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Nvoq Sayit Third Party Addendum 15.0 00 1 13 2020[3] NVOQ SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ADDENDUM REGARDING THIRD PARTY TERMS NVOQ INCORPORATED ("NVOQ") IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE SAYIT SOLUTION (ALSO KNOWN AS THE NVOQ.VOICE SOLUTION) TO YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR COMPANY (REFERENCED BELOW AS "YOU" OR "YOUR" OR "LICENSEE") ONLY ON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS IN THE NVOQ LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE "AGREEMENT") OR OTHER LEGALLY BINDING ALTERNATE AGREEMENT AND PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE Third-Party TERMS DEFINED BELOW. CAPITALIZED TERMS NOT SPECIFICALLY DEFINED IN THIS ADDENDUM SHALL HAVE THE RESPECTIVE MEANINGS ASCRIBED TO THEM IN THE AGREEMENT. THIRD-PARTY TERMS. Certain of the Third-Party Products made available or distributed to You under this Agreement and set forth herein are subject to specific terms and conditions that may vary from those set forth in the AGreement or the Alternate AGreement. Your access to such Third-Party Products shall be limited by the restrictions in the AGreement or the Alternate AGreement (as applicable) and any additional restrictions specified below. The terms and conditions identified below apply only to those Third-Party Products with which they are expressly identified either in the Agreement, the installer or in the product description for each SayIt Solution licensed to You and will have no effect on the terms and conditions of Your rights of use of any other Third-Party Products or other portions of the SayIt Solution. Under no circumstances will any of the terms or conditions set forth below be construed to apply in any way to any nVoq Technology. 1. Doxygen, Antenna, Retroweaver, Microlog, Jersey, Hibernate, Hibernate Validator, Sox, KYLM, YAJSW, Sequitur-g2p, Pocket Sphinx, SphinxBase and Opencv. The DoxyGen file(s) are found at http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen CopyriGht 1997-2016 by Dimitri van Heesch. The Antenna file(s) are found at http://antenna.sourceforGe.net/ ("Antenna"). Antenna is CopyriGht 2002-2010 JörG Pleumann. Omry Yadan. Erik WetterberG. The Retroweaver file(s) are found at http://retroweaver.sourceforge.net/guide/retroweaver-guide.html ("Retroweaver"). Retroweaver is CopyriGht 2004, Toby Reyelts. The MicroloG file(s) are found at http://sourceforGe.net/projects/microloG/ ("MicroloG"). MicroloG is CopyriGht 2005-2010. The Jersey file(s) are found at https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.glassfish.jersey.media/jersey-media-multipart/ ("Jersey"). The Hibernate and Hibernate Validator file(s) are found at http://hibernate.orG ("Hibernate"). Hibernate and Hibernate Validatoris CopyriGht 2017 by Red Hat, Inc. The KYLM file(s) can be found at http://www.phontron.com/kylm ("KYLM"). The Yyajsw file(s) can be found at http://yajsw.sourceforGe.net/#mozTocld236130 ("YAJSW"). The Sequitur-g2p file(s) can be found at https://github.com/sequitur-g2p/sequitur-g2p ("Sequitur-g2p"). Copyright 2015 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. ScienceDirect is a reGistered trademark of Elsevier B.V. All Rights reserved. The Pocket Sphinx file(s) can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/cmusphinx/files/pocketsphinx/5prealpha/ (“Pocket Sphinx”). The Sphinx Base file(s) can be found https://sourceforGe.net/projects/cmusphinx/files/sphinxbase/5prealpha/ (“SphinxBase”). CopyriGht 1999-2016 Carnegie Mellon University. Portions CopyriGht 2002-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions CopyriGht 2002-2008 Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories. Portions CopyriGht 2013-2015 Alpha Cephei, Inc. All RiGhts Reserved. Opencv files can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-win/3.2.0 (“opencv”). Opencv is: CopyriGht 2000-2016, Intel Corporation, All RiGhts reserved.; CopyriGht 2009-2011, Willow Garage Inc. All rights reserved.; Copyright 2009-2016, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved; Copyright 2010-2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights Reserved’ Copyright 2015-2016, OpenCV Foundation. All riGhts reserved; CopyriGht 2015-2016 Itseez Inc. All rights reserved and Third-Party copyriGhts are property of their respective owners. DoxyGen, Antenna, Retroweaver, MicroloG, Jersey, Hibernate, Hibernate Validator, KYLM, YAJSW, Sequitur-g2p, Pocket Sphinx, SphinxBase and Opencv are subject to the warranty provision set forth in Section 28 below. You may redistribute Doxygen, Antenna, Retroweaver, Microlog, Jersey, Hibernate, Hibernate Validator, Sox, KYLM, YAJSW, Sequitur-g2p, Pocket Sphinx, SphinxBase and Opencv in source and binary forms if You include the foreGoinG copyriGht notice, the warranty disclaimer, the conditions contained in this Section 1 and comply with the GNU General Public License or the Limited General Public License as appropriate. 