Vote for your Parish Council on 7th May 2015

On 7th May you will have the opportunity to vote for candidates for Parliament and Borough Council and also for candidates who are standing for the 7 available seats on the Parish Council.

Read here brief CVs of the 9 candidates who are standing for the Parish Council and what they stand for. You can vote for UP TO 7 (seven) of the 9 candidates meaning you can vote for less than 7 (seven) if you wish, BUT not more than 7 (seven)

The CVs appear in alphabetical order by surname.

Posted by Abbotts Ann Vision

Susie Bleeker

Susie Bleeker wants the Parish of Abbotts Ann to be managed for the benefit of the widest cross‐section of its inhabitants, making the most of what the village and its surrounding area have to offer. Susie Bleeker, her husband and two teenage children, moved to Abbotts Ann in 2009 after 23 years moving around as a RAF wife.

Susie Bleeker is a nurse with a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Law degree. She is an Associate Director at Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust developing hospital services, including at Andover War Memorial Hospital. Susie Bleeker brings strong leadership and financial management experience, she has excellent project management skills developing and building new services and an understanding of local authority requirements in addition to extensive experience of working on committees and fundraising.

By voting for Susie Bleeker she will ensure that:  Local funding is spent wisely, frugally and for the benefit of all including who is part of the Parish in Little Ann, Little Park, , Burghclere Down and .  Abbotts Ann remains the village of choice for its residents.  Facilities are accessible, of a high standard and well maintained for the long‐term enjoyment of all.  Continue work to develop the Abbotts Ann Vision allowing sensible development whilst safeguarding the fragile heritage of our small village.  Development of existing and new usable spaces for the village will be accessible the community but also sympathetic to residents.

Sally Coffey

I am Sally Coffey and I have lived in Abbotts Ann since 2006. I support many of the various fundraising events that are held in the village.

I was a committee member of the Abbotts Ann Transport Group – part of Abbotts Ann Vision. I love Abbotts Ann and am interested in its future.

My aims for the parish, if elected:

 To monitor very strictly any possible development in Abbotts Ann so that its character remains intact.

 Newcomers to the parish and the village should be welcomed at an event/gathering at which various village groups can tell them of the different activities there are in the parish.

 To persuade more people to use the shop and Post Office in Abbotts Ann. I shop there every day and it is great fun. It is essential to keep these amenities going.

 To have two parish council meetings a year in Burghclere Down Community Centre so that the residents of Burghclere Down feel part of the parish.

 To foster an interest in forming football/cricket/netball teams and takes on and other villages!

Beth Deacon

About me:  Born in London  Grew up in the beautiful village of Penshurst in Kent  Spent 18 years living beside the village shop, run by my late father  After school I travelled the world for 6 months then moved to south west London to work

 14 years working at two international sports marketing agencies on projects as diverse as: o British & Irish Lions Rugby o Stella Artois Lawn Tennis Championships o Moet & Chandon Fashion Tribute o Nationwide construction industry Health & Safety programme o Tesco Sport for Schools  Set up my own event management business in 2006, project managing international motorsport hospitality programmes for major Formula One sponsors and PR events for different companies  Married to Jon ‐ we moved to Abbotts Ann last year and live in the centre of the village with two crazy Hungarian Vizslas  About to start renovating Long Thatch hoping to return the cottage to its former glory Why the Parish Council?  It’s important to protect the village for generations to come  Local committees, local people and local issues all need a voice  I support the Village Plan and would encourage appropriate development and help to prevent inappropriate development  The gap between Abbotts Ann and Andover needs protecting  I want to encourage community action on other local issues, such as responsible dog ownership, broadband speeds and traffic management through the village  The legacy of previous councillors should be built upon to ensure continuation of their good work whilst embracing the future

Bernard Griffiths

I have known Abbotts Ann for nearly sixty years; my aunt ran the Top Shop in what is now Duck Street.

I moved here with my late parents in 1971, and have been involved with village life ever since, starting with the Sports Club and the Hall Committee.

I have been privileged to serve on the parish council since 1979, latterly as chairman.

Abbotts Ann is known as a friendly village, and I want to preserve what makes it special whilst ensuring that the changing needs of its residents are met in the modern world. Affordable housing, open spaces, sports, transport – all need to be addressed so that as the village grows, gently and sensitively, the right facilities are available to all.

We must be conscious, and proud, of the village’s history, and the fragility of its surrounding countryside, not forgetting why or how things have developed as they have. We must be sensitive to those who have long memories of the past, as well as encouraging our young people. Giving them happy country childhood memories is our responsibility as we help them make their way in the world.

A balance of past, present and future can only strengthen the village and keep us a united community.

This balance is something to which I still have much to contribute and I will continue to be a strong advocate for Abbotts Ann, however unpopular this might be outside the village.

Andrew Hayter

Andrew Hayter has lived in Abbotts Ann for 17 years with his wife Valerie and three children who all attended the village primary school.

