April, 2013 Tight Lines Andy Harrison, Editor (
[email protected]) http://www.santaluciaflyfishers.com President’s Letter by John Gierach: I believe that to have lived a full life one should, Lew at least once, have legitimately broken a fly rod on a fish. Leichter To be right, it should be a very good rod and a very big fish, but it should be your rod. NEW MEMBERS: Let's all welcome our newest members KC Lim and Stefan Sandoval and welcome back Bob Howell. KC and Stefan are taking advantage of our casting clinics. Last I heard Bob was ice fishing??? BANQUET RECAP: First a great big thank you to all who attended and donated to a very, very successful event! We had over 80 attendees, including a large number of first timers. I got numerous comments that Lee Terkelson's program on the John Muir Trail was "the best ever". The big increase in member donations helped to make this the most successful fund raiser in my tenure. As a result we will be able to continue having interesting speakers at our meetings, continue to support our education and conservation efforts and look for additional ways to benefit you, our members. APRIL MEETING: Jeff Voight will be our guest speaker. Peter Van Hest met Jeff while on a Baja fly fishing trip last year and introduced us to him. His program, "West Slope Cutthroat Streams of Northern Idaho", should introduce us to an area not too many of us have had an opportunity to fish. (See page 2 for more info).