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May 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991

5-6-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 06, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Universi ty at Carbondale Monday, May 6, 1991, Vol. 76, No. 150, 16 Pages u.s., Soviet relation worsening-leader MOSCOW (UPI) - Soviet of cold, or semicold, war. or at least Pres,dent Mikhail Gomachev said in the atmosphe re of political Sunday he detected unfavorable da,.,,- 'OSS, which will harm th e changes in the U.S. attitude toward health of the enLire internaLional hi s country that could return the oommunity." he said. world to a "cold orsemicold war. " The Soviet president said it is . Gorbachev made known his fears necessary " 10 think continuously of In a meeung In the Kremlin WIth the special value of the relations AusLralian publishing magnate between two such great p"wers and Rllpert Murdoch and his remarks not 10 SUbjecL them 10 ul1llCC=ry were carrieO by the official Tass tests, especially 31 such a critical Of"WS agenc y. moment" "Gorbachcv expressed hi s He said he still wants a summit aruiety about signs of a change in with the 10 take place. the U.S . attitude to the Soviet Union," Tass said. "The changes See GORBACHEV, Page 5 are reflected not only in statements but also in some economical and politieal st.epS." Gorbachcv said the new relationship between lhe United States and the Soviel Union that began with pcresuoika in 1985 had given much positive to the world. " This relationship mu st be treated with care and filled witll new content and must move Slaff Photo by Fred Hale forward," he said. Slip 'n' slide " U what has been gained during lhe previous (Ronald Reagan) Gus says Gorbachev feels Eric Durdov, top, and Bryan Samples, both between study sessions Saturday on the administration and the Bus h that America Isn't warming seniors In electrical engineering, coo off comer of Cherry Street and University Averue. presidency is jeopardized, the to the absence o f a cold world again will fall inlO the depths war. Bush hospitalized 'lor second day re:~fn~~~~t~~d-S~~n~~g~ Bush among long line of presidents hospitalized during tenn; ~ide . . . . ed'" .' -dent h ~ ...... _... _. . . Earlier," the day Bush smiled ashe leaned recelVlng m ,cauen Ultended 10 correcl his prest as ...... IIClCU only minor atlments while In office briefly from his fOUrth floor window 10 fi Id Irregular heartbeat, as doctors conunucd to . Ie review medical tests of the 66-year-old --SIofypage6 "":!t,OOS 'rhis~ - • ed h' tha h prc5ldent. naval center at around 8 p.m. and said the battery of ~ on the president's conrution. would :able to res ~ ~ . lID t . e Bush 'sd delayed return 10 the White House president was p,eparing 10 retire early for known as amal fibrillation which is caused source of enjoyrnen,'fo.. the ~~~i=- appeare 10 be. prom~ted by hIS modest bed. by an irregular beating of an upper ehamber Wren suggested he was anxious 10 rerum re

O.lil~ EJ!~p" n , Southern Illinois l nhersit~ at Carbondale Salukis win Gateway regular season By Cyndl Oberle May \. will automaticall y advance to the went th e dista nce with the shortstop Cheryl VenofSky had one StalfWrtter SIUC coach Kay BreLChelsbouer NCAA Championship ' \ler on this Shockers. selling a new sc hoo l and junior center Leider Kim said when they lost and broke their spring. record by pitching all 16 innings of Johannsen and fres hman Jenn y 'With its final two ".¥i ns aga inst streak , the players did not let it S IUC's doubl eheader Friday the first game. Sunny Clark held Klotz each had one. Wichita Slate Saturday, the SIUC dampen their ,;pirits. against Sou thwest Mjssouri Stale the old record of 15 innings pitched "We juSl were not able to soon:.." 50ftballlCam woo iLS rlTSt Gateway "It was bound to happen sooner was cancelled because of rain, so in one game sct in 1983. Brctchelsbauer said about the 16- Conference regular·season ti~ e. or IaLer," Rretchelsbaucr said. "We the Salukis played only IWO games This is Mick 's sixth shutout of innin g ga me. "Both Angie and Th e Salukis finished their regular could only go so lon g unbeaten. I against Wichila to end their regular the season and it ties the school Wichila's piLCher Celeste Sanchez season 38-4 overall and 14-0 in think the team responded to it weU season. rec ord for mo st shutouts in a had great pitChing performances. conference play. SIUC is the rust by bouncing back to take the Wichila took the Salukis to the sea son . Wi th this win, Mick's Neither team 's offense could come team in the Gateway Conference's second game against Southeast and limit in the first game, playing 16 record raises to a 17-3 mark. through. We did 1101 gClthe hiLS we nine-year hislDry to go unbeaten in by winn ing two Gateway games fuU innings before falling to them SIUC scored iLS runs in the top of nceded to score. league play. Saturday." 2'(). SIUC swept past the Shockers the sixteenth on an error and a wild " It was a grea t come-from­ This season the Salukis also set Th e Salukis will play in the 4·3 in the second lO bring th eir piLCh. SIUC and Wichila both had behind win. The players aLlacked the school record for consecutive Gateway Conference Tournament Gateway wins to an undefeated 14- six rans in the game. the ball beuer laLer in the game." wins, going 23 straight be fore Thursday through Saturday in ofor the season. Junior second baseman Andrea falling to Southeast Missouri State Wichila, Kansas. If they win, they Sophomore hurler Angie Mick Rudanovich had two hits, junior See GATE'NAY, Page 15 Dawgs finish last at tourney By Wayne Frazer upon lhcmselves to clean up while Both of the game's run s were Staff Wr~er the Wright State players stood on uncamcd. The SaJukis scored when the sidelines and warmed up. The scniOl Mike Kirkpatric k's ny ball Dodger manager Leo Durocher Salukis also dropped !hal game. was mi splayed into a three- base once said, "Nice guys finish IasL" SIUC falls to 24-31-\' error. Freshman Jeff Cywnar drove The Salukis ccnainly agree. The Dawgs dmppcd the opener to him home with a s:x:rirlCe ny. SIUC's baseball team, which Eastern lIIinoi ~ 3·0, wasting an Salu ki head coach Sam spent as much tim e playing outing by senior Phil Mehringer, in Riggleman said it was fitting the groundskeeper as baseball, fInished which the right-hander allowed two game ended in a tie because nobody last in the Wright Slate Invitational earned runs on three hilS through deserved to lose. this weekend in Dayton. Ohio. seven innings. Sunday the Salukis were thwarted When the team arrived SatUrday The sccood game was a pitching by both the clements and host morning, there was no tarp on the duel between Shawn Hogan of Wrig ht Siale. The game was infield and the turf was soaked. Morehead Slate and junior Sean delayed for 45 minutes before Because there were no Bergman. Bergman sb'UCk out 14 , staning because of th underslOnn groundskeepers, the Salukis took but Hogan struck out 20 Salukis and activity. time to prepare th e field for the threw a no-hiuer. The rain didn't ha mper game, which they IOSL Neither pi tcher got th e victory, the Wright Stale hiucrs. Second The same problem arose S ~· however. The game was called with and once again the Dawgs took it tilO score tied I -I. See DAWGS, Page 15 Men's tennis takes second By Wa:yne Frazer season on his way LO Lh e No.2 rebounded to Win the con solation StaHWriter singles tille, including Simon b .;on of AJydar has what it lakes p=-ayerful " Show me. th e way! Arkansas Derby winner Olympi o, athletes took their books on the Sophomore Cheryl Evers I .-omplete a sweep of the Triple Show me th e way! Show me the as well as Best Pal and Derby show road to the National Track and fi nished eighth in th e shot Crown. way! horse Mane Minister. Field Invilational in Indianapolis put and did nOI place in the " He's like Hereules," he said the "For a momen~ I thought God " I think Olympio will be the this weekend. discus. morning after Strike the Gold was inviting me into hi s living Prcakncss winner, and I'll win the Sophomore Becky Coyne Saluki head coach Don captured the I 1/4-miJc rust jewel room," Zito explained Sunday. Belmon~ " predicted trainer David wo n the un seeded division LleNoon said even th o ugh of the crown, beating the gelding "Thai's the exact thought I had. He Cross, who is holding sixth-place of the loo·meter hurd les with th ere was onl y one wi nn er. Best Pal by I 3/4 lengths. "He just said, 'Come on in here for a liuIe Derby fmisher Quintana oul of the a time of 14 .53 seconds. the performan ces we re kccps canrying everybody. while.'" Preakness to freshen him up. Coyne has struggled good. "The Triple Crown "champions, In the days leading to the Derby, Trainer D. Wayne Lukas, who wi th injuries through out th e "We had some positive yo u got the be st hor ses in th e Zito said his role was to keep the finished ninth in the Derby with season is trying to come bcx:k in performances," he said. "Becky wo rld. It 's gonna be tough, but horse happy, healthy and sound. Corporate Report, also predicted time for the Gateway Coyne is not quite over her we' ve gOt a tough horse with a The res~ he said, was up to Strike three different winners in the three Conference ctaaiTi pionships. injuries and Cheryl Evers up SIrong will." ran the Gold an'... y 18 and the BeImOltt Stakes on Competing trainers suggested don ' t think he dominated the field. in th e seeded portion of th e double duty this weekend. June 8? Zi'-e may need divine intervention I think the '90s arc going to do that hurdles event "I think most of the rest of "I made a deal with the man for Strike the Gold to make th e to raci ng. You 're gonna salute the Junior Julie TouIcben also ran th e at hl etes were stud ent s upstairs, so no prediction s," he same kind of winning move 31 winner, and he's gotla go out to do the loo-meter hurrll r.<, but did thi s weekend ," DeNoon said, "But I think 50, yes." Pimlico that he did at Churchill it again." not place with a time 15 .22 said. "Even th e gi: ls Zito, a voluble 43-year-old New Downs. Lukas said he also wi ll cnter seconds. who went on the trip s tudi ~d Yorker, considered " th e man TIle race is a sixteenth of a mile Best Turn Slakes winner Dodge if Sophomore Nacolia Moore on the way th ere and • up stairs" a major charac t e~ in shoner and over :1 track even more he wins th e WiLhers Stakes at placed fourth in both th e back." Strike the Gold's upstart climb conducive to fron t-runners than the Belmont Park Wednesday. May 6, J99J Page 2 Daily Egyptian

