam 3,000 Blake, Marguerite R Mobile Home 570 Blake, Warren A. & Lilliam NR 95' shld-Sporher Prop. Kesumpe Pt. 6,560 Blanchard, Ella M. R Little Holland Cabins (16) 200' shld, house, garage 21,000 Blanchard, Forrest S. & Eleanor NR 300' shld, Rt. 113 Big Squam 8,840 Bios, Peter & Merta NR 45A Bean Place 8,090 18A Whitman PI. 540 lABlosLd 225 8,855 Boardman, Earl G. NR 80A Huckins Pasture 15,200 Boat Svce, Inc. R Boathouse & Basin 6,000 Bonano, Carmen S. NR 100' shld Adams Ld Assessed to Mystic Realty Bothwell, Theodore NR 83' shld. King Id & cot. 8,400 Boats (2) 8,600 Bourne, Jonathan R 1.2Ashld&cotRt.3 7,586 Bowden, P.P. Inc. NR 50A 700' shld, 2 cot. Gar. & boathouse 38,000 Boats (2) 400 38,400 Boyce, Mrs. Linden R Mobile Home 1,000 Boynton, Evan L. & Palmeri, Ogestine NR 14A Pinemere Prop. 9,050 Boats (3) 260 9,310 Brandhurst, Richard NR Boat 600 Brau, Charles EST NR 1.75A 125' Deming shld & 2 cot. 11,350 Boats (3) 1,500 12,850 Brayshaw, Donald & Evelyn NR 134' Kelley shld & cot. Rt. 113 5,800 Bresnahan, Thomas & Elaine NR lA Lot 9 White Oak shld & cot. 10,000 Boats (2) 150 10,150 Brock, Everett A. & Ora L. R Mobile Home 2,000 Brogren, Donald A. & Nancy R. R Intervale Ld & bldgs Exvet 6,030 Bronwell, Arthur B. & Virginia W. NR 115' Cannon shld & Cot. 8,100 Boat 170 8,270 Brooks, George & Lucille NR 2 Mobile Homes 500 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of property Assessment

Brower, Michael J & Barbara NR 5A Cata Acres Prop 2,665 Brown, Abby R Mobile Home 1,900 Brown, Earl F. & Marguerite R Land 760 Old Office bldg 2,000 House 3,000 New Office Bldg 11,000 Storage bldg & sheds 1,700 18,460 Brown, Earl M. & Myra R Mobile Home 2,500 Brown, Ernest E. &Ida R Ld «fe bldgs 1,100 Brown, Frederick & Phyllis K. R 4A Ld & house-7 Pines Rd. 5.600 Brown, Ida P.-In Trust Orvill, Tyrrell & Mildred Plaisted R 3A Ld-Hardhack Corner 380

Brown, J. Wilcox NR Boats (3) 380 Brown, Lucille M. NR lA 100' shld& bldg 9,000 Brown, Natalie L. NR SHld & bldgs- Finisters Pt. 7,200 Boat 600 7,800 Brown, Roger S. & Edith C. NR 100' shld-Chocorua Pt. 2,280 Brown, Roy H & Bernice D. R Mobile Home 2,950 Buckley, Arthur & Frances M. NR 60' shld & bldgs Glen Cove 3,560 Burleigh Corp R 3A M.F. Webster Ld & shld-Mooney Pt. lllA Pine Hill 440A Mt. Livermore 400A New Discovery Rd. 600A Cotton Mtn 500A Sleeper Billows Ld 40A Fairclough Ld 22A Merrill & Basin Is. 50A Tobey Farm 151,900 Burleigh Farm Assn. 200A Ld & Bldgs 50,000 Burtt, Floyd & Shirley B. R 1 1/2 A Ld & bldg River St. 3,760

Bushnell, Nellie J., Calley, Richard, & Goud, Frances R 3ALd9bldgsRt. 175 3,850 Butler, Alexander B. R Mobile Home Exvet 1,800

6 NAME DESCRrPTION 1 Total R ES. OF ASSESSMENT PROPERTY | Assessment j Butler, George T. & Butler, Richard P. R 125A True Farm 45,650 Byron, Evelyn S. NR Ld.-E. Holderness 380 Calley, Richard H. NR Boat 400 Came, Guy C. NR Boat 400 Carey, Pamela NR 3.9A Melanson Ld & Cot. -7 Pines Rd. 7,600 Carson, Joseph & Elizabeth 7.5A Melanson Ld. & bldg-7 Pines Rd. 1,750 Carson, Richard O. & Yvonne M. NR 28 1/2 A Ld & bldg-town farm rd. 3,850 Carter, Nettie R Mobile Home 1,110 Carvelli, Joseph & Rose E. R 40A shld & bldg-Rt. 3 10,920 Cardosi, Nancy NR 210' shld & bldgs, Kesumpe Pt. 12,680 Chabot, Andre & Theresa R Lts 14,15,16, & bldgs Chocorua Pt. 3,770 18A Pearce Ld & hme 6,455 Apt House #1 11,400 Apt House ^ 2 14,000 Boat 100 35,725 Chabot, Peter A. & NR 1/2A 120' shld & cot. Alice H. Rt. 113 6,430 Chadderton, Kenneth L. & Susan J. NR l/2ALd&bldgs-New Discovery Rd. 2,470 Chaffee, Roy W. & Ethel R lALd&bldgs-Rt. 175 3,300 Chamberlain, Ernest & Helen M. R 1 A House & Lot-River St. 4,520 Shop 510 Ld & hse-6 River St. 4,380 Ld & hse-14 River St. 5,500 24A Shaw gravel pit-Rt. 175 1,200 16,110 Exvet Chamberlain, William L. & Barbara S. NR 100' shld & cottage- Perkins Lane 17,000 Champion Papers Inc. NR 200A Jones Woodland 4,000 Champney, Clifford R. & Lorraine E. R 5/8 A Ld. Mobile Home 3,920 Champney, Roger B.

& Pauline B. R 1 A Ld & bldgs-Airport Rd. 3,300 Metevier Id. 114 3,414 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property Assessment

Chase, Anthony B. NR lOA Connell Ld. 1,000 Chase, Mary E. R Ld & bldgs-Rt. 3 7,700 Chayer, Grant & Noyes, Ora R Mobile Home 1,500 Chenard, Peter NR lOAlOO'shld&cottage- adj. Squamese 3,900 ChevaHer, Bruce & Erika NR Matthews Ld.-Lot #2 & cot. 1,500 Boat 300 1,800 Childs, Marion NR Mobile Home 2,280 Choate, Thomas & Jane NR 55A Webster Ld & bldg- Rt. 113 44,700 Boat 1,140 45,840 Cicco, Michael J. & Beverly NR 3 1/2 A shld & cottages 13,500

House (1/2 finished) (5,200 19,700 Cirincione, Patrick & Barbara A. R lA Id. & bldgs-Rt. 3 8,500 Cizynski, William & Phoebe NR 125' shld & bldgs-Rt. 3 Exvet 6,370 Clapper, William & Ruth R. R Ld &c bldgs-Rt. 3 Exvet 3,200 Clark, Reginald &

Rosalie R 150ALd& homestead i^,500 50A Id 1,500 Exeld Exvet 10,000 Clark, William J. NR Boat 230 Closson, David D. & Mildred C. R 4A Ld & bldgs-College Rd. 5,340 1/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 140 Boat 100 5,580 Closson, Terry H. NR 2A Ld & bldg 10,700 7/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 980

Mines Prop. ]1,740 13,420 Colburn, Marion W. R Intervale Ld & bldg 2,750 Coleman, Bruce & Elizabeth R Mobile Home Exvet 2,200

Collins, William G. & Sophie F. R 100' shld & cottages S,200 Mobile Home & gar. 3,000 Exvet 11,200

8 1 Description Total NAME Assessment

Res. of Property 1 ASSESSMENT 1 j

Comeau, Arthur G. R 1.2ALd&bldgs- New Discovery Rd. Exvet 1,380 Comegys, Walker B. & Adelaide E. NR 340' shld & cottages- Mooney Point 18,390 Conkey, Flora R Ld & bldg-River St. Exeld 2,700 Conklin, Nancy M. NR 500' shld & cot Rt. 3 14,850 Boats (2) 105 14,955 Connary, Harlan T. NR Boat 180 Connary, Merlin F. & Jeanette D. NR 200' shld-Finistere Pt. 1.500 Conrad, Doris NR 50' shld & camp- Little Squam 2,950 Conrad, Frederick J. & Mary W. NR 5A Ld & barn- New Discovery Rd. 880 Converse, Jessie R 189' shld-Little Normandy Cabins 13,600 House 1,800 15,400 Converse, John L & Ruth B. NR 135ALd&bldg- Perch Pond Rd. 5,375 Converse, Rudolph K. & Betty W. R 39A Felton Ld & bldgs 5,000 Cook, Charles B. NR Boat 350

