CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

PBCPB1 – From to the Salar de Uyuni


DURATION AND SEASON 21 Days/ 20 Nights LOCATION : Lima, Arequipa, Puno region, Bolivia: Copacabana, Uyuni, La Paz ALTITUDE 0 to 3800 ATRACTIONS Archaeological and Historical complexes: Lima: Historical and colonial center, Arequipa: Monastery of Santa Catalina, Chapel et cloister de San Ignacio Cusco: Imperial City of Cusco, Sacsayhuaman, of the Incas: Maras , Ollantaytambo, Pisac, Raqchi, Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu Living culture: Gastronomy, traditional dances and music Communities of Coporaque (Colca), Uros (Lake Titicaca) Museums: in Lima, Cusco. Natural areas: Colca Canyon, Natural Reserve of Lake Titicaca, Andean flora and fauna TYPE OF TOUR Historical Tourism and Ethnotourism GUIDE – TOUR LEADER English, French or Spanish RESUME This tour allows you to get closer to the Andean culture, its worldview, its perception, technology and mixture with the Hispanic culture, as well as its permanence in today’s indigenous communities. In this way by boat, by bus, by plane or while walking we will see archeological and historical complexes and communities. We will also visit museums and natural sights in order to discover the Empire of the Four Suyos (Regions) – the – the last autonomous heir of the Andean culture and the ascendant of todays mixed world.

CONCEPT Our tour, named The Empire of the 4 Suyos (Regions) invites you to discover the reality of one of the oldest civilizations of the world that knew a fully endogenous and autonomous development. When the conquerors arrived in the land they called Peru, they bumped into a confederation of around 200 kingdoms gathered together by those that conquered them, the “Incas” or "ENQA" (in Quechua, they had the strength power or energy). It took 170 years to build this confederation. The last people to be added to the

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

empire, were conquered only 60 years before the Spanish came. This is the reason why many local lords saw the Spanish conquest as a chance to free themselves from this supervision. Indeed the Tawatinsuyo or Land of the 4 Suyos still lacked union at that time. By then, this empire went from Pasto (Colombia) to Mendoza (Argentina). It had a 12,000 km road network. Today Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador are 4 of the 12 countries considered as mega- diverse on an ecological level. Peru is by far the most diverse, counting with 10% of the world’s biodiversity. By crossing the Empire of the 4 Suyos, we offer you to discover the essence and history of an exceptional civilization, of which the Inca culture was only the last heir and we offer you to discover a mega-diverse territory composed by one of the richest seas in natural resources and one of the driest deserts, between Punas where the sky gets mixed with the horizon, beautiful Andean valleys and yungas (high jungle).

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282


Day 1: WELCOME TO PERU  Arrival at the airport of Lima


 Reception and transfer to the hotel  Dinner not included  Night at your hotel in Lima Day 2: LIMA - AREQUIPA  Breakfast  Transfer to the airport  Flight Lima – Arequipa  Free-time in the end of the morning  Lunch not included  Free-time to visit the city: Traditional market of San Camilo  Historical Center: cloister of Compañia, chapel and dome of San Ignacio, Cathedral, the main square, monastery of Santa Catalina  Diner not included  Night at the hotel

Day 3: AREQUIPA  Free-time in Arequipa  Night at the hotel Day 4: AREQUIPA – COPORAQUE  Breakfast  Transfer from Arequipa to the community of Coporaque in the Colca Canyon. On the road we will visit the miradors of Carmen Alto and Yanhaura  Reception by the host families in Coporaque  Lunch at the host family  Discovery and participation in agricultural activities or hiking and visit of the Uyu Uyu archeological complex.  Traditional dinner at the host family  Night in the community Day 5: COPORARQUE – CRUZ DEL CONDOR – PUNO  Breakfast  Early departure to the Cross of the Condor where we will appreciate the flight of the condors, as well as the wonderful canyon

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

 Visit of the Canyon and its typical villages.  Lunch in Chivay  At 13h15 bus from Chivay to Puno with over stops  Welcoming in Puno at your arrival at 19h and transfer to the hotel  Diner not included  Night at the hotel

Day 6: TAQUILE  Breakfast  Transfer to the harbor of Puno  Excursion day of lake Titicaca with a stop on the Uros islands and then Taquile  Visit of Taquile  Dinner on the island not included  Return to Puno  Arrival at the end of the afternoon an transfer to your hotel  Diner not included  Night at your hotel

