This Changes Everything

Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide Table Of Contents

Welcome Message

Using this Study Guide

About This Changes Everything

Learning Activities

Lesson 1: Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

Lesson 2: People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

Lesson 3: Climate Change and Social Justice

Lesson 4: What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?

Lesson 5: Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy

Lesson 6: How Do People Change the World?

Lesson 7: Crisis and Opportunity

Lesson 8: Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?



THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 2 Welcome Message

Teachers and Educators!

We are so thrilled that you are picking up this guide and thinking about how to introduce critical thinking about climate change and economics to your students. The iet die o u i ceati te ook lm ad eaemet oect This Changes Everything a to d ay to ae ad eloe tee idea it ote O coue that includes creating tools to help people to talk about climate and economics in their communities.

e mly eliee tat it i ot ook ad lm tat cae te old ut eole

And we see teachers and students as critical to this conversation. After all, it will be the students of today that will inherit the world we have created, and become the leaders navigating the many challenges created by climate change and economic inequality.

We believe that answers to deep-running, high-stakes, convoluted questions about a better world can be found in the stories of people, including the hundreds who oeed u tei eat ad eateak to u dui te maki o ti oect oe e yea ll aoud te old e oud tat eole ee coecti te dot between the economic system and the environmental havoc it’s wreaking on their lives and the planet. In seeing the emergence of a new climate movement - breaking out o ecoomic ad eiometal ilo maki e alliace ad uildi te et economy in the rubble of the old one, we found hope growing in the cracks of our broken system.

There is a story we’ve been told about ourselves for hundreds of years: that we are oti ut el eedy elatiyi aet ad tat te eat i a macie to be manipulated instead of a life-giving force to be respected and revered. You are poised uniquely as educators to start the long, intangible process of questioning and re-imagining this narrative with your students.

Ou mot aioate oe o ti oect i tat it ca e ueul to you a coceed educato to e a tool o tudet to ut out o iolatio ad aoidace ad d a way to engage.

Because to change everything, we need everyone.

Thank you for the work that you do. We look forward to hearing how you and your tudet eloe tee idea i you claoom

Avi Lewis &

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 3 Using this Study Guide

This guide is designed to help students in grades 9-12 look critically at the idea of how our economic system’s push for continual growth impacts both the environment and quality of life for all people.

cet om te This Changes Everything ook ad documetay lm ae ued a starting points throughout the learning activities to spark discussion, and to put a uma ace o comle iue tou cae tudie ad idet aalyi e content from these materials emphasizes that addressing climate change can be a catalyzing force for making society stronger and fairer, and that students can shape society’s future through active civic engagement.

ll ecet ae aailale o claoom ue ad ca e oud at

youe ui you o coy o te ook ae ume i ti tet ee to te t hardcover edition of This Changes Everything.

i uide i a eat t o te olloi uect aea iic Geoay coomic History, and other types of Social Studies classes; English; Journalism; and Environmental Science. Feel free to adapt the materials to other types of classes as well.

The learning activities in this guide are organized into eight themes that can be taught in any order. Because each section is designed to stand on its own, you can easily pick and choose what learning activities best meet your curricular goals. Each theme includes a handout that provides a framework for how students might organize their ideas. Please note that the handouts referred to in the directions for each activity can be found at the bottom of that theme’s section, as well as online at Other materials that can be found on ou eite ae te ideo cli ad te ook ecet Fially te uide iclude a Resources section with opportunities for deeper study on climate change topics, elated cuicula eeac di ad tool to uot you teaci o te key ideas.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 4 About This Changes Everything

Bot te ook ad te lm This Changes Everything use case studies and in-depth analysis to illustrate how the crisis of climate change can be an opportunity to transform our society into one that better cares for each other and for the planet. The economic logic of our time pushes a doctrine of endless economic growth, without ackoledi tat tat model i oeed y ite atual eouce ollute te laet ad eetuate ocial iutice e climate cii i a uet ial tat it i time o eole to come toete ad uild a ecoomy tat eect ou alue ceate ood o ad otect te ai lad ad ate ooti climate cae i no longer about changing light bulbs – it’s about changing everything.

Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything (2014) i a aadii oualit and the author of the critically acclaimed #1 international bestseller The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism(2007) and of No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies (2000), which The New York Times called “a movement bible.” Klein is a contributing editor for Harper’s Magazine, a reporter for Rolling Stone, and a syndicated columnist for The Nation and The Guardian. She is a member of the board of directors of ad a uf Foudatio iti Fello at e atio titute

Avi Lewis

Avi Lewis, director of the This Changes Everything(2015) documentary, presents in the lm te toie o ee oeul commuitie aoud te old aected y te climate change crisis and the economic system that brought it about. These portraits ae tied toete y aomi lei aatio ic elai te coectio etee carbon in the air and the economy that put it there, and gives a hopeful take on how people can build a better world. Lewis’s previous works include The Take (2004), an aadii lm tat olloed etia leeday moemet o okeu businesses; Fault Lines (2009-2010), an acclaimed weekly documentary series on Al aeea li eleiio ad a ume o cuet aai ad olitical talk o o CBC Television in Canada.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 5 Learning Activities

Lesson 1: Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

Lesson 2: People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

Lesson 3: Climate Change and Social Justice

Lesson 4: What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?

Lesson 5: Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy

Lesson 6: How Do People Change the World?

Lesson 7: Crisis and Opportunity

Lesson 8: Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 6 Lesson 1

Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 7 Lesson 1 Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Identify the fossil fuels needed to power a T-shirt’s production process from seed to shirt, including transportation to factories overseas.

Discuss what incentives direct people and businesses in their economic decisions in a free market.

amie te loal ecoomy cuet deedece o oil uel ad te teat this poses for people and the environment.

ecoie tat tee ae dieet ad ote ooi ie aout te caue o and solutions to global warming.

lai o eole i Gemay oked to i aout tei couty aid transition to renewable sources of electricity.

loe eoal idea aout loaliatio climate cae ad o ou old ill be in the future.



Climate Change


Greenhouse Gases


Renewable Energy

Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Handout: eectio ad ae o ti uide Film clip: eectio ad ae let

Clip Summary: At a conference on climate change put on by The Heartland titute eake eect te idea o mamade climate cae e eidet o the organization says that the science on climate change is selectively reported and misrepresented in order to promote a socialist agenda. Others at the conference omote te icile o ee maket caitalim aomi lei aati te cli says that the members of the Heartland Institute recognize that if climate change is taken seriously, it changes everything. One place things are changing is in Germany, where citizens have pressured the government to make the switch to renewables, which now account for 30% of the country’s electricity. These changes have created o i tei couty additio citie ad to ae decided to take ack the electricity grid from private companies and run it themselves. What does this mean for the rest of the world?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 8 Lesson 1 Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate


Beoe comi to cla ae tudet eloe te toy laet oey ake a it

Ask them to determine what types of energy are needed to power each step of a it oductio dieel uel ad oil to u a cotto icke eay uel oil to power a cargo ship to take the cotton from the U.S. to a yarn-spinning factory in Asia, etc