Coolidge, Harold J. NR Long Island (part) & bldgs 12,100 Boats (3) 2,500 14,600 Coolidge, Robert T. NR Boats (3) 380 Coolidge, Thomas R. NR Utopia Isl. & bldgs 7,100 Copenhaver, Dr. L.B. NR Boats (2) 450 Corbett, Derwood W. R Ld & bldgs-S. River St. 3.720 Corrente, Frank P. R Mobile Home 2,000 Cote, George & Helen R 100' shld & cottage- Little Squam 4,900 Boat 150 5,050 Cote, Richard & Helen A. R Mobile Home 2,000 Covin, Theodore M. NR McLoud Lot-College Rd. 1.000 Crain, James P. & Ann J. R 2.5A Lot #2-Milford Morgan Farm 3,150 Crane, Dr. Henry & Emily T. NR Hadley Is. & bldg 4,000 Boats (2) 1,270 5,270

9 Description TOTAL NAME ASSESSMENT RES. OF Property Assessment

Crawford, Elizabeth K. NR 40A 516' shld & bldgs 16,560 Boats (3) 680 17,240 Cripps, Corinne & Est. Welch, L. R Welch Land 600 Smith Piper Id, bldgs & store 6,700 7,300 Cripps, Gary & June R lA Piper Id &bldg (unfinished) 3,080 Crone, Katherine G. NR 7.5A 500' shld & cottage 15,960 Crossett, William W. & Elaine NR 100' shld & cottage Lot #8 McLoud Ld 7,220 Crowell, Michael & Margaret R Mobile Home 2,500 Boat 100 Exvet 2,600 Crowell, Dr. William M. & Barbara NR 400' Whitehall shld & cottage 75' Avery land 14,220 Boats (4) 980 15,200 Crowley, Mary E. NR 180' Maynard shld & cot 7,400 Cummings, Charles J. NR Giles shld & cottage 3,300 Curran, EST Florence L. NR 300' Woodman shld & cot 6,920 Currier, Beryl D. R 100' shld & cot-Kesumpe Pt. 4,410 Land 113 340 Exvet 4,750 Currier, Bertram & Patricia R 50A Ld & bldg- Mt. Prospect Rd. 6,750 Currier, Charles L. & Frances R Ld & bldgs Rt. 175 Exvet 3,950 Currier, Dorothy A. R 2Ald&bldgRt. 175 1,650

Currier, Elwin A. NR 30A Piper Id & bldgs 5,700 Currier, Leslie F. NR N. Smith Id & bldg 3,000

Currier, Preston B. & Mary R 7.5A Id & bldg-Mt. Prospect Road Exvet 3,560

Currier, Richard L. & Barbara C. R 17.5Ald«febldgs-Rt3 4,400 Cushing, William G. & Jacqueline R. R 5.5 Siek Ld & bldg 7,150


Custance, Robert W. & Ruth B. NR 150'shldMaynardld & bldg-Cotton Cove 7,720 Boats (3) 1,520 9,240 Chestnut Hills Mobile Sales Inc. NR Trailer pk Id-rds & utilities 17,120 Cheney Id & office 5,000 Smith Id & house 2,880 25,000 Daly, Carl F. R 129' shld & cot-Big Squam 6,440 D'Ambrosio, Patrick B. NR Greenleaf Id & bldgs 5,950 Dame, Sherburn B. NR Shld & cottage 4,400 Dana, Donald E. & Evangeline W. R Twitchell Id & bldgs 6,000 Danforth, Worthen & Celia R 7A Id & mobile Home- 7 Pines Rd. 1,030 Daniels, Edwin E. & Priscilla D. NR 3.5A 246' shld & cottages White Oak 5,640 Davenport, Richard R. NR 1/2A Tyler Id & bldgs 4,000 4A Northrup Id & bldgs 10,300 7/ 7/36 int Cottagers Cove 980 15,280 Davie, Helen M. R 600' shld & bldgs-Coxboro Rd. White Oak 11,860 Davis, Guy E. R 1/2A Id & bldgs- N. Ashland Rd. 1,180 Davis, Larry & Patsy A. R 2.9A Id & camp-North Ashland Rd. Exvet 530

Davis, Wendell J. R Ld ife bldg-N. Ashland Rd. Exvet 630 Davison, Edith M. NR Davison's Garage- Exxon Station 5,500

Dearborn, Barbara NR 3A Livermore Ld & garage 3,000 Dearborn, Richard & Judith R 5.5A Pulsifer Ld & bldgs Exvet 10,000

DeCrestfaro, Mildred Dilorio NR 50' shld & cot-Rt. 113 3,340 Camp Deerwood Inc. R lOOA 1650' shld-18 bldgs 52,620 Ld & homestead 17,100 Boats (9) 2,500 72,220

DeFlaminis, Edith M. NR lA McCreed Id & house Route 113 1,595 DeManziarly, Yolande R 5A Id & bldgs-Shepard Hill 3,600

11 Description NAME Assessment Total Res. of property ASSESSMENT DeMarco, Dominic & Dorothy NR 1/2 Int Delia Rogers Ld & house 1,950 Demers. Maurice W. & Ruby M. R Ld & bldgs Rt. 175 Mobile Home 4,440 Demers. Robert G. & Judith A. R Ld, House, Garage-Rt. 175 4.310 Denison. Mary S. NR Boats (2) 1,200 DeWitt, Dr. Reginald NR 420' shld & cottage 11,480 Boat 1,700 13,180 Dixon, Robert & Roberta R Mobile Home 2 Exvets 2,800 Doggett, Edward NR 100' shld & camp-Finisterre Point 5,280

Downes, W.G. Jr. NR 100' shld & house (3,680 Boats (2) 250 6,930 Downes, William NR Boat 100 Downing, Laura M. R Lots 13, 14 Shepard Pk, House Exeld 3,800 Dragon, Robert & Mary L. R Mobile Home 2,000 Dubeau, Nellie R 2A Smith Ld & camp Exvet 880

Ducharme, George G. NR 3. 5A Lot 1 1 Morgan Farm 1,960

Dunnell, William J. NR Great Is. (part) & camp 1 1 ,300

Gay lot & boathouse ]1,130 Boat 150 12,580 Dunphy, Edwin B. NR Boat 200 Dunton, Elaine R 35A Ld & House- Coxboro Rd. 3,220 Duran, Carlos & Caroline NR Pine Shore Motel & rest. 17,100 Durgin, Mary E. NR 60' Proctor shld & cot 3,510 60' Nelson shld & cot 3,510 7,020 Eagan, Earline R Lot #11 & house- Heritage Hill 7,200 Eagle, Harry NR 1 .5A Drew Id & camp 1 ,570 2A Drew Id 760 2,330 Eames. Robert & Cynthia R 5A Conrad Id & house-New Discovery Rd 9,500 Boat 380 9,880 Eastman, Barry G. R Ld & mobile home 2,755 Eastman, Lillian A. R Ld & bldgs-Asquam Hill Exeld 2,680

12 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property | Assessment

Eastman, Robert D. & Janet NR 75' shld & cottage- Livermore Cove 4,70C Eisner, Gertrude L. R 80A Lxl & bldgs- Perch Pond Rd. 4,500 175' U.S. Plywood Id 3,000 7,500 Emmerich, Daniel R Mobile Home 1,800 Fabian, Richard V. & Georgene R 4.7ALot#25shld- White Oak 4,180 Boat 400 4,580 Fairbanks, Pauline S. R 8.7A Ld & bldgs- Nevv Discovery Rd. 10,200 Fairclough, Herbert Jr. R 1/2A Leavens Ld & bldgs 880 1.5A shld & cottage 5,000 Boat 250 6,130 Fairclough, Mae NR 50' shld & cottage 1,685 Farley, David C. & Patricia R Lot #10 & House- Heritage Hill 7,030

Farley, James & Evelyn R Mobile Home 2,500 Farmar, Arthur G. NR Jones Pasture 1,900 Downing Id & bldgs 2,100 4,000 Farmar, Florence, Arthur, Marjorie, LeBlanc, Dorothy R Ld & homestead-Beede Rd. 4,500 Farnham, Mabel E. NR 22A Clark Prop 1,000 Farnsworth, Albert & 4,500 Betty NR Shld & cottages-L. Squam May land 600 Boat 250 5,350 Farnum, Edgar NR Boat 250 15,600 Feldman, Merrill J. NR HOAH. Webster Ld Felten, Ambrose & Ann L. R 1 A Ld-mobile home- garage 3,030 Boat 100 3,130

Field, Logan S. Rd. 14,545 & Flora NR 36.5A Ld & home-Beede Field, W. Stanley 500' «fc Carlotta NR shld & cottages-Big Squam 15,600 Cove 6,610 Finenco, John NR 230' shld & cot-Cotton Boat 300 6,910 18,500 Fisher, Rudolph J. NR Shld&bldg Boat 250 18,750