world/nation South African violence kills 14; peace talks threatened JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (UPD - Two rival black factions ~~i:i==IT;;;;:;r;;;;"', 1 fighting willt macheIes and gasoline bombs JdIled 14 lOOple during the weekend, and one of the groups ~ 10 pull ou ~ of peace talks and ATTENTION STUDENTS!!! organize vigilante retaliaIion if the current wave of violence doesn'l end. The Zuiu-bosed Inkatha Freedom PIny Sunday gave its black political NEED STORAGE SPACE? rival, lite African National Congress. ""ven days 10 SlOp lite clashes that have lefl more lItan 100 dead in the pasl week, including 13 deallts SAVE UP TO 45% Sanuday nighl and one Sunday. Off Carbondale Prices!!! Soviet official: Republics heading for war U-STORE Mini-Warehouse MOSCOW (UPD - The chief of lite Soviet Intcria' Ministry troopS 10 Minutes From Carbondale said Sunda that Annenia and Azetbai· are headin toward a renewal of their open ~ of IS mOOthS ;,go: ;,n:'sitUabciri Is ~t W... is going 1/2 Mile N. of FIt. 13 on Rt. 148· Herrin· 942r3332 on. I think we should call a spoidc a spade, SlOp pretending, and start looking for a way out," said Col. Gen. Yuri Shalalin. Annenian President Levon Tet-PcIrossian said Sanuday 36 Annenians were JdIIed in a weelc of Azetbaijani auacks on villages in the region near 1lte1:xJrdfz between r:------~~ the two feuding republics. Discovery wraps up tests, returns to Earth CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPD - The shuule Discovery's seven­ man crew, marking the 30th anniversary of American manned space flight, wrapped up a hattery of " Star Wars" experiments Sunday and iWOWli geared up for landing Monday in California. With idcal weather expected, COOlmander Michael Coats and ro-pilOl Blaine Hammond planned to rue Discovery's twin brnking rodcets '" 12:49 p.m. Monday to drop the ship out of orbil for an hour-long glide 10 touchdown at Edwards Air Force :LA KOMA1S: Base, Calif., at 1:49 p.m. I MONDAY NIGHT I Gas prices increasing with summer demand ws ANGELES (UP!) - Gasoline prices inched up more Ihan 2 cents I I in lite past two weeks, largely as a resull of increased demand, an oil industry analyst said Sunday. Trilby Lundberg, publisher of the I !!SPECIAL!! I "Lundberg Letter," said a May 3 survey of more Ihan 13,000 stations nationwide found that the overall price of gas rose 277 cents to S1226 since Apri1 19. Lundberg said the increase reflects a nonnal upswing in gasoline demand as summer appnaches. "This is the time of year that is : $2.00 OFF: trnditionally lite kicking-off of the summer driving season," he said. Heel., Large Or X-Large Flzza. Llwnlt one per pizza state SIS S.ILLIl'\OlS AVE· S29-1,;J44. ..1' ''------.------Preservation agency to fight for ownership of burial land OTTAWA (UP!) - The ownenbip ofDlinois' oldest and laIgest Indian buriaJ site is lite key issue in a IriII schoduled for !his summc:c in LaSalle CounlY Coon. The illinois Historic Preservation Agency wants 10 purchase and preserve the Landings-Halfway farmsite near Utica. 1Ioweve<,Ibe _'s effort has been SIIlpped !lid a trial is "'" for July IS. About 400 KasIwkia IDdian graves are 01\ the property 01\ lite Dlinois River ncar S-....I Rock Sl* Padc and swe officials said it was lite most importanl surviving village and buria1 silo of Ibe 1I1iniweIi: Indians. Black Caucus calls for extension of surcharge CHICAGO (UPI) - The Dlinois Black Caucus Sunday called for a two-~ extension of the half cent SI8lC income laX surcharge and a boosting of the temporary laX by a half cent !O preVCI'lt services cuts in Gov. Edgar's budget. State Rep. Anthony Young said the revenue g~ by lite surcharge increase 10 35 percenl-an esIimated $800 rrjJJjon - should be used 10 maintain prognuns and services • ~,xisting levels. Young, al a Chicago news conference, said the extra funds wOu,Jd be devoted 10 preventing the severe slashing of funding for scmce prognuns and for SI8lC employee layoffs.

TICKET INFORMATION A.dvonce: OlIdran IIlder 10: 53.65 AI Door. a.ten lIdar 10: 54.65 StudenftaldSenor 0ttl!nS: $6.99 Stu::lentsondSenorCtttl8rw:: 57.25 AcUts.: $6.99 AdUts: S7 .99 TIckets ~ at 1he Student Center Tldl:et Otftce &; at the doof. Prtces do not tax.

Dally Eg vptlan IVIENU c. ~ _ _ I

.....ed GIeen SOIod wtn McncIo'In 0Iar0M. f'ock Otves. PUn TO"I"IOfOM a1CI 0. 0I' Sl.den: Eesor~ ~~~8uc:*'" CO'tee Deconenole

Entertainment by ' Counterpoint: Jazz Trio May

The Student Center will be closed for planned major repairs from Sunday, May 12, 4:00 p.m. to Monday, May 20, 6:30 a.m.

Students needing to purchase books and supplies from the University Bookstore for intersession, plea~e do so before the closure.

The Student Center regrets any inconvenience this may cause its patrons. Page 4 May 6, 1991 Opinion & Commentary

nall~ f ~~plian Suuthrrn lIIinni... l nI\l'r..H~ at Carbondale E.lyptian Editorial Board,:' 'tlliON RIBBONS, ~ TV CAME2AS! Editor-in-<:hief: Tony Mall<;uso YELl£M' RlBOONS, PARADES. TV CAMERAS! Page Emtar: Marlo Millikin . CNEQ AND CNml-~ ON END! I'M A Page Editor: RichardHund ,,,,,,.. ill,, DW"'''''' ~ ~EJ IS mAN """,_~'I ••," ..;"_t:l ... ;.~ Wanda Brandon SUM! 'Jl.IEY'RE