2. In class, point out how many students are wearing a T-shirt. Let them know that aoimately to illio it ae old loally eac yea ilay a old ma ad tace te oductio at o te it i te laet oey toy tat tey studied for homework. Begin in Wisconsin where the seeds are engineered, then ollo te at to iiii ee te cotto i o ad aeted e mateial for the men’s shirt then go to Indonesia where the cotton is spun into yarn, and to Bangladesh where the yarn is turned into fabric, cut, and sewn into the T-shirt. These steps in the women’s shirt all happen in Colombia. The shirts are then shipped to iami Floida ee tey ae ut o tai ad tuck to e ok ity ee tey are printed. They are eventually shipped all over the United States to people who buy the T-shirts online. As you trace the production path, ask students to share their di o at oil uel ae ued alo te ay oit out tat ui oil uel ollute te laet ad emit eeoue ae like cao dioide

3. Ask students why T-shirts are not manufactured in the U.S. if that is where the cotto o tem i o y i eeyti aoud te old lai te economic logic behind a U.S. company’s decision to use factories in Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Colombia to produce its T-shirts. Discuss incentives that direct eole ad uiee i tei ecoomic deciio i a ee maket Fo eamle companies have an incentive to outsource certain production needs to specialized m i deeloi coutie ee tey ca ay tei oke loe ae ta i the U.S. These savings in labor costs are greater than the costs of shipping materials to tee actoie oeea ic ee ut e it i te laet oey it eamle o comaie ca miimie oductio cot ad maimie ot oit out how our current economic system has high energy demands to power all of this production and transportation, the bulk of which currently comes from fossil fuels. o ae te ecoomic actiitie o lae cooatio o eek to maimie ot i coict it eot to loe oil uel emiio

So te cla a imae ttclimatekidaaoeieeeoueeect ateeoueae tat decie o ae like cao dioide ca iceae te temeatue o te laet lai tat te moe oil uel ae ued the more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere; the more greenhouse gases there are in the atmosphere, the more heat is trapped and the temperature of the planet increases. This process is what is referred to as “global warming.” Then, dilay te aic Fit i uma itoy cotetuloadFitiumaitoya ad elai tat it o meauemet o cao dioide cocetatio i te atmoee oe time k tudet to decie te data ted om to te eet lai tat tee iceaed cocetatio o cao dioide lead to loal ami ad cae i te climate tat caue dout iceae i ea leel ood iteied eate ad eat eet uicae tyoo toadoe eat ae etc ad ote mao problems.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 9 Lesson 1 Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

Gie eac tudet a adout ee o ti uide to comlete ile atci te ideo cli eectio ad ae om te This Changes Everything documentary. Review the questions before playing to clip to help students focus their viewing.

6. As a class, discuss student responses from the handout. Then, close the activity by having students write a personal response to the ideas in this activity about economic growth and climate change.

Ask them to consider the following questions as they write:

What did you learn about the global production of goods that you didn’t know before?

o coceed ae you aout eeoue a emiio ad tei eect o te climate?

How do you imagine our world in 20 years?

Will our air, land, and water be in better or worse shape than today? What about our societies? Why do you believe things will be better or worse?

What role do you see for yourself in shaping the future?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 10 Lesson 1 Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

Go Further

loe dieet eectie aout climate cae ae tudet eeac ad collect tatemet y aiou cietit ad olitical leade o ae elaied climate cae it oot caue ad likely coeuece ad o ae eeed views about how to respond. Aim for variety in political parties and perspectives. Fo eamle om oe Faci to Flood all Steet to e Bu k tudet to then choose one of these individuals and write a persuasive essay evaluating the strength of his or her arguments and their real-world implications. What are the sources of this person’s information, ideas, or assertions? How credible are his or her statements, and what makes you think that? Help students distinguish between facts and opinions. How does this person’s perspective on climate cae eect o iuece ulic oiio ad oemet actio o climate cae o eectiely ould i o e eeed coue o actio adde te causes and consequences of climate change?

Play a game that simulates the tension between capitalism and the climate. The Rethinking Schools publication, A People’s Curriculum for the Earth (2014) ee te eouce ectio o o ti uide proddetails.asp?ID=9780942961577 iclude a ectio called e iamao Game’ in which small groups of students represent competing manufacturers o tiamao o mut alace te uet o ot it eeoue a output.

Introduce students to the concepts of “per capita emissions” and “emissions outsourcing,” two terms used to analyze a country’s responsibility for climate cae ae tem eeac te deitio o eac o tey ae detemied ad tei iicace Fo eamle ia emit te iet leel o cao dioide eac yea o ay couty ut o a e caita ai it doe ot ee ak i te to lo data om te Gloal ao oect http://www. loalcaooectocaoudetidetm idicate tat o ia emiio i came om mauactui ood tat ee eoted to ote coutie lai to tudet tat tee ae ee ee ie etimate o China’s “outsourced emissions”: one study found that in the period 2002-08, 48% o te couty emiio ee elated to eoted ood o i uc data useful in discussing climate change and how various countries should respond? Practice forming questions, answering them with data from the Global Carbon oect eot ad te ceati ioaic to dilay tudet di

oduct a idet eloatio o te domiat ytem o oduci ad coumi ometime decied a te mateial ecoomy e Stoy o Stu oide a eie o te ee leo la tttoyotuoeoucei school-curriculum-buy-use-toss/ tat adde tactio oductio itiutio Consumption, and Disposal.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 11 Lesson 1 Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

Handout Lesson 1

Rejection and Change

tuctio atc te ideo eectio ad ae om te documetay This Changes Everything. Then respond to the questions below.

1. What opinion do attendees of the Heartland Institute Conference on Climate Change have about global warming? How does this view compare to Naomi Klein’s, who is shown attending the conference and narrates the video?

2. What worldview is illustrated by one man’s statement about the value of trees and elephants? What is your reac- tion to his comment?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 12 Lesson 1 Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate

3. Joe Bast, President of the Heartland Institute, said, “If human activity is causing climate change, then almost any- ti could e utied i tem o a oemet eoe o ould you etate at e i ayi i you o od at ould you utiy i tem o a oemet eoe to climate cae

4. The German government has invested billions in the development of renewable energy systems, which now ac- cout o o te couty electicity ccodi to te ideo at ae ee te eet o ti taitio

5. What strategies did Germans use to bring about their country’s rapid energy transition?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 13 Lesson 2

People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 14 Lesson 2 People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

Learning Objectives

Students will:

alye a uotatio tat decie te coict etee te ite eouce o te planet and the current push for growth.

Break down a case study that illustrates the relationships among people, the environment, and economic growth.

ok it a ate to deelo a olutio to te coict eeted i te cae study.



Social Inequality

Economic Development


Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Handout: eole te laet ad coomic Got o ti uide Film clip: eole te laet ad coomic Got let

Clip Summary: As part of the push for rapid economic growth, the government of dia uoted te eot o a iate comay to uild a coalaed oe lat i Sompeta, Andhra Pradesh. If the plant had been built, it would have covered the local etlad it ladll ouad o commuity meme ely o te etlad o tei livelihood and believe that the power plant will make them poorer.

