Bowland High Newsletter Issue 2 2018-19

Inside this Headteacher’s Message issue: Welcome to the Christmas Remembrance 2 2018 edition of our Day newsletter. This has been the longest half term of the school Dancing 4 year, and as a result there is a Success lot to celebrate in this issue.

Skipton 5 With a wide range of events, Castle activities and achievements over the last 8 weeks, I hope Enterprise 7 you find a picture or a Day mention in dispatches of will be used to develop a small as she is moving to Scotland. Competitions 8 someone you know. gym in the former caretakers’ Mrs Thorne has worked in our I would like to thank all of the Christmas 19 building. finance office for almost a pupils and their teachers who decade. We will really miss Lunch Staffing News have been involved in her and her commitment to Carol Concert 19 activities at this time of year This Christmas we are saying the various elements of the to raise funds or other goodbye to Mrs Costigan, who role as well as the skill and Bowland’s Got 21 donations for people facing has secured a promotion to accuracy with which she has Talent challenging circumstances at Second in Science at Witton performed her role. Christmas. There have been a Park Academy. We are sorry We wish both Mrs Thorne and School Council 22 number of things organised by to see Mrs Costigan leave and Mrs Costigan every happiness Visit London pupils, which demonstrate a I am really grateful for all of and success in the next stage commitment to our wider her hard work in the science Rename the 24 of their lives and careers. community and the department, as a form tutor, School Kitchen well-being of other people. as our professional mentor to I hope all pupils, parents, My thanks also go to all of the trainee teachers and teachers staff, governors and friends of International 25 pupils who sold PTFA raffle in their first year and as a staff the school have a very good School Award tickets and contributed to member of our Local Christmas and wish you all the record sales this year of over Careers 26 Governing Body. very best for 2019. 3,000 tickets. Money raised Mrs Thorne is also leaving us, Mr Tarbox Library News 27 Highlights Star Awards 31  Page 4 Scarlett dances at the  Page 21 Bowland’s Got Talent Thank you 40 British Dance Championships  Page 22 School Council Trip Events Calendar 41  Page 17 Rotary Young Chef  Page 31 Star Awards Competition

Remembrance Day

It is tradition at Bowland for the Head Boy and Head Girl to lay the wreath, ev ery y ear, at one o f t he remembrance services in our school community. This year Amy and I laid the wreath at the Waddington remembrance service held at St. Helen’s – it was a special ’100 year’ anniversary marking the end of the ‘Great War’. The church was jam-packed with people who were all wearing their poppies – supporting the soldiers and the British Legion charity. Amy and I laid the Bowland High wreath at the front and bowed our heads in remembrance of the 700,000 who died. After the service Amy and I collected the wreaths and walked to the cenotaph which was in the churchyard. The congregation from the church filled the road (stopping all the traffic), with Amy and I standing close to the cenotaph and with the other’s who were laying their wreaths. After a number of words from the Vicar and Reverend everyone laid their wreaths. We also watched the local rainbow group laying their painted ‘poppy’ stones - which looked fantastic as they were so unique! They then named the local people who unfortunately lost their lives. It was quite distressing to hear the sheer number of people who were fatalities of the war. Soon after, the clock struck 11 and the 2 minute silence began. It was a day never to forget for all our lives and it was an honour to represent the pupils at Bowland High. By Ben

2 Remembrance Day

An Act of Remembrance

Bowland school community were invited to participate in a simple act of remembrance following the 100th anniversary of the Armistice of 11/11/1918, by placing a poppy on the display.

3 British National Dance Championships

The picture below appeared in ’The Times’ and shows one of our pupil’s participating in the British National Dance Championships earlier this term. Scarlett competed in the under 35’s and under 21’s and in the under 21’s category Scarlett won a place in the top 12. Congratulations Scarlett, reach for those stars!

4 Year 7 Skipton Castle

It was the first trip of this half term and winter had well and truly arrived for the Year 7’s visiting Skipton Castle. We were split into small groups and given a fascinating and informative tour by the staff in the morning who told us all about the history of the castle, for example, the Clifford family were granted the property in 1310 when Robert Clifford was appointed first Lord Clifford of Skipton and in medieval days visitors would have crossed a bridge over a moat and then passed under a portcullis and through the main doors before reaching the inner courtyard. The grooves of the portcullis and the opening for the drawbar of the great door can still be seen. After lunch and spending up in the shop a few of the groups braved the cold and rain and explored the castle but the rest of us who really couldn’t feel our toes any longer retreated to the classroom to design our family crests. A fantastic day was had by all.