How to submit a letter to the editor. May 6, 1991 Daily e gyptian t"agc ) BUSH, from Page 11------The president joked aboul his Fitzwater then told reporters grandchildren, his wife Barbara, the condition. When asked whether his there was a likelihood thaI Bush national security adviser, Brent hean still had an irregular bea ~ he would be kepI in the hospital for Scowcrof~ and chief of staff, John i:?~pOnded. " Yes. Can 'I you hear the reS I of Ih e day, pe rhaps Sununu. overnight Sununu, who described his visil Bush deli vered an emphatic BUI he was unable 10 explain the as " routine paperwork," said after "yes" when asked if he was go;"g continued fibrillation of his heart seeing the presiden~ " He's getting ~ ? continue jogging. and added, bUI repealed thaI there has been cantankerous. He wants to get out the doclO rs have said thaL " " 00 hean damage." today, righl now." The president's spokesman FilZwaler declined 10 give th e Barbara Bush spent the rtight al cautioned thaI doclors detected no rale of Bush's heartbeal and was Ihe hospital and de live red a n signs of a heart allock bUI added unable 10 say whether he had been upbeal assessmenl as she left early tha t medication had failed to PUl on a monitor. Sunday. " He looks greaL He looks entirely correct the rapid hcanbeat A lthough Bush's condition fahul ous. He 's had no pain, no thaI surfaced Salurday while Bush sometimes can be a sign of morc strain, no nothing." She returned was jogging al Camp David, Md. serious hean disease, in men over later 10 lunch with her husband and ",here are no signs of hea rt age 60 alIial fibrillation usually remained the resl of the day. damage and no evidence of a hean occurs without an y morr seri ous Al the White House, offic ials 3U3Ck. " press secrc13 ry Marlin problems, the expet1S said. made a concerted effon 10 operate Fitzwater said earl ier in the day. normally while the presidenl was in "The president has no other " II has nothing 10 do with a hean lhe hospital. symptoms and feels comJ- !ctcly altack," said Dr. Adolph HUller, On his way into church Sunday normal. This is corroborated by the president·clect of th e American morning. Vi ce President Dan blood and X-ray tests which wc.-e CoDege of Cardiology. Quayle lold reporlers: " The May 6th - 12th examined this morn ing. ,. The rapid , unsyslcmotic presidenl is doing weD and feeling Bus to had been ho spilalized contractio ns of the u pp ~r heart upbeaL " mom the FTO Blossoms & overnight after suffering shortness chambers L":. 3use th e lower Quayle and his famil y altended Bouquet or FTO Spring of breath whOl e jogging Salurday al chambers 10 beal unusuall y fast and 8:30 a.m. services at the Fourth Camp David, Md., the presidential irregularly. The rapid pulse resullS PresbYlerian Church in Ihe Garden Bouquet_ And FTD will retreaL in a decreased amounl of blood Washington area. make a contribution to your The president had jusl returned pumped to the body. Fitzwaler said Bush had never local Childrens ' Miracle fro m a speech in Michigan when he On S unday Ihe presidenl experienced a similar ailment of complained aboul his breathing. received visits from several shonness of breath in the pasL M •.-~ ' Network Hospital. RESEARCH, from Page 11---- ~ Just cillI or visit us for our UniversilY houghl a yachl and a found liable or does not COIlICSI the Overhead costs are a major grand piano and biDed pan of the charges; and problem thaI needs 10 be addressed. costs to the !!o vernment to be • Fines or penalties for violating but the solutions are far from cut ti~;~;;O~;~)\j reimbursed as research overhead, laws or regulations. and dried, Gurnennan said. according to th e Ch ronicle of The proposal also limits He said items such as air Higher Education. universities to collcct a maxi mum conditioning bills for labs fall in the Murdale Shopping Center. carbondale The proposed changes would of $(20,000 for salary of any grey area of whal should and 52S-1561or 684-5575 prohibi t reimbursem ents to officer or employee. shouldn'l be funded. universities for any COSLS associated The changes will alTt'CI SlU, bUI Although situations such as the with such items as: th e 21st Century Plan ai med at SIan ford overhead costs clearly Clip-n-Save -- • Housing (or un iversity of­ increasing the amount of research show that many item s should not r -- ficials; the University does will nOl bc have becn charged 10 Ihe federal .,...EI'.OI I • Club memberships; a ffec led directly, said George government, Gumerman said • Soc ial activities and other Gumerman. direclor of the Center sometimes there are items that I entertai nm em. including tickets to for Archeological Investigations al should be included bUI aren'L STUDENTS athletic events; SIUC . The new guidelines will help If you will be leaving at the end of I • Lobbying; Gumennan said the changes will with lIle problem. but individual I • Goods or services intended for alTecl the Univecsity, but the 21s1 problems with overhead COSIS are the SIU spring semester (or any the personal use of university Century Task Force is not al thaI not easy 10 find on a genecaI basis, other time) and wish to stop officers or employees; specifIC level of detail yet he said. I I • Defe nse of fraud charges or "Overhead recovery helps the billing in your name for: _Central I si milar actions broughl by Ihe Urtiversity be more nexible," he Amy Cooper contributed to tltis Company government if the institution is said. ",port. Illinois Public 'Service I electric and/or natural gas service STUDENT, from Page 3 I you must notify the CIPS office. I 'rotect ,oursell. BilliDg is I The media is presenting Arabs the Middle Easl. The other is a and ( can carry oul my worir. with as " greasy and sleazy" Ihrough coDection of shon ,;lories, he said. no disturbances." I cODtiDued in ,our name if political cartoons not recognizing After completing a degree in Fandy works from home and DotificatioD is Dot giveD. I Ih at Arabs come 10 the United English in Egypl, Fandy sludied obtains his information by fax Stales to inlCgraLC into the western a s a Fullbrighl sludenl in from international and national I cullure, he said. linguistics at Georgetown sources. They are ridiculed ar.d go back University in Washington, D.C. Fandy is currently a pennancnl writer for the Pacific News If you will need Central Illinois to their nation with an He moved 10 Carbondale in I I unfavorable image of the United 1989 where his wife Judith Fandy Service based in California. Public Service Company electric Stales, he said. These people are leaches in Ihe English He writes three pieces a month and/or natural gas service during the ones thaI laler become anti· Deparunem. for the service as well as I the Summer and/or Fall semester, I western fundamer• .:!IiSlS . He said he continues his studies submitting some articles to other Fandy has had IWO books and resean:h for his articles. publications. you must apply to have -your published in Arabic. ''Carbondale is an ideal place to "I like to have my poinl of view service connected. One is a non-fiction cultural carry Oul research," Fandy said, published in differenl places," I I critique on the posl-modem era of "It is quiet with few distractions Fandy said. In making application, you will I need personal identification, such I GORBACHEV, from Page 11--- CiS your driver's license, SIU I identification or other acceptable I BOlh sides have said Ihey Baltics. especially one such as om, into an envision a summit in the first half Gorbache.v made it clea . he is entirely new state. chaos is identification. of the year, which now means June. nOI happy over Weslern press inevitable. A brutal suppression I " The u.S.-Soviet summits must descriptions of chaos in the Soviet would jusl mean a relum lo" lbe I be held on a regular basis and not Union and his perceived nun to the pasl and this would be For those customers in the Carbondale be sensational happenings," he righllO hall the decline. destruction," Gorbacbev said. District which includes Ce.oondale, I said. He pleaded for Weslern I DeSoto, Dowen, Elkville and Makanda, The Uniled Slales pUI off a ' understanding of the uansition " The choice has been made once February summil with Gomachev from a pure IOtalitarian Slate to one and for all, and movement now the CIPS office to notify is located at because of U.S. preoccupation with trying to be based on law with a may be only forward. The political I 334 N. Ulinois Avenue, Carbondale or I the Gulf War and displeaswe with parliamentary system. task is "-ow is 10 keep the chaos Moscow's crackdown in the "In the trnnsition of any country, from becoming a catastrophe." I call 457-4158. I CIPS offices are open from 9:00 a.m. CADET, from Page 3+------I to 4:00 p.m. Monday th.·ough I SI UC fro m Weste rn Ill inois cabodethlSacarmdde mill' cdiffis' and'Culthletoceoxrp~, ~~ Li~~~O~~edalians, founded by Friday, except holidays. Uni versi ty his sophomore year, . I I also has excelled academically, has made both of them priorities. Gelcheli, m:e a nati~nal military lB, malcing the dean's li sl five times pilot ~Iy . org.aruzed to.foster . t:NTAAL ILUNO/S :I and the AFROTC honor roll three " ( know grades are importanl the splrll of palIlOusm, love cf pU.UC SERVICE COMPAN times since coming 10 SlUC. 100 so I don'l leI Ihem be COU MfY , and .'deals of serf· ______-bi.OIoot ,said.allhough -some. . •Q~c;r;;)tl'Jlp .'Y~~ .b,l';'.R91'f.-:'. ~~I}I•• •~~~!~ ~~~!lF.m.~ .n~uon : •. i ?ag~6 Daily Egyprilln May 6, 1991