Book excerpt: for Go Further: “Growing the Caring Economy, Shrinking the Careless Oe This Changes Everything


1. Ask the class to record their thoughts in writing about this quote from Naomi Klein:

“What the climate needs to avoid collapse is a reduction in the use o ite eouce at te ecoomy eed to aoid collae i uetteed eaio ee to eed ae at a it oe aote Only one set of rules can change, and it is not the laws of nature.”

Students can consider the following questions as they write: How does the use o ite eouce like oil uel eet te ecoomy o i it ami te eiomet at i lei ayi i te ay to ed ti coict

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 15 Lesson 2 People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

2. Give each student a handout and show the class where Sompeta, Andhra Pradesh, dia i o a ma a olie eac ill uickly i ti u lai tat a ituatio i Someta ca ee a a cae tudy o eloi iue elated to ecoomic ot and its impact on people and the environment. Tell students that they are going to watch a video and record details about these issues on their handout. Review the questions before playing the video so students will know what information to watch o e o te cli eole te laet ad coomic Got let om the This Changes Everything documentary. It may be helpful for students to be able to watch the clip more than once in order to get all of the information.

3. Ask students how they would resolve the struggle in Sompeta. Are there alternative strategies for providing electricity that are better for people and the planet? Have students work with a partner to consider the needs of those involved, brainstorm ad dicu oile olutio ad decide o te et otio ai ould elai i writing their solution and their rationale for choosing it.

Go Further

aluate dieet metod tat ociety ue to meaue oe Go ometic oduct G o eamle meaue te ie o a ecoomy aed o acto uc a oductio icome ad eeditue G idicato iuece important decisions about interest rates, investments, wage increases, and other acto tat aect uality o lie Some eliee oee tat it i a mitake to place too much emphasis on GDP as a measure of progress. They argue GDP does ot do a ood o o meaui uma ellei ad doe ot take ito accout harm to the environment. Have students conduct an in-depth investigation of GDP ad alteatie meaue o oe amle ttaylaetide org/ eate a cat tat oaie iomatio o eac metod aout at ecically i meaued o it i calculated ad it limitatio ad citicim Which method do students believe is the best measure of progress? Why?

loe alteatie to ecoomic ot tat ee uma eed ad miimie the impact on the environment. Begin by having students read the This Changes Everything ook ecet Goi te ai coomy Siki te aele Oe ic ca e oud olie it out te tateie decied i te tet e ae tudet ai ead ad dicu te eamle o eallie alteatie oided in the Build Another World activity by the German organization ttaiiduoilduaktuelleoekteedlicactumeyod growth-methods/chapter-5-outlook-and-alternatives/ Afterwards, discuss which of these strategies may already be a part of students’ lives. Are there any that they would like to try?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 16 Lesson 2 People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

Handout Lesson 2

People, the Planet, and Economic Growth

Instructions: Watch the video, “People, the Planet, and Economic Growth” from the documentary, This Changes Every- thing. Then respond to the questions below.

1. What action did the government of India take in the area of Sompeta that upset local residents?

Summaie te coce tat te eole o Someta ae aout te ooed coaled oe lat

3. What policies and incentives has the government of India put in place to stimulate private energy investments in coaled oe lat o ill eet om tee meaue

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 17 Lesson 2 People, The Planet, And Economic Growth

4. In the video, V.S. Krishna of the Human Rights Forum criticizes what he calls India’s “mindless pursuit of growth.” What are his concerns?

o doe aomi lei te aato decie te ete model o ecoomic ot

6. Does nature have limits in terms of how much economic growth it can support? Why or why not?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 18 Lesson 3

Climate Change and Social Justice

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 19 Lesson 3 Climate Change and Social Justice

Learning Objectives

Students will:

omae eoe to te o alde oil ill ad te ollutio caued y the oil industry in Nigeria.

Discuss how the economic growth of wealthy countries has impacted both poorer countries and the environment.

ee te tem climate det aed o tetual iomatio

Analyze a proposed plan for wealthy countries to pay Ecuador not to sell its oil.

ite aumet to elai tei oitio o te tatey o ai ealty coutie comeate ooe coutie o ot eloiti tei oil eee


Climate Debt

Climate Justice

Social Inequality

Legacy of Colonialism

Economic Development

Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Book excerpts:

ie elta This Changes Everything

limate et This Changes Everything

Go Fute ollute ay icile This Changes Everything

Handout: limate et alyi o ti uide

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 20 Lesson 3 Climate Change and Social Justice


ae tudet atc ti teemiute e toy aout te o alde oil spill. Focus student viewing by asking them to note how people responded to the diate ad te liei eect o te ill moe ta yea late


2. Show the location of Nigeria on a map:

lai tat ieia ued to e a Biti coloy ic claimed te leal it to te oil i ieia ad alloed comaie to etact ad eot it to idutialied atio Then have students read the This Changes Everything ook ecet ie elta 305-306, This Changes Everything


What impact did the economic growth of wealthy nations have on the people of Nigeria and the environment?

o ould meica eact i eey yea a o aldeot o oil illed ito waterways in one of their communities? Why do you think so much oil has been alloed to ill i te ie elta o moe ta ty yea o do you elai te diaitie i o olem ae oled o dieet eole

lai tat ealty coutie ae oeed y ui oil uel like oil ad coal to power their industries, but in the process, they have polluted the planet and emitted maie uatitie o eeoue ae like cao dioide tat ta eat i the atmosphere. To prevent even more environmental damage, poor countries need to deelo dieetly ut tey dot ae te eouce o tei o to make tat happen.

4. Point out the location of Ecuador on a map:


Tell the class that Ecuador is the home of Yasuní National Park and ask them to read the This Changes Everything ook ecet limate et This Changes Everything e ae tudet ok i ai o mall ou to eod to te questions on the Climate Debt Analysis handout.

5. Conclude by having each student take a position on whether or not they would back te au la Studet ould ite a aumet tat elai tei ie ad ue valid reasoning and relevant evidence to support it.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 21 Lesson 3 Climate Change and Social Justice

Go Further

ele deee ito eiometal acim lai to tudet tat te ie elta i a eamle o a acice oe lei decie acice oe a lace tat omeo dot cout ad teeoe ca e oioed daied o oteie destroyed, for the supposed greater good of economic progress.” She points out tat eole o lie o tee lad et aciced too ecaue tey tyically lack political power due to some combination of race, language, and class.

e ead lei aticle y Blackieatte Sould aom te limate eate have-do-cliamte-change ad talk aout te coectio made y te aticle etee ace ad climate cae eeac ote eamle o acice oe cloe to ome o eamle e Olea ate uicae atia ae tudet ae tei eamle ad ealuate ete eac meet lei deitio o a acice oe

loe tateie o aii moey om te ealty to el coe te cot to transition away from fossil fuels. Read the This Changes Everything ook ecet ollute ay icile This Changes Everything ad dicu ic o te otio outlied i te tet you ould uot ad y at additioal o alternative ideas can you contribute?

