Chemicals Health and Environment
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CHEMICALS of concern to HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Acknowledgment: Abbreviations: 1. About the document: This document is produced by Health Care Without C- Carcinogenic This document includes a list of chemicals of con- tion in health products and services will be undertaken Harm (HCWH) and the United Nations Development CAS: Chemical Abstract Service cern to human health and the environment. The list is in phase II of the project. This will help health-care fa- Programme (UNDP). Lead authors and key contribu- CMR- Carcinogenic, Mutagenic (developmental Toxin) based on systematic evidence reviews from author- cilities and procurement officers gather information on tors from the agencies are: Susan Wilburn and Megha and Reproductive Hazard itative sources, which identify chemical and material the type of hazard, the application and uses of these Rathi from HCWH, Rosemary Kumwenda, Mirjana Milic hazards of concern that are carcinogenic, mutagenic, EDCs: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals identified hazardous chemicals and compounds in and Ignacio Sanchez Diaz from UNDP Istanbul Re- endocrine disrupting and reproductive hazards (health general and more specifically in products used in the GHS: Globally Harmonized System of gional Hub. hazards) and bio- accumulative and persistent to the health sector. Classification and Labelling of Chemicals environment and/or listed in International Environ- Valuable and key inputs for the research were provid- The identification and assessment of safer alterna- HCWH: Health Care Without Harm mental instruments (Conventions). The authoritative ed by Christine Wellington-Moore, Programme Ad- tive chemicals and materials will then allow the health IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer lists and conventions referred to during the process of visor, Asia-Pacific Regional Centre and Hilda Van Der sector to procure and use more sustainable products shortlisting of chemicals of concern are: Veen, UNDP Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit; M- Mutagenic hazard to provide safe, healthy and more environmentally and the following Health Care Without Harm consult- ODS: Ozone-Depleting Substances l WHO’s International Agency for Research in Can- friendly health-care services. ants and staff: Tracey Easthope, Safer Chemicals Pro- PBT- Persistant, Bioaccumulative and Toxic cer (IARC) list of probable and known human car- gram, Beth Eckl, Director, Environmental Purchasing POPs: Persistent Organic Pollutants cinogens; Program, Practice Greenhealth, Anja Leetz, Executive 2. Context: REACH: Registration Evaluation and Authorization of l The European Union list of Substances of Very Director, HCWH-Europe, Ruth Stringer, International Chemical Substances Regulation High Concern and Restricted Substance List as Science and Policy Coordinator and Peter Orris, Pro- determined under the Registration Evaluation and Chemicals are widely used in daily life. They have a R- Reproductive hazard fessor and Chief of Service, Occupational and Envi- Authorization of Chemical Substances (REACH) unique importance in the health-care sector, where S- Sensitive to skin and other organs ronmental Medicines, University of Illinois Hospital and Regulation. they are used as disinfectants, cleaners, laboratory re- Health Sciences System. SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals agents, sterilants, pesticides, medicines and pharma- l The California Proposition 65: Safe Drinking Water ceuticals and in medical devices and equipment. The Additional Researchers, Contributors and Reviewers: SPHS Sustainable Procurement in the and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986; Charlotta Brask, Stockholm County Council, Siv Martini, Health Sector hazards of these chemicals are not well understood l The Minamata Convention on Mercury by health professionals nor incorporated into procure- Stockholm County Council, The Marion Jaros, Her- T- Toxicity l The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic ment decisions. bert Nentwich; Manfred Klade, Viennese Database for UNDP: United Nations Development Programme Pollutants To minimize these hazards, the health sector has been Disinfectants (WIDES Database) City of Vienna, Envi- vPvB- very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative ronmental Department, Pierre Walter and Nico Nee l Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Con- taking steps to promote and implement sustainable WHO: World Health Organization interns with UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and inputs sent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals healthcare within their institutions and to collaborate from participants in the workshop at Clean Med Eu- and Pesticides in International Trade externally with suppliers and manufactures to advance rope in Copenhagen and the UN Environment Chemi- Information about Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) sustainable procurement within the health sector . The cals in Products Meeting in Brazil, SPHS steering com- registration number and hazard statements taken from Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 mittee meeting Oct 2016. the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification agenda are important drivers to promote sustainable and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) are included for health care systems. Specifically the SDG 3 on good health and wellbeing and SDG12 on sustainable con- HCWH and UNDP acknowledge the funding sup- the listed chemicals. Where information was available sumption and production are key contributors. port for this work from the UN Foundation and the the list includes additional data on the use of certain Skoll Foundation. chemicals in health products. Based on the information from the authoritative The UN’s commitment to ‘lead by example’ towards lists and the global environmental conventions the climate neutrality started a decade ago on 5 June chemicals listed in the document are known for 2007 when UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pub- their environmental and health hazard and must be licly called on all UN agencies, funds and programmes avoided or substituted where possible. to ‘go green’ and become climate neutral. In this effort The intended audience for the list are health sector the UN agencies individually and collectively through procurement officers, sustainability coordinators, and the Sustainable UN programme (SUN) advance the others concerned with procuring and using safer and agenda of a ‘green UN’. The UN informal interagency more sustainable materials. The list will also be shared task team on Sustainable Procurement in Health Sec- 1 with the suppliers, who are requested to identify prod- tor (SPHS) and the recent UN agencies joint state- ucts that contain these chemicals so that procurers ment “Engaging with suppliers and manufacturers can avoid them and substitute less hazardous, clini- to promote environmentally and socially responsible 2 cally appropriate alternatives. procurement of health commodities” are important tools to signal the suppliers and the manufacturers the This 1st version of the list of chemicals of concern will intent of UN towards sustainable procurement. be updated regularly as new information becomes available. A detailed analysis of each chemical and its applica- 1 2 2 Chemicals of Concern to Health and Environment: Chemicals of Concern to Health and Environment: 3 This document has compiled a list of chemicals of provide safer, healthier and environmentally friendly l The list also includes WHO’s “Ten chemicals of approach for the control of the manufacture, im- concern, containing approximately 200 chemicals healthcare services. major public health concern”: Arsenic, Asbestos, port and use of chemicals in the EU. REACH has identified on the basis of their hazardous nature to hu- Benzene, Cadmium, Dioxin and dioxin-like sub- set up a system for better control of “substances of man health and/or the environment. The list is intend- stances, Lead, Mercury and highly hazardous pes- very high concern” such as those that accumulate ed to help procurement specialists, sustainability co- 3.1 Criteria for Hazard identification: ticides.3 in the environment and our bodies, cause cancer, ordinators and others in the health sector evaluate the Health and environmental impacts of hazardous l The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete are toxic to reproduction or alter genes, and sub- hazards associated with these chemicals and identify chemicals the Ozone Layer4 was excluded from this system- stances that interfere with the hormone system. less hazardous alternatives in order to facilitate sus- atic review for the list of chemicals of concern. In this document the criteria for hazard identification of 3. California Proportion 657: Proposition 65, the Safe tainable procurement. Chemicals used in metered-dose inhalers for the the chemicals listed are based on the impacts of the Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, To further promote these initiatives the UNDP, as the treatment of asthma were identified by the Mon- chemicals on human health and the environment. The was enacted as a ballot initiative in November secretariat of SPHS, and Health Care Without Harm treal Protocol (MP) as Ozone-Depleting Substanc- specific parameters are listed below. 1986. The Proposition was intended by its authors (HCWH) with its extensive experience working with es (ODS) and received an initial exemption from Health affects liked to: to protect California citizens and the State’s drink- the health sector to promote healthier and greener listing because of their ‘essential use’ in health l