5 6 Year 9 Enterprise Day

Pupils were challenged to create a new idea The pupils then had the opportunity to for an empty shop in . present their ideas to Paul Shackleton, from As part of the task they needed to design a Shackleton's Garden Centre and Amy Holden digital representation of the shop front, a 3D from Borough Council, who model of the inside of the shop and a radio kindly gave up their time to support our advert for our local radio station. event. Mrs Robertson Winners

Runners Up

7 Engineering Because Competition

We entered two teams in the E n g i n e e r i n g B e c a u s e competition at Nelson and Colne College. The pupils had to design and build a vehicle that would travel the furthest distance up a ramp and under a bridge. The vehicle had to be propelled using a weight. Over 30 teams took part. Well done to our Y9 pupils who won on the day - a great result. We also had a tour of the college’s £2 million Rory, Oliver, Sam and Charlie engineering facilities. Good contacts with the college were made on the day and we are now in the process of organising our Y9 and Y10 GCSE groups to visit the college as part of our Engineering courses. Mr Higham Something Festive! Pupils of the Week made a fabulous job of decorating the school’s Christmas tree. Thank you.

8 Crafty Kids Christmas Competition

Each form in Year’s 7 and 8 were invited to decorate their form room window. The winners are: Y7 Curnock - Megan, Lara, Ruby & Anissa Y8 Curnock - Evie, Lucy & Charlotte.

Each form won a prize for their hard work. Mr Higham

7 Curnock

8 Curnock

9 Build a 3D Model of a Castle Competition


1st Place Outstanding Stone Keep Castle Model


1st Place Outstanding Motte & Bailey Castle Model

10 Tom

2nd Place



Highly Commended

Highly Commended

Lucie Elise & & Jessica Imogen

Highly Commended

Highly Commended

11 Christmas Card Competition

Pupils were invited to enter the Christmas card competition and the response was tremendous, with over 80 entries. The winning competitor has had their design professionally printed and it has been sent to local businesses, schools, work experience providers and the friends of Bowland High. All the students have produced wonderful designs making it very difficult to pick a winner. However, the over all winner this year was Year 10 student Katie. The runners up were Kiera also from Year 10, Scarlett from Year 9, Carie from Year 8 and Gulliver from Year 7.

Winner - Katie Y10

12 Gulliver Y7

Carie Y8

13 Scarlett Y9

Kiera Y10

14 Literacy Week

Poetry Competition

Winner Y7 Isobelle

Form Winners 1st - 9 Walker 2nd - 9 Curnock 3rd - 7 Lister

Year 7 Runners Up Gulliver Amelia Sam

Winner Y8


Year 8 Runners Up Millie Tom Freya Isla Isabella

15 Winner Y9


Winner Y9


Winners Y10

Leah & Olivia

16 Rotary Young Chef Competition

The judges were blown away with Holly’s Honey, Lime, Whiskey & Cilantro Chicken with Mango Cheesecake

Winner! Holly

With Blueberry & Lime Cheesecake

Oliver made Chicken Oliver Pancetta stuffed with Goats Cheese

With Eton Mess

Lily Lily made Mild Chicken Curry

17 Heidi Heidi made Chicken & Chorizo Paella with a Mixed Berry Meringue Wreath

Abigail The judges from The Spread Eagle in Sawley enjoy Abigail’s Open Salmon Sandwich with Rye Bread with Affogato al Caffe

Wiktoria Wiktoria made Poached Salmon with Strawberry Eton Mess

18 Christmas Lunch

Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff who prepared Christmas lunch for 9 Curnock (who won the Christmas raffle) and the rest of the school. Thank you for all you do every day in preparing, cooking and serving our food. Staff will agree that the cornflake tart should not be missed!

19 Music & Performing Arts Events

Christmas Carol Concert

The evening was enjoyed by candle light along with mince pies and mulled wine. It was a fabulous start to the festive season

The annual collection taken at the Carol Concert raised £137.16. This money will be sent to Derian House Children's Hospice in memory of former Bowland pupil Tom Smith who sadly passed away in 2006. Thank you to all who contributed.