TONIGHT Sports Night $2.1l1 Pitchers 75¢ Kamikazes TUESDAY 20¢ Drafts 75¢ Kamikazes ~t!~~~;~~~~~Ebeen hospnal17.ed frequently In the MIamI, Roosevelt suffered a fatal WashmglOn Monumenl He . ~25¢ Drafts ~'l: THURSDAY nalion's history, lIlough only four stroke on April 12, 1945 -less !han developed Iyphoid fever a nd $ $1 Margarltas of Ihe re public's 40 presidents IwO monlhs in to an unprcccdenlCd cholera and died July 9, 1852,jusl 1 Speedralls $1'" Coronas succumbed lO death from illness. fourth lCnn. over a year into his administration. $18 Helnekens Four other presidents were felled Other presidents who have died Four presidents were "~:-_-:=-__-:"...---,:,.... ___...,.,,,.....,.._..,.....,,..,..-I by assassins' bullClS. from illncss while in office include assassinaled and four presidents Mon .. Thurs .. No Cover Weekends (: 1 Bush was hospitalized Salurday Harding, William Henry Harrison were la rgeLS of assassins, bUI 'Open 'or party bookings on Sundays Only':) afler suffering from an irregular and Zachary Taylor. escaped. With Ihe exceplion of I' J' heartbeat, a common .i1ment and Harding was stricken July 27, John F. Kennedy, all the 204 W. College - 457·4250 one lIlal typically can 1:, stabilized 1923, by what flJ'Sl appeared to be assassinaled presidents li ved for at with medication , whic h the inru gestion [rom eating crr.b meat least a day after the attack. pICSidcnt is taking. on a trip to Alaska Later, doelors Kennedy died instantl y. The president'S doctors have said diagl ~ o scd the ailment as a hean Abraham Lincoln. the first their palient i. in no danger. NOlie attac;- although an aulopsy was president killed in offi ce, lived of th e men who preceded Bush never performed. nearly 24 hours after he was shot died of heart attacks, aecording to While recovering in San by khn Wilkes Boo,," on April 14, wrillcn accounts, though three Francisco, he deve lo ped 1865. presidents had seizures while in pneumonia and died Aug. 2. James A. Garfield was shot July office, incl uding Woodrow Wilson. Harrison and Taylor developed 2, 1881, at a railroad terminal in Warren G. Harding and Dwighl D. colds in office and died. Washington by a spurned aspiranl Eisenhower. Harrison . the 9th pre,ident, for U.S. consul to Paris. He died 80 Franklin D. Roosevell was lIle caught pneumonia dunng his days laler, Sept. 18, 1881. after most recent president who dlcd of inauguration on March 4, 1841 , signing a singlecxtr3dition papc.r. Summer Jobs Really Do Bush suffers minor ailments GROW On TREES If 001)' money JTeW OIl (lich)• . .8ut we h.tJ.w ~ nt!%l bal tJt.iJw 10 gdtin.g iL JOBS! while in office, remains active At TALENT TREE, we have an . bundano!!: of good paying 11r;i1ed Press International New York Tunes when he was vice«r jobIavailabJe ror aD typea G &killa. presidenl, Bush said he suffered a GENERAL OFFICB • WORD PROCESSING Presidcnl George Bush, 66, who non-bleeding duodenal ulcer in RECEPTION - ACCOUNl'ING jogs regularly 3 :1 d remains 1960, passing 001 in a Londoo hotel CUSTOMER SERVICE - UGBT INDUSTRIAL oLh erwise very physicaJl y active, room while on a business trip. ha s generally been in excellent He had a second such ulcer in These job, woo't wl lone. Becauae with achoolletting hcal lh. 1966, bUI now claims he has no out soon, they'll be mapped up in a hun-I'. During his 1990 annual check-up, memory of i~ the TImes said. The Jfyou want flexible a.ignment. and henern. including referral however, doctors discovered Bush duodenum is lIle flrsl pan of lIle baDu.., FREE c:ompuw training, and more, had glaucoma in his left eye. smaJl intestine. Doctors believe caD th. TaltIIlt Tree oftIce DeU'Ht you. Bush, who wears glasses, S L~SS may contribute to, but not suffered no vision loss from the cause ulcers. A TALENT TREE problem and was given eyedrups As a teenager, Bush had a bout ~ TEMPORARIES for the condition. Glaucoma, which of hepatitis, malcing him ineligible . YMCA CAMP Duncan affects an estimated 2 minion as a blood donor. \he Times said. Near fox Lake. 1L seeks Jrt..m.ericans.. \so caused b'j ni&\\ nUld inc bel)a ll.ll.S virus can 'remain mature role models to lead pressure in"!he eye. latent in blood a nd incre ase a campers and staff. Bush also has a slight hearing person'. risk of liver damage. Live at camp. loss sustained during his nighl days Bush takes a non-steroidal anti­ in World War 11. inl1arnmatory drug to combal mild Program Director - The presidenl lakes over-tilc­ arthritis of hip and knee joints 22yn;.• pt j ()(CMI1p~ienc:e ""ounter dmgs [or minOT ::ilJcrgies when il Ilares up after jogging. Sma ll Craft DireClor- :md is altcrgi.."! to bee stings. Bush has also s.fffered diarrhea 21 yr'5.. WS1()(l!J..S or lC In fael, in 1978 he had a life­ [rom an a!taek of irrilable bowel Craft and Nature Soecialist - thrcalt'ning allergic reaction to a syndrome, and in 1986 he had a 21"" - Sli ng at a foolball in small non-cancerous colon polyp Health Officer - Alabama. He was treated before removed, !he Tunes said. Bush also EM! - LPN - RN-CRN - Up early ;:)ru.QV1nl!! - suffering anphylactic shock. has slight enlargement of the - Contact Heidi or Bill All this week - 12 oz. In a 1988 interview with The prosl8IC gland. L at 708 • 546-8086 - - - 39 ¢ (regularly 49¢) - 00 - $50 University Hall :~~------Preferred Housing at a great price! Rooms as low as .2G80.00 per year with thIs $50· ad : PEtor PElE'f - -Ind:vlduat resident conliolled aIr condItionIng In each room Taco Salad & Large - -Outdoor hooted pool - ·Send Volleyball Court Soft Drink • Basketball Court • Fr.... Cable with HBO $2.59 - • Superior Food Service located In OUr main building . Study Loung ... and two Intensllle<1 Study Area. - - • Parking tor everyone, FreS:l men and Sophomores too - - -Across the street from campus - - And many other extras that make University HaU -11.' The Hancock - I preferred housIng for today's S.I.U. students. f Appro~ for fre,hmen ond,sophomore,. double and ,;"fie rOOO)J oYodoble, choose your own roommole. : This Week Only - Our reSI dents are enjoying the cool comfort of air conditioned rooms and - I swimming In our pool· NOW!! This could be you! § $2.39 - i Corner of S. Wall & Park 549-2050 - ·~~-~~~.··~'~"i·~;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::! ~ fj ~S-t>uu-r, : : Regular Yogurt With Your Choice of : : Candy, Nut or Cookie Topping : - Only 99¢ : : Finals Week Special :- - Monday-Thursday _ - Buy 1 Personal Pan Pizza :! : at Regular Price and _ :~""ut Receive 2nd at Half Price: : 4p.m.-9p.m.­ •••••••••••••••••...... I ••••••.. I.I..... ••.. . !...... •••••i .. May 6. 1991 Daily Egyptian Page 7 Poll: Charge those who knowingfy Briefs transmit AIDS with murder, assault ======-Annflun('e n1(-' nts 8ENEnT UORSESIIOE Tournament will be NEW YORK (UPI ) - MOS l debal.CS - including such issues as people who knowingly transmilthe bdd (:m May I. al W MoDy '0 ResumatU,l701 Americans believe thal those who the jailing of pregnant substance deadly virus should be charged SL in Murphysboro. All proc:ccdI from the knowingl y infect another person abusers. wi th murder and 29 percenl said with the virus th at causes AlDS Most Americans, while still lhal lhey sho uld face assault Scholusbip Fllnd. RCgU;tntion (om ll m'y be should be charged with murder or fiercely guarding lheir righl lO charges. picked up al the Molly '0. assaull. a poll released Sunday medical privacy. believe in limiting Perhaps even more startlingly. BRIEFS POUC V - The dadll_ rar Britts b­ showed. lhe rig hls lo privacy of ALDS­ more lhan half - 52 percenl - noon t"'o dlY' bdo... ~ publication. TIM: brief An overwhelm ing number of infected doctors, pregnant rcpor1fd thal a new mother should should be l y ~Um and mllli Ind ude I Jm~ Americans reported that the righlS sub stance abusers and violent be criminally charged if her child is d. l ~ place Ind JPOIUGr 0( UK eye nt and lhc: name or 1M penofI IvbmkUnlIM I~ . of partners of those infected with criminals. the poll showed. born impaired as a result of lhe HIY vi rus shoul d oU lweigh MOSl of those surveyed - 93 substance abuse during pregnancY. medical privacy righls held by pcrrenl - said doctors and dentists the poll said. those who are infecled. the poll with AIDS ex the HIY virus sh1u1d In addilion. 43 percenl said showed. be legally required lO inform their genetic infonnation on murderers The survey was condu cted by palients of their health Sl3llIS. and rapisls should be made National Law Journal and Mead The poll showed thal 79 percenl available to law enforc ement Data General Corp.'s LEXIS . a said thal lhose who knowi ngly officials through a nationwide legal database. infecl another per.;oo with AIDS ex DNA data bank. The random telephone survey of its virus should face criminal Overall. Americans still believe 800 adults focused on some of the charges. in a person's right to medical mOSl coolIOver>ial modem medical Half of lhose surveyed said confidentiality. Tribes to bury Indian remains returned from Field CHICAGO (UP I) - Field Blackfccl Indians lo take back lO Museum officials arc Laki ng Montana. • inventory 0f their collection of Wagner said j usl holding th e Indian remains and plan lO lUI11 the index cards detailing 'he museum 's hones over lO the awropriate tribes collection makes hJm feel as • for burial. .hough the spirits are close. Jonathan Haas, the museum 's "Wben I lOOk them lo my studio vice president for collections and apartmenl and I laid down. I had research. says the accounting was the fee ling thal somebody was in ordered lO respond lO passage of the room with me. thal the spirits the Native American Grave were in the room with me," he Protection and Repatriation Act. said. "They were glad lo see me. signed imo law last year. The 1bere was a lot of spiritual power measure requires across there." Tonight: Acoustic 9pen the counlty that receive federal Wagner said it is imponant for funds to inventory their remains so the remains to be buried on Jam Nigb,'t th ey can be returned to th eir Blackfcclland. descendanlS. " We feel their spirit is still . 1{)est guitar The legislarion. however. has no roaming aroUl~d ," he said. "Our impact on the Illinois State elders feel this is the reason why Museum at Dickson Mounds the drugs and &Ieahol and all this because museum officials illY il is misbehavior is $oing on. This is not possible 10 rrace that c:oIJection """ of die...... ""'y.-Then are __ "!!'!!'-1".r.. to any modem uibe.. people who arcn't at fCSl yet. " Haas said the Field Museum has The r~mains were stolen from remains of about J , ~O\) Indians the Blackfeet resetvation more than •• from 40 groups and the invenlOry 100 years ago. Wagner said. process is expected ID take quite a "We recognize mat Native while. Research by two native Americans didn 'l really approve of American interns is under way to having Native American remains determine how the mu seum on display." Haas said. acquired the remains. The Blackfeet remains come " They're very open 10 work from sev"",] pans of Montana and R;ingSaie with . very good lo work with." said include men. women and children. Curly Bear Wagner. who is waiting said John Yellow Kidney. 60. to acquire the rema!ns of 35 spiriUoa! leader of the tribe. McNE L'SJEWELKY ow offering a fine Selection of imported pipes, tobaccos, cigars & imported cigarettes