13 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. OF Property Assessment

Fitzpatrick, James & Marie R lOA Ld & house 2,750 Pool 1,500 Motel & Office 15,000 19,250 Flemming, Joseph NR 24A Levesque Ld-Rt. 175 2,875 Flemming, Robert NR 1 1 .2A Vina Henry Prop 2,510 Flenniken, Wayne & Judith NR 169'Kelseyshld& Cottage Little Squam 5,300 Fletcher, John & Elizabeth NR 600'shld&6bldgs- Little Squam 17,000 Flint, Laurence B. & Elizabeth R 600' shld & 2 Cottages 26,680 Boats (2) 195 26,875 Forbes, Arthur W. R 17ARt. 113 Exeld 510 Forbes, Dorothy H. R 51ALd&bldgsRt.ll3 Exeld 5,000 Ford, David R. & Patricia S. NR Nielsen Ld- 1,000 Ford, Mrs. Hattie R lALd&Camp- 7 Pines Rd. 780 Ford, Robert W. & Patricia D. R 50A Woodland 1,000 35A Id & bldg, Mobile home Exvet 2,180 3,180 Fowler, Edward D. NR Boat 380 Fowler, Wesley & Lynde, Norman NR Ld & bldgs-Evans Cove Little Squam 4,920 Fox, John M. & Dolores NR Lots #11 & 19- White Oak Shore 9,200 Fracher, Edmund & Yvonne R House & apt Rt. 3 5,500 Francesco, Louis NR Ld & Bowling Alley 15,000 Store 1,800 16.800 Franck, Douglas W. NR Boat 350 Frank, Augustus A. & Patricia R 28AH. Webster Ld., House & garage Rt. 175 Exvet Freedberg, Irwin MMD NR Lawrence Ld & House- Coxboro Rd. 8,400 French, Herbert NR Boat 380 Fritz, William NR Boat 100 NAME Description Res. of Property Assessment total 1 assessmen-) Gabriel, Ralph H. & Christine NR Ogden Ld & Cottage- Livermore 5,170 Boat 250 5,420 Gabriel, Robert T. NR Boat 280 Gadd, Thomas B. NR 255'shld&cot-Rt. 113 7,250 Gaffney, Thomas NR 3A Merrill Ld- Mt. Prospect Rd. 114 Gagnon, Roland &Gail R Mobile Home 1,800 Gaudet, Gregory E. & Mary NR 28AH. Webster Id Rt. 175 6,460 Gaumont, John C. & Theresa NR 120' Converse shld& Cottage 7,740 Boat 500 8,240 Gehling, Marion L. R 250' shld & cottage Mooney Point 7,900 George, Harry J. R Mobile Home 2,660 George, Pearl E. R Mobile Home 1,330 George, Russell L. & Hazel M. R Ld & camp 7 Pines Rd. 660 Giebutowski, Theo- dore & Patricia R Drew Ld & bldg- Coxboro Rd. 6,300 Gilbert, Owen J. NR lALd -Cotton Cove 1,520 Gilford Industries NR 100A Squamese Prop 1100' shld 39,000 36A May Prop. 7,600 46,600 Giroux, Gerald Jr. & Patricia R 3A McLoud Ld & bldg Rt. 3 9,480 Glidden, Lawson W. NR 100' shld & cottage- Little Squam 5,300 Glines, Darius R 9ALd&bldgsRt. 175 Exeld 1,000

Goodhue, John NR WilloughbyLdRt. 113 550 Goodrich, Eleanor B. NR 3A Ld, House, Barn- Shepard Hill 4,515 Boathouse- Piper Cove 380 4/36 Int Cottagers Cove 560 5,455

Goodridge, Donald B. & Marilyn NR lA Gilbert Ld& House (unfinished) Cotton Cove 3,020

15 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property Assessment

Gordon, Richard L. & Gladys R 30A Ld & bldgs-Rt. 3 10,500 Evans Prop 1,330 Barn 2,000 Cottage 3,500 200' shld, boathouse 7,800 Boats (3) 450 25,580 Goss, Russell P. & Mary R 387' shld, 12 cottages Cotton Cove 17,700

Gould, Lela B. NR 250' shld & cottage- Big Squam 6,750 Graham, Edmund NR Mobile Home 2,600

Graton, Arnold M. R Black Horse Motel 13,000 Ld & Cabins 7,500 20,500 Graton, Milton S. NR 12A Evans Ld 900 Graton, Arnold M. & Elizabeth R Ld & bldgs 2,200 Graton, Stanley & Janice R Austin Ld, Mobile Home 2,100 Gray, Charles G. NR Boats (2) 530 Graziano, Anthony & Irene B. NR 485A Avery Ld & bldgs Coxboro Rd. 14,125 Greason, Stephen B. & Elizabeth NR 118' shld-Juliette Rand Prop Garage, shed, cottages 14,400 Boat 250 14,650

Great Northern Recreation & Devel. Corporation NR 5A Hunter Id & bldgs Coxboro Rd. 12,900

Green Acre Wood- lands, Inc. NR 5A Ld Livermore Falls 1,000 Greenleaf, Arthur NR Boat 150 Greenleaf, John R 75A Ld & bldgs Exvet Exeld 3,415 Greenleaf, Roy C NR Mobile Home 200 Greenleaf, Walter L. EST R 200A Ixi & bldgs- New Discovery Rd. 4,880 25A Pearl Pasture 710 25A Evans Pasture 450 6,040

16 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property | ASSESSMENT

Greenwood, Reginald & Gertrude R 45' shld & coitage- Big Squam 2,920 Ld, House, Mobile Home- River St. 1,860 4,780 Gregg, David A. EST NR Perch Island 1,650 Boats (2) 400 2,050 Gregg, Mrs. Virginia NR 2.5A 560' shld & cott- Mooney Point 18,770 Ogden Lot #6 3,300 Swain Prop 1,850 23,920 Grossmansof NH NR Avery Ld. 1,000 Willoughby Id & bldg 2,760 WigginLot 1,000 Brown Id & bldg 3,000 Ld & shed 2,500 Mill & bldgs 3,500 13,760

Grumman, G. Sterling, Helen B. & Ackley, Ethel NR 140' Otis shld & cott 6,800 Longfellow Id & cott 6,714 Boat 610 14,124

Guion, Richard P. & Jean M. R 8A Ld & bldgs 4,400 Boat 100 Exvet 4,500

Gulf Oil Co. NR McCutcheon Ld & bldgs 23,200 Guillams, Ralph E. NR Davison Id & camp- Cotton Cove 5,130

Haan, Peter & Elsie M. R McLoud Ld & bldgs-Rt.3 Exvet 5,560

Hack, Bert & Marion S. R 2.9A Ld & bldgs- Mt. Prospect Rd. 12,475 Pool 1,500 13,975 Hagg, Melvin W. &Edna R lA Ld, 2 Mobile Homes Rt. 175 3,100 Boat 380 Exvet 3.480 Haines, Mrs. Edith NR 169' shld & cottage Big Squam 5.250 Hall, Mrs. Kathryn M. NR 178' shld-Livermore Cove 4.050

17 Description Total NAME Assessment ;

Res. of property 1 Assessment

Hall, Lester J. & Lucille M. R lALd&House- E. Holderness 1.860 54A Henry Prop. 1,080 30A P.Hall Ld & bldgs 2,830 Portable Mill 150 5,920 Hall, Victor R Mobile Home 1,800 Ham. T. Hale & Fanny C. NR 30A Moon Isl. & bldgs 7,700 Hammond, Everett G NR Lot #9 McLoud Ld Rt.3 3,340 Hampson, Eric R Mobile Home 2,200 Hanaford, Harold C. & Florence R 1.5ALd& bldgs Rt.3 4,560 50' shld Chandler Prop- Little Squam 2,545 Exvet 7,105 Hanna, Mrs. Paul R 300' shld &cott-Rt. 113 Big Squam 10,300 Hanson, Frederick R Mobile Home Exvet 1,200 Harlow, Douglas C. & A. Patricia NR 4/7 Int 77'King shld & bldgs-Glen Cove 2,290 Boat 50 2,340 Harris, Henry U. & Mary W. NR 4A Willoughby Id & cott 520' shld-Big Squam 29,400 Harris, Mary W. NR 75A Willoughby Ld 3,750 Harris, Russell & Patricia R 1.6ALd&bldgs- Heritage Hill 12,700 Harrison, Steven & Martha R Ld, House &cabin-Rt.3 8,800 Hartley, Eugene L. & Ruth E. NR 75A Avery Ld- Leavitt Hill 2,250 Hartwig, Romain R 180A Hubbard & 5,930 Whitman Id Haseltine, Franklin

& Knudsen, J. NR 1000' river shld & bldgs 16,500 Boat 200 16,700 Hawkins, Clifton & Dorice R 3ALd&bldgs-Rt.ll3 Exvet 4,370 Hawkins, Kenneth & Thelma NR 77' shld & Cottage- Glen Cove 7,650 Boat 400 8,050

18 Description TOTAU NAME AssessiMENT Res. of Property Assessment

Hawley, Frank Jr. & Alethea NR 100' shld & camp- Mooney Pt. 4 7,000 Boats (2) 2.30 7,230 Hayes. David G. & Janice R 7A Ld & bldgs-Rt. 3 3,525 1/3 Hubbies Isl.& shld 803 Boat 150 4,478 Hayes, Marjorie S. R 8ALd&bldgsRt. 175 1,600 Heath, Anna M. R Ld & house Rt. 3 3.300 lOA Ld Coxboro Rd. 500 Exeld 3,800 Heath, Harry L. R 14ALd&House-Rt. 175 Exvet 2,800 Heath, Laura M. R Pearl Ld & camp 380 Heath, Lester A. R 40A Sanborn Ld & bldgs Exvet 4,910 Henderson, Harold L. R Mobile Home Exvet 2,850

