COVID-19 Updates and FAQs

Updated as on 7/17/2020

Dear Families & Volunteers –

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve and has limited the council’s ability to conduct business as normal. From the outset, council leadership has worked diligently in partnership with volunteers to identify, and initiate, as well as pursue new ways to continue to provide life changing experiences to families, youth, and units.

In the month of May, Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine, announced plans to reopen public campgrounds, public day camps, youth sports, and swimming pools. The council has been expecting an announcement authorizing resident camps to operate, but no announcement been made to that effect.

A task force of volunteers and staff have worked together for several months to develop plans and protocols to operate camping programs safely and effectively. In order to run camp, we must receive authorization from the State of Ohio and the Carroll County Health Department. While we have submitted our detailed plans seeking that authorization, we have not received it. Neither is there a timeline for being granted permission.

Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of our resident camps, day camps, and NYLT for 2020. This is by far the toughest decision that our Board of Directors has been faced with. The outdoor program in Scouting plays a key role in the growth of young people and we remain committed to providing those experiences. Throughout the pandemic, we have innovated to provide virtual adventures to thousands of youth through HomeScouting and Cyber Summer Camp.

We know this news is disappointing and challenging to you as parents and leaders. Please know we have worked tirelessly to avoid this outcome and continue to adapt our services during this continuously evolving pandemic. We are excited today to announce the reopening of our Service Centers and Shops. Additionally, we are announcing guidelines to allow units to resume meetings and activities. Details on those items can be found below in the Additional Notes.

Throughout this document you will find additional information and resources regarding the status of events, activities, and Scouting.

Buckeye Council Update Page 1 List of Upcoming Cancellations Page 2 Additional Information Page 3-4 Frequently Asked Questions Page 4-7 • Unit & District Events Page 4 • Service Centers & Scout Shops Page 4-5 • Summer Camp Page 5 • Advancement Page 5

All information with a is new information since the last update on July 17, 2020.

This remains a difficult time for us all, but we have found great encouragement through your leadership and resiliency to overcome obstacles and continue making life-changing impact for kids throughout the pandemic. We remain committed to serving and supporting you throughout your Scouting experience.

Jesse Roper II Kurt Holmes Bernie Miner Scout Executive & CEO Council President Council Commissioner

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Additional Notes

Overnight Camping Units are not to be overnight camping during this time. While National’s SAFE start guidelines indicate that camping may happen, any guideline put out by the National council is secondary to the local state and county guidelines. • National’s website states, “Camping should only take place in accordance with guidelines outlined by your state and local health department and other local officials, as well as under the direction of your local BSA council and chartered organization.” • Currently, the only camping allowed in the State of Ohio is: o At a resident camp with paid staff administering the policies like 24/7R or another council’s resident camp program, or o As an individual family unit • Any meetings or activities, including campouts, that do not follow these guidelines will not be covered by liability or accident and sickness insurance. • We know that all BSA resident camps are following guidelines for group size limitations and the concentric circle model that the American Camping Association and the National recommends. We do not know what other resident camps (i.e. church camps, YMCA camps, etc.) are providing, so our insurance provider is willing to provide insurance for all BSA resident camps because they are following the protocols that the American Camping Association and the National Boy Scouts of America recommends.

District and Council Events & Meetings Event registrations will be cancelled, postponed, or conducted virtually as stated above to future events. All event registrations will be refunded within 4 weeks of the event date. District and council meetings in groups smaller than 10 can begin meeting in person.

Scout Shops & Service Centers The Buckeye Council Service Centers and Scout Shops will be opening on 6/3. Customers must sign in, there will be no restroom usage, and face masks are recommended. See below for hours:

Canton Service Center Canton Scout Shop Marion Service Center Mansfield Service Center Monday-Friday 9:30-5pm Monday-Friday 10-6pm Monday-Wed 11:30-6pm Tuesday-Friday 8:30-5pm CLOSED SATURDAY Saturday 10-2pm Thursday 11:30-7pm by appointment CLOSED MONDAY CLOSED MONDAY CLOSED FRIDAY & WEEKENDS

Unit-Level Activities We are excited to announce that units can begin meeting again in person under the guidelines below. Units should follow Steps 1-4 before meeting. Find additional guidelines here.

STEP 1 – Develop your Scout Unit’s COVID-19 ‘Restart Scouting Safely’ plan with your unit committee.

STEP 2 – Share your plan with your Scout Unit's Chartered Organization. Discuss other requirements and guidelines they may have in place and if your Scout unit has permission to begin using their facilities/ space for meetings.