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NIC£ 2 BDItM. ql,l~ ~ng . fum. Of unlum., cobl. . .0"1 no ".,• . 457· 5266.

2 BEDROOM . S150, b. hind Ik. 3 mila Eo., 01 John A. ~ . J bedroom $200. 529-4U4, CARBONDALE NICE 2 bdr m. BEAUTIFut ROOMS, MAYor Aug . fumiJ.d, ale, IocoMQ in qui.. pcd;, Ha.~ ii. New ~ . PrJ.. female. Guiel, call 529·2A32 Of' 68.4·266:). .J. , wdiou. dnIosph.... 549· .. 935.

SUWI.ER RATE SlAO. A¥OiIabi. n:JNI. fOREST HAJJ.. . 1 b&odo from canp"'. So¥.. $.A O · 2bdn'l't . oc . tr_.qu"'~ ' 0/1 u ~tiM. he Cllbl. w/HBO, dean, Southwood. Pcd:. 529-1539. qui.. . comfortcX.I., fri.ndly. ~SO 1UI'I'IrI..-. &-$631. 2 SUlI.£ASERS NEEDED lurrwner/ loll opIion_ 1 bdrm MOr edge 01 ccrrpJs. r.nI indud.. wa_. S290/mo. 529· NANNIES NEED€D. WONDERfUL Roommates 4015 fearr..e rNuoge. famili ••. ag.ncy pra ... id •• SU6l£ASE FOQ SUMMER. Nice 2 _ TO SHARf ...... w;,h ''''''''''' ~.~Mai~...,LOne MA~1~ : Ixht apt CIoM: b c~" lOme hlr· law oIudom. ~ .... 01 o;op5,,",",. {BOO) 688·6269. nitvr. CJIf'O~ . Rn neg. 5.9·5755. 687-1n. HOME TYPISTS, PC u.. ,.. neecMd . SU\lEASER FOR suv.MfR cia, wi d, $J5,OOOpotftiai. Detail.. Colli) eos di.n....o.h.. fum. 2 bib from CCJrT"flU1. 962-8000 Ext. 6-9501 . ~:::~~~. ~ $15/J/mo.+ 1/3 ut.1. 549·3018. IN"TE.lri&K:E JOBS. AIl~ . 1 OR 2 ~ 50,- wnwner-. F..Im .• us ~==· ~""re=-NEBlfD==-FOO=-:.'bMn.-­ C\lUoms, OEA etc. Now hiring. Calli) n. 805962-8000 ER. K-9501 ,~ hou ... WID. Jo.g.IMng """" cia.. :'l i~ ~nct:'c=. : BARTEND£R NEEDED: EXPERIENCE b ~, . $175. .cos S. Jorn.. 451· 529·3581 BRYANT 529·1820 May 15·Aug 15. $130 & 1/ 3 ulil MARI(ETll'>IG/MARKfTlNG MGMT pref.,..d, rr.I" b. awoaif for Klm"*". 4210. 060. 5A9·7438 Werwly. polition. Greal r-.urN builder. limited wmmer position. crvailabl.. Cal lor an 2 P£Oflf NEfOEO "" 3 bMn hou-;;: Sl.WtMER SUBlfASERS NEEDED b, ~~~I ~Wci!:t~,~ in..,...; ...... (6 18)457-3679. APARTMENTS 1Vr, cpIiet cno. $135. & · .. 210. fur ni. h.d .I bedroom OCJ'OU from D.Q. 689·5.. 51 . I FEMAlE NEEDED Io..ha,. hou .. wi $I.SO/mo. each . 536-6A70. SUMMER JOBSIII OUTSTANDiNG SIU APPROVED Summ.r job. in ,h. Norlh and !01v3V2t9~k~.=.!~ SUMMER SU Bl EAS ERS FOR 3 9noo.C"'lItncu Caw I"C..,.... bedroom hoUM in r.~den t l ol area. """,-, ....."" cI ch. ogo. ap. F,.,.,io\o.o" AI. CoMltSofth" 1 fEMALf RCX)M.IrAATE r..d.d 50,- 2 Sb1 w.ay 15 $3OO/mo. 529A029 porlunin. in aI areta cI the offic •. S... I...... i .. : Pool c:...amiVS,""'o Gain ... ~ .~ \ eal Ad· ~ '$.:,s;~.~~ . and VBlY NIfl: 1 8DRM furnished. do.. .." ... anced T~ry SeMce. dI 706· Elficicncics & 3 Bdrm. AplS . saJ , ~MIIing,aunwn..-wtral1 520-911 L 2 RClCWMA.TES NEfDB) b shor. .I option. qoon.g. CfWi,5.f9-5176 For 91·92 bMn ... "" W~ & 101. FuIy fum . SUMMER SUBlfASER NEED ED for ""- paint &COIJ*ing. 5.f9·2317. nia.l bdrmapl. b: at 110S. Papb-. AVAIL ABLE SUMMER AND/o r WXI..Jb.')US NOOERN rulN . .I bch.. R_ r-s. indh20. Cal 549·3319. THE QUADS 2 baItI, counIfY home. "r ICMI f¥. va, 1000,12x60 Iumi.l.od. doan. aiM. loon I BOIIM. EXTRfMB. Y doan. Po.fod "" an. _ land 1onI. bo1...... --*i,w/d. rNav, $110/mo. Sho,.. "The Place wilb Space" utiiI. 7 mi So of keno. Sj9.S096 ..... ~~c. $200/""",,, ceo. c.:I ~l, Mar Iaudromat. 549-A806 1207 S. Wall """'5-.JO. NEB> I ClEAN roomrrda lor 3 2 BDRM. TO'NNHOUSE_ him. Avoii. ~ condo. Summer & fal. ~ .. NEAR CRAB ~ ..... $150/ May I5-Aug 15. wc/I;"" di",,"," .. 4S7-4~23 f'I'IOfIIh . No pe. 5.C9·7 AOO. boo d "" .. olano ...". bod-n. All SJ.U. $160-$1800e0. 549·2268. ~anca inc!. Becky .s..9,"11 7. TWO BEDROOM MOBIlE hoMe, suw.u:R SlMlfASE. 3 bdnn IUllury MATURE. RESPON Slatf ADULT ~ J.mJ.d. ale. "..... 100. 5 ...... Jo.g.Iumohod ...... _ SIU. .... 2b1bbohind RK. W~/d.y . of<. Show Apt. f·S p.m . from mnpn.. 5.t9-ooel or 457·4210. miO'O. potfy fum. "- utiI. $160/mo WID ...... ~ . lo./~• .1;"..".".,• .,;, oond • SMAll 2 BDRM, ac. utlumi.-,. quiet Aug. 15. Priao nogoOabfo. S'09-....' ,..", neg. Co""". tqUCJN- 549·5056. area.. 1 ba: Ree, 2 bIcA mnpn.. $180 EXTI.A NICE 2 bdrm.. <:10..10 ~ •. ~R NEfOED: EXC Ioca!ton 5 mo. Pen ol. Rondy & ·7808. .. ~ wilh utiI. incl. Surrmer wbIioa .. minuM woA .." co:mpu •• priwaI. • '·2 BDRM. SMd.d kJl , air, cobW. ...!y . ... <1060. $99/mo. CaM NKi at 5.9-6875 . wtW, trc:a.h indo fum. s..wnll'lll' $oIJO. I SO. ~wn Hi' Rei. 5A9-8342. Sl\'.\MER. $175/WO. 2bMn .woI~"" d:Wnc. b CCIITfM. 529·295A Of 519· Dunn Apar.tMents 0895. under new managemenf