Day 7: UROS  Breakfast  Transfer to the harbour of Puno  Boat transfer Puno – Uros  At your arrival welcoming by the inhabitants of the floating islands of Uros  We will stay at the inhabitants’ places. They will welcome us as if we were one of them. Then they will tell us about the richness of their culture, inherited from the time of the Incas and still kept alive  Lunch  Afterwards, we will drive with traditional “totora horses” (boats made out of reed) on lake Titicaca. Then we will be able to visit different floating islands that constitute the community of the Uros.  Dinner  Afterwards we will sleep in the totora houses and spend the most silent night of our life.

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282


 Breakfast  After breakfast we will leave on a small boat for Puno  Transfer to the bus terminal of Puno  Bus from Puno to Copacabana  Free time to visit of the most interesting sites of the city: horca del Inca, cathedral…  Food not included  Night in Copacabana Day 9: COPACABANA – LA PAZ / BUS UYUNI  Breakfast  Departure in a private vehicle to join the city of La Paz. Time Schedule to be determined.  Lunch not included  Free time to visit La Paz  Dinner not included  Night bus to Uyuni Possibility to sleep at La Paz and to take a flight the next day Day 10: UYUNI – VALLEY OF THE ROCKS – VILLAMAR  In the morning arrival at Uyuni, then departure to the cemetery of the trains at the outside of the city  On the road, crossing of the villages of Culpina K and San Cristobal  Discovery of the Valley of the Rocks and arrival in the village of Villamar in the end of the afternoon  Night at the refuge Transport : 4x4 vehicle in Uyuni at 5h00. Included meals : Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Day 11: VILLMAR – LAGUNA VERDE – LAGUNA COLORADA (4280 m altitude)  Departure in the morning to go to the Laguna Colorada. Passage d’un col at almost 5000 meters altitude. Stop on the site Sol de Mañana (4 850m altitude) and termal baths of Polques (4 000m)  Arrival at the end of the morning at the surprising laguna Verrde (4300m) at the food of the Volcano Licancabur

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

 Return at the end of the journey au refuge of the Laguna Colorada. Possibility of taking a walk around the Laguna  Nuit en refuge (confort très sommaire)

Private 4x4 vehicle (5 to 6 hours of transport) Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner Day 12: LAGUNA COLORADA – 1001 LAGUNAS – SAN JUAN (3695 m)  Departure to go to the North. On the road stop in the Desert of Siloli and its famous “stone tree” We will see some beautiful lagoons: Honda, Ch’arkota, Hedionda and Cañapa.  On the road, stop at the mirador of the Volcano Ollagüe before arriving at San Juan at the end of the afternoon  Visit of the site of the mummies and the small museum  Night at the refuge Private truck (5h to 6h of transport) Included meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner Day 13: SAN JUAN – SALAR D’UYUNI (3660 m alt) / DEPARTURE FROM LA PAZ (BY BUS)

 Day dedicated at discovering the Salar of Uyuni  Visit of the Incahuasi island and its giant cactus  In the afternoon visit of the salt exploitation of Colchani. Afterwards return to Uyuni.  Departure by night bus to go to La Paz  Night in the bus

Transport: private truck and then bus (4hours of transport) Included meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner in the bus Possibility to take a flight from Uyuni to La Paz Day 14: LA PAZ  Arrival at La Paz in the early morning  No transfer planned (hotel available from 12h00)  Free-time to visit the city  Night at your hotel  No meal included Day 15: LA PAZ - PUNO  Transfer to the bus-station  Bus to go to Puno