20 Bowland’s Got Talent


21 School Council Visit to London

Is there a better way to spend a Friday, than in London? At about 5am one Friday in December, 24 of the school council members began their trip to London. We arrived at Preston with beaming (and tired!) faces, ready to experience what was to come. After a 2-hour train journey we started our trip by visiting Green Park and Buckingham Palace – which looked magnificent in the wintery weather! After many a photograph and discussion, we moved on through St. James’ Park to the Horse Guards Parade – where many of the pupils had photographs taken with the prestigious horses. Next, we walked past Downing Street and approached the magnificent Houses of Parliament, with Big Ben wrapped away in layers and layers of scaffold. After an airport-like security check we watched a short film on the development of our Parliament and Democratic System and moved onto the riverside terrace to speak to our local MP Nigel Evans. We had a question and answer session with him with being a top hit! After a tour around the Parliamentary building we were given the opportunity to sit in the House of Lords and watch a live debate – we had to stay very quiet! We then boarded our MBNA River Bus and headed to the Museum of London: Docklands (Canary Wharf), where we enjoyed a well-earned rest and ate our lunch! After visiting the museum and shops in Canary Wharf we boarded the crowded underground to Charring Cross to Trafalgar Square where we were blown-away by the huge Christmas tree which stood at over 20 meters tall (gifted from Norway). After a quick photo opportunity we walked through the narrow streets of London to Pizza Express where we tucked in to a delicious 2-course Italian meal! At around 7pm, we boarded the tube for Euston and then our train and settled in our seats (with a few people even having forty-winks!). Everybody was truly exceptional and a credit to the school! I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues in the Y11 executive team for their dedication to the role and commitment to all of their tasks over the past few years and also, a huge thank you to the team for organising, planning and being a credit to the school for this year’s and last year’s London trip. The new executives from Y9 and Y10 will no doubt show the same level of commitment and dedication and we wish them the best of luck. Ben Y11

22 23 Rename our School Canteen

Over the holidays please get thinking caps on to come up with a new logo and name for our school canteen. The canteen will be having a face lift in the New Year and we would like to create a logo and name to compliment this. Prizes will be awarded for the winning name and the runner up. Mrs Dakin

Countdown to Cashless As you know we already have a cashless system for school meals which works very well. In the New Year we hope to expand this facility to include cashless p a y m e n t s f o r o t h e r expenses including; school trips, uniform and equipment sales and curriculum books including revision guides. Please ensure you have access to the online pay- ment system. If you need help registering or you are already registered but have forgotten your login and password please contact Emma Holgate, Financial A d m i n i s t r a t o r a t [email protected] who will be happy to help you. Mrs Dakin

24 British Council International School Award success for Bowland High

We have been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of our work to bring the world into the classroom. Our international work includes a full school global challenge day, BE-U enrichment week, a key stage 4 religious diversity curriculum and a Year 8 culture project looking at different areas of the world through the performing arts. The school also organizes six different foreign educational visits each year for its pupils. On hearing the news that we had received the award, Andrea Yates, Senior Assistant Headteacher and International Schools co-ordinator said: “It is wonderful to be recognized in this way for the work we do to ensure our pupils grow up to be global citizens with increasingly broad and inquisitive minds. We try very hard to ensure that we are preparing pupils for an ever changing world.” Sir Ciarán Devane, CEO of the British Council, said: ‘The school’s fantastic international work has rightfully earned it this prestigious award. The International School Award is a great chance for schools to demonstrate the important work they’re doing to bring the world into their classrooms. Embedding an international dimension in children’s education ensures that they are truly global citizens and helps prepare them for successful lives and careers in an increasingly global economy.”

Miss Yates with our local Damian Hinds (Education MP Nigel Evans minister)

25 Careers National Citizen Service

National Citizen Service (NCS) visited school one Friday in December to talk to our Year 11 pupils on the importance of "Resilience & WellBeing". Through a series of activities and discussions Year 11 shared ways of d e a l i n g w i t h s e t b a c k s a n d disappointments and the skill of keeping focused and bouncing back! Mrs Burns Futures Night

Bowland High hosted its first Futures Night early in November. Local businesses were invited, along with their apprentices to share their career tips and knowledge with our year 11 pupils. There were several guest speakers talking about their world of work. Many of the apprentices who shared their career journey were ex-bowlanders and it was great to welcome them back and learn about an alternative career route qualifying up to degree level. We were lucky to have representatives from the following companies: Fort Vale, Paradigm Precision, Johnson Matthey, James' Places, Sunderland Peacock, Shackletons, Boots, James Alpe, Northcote Manor, Viridor, Rapid IT Craven District Council and Ribble Valley Council The evening was a great success - watch out for more futures nights in the future! Mrs Burns

Ex-Bowland pupil Josh represents Northcote Manor 26

Points make Prizes Each book quizzed on AR is allocated a number of points depending on the number of words and difficulty of text. When a pupil reaches 25 points they are awarded a star and a society point and we now have about 124 on the board. Also, when a student reaches a target figure of 50 points and every 100 after that they receive a choice of prize from the Points make Prizes tray and another society point. We have pupils with 25 , 50 , 100 , 200, 300 and 400 points already!