Townhouses Leasing Now For Summer & Fo il Coble 1Y Connections · Swimming ARfAS NICEST GlUIET ...... Aug . . MtIt, one bdrm.. $220 & up, two Pool · Tennis C)urts • Basketball Courts bdrm. $300 & ~ . No Peblll 12 mo. . l aundry facility I.m., 1" & ,,*, . ff1etenc • . 529·2535 - 5:30 pm k19:30 P'" 457-2403 NEAR TtE RK, 2 bdrm, rww, c..woI air, bc:.riwoofm tF,n& down, privcM 250 S. Lewis lone'· Carbondale, IL 62901 por\:ing. mini bIIncL, 0tQ~ Aug. $. 20. no pen. 529·2013, 457-8194, em.. ) THE NEW GRANO pIac. in C~ Condominiuml en rrJW C7'IOI1abIe "=a.. lumm.r or fa ll. lu.ury , w /~ , rniaowvrttI. d/w. cd! earn. o...n Prc.p.ty~5armortlin60 _ 529-205A. LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhouses You'll find a treasure of an apartment at Lewis Park without going OVERBOARD! Get your head above water and take a look at w.hat we offer. 1 , ~ , 3J..4 bedroom pia,." ", Duplexes • Dishwasher furnished and unfurnished. Swimming Pool, Weight room, Tennis VQurts, Centr21 .~ ; - l • Washer & Dryer Air, Laundry Faciliti.:fs. Close to Camous NKf. 2 6DRM unlum, oir. carpel, receIVe ~ancM , --91 JJicWII. }I mile 5. Sl::~ ~N~~tF'ME li€t'!r 51 . "57-.oe7. • FREE LAUNDRY FOR A YEAR 2 80RM UNAJRN. wI d ~ . ole. We offer Summer d isco ~n~s~~ ~ l~a"W~.'l.~~'.l.~ale locator service. cad.draI c.1ing. • m. S. 01 SlJ • .....,. ffI!r .C. i:UXURY nice! 5 .. 9-6791 or 457·6610. I I Available Fall 1991 LE~~ ~itKrJ~PARTM~~TS 2513 OlD WfST 13 unit 2. T1v .. p~ bMn. WaJ..o d ~. _ ond 800 E, GRAND _ indo $500/ .... _l ... I". 529-1082 457-(l446 ~ no PW l*1oCIfI baM .. 529-3513. Page 12 [)QjJy Egyptian May 6, 1991

"";;::'<"r" "'~., ~>",~ ,» '.,. ~ FC)U NO }~ , . Put A SMILJ!;,­ Congrads ~~,~~:S:~ :On Someone's Focd Sit 8ackand Yan cy, Tracey, Anita. EgyptIiuJ ClI1sSl .' TunelD We'll miss you haay Luv, 536-3311 IheCrew / .!..I_.II !JtM. • Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Kappa BAI.lfT & MODeRN Dane. daiMI. FROM sn..oa.(f c&lTEJI: 10 St, louil would like to Aduhlch&:l ...... IMo&~ . Mo­ Airport.Doify .."...ic. by ~ . would like to lions SyIIemI Oc:mce~ . 529·1599. ~ rdb OO'oilabl.. BAAl Trumpor­ acknowledge WRITING . EDmNG • RESUMES I put kJlion 1·8QO.284·2278. congradulate our graduating ~~=~ " ~I~m~ . °1 Kristen Morgan 4$7·2058 for Outstanding Senior., and QU.AJJTY SERvtCE, REASONABLE Pled g~ in Sigma Sigma Kappa ratu, rJ.. .-.c:-. PciNing. :vard wont, decb, roofs, carpel deailing. For fr .. Alumni estimdel calS.49-2090. Lynette S w 'Dana. 'Denkjnger ~~!::;:..~~ft; ' T..,. for Outstanding 'l(risten 'Downes President pledge in Xi ~~~~~J5A~ HEADlt-G FOR BJIKlPE this surntlWfi Sue Lyon 3512 Kathy Abney Class i':~J:;,rryt~~~~~(rln: 'Bar6 Schaum6urg COMPlETE REPAIR ON W, Wreos, ,h. Midw •• 1 (when nv cilobl.)1 You really are and VO' .. TV repair 525."." pam. IR.pott.J in NY Times & Ws Gel) Vice President Ho y Loy VCR tu~ $15 end wom.'lty. Ru" ARHlTOi Ir) 212 · 8~ · 2000 . 'Tracy 'Bauemfei Tronia 5.c9'()S89. Graduating. most outstanding M11'1 STORAGE. All WHI, 1i1:. ,..... I SimonAper ,£{iza6etfr.Stegfr. ea.bondaIe ;'00",;01...,. Phone.s!· Sorority Member .4.470. r.pMm!1 Secretary 'Tricia 9.slicraft $COLlEGE MONEY. PRIVATE from City SchoJcnhipsl Yot! recaivec minimum of Mike Bozue Panhellenic 'J{icou Cur S lOUfceS. Of )'OUr money refund.d. Love, INCREDIBLE RESUMES 512.00-24 'Dusti Corter h:a.ur CalS.c9-1952 ~ ; '::~ ;7..~8~x c~:r. Phil Treasurer Ho y Loy HOftSE8A.CX RDlN(;. Ride JIvv !he ..!optn MO. 64802· 188 1. 1-800·879· Patty Constas _ ... r-..Io.i""$IO/doy ...... 7485. Jim Cundiff Krisa Schmidt .. prcMcMd-2 ~ ~mit. 893-13"7 . SUMMER IN EUROPE From $326 .och for Panhellenic 'Maggie '1(psc way on di(DUnted Kheduled oirt,. 10 NEfO t.JOt.£Y fOQ CoIege' w. can V-P hoIp. 0- 200,000 .d.OIonI.". " Europe from Sf. loui,. CoIl (800) 325· Scholastic award JennLarsen 2026. ProgliIDming Congratulations to of 3.5 for all four r:~No~~~~ - Zd ROCK STEADY MUSK Now on !he Daniel Roethle Jen'R,smtan Sociflfy, 2213 lDw'Iof1 Suite .1, Allon. Strip. CD's $1.50 off. Topes 3 for Beta Alpha Psi years. IL 62002 Of" c.all 61 8·465-0502. $10.00, Jowel-y ...d •• Oyo" 1"" 011. Offlcers CARTERVl1f Mlt-I·STOR.AGE. 2O.t N V-P/PR 'Danie{uJi£['lUJy S ciano W"'hl:' "",'>J~ZC"U( ~¢: (.~.x, OMIion,c:art.viJIe. 985·3O.t9«985- I Carla Cummings 6327. Unib 5100nd up. VmiouI UZM . President SusanSfr.e{ton 1~~ ¥=~~!~~~,~ RDRJDA VACA1'1ONIlux. CDndo iu> Lori Krueger V-P/Fundraising Ju[ie j l~ ' d:'~~~t:~h~T~~ Charlene Reed Y Ri I po ...... 2 ixO"", 2 bath. • .loop. " V-p MMi\"!I!!:!!t Gina Sawri 'Betfr. 'WarcfW{ Devl ConSidine rtt:=;;!t .~s;. ·3~~ V-P Social Sherry Vavsek Ju[ie Conti for entering order SHA WNEE CRISIS I V-~ Pr2Slm!mlng CaralRunde Stepfr. :"fe[f£r f-REGNANCY CENTER Diane Compardo of Isis Lisa 'Margione Free Pregnancy Testing COBARep -Confidential Assistan~ Team Spirit WANT TO BUY I. wHlo mobile home.. l:2!!esR2!!dlng TawanaShaw 'Vivian Potter Good oond. 01 """"""'* priu. Call 11· S49·2794 Award ~ noU Mobile Bome RenlcJ 833·5475. 215W. Maln Segetary 'Micfie[[ Sciano oUt CONDITlONERS WANTED. Jim Cundiff with the Men of fUnning M rd, Co' 529·5290. .i.Ecl> Maher End of R!:c2rdlng Stacie 'Dement ~.:c!<;'=.~600~ The Brothers of ~ . 618·596-6189. Semester 5ecretMy f You'll greatly be NEWlY WEDS NEED, unlumi.h.d Ronda Venable w. are s. ..-oA*o. ""- Trusur!:r !~~,ml.t{",~~",~":X~ equipment! Thomas Klingler Love, A·1 T.V. Your Sigma Sisters (across from 710) OODARm 457-7009 SlmonAper . CBS ~~rrnew ated ...... 11111 .... ,1, ...... brothers .)d7J COI'IT~OI'lS Congratulations! 7-:/ A.. um .. , p...-.~=" Boob, etc. Fofmy 453·7191 Chr~'P mas tSO P, ....nt Hili Ad. , C'D.,. dearest Tina OfI __ ._SoMII&c"-~ . A ns Tea. arden for graduating from wru. YOUR RESUME LOOK ANY DIFFERENT Ron Barrsdale the School of Uberal Arts IN TIlE FAU.? G.lnprc(~tn:lpmoNI AlEa in Love Always, ~11na.nmcrCOUNlllor. PfOIIrMl.or~poIttIonL Ro . est ZUL ~ , u" , ~ Alan' n . An. ·~i.:S~r ~ r llicllnt We.wp __ _ Scott Bohan M~~~~~:' . Jim Carson Graduation Congratulations o.. lI lk~rocnlnlboard. Shawn Dawson "'" CAMP ALGONQUIN (70B)6S8-8212fort.rodJun!cI to my vicleo proclucti m ~ a'ld MlWs.~MWJIr.. Ch~10 and Robe Hunt clucles: Dr: ert Richard Lazik * Tre, Berb im * Jim Coole, rollR BEDROOM Ro . ger S14S.8e¥U"kla~ SUN. Carico Da erg 315Crat'fiew JiP SI5W.O.k 'l.S·Lotan Anthon omanelli 'US. l..opa Daniel Thompson DVEBrnlOOM 305 C ....Ykw fo ilkeVson You and your talents will be 'U~.Lotan missed. Good luck frOU1 your Available grateful boss at Summer & Fall 1991 Learning Resources Senicel May 6. 1991 t'age I.) Comics U.lil~ I- J!.,pti~m Southern JIIinoi~ l ni\t~rsit~ al ( arh! "d,ll.: Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau