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

 Arrival at Puno in the end of the morning  Transfer to your hotel  Meal not included  Free-time for the rest of the day  Night at your hotel Option: flight from La Paz to Cusco or night bus from la Paz to Cusco Day 16: PUNO - CUSCO  Breakfast  Transfer to the bus terminal  Touristic bus at 07h00 am with the visit of Pucara – Village known for its bulls in terracotta. This tradition goes back to the time of the Spanish, where the bulls were decorated and painted. Afterwards cactus prickles were put in his nostrils. The animal became wild with pain. Today there are still ceramics that are seen in Peru as representing the force and the strength of the bull, with his bulging eyes turned to the sky.  Stop at the col de la Raya  Lunch in Sicuani  We will continue our visit in Raqchi. Here is the archaeological site of the WIRACOCHA TEMPLE with its enormous COLCAS (Inca barns), its ceremonial fountains and its areas for priests. This complex was constructed in the XV century by the Inca Pachacuteq. It also fulfilled its strategic functions during the Inca pilgrimage and during the conquest of the altiplano. The temple was built in honour of Wiracha whose power was shown during the eruption of the Khimsashata volcano. We will also be able to admire the Andahyaylillas church, called the Sistine Chapel of the Americas. It is a real jewel of cross-cultural baroque. Its frescos and paintings are exceptionally beautiful. The church, which was founded in the XVII century was restored and contains two organs.  Arrival in Cusco at 17h  Transfer to the hotel  Dinner not included  Night at the hotel Day 17 : CUSCO CITY TOUR  Breakfast  Lunch not included  Free day to discover the city: Qoricancha – religious center better known as the “Temple of the Sun”. Its impressive construction and its remarkable finishing illustrate all the ingenuity of the ; the Plaza de Armas where the Cathedral is to be

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

found – Religious colonial monument with an exceptional artistic value where we can appreciate the canvas of the XVII century, the magnificent indigenous sculptures as well as the exuberant choirs and altars entirely made out of silver. The Cathedral has been constructed on what was once the palace of the Inca Wirachocha (Suntur Wasi) on the Plaza de Armas. Cusco’s main cathedral has been built in 132 years: the construction started in 1560 and ended in 1654. Sacsayhuaman – an impressive fortress whose stones are located on the hills of Cusco. Some of the stones weight up to 12 tons.

 Dinner not included  Night at the hotel Day 18: FREE TIME IN CUSCO  Free time to visit the city  Night at your hotel DAY 19: VALLE SAGRADO  Breakfast  After breakfast we will go to the Sacred Valley (shared services)  Visit of Pisaq This huge archeological complex is located in the district of Pisaq, in the province of Calca, 33km east of Cusco. The hispanized name of Pisaq comes from the quechua p’isaqa, “gallinacée” because the birds abound in this region, especially the partridge or the Iluthu. According to another not confirmed source the Inca city Pisaq has the form of a bird that was once the deity of the protecting tribe that lived in this zone before the Incas. At first sight the surprise is inevitable, then a sensation of profound respect comes up for the creatures of this hundred year old buildings, who are silent witnesses of an empire’s past greatness. The beauty of the walls constructed with enormous polished stone blocs with an extraordinary symmetry show their perfect mastery of the stone work and let the visitor astonished. Pisaq is composed by a set of enclosures, houses, aqueducts, bridges, cemeteries, walls and huge cultivated mitigate surfaces according to the Inca (Andean) techniques.

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

 Visit of Maras The salt mines of Maras exist since the pre-Inca time. They date back to a time where the salt was a precious and rationed good. Salt was indeed an important element for Peru. Even if, strictly speaking, it was not a sign of power, it served as a payment to the state, an offering at a time where the conservation of food, meat, fish and seafood was almost impossible without a specific salting. This can seem strange today, even though, its past value was proportional to its scarcity. Those who doubt about its power should try to eat bread, soup, meat or vegetables with no salt at all. The village of Maras is an interesting testimony, given that its richest inhabitants tried to illustrate their power in society with the opulence of the front door of their houses. Today they still keep the name of the family that constructed them. The salt mines are located at an unexpected and surprising place. Hundreds of salt- retention pools were erected over the sides of the mountain, hanging in a little gorge that flows over the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The salt gets to the gorge via a river that comes out to the left of the gorge. Big quantities of salt mass are at the core of the mountain. According to local inhabitants, there has already been some research on the origin and volume of the salt, however, none was successful. Slowly the salt dissolves in the water which comes to the surface. Afterwards the saturated water is drained through an infinite number of small canals, to pools in which centimetres of solar-heated water evaporates to let the salt deep down; the evaporation generates the star-shaped formation of the salt. The families which work with each pool spend all day bent-down with their feet soaked in the salt water. Then, with little boards, they begin to scrub the salt stuck at the bottom of the pools. They make piles which are dried before packing the salt to lift it onto a man’s back and to be carried to one of the 6 deposits where they weigh the bags. Nowadays, this work remains an exhausting task from another time that produces little money for a product that exists in quantity and is commonly imported.  Visit to Ollantaytambo, the last living Inca village - Located 80km north-east of Cusco and 40km from Machu Picchu by train, in the province of Urubamba. The village of Ollantaytambo is at 2792m height. During Inca times, the tampus were the names given to the living quarters which could accommodate thousands of people thanks to their giant granaries, their very well developed road networks and astronomic observatories. They were also characterized by their proximity to Cusco being located on the Inca Empire’s main road, which allowed the travellers to have a rest while going to important places like the Machu Picchu sanctuary. Each one of this tampus or tambos owed its name to an important person in the Empire. In this

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

way, Paucar’s was Paucartambo and Ollanta’s tambo was Ollantaytambo. This one is quite singular thanks to its strategic location.

