

To: Board of Management

From: Jennifer Tracey Senior Director, Marketing, Communications & Partnerships


Date: 2018-03-22


The question of advertising on the Zoo Road Bridge was raised at the meeting of the Board of Management of the Zoo on 2018-02-22. After a review by Zoo staff, this report provides a recommendation that the Zoo Road Bridge over Meadowvale Road be designated as an approved bridge for banners for the purpose of advertising upcoming events and attractions for the Toronto Zoo.


It is recommended that the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo request the City of Toronto approve the Zoo Road Bridge over Meadowvale Road for northbound and southbound facing bridge banners for the sole use of the Toronto Zoo, and that the fees to the City and the two-week time limit for bridge banners be waived.


Costs for the sign structure will be budgeted in the 2019 Operating Budget. Related costs for the banner advertising are contained in the appropriation for advertising expenditures in the current Operating Budget.


The City of Toronto currently has a list of twenty approved bridge locations for banners that are limited to the , , Lakeshore Boulevard and .

The Bridges and Structures Unit of the City of Toronto requires the applicant (in this case the Toronto Zoo) engage a structural engineer to assess the bridge structure and submit a signed and stamped report identifying how the banner signage would be connected to avoid any structural impacts to the bridge. This report would be reviewed by City bridge asset management staff prior to approval.

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There are a number of benefits for the Toronto Zoo to have north and south facing banners on the Zoo Bridge Road which has led to this recommendation. In addition to the Toronto Zoo visitors who use Meadowvale Road, there is also significant commuter traffic in both directions on Meadowvale road and these banners can be used to promote upcoming Zoo events, information around new major exhibits (e.g. Amur tigers) and upcoming temporary special exhibits.

It is important that the Toronto Zoo be designated as the sole user of the Zoo Road Bridge over Meadowvale Road in order that we may control the message to visitors to the area. In view of the fact that we are a City owned and partially funded not for profit entity, we would request that the City waive its fees and amend the current regulation that limits bridge banners to a two-week period, thereby enabling the Zoo to display banners for longer periods of time to reduce the costs associated with replacing banners every two weeks.

Zoo will retain the services of a structural engineer to review the Zoo Road Bridge and will produce the required engineering report for review by the City.

Jennifer Tracey Senior Director, Marketing, Communications & Partnerships

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