STEP 3 – Communicate your unit's plan to your Scouting families. Be sensitive to all families and consider offering a hybrid (both in-person and virtual) program to ensure all Scouts have the opportunity to participate. Parents should only resume Scouting when they are comfortable. Parents are highly encouraged to ask their unit leadership questions about the unit's plan to restart Scouting safely and a unit should ONLY begin meeting if social distancing can be ensured.

STEP 4 – Monitor & adjust your unit's plan to be current with any new local, state, or federal changes (repeat steps 1-3).

2 COVID-19 Updates and FAQs

• Units must meet in groups of 10 or less. Be mindful that social distancing may be more difficult for youth than adults. Include two-deep leadership when factoring group size. • Always maintain proper social distancing and wear face coverings. • No carpooling. Only transport your Scout to and from Scouting activities. • Units may not conduct overnight camping activities on their own. The only camping permitted is through a BSA resident camp program with paid staff administering the program and adhering to all resident camp guidelines as detailed by the State of Ohio and Local Health Departments. • For out-of-state Scouting activities, be advised of any destination state's restrictions and other travel restrictions as Scouting plans are developed. • Ensure proper cleaning of meeting spaces including Scouting equipment and gear. • No sharing of food and no communal food preparation. Scouts should bring their own food/meals to activities. • Take precautions for elderly Scouters & those vulnerable including having those Scouts not physically participate. • Ensure both youth and adults self-screen (at a minimum) before attending unit functions. • Have a prepared plan to address medical protocol should anyone become ill during a meeting or other activity. • Maintain attendance records for both youth and adults at all meetings and functions in the event contact tracing is needed. • Any meetings or activities, including campouts, that do not follow these guidelines will not be covered by liability or accident and sickness insurance.

Properties While our camps are closed, our properties staff will be expanding efforts to keep our camps safe and healthy. Each property will be ready to welcome Scouts back as soon as possible.

Summer Camp Cancelled All resident camps, day camps, and NYLT are cancelled for 2020. This is by far the toughest decision that our Board of Directors has been faced with. The outdoor program in Scouting plays a key role in the growth of young people and we remain committed to providing those experiences once we receive authorization. Throughout the pandemic, we have innovated to provide virtual adventures to thousands of youth through HomeScouting and Cyber Summer Camp. Once we receive authorization from the State of Ohio and local health departments, we will be announcing in-person, outdoor experiences to meet the needs of our youth, families, and units.

Any refunds will be made through the vehicle they were paid to the Buckeye Council (unit, family, etc.). If payments are refunded to units, families will have to work with their unit to receive a refund for camp. Find up to date information about summer camp at Buckeye Council asks that all families and units be flexible during this process.

Electronic Signatures Electronic or digital signatures may be used now through September 30, 2020, for all rank advancements, merit badges, and membership applications. The following qualify as an electronic signature: • A copy of the paperwork printed, signed and returned via email or USPS mail • An electronic signature program that certifies an electronic signature • A simple email communication stating that all requirements have been fulfilled and/or “I approve of the attached _____”

Eagle Scout Extensions Effective immediately through September 30, 2020, Buckeye Council has the authority to grant extensions for Scouts to complete requirements for the ranks of Eagle Scout. However, these local council extensions may only be granted if COVID-19 disruptions are the reason the Scout needs extra time to complete these requirements.

Secondly, now through September 30, 2020, BSA will accept electronic or digital signatures for youth applicants and unit approvals on these award applications. This includes printing out the application document, signing it with a pen,

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scanning/taking a picture, and sending via email or other appropriate communication platform to the next person for signature. See more information here.

Wood Badge Course 2020 The 2020 course has been cancelled.

Order of the Arrow Elections & Ordeal The National OA Director has approved lodges to hold virtual unit elections through July 1, 2020. The Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 Buckeye Council Ordeal has been cancelled. Due to the cancellation of many induction events, candidates that are elected 2/1/2019 through 7/1/2020 will have 24 months from the date of election to complete their ordeal. There will be two ordeals scheduled for the Spring of 2021. See more information about elections in the Buckeye Council.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can units begin meeting? Yes. We are excited to announce that units can begin meeting again in person under the guidelines below. Units should follow Steps 1-4 before meeting. Find additional guidelines here.

STEP 1 – Develop your Scout Unit’s COVID-19 ‘Restart Scouting Safely’ plan with your unit committee.