2. MySQL Connector. The MySQL Connector file(s) are found at MySQL Connector is copyright 2019 Oracle Corporation (http://www.mysql.com/). MySQL Connector are subject to the warranty provision set forth in Section 28 below. You may redistribute MySQL Connector in source and binary forms if You include the foreGoinG copyriGht notice, the warranty disclaimer and the conditions contained in this Section 2. 3. jQuery, jquery-idletimeout, sizZle.js and ng-ckeditor. The jQuery file(s) are found at http://jquery.com/ ("jQuery"). jQuery is Copyright 2019 John RisiG. All riGhts reserved. The sizzlesjs files can be found at https://sizzlejs.com/. Sizzlesjs is copyright nVoq Incorporated – nVoq.Voice Solutions v.15.0.00_January 2020 2005, 2019 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors. All rights reserved. jQuery, sizzle.js and nG-ckeditor are subject to the warranty provision set forth in Section 28 below. You may redistribute jQuery, sizzle.js and ng-ckeditor, in source and binary forms. 4. Node-JS, Angular, Electron, ngx-contextmenu, nxg-quill, Recorder.JS, RecordWorker.js, jwks-rsa and Tensorflow. Certain libraries in the nVoq Software Bundle are licensed under the terms of the Node-JS License and the MIT License provided You pass throuGh certain license provisions and copyriGht notices. The Node-JS files and Node-JS License are found at https://nodejs.org/en/ ("Node-JS"). Node-JS is Copyright 2019 Node.js contributors and Joyent, Inc. All riGhts Reserved. The ngx-contextmenu files are found at https://github.com/isaacplmann/ngx-contextmenu/. Ngx-contextmenu is CopyriGht 2016. All riGhts reserved. The nGx-quill files are found at https://github.com/KillerCodeMonkey/ngx-quill/ (“nGx-quill”). Ngx-quill is CopyriGht 2016 Bengt Weibe and other contributors. All riGhts reserved. The Recorder.js files are found at https://github.com/mattdiamond/Recorderjs (“Recorder.js”). Recorder.js is copyriGht 2013 Matt Diamond. All riGhts reserved. RecorderWorker.js is copyriGht 2011 Grant Galitz. All riGhts reserved. The jwks-rsa files are found at https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.auth0/jwks-rsa/0.7.0. Jwks-rsa is copyright 2016 Auth0, Inc. All rights reserved. The Tensorflow files are found at https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/1.8.o/LICENSE ("Tensorflow"). Tensorflow is CopyriGht 2010-2019 GooGle, Inc. and Tensorflow contributors. All riGhts Reserved. The nVoq Software Bundle contains certain libraries from the AnGular Framework in executable form. LICENSEE acknowledGes that GooGle and the contributors to the AnGular framework and toolset are not parties to this aGreement and shall have no liability of any kind to LICENSEE in connection with use by LICENSEE of the nVoq Software Bundle. The AnGular files are found at https://anGularjs.orG/ ("AnGular"). AnGular is Copyright 2010-2019 GooGle, Inc. and Angular contributors. All rights Reserved. The nVoq Software Bundle contains certain libraries from the Electron library in executable form. LICENSEE acknowledGes that GitHub and the contributors to the Electron library are not parties to this agreement and shall have no liability of any kind to LICENSEE in connection with use by LICENSEE of the nVoq Software Bundle. The Electron files are found at https://electronjs.orG/ ("Electron"). Electron is Copyright 2019 GitHub, Inc. and Electron contributors. All riGhts Reserved. The Node-JS components may contain certain Third-Party and Open Source code which is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Node-JS License which can be found at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodejs/node/master/LICENSE or requested from nVoq. These proGrams are provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. Node-JS, AnGular, Electron, nGx- contextmenu, nxG-quill, Recorder.js, RecorderWorker.js, jwks-rsa and Tensorflow are subject to the warranty provision set forth in Section 28 below. You may redistribute Node-JS, AnGular, Electron, nGx-contextmenu, nxg-quill, Recorder.js, RecorderWorker.js, jwks-rsa and Tensorflow in source and binary forms if You include the foreGoinG copyriGht notice(s), license information, warranty disclaimer and the conditions contained in this Section 4. 5. AutoIt. The AutoIt files are found at https://www.autoitscript.com ("AutoIt"). AutoIt is CopyriGht 1999-2012 Jonathan Bennett and AutoIt Consulting Ltd. All rights Reserved. This document is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. AutoIt is subject to the warranty provision set forth in Section 28 below. You may redistribute AutoIt in source and binary forms if You include the foreGoinG copyriGht notice, the warranty disclaimer and the conditions contained in this Section 5. 6. NekoHTML and Image4j. The NekoHTML files are found at http://www.nekohtml.sourceforGe.net ("NekoHTML"). NekoHtml is Copyright 2002-2013
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