lai ad eod i iti to ti uote ee i o t o te eiomet tat doe ot euie a t o ocial utice o ca you ae a tule o ocial utice i tee i o t o te eiomet

Fo additioal teaci mateial o climate cae ad ocial utice iit te limate utice i B ttteacclimateuticeca ad oemet Geeatio eite

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 22 Lesson 3 Climate Change and Social Justice

Handout Lesson 3

Climate Debt Analysis

tuctio ead te ecet limate et om te ook his Changes Everything, then respond to the questions below.

ccodi to te tet at i climate det o oe at to om y

lai te au la i you o od

3. How does the Yasuní plan propose using the funds that would be collected as payment for the climate debt?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 23 Lesson 3 Climate Change and Social Justice

4. Predict how the following people would react to the Yasuní plan. Justify your response:

CEO of the Ecuadoran state oil company Petroequador

President of Ecuador

Leader of a wealthy country asked to pay Ecuador to not drill for its oil

5. What might be the outcomes for people and the planet if wealthy countries were to pay for developing countries to grow their economies using clean energy? What might be the outcomes if they did not provide funds?

6. What other ideas do you have for helping poor countries to develop economically in ways that support both peo- ple and the environment?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 24 Lesson 4

What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 25 Lesson 4 What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?

Learning Objectives

Students will:

ite deitio o te cocet o etactiim ad eeeatio aed o tetual iomatio

detiy decie ad ealuate ot itoical ad modeday eamle o etactiim ad eeeatio

etemie o etactiim ad eeeatio die i te ay tat eac lace value on people and the planet’s resources.

Discuss whether it is possible to have economic growth that values both people and the environment.

eate ote tat iually catue te idea o etactiim o eeeatio ui stories from their study for inspiration.




Legacy of Colonialism

Social Justice

Economic Growth

Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Book excerpts:

tactiim This Changes Everything

eeeatio This Changes Everything

Handout: Gou Oaie o ti uide

Film clip: Sottem ot otem amae let

Clip Summary: ou o actiit lamet a aadia cooatio la to ead a gold mine in their area and the potential destruction of the landscape. One of them tik te uetio o ete o ot to ead te mie i a etical iue Se eliee te coe olem i caitalim ad tat it omote ottem ot o companies and long-term damage for residents. Klein describes our economic system a oe aed o te loic o etactiim a oldie tat ee eeyti a a com- modity om ic to etact alue atue eole ad etie atio

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 26 Lesson 4 What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?


1. Before class, have students read the This Changes Everything ook ecet - tactiim ad eeeatio k tem to ite deitio o te cocet o etactiim ad eeeatio aed o iomatio i te tet Studet ould te i tei deitio to cla alo it a itoical o mod- eday eamle o eac cocet coducti eeac a eeded Fo eamle a tu- det mit dee eeeatio a aki uoeul actio to eeate lie o tat te eiomet ad commuitie ca o o eie ad ie a a eamle te agroecological practice of using “green manures,” or quick-growing plants that prevent erosion and replace nutrients in the soil.

2. In class, organize students into groups of three or four and give each group the adout iti tei ou tudet ould ae tei idiidual deitio o e- tactiim ad eeeatio it eac ote ad te mee tem ito ou dei- tions of these concepts that they can record on their handout. Have students also take tu ai tei eamle o etactiim ad eeeatio ad elaii o tey uot te deitio Gou meme ould ealuate ete eac eamle tuly t te deitio aki o claicatio ad moe detail a eeded dd eac eamle to te adout oce it a ee etted y te ou e te ou ould idetiy o lael a coule o local eamle om ome te cool o te commuity

3. Ask the groups to review their handouts to make sure all relevant points of their discussion have been captured. Invite a representative of each group to share the ou deitio ad eamle it te cla k meme o ote ou to idetiy o eet ad o i ut i eac eamle oided at atte doe te cla otice aout te eamle o etactiim ad eeeatio o do e- tactiim ad eeeatio die i te ay tat tey lace alue o eole ad te planet’s resources?

So tudet te miute ideo Sottem ot otem amae ic illutate te alue o etactiim ad eeeatio comi ito coict i mod- ern-day Greece.

After watching, discuss:

Based on the information in the video, what are the values of the gold mining company in regards to the land? What are the values of the residents of Halkidiki? y ae tee alue i coict

o doe te aato deitio o etactiim comae it you

Why do you think the woman in the video believes that capitalism is the core olem i tei tule aait te ooed eaio o te old mie at i you eactio to e eectie lai

Is it possible to have economic growth that values both people and the eiomet y o y ot at eamle uot you ie

ae tudet eac ceate a ote tat iually catue te idea o etactiim o regeneration, using stories from their study for inspiration.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 27 Lesson 4 What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?

Go Further

k tudet to detemie ete etactiim o eeeatio et decie the economic behavior and decision making of the people, corporations, and government leaders in your country. Have students write persuasive essays about tei oitio ad iclude ecic eamle

Learn more about a legal strategy based on “regeneration” that seeks to stop amul cooate actiitie aed o etactiim t ocue o etalii a leal ameok o te it o ote at o tat tee it ca e defended in court if they are violated. In 2010, people at the World People’s oeece o limate ae ad te it o ote at collaoated to dee tee it i te ieal eclaatio o te it o ote at ae tudet ite e toie tat eeac ad elai te leal tatey o etalii tee it o atue and the progress that proponents have made so far. A good source of information for students to start with is the Frequently Asked Questions page at te eite o te Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature.

aluate te ole tat lietyle coice uc a ecycli o coumi le ad ecoomic olitical eliiou ad cultual ytem lay i dei umaity relationship with the Earth. What are the strengths and limits of each in terms of their ability to place value on both people and the environment? Create a chart that tracks these strengths and limits side by side.

ae tudet dee ad ae tei o elatioi it te at o tey uot a etactiit o a eeeatie oit o ie o tei eeyday deciio eect tei alue y o y ot ee ca imoemet e made at ot the lifestyle and systemic levels?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 28 Lesson 4 What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?

Lesson 4 Handout: Group Organizer

Group Members:

Extractivisim Regeneration Gou eitio Gou eitio

amle amle

at eamle do you ee i you ome cool o commuity

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 29 Lesson 5

Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 30 Lesson 5 Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy

Learning Objectives

Students will:

amie a cae tudy i ic a eteeeu ceate a decetalied eeale eey comay to oide ot ecoomic ad eiometal eet to te community.

detiy oecoomic acto tat ca iuece ecoomic deciio maki

alye tateie o eieti te ecoomy aed o imact eet aie and potential barriers.

Create two-minute videos that could be used to educate the public about these strategies to reinvent the economy.





Just Transition

Renewable Energy

Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Film clip: ed loud eeale ey let

Clip Summary: The solar power company, Lakota Solar Enterprises, provides clean eey taii ad o o a dia eeatio i ot akota ad ote atie communities. The company’s vision is to help First Nations become energy indepen- dent before mainstream America. The clip shows Henry Red Cloud providing training to members of the Northern Cheyenne.