STEP 2 – Share your plan with your Scout Unit's Chartered Organization. Discuss other requirements and guidelines they may have in place and if your Scout unit has permission to begin using their facilities/ space for meetings.

STEP 3 – Communicate your unit's plan to your Scouting families. Be sensitive to all families and consider offering a hybrid (both in-person and virtual) program to ensure all Scouts have the opportunity to participate. Parents should only resume Scouting when they are comfortable. Parents are highly encouraged to ask their unit leadership questions about the unit's plan to restart Scouting safely and a unit should ONLY begin meeting if social distancing can be ensured.

STEP 4 – Monitor & adjust your unit's plan to be current with any new local, state, or federal changes (repeat steps 1-3).

• Units must meet in groups of 10 or less. Be mindful that social distancing may be more difficult for youth than adults. Include two-deep leadership when factoring group size. • Always maintain proper social distancing and wear face coverings. • No carpooling. Only transport your Scout to and from Scouting activities. • Units may not conduct overnight camping activities on their own. The only camping permitted is through a BSA resident camp program with paid staff administering the program and adhering to all resident camp guidelines as detailed by the State of Ohio and Local Health Departments. • For out-of-state Scouting activities, be advised of any destination state's restrictions and other travel restrictions as Scouting plans are developed. • Ensure proper cleaning of meeting spaces including Scouting equipment and gear. • No sharing of food and no communal food preparation. Scouts should bring their own food/meals to activities. • Take precautions for elderly Scouters & those vulnerable including having those Scouts not physically participate. • Ensure both youth and adults self-screen (at a minimum) before attending unit functions. • Have a prepared plan to address medical protocol should anyone become ill during a meeting or other activity. • Maintain attendance records for both youth and adults at all meetings and functions in the event contact tracing is needed. • Any meetings or activities, including campouts, that do not follow these guidelines will not be covered by liability or accident and sickness insurance.

4 COVID-19 Updates and FAQs

Are upcoming district and council events cancelled? Yes. Please see the list of cancelled or postponed district and council events above. All paid reservations will be refunded via a check. District and council meetings may begin meeting in person again, but must be in groups smaller than 10.

Why can’t our unit go camping on our own? Currently, the only camping allowed in the State of Ohio is: • At a resident camp with paid staff administering the policies like 24/7R or another council’s resident camp program, or • As an individual family unit Any meetings or activities, including campouts, that do not follow these guidelines will not be covered by liability or accident and sickness insurance.

Can my unit attend another resident camp that is not BSA provided? No. We know that all BSA resident camps are following guidelines for group size limitations and the concentric circle model that the American Camping Association and the National Boy Scouts of America recommends. We do not know what other resident camps (i.e. church camps, YMCA camps, etc.) are providing, so our insurance provider is willing to provide insurance for all BSA resident camps because they are following the protocols that the American Camping Association recommends.


I paid my unit for camp, can I request a refund from Buckeye Council? Your unit is to request the refund on your behalf. Buckeye Council will only refund through the vehicle they were paid to the Buckeye Council. Once your unit receives the refund, they will refund individual families.

How long will it take to be refunded? Buckeye Council will refund the unit or individual that paid Buckeye Council within six weeks requesting the refund. If you paid your unit, the process will take longer because your unit will have to refund you.

The State of Ohio has allowed day camps to open, why was my district’s day camp cancelled? The guidelines provided by the State of Ohio for day camps apply primarily to public day camps conducted by fully paid staff by entities such as childcare centers. Ensuring those guidelines are effectively implemented creates an extreme challenge for our volunteer-delivered day camp programs. Additionally, based on current levels of registration and feedback from our day camp volunteer leadership, the Buckeye Council Board of Directors has determined the safest course of action is to cancel all day camp programs for 2020.

The State of Ohio has allowed resident camp operators to open camps, why can’t my unit run its own resident camp? The guidelines provided by the State of Ohio for resident camp operators. A resident camp operator has a paid staff administering the programs and facilitating cleaning of the facility. Units cannot run its own resident camp.

Can my unit attend another resident camp that is not BSA provided? No. We know that all BSA resident camps are following guidelines for group size limitations and the concentric circle model that the American Camping Association and the National Boy Scouts of America recommends. We do not know what other resident camps (i.e. church camps, YMCA camps, etc.) are providing, so our insurance provider is willing to provide insurance for all BSA resident camps because they are following the protocols that the American Camping Association recommends.


See specific information regarding the advancement in a separate document here.