This Inca village has some characteristics proving that members from the upper class used to live here. Only Cusco and Ollantaytambo are built according to this model: whether at the highest part of the town (on the mountain side) or in the valley, the architecture is the same and differs from the others Inca architectonic complex. The residential district is composed of carved-stone walls and trapezoid-shape doors. Along the straight roads, the water flows in some perfectly designed canals. Today still, behind the brick walls of colonial influence still remains the essence of the ancient Inca village. Ollantaytambo also keeps the secret of two famous legends: the first one tells that gods’ messenger, the Tunupa, arrived in the village - a long time before the Inca Empire’s creation - disguised as an old man in rags. The inhabitants and in particular, the Curaca (chief) of the village, accommodated him with all the honours. In order to thank him, Tunupa offered him the stick he walked with. According to the legend, it turned into gold when the Curaca’s son was born. This first child, called Manco Capac, went out of Ollantaytambo brandishing it. After sticking it in a mountain close to Cusco (Huanacauri), he decided to build the Inca Empire and to found its capital at this very place. The second legend tells that an Empire’s general fell in love with the Inca Pachacutec’s daughter and he decided to kidnap her in order to marry her. From this general’s name, Ollanta, comes the name of the town.  Train from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes at 19h00  Transfer from your hotel walking  Dinner not included  Night at the hotel DAY 20: MACHU PICCHU  Breakfast at your hotel  Early in the morning, we will head up to the impressive citadel of Machu Picchu by bus. We will be able to observe the different techniques of construction and its unique architecture in Peru.  Entrance to Machu Picchu

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

The impressive and colossal citadel of Machu Picchu is one of the most important tourist attractions in Cusco. 400 years hidden by the mountains and tropical jungle, it was rediscovered in 1911 by the explorer Hiram Bingham. Machu Picchu was a cultural and astronomical observation centre, whilst also a private refuge for the Inca Pachacutec. It is made out of 2 large areas, one agricultural, and another urban, where its temples, squares and royal mausoleums stand out for the exquisite perfection of their construction.  After our visit, we will return by bus to Aguas Calientes  Lunch not included.  Return to Ollantaytambo by train and to Cusco by bus  Dinner not included  Night at the hotel DAY 21: CUSCO - LIMA  Breakfast  Transfer to the airport according on the time of your flight  Flight Cuzco – Lima  Connection with your international flight END OF THE SERVICES

SERVICES AND COMFORT INCLUDED  Entrances to all the mentioned sites  Breakfast, 7 Lunches and 6 dinners  19 nights in hotels, 2 nights in communities (Coporaque, Uros)  Transfers to hotels and airports in each city  Private or public transport during your stay  Bus Chivay-Puno, Puno-Copacabana, La Paz-Puno and Puno-Cusco  Bus La Paz – Uyuni – La Paz  Round trip bus to Machu Picchu  Train Ollantaytambo- Machu Picchu – Cusco  Internal Flights Lima – Arequipa, Cusco-Lima NOT  Meals not mentioned on your itinerary, as well as extra beverages INCLUDED  Airport and land terminal taxes  Tip for the staff  Bolivia – exit tax of the international flight ($25 per person)  Bolivia – airport tax on internal flights ($3 per person)

RECOMENDED  Camera, full battery  Clothing, for cold, hot, rain, changeable weather, gloves for cold, hat for cold  Small backpack

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

 Extra money for your own expenses.  Sun glasses, mosquitoes repellent, sun cream, Personal Medicines, Sun hat,  Flash lights, boots for walking CUSCO Tel : (00-51-84) -233952 LAMBAYEQUE Cel.: (00-51- 74) 979232848 / RPM #744846 WWW.CHASKIVENTURA.COM [email protected]