Handout: dea alyi o ti uide

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 31 Lesson 5 Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy


So tudet te ideo cli ed loud eeale ey let om te This Changes Everything documentary. Focus student viewing by asking them to identify what motivated Henry Red Cloud to start his own solar power company.


y did te oe o ed loud eeale ey cooe to leae i o i te steel industry so he could start his own solar power company?

How does the solar power company provide both economic and environmental eet to te commuity

te ideo aea Baided ai elai te icile ake at you eed and then put back into the land.” How is this perspective about land use and ecoomic actiity dieet om caitalim cotiual u o ot

Would a solar power company like Red Cloud Renewable Energy help the economy and environment in your community? Why or why not? What incentives could you commuity oide to ceate moe clea eey o i you aea

2. Tell students that in the book, This Changes Everything, author Naomi Klein argues that we should choose to address climate change and develop the economy in ways that make society fairer and more humane. She proposes a number of strategies that e eliee ould udametally cae ou ecoomy to eect umaitaia al- ue ceate ood o ad otect te ai lad ad ate

educi te a etee ic ad oo e aic icome o all ie tae o te auet

eulati cooatio to educe o elimiate eeoue a emiio e ta each unit of pollution, enforce emissions limits on power plants and industrial acilitie

eecti etactie oect like deeate dilli acki ad ta ad mii

investing heavily in infrastructure like public transit, health, and education

re-localizing economies based around the production of food and goods

ecoii te it o idieou eole to otect lad om etactio

putting in place community-controlled clean energy systems

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 32 Lesson 5 Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy

i te oided adout ae tudet eeac ad ite a ie elaatio of each proposed strategy. They should also predict short- and long-term results of eac ooal ad detemie o ould eet om tee tateie ad o wouldn’t.

4. As a class, discuss:

Are the ideas proposed in these strategies fair? Why or why not?

What obstacles might prevent these types of changes from happening?

Which approaches do students support and why?

o ould tee tateie aect you commuity i tey ee imlemeted

5. Organize the class into groups of 2-3 students and have each group create a two-minute video that could be used to educate the public about one of the strategies from the handout. For visuals, students could consider using an interview format, the ceatie ue o otoa etc e te ou ae ied tei ideo ae tem at a mii lm etial it aote cla it te icial o o ocial media

Go Further

ea moe aout te tem ut taitio ae tudet eeac it meai as it applies to climate change. Then, discuss this quote from the Call to Action tatemet o aada ac o o utice ad te limate e dot ae to choose between the economy or the environment. Real climate action means ieti i ma ulic tait clea eey iatuctue ad aodale oui t mea eadi locao ecto like ealtcae educatio ad sustainable agriculture. By taking real climate action, we can create an economy tat i moe ai ad eual ad oe uded o touad o ood e o ae tudet elai o te dieet at o ti tatemet uot te idea o a ut taitio

Analyze organizations that are based on worker and community ownership. Have small student groups visit the Beautiful Solutions section of the This Changes Everything eite ad choose a story featuring a cooperative, credit union, clinic, or similar enterprise. Alternatively, groups could choose an organization in your community or one that they learn about in their own research. Each group should create an infographic that illustrates how the organization they selected functions and the values, goals, and incentives that drive its activities. Do students have their own strategies for o to deelo a clea ad ut ecoomy tat te ou ould coide llo time for each group to share a summary of their discussion with the rest of the class.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 33 Lesson 5 and tar sands mining. deep-water drilling, fracking eect etactie oect like acilitie power plants and industrial enforce emissions limits on ta eac uit o ollutio oue a emiio e reduce or eliminate green Regulate corporations to auet o all ie tae te ad oo e aic icome Reduce the gap between rich Proposed Strategy - I Lesson 5 Handout: Idea Analysis Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy Use the table below to analyze these ideas. and water. udametally cae ou ecoomy i ay tat eect umaitaia alue ceate ood o ad otect te ai lad n the book, Brief Explanation This Changes Everything Short-term result , author Naomi Klein proposes a number of strategies that she believes would Long-term result Who benefts? doesn’t?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 34 Lesson 5 trolled clean energy systems. Put in place community-con lad om etactio indigenous people to protect Recognize the rights of and goods. around production of food Re-localize economies based health, and education. structure like public transit, Invest heavily in public infra Proposed Strategy - - Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy Brief Explanation Short-term result Long-term result Who benefts? doesn’t?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 35 Lesson 6

How Do People Change the World?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 36 Lesson 6 How Do People Change the World?

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Describe the impact of citizens who have taken action to address various problems in society.

Identify strategies used by citizens in a case study to come together, communicate their concerns, and work towards their goals.

Consider local issues that may require action by members of the community.

Evaluate the power of government, corporations, and citizens in shaping how society looks and runs.



Civic Engagement



Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Handout: o o eole ae te old o ti uide Film clip: Sayi o i Geece let

Clip Summary: Activists in Halkidiki, Greece come together to protest the treatment o a ello oteto ad te ooed eaio o a old mie i tei eio u by Eldorado Gold, a Canadian mining company. Local residents are concerned about te lotem eect tat mii actiitie ill ae o tei lad ad ate ic i tu aect aicultue touim ad te ealt o commuity meme Goemet ofcial ae committed to te mie eaio olice ue tea a aait te ote- to e otet cotiue ad te mie eaio i delayed te et mayoal election, the candidate supported by the protesters wins, and the mayor who favored the mine is voted out.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 37 Lesson 6 How Do People Change the World?


1. Ask students to think about this question: “How do people change the world?” Give each student a copy of the handout and ask them to read the passage and respond to the questions. After a few minutes, have students compare their responses with a ate ad te iite ai to ae a eamle o a taomatie moemet ad o tey tik ociety ould e dieet i eole ad ot oke u o take actio on that movement’s issue. Emphasize how citizens can bring about important changes in society when they raise awareness about problems and get involved in social and political activities to address the issue.

ell tudet tat tey ae oi to atc a modeday eamle o o meme of a community in Greece organized themselves around an issue of importance to tem toi te ooed eaio o a old mie i tei eio u y ldoa- do Gold, a Canadian mining company. Then, show students the video clip, “Saying No i Geece let om te This Changes Everything documentary. Focus student viewing by having them take notes on the strategies they observe citizens using to come together, communicate their concerns, and work towards their goals.

3. After watching the clip, discuss:

y ee te actiit aait te eaio o te old mie y ee te government leaders for it?

What strategies did citizens use to come together, communicate their concerns, and work towards their goals?

How did the government and police respond to the protestors? What is your eactio to tei eoe lai

o did te eitece ad uity o te oteto ay o i te mayoal electio at ca you do to eue tat you elected ofcial adocate o te needs of your community?

at do tudet tik ould ae aeed i te citie o i te lm ad not voiced their concerns and continued with their protests? Why?

at eamle ae tee i you commuity o eole eaki u aout iue of importance to them? Are there local issues that students think require more action by members of the community? If so, what should be done and who should do it o ca toe mot aected y te iue lay a cetal ole

4. Who do you think are the most powerful forces in society? Government? Corpo- rations? Citizens? Who decides how society looks and runs? Have students write an oiio iece o ti toic tat uot tei oitio it ecic eidece om their studies.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 38 Lesson 6 How Do People Change the World?