by Peter KoNsaat

1 ll"ft, h\r~ .. " 5t 0"' nt' "h ~V'ft:.,..~ "" .. c.~,t\ e TL.~t's ,,\' ... 1 _., ,... 1, t'fI "Ih "' .. L. W,.r t- j,t tto /



. .- 1bday's Puzzle .. 1-1-~'-I~l:;- I- ~: ...... 1-1- l:;- I- ••• • ••• . J!f- CAN'T GET OUT? . •. ' WE DELIVER • Take a Study Break and ~ Call and Order a pi~a ... from Rosa'ti's ••• We Deliver • 4.57-4188 - - '-'-- 851 E. Grand, Grand Ave. Mall Todays puzzJe .8t!s-s..' 8111 on pacil 15. Page 14 Daily EgyptiDn May 6. 1991 HeadHunters' second album' pokes fun at country music By Jefferson Robbins the dangers of exr.essive StaffWritsr Music Review materialism: "Be proud of what you got and wlK' you are. " One of the on! y surprises at the A cover- of Norman Green· 1991 Grammy Awanls came from Young's brother Richard plays baurn's "Spirit in the Sky" follows. out of the South in the form of the rhythm guitar. and Doug Phelps with Martin and bassist Doug Kentuclcy HeadHunters. provides a solid. bluesy bass line. Phelps lalcing some of the edge off The band's ftrst album. "Piclcin' The album leicles off with "It's Greenbaum's ominous chord on Nashville," broke a few stylistic Chitlin· Tune," a boogi number in changes. rulcs and won it the title of Bcst the best bar-band tradition that Ricky Lee Phelps' clear Castfe Perilous Country Artist for 1990. praises the joys of cutting loose and Southern voice makcs the song's Now the Heads. as they partying. declaration of faith more "End of Semester Sale" sometimes call themselves. have On "With Body and Soul," the believable. Where Greenbaum sang Sunday lbru Tbursday followed up that victory ",ith bouncy melody pUIS a happy face ""ve never been • sinner." Phelps another strong blucs·roclc-country on a song about a lover's death. It's admits his transgnessioos. 25 % orr everytbing mix on PolyGram Record s, the kind of song a listener can The second half of the album is • (~-'!:aad~ __) "Electric Barnyard," a release dance to several times he rOTC slronger than the first. which is Now ID slock: Assorted Tarol Decks dedicated to the notion thai country realizing the nature of the subject hobbled by two standard country MS~n~:a~ :# If ' 7 71,S ~ University musicians need not take themselves mauer. cliches. "Only Daddy That'lI Walk 529.53 17 U"'j:~"l' !he o.teway regular-season "We.., leaving Wednesday, so tide. ~ ...... 'A'IlIk -. pIoyiDg we only baYe two cloys of pncIice." Pre-approved credit two bib opioce. VcncF*y abo '-' some very difficult games Bretchelsbauer said. "We are one RBI aloag wilh Jobanasea. ad coming from behind more ~ on eums 1RI::laying senior fltSt baseman Angie than oacc. The playen held as resaed as possible 10 play on LeMoanier _ senior left fidde< 100gb tboagb until !hey got !he Thonday." with GMAC, if. you 'Y ~ y" , • v ~~ , ' ');! . '" ~' :: ," haven't establIshed , , ~ . , " .Monday Special .. duriacdE-AQUATIC couasES_._pooI will be 01)'''''' it. With a guaranteed ~ ...... dyorlifr:pa..t.a....:aor ... _~PoaI __- Chicken in a Pita, c:Miaa tqinI 6aaI 9 ua. 10 4 pm. ..,. 13 I Mushrooms I Ihroo&I> May 17. The alba- ...,;-. job, receive approval bqin May 20 Ihroacb May 25. CoaIaCl JuIce...,..~72431 forlimcs.. & plus $500 toward Puzzle Answers Medium Drink $4.25 downpayment. lIB 457-0303/457-0304 516 s. Dlinols Drive Pontiac's l!l (l~

Home for Graduation See our professional sales staff for details. Jim Pearl Inc. ~ Okhllllll'lk • I'ontI,l( • CllhlI,ll • C\ Il • I'li/ll Ill]; E \\,lInu t ·E--3J"I ( .lrl'ond,lk II Graduation Guide "INfI""

Resume Results Job stress School's out ResUInesthatrnean Coping with chaos How to graduate on time business 8 3 4 Page 10 Graduation 199 1