Henderson, James Jr. &Ruth NR 110' shld & cottage-Rt. 113 5,000 Henry, Vina M. R 3.2ALd&bldgs- Coxboro Rd. 3,720 Herbert, Maurice S. NR Boat 250 Hession, Mrs. Anne S. NR Keith Ld & bldgs 4,400 Hiam, Peter & Helen NR 50A1100'shld- Chestnut Hill Assn 44,200

Hickman, Henry J. & Emily J. R 125' shld &cottage- Mooney Point 6,850 Boat 500 7,350 Hill, Katherine A. R Ld& bldgs-Rt. 175 1,650 Hill, Lewis G. & Rowena NR 96' shld & camp- Kesumpe Point 4,560 Boat 600 5,160 Hill, A. Walter & Dona K. R 1.5ALd&bldgs- Shepard Hill 9,520 Hill, Walter W. & Edna C. R Ld & bldgs-River St. 4,400 Boat 200 4,600 Hilliker, Eugene F. & Mary D. NR 1 1/3A Goodrich Ld & bldgs 4,370 4/36 Int Cottagers Cove 560 Boat 50 4,980

19 description TOTAL NAME Assessment Res. of Property Assessment

Hodges, Elisabeth R 4A Piper Ld & house 3,400 Hodges, Peter G. R 4.5A Ld & bldgs-Rt. 3 4,950 Holderness School R 662A Ld, bldgs & school 480,635 Jones Prop. 14,250 Exemption- 150,000 344,885 Hole, Mrs. Helen G. NR 1/4A Laurel Isl. & cottage 6,200 Holland, Ralph R. & Myrtle R l/2ALd& bldgs-Rt. 3 Exvet 3,880 Hollister, William H. NR Boats (2) 250 Hopkins, Ruby Moss R 3.5A Fiore Ld & house 10,900 lA Smith Id 600 11,500 Homes, Thore & Marit NR 1.5A Dyment Ld & cottage- Cotton Cove 5,600

Hovey, William & Marilyn NR lALd&house-Rt.3 4,320 Howe, Amelia M. R 50A Farmland & bldgs 2,065 1/3A Lot & Camp 350 2,415 Howe, Charles A. & Eva L. R 1.5ALd«febldgs-Rt.l75 3,210 Howe, Charles P. R 85' shld ife bldgs 2,890 138ALd& bldgs 5,640 8,530 Howe, David P. Jr & Joyce L. R lALd&bldgs-HoweRd. Exvet 3,000 Howell, Jerome NR Boat 100 Hubley, David & Dawn R Ld & bldgs-Rt. 3- E. Holderness Exvet 3,000 Hubley, Earl P. & Mary J. R Mobile Home-Rt. 3 2,250 Exeld 850 Huckins, Mrs. Florence M. R 130A Chase Ld& bldgs 7,000 Huckins, Leroy S. & Laura P. R 5A Piper Ld-White Oaks 300 Huckins, Maurice L. R 1/2A Shaw land 150 Huckins, Milton W. R 28A West Wind Ld 12,300 65A Webster Ld, Homestead 5,850 9A Intervale Ld 180 40A Brushland 600 18,930 Huckins, Reginald W. & Dorothy E. R 220' shld & bldgs 8,750 Hughes, Greg A. R Mobile Home 2,240 Hugney, Ruth C. NR Boat 200

20 Description NAME Assessment Total Res. OF Property Assessment

Hunkins, Carl W. R Mobile Home 2,100 Hunkins, Mildred R 7A Ld & bldgs. Home Mobile Home 2,4.50 Hunnewell, A. R Ld & house-River St. 3,350 Hunt, Leonard & Shirley R 29A Webster Ld & hous< Mobile Home 19,550 528' shld- 12 lots- White Oak 5,020 Boat 380 Exvet 24,950

Hunt, Rev. Marshall NR 16A Webster LdRt. 175 3,650 Boat 380 4,030 Hunter, Michael A. NR Boat 170 Hunter, William S. NR Ld-Shepard Hill 490 Hutchins, Archie E. R Ld & bldgs- Mt. Prospect Rd. 2,570 Exeld 1,170

Hyde, Harold E. & Mary R. NR 1.5A Mines Ld&bldg 6,000 Inkell, Theodore & Mabel R Mobile Home 2,600 Ireland, Clifford E. & Harriet A. R 142' shld-Pinehaven Motel & cottages Exvet 18.700 Exvet Ireland, R. Blake & Ann L. NR 4 Lots & bldgs-White Oak 12,050 Boat 530 12,580 Irion, Robert D. NR 111' shld-Camp Sanborn 16,530 Boats (3) 600 17,130

Irvine, Daniel J. & Theresa NR 5A Matthews Prop & 5 camps 4,000

Ives, Patricia NR 39A Schmuck Ld & bldgs 11,400 Jacques, Nelson A. & Sadie M. NR 110' shld & cottage- Weaver Prop- Little Squam 9,300 Jacquith, Arnold & Leah R Mobile Home 1,520 Jess, Thomas J. Jr. NR Dean Lot 600 Johndroe, M. Elizabeth EST NR 20A Ira Huckins Ld & bldgs 4,140 Johnson, Blake NR Boat 150

21 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property Assessment

Johnson, Frederick C. & Rhea R. R Ld & bldgs-College Rd. Exvet 3,800 Johnson, Lee T. & Lillian C. NR Shepard Pk Lot & cottage 4,950 Johnson, Wilfred J. R L2A Young Ld & bldg- Mt. Prospect Rd. Exvet 6,960 Jones, Gordon H. & Leona NR 34A Craig Ld- Mt. Prospect Rd. Exvet 6,800 Kaplan, Mrs. Sara NR 500' shld May Id & bldgs Little Squam 14,000 Karsten, Herbert H. & Mary C. R 5A Piper Ld & bldg 5,380 Kaufman, Pater J. NR Boats (3) 1,710 Keefer, Scott K. NR Boats (2) 1,520 Keith, Susan B. R 90A 2280' shld Cromwell Pt. & boathouse 52,984 7 1/2 A Amesbury Ld & bldg 10,130 3A Berry Mill Rd Id 1,000 lA Bacon Ld & cottage 6,750

8/36 Int Cottagers Cove 1,120 71,984 Kelly, Mrs. Barbara NR 85' shld & cottage- Little Squam 3,915 Kelley, John J. & Anna G. NR 150' shld, bldgs, boathouse 6,000 Kellogg, Howard & Frances P. NR lOA Webster Ld & bldg 23,170 Boat 100 23,270 Kemple, Camilla NR 1300' Main shld & house 11,780 75A Piper Ld 1,500 13,280 Keniston, Davis B. & Rupert, Kennedy NR 275' Red Lodge shld & cottage 8,770 Keniston. Priscilla L. NR Boats (2) 640 Kennedy, Albert C. & Joan H. R Ld&bldgs-Rt. 175 4,000

lA Blanchard Id & house 2,090 Exvet 6,090 Kenney, Frances L. NR Lot 13, Morgan Prop-Mt. Prospect Rd. 2,925 Kenney, James W. & Laura L. R Ld & bldgs-N. Ashland Rd. 5,100

22 Description NAME ASSESSMENT Total RES. OF PROPERTY Assessment

Kertes, Dorothy R. NR 1 l/2ABirchwoodInn&ld 9,500 Kent, Gordon E. & Denise R. R Giroux Ld & bldgs 6,160 Kimball, Brian & Christine R Mobile Home 2,600 King, Harlan Jr. & Janet E. R 2A Ld & house- Mt. Prospect Rd. 7,000

King, James W. NR 50' shld & cottage- Dog Cove 4,350 King, Mrs. Joan H R 43A Baker Id & house 6,000 Kip & Joe's Inc. NR Ld & garage 9,000 Boat 500 Davison Ld & house 3,070 Attardo Ld & house 2,270 14,840 Kisselburgh, Roland E. & Jean D. NR' 3/7 Int King shld & Cottage-Glen Cove 1,720 Kleinman, Neil R 2A Pariseau Ld & bldgs 6,080 Knapp, Arthur J. NR 3A Ld & house- Coxboro Rd. 1,775 1,775 Exeld 375

Kuhm, Louis C. Jr. & Nancy ^ NR 300' Cannon shld & cottage Kesumpe Point 11,830 Ladd, Robert NR Blueberry Isl. White Oak 1,000 Ladeau, Liza R 35A Ld & mobile home 1,600 Lambert, Elizabeth NR 7A Ld & bldgs- Perch Pond Rd. 2,100 Lambert, Frank NR 6A Lanbert Ld 300 Lamson, David F. NR 2A 150' shld & cottage- Little Squam 5,550 Lanier, Jean B. NR 3A Merritt Ld & boathouse. Camp Algonquin 27,613 Boat 950 28,563 LaPlant, Roger & Irene R Ld & Mobile Home 2,200 Latvis, John C. NR Boat 570 Laughy, Gladys E. R Ld & Mobile Home 2,870 Exeld 1,470 Laware, Lucy R Camp-Merrill Ld- Mt. Prospect Rd. Exvet 600 Lawrence, C. Kent & Glendora NR 73A Whitman Ld 1,460 lAlOO'shldPulsiferld 950 2,410