Go Further

Discuss what is meant by change happening from the “top down” or from te ottom u ae tudet ead ecet om oad i A People’s History of the United States (1980) to eae at eamle o eac ca you draw from history? How might popular pressure and grassroots activism have aed momet o cae tat ae ote coideed to do amle o dicuio te e eal ad te ciil it moemet y mit dieet groups of people choose to focus on one approach to political and social change oe te ote ic do you tik i moe eectie y ae om te “bottom up” requires mass participation from everyday people. What do you think would motivate people in your community to challenge things as they are and work to build something better? What would motivate you?

Ask students what an “activist” looks like. Do they consider themselves activists? Why or why not?

Baitom ad eeac aiou tye o otet ad lit eac o it o ide cad o ticky ote a eamle om te eite Beautiful Trouble: a Toolbox for Revolution Studet ai could aticiate in several categorization rounds in which they discuss and move their cards or ticky ote ude lael uc a eallleal ticaletical ectieot ectie Someti ould aticiate Someti ould O aticiate etc ac tudet could te ocu o oe et o lael eeac a ecic otet i itoy o mode time ad utiy i iti y tat otet elo in one category versus the other. Have students apply one of the tactics to addressing an issue at school or in the community.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 39 Lesson 6 How Do People Change the World?

Lesson 6 Handout

How Do People Change the World?

tuctio ead te ecet om te ook This Changes Everything below, then re- spond to the questions.

cet om This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein:

“...There are certainly lessons to learn from the transformative moemet o te at Oe uc leo i tat e mao it in the economic balance of power take place, they are invariably te eult o etaodiay leel o ocial moiliatio t toe uctue actiim ecome ometi tat i ot eomed y a small tribe within a culture, whether a vanguard of radicals or a ucateoy o lick oeioal tou eac lay tei at but becomes an entirely normal activity throughout society—it’s et aye aociatio ome auiliaie adei clu neighborhood assemblies, trade unions, professional groups, sports team yout leaue ad o ad o ui etaodiay itoical moments—both world wars, the aftermath of the Great Depression, or the peak of the civil rights era—the usual categories dividing “activists” and “regular people” became meaningless because the oect o cai ociety a o deely oe ito te oect o lie ctiit ee uite imly eeyoe


1. What does “transformative” mean?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 40 Lesson 6 How Do People Change The World?

ccodi to te tet at i te key to ucce o ay taomatie moemet

3. What is an “activist?

ooe a eamle o a taomatie moemet ie aolitio uae lao it ciil it etc at would have happened if citizens had not chosen to speak up about issues of importance to them or to work to make things better in the community?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 41 Lesson 7

Crisis and Opportunity

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 42 Lesson 7 Crisis and Opportunity

Learning Objectives

Students will:

lai o a cii ca e a momet o cae ad tat ou eoe to cii can lead to something better or worse.

alye te ecoey eot o te to o Geeu aa olloi it destruction by a super tornado in 2007.

eate ecic la o o tey ould eimaie ad euild a model ee school” if a crisis like a natural disaster destroyed your school.


Civic Engagement



Environmental Stewardship

Social Justice

Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Handout: odel Gee o o ti uide

Film clip:

limate ii i ia o otioal Go Fute actiity

aotatio i e eli o otioal Go Fute actiity


1. Ask students to consider the question, “Can a crisis also be an opportunity?” e ie eac tudet a adout ad ituct tem to ead te tet ad ae the related questions. After students have completed the handout, discuss their responses as a class. Emphasize how in the process of reinventing their town, the citie o Geeu eeeied ciic aticiatio out olutio tat eeted everyone, and created an alternative economy that worked in partnership with nature for the success of the community.

k tudet to o imaie tat tei cool a ee detoyed y a mao tom and it is up to them to rebuild it. Divide the class into teams of 3-4 students. Each team will develop a plan to reinvent their school as a model “green school.”

Folloi te eamle o te citie o Geeu team ill t idetiy a et o core values shared by members of the school community. For the purposes of this assignment, the value of “being good environmental stewards” will be a given. To detemie ote alue all tudet ould uey e o tei ied ad ak tem THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 43 Lesson 7 Crisis and Opportunity

what phrases, values, and attitudes should represent what is best and most important about your school.

eam ould te meet to eie te eoe tey ae ateed d commo tead amo tem ad ae tem do to a et o coe alue icludi ei ood eiometal tead tat tey eliee et eeet te cool commuity and should be used to guide the rebuilding process.

ae team coect eac o tei coe alue to a ecic tatey tey ill ue to ceate te model ee cool Some eamle o alue ad elated tateie could include: “Be good stewards of the environment” - Install solar panels on the roof of the school, or “Promote healthy living” - Provide space for an organic vegetable garden. Conduct additional research as needed. Students should create a poster or digital slideshow to display their ideas.

4. Allow time for each group to share their plans with the class. Discuss which parts of their plans your school could implement now and how students could take action to make those things happen.

Go Further

loe o ometi coideed a cii aect o e ed ou time and money. Start the discussion by having students bring in news articles about a recent crisis, such as a natural disaster. How have citizens and government leaders responded to the situation? What has prompted them to take action? Then have students watch the This Changes Everything lm cli limate ii i ia let at doe aomi lei mea e e ay ia i liteally choking on its own economic growth.” How did the air quality crisis provide a momet o cae o ia at ae ome ecic ay tat iee citie responded to this crisis and fought for something better? What strategies shown in the video demonstrate that China is starting to shift its model of economic growth to reduce its negative impact on the climate? What motivated the actions of both citizens and government leaders? Based on this case study, what would it take for climate change to be considered a crisis in other areas of the world and prompt more aggressive levels of response? How could this happen in your community?

Design a better transportation system for your city. Begin by having students review and discuss the This Changes Everything video, “Transportation in New eli let o do te o eidet i eli o o a ca aect the quality of life for everyone else in the city? How can the transportation crisis in Delhi be an opportunity to create an better mobility pattern for all? After discussing the video, divide students into small groups and have them brainstorm a list of the various ways that people get from place to place in your community e ca u tai icycle alki etc e a cat to dicu te o ad co o eac tye o taotatio e o muc doe eac eet o am te eiomet at imact doe eac ae o uma ealt etc o doe you commuity eiti iatuctue aect eole taotatio coice How could your city’s mobility patterns be reimagined and improved? Conduct additional research as needed. Have groups then create an online slideshow that ooe ecic cae to you city taotatio ytem tat ae moe environmentally-friendly and improve public health. Allow time for each group to eet tei idea to te cla oide iiti a city ofcial to ea te tudet presentations and give feedback on their proposal.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 44 Lesson 7 Crisis and Opportunity