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I Buyback and Game begins April 29 i Game ends at 5:00, May 10, whHe Gamecards last "::' . ~ . , .. ,' .. '.' ...... :.: .. /;... . ~ .. .; ...... :: .::.:>...... 1991 Page 2 Graduation Graduate school offers ~€\N Gft~D€f45 Ii) ~ ~ C" alternative to job hunt Hunan Szechwan & Mandarin U1sme By Brandi Tipps other compan y. Sto.tfWriter "What is critical is a proven uack record and the righl 'kills and abilities," he said. CONCiqATULATIONS GRADS!! With the recent recessioo and plummeting Three key skill areas are imponant and can CELEBRATE GRADUATION WITH economy, college graduates may want to be developed through a graduate program. coosider graduate ,.,hool as an alternative 10 such as analytical skills, strategic orientation A BANQUET AT KEW GARDENS! . the endless hunt for !lOOexiStent jobs. and a broad perspective. Smith said. . d' t of 20% off regulor dinner pnces. John Summey. associate professor in "With that in mind. a graduate degree can GroupS of 6 or more (f¥ceNe '~ I S f%~~h e off menu. which includes a marketing and director of the Master of be a tremendous asset." Smith said. Alfredda Gober. personn el Choose from cg;,,~~~~~om pag ne . So come celebrate at Kew Business Adminisuatioo Program at SlUC. . we'lI bring out the for you! said during a bad economy. it is a good time communications for Anheuser-Busch in SL best 10 be in graduate school. Louis, said we company does not have a He said the College of Business and policy for hiring people on the basis of their RESERVATIONS REQUIRED I Administration has received more college degree. 1520 S. Park Ave appli cati ons to irs graduate programs th is Herrin year. but recruiting efforts have been stc.pped She said for entry level positioos. someone up as wei!. with a bachelor's degree would have just as 988-1118 Alth ough he sajd he didn 't know if ihe good a chance of gai ning a posilion as Sun· Thurs l l am . 9:30pm Fri & increase was because of the recession and ~mcone with a masLer's dcgJ'l".e. But fo r the Sat 1 l am . 10:30pm lack of jobs or the increased recruiting upper level management positi·.)I1s. a master 's cffons. it has been documemed that morc degree would be necessary. people Slay in school during difficult times. Students who are considering graduate he said. school should follow some \lery basic tips. said Richard Falvo. associate dean of the Al though graduate school may not be for SIUC Graduote School. everyone, a masu:r's degree can help if there Falvo said the fi rst step is for students 10 is a demand for that degree. Summey said. do as well as possible academicall y in He said he strongly advises students undergraduate studies and make sure all CONGRATULATIONS considering graduate school (Q talk to the examinations required , such as the Graduate people who are doing the h iring and find out Management Admissions Test, 10 enter if an advanced degree would be beneficial. graduate school have bc:. the company probably will hire the visit the graduate school they are dtinlting of ~ W llh the advanced degree attending and to lalk to other graduate ~ I ke . Murray. assislam d ir~c ( o r of the students at that school. 983-8651 U!llvcrnty Placement Center, said students StudenlS can spend from two to seven lSl. Wllh an advanced degree have more options years jlJ grodu31C schooJ so il is important open to them, such as teachmg or researching that they IJTC happy. Falvo said. for a company. He said it ;s common for sludenlS to taKe He said during this recession and even ",me time off from school before going on to before, major companies such r IO AT&T, graduate school. It docs not hurt a Three cylinder shaft ...... 799.00 years O!l the impact of college on students. ~b o se graduating Crom less selective XS750SF Special Edition ...... : ...... 999.00 "We have substantial evideoce that, after institutions of higher educatioo. taking students' pre-<:ollege charac1eristics "Consistent evidence shows that it's not XS 11 OOE Four cylinder ~haft ...... 1099.00 inlO 3CCOWlt, colleges "'" not all that dilfer"'ll where Ihe student goes to college or how ~1100F Four cylinder shaft ...... 1199.00 [rom one another." said Patrick Terenzini. a much Ihey spend 00 their college educatioo Penn Slate professor of education and senior that most afJeets learning. auitude, val ue and scientisl psychosocial development," Terenzini said. All prices are total including sales ta x. "Less expensive stale colleges and "/t's what happens to students after they universities shape students' education in the enroll and how much effort the student puts License, Title and Insurance Extra. same ways aoS more expensive private into the coll ege experience that counts col1eg05." mosL" Wh iJ c in coJJegc, certain Icarninr, Overall , research indicates that students SPEEDE'S YAMAHA cognitive. artiwdinal. value and psychosocial gai n most in their ability to th ink more changes occur In swdcnlS Utal arc .vlewed as abslractl y and critically from attendir.g Open 9 to 6 Tues. thru Sat. educational. socially relevant. desuable and college. The hook also repons evidence thai Country Club Roa c, Carbondale long.tenn. Ihe book sajd. college graduates gain tendencies f",. liberal The changes occur i n depcn den ~ y of such shifts in values and altitudes and increases in Phones 457-5421 or 549-6144 Ins rirutional characreri stics as type .of control . cultura! and artistic intcrc..... LS , a::livities and ~i /.\." curr,culum miss ion and scJecuvuy. self-esteem . 1991 Gradualion Page 3 Stresse·d out File errors By JeffPaviuPositive attitude helps,.- relieve.______pressures, worries of college graduation, St.affWriter may hurt

Graduation, job interviews, getting a job and moving to a new city are frequent C3W£S Stress Busters good credit of stress for college graduates. The sruc Wellness Center in Kcsnar Hail WASHINGTON (UPI) - The has many answers to lhcsc problems. 1.0rganize your life credit repons on file for millions of Americans orten contain errors Lh at Judy Ashby, Wellness Center s tress Record a list of wbat you.need to accomplish everyday. Take caTe of the management consultant, said a positive could cost consumers a good credit attitude and awareness of personal choice am most urgent matters first. Set reasonable, attainable goals. rating. approval for housi ng or even a two key factors in stress reduction and 2. Use your time wisely job, a study concludoc. management The study conducted by Consumers "You must think positive thoughts. have Study your behavioT to delermine the time of day you work most Union showed 48 pereent of repons it realistic expectations, and know that you effectively. reviewed from the country's three have the choice to make the situation 3. Learn to say no major credit reporting rums contained stressful or not," Ashby said. at least one inaccuracy and 19 pereent '"The perfect example is when people say Some people aecephoo much Tesponsibility, If you spread yourself too contained a "major" error that could they are afraid of snakes, even though the thin, your wOTk performance and health will suffeT. adversely affect a consumer' s snake may just be sitting there. The snake is 4, Take time out eligibility for credil not scaring you; you are scaring yourself "A credit report can make or break about the snake. WheD you feel yourself getting out ofcontrol, call time out. your application for cred it. housing. "People need to be able to choose not to be This will improve your produetivity and reduce the amount of time it insurance and even a job," said Michelle Meier, counsel for th e afraid and say they like the snake," she said. takes to get a job done. . Ashby said some immediate stress consumer watchdog group. reduction tips include: Sourte: Dr. Jeffrey W. Forman, 'The Personal Stress Reduction Program." " The high error rate we found • Diaphragmatic breathing - deep indicates that lots of consumers may breathing such as this helps get oxygen intc be at risk because of inaccurate credit the bloodstream, relaxes and helps you think Sepich said once the symptoms can be Response" by Herbert Benson, "Minding the reporting," Meier said. One participant was denied credit clearly; related to stresses, the person then needs to Bod y, Mending the Mind" by Joan during the course of the study based • Physical relaxation - be aware of the talk wi~" a health professional to determine Borysenko and "Guide to Stress Reduction" on inaccurate infonnation she was way muscles feci when they are tense and how to treat iL by John Mason. delinquent in paying a S19 balance on the;, consciously relax them; ., 'A health professional) can help you think Ashby said another particularly stressful a depanment store credit card. In fact, • Reward yourself when you do and act more optimistically, and teach you to siruation is the job interview. Meier said, the partiCipant had paid orf something well. use your self-esteem to act as a buffer against She said important things to remember to the account five years earlier. '"The main thing is: don', oe afraid to fail stress," Sepich said. reduce stress in an interview are: several times before something good Sepich said while there are no more stress Another participant discovercc:! • Have realistic expectations of yourself infonnation about her mothCf's credit happens," Ashby said. seminars th is semester, free literature is - you probably won't get.that management "The minionaires in this country have history erroneously on her own ~rcdh avai1able at the Wellness Center. position right away and that's okay. repon. including a large loan daung to gone bankrupt an average of 35 times before Students also can come for free, • Believe in yowsclf - you are educated becoming millior.aires." when the daugh,cr was II years old. confidential treatMent and individual and qualified. M eier said the study also revealed a Rob Sepich, Wellness Center progr-.:n consultations. • Emphasize what you say to Your.lClf - concern about the confidentiality of dircctor, said even though graduation is a For more long-term help, the Counseling negative sclf-ta~k will. ~ how up in an some 400 million credit rcpons on me ve"! positive event, Stress from it can lead to Center in \Voody HalJ and the Clinical interview; change tl to po5l1Jve talk. for nearly 90 pen:ent of Americans. real physical problems. Center in Wham are available. • Tell the prospective employer about your " We found that a full 21 percent ... "Headaches, stomachaches and back Wellness Center officials also recommend skills - it is not bragging. . . indicated that third parties had g OIlCl1 problems are several ailments that can result books to read for self-treatment of stress. • Ask questions of them- be assert'.ve 10 access to their reports without theIr from stress," Sepich said. "Others problems Some of the books recommended by the getting information about whether the job IS pennission." Meier said. arc jitters. depression and forgetfulness." Wel1ncs Center include: "The Relaxation right for you.

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Here'. to tile Gracl.. te


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