23 r Description NAMEK A K M r^ Assessment Total Res. of Property Assessment j

Leavitt, Guy & Irene NR 150' small shld. Little Squam 5,600 LeBaron, Dr. Paul B. NR Boat 300 Lee, William E. & Joyce E. NR 1.5A 200' shld (fecottage-

Mooney Point '5,530 Boat 100 9,630

Leech, John V. R 4 3/4 A Ld & bldgs- Bennet Cove Exvet 12,090 Lenentine, Halstone & Jean NR Demings Garage & carwash 41,250 ChocoruaPt.50' McCloud shld 3,400 44,650 Levin, George E. & Anna A. NR 5A Colliander Ld & bldgs 9,200 Levoy, Doris E. NR 110' shld-East Wind Cottage Big Squam 5,510 Livens, John H. & Mary A. NR 21/2A600'Willoughby shld & bldgs 42,200 Boat 510 42,710 Long, Harold C. Sr. & Doris R 100' shld & cottage-Little Squam 8,000 Boat 300 Exvet 8,300 Lord, Russell H. Jr. & Iris R 1.3ALd&bldgs- Heritage Hill 9,600 Lovett, Richard NR 1/2 Int. Bruchon shld & cottage- Big Squam 1,855 Boats(4) 350 2,205 Lovett, A. Sidney NR lOA Ld & house- Coxboro Rd. 2 cottages 9,335 Lovett, A. Sidney, Jr. NR 16A Hawkins Ld. 1,120 35A Cilley Ld. 2,250 1/2 Int. Bruchon shld & cottage 1,855 Boats(3) 430 11,515 Lowies, Roland E. & Doris R 110' shld & house- Cotton Cove 6,950 Boat 600 7.550

24 ^6

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XN3MSS3SSV AXUBdOUd JO XN3NSS35SV -S3d TVXOJL NOIXdlMOSBQ 31MVN Description Total assessment . NAME Res. of Property Assessment

Mack, Gary & Linda R Mobile Home 800 Maclean, John K. & Elizabeth R 50A Conrad Ld & home, pool 24,400 Ma»)er, Harold J NR Ouellette Ld & cottage 4,400 Main, Alice NR 3075' shld-White Oak 6,000 91A 800' Piper shld&bldgs 15,200 21,200 Marden, Mark A. & Jacqueline NR 124'shld&cottage-Rt. 113 Big Squam 4,625 Marden, Robert W. NR Marden Ld.-Rt. 113 400 Mardin, Elizabeth R 60ALd&bldgs-Rt. 175 4,000 Margesson, Ronald E. & Rosella NR 34A Campground & bldgs 24,400 Mark, Robert B. & Theonie NR lALd&camp-Rt. 175 500 Marr, Margaret L. NR 200' shld & cottage- Little Squam 6,550 Marriott, Emmet Jr. & Catherine NR 100' shld & cottage- Cotton Cove 5,300 Boat 100 5,400 Marsh, Irving R. NR lA Closson Ld & house 4,300 Marshall, Lena R Intervale Ld. & bldgs 3,000 Exeld 1,600 Martel, Emile & Margaret R 71/2ALd&bldgs- Coxboro Rd. 6,740 Martel, William R. NR l/2ALd&bldg-Rt. 175 1,170 Martz, William B. & Elsa NR 45ALd&bldg-Rt. 175 5,500 Matteson, Kenneth NR Smith Land 1,000 Matthews, Harold W. & Janet R 18A Ld & cottage- Cotton Cove 7,000 May, Richard T. & Mae NR 280' shld-Little Squam 5,350 May, Dr. Rollo NR 45A Ld & bldgs- Coxboro Rd. 10,540 Meade, Marjorie EST NR shld & cottage- Pine Tree Cove 9,700 Meakin, Dorothy D. NR 7 1/2A Goodrich Ld & bldgs- Coxboro Rd. 3,000 Boat 530 3,530 Medeiros, Manuel W. &

Janet R 1 1/2 A Hunter Ld & cottage Shepard Hill 4,500

26 Description Total NAME ASSESSMENT Res. of Property assessment Melanson, Elwin & Gale R 5ALd&bldgs-Rt. 175 2,610 Melanson,. Roy E, R Ld & house #1 3,500 Ld & house #2 3,S0G Ld & homestead 3,200 20A Jewell Ld 400 20A Morrill Ld 1,500 36A Evans Ld 360 C Melanson Ld & house 2,000 1/2A Intervale Ld 200 Storage Shed 380 Melendy, Merton B. & Althea NR 50' shld, Rt. 3 Little Squam 3,450 Merrill, Gladys R 65A Ld & bldgs- Mt. Prospect Rd. 3,930 Merrill, James B. R 4.3A Mobile Home- Mt. Prospect Rd. Exvet 2,500 Merrill, Mrs. Joan L. R 6 Lots, Shepard Park & Apt. House 10,500 Exeld Exvet 9,100 Merrill, Robert L. & Gloria R lA Ld & Mobile Home- Mt. Prospect Rd. 2,280

Metcalf, Joanna J. NR Cottage \2,000 Boat 800 2,800 Metevier, Pauline R 3A Ld & bldgs- N. Ashland Rd. 2,090 Miclon, Delphia &

Gertrude R lA50'shld&bldgs <^,140 Boat 200 lOA Pariseau Ld 1,140 10,480 Miller, Brandon & Henrietta R 2A Ld & bldgs, Lots 15&17-RiverSt. Exvet 4,400 Miller, Charles R Mobile Home 200 Boat 100 300 Miller, Gerald & Lorraine R lA Ld& bldgs- N. River St. Exvet 3,360 Miller, Helen C. R lALd«febldgs-Rt.3 3,700 2A Biggin Prop. Ld & bldgs 6,160 Barr Place & gift shop Rt. 3 6,000 15,860 Miller, Marguerite NR Mudgett Ld 500

27 Total Description Assessment NAME Res. of Property Assessment

Miller, Paul F. Jr. NR Boats (2) 350 Miller, Richard N. R Boat 575 Miller, Russell C. NR Ld & school house- E. Holderness 850 Milliken, Sylvia J R Ld & bldgs-River St. 2,800 Exeld Exvet 1,400

Miner, Edith P. R 325' shld-Marden Prop- Big Squam 400' River shld Lots 4&5-2 bldgs 31,700 Monahan, James L R Boat 100 Monti, Elizabeth K. NR shld & cottages-Rt. 3 7,700 Moran, Robert E. & Ruth NR 71/2A7PinesRd. 3,800 Moran, Russell & Connie R 2A Pulsifer Ld & house 4,400 6A Taylor Id 1,140 Exvet 5,540 Morris. C.C. EST NR 96A Pinehurst Prop & bldgs 175A Ld & farmhouse shld & 6 bldgs 49,100 Boats (2) 250 A Frame 4,000 53,350 Morrison, Carl & Musgrove NR Grace Hazen shld, cottages, garage. Little Squam 8,600 Morrison, Lois, Ruth & John NR lA three Sisters Is. 3,300 Morrison, Nyleen & Janice EST R Main shld & bldgs 1,000 Hubbies Is. & bldg 1,400 2,400 Morrison, Ralph B. & Robert NR Shld & camp-Meadowbank 6,150 Morrison, Robert H. NR Boat 300 Morrissey, Thomas W. & Barbara R Mobile home, barn 2,150 Morse, Richard F. Jr. & Sandell R 14A H. Webster Ld & bldgs 29,600 Morse, Robert & Joan R 26A Plant Ld & house Exvet 5,260 Morse, Sherman NR 10 1/2A Webster Ld.- Bennett Brook 5,130 Moses, Chris NR Boat 600

28 Description | NAME Assessment Total Res. of Property Assessment ( Moses, Harold & Sarah NR 60' shld & cottage- Little Squam 3,340 Muise, Martin V. NR McLoud Ld.-Rt. 3 860 Mullen, Thomas N. NR Boat 150

Mumford, George S. Jr. EST NR 215' shld &bldgs 9,900 Boat 550 10,450 Murgatroy, Bernard & Mabel IR Lot 18, Chocorua Point & house 2,000 Murphy, Gardner & Lois NR Ld & bldgs-Shepard Hill 4,875 Murphy, William C. & Margaret NR Lot 21, Chocorua Pt. 2,500 Murray, Melvin & Cynthia NR 95' River shld & cottage 3,350 Musgrove, Frank & Donna NR lOA Merrill Ld, 350' shld & cottages 9,700 Boats(2) 200 9,900 Mystic Realty Trust NR 200' Adams shld & ccttage 9,500 Nagy, Robert N. NR Boat 100 Nardo, Frank & Svea NR 74.7A Batchelder Ld-Rt. 175 8,000 Nassar, Joseph G. & Esther R Lot 22, Chocorua Pt. &