Lesson 7 Handout

A Model “Green Town”

tuctio ead te ecet om te ook This Changes Everything below, then eod to te uetio cet om This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein:

a ue toado ied tou te ual to o Geeu aa tui aout ecet o te to ito ule a eult o a etaodiay commuityled oce tat ea ut day ate te diate it eio oldi meeti in tents amid the wreckage of their former lives, Greensburg today stands as a model “green town,” often described as the greenest in America. The hospital, city hall, and school have all been built to te iet ceticatio leel iued y eadei i ey ad iometal ei d te to a ecome a detiatio o uded o olicy make aiou to lea moe about its low-energy lighting and its cutting-edge green architecture and waste reduction, as well as the wind turbines that earn municipal revenue by producing more power than local residents need.

ot tiki o all ti lii laoatoy i taki lace i te heart of an overwhelmingly Republican-voting county, where a great many people are entirely unconvinced that climate change is real. But those debates seem to matter little to residents: the aed eeiece o temedou lo a ell a te outoui o generosity that follow the disaster, have, in Greensburg, rekindled the values of land stewardship and intergenerational responsibility that have deep roots in rural life. “The number one topic at those tent meetings was talking about who we are—what are our values?” ecall Geeu mayo Bo io a ome otmate o comes from a long line of farmers. He added, “Sometimes we agreed to disagree, but we were still civil to each other. And let’s not forget tat ou aceto ee tead o te lad y aceto lied in the original green homes: sod houses…. We learned that the only true green and sustainable things in life are how we treat each ote

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 45 Lesson 7 Crisis and Opportunity


1. How is a crisis like a natural disaster a moment of change that can lead to something better or worse?

ccodi to te tet o did alue lay a cetal ole i te deciio made y te citie o Geeu to build a model “green town?”

3. How did the crisis faced by the people of Greensburg transform these types of activities: Political, Social, Economic?

4. Would you describe the Greensburg, Kansas recovery as a success? Justify your response.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 46 Lesson 8

Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 47 Lesson 8 Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Describe a number of proposed geoengineering strategies that show how technology could potentially be used to manipulate the climate and curb global warming.

alye te o ad co o ayi cemical ito te tatoee i a eot to decrease the temperature of the planet.

Discuss the ethical and political challenges of trying to manipulate the climate.

Develop a series of Tweets that provide concise summaries of their views about geoengineering as a solution to global warming.


Environmental Ethics

Environmental Stewardship



Social Justice

Materials Needed

All materials are available for download at

Book excerpt: aai te Su This Changes Everything Handout: Geoeieei te Solutio to Gloal ami o ti uide Film clip: atei te at o otioal Go Fute actiity


1. As a warm-up, have students respond in writing to whether or not they agree with the statement, “The Earth is ours to control.” After a few minutes, allow students to share their views with a partner and then invite a few to read what they have written it te cla lai tat ie aout ti tatemet lay a cetal ole i o people respond to issues related to our use of fossil fuels and their impact on the environment.

ell te cla tat a cietic oaiatio called te oyal Society eld a meeti in 2011 to discuss issues related to “geoengineering,” a term that describes how technology might be used to manipulate the climate and curb global warming. Give each student a handout and ask them to complete it as they read more about this meeting in the This Changes Everything ook ecet aai te Su

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 48 Lesson 8 Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

3. As a class, discuss the ethical and political issues related to geoengineering:

Who should decide whether or not something is put into the earth’s atmosphere to alte te temeatue o te laet o codet ae you tat ometi like te iatuo Otio could e maaed aily ad eoily lai

As you consider the pros and cons of the Pinatubo Option, do you think the technique should be used to address global warming? Why or why not?

e tee limit to uma cotol oe atue Gie eamle to uot you answer.

ae tudet ee tei ie aout eoeieei a a olutio to loal warming in a series of three Tweets that concisely summarize their points in 140 characters or less. Students can choose whether to tag you and post their Tweets on Twitter or to submit them to you as a list.

Go Further

So te lm cli atei te at let k tudet to elai i tei o od o leai o to etact ad u oil uel a uc a turning point in human history. Create timelines that illustrate this turning oit it eamle o o uma adled dieet tak eoe ad ate this discovery. What impact did this discovery have on how humans viewed themselves and their relationship with the planet? What have been the positive and negative consequences of these changes?

Have students create political cartoons or infographics that represent this point made by Klein in her book about geoengineering. “These technologies respond to the lack of balance our pollution has created by taking our ecosystems even ute aay om eleulatio Geoeieei ould euie macie to constantly pump pollution into the stratosphere and would be unable to stop ule e ieted ote macie tat could uck eiti ollutio out o te loe atmoee te toe ad moito tat ate ideitely d te risks are greater still because we might well be dealing with multiple countries lauci eoeieei eot at oce ceati uko ad ukoale interactions. In other words, a Frankenstein world, in which we try to solve one olem y maki e oe te ile tecoe oto toe

Compare and contrast the following perspectives on the relationship between humans and the earth:

“Our Earth needs constant concern and attention. Each of us has a personal responsibility to care for creation, this precious gift which God has entrusted to us. This means, on the one hand, that nature i at ou dioal to eoy ad ue oely et it alo mea tat we are not its masters. Stewards, but not masters. We need to love and respect nature, but instead we are often guided by the pride o domiati oei maiulati eloiti e do ot eee te at e do ot eect it e do ot coide it a a freely given gift to look after. Respect for the environment, however, means more than not destroying it; it also means using it for good purposes.” – Pope Francis

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 49 Lesson 8 Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

it i oile to d a actical ilooy y mea o ic koi te oce ad te actio o e ate ai te ta te eae ad all te ote odie tat uoud u ut a ditictly as we know the various skills of our craftsmen, we might be able, in the same way, to use them for all the purposes for which they are appropriate, and thus render ourselves, as it were, masters and possessors of nature.” – René Descartes, The Discourse on the Method, 1637

Fo a moe idet aalyi o te eoeieei iue eloed i tee actiitie ee ti ae om climate cietit ad eoeieei eet la oock eao y Geoeiei ay Be a Bad dea

As part of the class discussion about the ethics and politics of the Pinatubo Option, watch Stephen Colbert interview geoengineering researcher and advocate David eit o e olet eot report-david-keith at do tudet tik i te iet ik o ayi uluic acid into the stratosphere? Is there a place for geoengineering in the discussion for how to address global warming? Why or why not?

loe ociety lack o cotol oe te eat y coidei ete uma ae addicted to eteme ik i di e eey acial itumet ad moe atc aomi lei alk ddicted to ik naomi_klein_addicted_to_risk icu at ca e doe to el ociety to it reckless behavior and recognize that the planet has limits.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 50 Lesson 8 Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

Lesson 8 Handout

Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

Instructions: Read the This Changes Everything ook ecet aai te Su ic decie a ume o geoengineering proposals, or how technology could be used to manipulate the climate and curb global warming. Then, respond below.

it te dieet eoeieei tateie decied i te tet Fo eac tatey ote o it i iteded to reduce global warming.