Working as a programme manager for a telecoms company, Andrew Hayter has delivering projects in his DNA.

 Working initially as a Governor at Abbotts Ann Primary School, Andrew Hayter has also been chairman of the War Memorial Hall, a member of Abbotts Ann Players (Oh yes he has!) and along with many others, supported the fete and other village organisations.

 Abbotts Ann is a great place to live, made special by the number of village organisations and community spirit. To keep Abbotts Ann a rural village, avoiding urban sprawl, managing the traffic through the village and supporting organisations and facilities such as the sports pavilion are key future activities.

 Andrew Hayter would bring his organisational skills, corporate financial management and delivery expertise to the role of Parish Councillor.

Elizabeth Howard

I have lived in Abbotts Ann for 22 years, the longest I have lived anywhere in my life.

On arrival, we (Gordon and I) found people in the village to be very friendly and most welcoming.

We felt that we had found our home and soon became involved in village activities:‐

 I joined the WI, became their representative on the War Memorial Hall Committee and then became the Abbotts Ann Players (AAP) representative. I served on the Hall committee for ten years.  I joined AAP, played many parts and even directed a Pantomime. My swan song was as Scary Spice in a revue!  I was a member of the Team which produced the Village Design Statement in 2000.  Flower arranging is my main Hobby. I have been involved with the Church Flower rota since I came here and have organised several Flower Festivals.

I feel strongly that we need our Village Shop. As its longest serving volunteer, you can find me behind the counter on Monday mornings and most Bank Holidays. I have been on the committee for over ten years.

Please help me to become one of your Parish Councillors. I love serving our very special, if not unique, community. With my varied involvement, I feel that I understand at least in part what makes it so special and believe that by serving you as a Parish Councillor I can help our Parish to remain a lovely place in which to live.

Brian Sims

My name is Brian Sims and I’m standing for re‐election in the forthcoming Parish Council elections.

I live in Abbotts Ann with my wife, Sue, and brother, Henry.

I first became involved with the Parish Council in 1981, one of the reasons being nobody of my then age seemed interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, and having lived in the village all my life I have a good knowledge and background to the Abbotts Ann parish.

During my time in office and on behalf of the Parish, I’ve attended Passenger Transport meetings, also TVBC Association of Parish Councils meetings at Kings Somborne. Concerning the village, in the past I’ve been involved with (since the 60s) Village Fete; in my younger days played football and cricket for the village; Abbotts Ann Action; several Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, and voluntarily give time to maintain Bulbery Sports Field.

Listed below, in no particular order, are topics that either interest me or that I’m concerned about:  Housing – more Affordable Housing/Social Housing to suit local needs and for people with village connections.  Passenger Transport – future of Rural Bus services.  Countryside – respect for Landowners/Farmers for what they are doing in the way of conservation (e.g. field margins).  Transport – Roads, Speed Limits, etc.  Sport – provide better facilities – new Pavilion/all‐weather surface for multiple sports.  Hobbies/interests – vegetable gardening. I also have a small collection of classic tractors which I exhibit at local shows.

Thank you for taking time to read this and for your support on May 7th

Susie Thornley

I have lived with my family in the area for the last 20 years and in Abbotts Ann for the past 8.

I am married with 3 grown up children. I retired this April having worked in the voluntary sector.

I will now be able to give time to working for my community.

My relevant experience has been:

 CE for Age Concern Andover and District (Age UK)

 Chairman of School Governors

 Volunteer manager for Andover Hospital, Leonard Cheshire disabilities, Victim Support.

 Lottery Project manager and Funding manager

Issues to focus on:

If I became a Parish Councillor I would like to use all my experience to building a firm inter structure within the village for delivering information and social activities for the more elderly within the Parish.

This would hopefully involve all ages and groups in Abbotts Ann.

Dale Wells

As a family, we have lived in Abbotts for 25 years.

I took early retirement from full‐ time work in September 2013, having spent 23 years as a major event organiser in the sports and leisure industry.

During that time, I lead a team of hundreds of volunteers, providing on‐the‐job personnel training and management, whilst developing individuals for higher responsibility within a sporting environment.

Since then, I have become a self‐employed consultant to my old employer but have widened my scope of operations to include working for other organisations in the same industry. I have also become an examinations invigilator at a local Secondary School, having in the past been a Governor there for 14 years. With what time we have left over, my wife and I enjoy leisure travel, both UK and foreign and caravanning holidays in the UK and Europe.

We have three grown up children, a daughter aged 31 who lives and works in London, a son aged 29 who works in Salisbury, and a son of 26 who works for Hampshire County Council.

During the period 2009 – 2013, I successfully led the campaign to have the Manor Close Playing Field declared a Village Green. Village Green status was never conferred, as an agreement between Hampshire County Council and the Parish to lease the property for 99 years seemed preferable. I am committed to ensuring the future wellbeing of the village.