Millionaire Word Readers

Our first millionaire of the year was Lucie followed by Owain, Amelie, Gulliver & Imogen - Fantastic work! They are presented with a book of their choice as a prize and are given a special badge and certificate in assembly.

27 Library Challenge

The Library Challenge asks pupils to correctly answer a variety of general knowledge questions; a new one comes out weekly. When they get a total of 20 correct they win a book of their choice from either the Book Fair or the Book Magazine. Abigail won a book of her choice. Well done! 100% Quizzers

Every time a pupil quizzes an Accelerated Reader book and gets 100% they are given a raffle ticket. A huge number were again given out this term - well done readers!

The winner of the £10 WH Smiths voucher for 100% in the AR Quizzes will be drawn during Thursday’s whole school assembly - good luck everyone!

Super Reader Award

This is for those pupils who have found the process of reading and AR really difficult but who persevere, work hard and keep going! Well done to Noah. Keep up with the good work!

28 Kids Lit Quiz

We had two teams representing Bowland in the heat of the Kids Lit Quiz: Year 8: Raya, Niamh, Evan and Billy

Year 7 Gulliver, Imogen, Lucie and Isobel

Each team won a round and received a prize!

Year 8 almost won the entire heat, missing out by only 1 point! Fantastic effort.

29 20 Minute Whole Class Reading Challenge

Our winners in year 8 all achieved 20 minutes and the highest average minutes. They all worked really hard and pulled together as a team. We’re still waiting for a year 7 class to earn their reward!

Author Visit

We had the pleasure of meeting Andy Briggs at a recent event. We have his series of his books available in the library.

30 31 32 Amelia Lucie Ruby

Sarah Lara Henry

33 KS4 Star Awards

Sam Leo Florence

Scarlett Charlie Talhah

34 Emily Ethan Oscar

Oscar Leah Poppy

35 Lara George Josh

36 Form Star Award Winners

7B Sarah 8B Izzy & Cayleigh 7C Lucy & Ruby 8C Evie & Charlotte 7L Amelia 8L Sophie 7W Alex 8W Charlie

9B Sam 10B Talhah 11B Poppy 9C Leo 10C Emily 11C Layla, Lara & Lauren 9L Florence 10L Ethan 11L George

9W Scarlett 10W Oscar 11W Josh

37 Star Pupils

KS3 Star Pupils KS4 Star Pupils

Henry Charlie Heidi Leah Lara Izzy Charlie Georgia Oscar Luke

Star Forms

KS3 7 Walker & 8 Curnock KS4 9 Walker, 10 Curnock & 11 Curnock

38 39 Thank You Christmas Tree Donation School Gym A huge thank you to Mr & Mrs Thanks to the proceeds of the raffle, a Ireland, Empress Fencing, Chatburn PTFA donation, parental donations and a for supplying our Christmas trees this non uniform day we are well on the way year, including a complimentary to funding our new school gym additional tree on display at the front facility. We have now raised over of school. £5,500 of our £8,000 target. The refurbishment of the caretakers lodge is underway and the equipment is being sourced. We hope to have the facility open by the end of January. If you or anyone you know is willing to sponsor any pieces of equipment we would be very grateful. Mrs Dakin

40 Events Calendar

Mon 7th January School Reopens

Tue 8th January Society Launch Assembly

Wed 9th January Society Campaigns Begin

Mon 14th January Y9 BRAG @ 3.30pm

Wed 16th January Y11 Poetry Live

Wed 23rd January Y11 Parents’ Evening

Thurs 31st January Y10 Mock Interviews

Mon 4th February eSafety Week

Wed 6th February Y10 Parents’ Evening

Y7-9 Challenge Day, Y10 Community Day, Thurs 7th February Y11 RE Day 2

Fri 8th February Prefect Letter Deadline

Mon 11th February Prefect interviews all week

Wed 13th February KS4 Information Evening 7pm

Fri 15th February School finishes for half term

Mon 25th February School Reopens

Mon 4th March Y8 Enterprise Day, Y9 Holocaust Day, Y10 RE Day 2,

Wed 6th March Y9 Parents’ Evening

Thurs 7th March Prefect and society assembly, World Book Day