- cottage Exvet 5,450 Nazmola, Anthony & Anna NR 2.5A 2 camps-Rt. 113 5,450 Needham, Paul R Boat 100 Neel, Samuel E. & Mary W. NR 425' Webster shld-Rt. 113 16,690 New England Tel NR 4A Smith Ld & bldgs 4,500 N.H. Elect. Coop. NR Elect plant & 81 miles of line 92,600 Newell, Robert L. & Maude NR 100' shld Mooney Pt. 5,330 Nielsen, Knud B. & Mary E. R Lots7,8,9, 10, 11,24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34- Shepard Park &c bldgs 12,000 Boat 300 Exvet 12,300 Niles, Nancy J. NR Ld & mobile home-Rt. 113 1,480

29 Description NAME ASSESSMFNT Total Res. of property | Assessment 93 Devel. Corp. NR 50.4A Morgan Prop. Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11, 14,&15 22,680 Nord, Elin O. NR 1 A Ld & camp-White Oak 1,800 Noseworthy, James & Jacqueline R Ld. & store-Rt. 3 6,400 Noyes, Edward L. Jr. & Ann R 400A Conrad Ld. & bldgs 18,400 Noyes, Marjorie C. NR 6.5A Roberts Id & bldgs- Coxboro Rd. 4,705 Cottage 460 5,165 Nutting, Everett W. NR Mobile Home 600 O'Donnell, Francis & Concetta R 70A Ld & house, 2 garages Rt. 175 8,700 Ohnemus, Walter E. NR Boat 550 Oliveski, John Jr. & Rosemary NR 2ALd.-Rt. 175 760 Olsen, Russell NR Boat 340 O'Neil, Jeffrey NR Boat 250 Ott, George R Boat 950 Owen, Nelson L & Eva NR Geo. Avery Ld. -River St. 1,870 Owens, Alfred Jr. NR 106' shld & cottage- Big Squam Rt. 113 5,715 Owens. Henry E. NR Owens Ld.-Rt. 113 1,100

Marden Ld & cottage ^4,400 5,500 Paglia, Ann J. NR 100' Wilder shld & cottage Little Squam 6,600 Parker, Howard G. NR 75' Kennedy shld & cottage '4,210 Garage 570 Boat 760 5,540 Parry, Sherman & Marian R Mobile Home Exvet 1,850 Peach, Gordon Jr. NR 200' Lindsey shld & cottage 9,560 Peart, Alric & Grace R Ld & bldgs-River St. Exvet 2,470 Pease, B.F. & Mary, Heirs NR 20A Hill woodlot 760 Pemi Fish & Game Club Inc. NR 400A Pratt Ld & clubhouse 4,650 People, Norman W. & Margaret R 100' shld & bldgs 5,850 Boat 100 5,950 Perkins, Lloyd O. R 30A Ld & homestead Exvet 1,800

30 Description 1 NAME ASSESSMENT TOTAU Res. of Property ASSESSMEN1

Perkins, Paul NR lA Swamp- E. Holderness Rd. 55 Perkins, Winnie R 350' shld-Little Squam 6,600 190' shld& cottage- Big Squam 7,200 lALd&bldgs 3,410 Exeld 15,810 Perry, Levi L. & Carole NR 7.5A Clay Ld- New Discovery Rd. 3,040 Perry, Mrs. William J. NR 3A 350' Smith shld & bldgs White Oak 7,950 2.5A Main Prop. 150 7A Isl.-White Oak 760 8,860 Peterson, Richard W. & Barbara NR Colliander Lot 1,520 Pettengill, Mrs. Mildred R 129' shld & cottage- Big Squam 6,560 Boat 140 Exvet 6,700 Phelps, Maxwell NR Boat 300 Phillips, Henry Jr. R 20A Miclon Ld & bldgs 9,880 Phillips, Henry A NR 390' Perkins shld- Big Squam 19,000 Boat 680 19,680 Phillips Petroleum Co. NR lA Land -Intervale 5,000 Pickel, Frederick Jr. & Sandra R lA Sorenson Prop & Bldgs-Rt. 3 4,540

Pike, Harold & Norma R 1.5ALd& bldgs 4,370 Boat 250 Exvet 4,620

Pilote, Frank & Lois NR 150A Glover Ld 3,040 Piper, Mrs. Julia R Lots 1,2, 3,4 ShepardPk & cottage 2,300 Exeld 900

Piper, Richard P. Jr. & Nellie R Lots 5,6 Shepard Pk & Cottage 1,500

Plant, David A. & Peggy R Ld & house-Coxboro Rd. 2,880

31 IT


055 8piq^piv3/i H •O 33HV '^3^W 086't^l 003 ;Boa 003'0T 083'3 ooe'3 ei'Il'OIs^oiajoqs H •3 puoijap^ 'pnoqop^ 008 'uqqSnBqoj^ 9Z.I •^H-^Piq^^oiV3/I H aouaaoij 099*3 31UOH 3]iqop^ H IoaB3 25) ui^qnM 'su^l^N 009'^ ooo'e Spiq^PluBSjoHV3/l 009' •pHS3uid/.-piv6l HN uuy 'IP^OQ^W 03?'e ;S J3AIH N-Spiq ^ PI H Xq;ojoa ^

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XN3WSS3SSV 1 AXaadObd JO SBH XNBWSSBSSV 1 TVXOJ. NOixdiwosaa 3IA1VN Desckiption TOTAL NAME Assessment


Pulsiter, Bertram & Laura R 35A 1600' Thompson shld&bldgs 17,250 50A Pasture Id 750 lA Mead shld 1,100

145A Fred Rowe Prop \2,175 Woodlot(l/2int) 200 21,475 Putman, John R 160' Triplett shld &bldg Exvet 5,590 Putnam, Verna R 40A Ld & house- Hill Shepard Hill Exvet 6,480 Quinebarge Camp R 25A shld 9 camp- Winnetaska Prop 26,500 Quivey, Edward L. NR 8.5A Boardman Prop- Old Town Rd. 3,800 Rand, Watson & Erma NR 318' shld & cottage Big Squam 11,650 Boats (2) 175 11,825 Reardon, Rev. Arthur Tierney, James & Burke, Joseph NR 43' shld-The Mountaineers-Big Squam Right of way to boathouse 8.055 Reardon, William J &Rita NR Lot 13 & Cottage

(unfinished) White Oak (3,500 Boat 175 6,675

Remington, Kenneth & Gertrude R McLoud Ld & house- College Rd. 8,820 40' shld-Chocorua Pt. 900 9,720 R.I.C. Inc. R Ld, Garage, Mobile Home- Rt. 175 Rt. 175 3,420 Rich, John P. NR Boats (6) 950 Rich, Norman & Marilyn R 3.5A McGrew Prop & House Exvet 4,900 Rich, Olive F. NR 350' shld & Arcadia Cottage 15,680 Richards, George S. R Boat 250 Richelson, Julius NR Boat 330 Richer, Antoinette NR Wilder shld & cottage 6.050 Boat 300 6,350 Ricker, Albion & Mildred R 25A Ld, house & trailer New Discovery Rd. 2,750

88 Description Total NAME Assessment Res. of Property Assessment

Riehs, Martin J. Jr. & Ann R Colonial Eagle Motel 24,000 Boat 150 24,150 Ristaino, Joseph A. & Lucille NR McLoud Ld. & bldgs 5,225 Boat 1,000 6,225 Robinson, Arnold & Georgette R lOA Ld & bldg- E. Holderness Road

Exvet 4,515 Rockywold-Deephaven Camps Inc. R 275A Bacon Prop. 1 mile shld Haskell Land Felch & Bennett Land Greenleaf farm Whittemore Ld. Van Ness Prop Bixby Ld., Birch Is. True Ld. McBride Prop. WalchLd., Bradley Prop Bldgs & Saphouse 186,775 Boats (93) 5,900 192,675

Rogers, Edward L. & Joyce A. NR 1/2 int. Delia Rogers Prop. Rt. 113 2,040 Romprey, Mrs. Lena NR Mobile Home 2,000 Ross, Archibald D. & Eleanor R Ld & bldgs-Rt. 175 Exvet 3,850 Rowley, F. Hunter NR Boat 150 Royea, Ibra D. & Agnes L. R 6CA Porter Ld. 1,500 lOOA Ld. & homestead 4,300 5,800 Royea, Ibra B. & Ruth A. R 13A Ld house, garage- E. Holderness Rd. Exvet 2,920 Rupert, Kennedy F. NR Boat 100 Ruhm, K.B. & Nancy J. R 5.1 A Lot 3 Morgan Ld. &bldg Exvet 18,240 Rusby, Dorothy NR 100' shld-Chocorua Pt. Lot 4 & cottage 5,770