Strategy Intended Efect

2. Describe how the Pinatubo Option would work.

ccodi to te tet at ae te o ad co o te iatuo Otio

Pros Cons

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 51 Lesson 8 Is Geoengineering the Answer to Global Warming?

at imact could Sola adiatio aaemet S tateie like te iatuo Otio otetially ae o global weather patterns?

ccodi to te tet o ould e mot at ik i S caued ideead dout ad educed eate resources? What are the potential consequences of these conditions? In your view, how does the potential risk of tee coeuece comae to te otetial eet o cui loal ami

you ie do eoeieei tateie ecouae o dicouae eot to educe ollutio lai

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 52 Resources

The following resources include opportunities for deeper study on climate change toic elated cuicula eeac di ad tool to uot you teaci o te key ideas presented in This Changes Everything.

Related Curricula

Rethinking Schools ttetikicooloidetml Rethinking Schools publishes a seasonal magazine, books, and other materials tat eatue aticiatoy eeietial leai eeiece ad aticle aout critical teaching and issues beyond the classroom. Their publication, People’s Curriculum for the Earth oide a collectio o aticle ole lay simulations, stories, poems, and graphics for teaching about climate change, and is available for purchase here: Also, the book, Rethinking Globalization aie citical iue aout te imact o globalization on our planet and those who live here. It can be purchased here:

Facing the Future eaulta This organization provides sustainability curricula for purchase for all grade levels.

Story of Stuf tttoyotuoeouce This organization seeks to help society focus on people, not things, and features a free high school curriculum, “Buy, Use, Toss?” with ten lesson plans that provide a closer look at the things we buy.

Sustainability and Environmental Education UK This organization seeks to share best practices in sustainability and environmental education. Their site groups a number of resources for primary and secondary schools by topic.

Teach Climate Justice ttteacclimateuticeca This curriculum from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ Climate Justice oect eatue eit ee module deied o ade tat adde climate change and rising inequality.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 53 Resources

Zinn Education Project ttiedoecto This organization provides free, downloadable lessons and articles the support the teaching of history in middle and high school classrooms. Its goal is to itoduce tudet to a moe accuate comle ad eai udetadi o ited State itoy ta i oud i taditioal tetook ad cuicula

Some resources related to climate change from the Zinn Education Project

Coal, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Mountaintop Removal ttiedoectomateialcoalmoutaitoemoal Studet lay ad aalye a ame to eloe coal mii ad it coeuece

Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change ttiedoectomateialdottakeouoiceaay This role play has students create a list of demands to present at a climate change meeting.

Mystery of the Three Scary Numbers ttiedoectomateialteecayume i mie a tudet oli te mytey o tee data ue aout loal warming.

Paradise Lost ttiedoectomateialaadielotclimatecae This activity introduces students to climate change through the story of the island nation of Kiribati.

Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline ttiedoectomateialdityoiltaadkeytoeielie In this role play, students take on the characters of key stakeholders in an imaginary public hearing about whether or not to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

For Further Study

A People’s History of the United States (1980) oad i Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People’s History is the only volume to tell America’s story from the point of view of—and in the words of—America’s women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers.

Economics for Everyone (2008) This book teaches the basics of economics and provides an accessible critique o te ateul actice o te acial iduty e eite iclude ecet from the book, free curricula, an online glossary, and details on how to buy the book.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 54 Resources

Eyes Wide Open This site provides curated and original news on a variety of environmental issues.

Fuel Poverty Action Energy Bill of Rights This document by Fuel Poverty Action details consumer energy rights that support the idea of bringing energy under democratic, public control, where eole ca make ue it i ot aodale ad utaiale o all o u ad future generations.

Global Warming and Climate Change Myths This resource from Skeptical Science provides “what science says” responses to more than 150 arguments against global warming and climate change. This site alo oide a doloadale Scietic Guide to Gloal ami Sketicim ttketicalciececomeScieticGuidetoGloalami Skepticism.html

Inequality for All i documetay eatui oet eic eamie te olem o idei icome ieuality e e ite oide doloadale aic om te lm curricula, and more.

The Shock Doctrine (2007) Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine tells the story of how American policies ae eloited diateocked eole ad coutie Site eouce iclude documents cited in the book, background on economic theories, and more.

To Understand Climate Change, Understand These Three Numbers ttyoutuecomatctGo ideo let oi Bill cie a e decie te tee ume to watch in the climate crisis.

t i a ecet om te lm o te at let miute aailale at

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 55 Resources


1M Climate Jobs ttcamaiccoeeo This report produced by the Campaign Against Climate Change trade union ou o o to ceate a millio ecue oemet o i eeale eey iceae eey efciecy y iulati ome ad ulic uildi ee o cae ead cea ulic taot to et eole ad eit oto cleae forms of transit, and develop the “green skills” that we need through education and training.

Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research This research group provides interdisciplinary and policy-relevant research on climate change, which it shares with the public on social media and in publications.


Beautiful Solutions eaytoaiate alley o ealold eamle o alue Stoie Solutio ad eoie o uildi a moe ut democatic ad eiliet old

Beautiful Trouble This website on the nuts and bolts of successful grassroots movements provide details about tactics, principles, theories, case studies of various campaigns, and practitioners of revolution.

Climate 101 with Bill Nye i ideo let om te climateealityoecto, narrated by Bill Nye, presents the basics of climate change.

Climate and… Digital toolkits on the This Changes Everything website laying out the connections between climate and issues like austerity, Indigenous rights, and trade.

Environmental Justice Atlas tteatlao e eiometal utice atla documet ad cataloue ocial coict aoud eiometal iue e ma ca e ued to d cae tudie o eiometal actiim ad to ee ee coict ae taki lace aoud te world.

Global Nonviolent Action Database This continuously updated database houses narratives that describe nonviolent campaigns.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 56 Resources

Intro to Climate Justice i ideo let oide a uccict elaatio o climate utice

Our Power Campaign This organization unites communities and stimulates grassroots action to aciee a ut taitio toad local lii ecoomie Site eouce iclude documents, toolkits, and reports to support grassroots movements.

The Solutions Project ttteolutiooecto Staod oeo ak acoo ad a team o eeace aalyed o all 50 US states could transition to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2050. Teachers ca emed a ma o i di o tei e ite o claoom tudie o your state’s potential for transitioning to renewables.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 57 Credits


ite ai add d i a cuiculum ad media ecialit o a ceated educational materials for P.O.V., FRONTLINE, Independent Lens, ad Bill oye programs on PBS; The Sound of Mumbai on HBO; Latino Public Broadcasting; No Impact Man; Pay 2 Play: Democracy’s High Stakes, and others.

Other Credits

mact & itiutio oduce le elly i a lmmake ad actiit o ok i commuicatio tatey ad cultueled ocial cae le a ee at o managing the global grassroots distribution, social media and movement outreach for This Changes Everything.

ai Sicoa oked it aomi lei a leade o te eeac team o This Changes Everything from 2010-14, and was an Associate Producer on Avi Lewis’ companion documetay lm

Secial tak to Bill Bielo atie cea aela Bamee Sae oeldt me Hammill and Pip Kelly Varela for their feedback and assistance during the production of this guide.

Design: Helios Design Labs

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Ofcial Book & Film Study Guide 58