34 1 Description 1 Total NAME Assessment 1

Res. | 1 ASSESSMENT 1 of Property

Russell, Anne H. NR 140A Frey Prop 3,500 Rutgers, Ernest E. NR 290' shld & cottage Little Squam 15,600 Boat 300 15,900 Ryan, Robert EST NR 85AGreenleafLd. 8,500 15A Graziano Lxi. & house 16,700 25,200 Ryder, Daniel F. NR 90A Davis Prop. -Heritage Hill 13,300 Ryea, Harold & Barbara R Mobile Home 2,190 Sacco, Robert & Edna NR Ld & cottage-Shepard Hill 3,800 Saliba, Moses A. NR 100' shld & bldgs- Little Squam 6,400 Sanborn, Blanche NR lOOA Pasture-Mt. Prospect Road 2,500 lA 1/2 Int. woodlot 200 2,700 Sanderson, Richard E. & Mary R 400' shld, Lots, 1,2,3,16 & bldgs-Chocorua Pt. 17,120 Karsten Ld. 2,500 Lot 20 McLoud Ld. 750 Boat 200 Exvet 20,570 Sargent, Harrison A. & Eileen R 2A Ld & bldgs-Rt. 175 Exvet 6,000 Sargent, Harrison F. & Ada R Ld&camp-Rt. 175 1,900 Exeld 500

Sargent, Gwendolyn B. R Mobile Home Exvet 2,000

Saulnier, Joan G. R Mobile Home 2,000 Sava, John & Patricia NR 39A Knapp Ld.-Rt. 175 1,755

Schmidt, Charles W. &Lula R 16A 129' shld & cot. Squam Lakes Lodge & Bldgs 72,500

Schutmart, Wayne H. & Cornelia NR 100' shld Lot 7 & bldgs Chocorua Pt. 11,400

Schutter, George M. NR 260' shld -Camp Tanglewood 9,900 Jewel Rd. Prop. 300 Boat 175 10,375

85 Description Total NAME ASSESSMENT Res. of Property Assessment

Schwartz, Irving &Ida NR 100' shld& cottage- Little Squam 4,860 Schwartz, Norman D. NR 80' shld. Camp Ilee Lot 1,520 Sewell, Haro)d A. EST NR 1.5ALd&bldgs 3,300 Mobile Home 2,100 5,400 Shanker, Benjamin NR Boat 100 Shaw, Kathryn R. NR 3/4 A 100' shld & cottage- Little Squam 4,500 Shields, Bernice E. & Henry Jr. R 50ALd&bldgs-Rt. 175 Exvet 4,200 Siek, Richard A. & Jean M. R 102A Morgan I^ & House 15,570 379' shld & cottage 12,090 Boats 475 28,135 Simpson, Herbert, Mary L., & Marion NR 165A Greenleaf Ld & Cottage 5,600 Sleeper, Maurice B. & Marie R 120' River shld. Lot 29 Shepard Pk & cottage 2,240 Boat 180 Exvet 2,420 Sliva, Patricia NR Bldg (next to Flint) 500 Small, Cloyd E. NR 70' shld & cottage- Little Squam 2,430 Small, Mary E. & Est. of Howard NR 8A Ld & ssgarhouse 1,075 Smith, Barr & Judith NR 100' Mardin shld- River Front 4,940

Smith, Darrell D. & Joyce NR 1 A Matthews Lot 15 & cott 1,880 Boat 100 1,980 Smith, Dorothy D. EST NR 150' Leavitt shld & cottage- Little Squam 5,050 bmith, Eleanor W. NR 536' Osborne shld 12,200 390' Asquam Prop & Boathouse 9,900 25' Keith shld 570 25' Asquam shld 570 2/3 Int Keith shld & cottage 3,000 65A Shepard Hill Prop & 5 cottages 29,000 6A Goodrich Ld & teahouse 2,000 57,240

86 Description TOTAL NAME Assessment Res. of property ASSESSMENT

Smith, George & Gail R 5A Willoughby Ld & bldgs 2,850 Smith, Gertrude NR 165' shld & bldgs-Big Squam 6,260 Smith, Gwendolyn E. R H. Smith Ld & bldgs 4,900 Smith, Kent A. & Beverly L. R 4A Ld & bldgs-Rt. 175 Exvet 3,950 Smith, Norman P., Jr. R 3.6A Ld & cottage Exvet 4,340 Smith, Norman P., Sr. R lOOA Ld & bldgs 5,190 275A H. Smith Ld & bldgs 4,250 Ld & cottage 4,000 Merrill Ld. 550 2300' Piper shld- White Oak 10,925 Exeld 23.515 Smith, Mrs. Preston R 550' Piper shld & bldgs 13,570 Boat 800 14,370 Smith, Richard C. & Nancy NR Eastman Ld. & house- Rt. 113 5,700 Smith, Stephen W. NR Boat 200

Smith, Wood row L. NR 45A Dinsmore Ld. Rt. 1 75 1,350 65A Frank Heath Ld. 1,950 3,300 Smilie, Charles D. NR Boat 100 Snow, Rev. Albert W. & Janet NR 200' river shld & bldgs 5,700 Boat 100 5,800 Soutter, Lamar NR 25A Bowman Is. & bldg 5,500 Boat 150 5,650 Spaulding, Dayton M. NR Boat 300 Spencer, Arnold W. &

Evelyn R 125' shld & bldgs-Rt. 113 '^,850 Boat 200 10,050 Sperry, William H. NR Karsten Ld.-Rt. 3 3,800 Spinney, Shepley & Charlotte NR Lot 5, Heritage Hill 1,700 Squam Boats Inc. R 312' river shld & bldgs 30,300 Squam Lakes Assn. NR 1.75AClosson Ld. 1,100 Squires, Newell D. NR 125' shld &cottage-Rt. 113 6,820 Stafford, Henry W. R 40A Ld & bldgs-7 Pines Rd. 6,440 Stahl, Benjamin Jr. NR 200' Washburn shld & bldg 15.560 Stanley, Edward A. & Marian NR 20A Forbes Ld & bldgs- Rt. 113 1,300

St. Anselm's College NR 125' shld MooneyPt. (5,555 Boat 100 6,655

S7 Description TOTAU NAME ASSESSMENT Res. of property ASSESSMENT

Staples, Lawrence & Olive R 300' shld. House, cottage 11,200 Boats (3) 175 11,375 Stark, Archibald & Eleanor R 125APulsiferLd&bldgs 16,250 Morgan Ld 1,200 17,450 Stauffer, John NR Boat 350 St. Cyr, Andrew B. & Dorothy R Ld & bldgs-River St. Exvet 3,260 Stepp, Robert M. & Eleanor F. NR 100' shld & Bldgs- Cotton Cove 15,000 Boat 125 15,125 Stevens, Philip & Marian NR 420' shld- Little Squam 7,980 Stevenson, Edward M. NR l/3IntThurberld 3,100 1/36 Int Cottagers Cove 140 3,240 Stillings, Franklin W. & Joyce R 18A Ld & cottages E. Holderness Exvet 1,830 Stone, Mrs. Gunvar A. NR 828' shld. House boathouse 24,630 Boat 200 24,830 Stone, Morton C. & Gwynneth E. R 200A Id & bldgs-Beede Rd. 6,390 Strand, Carl C. & Patricia B. NR Olsen Ijot #3 & bldgs 1,380 Boat 100 1,480 Sullivan, William E. & Joyce C. NR 125' shld & Raddock Cottage Rt. 113 24,700 Sun Oil Co. NR 20A Intervale Ld & bldgs 52,280 Swinnerton, Lester B. NR 4A E. Holderness Ld & Meeting House 780 lA Thibadeau Ld 190 970 Sylvester, Peter V. & Gladys R Ld & bldgs- N. River St. Exeld 2,700 1,300 Taylor, J. Arthur NR 3A 400 shld, Id. & bldgs- Shepard Hill 24,420 Taylor Bros. Malcolm Jr. Theodore & Frederick NR 50A 1500' shld, F.B. Allen Prop., 2 camps 40,200 Taylor, Delivan R Ld. & bldgs-Rt. 3-trailer 4,980

38 Description Total NAME RES. OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENT Assessment

Taylor, Harold NR 18A Main Prop, house & bldg 5,665

Taylor, Lyman R 84.5A Ld & bldgs- Asquam Hill 7,535 Exeld 6,135 Taylor, Malcolm Jr. & Helen R House only 7,000 Boat 150 7,150 Taylor, Malcolm R 3A Milliken Ld. 570 Taylor, Ruth E. R lOOA Ld & bldgs- Coxboro Rd. 7,000 Temple, John P. NR Boat 250 Tenney, Cecil & Charlotte R Ld & cottage- Rt. 3 2,400 Thileen, Ralph H. & Lois J. NR 65' shld & cottage- Big Squam 3.960 Thomas, Thomas W. & Betty A. R 12.45 Siek Ld. & house 19,280 Boat 1,400 20,680 Thompson, George A. R Ld. house, shop, garage Rt. 175 4,185 Thompson, Joseph D. NR Middleton Ld. 300 Thompson, Lyle & Doris R 1/2A Ld & bldgs- Asquam Hill 4,340 Thomson, Dr. William C. & Thelma R 300' shld & bldgs-Rt. 113 23,340 Boat 100 Exvet 23,440 Todd, Donald P. & Priscilla NR 3.5A Dana Ld.&cot. 4,950 Boat 200 5,150 Tower, Ross & Alice R 4A Ld., house, trailer Exvet 3,675 Townsend, Richard S. NR Lot (^10- White Oak shores 2,510 Townsley, C.P. NR Boat 450 Trafford, Bernard W. NR Boat 250 Triplett, William H. NR Camp Wachusett 38,680 Boat 800 39,480 Tucker, Myra P. R Ld & House-7 Pines Rd. 820 Twombley, Dr. Gray NR llALd-Rt. 3 1,100 Tyrrell, Harry E. Jr. & Constance NR 5A Kinser Prop-house & barn-E. Holderness 3,130 Uhle, Dr. Charles NR Boat 250


United Leasing Corp NR 34A Long & Keith Prop. (Squamese) Little Squam 15,200 Urquhart, John R 470' shld & bldgs-Rt. 3 19,885 Vaillant, Dean R Mobile Home 800 Valentine, Elizabeth NR 240' Webster shld & home 36,280 VanHagen, Charles S. NR Lot i^4 Hob Nob Land 1,065 Vanlngen, Evelyn H. NR 30A Webster Ld & bldgs Rt. 113 4,750 VanVliet, Esther M. R 114' shld &ccttage-Rt. 113 5,600 Veasey, Lewis M R Lots 15, 16-3 cottages, Holderness Pk 11,000 104' river shld & cottage 3,385 14,385 Vicinus, Charles H. NR Lot #12-White Oak Shores 5,300 Vincent, Arthur NR Mobile Home 400 Vittum, Caroll R Mobile Home 1,200 Voorhis, Grandon E. Sr. NR Mobile Home &ld-Rt. 175 2,380 Wadsworth, George & Lavilla NR 14A Conrad Ld & cottage- Coxboro Rd. 6,370 boat 100 6,470 Waldron, Eugene M. & Julia R 50A Dunton Ld & house Exvet 7,900 Walker, Glennon L NR Boat 300 Wallner, Woodruff & Gertrude NR lOA Closson & Severance Place 6,975 250' Piper Cove 5,700 12,675 Walsh, David & Gillis, Gerard NR 75.3A Howard Small Ld 13,300

Walsh, Sylvia R Mobile Home 2,200 Walsh, Thomas B. & Medora NR 363' shld, ccttage& boathouse 18,300 Boat 700 19,000

Waltermire, Edith E. R 49A Ld & house- Smith Hill Rd. 2,570 Walter, Jonathan NR Boat 120 Ward, Alice E. NR 148' shld & cottage 5,370 Boat 250 5,620 Ward, Peter NR Boat 380 Washburn, H. Bradford Jr. NR 7.5A 200' shld & cottage, boathouse 12,620

Washburn, Stanley NR Ld & house-N. River St. 2,280 Watson, Harold S. NR 27A Melanson Ld & House- Rt. 175 4,260

40 Description Total NAME Res. of Property Assessment Assessment

Watts, John C. & Marion F. R 100' Godfrey shld & house 6,280 275' Ward shld 8,180 Boat 100 14,560 Webster, u/w Edwin S. NR 29.5A Checkerberry, Sheep, Mink & Groton Is. 14,000 ITADeMerrittshld 48,510 358A Willoughby Id 56,430 290A Smith Id, George Id, & Downing lot 7,250 5.5A Sanborn Lot-Lee Cove Big Squam 7,000 104A Mt. Livermore Hotel Prop.,0 2,600 57A Langdon Ld 1,425 137,215 Webster, Elizabeth F R 2A Jones Ld & house 10,400 Webster, Frank G. & Marycke R 7.1 A M.F. Webster 35,000 homestead 27.3A M.R. Webster " 17,000 14.2A Camp Minimum 23,570 5.35A Camp Paugus 4,500 24A Bradley Ld 2,400 1/2 Int Boathouse 1,500 Carnes Is. 3,000 House 60,000 Boats (6) 600 147,570 Webster, Jane NR 32A Webster Id 4,250 Welch, Mary NR 165' shld. Camp Whittier Big Squam 6,750 Wensberg, Peter NR Boats (3) 1,670 Wentworth, Gordon & Jeanne NR 294' shld & Belle cottage Big Squam 15,380 133' shld & cottage 13,710 Boats(2) 220 29,310

Wentzell, Edward A. & Eunice R Lot #6, Jones Ld & house Exvet 7,780

Werner, Eric S. & Daga R 191' shld Big Squam- 12 Vinga cabins 16,355 2.1Ahouse&ld-Rt. 3 ^,245 20,600

Wescott, Ralph & AnnMarie R 1.5A Demer prop. Rt. 3 Exvet 5,700

41 Description Total NAME Res. of Property Assessment Assessment

West, Eric F. & Eugenia NR 650' shld, cottage, boathouse-Big Squam 17,820 Boat 100 17,920 West, Richard S. & Ruth S. NR 1227' shld & boathouse 29,000 65A West Ld 1,625 8A Pickle Ld & bldg 3,850 34,475 Westberg, Ingrid NR 28A shld & ccottage- White Oaks 6,000 Westburgh, Dr. Edward M. & Doris G. NR 300' shld & boathouse 7,800 17A House & Id Shepard Hill 8,200 16,000 Westburg, Walter & Dorothy R Lot #8 & bldgs- Heritage Hill 6,350 Boat 150 Exvet 6,500 Westover, Gary R Trailer 1,000 West Wind Realty NR 24A Webster Ld 7,200 Whatley, Allan & Jean R Boat 450 Wherland, Robert E. & Joan R 175' shld- Little Switzerland Cabins 21,000

House, Addition 3,000 Boat 380 24,380 White Hat Restaurant NR Dunlap Prop Rt. 3 10,600 White, Hazel M.L. NR 75A Carr Ld & house Hardback Corner 3,860 White, John O. Jr. R 14.2 Ld & house- Huckins Hill Rd. 6,035 Whitehead, Robert V.C. NR Richardson Is. & 10' mainland 6,800

Boats (5) 200 7,000 Whitney, John T. NR 150' shld, ccttages, house Mooney Point 8,420 Whitman, Paul & Janice R 2.5A Ld & house 4,960 Whittemore, Albert & Helen R Elm School & Id 1,320 Young Ld 950 Exvet 2,270 Whitten, Linwood & Jane R Jefferson Ld & bldg- Shepard Hill 3,800

42 Description Total NAME Res. of Property ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT

Wicksman, Robert & Dorothy NR Lot % & bldgs- White Oak Shores 6,710 Wiggett, Carole R Mobile Home 1,265 Wilkie, Dale & Maureen R Mobile Home Exvet 2.300 Willoughby, Mollis E. & Alberta R 79A Ld & homestead 6,000 Hse & Id-River St. 3,290 Ld & office bldg- Holderness Rd. 4,135 Market & Snack Bar 4,600 Exvet 18.025 Wiltse, Melvin W. &Gail R 4A Baker Ld-Rt. 3 9,600 Windwood Corp NR 3.5A 480' shld & cottage- Big Squam 14.340 Winslow, Eugene & Gloria R 250' Bartlett shld & Cottages 11,850 Boats (2) 100 11,950 Winton, Clarence & Margaret R lOA Small Ld & bldgs Exvet 8,500 Wolf, Eleanor S. R 22.3A Hayes Rd, Ld & Bldgs 4,790

Wood, H.Curtis Jr. NR Boats (4) 1,000 Wood, Rawson J. NR Boats (2) 1,060 Wood, Violet S. R Ld&Bldgs-Rt. 175 Exvet 1,000

Woodbury, E. David NR 75' shld & cottage-Rt. 113 4.360 Woodward, Douglas & Beverly NR Lot #4, Matthews Ld 440 Woolworth, Richard G. NR Boat 100 Worthen, Bertha NR 200A Ld, Hayes Rd. 5.000 Wright, Donald C. NR Boat 900 Wright, Harry NR Boat 200 Yarnell, James B. NR Boat 100 Young, Emmett W. & Elizabeth NR 2A Pierson Ld & bldg 310 Young, Norman C. & PanL. R 8A Piper Ld & bldgs 345 Trailer 3,815 115A Cox Hill 2,875 7,040 Young, Mrs. Marie NR 50' shld & cottage- Big Squam 3,640

43 Description Total NAME RtS. OF PROPERTY Ass ESSMENT assessment

Young, Robert M. & Ellen NR 11.6A White Oak Shore & Cottage 9,56C Young, Robert T. & Elvira NR Ogden shld & cottage- Mooney Point 7,000 Boat 100 7,100 Young, William & Susie R 58A Ld & homestead 4,160 Dean Ld 300 4,460 Youngman, Burgess H. & Gale E. R Lot #13 & house- Heritage Hill 8,550 Zimmer, Anthony R 1.2A Ld & mobile home 1,880 Zimmer, Frank & Leslie R Mobile Home 2,200

Zimmer, William J. &Rose R 4A Austin Ld & bldgs- Rt. 175 1,560



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